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subhashdagar123 · 4 months ago
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radio-historia · 1 year ago
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readerswholearn · 1 year ago
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Parables commanded by الله سبحانه وتعالى
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typemoonsmashorpass · 10 months ago
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friendswithclay · 7 months ago
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“Tower house in Sug al-Inan in northern Yemen, built in the zabur (rammed mud) technique, windows highlighted with paint from local minerals”
From: “Yemen: Land and people” by Searight, Sarah; 2002.
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eay1esha · 4 months ago
Regarding Piety :
Do you think by reading Taurat, Injil, Zabur,  Qur'an is going to make you pious in a short period of time?
You need GUIDANCE from الله to achieve piety. 
#forgive #pardon #overlook 
#realize #reflect #reason #growth #roots
#beforeislam #afterislam #people
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aysufs · 8 months ago
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, ❝The Suhuf of Ibrahim were revealed on the 1st night of Ramadan,
the Tawrah was revealed on the 6th of Ramadan,
the Injil was revealed on the 13th of Ramadan,
the Zabur were revealed on the 18th of Ramadan,
and the Qur’an was revealed on the 24th of Ramadan.❞
Hasan. See Sahih Al-Jami’ Al-Saghir (no. 1497) by Al-Allamah Al-Albani | Translated by Abul-Hasan Mālik al-Akhdar
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avneesh-kumar · 4 months ago
How to follow the instructions given in Torah, Zabur, Injil and Quran Sharif? To know this, you must read the book ""Musalman Nahi Samjhe Gyan Quran"". Download PDF from Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj App.
Baakhabar Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
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rose1water · 1 year ago
SubhanAllah {Glory be to God} To glorify God is to recognise Him as free from any and all defect. As is intrinsic to our nature, we fall in love with the One Who is good and perfect. Glorification, in essence, is a declaration of love. Tasbih {glorification} brings about a state of contentment within our souls, for we can only be satisfied with God's decree when we recognise that He is free from all defect, and so everything He wills is the result of His perfect wisdom. Tasbih is also the source of tawwakul {reliance upon God.} It follows that only when we recognise that God is immune from any weakness or inability, only then can we truly come to rely on Him. "Immaculate is He—He is the All-Sufficient!" 10:68 Tasbih also works to protect and cleanse us from flawed, man-made understandings of God, that distort and misguide. To declare "Subhanallah" is to clear away such misconceptions. "Clear is God, of what they allege concerning Him!" 21:22 Hence, it is perhaps for these reasons that the command for tasbih has been mentioned more frequently compared to other adhkar {forms of remembrance to God.} The command for tasbih has been repeated 16 times; for istighfar {asking forgiveness from God} eight times; for the remembrance of God {dhikr} five times; and for takbir {to say, “Allahu akbar/God is Greater”} twice. The command for tasbih is recommended for all times and conditions, emphasising that one should always remember God as He Who is free from any defect or shortcoming: ﴿ وَسَبِّحْ بِحَمْدِ رَبِّكَ قَبْلَ طُلُوعِ الشَّمْسِ وَقَبْلَ غُرُوبِهَا وَمِنْ آنَاءِ اللَّيْلِ فَسَبِّحْ وَأَطْرَافَ النَّهَارِ ﴾ “Celebrate the praise of your Lord before the rising of the sun and before the sunset, and glorify Him in watches of the night and at the day’s ends.” 20:130 God is to be celebrated in times of celebration and joy: "When God's help comes… then celebrate the praise of your Lord" 110:1-3 God is also to be celebrated in the depths of adversity, for glorification is the source of deliverance: “And had (Jonah) not been of those who celebrate God’s glory, he would have surely remained in the belly of the whale until the end of time.” 37:143-144 On a final note, one should consider the tranquil thought that indeed all of creation—the seven heavens and the earth, and whatever there is within them—glorifies God. The birds and the trees, the mountains and the thunderstorm, "each knows its prayer and glorification" 24:41 We are admonished not to strike a blow onto the face of an animal, for they are glorifying God. In a narration from Imam Sadiq (a) it is said, "Whenever Prophet David (a) would recite the Zabur, there was no mountain, stone, or bird, that would not also recite with him. Similarly, the Holy Prophet (s) revealed that "There is not a single layer of the heavens except that therein is an angel glorifying their Lord" گر تو را از غيب چشمى باز شد با تو ذرّات جهان همراز شد نطق آب و نطق خاك و نطق گل هست محسوس حواس اهل دل جمله ذرّات عالم در نهان با تو مى گويند روزان و شبان ما سميعيم و بصيريم و هوشيم با شما نامحرمان ما خاموشيم If you could see the unseen, to you would be revealed the secret behind every particle of the world. The voice of the water, soil and mud can be heard by the gnostics. Every single particle of the world would secretly tell you during the day and night: "We are hearing, discerning and vigilant. We are silent with you the strangers" Once a group of chirping birds passed in front of Imam Sajjad (a). The Imam turned to those with him and said, "Indeed, every morning the birds glorify their Lord and pray to Him for strength for the day" How can the truth of this universal glorification be denied when God Himself says in the Holy Qur'an, "There is not a thing except that it sings His praise, but you do not understand their glorification" 17:44
— A Commentary on Prayer, Muhsin Qara'ati
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merangkulmakna · 1 year ago
Oleh: Syaikh Abu Hamzah al-Muhajir (Taqobbalahullah)
Aku berlindung kepada Allah dari Syaitan
yang terkutuk.
Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih
lagi Maha Penyayang.
{Sungguh Allah telah menolong kalian dalam peperangan Badar, padahal kalian adalah orang-orang yang lemah. Karena itu bertakwalah kepada Allah, supaya kalian dapat bersyukur pada-Nya. (Ingatlah), ketika kamu mengatakan kepada orang mukmin: “Apakah tidak cukup bagi kalian Allah membantu kalian dengan tiga ribu malaikat yang diturunkan (dari langit)?” Ya (cukup), jika kalian bersabar dan bertakwa, dan mereka datang menyerang kalian dengan seketika itu juga, niscaya Allah
menolong kalian dengan lima ribu malaikat yang memakai tanda. Dan Allah tidak menjadikan bantuan itu melainkan sebagai kabar gembira bagi (kemenangan) kalian, dan agar tenteram hati kalian karenanya. Dan kemenangan itu hanyalah dari Allah Yang Mahaperkasa lagi Mahabijaksana}
[QS. Ali Imran: 123-126].
Segala puji bagi Allah Sang Pemilik Kemuliaan dan Rabb semesta alam, Penjamin kemenangan Dien ini, tiada yang berhak disembah kecuali Dia, yang memenangkan kebenaran sekalipun setelah beberapa waktu. Shalawat dan salam atas penghulu para rasul, semoga Allah meridhainya dan para sahabatnya kaum muhajirin dan ansar.
Amma Ba’du,
Allah 'Azza wa Jalla telah berfirman: {Mereka berkehendak memadamkan cahaya (agama) Allah dengan mulut (ucapan-ucapan) mereka, dan Allah tidak menghendaki selain menyempurnakan cahaya-Nya, walaupun orang-orang yang kaf i r tidak menyukai. Dialah yang telah mengutus Rasul-Nya (dengan membawa) petunjuk (al-Quran) dan agama yang benar untuk dimenangkan-Nya atas segala agama, walaupun orang-orang musyrik tidak menyukai} [QS. at-Taubah: 32-33]. Maka hendaknya setiap muslim yakin bahwa kesempurnaan kemenangan pasti datang, bahwa Allah pasti memuliakan Dien ini, bahwa masa depan adalah untuk Dien ini walaupun seluruh umat mengeroyok kita, dan bahwa kita pasti akan menguasai bumi dengan kehendak Allah Yang Mahakuat lagi Maha perkasa. Siapa yang meragukan hal itu, dia termasuk golongan para penyebar berita dusta lagi kaf i r.
Allah Raja Yang Maha benar lagi Jelas berfirman: {Sungguh telah kami tuliskan di dalam Zabur setelah (kami tulis) di Lauh Mahfuzh, bahwa bumi ini akan diwarisi oleh hamba-hamba-Ku yang shalih. Sesungguhnya dalam (apa yang Kami tulis) ini benar-benar menjadi peringatan bagi orang-orang yang beribadah (pada Allah)}
[QS. al-Anbiyā: 105-106]. Rasul yang jujur
lagi dipercaya Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda: “Perkara ini benar-benar sampai pada tempat yang dijangkau malam dan siang. Allah tidak membiarkan satu rumah di perkotaan dan di gurun, kecuali Allah masukkan Dien ini ke dalamnya dengan kemuliaan orang yang mulia atau dengan kerendahan orang yang hina. Kemuliaan yang dengannya Allah memuliakan Islam dan kehinaan yang dengannya Allah menghinakan orang-orang kaf i r.”
Tamim ad-Dari radhiyallahu 'anhu berkata sebagaimana dalam al-Musnad: “Hal itu terjadi pada keluargaku, yang masuk islam mendapat kebaikan, kemuliaan dan kejayaan, sedangkan yang kaf i r mendapat kehinaan, kerendahan, dan jizyah.”
