Karyuudo's husband 🤑
834 posts
Helo :> ♡They/them♡ ☆Dumb pansexual Animatior/Artist☆ ◇I love Mirai Nikki.◇ °Yum..° ♧Anyway, have a lovely day, my new friend♧ Also there is my second account about my Oc's ig https://www.tumblr.com/legendaryfacecoffee2?source=share
Last active 3 hours ago
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legendaryfacecoffee · 8 hours ago
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Daily reminder: 🤑Bald Yuno🤑
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legendaryfacecoffee · 23 hours ago
Karyuudo: Love is dead and never existed... All you did was betray me as I lay sick and festering... You are the definition of dread... Hinata: Are you okay??? Karyuudo: *sniffles* Mary stole my fucking instant noodles...!
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legendaryfacecoffee · 2 days ago
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Why is the pigeon giving this goku ahh stare💀😭
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Bro the government here is sh-
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legendaryfacecoffee · 2 days ago
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I'm feeling evil today..
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legendaryfacecoffee · 2 days ago
Esther: SupaHero go save the town!
Josephine: Yeah Job! Go and save the town.
Douglas: Come on Job save the town already!
Job: YE-
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legendaryfacecoffee · 5 days ago
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legendaryfacecoffee · 5 days ago
Father and daughter be like:
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legendaryfacecoffee · 5 days ago
Takao: I wanted to bring you to orgasm, but you were objectively closer to depression.
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legendaryfacecoffee · 6 days ago
Lil storm :3
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legendaryfacecoffee · 6 days ago
Sorry guys, I prefer Akise x Yuki 🫣
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legendaryfacecoffee · 7 days ago
society if people stopped sexualizing minors, including characters
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legendaryfacecoffee · 8 days ago
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My other Ocs! I made cards out of them as well. (It wasn't too bad when I made the cards it was pretty fun ^^). Okay, I'm going to explain these Ocs and who they are, and yadde yadde yadda.
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Name: Job
Age: 28
Birthday: September 27th
Sexuality: LE GAY
He was born in Englandddddddd but although he is not a human, btw. He was raised by his stepmother that he loved so much. (Unfortunately, when he graduated from university, his stepmother passed away. He also went to private schools just because of his identity).
So he went and got a job (Heh, get it job?😼) in the agency and became a SupaHero to the town. (Since he has powers lol-) But my boi here is very lazy so he would usually would leave then town to be in danger to relax and then would save the town by accident. (Somehow lol).
He became friends with Josephine because he found her to be very interesting.
He and Douglas are cousins. He found out about this after they almost defeated him.
Job is Zachcceus son but they both didn't remember each other since Job was just a baby at that time before he was sent to be raised by his stepmother.
He is a very silly adult :3
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Name: Josephine
Age: 27
Birthday: February 14th (Valentines day :)
Sexuality: Bisexual
She is just a regular human being born in Englandddddddd as well. She is also a high-class scientist and in engineering (even though she doesn't really like engineering at all). She had a good life most of all, but her best friend, who she had a crush on in high school, got stabbed by a boy who was obsessed with Josephine right in front of her. Josephine has a cross necklace at all times just to always remember her.
She met Job when she was being robbed by someone, and Job accidentally got her purse back. (He basically fell from the sky and squished the robber lmao). Then Job kinda followed her home and he wanted to be friends, which she wasn't sure about. But as time went by, they started to have a bond and became best friends. (They both act like siblings tbh). She would always remind Job to try to save the town most of the time if it's in danger.
She works along with the agency (But not officially).
When Job and Josephine defeated Douglas, they became friends. But Douglas had a bond with Josephine and would probably become lovers at the end of the story. (STRIAGHT SHIPS MY GOD, okay, but this one is alr, I guess..)
