#franco rivera
razoogm · 10 months
Rivera family ages (my HC)
Imelda: 76 (when she died)
Héctor: 21 (when he died)
Oscar and Felipe: 73 (when they died)
Julio: 85 (when he died)
Coco: 100 (when she died)
Rosita: 68 (when she died)
Victoria 51 (when she died)
Franco: 72/73
Elena: 70/71
Berto: 48/49
Carmen: 46/47
Enrique: 42/43
Gloria: 40/41
Luisa: 33/34
Abel: 19/20
Rosa: 14/15
Miguel: 12/13
Benny and Manny:4/5
Socorro: 10 months/1
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dragoneyes618 · 8 months
Berto Rivera asks the young woman he's just met in the shoe shop out on a date. No, he hasn't asked her her name.
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atarahderek · 1 year
Hello! May I ask if you have any headcanons about Enrique and Luisa Rivera?
I have a few for Enrique. I made a comic of one that you can read here:
And I've done some one-shot stories featuring Enrique. You can read them here:
I think those should about cover it for Enrique. Well, there is one more: Enrique had a favorite rooster on his paternal grandparents' farm, which he named Panchito, after the Disney character from the Three Caballeros. It disappeared one night, and Enrique's pretty sure coyotes got it. The rooster becomes his alebrije, and in that form, it has characteristics of a duck and a parrot as well.
As for Luisa, I have a few head canons for her. She's younger than Gloria, but closer to her in age than Enrique is to Berto. The girls' mother does not get along with Berto and Enrique's mother. At all. But their father is very popular around the hacienda and is good friends with Franco. According to a tie-in book, Luisa can't carry a tune in a bucket, and I've adopted that idea. But she still enjoys playing the maracas. While Gloria married into the Riveras in part for the shoes, Luisa fell in love with Enrique with no ulterior motives (and she 100% teases her sister about this). She really only met and started getting to know Enrique after Berto and Gloria became engaged. Giving up music was more of a sacrifice for her than it was for Gloria because Luisa associates music with her abuelo, with whom she was very close. Her abuelo was a music teacher (despite her best efforts, she was one of his worst students), and was always a kind and generous man who valued family above all other earthly things. What he never told her, however, was that his love for family was a conscious decision on his part to distinguish himself from his absent biological father, who always denied having offspring (and he had many). His father was Ernesto de la Cruz, and he kept the man's identity a secret for fear his descendants would want to emulate such a selfish, egotistical man who abused women and abandoned family at every opportunity. Miguel does later discover the connection, and Luisa fully understands his struggle with that revelation. She has to come to terms with the idea that her great-grandfather murdered her husband's great-grandfather.
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coochiequeens · 2 years
TRAs are upset with JK Rowling for calling  a man who raped and murdered a 13 year old girl in a racist gang attack ….a man.
Trans users on Twitter are attacking JK Rowling after the Harry Potter author “misgendered” an account belonging to a trans-identified male convicted of murdering a 13-year-old child in a racist gang attack.
On November 29, JK Rowling called attention to a social media account under the handle @gameonterfs, posting two screenshots — one of a tweet from the account celebrating the fantasy of her death, and another of the profile photo that account was using.
While it is currently unknown if Rowling is aware, the account she brought attention to is one of several belonging to convicted child murderer Luis Morales, better known as Synthia China Blast.
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On October 24, Reduxx reported that Blast had been discharged from his parole with the New York Department of Corrections and Community Supervision on July 30, quietly marking the end of his sentence and release conditions. Blast had been serving a 25-to-life sentence after being convicted in 1996 for the murder of 13-year-old Ebony Williams.
Blast, along with his boyfriend Carlos Franco, members of the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation gang, had targeted the young girl in 1993 as she made her way to her older sister’s house. Williams was taken to an apartment in Hunts Point where she was held captive. It is believed the murder had racist motivations due to Blast and Franco’s gang affiliation.
According to case investigators at the time, Blast and Franco tortured the young girl before stabbing her repeatedly. 
Realizing she was still alive after having been slashed by Blast, Franco then stomped on the child’s neck until it was broken. Prior to being killed, Blast had reportedly sexually assaulted the girl. New York Police Department examiners determined that the child’s corpse, despite being badly burned, showed signs of the assault.
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 Following her death, Blast and Franco packed the girl’s naked body into a box and dumped it near the Sheridan Expressway. Finally, they doused the box in gasoline, and set it ablaze. A passenger on a nearby train saw the flames and called 911.During the trial, Bronx Prosecutor William Hrabsky said of the crime: “The suffering that this poor child went through is beyond belief and puts this crime in the category of monstrous and barbarous.” Despite pleading innocence in court and to media in later interviews, Blast had reportedly “bragged” about committing the crime to friends, some of whom would later testify against Blast and Franco on that basis. Williams’ mother, Yvonne Hill, had also asserted that Blast and Franco had appeared to be entertained by the trial proceedings, and showed no signs of remorse. “Ever since the trial was going on, all I see is Luis Morales grinning and Carlos Franco, too,” Hill said during a victim impact statement, referring to Blast by the name he had used at the time. “You ain’t smiling today. I hope you both rot in hell.”On November 7, Reduxx received an e-mail response about the article, with an anonymous messenger complaining that the piece had noted allegations that Blast had sexually assaulted Williams before her murder. The e-mail address, beginning with the numbers 4300, falsely asserted that Blast had been exonerated of the crime and that his conviction had been overturned.The sender had also vaguely threatened a lawsuit or some sort of legal action against Reduxx for the piece.
