#flattened goomba
Even Bowser Stomps On Goombas
A lot of people try to call Mario evil for stomping on Goombas, but they will ignore all the other Goomba stompers like Peach, Daisy, the Toads, Luigi, the Yoshis, Wario, etc. But let alone how Goombas don't die when being stomped on as I pointed out in a previous post.
But alongside all that people who try to depict Mario as evil and Bowser as good using Goombas to prove it, I like how they ignore Bowser even stomps on Goombas in Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door.
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eternaljonathan · 11 months
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Goomba Glaze
Rime's mom got tuned into a goomba
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brutalscaled · 2 years
Yeah but can you flatten goombas in real life
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"What the fuck is a goomba."
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fnrrfygmschnish · 3 months
It's interesting to me how a lot of the time in my dreams, if there's a large group of people involved, there's only one person (or only a few) who appears in full detail.
Nobody else is remotely memorable the moment I wake up, and they might have only barely had any detail to begin with... they're just "there were other people in the room" placeholders.
Like the one I had last night, where I was in a (slightly distorted version of) classroom from my high school and found that somebody was in my seat, and there were basically no decent seats left. I don't really remember the guy who was in my seat at all. Or the various other people filling up most of the others, leaving only a few that were "kid sized" or old and broken or just in places that my crowd-anxiety thing would not be able to deal with. The dream didn't even fill in the "extras" with people who had actually been in that classroom with me, I'm pretty sure -- I remember the people I sat near in that class my junior year and I don't think any of them were there at all. The teacher definitely wasn't; Señor Tucker would have been memorable. I can't even remember if a teacher was present in the dream at all, now that I think about it!
But I very clearly remember the girl in the very front of the next row over, who turned back toward me and gave me a dirty look and possibly made some nasty little remark (I can't remember what for sure.) She seemed tall, was super skinny, had blonde hair tied back into a long crazy anime ponytail (with the tip that stuck way out and then curled in at the end, stray strands and spikes sticking out around her head where some didn't quite get tied back, etc.) with some light blue ribbon and/or scrunchie type thing. She was wearing long black pants, maybe something along the lines of "skinny jeans" or otherwise very tight, and I think a tank-top-ish thing that might've been black and blue (possibly had some design I couldn't see clearly due to the angle.) She was sitting with one leg up in her seat, knee bent against her chest, and the other sticking out into the floor in front of her in a way that'd probably trip somebody if they weren't careful walking there.
In response to whatever it was she'd said, I told her I'd sit on her and squish her like a Goomba... and the dream visualized this, showing her being cartoonishly flattened down into an inch or so thick "pancake" with a mix of all of her colors (yellowy-blonde at the top, then some pale pinkish flesh tone, lighter and darker blues, black) that just barely was big enough to fill the entire seat of her desk. For just a second, before she was there again... because that hadn't actually happened.
And pretty much right after that, I woke up.
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rosewendybros · 4 months
Mario and Luigi: OvenBreak Adventure
Chapter 8: First Stop, the Pure Vanilla Kingdom!
Mario, Luigi, and their new Cookie friends were on the trail to search for the first Ancient Cookie: Pure Vanilla Cookie, a powerful, but caring soul who cared so much for everyone. The environment was lively, bright, and sunny, like a springtime breeze in the morning.
“Man... this place is huge.” Mario observed.
“No kidding.” Luigi said. “Look at this.”
“Yeah, I’m not sure how you’ll get used to this place.” Wizard Cookie said. “You guys are humans and we’re cookies.”
“Don’t worry, guys.” GingerBrave assured. “We’ll get through this together.”
However, as the bros and their cookie companions strolled along the way, they came across two fungus-like entities holding spears blocking their way.
“Hold it right there, boys!” One of them warned.
“You will go no further!” The other said.
“What the--?” GingerBrave shrieked.
“Those are Goombas!” Mario explained. “They’re like the spores in our world!”
“Well, well, well, if it ain’t that plumber from like, 39 years ago.” One Goomba said.
“Let’s tromp him!” the other said.
“WAIT!” the first one said.
“You know that he can defeat us by just stomping on us, right?”
“We tromp his little cookie friends instead. They don’t know how to jump!”