Oleh karena itu, hendaknya seorang muwahid mengetahui bahwa akidah yang dibela hingga darah yang suci tertumpah, yang para syuhada berperang hidup mati untuk membelanya, pasti akan menang. Panahnya akan melesat menembus leher setiap kaf i r dan menerangi hati setiap muwahid. Namun hendaknya kita semua mengetahui bahwa kemenangan itu tergantung pada sejauh mana kita mengikuti Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, terlepas dari sebab-sebab materi, sebagaimana dikatakan oleh ahli ilmu. Ibnul Qayyim rahimahullah berkata: “Kemenangan dan dukungan yang sempurna hanya untuk orang yang memiliki iman yang sempurna. Allah Ta'ala berfirman: {Sungguh kami akan menolong rasul-rasul kami dan orang-orang yang beriman di dalam kehidupan dunia dan juga di hari berdirinya para saksi (hari kiamat)} [QS. Ghafir: 51].
Juga kalam-Nya: {Maka kami tolong orang-orang yang beriman dalam melawan musuh mereka sehingga mereka menjadi menang} [QS. as-Shaff: 14]. Maka siapa yang imannya berkurang, jatah kemenangan dan pertolongan juga berkurang”. Demikian perkataan beliau rahimahullah.
Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam telah menunjukkan pada kita dengan sempurna sebab-sebab dan penghalang datangnya pertolongan. Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Tamiyyah rahimahullah berkata: “Demikianlah Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam mengenalkan pada mereka tipu daya perang, bagaimana berhadapan dengan musuh, dan jalan meraih kemenangan serta keberuntungan, yang jika mereka mengetahui, memahami, dan menjaganya dengan sebenar-benarnya, musuh tidak akan lagi sanggup melawan mereka selama-lamanya”.
Diantara sebab pertolongan Allah adalah:
Pertama: TAUHID
Allah Ta'ala berfirman: {Mereka senantiasa
memerangi kalian hingga mereka dapat
mengeluarkan kalian dari Dien kalian jika mereka sanggup} [QS. al-Baqarah: 217]. Juga kalam-Nya: {Mereka tidak menyiksa orang-orang beriman itu kecuali karena mereka beriman pada Allah Yang Mahaperkasa lagi Terpuji} [QS. al-Burūj: 8]. Inilah hakikat yang seharusnya dipahami oleh mujahidin.
Sesungguhnya peperangan antara para
muwahid dan orang-orang kaf i r pada dasarnya dan pada akhirnya adalah pertempuran karena akidah. Allah juga telah mempersempit dan membatasi permusuhan ini lantaran karena Dien saja. Maka orang
kaf i r, baik dia seorang sekuleris, komunis, Yahudi, maupun Nashrani, tidak memusuhi para muwahid kecuali lantaran keimanan mereka yang bersih dari kotoran. Slogan apapun selain slogan Dien yang diusung pada pertempuran apapun yang berlangsung
antara kita dan mereka adalah murni dusta. Permusuhan orang kaf i r asli atau murtad atas mujahid muwahid selamanya tidaklah bermotif politik atau ekonomi, pertempuran yang terjadi adalah antara kekafiran dan keimanan, pertempuran akidah dan persoalan agama.
Kita tidak memerangi Salibis penjajah atau Arab murtad hanya demi sejengkal tanah, pertempuran kita ini adalah demi meninggikan kalimat Allah di bumi. Mereka juga tidak memerangi kita karena perselisihan dalam urusan materi. Jika urusannya seperti itu, tentu amat mudah baginya dan bagi kita untuk mencari titik temu yang mungkin bisa dikompromikan. Namun, sungai susu yang mengaliri hati dan urat nadi kami tidak akan mungkin kita kotori dengan lautan dan tetek bengek kotoran najis akidah mereka.
Dahulu, kolonialisme adalah wajah asli salibis, seperti juga saat ini menjadi wajah asli Yahudi dan Nasrani. Berkali-kali sang Kaisar Romawi Bush mengumumkan hal itu dengan kata-katanya: “Sesungguhnya ini adalah Perang Salib”. Lalu, ada apa mereka berdusta, dan mendustakan?
Jika engkau mengetahui hal ini wahai mujahid, maka wajib bagimu agar tidak terkacaukan dengan bermacam-macam panji, atau tertipu dengan bermacam-macam nama mentereng, sebagaimana juga wajib engkau bersihkan hati dan barisanmu dari segala macam kotoran. Jangan sampai ada syirik atau orang musyrik di hati atau barisanmu. Engkau harus tahu bahwa adanya kesyirikan dalam barisan dan hati kita adalah penghalang kemenangan terbesar dan pembawa kekalahan tercepat. Allah Ta'ala berfirman: {Orang-orang zalim tidaklah memiliki pelindung dan penolong}
[QS. as-Syūrā: 8]. Allah juga berfirman: {Orang-orang zalim tidaklah memiliki penolong} [QS. al-Baqarah: 270]. Tafsirnya adalah dalam firman Allah Ta'ala: {Wahai anakku, janganlah kalian menyekutukan Allah. Sungguh syirik adalah kezaliman yang besar} [QS. Luqmān: 13].
