#forget to fall
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ace-malarky · 10 months ago
in which we learn not to dare Summer but also she uh. she would like someone to call her bluff, perhaps
Summer leant forward over the table, grinning at April. “It’s only chance, isn’t it?”
“I don’t like how much it’s been in your favour. Are these dice loaded or something?” April grabbed them up and shook them by her ear.
Summer snorted. “You’ve been using the same dice! How would they only be loaded for me?”
“I don’t know, maybe there’s a switch, or they’re magnetised or something.” April threw the dice into her tray.
The dice rolled across the tray, bumped into each other and came up a handful of low numbers; not all ones, but low enough that April couldn’t hope to put a dent in Summer’s lead.
“I wouldn’t dare.” Summer hadn’t stopped grinning.
April narrowed her eyes. She reached for the crisps. “One of your siblings could have.”
“No we wouldn’t have,” Casey called from the next room over. “We take cheating very seriously in this household.”
“Hey, butt out!” Summer yelled back.
Casey laughed. “I’m defending your honour!”
“It doesn’t need it!”
“I don’t think you have any,” April said, and threw a crisp at Summer.
It bounced off her arm and hit the floor.
“Oh, those are fighting words.” Summer snapped her attention back to April.
“All’s fair in love and war, isn’t it?” April pushed back from the table, further onto the couch.
“If that were the case, you wouldn’t accuse me of cheating.” Summer grinned, shifting onto her knees to have more stretch over the table.
“Well – ah – games are… different?” April flicked her gaze down to the board between them. “Speaking of–”
“Do you want to cement your loss?” Summer sat back, one foot up on the beanbag and an arm wrapped around her knee.
April snorted. “I could still turn this around.
“Sure.” Summer took the dice and shook them into her tray.
They rolled into a jumble of numbers, enough to get Summer to the end of the board.
“You were saying?”
April scoffed. “Hey, shut the fuck–” She broke off as Summer threw a gummy bear at her. “Hey!” She slapped a hand against her arm to catch the sweet. “Don’t waste them.”
“What, are you going to let that stop you?”
“I know where these clothes have been!”
“Hand it over then.” Summer held out her hand.
“What, so you can throw it again?”
“No, so I can eat it. What do you take me for?”
“Gross.” April narrowed her eyes. “You wouldn’t.”
“We don’t waste food in this house.”
“It’s not a strict adherence, exactly–” Casey broke off in a laugh.
“I told you to butt out!”
“Wait, what does this mean for the crisp I threw at you?”
“Oh, you mean this one?” Summer reached down to pick it up.
“Please don’t, it’s been there for a while.”
Summer shrugged, puffed a breath over the crisp, and ate it.
“Well that’s horrifying.”
“Good for the immune system or something.”
“I don’t think that’s how it works.” April dropped the gummy bear onto her plate amongst the crumbs of the pizza.
“The moral of this story is that you should never say anything even remotely dare-like to Summer.” Casey entered the room and dropped onto the nearest chair. “She isn’t fond of backing down.”
April shifted on the couch to face him. “Oh, so she’s always been like this?”
“Long as I’ve known her.”
“Even before–” April caught herself. “No, sorry. Never mind that.”
Summer settled back on her beanbag. “Not so much,” she said in reply to April’s half asked question. “So you can probably blame Casey, actually.” She grinned at him.
“Well, I get it from Kari, so actually it’s her fault.”
Summer laughed. “Bold save.”
Casey waved a hand in acknowledgement, taking a long drink from his bottle.
“The more I hear about Kari, the more worried I am about meeting her.” April settled back on the couch. “She seems…” she trailed off.
“No, she’s really nice.”
“High energy,” Casey supplied.
“Don’t start describing her like a dog.”
April laughed. “Is this what having siblings is like?”
“Depends what brand of siblings you get.” Summer shrugged.
Casey stretched out to grab at the crisps.
Summer pulled them back out of reach. “I didn’t hear a please.”
“Oh come on! They’re clearly in the sharing bowl!”
“Sure, for people who don’t interrupt a hangout.” She offered the bowl to April.
