#folke bernadotte
andiatas · 7 months
Maybe I need to learn Swedish and immerse myself in all things SRF. Are they generally messy or boring?
Depends on how you define things. I would say they're boring 95% of the time, but then when there's a scandal, it's a scandal
Here are a few highlights:
In 1914, Gustaf V gave a speech to the people in which he opposed the government's politics & called for stronger Armed Forces (side note but it's a well-known fact that Gustaf was very worried about the growing tensions "on the continent" & I mean, the dude was right to be concerned). This led to a political crisis & the last political influence the monarch had was stripped. It's unclear who actually wrote the speech; some speculate it was Victoria since it was very well known that she was unhappy about the fact that she, as Queen, didn't have any real power.
In 1936, a woman named Anna wanted to file for divorce from her husband, Kurt. The reason? Her motivation was that her husband had cheated on her with King Gustaf V. This was during a time when homosexuality was illegal & divorce papers were open to the public, so even the hint that the monarch himself might engage in "homosexual acts"? Unthinkable! Long story short, the Court tried to come to an agreement with Anna & Kurt, but the couple continued to blackmail the Court for more & more money. In 1947, Kurt published a book about the "injustices" he had faced, but the majority of the copies of the book were bought by police. In 1951, after Gustaf V had died, Kurt wrote to the Chancellor of Justice to complain, upon which the Chancellor started an investigation. The investigation found that Kurt's "accusations were largely unfounded, but it was also clear that the Royal Court paid out large sums and took other measures with the apparent aim of silencing him." One year later, the Prosecutor-General charged Kurt & he was sentenced to 8 years in prison for extortion of the Royal Court. The whole thing is now nicknamed The Haijby Affair (after Kurt & Anna's last name) & has even been made into a movie.
In 1945, Prince Carl Johan asked for permission to marry the divorced journalist Kerstin Wijkman. They had met in 1939 & the prince fell head-over-heels for Kerstin, who couldn't give a sh*t about him at first. Gustaf V denied his grandson's request & the Royal Court tried to prevent the wedding from taking place by revoking Wijkmark's passport. When that didn't work, they started pressuring the US embassy, which meant that Carl Johan's cousin Folke Bernadotte was dragged into the whole thing. In the end, the two got married in 1946 & that meant that the Prince from then on was known as Carl Johan Bernadotte.
In the late 1950s, Princess Birgitta did something as controversial (for Swedish royal standards) as continuing her education with upper secondary studies. She studied at the School of Sport and Health Sciences for two years, where she met hockey & football player Sven Tumba. They denied it then, but rumours of a romance between the two swirled. However, decades later, they both wrote about the romance (which lasted for about a year) in their memoirs & Princess Birgitta was interviewed in a documentary about Tumba. Among other things, she reminisced about one time when the tabloids rang the doorbell & she had to hide in the wardrobe for about 10 minutes before Tumba had managed to chase them away.
We have Carl Gustaf's younger years... That man loved & still loves to party. This caused concern during his time as Crown Prince & then at the beginning of his time as monarch. He was seen by many as an immature womanizer of a party prince who, therefore, was unfit to rule. The Social Democrat-led government famously threatened with "We're one penstroke away from a Republic!" (which, if you ask me, was more PR than an actual threat, but then again, this was like 10-20 years before I was born, so...)
Speaking of Carl Gustaf, in 1989, he made the Norwegians angry by criticising their PM & the fact that they allowed seal hunting. He commented: "If Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland cannot take care of the seal problem, how will she be able to take care of the Norwegian people?"
Then there was the praising of Sultan Hassanal Bolikiah in 2004 during a state visit to Brunei (which to be fair, he just did his job & repeated what the Foreign Office told him to say).
In 2008, he caused a national outcry because not only did Prince Carl Philip shoot an elk during the annual royal hunt, but the monarch also decided to voice his opinion on the very sensitive topic of wolf hunting (no, seriously, it's an incredibly sensitive topic & not one to bring up during family dinners). Apart from getting in trouble with the public, Carl Gustaf also got in trouble with his patronage, WWF.
Do I even need to bring up 2010 & "Have you ever visited a strip or sex club?" which caused him to hit a record low in popularity. At least it gave us this iconic meme.
