#first amigo
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wishitweresummer · 2 years ago
PLSS he made an enemy so fast
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carpetbug · 4 months ago
crying thank u so much gray i love you too!!!!! i’ve been missing my tumblr amigos so much! carpet has been. existing. like u said endlessly time consuming but i’m learning a ton art-wise and trying lots of new stuff way outside my comfort zone, so I’m super excited to start incorporating that all into my fan work!! 💕
enjoy some kwami doodles while I plug away at homework in the meantime :)
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dailypokemoncrochet · 2 years ago
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FOTH Flamigo!
There's something so funny to me about Pokemon that are basically their real life animal counterpart. I feel like Flamigo goes a step further in that even its name is basically "flamingo" lmao
Anyway, this is an example of how I post when I make a new Pokemon. I'm still deciding if this is what I'll focus more on when I actually have time to crochet. You can vote in the poll here to help me decide :D
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mrstsung · 6 months ago
I will defend kung lao with my life. If you hate kung lao. Or write kung lao wrong. I will end you!
Never forget or forget what nrs did to you,took from you,my sweet bunny.
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Never forget what they stole from you!!!!
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englishflagcumrag · 10 months ago
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i just needed someone to come down from heaven and explain this cold and fucked up place
(id in alt)
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ijju · 1 year ago
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pintura acrilica 🌊
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nicholaw69 · 7 months ago
Guys, let's be honest, does anyone remember the gatobob controversy? Like man, do you ignore what she did? Why don't I see anyone from the fandom talking about it, what your opinions? But when you think about it, the game and its creators are problematic, no surprises.
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daisyearmuffs38 · 23 hours ago
Some José Carioca drawings!
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skullzy20 · 3 months ago
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oh y'know I should start showing my Spotify wrapped
peep the mental illness
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updownlately · 2 years ago
@reminiscingtonight said it extremely well here- if spain wins the whole thing (hell even rn), it sets the tone that you can treat your players horribly, let your ego control what you do with talent that may be generational, that you can absolutely do whatever the fuck you want, abuse your own players, ban players for no reason other than being power-hungry- ALL just because you have money.
i hate it. i hate it so so much. i hate it for the players (not only spain's but world wide) that have been fighting for years for equal pay, rights, funding, support. i hate it for all the fantastic players that spain has that have been blacklisted from the national team, many that deserved to be here at this and future world cups. i hate it for growth of the game. i hate it for the love of the sport. i hate it for the love of sports.
respectfully, fuck this.
absolutely still going to be watching the wc and cheering for who i wish but im absolutely gutted at the thought of the future from this point onwards.
only time will tell but god is this terrifying.
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rozugold · 1 year ago
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Me and my brother made cupcakes
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sailorstickybunz · 4 months ago
FANDOM HEAR ME: all of you ppl who make cool edits and post them on here and/or tiktok and/or insta, what editing software do you use?
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spyral-out-keep-going · 2 months ago
Tagged by @yippiekiyaymotherfker
without naming them, post a gif from ten of your favorite films, then tag ten people to do the same
Movie names are in the tags!
i tag anyone who wants to give this a go and will @ me so i can see
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mixtapedoh · 7 months ago
thanks for tagging me @musicallisto ♡ pick your favorite from first 5 songs that show up when I hit shuffle on my on-repeat playlist
believe it or not, i did, in fact, skip some of the songs i think no one would have known. but forgive me if i was wrong and you are a kuhio bay by israel kamakawiwo'ole truther. or perhaps like a mountain by birdpen is your personal anthem. perhaps orfeo ed euridice, wq. 30: melodie dell'orfeo is your ride or die. my apologies. feel free to stone me in the town square on whatever day is most convenient for you.
tagging: @eclliipsed, @permanentreverie, @freehaydenradio, and anyone else who wants to do this!
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likesummerrainn · 2 years ago
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Hangman Adam Page + Amigo The Devil
Hangman Page Birthday Week Day 4: Playlist Songs used: Everyone Gets Left Behind // If I'm Crazy // Hungover in Jonestown
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notmoreflippingelves · 1 year ago
Gabe from EoA: 2, 3, 12 and 25 ; Esteban: 2, 7, 18, 19 and 21? :D
So, I really ended up rambling a lot on all the Esteban points (*you're shocked, I know*) so I decided to make that one its own post out of fairness to Gabe.
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
My favorite Gabe moment is probably when he and Rico are competing to be Captain of the Guard (in the El Guapo episode), and Rico gets injured. Although Gabe has the opportunity to win the race and in doing so win the captaincy, he refuses to leave Rico behind and instead helps him up so they can cross the finish line together. That's in essence, who Gabe is. He's competitive and practical and ambitious, but far more than that, he's loyal and compassionate. He won't turn his back on someone who needs his help. Even someone like Rico, who up to that point, had been really unhelpful and condescending to him.
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
He only has like 3-4 outfits over the course of the entire show (and one of them is in a dream sequence AU that didn't actually happen). He's a handsome dude. Where are his cute little fits? I know that the guys were always going to get fewer outfits compared to the girls, but Gabe gets especially few. Was it so much to ask for a cute little adventure outfit for him like Esteban and Mateo have? Or perhaps a nice fancy dress uniform for official functions?
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
You know, I don't really think I've made any Gabe headcanons yet, so I'm just going to think one up real quick.
Even though his father still has mixed feelings about Gabe choosing the Royal Guard over the bakery, he is still incredibly proud of Gabe. And when Gabe was made captain, he made him a special "sword" shaped cake to celebrate his promotion to captain. Gabe, of course, brought the leftover cake to work with him the next day, which really did a lot for building team morale.
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
I liked Gabe from the start and I still really like him now. I would say he's probably in my top 5 characters (after Esteban, Elena, Naomi, and Valentina). What I like about Gabe is that he (and Naomi) is a much needed voice of reason for the team. It's not really all that surprising that he's canonically the oldest of the amigos, since he's certainly the most mature and responsible (even if he can get a bit competitive). He's such a good boy, and it makes me sad that he seems to get so much less love and attention from the fandom compared to Mateo.
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