#fledgling sam
in-kyblogs · 3 months
“Did the vampire get the job?” well, actually, we could say the interviewer did
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sam-reid · 2 years
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funtheysaid · 3 months
That’s got to be the best, most insane, most satisfying, MOST FASCINATING season finale I’ve ever watched in my life. Holy fuck.
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Coming soon…
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Fly Cassie will have an update within the next two weeks.
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Castiel’s Wings will be worked on after that.
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Surprise me will be next as promised.
👇 There is more below the cut 👇
Request for Dean x Reader to “In the Mood” by Rush and Dean picks her up at a bar.
Request for transmale helps Gabriel groom his wings.
Polycule (Dean/Gadreel/Ketch)
Prize (request) for basically a cuddle pile of Dean, Gadreel, and Ketch with a kid.
Big Sky
Request of basically a story where the reader is mistaken by Beau as a bad guy when really she is undercover.
Other fics
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Domestic Silk (Rabbit) Moth!Castiel falls in love with Human!Mechanic!Dean. Castiel is not what he appears to be and Dean doesn’t know. (Destiel, Interspecies romance)
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Destiel Date Night, inspired by this prompt (Angel!Castiel x Human Dean, Neighbors AU)
(Insert gif of Dean and Castiel happy)
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Two Men and the Virgin (Destiel x Virgin!OFC, Neighbors AU)
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Heat (A/B/O, non-traditional, mating cycles, and Alphas Destiel x Omega!Part Angel!AFAB)
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ardentpoop · 8 months
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this show isn't good for me lol the whiplash i just got from feeling Wounded Affection for sam to Extreme Irritation at dean made me dizzy
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dailymichifer · 1 year
(anon submission)
Fire and Ice by Imoshen
Complete | Words: 2982 | Rating: Explicit | Warnings: None | Archive
Lucifer/Michael/Sam Winchester (Supernatural)
Summary: Pure smut, with a little fluff on top. Lucifer and Michael play with Sam, making use of their very different body temperatures.
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soliloqueeer · 3 months
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When I first watched this episode, I was very confused about Lestat's motivations for being at the trial. During Claudia's execution, I kept thinking, why isn't he moving? Just do something. Help her.
I understand now that Lestat, at this point, is much weaker than usual for reasons that haven't yet been fully explored. From interviews with Sam Reid, I also learned that there was no way Lestat would miss this trial. However, Lestat isn't a planner—he arrived, memorized his lines, yet was utterly unprepared for what was about to unfold. The only thing he knew for sure was that he was going to save Louis. That was his sole plan.
When Claudia says, "It's never been about me," you can see the guilt and shame in Lestat's eyes. Yet, when she announces her plan to kill everyone in the crowd after her death, he's staring at her with pride.
I believe Lestat did a lot of reflecting while in his coffin, pondering how he ended up in this situation and what led his fledglings to turn against him. I think he was actually proud of Claudia for successfully orchestrating his murder. She outsmarted him, and he had entirely underestimated her. This final act of violence made them equals in his eyes.
However, I don't think Lestat ever truly saw himself as a 'father.' He had no example of good parenting in his human life and this had no idea how to treat a child. From the beginning, he was referred to as Uncle Les while Louis took on the paternal role. Then, when Claudia became an adult, Lestat was forced to regard her as a sister.
The idea that someone could look to him as a father wasn't even conceivable to Lestat. In Claudia's final moments, when she looks to him like a child looks to a parent for help, it is horrifying on so many levels. It shocks him to his core when he realizes that he is her father and that he's letting her die right before his eyes. And even worse, Claudia was right—it was never about her.
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 year
Danny may be a Ghost Baby who feels like an Anicent, but his friends don't.
SO, we all know the Ghost Baby Headcanon by now right? The idea that Danny is literally a Toddler by Ghost Standards, but because of how powerful he is everybody else believes that he is an Ancient or a God who is hogging the Mortal World to himself.
But what about his friends?
They were right there when the Portal opened. No Hazmat Suits, no Cover, no Protection from the Dimension of Pure Energy that had just been opened right in front of them.
That has to have some kind of Side Effects!
And actually, we do know of a Character who was just standing in front of a Portal when it opened and still got affected by it. Vlad.
While Danny was turned into a Halfa instantly, his friends would be more similar to Vlad in that they are slow to transform.
It takes weeks, but eventually they become mini-halfas themselves. Except they didn't have an entire Dimension of energy pushed into them upon fully forming, so their Ecto-Signatures actually feel like the babies they are supposed to be.
