#franchise corruption
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edwardos · 2 months ago
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loreetperso · 6 months ago
I have watched a video about How Star Trek: Picard ruins Star Trek. I don't necessarily agree it ruins the entire franchise, but mostly because you can always ignore it. Retcon happens all the time and its not like the Star Trek timeline have always been carefully constructed.
I mean they use to stumble upon godlike entity all of the time in the freaking days, even in TNG. And they just... mostly gotten away without explanation, and nobody really question it. Anyway, that's not what I want to talk about. Angela Collier is right about the show being bad, and I agree with her through most of the video. Except... I mostly enjoyed ST: Picard. I never really though the show was good, but I enjoyed it. I had some frustrations with it too, but I was not as annoyed by them as Angella was. Part of it probably comes from the fact I hadn't watch TNG at the time. I'm halfway through it now, for reference. But I think part of it is my standards are a bit low... Space shows aren't exactly common, they are a thing I love in itself, so I was blinded by the shinnies. Also the kind of action seen it Picard is probably something I'm too confortable with? What I mean is this show is a shiny shell void of anything that made Star Trek interesting in the first place. It's dumb fun, but maybe this doesn't have to be Star Trek. Maybe it really shouldn't be.
I won't just paraphrase the video, it's a bit long but it's a good video. The point is, it's a bad show, but I enjoyed it and I didn't question it. And it wouldn't be too bad for a new franchise, but Star Trek has a legacy. A legacy build on bad first season leading to eventual very good shows, a legacy of though provoking stories, of politic statements, about a bright hopeful future... This is not what Picard is and it bothers me that it didn't bothered me watching it. It bothers me because it is a bastardization of a show that was special, and the new live Star Trek shows are loosing that specificity. Even Star Trek Strange New Worlds in some extent. The animated shows are doing much better. Anyway, all this to say what? ST Picard is not doing arm, not really to the canon of Star Trek, but to Star Trek as a franchise and to Star Trek as a narrative. You can always ignore part of a canon, but when the new stuff being produce is changing the narrative, you can't keep using its name in any meaningful way. At some point, Star Trek become just about whatever the new show-runner/producer want it to be about. It's just another settings, void of meaning.
And I don't want that. But it's difficult to recognize it's bad while I'm feeling entertain, even if I do recognize the show is bad. Certainly lacking a frame of reference made it harder to see what was lost. So people starting watching Star Trek with new Trek... probably won't see what is lost until they watch a bunch of old Trek. And it sucks, because it feels like homework, and we shouldn't have to do homework to watch a show. But I think we should very much care about a franchise legacy, even if we are not familiar with it. We should try to understand how things are changed. Because the producers don't care about it, so if we don't then... we'll just end up with a bunch of shiny empty shells.
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mythalism · 2 months ago
hmmm. thinking about how veilguard seems to subscribe more to the more traditional "video game as personal power fulfillment fantasy of heroism" than any other dragon age game, except perhaps origins, though origins does it more artfully.
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bethrnoora · 2 months ago
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your obsession leads you around by the neck
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remusfinglupin · 8 months ago
No because the Beast is the real villain of the Descendants franchise. You’re telling me he not only brought all of the dead villains back to life after they’d already been defeated, repeatedly putting all of Auradon at risk, but he also exiled them to an island to live in poverty, along with their innocent children? And he never thought that this might be inhumane, not to mention dangerous and a generally bad idea?? What’s he on????
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a-dotrivenitupontop · 5 days ago
found family doesn’t have to mean ‘we can’t fuck each other’ or ‘were a group of friends with a mum friend’ sometimes it means john was missing a son so he used everyone but especially amanda to fill that gap and amanda was missing a father so she used john to fill that gap and hoffman was missing a sister so he used amanda to fill that gap and lawrence was missing a lover so he used hoffman to fill that hole and logan just liked talking to billy
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tawneybel · 3 months ago
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Note: Clearing out drafts again. Had a bunch of bullet points about what was going to happen, but I completely forgot where I was going with this lol so they’re essentially nonsense.
Imagine the Riddler steering Ed towards you.
Nygma was so absorbed in thought, he didn’t notice you slip into the morgue after Lee left. The door clicked shut at the same time he opened the mortuary locker.
Your headphones were donned, but not on. So you were vaguely aware of Nygma talking to himself.
Is he playing mortician again?
Technically you were supposed to admonish him if that was the case. Your new superiors had warned you of his antics.