Honourary mention goes to when Prince Daniel (then only Daniel Westling) needed kidney surgery, so Crown Princess Victoria called her "brothers", Crown Prince Haakon & Crown Prince Frederik & was like "Hey, can you guys help me with a thing? Oh yeah, nothing big, just tricking all of the Nordic press so my fiancée can get surgery in peace." So, to cause a distraction, the three went on a trip to the Arctic while Daniel was admitted to the hospital. However... he was spotted by someone; a journalist called up the Court & was like, "I know, I will publish this; just give me a comment." Their ruse was up, so instead of pretending everything was fine & distracting the press so they couldn't publish about what was happening in Stockholm, Victoria spoke about how difficult it was & that she (obviously) was worried but that Haakon & Frederik were very supportive of her & a big help during that trip.
In 2013, just like in 2023, he got into trouble for "not wanting Victoria as heir". During an interview, the reporter asked if he was still upset about the constitutional change, to which he answered: "Of course. I think it's simple. A constitutional law that works retrospectively, that's weird."
In 2014, Princess Madeleine's apartment was renovated. What was supposed to cost 2.5 million SEK ended up costing 6.8 million SEK. Then, in 2018-2019 renovation works started again, which ended up costing around 5 million SEK. A wall between Madeleine's apartment & the apartment next door was going to be taken down & the family wanted a walk-in closet, a new bedroom, a bathroom & a wardrobe (different one from the named walk-in closet, so two wardrobes were on the wishlist). This ended up creating an argument between the National Property Board & the Royal Court, where the former thought Madeleine had "too high standards". The Royal Family didn't end up paying from their own pockets & this story has now become known as the time the Swedish taxpayers paid for Madeleine's walk-in closet.
If you're still reading, thank you & I hope you enjoyed all of this tea!
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hero-israel · 1 year
Given that we’re getting a Golda Meir movie, I’m really not looking to people taking her statement that “there is no such a thing as a Palestinian” out of context—that context being that the Palestinian identity was mostly constructed post-the establishment of Israel and in response to it—which I personally think is a moot point now and was also largely a moot point when she said it, but it’s not the endorsement of genocide I’ve seen claimed too many times
If everyone can admit that "There was a time when Jews weren't Israelis yet" and "There was a time when Jews weren't Zionists yet" and "There was a time when Canaanite tribes weren't Jews yet," they should be able to admit that "There was a time when Arabs in Palestine didn't have a Palestinian identity yet."
There is way too much present-ism in these discussions. Distinct Palestinian identity didn't really catch on until 1970. Golda Meir was born in 1898.
"The Palestinian Arabs had at present no will of their own. Neither have they ever developed any specifically Palestinian nationalism. The demand for a separate Arab state in Palestine is consequently relatively weak. It would seem as though in existing circumstances most of the Palestinian Arabs would be quite content to be incorporated in Transjordan." --U.N. negotiator Folke Bernadotte, 1948
He was right: they were content with exactly that.
It feels, as you said, moot to even bring it up; an obsolete argument from the 1940s. Yet the whole point of Palestinism is to constantly relitigate the 1940s, so we do not have the option of leaving the actual chronology behind.
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ronnydeschepper · 6 months
Het Evangelie volgens de Lukas (28): van boyscout tot weerwolf
Gedenkschriften en geschiedkundige studies over de Tweede Wereldoorlog zijn onuitputtelijk. Over de concentratiekampen stroomt het van getuigenissen en reconstructies. Maar sommige episodes blijven onderbelicht. Wat zich afspeelde in de chaos rond de finale afrekening met Hitler en de verdwazing van de opgejaagde Duitse burgers en kampgevangenen was zo gruwelijk dat er maar weinigen durfden of…
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fittlebottom · 21 days
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Timeskip shenanigans my beloved
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Also finished girlycard doodle from yesterday .
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royal-confessions · 7 months
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“Given recent events, I think it’s important that more people know about Count Folke Bernadotte who negotiated the release of about 31,000 prisoners from German concentration camps, including 450 Danish Jews from the Theresienstadt camp in 1945. Three years later while he was negotiating a peace settlement in Palestine in 1948, a Zionist Gang shot him in West Jerusalem. All the ones caught were pardoned by their first prime minister Ben-Gurion and he became a personal close friend of one of the murders, Yehoshua Cohen. Yitzhak Shamir, the 7th Prime Minister of Israel, was one of the three men who ordered his assassination. Folke Bernadotte was also King Carl XVI Gustaf’s godfather. It is suspected that the Carl still holds a grudge against Israel for not properly prosecuting the Lehi paramilitary organisation for killing his godfather. He has never visited Israel even if Israeli officials have visited him.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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a-typical · 11 months
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The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine - Ilan Pappé (2006)
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pebblezone · 1 year
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Once again thinking of cocolacola’s hellsing Pokemon thoughts
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23rd January 2023 // Crown Princess Victoria attended a seminar arranged by the Folke Bernadotte Academy, a Swedish government agency promoting peace, security and international development. 
