#flower vaporizer
vaporizerwizard · 2 years
Davinci Vaporizers has had quite the lineup over the last decade starting with the OG Walkie Talkie in 2012 and most recently with the Davinci Miqro-C.
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hloverheather · 6 months
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adhderall · 3 months
can my moms boyfriend who literally smokes cigarettes every day leave me alone about my weed habit 🗿🗿🗿 your substance abuse isn't any healthier than my substance abuse bruh
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draconicfool · 3 months
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anonymous asked : Rumor has it you seduced the general for your own safety and political gain.
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"Take- ya take that back, right now! Get those disgustin' thoughts out of y'er damn head! I love Jing Yuan. I love him more th'n words could ever possibly say! I'd love him even if he held no power on th' Xianzhou Luofu! I'd love him even if I were still a shackled bird in a golden cage! Don't ya dare ever suggest I'd jus' use him f'er somethin' like that!"
A beat of silence. His shoulders trembling as he puts a hand over his mouth.
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"...is that really what people think of me..? Of us..?"
rumor rumor || accepting
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dv21 · 1 year
This is for an oc art exchange hosted by @/yoursforest!
@gforceworks I hope you enjoy Ava doing some ✨mystical divining✨!!
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deadboystims · 2 years
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Vapor Trail Stimboard for @petalstims <3
☁️.☁️.☁️ / ☁️.🌟.☁️ / ☁️.☁️.☁️
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pandoras-proxy · 1 year
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When a short king tells you you're cute. 😳
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chicinsilk · 1 year
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Jean-Louis Scherrer Spring/Summer 1968 Haute Couture Collection. Photo Luc Fournol. Magazine Jours de France Special Haute Couture special issue of February 28, 1968. Unidentified model.
Jean-Louis Scherrer Collection Haute Couture Printemps/Été 1968. Photo Luc Fournol. Magazine Jours de France Spécial Haute Couture hors-série du 28 février 1968. Modèle non identifié.
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vivantvape · 2 years
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Stop and smell the flowers as well as the vape inside.
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kalisbaby · 6 months
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“From the River to the Sea.” A Poem by Samer Abu Hawwash, translated by Huda Fakhreddine
every street, every house, every room, every window, every balcony, every wall, every stone, every sorrow, every word, every letter, every whisper, every touch, every glance, every kiss, every tree, every spear of grass, every tear, every scream, every air, every hope, every supplication, every secret, every well, every prayer, every song, every ballad, every book, every paper, every color, every ray, every cloud, every rain, every drop of rain, every drip of sweat, every lisp, every stutter, every yamma, mother, every yaba, father, every shadow, every light, every little hand that drew in a little notebook a tree or house or heart or a family of a father, a mother, siblings, and pets, every longing, every possibility, every letter between two lovers that arrived or didn’t arrive, every gasp of love dispersed in the distant clouds, every moment of despair at every turn, every suitcase on top of
every closet, every library, every shelf, every minaret, every rug, every bell toll in every church, every rosary, every holy praise, every arrival, every goodbye, every Good Morning, every Thank God, every ‘ala rasi, my pleasure, every hill ‘an sama’i, leave me alone, every rock, every wave, every grain of sand, every hair-do, every mirror, every glance in every mirror, every cat, every meow, every happy donkey, every sad donkey’s gaze, every pot, every vapor rising from every pot, every scent, every bowl, every school queue, every school shoes, every ring of the bell, every blackboard, every piece of chalk, every school costume, every mabruk ma ijakum, congratulations on the baby, every y ‘awid bi-salamtak, condolences, every ‘ayn al- ḥasud tibla bil-‘ama, may the envious be blinded, every photograph, every person in every photograph, every niyyalak, how lucky, every ishta’nalak, we’ve missed you, every grain of wheat in every bird’s gullet, every lock of hair, every hair knot, every hand, every foot, every football, every finger, every nail, every bicycle, every rider on every bicycle, every turn of air fanning from every bicycle, every bad joke, every mean joke, every laugh, every smile, every curse, every yearning, every fight, every sitti, grandma, every
