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harperandhudson 9 months ago
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kw7025 4 months ago
Mastering the Art of Beautiful Food Plating
Mastering the Art of Beautiful Food Plating
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shaze-india 1 year ago
Meet The Array. A paani puri platter made merriment and moments together. Serve the dish sui generis so everyone enjoys it as their own. Pani Puri - to everyone, but to each of your friends from across the country it's Gol Gappe in North Indian Puchka in those in the East Pani ke Patashe in parts of Madhya Pradesh and Haryana Gup Chup in South Jharkhand, Odisha, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh Pakodi in parts of Gujarat Phulki or fulki in Uttar Pradesh, Nepal and Madhya Pradesh Patashi or pani ke batashi in regions of Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh Tikki only in Hoshangabad in MP Padaka only in Aligarh, UP Welcome to the world of hosting! Link in bio.
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thesuffolkpunchpress 1 year ago
Stuffed Mushrooms - Mom On Timeout
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Need a quick and easy appetizer idea? Look no further than Mom On Timeout's Stuffed Mushrooms recipe - a crowd-pleasing favorite.
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melbrewer367 3 months ago
Cleaning Up San Myshuno with S4S
If you're having this issue where items aren't being cleaned up in San Myshuno, this tutorial can help clean it up!
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Crin shared a tutorial over on Bluesky but, it's originally in German and not very straightforward so I've rewritten it here so it's a bit more step-by-step for people who may not have as much experience with S4S.
For this tutorial, you'll need to know the specific item names the game uses so first, here's how to find those. Open S4S, click "Object" on the main screen.
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Now you'll filter by Category and Game Pack. I just wrote down some terms on a notepad to use later. Here's what you need to focus on though...all of the items spawned are from base game and City Living. They're all lights, chairs, sofas, and decor. Then there's also plants and food. I'm not going to do all of the different things, I'm just going to do one to show you what you need, they're similar enough you can find the rest.
So say we want the sofa names, we'll filter for Comfort, Sofa, and Base Game. Hover over the item to see it's full name.
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The part of the name that I've outlined is what you need to make a note of. If you hover over all of them you'll see that they all have "sitSofa" in common, this is the piece you actually want to write down for later. Some others we'll need are lightFloor, sitLiving, sitDining, lightTable, foodPlate, foodBowl, foodFestival, foodGrip, and PlantBush. (I've only done Spice District so far, there may be additional terms for the other neighborhoods.)
On to cleaning San Myshuno now!
First things first, make a copy of your save file and paste it somewhere else so you have a backup, just in case!!
On the main screen of S4S, click the "My Projects" button. On the selection screen that opens, change the file type to .save in the lower right, navigate to your save folder, and choose your save file, and open.
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Now, in the upper left, type in "data" and click filter, and then click the "Type" header to sort alphabetically. This is just to make it easier to find the piece we actually want which is the "Save Game Data" line. Click on it once to select it.
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On the right hand side, scroll all the way to the bottom. Next to "zones" click the "Edit Items" button.
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Now you need to search for your lot name. This part may be a bit of a trial and error. I chose the apartment lot that I had been playing and it didn't have the data I was looking for. The one I ended up needing was the 20 Culpepper lot. I'll explain how to know if you've picked the right one or not later on. For now, you'll type in your lot name in the filter box, select the line for it, and then scroll all the way down on the right hand side. We just need to copy the "zone_id" number.
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Once you've copied this number, you can close the screen and return to the previous screen. Now, where we had "data" in the filter, we now want to paste the zone ID we just copied and filter for that instead. Now you'll select the "Zone Object Data" line that shows in the results. On the right hand side, scroll to the bottom again, and now you'll click "Edit Items" next to "objects" near the bottom.
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On the next screen, you should see "ObjectList" on the left hand side. If you don't, this is what I was referring to earlier when I said you may not get the right lot on the first try. Yes, you may have chosen the correct lot that you were playing but, the object data we're looking for might not be tied to it. If that happens, you'll just need to try another lot in that neighborhood and keeping going until you find the one that does have the ObjectList. Once you have the correct one, you're going to click "Edit Items" on the right hand side.
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Now this is the part where your patience is going to be tested. This is going to be very time consuming. It has to load a lot of data and therefore takes a lot of time loading the list, a lot of time filtering, etc. Just be patient.
In the filter box on the left hand side, you're going to start typing in keywords to find the items we want to remove from the neighborhood. I highly suggest typing your term somewhere else, and then copy and pasting it because the filter will begin to work as soon as you start typing and take way longer since it's going letter by letter. You're going to filter using the item names we found earlier.