So imagine this from the Ghosts perspective.
They meet this guy called Phantom, a Halfa who is Extremely Powerful, but nobody has seen him in centuries. He was known as a very powerful Protector Spirit for millennia, randomly showing up across history, but always helping others. And then he just vanished one day, not seen again for centuries.
Until recently, when he showed in the Mortal World, stopping any other Ghost from fulfilling their Obsessions with Humans. And by his side are 2 smaller Halfa's that feel like they must have barely formed. You can see where this is going.
They think Sam and Tucker are Danny's children.
It makes sense! A Powerful Ancient, known for protecting people, suddenly disappears for centuries and then shows up again with 2 baby Halfa's in tow? That sounds like a Protector Spirit who lost his will to fight, decided to settled down in the Mortal Realm, and then found out that 2 baby Halfa's were formed when a Portal was opened!
He isn't selfishly holding the Mortal Realm to himself! He's protecting the Fledgling Haunt of his 2 Babies! They must still have living Family, that's why he is so adamant that they don't hurt the Civilains in their battles!
Now they just feel like assholes for attacking the Baby's dad when he was just trying to protect their stuff.
Danny finds this both extremely infuriating, and also agonizingly hilarious.
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m0chisenpai · 2 months
˚。⋆ the vampire armand x black!fem!reader
in which armand may be the maitre, but every king needs a queen.
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The troupe bustled and moved in organized chaos. Electricity filled the air it tickled her veins, tonight was special. Claudia couldn't explain it, the blood sabbath felt intoxicating. The acting was on par with what was held at the royal opera. Was someone of importance watching?
She did not know and as she made her trek up the wooden steps from the Wet Room, the room went still.
“Beautiful work in the previous night my children, my heart might have leapt for a moment.” The velveteen voice wrapped around a Claudia’s mind. She closed her eyes, she could feel the owners voice as though she were next to her. And it seemed her voice was made known to all, because the room went still.
It was as though her presence were in the center of the room. Claudia could see her, but not, her face unknown to her. Her eyes cut to Louis, but they are glossed over, looking and searching for this source of comfort.
She could feel her arm hold her into her side, like a mother. Her hand settled on the back of her neck, finger playing with a curl and letting it bounce free. “And I have no doubt our young new puce is hard at work as well, we need more bright young minds here. Dear Claudia.”
"I look forward to seeing each of you all for tonight's hunt, I've a special treat for our American friends."
Then it was gone. Santiago let out a low groan placing his hand onto his chest, “her voice does wonders. I could listen to it for the rest of my days.”
Armand clapped his hands together snapping them out the trance. “You heard the maitress! Let us not disappoint and puce I hope her words lit an inspiration in you as well.” Claudia bowed her head, leaving through the wings and down the steps.
Claudia buffed and shined the casket of the acting troupe, her ears trained onto the post-show critiquing taking place above. She huffed sitting back on her knees. She was so close, just a little more enduring and she would join the theatre. And with a little persuasion her companion would join.
But Louis was 'fine' with sitting behind the scenes.
Claudia allowed her hands to wander the vanity, covered in treasures. The bottles of perfume glistened in the lights, and a bouquet of deep red roses sat nestled with note inside. scattered sheets of plays more covered in red than actual written words filled the space. A photo of Armand tucked in the mirror beside another note, the ink clearly fresh. She went to open it, to see just who was-
“Puce!” She jumped back dropping the letter back onto vanity. Sam now stood behind her, a scowl on his face like many nights.
“That is for maitress” the apprentice playwright breathed, lovingly looking up to the portrait as thought it were God himself up there. Though Sam was a brilliant playwright, the man was a horrible gossip. If you knew the right words, knew how to get him started then all you’d need is to sit back and let him spill his guts.
“How long has she been here?”
“She was one of the first to be chosen by maitre. No one knows how, but they say her first role was a testament to her story” Sam dropped his voice to a hush looking up. Santiago was wrapping up. So he lured the young puce in.
“Some say, she is the maitre’s one and only fledgling.” Claudia’s eyes widen. And before a slew of questions could come out, he swept the stack of papers in his arms smacking them on the cluttered wooden table.
“No more gossip for you puce! Make sure her area is well kept and don't touch her writing, she bit my finger off last time.” Claudia quickly went to work putting the make up and perfumes in the right places of the vanity.
She made her way to deposit the costumes to the be cleaned when her eyes catch a figure, lying across Armand's bed.