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satotoshio · 7 months
スウェーデン、NATO加盟  ついにあの、永世中立の王国スウェーデンが、「もう中立やめますッ!」と、ブチギレてしまった。  スウェーデンのNATO加盟 全加盟国が承認へ…
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Never forget when Zionists assassinated Swedish diplomat Folke Bernadotte, after he wrote his UN report detailing the devastation of the Palestinian villages he saw, and the mass killings.
Folke Bernadotte successfully negotiated with the Nazi regime in Germany to secure the release of thousands of concentration camp prisoners.
He stated:
“It is … undeniable that no settlement can be just and complete if recognition is not accorded to the right of the Arab refugee to return to the home from which he has been dislodged by the hazards and strategy of the armed conflict between Arabs and Jews in Palestine."
"It would be an offence against the principles of elemental justice if these innocent victims of the conflict were denied the right to return to their homes while Jewish immigrants flow into Palestine, and, indeed, at least offer the threat of permanent replacement of the Arab refugees who have been rooted in the land for centuries.”
Zionists have always been the terrorists.
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armagnac-army · 6 months
OOC: The Napoleonic Askblog/Roleplay Scene Directory
Here's an Out Of Character post listing the blogs I'm aware of in the Napoleonic RPF Roleplay Scene! It's OOC because Lannes would want to make sarcastic remarks with typos.
If you want (or don't want) your blog on this list, message me and whether you want a main/other blog associated with your name or whether you want to be anonymised! Also happy to include non-Frenchmen and Frev folks.
Doubles or multiple versions of people are welcome, this is a varied afterlife. We all have our different ideas for what this afterlife is like as well.
Feel free to reblog or link to this!
And now we have a OOC discord server to chat about all of this! Feel free to join if you'd like!
The Marshalate
armagnac-army - Jean Lannes, Duke of Montebello - played by cadmusfly
murillo-enthusiast - Jean-de-Dieu Soult, Duke of Dalmatia, and ADCs - played by cadmusfly
@le-brave-des-braves - Michel Ney, Prince of the Moskva, Duke of Elchingen, and ADCs - played by @neylo
@your-dandy-king - Joachim Murat, King of Naples - played by @phatburd
@chicksncash - André Masséna, Prince of Essling, Duke of Rivoli, and others - played by @chickenmadam also playing as his ADC, with appearances from Marshal Augereau, the Cuirassier Generals d'Hautpoul and Nansouty, and the Horse Grenadier General Lepic
@your-staff-wizard - Louis-Alexandre Berthier, Prince of Neuchâtel and Valangin, Prince of Wagram - played by @chickenmadam, as above
@perdicinae-observer - Louis-Nicolas Davout, Prince of Eckmühl, Duke of Auerstaedt - played by @mbenguin
@bow-and-talon - Laurent de Gouvion Saint-Cyr, Marquis of Gouvion-Saint-Cyr
@france-hater - Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte, or Karl XIV Johan of Sweden, played by @deathzgf also includes the Duke of Wellington and Prince Pyotr Ivanovich Bagration
@simple-giant-ed - Édouard Mortier, Duke of Treviso, played by @isa-ko
@bayard-de-la-garde - Jean-Baptiste Bessières, Duke of Istria
@le-bayard-polonaise - Prince Józef Poniatowski of Poland
@oudinot-still-alive - Nicolas Charles Oudinot duc de Reggio, played by @spaceravioli2
@beausoleil-de-bellune - Claude-Victor Perrin, Duke of Belluno
@commandant-des-traitres - Auguste de Marmont, Duke of Ragusa
The Grande Armée
@general-junot - Jean-Andoche Junot, Duke of Abrantes - played by @promises-of-paradise
@askgeraudduroc - Géraud Duroc, Duke of Frioul, Grand-Marshal of the Palace - played by @sillybumblebeegirl, also with cameos from Marshal Bessières shared with your-dandy-king
@trauma-and-truffles - Baron Dominique-Jean Larrey, Surgeon to Napoleon and the Imperial Guard - played by @hoppityhopster23 who also plays his modern assistant
@generaldesaix - Louis Charles Antoine Desaix de Veygoux, most likely would have been a marshal if he lived - played by @usergreenpixel
@messenger-of-the-battlefield - Marcellin Marbot, aide-de-camp of maréchal Lannes - played by @a-system-of-nerds (Inactive)
@le-dieu-mars - Jean-Baptiste Kleber, General - played by @chickenmadam
@puddinglesablonniere, Charles-Étienne César Gudin de La Sablonnière, Gemeral of Davout's Corps