Kemudian, sesungguhnya memurnikan niat hanya pada Allah adalah faktor kemenangan dan tamkin yang paling penting. Allah Ta'ala berfirman: {Maka Allah mengetahui apa yang ada dalam hati mereka lalu menurunkan ketenangan atas mereka dan memberi balasan kepada mereka dengan kemenangan yang dekat (waktunya)} [QS al-Fath: 18], maksudnya, Allah mengetahui kejujuran, loyalitas, dan
kemurnian niat mereka karena Allah dalam baiat ini. Ayat ini menunjukkan bahwa ikhlas adalah salah satu syarat tamkin yang jika terpenuhi maka Allah akan memberi balasan berupa futuh, kemenangan, dan kekuasaan. Allah Ta'ala berfirman: {Barangsiapa mengharap perjumpaan dengan Rabbnya, maka hendaklah ia mengerjakan amal shalih dan janganlah ia mempersekutukan seorang pun dalam beribadat kepada Rabbnya}
[QS. al-Kahf: 110]. Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda: “Sesungguhnya apa yang
paling aku takuti pada kalian adalah syirik kecil”.
Oleh karena itu, Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam sang pemimpin adalah manusia yang paling bersungguh-sungguh menyucikan hati para sahabatnya dari bencana ini, khususnya dalam berjihad, sabdanya: “Sungguh demi Allah kami tidak akan memberikan pekerjaan ini pada orang yang memintanya, tidak pula pada orang yang sangat menginginkannya”.
Dari Abu Sa’īd Abdurrahman bin Samurah
berkata, Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda: “Wahai Abdurrahman bin Samurah, janganlah meminta jabatan. Karena jika engkau dibebani jabatan itu tanpa meminta, maka engkau akan dibantu. Sedangkan jika engkau dibebani jabatan itu karena permintaanmu, maka jabatan itu akan dipikulkan padamu”.
Imam an-Nawawi rahimahullah berkata:
“Para ulama berkata, ‘Hikmah tidak diberikannya kekuasaan bagi yang memintanya adalah kekuasaan itu dipikulkan padanya tanpa mendapat pertolongan dalam menjalankannya,
sebagaimana yang telah jelas dalam hadits Abdurrahman bin Samurah tersebut. Jika tidak mendapat pertolongan, orang itu tidak akan memiliki kapabilitas, sedangkan orang yang tidak memiliki kapabilitas tidaklah diberi kekuasaan”.
Terkadang seseorang telah lebih dahulu
berjalan menuju Allah dan berjihad Fisabilillah, dan dia juga memiliki banyak kebaikan yang diketahui oleh Allah. Akan tetapi bisa jadi ia tidak layak memikul kepemimpinan sekalipun dia menyangka dirinya mampu memikulnya. Dari Abu Dzar radhiyallahu 'anhu: Saya berkata: “Wahai Rasulullah, tidakkah engkau menugasiku? Maka Rasulullah menepuk kedua pundakku seraya bersabda: “Wahai Abu Dzar, sesungguhnya engkau adalah orang lemah, sedangkan ini adalah amanat, yang merupakan kehinaan dan penyesalan di hari kiamat”. Tapi terkadang kekuasaan itu menjadi Fardhu ‘Ain bagi orang yang kapabel ketika melihat darah ditumpahkan dan harta dicuri sedangkan dia mampu untuk mencegahnya, orang mulia putra
orang mulia berkata: {Berikanlah perbendaharaan bumi padaku, sungguh aku terpercaya dan memiliki ilmu} [QS. Yusuf: 55].
Allah Ta'ala berfirman: {Dan berpeganglah
kamu semuanya kepada tali (agama) Allah, dan janganlah kamu bercerai berai, dan ingatlah akan nikmat Allah kepadamu ketika kamu dahulu (masa Jahiliyah) bermusuh-musuhan, maka Allah mempersatukan hatimu, lalu menjadilah kamu karena nikmat Allah, orang-orang yang bersaudara}
[QS. Āli ‘Imrān: 103].
Abdullah bin Mas’ud radhiyallahu 'anhu berkata: “Wahai manusia, wajib bagi kalian
untuk taat dan berjamaah karena keduanya adalah ketentuan yang Allah perintahkan. Apa yang kalian benci dalam berjamaah dan ketaatan adalah lebih baik dari apa yang kalian sukai dalam perpecahan”.