Her eyes concealed by a tinted round pair of fold rimmed glasses, and hands moving with her speech. She wore a pair of high waisted slacks with a dark red blouse tucked in. Her hair was thick and pulled to sit an simple updo with a patterned scarf tied.
Back and forth she paced the small room with a script in hand, taking the frames off to toss onto the cluttered desk along with the script.
"Santiago really needs to stop screwing Estelle, you can tell he is. He gets so boring on stage" she grumbled, holding her hand out to receive a cigarette from Armand and standing still for him to light it.
"The little American beauty is adorable" She called out, by now Armand has begun to smoke from his own cigarette, moving to stop her in her steps and pull her atop his lap on the bed. "I wish I could have seen their arrival."
"Yes she has that bite you had in your early years here." Her maroon lips turn upward as she cups his jaw.
"But your words cut deeper," his voice whispers now holding her hand to press into his cheek. Gentle kisses upon her wrist make her eyes flutter shut until he bites. As he feeds, her eyes look outward. Locking with Claudia's wide ones
Her blood is sweeter than anything he has tasted. Armand would drink from her alone for the rest of his existence if he could. He moves her off to lie among the pillows.
Her throat bared to him. His body covers her, his face face now buried in her neck where he bites her high enough where no shirt may cover.
"I suggest you finish your chores now, puce."
Claudia quickly steps away, her heart pounds against her chest as she quickly makes her way into the costume room. She would never forget those cold green eyes, staring into her own.
Back in the bedroom, she slips Armand onto his back. Straddling His waist. There is no protest in his eyes. Only a burning desire, had she demanded his heart in this moment he’d give to her at any moment. She gazes down at him, with a tilt to her head.
"You know I prefer to be on top, my beautiful Arun."
"Yes, maitress."
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radiance1 · 9 months
A castle mysteriously appears in Gotham one night.
Nobody who noticed it knows where it came from, nor how it got there as it seemingly appeared overnight. It wasn't anything big, as far as castle's were concerned, it seemed to be on the smaller side of things.
However, no one could truly estimate it's actual size. For there seemed to be an ever-present fog that never seemed to stray past the castle's gates.
Just like the fog, you always seemed to hear the cawing of crows and the flapping of bats whenever you step close enough. Yet their visibility was kept hidden in the fog.
Appearances aside, there did seem to be something... off, about the castle and not just because it appeared from thin air, no. It seemed to have a distinct aura of something... other.
No one knew how to explain it, but they could tell there was nothing natural about it. There was something fundamentally wrong with the castle, it wasn't the way it appeared out of nowhere, nor it's appearance.
When Sam finally became an adult, she didn't have to think twice about moving out. It was a bit difficult, with her parents not wanting to let her go just yet, but her grandmother managed to persuade them, thankfully.
When she was younger, Sam had always dreamed of owning a castle. Though its appearance did change in her mind when she grew older, from pretty and pink to one of darker colors and crows, which is why she never got one when she was younger, she realized.
But now that she was an adult, what was stopping her?
Nothing, that's what.
So, Sam buys one that matches her tastes and moves in. There was a lot of space, far more than she really ever thought about and now had to find a use for.
Was something that enthralled Sam ever since she was young, that and the occult as a whole. So, for a few months after moving did she try and get her hands on things like magical tomes, items, scripts and learn it.
Surprisingly, she was strongly successful in her attempts of learning magic. It was surprising to be sure, but now that she compares it to the portal to the afterlife, having a half dead friend and having hunted down ghosts, she realizes that magic wouldn't be that much farfetched in the equation.
A fair bit of her time now was spent covering her castle in wards, sigils, and runes, ones that would strengthen themselves over time, various protection wards and multiple others that she found useful. Most of them were ones that she found through text, though others were ones she personally made.
After she finished the entirety of the castle, she studied thoroughly to gain more knowledge and power for herself, she even made a few spells of her own along with various potions. Unfortunately, she was interrupted in her studies by various other witches, because apparently having such a powerful fledgling witch on her lonesome was too tempting of an offer to pass up for the nearby covens.
So she had to... move, before they tried to force her to join them. As for how, well, she moved her entire castle! What better way to refuse, really?
Unfortunately, it was her first time using such large-scale teleportation magic and she messed it up. Not that her calculations on where the castle was supposed to be were wrong, but while in the midst of moving through space she was... thrown off kilter.
She didn't even know how or what caused her to mess up. But her castle both was and wasn't where she wanted it to be. Her original destination was coordinates near Amity Park, and while they were on said coordinates.
This wasn't Amity Park.