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The same day, a Twitter account surfaced with the handle @Code4300, impersonating Reduxx Editor-in-Chief Anna Slatz, using her photo and Reduxx branding without authorization. 
While posing as Slatz, @Code4300 claimed to be in a relationship with a trans-identified male and called for a boycott against, and the banning of, Reduxx. The owner of the account also made several references to Blast and asserted his innocence, using both the female pseudonym and his birth name, Luis Morales, as well as made wild claims that Blast had died in July of 2022.
Reduxx contributor Jennifer Gingrich was similarly targeted by the account’s disturbing posts, which also began to use her profile photo and post sexualized comments about her. 
Shortly after, the e-mail address associated with the sender of the November 7 complaint as well as the @Code4300 account were linked to an Instagram belonging to Synthia China Blast.
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Though @Code4300 was ultimately suspended by Twitter, Blast continued to make accounts which engaged in similar conduct. Among them, Blast established multiple profiles railing against ‘TERFs’ — a derogatory term for women who assert their right to single-sex spaces.
“For the record, my name is Synthia China Blast and I was wrongfully convicted of murder,” Blast tweeted on November 10 from one of his alternate Twitter profiles which had briefly used the handle “TERFHunter.” The tweet has since been deleted.
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Other handles on Twitter known to belong to Blast include @Lords_ofKaos, @FXTravaganza, and @gameonterfs, the account which Rowling called attention to on November 29. All three accounts carry on a similar posting style to Blast’s original @Code4300, and have parallel usernames and monikers associated with Blast’s multiple Instagram accounts and real-world identities.
Blast is utilizing a heavily doctored photo of himself as the profile picture on @FXTravaganza, while @gameonterfs uses a stolen photo belonging to individuals who are not related to him or his crimes in any way. On @Lords_ofKaos, Blast is using the profile photo from @gameonterfs as an account header.
All of the accounts repeat Blast’s earlier incoherent claims which simultaneously assert that his conviction was overturned, and that he died in June or July of 2022. As evidence of the second claim, Blast uploaded a poorly doctored Death Transcript to his @FXtravaganza account
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Despite his claims to the contrary, Blast’s conviction was never overturned.
Blast completed his sentence in July of 2022 when the Parole Board of the state of New York discharged him fully, marking the end of the conditions he had been subjected to since 2018 when he was initially released. 
Kristina Lennon, a Correctional Sentencing Review Specialist with the New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision confirmed Blast’s discharge to Reduxx via e-mail on November 18.
Blast’s accounts have also continued their habitual harassment of Reduxx Editor-in-Chief Anna Slatz and Reduxx contributor Jennifer Gingrich. Yet Gingrich received a 24-hour suspension after she responded to Blast and correctly identified him as the murderer of Ebony Nicole Williams.
Rowling’s tweet calling attention to Blast’s alternate account has attracted the usual attention of trans activists and those critical of women’s right to single-sex spaces, with many rushing to defend the account from Rowling’s platform, likely ignorant as to who was behind it.
Some took issue with Rowling “misgendering” the account owner by using the term “bro,” while others claimed Rowling was engaging in “kink shaming” or expressing homophobia.
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Many incorrectly claimed @gameonterfs was Rowling’s own creation, or had been made by a radical feminist posing as a trans-identified individual. They pointed to the fact the accounts largely followed gender critical women as “proof,” unaware that Blast typically follows those associated with his targets in an effort to get their attention.
Following his incarceration, Blast became a noted advocate for incarcerated trans people’s rights, successfully demanding the state of New York provide him with feminizing hormones in 1999, and suing the state in 2003 after having been refused sex reassignment surgery.
Blast repeatedly became a media sensation for his sexual exploits while in custody, beginning a romantic relationship with Heriberto “Eddie” Seda, a convicted serial killer who had sought to murder one person of each zodiac sign as an homage to San Francisco’s infamous Zodiac Killer. Blast and Seda’s relationship was dotingly covered by New York Magazine in 2004, who even commissioned a portrait photograph of the couple.
Blast and Seda were ultimately separated from each other by the Department of Corrections.
Blast was regularly profiled in media throughout his incarceration, and became a subject championed by prison abolitionists who decried his extended stay in solitary confinement. During his incarceration, Blast became a regular contributor to The Sylvia Rivera Law Project (SRLP), an organization which provides assistance to inmates on how to legally change their identification documents.
In 2014, Orange is the New Black actor and SRLP representative Laverne Cox read a letter in support of Blast. But Cox quickly retracted the gushing words after learning more about the crime Blast was convicted of.
Following his initial parole in 2018, Blast was an intern and Prisoner Advisory Committee member for the Sylvia Rivera Law Project.
If trans people are so oppressed aren’t there other trans people out there deserving of the support the alphabet people are giving this guy? More people are seeing the support for a child killer and it’s making more people back away from the cause.
