#kirby fanfic
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l0stn3v3rf0und · 3 days ago
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sourghostsoda · 3 months ago
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i recently reread some of my fics from 2014 and found a line that felt like getting shot, so i drew it
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dragonitepaw · 6 months ago
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Happy Metadad Monday 💙💮 !!
Another fic day- I've been writing this out for a while now,,,hence the 8k words this is a HEFTY one- The lil doodles are no scene in particular but what inspired me to write a blizzard/cold weather fic in the first place ❄️
I hope you all enjoy <3
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jumpyl123 · 3 months ago
🌟 Legacy of Light coming to Tumblr! 🌟
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Here to make an announcement >w< My poll a while ago for shows you want to have my stories here on Tumblr too, and not just DeviantArt! I am proud to announce that my Kirby fan series, Legacy of Light, will be going live on Tumblr!
It will start with my prequel story, Book 2, called “A Knight’s Awakening.” It is a coming-of-age story for Meta Knight’s life prior to his journey as a Star Warrior, growing up from his childhood and into something more, and learning about his skills and those around him. It sets the stage to how his heart leads him to the stars and where he is today! This story is already complete, and will be released on January 1st!
The next story, which is currently under revision, is Book 3, “Tale of a Star Warrior.” Acting as the second part to A Knight’s Awakening, this begins Meta Knight’s story as a soldier, defending the galaxy, facing the struggles of leaving his past behind, and fighting an identity crisis. This is all in the realm we are familiar with from the anime; the war of the Galaxy Soldier Army versus Nightmare! Unless I fall behind on production, Tale of a Star Warrior will come March 23, the anniversary date of Legacy of Light! (and Meta Knight himself, huhhh what a coincidence…)
SO MARK YOUR CALENDARS! The artwork included today is a celebration poster from March 23 this year! Can’t wait to get things started, and I hope you are excited, too!
Please do not trace, recolor, edit, or repost my art without permission, even if you are planning to give me proper credit!
Twilight Knight, Xenolith, Shani, Basil, Jata, and Sky belongs to me
Draco species belongs to @starlightfyre
Kirby, Meta Knight, Galaxia, and Yamikage belongs to HAL Laboratory/Nintendo
Made with Procreate
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moonmacabre01 · 1 month ago
Metadede fans pspspsps
You're Loved, I Promise
The last few hours have been very strange for Meta Knight. Dedede was back, the Beast Pack was . . . friendly for now at least, and the small teal child Kirby and Bandee had befriended is half of a strange world-conquering being.
Currently he and Dedede were sitting in Kirby’s house, leaning against the bed currently occupied by Elfilin, curled up and asleep. Neither of them knew what to say, and so they sat in silence, holding hands like a lifeline.
Meta was the first to break the quiet. “I- after Kirby and Bandee came back . . . without you and Elfilin. I was worried I’d finally lost you. That I’d never see you again.” “ . . .I missed you so much.”
Dedede’s hold on his hand tightened, but nothing came from his partner. Meta tore his gaze from the opposite wall to look at him, and jolted at the sight of tears rolling silently down his face. “Mi amore?” He struggled to keep his voice level “What’s wrong?” “I’m a terrible king.”
His tone was flat, like someone stating an absolute truth. And so, so tired. How had Meta not noticed the dark circles under his eyes? “What?? Dedede, how could you say that?” His voice strained with emotion as he tried not to shout “None of this was your fault.” “Yeah it is. I’ve gotten controlled so many times, and I still can’t fight it off!” Dedede’s voice raised shakily “Meta, I kidnapped my own servants! Didja already forget that?” “Of course I haven’t! But mi amore, I- you- what happened to you wasn’t a personal failing! When it tried to take me as well, its strength was such that I barely managed to fight it off.” “But you fought it off.” “Dedede-” “This is just how it is. Always the puppet who can’t even stop himself from hurting his own subjects. Won’t be surprised if they hate me now for what I-” “DEDEDE.”
The force in Meta’s voice shocked Dedede, and he finally turned to look at him. His mask lay discarded at his side, and his eyes were full of concern, tinted reddish-orange by the setting sun. “No one hates you, I promise. Everyone I’d talked to was worried, asking when you’d come back or if I knew what had you this time. They were scared for you, all of them.” “But-” “Bandee came to me after he came back from fighting you. He was on verge of tears out of fear for you. He’d kept his calm through everything else, the destruction and fighting, but he was so scared he was going to lose you. We both were. “They could never hate you, mi amore. I could never hate you. I promise.”
Meta took a breath, barely aware that he’d started to cry too. Dedede was speechless. He hadn’t even thought that the dees would be so worried. The two stared at each other, Meta squeezing his partner’s hand like he might disappear if he let go.
A whine forced its way out of Dedede’s throat, and like the breaking of a dam, he finally collapsed. Throwing his arm over his partner’s shoulder, he slumped over, sobbing uncontrollably.
Meta wrapped his wings around Dedede, and gently scratched the feathers of his neck with his free hand. He didn’t try to speak, just hummed softly as his love let out the repressed emotion.
Minutes passed by, and as the last rays of sunlight faded, Dedede’s sobs slowed and stopped. Eventually he pulled his head back, and blue eyes looked into silver and gold. He sighed heavily, and gave a tired smile. “ . . . thanks.” “Of course, starlight,” Meta’s eyes glowed softly in the darkening dusk ”I know you’d do the same for me.” “Mmn” The arm resting on his knight’s shoulder moved to cup his cheek in one hand, and he leaned a little closer. “An’ I always will too.” Meta smiled softly, leaning forward as well. “As will I.” Nothing more was said as the space between them shortened to nonexistence, and their lips met. They only separated when they fell asleep in eachothers arms, wrapped around each other seamlessly.
Elfilin raised their head and blinked sleepily at the sleeping couple. They’d been listening a while, and suspected they shouldn’t tell anyone about what they heard. But the way Dedede talked suggested this wasn’t the first time something like this had happened. That was worrying. Maybe they could find a way to ask Bandee or Kirby, once they were strong enough to make a portal again. They stood up on all fours and stretched, tail flicking. Somewhat unsteadily, they started to float towards the exit, planning to find something to eat. Pausing in front of the door, they glanced back at Dedede and Meta, sound asleep. Then they took the door handle in their front paws and floated out.
thanks for reading!
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anywaymuahahahaha · 3 days ago
Manager for a Day
~*Chapter One: Help Wanted!*~
☆⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄☆⠄⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄☆
A beam of sunlight crept inside through a curtained window. The long silence began to fill with the sound of birds singing their morning song. The cool, calm air gently shook the trees which tapped against the side of the walls. It was the sunlight that caught his attention first. He set down the pen in his hand, turning away from the towering stack of paperwork in front of him. As a beam of light warmed his face, he shut his eyes for a moment, unsure whether to feel relieved or concerned.