To say she worried was an understatement. She scrambled to find something about where she ended up, and realized not only was she thrown off kilter, but she was also thrown off so badly that she ended up in an entirely different dimension. Luckily, she managed to make the philosopher's stone.
To say making it was easy would be wrong, for even she didn't know how she created it. It was by accident and for a while she didn't even know she had made it, when she had and tried to do something with it the stone had, uh, well.
It fused into her skin.
It had placed itself right over her face, on her chest, and it granted her immortality it seemed. Though that wasn't the effect she was currently thankful for no, the effect of making gold would be valuable to her, she wouldn't have the Manson wealth, but she could at the very least sustain herself.
For now, though, she did have her studies to get back to.
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alwynwitch · 3 months
The Talamasca in AMC IWTV: Raglan, Marius, Daniel, Rashid and Sam
Earlier I wrote a post (and an older one) about why I think Raglan James is actually Marius de Romanus or he is Raglan but sent by his superior Marius. @romaroy also made an excellent post about this (and I know @nalyra-dreaming and @chicalepidopterareblogs talked about this theory as well). Now we know vampire Sam Barclay was also working with the Talamasca and I'm connecting the dots.
In summary, in the books the Talamasca is secretly founded by vampire Teskhamen and two spirits. They are the secret elders, guiding it. I think in the show Marius will have this role. And he is already present in the story and watching Armand with the help of Sam and Rashid. There are visual clues that Rashid is actually working for Marius (the painting). Marius probably helped publishing Daniel's memoir (at Roman Weiss Publishing House) and maybe the book Interview with the Vampire.
I will elaborate on these points under the cut.
1) The Talamasca is founded by vampires and spirits and led by them as secret elders
So, in the books vampire Teskhamen and spirits are the secret founders and elders of the Talamasca, who are leading them from the background (without the humans knowing). I think the same will be true in the AMC show, because it is shown that Sam, a vampire, is working with them. This is what Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis says about how vampire Teskhamen is leading them:
"The Order is stable now, quite harmless to you. But we've never stopped watching over them. [...] We know everything. We watch them as they watch the supernatural phenomena of the world. [...] When it comes time for the Talamasca to die, we will dispatch it."
So, the humans who watch the vampires are not the ones in charge, the vampire who is secretly leading them is. 3D-chess game! They guide the humans who watch the vampires:
"They are pitiful mortals, simple mortals, honest mortals, scholars and nothing more. [...] We are guiding them. I told you."
Who is Teskhamen? He is the maker of Marius. And the other founder? Gremt, a spirit who follows spirit Amel (who started the vampire race by going into Akasha) to earth. There he meets Pandora who gives him her philosophical vision that becomes the mission of the Talamasca. Who is Pandora? Marius's first fledgling and his great love.
And the reason why the Talamasca is founded? It is heavily motivated by watching the spirit Amel who is in Akasha. So basically, to watch Those Who Must Be Kept. They are already mentioned several times in the show... (just as the Great Conversion, which is also connected to this!) and Marius is their Keeper. Which leads to...
2) Speculation: in the AMC show Marius will be the secret founder/elder of the Talamasca
Character-wise it makes a lot of sense. The AMC show is very much character-driven and the books have simply too many characters to flesh them all out. Teskhamen is not fleshed out well in the books. So it makes sense to give Marius this role. (And hopefully, Pandora can have a role as well!)
Marius is known not only for being a nerd, bookish and scholarly, but also for spying on others and invading their privacy and boundaries. When Marius is introduced for the first time, in The Vampire Lestat, he tells Lestat he knows every detail of his life and has been spying on him:
"How do you know what's been happening to me?" I asked. Again, he smiled. He almost laughed.
"I know things that happen to our kind all over the world. [...] There are moments when I can hear what is happening with our kind in Rome or even in Paris. And when another calls to me as you have done, I can hear the call over amazing distances."
"And I've heard of you from others. And sometimes you and I have been near to each other – nearer than you ever supposed – and I have heard your thoughts."
"Then you know all that, too." "Yes, everything," he said, dismissing that.
And in his own book Blood and Gold Marius says he is also spying on Armand:
For though I had spied upon Amadeo more than once, I saw nothing in him, but the same heartbreaking sadness that I had known in Venice. 
Yeah, Marius is a Total Creep. And guess who else is creepy? The Talamasca. Their motto is: We watch and we are always there. Marius would fit perfectly with them. He could have placed agents Sam and Rashid near Armand. Big Marius is watching you.