“Oh yeah!”
“Uh... I don’t like the looks of it...” GingerBrave got hesitant.
“Ready or not...” one of the Goombas said. “Here we come, GingerCOWARD!” he began chasing GingerBrave.
“AAAAAAAHHHH!!” GingerBrave started running. “GET AWAY! GET AWAY!”
“WAIT!” Mario yelled. “Oh, son of a...” he started towards the Goombas who were chasing GingerBrave.
“You can run all you like, but you can’t jump very high!” one Goomba taunted.
“Run, run, as fast as you can, GingerCoward!” the other teased.
“Man... if only I was able to jump higher than usual...” GingerBrave whimpered.
“If only—oh wait. YA CAN’T! BAHAHAHA!” the Goombas taunted.
“Have to outrun them...” GingerBrave puffed.
“HA HA! Coward...” the Goombas began to run out of breath and slow down. “Phew...”
“Have to... *huff* admit...” one of them said, halting to a stop. “This guy’s pretty quick for a coward...”
“Oh YEAH?” Mario said behind them. “How’s-a THIS for a coward?!” He jumped on one of them. SQUISH! The Goomba became flattened.
“Whoa...” GingerBrave admired Mario’s jump.
“COMRADE, NO!” the other Goomba exclaimed. “Grr... now you’ve done it!”
“Watch out!” GingerBrave warned.
The Goomba attempted a headpop against Mario, but he dodged, jumped, and stomped on the Goomba.
“That’s-a what you-a get for-a threatening my friends!” Mario said.
“Whoa...” GingerBrave said. “That was AMAZING!”
“Thanks!” Mario thanked.
“If only I was able to jump as high as you.” GingerBrave wished.
“Yeah, but man, you ran so fast.” Mario said.
“I know, right?” GingerBrave said. “I outran those monsters like crazy!”
“Yeah, anyway, we should be getting close.” Mario said, as they were hot on the trail.
Soon, they landed into a bright, lively town, that was, the Pure Vanilla Kingdom—only it wasn’t bright or lively. In fact, it looked miserable and darker than lively.
The town was run down, beaten, and rusty. The townspeople, the Vanillians, were living in such harsh conditions: Businesses were kaput, shops were not functioning well, and the people were hungry and starving.
“Oh no...” Mario observed. “What happened?”
“I don’t know!” GingerBrave cried. “The Pure Vanilla Kingdom isn’t like this most of the time!”
“Bowser must be responsible for this...” Luigi sneered.
“And Dark Enchantress Cookie as well. There’s darkness everywhere!” Wizard Cookie said.
“One can only hope.” Mario said sarcastically. Just then, an announcement through the P.A came on:
“Attention, people of the Pure Vanilla Kingdom. As you know, this kingdom is now in possession of Bowser and Dark Enchantress Cookie’s army. Please listen carefully. If you happen to spot a red mustachioed plumber and/or his green mustachioed plumber brother and/or his cookie friends, please report them to Larry Koopa and/or Red Velvet Cookie immediately! We do not want any problems today. Talking to you, Stupid Mario Bros and GingerCoward Boy...”
“Oh no...” King Custard Cookie III said. “They took over the kingdom, Bowser and all.”
“Excuse me, I know of Larry Koopa, but who’s Red Velvet Cookie?” Mario asked Wizard Cookie.
“Red Velvet Cookie is a dangerous individual who works for Dark Enchantress Cookie. He considers himself ‘Chief of the CakeHounds’.”
“Well, considering we’ve beaten bigger bad guys before, this should be easy.” Luigi assured.
“You guys just don’t get it.” Wizard Cookie said. “This guy’s a lunatic, a psycho, an absolute madman. He’ll beat you guys to death, chop you into pieces, and mount your heads on the wall if he prefers!”
“So, s—scary...” Strawberry Cookie hid behind Chili Pepper Cookie.
“Couple that with him allying with this ‘Larry Koopa’ and you guys might be in some serious trouble.” Wizard Cookie continued.
“Sheesh...” Mario sighed. “Jeez, I thought it was hard as it was in my world a few years back, but this is just ridiculous.”
“I feel you.” said GingerBrave. “But don’t worry, we’ll get through this together!”
