#foods with high in fiber
wellhealthhub · 1 year
Elevate Your Diet: The Ultimate Guide to Foods with High in Fiber
Discover the benefits of a high-fiber diet with our comprehensive guide to foods high in fiber. Unlock the power of fiber and improve your health today. Table of Content Introduction to Fiber-rich Foods Briefly explain the importance of fiber in a healthy diet and introduce the benefits of consuming high-fiber foods. What is Fiber? Define fiber and explain the two types: soluble and…
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smackdownhotel · 2 months
Today’s yogurt
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Peach cobbler crunch
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fitforestfairy · 4 days
Overnight Protein Oatbran 🥣
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✨Fit Girl Breakfast✨
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basiliskonline · 2 months
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Some of you fuckers that follow me over on other websites may have heard that I have lost over 50 fucking pounds in going on 6 months now and i'm honestly shocked by how easy its fuckin' been now that I'm ignoring bullshit media and diet culture!
Also I just wanna say to all my fat kings and queens out there, yall fucking hot as shit and this was a decision I made for me, but I fully support you motherfuckers to love yourself at any and all sizes and I fucking love you too.
Now, what the fuck is this shit up here? A fucking Spinach tortilla? Fruit? Sugar free jello pudding? What the goddamn FUCK Basilisk!
Okay, calm down there buddy. hear me out. The spinach tortilla is the weird one, right? Well it has a light enough flavor to be overshadowed by the rest of the flavors, all this goddamn tortilla is here to deliver 18 fucking grams of FIBER directly into the glorious fucking body, ya dig?
No joke though! This is one of my favorite go to recipes, its quick as fuck and absolutely delicious jammed full of good shit at only 238 Calories!
Lets talk fucking Macros!
5.3 grams of fat (I usually get my fats elsewhere, if you want more fucking fat in this bitch than dice up some fatty delicious fuckin coconut in it or some shit)
44.3 g of carbs (including 19.3g of goddamn fiber!)
22.1 g of protein
Now lets talk some goddamn micros
494.7 mg of potassium
100mcg of Vitamin A
51.9mg of Vitamin C
284.5mg of Calcium
2.5mg of Iron
All kinds of other vitamins and minerals that they annoyingly don't let you track easily!
Now what the fuck is in this thing? Recipes? How do you FUCKING make it? Here we go, and just a warning ALL of this shit is measured with love, i weigh it all to track my shit but i do it in the moment and every time i make it, its a lil different!
Step ONE: Ya start off with your Nonfat/Lowfat greek yogurt (or full fat if you want more of that delicious delicious fat im not your goddamn mom). Just slap as much as you want in a bowl. Like 125-175g is good usually for me!
Step TWO: Measure out like idk 3-7 grams of chia seeds (CHIA SEEDS ARE FUCKING AMAZING GET THEM!) and toss that shit in the bowl.
Step THREE: Toss in some sugar free pudding powder, I use chocolate cause it what i can get regularly, but fuck do whatever you want! Vanilla? Banana? Pistachio? Fuck yeah! (Holy shit now im wondering about using Jell-o gelatin to get some like berry flavors... Idk how that'd work but im thinkin bout it now?!!) anyway you want probably 5-12grams of that shit (depends on how much yogurt you used! it will stiffen up your yogurt a TON, so idk if it gets TOO stiff, just add a lil more Yogurt, ya dig?)
Step FOUR (Optional): Throw in a lil protein powder, I used chocolate for my chocolate but fuckin get wild in there and experiment if you want! You only want like 3-6 grams of this in there! This just adds some extra protein and shit so this is still good af if you don't have any or don't wanna add it! (Also you can just do like ALL flavored Protein powder and none of the sugar free pudding mix if you want LOTS of that tasty tasty fuckin protein, we all just making shit up here as we go along)
Step FIVE (Optional): Use your no calorie sweetener of choice, just a lil bit (one packet or whatever) I use fucking Splenda because I WORSHIP AT HE ALTAR OF MY CHEMICAL GODS. But you can use like... monkfruit? or whatever the kids are using these days.
Step SIX: Mix that shit up with a spoon real quick. Fair warning that I totally and COMPLETELY do not give because of experience. You are mixing a lot of powders in there and start off as GINGER AS FUCK or you are gonna get some choclate fucking powder POOFED on your goddamn shirt or in your wookiee like chest hair or all over your tits, or all over your hairy fucking tits maybe idk, but if thats you I see you and goddamn love you. WARNED.
Step SEVEN: Warm up a skillet and start heating your Low Calorie High Fiber Tortilla (in my case, a Carb Balance Spinach Tortilla by Mission), low heat, you want it warm and supple so you can Taco that bitch and shove all the goodies in your face!
Step EIGHT: While you are warming up the skillet start throwing fruit together, I usually do about 120-140 grams of fruit, make it 3-4 different kinds if you can, get a nice spread of nutrients and vitamins and shit. Lately ive been doing strawberries, tangerines, grapes (both green and red). Banana, Cherry and/or Apple are both great too! USE WHAT YOU GOT!
STEP NINE: ITS TIME TO FUCKING GOOOO! That Tortilla is HOT, the fruit is fucking ready and delicious, that chocolaty yogurt full of NUTRITION-FUCKING-DENSE chia seeds is tantalizing. Slap that yogurt mixture on the goddamn tortilla! Slap the fruit on top (FUCKING lick all the tasty chocolate-yogurt mixture off that spoon, don't let that shit go to WASTE)
THEN YOU FUCKING ROLL THAT SHIT UP like a Taco! (Unless you are lucky enough to find larger tortillas that fit your needs, I can only find these pathetic lil "soft taco" sized like 8 inchers! and shove it in your hungry goddamn hole and just fucking love this FUCKING FILLING and delicious sweet treat at under 250 Cals.
