#馃悏 ; a voice of vapor [anon]
draconicfool 2 months
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anonymous asked: the rumor come out; does eros is gay? eros is gay is the most discussed in the dash in the few days ago. even it has happened in 2024, but some of the public still curious about what is exactly happening and to be the reason there is a rumor comes out about his gay. at that time he became the massive social networking rumor. the dash, especially his fans are shocked. he just came out with his bad rumor which is spread massively. this time is not about his medic career, but his bad rumor. the rumor is out of standardize of hoax, according the last reported this dragon revealed himself as homosexual. do you still believe or not, this rumor is really much talked by people even in a person of his fans.
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rumor rumor || accepting
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draconicfool 2 months
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anonymous asked: Rumor has it that you don't have nipples <3
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"...if I hear this one more time m'gonna eat someone..."
rumor rumor || accepting
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draconicfool 2 months
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anonymous asked : Rumor has it you seduced the general for your own safety and political gain.
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"Take- ya take that back, right now! Get those disgustin' thoughts out of y'er damn head! I love Jing Yuan. I love him more th'n words could ever possibly say! I'd love him even if he held no power on th' Xianzhou Luofu! I'd love him even if I were still a shackled bird in a golden cage! Don't ya dare ever suggest I'd jus' use him f'er somethin' like that!"
A beat of silence. His shoulders trembling as he puts a hand over his mouth.
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"...is that really what people think of me..? Of us..?"
rumor rumor || accepting
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draconicfool 12 days
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anon asked: I do stalk your blog, but not in a bad way. I just genuinely like reading your threads/posts.
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draconicfool 1 month
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anonymous asked: smash or pass itto
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"....smash." But we're not talking about how true that is.
smash or pass babyyy || accepting
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draconicfool 1 month
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anonymous asked: "I was so early, mama. I don't know why gege thinks that's a good time to train," he complains, but there's no actual heat in it, plus he can nap as much as he likes as long as he does his chores. The boy gives his mother a hug, wrapping his little arms around her and sleepily rubs his cheek against the fabric of her clothes, like a kitten showing affection. "Baba said so too, but I like being with Yanqing-gege." Like his father, his older brother was a busy person, especially with his latest promotion. "Baba said soon gege can take his place at work!" The boy was sad and happy about that. More baba, less gege. Good and bad. "I know! And you promise I can get some tanghulu!" he replies, looking up with the brightest smile there is, showing off unusually sharp teeth. "Gege went to the Master Diviner! I know because he rolled is eyes and said I can't tell anyone he did! Opps!" The boy giggles, not looking particularly guilty at all.
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"We take th' good with th' bad, I s'ppose." He chuckles, wrapping around the smaller boy and resting his cheek atop the other's head. They really are just a family of cats aren't they? All nuzzling and nestling for affection and napping in such odd places. Well- that last one could exclude Yanqing. "I remember back b'fore we had ya, when y'er gege was much less busy, we'd go through trainin' too, though not nearly as early since I couldn't be here as often. It was a nice way t' bond with him." Ah, that had been discussed hadn't it? Nearly time for the Arbiter-General to step down and enjoy old age with his little wife and their son. And for Yanqing to be a much busier man. It was so odd thinking it had been long enough they'd been together for this time to finally come.
"I did now, didn't I~? Anythin' f'er ya, sweet boy." He laughs softly, looking down if only to examine those teeth. Make sure that they're not at risk of falling out just yet the way his do far too often. "Did he now? Well...s'ppose we should go find him first, huh?"
future children || accepting
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draconicfool 1 month
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anonymous asked: The young boy yawns and then smiles at Eros, his pink hair tussled, but his golden eyes are bright with a mischievous glint in them. "Sorry, mama. Yanqing-gege took me to morning training." And that was exhausting, especially for a young child, and he had once again fallen asleep at an odd place. It doesn't help that his gege is very intense when it comes to training. "Baba left?" Of course he had, his baba is a very busy man.
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"Oh, my very tired little h菙 zi." Eros lets out a soft chuckle as he reaches out to smooth the boy's hair down. Leaning forward to kiss the top of his head. So very much like his father, really. Even after all these years it was a toss up if he'd come home to find Jing Yuan in bed or somewhere else entirely. Suppose at least the sweet boy came by it honestly.