3) The role of Marius and the Talamasca by Daniel's books
Raglan James (Marius?) told Daniel that the Talamasca can publish his book but other publishers would reject it. At the end of 2x08 we see this happening. Daniel's book is published by the Talamasca. And Daniel complains they have been heavily editing it. Why? I think because they want to control the narrative about what will be publicly known about vampires.
Has this happened before? Yes! Daniel's first memoir was published by Roman Weiss Publishing House. Roman Weiss seems to refer to Marius. And the memoir is heavily connected to Daniel's memory loss regarding Armand and Louis. So this is an important clue that not only Daniel and Marius have met before, but also that Marius and his publishing activities are connected to the Talamasca. Because Marius is the secret founder/elder? I think so!
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nightcolorz · 3 months
Armand could definitely 100% have prevented Claudia and Madeline’s death like obviously he is so full of shit 😭😭 he just chose not to. I dont think he was lying about being held captive, though. It seems more likely to me that he allowed himself to be imprisoned bcus the ultimate outcome would be desirable, rather then like, he was secretly orchestrating it all like a devious Master mind and was only pretending to be a prisoner to trick Louis. I think Armand was genuinely being imprisoned, but he could have easily escaped (as if the vampire Armand couldn’t win in a fight against Sam The Twink), and chose not to because it’s in his best interest for Claudia and Madeline to die 😭. While part of his betrayal I think comes from a comfort Armand takes in learned helplessness, where taking action feels less safe then leaning into victimhood, so armand chooses to accept helplessness rather then play the hero bcus helplessness is comforting, it was also definitely part “I want these two people to be gone from my life and this seems like a sure fire way to let it happen while I get to remain mostly blameless” 😭. Armand finds Claudia’s whole existence horrific and cruel. I don’t think he particularly likes or dislikes her as a person, he doesn’t seem to know her very well nor care to know her (he actually says this in tva lol), so I don’t think he considered letting her a die an act of spite.
Armand thought of Claudia as a suffering, rabid, sick and diseased animal that needed to be put down for its own well being. He considered her death an inevitable tragedy that “could not be prevented”, and bcus of his perspective on vampirism as a horrible curse that can only be spared through very specific very calculated and clean cut means, he wanted her death to come as quick and painlessly as possible. From Armand’s perspective, if he saved Claudia from death by execution, he’d only end up watching her excruciatingly loose her mind and self until she eventually killed herself or got put down by Armand or someone else Nicki style so that she wouldnt need to live in agony anymore.
Which, his whole perspective there is flawed, and fucked up, and dehumanizing of Claudia, but it makes sense why he would think that way. Armand considers vampirism to be always bad, regardless of the subject turned, and always smth he would hate to inflict on someone. So claudias turning, is not only cruel to Armand, but unforgivable and unsalvageable. He’s seen a lot of fucked up vampires in his time, a lot of botched turnings, and he knows from his experience how much of a toll vampirism takes on anyone, let alone someone in the body of a child. His whole “I will never turn someone into a vampire ever in my life” thing comes from this. So, of course he won’t save claudia from such a clean cut, blameless death 😭. He considers it an act of mercy, when he pictures the alternative as “Claudia clings to Madeline as she painfully looses her mind and eventually dies”. Which, comes into why he didn’t save Madeline either lol
Armand doesn’t particularly value life as smth to be worth preserving, he is very willing to view other ppl as commodities when it helps him. But he does value preserving peace and limiting other’s suffering (which is why he kills so gently). Armand is so horrified by Madeline being turned, partly bcus I think he saw himself in her. He sees a fledgling who he believes will inevitably loose her maker, the only person she rlly cares about, to horrible gruesome death, and he knows that once she experiences that her life as an immortal will be cruel and unbearable. So once she is turned, Armand sees another lost cause who will be better off if she is killed before it can get bad. What Armand misses when it comes to Claudia and Madeline, obviously, is that they r more resilient and self sufficient then he sees, and taking away their agency by deciding they have no hope and must die isn’t the mercy he sees it as but is actually like, fucked up and horrible. Armand is so blinded by his trauma fueled dog eat dog view of life as a vampire that he can’t see that.