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useless-catalanfacts · 5 months
Happy 600th birthday! Per molts anys!
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Giants are one of the most iconic figures in Catalan culture. Each town, city, or neighbourhood has their own couple of giant hollow figures that usually represent the mythical founders of the town or characters from local legends. People join the group to carry them and make them spin and dance on the streets on the days of local festivities, to the sound of live traditional Catalan festive music.
Giants don't exist only in Catalan culture, they're also present in other parts of Western Europe like Belgium, France, Portugal, Sicily, Southern Italy, the Basque Country, and some parts of Aragon and Castilla (Spain).
But this year, we are celebrating: the earliest ever written document anywhere in the world that mentions a giant figure dates from 1424 and talks about the Barcelona giants that danced in the Corpus festivity. This assures us that giants have been part of Barcelona's festivities for at least 600 years. Then, the giants were King David and the Giant (characters from the Bible), but with time they changed a bit and by the 1500s they were a king and a queen, who came to be identified with the king James I and the queen Violant of Hungary, the most iconic and important monarchs in Catalan history.
However, since they symbolise people from Catalan history, the giants were repressed by the Spanish fascist dictatorships of Primo de Rivera and Francisco Franco. These regimes had the aim of exterminating Catalan culture. They banned and persecuted the Catalan language and identity and many cultural celebrations of Catalan people, such as banning some songs and holidays. For this reason, the giants were forced to be renamed Isabella and Ferdinand and pretend like they represented the Catholic Kings, two key figures of Spanish history. When the dictatorship ended, they became Jaume I and Violant again.
The figures of the Barcelona city giants used nowadays aren't the same ones as 600 years ago, of course. The figures get copied into new ones when it's necessary. The ones used now were made in 1991 copying the previous figures, made in 1921.
Giants are adored by kids, and the Barcelona city male giant (gegant de la Ciutat) and the giant from Santa Maria del Pi parish of Barcelona (gegant del Pi) are also the main characters of one of the most popular traditional children's songs in Catalonia.
We love to see them continue being as popular as ever. Yesterday, they celebrated their anniversary with a meeting of giants from all the neighbourhoods of Barcelona and well as from other cities and towns. More than 600 giants gathered in Barcelona to dance together for the Barcelona city giants anniversary!
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mesetacadre · 2 months
In April 15th, 1920, the National Committee of the Federation of Socialist Youths met in Madrid to, taking the initiative over the PSOE, take the decision of joining the Third International, founded by the Bolshevik party. After a convoluted process that lasted until the 14th of November of 1921, the Communist Party of Spain (Spanish Section of the Communist International) was born, pejoratively called "The party of the 100 children" by its opponents.
The Komintern's policy in its early days was one of the "only front", stating that capital could only be beat via the united effort of all communists in all spheres of life. Its motto became "Towards the Masses!". In Spain, this period was marked by Primo de Rivera's dictatorship between 1923 and 1930, during which almost every political group was banned. The social-democratic PSOE and UGT avoided this by remaining "neutral" towards the dictatorship. Some members of the PSOE even collaborated, like Largo Caballero, who became Rivera's Minister of State. The Communist Party maintained its sole struggle during this time, gaining popularity among the Spanish proletariat.
When the dictatorship ended and the Second Republic was proclaimed in April of 1932, in the midst of the effects of the 1929 capitalist crisis, the 1931 strike in Sevilla and 1932 general strike, the PCE had found itself unable to work outside the dynamics imposed by the dictatorship's repression, and only began to regain its force after the selection of José Diaz as general secretary in September of 1932. The party corrected some of the left-communist and sectarian mistakes that characterized the period of the dictatorship.
The PCE took on an even bigger role in the organization of our class after its crucial role in the October insurrection of 1934 in Asturias, during which the proletariat took power in the mining basin and most of Oviedo, via the Peasant and Worker Alliances, expressions of the aforementioned only front strategy decided by the Third International. The government of the Second Republic, carrying out the needs of a section of the Spanish bourgeoisie, brutally repressed the Asturian revolutionaries, with general Francisco Franco at the helm of the military's intervention. Among the victims was Aida Lafuente, a militant of the Communist Youth and an example of bravery.
This glimmer of worker power was contextualized in the Black Biennium (1933-1935), a period of the Republic when reactionaries accessed the government and expressed the most violent tendencies of the Spanish bourgeoisie against the more than 30,000 political prisoners they took, and against the rapidly developing workers' movement.
It was during this time in Spain and the whole world, when the Third International identified the generalized rise of fascism and reactionarism, and adopted in its 7th Congress, during the summer of 1935, the policy of the Popular Front, failing to link the anti-fascist struggle with the struggle for workers' power, instead advocating for alliances with "socialist" parties and other bourgeois-democratic parties, placing the fight for socialism-communism in the background.
Half a year after this decision, the Popular Front alliance won the elections in the 16th of February, 1936. Shortly after, and only a year after the 7th Congress, sections of the Spanish and international bourgeoisie countered this victory with a failed coup d'etat by fascist generals in the 18th of July, 1936. They had the backing of the nazi-fascist powers in Europe and the complicity of the "democratic" capitalist powers, who were anxious about the strengthening proletariat in Spain. Curiously, the plane that carried Franco from his exile in the African colonies to Tetuán in north Africa, the Dragon Rapide, originally took off from London.
