#he didn’t draw any he just put sprinkles on them
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rozugold · 1 year ago
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Me and my brother made cupcakes
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alastor-x-reader-stories · 1 month ago
Could you do a one-shot where alastor is super nervous when meeting reader, not really on his face but more his body language where when she shakes his hand he continues shaking it or doesn't let go immediately. nervous smile too lol, thanks love your stuff!!
Heeey I wrote it hope you don't mind some interpretation on my part! You didn't mention why Alastor was nervous so I just did whatever ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Tags: Oblivious Alastor, Cartoonist Writer, Humor, awkward affection, Alastor is either oblivious or in-denial, Nifty is Nifty and you should all love her
Alastor’s introduction to you was not a willing one. Charlie had started a bit of a bookclub at the Hotel as some odd attempt at bonding. Alastor wanted no part of it, but after the 532nd time Charlie asked him he said something particularly scathing and the princess was cruel and told Vaggie, and the ex-exorcist would NOT stop stabbing his door until he finally relented.
Of course, his choice of book was one called ‘Blank’. It was a notebook with nothing written in it. Very easy to discuss at a bookclub.
Charlotte was not impressed and Vagatha once again starting throwing vague threats in his direction. How tempted he was to just kill both of them, but alas this hotel has been the greatest form of entertainment he’s had in years (is what he tells himself.)
Darling Nifty came to his rescue, offering up a variety of different light-reading to be discussed in the future. Most of which were….not to his taste. Nifty’s interests highlighted most definitely, but Alastor quickly chucked the books out the window when the story turned to ….that.
As the number of books dwindled, he was just about prepared to give up on this stack entirely and fetch something meaningless to pretend to read (who’d check, anyway?).
He picked up one, a flimsy comic-book like thing and rolled his eyes once before giving it a go. The story wasn’t anything particularly interesting. The plot was just two bunnies going to get some ice cream. But the wordplay, the exaggeration of all the smallest obstacles, how self-aware and absurd it was gave him a good laugh. The Radio Demon’s first introduction to your work.
Although the bookclub idea ended up going nowhere, Alastor found himself seeking out more of your works. Another about a man just making a taco, one about a woman folding her laundry. So many little, day-to-day situations amplified to a ridiculous amount. Clever one-liners and humorous puns sprinkled throughout kept it intelligent enough for him to maintain interest despite the absurdity of it all.
Eventually he got a cartoon you drew that seemed just the same as the rest. Some random cute cartoon raccoon drawing some random little cartoon things. There was a scene in it though that stuck to Alastor’s mind (and dare he say, heart) like glue.
In it, the raccoon was confronted by a shark. “Why do you bother making these?” the shark sneered “No one reads these but you, no one looks at them but you, there’s no point.”
“Why does there need to be a point?” The raccoon said. Alastor’s ears straightened up on their own accord as he read “Even if no one sees it, it’s something I made and it’s some I enjoyed making.”
“Even if you put it out there, no one will care about it.”
“Someone will. They might not say anything but there’ll always be at least one.”
“Do you know how stupid you sound? No one gives a crap about your ‘passions’!”
“I do.”
“Do you know how stupid you sound-“
And then the raccoon pressed a button and an anvil fell onto the shark, comedically turning it into a pancake. “Your argument doesn’t have any depth.” The raccoon said. The story moved on from there.
It struck a bit of a chord with Alastor, he could admit that much to himself. And the raccoon’s way of dealing it was something he’d keep in mind for his next encounter with an annoyance. He didn’t put much stock in it, as storytellers and their stories don’t always agree on all things.
Your comics were a little joyful distraction when he needed them, that was all. Nothing deep and profound.
Alastor slammed shut the book he was reading, his grin never faltering though his twitching ears indicated a slight nervousness. He tilted his head in acknowledgement. “Hello, Nifty! Did you need something?”
Nifty scamped up his chair and onto his lap, settling down andstaring up at him with her one big eye. “BOSS BOSS BOSS BOSS I MET THE DEMONESS WHO DRAWS THOSE CARTOONS YOU LIKE”
Alastor’s eye twitched “Oh? Well, that’s neat.”
She stood up, squishing his face between her hands and stared more as her grin grew wider and more manic “Did you want to meet her?”
“Now, now, Nifty.” Alastor said as he removed her hands from his face “There’s better ways to waste one’s time.”
Nifty tilted her head, staring at him as though it would allow her to see into his mind. Her expression shifted into….One he hadn’t seen on Nifty, admittedly. The best way he could describe it was ‘smug’. But what would she have to be smug about?”
“If you say so, Boss!” She chirped, hopping off his lap and trotting off “But yeah I was at the Evermore Book-Store and she was there working ‘cause I guess that’s what she does for a livng….” Nifty’s voice faded away as the little maid walked off, not caring her rambling were being said to no one.
After Alastor had finished his errands for the day, he happened by that very store…for…Reasons. Upon entering it, he realized he had no idea who- what- he was looking for. The store itself wasn’t large. A couple patrons, one large hulking demon with tiny spectacles at the desk and a much smaller one organizing shelves.
One of the workers, then?
Not that he cared.
“Pardon me!” Alastor chirped to the desk demon. Their big eyes seemed to move in slow motion to him, a low grunt accompanying the acknowledgement. “I’m looking for someone, yes? The author of some silly comics?”
The demon slowly narrowed their eyes, lips curling up into a snarl as a growl emanated from them.
“Ah, so she is here?”
The demon planted their very large hands on the desk, pushing themselves up to stand at their full height. They were taller than Alastor by a good three feet, and much more muscular as well. Their nostrils flared, blowing hot air into his face.
Alastor wasn’t the slightest bit phased. (He found it funny, actually). “So may I speak to her?”
The large demon opened up their gaping jaw-
“That’s me, hi! How can I help you?” The shelf-stacking demon interrupted, getting between Alastor and the clerk demon. A nervous little lady with a wobbly unsure smile and bags under her eyes that looked like they could carry the entirety of Hell in them.
Alastor held up one of your comics- a book that has been very obviously well-read “You’re the creator of these splendid little things?”
“Splendid…?” You repeated him, trailing off into an amused snort “Er. Yeah, I wrote and drew those.” The Clerk behind you closed their mouth, setting back down on their chair and adjusting their spectacles. The glare didn’t leave Alastor.
“Well, my dear, I find I quite enjoy them! It’s quite a pleasure to meet you.” Alastor said, not paying the larger (glowering) demon any mind. He found himself wondering why you were so tired and so timid. A woman like you should be so much more cheerful! Alastor was a tad offended….Because you weren’t smiling like he did. That’s it. Really.
“Well. I’m glad you like them.” You said. “It’s nice to meet you, too.” You offered your hand for him to shake.
One of his ears twitched. You must be fairly new to Hell, to offer a handshake so easily. Or perhaps a bit sheltered or on the naïve side. Alastor briefly considered making a sly deal to take your soul, but… Well, there was no need for that.
He took your hand and gave it a firm shake. Your hand was so much smaller than his own, but it felt as though it warmed his entire body. This was strange. Perhaps you were casting some spells on him? Why was he finding it so hard to focus- why did he feel like he didn’t know what to say next- why-
The Clerk gripped Alastor’s arm in between two fingers, gently but assertively pulling it away from you. You took half a step back, cradling your arm to your chest as if he burned you. Alastor glared up at the Clerk “Is there a problem?”
The large demon growled. You intervened again “Er….You were just. Holding my hand for a while. It was……kind of weird.”
“Ah.” Alastor cleared his throat, straightening his posture with a flourish “My apologies! Mind was elsewhere, you know how it is with us creative types.”
You blinked. Then your timid smile turned a bit more confident. A bit more…like a smirk. “Er. Yeah, I guess so. Well. See you around, I guess?”
“If I have the time, I suppose!” Alastor grinned “Well then, I must be off! Ta-ta!”
You watched as the strange demon disappeared into shadows and slivered off. As soon as all trace of him was gone, you laughed quietly into your hand “Well, I can certainly say for certain I know someone ‘awkward as hell’ now.”
Your friend groaned, gently pushing you over as they continued their own work.
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lwyikas · 4 months ago
francis forever ft miya atsumu
w:angst but with little sprinkle of pure love, death
"I don't think I could stand to be where you don't see me"
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“Did she cry after i left?”
"Yes but she fall asleep after playing with her toys ”
“I wont be late mom,is there anything you want me to get?”
“No honey, just drive carefully”
After muttering something similar to “i will”, he put the phone in his pocket.He would love to bring your daughter to anniversary you two, but he couldn’t afford to risk her getting sick. Although he was dressed thickly, he was quite cold, he didn’t have enough gasoline to turn on heater. He forgot to stop by petrol. He was sentenced to sit in the cold because he was confused. His head was always messy anyway. He blows hot air into his hands and rubs it, took bouquet of roses from next seat and got out of the car.
Here we go again
and autumn comes when you're not yet done with the summer passing by
The cold breeze of October, which he hated while walking with slow steps, made him startle. Unlike you, he hates autumn, anymore. Rain, wind are shitty mud everywhere, according to him, there is no side to make any beautification of them but he likes days when weather matches his mood. Partly, if the weather was sunny on a shitty day, his nerves would be more.