“Is that?…” He rubbed his eyes and stretched out his hands, using one of them to shield himself from the bright glare. His sore muscles protested as he pushed himself up from his chair, his body aching from hours of stillness.
He pulled back the curtains and was nearly blinded by the unforgiving sunlight from outside. Sure enough, the sun was most definitely up.
“Oh! Morning already?” He muttered with a slight sense of urgency in his weak voice. In an instant, he spun back around to his desk.
“Boy, time sure does fly…” He muttered to himself as he quickly rummaged through stacks of papers and discarded snack wrappers.
“It was just here… Where did I…” In his efforts to seek what he lost he began to make an even bigger mess than before he “tidied up” last night.
Yes, it was morning. Morning again after yet another long night of work. What time was it even? Heck, what day was it? He wasn’t sure. All he knew was he had a job to do.
I could have sworn I left it right here. Is someone messing with me?
He wasn’t the tidiest, as it was plain to see from the sight of his office. It was often the little things that would slip between the cracks. But he never let it bring him down. In fact, he didn’t let anything bring him down.
As he was nearly tearing his office apart, the front door to his office cracked open slightly.
“S-sir?” A quiet, hesitant voice called from behind the door. He poked his head in a bit further.
“Mr. Manager, sir?” He repeated.
“Oh!” A voice came from under the desk, followed by the sound of papers rustling.
Before the voice could respond-
The loud thud reverberated through the room as the bumbling Manager Magolor clumsily crawled out from under the desk, one hand clutching his head in pain.
“Oh, goodness, sir! Are you alright?!” His guest cried out.
“Who, me?” he chuckled. “Never been better!” He declared confidently as he dusted himself off. Suddenly, his expression shifted to panic. “Say…Waddle Dee, you haven’t seen my hat around, have you?” He spun in circles desperately scanning every inch of the room.
Waddle Dee glanced over to the coat rack that stood by Magolor’s office door, and sure enough, there it was in its usual spot.
“It’s right there by the door sir!” he said, pointing at it.
Magolor turned, spotting the familiar sight of his big blue manager's top hat perched atop his coat rack and sighed with relief.
“Oh, would you look at that!” He smiled. “See, this is why you’re my go-to guy, Waddle Dee!” Magolor grabbed his big, blue top hat and placed it atop his head like a crown.
“Ahh, at long last it’s time.” Magolor announced, clasping his hands. “Time to open the park for another fantastic day of fun at Merry Magoland! Are you ready, Waddle Dee?” Magolor tightened his bright, blue bow tie and smoothed out the wrinkles on his cape, his usual flair for presentation on full display.
“Of course, sir!”
There were many Waddle Dee’s working at Merry Magoland but this one in particular stood out to Magolor. His fierce dedication and loyalty helped earn him the coveted role of Manager Magolor’s personal assistant, a job he took immense pride in. While Magolor preferred to do almost everything himself, Waddle Dee was always there to assist with extra duties at the park and lend a hand to Magolor whenever he needed it. He took his work very seriously, striving to maintain a close bond with his boss, Magolor, whom he had admired ever since he first got hired at Merry Magoland. Aside from Kirby, no one spent more time with Magolor than Waddle Dee.
“Look, sir!” He exclaimed. “There’s already over a hundred guests waiting outside! That’s almost twice as many as yesterday’s opening! Merry Magoland is a huge success and it’s all because of you!” Magolor paused as he looked at himself in the mirror. As Waddle Dee’s words sank in, he began to blush slightly.
“Thank you, Waddle Dee…” Magolor murmured as he rubbed his eyes again.
“Just twenty more minutes until we open, sir! Is there anything you need extra help with today?” Waddle Dee asked.
Magolor didn’t respond.
“Um…sir?” Waddle Dee repeated leaning in slightly. Then, ever so faintly, a small snore escaped from Magolor’s mouth.
“Sir!” Waddle Dee yelped, reaching out to gently shake him awake.
“W-What?” Magolor jolted awake, his ears sticking straight up. He blinked rapidly, shaking his head to clear away the fogginess.
“Sir, did you just...fall asleep just now?"
Magolor scoffed. “Of course not. I was just…thinking about something funny I said the other day!” He adjusted his hat and forced a small but sincere smile to Waddle Dee.
“You never left last night, did you? Don’t tell me you pulled another all-nighter!”
Magolor said nothing but quickly waved his hand in dismissal at his remark. Waddle Dee hurried after him.
“Sir, with all due respect… I think you might be overdoing it just a bit. Don’t you think you should maybe…take a break?”
“A break? Nah, I’m fine. Better than ever, in fact!” Magolor said, waving him off. “I was just thinking about something else, that’s all.”
Waddle Dee wasn’t convinced. He hesitated, looking to the ground as he spoke. “Um…Perhaps I… Could be of assistance?” He said, his voice small and uncertain.
“Assistance? What kind of assistance?”
Taking a deep breath, he looked at Magolor. “Let me open the park for you, sir! You know, I’ve been shadowing you for quite some time now, I”-
“Waddle Dee, it’s not that I don’t believe you could” Magolor gently interrupted. “It's just that being Park Manager is a lot, and I mean a LOT- of work. And it’s all my responsibility. I couldn’t possibly burden you with something like that.” He reached out and gave Waddle Dee a few light pats on the head before continuing forward. Waddle Dee, determined, hustled back to his side.
“But I can handle it! You work so hard! It’s the least I can do!” He pleaded. Magolor stopped in his tracks and let out a deep sigh.
“Waddle Dee… You’re just not ready yet.” He turned to his assistant, his voice firm yet tired. “Someday, you’ll be able to handle all these responsibilities. But…” he paused, stifling a yawn. “Not today.”
Waddle Dee sighed, his shoulders sinking in disappointment. For as long as he’s been here, he’s witnessed firsthand the sacrifices Magolor made to bring this park to life. He watched Merry Magoland grow from one single game booth to the bustling wonderland it is today. Waddle Dee had always felt like an outsider. But then he met Magolor. So ambitious, so kind and so determined to better himself and everyone around him. He welcomed Waddle Dee with open arms who admired him for his resilience, his passion and how he never stopped fighting to make his dream come true despite all the obstacles and challenges that stood in his way.
“But…sir if you could just”-
“Waddle Dee we’ve been through this!” Magolor cut him off, already turning the knob on his office door.
“Perfection doesn’t take breaks!”
With a dramatic swing, Magolor flung open the door. Immediately the sights and smells of Merry Magoland greeted the two of them as they headed outside.
It seemed to perk him up a bit as he took a moment to let it all in. Despite the exhaustion clawing at him from yet another sleepless night, this-this moment-made it all worth it.