The biggest supporter of the Spanish Republic was the USSR, that, through the enormous effort of the Third International and the Communist Parties in 52 countries, against the banning of volunteering by many of those 52 countries, organized the enlistment, falsification of documents, logistics, arrival and other matters for the arrival of around 35,000 workers, peasants and intellectuals from all over the world. Under the single banner of the International Brigades, and for the first time materializing the historic slogan Workers of the World, Unite!, the Volunteers of Liberty, as they also came to be known, gave their mind and their body to the cause of the Spanish people, armed with the teachings of marxism-leninism. They knew that it was no longer a fight for only the Spanish. As J. V. Stalin put it in October of 1936:
The workers of the Soviet Union are merely carrying out their duty in giving help within their power to the revolutionary masses of Spain. They are aware that the liberation of Spain from the yoke of fascist reactionaries is not a private affair of the Spanish people but the common cause of the whole of advanced and progressive mankind.
In July of 1936 there already were Brigadiers present in Spain, for the occasion of the Popular Olympics (in boycott of the Berlin Olympics) organized by the Red Sport International and the Socialist Worker Sport International in Barcelona, they were among the first to take up arms against the coup d'etat. The Executive Committee's Secretariat of the Third International formalized in the 18th and 19th of September the creation of the International Brigades, which began to arrive in Spain the 14th of October of 1936. Despite the propaganda levied by fascists and bourgeois historiography, the importance of the International Brigades is undeniable today.
After the integration of the Brigades into the Popular Militias in the 22nd of October, the Brigadiers began their training in Albacete and saw action for the first time the 8th of November in Madrid, with the 11th and 12th Brigade. Militarily, the Brigades were present and indispensable in every major battle of the war, but they also played a moral role. After every capitalist power had abandoned the Spanish people to their fate with the policy of non-intervention, the compact and disciplined columns that marched through the streets of Madrid singing songs like The Internationale, Young Guard, or The Marseillaise, made up of workers who barely knew the language but were willing to make the ultimate sacrifice, decidedly improved the morale of every militia and civilian in Madrid and in Spain.
But even greater than the support of the Brigades were the more than 300,000 strong military detachments sent by Germany and Italy, with the implicit approval of capitalist democracies, including the Popular Front in France, whose efforts of non-intervention focused exclusively on the republic. And it was the strategy of the popular front that forced the PCE to sideline the revolutionary potential of the hundreds of thousands of militants, instead preserving the legitimacy of the bourgeois republic.
By 1938, the republic was on its last legs and, wishing to evidence the foreign involvement on the fascist side, declared to the League of Nations in the 21st of September that they would disband all volunteers enlisted after the 18th of July, 1936. The 16th of October, 2 years and 2 days after the arrival of the Brigades, the League of Nations' International Committee arrived in Spain to verify the disbandment and departure of the Brigadiers. No such inspection was ever made on the fascist side.
According to the International Committee's report published on the 18th of January, 1939, there were a total of 12,673 Brigadiers in Spain, less than half of the total number of volunteers at around 35,000. They began to depart Spain on the 2nd of November, 1938, through the French border. During the process of departures, some Brigadiers were murdered in Spain, others died protecting the fleeing republicans and hundreds of thousands of refugees at the crossing in France. This was when Mexico, and especially the Communist Party of Mexico which pressured the government, took on around 1,600 brigadiers, mainly Germans, Poles, Italians, Austrians, Czechoslovaks and Yugoslavians, who could not safely return to their homes due to the advance of fascism within their countries. The debt owed by the workers of the world, especially the Spanish, to the Communist Party of Mexico is immeasurable, along with every other Communist Party that helped and the Third International.
The dissolution of the International Brigades did not achieve the result desired by the Republic. Instead, their retreat towards the end of the Battle of the Ebro only accelerated the morale defeat of the republican militias. Most of the brigadiers who survived the war but could not be repatriated in time did not have a pleasant fate. Most of those ended up in the French concentration camps of Gurs, Argèles-sur-Mer, Saint-Cyprien and Barcarès, Septfonds, Riversaltes, or Vernet d'Ariège.
Their fight was not in vein. The experience gained by the few who survived at a high cost proved essential in the development of their own parties, and soon enough, anti-fascist resistance. Everywhere that people took up arms against the fascist occupation, whether inside or outside the concentration camps, ex-Brigadiers were present, continuing the fight they started in the 18th of July, 1936, well after the war that had began that day was history.
Back in Spain, while the moribund republic thrashed for the last few times, the bourgeois republican government, headed by the social-democrat Juan Negrín, began to isolate the PCE with the support of the trotskyists and anarchists. It came to a close after the coup d'etat by the republican general Casado, during and after which the communist militancy was oppressed, and the fascist fifth column that had remained in Madrid opened its gates to the fascist military. This is how the fascist dictatorship began in Spain, with a betrayal by the Popular Front's social-democrats and by the democratic-bourgeois powers of the world. They couldn't help but mirror the collaborationism happening on the world stage; the UK was actively looking for an alliance with Germany, and every other capitalist country was making business with the looted property. All for one purpose that united them; the destruction of workers' power in the form of the marxist-leninist parties that around the world were beginning to challenge the capitalists, with the Third International at the helm.
