House Of Pink BoomBox
33K posts
Lilly Holiday's space to yell into the void. Former show pony, Hairdresser, Pagan, all around bitch, misogyny can get off my lawn.
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houseofpinkboombox · 23 hours ago
That's like saying Stephen king is all of books lol so "no" you don't have a studio ghibli character 😂
idk stephen king writes all that weird shit in his books and nobody bats an eye but JKR says “not nice” things on twitter and everybody acts like she killed someone
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houseofpinkboombox · 23 hours ago
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I need for you to be serious for a second 😂 its the ones you picked and this whole post is about how male authors get away with just about anything when they do the bare bones of lip service to the leftist.
When if a woman is an apostate.... she'll get death threats. Rapes threats. Showing up at her house. you name it.
Stephen King is a hack and a misogynist and somebody with that profile picture came up and was like your Puritan. Well yeah, according to you fucking weirdos I probably am. 😂 i'll wear it like a fucking badge of honor from an anime profile pic of gender, swapped under age boys..... like.
idk stephen king writes all that weird shit in his books and nobody bats an eye but JKR says “not nice” things on twitter and everybody acts like she killed someone
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houseofpinkboombox · 23 hours ago
The anime profile pic says it all 😂
idk stephen king writes all that weird shit in his books and nobody bats an eye but JKR says “not nice” things on twitter and everybody acts like she killed someone
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houseofpinkboombox · 24 hours ago
The idea that y'all need to dick ride King this hard over "dudes a hack and misogynist" and calling any criticism puritanical. When you simply don't give the same grace to female authors is.... predictable but depressing.
idk stephen king writes all that weird shit in his books and nobody bats an eye but JKR says “not nice” things on twitter and everybody acts like she killed someone
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houseofpinkboombox · 1 day ago
Or Mormonism or Christianity but yes especially Islam.
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houseofpinkboombox · 1 day ago
also neil gaiman didn’t get half the shit i saw y’all give JKR…. but ok
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houseofpinkboombox · 1 day ago
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There's nothing more male than coming up with fantasy scenarios where it's cool for you to hit women. They want cis women to do it so it looks ok when they do it. Mind you, that's not how women usually behave, even when they loathe each other. The male aggression jumped out.
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houseofpinkboombox · 1 day ago
Help what is yfip-era psychosis lol
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I think by including racially diverse characters with ethnic names in a children's book, JKR was trying to prevent y'all from becoming the kind of adults who make casually racist jokes and point and laugh at real life people's names when they come from a different cultural background than you. Somehow, y'all managed to become those adults anyway while accusing her of the racism you all now openly practice with no remorse. Here is a white male openly mocking a real-life black woman's name and calling the name her black parents gave her "racist". Incredible.
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houseofpinkboombox · 1 day ago
First of all the creators said it was about that specific case at first then walked it back.
No it's not just brown men that preform gender based violence, how ever if you base it on a case then do it. Because it's happened with certain people (men) that believe in a certain religion.
Also pointing out Islam or the Catholic Church aren't exactly women friendly beinf seen as bigoted is insane.
men, particularly white men, are taking adolescence, a show about gender-based violence and red-pill content, and making it about race bc they do not want come to terms with and undo their own misogyny or the misogyny they teach to their sons and I will stand by that forever.
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houseofpinkboombox · 1 day ago
If someone continues to writes women like that after 40 years in the game. I think it's pretty fair to say "homie is deeply misogynistic" as well as side eyeing how he handles black characters in his books.
It's not puritanical to call a misogynistic hack, a misogynistic hack. Like? You're basically saying "I hope you're not thinking critically about a man body of work over a 49 year period" which is weird. Do you see how weird it is to say that.
I'm not calling for a ban on his books I'm calling for folks to have better taste in books.
idk stephen king writes all that weird shit in his books and nobody bats an eye but JKR says “not nice” things on twitter and everybody acts like she killed someone
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houseofpinkboombox · 1 day ago
The two crimes that it was based on where Islamist dudes and I think with Andrew state pretending to be a Muslim rn I think that's an important thing to discuss that both those 17 teen year olds where Muslims from North Africa living in the UK. And considering how many girls where feed to the grooming gangs over in the UK I think it's incredibly important to discuss what's happening to western women at the hands of these Muslim dudes.
If they're doing this to white women in broad day light the horror show that must be happening to their own women is unimaginable.
Also I think it's very telling that Brad Pitt produced this little fucking wife beater he is. So for once the dudes saying there's an agenda behind making that kid white isn't wrong.
men, particularly white men, are taking adolescence, a show about gender-based violence and red-pill content, and making it about race bc they do not want come to terms with and undo their own misogyny or the misogyny they teach to their sons and I will stand by that forever.
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houseofpinkboombox · 1 day ago
Oh look my favorite topic dunking in Stephen King.
Not only does King inject rape into most of his writing. Most of the plots and ideals are startup lifted from film and other stories.
He's stolen the plot of Burnt Offerings, Roller Ball, The Car, and tons more. Homie is a hack
idk stephen king writes all that weird shit in his books and nobody bats an eye but JKR says “not nice” things on twitter and everybody acts like she killed someone
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houseofpinkboombox · 2 days ago
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houseofpinkboombox · 2 days ago
I think a lot of you forget the core of naziism is wanting to exterminate jews
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houseofpinkboombox · 2 days ago
You have to do physicals before most sports anyways. Yes you should be able to tell. No men should be involved with this period.
What's so hard about this?
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houseofpinkboombox · 2 days ago
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houseofpinkboombox · 2 days ago
You mean the very thing that never happens???
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Guess what? It happened AGAIN.
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