“Oh, don’t – don’t bring me into this.” April took the bowl all the same, holding it close to her chest.
Casey sighed, shifting about on the chair to lie across it, one armrest under his head and the other under his knees. “It’s a cruel, cruel life to be surrounded by sisters who don’t care that I’m wasting away.”
“Sucks to be you.”
“I mean…” April glanced down at the bowl in her arms. “We’re not going to eat all of these.”
“Oh, I like her. I like you, you’re one of her better friends.”
“We could. I could.” Summer straightened off her beanbag, leaning over the table. “Easy.”
April snorted. “I’m not enabling that.” She placed the bowl back on the table, in reach of everyone.
“To be clear, Summer, no one is daring you to eat the rest of the crisps.” Casey reached for a handful. “Besides, you should probably finish your game.”
“Oh, we have. I won.” Summer locked eyes with April, a grin curling across her face. “Which means I get a prize, right?”
“Right,” April said cautiously. “Did we – can we put limits on that? Only I’m saving up for something.”
“Oh, monetary prizes are for people who already have money.” Summer waved her hand.
“Makes sense,” Casey said, muffled around a handful of crisps. “Don’t scare her off.”
“I won’t.” Summer rolled her eyes.
“Wait, why would you even need to warn her off.” April flicked her gaze between them.
“How do you feel about dares?” Summer asked.
“As long as they’re not dangerous?”
“Of course. We’ve lost siblings that way.”
Casey burst out laughing. “Oh my god, Summer, what the fuck.”
She shrugged, grinning, unrepentant.
“A hazard to know,” Casey said to April. “Don’t let her escalate.”
“Right, yes.” Summer turned her attention back to April. “A dare.” She wriggled on her perch. “How about a kiss for the victor?”
“What?” April blinked at her.
Casey flicked his gaze between them, hand in the bowl of crisps.
“Back of the hand,” Summer said, holding hers out across the table. “You know. Princess style.”
Casey pulled the bowl back out of the way, shrinking to the sidelines.
April shuffled forward on the couch so she could reach and gingerly took Summer’s hand. She swept her thumb down the side of Summer’s n a nervous sort of movement, and Summer’s mouth went dry.
It had gone uncomfortably quiet.
“Like this?” April brushed a kiss across the back of Summer’s hand and looked up.
“Yeah.” Summer had to swallow before she could speak. “Yeah, that – that’s good.”
April sat back on the couch, Summer’s hand slipping slowly out of hers. “What next?”
Summer’s stomach flipped.
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4thefreaks · 6 months ago
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made this gem on Sunday. had to wait all week to post it
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nyxi-pixie · 5 months ago
'wah wah everywhere is falling to the right wing the whole world is doomed' literally like 6 months ago we were talking about how there was a trend in countries getting rid of their right wing governments. poland at the end of last year, france voted in a unified centre left/left alliance, even the UK finally got rid of the tories after 15 years (right wing splitting be damned, it still happened). outside of europe, bangladesh removed a dictator in like 2 seconds, india may have reelected their Evil Guy but on a DISTINCTLY reduced majority, theres been queer rights successes in thailand, with gay marriage set to be legal by 2025, and thereve been positive court cases on it in japan. and this is just stuff i vaguely remember hearing about. im sure theres more if you care to look for anything aside from more reasons to make yourself miserable
the US has a distinct effect on everyone, so this won't be fun for anyone (least of all its population. sorry guys), and there ARE a lot of people sliding into right wing extremism, but presenting this like its an unchallenged worldwide phenomenon is inaccurate, its damagingly bleak, and all it does is encourage despair and apathy. you DO have political power, and you shouldnt forget that just because of bad election results and the media's desperation to make you lose hope
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Uncle Bill :)
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A continuation to my AU: "Hey What If Nothing Ever Bad Happened And Bill Was Nice And Just Chill And Hung Out With Everyone Else As That One Weird Eldritch Uncle Being," also known as HWINEBHABWNAJCAHOWEEATOWEUB (yes, I am KEEPING that name)
Next part :)
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such-a-daydreamer · 22 days ago
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Based on a real thing that happened to me and my sister (me as Stan and my sis as Ford)
She had held my foot up for a while trying really hard to pull me up thinking it was my arm, we laughed about it almost instantly after but it was still scary.