These are the lessons that Spain and the world learnt during and after its fierce resistance against fascism. No popular front with bourgeois-democrats is sustainable, and their class character will always prevail above the superficial differences with fascism. The only viable tool is the organization of the social majority within the Communist Party, with proletarian internationalism and an altruist disposition as principles. No matter how much social-democracy may fear fascist privatization, and no matter how much they disrespect bourgeois democracy, the class interests that guide them will always prevail when faced with a capable mass of organized workers.
The progressive Popular Front in France, the "appeasing" government in the UK, and the nominally anti-violence liberal democracies, did not ever attempt to do anything else than giving carte blanche to the fascists and hindering their rivals. The betrayal of Spain, Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland were all made with the same reasoning: the alliance with fascism to destroy communism. There are no reasons that make the opposite possible today. When reactionarism picks up traction in lockstep with the deepening capitalist crises, all of these bourgeois-democrats some "leftists" like to place their hope in will not vary substantially from the script they followed 85 years ago.
Quedad, que así lo quieren los árboles, los llanos, las mínimas partículas de la luz que reanima un solo sentimiento que el mar sacude. ¡Hermanos! Madrid con vuestro nombre se agranda e ilumina
Rafael Alberti, A las Brigadas Internacionales
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On this day, 14 July 1896, legendary Spanish anarchist and civil war fighter Buenaventura Durruti was born. At the age of 14 he left school and began training as a mechanic in a railway yard. In 1917 he took part in a strike which was crushed by the army who killed 70 workers, injured over 500 and imprisoned 2000. He later joined the Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT) union, fought against the dictatorship of Miguel Primo do Rivera and was forced into exile, where he travelled to Latin America, where he undertook bank robberies in Chile and Argentina to fund the workers' movement. Durruti later returned to Spain, and with the right-wing military rising of general Francisco Franco, he joined the fighting in Barcelona, during which the coup attempt was crushed and CNT workers took over the city. He then headed a column of 3000 revolutionary militia members and travelled to the Saragossa front to fight the nationalists. Lithuanian Jewish anarchist Emma Goldman asked him how, with no military training, he was leading thousands of fighters. He replied: "I have been an anarchist all my life. I hope I have remained one. I should consider it very sad indeed, had I to turn into a general and rule the men with a military rod. They have come to me voluntarily, they are ready to stake their lives in our antifascist fight. I believe, as I always have, in freedom. The freedom which rests on the sense of responsibility. I consider discipline indispensable, but it must be inner discipline, motivated by a common purpose and a strong feeling of comradeship." Durruti and his column later came to Madrid to defend the city which was under attack, during which he was killed. His body was transported back to Barcelona where half a million workers took to the streets to attend his funeral. Learn more about the Spanish civil war in our podcast episodes 39-40: https://workingclasshistory.com/podcast/e39-the-spanish-civil-war-an-introduction/ https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=661459119360640&set=a.602588028581083&type=3
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batboyblog · 2 years
I don't think I've ever met a Jewish person irl and it deeply saddens me. at multiple points of my life i considered converting to Judaism, specially after i learnt that my family used to be Jewish (i am from Spain, and my antecesors were chased away for being Jewish and had to convert during Primo de Rivera's dictatorship)
it is really frustrating because i want to believe, but there aren't any synagogues near me and i cant help but feel that i am appropriating jewish culture just for thinking about it
I find this all very interesting.
I know many Jews went underground in Iberia, I know for example there was a small community in Portugal that kept the faith underground till 1917 when they were uncovered by a Polish Jew working in the area. I also know on the Island of Mallorca there's a whole community of descendants of Conversos/crypto-Jews who while being Christian have kept many Jewish traditions alive and now in the 21st century many are exploring a return to Judaism after 500 years.
sorry, Spain is most endlessly fascinating and unspeakably painful for a Jew who cares for history
I'm VERY interested to know if your family had roots all the way back to before 1492 or if they were Jews who came to Spain in the 19th and early 20th Century and then converted as a result of the conservative dictatorships under Primo de Rivera and Franco
any ways I'm not a Rabbi, but I wouldn't say there's any appropriating to think about it. Spain is poor in Jews but rich in Jewish history, history that has no one to look after her, for example the beautiful Synagogue of Santa María la Blanca is still owned by the Catholic Church, despite requests by the Jewish community of Spain it be returned. I think the best way (this is just what I think) to honor your Jewish roots and all the painful history is to learn as much as you can about the Jewish history of Spain, I wouldn't be shocked if you find some right where you live, and try to help protect it. There are so many lands in Europe with no more Jews to look after our Jewish history, we need friends and cousins to keep it safe.
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Today [21st Oct 2022] the Law of Democratic Memory came into force, which has among its objectives to search for the disappeared of the civil war and the dictatorship, and to study the possible violations of human rights that were committed between 1978 and 1983. 