When he reached you he stops. Sighing, he left bouquet on dried soil. Sits on cold marble, he put his hands on his chin and brokes silence after short wait.
“I’m here, dear”
silence, all he hears is hum of the wind
“I’m sorry, there weren’t any white roses you loved, so i bought red ones”
I end up on a tree-lined place I look up at the gaps of sunlight
He squeezes his jaw and turns his gaze to sky, he hates coming here to death, but except for his daughter, the last thing left of you is the tombstone. When he came to his grandfather’s grave when he was little, he would see people talking to the graves and wonder,is these people think how they looks from outside?
With his growth and maturation, he find out that this thought didn't mean a fuck. He had a painful process to found out but still did.
Stop it Atsumu, you’re not here to cry.
In a hurry takes out a paper from his jacket ”our daughter really loves draw, i can’t say she is very talented, but i thought you would still want”he put paper, which is small hand shapes and stick mens, under bouquet so it wouldn’t fly from wind.
“I’m sorry you heard this but she more and more looks like me every day, you lost bet” another pause “But i will never get that 10 dollar from you”
He passes his hand through blonde hair. It’s been two years, but pain still same like first day, it never goes away. He was never ready for this. You gave him many signals in last moments in your illness but he is stubborn man.
“I don’t freak out when we lose a match anymore” because now he knows that there so much things that will upset human more than losing a match. Not being able to witness your daughter’s first day at school, only he was there when he took her to park, chair you used to sit on was always empty while teaching her numbers at tkitchen table are a few of them.
“I just focus on the mistakes i made in match and i try not to make them in the next match” but he won’t have a chance to try not to make mistakes he made against you again.
no, today is your two’s wedding anniversary, 6 days later it’s your death anniversary,no negativity,even if his wife passed, he is still a married man who in love with her deeply.That wedding ring never comes out of his finger.
he miss you more than anything
It’s getting dark, before going home, he has to buy chocolates he promised to his daughter. Although he couldn’t keep all the promises he made to you,he must keep promises he made to her.
“See you gorgeous, don’t leave until i come next week” he doesn’t even find this funny.he leaving a kiss on tombstone, he gets in way towards his car. After getting into car, he leans his head against steering wheel and takes a deep breaths to recover.
When he comes home after stopping by convenience store,he don't ring bell just in case.His mother opens door,he gets inside.Leaving bag in his hand in the kitchen,he goes up stairs and watches from doorframe to his daughter sleep.
He’s liar asshole, this girl was definitely your copy.He slowly sits on the edge of her bed and gently strokes her hair so she doesn’t wake up.
When his vision starts to blur, his chest trembles and difficult to breathe, he cannot suppress his tears more.
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i'm crying with him too
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maxispixels · 1 month ago
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Hobie Brown x GN!Reader
You work in a flower shop in 70s London. Hobie is being a menace. Slowburn? Probably will be around 10 parts. Strangers to reluctant acquaintances to friends to something more. Maybe a lil' messy?
Part one. Part two. Part three. Part four. Part five. Part six. Part seven. Part eight. Part nine. Part ten. Part eleven. Part twelve.
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You could still feel the embarrassment from yesterday as you recounted the event to Rose. Not one wrinkle moved on her face, and you could feel sweat running down your back.
“So, I grabbed his arm—because I couldn’t just let him go like that! And I asked to see his bag.” You paused, she was still stone-faced, her arms crossed over her green cardigan. “Well, there wasn’t anything there, but then I saw ‘em in his jacket, and I told him off…” 
She let out a short laugh, dry but not unkind. “Told him off, did you? For nicking flowers?”
“Well—yeah!” you said, frowning. “It’s stealing. It’s wrong. I mean, what if everyone started walking in here and taking what they wanted?”
Rose waved a hand dismissively. “We’d be out of business in a week, sure. But that’s not what happened, is it? He wasn’t taking more than a couple of daffodils?”
You hesitated, replaying the moment in your mind. “No... but it’s still wrong.”
Rose tilted her head, studying you for a moment before sighing. “Listen, love. I’ve been in this business for thirty years. People don’t steal flowers often. You’re lucky he wasn’t going for the till.” She put her hands on her hips. 
“No but. Use your head, why would a kid steal flowers if not for love or grief?” Her lidded eyes carried a softness you’ve rarely seen in them. “If someone wants some damn flowers let them have them.” 
The lady adjusted her shawl, folding it over her shoulders and chest, before shuffling to the back of the shop without letting you much of a chance to think of a retort, not that you had any anyway.
You understood what she meant, and it did make sense, but you couldn’t have had this whole debate in your mind while it all happened. You saw something wrong happen and you stopped it without thinking. Everything went down so fast. You sighed, trying to not be mortified, but unable to ignore the discomfort of remorse tugging at your insides.
You gazed at the empty shop. The weather outside was colder, gloomier, and the dust in the shop didn’t feel as cosy. While you cleaned, you couldn’t help but think over everything again, replaying the incident, trying to see where you were wrong.You were pulled out of the cycle by the soft rain beginning to fall. The feeble sound of the sprinkle against the window was soothing your busy mind. You focused on wiping off the dust and dirt off the shelves. 
You barely acknowledged Rose’s goodbyes as she left you alone. The day flowed, punctuated by occasional customers, drawing breaks, and the tender care of the flowers. 
As you were getting ready to close, the jingle of the bell announcing someone entering the shop. You turned around. Him. Again. Just dirtier than yesterday. 
He looked like he had gone through a storm. You knew it was raining a little, but not that much. The rain clung to his face, making it shine faintly in the glow of the interior light. Why did he always have to beam when he entered the place? You almost got weak in the knees. You told yourself it was out of the embarrassment from last time.
“...Hi.” You hesitated, a bit awkward and shy.
“Don’t get all nervous, I’m not tryin’ to nick som’thin.” He pulled his hands out of his pocket, trying to seem less threatening. You don’t say anything, trying to find the words and courage to apologize. He felt slightly awkward as you stared at him like a kicked puppy. He groaned. “Listen, I’m not gonna do anything,” he handed you a couple of wrinkled bills. “Here, I’m even tryin’ to buy ‘em. With money.” he mumbled.
You looked down at his hand. It was large, the knuckles rough and scarred, his silver rings tarnished and blackened in places. The way his fingers flexed as he reached made you think he could break things—easily. You shook your head, refusing the money and headed for the daffodils. “You can have them.” you just said. He eyed you for a moment. 
“You mean I robbed that ol’ lady for nothin’ eh?” Your eyes go wide. “You what?”
He stared at you for a beat, then burst into laughter. It was loud and unrestrained, and it made your cheeks burn.
“Oh, you’re serious?” he wheezed, clutching his stomach. “Blimey, you’re somethin’ else.”
You crossed your arms, your embarrassment quickly morphing into indignation. “Well, how was I supposed to know you were joking?!”
“Dunno,” he said after wiping a tear. “But you made it worth it.”
You scowled at him, but it was hard to hold onto your annoyance when he looked so genuinely amused.
As he calmed down, his gaze wandered over the shop, eventually landing on you. For a moment, his smirk faded, replaced by something unreadable.
“What?” You asked, suddenly self-conscious.
“Nothin’.” He let his eyes linger for a moment longer, before flicking away. 
You held the flowers in his direction. “Take ‘em.” He slowly reached for them, his cold, calloused fingers brushing yours. You almost pulled back, but his touch was surprisingly gentle, careful, even. You hated how your breath hitched, just for a second.
“Technically, y’just given me flowers. I’m owed a date.” You instantly glared at him. “Fiiine, I’m just jokin’. Can’t blame a bloke for tryin’.”
You watched as he left the store, sighing. The air in the shop was definitely too warm, and you welcomed the slight breeze making its way in for the short time the door was open.
He was annoyingly stuck in your mind for the rest of the day. That short encounter followed you as you closed the shop. As you rode the bus home.  Even as you jingled the key to your flat. 
You wondered if you had struck him the same way he did you. He was messing with your mind, and he hadn’t done anything—you were almost angry, and you only interacted twice. 
You turned on the small radio across your bed, fiddling with the wavelengths until you managed to find something else than white noise. The antenna wasn’t cooperating, and you naively tried to put it closer to the window in hope of getting something, anything. You tilted it to the left, to the right. “Please, just one station that isn’t all static..” you muttered to yourself, hoping the radio gods will have mercy on you.
When you finally heard a voice, you almost jumped of joy. When you realized it was the evening news, you were a lot less enthusiastic. After another while, you heard some music come out. That’ll do, you told yourself as you hopped to the kitchen to find something to eat. The music resonated easily in the one room apartment, and you hummed to the song. Something about being able to boogie all night long.
You still had some old bread, but it was the end of the week, and you definitely needed to get some groceries, go to the launderette too. You sighed just thinking about all your chores. Weekends weren’t as relaxing as they used to be.
Your thinking was interrupted by the host announcing the Stranglers, and as the aggressive guitar and energetic melody filled your walls, your mind couldn’t help to go back to him. That was probably close to what he listened to. He had the looks, at least. 
