#flat earth debate
in-sightjournal · 3 months
Ask A Genius 988: Creepy Racist Assholes, the Strato-Flat, Holocaust Deniers, and "Lance Versus Rick"
Rick Rosner: All right, so I haven’t talked to a flat earther about flat earth theory, but I’ve run into several on Twitter recently and may have one on Lance versus Rick this weekend or early next week. A flat earther believes that the Earth is a flat disk and that any indication that it’s a sphere floating in space is, in their minds and, according to their theories, an illusion and a bunch of…
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secondwheel · 11 months
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You can see all the countries in the same plane!
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This happened like a month ago but it still irks me a bit so I’m putting it up here.
In my DnD campaign, one of my player characters was talking to another character about various religious stuff in the setting. I took this time to introduce the Moon Goddess Galicaea, who has a winged wolf icon that he saw in a nightmare.
“Yeah so she has a special bond with wolves, and has a whole host of winged wolves that fly alongside her chariot that pulls the moon. This special bond is why wolves howl at the moon.”
“Actually, wolves don’t actually howl at the moon. They howl to communicate. Also, her chariot pulls the moon?”
“…What about gravity?”
My brother in Christ you are playing as a 12-year-old boy and his 14-year old sister trapped in the same body because both of you died and then made a shady deal with a mysterious god. One of you was deathly allergic to magic, but is now fine, and the other can shoot literal fire and lightning from her fingertips. You have fox ears and a tail that nobody really knows how to explain. You are talking to a half-human half-angel kid with a half-orc step dad and whose angel dad left because he was bound to the celestial planes. Your partner in crime is a dragon man who is learning to manipulate the flow of time and can breathe freezing death at people.
But God fuckin forbid the wolves are actually howling at the moon or there be other magical forces in space besides gravity. That would shatter the immersion!
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smoreboi · 1 month
the way some people in older generations talk about suicide is crazy, like they legit talk like death should be a meritocracy, not even making a wtnv reference, they legit believe it. people talking like “kids these day meet the slightest resistance and immediately kill themselves, back in my day we dealt with so much more and we never did that” like. seriously these weirdos stand in front of suicidal people and say you haven’t suffered enough to earn death.
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evil-bitch-666 · 4 months
Flat Earthers are so dumb..
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in-sightpublishing · 2 months
Ask A Genius 1056: The Flat Earth Theory
Author(s): Rick Rosner and Scott Douglas Jacobsen Publication (Outlet/Website): Ask A Genius Publication Date (yyyy/mm/dd): 2024/08/02 Rick Rosner, American Comedy Writer, www.rickrosner.org Scott Douglas Jacobsen, Independent Journalist, www.in-sightpublishing.com Scott Douglas Jacobsen: The flat earth theory. Go! Rick Rosner: Yes, I have no idea how that could work. I got into a fight…
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shireduchess · 2 months
episode 54 and I’m so emotional about this celestial cow and especially FCG and F.R.I.D.A’s dynamic I’m literally like teary at work
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bannedpreaching1611 · 4 months
Things Too High for You Geocentricity Debunked | Pastor Anderson
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resident-idiot-simp · 5 months
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howardgeorgestirrup · 7 months
Reproducible Experiments & Observations...
1. Observations at water & land level never show landscape obstructed by curvature.
2. As we get higher in altitude, the horizon does not get lower, suggesting that there is no curvature dropping 8" per mile² in every direction, as we are taught to believe.
3. We see stars twinkle like lights under water, we know that sky is blue and this correlates with the Bible & the Quran, describing "water's above". *Which matches the experiment known as " Star in a Jar" and explains how the worldwide flood was possible.
4. We can observe planets like Venus flickering brightly in the morning and evening sky while the sun is situated behind it, suggesting it is a wandering star emitting it's own light, as it cannot be reflecting sunlight from that position.
5. Leave a glass of water under direct moonlight and another unsheltered but in the shade of the moonlight, wait 30 minutes and then with a thermometer, check to see if the temperature of the one in direct moonlight has dropped a few degrees compared to the glass of water in the shade of the moonlight and then verify it further with a magnifying glass to see if you can amplify the chilling effect even more.
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in-sightjournal · 3 months
Ask A Genius 988: Creepy Racist Assholes, the Start-Flat, and Lance Versus Rick
Rick Rosner: All right, so I haven’t talked to a flat earther about flat earth theory, but I’ve run into several on Twitter recently and may have one on Lance versus Rick this weekend or early next week. A flat earther believes that the Earth is a flat disk and that any indication that it’s a sphere floating in space is, in their minds and, according to their theories, an illusion and a bunch of…
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clockwayswrites · 2 months
5 Times the JL Learned Batman was Married and the 1 Time They Met the Spouse.
Diana let herself fall heavily onto one of the couches in the watchtower. She stretched out along the blue surface far enough so that she could rest her feet, recently freed of her boots, on the edge of the coffee table. As much as she much preferred organically curved surfaces, there was something comfortable about the rectangular flat back of the couch and the way she could rest her arms against it and stretch out in one long line from her biceps to her fingertips. The ache in her muscles were the reward of a well fought battle.