sidi, grandpa, every meadow, every flower, every tree, every grove, every olive, every orange, every plastic rose covered with dust on an abandoned counter, every portrait of a martyr hanging on a wall since forever, every gravestone, every sura, every verse, every hymn, every ḥajj mabrur wa sa ‘yy mashkur, may your ḥajj and effort be rewarded, every yalla tnam yalla tnam, every lullaby, every red teddy bear on every Valentine’s, every clothesline, every hot skirt, every joyful dress, every torn trousers, every days-spun sweater, every button, every nail, every song, every ballad, every mirror, every peg, every bench, every shelf, every dream, every illusion, every hope, every disappointment, every hand holding another hand, every hand alone, every scattered thought, every beautiful thought, every terrifying thought, every whisper, every touch, every street, every house, every room, every balcony, every eye, every tear, every word, every letter, every name, every voice, every name, every house, every name, every face, every name, every cloud, every name, every rose, every name, every spear of grass, every name, every wave, every grain of sand, every street, every kiss, every image, every eye, every tear, every yamma, every yaba, every name, every name, every name, every name, every name, every name, every name, every name, all…
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hloverheather · 4 months
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flittermousemoth · 1 year
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draconicfool · 1 month
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anonymous asked: "I was so early, mama. I don't know why gege thinks that's a good time to train," he complains, but there's no actual heat in it, plus he can nap as much as he likes as long as he does his chores. The boy gives his mother a hug, wrapping his little arms around her and sleepily rubs his cheek against the fabric of her clothes, like a kitten showing affection. "Baba said so too, but I like being with Yanqing-gege." Like his father, his older brother was a busy person, especially with his latest promotion. "Baba said soon gege can take his place at work!" The boy was sad and happy about that. More baba, less gege. Good and bad. "I know! And you promise I can get some tanghulu!" he replies, looking up with the brightest smile there is, showing off unusually sharp teeth. "Gege went to the Master Diviner! I know because he rolled is eyes and said I can't tell anyone he did! Opps!" The boy giggles, not looking particularly guilty at all.
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"We take th' good with th' bad, I s'ppose." He chuckles, wrapping around the smaller boy and resting his cheek atop the other's head. They really are just a family of cats aren't they? All nuzzling and nestling for affection and napping in such odd places. Well- that last one could exclude Yanqing. "I remember back b'fore we had ya, when y'er gege was much less busy, we'd go through trainin' too, though not nearly as early since I couldn't be here as often. It was a nice way t' bond with him." Ah, that had been discussed hadn't it? Nearly time for the Arbiter-General to step down and enjoy old age with his little wife and their son. And for Yanqing to be a much busier man. It was so odd thinking it had been long enough they'd been together for this time to finally come.
"I did now, didn't I~? Anythin' f'er ya, sweet boy." He laughs softly, looking down if only to examine those teeth. Make sure that they're not at risk of falling out just yet the way his do far too often. "Did he now? Well...s'ppose we should go find him first, huh?"
future children || accepting
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victoriawhimsey · 1 month
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Meet my dear friend Nooh, Nooh is a 23 year old civil defense rescuer in Gaza. He rescues anyone that has been injured in any way, especially after any kind of infrastructure has been bombed. Nooh has been working 24/7 for the past 10 months to help save people’s lives. Every day he witnesses the most unimaginable atrocities that nobody should ever have to see, while being a civil defense rescuer.
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‼️Due to isntreals f0rc3d st4rv4tion against Gaza, Nooh is unable to eat some days, which is especially difficult for him given the job he has. His home & entire neighborhood have been destroyed as well.‼️
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Isntreal has targeted & kïllëd 80 civil defense workers since October. To prevent Nooh from becoming a target, It is imperative that Nooh & his family reach their goal as soon as possible so they can evacuate.