The basis of the law are clear:
Franco’s regime is declared illegal.
its sentences are annulled, and any demonstration in its favor is prohibited.
there can be no more statements that exalt the dictatorship or symbols honoring it. Therefore, the Francisco Franco Foundation is considered illegal, and it is forbidden to give subsidies to those who go against democratic memory.
the bodies of coup leaders may not remain buried in a pre-eminent place of public access, other than a cemetery. 
from today on the Valley of the Fallen is renamed Valle de Cuelgamuros and the remains of José Antonio Primo de Rivera and Queipo del Llano must be relocated.
victims are considered to be those who have suffered physical or psychological damage, as well as moral damage from July 1936 up to the approving of the Spanish Constitution in 1978. The law includes patrimonial reparations for them and compensation for seized assets.
October 31st is declared a day of remembrance.
the state assumes the search for the disappeared persons and a state DNA bank will be created.
33 nobility titles and of greatness of Spain will be suppressed, including Duke of Primo de Rivera, Duke of Calvo Sotelo, or Duke of Mola.
Just 44 years overdue but better later than never!!
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my great grandfather was born in 1903 and died in 1989 which means he lived through:
the rule of alfonso xiii (1901-1923)
the melilla war and the tragic week (1909)
the creation of the spanish protectorate in morocco (1912)
wwi (1914-1918)
the institution of the first national parks (picos de europa and oropesa) (1918)
the inauguration of the madrid metro (1919)
the dictatorship of primo de rivera (1923-1929)
the 'dictablanda' (soft dictatorship) of berenguer (1930)
the second spanish republic (1931-1936)
the spanish civil war (1936-1939)
the dictatorship of francisco franco (1939-1975)
wwii (1939-1945)
spain enters the un (1955)
the independence of morocco (1956)
the palomares incident (1966)
eta starts doing terrorist attacks (1968)
the carrero blanco assasination <333 (1973)
franco dies (1975)
the transition to democracy under king juan carlos i (1975-1981)
the failed coup of tejero (1981)
the statute of autonomy of castilla-la mancha (where he's from) (1982)
decriminalization of abortion (1985)
spain enters nato and what would be the eu (1986)
he died during felipe gonzález's presidency (there were elections in 1989 and he won, starting his third term that year)
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The Leouch edit was done by the lovely: @lipid
Brackets have been done for round 1! I fucked it up a little bit in the end but alas, it looks great :) Polls will start tomorrow and to make things more interesting the further a contestant advances, the more extravagant the parts of a beauty contest will they experience.
Quarterfinal contestants will be drawn as anime girls / twinks, if the character is already from an anime, they will be drawn like a muppet.
Semifinal contestants will be drawn with fantasy dresses based around their country.
Finalists will be drawn in swimsuits
The winner is going to be drawn as -redacted-
Good luck to everyone!
Matches will be listed below the cut
Juan del diablo VS José "Chepe" Fortuna
Soraya Montenegro VS Mirtha Legrand
La Tenchis VS La Comay
Ermes costello VS Michiko Malandro
Diego "Godot" Armando VS Lelouch Lamperouge
Isabela Madrigal VS Luisa Madrigal
Imelda Rivera VS Rio Morales
Franco Colucci VS Félix Khoury
Lúcio Correia dos Santos VS Jayce Tallis
Paola Argento VS Ignacio
Misato Katsuragi VS Chimi
Dardo Fuseneco VS Angel Torres
Yzma VS Kronk
Chayanne VS Cepillo Colgate 360 con limpiador de lenguas y mejías
The letter ñ VS Angel
Sofia Vergara VS Anita
Juan Pueblo VS Jesus Cristo
Bimbo VS Señora Harina Pan
Din Djarin VS Moon Knight
Federica P.Luche VS Nazare Tedesco
Jetstream Sam VS Agostinho Carrara
Burro VS Homero Simpson
Muerte VS Zé Carrioca
Scorpio Milo VS Jimenez
B'Elanna Torres VS Bail Organa
Black Hat VS El Charro Negro
Juan Carlos Bodoque VS Goku
Simón Bolívar VS Camperonix
Rafael Aveiro VS Ernesto de la Cruz
Meta Knight VS Mr. Electric
Ricardo Martinez VS Sado Yasutora
Carmen de la Pica Morales VS Patricia Dorval
Ace Visconti VS Alma Winograd-Diaz
Lalo Salamanca VS Gustavo Fring
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jgmail · 4 months
Variaciones de la idea de Imperio
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Por Georges FELTIN-TRACOL Traducción de Juan Gabriel Caro Rivera
La idea de Imperio es incompatible con la historia de Francia. La nación francesa, heredera del Reino de los Lirios, se habría construido contra ella, en particular frente a al linaje de los Habsburgo, que va desde Carlos V hasta Francisco José. Esta hostilidad hacia tal principio se refleja en la lengua francesa. El verbo empirer significa «empeorar, agravar». La idea imperial no forma parte de la tradición francesa. ¡Aunque tal afirmación es perentoria y errónea!
Lugares como Provenza, antigua tierra del Imperio – algo que se olvida con demasiada frecuencia – al igual que bellas ciudades como Aix y Orange, existe hoy la asociación militante y cultural Tenesoun. Su página web promueve «una identidad basada en el tríptico siguiente: Provenza, Francia, Europa». Este movimiento edita una excelente revista, Tenesoun Mag, que publica números especiales de carácter instructivo y pedagógico titulado «Imperio(s)», el cual es el número especial de febrero de 2024 (vendido a cuatro euros en la página web homónima) que aborda el tema del Imperio.