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carnographix · 1 year
Today just KEEPS GETTING WORSE good fucking Lord. Can someone drop an anvil on my head and flatten me like a goomba
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williamshamspeare · 2 years
didar getting fired for an almost criminal level prank and then getting rehired bc noone else knows how a camera works or whatever.
We do have Shannon, but we've only ever seen her use the small compact camera of hers
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Out of all the animatronics we know, which one is more capable or willing to Goomba stomp a customer?
circus baby, she can and will flatten you like an empty fizzy faz can.
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sugarmountainspring · 3 years
It turns out video games do actually cause violence. I was at the mall today and I couldn't tell if I was in real live or mario so I jumped from the upper level to the lower level and flattened an old man who I thought was a Goomba
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tigers-eyes-26 · 2 years
I Don't Need Saving Chpt 6
TW: harassment, sexism, a little fighting violence no gore, no death, but heads will get smacked.
Chpt 6: The Brawl
Just as the sun set a booming voice echoed across the empty town. “Welcome Ladies and Gents to the Wario Staduim Brawl!”
The stadium’s dirt track had been flattened out. In the center of the dirt oval was a huge wrestling ring. Wario was in the center of the ring with a mic rallying the crowd. He was dressed to the nines. A white suit coat with pink accents and pink cummerbund, white boaters’ hat, yellow bowtie, and nice blue slacks. Several Lakitus with cameras floated around on their clouds capturing the action. Huge screens around the Stadium showed off their cinematography. One Screen had a bracket of contestants.
“Participants will fight in hand-to-hand combat until a K.O.! This will be a one v. one fight. Winner of the fight will move on until there is one champion left standing!” The rowdy crowd cheered.
Some of the notable contestants were. A Goomba with a helmet. A Toad with an eyepatch. A Pianta in a suit. A Koopa Football player named Chuck, A shy guy with a cowboy hat, A Sumo wrestler. And a large magenta shelled Koopa with sunglasses. His name was Roy, he was a leader of some of Bowsers Armed Forces. That was a surprise. The town was strictly not a part of any kingdom not even Bowsers. But Wario didn’t care as long as it brought him money.
Daisy stretched and warmed up on the side lines. She wished Luigi could be with her on the sidelines but that would draw unwanted attention to him. She wondered if he was in the audience. She wouldn’t be able to see if he was, the blaring lights just made the audience look like a dark blur. They had planned to meet up at the garage after she had won. They would take her motorcycle and her backpack filled with supplies and drive away. Daisy reached down to touch her toes. She couldn’t think about that right now. Now it was just time to enjoy the show and wait for her time to shine. She figured Luigi would show up after her victory.
The brawl was a great romp. Hard hits and slams. The crowd ate it all up. As the contestants narrowed down Daisy got more and more excited.
Unsurprising Roy Koopa was winning. He had only to defeat Chuck and a Sumo Bro. Nervous butterflies flitted in Daisy’s stomach. She took some deep breaths.
“Enjoying the show princess?” Daisy jumped, Waluigi appeared out of nowhere and was suddenly behind her.
She glared at him. “Didn’t you ever learn it is rude to sneak up on people?”
“Before you go out there, I have a good luck gift for you.” He twisted his thin mustache. He felt quite dashing. He had on his best purple vest, a nice pinstripe shirt and a fedora with a red rose in the brim.
She turned her shoulder away from him. “Better give it to me afterwards I need to study this fight.”
“Come on princess! I know you will like it.” He grabbed her arm with is long hand.
She tried to wiggle her arm out of his grip, but he held fast. “Don’t Touch ME!”
WHAM the two were distracted by what was going on up on the stage. Roy had defeated the Sumo. He was shaking his fists to the crowd. It now was just Chuck and Roy left. Wario waddled to the center of the ring with his microphone.
“We have a last-minute adjustment!” There was a wave of ‘what’s and ‘huh’s throughout the stadium.  “The Princess is undisposed at the moment. but fear not! Your new prize is revenge on the Mario Brothers!” A Lakitu soared into the center of the arena he was dangling a small cage attached to a chain. He let the cage down in one of the corners of the ring. All the spotlights turned to the prisoner. It was Luigi! His green hankie was still gaging him, his jacket was gone exposing his green shirt underneath. His hands were bound behind his back. The cage was so small he couldn’t stand up. he was on his knees and looked terrified.