I think the reason armand considers the perks of Claudia and Madeline’s death a priority over Louis’s happiness (and horrible grief that will ensue when his loved ones die), is bcus Armand considers Claudia and Madeline’s death an inevitable consequence of Louis’s unforgivably cruel actions. He doesn’t resent Louis for it I don’t think, but he definitely thinks that Louis will need to atone for what he’s done whether Armand wants him to or not. So, Armand is ok with Louis grieving (as long as it doesn’t turn to resentment of Armand), bcus it was ultimately inevitable, and comparatively less cruel then what he would have to witness alternatively. It’s a rip the Band aid off type of thing 😭😭
in conclusion uh Armand is bad but Armand has his reasons and Armand isn’t one dimensionally villainous, he has a ton of complex trauma induced reasons for the way he thinks, and his actions r more often then not coming from a warped view of “the kind thing to do” that comes from his lack of understanding of how kind the world actually is and can be (dog eat dog mindest etc), bcus of how horribly traumatized he is. thank u good night
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weclassybouquetfun · 3 months
We bid a very fond adieu to INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE and the coven Théâtre des Vampires.
Take a bow, luvvies!
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Especially Esme Appleton and Suzanne Andrade (who play Estelle and Celeste, respectively) the duo who are co-artistic directors of theatre 1927 which was responsible for the expressionism style of the plays and its projections.
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Fans can at least rest easy knowing that there will be a third series.
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Until then they and swoon over, swear over, sneer at or salute series two's finale.
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-Pretty much everything: Louis avenging Claudia (and Madeleine though IIRC her name wasn't even uttered this episode).
The bad thing about a fantastic villain is losing them and Santiago you had to die.
You did what with Claudia's ashes???
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But Ben Daniels, how do I love thee.
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-Armand and how he fumbled a bad b*tch part 2. My maître made mistakes, yes. But I'm going to pull a page out of Claudia's playbook of how she asked the coven if she could cry and say she's sorry too. Can't Armand cry like Lestat and be forgiven? What do you mean what he did was unforgiveable?
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It's terrible that Claudia was used as a pawn in Louis, Lestat and Armand's relationships. Louis needed her for salvation, Lestat had to turn her for the man she loved then resented her for the space she took in their relationship and then Armand, whether he was adhering to the Great Laws or not, went along with her murder IMO because he was fed up with Louis performing an affectation of love while Armand's neck was on the line.
Louis knew how to use Armand's vulnerabilities to keep him compliant and would turn cold when Armand wouldn't do what was being asked of him. Whether Santiago and the coven were gunning for Armand or not because of him letting the de Pointe du Lac de Lioncourts slide, Armand was ready to kill them because he hated that he was used and willingly let himself be used out of a need for love.
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He was so angry that he workshopped his hurt with the coven. I absolutely loved that he gave Sam a note about how the script didn't go deep enough into Louis' hoarding. Armand sat there listening to Louis talk about his Grey Gardens years like,
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Armand was fine with killing them in this protracted show trial, but had Louis burned, it would be a relatively quick death. I think when Armand heard Louis' screaming and knew he was approaching death, he had a change of heart and freed him.
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These three led their relationships as poorly as their joint hand hearts.
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-That leads to the reveal that Lestat made the choice to save Louis over Claudia and Madeleine. Which I don't think was even much of a choice to him. Yes, he would rather not Claudia die, but he figured it was fait accompli because he knew these vampires (as he warned Claudia in S1) and knew their ruthlessness. But there was no way he was going to let Louis die.
He brags about having Akasha blood in him, but he's still bleeding from the ear when using that mind control power. You still need to level up after Akasha?? A booster from a more powerful vamp?
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Claudia's death hurt him much more than he thought it would. He probably figured there would be feelings - she is his fledgling - but the horror and the finality of it devastated him. His daughter (and how great was it that Louis kept pushing that fact. She was their daughter.)
Which leads hovel Lestat.
Candlelit, ramshackled dwelling, with a wooden "piano", but practising with an iPad?
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Lestat, if you don't get on Amazon and order one of these!
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Lestat, know who you should bring on your tour? The grandson of Tom Anderson, Sidney.
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The Louis and Lestat reunion was beautiful and perfect in every way. But then again, I love when characters have a powerful moment while chaos is around them.
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And Louis chose himself! He didn't need to get back with Lestat, they both just really needed closure and forgiveness. The rest can come later.
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And even though we will likely never know what Louis says to Lestat, I think he says "I love you" at the end because that would be the last bit of healing Louis needs because kept himself from saying those words to Lestat their entire relationship.
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FIle Not Found
-Sam isn't author Samuel Beckett, but Sam the Talamasca informant and helmet wearing DJ, possibly Deadmau5?
