#follow the pens
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pimpim90 · 2 months ago
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Big Jeff Carter was there! And hello handsome Sid 🥰
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n0-n1c · 10 months ago
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listen. this man canonically wrote a sad song about the first kinslaying. which he took part in
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adamoose-art · 3 months ago
Isat Doodle Dump #2!
I've been excited to share this page for so long!
Minor Act 3 and 4 spoilers, (accidental) Act 6 spoiler (below the cut)
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Click through for close ups of some of my favorites on this page! Doodles with text on them have alt text in case it's hard to read.
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(accidental) two hats spoiler under cut
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By the time I got to act 4 I had my theories, and this seemed so funny.
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kuni-kuun · 8 months ago
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kndz royalty
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paladin--strait · 14 days ago
Could you do brothers best friend with Sidney Crosby? Maybe reader is mackinnons younger sister or something
master plan - sidney crosby
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all you were to him was his best friends little sister.
the years flew by of knowing sidney, watching him grow into the player he is today seemed to pass by quickly. my bags are packed and by the car, ready for me to take my leave. i've been staying with nathan in colorado for a few years at his apartment, having transferring high schools.
but now that i've got a transferred to a university in pittsburgh, sidney offered to let me stay with him until i was able to get my own place and have a stable lifestyle. nathan frowns, looking at me. "i'll miss you, be safe." he says, placing both hands on my shoulders.
"i will, don't worry." my words come out barely reassuring, and i can tell by his face he's not the happiest about the situation. "sidney will be here soon, please don't give him that really long 'take care of my little sister or there will be consequences' talk. he's your best friend, he wouldn't do that."
"i just want to make sure you're gonna be safe and not exposed to anything you don't need to be exposed to." his arms cross, his eyes squinting a little.
we bicker back and forth a little before we see sidney walking towards us with a smile. they hug and laugh a little, then they both turn to look at me. my backpack is slung over my back, a large suitcase in my hand.
"you ready, little nate?" asks sidney, a smile on his face.
ah, there it is. the dreaded nickname that sidney gave me years ago and it's stuck ever since he joked about it and got a bunch of laughs. i nod, smiling awkwardly. he helps me with my suitcase, letting me say goodbye to nathan. "bye baby sis, be safe and be happy. don't stress too much about school, i know how you get. i love you." he rants, pulling me in for a tight hug.
"i'll be safe, i promise. i love you, nate." i whisper, hugging back. it's gonna be weird moving away from my brother, since we've been together practically our whole lives. "i'll text you when the plane lands."
"you better. and sid, i better not hear anything about you not taking care of her and keeping her safe." his words stern, pointing a finger at sidney. "i know shes grown, but she needs taking care of too."
sidney nods with a smile, my suitcase still in hand. "i won't let anything happen to her, i promise." he gestures for me to follow him, and i wave goodbye to nathan. the door to nathan's car shuts after he waves, my lips pursing together as we walk towards the bus.
the ride is awkwardly quiet between us all the way to the airport, with a question here and there. but, once we get to the airport and walk towards the plane with the rest of the team, i can't help but feel a little nervous. i'm grateful that their managers let me fly back with them after the penguins game in colorado, just a perk of being a players sibling, i guess.
i take a seat in the front, knowing the players will probably want to sit in the back. i pop in my earbuds, listening to the playlist of my downloaded music. i stare outside the window, watching the plane leave the ground.
i wake up about an hour later, pulling my earbud out to look over at who tapped me on the shoulder. it's evgeni malkin, looking at me with a cheesy smile. he invites me to play cards with his group of people he's sitting with, hoping i'll say yes. i sit with them, laughing and cracking jokes as we play a lively game of cards.
the rest of the flight goes by quickly and i stand, walking back to my seat to collect my stuff. i thank the group for the fun game, walking off the plane with tristan jarry. we got to talking during the flight, we seem pretty similar so we got along pretty well. i hand back, waiting for sidney.
he walks up to me, his coat blowing in the wind. "have fun playing cards, little nate?" he asks with a smile. "come on, we still have to take the team bus back to the arena so we can get to our cars." i huff, just ready to get to his house, ready to sleep in a comfortable bed.
the bus ride goes by smoothly, about 20 minutes of quietness. the players are now tired, the moon high in the sky. they don't typically travel at night like this? but since the plane ride was so short, they just decided to come on home after the game.
we finally get in sidney's car, him turning up the heater. he sighs, driving back to his apartment. i look out the window as he drives, admiring the lights of the city at night. the car ride is silent, with a yawn or sigh here and there.
we soon arrive to his apartment, the car doors opening from both of our sides. i look around the parking garage, grabbing my luggage from his car. most of my stuff was shipped here already, having been here about a week.
sidney helps me with a few of my things, leading me to his apartment. the door squeaks a bit as he unlocks it, kicking it open.