“When Dr. Thompkins walked in the room, how did it feel?” You were mentally going over your schedule. The question didn’t register until you caught, “She didn’t. You got away with it.”
Okay, I need to tell him to knock it off. As a coroner, dark humor didn’t bother you. It was just that Nygma was getting too haughty about-
That jolted you.
You’d crept behind him and jumped a bit at the exclamation. Which caught his attention. He gaped at you and you gaped at the occupant of the mortuary locker. Kristen Kringle. No wonder Nygma sounded so off.
His odd monologue forgotten, you threw your arms around him. Ed was baffled.
“Oh Ed, I’m so sorry!”
When did this happen? you wanted to ask aloud. But it wasn’t the time for queries. Later, though, you would wonder whether Ed fought the compulsion to pose a riddle.
“I bet you can still feel the rush, can’t you?” the Riddler asked Ed. “You know who can help you get that same rush?”
Ed, the “good” Ed, knew the other didn’t want to hurt you. At least not the same way Miss Kringle was hurt.
“Dougherty,” whispered the woman embracing him now. Ed forgot for a moment that you were new. That you hadn’t seen Kristen Kringle suffer like he had. His head reeled. You didn't seem like you’d be openly jealous of a partner’s ex. In fact, Ed would bet anything you were far more compassionate than him. That you were the type to give up a lover just to see them happy.
(The name had just slipped out. A boyfriend was the likeliest culprit. You didn’t think anything of it when Tom Dougherty had… transferred? Really, you were out of the loop at Gotham PD.)
Not that Nygma planned on giving you up. He wasn’t the type. His other self was really giving him quite the identify crisis, but he was sure he could slide into the role of ______’s boyfriend with ease.
“You can still feel the rush, can’t you?” The Riddler flittered closer and closer to Ed. Your hug had loosened, but your grip on him was growing stronger and stronger. “Coming so close to getting caught. Knowing what you and ______ would be forced to do if Lee had seen the body.”
“______?” muttered the forensic scientist.
You finally released him. Feeling you through his suit wasn’t enough. Next time he’d need to feel your skin on his. Even just holding hands. But the Riddler knew there’d be plenty of time to lock yourselves together soon.
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depravedsafehaven · 1 year ago
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daydreaming-ace · 5 months ago
You ever think about how Joronia's corruption started? Sure, the mirror was there, but what influenced her?
... I think it was the image of her best friend, her advisor and confidant. After all, who else should she trust to guide her towards her best self?
Imagine your best friend, who you've spent centuries with, gets you a mirror because of your self-esteem issues. As he's giving it to you, he explains that the mirror is meant to show you how he sees you: an absolutely beautiful person, flaws and all.
And then he leaves you alone with the mirror.
As you're staring at yourself, it warps to look like your best friend but... Wrong. Your best friend is a klutz, a coward, but this man looks too refined for either of those things.
And then he starts talking.
He's judging you, telling you what you should be wearing. Telling you how to style your hair, your make-up, everything to emphasize your best features.
You follow his directions, of course. Your best friend surely knows what's best.
And you're right– he is right.
You're beautiful.
Your best friend—your normal, clumsy and nervous, best friend—agrees! He's always said you looked beautiful, but you feel more confident in him this time.
So you trust the reflection of your best friend more, wanting to make yourself even more beautiful. No, not just beautiful, absolutely divine!
So, with a grin, he does.
Time flashes by, and your reflection changes. You're further from your mortal self, turning yourself into a goddess.
Your best friends begin to blur together, but that's alright. They both think you're beautiful, they want you to become your best self.
You're not there yet, you need more resources.
Looking between the clouds, you know how to get it.
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reel-fear · 8 months ago
Reminder Mike is literally so rich and successful he owned/owns[?] a Bendy themed custom car. His franchise also has merchandise in Hot Topic and fucking Walmart alongside huge companies like Hasbro and such. Nobody made him delete his Twitter, he made a shitty comment towards someone who just wanted to see more poc in Bendy, then people rightfully told him off. Then he got so upset he deleted his account, because despite how upset it seems to make him when people rip him apart for the stupid shit he says he also can't keep his mouth shut.