She tipped her head to the side, watching her champion in arms come and go to their various post battle destinations. Some went to Medbay, some went temporary quarters, and others went to discuss and debate the results of the battle.
Unexpectedly, Batman lingered for a moment. He sat down on a couch near hers, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees and run his hands along the side of his cowl and down the back of his neck. It was hard to remember, out there on the field of battle and victory, that Batman was just a mortal man. He was no God, no alien, no creature of great might. Batman was just a man.
But what a specimen he was.
“If you are in need of help unwinding your muscles , I am sure that we can find some more pleasant ways to take care of that,” Diana said with a quirk of her lips and a brow.
Batman looked up at her pausing just long enough that she thought that maybe she had actually surprised him. She was surprised herself when the faintest hint of a smile turned up Batman's lips.
“Hn. I'm afraid my partner isn't one for sharing. I don't think the Earth would survive a battle between you two,” he said. The hint of amusement in his voice was barely there, but Diana was starting to learn how to read her new friend.
She tipped her head back against the couch in laughter. “Of course you would already be claimed by one so formidable. I should like to meet them.”
The sudden quiet and dangerous readiness in the room was almost tangible.
She softened her words. “Should they ever wish to. But go now home to them, Batman, and let them work out your kinks and aches.”
Batman snorted softly, but stood. Diana thought that he would leave without saying anything, and regretted her earlier misstep. Of course the man would be protect of one he held so dear as to call his. She was surprised, then, when he paused just before leaving.
“They don’t need the encouragement,” he said, words quiet and for her only. Quiet and once again just barely amused.
Diana tipped her head back again in laughter. Yes, she would like to meet them someday.
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ellecdc · 2 months
Can we get a James potter pregnancy fic like the moon water one? I just on ow he’d be so sweet and doting and wouldn’t let you lift a finger.
it's so true though - he would be a master coddler, & sorry to leave you waiting since April, this fic gave me a run for my money 🥺
James Potter x pregnant wife!reader who interrupts game night
CW: mentions of pregnancy, gambling?
Sirius was not too proud to admit that he felt immediately guilty when he realised the mistake he had made.
As you got further along in your pregnancy, James had become increasingly less inclined to leave your side for any extended amount of time.
It got to the point that James actually took a leave of absence from work, and was now debating whether or not he’d ever go back once the baby was born. 
Remus, Sirius, and Peter all had bets on how long that was going to last, knowing how…involved James could be, not withstanding the potential pregnancy hormone related fits of anger and exhaustion. 
So, this week's game night (and likely every remaining one until perhaps your child went to Hogwarts) was being hosted at James’.
“Sorry boys, I just don’t want to risk not being here in case she needs anything, you know?” He had said. 
And they did know; and quite frankly, Sirius was looking forward to not having to clean up after his sodding friends, so there were no complaints from him or Moony. And your place was closer to Peter’s flat, so he was happy for an excuse to take an evening stroll.
So when the four friends were sitting around a circular dining table, bickering over whose turn it was in their game of muggle poker and you were - what was only now very clear to Sirius - tiptoeing down the stairs of your townhouse, Sirius really shouldn’t have made your presence known. 
“What are you doing up?” James asked as he quickly dropped his cards - face down, dammit - onto the table to make his way over to you after being alerted to your presence by Sirius’ traitorous smile and wave.
“I just wanted a snack, Jamie.” You admitted, half bashful and half frustrated at the fussing, though you accepted James' embrace willingly.
Sirius thought the hug looked awkward, seeing as how the two of you needed to leave so much room for your belly. 
“You should’ve told me, angel; I would have gotten it for you.” He chided gently as he ushered you (forced you) into his seat with a gentle hand on your back.
You smiled apologetically at the boys as you sat in James’ seat with only a small groan and a hand on your belly.
“Sorry, Trouble.” Sirius apologised quickly. But you - the sweet ‘angel’ that you were - simply waved him off. 
“Even if I had made it to the kitchen, he would have heard me rummaging in the fridge.” You said simply, picking up James’ cards and reorganising them.
“Has he got anything good?” Peter asked quickly, causing you to shake your head no before putting the cards back down.
“Damn sod’s been bluffing; he was always such a terrible liar at Hogwarts when he was the lookout for our pranks, how on earth can he bluff?” Remus asked incredulously as he dropped his own hand down on the table (face down, damnit). 
“He’s not bluffing; I don’t think he has a clue how to play this game.” You explained simply.
“You should come to all of our game nights.” Sirius chuckled as he gently nudged your arm with his elbow. 
You chuckled and looked towards the kitchen. “The point of gamenights was for you four to get together, and for me to have a quiet house.”
“Please.” James called as he made his way out of the kitchen with a tray of various treats in one hand and a large cup of ice water in the other. “You gave up having a quiet house the second you said ‘I do’.” 
You accepted a loving kiss to your temple as he handed the cup of water to you and placed the tray in front of you on top of his cards. 
If Sirius didn’t get a peak at someone’s cards really fucking soon-
“How many more weeks do you have?” Remus asked you then; probably a polite thing to ask a pregnant couple but Sirius was a little preoccupied wondering if there was an X-ray vision spell he could use to see through Peter’s cards. 
“Too many.” You responded as James offered a jovial “It’s gone by so quickly!” 