“That’s right folks! The last two are fighting for Luigi! You can sell him to Bowser for a price or beat him to a pulp for all I care just get him out of my Stadium! Now who is ready to Rrrrrruuuuumblllllllle!”
Cheers erupted. Daisy struggled even harder against Waluigi. “Let go of me!” He did and she landed on her face. He jumped on her and twisted her hands behind her back. Click! Handcuffs closed around her wrists “You Monsters!” No one could hear her over the ruckus of the audience.
He lifted her up wrapped an arm around her waist. He took his other hand and clamped it down over her mouth. He carried her writhing into the shadows and into the empty hallways. They ended up outside of Wario’s office. It was the securest room in the whole stadium as it was where all the money was kept.
Waluigi kicked the door open and threw her onto the floor. He turned his back to her to lock the door. Wham! Daisy had jumped up and body slammed the tall man into the door as hard as she could. she had hoped she could slam his head into the door to knock him out, but it didn’t work.
“Why you….!” He pushed himself off of the door and turned slapping her across the face hard. It stung so bad she crouched down tears streaming down her face. He took a step towards her. Big mistake. Her leg shot out and swiped his foot. He came crashing down. She stood over him.  He looked up at Daisy only to get a swift kick in the head.
Finally, he was out cold. Daisy took a deep breath of relief. Now she needed to help Luigi. She searched Waluigi’s purple pockets the best she could while her hands were handcuffed behind her back. The first pocket she reached into had her picture in it. EWWW! She ripped that up right away. The other had a key to the handcuffs. It took a couple of tries to get herself unlocked but she finally managed it. She rummaged through the office to see if she could find any other keys especially to Luigi’s cage. NONE! They must be on Wario. She pocketed some coin that was on the desk as a little revenge. She swung open the door smacking Waluigi in the head again and ran out.
Chuck looked pretty dumb maybe Luigi could talk his way out of the cage if he won. Roy though he wouldn’t be easy to escape from. Luigi watched the fight thinking.
He heard jingling of metal on metal. He shuffled around. Daisy! She had a bobby pin and was trying to pick the lock of the cage. Luigi gave a worried look and let out some strange muffling. Daisy looked up at Luigi, but it was too late to see his warning. A meaty hand grasped her shoulder.
“What are you doing here?” it was Wario. She immediately sent a fist to his chin. Wario caught her fist in his large hand. He swung her into the side of the raised fighting ring. Twisting her arm hard behind her back.
“Waluigi was supposed to be taking care of you!” Daisy used her other arm to push away from the wall. She kicked behind her hard. Jackpot! Wario stumbled back, hunched over holding his groin. Daisy sent a swift upper kick contacting with is jaw. He landed on his back unconscious. She dug in his pockets and found a large key ring hooked to his belt look. There was probably a key for every room in the Stadium. She got to the cage and tried several keys. This would take a while.
Smack! The Crowd cheered. Oh no! she looked up to see Roy with his foot on the back of his opponent. he was shaking his fists in the air. She thew the keys into the cage and jumped into the ring. Luigi started to use the keys to saw at the ropes that bound his hands.
“Hold it right there Roy!” the audience gasped. “You are going to have to get through me if you want Luigi.” She pointed her thumb into her chest.
Roy kicked his downed opponent off the stage and started stalking toward her. “So be it princess.”
He swiped his claws at her. She ducked and kicked at his legs. They were too stable! He took a stomp at her. She rolled out of the way. He was too protected! She ran to the edge of the ring to get her time to think. Roy Charged. She jumped to avoid his attack she landed on the back of his head. There was a clattering sound. Daisy rolled into the landing.
“OH MAN! MY SUNGLASSES!” Roy gently picked up the pink sunglasses he had sported. He put them up to the light to see if there were any scratches. This was Daisy’s time. She jumped on to his shoulders and held his head tight while she used her other hand to punch him in the head several times. Roy dropped the glasses and struggled.
“Pass out pass out pass out!” she hoped. Her fist was throbbing.