@francoislejeunes, Baron Louis-François Lejeune, ADC to Berthier, Artist and Engineer
@troboi1806, Jacques de Trobriand, ADC to Marshal Davout
@cynics-and-cynology, Captain Elzéar Blaze
@thehussargeneral, General Antoine-Charles-Louis, Comte de Lasalle
@pondicherry-pie, Charles-Rene Magon de Medine, Rear Admiral of the Combined Fleet at Trafalgar
The Bonaparte Family
@carolinemurat - Caroline Murat née Buonaparte, Queen of Naples - played by @usergreenpixel
@alexanderfanboy - Napoleon Bonaparte, The Big Cheese
@frencheaglet - Napoleon II, also known as Franz, Duke of Reichstadt, played by @usergreenpixel
@rosie-of-beauharnais - Rose Beauharnais, also known as Josephine Bonaparte, once Empress of the French
@le-fils - Eugène Beauharnais, Prince of the Empire, Bonaparte's stepson, played by @josefavomjaaga
@jbonapartes - Jérôme Bonaparte, King of Westphalia, Prince of Montfort
@napoleon-bonapartee - Napoleon Bonaparte, The Head Honcho
Other Notable Personages
@askjackiedavid - Jacques Louis David, neoclassical painter - played by @sillybumblebeegirl
@lazarecarnot - Lazare Carnot, mathematician, military officer, politician and a leading member of the Committee of Public Safety
Not French
@the-blessed-emperor - Tsar Alexander I (Inactive)
@loyal-without-flattery - General Aleksey Andreevich Arakcheev, who runs His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancellery (Inactive)
@misha-wants-to-go-home - Count Mikhail Andreyevich Miloradovich, played by @spaceravioli2
@catherinesucks - Tsar Paul I of Russia, father of Alexander I
@ask-tsaralexander - Tsar Alexander I, played by @goddammitjosef
@the1ronduke - Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, played by @spaceravioli2
@banasstre - Banastre Tarleton, Major-General
@pakenham-kitty - Catherine Wellesley, Duchess of Wellington
@headlessgenius - Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes, Painter and proud Spaniard
Original Characters and Friends
@the-adventures-of-lydia-brown - Lydia Brown, a jack of all trades and problem solver finding herself in this strange realm with all these dead Frenchmen
Hopster, trauma-and-truffles's modern time travelling assistant
Madam DuQuay, ADC who takes no nonsense, helping out chicksncash, your-staff-wizard and le-dieu-mars
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soon-palestine · 6 months
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This is Swedish diplomat Folke Bernadotte who personally saved 31,000 Jews and non-Jews from the Nazi Germany…🇩🇪
He was chosen to be the United Nations Security Council mediator in the Palestine–Israeli conflict of 1947–1948…
The Zionists killed him in Jerusalem after he wrote his UN report detailing the devastated Palestinian villages he saw and the mass killings
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er1chartmann · 9 months
Walter Schellenberg
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These are some facts and curiosities about Walter Schellenberg, the deputy head of the Gestapo:
He was born in Saarbrücken on 16 January 1910 but his family moved with his family to Luxembourg when the French occupation of the Saar Basin after the First World War triggered an economic crisis in the Weimar Republic.
 He returned to Germany to attend university, first at the University of Marburg and then, in 1929, at the University of Bonn. He initially studied medicine, but soon switched to law.
He joined the SS in 1933.
He was recruited in the SD through 2 professors ( he gave an anti catholic speech which aroused Heydrich's interest )
In November 1939 Schellenberg played a key role in the Venlo Incident, which ended with the capture of two British espionage agents and was awarded the Iron Cross for this.
In 1940 he was responsible for drawing up a list of 2,300 British personalities who were to be arrested as soon as Germany occupied Great Britain; he was also involved in many other espionage activities, among which the Kitty Salon activity was very successful.
In March 1942, Heinz Jost was fired from his position as RSHA Chief of Amt VI, SD-Ausland (SD foreign intelligence). In his place, Schellenberg was appointed chief of SD-Ausland by Heydrich
According to his memoirs, Schellenberg had been a friend of Wilhelm Canaris, the head of the Abwehr (military intelligence).