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Es estupendo que estos jóvenes militantes se interesen por semejante idea que atraviesa como un hilo rojo toda la historia de Francia. Nos centramos demasiado en el aspecto jurídico de la emancipación real francesa en relación con la herencia carolingia, olvidando la diversidad institucional, social y económica que componía la antigua Francia. Es cierto que los Capetos triunfaron donde los Hohenstaufen fracasaron. Sin embargo, esto no significa que «Francia sea un imperio», escribe con razón Aurélien Lignereux en L'Empire de la paix. De la Révolution à Napoléon: quand la France réunissait l'Europe, (Passés composés, 2023): «tal era la constatación evidente compartida por todos en 1789, tan sorprendente era la diversidad de las poblaciones que los reyes habían reunido y sometido a una soberanía que no admitía ninguna otra instancia superior en materia temporal (el rey era «emperador en su reino»), pero que podía acomodarse a la heterogeneidad de las costumbres y que incluso debía respetar ciertos privilegios garantizados por las actas de reunión». En un ensayo anterior, L'Empire des Français 1799-1815 - La France contemporaine (Le Seuil, serie «Points - Histoire», 2014), el mismo autor, especialista en la era napoleónica, advertía que «sería reductor ver en las empresas de Napoleón únicamente la consagración de una ambición personal sin raíces en nuestro país. Hacerlo sería prestar poca atención a la aspiración, en los siglos XVI y XVII, de una translatio imperii en favor de Francia, sueño reflejado en el mesianismo dinástico y en el providencialismo cristiano».
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Aurélien Lignereux se refiere evidentemente al estudio seminal, innovador y magistral de Alexandre Yali Haran, Le Lys et le Globe. Messianisme dynastique et rêve impérial en France aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles (Champ Vallon, 2000). La idea del imperialismo no era ajena a los monarcas franceses. Además, persiste en el inconsciente político colectivo, de ahí la inclinación europea presente tanto entre los nacionalistas como entre los socialistas, por no hablar de ciertos gaullistas, demócrata-cristianos, ecologistas y regionalistas. Es una lástima que los autores de este número especial no mencionen esta valiosa obra.
Tras el Testament d'un Européen de Jean de Brem, Julien Langella vuelve sobre la conquista hispánica de América. Al hacerlo, formula un hispanismo francófono que no tiene nada de incongruente (el Franco Condado fue durante mucho tiempo posesión de los reyes de España). El autor de varios artículos de este número, Estève Claret, señala que «en la base del imperio se encuentra un principio superior, ya sea espiritual, sagrado, trascendente, metafísico o mesiánico. El imperio no se contenta con asegurar el bien común de las comunidades políticas sometidas a su autoridad; actúa en nombre de un principio que le es superior y que fija un destino a esas comunidades». El Imperio engloba en una unidad necesaria y limitada las múltiples variedades que se expresan en comunidades encarnadas.
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En «El Sacro Imperio Romano Germánico: el poder del centro imperial sobre sus periferias», Estève Claret examina los orígenes territoriales del Sacrum Imperium, que «corresponde», señala, «a la “unión” de tres coronas: la Tríada de los reinos de Germania, Italia y Arles-Burgoña. Los ducados propiamente dichos están formados por los llamados ducados étnicos (Stammsherzogtümer), porque son el resultado de agrupaciones lingüísticas y culturales coherentes (Baviera, Franconia, Sajonia, Suabia, etc.)».
Lector sagaz de Francis Parker Yockey, Guillaume Faye y Julius Evola, Tristan Rochelle explica que el Imperio, cantado por Dante, «es una institución sobrenatural con vocación universal, del mismo modo que la Iglesia, por ejemplo. Pretende ser un reflejo del orden cósmico, una imagen del reino celeste. De origen sobrenatural, ocupa la función de «centro universal», centro de gravedad de un espacio civilizatorio». Es una lástima, sin embargo, que el llamado veneno universal se cuele por todas partes. En la era posmoderna, ¿no sería coherente considerar la idea imperial desde un enfoque pluriversal? La noción de «pluriverso» se adapta mejor a la percepción revolucionaria-conservadora del imperio, sobre todo hoy, periodo volátil propicio al «resurgimiento de los imperialismos».
Los imperialismos no deben confundirse con los imperios de origen tradicional. Hubert R señala que «el término “imperio” es en sí mismo un arma de doble filo. Puede referirse a un grupo de pueblos unidos por factores comunes (cultura, religión, etnia, etc.) y gobernados por un poder central. O puede referirse a un deseo de dominación que tiene una pretensión de universalidad en nombre de una doctrina exclusivamente espiritual, ideológica o económica». En cuanto a Tristan Rochelle, le gusta sacudir al lector con su voluntarismo enérgico y a veces provocador. «El único derecho que cuenta es el que se ofrece por la fuerza. Una tierra pertenece a un pueblo sólo mientras éste sea capaz de mantenerla en su poder. Si un pueblo extranjero la invade y consigue hacerse con su control, entonces pasa a ser suya, sin importar cuánto tiempo la ocupó su predecesor. Las verdaderas fronteras de un pueblo son las que establece su voluntad de conquista. Estas leyes, que son las leyes de la vida, son despiadadas, pero son las únicas que se aplican. Lloriquear sobre ellas no las cambiará. La Historia es un cementerio de pueblos vencidos». Una observación radical y terrible. ¿Acaso no somos los últimos guardianes de una civilización ya desaparecida que hace totalmente inaudible e incomprensible el espíritu imperial?