Looking around at this place; this place he created himself! Nothing made him happier. Nothing except of course…
His ear twitched at the sound of his name. It was a familiar voice. A friendly voice.
“Hey, Magolor!!”
“Could that be?…” Magolor turned and there, bouncing excitedly and waving his hands was none other than his longtime best friend, Kirby of the Stars.
“Well, if it isn’t Kirby!” Magolor said, cupping his hands together. “What a nice surprise!”
“Hi, Magolor! I’m glad I could catch you!”
“Kirby, I don’t mind when you bypass the entrance with that fancy Warpstar of yours but you do know the Park’s not open yet, right?”
“Yeah, I know!” Kirby said.
Magolor raised an eyebrow, almost amused at the remark. “Oh? Well then, to what do I owe the honor of this visit?”
“Well, how are you? It’s been a while since we’ve gotten to hang out and I-“
“Say no more!” Magolor interrupted, his grin widening. “You missed your old buddy, Magolor, didn’t you!” Without warning, he scooped up Kirby into his arms and squeezed him in a tight hug, swinging him around with joy.
“I know I’ve been very, VERY busy these days,” He said as he continued to squeeze Kirby tight. “But remember I’m always just a hop, a skip and a jump away!” Finally releasing him, Magolor let out a chuckle as Kirby stumbled slightly and caught his breath. Magolor was a very strong hugger.
Kirby steadied himself and turned back to Magolor.
“When is your next day off ?”
Magolor let out a quick laugh then paused. His expression shifted slightly as he looked at Kirby with perplexity.
“Oh…you’re serious…” He rubbed the back of his head suddenly looking a bit nervous.
“Well, you know how it is. Merry Magoland is open all the time. Morning, noon, night… doesn’t matter! And as manager, it’s my job to be here whenever the park is running.”
“So… You run this whole entire place all by yourself, all day everyday with no help?!” Kirby gawked.
“That’s right!” Magolor replied proudly.
Kirby hesitated. “So, the thing is, it sort of feels like forever since we’ve gotten to do something fun together or even had a moment to talk!”
Magolor’s ears perked up. “Kirby, you and your friends have a free lifetime pass to the park! You could visit me every single day if you wanted to!”
“Yeah, about that…” Kirby rubbed the back of his head. “You don’t remember the last time I was here, do you?”
“Hmm?” Magolor’s left ear twitched slightly.
“Magolor, I was here yesterday. And the day before that… And the day before that one too! In fact, I’ve been here every single day for the past 10 days!”
Magolor’s eyes widened. “10 days!? Are you sure? Why haven't I seen you around then?”
“You have! But… Every time I found you; you were just too busy to notice I was there...”
Magolor blinked. “I…I was?” The realization hit hard. He had been so buried in his managerial duties that he missed his own friend. Kirby had been coming by every day trying to see him and he had no idea…
“Oh…oh dear…”
Magolor suddenly began to feel lightheaded. Whether it was crushing guilt or a lack of sleep, something was catching up to him. He pressed a hand against his forehead, took one wobbly step then collapsed to the ground.
“Magolor!” Kirby shouted, running to his side.
After a few seconds Magolor sat back up, his face burning with embarrassment. He straightened his hat, dusted himself off and cleared his throat like nothing even happened.
“Kirby, I… I’m sorry… I..” His voice wavered for a moment before he shook his head. “I need to open the park now.. Excuse me.” Without another word, he brushed right past Kirby, keeping his eyes to the ground.
Kirby let out a frustrated groan, then stomped forward to catch up.
“Magolor, please will you just listen to me!! I think you’re pushing yourself just a little too hard! It’s okay to take a break every once in a while!”
Magolor glanced at him for a quick second, then immediately looked back down, refusing to engage.
“I just don’t want to see you burned out is all! I’d hate to see something bad happen to the park or worse, you!”
Magolor stopped. He slowly turned to face Kirby; his gaze fixed on him.
“Kirby, you’re mistaken.” he said firmly.
“I know what I’m doing, and I’m well aware of my limits. I’m fine.”
“Are you sure? How come I saw you nodding off during the Stamp Rally yesterday?”
Magolor scoffed. “I’m afraid you’re mistaken once again.” And right on cue, he loud out a big yawn. With an annoyed groan, he rubbed his eyes, pressing his palms against them before exhaling a long, loud sigh.
“…Kirby, I wish you wouldn’t worry about me so much. I have everything…” Another yawn cut him off mid-sentence.
“… Under my control!”
Kirby slightly winced at the sound of that word. He knew “control” was a touchy subject for Magolor. His past obsession with power, the influence of the Master Crown and his possession left scars. While he no longer sought “limitless power” he still strived to remain “in control” of every aspect of his life. The very thought of losing it seemed to send him into panic. Kirby didn’t want to overstep his boundaries, but he knew he had to do something.
“Have you seen yourself lately?” Kirby vaguely gestured at Magolor’s exceptionally worn-down appearance. Sure, his outfit was flawless as usual but the guy wearing it? Not so much. The bags under his eyes could be seen from another dimension. He slouched with every step, one ear refusing to stand up properly, almost as if it had given up completely. Magolor forced a small reassuring smile and folded his hands together.
“While I do appreciate your concern Kirby, my appearance is the least of my worries right now.” Magolor began to trail off once again. “With all these responsibilities there’s just no time to be handsome.”
“…Handsome?…” Kirby titled his head to the side, utterly baffled at his remark.
“Kirby, I’m flattered, REALLY. But can we discuss my good looks another time?” Magolor kept moving forward avoiding eye contact with his increasingly worried friend.
“Manager Magolor!”- a familiar voice called out.
“Waddle Dee! What perfect timing!” Magolor perked up instantly, his tired expression briefly replaced by delight. His trusty assistant had returned once again.
“Sir, I just wanted to let you know I’ve already gone ahead and gathered the staff for our morning huddle!”
Magolor’s ears twitched with surprise.
“Well, look at you! You’re one step ahead of me this time!”
Turning back to Kirby he added with a smug grin, “See? I do have help around here!”
Kirby followed Magolor to the main area of the Entrance Plaza where his loyal Waddle Dee staff eagerly awaited their esteemed manager.
“Every morning before the gates open, I give my staff a quick pep talk to help keep spirits high as well as update them on any changes to our rules and procedures.”
Kirby wasn’t even the one giving the speech, but he already felt so nervous after seeing how many eyes were focused on him. Some of them seemed excited about being here, seeing as he was a local celebrity around here.
“It looks like you get to join us for our Morning Huddle today! How lucky for you!” Magolor adjusted his tie and dusted himself off.
“This will only take a minute!”