Be beach careful people! Waves can easily pin you against the sand if you don't dive at the right time.
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lemongogo · 6 months ago
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life of regret
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hinamie · 4 months ago
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happy gojoday to all who celebrate
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artsymeeshee · 5 months ago
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The swing set
This has been something I’ve been wanting to draw for a LONG time. Based on a headcanon someone told me a long while ago of the boys going back to see their childhood swing only to see it’s broken and rundown. Stan is clearly upset but brushes it off like it’s nothing, but Ford is very determined to fix their childhood swing because they both cherish it deeply.
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doctorsiren · 7 months ago
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A thought I had the other night right before falling asleep
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remynisce · 6 months ago
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i just think it would be interesting if they met
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demico-art · 6 months ago
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Wanted to draw some Stan fluff and more details kept piling up. Anyway, the idea here was that Ford was nerding and telling Stan about whatever he's discovered or thought of. It also looks like he's telling him a story :D A continuation <<<
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ace-malarky · 1 year ago
An aside to Forget to Fall, the technically-in-the-works sequel to Expect to Fly!
In which Kari might have left the house but the kids are doing alright actually
Casey wasn’t hiding. Well, he was, but it was for a game, not because he’d done something.
 He shrank back down behind the bush at the far end of the garage as he heard Aunt Alice calling his name. She wasn’t part of the game, and he wasn’t losing this.
 Summer walked past the edge of the garage and Casey held his breath as he watched her.
 “Casey?” she called out, hopping the small border into the garden and wandering along the grass.
 “Summer, have you seen Casey?” Aunt Alice was at the side door.
 “Not since he went to hide.” Summer shook her head. “Why, what do you need him for?”
 “He’s not in trouble,” Aunt Alice said carefully. “I just need to speak to him about some… choices he made.”
 Casey shrank lower amongst the bushes. That was code for he’d messed something up and now she was really made.
 “If I find him, I’ll tell him,” Summer said. “But he’s really good at hiding.”
 Aunt Alice laughed and placed a hand on Summer’s shoulder, drawing her in for a quick hug. “Have you looked in the attic room?”
 Summer nodded. “I’ve looked through everywhere inside. He has to be outside, but there’s just a lot of outside.”
 “I’m sure you’ll find him.” Aunt Alice looked over the garage and the small garden beside it, gaze flitting right over the bush Casey crouched behind. “Good luck.”
 Summer nodded and hopped back over the small border and onto the grass.
 Aunt Alice went back inside and closed the door behind her.
 “Well now you’ve got to come out,” Summer said, sounding delighted as she walked across the grass “Because Aunt Alice is looking for you and it’ll only get worse the longer you stay hidden.”
 Casey wrinkled his nose. “No it–” He clapped a hand over his mouth.
 Summer spun around, a grin splitting her face. “Found you!”
 Casey stayed exactly where he was and said nothing.
 Summer made her way to the end of the garage and stood over Casey, hands on her hips. “I found you,” she repeated.
 “Have you found Jen, too?” Casey asked.
 “Yeah, but then she didn’t want to keep searching, so she’s playing games with Mark.”
 “Good.” Casey held his knees to his chest.
 “Auntie Alice is looking for you.”
 “I know.”
 Summer frowned. “But,” she said, sitting down in the dirt beside him, “won’t you be in more trouble if you don’t go?”
 “Only if it wasn’t an accident. What’s she looking for me for.”
 “Oh.” Summer still looked confused. “Do you know what she’s looking for you for?”
 “No. But it’s never good.”
 “We – we could go in together,” Summer suggested. “So you don’t have to be alone.
 “I still don’t want to. But thanks.” Casey shook his head. “I just have to wait until she’s forgotten.”
 “Will she really?”
 Casey shrugged. “She always used to, when Kari was here.”
 “Kari’s not here, though.”
 “No, but…” Casey trailed off. “Oh yeah.” He wasn’t sure why he kept forgetting that Kari had been gone for a while, really, but he hadn’t…
 Maybe he hadn’t got in trouble since then.