Eventually he grabbed hold of her head and slung her off of his shoulders. He rubbed his head and glared at her. She got up from the ground. Roy ran at her again she slipped to the side. One of his claws caught her arm. She scrambled to the other side of the ring. Instead of turning around normally he got into his shell and used his momentum to bounce off the ropes. Sending his spiked shell hurling toward her. She ducked. The bottom of his shell hit her shoulder and hands that she had up to protect her head. He's shell skidded and stopped at the ropes in front of her. Daisy was on the floor she was running out of energy. She needed to get up and far away from her opponent. On the other side of the ring, she saw the pink sunglasses laying abandoned.
She scooped up the glasses and hopped onto the corner of the ropes. “Oh Roy!” She sung out. He had popped out of his shell and was rubbing his head “lookie at what I got!”
Roy turned to glare at her. “Hand them over or you’ll Die!”
“Catch!” She tossed them just short. Causing Roy to dive forward to catch them before they hit the ground. Daisy jumped off the corner post. Her heel collided with the back of his head. SMACK! His head slammed into the ground. Daisy hopped off of the large turtle. He was out cold. The glasses shattered on the ground.
Cheers rung out. What a twist! Everyone was entertained! Daisy celebrated her victory with woops and jumps. There was a clunk. Luigi had found the right key. He ran up to her and lifted her on his shoulder in celebration.
When he dropped her down, a Lakitu handed her the mic. “That’s right! Daisy of Sarasaland is your winner! If anyone wants to mess with me or my country, you will get my fist!” she raised her fist to the air. “As winner of this Brawl, I’ll let you all on a little secret.” She reached for the keys in Luigi’s hand. “These keys are to the Stadium, Wario and Waluigi are knocked out and their stash of coin is unguarded.”
She saw the green Toad chief he was looking down at Wario. He had a drink that Wario had requested before the commotion. Daisy tossed the keys to him. “Have fun.” The drink spilled as he caught the keys. A stampede of ‘employees’, and locals came after the Toad. He jumped and ran as fast as he could to get to the office before them.
Daisy felt someone take her hand gently. She looked over to Luigi, he was looking worryingly at the cut on her arm. He untied the green handkerchief from off his neck and tied it around her arm. He was so soft and gentle and calm in the craziness that stormed around them. She caught his hands “Let’s get out of here.” He nodded vigorously.
First Chapter:
Next Chapter:
Last Chapter:
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weirdmarioenemies · 4 years
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Name: “Goomba”
Debut: WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$!
We now return to our regularly-scheduled Weird Mario Enemy posting! And what better way to return to normal than with the most iconic Mario enemy of all, “Goomba”? Everyone knows “Goomba”! They waddle to and fro, and they get jumped upon. “That’s Goomba”!
You may be thinking “Well this does not look like a Goomba and Goombas debuted in Super Mario Bros. and not WarioWare, so this is very clearly incorrect, and you’ve got a lot of explaining to do, bub”. Lucky for you, I would love to do a lot of explaining! 
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While Goomba is from Super Mario Bros., “Goomba” is from Super WARIO Bros.! The microgame in which Wario bounces around and must jump on all of the “Goombas”, because he hates them. Really! The description is “Flatten the Goombas! They're so ANNOYING! GAH!" These are not only apparently “true” Goombas, but also just annoying, and that is the only reason Wario has to jump on them. That’s not nice. Wario is not nice. But it’s ok, because he is not real and he is funny.
He is also a LIAR! He says he wants to flatten the “Goombas”, but when he jumps on them, they don’t become flat, but instead, sort of... melt into goop?For these poor “Goombas”, a bop on the head is all that keeps their solid form together!
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“Goomba” is a little cutie, don’t you think? I love its eyebrows a lot. It also looks more chestnut-based than conventional Goombas! Almost more like a “Galoomba”! Perhaps the most fascinating thing about “Goomba”, though, is that it does not exist, even in universe. Side content in some WarioWare games establishes characters from some microgames being “real” in universe, but “Goomba” is pretty clearly just made up by Wario in his continuing efforts to show up Mario. And I think that’s a fascinating lens to examine it through!
