#follow quran
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dilshad6479 · 1 year ago
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labbaik-ya-hussain-as · 3 months ago
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sag-dab-sar · 8 days ago
Κουλουράκια & Κουλούρι For The Virgin Mary
Koulourakia (left) | Koulouri (right)
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From a literary work rebuking early Christian heresies:
This one, again, was also brought to Arabia from Thrace and upper Scythia, and word of it has reached me; it too is ridiculous and, in the opinion of the wise, wholly absurd. So let's begin the discussion and description of it; as others like it were, it too will be adjudged silly rather than wise. [...] For the harm done by both of these sects is equal, since one belittles the holy Virgin while the other, in its turn, glorifies her to excess. And who but women are the teachers of this? Women are unstable, prone to error, and mean-spirited. As in our earlier chapter on Quintilla, Maximilla and Priscilla, so here the devil has seen fit to disgorge ridiculous teachings from the mouths of women.
For certain women decorate a barber's chair or a square seat, spread a cloth on it, set out bread and offer it in Mary's name on a certain day of the year, and all partake of the bread
—as I partially discussed in my same letter to Arabia. Now, however, I shall speak plainly of it and, with prayer to God, give the best refutations of it that I can, so as to grub out the roots of this idolatrous sect and with God's help, be able to cure certain people of this madness. — "Against Collyridians,' who make offerings to Mary" in Panarion by St. Epiphanius of Salamis ca. 374 CE. Entire rant by Epiphanius about this sect is PDF pages 656-664, book pages 637-645— Link
The entire rebuke is just hatred of woman and the mere idea of worshiping Mary is silly little woman's folly leading righteous men to the devil; especially because the sect was either women only or women led. But that opinion doesn't particularly phase me I'm more interested in the alleged practice.
Historians debate whether Collyridians ever existed. But at least it gives me an idea— as an evil Mary worshipping heretic— of what I could offer her food wise. I do have to wonder why he would make up that detail if he was fabricating the sect. Since he admitted it was an oral story I assume that it was at least somewhat based on a real thing that occurred, even if it wasn't an "organized sect." Perhaps it was a small offering to Mary within an actual early sect of Christianity and Epiphanius just decided that the offering itself was an entire sect. But that is all my conjecture.
According to wikipedia the name Collyridians comes from Greek Collyris aka koulouri κουλούρι— which modern koulouri is the same as "Simit" which, according to wikipedia, became a thing in the 16th century CE. Whereas koulourakia κουλουράκια, a type of Greek pastry, is apparently from Minoan times according to Wikipedia..... I'm not sure I buy that though. Collyridians existed in the 4th century CE.
Either way according to a word-of-mouth story that St. Epiphanies heard: a "sect", originating in upper Scythia & Thrace, of Arabian woman offered something like the circle bread koulouri or the pastry koulourakia to The Virgin Mary. At least once a year it was set out on a cloth that was spread over a chair or seat, and then eaten by everyone.
I think an offering of any sweet type bread would do— a "collyridian offering". Of course offering koulouri or koulourakia would be best... but gluten.
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herald-divine-hell · 9 months ago
I don’t usually make posts like this, but I want to be clear: I am a Muslim - the correct term for Muhammad’s followers would have been Mu’min, or Believers, as some of you know from my posts about Ramadan and Eid. I believe strongly in my religion and it’s called for mercy and compassion, justice and dignity, for all mankind. Do not make broad presumptions about our holy text, how it calls for the death of “non-believers” - a term not used in the Quran itself: k-f-r is multifaceted and means different things - especially to the Christians and Jews, commanding us to convert all mankind to “Islam” - a word in the Quran to mean the general practice of submitting to the Divine Will and not just the way brought to Muhammad.
Here are verses which display the Quran’s love of diviserty and commands for the Christians and Jews to follow their own faiths:
49:13: “O’ mankind! Truly We created you from a male and female, and made you into peoples [communities/nations] and tribes that you may come to know each one another. Surely the most know before God is the most reverent. Truly God is Relenting, Merciful.”
2:111-113 notes: "And they say: 'None will enter Paradise expect who is a Jew or Christian.' These are their desires. Say, 'Bring your proof if you are truthful.' Nay. Whoever submits themselves to Allah and does good will have their reward with their Lord. And there will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve. The Jews say, 'The Christians have nothing to stand on' and the Christians say, 'The Jews have nothing to stand on,' although both recite the Scriptures, like those who do not know say similar sayings; but Allah will judge between them on the Day of Judgement in what they differ [dispute].”
The phrase. “And there will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve” is a common sentiment made in the Quran regarding Divine salvation, and it is offered multiple times to not only Muhammad’s followers - the Believers, not the Muslims - but to other groups as well.
2:62: “Indeed, the believers, Jews, Christians, and Sabians—whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day and does good will have their reward with their Lord. And there will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve.”