 “Come on.” Summer nudged him. “Let’s go in, it’s getting cold.” She stood up and brushed off her jeans. “And I’ll see Auntie Alice with you.”
 “To make sure that I do?”
 “No.” Summer groaned, rolling her eyes as she offered him her hand. “Now come on.”
 Casey took her hand and stood up. “Fine.”
 “It’s getting cold, anyway.”
 “And I did find you,” Summer said. “There’s that too.”
 “Yeah, yeah.” Casey shoved his hands in his pockets. “Still took you forever.”
 “I’m still learning all your spots. Soon you won’t stand a chance.” Summer grinned, leading him inside.
 “Did you find Casey?” Jen called. “Auntie Alice is looking for him.”
 “I know,” Casey said.
 “I did!” Summer said, at the same time.
 “Was he hiding by the garage?”
 “How did you know?”
 “He always hides there when he’s in trouble.” Jen sounded smug.
 “I’m not in trouble.” Casey rolled his eyes.
 “No, Auntie Alice is just looking for you for another reason.” Jen twisted over to grin at him from the couch. “Good luck.”
“Thanks,” Casey said dryly.
 “You’re not coming with?” Summer asked.
 “What – no, why would I.” Jen frowned.
 “For support.”
 “It’s fine, Summer.”
 “Yeah, he can get chewed out on his own.”
 “For solidarity,” Summer raised her voice as she followed Casey along the corridor.
 Casey laughed. “It’s really not that big a deal.”
 “Kari would,” Summer said, an impish look on her face.
 There was a moment of silence in which Casey too waited, the grin growing on his face a match to Summer’s.
 Then there was a dramatic, over emphasised groan and Mark’s muffled laughter.
 “Fine oh my god. You can’t keep using her like that, she’s not dead.”
 “Sure can,” Summer replied.
 “What’s it to you, anyway, if Casey meets his doom alone?”
 “Doing things alone sucks.” Summer shrugged. “I’ve done too much of it.”
 “Yes, but – oh. Sorry.” Jen bit her lip.
 Summer shrugged again.
 Casey found Aunt Alice in the sitting room. “Hey,” he entered, “you were looking for me?”
 “Yes – oh, I didn’t expect all three of you to come.” Aunt Alice looked up from the book in her hands.
 “We’re here for moral support,” Summer said. “And also physical support, if you want it.”
 Aunt Alice looked like she was trying not to smile. “Well alright then. I suppose this does involve you, after a fashion.”
 “It does?”
 Casey sat on the couch. “Oh. But – he was wrong.”
“Yes, Casey, I am aware. Unfortunately, by punching him you have given him the moral high ground. You really shouldn’t follow Kari’s example in this.”
 “I guess I should have shut him down with words, or told an adult?” He leant back. “And what if they hadn’t listened?”
 “Then I would have taken it up. I won’t stand for it either, you know that.”
 “What did you do, exactly?” Jen asked, seemingly interested despite herself.
 “Punched someone at the boxing class. Not while training.”
 “Oh. That… isn’t what you’re meant to do?”
 “Not when they’re waiting to leave and class is over.”
 “I regret nothing.”
 “I didn’t think you would. Still, you’ll have to make a decent apology.”
 Casey groaned.
 “And I think the other young man may be disciplined as well.”
 Summer looking between them. “What did you punch him for?”
 “He was being dumb about you,” Casey replied.
 “Oh.” Summer’s cheeks coloured “I – thanks,” she said wonderingly.
 Casey shrugged. “We don’t go through this alone, right?”
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yujateaandpi · 7 months ago
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Yup, that's Ford's niece.
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tazmiilly · 7 months ago
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someones gotta take my drawing pen away before I get ill
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How Bill was defeated and captured by Ford in my Gf AU! He basically just tricked Bill into accepting a deal that trapped him within Ford's mind and under his control :]
He may have gotten a little out of hand though....
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Next post :]
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rebelsafoot · 7 months ago
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i have been waiting for the gravity falls comeback for YEARS they are the siblings ever
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