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-At first I wondered why Louis' -whose family had a legacy in New Orleans- name would be lost to history, yet Lestat's alias is known. That Tom's and the Alderman's rep was still known, Louis' would as well and not just call him a Creole businessman. Then I wondered if it was because Grace "buried" Louis but her getting that crypt was symbolic. Even if their deed and other paperwork was under Lestat's aliases, the town knew who they were by name and I would think their names would be bandied about as much as Tom's as Louis and his "child bride" and Lestat went missing the same night as Tom, et al. But then I told myself I'm not Neil DeGrasse Tyson so I'm going to just enjoy and not logic police.
-In post-episode featurette Rollin says Daniel's vampire reveal happens when Daniel take off his sunglasses, meanwhile he's flashing almond shape nails throughout his interview. We know this man has been turned immediately.
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-The limo driver talking about his wife wanting to see New Edition at Essence Fest - N.E actually did play Essence Fest in 2022 so hat tip to the writers for putting that in.
-Louis returning home albeit briefly. I love that this episode addresses his family. This is completion. He has put down everything he was carrying and is ready to move into his new life. This was what he wanted to do when he and Claudia first left, but he couldn't move on because of "killing" Lestat. He's exorcised his ghosts.
-A Reddit user pointed out that the name above the crypt Louis uses to store his fresh kills is "Mapothier" and posits if it is a nod to Tom Cruise as his real surname is "Mapother".
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-Louis is still an AmEx holder, but now a black card haver.
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-Louis was the knight and now he owns it.
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Talk your sh*t, LDPDL!
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-Not from the episode, but I love how Jacob does the excited smack and it doesn't jar Sam at all.
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acutemushroom · 2 months
I think I figured out why Laddie intrigued me so much despite having so little characterization apart from "the kid of the group".
It's because he's actually such a good mix of the whole cast and middle ground between the two factions(the Lost Boys and the Emerson & co.) of the movie. I'll explain myself:
Like Star and Micheal, he too is a fledgling vampire. Yet, he, seemingly, doesn't seem to resent this condition. Like Star, he starts the movie as a Lost Boy but, contrarily to her, doesn't seem to fear/be uncomfortable around the boys. Heck, is only real dialogues, albeit background ones, is him excitedly telling Marko about a teddy bear he saw. Marko being the most violent of the guys. Laddie wouldn't do that if he was scared of him. Yet, when Micheal was drinking Max's blood, he fled to Star's side instead of cheering like the others. Was it bringing bad memories, was it just the general vibe he didn't like ? Who knows ! But still... that is the only moment where Laddie is visibly scared by the boys.
And I can perfectly see an ending where the Lost Boys win and Laddie willingly goes back with them. It's not like he purposefully betrayed them after all.
His relation with Dwayne and Paul is not too unlike to the one between Micheal and Sam. Different because of the ages, but both are relationship (a) big brother(s) and their little brother.
What I have a hard time saying with all this is that Laddie is a very interesting character as, despite being a blank state, he shows plenty of parallels with others. Plus, he is one of the only characters to not really have a side as he'll really just follow the flow.
I don't know, there is something very interesting about it all
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murfpersonalblog · 2 months
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Exactly. I've said since S1 that Loustat got Vegas Married; they didn't REALLY "know" each other. Jfc, Les really was illiterate, cuz he definitely wasn't reading Lou's mind well enough to understand who he was deep down AT ALL. 🙄🤦
Cuz Lou's NOT some "disreputable, cold, violent" thug like Les assumed & Santiago disparaged. He IS kind, soft, nurturing; and he cares about "human souls;" not seeing them as "the Meat" like Les, or "Kill Juice" like Claudia, or "cattle" like Armand. And poor Louis didn't have a frikkin clue what he was getting into with sadistic Lestat. They'd BOTH been putting on an act.
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Loustat are soulmates, STFU. 😭
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"One-sided." 👀
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Armand is very No Future coded, wow. Very apocalyptic & fatalistic--hence his actions following Memnoch the Devil.
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I said it way back in S1: Armand "loves" people like OBJECTS.
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He does the exact same thing with Daniel, which is why I've never understood the appeal of Devil's Minion. It's FUNNY, seeing Armand be such a gremlin, but it's not romantic IMO; esp. since Daniel had zero agency, drunk AF and out of his mind most of the time--esp. after he was Turned. The only people Armand was able to love unconditionally, as PEOPLE (even family), were Benji & Sybelle.