You caught yourself shaking your head to the rousing rhythm. It wasn't necessarily what you usually listened to, but it wasn't too bad. The riff was loud, unapologetic, and annoyingly infectious. You tapped your fingers on the counter without realizing it, shaking your head at yourself. It was almost enough to distract you from the smell of burning toast.
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Part three.
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mossyscavern · 11 days ago
In your arms, I feel no fear.
It was a gruesome battle.
Not many spark signals are shown thanks to him and his decepticons. It’s a bitter sweet victory, just how he likes it. It’s what he is built for…
So why on cybertron is he not satisfied? He even destroyed some of the autobots before they can even get to alpha trion.
The bot grunts as he stomps through the trudging bodies of bots, not even bothering to fly above them. Even telling his decepticons to retreat back to their base of operations.
With a deep sigh in his vents, he decided to use a short cut and went into an alleyway of one of the abandoned cities.
Megatron didn’t care, he tells himself. And if there’s any bots that had survived his attacks he’d finish it… but even then he’s distracted by his thoughts.
Thankfully it didn’t last long as he heard a noise in front of him, to the right of another alleyway. Which already seems off.
With his canon pointed to the opening, he slowly crept up towards it, waiting around the corner… only to put his canon down when no one came out.
‘Nothing… no em field either.’ He thought, deciding to walk in the alleyway, cables relaxed when he saw no immediate danger. Only a dead bot 5 peds away from him.
First thing he noticed about the bot is she’s a femme… been dead for a while thanks to the hole on her tank. The frame is rose gold with silver streaks, a round helm with horns on it, in her restarlueus a fabric bundle.
Even though she put up a fight thanks to the dents presented… he felt no sympathy, in the world of war… no space for survivors.
Giving the autobot femme one last look before walking away… then he heard it. It’s muffled but definitely a sound, red optics land on the bundle.
His optics stare at the fabric before turning, deciding against curiosity and went onwards… not long before he hears wailing, halting the war frame to a stop.
He turns back and in the femmes restarlueus, the wailing came from the now moving fabric… drawing out megatron’s curiosity further.
Walking and kneeling down next to the offline femme, struggling to remove the bundling fabric. Already having a feeling what it could be.
Once the fabric is moved away, it confirmed his suspicions. A wailing sparkling.
The young sparkling’s plating is yellow with black, faceplate being a common silver and the baby bot’s own horns presented on each side of the helm.
In all his years as a warlord warrior… never in his life had he expected to see a living youngling this young in his presence alive.
Megatron furrowed his optic ridges… the sparkling is too small for his liking. Making him scowl as he pieced together what he’s assuming as both possible murder and abandonment.
Pushing the thought aside he looks down at the sparkling in question, seeing the small bot finally calm and stare at megatron curiously with blue eerily familiar optics before servos reach for megatron…
Megatron smirks, then took the sparkling, cradling it in his restarlueus. “Without a semblance of fear? Makes you a worthy bot of my presence.”
The sparkling cooed, trying to reach for megatron’s helm and faceplate, the warrior chuckles at the attempt. “… your main weaponry are affective for now, but it’s a temporary thing.”
He told it, rocking the baby bot back and forth. “You need a fitting designation.. though health takes priority.” Megatron states.. but before he can leave he prays to primus and the thirteen to guide the poor femme’s spark.
After saying his prayers, the mech left with the sparkling in his restarlueus. For all that is worth, megatron swore protection to the sparkling…
To his new son.
Finally! Took me forever!
Anyways… here we have babybee au with a sprinkle of parent megatron adopted baby bumblebee from the ‘parental megatron franchise’ tag… or for short, parental megatron origins!
Uh, the dead femme in this is a made up character that no one will hear from again... only time she’s ever mentioned, she is mostly known as ‘late carrier’ Or ‘dead carrier’
Sorry… and again, so sorry… hope you guys enjoy!
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fluentmoviequoter · 1 year ago
I Didn't Know Where Else to Go
Requested Here!
Pairing: Jim Street x fem!reader
Summary: You lose your keys during a rainstorm and can only think of one place to go.
Warnings: pure fluff | Word Count: 1.2k+ words
A/N: This is my first attempt at writing Street, so he is probably OOC. I actually really enjoyed it, so I'm absolutely open to keep writing for him if anyone has more requests. I'd also love to hear any feedback you have!!🤍
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As you park your car, the rainstorm stalled over Los Angeles goes from bad to worse. What started as a steady sprinkle is now a torrential downpour, and you have to run from your car to the front door. Sighing, you watch the water coat your windshield.
“Sunny Los Angeles, huh?” you mutter, reaching for your bag.
Sliding your hand into the pocket where you keep your house key, you only feel the fabric of the pocket. Frowning, you pull your bag open further, tipping your head forward to look inside. Your key has vanished, it seems, and you have no idea where it could be.
Sitting back in your seat, you try to think of a place where you can go. The roads had begun to flood as you drove home, a downfall of living in a city not used to continuous rain. Unwilling to travel more than a few miles, you check the time before backing out of your driveway.
There is only one place you can think to go.
Sliding your bag onto your arm, you take a deep breath and open the car door, rushing up the driveway and onto the porch. When you’re under a covering again, your hair and clothes are soaked and dripping onto the concrete below you. Shivering slightly, you tighten your grip on your bag and raise your hand to knock, whispering a request for someone to answer the door.
After a moment, there's no answer, and you take a step back. Turning around, you look out into the rain as you pull your phone from your bag, scrolling through your contacts and failing to find anyone you can call.
You hear your name and turn around quickly, sighing when you see Jim standing in his open doorway.
“I didn’t know where else to go,” you admit quietly, glancing down at your sopping wet shoes. “But-“
“Come in. I’ll grab you some dry clothes,” Jim says, cutting you off before you can apologize or offer to leave.
“Thank you.”
Stopping just inside his door, you stand by the wall and wait.
“You good?”
Raising your head, you see Street looking at you intently. Jim has never been easy to lie to, and he cares about you. He’s your best friend, that’s why you came here.
“Yeah, I’m okay. I lost my house key and didn’t realize until I got there. Didn’t know where else to go,” you repeat.
Jim nods before disappearing around a corner. He returns a moment later with dry clothes and a towel in his arms. Extending them to you, he fails to hide his smile as he asks, “You want to use the bathroom or change right here? I don’t mind either way.”
You roll your eyes, setting your bag on the floor while you point out, “I’m going to get water everywhere on the way.”
Jim lays a hand on your shoulder, pushing you forward a few steps before saying, “Too late. If you want to shower or anything, go ahead.”
“Thank you,” you say over your shoulder.
After you close the bathroom door, you peel your wet clothes and shoes off, dropping them in the bathtub before drying off. After dressing in Street’s clothes, you take a minute to enjoy the feeling. Being close to Jim has always been comfortable, but this is different, and if you’re honest with yourself, you like it. A lot.
Jim knocks on the door, drawing your attention away from his clothes.
“You can put your clothes in the dryer when you’re ready. Need anything else?”
Opening the door, you smile as his eyes move down your body and back up to your face.
“I’m good, Jim. Thank you, you’ve already done more than enough.”
“I’m making coffee,” Jim says, looking away from you quickly. “Want anything?” You don’t have a chance to answer before he adds, “I thought so. I’ll make your favorite.”
Watching him walk away, you furrow your eyebrows. Jim Street can be act strange at times, you know that, but this is unusual even for him.
After putting your clothes in the dryer, you walk to the kitchen and stop in the doorway.
“Do you- should I leave? I can find somewhere else to go,” you say quietly.
“Of course not,” Jim replies, turning to set a steaming mug before you. “Sorry.”
Shrugging, you run your finger over the rim of the mug. “For what? You’re helping me, Jim.”
“Yeah, I mean, I know that, and I’ll always be here to help you. But- I’m just sorry if I’m making this weird.”
Jim’s eyes drop, his gaze catching on your neck, where his shirt rests against your skin. Thinking – hoping – that he’s thinking the same thing you are, you take a step closer to him. Taking his hand, you raise it between you before looking up at him.
“Maybe you should make it weird,” you tease.
“I’m glad you didn’t know where else to go.” You narrow your eyes, and Jim chuckles, adding, “You know what I mean.”
Smiling, you drop your joined hands and take one more step, tilting your chin up and leaning in.
“Is this okay?” you ask.
Jim nods quickly, and you move your free hand to his jaw, gently pulling him to you. Just before your lips meet, the power flickers before shutting off. You don’t stop, though, too invested in Jim and this moment.
Jim grabs your waist, tugging you against him as he kisses you. He pulls back suddenly, and you lean against him before opening your eyes.
“Do you…” you begin, trailing off.
“Sit down. Please.”
He steps away from you, turning back into the kitchen while you walk to his couch, taking your drink with you. Sitting alone, you take a few sips before Jim joins you. He hands you a blanket before setting a tray of snacks and candles on the table before you.
“Romantic,” you hum.
“Careful,” Jim warns. “You don’t even have clothes right now.”
You laugh, quieting as he sits beside you. Unfolding the blanket, you spread it over both of your laps.
“Thank you, Jim,” you say again, leaning your head against his shoulder.
“You know, when Luca told me I was in love with you I almost didn’t believe him.”
“Your friends had to tell you that? I’ve known for months.”