“Jamie, I really don’t think you get to say that.” You admonished him, though Sirius could tell the furrow of your brows was all for show. 
“What? Why? I feel like this pregnancy has just flown by!” 
“Oh, well I’m very glad you feel that way.” You sneered. “But you’re not the one who had to stretch and grow and carry around a bowling ball.”
Sirius felt himself swallow nervously in James’ honour, but the dumb sod simply beamed at you lovingly and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. “It’s because you’ve done it so beautifully, angel; you made it look easy.”
And damn James and his smoothness; he had even Sirius blushing.  
“Alright, I’m in.” Remus announced then as he pushed a pile of chips towards the centre of the table.
“Me too.” Peter agreed as he followed in suit.
Sirius felt like he was grasping at billywigs, but he felt he had a better chance than James, so he, too, bet a couple of chips. 
“What say you, Prongs?” Peter asked then.
James turned back to the game, looking surprised as if he’d forgotten they’d been playing at all.
“Oh, I fold.” He said simply.
“What!?” Sirius screeched as he threw his cards down on the table. 
Remus made an exasperated groaning sound as he also placed his cards face up.
“Yeah, I had nothing.” James responded with a casual shrug.
“Nice.” Peter murmured quietly as he took in the state of Remus and Sirius’ cards before placing his own down on the table and pulling the chips towards himself.
“For fucks sake!” Sirius shouted.
“Pads! Little ears!” James chided.
“Are they even fully developed yet?” Sirius muttered back, earning him a swat up the back of the head from his boyfriend. 
“Oh yes.” You said solemnly. “Babe has been very active everytime Uncle Pads talks.”
Sirius paused in his tussle with Moony to whip his head towards you. “Really!?”
You smiled and nodded, holding your hand out for his which he took willingly and allowed you to place it to a particularly hard spot on your stomach.
“Say something.” You instructed.
“I solemnly swear I am up to no good!” He chanted, the end of his sentence rising an octave (or two, if you asked Moony) when he felt a little kick right underneath his hand. “Oh my godric!”
“I wanna feel.” Remus murmured as he reached over his boyfriend to swap places.
“Mischief managed.” Sirius continued, feeling the slight jump of excitement in Remus’ body at the movement he obviously felt beneath his hand. 
“Oh gods, you’re gonna have a trouble maker.” Peter remarked with a shake of his head, though his smile let you know the comment was made in jest. 
“Oh, there was never any doubt about that, considering who the father is.” You quipped back, smiling lovingly up at James who simply beamed down at you in turn. 
“Well, I’ll get out of your hair, boys.” You said as you made to stand. “Let you get back to your games.” 
Your sentence was met with a round of dissent. 
“No, no mama. We’ll leave.” Sirius argued as he too stood. 
“What? Why are we leaving!?” Pete asked then.
“Peter, you already took all our money, leave the expecting parents to their evening, yeah?” Remus reprimanded, causing the three of them to look over only to see James blanketed over you from behind with both of his hands resting on your stomach as he murmured softly into your ear.
Your eyes were closed as you allowed James to rock the two of you back and forth with a soft smile spread across your face. 
“Come on Petey, we’re officially intruding.” Sirius added as he tossed another chip at his friend. “Take this for the road - I’ll be winning it all back at our next game night.”
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nasa · 10 months
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A Geminid meteor streaks across the sky as the Soyuz TMA-19M spacecraft is rolled out by train to the launch pad at the Baikonur Cosmodrome on Sunday, Dec. 13, 2015, in Kazakhstan. Credit: NASA/Joel Kowsky
Make a Wish! How to See the Geminid Meteor Shower
Every December, we have a chance to see one of our favorite meteor showers – the Geminids. To help you prepare, we’ve answered some of your most commonly asked questions. Happy viewing, stargazers!
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These radar images of near-Earth object 3200 Phaethon were generated by astronomers at the National Science Foundation's Arecibo Observatory on Dec. 17, 2017. Observations of Phaethon were conducted at Arecibo from Dec. 15 through 19, 2017. At time of closest approach on Dec. 16 at 3 p.m. PST (6 p.m. EST, 2300 UTC), the asteroid was about 6.4 million miles (10.3 million kilometers) away, or about 27 times the distance from Earth to the Moon. Credit: Arecibo Observatory/NASA/NSF
What are the Geminids?
The Geminids are caused by debris from a celestial object known as 3200 Phaethon striking Earth’s atmosphere. Phaethon’s origin is the subject of some debate. Some astronomers consider it to be an extinct comet, based on observations showing some small amount of material leaving its surface. Others argue that it has to be an asteroid because of its orbit and its similarity to the main-belt asteroid Pallas.
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All meteors appear to come from the same place in the sky, which is called the radiant. The Geminids appear to radiate from a point in the constellation Gemini, hence the name “Geminids.” The graphic shows the radiants of 388 meteors with speeds of 35 km/s observed by the NASA Fireball Network in December 2020. All the radiants are in Gemini, which means they belong to the Geminid shower. Credit: NASA
Why are they called the Geminids?
All meteors associated with a shower have similar orbits, and they all appear to come from the same place in the sky, which is called the radiant. The Geminids appear to radiate from a point in the constellation Gemini, hence the name “Geminids.”
