trough of sludge
13 posts
i gotta host my illustrations SOMEWHEREfic WIPs and other stuff by the mighty @lowrezbonuslevel
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
lowrezfanfix Ā· 6 days ago
from Chapter 1, "Robobot Reunion":
"The lofty Gigavolt remained on-site, but had gone from a full-time employee to a full-time student as it pursued a counseling degree, of all things.
Years ago, after it had shyly revealed to her its academic ambition, Susie politely offered to build it a more unassuming shellā€”but Gigavolt had just as politely declined. Apparently, it hoped to assist former machines of war: troubled synthetic souls that, paradoxically, might find a therapist as outwardly-threatening as Gigavolt reassuring. Now-Executive-President Susie Haltmann, ever the vessel of ingenuityā€”and maybe of a teensy bit of prideā€”had pesteredā€”no, no, she had persisted, of courseā€”and eventually managed to sing just one fine-tune with which Gigavolt could jive; well, maybe it hadnā€™t literally danced, but the robotā€™s affirmation had been accompanied by at least as much excitement as its taciturn visage would allow; and she had promptly begun revamping its upper-appendage schematics.
After several weeks of careful installation, her work had been finished. Gigavoltā€™s arms were now capable of finer movement, and its boxy pummels could reshape themselves into hands whenever neededā€”bulky, but reasonably deft, and more than capable of typing away at the doomsday-sized laptop that the Professor had built for it in the meantime.
Freed, since the Access Arkā€™s demise, of violent field assignments and equally violent stress-tests, Gigavoltā€”once the H.W.C.ā€™s "most persuasive diplomat"ā€”had assumed its indefinite leave at once, needing nothing else to feel equipped for the future.
Susie had been completely supportive, and completely unable to relate."
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lowrezfanfix Ā· 14 days ago
i've played these games before!
just pretend i'm posting this on time okay
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(continued under cut)
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lowrezfanfix Ā· 24 days ago
just a little guy =]
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Built by a young Max Haltmann (with Kane's supervision), Chaucer has retained its position as lead courier of the H.W.C. for many years, and nowadays it is Executive President Susie's most trusted employee.
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lowrezfanfix Ā· 1 month ago
Check it out!!! The chapter from which the excerpts in this post reared their ugly head is now available for you to read in all its glory!
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(thereā€™s not actually gore. well. itā€™s just emotional gore. to me. personally)
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lowrezfanfix Ā· 2 months ago
is that you, director kane!?
One of the most interesting parts of writing SSSRS has been exploring President Haltmann's pastā€”creating events in his life based on what we see in the games. Another interesting part has been deciding which parts of each continuity to include/scrap.
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You might recognize "Director Kane," a character introduced in the first chapter of my fic, from the Planet Robobot light novel! I actually found his characterization there to be annoying, on the whole, but I was curious about why and how Haltmann might have hired him; I was left thinking that Kane could have been a cool addition, if he were developed more.
Hence, his inclusion in the ficā€”although he's got a very different disposition from his novel incarnation. I've been making a lot of edits to his light novel design, too, simply because I don't think the old one fits his new characterization very well. (He may be an OC in spirit, if not in name.)
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A profile:
Alan Kane is a professor and was a friend of Max's father. Kane tutored young Max in advanced mathematics, but quickly realized that the boy had a talent and a penchant for mechanical engineering as well; therefore, Kane would go on to provide him with lessons in robotics.
He had some involvement with the H.W.C. over the years, but he no longer works for the company and has gone back to being a full-time professor. Kane enjoys education and plans to "teach until he drops."
He is also Susie's godfather. The two are still in regular contact, and have been able to commiserate with one another over President Haltmann's fate.
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lowrezfanfix Ā· 2 months ago
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A mysterious man that has taken an interest in Star Dream's reappearance.
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(Magolor thinks that he himself should be the only one that Susie depends on. Simply out of the kindness of his heart, of course.)
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lowrezfanfix Ā· 2 months ago
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happy new year. my rezolution(tm) is to finish my damned fic. (big thanks to everyone who read, gave kudos, and commented on my stuff in 2024!)
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lowrezfanfix Ā· 2 months ago
have you seen him!?
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now you have!
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lowrezfanfix Ā· 3 months ago
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a man that calls himself "the cavalier of roses," introduced in chapter 3 (i think). susie likes him. he is not really magolor's type.
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umm i reached 250k words of bullshit šŸ˜• do NOT tell anyone
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lowrezfanfix Ā· 3 months ago
Susie's Super Star Repair Service! (coming eventually...?) ft. new side blog, just dropped
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"When strangely-familiar stars spark to life across the universe, Susie sees a chance to rescue her father from the byte-sized boundaries of his digital purgatory (and turn a profit, while she's at it). However, her developing plans evince an undesirable yet ultimately inescapable side effectā€”in piecing together Max Haltmann's soul, Susie will simultaneously restore functionality to the Deus ex Machina, Star Dream: the destructive, numb-hearted computer that has held him and his memories ransom for years.
"Still, no good businesswoman is afraid to take strategic and potentially-catastrophic-on-a-universal-scale risks when majority shares of her dreams are at stake. The biggest glitch in this technological operation, as a matter of fact, has nothing to do with her father, nor the not-even-half-baked Clockwork Star that became his tomb. Noā€¦
"The greatest risk is prolonged exposure to the trademark antics of a beguiling wizard extraordinaire (which roughly translates from Magolorese to 'least agreeable person in existence'). Susie knows he can't be trustedā€”but his understanding of ancient technology can't be beat and his long-suffering Starcutter can't be outpaced. If only she and her insufferable 'captain' can follow their begrudging agreement to the letterā€¦ maybe they'll both come out of this with only minor injuries and moderate insanity.
"The bottom line: it'll take patience, prowess, and persuasion for Executive President Susie Haltmann, the universe's greatest powerhouse of pink-haired persistence, to finally make her dreams realityā€”and with everything between a shrouded suitor, a cosmic jester, secret keepsakes, long-forgotten promises, clandestine coronal plots, and Star Dream itself threatening to send her off courseā€¦ it might take just a little bit of magic, too."
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some cover thumbnails. still not sure which one i'm going with, if any. but i did like the top middle so i gave it some values. (i wanted to incorporate magolor since he's unfortunately an important character, and the lor and star dream/haltmann of course... and, yup, that's it. nobody else along for the ride. no murderous stowaways or anything.)
this might be the last post about my fic on this blog (unless i make some particularly banger art based on it or something), so if this interests you, check out my other blog, dedicated to this and any future fanfic endeavors, fresh off the Gryll (btw that was a Kirby joke, based on the Kirby video game series, very few will get this!!!). and feel free to send in asks i suppose? i will try not to spoil TOO much
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lowrezfanfix Ā· 4 months ago
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This is a gijinka of a mainline Kirby character called Star Dream. It's an evil supercomputer! And I'm it's number one fan!!! šŸŽ‰
I am indeed writing a fic about it (and other Kirby characters, most importantly Susie). It's still a WIP, but I've posted two chapters as standalones; if you like Star Dream in particular, you might like to read this one!
A 'business transaction' is where we both get what we want.
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kill_them_all("RIGHT_HERE", "RIGHT_NOW") for (ERROR: NotNull) engineering tips!
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lowrezfanfix Ā· 4 months ago
fic stuff
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this is craaazzzzyyyyyyyyy!!!
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lowrezfanfix Ā· 4 months ago
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You can find my fics here. (I'm only on AO3 right now.)
And you can check out my main blog here!
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