"Y'c'n always tell him y'er tired, y'know. He was a kid once, too. 'm sure he'd understand wantin' at least a day off." He purrs gently, brushing the other's hair back before just looking over his face absently, brushing a thumb over his cheek. "But, speakin' of things y'do need t' do, don't f'er'get y'er helpin' Mama with shoppin' later t'day since Baba went out t' handle work." Baba was a very busy man, sadly. But that's more than alright. Eros can handle things around the house just fine with help from their boys! "And I do need t' find y'er gege, he went an' took one of m'swords out th' other day and didn't even ask-!"
future children || accepting
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draconicfool 1 month
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anonymous asked: Does the enrichment differ from boyfriend to boyfriend? Do some require hot wheels while others require a newspaper?
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"Oh, yeah, absolutely. Yingxing needs t' be able t'make stuff, Bap needs t' make perfumes, Sampo needs t' do...whatever th' fuck Sampo does..."
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draconicfool 2 months
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anonymous asked: Eros I MUST know! Out of all your partners, who has the worst fashion sense?
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"...how rude would it be t' say s'Jing Yuan jus' cuz I don't know how th' fuck his outfit works?"
i think its rude eros || unprompted <3
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draconicfool 2 months
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anonymous [totally not my good friend mew] asked: "Did you hear? Two Arbiter-Generals from other ships are going to be coming to the Luofu for the Wardance." "Doesn't that seem suspicous to you? Why do they both need to come?" "Do... do you think they may be investigating General Jing Yuan because of the Arbor crisis?" "I dunno, maybe? It WAS a bit weird that the Disciples issue happened under his watch. How could the 'Divine Foresight' let that happen?" Rumors were swirling with the upcoming Wardance. Which had some merit to them were yet to be seen. [Totally not Mew : P ]
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It's more than a little frustrating, he thinks. Hearing people talk about his beloved that way. But he has to hold his tongue. If there are rumors going around, the last thing he wants is to put more on the general's shoulders. After all, with their relationship being public, Eros' actions reflected on him as well.
But still, there's a huff as he stops for a moment to look the two over.
"If it weren't f'er th' General, I don't think there'd still be a Luofu. So I'd watch what y'er sayin' when y'think people c'n't hear."
And then he'd keep on his way. He had a date after all! Couldn't waste time on people that weren't smart enough to not listen to idle gossip.
unprompted <3
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draconicfool 2 months
I have a confession, Eros reminds me of a Vorwerk chicken I don't fathom why. It's just he reminds me so much of a Vorwerk.
Maybe it's because they're both pretty?
anonymous confessions
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draconicfool 2 months
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anonymous asked: 馃懁+ Baiheng
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"I- only met Baiheng once, a long time ago...back when th' Yuque was under attack. She was...kind- and free. I remember, as much as I hate t' admit it...I was jealous of her. Of th' trail she blazed and th' way she held herself. Of...everythin' about her, I s'ppose. I would've liked- would've loved, actually, t' get t' really know her..."
the opinion game || accepting
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draconicfool 2 months
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anonymous asked: 馃懁+ Jingliu
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"As far as th' Xianzhou is concerned, Jingliu is a dangerous criminal. But- she's m'friend. I don't have a lot of those...so th' ones I do have mean a lot t' me. We're two...very dangerous people I s'ppose. And there's some comfort in that."
the opinion game || accepting
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draconicfool 2 months
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anonymous asked: Leaves three kittens on their lap. "Take good care of them."
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"Oh-." Surprised, but not unwelcomed. Their tail absently wagging as they pet each of the little kittens in turn. "I think YuYu's gonna like bein' a big brother..~. Hi cuties~."
unprompted <3
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draconicfool 2 months
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anonymous asked: If your lover punched someone so hard they knocked that person out, would you find it attractive?
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"...plain and simply I would need them t' breed me immediately."
idek if this is related to the meme-
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draconicfool 2 months
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anonymous asked: Is Jing Yuan a good kisser?
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"Oh extremely good. Not that anyone but me is ever gonna get t' experience it, of course~."
ask about relationships || accepting
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