5:69: “Indeed, the believers, Jews, Christians, and Sabians—whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day and does good will have their reward with their Lord. And there will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve.”
The Quran calls for the Christians and Jews to follow their own pathways to God.
5:43-48: “And how is it that they come to thee for judgment, when they have the Torah, wherein is God’s Judgment? Yet even after that, they turn their backs, and they are not believers. Indeed, We revealed the Torah, containing guidance and light, by which the prophets, who submitted themselves to God, made judgments for Jews. So too did the rabbis and scholars judge according to God’s Book, with which they were entrusted and of which they were made keepers. So do not fear the people; fear Me! Nor trade my revelations for a fleeting gain. And those who do not judge by what Allah has revealed are the disbelievers. And therein We prescribed for them: a life for a life, an eye for an eye, a nose for a nose, an ear for an ear, a tooth for a tooth, and for wounds, retribution. But whoever forgoes it out of charity, it shall be an expiation for them. Whoever judges not by that which God has sent down - it is they who are wrongdoers. And in the their footsteps, We sent Jesus son of Mary, confirming the Torah that had come before him, and We gave him the Gospel, wherein is a guidance and light to the reverent. Let the people of the Gospel [the Christians] judge by what God has send down therein. Whoever judges not by that which God has sent down--it is they who are iniquitous. And We have sent down unto you the Book (the Quran) in truth, confirming the Books that came before, and as a protector [guardian] over them. So judge between them in accordance with what God has sent down, and follow not their caprices away from the truth that has come onto you. For each among you We have appointed a law and a way. And had God willed, He would have made you one community, but He willed otherwise, that He might try you in which He has given you. So vie with one another in good deeds. Unto God shall be your return all together, and He will inform you of what therein you differ."
For Peace and Goodness:
8:61: And if they incline to peace, incline you toward it, and trust in God! Truly He is the Hearing, Knowing.
41:34: “The good deed and the evil deed are not the same. Repel evil with which is better [the highest good]; then behold, the one between whom and thee there is enmity shall be as if he were a loyal, protecting friend.”
The Quran does allow military action, but only for the sake of preserving one’s right to follow the Quran, and never to be transgressors. Indeed, there is evidence, given the Quran is the only true primary source of the Prophet written down, that Muhammad followed a concept of “just war” in defensive lens rather than aggressive actions. So, no, Islam does not wish to take the world and convert others by the sword. The early Muslims who succeeded Muhammad didn’t even do that when they conquered Rome [Byzantium] and Iran. The caliphate remained predominately Christian until the 9th, 10th, or 11th century.
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ghufranakhan · 3 months ago
Friday Special
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ssproject8065 · 11 months ago
Surah At-Tin
Recited by: Haszballah Muzammil
Edited by: Zayed Abdullah
Please visit our website:
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halalgirlmeg · 1 year ago
I hate when other Muslims want to message people about causing fitnah ESP if you're a man like wth are you looking at sir? How do you know? Yeah, go ahead and lower that gaze!
If you're a woman, what are YOU doing, make excuses for you fellow sister before you judge, we get enough of that from these Firawns (reference to Asiyah's husband) we don't need to do it to one another
Problem solved!
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mashriqiyyah · 1 year ago
why do you think a woman should wear hijab?!
Because it's a command from Allah subhanahuwata'ala Who created her, owns her, sustains her and she'll be returned to Him.
Period. Khalas.
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dilshad6479 · 1 year ago
Amazfit T-Rex Ultra Smart Watch for Men,Dual-Band GPS, Route More...👈👈👈
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vip-art · 2 years ago
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(via Not Your Habib Active T-Shirt by Link64zelda)
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greatwyrmgold · 11 days ago
That just sounds like the owner of any dog who happens to practice Islam. Who else would a good boy recognize as the successor to Muhammad?
"Spot, I am not worthy to call myself a caliph." "Who else could give better walks and treats than you?"
while were wormblogging i just want to say its funny how funny it is that wildbow made up ONE latin american cape and called him califa de perro., which i assume he thought was King of Dogs but literlaly is like. Caliph of Dog. just the one dog. dog singular. google translate could have done better than this
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muslim-world · 3 months ago
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zoyazoya111114 · 4 months ago
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ghufranakhan · 3 months ago
Post of the Day
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subhashdagar123 · 6 months ago
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itratrasool · 11 months ago
As we want to have the best of the best. But; He Almighty Allah Bless us with the bestest among the best.
We never have any idea that the Almighty Allah is Listening to us and He Knew everything that we don't!
As The Given Verse İndicates That
He knows better than me, and You. Just rely upon him, Put your hundred percent Tawakal on him 💖❤️
قَالُوا سُبْحَانَكَ لَا عِلْمَ لَنَا إِلَّا مَا عَلَّمْتَنَا ۖ إِنَّكَ أَنْتَ الْعَلِيمُ الْحَكِيمُ.
ItratRasool 🦋
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