Sometimes I mix some zero sugar whipped topping in with the yogurt, or just top it with it.
When you Want a LOT OF FUCKING YOGURT AND FRUIT, I have grilled the tortilla to a more crisp and crunchy demeanor and made that shit a goddamn chocolate and fruit tostada (topped with whipped topping of course!)
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a-heart-of-kyber · 3 months
Anyone got advice for when your doctor says to go low carb but you also have a stomach condition that only really digests carbs cuz like...wtf am I supposed to do here exactly?
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bluemoonrabbit · 9 months
I am having one of the worst IBS flare-ups I've had in at least a year, and I think one of the worst parts of IBS that doesn't get talked about enough is the fatigue. I could barely get out of bed yesterday. It's not "just" tired, it's "turning over onto my other side is a herculean effort." I did a 20-minute round trip walk to the post office because I *had* to, and when I got back I barely had the energy to keep my eyes open. It's getting better today but I still feel like I've run a marathon while getting socked in the gut.
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ovaruling · 1 year
prunes are sooooooo delicious i literally cannot will not understand the propagandized prune hate. like ok definitely don’t eat this delicious chewy candy and be constipated forever i guess idk? ageist misogyny kills every joy and healthy effort on earth i stg
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zcalories · 1 year
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Top 50 High Fiber Foods
A high-fiber diet is essential for maintaining good health and preventing chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body cannot digest, but it plays a vital role in maintaining digestive health, regulating blood sugar levels, and reducing cholesterol levels.
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tropylium · 7 months
have finally hit the bounty, after several duds this seasons, of a pomegranate in perfect deep ruby-red ripeness
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unbelievably easy plant-based meal #4: harissa sweet potato & cucumber salad pitas
does this photograph well? not really! but is it unbelievably delicious and almost criminally easy to prepare? yes x 10000!!! this is an old hello fresh recipe that my bff liz recently made for me and it is soooo good and so low effort.
what you need: one sweet potato, one cucumber, some plain Greek yogurt or mayo, dill if you like it, white wine vinegar, whole wheat pita pockets (my store didn’t have pockets so I’m just doing pitas), and harissa (kinda hard to find sometimes but you can buy a giant thing of it on amazon)
what you do:
preheat the oven to 450. chop the cucumber and the sweet potato into half moons that are like… idk… a quarter inch thick. put the sweet potatoes only on a baking sheet, drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with salt pepper and harissa, and pop it in the oven for 18-20 min.
put the chopped cucumber into a bowl. dump in some white wine vinegar (doesn’t have to be a ton but you’re gonna let the cucumbers kinda marinate in there while the sweet potatoes cook. add a little olive oil, salt and pepper, and some chopped dill if you like it.
make your sauce in a small bowl—the tastiest combo is mayo + garlic + salt pepper + lots of harissa, but I sometimes do plain Greek yogurt instead because I like the tanginess of the yogurt and it’s a bit healthier. both good! once I’ve done this step I usually pause to clean up everything else (it’s minimal mess).
when the potatoes are close, lightly toast your whole wheat pitas and get stuff ready.
enjoy!!! keeps well in the fridge for a couple days too—just cover or wrap everything and then you can pop the sweet potatoes in the microwave & toast a new pita for lunch.
additional thoughts:
this one is fun because it’s INTERACTIVE (you get to make your own pita with your desired proportions) and it’s virtually no prep apart from easy slicing and a little mixing.
clean up is super easy especially if you use foil on your baking sheet and clean up as you go
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smackdownhotel · 2 months
Today’s yogurt
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PB&J blueberry crunch
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fitforestfairy · 12 days
High protein, high fiber pancakes 🥞
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I’m so happy with these!
I don’t have a recipe because I wing and eyeball pretty much everything, but I used activated chia seeds, unflavored protein powder, low fat cottage cheese, 2 eggs, oat bran and a bit of whole wheat flour.
For the seasoning/flavouring, I used salt, pepper, roasted garlic, garlic powder, smoked paprika, a bit of allspice and sharp cheddar.
The ingredients in general are pretty bland, so you really need to season well.
I blended the mix a bit and cooked on medium heat.
They are really good with cream cheese/fresh cheese, lettuce, cucumber slices and scrambled eggs to make like a breakfast flatbread.
I’m sure you can make them sweet but I have a savory tooth 🥯🧀
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ujusttry · 11 days
4 Weight Loss Breakfast: These Breakfast Options Help You Lose Weight While Keeping You Full
Weight loss breakfast options are essential to help you shed pounds while keeping you full and energized. By choosing meals rich in protein, fiber, and healthy fats, you can kickstart your day and metabolism, making your weight loss journey smoother and more sustainable. The Importance of Breakfast in a Weight Loss DietDoes Skipping Breakfast Help with Weight Loss?How a Nutritious Breakfast…
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ambati1995 · 16 days
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purehabit · 2 months
Buy Healthy Oats Online at Best Price in India
It's said that you should "eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen, and dinner like a pauper." Given that breakfast is sometimes regarded as the most crucial meal of the day, it needs to be enticing and nourishing. Oats are a nutrient-dense, satisfying, and easily available food, which is why they are a popular choice for health-conscious people around the world. Oats are very adaptable and reasonably priced in India. To make them into a delightful and nutritious meal, you can add nuts or seeds, blend with milk or yogurt, drizzle with honey, or add your favorite fruits.
Welcome to Pure Habit, a concept born from the belief that maintaining good nutrition should never be sacrificed amid the hustle and bustle of modern life
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healthiermetoday01 · 2 months
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