it's been a few weeks since i moved in with sidney, and we've ended up becoming pretty good friends. i go to most of his home games, we eat dinner together, we play board games and card games when possible, he helps me with my homework, it's all been so fun being here with him.
at first i thought i would hate living with him, but it's actually made me pretty happy. he knows just how to cheer me up, making me my favorite meal or spending time with me when i'm sad. i do the same for him, and now we practically do everything together.
i slip on my crosby jersey, sighing. i fix the rest of my outfit and hair, grabbing my wallet, phone and keys. i make my way outside, unlocking my car and getting in. sidney bought me a car for my birthday last week, a gift i never expected, especially from him. i begged him to take it back, but he insisted that i kept it and stop taking ubers everywhere.
my phone connects to bluetooth as i get in and buckle up, and i press a few buttons on the wheel, calling nathan. his voice comes through the speakers a few seconds later. "hey baby sis! how's it going?"
"good! i'm on my way to the penguins game. how's it going with you?" i ask, pulling out of the parking garage.
"good, practice was terrible today. everyone seemed off..." he says, sighing.
"everyone gets in a slump here and there, i'm sure it'll be okay." i reassure, smiling. we talk for a bit until i pull into the parking lot at the arena, "okay, i'm at the arena so i gotta go!" we say goodbyes and i excitedly make my way into the arena, grabbing a drink and snack before i make my way to my seat.
the penguins are playing the rangers tonight, so it should be a pretty entertaining game. i set down my drink and take a seat, munching on my snack while i wait for the game to start. i throw away the trash just as warmups start, making my way back to my seat as fast as possible.
i smile as the players make their way onto the ice, i clap and cheer a little, watching both teams do drills and stretches. i see sid skating over, a smile on his face and a puck in his hand. be throws the puck over, and he laughs when i can't catch it. i pick it up and put it in my pocket, smiling at sidney.
he gestures for me to take a photo with him, so i grab my phone and turn around, smiling as i click the capture button, showing him the photo. he gives a thumbs up and waves, skating back to warm up. i laugh, sending the photo to nathan.
once the anthem is over, the game begins soon after. the puck drops, and they players work hard to get the puck in their offensive zones, trying their best to score. i make sure to take a lot of pictures so i can post them later, it's been a while since i last posted so i want some content.
i wait up for sidney, editing the pictures on my phone and uploading them to instagram. i tag the penguins in some the photos, then tag sidney in the picture we took together. the pictures are posting when the door clicks open, a loud and tired sigh filling the room.
i turn, seeing sidney walking in. i give him a smile, congratulating him on his win over the rangers. he thanks me and gives me a hug, when his phone dings.
he looks down, clicking on his phone and checking his notifications. "you tagged me in a photo?" he asks, laughing as he clicks on the post. he smiles warmly as he scrolls through the photos, and there's a hint of something unreadable in his eyes when he stops on the selfie of us during warm ups.
"do you not like it? i can take it down if you want me to." i ask, looking at his phone.
"no no, i love the photo. send it to me?" he smiles, looking at me.
i nod, pulling out my phone and sending it to him. his phone dings a few seconds later, signaling he got the picture. he thanks me and gives me a hug, wishing me goodnight.
i go to bed as well, yawning as i change into my sleep clothes.
the next morning when i wake up, i smell bacon and eggs. i shoot up in bed, not even bothering to change. i rush into the kitchen, "is that bacon?" i ask excitedly.
sid laughs and nods, flipping the pieces of meaty goodness with the kitchen tongs. he lets them cook, moving to stir the scrambled eggs. "do you need any help?" i walk over to him, looking at all the delicious food he's cooking.
"you can set the table if you want." he smiles warmly, gesturing to the plates on the counter that he's yet to set. i nod, grabbing the plates, silverware, and napkins and bringing them to the table.
i'm placing everything in its spot when his phone dings, "can you see who that is?" he asks, still working on breakfast. i nod, walking over to his phone. i click the on button to see who texted him, only to be met with the photo of me and him set as his lock screen.
"y/n? who is it?" he calls out, wondering why i'm so quiet. "is something wrong?"
"no, nothings wrong. i just...spaced out." i lie, smiling softly. the phone automatically turns off, so i turn it on again. "it's geno, he wants to know if you want to hang out later and eat dinner."
"tell him i'm busy," he says, bringing the pan of bacon to the table and putting a few pieces on our plates. "me and you have plans to go to that new restaurant, remember?"
"are you sure? we can do that some other time."
"no!" he says, almost a little too quickly. his tone is suspicious, "i mean, no. i had to make reservations for that restaurant, they book up quickly and it's be over a month before we can get in again."
"oh, alright..." i eye him suspiciously, before texting geno back. he puts a thumbs up on the text, and i set sid's phone down and join him at the table. we eat in a comfortable silence like normal. "sid, this is amazing. i swear, you get better every time you cook."
he laughs, eating a piece of bacon with a shrug. "i have practice later, but i'm showering and changing at the rink so be ready to leave when i get home. remember it's a fancier restaurant, so wear something nice."