In the last months of the conflict Schellenberg tried to persuade Himmler to reach a separate peace with the Western Allies by exploiting the mediation of Count Folke Bernadotte, whom he himself met personally in Stockholm in April 1945.
He was captured in Denmark in June 1945 while working on an attempt to make a separate peace with the Americans.
During the postwar Nuremberg Trials, Schellenberg testified against other Nazis. In the 1949 Ministries Trial he was sentenced to six years' imprisonment, during which time he wrote his memoirs, The Labyrinth.
He died of cancer in 1952 in Turin, Italy.
During the German occupation of Paris, Schellenberg was believed to have been a lover of Coco Chanel, who paid for the cost of his funeral when he died penniless.
Wikipedia: Walter Schellenberg
Military Wiki: Walter Schellenberg
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skeppsbrott · 1 year
Lite pinsamt att folk fortfarande tycker kungen är kul och meme-ig!
Kungen på transflagga är bara kul om man kan förtränga att han fortfarande är bitter över att Victoria är före Carl Philip i tronföljden, att han står utanför lagar och demokratiska fri- och rättigheter, att Lundsbergsskolan gång på gång utpekas som korrupt och med helt vansinnig elevkultur.
"Nej, nej jag kan faktiskt inte dra mig till minne att jag någonsin skulle ha varit på en sådan klubb".
Tror ni att ett kungabarn som visade sig vara homo- eller bisexuell skulle få leva sin sanning öppet? Ett kungabarn som råkade vara trans? Ditt enda jobb som arvinge är att se till att föröka dig. Ja, det måste vara ditt kött och blod, nej, det spelar ingen roll att släkten Bernadotte inte har någonting med Vasa eller kung Erik att göra.
Låt dig inte luras av Young Royals; för den som faktiskt är nära kungamakten nog att ständigt behöva förhålla sig till den, är en världsbild där vissa människor har mer medfödd dignitet och rätt till makt än andra, ett ofrånkomligt faktum.
Familjen Bernadotte lär vara bra reklam för Sverige men de som står i kassor och går rundvisningar på Slottet har sämre lön och arbetstrygghet än vad jag hade på samtliga mina resturang- och barkneg. Slottet har 1400+ rum och i enorma salar står små koppar som hört till Marie Antoinette undangömda bland tusentals andra ovärderliga och unikt magnifika föremål.
Om kungen var allierad på riktigt skulle han låta mig och alla mina vänner suga transkuk på silvertronen.
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girlactionfigure · 2 months
The Tale of the Lehi Commander-Turned Ben-Gurion's Confidant
Yehoshua Cohen was born in Petach Tikva in 1922. At the young age of 16, Yehoshua joined the Irgun (Etzel) and later followed Yair Stern to the Lehi (Stern Group).
After the murder of Yair Stern and the subsequent jailing of the Lehi’s High Command in 1942, Yehoshua (aged 19) took command of the group and continued the struggle against the British.
Yehoshua hid out and operated from an orange grove in Kfar Saba, where he survived on stale bread, murky water, and oranges. Later that year, he assisted Yitzhak Shamir in escaping from prison and presented him with the command over the Lehi.
As a leading member of the Lehi, Cohen went on to recruit and train new fighters. In 1944, he trained Eliyahu Bet-Zuri and Eliyahu Hakim to carry out the assassination of Lord Moyne in Egypt. Shortly after, Cohen was captured and exiled to Africa.
After Israel declared independence, Cohen returned and resumed his role in the Lehi. In September 1948, the Lehi assassinated the UN mediator, Folk Bernadotte. Although Cohen never admitted his role in the assassination after his death, others revealed that he was the one who pulled the trigger.
In 1952, Yehoshua was among the founders of Kibbutz Sde Boker, the famed residence of David Ben-Gurion.
Despite their competing ideologies, Cohen and Ben-Gurion became very close friends on the kibbutz, with Cohen serving as Ben-Gurion's confidant and unofficial bodyguard.
Yehoshua Cohen passed away on August 8, 1986.
Pictured: Cohen (right), Ben-Gurion (left)
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Im Tirtzu
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perdicinae-observer · 5 months
why does bernadotte love you so much
[*Confused squinting, mumbles*] "Love"? This must be a joke...Is hostility seen as romantic nowadays? Bon Dieu, these young folks should get off their romance novels more often...
[*Clears throat*] ...Very...absurd choice of words, anonyme.
I reckon it's the loneliness getting to him however...you're better off asking the man himself, in my opinion.
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