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Name: Douglas
Age: 28
Birthday: October 30th
Sexuality: Bisexual
He although was born in Scotland, but his parents were unknown, so he lived with his uncle instead. But his uncle was very neglectful and sometimes abusive towards him. He didn't have any friends at school at all, and just like Job he is not a human either. (He moved to England when he was a kid to go to primary school but accidentally hurt a kid with his powers, so he went back to Scotland.) He was often jumped by other people because he wore a blue shirt and blue was his favourite colour. (Because of football teams like Celtic and Rangers the ppl who supported Celtic hated anything that represented rangers where he lived which includes the colour of blue or red since that rangers has blue and red on it and Celtic has the colour green. But ppl are actually toxic when it comes football, I actually heard that someone got killed for wearing blue from some Celtic fans that's why I got inspired to make this backstory). Holy molly that was a bit personal... anyway.
He had a pet squirrel who was his only friend to him, until his squirrel got killed and he saw its dead body on his doorstep and that when he couldn't take it anymore, and started to terrorise everything and everyone and became SupaVillian (Oh lol).
Anyway, after when he got defeated by Josephine and Job, he noticed that him and Job were cousins. (They basically both made eye contact intensely lol).
He be quite annoyed of Job's optimistic idiocy, but he would still love him as his cousin. He would also have a bond with Josephine to have a crush on her.
So he basically became a anti hero after being defeated and would also work along with Job in the agency.
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Name: Kraken
Age: Somewhere in his 40's
Birthday: August 7th
Sexuality: LE G A Y (jesus I need to stop making so much gay ocs fr😭)
Well how do I start this..?
He is basically an octopus hybrid ig? (His head is an octopus, but most of his body is human.)
He and his ppl were captured as slaves (What a rocky start... ;-;) by Zachcceus's uncle Mordecai. (Zachcceus didn't know about this until he talked with Xandra and Kraken). Kraken was trying to at least set his ppl free, luckily he escaped but he was still on the ship (Space ship :>) so he had go find out how can he save his ppl. He met Xandra who saved him from being killed by Mordecai henchman and became immediate friends. (Kraken had a crush on Xandra like it was love at first sight 💀 but of course he didn't want him to know). Zachcceus met the both of them hiding in his room and he helped the both of them out. He killed most of the Henchman while Mordecai already escaped from the ship.
Luckily, they landed on a planet safely, and Kraken and his ppl thanked Zachcceus and Xandra for saving them and had a wee party (yay :3). Anyway, Kraken wanted to join along with Xandra and Zachcceus, so he did. And they all grew up together.
Kraken is like a tsundere around Xandra :) and they often "fight" sometimes, but Kraken loves Xandra a lot.
Kraken is always inspired by Zachcceus and is willing to help him in any need. (Although he pushes himself a bit too much sometimes so Zachcceus would always want him to calm down and not take things too seriously). He can speak Norwegian but learned to speak English as well.
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Name: Xandra
Age: Somewhere in his 40's
Birthday: July 23rd
Sexuality: Pansexual
Although his family is unknown because he was captured as well by Mordecai to also be a slave. (He has been a slave more longer than Kraken btw, another rough start ;-;)
He has been experimented on by Mordecai. (Which is why he has bla m dots all over his body). He then realised about the Octopuses being captured as well and noticed that Kraken was trying to protect himself from the henchmen, Xandra protects Kraken and even tries to heal his body. He becomes friends with him and deeply interested in him.
After when Xandra and Zachcceus saved the Octopuses from slavery and all. He was happy that Kraken joined with him and Zachcceus.
He is mostly very cocky but overall silly as well, he often loves to tease Kraken aswell just to show is affection. Sometimes he wouldn't mind if Kraken called him ugly (Which he never did btw) because that what he thinks he is.
He is also inspired by Zachcceus too. He loves talking to him a lot and is often very respectful towards him. He can speak any language but is mostly German.
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Name: Zachcceus
Age: 49
Birthday: June 20th
Zachcceus is basically a prince from his home planet. He was blind but he had really good senses so he didn't really had to worry about being blind. He had his best friend called Jeremiah, who he is in love with (but he doesn't want to admit bc young Zachcceus was a tsundere prince :333). Anyway uh.. Zachcceus and Jeremiah were both hanging out and even slept together. But the next day, Jeremiah was missing, so Zachcceus went to look for him, but unfortunately, Jeremiah was getting executed for having a somewhat "affair" with the prince. So Zachcceus had to witness his murder right in front of him. (He couldn't do anything about it because some men were holding him back). After that he went to hug his head and just cry. This woman called Silever was supposed to be his bride (Which he didn't know but what he did know is that it was her plan to kill Jeremiah). Zachcceus put her on chock hold for her killing the one who he loved the most but was stopped my his parents themselves.