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A Geminid streaks across the sky in this photo from December 2019. Credit: NASA
When is the best time to view them?
The Geminid meteor shower is active for much of December, but the peak will occur during the night of Dec. 13 into the morning of Dec. 14, 2023. Meteor rates in rural areas can be upwards of one per minute this year with minimal moonlight to interfere.
What do I need to see them?
As with all meteor showers, all you need is a clear sky, darkness, a bit of patience, and perhaps warm outerwear and blankets for this one. You don’t need to look in any particular direction, as meteors can generally be seen all over the sky. If you want to take photographs, check out these helpful tips.
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An infographic based on 2019’s meteor camera data for the Geminids. Credit: NASA
Do you have any advice to help me see the Geminids better?
Find the darkest place you can and give your eyes about 30 minutes to adapt to the dark. Avoid looking at your cell phone, as it will disrupt your night vision. Lie flat on your back and look straight up, taking in as much sky as possible.
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A Geminid streaks across the sky in this photo from December 2011. Credit: NASA
What will the meteors look like?
According to Bill Cooke, lead for the Meteoroid Environment Office at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, “Most meteors appear to be colorless or white, however the Geminids appear with a greenish hue. They’re pretty meteors!” Depending on the meteor’s chemical composition, the meteor will emit different colors when burned in the Earth’s atmosphere. Oxygen, magnesium, and nickel usually produce green.
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space!
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generasbir · 2 years
Apa sebab bumi datar kalah Adu argumen dengan bumi Bulat. Inilah sebabnya
Inilah sebab akibat Adu argumen bumi datar kalah debat.Mengapa bumi datar kalah debat?Kita mundur kebelakang terlebih dahulu History sejarah.Inilah yang harus kalian tahu. Alur cerita. Semua pasti ada cerita. Walaupun cerita ini disembunyikan masih tetap tercium juga.         Bumi Memang Datar. Klik disini untuk mengetahuinya 👇
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cozykali · 5 months
Heartbeats (Astarion’s POV)
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I downloaded Baldur’s gate 3 and immediately feel for this sexy vampire the moment he tackled me to the ground and held a knife to my neck. I’m in act 2 right now (no spoilers!) and the brainrot is BAD. I’ve read some amazing period sex fics involving Astarion but I wanted to craft one from his perspective. Let me know your thoughts!
Master list can be found here!
Pairing: Astarion x fem Tav/reader
Rating: SMUT! NSFW, 18+, Minors DNI
Words: 4700
TW: (this fic is FLITHY), mentions of death and dying, biting (duh), drinking blood, period sex, blood kink, oral (fem receiving), unprotected P in V, kissing, fingers, stalking, multiple Os, passing out, blood-loss, mentions of past torture/trauma, tension, begging, fluffy ending, ‘who did this to you?’,
Notes: Tav and Astarion have been travelling together for a few weeks. No romance scenes have happened yet, but she allows him to feed on her nearly every night. She hasn’t seen his scars yet. Tav is on her period and it’s making her vampire friend go crazy. Tav has feelings for Astarion but hasn’t acted upon them. This story is told from Astarion’s perspective. Tav can be any race or class you want (probably not durge though).
Bonus: Check out this massive playlist I made inspired by Astarion!
The fading fire crackled softly; its once licking flames now reduced to gentle, glowing embers. A thin line of smoke ascends into the damp air that coats the earth in a delicate layer of cool dew.
Astarion lies beside the fire on his bedroll, flat on his back, with his arms slightly splayed at his sides. Most nights, he is grateful that he doesn’t need sleep like his companions do. He can immerse himself in the peaceful sounds of the night, meditate, slow his breath, and calm his mind without slipping into unconsciousness. This ability had saved his life on more than one occasion.
However, tonight is different. Tonight, he wishes for sleep to claim him. He longs to drift away and escape the torment of the spell unknowingly cast upon him by Tav. He turns his head to gaze through the soft light of the fire in her direction.
Tav is laying on her side facing the fire, her mouth slightly open as she emits soft snores barely audible over the crackling flames. But what troubles Astarion tonight is her scent. It wafts through the acrid smoke of the fire like a gentle breeze through a sail, sweet as usual, but it’s currently mixed with blood and musk.
Astarion has been avoiding Tav for the better part of two days now. Whenever she drew near, he held his breath and averted his gaze. He knew he must keep his distance from her, because the alternative would be ripping her apart, which would not win any favors with the rest of the party.
Tav has also been careful around him. She must know that he can sense her menses. Despite inviting him to feed on her each night for nearly two weeks, tonight she did not proposition him, nor the night before. Last night, his attempt to catch a deer had been futile, leaving Tav as his last meal.
Lying on his bedroll, Astarion stares up at the stars, after a seemingly endless eternity for an immortal being, he hears Tav stir slightly. He glances over at her curiously, hoping she doesn’t notice his gaze. She lets out a quiet groan, clutching her lower stomach before curling into a fetal position, her face contorted in pain. Moments later, she slowly starts to rise.
Tav stumbles to fetch a flask of water, guzzling it down greedily. Astarion envies her ease in quenching her thirst while his own thirst rages inside him. Before long, he senses her absence, her scent growing fainter. He debates whether to leave her to sort herself out, but the primal urge to hunt and stalk his prey cannot be ignored.