Street pulls the blanket off of you to set it to the side, and as you begin to ask what he’s doing, he grabs your hips and tugs you toward him, flipping you so you’re facing him. Catching yourself on his shoulders, you rise to your knees on either side of his legs.
“I know it’s your job, but I wasn’t resisting,” you mumble.
“You certainly weren’t,” Jim replies, smiling as he sets his hands on your hips.
Thunder rumbles in the distance, and you think you could stay here forever. You look over his head to the rain-streaked window.
“Hey,” Jim calls, waiting until you look back down at him to kiss you again.
He pulls the blanket over you, covering both of your heads. You break the kiss in surprise at his actions, and he tugs you to lay against him as his chuckles mix with your pleased laugh.
“I’m glad I didn’t know where else to go, too,” you say.
“And now you’ll have to stay here until you can replace your key. A pity.”
“Trust me, I know. It will be hard to cope,” you reply, playing along. “There’s only one thing that will make it manageable.”
“Me?” Jim asks happily. “Because I’ll always be here.”
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psych3-delic · 9 months ago
Hi, I adore your family AU and am wondering if you have any plan on writing/drawing more of them? I'd love to see more of their daily life together, such as going on a picnic in the garden, shopping, or even little Charlotte trying to help out her dads in their respective jobs (like sitting on Ciel's lap when he does paperwork or helping Seb with making cake for Ciel). Also, just curious, who is stricter, Sebastian or Ciel? Thanks!
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Hiii, sorry for the late response! Tumblr literally didn’t send me any notifications 😞 i just happened to check my inbox. Here’s a pregnant Ciel as an apology 🫶🏻
Yes! I plan to draw more of them together! I have so many ideas of what to draw so I’ll keep the, coming hehe. As for writing…. 😅😅😅 perhaps not yet. I need to focus on Forks and Smothered 😅 god knows I have been putting the next chapter off! But I’ll sprinkle some lores in here and there with my drawing! Thank you so much for liking Charlotte 😭😭 that means a lot to me!
As for who’s stricter, I think Ciel is.
In regard to parenting, Ciel would have a lot of doubt as to how to actually be Lottie's parents. He lost his quite young, and whatever memory he has left of them both are glorified, remembered through the distorted lenses of grief and nostalgia of a better time. The adults around him are barely adults themselves, with their own problems. Thus, he has no role model or framework for what good parenting should look like.
This is where Ciel would sometimes draw away and become avoidant when times get hard. Like when Lottie misbehaved, newly testing out her boundaries; like when it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows... Of course discipline is needed, but every time she cries, or screamed "I hate you, papa" in response to his chastising, Ciel believed her. He felt like he failed her, like he was so fucked up he wasn't meant to be a parent after all. He would locked himself in his chamber for days and didn't come out.
Sebastian understands that trying to drag his husband out of these episodes would have the reverse effect; so he just gentle be there for him, hold him and told him he was doing a good job, and that he too, was learning. Even Lottie is learning through her tantrums. They were all learning how to be.
Some in-verse things in regards to this pic:
“r!Ciel is an Alpha, but his twin brother is an omega. When o!Ciel came back from the cult claiming the title and the name ‘Ciel Phantomhive’, he has to masquerade as an Alpha…
Things got complicated when he became pregnant with Lottie.”
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Again, thank you so much for taking interest in this AU! And pls send me more ask/suggestion! It helps my inspiration for the AU!
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sunsetsandsunshine · 5 months ago
~ 𝙲𝚊𝚗 𝙸 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚢 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚝𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝…? ~
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·̩̩̥͙**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚𝚃𝙸𝙲𝙺𝙻𝙴𝚃𝙾𝙱𝙴𝚁 𝙳𝙰𝚈 𝟷𝟷: 𝙽𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃𝙼𝙰𝚁𝙴˚*• ̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙**·̩̩̥͙
𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚛𝚎: 𝙷𝚞𝚛𝚝/𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚝 (𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑, 𝙸 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚎 💗)
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜: 𝟷,𝟽𝟿𝟻
𝙻𝚎𝚎: 𝙼𝚒𝚔𝚎𝚢 🐢🧡
𝙻𝚎𝚛: 𝙳𝚘𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚎 🐢💜
𝚂𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢: 𝙼𝚒𝚔𝚎𝚢 𝚑𝚊𝚜 𝚊 𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚎. 𝙸𝚝’𝚜 𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚢….𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚑 𝚒𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚊𝚜𝚔 𝚖𝚎 *𝚠𝚒𝚗𝚔 𝚠𝚒𝚗𝚔 𝚗𝚞𝚍𝚐𝚎 𝚗𝚞𝚍𝚐𝚎*
(𝙰/𝙽: 𝙱𝚞𝚝 𝚖𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝚒𝚖𝚙𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚕𝚢: 𝙳𝚘𝚗’𝚝 𝚋𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚐𝚞𝚢! 𝚃*𝚌𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙺𝚒𝚗𝚔/𝙽𝚂𝙵𝚆 𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚜 𝙳𝙽𝙸!!!)
𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: 𝙲𝚞𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚗𝚢𝚌𝚝𝚘𝚙𝚑𝚘𝚋𝚒𝚊.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚𝙹𝚄𝚂𝚃 𝙲𝙰𝙼𝙴 𝙱𝙰𝙲𝙺 𝙵𝚁𝙾𝙼 𝙰 𝙿𝙰𝚁𝚃𝚈 𝙸𝚃 𝚆𝙰𝚂 𝚂𝙾 𝙵𝚁𝙴𝙰𝙺𝙸𝙽𝙶 𝙻𝙸𝚃 𝙾𝙼𝙶‼️‼️‼️˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙
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Dreams were one thing. 
Mikey loved dreams. 
He adored dreams in fact. 
It was…his escape from reality; sort of like drawing in a sense. Except, when he dreamt…he didn’t have to do a single thing.
He could do anything he wanted…whenever he wanted without having to get the 'a-okay' from anyone.
And plus, the best part about dreams was that if there was an ice cream cat barfing up sprinkles…Mikey wouldn’t question it oneeeeee bit. 
That was the magical part about dreams. 
But…there were always two sides to a coin.
…Nightmares…were the opposite of dreams…
…And they were a whole other thing.
They could turn your most happiest memories and moments into horrid and scary ones.
It could turn the most greenest of valleys into nothing but dry ash, blowing away in the wind and fluttering and intoxicating the air. 
Or…perhaps…maybe nightmares were just…lonely. 
Perhaps…it was just lonely to be alone, watching you sit in your room as you break into cold sweat, the darkness weighing you down like a ton of bricks. 
And maybe the nightmares wanted you to be there with it…so it wouldn’t have to be alone…
'I could be lonely with you' as Beach Bunny would say…
But back to the initial topic, Michelangelo always hated having nightmares.
But what he hated more was not even remembering what said nightmares was about. 
It was terrifying for sure— I mean— he woke up from it so it must’ve been really…bad…right?
The box turtle sighed loudly, running a tired and shaky hand down his face.
…He should probably get some water while he’s awake; his mouth was as dry as the Sahara desert.
Or, better yet, Mikey could go find his brothers.
Well…one of them. Or at least see if anyone was awake.
The light scarlet eyed mutant hopped down from his bed, hugging himself with one of his blankets as he made his way towards the hallway, the darkness almost consuming him in the process. 
Even as a little kid, the box turtle was never fond of the dark. 
…You could never see beyond it. 
It was cold and…just, well, dark in general if that makes sense. 
Michelangelo never understood the appeal some people had to it.
The only time he did welcome darkness, though, was when there was light occumpining it. 
Like the moon. 
Or the stars. 
Or even car lights! 
It was Mikey’s small reminder that no matter where he was, there was always some glow or gleam with him…
So relitavley speaking, he should head to where the nearest light was…which was his immiediate older brother’s room. 
The smallest turtle opened Leo’s car door ever so slightly, peeking inside to see a very sound sleeping slider. 
The youngest buried down his disappointment as he quietly closed the door, going back into the darkness once more.
Leo barely got any sleep as is…
…And besides…the chance of accidentally waking him up was waaaay too high. 
It was fine, anyway. Mikey could try going to Raph’s! 
Michelangelo dragged his orange blanket with him, putting it around his shoulders as he tip-toed to Raphael’s room…surely he was awake, right? 
“Raph…?” The youngest called out quietly, looking into his older brother’s room. The smallest mutant wasn’t greeted with a small grunt of acknowlgemnt nor a kind Raph greeting.
What the light scarlet eyed teen was greeted with, though, was a loud, ear pierecing snore from the snapping turtle. 
Mikey snickered softly at his brother’s loud noises, going into the room and giving him his favorite Squishmello that was on the floor.
The alligator snapping turtle smiled in his sleep, squishing the plushie to his chest and his tail wagged slightly. The smaller turtle giggled at the action, walking out and closing the car door.
Alright…so the odd’s on Donnie being up…were…rather…slim but it was fine! 
Quite very much fine.
If the softshell was asleep, the light scarlet eyed mutant would just hed back to his room…alone; in complete darkness. 
…But it would be fine…!
The box turtle quickly and quietly shimmied to his purple loving brother’s room buuut not before tripping over his own feet and stumbling in front of Donnie’s train car door.