Bagaimana tidak, sungguh telah tetap dari
Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam sebagaimana tercantum dalam al-Musnad, sabdanya: “Tiga hal yang hati seorang muslim tidak terkena dengki karenanya; ikhlas beramal karena Allah dan menasihati para pemimpin”. Dalam riwayat lain disebutkan: “…taat kepada para pemegang urusan dan komitmen pada jamaah, karena doa mereka meliputi siapa saja yang berada dalam tanggung jawab mereka”. Ibnul Qayyim rahimahullah berkata: “Siapa yang mengikhlaskan seluruh amal perbuatannya untuk Allah, melakukan amalnya secara totalitas dan penuh integritas, komitmen terhadap jama’ah dengan bersatu dan tidak berselisih, hatinya akan menjadi bersih suci dan ia menjadi wali Allah. Namun, siapa yang menyelisihi hal ini, hatinya akan dipenuhi keburukan yang membinasakan”.
Pada dasarnya, kaum muslimin wajib untuk berjamaah bukan berpecah belah, dan berpegang pada tali Allah bukan menyempal serta saling berselisih. Hidup berjamaah itu di dunia berbuah kemuliaan, kemenangan, dan tamkin, dan di akhirat mewariskan wajah yang bercahaya serta derajat yang tinggi, sebagaimana perkataan Ibnu Abbas radhiyallahu 'anhuma dalam tafsir kalam Allah Ta'ala: {Pada hari beberapa wajah menjadi putih dan beberapa wajah (lainnya) menjadi hitam} [QS. Āli ‘Imrān: 106], katanya: “Wajah ahlus sunnah wal jamaah menjadi putih, dan wajah ahli bid’ah dan perpecahan menjadi hitam”.
Dalam perpecahan tidak ada kemuliaan
dan kemenangan sama sekali, meskipun amir kita adalah sebaik-baik dan seberani-beraninya makhluk Allah di muka bumi. Inilah Amirul Mukminin Ali bin Abi Thalib radhiyallahu 'anhu, ketika menjabat sebagai khalifah tidak ada yang lebih baik daripadanya. Meskipun demikian, ketika umat menyelisihi nya, sekelompok orang memberontak padanya, dan kemudian muncul Khawarij, beliau sama sekali tidak bisa menyiapkan satu pasukan pun untuk memerangi orang-orang kaf i r.
Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyyah rahimahullah berkata dalam pembicaraannya mengenai dua belas imam menurut Rafidhah: “Tidak ada seorangpun dari mereka yang mempunyai kekuatan selain Ali bin Abi Thalib. Sekalipun demikian, selama masa khilafahnya beliau tidak mampu menggempur orang kaf i r, atau menaklukkan kota, atau bahkan membunuh satu orang kaf i r. Sebaliknya, kaum muslimin malah sibuk saling memerangi, sampai-sampai orang-orang kaf i r di Timur dan di Syam baik kaum musyrikin maupun Ahli Kitab mendapat kesempatan menyerang mereka, sampai dikatakan berhasil merebut beberapa negeri kaum muslimin”.
Perang Jamal adalah contoh paling menyakitkan akibat perpecahan barisan dan menyelisihi persatuan. Sebaliknya, ketika umat bersatu dibawah kepemimpinan Mu’awiyah dalam ‘Ām al-Jamā’ah (Tahun Persatuan), beliau bisa mempersiapkan dan mengirim pasukan demi pasukan, menaklukkan berbagai negeri, mengumpulkan zakat, dan menggelontorkan harta.
Tidak ada seorang pun yang menentang bahwa Ali itu lebih takwa, lebih berani, lebih adil, dan lebih bijak daripada Mu’awiyah radhiyallahu 'anhu, akan tetapi semua perselisihan adalah buruk. Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda sebagaimana dalam Shahih Muslim: ”Siapa yang keluar dari ketaatan dan meninggalkan jamaah lalu mati, maka matinya jahiliyah, dan siapa yang berperang di bawah panji fanatisme, marah karena fanatisme kelompok atau menyeru pada kelompok lalu terbunuh, maka matinya jahiliyah”. Begitu juga sabdanya: “Siapa yang melihat suatu hal yang dia benci pada pemimpinnya, maka hendaknya bersabar, karena siapapun yang memisahkan diri dari jamaah kemudian ia mati, matinya Jahiliyah”.