Rising slowly, Astarion follows her scent through the trees to a nearby stream. His movements are fluid and silent as he approaches her. Tav is kneeling in front of the water, wringing out a blood-soaked cloth.
"Seems such a waste to wash that delicious blood away, darling," Astarion's voice, silky and smooth as velvet, slices through the night like a dagger. Tav lets out a startled squeal, spinning to face him.
"Astarion!" Her voice cracks with surprise as she stumbles back, but his hand shoots out to steady her, his touch cool against the small of her back as he prevents her from falling into the rocky stream.
His gaze is locked onto Tav's eyes, wide with astonishment, her pupils are dilated so only faint rings of color remain around dark voids. With his keen elven senses, he can hear the rapid thrum of her heart beneath her chest. Releasing her gently, Astarion steps back, his posture graceful and poised.
"Sorry, my dear," he says, softening his tone to one less intimidating. "I was merely ensuring no creatures were stalking you in the night as you wandered off. There are far worse dangers in these woods than bears, you know?"
"You mean like you?" Tav's words are sharp, but Astarion detects the faint quiver of her bottom lip.
"I just prevented you from bashing your skull on those wet rocks, and this is the gratitude I receive?" Astarion scoffs.
"I wouldn't have nearly slipped if you hadn't snuck up on me, asshole," Tav retorts, pushing him in the chest, though his feet remain firmly planted.
"Oh, my, you look adorable when you're angry," Astarion can’t help but smirk at her.
Tav lets out a frustrated grunt, attempting to stomp away, but Astarion catches her arm before she can pass him. Confusion clouds her face as she searches for an explanation for his unusual behavior. The facade of his usual sassy indifference had vanished, replaced by a tumult of desire and longing.
"Are you here to bite me?" Tav's voice trembles, strained as if she’s fighting back a scream. "I thought you were better than that. You promised me you wouldn’t feed on me unless I asked you to."
Astarion reaches out and takes the wet cloth from her hand, the hunger gnawing at him like a demon. Shamelessly, he presses it to his face, inhaling deeply. His vision is blurred, his head swimming in the intoxicating scent of her body that lingers on the fabric.
"Astarion, knock it off! You’re freaking me out," Tav snaps, snatching the cloth back and tossing it into the dirt.
"Tav," he whimpers, hating the desperation in his voice. Slowly, he releases her wrist, turning away to pinch his brows in an attempt to ease the splitting headache caused by her overwhelming scent.
"What in the hells is wrong with you?" Tav's voice remains cold, but concern flickers in her eyes as she speaks. She feels sorry for him.
Astarion straightens his stance, clearing his throat. "I apologize that I disturbed you. I’m not thinking straight," he announces before turning to walk back to camp.
"Wait," Tav said, and he freezes.
"I’m sorry I’ve been avoiding you. That I haven’t asked you to bite me the past few nights. I know you must know I’m on my period," she admits, her gaze fixed on the ground. "I didn’t know how you felt about it. I can see now that it’s driving you to madness, but I thought ignoring it was the best course of action. It’s embarrassing, really, and I’m having terrible pains in my stomach."
Astarion closes the distance between them in two swift strides.
"It’s hard to see you like this, so crazed with hunger, and I…" Tav's words falter as Astarion gently places his hand under her chin, lifting her face to meet his.
"Shh, Tav, my sweet. You’re going to put me in a second grave," he murmurs.
To his surprise, Tav presses her face into his with a gentle kiss, and Astarion's eyes close as a deep growl rumbles from his chest.
Tav removes her lips, "I’m sorry that was stupid of me to…" but Astarion wraps his arms around her and pulls her closer, pressing her body against his. He kisses her ravenously. His sharp fangs scrape softly on her bottom lip. A sensation of an unraveling overwhelms Astarion as he kisses Tav. It's a mixture of desire, longing, and perhaps even a hint of vulnerability. This feeling is unfamiliar to him, stirring emotions he's long kept buried beneath his cool exterior.
She relaxes in his arms, sinking deeper into his kiss. Her hand reaches up to ruffle his soft white curls while the other slips under his linen shirt, exploring the ridges and lines of his abdomen.
As they momentarily break their kiss, Astarion feels a rush of dizziness. He gently brushes her hair away from her neck and nuzzles into the curve of her shoulder. His tongue traces the faint marks on her skin, remnants of the nightly feedings he's had days prior. Despite the hunger clawing at him, he restrains himself from indulging further.
His hands, trembling with desire, slide down to the hem of Tav's shirt. He breathes against her ear, his voice a husky whisper, "May I?" Without a word, she responds by lifting her arms, granting him permission. In one smooth motion, he pulls the shirt over her head, revealing her skin. Astarion’s hands cup her breasts. The soft sound she emits as his mouth finds her nipple is music to his ears.
"Please, I need to taste you." He pleas between nibbles and licks on her chest. He no longer feels ashamed by his desperation.
"Oh, Astarion." Tav smiles, "You look so pretty when you beg."