‼️Please donate anything you can, & help share this with as many people as possible who can also help. So Nooh does not become their next target‼️
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@hazemfromgaza @neptunerings @claudiasescapesubmarine @6o3o9 @schoolhater @appsa @a-shade-of-blue @bookn3rd-cartoons @malcriada @nightydraws @mothblossoms @ohwarnette @a1m3v @heliopixels @ihavenoideashelp @im-living-under-your-basement @flower-tea-fairies @kit-today @rhubarbspring @starshinegalaxyvoid @sleevesareforlosers @xinakwans @determinate-negation @retvolution @magiciansquest @s8n66 @transmutationisms @tortiefrancis @mahoushojoe @mimiqyu @xzbat-loverzx @hametsukaishi @raelyn-dreams @lonniemachin @lizlives @pcktknife @vaporize-employers @devilofthepit @orchidvioletindigo @abricktothehead @pretendingtobeaperson @7bitter @starshinegalaxyvoid @grapejuicedragoon @tiredguyswag @timetravellingkitty @mushroomjar @lesbiandardevil @deathlonging @selamat-linting
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twentymuleteamborax · 2 years
Love smelling weed at work. Good work boys
though it's odd because the guy who's legal first name is Blaze isn't here today
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chinesehanfu · 7 days
[Hanfu · 漢服]The past and present of "eating mooncakes during the Mid-Autumn Festival"
As the Mid-Autumn Festival/Zhong Qiu Jie 中秋节 is coming, let us learn how “mooncakes/月饼” became an iconic traditional food of the Mid-Autumn Festival
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A mooncake (simplified Chinese: 月饼; traditional Chinese: 月餅) is a Chinese bakery product traditionally eaten during the Mid-Autumn Festival (中秋節).The festival is primarily about the harvest while a legend connects it to moon watching, and mooncakes are regarded as a delicacy. Mooncakes are offered between friends or on family gatherings while celebrating the festival. The Mid-Autumn Festival is widely regarded as one of the four most important Chinese festivals.
Mooncakes were originally used as offerings to worship the moon god.
Worshiping the moon is a very old custom in China. It is actually a worship activity for the "moon god" by the ancients. Eating mooncakes and appreciating the moon during the Mid-Autumn Festival are indispensable customs for celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival in all parts of China. Mooncakes symbolize reunion. People regard them as festive food, use them to worship the moon, and give them to relatives and friends.
Cultural relics believed to be the predecessor of mooncakes were unearthed:
<China Tang Dynasty Baoxiang flower-patterned mooncakes/宝相花月饼>⬇️
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Mooncakes, traditionally offered as a tribute to the Moon Goddess, have a long and rich history. The term "mooncake" was first recorded in the Southern Song Dynasty in Wu Zimu’s <梦梁录/Meng Liang Lu>.
Over time, mooncakes merged with various regional culinary traditions, giving rise to different styles such as Cantonese, Shanxi, Beijing, Suzhou, Chaozhou, and Yunnan mooncakes, all of which are beloved by people across China:
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Mooncakes truly became associated with the Mid-Autumn Festival during the Ming Dynasty. In the writings of Liu Ruoyu 刘若愚, a eunuch during the reigns of the Wanli and Chongzhen emperors, he mentioned in his prison work Zhuozhong Zhi 《酌中志》(Vol. 20, "Brief Record of Culinary Preferences"): “八月宫中赏秋海棠、玉簪花。自初一日起,即有卖月饼者。加以西瓜、藕,互相馈送。西苑鹿藕。至十五日,家家供月饼瓜果,候月上焚香后,即大肆饮啖,多竟夜始散席者。如有剩月饼,仍整收于干燥风凉之处,至岁暮合家分用之,曰‘团圆饼’也”
"In August, the palace having event appreciates autumn crabapple blossoms. From the first day of the month, mooncakes are sold,it accompanied by watermelons and lotus roots, and are exchanged as gifts.By the fifteenth day, every household offers mooncakes and fruits in worship, waiting for the moon to rise before burning incense and feasting lavishly, with some gatherings lasting all night. If there are leftover mooncakes, they are stored in a dry and cool place until the end of the year, when the whole family shares them, calling them 'reunion cakes.'
In the Qing Dynasty, there were books that detailed the methods of making mooncakes. For example, Zeng Yi, a female writer and female doctor in the late Qing Dynasty, recorded the "Method of Making Crisp Mooncakes" in her book "Zhongkuilu": "Use white ash flour, half of which is steamed in a steamer, and no water vapor is seen; the other half is raw, and kneaded with lard and cold water. Then, mix the steamed flour with lard. Use a ball of raw oil flour, and wrap a small ball of cooked oil flour inside; use a rolling pin to roll it into a cup-sized shape, fold it into a square; roll it into a ball again, and fold it into a square again; then wrap the filling. Use a cake stamp to stamp it, and put it on the stove to cook. For the oil-flavored filling, use cooked flour, sugar, walnuts, etc., and add a little sesame oil, so that it will not fall apart." The method is very similar to today's Suzhou-style mooncakes.
🧚🏻‍Production & Model/Makeup:@曾嚼子
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