If Wario designed “Goomba”, what was his thought process? He very well may not have remembered what a real Goomba looked like, and didn’t bother to research. Or maybe it was deliberate! Perhaps he intentionally made “Goomba” appear weaker and less threatening than Goomba, as if to scoff at the idea that Mario could possibly view these as true “enemies” and not just minor annoyances. Wario is immune to damage from weak Goomba-like enemies even when his games have a health system, after all! 
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Super Wario Bros. returns in Gold, with somewhat of a redesign, and I quite like how it changes the background elements more while keeping the same color scheme, really feeling like a blatant ripoff of Super Mario Bros.! This is, like, The Great Giana Sisters or something. 
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Finally, I would just like to point out how much I love that there IS a Super Mario Bros. microgame in this same game, with the SAME goal of jumping on every Goomba! Even in a game with Goomba, we still were allowed “Goomba”! And it also makes it feel like Wario ripped off not only Mario, but 9-Volt as well, for the idea of a Super Mario Bros.-style microgame. And yeah! That’s Wario!
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Goombas Don't Die When Stomped On
In spite of what people think, Goombas don't actually die when Mario, Luigi, or anyone else stomps on them. There is a lot of material stating and showing this to not be the case.
In Mario Party DS has the following description for Goombas. "This brown foe has taken his lumps over the years from from Mario's boot. But he seems to harbor secret dreams of turning the tables one day." In Mario Party 9 the Ground Soldier Constellation is stated to be "inspired by the Stalwart mushroom monsters who never give up, no matter how many times they are squashed." Both examples show how Goombas can be squashed multiple times and still keep going. In Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga there are some escaped Goombas which Mario and Luigi are asked to help capture. The Goombas are stomped on multiple times in the fight yet in the end are alright, they are just defeated. In addition in Minion Quest: The Search for Bowser(Bowser's Minions) it's revealed one of these Goombas is Captain Goomba, and he mentions how he is can't believe he got stomped again. This affirms this happens multiple times. Later Wendy O Koopa actually brings up how Goombas always get stomped on repeatedly as well. It's actually pretty questionable about how while Bowser treats his minions pretty well, why exactly is he storing Goombas in barrels? More on Bowser's bizarre treatment of the Goombas, in Mario and Luigi Bowser's Inside Story Bowser sets Goombas on fire in his move Goomba Storm. The reason I bring this up is not only can Goombas survive being squashed, but they can also be set on fire. Continuing on in Paper Mario: Color Splash a Goomba talks about how they are tired of being stomped on, implying they have been stomped on multiple times before. "I am a bit tired of being stomped." Finally in an ad for the Mario Movie Captain Toad squashes a Goomba with his frying pan, but even after being squashed the Goombas keeps moving.
Someone might point to the Super Mario Bros. manual an say that it says Goombas die when stomped on. However, this is best seen as language to get across the game mechanics. But if literal then it would have been retconned since then.
So Goombas don't die when being stomped on. Also, I would like to note this claim that Goombas die when stomped on is often used by people to depict Mario as evil. However, nobody ever applies this to Luigi, Peach, Blue Toad, Yellow Toad, Toadette, Yoshi, Daisy, Nabbit, and even Bowser.
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toyota-supra · 2 years
I think I’m so tired I’m saying nonsense. they should put me in a machine that turns me into a goomba and then deploy me into 1-1 until I am flattened
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glacier--freeze · 3 years
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[ID: A graphic of yellow text in a light blue square, reading "my tumblr year in review" in all caps. Scattered around the border of the box are illustrations of Tumblr's reblog, ask, tags, reply, edit, and like buttons. The background outside of the box is a gradient of purple, blue, and green covered in wiggling yellow drawings of various objects. End ID.]
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#but have you considered the emotional toll of realizing that he's even able to do this stuff? that he's alive and breathing and can partake
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34 notes • Posted 2021-10-11 18:18:50 GMT
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[ID: A Fundy stream with a poll titled “Who would Fundy be in the mario movie?” The options are ‘Gay’ Bowser, Princess Peach, A random goomba, Mario, and Luigi. ‘Gay’ Bowser won with 67% (6,397 votes). End ID.]