En cuanto a si este más que embrionario Imperio europeo debería extenderse, como dice el refrán, de Reikiavik a Vladivostok, la respuesta es en última instancia secundaria. ¿No es lo más importante restaurar la soberanía interna de Europa? En estos tiempos revueltos de hipertrofia individualista, esta reconquista del yo resulta más complicada, pero también más imperativa que nunca.
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dragoneyes618 · 1 year
Miguel would remember only snapshots, later. Disconnected, fractured images and sounds, frozen in time.
The sound of screeching metal from three streets away.
A single shoebox lying on its side on the curb, with a logo on it that he knew as well as he knew himself.
Abuelita, screaming, "Enrique! Quique!"
The guitar, slipping through numb fingers to land with a discordant, mournful clang as it clattered lifelessly to the cobblestones.
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atarahderek · 1 year
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Deleting previous post because I got a scanner.
Father's Day doodle featuring Franco and his kids, and my fan character Heraclio with his daughters Gloria and Luisa.
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vicholas · 2 months
Expulsion of Jews from Spain
The Expulsion of Jews from Spain was the expulsion of practicing Jews following the Alhambra Decree in 1492 which was enacted to eliminate their influence on Spain's large converso ("convert") population and to ensure its members did not revert to Judaism. Over half of Spain's Jews had converted to Catholicism as a result of the Massacre of 1391 (also known as the pogroms of 1391. One of the Middle Ages' worst antisemitic outbreaks.) Due to continuing attacks, around 50,000 more Jews had converted by 1415. Many of those who remained decided to convert to avoid expulsion. As a result of the Alhambra decree and the prior persecution, over 200,000 Jews converted to Catholicism, and between 40,000 and 100,000 were expelled. The expulsion led to mass migration of Jews from Spain to France, Italy, Greece, Turkey and the Mediterranean Basin (from Macaronesia in the west, to the Levant in the east.)
In 1924, the regime of Miguel Primo de Rivera granted Spanish citizenship to a part of the Sephardic Jewish diaspora. The edict was formally and symbolically revoked on December 16, 1968, following the Second Vatican Council, by the fascist regime of Francisco Franco.
In 2015, the Cortes Generales of Spain passed a law whereby the descendants of Sephardic Jews expelled by the Alhambra Decree could obtain Spanish nationality by naturalisation to "compensate for shameful events in the country's past." The deadline to apply was October 1st, 2019.
Why are you sharing Wikipedia articles in my inbox. Anyway, I'll return the favor and share one with you:
Golden age of Jewish culture in Spain
The golden age of Jewish culture in Spain, which coincided with the Middle Ages in Europe, was a period of Muslim rule during which Jews were accepted in society and Jewish religious, cultural, and economic life flourished.
The nature and length of this "Golden Age" has been debated, as there were at least three periods during which non-Muslims were oppressed. A few scholars give the start of the Golden Age as 711–718, the Muslim conquest of Iberia. Others date it from 912, during the rule of Abd al-Rahman III. The end of the age is variously given as 1031, when the Caliphate of Córdoba ended; 1066, the date of the Granada massacre; 1090, when the Almoravids invaded; or the mid-12th century, when the Almohads invaded.
Having invaded southern Spain and coming to rule in a matter of seven years, Islamic rulers were confronted with many questions relating to the implementation of Islamic rule of a non-Islamic society. The coexistence of Muslims, Jews, and Christians during this time is revered by many writers. Al-Andalus was a key center of Jewish life during the early Middle Ages.
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La Santa Espina is the most well-known sardana (Catalan genre of music). It was composed in 1907 by Enric Morera with lyrics by Àngel Guimerà as part of a musical theatre play. After its premiere, the song quickly became an anthem for Catalan people. For this reason, it was banned during the dictatorships of Primo de Rivera (1923-1930) and Francisco Franco (1936-1975) as part of their ban on Catalan culture and language. Its verses “we are and we will be Catalan people / whether they like it or not” are one of the most famous mottos of Catalan resistance.
Because of its significance, this song has been sang by many singers and bands, not just ones that play sardana.
These are the lyrics in Catalan and translated to English:
Déu va passar-hi en primavera, i tot cantava al seu pas. Canta la terra encara entera, i canta que cantaràs.
God passed through during springtime and everything sang when he walked by. The whole land is still singing, and keeps singing and singing.
Canta l'ocell, lo riu, les plantes, canten la lluna i el sol. I tot treballant la dona canta, i canta al peu del bressol.
The birds, the rivers, and the plants sing, the moon and the sun sing. And while she works, the woman sings and she sings at the cradle's foot.
Som i serem gent catalana, tant si es vol com si no es vol. Que no hi ha terra més ufana sota la capa del sol.
We are and we will be Catalan people, whether they want it or not. For there isn’t a more boastful land under the sun.
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