And Mikey was supposed to be a ninja…pfft, yeah right. 
The youngest turtle got up on his feet, brushing off his knees and shoulders as he grabbed his blanket from the floor. 
Maybe if he just stood perfectly still until the crack of dawn…Donnie wouldn’t wake up…!
Besides, it’s not like the softshell heard him or anything.
“I can hear you trying to be quiet over there, Mikes.” The second oldest deadpanned, turning around of his bed so him and his little brother shared eye contact.
Well shit…
The youngest’s stomach twisted and turned with guilt, rubbing the back of his neck as he leaned on the doorway nervously, “Oh! H-Hey, Dee…sorry…did I wake you up…?” Michelangelo asked guiltily. 
“Eh, kinda. But it’s alright.” Donatello yawned, rubbing his eyes as he sat up on his bed, reaching for his desk as he put on his glasses. 
“…Are you going to come into my very humble abode or are you just going to continue to stand there?” The taller turtle asked, squinting into the darkness where the youngest was almost being consumed by.
Mikey shook his head ever so slightly, closing the door and hopping into Donnie’s bed with his blanket. The elder hugged the smaller turtle tight, rubbing his shell gently as Michelangelo melted into the embrace. 
The box turtle buried his face in his older brother’s chest as the other rested his chin at the top of the smallest turtle’s head, “Mhmmmm…your warm as fuck…”
Donnie bit back a loud laugh, instead, smiling faintly as he rolled his eyes fondly. 
Typical Mikey…
The second oldest wrapped his younger brother tighter in the hug, “Your literally using me as a blanket right now. I’m not your own personal heater, y'know.” 
“Ehhhh…you kinda are to be honest.” The other snickered. 
“Oh? You're just using me for my body heat, huh? And here I thought you loved me for me…” Donatello sniffled theatrically, wiping away a fake tear for dramatic effect.
“I do! But I also love you for your body heat.” The younger turtle giggled snarkily. 
Donnie scoffed, shaking his head slightly as he smiled; he couldn’t help but chuckle faintly.
"You're such a dunderhead, y'know that?” The older said as he scribbled at the youngest’s sides, grinning as Mikey almost immediatley squealed with laughter. 
“Here I am, pouring my heart out to you, being all sentimental and caring...and all you care about is my toasty body heat.” Donatello fake seethed, scribbling where the younger’s plastron met his shell. 
Michelangelo screeched loudly at his brothers squiggly and wriggly fingers, hugging his middles before turning around so his shell faced the young scientist. 
The light scarlet eyed turtle squealed, kicking his legs from under the bed sheets as his brother continued to tickle him, “N-NohoHAH! D-Deehee cahahome ohon dohon’t doohoo thihihis!” He squeaked, pulling on Donatello’s arms. 
“And where do you think you’re going, little brother?” The taller turtle asked, wrapping one arm around Mikey’s chest so his arms were at his sides. “You’re not going anywhere~!” Donnie grinned before scribbling his free hand all long the younger’s stomach. 
“OHO FAHAAAHACK! DEEHEE NOHO STAHAP!! THAHAT’S SOHO SOHO BAHAHAD!!!” Michelangelo screeched whilst laughing loudly and hysterically, kicking his legs so much that the blankets soared high in the air and fell on the floor. 
'And she was a fairy' ahh moment…
“I’m going to tickle you foreveeeeer! Eeheevihil lahahaugh!” The purple hoodie wearing mutant announced as he nibbled the crook of his baby brother’s neck.
Donnie laughed along with the other, his mind flashing back to times when they were very little…
…When they would lay together in the dark with fairy lights hung around the ceiling, infodumping about shows and movies as he would hold his younger brother close to him to keep him warm…
…It was just like when they were little kids.
Well, almost like when they were little kids. 
In their early childhood years there was definetly less hyena cackling…that was for sure.
“GAHAHAD DAHA— squeal NOOOHOHOHO!” The younger mutant squealed, shaking his head as a faint blush spread to his cheeks.
“Yeeeeeeees~!” Donatello playfully cooed, “And stop your loud Tom-foolery! You’re going to wake up the entire lair!”
“THEHEN STAH— squeal!! GOHOD— squeak SCREHEHEW YAHA— YOHOU! STOHOHAP TIHICKLING squeak MEEHEEHEE!” Mikey yelled through his laughs. 
“But you looooove it~!” The other smugly countered. 
“Kill yohou?” The elder mutant asked in awe, pausing the tickling for a split second before mercilessly prodding where the other’s ribs would be.
The reaction was almost immediate as Michelangelo let out a loud, genuine scream before descending into hysterical fits of laughter. 
Mikey thrashed and squealed helplessly, throwing his head back on his older brother’s shoulder. “DOHOHAHA— squeak DOHOHAHANNIE!!”
“You are conversing with Donatello; yes?” 
“Please what~? Pleeeeease keep tickling you~? Pleeeeease tickle tickle your oh-so ticklish ribs~?” 
The softshell chuckled lowly, holding his baby brother’s wrists above his head as he lightly nibbled his ribs. 
The box turtle squeezed his eyes shut, throwing his head back once more as he could do nothing but happily laugh. 
“D'awww~! Are Mikey’s wittle wibs tickwish~?” Donnie teased, using his free hand to flutter along the orange cladded turtle’s neck.
“No more~? Are you sure~?”
Donnie gave his brother one last poke at the rib before stopping and hugging him from behind, resuming the gentle shell rubs. “I guess I really am nothing more than your own personal heater, hm? Just a walking furnace at your command…”
The box turtle mutant groaned loudly, flicking the taller turtle’s forehead slightly, “Deeeehee yohou knohow damn wehell thahahat’s nohot true.” Mikey pouted, snuggling in the embarce. 
"Yeah, yeah…I know, I know. You supposedly love me for more than just my body heat.”Donatello said as he let out a huff of laughter and rolled his eyes. 
The elder wrapped his arms tighter around his brother, resting his chin on the orange cladded teen’s head once more. 
The smaller turtle giggled at the action before yawning, snuggling into the other’s plastron, “Lohove yohou, dorkwad…”
“Pfft— dorkwad? Is that the best you can do? Really?” The softshell snickered. 
“Is ahass faced Atomic Lahass fuhucker good enohough fohor you?” The box turtle asked snarkily. 
“I’ll stick with dorkwad, thanks.” The older giggled. 
“That’s whahat I thohought.” Mikey grinned as he yawned, resting on his face on his brother’s chest, “Lohove you, Dee.”
“I love you too, Angelo.” 
(𝙿.𝚂.: 𝙸𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚏𝚒𝚌, 𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚐!!!)
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mylovelylittleobsessions · 5 months ago
Stealth Attack
A Rings of Power One-shot
Featuring Adar and his kids. Pure fluff.
Wrûg bared his teeth as he crept forward, soot-coated stick in hand. This was it; today was the day he’d finally be taken seriously as a hunter by the rest of the clans. They’d have to accept him, and let him go on the big game hunts after this! No other Uruk could do what he was planning; they were too scared.
Not that he hadn’t tried to convince them before. He’d made it clear that he would bring the best game, the tastiest meat anybody’d ever had, if only they’d let him come along. But every time it was the same: they’d agree condescendingly, or coo at him, or pinch his cheek, then send him off with a pat on the head and a piece of sweet root.
He didn’t deserve to be treated like this. He’d seen seven winters already; he was practically a grown-up! (Though, of course, he didn’t turn his nose up at the sweet root; he wasn’t stupid.)
Tonight, however, would change everything. His bared teeth became a grin as he snuck closer to his goal: Adar’s tent. He’d teach them all a lesson by leaving a mark on the ancient Uruk, and they’d all see how clever and crafty he was! Even Adar would be impressed, right after he scrubbed Wrûg’s mark off.
Wrûg slipped into the tent and almost huffed with disappointment. This was going to be too easy; Adar was asleep! There he was, the eldest of them, snoring away in his nest of blankets without a care in the world! He tiptoed over to the nest and peeked in, stick in hand.
Adar had his face tucked under his arm like a sleeping warg (and snoring like one too), so putting a mark on his face was going to be tricky. He’d wanted to draw face hair on him like the dwarves had, but now he’d have to think of something else. Maybe he’d put a frowny face, or a skull, or a —
Wrûg’s feet flew off the ground as he was suddenly scooped up in a grip like iron. He rolled head over feet into the nest, and found himself nose to nose with Adar himself, eyes glittering with mischief.
Ooh, Adar tricked him! He wasn’t sleeping at all! His snores were made of lies!
“Well, well,” he graveled, in that soft, deep voice that every Uruk associated with the safety of their eldest, “what’s this I’ve caught?”
Wrûg squirmed, but couldn’t wriggle out of the hold Adar had him in, perched on his lap.
Adar looked him over appraisingly, smirk growing. “Looks like a tasty little Uruk-child for my dinner! Let’s see if he’s any good…”
Hang on a minute! He knew where this was going!
“Adar, no!” He squealed. “No tickle!”
But it was too late. Adar had descended, pretending to gobble him up as he made fake-eating noises and gummed at Wrûg’s tummy. Wrûg shrieked with laughter, unable to escape.