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I'm not going to lie, after filtering for my term, I've just been selecting all and then removing them and not taking the time to make sure every single item in that term result list is one of the items sitting in my neighborhood. I'm not sure the full extent of what is affected by this zone data so that's maybe not the best choice but, the apartment zone ID I'm using is an apartment I don't play so even if it's removing items from the apartment itself, I don't care. I also haven't seen this remove any of the world items that are supposed to be there all of the time. This is why we made a backup though! Be smart. Try your own path and then put your backup file back in your game instead if anything breaks. To select all though, just select one line, hit ctrl+a on your keyboard, and then click the remove button. Now, you'll paste your next search term in and repeat until you've gone through all of your terms. Again, this can be time consuming. Just be patient. Once you're done, click "Save" in the lower right.
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You'll be brought back to the previous menu, click "save" there too, and then you'll be back to the warehouse screen, click "save" there as well to save your .save file.
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Now, cross your fingers, open your game, and load into that neighborhood in the save file you were working on.
So, this is what I got after my first try. Pretty big difference. I was actually able to shift click and destroy the couch and lotus candles.
Before and After:
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Here's basically what was left to clean up, I was able to shift click and destroy the crystals though, just forgot to take a new pic:
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Played my game for a while so the next set of images don't line up exactly right but, I went back into S4S and removed some more things, and here's what I have now.
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Huge difference. I just have some plates, plants, and some to go food left to clean up. I probably just haven't come across the names for those yet since it's just so time consuming. This is waaaaay better though and if your save file got even more built up than mine did, this could be game changing.
Let me know if you have any questions or if you figure out the name for the plants and plates I still need to get rid of!
***Update! I realized I had checked for an Object List in all of the Culpepper lots and the two non-apartment lots but hadn't bothered checking the Jasmine Suites apartments. Turns out 2B had an object list too! I just searched plant, plate, and foodGrip (this is some of the to go foods sims get from stalls) first to see and heck yes! Almost everything is completely gone now! So make sure you check alllll of the lots in the neighborhood. I would just start with one and do all the search terms though, see what's going on in game, and then go try the other lots back in S4S so you only have to search for the remaining items.
Most of the plates are now gone and all of the bushes are gone now but, the veggies from the bushes are still there. So close!!
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yfl1002 3 months ago
to produce the kitchen plate聽 buyer used my stainless steel 316 to produce the kitchen plate #kitchen #kitchenplate #foodplate #stainlesssteel #foodgrade
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tastyfashow 2 years ago
TastyFaShow's Homemade Stuffed Meatloaf Recipe is Available Now on our website. Follow TastyFaShow to see more amazing videos. www.tastyfashow.com
#tastyfashow #homemaderecipe #meatloaf #stuffed #mozzarella #cheese #cheesy #meat #amazingfood #homemadefood #easyrecipeathome #cookingfromscratch #comfortfood #cookingtime #cookingathome #dinnertime #easyrecipes #exclusiverecipe #flavorful #foodart #foodblog #foodphotography #foodplating #foodrecipe #homecooking #soulfood #southernfood #dinneridea #explorefood #southerncooking
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lowhangingfruit123 2 years ago
The 100 March: Campfire Reflections
hahaha vent post but its not really a "I am so frustrated with my problem that I just want to scream into my PC or mobile device", in fact im even using a different title series for the post as well, quite frankly I live under a rock so I don't necessarily know the appropriate hashtag that perfectly encapsulates this genre/category/subject matter of a post, im partially informed of how the vocabularium of whimsy the people of the internet create on a probably quarterly basis so sadly I only ask for understanding on how lame and outdated I am for not being on the know-know on today's day you know?
Anyway new title series, "Campfire Reflections" something more lighthearted and probably more nonsensical than my pure hate fueled actual vent posting series.
I'll just be covering on some mental relfections of what I have discovered today from something, someone, or from me that I've pondered up out of my brain.
Topic for today is about crystals (mostly quartz) and how humankind's progress has a very intricate union with them.
It is interesting to me that humanity itself has an obsession with crystals or gemstones since time immemorial, from my findings the most earliest form of vivid fanaticism is from the medieval feudal imperial and of course dynastic to make the list long just to stretch those ugly chinese mainlanders egos head to look like a tumorous pulsating blimp shape. Ancient china was just super crazy about the jade gemstone, to the point where most of their culture became centered around the jade gemstone's given symbolism of "Power and wealth" for more examples of this symbolism most of the chinese elite or noblemen literally covered everything in jade, to eat from something that had jade decorum was no different to eating from a gold foodplate that has an extravagant artistic design made by the hands of someone like davinci, if anything the jade palace in kung fu panda would have probably been like the chinese emperor's true and main homeplace given how much importance they've given jade, to the point where they buried their dead in a jade bodysuit (only of the which the truly wealth and influential can afford such a thing.) They have as well an excessive amount of art-related bits and bobbles of jade, they even managed to make a massive jade buddha sculpture
(Tumblr doesn't want to load the image for me so please bear with this alternative instead.) https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/60/AnShan01.jpg
--By Stratos Malasiotis at the English-language Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=28310819--
Personally the jade itself when refined I find simply too dull, like there's a certain feeling within me saying that it looks like plastic. Raw Jade however I appreciate it's look, it's aesthetic. But how does this tie to gemstones being linked to the humankind's progress.