"i will, i already have it picked out." a laugh leaves my mouth, then i continue to eat.
the door opens with a creak, just like it did the first day i moved in. sidney walks in, looking at me. i swear i can see the faintest blush on his cheeks, a happy grin now plastered on his face. "you look amazing. are you ready to go?"
i nod, standing up and following him to his car date he locks the door behind us. he opens the door for me, a cheeky grin on his face. i laugh, sitting down in the plush, leather seats of his car.
the drive is mostly quiet, with soft music filling the silence. we ask each other questions here and there, with the occasional joke, cough or yawn. once we pull up, he quickly gets out and opens the door for me. i smile and thank him quietly, following beside him into the restaurant.
the waiter sits us at our table and sets down the menus, asking us if we would like any drinks. we answer with our preferred drinks of choice, the waiter giving us a polite nod as he goes to get them. i open the menu, scanning the pages.
after a moment of silence between us, i break it softly. "sidney, this place is awfully expensive. i'll pay half."
"no need." he laughs, adjusting his jacket. "you're worth it." his words make my face flush red, a dumbfounded look on my face.
"y/n." he begins, waiting for the waiter to leave after he brings our drinks. "i need to tell you something." his tone and face suddenly serious, making me set down the menu as he does the same.
i nod, willing to hear him out. "of course, anything."
"just, don't freak out, okay? you have to promise to hear me out." he says, and i agree with a nod.
"listen y/n, i thought you moving in would be a mistake. that you would bother me and make my life a living hell." he sighs, and my face drops. "but, i was wrong. completely wrong. you have made this the best time of my life. you always know just the right thing to say and when to say it, always take care of me and my friends. i guess what i'm trying to say is...i really like you. like, a lot."
my jaw drops slightly, my hand coming up to fidget with the necklace he got me.
"if you don't like me back, i understand. but, just know, i already talked to nathan, and he's okay with this, if that's what you're worried about."
i shake my head, "sidney, i like you too. i've liked you for so long, but i never saw it." i admit, a smile gracing his face at my words.
he laughs softly, reaching into his coat pocket. he pulls out a little box, with a beautiful ring inside. i'm about to speak, but he cuts me off. "don't worry, i'm not proposing. this is a promise ring, to signify that i'll always take care of you and love you."
i smile softly as i look at the ring, the silver shining in the box from the light. i slip it on my finger, the band fitting me perfectly. it's decorated in small gems, different colors all over it. "it's beautiful...thank you."
he nods with a smile, putting the empty box back in his pocket. his stomach grumbles loudly, making both of us laugh. "well, i guess we should order now."
i nod, picking my menu back up while we're both still laughing. i peek out from the top of my menu, looking at him. he's still grinning, his eyes scanning the menu.
i snap a sneaky picture of the ring, sending it to nate with a message attached, 'promise ring!! 💍' i smile as it sends, the message soon popping up as read.
he texts back quickly, his message making me laugh. 'it was all part of my master plan to get you two together...😈'
i show the message to sid, his laugh bellowing out across the quiet restaurant. it draws a little attention, something i would normally be embarrassed about. but with him, i could never be embarrassed.
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waddles-ex-machina · 4 months ago
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some more comic panels I liked :>
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sclappin · 5 months ago
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This was part of my undergrad illustration thesis, which was illustrations to accompany the text of Shakespeare's The Tempest, repurposing aesthetics and imagery from the rural New Hampshire village where I grew up.
Reposting this piece from May 2020, because it is now available as a print, and Tumblr is being weird about letting me edit the original post to add alt text and a link.
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pimpim90 · 2 months ago
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Tanger and POJ 😍
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maxyvert · 1 month ago
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🌸 Pink Lady 4-5 🌸
Newest paper testing ladies! These watercolor papers were actually fun to paint on :)
First one is Clairefontaine Aquapad, which was very good. It worked how an actual watercolor paper should be. The only thing is, I wasn't able to flawlessly do a lineart. It could be my mistake, the pen nubs I'm using are like 10 years old :'D
Second is Pepco's aquarelle block. It's actually quite good for the price. Can't say it liked putting salt on the watercolor, but everything went smoothly other than that.
>>Prev less successful ladies
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omnxnom · 4 months ago
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some close ups
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girlintheafternoon · 2 months ago
She was an incorrigible romantic, and romantics, like madmen, must not be contradicted.
Raymond Radiguet, The Devil in the Flesh (1923)
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chickenchirps27 · 7 months ago
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so i have a new fictional crush….
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c10v3r · 1 year ago
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the yuri harvest is yuriful this year!
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rb19 · 3 months ago
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F1 Grand Prix of Australia 2016
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protosymphonette · 6 months ago
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moar mouse bites
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paper-possum-party-pal · 2 months ago
The Prankster of the Parable (and all other stories)
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