Sesungguhnya kami, dengan pertolongan
Allah, selama hati kita bersatu dalam satu
pimpinan yang kita berbaik sangka dan menepis segala tuduhan serta keraguan yang ditudingkan padanya, maka Demi Allah, sekalipun Amerika datang dengan seluruh kekuatannya, dengan seluruh laki-laki dan wanitanya untuk memerangi kita, niscaya kita tetap akan menang. Maka, wahai tentara-tentara Allah, halangilah setiap orang yang hendak memecah belah barisan kalian.
#Sumber : Rumiyah2
Barokallohu fiikum
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subhashdagar123 · 4 months ago
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radio-historia · 1 year ago
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ahlulbaytnetworks · 2 years ago
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🍃🕊🍃 Names of Revealed Books
Many books were revealed (sent) to the Prophets (as) by Allah.
Four of them are important.
They are (1) Tawrat; (2) Zabur; (3) Injil; and (4) Quran al-Majid.
You should know that:
🕊 1. Tawrat was revealed to Prophet
Musa (as)
🕊 2. Zabur was revealed to Prophet
Dawood (as)
🕊 3. Injil was revealed to Prophet Isa
🕊 4. The Quran was revealed to our
Holy Prophet Muhammad al-
Mustafa (S)
All previous books were cancelled by Allah when the Quran was sent. Now the Quran is the only authentic and true book which is to be followed by all men.
🍃🕊🍃 al-Islam.org 🍃🕊🍃
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lowkeynando · 2 years ago
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Hebrew Bible as well as with Talmudic and Midrashim writings. [13] The Tawrat (Arabic:
rmanied as Tawrah or Taurat, is
the Arabic-language name for the Torah within its context as an Islamic holy book believed by Muslims to have been given by God to the prophets and messengers amongst the Children of Israel. In the Qur'an, the word 'Tawrat' occurs eighteen times. When referring to traditions from the Tawrat, Muslims have not only identified it with the Pentateuch (the five books of Moses), but also with the other books of the Hebrew Bible as well as with Talmudic and Midrashim writings. [1] Injil (Arabic: Aww!, romanized: 'Injil, alternative spellings: Ingil or Injeel) is the Arabic name for the Gospel of Jesus (Isa). This Injil is described by the Quran as one of the four Islamic holy books which was revealed by God, the others being the Zabur (possibly the Psalms), the Tawrat (the Torah), and the Quran itself. The word Injil is also used in the Quran, the Hadith and early Muslim documents to refer to both a book and revelations made by God to Jesus. A famous recorded oral tradition among Muslims (Arabic: Hadith) is about comment made by Imran in Husain, one of the companions of Muhammad and a Narrator of hadith. The comment was regarding the prohibition of Mut'ah, a word with several meanings. It is used in both Nikah mut'ah and Mut'ah of Hajj. JUNGLEWOODNETHERRACKNETHERWARTENCHANTMENTTABLECHORUSFLOWERREDSTONEREPEATERREDSTONECOMPARATORTRiPWiREHOOKCOMMANDBLOCKSTiCKYPiSTONALiENSSPECiESFAiRiESDEiTiESGODSCLOWNSROBOTSANDROiDSARTiFiCiALiNTELLiGENCESBRAiNSPOWERSiNTELLiGENCEQUOTiENTSWORMSTAPEWORMSTUBESTUMORSCANCERSHOSTSENTiTiESFUNGiSPARASiTESBACTERiASAMiCROORGANiSMSMUSHROOMSSURGERiESSCiENCESPHYSiCSWiTCHCRAFTSMAGiCSVOODOOSHOODOOSWiZARDSWARLOCKSCULTSSECRETSOCiETiSALTEREGOSiNNERDEMONSCROSSROADDEMONSMEDiCALTREATMENTS CLONES
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🍃🕊🍃 The Last Luminary 🍃🕊🍃
🍃بِسْمِ اللَّـهِ الرَّحْمَـٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ🍃
There is no doubt that the Holy Quran is the book of Allah and that all Muslims of the world are required to accept its teachings and instructions. When one opens Qur’an and casts a glance at its verses he will come across to what seems to be a clear landscape of an extraordinary, sensational, and exciting future and the end of the universe.