Adar hummed. “Not quite. Perhaps some seasoning.” He mimed sprinkling something on Wrûg before gumming his exposed arm. “Much better.” He grinned and resumed his tickling onslaught.
After a few minutes, Adar stopped, letting Wrûg catch his breath. “Now,” he rasped, voice filled with mirth, “what brings you creeping in here to me, little one?”
Wrûg stiffened a little, having snuggled up to Adar in the meantime. “Umm…”
Adar raised an eyebrow, then looked around and picked up Wrûg’s soot stick. “This, perhaps?”
Uh-oh, now he was in trouble. “I w-was…”
Adar tipped Wrûg’s chin up so they were looking eye to eye. “Were you going to play a prank on your Father, child?”
Wrûg nodded.
His lip wobbled. Nononono, he was not going to cry like a little baby in front of Adar! “I ju-just wanna be a hunt-ter…”
Adar’s gaze softened. “Oh, sweetling,” he cooed, rocking him a little, “you need not worry about such things yet. You have your whole life to be a hunter or a warrior or whatever you wish. For now, you would please me best by living your childhood without fear in our new home. Can you do that for an old Uruk?”
He nodded, then flung himself around Adar in a tight embrace. “Love you, Adar…”
“I love you too, little one.” Adar got to his feet, balancing Wrûg on his hip. “Now, no more sneaking in my tent!” He teased, booping Wrûg’s nose with the stick and leaving a soot spot on the tip. He carried Wrûg out and into the camp, where his mother was looking around for him.
“You could have been squished by a warg in there.” He sniffed the air and gave him a look. “Although you smell like you might have already. What did you do, child, roll around in a bog?”
Wrûg looked away shiftily. “No…”
“Are you lying to me?”
“No…” he lied.
Adar rolled his eyes with a huff and passed Wrûg over to his mother. “I believe this smelly creature belongs to you, daughter.” He teased, before looking him in the eye. “Be a good boy for your mother, Wrûg.”
“Yes, Adar!” He nodded with a bright smile. Adar called him by name! He was a grown-up!
Adar gave a small smile and murmured something in his mother’s ear about new soap. Wrûg contentedly rested his head on his mother’s shoulder as he was carried away to the other side of the camp. His mother patted his back while she chattered about the stew she was gonna fix for dinner—
Wait a minute.
What did Adar say?
But that meant—
“NO!” He howled. “NO BATH!”
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eternal-love · 5 months ago
Austin and Me
“Wife to the ‘king’. Icon to the world. Destined for more.”
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Summary: At 18 years old, she fell in love with Austin, at 20 years old, she became his wife, by 22, she was his doll. In which Cynthia’s life changed drastically after falling head over heels with a man that promised her the moon and the stars. She takes us down the memory lane of what could’ve been— the perfect marriage.
Inspired by the book: Elvis and Me by Priscilla Presley.
I do not condemn any of the portrayals I decide to do about certain people, it’s just fanfiction. And it would be divided in parts.
English isn’t my first language so I’m trying my best!
With my pregnancy and everything that had been going on in my life— taking care of Lori, pondering about movie roles I wouldn’t get because I was pregnant, Austin, Callum, my head was spinning. Literally. So much that I forgot my own birthday.
But one morning as I overslept, I hot woken up by Austin and Lori singing happy birthday to me, I started waking up. Rubbing my eyes before laughing.
“Happy birthday to you!~” They finished the song very off-key.
They brought the cake to me to blow the candles. It was VERY BAD decorated, sprinkles everywhere, blue icing all over the place, star candles.
“Make a wish.” Austin smiled as he held the cake, Lori on the other hand had crawled on the bed and wrapped her arms around me.
I didn’t even know what to wish for, so I only blew the candles and smiled. “Thank you so much. It’s a beautiful cake.”
“I did it, mommy!” Lori practically yelled at my ear.
“Oh, my cake boss.” I pulled her in for a more tight hug and kissed her head.
In gifts, well— that year Austin got me another locket. It was for three photos, to put, Lori, the upcoming baby and his photo. Lori on the other hand, brought me a ton of drawings she had done. This was a very different birthday, I guess, it was the pregnancy that made me emotional.
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I received a hundred messages and calls from peers, family members, co-stars— whatever. It was weird. 24 was a weird age. I definitely still felt 22, I still wanted to look 18, but sometimes I suspected that I wanted to be ten all over again.
I remembered my birthday parties growing up. Being the center of attention for at least an afternoon. My parents never denied me of birthday parties. Since I was three until I was ten I had parties every year. My parents were Mexicans, they liked showing me off.
I often looked at my old pictures, I looked so happy. Old videos were my favorite though. I saw my father holding me as my mom stood by his side. I didn’t remember the last time I spent a birthday with them. I knew that once I married it would all be different but it didn’t mean that I didn’t want familiarity.
I went out that day, I went to do grocery shopping. I should’ve been at the club now that I think about it. But anyways, I did what I had to do. Went through every single aisle, got what I needed. It was my relaxation.
After that I drove to McDonalds, I thought that it would be another lonely birthday. Just by myself, writing the same ‘Thank you!’ message to all who congratulated me. I parked and ate alone, then at about 4:30 PM I drove myself back to our house, it was a really long drive. I arrived at about 5:30. Why the fuck did we buy a house so goddamn away from actual LA?
I got out the car, carrying the bag. I shouldn’t even be doing this while pregnant. I took the keys and opened the door. The lights were off. But then I almost had a heart attack.
“Happy birthday!”
Everyone I cared for and loved were there. I dropped the grocery bag immediately because I flinched. Everyone laughed. I laughed too.
“Oh my God! You guys scared the shit out of me!” I placed a hand on my heart, shaking my head as I laughed.
Austin walked up to me, looking tall, lean— perfect. He could be a son of a bitch but my god, was he good-looking.
“To my bestest girl.” He said, looking down on me. He hugged me. I started crying. “Why’re you crying?” He pouted a little, bringing me closer to him.
I felt a little embarrassed when I heard everyone going ‘awww’ but I smiled as I wiped my tears. Austin wasn’t one for big reunions, for big parties, for having a lot of people in the house. But the fact that he took the time to invite a ton of people, decorate, BE HERE. I know it could be considered the bare minimum since he was my husband but to me it meant a lot. That he actually loved me, even if he didn’t always show it how I wanted.
I saw my mom and dad, my sisters. I kissed each of their cheeks. I missed them a lot. Jackie and Pattie, my beautiful sisters. We grew together. We saw each other in our worst moments.
It was good, perfect I would say. Austin had convinced my own father of helping him in the grill. And my father never really accepted Austin. That was a step. Until Callum arrived. What the hell was he doing here? Not that I didn’t want him here but I kinda— felt between the wall and the sword.
“I heard there was a party.” He said with a charming smile. Handing me a box. “My mum makes this cookies for you. She told me to give them to you. She ain’t making them for me anymore, just so you know. She likes you.”
Of course his mom liked me. Of course she did. Did she also knew that I was screwing her son behind my husband’s back? I don’t think so. And if she knew, she wouldn’t have made me these amazing cookies.
It was a good party. I was in the kitchen preparing burgers. Callum barged in.
“We need to talk.” Callum said.
I wanted to run away like a chicken without its head. I nodded, looking at him.
“I know that you won’t leave Austin. I’ve come to terms with that, believe me. I ain’t takin’ you away from him. I understand that you two are a family— and that you probably actually love him.”
I wanted to deny it but it was true.
“I’m sorry.” I whispered to him. I felt bad, I’m not going to lie.
I was the same scum Austin was.
“Hey. No, dont apologize. I’m no saint either, we’re all shitty here. Austin, you, me. We all knew. And I knew you were married. What else did I expect?”
There was a long silence, I wanted to speak, but what was I supposed to say?
“You’re still my friend.”
What a stupid thing came out my mouth. Jesus Fucking Christ. I wished someone had sown my mouth as a child.
“You’re my friend too.” Callum said awkwardly.
Well that was definitely embarrassing. I knew, I knew that we would screw again someday. You don’t simply end an affair just like this. An affair has to end with one last passionate night of love-making. But we would have to wait. At least until my baby was born.
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We were all gathered around the dining room, I was sitting on a chair. Austin brought a cake with the candles lit. As everyone sang happy birthday and I could see their faces, regret, shame, guilt, started filling my mind. I stared between Austin and Callum, Austin held Lori in his arms while Callum only held a cup.
I started to wonder about my wish. What should I wish for?
To be clean again?
To have never stepped out my wedding vows?
To have never been disrespected by my own husband?
To have a perfect family?
To have a chance at acting?
To finally get what I want?
To be a child again?
As I blew the candles I thought of my wish:
I wish to be able to start again.
But even then. I knew it was impossible. I’ve made my bed. Might as well be delusional and think all of this could change just because I was childish enough to believe that a dumb birthday wish could turn true.
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TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY YALL and I wanted to do upload a new chapter of this story. About Cynthia’s birthday.
Tysm for reading.
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marsmarbles · 1 year ago
If you have the time, could you maybe do a scene with bigb teaching grian how to bake his famous cookies? Or maybe something a bit more angsty, like one of them getting to the other only to find their leftover items? Or whatever you want honestly! Thx for the secret soulmates food! :p
I had an idea for this request but it would be too much to draw so I’m actually gonna try and do some writing instead. Sorry for those who don’t like reading. It’s kinda long.