“Gods," he groans, then steps back to remove his shirt before kneeling to the ground in front of her, his pale skin glowing in the moonlight. "Tav," his voice is deep and soft, "I beg you." His hands reach out to grab her waist. "Let me taste you." He rests his forehead softly on her bare stomach. She places her hands on his and slides them down, encouraging him to remove her pants. Astarion is nearly trembling with anticipation as he helps her step out of her garments.
"Hold on," she stops him before he rips off her underwear. The bloodied rag that was freshly changed before he found her, was now soiled again with arousal and blood. "Should we find somewhere more comfortable?" She offers him her hand to help him rise back up.
Astarion feels lightheaded for a moment as he returns to his feet. However, as soon as he regains his balance, he scoops Tav up and carries her with remarkable speed to a clearing near the stream, where the ground is more sand than rocks. He lays Tav down on her back. He crawls towards her slowly, until his thigh is pressed firmly against her sex. As he lowers himself to kiss her once more, he gently hooks his other leg under hers and slides it up slowly, allowing her legs to part for him.
"Astarion?" She whispers to him when their kiss breaks, "You can feed on me tonight if you like."
He doesn’t even recognize the deep, feral growl that escapes his throat in response. "I was so hoping you would say that darling."
Astarion kisses his way down Tav’s stomach. She squirms at the feeling of his fangs brushing lightly on her ribs. He catches the waistband of her undergarments between his teeth and slides them down her legs to remove them.
He stops to hover over Tav for a moment now that she’s fully undressed. He savors the look she’s giving him through hooded eyes. Pausing, he appreciates the beauty of her bare skin splayed before him, relishing her scent before he consumes her.
"You’re too good to me, my pretty thing. I don’t deserve this, and I don’t deserve you." Astarion remarks before his head dips between her legs.
Astarion flattens his tongue and licks her once slowly, bottom to top. Tav tastes unbelievable. It still tastes like her blood, metallic and rich, but it’s enhanced with the flavor of her slick arousal, the must of her sweat, the flesh of her womb. If the blood in her veins is his water, his life source, the blood between her legs is like the finest of wines.
The hums and moans that leave Astarion's throat as he devours her are so animalistic, he can hardly hear Tav’s whines. He licks up every drop until she is clean then sticks his tongue deep inside her searching for more. His nose rubs in a side-to-side motion, pressed firmly against her apex, as his tongue explores.
"Oh gods, Astarion!" Tav gasps. He feels a slight sting on his scalp as she grabs a fistful of his silver curls while rocking her hips to match the speed of his tongue.
"I need more," Astarion rasps. His lips close around her bud He slides two slender fingers inside of her and starts pumping them in and out, coaxing out more blood. Her moans fill his ears like a siren’s song, adding to his pleasure. He can feel her insides tightening around his digits.
"Astarion. I…" Tav’s sentence is cut off by a wail of pleasure. He can smell the ecstasy flooding her blood, hear her heart pounding in her chest, and feel her body spasm and quake where he touches her. He doesn’t change the pace of his tongue or hand, dragging out her orgasm until she is panting and spent. He removes his fingers from her to lick them clean like a cat and notices a small trickle of blood leaking out of her.
"You may have just finished, darling, but I am not done yet. Nothing compares to the sound of my name cried from your lips, and I intend to hear it again." Astarion’s face dips back down to clean her folds. The amount of blood he can get from her body is not nearly enough to fill him. He needs to feed soon, a real meal, a pint of blood or more, not just a taste. But it can wait; the taste is too divine to stop.
Astarion hooks his arms under her thighs and flips onto his back, pulling her with him in one smooth motion. He grabs her hips as he forces her to a sitting position on his face, drinking her in. She shrieks and tries to pull away.
"Astarion, I need a minute. It’s too much." He releases his hands and stares up at her face with mid concern while she hovers over him. He tries to imagine how he looks to her right now.
"Can I ask you to be my mirror again, love?" He recalls the evening Tav found him looking at his empty reflection.
She studies him. "Your pretty face is absolutely covered with blood," she states. "Your lips are puffy and swollen. Your skin is thin and pale, paler than usual. Then there are your eyes…" she pauses, "they’re so red right now that they nearly glow in the light of the stars. There is nothing human, or even elf, left in them. They are the eyes of a monster."
Astarion grins wide, displaying his sharp fangs to her, "I am a monster, dear. Now can you please let me get back to consuming my prey?" His tongue extends from his mouth to lap against her swollen sensitive skin.
Tav tilts her head back and moans, exposing the full length of her gorgeous neck. Her back arches as she lowers herself onto his lips. Astarion grumbles in satisfaction when the taste of her dances on his tongue again. He grabs her thighs, in case she decides to pull away again, but instead she lowers onto him more, smothering him. She rocks against him, rubbing herself against his mouth and nose.
His lungs burn slightly, but he doesn’t need to breathe air to survive; it’s just a matter of an unconscious habit from before he turned into a vampire spawn. He needs air in his lungs to be able to speak, and it’s slightly uncomfortable if his lungs go without air for extended periods of time. He represses the memories of torture he had to endure over the centuries, where Cazador would deprive him of air for days just to watch him struggle. Astarion silently scolds himself for focusing on his lungs when his attention should be on the woman on top of him.