With a wink, Magolor floated up to a blue and yellow pedestal near the big manager's desk. He stood before his entire Merry Magoland staff which filled the entrance plaza. He had their undivided attention. He adjusted a small microphone in front of him and cleared his throat.
“Good Morning Waddle Dees!” He called out enthusiastically.
A wave of cheers and chatter echoed throughout the crowd.
“It’s time yet again for another fantastic day at our favorite place!”
More cheers erupted from the energetic crowd.
“I know things have been a bit…hectic lately, but I can’t thank you all enough for all you do here. Without you, there is no Merry Magoland!”
As Kirby listened, he found himself completely amazed by the sheer amount of admiration the Waddle Dees had for Magolor and this park.
“You’ve all been doing such a great job! Bravo, bravo!” He clapped. “Today's pep talk will be short and sweet! We have a very busy day ahead of us!” Magolor shuffled some papers in his hands. “We already have eager guests waiting outside our gates! I trust everyone has…”
Magolor paused mid-sentence, covering his mouth as a quick yawn slipped out. “My apologies! …Completed their morning tasks!” He said with a smile.
“Yes sir!” shouted his staff of Waddle Dees as they hopped about excitedly. Kirby was truly impressed. The respect they had for Magolor was undeniable.
“Today will be a great day, I just know it!” He declared. “As always, I’ll be making my rounds throughout the park today so I’m never too far if you need me!”
Magolor was a fine leader. Much better than Kirby had imagined. Seeing all his hard work come together so seamlessly was incredible.
“And with that I do believe it’s finally that time! Are we ready for another successful day?”
Magolor clapped his hands with delight and nodded his head.
“My assistant and I will be headed to the gates shortly to open the park! Unless anyone else has something to add, that’s all I have for you today!”
With a smile, Magolor then took a bow, his staff then scattered back over to their posts to prepare for the opening. As Magolor quickly made his way to the gates, Kirby hurried bedside him.
“Wow, they really respect you!” Kirby said as Magolor rubbed at his tired eyes some more.
“You’ve really got this manager thing down! You’re a total pro!”
“Y-you really think so?” Magolor stammered, his face turning a bit pink.
“Well, sure! You’ve really built a great place here, Magolor!”
“Wow, Kirby!…I-I’m speechless …” He exclaimed as tears began to swell up in his eyes. Still sniffling a bit he cleared his throat and quickly returned to his normal cheerful tone of voice.
“Thank you, Kirby.” He said with a nod to his friend. “I’m glad to see you and so many others have been enjoying my Park…”. While Magolor was trying desperately to remain positive, it was beginning to wear a bit thin. Kirby wasn’t fooled. He knew firsthand just how stubborn Magolor could be. He knew he needed to get through to him somehow and if Magolor would listen to anyone- it would be Kirby.
“Kirby, listen. I appreciate you stopping by… And I do apologize for not being more readily available.” Magolor cupped his hands together and shot a quick glance at the gates before turning back to Kirby. “I really hate to disappoint you yet again, but I just don’t have time for chit-chat right now. I have a job to do! We’ll catch up another time, hmm?” Magolor tried to make a swift getaway, but Kirby wasn’t having it.
“Well, what other time if you’re always here?”
Magolor kept his eyes to the ground, once again unable to look Kirby in the eye.
“Why not let the Waddle Dees run the park today?”
“Well, then what would I do?”
“Take a break!”
Magolor scoffed. “The Waddle Dees are diligent workers, but they’re not quite ready to run things on their own just yet.”
And right on cue once again, his loyal Waddle Dee assistant appeared, hesitantly raising a hand.
“Sir, perhaps I could-“
“Waddle Dee!” Magolor cried out, interrupting him. “You keep sneaking away from me!” Kirby stared in confusion at the sudden appearance of his assistant again.
“Oh, how foolish of me! Where are my manners? Kirby, I’d like you to meet my assistant, Waddle Dee!” Magolor proudly introduced him. Waddle Dee gave Kirby a polite nod, but didn’t say a word.
“Wow, you must be really proud to be Magolor’s assistant, huh?”
Ignoring Kirby’s remark, Waddle Dee kept his focus on his boss.
“Five minutes until opening sir.”
“It’s nice to meet you!” Kirby awkwardly continued. “Any friend of Magolor is a friend of mine!” Kirby held out his hand in hopes of a friendly handshake. Waddle Dee shot him the briefest glance, clearly uninterested in conversation. Kirby blinked a few times and shot a confounded glance at Magolor.
"Hehehe..Eh- thank you, Waddle Dee!" Magolor interjected.
“Shall I wait for you at the gates sir?”
“I’ll be over in a jiffy!” The two exchanged nods and Waddle Dee set off the gates. Kirby blinked a few times before frowning.
“Was it something I said?”
“Oh, Kirby. Don’t mind him. My assistant is a Waddle Dee of few words. Don’t take it too personally!” Magolor said, waving his hand dismissively. “He just takes his job very seriously! He’s a real professional!”
“Well, if he’s such a professional why not let him run the park every once in a while?”
“Please Kirby can we discuss this another time?” Magolor groaned, dragging his hands down his face.
“Come on, you’ve worked hard enough! You deserve a break!” Kirby leaned in closer, softening his tone. Magolor stiffened a bit but kept his back to Kirby.
“Listen, I know how important this parkis to you… But you don’t have to do it all alone! You have the Waddle Dees and all your friends back in Dream Land! We’re always happy to help! We all need a hand from our friends from time to time, Magolor. There’s nothing wrong with that!”
Kirby took a few steps closer to him. He remained silent.
“We all want to see your dreams come true, but not this way! Let us help you, Magolor, what do you say?”
Kirby awaited Magolor’s response but there was only silence.
“Magolor?…” Kirby blinked. Magolor was still. Too still. Then, a barely audible snore slipped out of him. Kirby sighed, giving him a gentle nudge to bring him back.
“Huh?” Magolor gasped. He turned to see Kirby glaring at him disapprovingly. He let out a nervous chuckle.
“How can you manage the park if you can’t even manage to stay awake?” he said, worry evident in his voice.
“I can manage just fine, Kirby. Now if you would excuse me.” Magolor huffed as he adjusted his hat. pushed past Kirby, heading to the gates.
“What if I helped you open the park? Just for today!” Kirby shouted. Magolor stopped mid-step and turned back to him.
“You? Open the park?” Then, with a shake of his head he scoffed. “Don’t be absurd.” Without another word, he turned away from Kirby, continuing for the gates. Kirby hurried after him.
“Not even for a couple minutes?”
Magolor sighed “Kirby, please. I appreciate your concern for my well-being, but I assure you I’m fine.”
Kirby, who just watched him quite literally pass out standing up, remained unconvinced.