Quran indicates that the ultimate mission of the Prophet of Islam was to make this religion prevail over all other religions in the world; and one day this holy aspiration will finally be fulfilled. Allah stated in Quran:
"It is He who has sent His messenger (Muhammad) with the guidance and the Religion of truth, to prevail over all religions, even though the idolaters may detest.”(Quran 9:33)
The Holy book of the last Messenger of Allah gives the glad tidings that the rule over the earth shall finally belong to the righteous and virtuous servants of Allah:
"The earth is Allah’s. He gives it as a heritage to whom He wills, and the good end is for the righteous people.”(Quran 7:128)
إِنَّ الْأَرْضَ لِلَّـهِ يُورِثُهَا مَن يَشَاءُ مِنْ عِبَادِهِ وَالْعَاقِبَةُ لِلْمُتَّقِينَ ﴿الأعراف: ١٢٨﴾
And He, Exalted, also said:
"And We wrote in Psalm (Zabur) after the Reminder that surely My righteous servants will inherit the earth.”(Quran 21:105)
وَلَقَدْ كَتَبْنَا فِي الزَّبُورِ مِن بَعْدِ الذِّكْرِ أَنَّ الْأَرْضَ يَرِثُهَا عِبَادِيَ الصَّالِحُونَ ﴿١٠٥﴾
The earth which will be full of corruption destruction and ignorance, like a lifeless body, will be revived with the glowing light of justice as indicated in His book:
"Know that Allah gives life to earth after its death!”(Quran 57:17)
اعْلَمُوا أَنَّ اللَّـهَ يُحْيِي الْأَرْضَ بَعْدَ مَوْتِهَا ...
We also read in Quran:
"Allah has promised to those among you who believe and do good deeds that He will surely make them succeed (the present rulers) in the earth as he caused those who were before them to succeed others and that He will surely establish for them religion which He has approved for them and will give them safety after their fear to worship Me and not to associate anything with Me.”(Quran 24:55)
Allah also stated:
"They intend to put out the light of Allah with their mouths but Allah will complete His Light even though the unbelievers may detest.”(Quran 61:8)
He, Exalted He is, also said:
"And We desired to show favor unto those who were oppressed in the earth to make them symbols and to make them inheritors.”(Quran 28:5)
These were some short examples of the divine glad tidings mentioned in Quran . By studying these matters and tens of other similar indications, it is deduced that the Islamic message will reach its complete fulfillment when these holy aspirations will take place.
All fabricated and superstitious objectives will disappear and then only the Islam, the unique and true religion, will be the faith of the people in the east and west of the world. Injustice, oppression, and inequality shall vanish, and instead, justice and equality which is the law of the creation of the world will be established everywhere.
The Kingdom of the divinely appointed Caliph (Khalifatullah) will manifest itself in all the corners of the world. The light of the guidance of Allah will shine and the earth shall belong to the virtuous ones. Yes, Quran gives the Good News which the day that all Muslims of the world are enthusiastically waiting for it, will arrive.
Beside Quran, the sayings of the Prophet (S) are the most important and worthiest treasure of Islamic learning. In the sea of jewels of Islamic traditions glad tidings on the Government of Justice can be seen which is regarding to the "Divine Revolution”and the "divinely appointed leader”who will fulfill this holy aspiration.
In a tradition upon whose authenticity all Muslims agree, the Messenger of Allah (S) has said:
"Even if the entire duration of the world’s existence has already been exhausted and only one day is left before Doomsday, Allah will expand that day to such length of time as to accommodate the kingdom of a person from my Ahlul-Bayt who will be called by my name. He will fill out the earth with peace and justice as it will have been full of injustice and tyranny (by then)."
(Please see the next article for the list of Sunni references for the above tradition as well as many other traditions.)
لو لم يبقَ من الدنيا إلا يوم واحد لطوَّل الله ذلك اليوم حتى يبعث فيه رجلاً من أهل بيتي يواطيء إسمُهُ إسمي يملأ الأرض قِسْطاً و عدلاً كما مُلِئَتْ ظلماً و جوراً.
The above precious tradition testifies that the golden divine promises will take place, sooner or later, one way or another, as also mentioned in most of the Shi’ite and Sunnite sources.
In both subjects of prophecy and Imamat (leadership) it is discussed that as a result of the law of general guidance which governs all of creation, human is of necessity endowed with the power of receiving revelation through prophecy, which directs him toward the perfection of the human norm and the well-being of the human species.
Obviously, if this perfection and happiness were not possible for human, the very fact that he is endowed with this power would have been meaningless and futile. But there is no futility in creation.
In other words, ever since he has inhabited the earth, human has had the wish to lead a social life filled with happiness in its true sense and has striven toward this end. If such a wish were not to have an objective existence it would never have been imprinted upon human’s inner nature, in the same way that if there were no food there would have been no meaning for hunger (since hunger is understood when one compares a person who has eaten food and a person who has not), and if there were no water there would have been no thirst and if there were no reproduction there would have been no sexual attraction between the sexes.
Therefore, by the reason of inner necessity and determination, the future will see a day when human society will be replete with justice, when all will live in peace and tranquillity, and when human beings will be fully possessed of virtue and perfection. The establishment of such a condition will occur through human hands but with Divine Assistance. And the leader of such a society is called in the language of the traditions, al-Mahdi (the Mahdi; the guided one).