Tav bends her back further and places her hand on his waste to steady herself. Her hand brushes against the swollen bulge in his leather pants. His other primal urge is nothing more than an annoyance compared to his crazed lust to feed. But Astarion doesn’t protest when she starts to pet him through his pants as she continues to use his face like a toy. His pants suddenly feel uncomfortably tight.
"Astarion!" His name sounds like a symphony when it exits her body. She collapses forward, cradling his head with her arms. He drinks her in, savoring all his senses. His hands run up and down her bare thighs that seem to burn with heat. She rolls off him and lands in the sandy dirt of the bank, lying flat on her back beside him. They breathe in sync, shallow and hard.
"Tav, I…" Astarion pants, still laying on his back. "I need to feed."
"I know, I told you that you could. It’s not enough, right? Down there I mean. I figured as much. Why didn’t you just go for my neck in the first place? Why starve yourself on tiny mouthfuls when you can just bite me?"
"The taste," he whispers, "It’s addictive. I can’t stop." He swipes a finger between her legs and places the pad of it against his tongue and groans.
"Astarion?" Tav rolls onto her side to gaze into his eyes. She places her hand against the puncture marks on her neck from his fangs. "Bite me."
Astarion rises to his feet. Stars briefly dance across his vision, then fade. He is again reminded of the throbbing of his groin and decides to remove his confining leather pants and exposes himself to her. It seems only fair to be as naked as she is.
Tav’s eyes bulge and her jaw slacks as she stares at him. She props herself up on her elbows and slowly opens her legs to him. The wanting look she gives him is the closest thing he’ll get to a reflection of his own eyes. He waits, tension coiling in his muscles in anticipation as he searches her expression for the words he longs to hear.
"Darling, I am supposed to be the one looking at you like a feast laid before me, but here you are, looking at me like I’m a fresh baked pie. I could practically wipe away your drool." He smirks down at her. His hand lazily strokes his length to tease her.
Tav's lips form the word "Please," her voiceless plea echoing in the quiet night.
"Please what, my pet?" Astarion teases, his voice low and filled with anticipation, as he listens to the rapid rhythm of her heart, quickening like a drumbeat.
"Please. I want you to bite me while you fuck me." Her voice deepens, her eyelids are heavy with lust. Astarion’s stomach flips, and he pounces onto her like a fox catching a mouse.
"Such a filthy little mouth you have." He tuts. While he arranges himself over Tav. It's a familiar position that they have practiced nearly every night since she invited him to feed on her, only this time they are skin to skin. His face lingers over her neck, his breath cools her blazing skin. The tip of his shaft is posed at her entrance. She bucks her hips in response, and he sinks into her partially, then withdrawals.
"You are mine." Astarion whispers into her neck. Pressing his lips to the partially healed wound from his last bite as he enters her again, sinking his entire length into her. Tav cries out in response, but he doesn’t move.
"Astarion, please," She whines. He raises himself onto the palms of his hands to look at her. Her eyes are glossy, tears are forming in the corners.
"Tav, Darling, you look so pretty when you beg." He echoes her earlier words. He wishes he could hold out a little longer to see how far he could tease her until she breaks, but his need to feed is too intense. He starts slowly pumping in and out. Her eyes close and her mouth opens wide in pleasure. She feels amazing, so tight, so soft, so wet with blood and arousal.
Tav places her hands on Astarion’s back and digs her nails in, only to pull away quickly when she feels the bumps of the scars she hasn’t yet seen. She opens her mouth to mention it but he quickly covers it with his blood stained lips. His tongue slips past her lips and moves with the same rhythm of his thrusts. She moans into his mouth as his pace quickens. Then he breaks her kiss to purr into her ear, ‘Do you taste yourself on my lips, beautiful? It’s delicious, isn’t it? You taste divine.’
Tav shivers beneath him and lets out a sob. His lips brush down her neck. Astarion snarls to expose his sharp, elongated canines then grazes them against her throat, ready to strike. His thrusts never stop, slamming into her repeatedly, as he finally sinks his teeth into her neck and sucks her blood.
"Oh fuck, Astarion!" Tav releases a scream and falls apart under him. Shaking and panting while grinding against him. He can taste the electricity of her climax surge through her blood as her heart beats with a steady rhythm, allowing the blood to flow through her veins until it reaches his mouth. Astarion feels a rush stronger than any drug, more enchanting than any spell or potion. Her walls spasm around him, while he slurps against her neck. He sucks her blood with intense force. Pinning her under him. He can’t stop.
After several moments of bliss, he notices she has gone completely still beneath him. It takes all his willpower to unlatch his fangs before he sits up quickly.
"Shit’." A wave of panic washes over Astarion as he inspects Tav. Her skin appears paler, almost gray. Her breaths come slow and shallow, and her heartbeat is faint and stuttering. Without hesitation, he scoops up her limp body and wades into the waist-deep waters of the nearby stream, gently lowering her in. The water feels warm against his skin, though he himself is generally cooler than most creatures. He hopes the temperature doesn’t send her body further into shock.
As he holds her in the water, Astarion's mind races with worst-case scenarios. He imagines having to speak with Withers to revive her, dreading the thought of explaining his actions to the rest of the camp. Tav won’t easily forgive him this time, he fears. He might be cast out or even killed. He curses himself for following her out here in the first place. She was right to avoid him these past few days.