41 notes • Posted 2021-09-24 02:12:02 GMT
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See the full post
44 notes • Posted 2021-11-27 01:20:53 GMT
[slow, spooky music plays throughout the video]
[a beep-like sound indicates Agnes getting up]
Agnes: *makes a sound of surprise*
[a flashlight clicks]
glare: *makes a chiming noise*
Agnes: Hello?
glare: *chimes louder*
Agnes: *gasps* You’re so cute! Are you lost too?
glare: *growls*
Agnes: I don’t like the darkness either!
[loud, frightening sound]
Agnes: Yikes! It’s too dark in here!
glare: *chirps*
[bouncing sounds as Agnes jumps]
glare: *chirps*
[dirt breaking sounds]
Agnes: You must be the glare, the mob that lets players know when they are in an area that is dark enough for monsters! The glare flies to dark areas for you. When it gets grumpy, you will know that it’s dark enough for monsters to spawn. You can also bring it with you, and proves once and for all that you can be grumpy and cute at the same time!
glare: *chirps*
narrator: Will Tiny Agnes ever find Tiny Jens? Whose lair is this? Do you want the glare to join Minecraft? Tune into Minecraft Live on October 16th to cast your vote and change Minecraft forever!
[the music stops and a Minecraft “Challenge Complete” sound plays]
End transcript.]
53 notes • Posted 2021-10-11 17:06:15 GMT
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[ID: A meme of a dog standing in strong wind that flattens its fur against it. The caption is edited to say, "That Lovejoy wasn't lying / Get me out of here". The words "Get me out of here" are screenshotted off of Genius lyrics. End ID.]
get me outta here lol
136 notes • Posted 2021-10-16 19:40:51 GMT
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paipayaseeds · 3 years
To keep a long scene story short,
In the midst of the Monokubs arguing until their Exisals- Minus little old Monodam, Montaro's exisal flattened their father like a pancake, which caused absolute panic between the Kubs, causing them to disappear, not before a rushed-
"Th-This isn't over your bastards! WATCH! Y-you'll see!"
"So Long! Bear Well!"
With the Bear's disappearance, and stunned Taro and Kaito, there'd only been a silence, a brief moment of confusing silence before Angie skipped over to the flattened Monokuma.
"Yoo hoo! Little bear?.. Can you hear me?!" She'd question out loud, a series of pokes being delivered before she'd stand up right with a gleeful expression.
✨"Praise be Atua!✨
It seems that the bear is dead thanks to his own kin!"
"Wha?! No fuckin' way! That means this killing game shtick should be over right? That bear is as flat as Kaito's personality!"The girl would boister out a laugh, enjoying taunting Kaito for whatever the reason to be. Korekiyo and Ryoma would occupy themselves in watching the scene unfold, both having ideas if their own.
"If the dragon has been slayed, the tower of freedom should be granted to us at this point in time, yes?"The Anthropologists would question, his arms crossed in thought.
Meanwhile, Anya would run back over to Rantaro, hugging him close before silent fat baby tears fell from her face.. She for sure thought that Rantaro or Kaito would've been at the mercy of the Exisal's devices, hadn't been for Monataro's little mistake.The girl hadn't the slight idea what she would have done if Rantaro died.. She'd be lost maybe.
More vulnerable than she'd already been.
Pouting, she'd hit Rantaro's chest --as hard as he could repeatedly, as if she'd been a little kid throwing a tantrum.
'Idiot almost left me alone! '
Kaede would look at Shuichi, then at the Panokuma. (pancake Monokuma).
Was that possible?
The thing that's kept them here and won't grant them access to leave--
Is dead?
She didn't want to be negative but, it was a concept she found hard to believe.. The disbelief being an evident expression on her face as she'd grunt in discomfort.
Kokichi feigned a disappointed loud sigh as the Exisal squished Monokuma instead of Kaito- whom everyone had been expecting, to die. The truth was his heart had been beating extremely fast from the scare. I mean, if Kaito really did die- sure, he’d probably deserve it but- if someone, anyone actually died; that would signify the start of the killing game. That would signify... that this was real. 
And he wanted to keep the falsification of denial a little longer. 