“As Park Manager, I accept that there are sacrifices I must make to keep the wheels turning.” Magolor stated, his voice swelling with a dramatic sense of flair. “It’s up to me to ensure that every single guest that walks through those gates has the BEST experience of their life. I won’t accept anything less!”
Kirby nodded. “But that’s why I want to help!”
Magolor hesitated.
“I can greet the guests! Make sure they have a good time! Keep things running smoothly!” Kirby leaned forward, beaming with confidence. “You trust me, don’t you?”
“Of course I trust you, Kirby. It’s just-“
“Then let me do this for you! Let me take care of Merry Magoland just for a little while! I won’t let you down!”
“I know, Kirby, I know! In fact, I think you’d make a wonderful manager, it's just…”
Magolor looked to the ground. His voice grew quiet.
“This was my true dream all along. Before… well… you know.” Magolor gave a small, bitter chuckle. “You were there. I don’t really have the best track record when it comes to my past. I’ve done terrible… stupid things.” He exhaled, rubbing his hands together. “This is my way of making up for that. To you… To everyone.”
“Well, I think you’re doing a great job! In fact, such a great job that you deserve a break now more than ever! Come on, Magolor, what do you say?”
Magolor twiddled his thumbs nervously as Kirby egged him on.
“You can trust me! The Waddle Dees and I will make sure everything goes perfectly!”
Kirby edged closer to Magolor, giving him a sad but endearing look. Magolor exhaled deeply.
“Kirby, don’t look at me like that.” He said sternly.
Kirby didn’t say a word, but kept his sad eyes fixated on Magolor.
“Kirby, I’m serious! Stop it!” Despite Magolor’s pleas, Kirby's eyes grew bigger and sadder. After fighting it as long as he could bear, he held up his hands in defeat.
“Well, it looks like I’m no match for you once again.” He said, with a defeated sigh.
“Alright Kirby!... You win. If it will make you happy…I’ll take a break. A quick break! 5 minutes and that’s IT.”
Kirby froze where he stood, eyes wide. Then, his face lit up, his entire being bursting with joy.
“YAHOOOOOO!” He shrieked. “You won’t regret this, Magolor! I’m gonna be the BEST manager EVER!” Kirby beamed, punching the air with so much excitement that he nearly toppled over.
Magolor felt dizzy just watching him.
“Don’t get too excited now, Kirby!” he said, waving his hand. “It’s just the opening I’ll need your help with. After my break, I’ll return to my work as usual, and you can be on your way!”
Kirby’s smile slowly began to fade as Magolor walked past him. He turned his head, with a subtle wave to Kirby behind him.
“Follow me, I’ll give you a quick rundown on how things work around here!”
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Magolor led Kirby to a secret hidden door behind the Managers desk in the plaza. Magolor pulled out a gold key and unlocked the door. With the flick of his finger the lights in the room switched on to reveal a tiny, cluttered room. The lighting was a bit dim due to multiple lightbulbs being burnt out. The room reeked of coffee and expired milk, and it was freezing cold thanks to the multiple air conditioners Magolor kept running at high speed.
“I apologize for the mess… I haven’t had time to tidy up in a while.” Magolor said, blushing slightly. “Watch your step there!” He extended his hand out to prevent Kirby from walking over some trash on the floor in the doorway. Magolor’s office was a bit of an enigma, and this would be the first time Kirby had ever stepped foot inside. The walls were, of course, those famous shades of blue and yellow. All over the walls were corkboards, framed photos and shelves full of rocks, dead plants, books and various trinkets from his travels. Kirby was rather surprised to see how messy it was. Magolor had always struck him as the “perfectionist” type so seeing him work in such a messy environment raised some red flags.
“You… Really do spend a lot of time in here, huh?” Kirby said as he continued to stare at Magolor’s dusty shelves stuffed end to end with thick, ancient-looking books. Kirby couldn’t read any of the titles as they were all in Halcandran, Magolor’s native language. He only spoke it when it was necessary. (Mostly to curse, which worked out quite well for him since the Waddle Dees didn’t understand any Halcandran either.)
“This is my home away from home. A good manager's work is never done, Kirby!” Magolor said, waving his finger. “A park of such grandeur requires around-the-clock attention.”
“And you do all of this by yourself?!”
“I sure do! It’s not easy… Oh, boy is it not easy! But it’s worth it to see all the smiles on our guests' faces!”
Kirby followed Magolor as he floated over to his work desk area, tucked away in the back corner nearly hidden behind mountains of files, boxes and stacks of paperwork.
Wow, it must really take a LOT to run this place. Poor Magolor…He really did work so hard to make his dream come true…
Magolor’s work desk sat facing the door, underneath a bright, fluorescent light that Magolor had to flick a few times to get on. His desk was littered with half eaten snacks, empty coffee cups and energy drink cans. A few dying (but still alive somehow) plants decorated one of the corners. The wood was considerably worn down and especially faded towards the center. A shiny, gold name plate displaying…what he assumed was Magolor’s name in Halcandran, sat near a pile of stamps adorned with Magolor’s smiling face. Sticky notes everywhere, some in Halcandran, some Kirby could read.
Among many others.
“Oh, pardon me.” Magolor shoved aside the coffee cups and half eaten donuts that covered most of his desk. Underneath the mess, lay a big, colorful hand drawn map of Merry Magoland, signed by Magolor himself. It was so beautiful, Kirby couldn’t believe Magolor could draw such a thing.
“This is the park map, as you can see, you are here!” Magolor pointed to a star in the middle of the map, marking his office.
“If you ever need to find anything this map will be your guide! Now, here you’ll see our employee directory, everyone’s name and assigned workstation is conveniently listed. It’s imperative that everyone report to their assigned position in a timely manner.”
Magolor handed Kirby a clipboard with a list of names that all read “Waddle Dee” repeatedly.
"Wow, the Park looks way bigger on this map! And that’s…”
Kirby flipped through pages and pages of “Waddle Dee” and all their respective workstations.
“A LOT of employees…” Kirby couldn’t believe how long the pages went on for.
“Ahh, don’t worry, they’re professionals! Each Waddle Dee has been expertly trained to perfection by yours truly.” Magolor said with a bow.
“Now, my guests expect nothing but the best here at Merry Magoland and it’s up to you to make sure that happens! Well, for 5 minutes at least!” His voice carried a polished sense of professionalism. He almost spoke to Kirby as if he were a client, not an old friend.
Magolor shuffled more things around on his desk and even took a quick sip from one of the old, cold coffee cups on his desk. Then he rolled up the park map and handed it to Kirby.
“I doubt you’ll need this for the opening, but I’d like you to hold on to it for me.”
Kirby’s eyes glistened with joy. With a confident nod he took the map and tucked it away for safekeeping.
Before either of them could say another word, a loud chime rang from outside,
Magolor dusted himself off and straightened his tie.