Golden Light to Silver Shadows
Grian nervously stood before the Food Crew’s bakery entrance, clamping his sweaty hands on a present he had spent all day preparing for BigB. Turning the knob of the door and pushing it open activated an alarm system set up by Fwhip. A bell rang and a few note blocks could be heard. It was a charming little jingle to welcome customers. The bakery was cozy with cherry plank walls and coffee colored spruce floors. A few circle tables were sprinkled in the center of the room with booths lining the walls. Lanterns, succulents, and baskets of flowery bushes hung from the ceiling. BigB was sat behind the counter. He was examining the creases in the floorboards with his head resting on his hand. He had been daydreaming. BigB loved his bakery, but it was admittedly boring to wait for customers. The door jingle alerted him to Grian’s presence.
“Grian!” BigB lit up in excitement, his antennae wiggled with joy. The genuine excitement to see Grian was more than enough to make Grian’s face flush. “Hey, BigB. I uhhh… made something for you.”
Grian slid a bag of cookies across the counter with shaky hands. They were neatly wrapped in a shimmery clear bag, tightly fastened with a blue ribbon with gold accents. “This was my first time ever making cookies, so sorry if they’re bad. Maybe you can show me your secret recipe,” Grian laughed nervously.
BigB gleefully loosened the blue ribbon holding the bag shut, took a cookie, and ate it whole. It was crunchy and thin and….hollow(?)…they weren’t bad by any means. For Grian’s first time, BigB appreciated the love and effort he put in. He had waited all day for someone to show up to the bakery. And the fact that it was Grian made it even better. He didn’t want him to leave just yet.
“How about we make some cookies together! The cocoa beans should be ready in the greenhouse,” BigB suggested, gesturing to the entrance to the greenhouse just behind him.
“I’d love to!” Grian quickly replied. The word ‘together’ was enough.
After BigB stashed away the cookies for later in the top cabinet, he and Grian made their way to the back door to the greenhouse. Grian had to do an awkward shuffle around the counter to keep up. The greenhouse was gorgeous. Golden light shone through the semi transparent overhang and broke through the flowers and leaves. Parrots chirped and bees buzzed. Luscious plants swayed in the gentle breeze. Glow berry vines slung from the ceiling as axolotls and frogs popped out from the ponds, curious of the new visitor. Grian stared in awe. This was more of a massive nature preserve than any greenhouse he’s ever been in.
“Grian?” BigB broke Grian out of his trance. “The cocoa bean farm is over here.”
“Uh right,” Grian said, adjusting his glasses and wiping his mouth and chin with his coat sleeve (just to make sure he didn’t drool while distracted).
BigB led him to a cluster of jungle trees. They reached high, popping out the top of through the ceiling. Podzol and bamboo were dotted around in clumps. Just past the cocoa bean farm was the end of the greenhouse. Through the transparent walls could be a seen an expansive jungle forest, stretching well beyond the world borders. BigB pulled off a ready cocoa bean plant and inspected it for abnormalities. After checking that it was good, he held it out for Grian. “Why don’t you try to break this one open?”
“Uhh I dunno,” Grian held his hands up, unsure.
In that moment, Grian took a pause. Actually, the whole world felt in slow motion. Something unseen had disturbed the peace. His Watcher senses were tingling, so to speak. Something was about to happen….. Suddenly, as the world picked back up in speed, BigB’s calming smile was shot down with an excruciating pain all throughout his body; every muscle, every ligament, every organ, each and every follicle of hair. The cocoa bean plant dropped and exploded on impact with the earth. A jolt went up his spine and his legs went out on him. He tumbled to the ground. He had no process time to scream or cry out in pain. He just fell.
“BIGB!!!!” Grian shrieked, dropping to his knees to assist him just as fast as BigB fell. “B-BIGB WHAT HAPPENED ARE YOU OKAY??”
“I-I…I think I’m going…J-Jimmy…he-”BigB managed to get out with a weak shaky breath.
“BigB! BigB! Please I need you to stay with me BigB,” Grian frantically cradled BigB in his arms. He could feel tears welling up in his eyes. He checked chat…
…Jimmy had fallen to his death…
Oh, fucking of course, Grian thought. Grian hadn’t considered Jimmy being in control of BigB’s lives, but with that confirmation he’d might as well think of this as his final moments with his secret soulmate.
“Grian….” BigB mustered the strength to caress Grian’s cheek and wipe away a tear. “…it’s ok….i’ll be right back….it’s just one life….”
“BigB….” Grian quietly whined, taking BigB’s hand, keeping it held to his cheek. He felt it go cold and his arm become heavy. Grian saw the last of the light in BigB’s dark eyes fade as his body became limp. Grian pulled his lifeless corpse into one final hug. And as BigB dissipated into smoke and billowed away…..Grian was left alone.
All the light and magic that the greenhouse had greeted him with was gone. The birds went silent, the bees hid back into their hives. The trees and flowers went grey and the golden light became silver shadows. Silently, Grian collected BigB’s fallen items, keeping his head down to hide his tearful look. And as he slowly closed the chest he stored BigB’s items in, he heard voices in the distance. It was a collection of people, most notably Scott, Martyn, Fwhip, and Joel, with a tomato faced Jimmy stomping ahead of them.
“Jimmy!!! We’re sorry!! We didn’t think you’d miss the water!” Scott cackled as he tried to explain himself to Jimmy.
“It was bad maths!! Bad maths!!” Martyn pleaded with a giggle.
“We didn’t think you’d die!!” Scott added, trying to breathe through his laughter.
Jimmy stormed into the bakery, and as he slammed the door, Fwhip’s voice was cut off; “but it was just a prank-“
Grian could here Jimmy stomp about in the bakery. He must’ve been looking for BigB. Jimmy ran out into the greenhouse and froze to find Grian and the aftermath of the incident. Grian stood there with a clenched fist and a chest by his feet. He gave Jimmy a stone cold glare with his dark eyes. Jimmy flinched at the sight of his expression.
“I put BigB’s stuff in this chest,” Grian said almost robotically, pointing to the box.
Jimmy desperately wanted to apologize, but Grian looked like he would accept nothing; not even a notch apple. Grian stiffly walked past him.
“I’m sorry….about BigB…” Jimmy made an attempt at an apology, hoping that Grian could find it in him somewhere to forgive him. Grian paused.
“It wasn’t your fault, Tim….” Grian said without turning back to him. “It was their’s….”
Grian continued walking, leaving Jimmy to wallow. He made his way to the bakery and took a seat at one of the circle tables. The room felt cold and desolate compared to before. Like it was a completely different place that the greenhouse had spat him back out into. He shuffled his chair forward and laid his head down, waiting for BigB’s return.
I actually had a lot of fun writing this, even though I wouldn’t consider myself a very skilled writer(and there’s most definitely a lot of mistakes I made lol). I felt like it was easier to depict a full scene compared to a comic(which would’ve probably taken me weeks). So I’ll do more writing like this in the future.
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deepperplexity · 1 year ago
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Prompt 4. Sharing [C1]
Pairing: Turpin x Fem!Wife!Reader
POV: Second, Reader
Setting: Turpin's House
A/N: Time for my fav Rickman character to take the spotlight - I realise it might be a little frustrating to not have each long fic as a whole but I'm working with set prompts (like everyone else 😅) so we will be jumping a bit between the stories but I hope - since it's such a short time between parts - that you'll manage, darlings 🙈❤ Anyway, we are gonna have another slightly darker story going but I do promise we will have a HEA even if it'll be a bit of a roller coaster getting there. I'm such a sucker for Angst and Hurt in my fics that I just can't resist - especially when Turpin is so perfect for this 🙈🤭❤ I don't know how long this one will be though, might be 2 parts, might be 5, we'll have to see 😂 Anyway, I hope December is starting well for you and let's get to the story! 😍👏
IMPORTANT: My plans for this story go in the darker shades! I cannot make any promises as I write as I go for this event but I feel like Turpin's story needs some darkness, amidst the fluff and joy of Christmas I want to incorporate some harsher, darker themes as well - he's a dark and complex character after all so I'm just giving a possible heads up here at the very beginning. No promises, but many possibilities 🙈
Tags/TW’s: Emotional Hurt/Harm, Fear, Physical Grabbing/Hurt, Emotional Hurt/No Comfort (yet), Harsh Dialogue, Hating Christmas vs Loving Christmas, Pettiness, Longing, Fear Of Abandonment, Lacking Communication (not miscommunication)
Abbr.: Y/N - Your Name
Word Count: 1.6k+
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You were tensing all over. Every muscle was as stiff as the logs in the hearth, crackling within the flames yet their warmth didn’t quite reach you. He glared at you. His cold grey eyes lacked the usual warmth he held for you. To be quite blunt, you hadn’t thought he’d be so opposed to the whole idea — but, there you were, in the middle of an argument you hadn’t imagined would ever occur.
You looked down, avoiding his harsh gaze. “I thought you’d be pleased,” you said quietly. “Pleased?” “Yes, Richard. I thought—” “You thought wrong. Christmas is a foolish holiday, worth nothing to me. The opposite, in fact.” You bit your lip, the coldness of his words too hurtful when you adored the holiday with all your heart and he'd never spoken in such a manner to you previously.