I would attribute it to humankind's progress by the importance of what china has given to the world which was gunpowder and the importance of widespread trade deals (the ancient silkroad) but honestly I just wanted to start off with a "crazy rich ancient asians" segment
But in all actuality quartz is by the nines the most important gemstone to our race since time immemorial
And lets begin with the earliest use of quartz and the technological humble beginnings of magnifying lens. "The first crude lenses occurred in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia; around 700BC they started polishing crystals (often quartz) in attempt to replicate optical abilities that they noticed can be made with water."
"One of the most famous examples of those original lenses is Nimrud lens. Created in the ancient Assyria between 750 and 710 BC, this lens was used as decorative piece, magnifying glass or tool for starting fires."
while there are some cases were other gemstones or crystals were used as magnifying tool, you cannot deny the importance of such an invention had on humanity as a whole. It being used for almost all facets of major actions within human history, such as how it was used to travel the seas with the scopes, the earliest forms of astronomy, the discovery of the microscopic world of bacteria from a dude who worked with alcohol. While our history pages may sing the stories of how metal shaped both war and society, crystals was (and still is) our object that led us to venture into the unknown, and the march of progress is dictated by our use of it.
In fact in all of modern society most things "technological" requires the usage of quartz. Any electrical device that you could name has a high likelyhood of having quartz in them. Personally I like the Liquid Crystal Displays or LCDs, I like the aesthetics of it and as well as being an interesting novelty. In that being that they have like some shimmering-like effect if you look closely enough into them.
and speaking of crystals, time crystal which is not really a crystal but mostly something a marketing team came up with, is now something that could be our next step in technological progress. (even though again its not really a crystal and more like a phenomenon from what I can understand from all the science jargon.) what will it do for humanity? Only time will tell (pun fully intended). that's all for my self-reflections for today, not really a "quality product" if I do say so about myself but, im hoping to still produce more low-qual short essays in the future.
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chi-mall 5 years ago
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Food Warmer Plate . Keeping your food warm always. . Price: 13,000 . How to order: . Kindly Send DM or Click on the bio link or whazApp us 08062711357 for enquiry and order. . Nationwide delivery @chi_mall . . . . . . . . . . #chi_mall #foodwarmer #foodplates #foodplate #kitchenutensils #kitchenaccessoriesinlagos #jagabanofinstagram #jagabanofig #lagoswives #lagosmall #lekkibabes #lekkiwives #lagoshousewives #lagoshousewife #abujamoms #abujababes #abujawives #lagostrends #hustlertrend #hustlersquare #onlinshoppingmall #onlinebusinessinlagos #nsmtribe #naijasalesmaker #portharcourtmums #portharcourtbusiness #kitchenaccessoriesinabuja #ikotun #ikoyiwives (at Lagos, Nigeria) https://www.instagram.com/p/CB-Ly7Ep1an/?igshid=1lpxujuyy42mo
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gvan1975 5 years ago
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Sunday plate Sunday BBQ Chicken !!!! . #WatATime2bAlive馃嚙馃嚫馃憡馃従馃挜 #sundayfunday #sundaybbq #homemade #backyardgriller #smoker #foodporn #dinner #sundaydinner #foodplates (at The Bahamas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_u4garBvm3/?igshid=1pyuwtsmq5ujp
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harperandhudson 9 months ago
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vijayfoods 2 years ago
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Food plating is the process of arranging and decorating food to enhance its presentation.
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ngmaster 7 years ago
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The #artefacts from the #SailorMoonCafe. #keychains and #coasters from the #blindbags the two kinds of #foodplates which will never see a single piece of food ever, the bit of #shiny that came with the #Haruka and #michiru #forbiddensmoothie and a piece of #livinghistory the decorative #transformationpen top that came from the #mercury #bubblespray cheesecake #ami #chibiusa #makoto #ami #rei #hotaru #sailormoon #themecafe arrangement inspired by @ladyalkrea (at Omotesando BOX Cafe&space)
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delaacolatse 4 years ago
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Creating Culinary Experiences Using Indigeous Ghanaian Ingredients
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dollbite 4 years ago
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Omurice with Grilled Beef
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eternalvoidx 4 years ago
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We steamed BIBIGO dumplings and MAN were they good!
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