“Would you look at that? It’s about time to open the gates! Are you ready Kirby?”
Kirby was practically bouncing off the walls with excitement.
“You bet, Magolor! Just watch me! I’ll show you what it takes to be a manager! Here I Go!” Just as Kirby prepared to dash toward the door, Magolor hastily raised his hand.
“Kirby, wait!” Kirby skidded to a stop.
Magolor floated over to a worn-out looking trunk near his desk. He carefully opened it.
“One last thing, before you go!”
He rummaged inside it for a second before pulling out something neatly folded. He gave it a quick visual inspection, checking it for wrinkles and imperfections. Then he turned back to Kirby with a big smile on his face.
“If you’re going to be a manager…then you have to look like a manager!”
He tossed the outfit to Kirby who caught it midair, his eyes radiant with wonder.
“There you go, Kirby! Your very own Manager’s uniform!”
“OH, WOW! I get to wear this!?” Kirby said, clutching the outfit tightly in his hands as if it were an expertly hidden energy sphere he just found. It was soft, regal and expertly crafted, (as expected from such a creative and talented visionary like Magolor!)
“That’s right!” He smirked proudly. I do have a brand to uphold after all! Hee, hee hee!” Despite his usual cheerful tone, his enthusiasm seemed to be fading. Kirby could hear it. That slight dip in energy, that forced cheerfulness. Magolor was putting on a front in yet another attempt to hide any signs of weakness or vulnerability.
“So… what are you going to do during your break? I bet you have a whole list of stuff you’d like to do!”
Magolor hesitated, then let out a small chuckle. “Well, sure, Kirby! Plenty of things! But… the park needs me. My employees need me! I can’t stray too far.”
With a content sigh, he floated over to one of his bookshelves running a hand along the spines of well-worn tomes before finally plucking one out. A thick cloud of dust puffed into the air as he blew across the cover, revealing the title (in Halcandran, of course) unreadable to anyone but him.
“I’d love to finish this book!” he muttered, flipping it over in his hands. “I used to breeze through chapters in no time! These days I’m lucky to finish a single page it seems.”
With his book in hand, he drifted back to his desk and plopped into his chair. He cracked it open, scanning the first few words before glancing out the window toward the park entrance… then down at the pages… then back at the window again.
“Five minutes?…” He huffed. “That’s an awfully long time to be away.”
Magolor let out a dramatic sigh, resting his head on his hand as he gazed sadly out his office window.
“What will Merry Magoland do without it’s manager?”
Kirby smirked, hands on his hips. “I won’t let you down, Magolor! You just sit back, relax, and leave everything to me because today, I’m the manager!”
“…For 5 minutes you’re the manager.” Magolor corrected him, flipping to the next page of his book.
“Right, 5 minutes…got it!” Kirby nodded.
“Good! When those 5 minutes are up it’s back to work! Just meet me back here, alright? I’ll be right here at my desk waiting for you!”
“You can count on me!” Kirby exclaimed with enthusiasm. Then, with a dramatic spin, Kirby quickly changed into his new manager’s uniform. Once dressed, he turned to see himself in a nearby mirror, his eyes sparkling as he admired the outfit. A silky white scarf draped with a matching cloak adorned with royal blue embellishments. Oh, and who could forget the giant, glittery bow tie complete with a hand-knit energy sphere embroidery? Among his many tailored get-ups this one was by far the flashiest. Kirby was feeling more like a manager already! He eagerly bounced in place, his grin widening.
“WOW! Look at me! I look just like you!” He puffed out his chest, adjusting the bow tie carefully, making sure it sat just right on his round body.
“So… Do I look like a real manager or what, Magolor?”
After a few practice smiles, Kirby realized Magolor didn’t answer him. Maybe he didn’t har him.
Kirby flinched at the sudden noise, turning around quickly. Magolor was face-down on his desk, the book he had just been holding now lying on the floor beside him.
Kirby blinked.
He stepped closer and picked up the book, carefully attempting to hand it back. But Magolor was out like a light, snoring away!
Kirby stared, unsure how to react.
His eyes then caught a glimpse of the clock on Magolor’s desk. He gasped. It was time to open the park!
“Ah, here we go! It’s time, its time, it’s finally tiiiiime!” Kirby dashed excitedly to the door nearly knocking everything over in his path. He hesitated, looking back at Magolor one last time.
“See you in 5 minutes!” Kirby burst through the doors, sprinting full speed down the walks of Merry Magoland, weaving past Waddle Dees, dodging snack carts, and leaping over stray balloons like he was in an obstacle course. He landed right at the entrance just as the gates were ready to be unlocked. Waddle Dee was already there waiting for him.
As soon as Kirby appeared, Waddle Dee’s face lit up, only to immediately shift into confusion.
“Kirby, you’re back.” His eyes quickly darted behind him, noting his boss’s absence.
“…Where’s Magolor?”
“Oh! Right! He’s...taking a break!” Kirby grinned.
Waddle Dee froze.
“…He’s what?”
“He’s taking a break!” Kirby repeated with that same big grin still on his face.
“Magolor? Taking a break?!” Waddle Dee’s voice rose in sheer disbelief. “Magolor never takes breaks. How did you convince him to do that?!”
Kirby rubbed the back of his head, laughing. “Well… he didn’t really have a choice, you see-”
Waddle Dee tilted his head. “What do you mean he didn’t have a-”
Before he could finish, Kirby reached into his scarf and pulled out a large, golden key, holding it up proudly.
Waddle Dee’s eyes locked onto it.
The official Merry Magoland gate key.
Magolor’s key.
The same key that he’d seen Magolor use countless times to open the park, standing right where Kirby was standing now.
Something tightened in Waddle Dee’s chest.
It should have been him holding that key.
Kirby grinned eagerly, completely unaware of Waddle Dee’s lingering stare.
“Time to open the gates! Here we go!”
Waddle Dee quickly snapped out of it, clearing his throat and nodding. “R-Right. Let’s get to it.”
With a big, enthusiastic turn of the key, the gates of Merry Magoland swung open, and a massive crowd of eager guests came rushing in. A wave of excitement filled the air, as well as colorful balloons, confetti bursting from the entrance, and cheerful chatter from hundreds of eager park guests.
“HELLO! WELCOME TO MERRY MAGOLAND!” Kirby beamed, waving wildly as guests poured in.
It didn’t matter how many guests entered Kirby was determined to greet each and every one of them.
And he meant everyone.
His infectious spirit was contagious as laughter and joy spread throughout the eager crowd. Waddle Dee, meanwhile, stood just slightly behind him, watching.
You’d think he’d be happy. After all, things were running smoothly, right? Just like Magolor wanted. Kirby was doing such a good job…
But as he watched Kirby, standing at the entrance, wearing Magolor’s colors, holding the key to the park…
That should have been him.