Granted, what Assad said about Armand selfishly only thinking about how Louis could enrich him is kinda unfair. ALL vampires are selfish. They're leeches literally feeding on people, sucking them dry to sustain themselves. (Why they're a perfect allegory for capitalism, pimps, slaveowners, aristocracy, etc.) As Makers, they're crabs in a bucket, pulling humans down into eternal damnation with them just cuz they don't wanna go through hell alone--regardless of how prettily they talk it up (*cough* Lestat *cough*)--it's still a Savage Garden. Armand had the right idea, not wanting to make his own fledgling:
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Armand & Les actually have a lot more in common than they're given credit for (which is why Lou's fond of them--he's compatible with both of them: Les' fun & flamboyant side; and Armand's more muted & chill domestic side). They're Old World relics who BOTH rely on Louis as someone who can bring them into the 20th century. Toxic AF, they BOTH treat Louis like a vessel--Lestat more carnally, as someone he can dump all of his pleasure & love into, lovebombing Lou and expecting him to take it with open arms; and Armand more mentally, literally inserting his memories/personality into Louis and mindwiping him as he stays on suicide watch; becoming Lou's nursemaid/caretaker and treating him with kid gloves like Lou needs to be "coddled, hyped up, lied to."
So yeah, this was a really juicy article. I agree with Sam & Assad, but for different reasons.
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nalyra-dreaming · 3 months
Comments on 2x08!!! Well… spoilers, obviously:)
Being buried like that is my absolute worst fear holy shit
Armand painting himself as the poor little victim makes me livid lol
Louis thinking about what he could havw changed and always arriving at kissing Lestat?!!! 😭😭😭😭
Armand reviving Louis but letting him tonrise by himself *insert middle finger emoji*
Louis going a bit mad - holy shit. sooooooo creepy I love it. And him preparing and getting their asses!!! Sublime!
Thank god Louis takes her diaries and dress 😭
Calling “Francis“ LMAO and with Come To Me toooooo 🙌😈😈
That sliver of light separating Louis and Armand… and Armand just continues to lie….
Sorry not believing the dungeon scene. Lestat just… sitting there? Contemplating and citing Magnus??? Mhhhh. Louis… threatening him and then… passionate kiss and leaving with Armand? That’s…. another Armand fanfic. Sorry, but … lol. No. No way. OR it’s edited and Louis bargained for Lestat‘s life there. As for Claudia’s back then. For example Louis could have burned Lestat there and that is why he was so apprehensive and fearful in SF. But this??? Nahhhhhhh - but: We‘ll see. In s3 apparently ^^ I could also see Louis burning him there or in the theater in a rage, but we’ll see. Anyways: this??? Nope. :)
Also, that blood of Akasha nod is very weird
Ah yes - the disassembly has started 😈
Get him Daniel!!!!!
There goes the broadcasting theory 🤓
And the soldiers!!!!! Yesssss
Not believing the rehearsing btw
Look at them bleeding ears 🥹 (also Armand (supposedly) would have let Louis die. Right. We‘re alllll clear on that, right.)
Oof Louis is maddddd
Yes get his ass. Also him threatening Armand 👀
Hurricane Odetta! 2021!!!! The crime tour was funny. And then… Moss house. Implied fledgling but… no way
Yeah. Rip my heart out while you’re at it. JAM just have the energy for them. And god… Lestat breaking on remembering Claudia burn 😭 and the embrace on him calling himself her father.
Lestat looks like healing from burns still 👀 (also him using Siri?!!!)
Louis apologizing for making Lestat miserable
Because he didn’t know it was a gift 😭😭😭😭
That embrace. The looks. It’s just raw 😭😭😭
And to leave us like that the BASTARDS!!!!
Daniel!!!! Sweety!!!! Love the sass!!!Look at your eyes!!!! But yeah no, Armand did not turn you out of spite lol
But - calling it: contested NOLA meeting (OR Lestat is in Dubai either Louis)
Louis (supposedly) returning to Dubai alone… I get it. Louis needs to find himself. And honestly?? After Claudia asking him who he is outside of Claudia and Lestat? To say: “I own the night“????? ROCKS. 🙌🙌🙌
Also: Louis challenging the other vampires to come and get him - well - with the s3 announcement??? - HERE COMES THE VAMPIRE LESTAT!!!
I‘m not crying and grinning happily, you are…
Episode Insider:
Jacob texting that pic - LMAO
Assad: All lf the facade […] has been shown to be a complete lie
Jacob: Lestat would have saved Claudia if he‘d had the energy 😭
Jacob: There’s things said at the end that nobody will ever know other than me and Sam. RIP ME 💀
OKAY. I‘m … good. Happy. Satisfied. Season 3 - here we fucking come!!!!
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