Just as he begins to entertain thoughts of escape, Tav’s soft voice cuts through his spiraling thoughts. "Star?"
Relief floods through him. "Oh, thank the gods, Tav. I’m truly sorry. I got a little carried away." He holds her tighter against his chest, feeling her shiver against him.
"Cold," Tav manages to say, her voice barely above a whisper. Astarion carries her out of the water and gently sets her down in a patch of soft grass. He hurries to gather their scattered clothes, helping her dress into her pants and shirt. He wraps his own rumpled white shirt around her for extra warmth, then puts on his pants before rinsing the remaining blood from his face in the stream.
Returning to her side, Astarion finds her hugging her legs, the color slowly returning to her face. "Let’s get you back to camp near the fire. I’ll wake Shadowheart to see if she can heal you," he suggests, wrapping his arm around her.
Tav turns to him, her voice airy and soft. "No, I think I'll manage until morning." Astarion kisses her forehead as she embraces him, her hands rubbing slow circles on his back.
"Turn around," Tav demands, and he complies, allowing her to view the intricate scars covering his entire back. She traces them with her fingers. "What happened to you?" Her voice carries a tone of pity, and Astarion swallows a lump in his throat.
"It’s a poem," He explains calmly. "Cazador did it to me. He took his time. I don’t know what it says."
"Oh, Astarion, I’m so sorry," Tav responds with compassion that almost irritates him.
"You’re sorry?" Astarion snaps, turning to face her. "I nearly killed you tonight, and you’re sorry?" He immediately regrets the sharpness of his words. "No, Tav, I’m sorry." Pulling her into him, he collapses to the ground, and she lays her head on his bare chest.
‘Astarion, I…’ Tav starts to speak.
"Hush," he interrupts, holding a finger to her lips. "Listen." He tunes into the sounds of the environment around them—the rustling of tree branches in the breeze, the chirping of insects in the reeds, the rushing of water in the nearby stream. But the sound he wants her to hear isn’t external; it’s coming from within him. After several seconds, she jerks her head up from his chest to meet his eyes.
"Did… did I just hear your heart?" Her voice is filled with astonishment. "You have a heartbeat?" Her brows furrow in confusion as she searches his face for answers. "Is that another side effect of the tadpole? Like how you can walk in the sun?"
Astarion smiles at her. "Yes, you heard my heart beating. No, it’s not from the worm in my head. It’s from you, darling."
"What? How?" Tav’s confusion deepens.
‘Well, when I feed, especially if it’s a big meal, my body must circulate the fresh blood throughout it somehow. And in case you weren’t aware, I’ll give you a little anatomy lesson. I need blood in a certain area of the body to give you a performance like I did back there."
She stares at him in shock "So your heart will kickstart when you're full, or horny?"
"In simple terms, yes dear, and I do feel both of those right now. However, it only beats a couple times a minute, not like a living creature. Have you noticed the color return to my skin, and that my temperature is at least five degrees warmer than usual?"
Tav smiles softly as she lays her head back on his chest in silence, waiting to hear a soft thump again. "I can make your heartbeat," she whispers.
"Well Tav, it seems my heart belongs to you now," Astarion sighs. "I’ve never felt anything like that before. I’m practically drunk on you right now. When I told you were my first bite, I meant it and now I can’t imagine drinking the blood of anyone else. Not like I have many options anyways, no one else is exactly offering me their neck." She smacks him softly, and he lets out a chuckle before his face softens with worry.
"I don’t think it’s safe to do that again, though," He grumbles. "I nearly lost you." Tav looks up at him with sadness in her eyes. "I mean I would happily bed you again," Astarion continues, "and I still wish to feed on you if you allow it, once you're replenished, but I think we should keep dinner and sex separate from now on."
Tav scoots up to kiss his neck. Then rises to her knees and straddles him. Her hair forms a halo around her face as she looks down at him.
"What is Withers there for if we don’t use him once and a while. Plus, we have at least ten revival scrolls in the chest at the camp."
His heart beats again, slightly harder than the last time. "Are you giving me permission to suck you dry? You filthy little pup." His hands grab her rear, and he squeezes. "How did I get so lucky? Getting abducted by mind flayers seems to have been the best thing that has ever happened to me."
"I mean, I've never felt anything like that either. When you were draining me of blood, I let it happen, I didn’t want it to stop. I was in a daze as I slipped away. To be clear, I don’t think the others will approve of paying 200 gold coins to Withers, or wasting revival scrolls that could be used during a fight, every time I come to your bed, but if it happens… I trust you to bring me back. I guess my heart belongs to you now too. Since it pumps the blood through me that keeps you alive and thriving."
Astarion inhales deeply. "Well in that case, darling," his hand reaches up to grab her neck and he pulls her head down so her ear touches his lips "I think you're beating me three-nil in climaxes this evening. And I intend to double your score at the very least, and maybe get a point on the board myself before the sun rises." He glances down and notices a blood stain seeping through her pants onto his. He realizes didn't put her underwear back on nor replace her blood rag when he dressed her earlier. "Also, it looks like you might need a little cleaning up again, my love."
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