He quickly shook it off, forcing himself to focus. For now, he had a job to do.
“Alright, alright, that’s enough waving,” Waddle Dee sighed, stepping up beside him.
He crossed his arms, his foot thumping against the ground.
“So… when exactly is Magolor’s break over?”
Kirby froze mid-wave.
“Oh!! Right! Magolor! It’s been five minutes!!”
Before Waddle Dee could say another word, Kirby whipped around and took off at full speed.
That was fine. It wasn’t like he minded being left behind. Again.
His eyes narrowed in a sharp frown, but after a small sigh, he forced himself to let it go.
It was fine.
Actually… maybe it was even better this way.
Magolor would be back soon. The real manager.
With a small shake of his head, Waddle Dee disappeared into the crowd, vanishing among the sea of guests.
For a moment, he was just another face in the bustling park.
And then, he was gone.
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Kirby burst through the doors of Magolor’s office practically bouncing off the walls. His whole body buzzing with excitement, his steps light and bouncy.
“I did it, Magolor, I did it!! The park opening was a huge success!” he shouted.
“There were soooo many Waddle Dees! More than I’ve ever seen in one place before! They were everywhere! Some of them even waved back when I waved at them! It was so much fun! I can really see why you like doing this so much!” Kirby spoke so fast he barely took a breath. “Also, you were right! 5 minutes does go by fast! But I did it! So, how was your break?”
Expecting to be greeted by the ever-doting manager, Kirby instead found Magolor still sitting asleep at his desk, his head resting comfortably on his hands, his scarf puffed up around his face like a pillow. He looked like he hadn’t moved a muscle since Kirby last saw him. Kirby tilted his head and hurried over to him.
“Hey, Magolor, I’m back! The opening went great, and it’s been 5 minutes so you can go back to work now!”
Magolor remained still, a soft, airy snore crept out, followed by an unintelligible sleepy mumble. Usually, Magolor perked up at the slightest noise, especially when it involved work. So, this felt a bit odd…
Kirby reached out and gave him another shake. “Heheheh…Very funny. Wake up, Magolor!”
Still nothing.
Kirby frowned and nervously glanced at the clock. Magolor specifically asked for a five-minute break. Five minutes had long passed now. A small sense of panic arose inside him.
Then, an idea struck him.
“I know!”
Kirby carefully placed his hands on one of Magolor’s eyes and gently eased it open.
“HELLO!? Are you in there?!” Kirby yelled, his voice nearly echoing throughout the room.
Magolor’s blank, unfocused eye stared past Kirby, completely unseeing like a glass marble. Kirby shuddered, closing it back.
“Nope, don’t like that.”
His face brightened with realization. Another thought struck him. He took a deep breath. And then…
“MAGOLOR, HEY MAGOLOR YOU WON’T BELIEVE THIS! CHEF KAWASAKI IS GIVING OUT FREE SNACKS IN THE PARK PLAZA!” Kirby loudly shouted, his voice booming through the office, shaking the very walls.
Kirby rushed over to the door, fully expecting Magolor to have sprung up and followed him but to his surprise, Magolor hadn’t so much as stirred.
Kirby huffed. His eyes darted to the clock, Then back to Magolor. Then back to the clock again. The park had now been open for almost 10 minutes.
Suddenly, a horrible realization hit him.
“O-oh…Oh no…” he whispered.
W-wait… what if… what if he…worked himself…to death?!
“Oh, Magolor, NOOO!” he wailed, collapsing to the floor in despair.
“Why couldn’t you have just taken a break?!”
And then-
A quiet, irritated grunt slipped out of Magolor, low and muffled, almost as if he were trying to say, “shut up, Kirby!”
Kirby let out a long, relieved sigh. Magolor was fine, he just needed to rest. He let himself all worked up over nothing. Kirby glanced at the nearby window. Outside, the park was already bursting with energy in every corner. The sound of excited chatter, the sight of guests flooding through the gates, balloons and confetti galore! Merry Magoland was truly alive!
…But its manager wasn’t.
And that meant…
It was up to him now.
The park needed a manager and right now that manager was… Kirby!
“Alright! It looks like I'll be running the show today!” He said proudly, grinning wide with a shining sense of purpose.
“I’ll earn my reputation as a manager!” He continued. “My help running this park will be invaluable!”
Kirby’s gaze drifted to Magolor’s desk, then to Magolor himself. His signature hat was still perched on his head, slightly askew. Slowly, Kirby reached for it.
“Ah, at long last it's mine!” Kirby beamed as he gently picked the hat up.
“The source of limitless power…”
He hesitated for a moment, then carefully placed it on his own head.
“MANAGER KIRBY!” He shouted proudly, striking a bold, triumphant pose that would have made Magolor proud- had he been awake to see it. Kirby opened the door and took one big, confident step outside.
“Here goes nothing! I’ll make you proud Magolor! Now, onward to a- WAH!” Kirby stopped dead in his tracks, startled by the sudden sight of Magolor’s assistant Waddle Dee standing right outside the door. His arms were crossed, and he did not look happy. Magolor’s manager hat, being just a tad too big on Kirby, slid off his head onto the ground. Waddle Dee glared at Kirby with vehemence.
“Is…that Manager Magolor’s hat?!” He exclaimed. Kirby picked the hat up, dusted off the dirt and put it back on his head. Waddle Dee’s eye twitched a little at the sight.
“Why…” He said slowly, “Do you have his hat?”
He tried to peek behind Kirby into Magolor’s office, but Kirby quickly slammed the door shut and laughed anxiously.
“Where is Manager Magolor? Did something happen?”
“He’s fine! Why wouldn’t he be?” Kirby said.
“It’s…it’s opening time! He should have returned from his break by now! Something isn’t right.”
“No, really! He’s fine! He’s just…he’s just…” Again, an idea struck him.
"He’s cleaning his office! Yeah, that’s right! It’s a real pigsty. You’ve been in there, right? PHEW!" Kirby waved a hand dramatically, faking a shudder.
“He’s cleaning his office. By himself?”
“Yep! It could take him all day even.”
“ALL DAY!? I’m going to go help him." Just as Waddle Dee prepared to set off Kirby grabbed him.
“NO!” Waddle Dee froze mid-step, staring at Kirby with perplexity.
“I-I mean- hehehe. He…uh…He seemed like he really didn’t want to be bothered…”
“First, he takes a break, and now he’s cleaning his office alone? That’s not like him at all.” Waddle Dee’s eyes narrowed. “He would never abandon the park for anything.”
“Everything is fine Waddle Dee! Magolor didn’t abandon anything! He’ll be back before you know it!”
“Waddle Dee crossed his arms. "...How are we supposed to run Merry Magoland without our manager?"