Nobody MADE Mike tweet that shit, nobody was holding a gun to his head to be active on social media again. In fact it would probably be better if he wasn't so active so he could focus on actually making the damn games. All of that was his choice, it just so happens it was a poor one he eventually regretted and took back. He's not a victim, he's an asshole quite frankly. He put himself in that position, acted all tough and rude. Like he didn't care what the fans had to say and talked down to them like they were idiots, then the fans bit back and suddenly he couldn't take it. He could dish it but he couldn't take a Fraction of it? That's on him 100%.
That's that on that <3
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mayoiayasep · 2 months ago
happy birthday kei miyama my wish for you is that you are allowed to be an actual antagonist
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lord-squiggletits · 1 year ago
One of my least favorite parts of how JRO wrote Optimus is that he wanted so badly to continue his dark and gritty world building making the Autobots problematic, but evidently couldn't reconcile this with Optimus being a Heroic Paragon, so instead he leaned way too hard into "oh Prowl was the one who did this and it was behind Optimus' back" which if anything I think makes Optimus look worse, not better. Because then it's like, okay I know Optimus trusted Prowl a lot as his friend but you CANNOT TELL ME that over the course of 4 million years, Optimus as the leader of the Autobot army who literally would have access to 99.9% of all the records they produce, would never notice or question where some of these odd/inconsistent details were pointing. It just seems really inconsistent with how a real military would actually function, especially regarding Optimus' character, who is incredibly thorough and responsible and wouldn't neglect to keep up with all the details of his army.
Hell, Optimus knows who the Wreckers are and had them on call for tricky operations when he needed them (Stormbringer) so he's literally not at all ignorant of/averse to the use of special wartime units composed of dubious individuals. He's the fucking commander of an entire army, of course he knows that War Is Hell (TM) and no one's hands are clean. That's not even getting into all the stuff he got up to in phase 2/3, I mean everything from the annexation of Earth to OP breaking humans out of prison against Council orders shows that Optimus is no stranger to immoral and/or unlawful means.
It also leads to a lot of annoying fanon where people write Optimus (sometimes unintentionally, sometimes not) as like some sort of ignorant fool who's unaware of the machinations of his own army or has some sort of naiveté of "b-but we can't use bad tactics against the enemy! I would never condone the use of morally gray means in war!" No, IDW Optimus knows perfectly well all of the bullshit he's enacted/condoned for the sake of trying to win the war. Some stuff is definitely out of character for him and was only machinated because of Prowl, but I think this fandom REALLY underestimates Optimus' personal agency/responsibility as the commander of a whole ass army and ESPECIALLY underestimates Optimus' capacity to condone morally gray Bullshit Of War while still being a good person individually as well as, comparatively, the lesser evil compared to Megatron/the Decepticons.
Anyways what I'm saying is JRO may be a good writer but he's really hesitant to make Optimus morally gray and does some asspulls sometimes to justify most of the bad things the Autobots did as "Optimus just didn't know," and since the majority of the IDW1 fandom only reads JRO's stuff they go running with this premise of ignorant/uninformed Optimus when there's evidence elsewhere in canon to show that Optimus is, in fact, very highly aware of the bullshit he's allowed "for the greater good" and the only stuff he was "unaware of" was the stuff he would literally never agree to the ethics of, like bombing innocent neutrals disguised as Decepticons to get them to join the Autobots.
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digitalcarcrash · 1 year ago
i think that you can(and should) enjoy hoffman as a character and also acknowledge that he is an inherently horrible person who has done very bad things. those two things can coexist btw
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vol-au-vending-machine · 2 years ago
Anyone else find Dr Gaul kind of annoying? I just don't find her an interesting villain. She's so cartoonishly evil. Which works in a Bond movie but not in a film that's trying to say anything serious.
I mean look at this costume:
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She's even got mismatched eyes. When will she twirl her moustache as she ties Lucy Gray to a railway track, laughing maniacally?
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rapunziedameron · 2 months ago
*gently takes your hands* Tumblr is no better than Twitter. There is a swath of negativity, holier than thou, stuck up attitude on this website just like there is on Twitter. At least on Twitter, people like that are called what they are: trolls. Do not feed the trolls. There is literally no reason to log onto this website to feed the machine of doomerism and negativity, then pretend we're better than other sites because "we touch grass." I assure you, majority of the blogs in every tag you can imagine, are not touching grass.
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theloopcrew · 1 year ago
i think if they're going to keep exposing yata to the lupin crew like radiation poisoning i think they should start having fun with it TBH. he should start walking a bit bowlegged. he should temporarily turn into a freak about lupin and then stop and be like Why the hell did i say that. What's wrong with me
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