In the different religions that govern the world (either divine or not) such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam there are references to a person who will come as the savior of mankind. These religions have given glad tidings of his coming, although there are naturally minor differences in detail that can be discerned when these teachings are compared carefully.
However one thing that all these teachings have in common is that "A human will come to establish peace and tranquillity all over the earth". Every religion has a different attachment to it, however. The least thing that a human being (regardless of his religion) is supposed to do, is to accept what all these teachings have in common. This goes to prove the necessity of belief for "his coming". Thus, the saviors of all these religions who are all expected to come at the end of the time, are manifested in one individual, since the foundation of such belief is established by all.
The attachments of different religions can be reconciled on their own tendencies, and thus rejected. The fact remains that the teachings of the previous religions have been under a long alteration process, and only Islam has been guaranteed its survival.
Thus we should accept the attachment that the traditions of the Prophet (S) has offered us with regard to the one who is coming whose name is Imam al-Mahdi (and, of course, there will come Jesus as one of the Imam al-Mahdi’s follower, based on the prophetic traditions).
There are numerous traditions cited in the Sunni and the Shi’i sources from the Holy Prophet concerning the appearance of the Mahdi, such as that he is of the progeny of the Prophet and that his appearance will enable human society to reach true perfection and the full realization of spiritual life.
In addition, there are numerous other traditions concerning the fact that the Mahdi is the son of the Eleventh Imam, al-Hasan al-Askari, and that after being born and undergoing a long occultation (disappearance; living among people while he is not identified) the Mahdi will appear again, filling the world with justice as it has been corrupted by injustice and tyranny.
In a tradition the holy Prophet (S) said to the Commander of believers, ‘Ali (as), that:
"There will be twelve Guides after me, the first of whom is you, O’ ‘Ali, and the last one will be the ‘Support’ (al-Qa’im) who, with the grace of Allah, will gain victory over the whole east and west of the world."
Imam ‘Ali al-Ridha (the eighth Imam) said, in the course of a tradition:
"The Imam after me is my son, Muhammad, and after him his son ‘Ali, and after ‘Ali his son, al-Hasan, and after al-Hasan his son Hujjat al-Qa’im (the proof of Allah who shall stand), who is awaited during his occultation and obeyed during his manifestation. Even if there remain from the life of the world but a single day, Allah will expand that day until he becomes manifest and fills the world with justice in the same way that it had been filled with injustice. But when? As for news of the hour (i.e., the moment of appearance), frequently my father told me, having heard it from his father who heard it from his father who heard it from his ancestors who heard it from ‘Ali (as), that it was asked from the holy Prophet, O Prophet of God, when will the ‘Support’ (al-Qa’im) who is from your family appear? He said, His case is like that of the Hour (of time of the resurrection). ‘Allah alone knows it and He will manifest it at its proper time. It is heavy in the heavens and the earth. It cometh not to you save unawares’ (Quran 7:187)."
Musa al-Baghdadi said, I heard Imam Hasan al-Askari (the eleventh Imam) who said:
"I see that after me differences will appear among you concerning the Imam after me. Whoever accepts the Imams after the Prophet of God but denies my son is like the person who accepts all the prophets but denies the prophethood of Muhammad, the Prophet of God, upon whom be peace and blessing. And whoever denies (Muhammad) the Prophet of God is like one who has denied all the prophets of God, for obeying the last of us is like obeying the first of us and denying the last of us is like denying the first of us. But beware! Verily, for my son there is an occultation during which all people will fall into doubt except those whom Allah protects."
There are hundreds of prophetic traditions about Imam al-Mahdi (as) which have been recorded in both the Shi’ite and Sunnite collections of traditions. A large number of religious scholars form all Islamic schools of thought have independently compiled books about Imam al-Mahdi, the leader of the time. Their number runs to tens of volumes. (For more information in this regard, please see the next article.) Thus believing in Imam al-Mahdi is not exclusive to the Shi’ites, and the Sunni scholars believe in him, though they do not have the extensive information about him that the Shi’a possess.
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my-islam-reminder · 7 days ago
Narrated Abu Huraira رضی اللہ عنہ :
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "The reciting of the Zabur (i.e. Psalms) was made easy for David. He used to order that his riding animals be saddled, and would finish reciting the Zabur before they were saddled. And he would never eat except from the earnings of his manual work." Musa bin Uqbah from Safwaan, Ataa bin Tasaar, Hadrat Abu Hurairah رضی اللہ عنہ reports from the prophet (ﷺ).
Narrated by Sahih Bukhari in his bookImam Bukhari
Hadith (Sahih)
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