Him, his parents and his "Bride" went to tour around space. Which is what had Silver to take advantage of Zachcceus and assault him every time. (Silver didn't like Zachcceus at all, she just wanted to take the crown for herself). Unfortunately she got her baby (Which was Job btw) which Zachcceus didn't even knew about even having intercouse with her at all. Zachcceus took the baby off from her and covered the baby mouth and nose and jumped away from the ship. (They thought that Zachcceus was dead so they went back).
Luckily, Zachcceus was able to land on Mordecai's ship along with his baby. Mordecai took care of Zachcceus like as if he was his son, Zachcceus loved Mordecai and looked up to him. He was very loyal and brave. But Mordecai suggested that they should go to earth because he had a friend who was in earth so that she would take care of the baby since that it would be more safer for the baby. So they went to earth and gave Job to Mordecai's friend to take care of him. (Which is why Job had a stepmother. Zachcceus didn't like this at all and wished he could stay with his son for much longer.)
After that, they went to the ship, and Zachcceus noticed that his uncle was taking ppl as slaves to make a profit. He was really devastated to see his uncle's true colours. After when he stopped the ship from crashing and saved the Octopuses along with Xandra, he went ahead and planned to destroy the earth. (Because he thought that his son was dead, and he hated the earth because from his planet, the earth was like dust to them).
Zachcceus loves Kraken and Xandra as if they are like sons to him. Zachcceus speaks French, but he learned how to speak English later.
He noticed that Job was his son at the end of the story because of the intense eye contact. Jeremiah comes back as a ghost at the end as well to meet Zachcceus and Job.
It took me way too long to type all of this, lol, but uh.. ya, that's my other OCs from a different AU! I love the cards, so I'm so proud. There are still more ocs though:
Spencer: He is the Co head of the agency and Job's best friend (Job has a crush on him btw and he is often called Chestnut by him or his stepmother).
Esther: She is the head of the agency and is the mother of Spencer. She is sometimes annoyed with Job, Josephine, Douglas, and Spencer because they act like children. (She is a single mother and is often called Gran Gran by Spencer).
Mordecai: He is the uncle of Zachcceus. He loves Zachcceus, but he wasn't happy that Zachcceus turned against him. He also has a human friend on earth (Who is Job's stepmother).
Moe: He is Mordecai's son and a big rival to Zachcceus ever since they were children. He would often tease little Zachcceus for bot having a moustache like his. (But he would get Karma because baby Job would pull his moustache if he is holding him for too long).
Okayyyy I'm finished now :3 ask any questions or something idk lol
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Ahhh, yess, two frenches-
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legendaryfacecoffee · 8 days ago
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I showed her my cards and she wanted to draw Douglas in her own style. (The one on the left is the one that she drew😭)
Mate the worse part is that she said that he was a biker and his parents got divorce or something and she changed Douglas name. LIKE FAM THIS IS ACTUAL MADDNESS THE AUDACITY I TELL YOU😡😡😡😡😡👺👺👺👺👺👺👺 (my poor baby Douggie😿)
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legendaryfacecoffee · 9 days ago
Just random animation -_-
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legendaryfacecoffee · 13 days ago
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legendaryfacecoffee · 13 days ago
🌸Spring Is Here!🌸
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Spring has sprung! The birds are singing, flowers are blooming, and the world feels much more vibrant than before. From all of us here at the Sakurami City Police Department, we highly encourage all of you to visit the Sakurami Central Park to partake in the annual hanami festival to see the wonderful cherry blossoms that give our lovely city its namesake in full bloom.
Oh, and for those with hay fever, don't forget to wear face masks and bring allergy medication. The cherry blossoms may not spread pollen, but the cedars and cypresses sure do!
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legendaryfacecoffee · 15 days ago
this video is putting me in a daze i swear
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