Kirby puffed out his chest with pride, flashing his sparkling bow tie.
"Today, I’m the manager!"
“Y-You are?”
“That’s right! Magolor entrusted me with running the park today! Just call me Manager Kirby!”
“He… He put you in charge?” Those words almost felt like a slap right to the face.
“Don’t worry Waddle Dee, I’ll take good care of Merry Magoland! In fact, I could probably use your help! What do you say?”
Waddle Dee’s expression barely changed. His fingers tensed at his sides. His gaze turned to Magolor’s hat now sitting snugly atop Kirby’s head. For a split second, something dark flickered across his face. A hesitation, a small crease in his brow. But it vanished as quickly as it appeared.
“…Sure…I’d be happy to help.” Waddle Dee said at last.
Someone has to make sure you don’t mess things up.
Kirby laughed. “That’s the spirit! Come on, Manager-In-Training, let’s go make this the best day in Magoland history!”
He spun around, heading off to the bustling entrance plaza.
Waddle Dee followed a few steps behind him. As he walked, his gaze drifted toward Magolor’s office door.
Why Kirby?... of all people, Kirby was Magolor’s first choice? Over me?...
His fingers clenched at his sides before he shook the thought away.
It didn’t matter. He was just here to help. To assist.
Nothing more.
Waddle Dee tore his gaze away and turned back around, returning to the lively chaos of the park.
Ahead, Kirby was practically skipping toward the plaza, basking in the cheers of the crowd, ready to take on his role as manager.
Far behind him, Waddle Dee’s shadow stretched long on the pavement, until it was swallowed up by the crowd around him.
The guests cheered. The rides sputtered to life. The festivities sparkled in the golden morning light.
But the day was only just beginning.
And so was everything else.
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starblitzy-started-a-fire · 3 months ago
Hey uh so. Fun fact. I wrote a 60-70 page Kirby fanfiction when I was a kid.
Should I ruin my reputation and post parts of it or redraw certain scenes from it
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rainykthebroken · 3 months ago
CHAPTER 18 has just been posted!!!
Adonis' flower – Part 2
As they make their way through the House of Horrors, Marx and Susie hatch a plan for the two lovebirds to end up in each other's arms. The jumpy spider and the trying-to-look-cool feline soon find themselves trapped in the attraction, giving them the perfect opportunity to get closer. But as they sink deeper and deeper into this dark labyrinth, Magolor and Taranza will have to face their greatest fears if they are finally to find the courage to confess their feelings.
*The Adonis' flower symbolizes painful recollection and sorrowful remembrances.
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turtleplushi · 8 months ago
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gaybabey17 · 28 days ago
forgot to tell y’all but I have Wattpad now!!
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The link to my story is right here if you wanna check it out! Y’know, just something short and sweet
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levichouphys · 23 days ago
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New chapter is done.
Magolor had summoned all four semi-finalists for a suddenmeeting, but Kirby's thoughts drifted to a memory from earlier that day.
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l0stn3v3rf0und · 5 months ago
Kirbtober: Day 19 - AU or Parallel
"Beware the one who stands by his own nemesis. A mind full of Chaos and Nonsense...
The BEAST of CHAOS: Primal Kirby."
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HOOOO BOY I waited for SO LONG to make this
So, for context, remember that one post I made talking about doing a Forgotten Land roleswap with Bandee as the protagonist?
Well, I am slowly planning on making a Fanfiction about that concept on ao3!
Basically this is a concept on the boss fight with Kirby, he doesn't fully replace Dedede as he is still hypnotized and Bandee fights him in world 4
But, Instead of still being hypnotized and snatching Elfilin, he becomes un-hypnotized and KIRBY does the snatching
(Also if this does happen, expect some Kirby angst because how is this child saving Popstar several times and is still sane?? The trauma has to catch up to him one way or another)
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lowrezfanfix · 2 months ago
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happy new year. my rezolution(tm) is to finish my damned fic. (big thanks to everyone who read, gave kudos, and commented on my stuff in 2024!)
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dragonitepaw · 30 days ago
New Gameverse Fic !! Based during RTDL :)
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ritzyheartz · 13 days ago
Hi, hello! I've had an idea for an AU bouncing around my head like a DVD screensaver for a while, and I really wanted to do something with it, so here's an attempt at a fanfic! Just the prologue for now, but chapter 1 is in the works.
Magolor encounters a bit of... trouble... in the Dream Kingdom - and this time, he might be the only one who can put a stop to it. After all, there is a score to be settled.
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lowrezbonuslevel · 3 months ago
Susie's Super Star Repair Service! (coming eventually...?) ft. new side blog, just dropped
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"When strangely-familiar stars spark to life across the universe, Susie sees a chance to rescue her father from the byte-sized boundaries of his digital purgatory (and turn a profit, while she's at it). However, her developing plans evince an undesirable yet ultimately inescapable side effect—in piecing together Max Haltmann's soul, Susie will simultaneously restore functionality to the Deus ex Machina, Star Dream: the destructive, numb-hearted computer that has held him and his memories ransom for years.
"Still, no good businesswoman is afraid to take strategic and potentially-catastrophic-on-a-universal-scale risks when majority shares of her dreams are at stake. The biggest glitch in this technological operation, as a matter of fact, has nothing to do with her father, nor the not-even-half-baked Clockwork Star that became his tomb. No…
"The greatest risk is prolonged exposure to the trademark antics of a beguiling wizard extraordinaire (which roughly translates from Magolorese to 'least agreeable person in existence'). Susie knows he can't be trusted—but his understanding of ancient technology can't be beat and his long-suffering Starcutter can't be outpaced. If only she and her insufferable 'captain' can follow their begrudging agreement to the letter… maybe they'll both come out of this with only minor injuries and moderate insanity.
"The bottom line: it'll take patience, prowess, and persuasion for Executive President Susie Haltmann, the universe's greatest powerhouse of pink-haired persistence, to finally make her dreams reality—and with everything between a shrouded suitor, a cosmic jester, secret keepsakes, long-forgotten promises, clandestine coronal plots, and Star Dream itself threatening to send her off course… it might take just a little bit of magic, too."
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some cover thumbnails. still not sure which one i'm going with, if any. but i did like the top middle so i gave it some values. (i wanted to incorporate magolor since he's unfortunately an important character, and the lor and star dream/haltmann of course... and, yup, that's it. nobody else along for the ride. no murderous stowaways or anything.)
this might be the last post about my fic on this blog (unless i make some particularly banger art based on it or something), so if this interests you, check out my other blog, dedicated to this and any future fanfic endeavors, fresh off the Gryll (btw that was a Kirby joke, based on the Kirby video game series, very few will get this!!!). and feel free to send in asks i suppose? i will try not to spoil TOO much
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