“Aw man! I totally thought Kaito was gonna become stomped like a goomba! Bummer, that totally would’ve been fun to watch..” Kokichi sulked, eyes glossing over with fake tears as he looked at his shoes. Kaito seethed fists quivering for reasons more than one, “T-the hell did you say..!?” Despite the angry look in his eyes, Rantaro couldn’t help but notice the wide look of fear accompanying such emotion.
"Well, it doesn't matter what I say anyway, right? Since the killing game is over after all!" Kokichi threw his hands behind his head, a wide toothy grin concealing the true conflict of his emotions. Kirumi furrowed her brow, "Cancelled..?"
Rantaro had tried to butt in, but as he tried to speak, his voice had slight vibration to it from the small pats Anya had knocked into his chest like a drum. "C-C'mon, s-sto-stop..! I'm-m sor-rry-ee!" Rantaro laughed apologetically, voice reverberating like an electric fan.
After catching her wrists, and locking them around his waist, he absentmindedly hugged her and started speaking. A serious expression contorted onto his face, differing from the silly one he held earlier. Rantaro took a deep inhale before he spoke, gaining back the lost air Anya had knocked out of him earlier. "The killing game can't be over yet just because Monokuma is... immobile. There has to be someone controlling him."
It was strange to see his serious, and dark expression haunt his eyes whilst he hugged Anya with such care. It sort of intimidated Kokichi to not chase the girl half to death. Sort of.
"Psh, don't be such a party pooper! Let's enjoy our victory! The mastermind is finally dead so, let's partaaaay!" Kokichi laughed carelessly, lying through his teeth; he knew it wasn't over.
Himiko grinned, for the first time she looked a little less exhausted, "Yes..! Let's celebrate with a magic show..!" She raised her arms up before hovering them down halfway, "Oh but... I used up all my mana yesterday."
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blookmallow · 4 years
i have been playing paper mario so much
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hi this is terrifying actually 
i like how they say “oh no, mario!! its too late for these folded soldiers!! there’s no way to turn them back, we have no choice but to fight them :(” about the goombas and stuff but no one’s even suggested the possibility that peach might be lost forever despite also being origamied the same way. and i can unfold the origami toads easily ( i LOVE the origami toads, also ) 
and like, im assuming we’ll find some way to get her back by the end of it, i doubt this ends in peach being an origami nightmare slave forever, so like. why are we not even trying to save the other dudes, :’  ) 
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sfdgjghf bowser’s just a face now 
i dont know where he is now but i LOVE when bowser and mario end up having to work together i hope he comes back soon 
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mind your BUSINESS 
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so are we. acknowledging that, then 
was i reborn from the mashed, flattened remains of one of your friends
are paper people just as horrifying of a transformation to the trees as the origami people are to the paper ones. worse, actually. shouldn’t the trees be trying to put me out of my misery. i dont like the implications here at all
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they fucking murdered him 
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i mean. its certainly one way of handling a problem innit
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though putting this sign out front does seem like it would perhaps deter some people from coming in here and potentially helping you in the first place, but who am i to question the methods of trees 
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of COURSE i did, do not underestimate my determination to talk to every single npc at every possible dialogue change interval 
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i love this tree we’re friends now 
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i couldn’t figure out how to light them anyway like i HAVE a fire flower but there doesn’t seem to be a way to use it outside of a battle and i couldn’t find anything nearby that would help so i just kinda left it for now, ill. come back later if i figure something out :’ ) i guess 
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as he deserves 
im calling it right now at the end of the game there’s gonna be some huge climactic moment where theres a door mario Cannot Open and all hope is lost until luigi shows up with the key and saves the day he’s gonna be the most important last minute hero and i believe in him 
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do not disrespect luigi in my presence you will suffer my wrath 
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found some kind of turtle cult so thats, uh. something 
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theres a concept art gallery you can unlock pics in as you go and all the set pieces are designed to fit together like origami/you could, potentially, Actually Make Them if you had the papercrafting skills its so good 
so far i like this one worlds better than the wii one or sticker star (neither of which i ever finished, but) its not on thousand year door’s level but nothing is on thousand year door’s level 
but i feel like there’s a lot more creativity and heart in this one than the other sequels had? or at least thats how im feeling so far. idk im having a nice time 
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