You glanced toward the tree you had only half decorated when he came home. Everything else in the house was done, the garlands and curtains, the mistletoe in the hallway arch and the new green candle sticks, the little Santa village atop the mantel you had sprinkled with flour to replicate snow, and the little decorations dotted on most flat surfaces — angels and reindeer, miniature trees and Christmas flowers. Some things you’d bought at the market but quite a bit of it you’d found in the attic — why did he have all those beautiful decorations if he wasn’t fond of the holiday?
“I’m sorry, Richard…” you whispered and he sighed deeply, it made you shiver unpleasantly. “It’s-, it’s my favourite holiday.” “You are my wife now, living under my roof, and there will be no holiday cheer or infernal carols. Take it all down,” he snarled coldly before leaving the room with rapid steps, his boot-clad feet stomping harshly. But it’s Christmas… You thought while hugging yourself, staving off the hurt of him speaking so harshly to you. Dismissing you, your feelings, all of it with not so much as a chance for you to ask why. “I won’t let you take away Christmas,” you whispered to the empty room.
You woke up in the guest room, having neglected to sleep in your bed — next to your husband. You hadn’t done what he asked yesterday, all the decorations remained where you had put them, and as you made your way down to the drawing room you were met by the half-done Christmas tree. He’s not taking Christmas from me. I won’t allow it. Never had you gone against his wishes before, not since you married the man during the early summer of that very year. He had truly not asked anything extraordinary of you, though. Not many wishes to go against, truth be told.
You finished decorating the tree, placing all the gifts you had hidden away in the attic previously under its branches weighed down by far too many decorations. Had he not been so cold toward you, so disrespectful of your love of Christmas, you wouldn’t have gone all out. Now, well, now you did. The tree was nearly tacky in its sparkling, glittery, golden galore.
“There, last one,” you said and stood back to look at your work. “He can be a grump everywhere else, but I’m celebrating Christmas. No matter if he likes it or not.” “You ought not do such a thing, me lady,” came the voice of the maid. It startled you. “It’s Christmas, Miss Lowel. I’m going to celebrate it.” “Yes, me lady, but do not say I didn’t warn you.” “Warning heard, and ignored.” “You are most brave, me lady.” “What’s he going to do? Throw his wife out on the street?” you laughed at your own words, he was some sort of a gentleman after all. Miss Lowel, however, only lowered her eyes and left the room. Would he?
Richard never came home that evening. You sat in the drawing room, surrounded by the cosy decorations while reading a book in the warmth of the fireplace, when the clock struck ten. “Where is he?” you murmured and snapped your book shut. “Is he working late again?” You sighed and got up, heading toward the bathroom to clean up before it was time to sleep.
As you brushed your hair you wondered if you should sleep in your shared bedroom or take the guest room again. You decided on the latter, not wanting to share a bed with someone angry — your grandmother always said it was bad to share a bed with anger. She meant one should always talk and solve things before going to bed, but, same difference. You didn’t quite want to admit to the strange sensation of worry and longing that had begun to unfurl within you, doubts about whether you’d made the right choice slithered in as the night enveloped the world. You fell asleep nonetheless, half shivering under the heavy cover lacking your husband’s warmth.
“You disobey me,” Richard snarled and you jolted awake. Sitting upright with the cover pooling around your waist, your nightshirt did little to ward off the sudden chill of the cold room. “Richard?” you asked, half disoriented by the sudden awakening. He glared at you from beside the bed, with barely any light in the room his eyes looked like pits. “You disobey me, in my own house ,” he snarled and grabbed your upper arm, jerking you close with a too-firm grip.
Your heart jumped into a gallop within your chest, your body stiffening while your hand reached out to try and remove his fingers squeezing your biceps too harshly. “I told you to take it down ,” he seethed. “Richard, stop, you’re hurting me,” you whimpered while pushing at his hand. He bent forward, your noses nearly touching, and your breath seemed lodged in your throat. His harsh features appeared set in stone, his mouth barely a line with his lips so tightly sealed and his jaw clenched. He had never looked at you like that, pure anger and something far more dreadful creeping underneath it — something that pulled at your heart fiercely. 
“Take, it, down,” he said, nearly punching out each word. “N-no,” you whimpered, cinching your eyes shut. “I will not, it’s Christmas.” “It is my house,” he snarled and jerked at your arm, drawing a winching sound out of you. “It-, it’s mine too,” you whispered while tears began to roll down your cheeks. Fear, hurt and pain spurring the reaction you tried to quench. “You have nothing of yours,” he declared with frost in his thunderous roll of a voice. “ Nothing is yours.” “We share this marriage,” you said quietly, barely able to get the words out. “We share our life, and our home,” you continued and dared look up at him as he stood bent over you, each part of him seemingly held taunt. “Sharing,” he seethed, “is not what we do, wife . I own everything, including you.”
His hand released you with another jerk, forcing you to fall backwards while he straightened to his full, imposing height. Your heart ached and hammered, your cheeks wet with tears while your body quivered, your hands trembling. The way he spoke had fear streaking through your veins, your exchange with Miss Lowel still fresh in your mind — would he throw you out on the street over Christmas decorations? The hurt pushed hot anger through you, the fear like oil atop a fire.
“You do not own me,” you said, fisting your hand while glaring up at him. “I do not own you either. Marriage isn’t ownership, it’s sharing.” He smirked at you, but there was something devilish about it. Something dangerous. “Sharing?” he said. “In the same manner you thought to take all the freedom to remind me of the most horrendous of holidays? Sharing, as in taking the liberty to completely alter my one sanctuary without so much as a word with me beforehand? Sharing seems to be all, about, you,” he seethed while his hands fisted and his shoulders stiffened.
As he turned harder, colder, your heart ached and your shoulders slumped. Your bottom lip trembled, your tears flowed with more intensity as his words sank in, stabbing at you from all directions with the declaration of how selfish you had been. You had assumed he’d be happy, had assumed you could celebrate in a manner you saw fit, you even assumed he loved the holiday like all else did. It was Christmas, who didn’t love the most jolly of holidays?
Have I-, have I hurt him? The thought made your chest ache, for as you looked closer now that your eyes were more adjusted to the little light coming from the hallway you saw less of the anger he radiated and more of the hurt he was endeavouring to hide underneath it. You had, indeed, caused him emotional harm. It was written in his eyes as the dark pits turned to grey clouds. I hurt him…
“Richard, I’m—” “I shall return after Christmas.” “What?” “You shall have all your holiday cheer, wife , but none of me,” he snarled but the anger now sounded far more like pain. “Merry Christmas,” he continued with a seething sneer that just barely allowed the hurt to be heard, and then he stormed out of the room while you tried to grasp the fact he was leaving you until Christmas would be over, and it was only the fourth of December.
“Richard! Wait!” you called out, stumbling out of bed, your foot snagging on the cover, sending you plummeting into the lush carpet below with a thud and a hiss as your forehead slammed into the hard wood below while his footsteps receded down the stairs beyond the hallway. “Richard,” you said while scrambling to get up, “wait!”
…To Be Continued…
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A/N: Uffh, such a cliffhanger there 👀 I'm trying to preserve my sanity so I'm not endeavouring to write 5k+ fics or the like each day - I hope you understand 🙈❤
I do think I'll be doing some short one-part fics too during this Rickmas but I'm taking it day by day so we'll see what happens - tomorrow I'll be continuing our Brandon story though! The prompt is perfect for it! 😍👏 Also, want to say an extra thank you to all who's shown they're here, reading my writing - it means so much and I'm really grateful ❤
Q: Do you tend to read more Christmas/winter stories during the holidays? (fanfiction or original works) A: I have never really followed the seasons in my reading beyond Rickmas - I'm a complete mood reader so it really doesn't matter what's going on around me, what I'm in the mood to read I'll read 😂
TAGLIST: @lizlil @snapefiction @darkthought15 @monstreviolet @flowerdementia @marvelschriss @once-upon-an-imagine @ravennight41 @caseydoodles98 @slytherinprincess03 @theconsultingdetectiveswife @grimmyhild @monster-energies @myobscureimaginarium @snowblossomreads @eternal-silvertongued-prince @cherryglossie @setsuna-meiou31 @helena211 @a-queen-and-her-throne @justsaturn0 @turvi @imwithyoutiltheendofthelinebucky @sunnylikesfrogs @mamawolfsmith16 @dianilaws @sassanoe @snapesrn @bernadette-peters12 @sammy-13 @smartowl999 @castleofthorns @serenanight87
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larz-barz · 1 year ago
*sneaks in here and drops a req*
TanjiMilo fic TIME!!! And a kimetsu academy one !
There’s a group activity where two students must look after an egg and take care of it like a parent for a week !! (And by obvious means, Tanjiro and Milo got paired)
Just imagine at first, they’re doing well… But then Milo accidentally lost it and it’s all just chaos from there…
In the end, they managed to secure the egg without any (physical) cracks!
(Oh yeah, if this is okay, maybe some marimui sprinkles on the fic too HahaahHAHAHSJ)
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Lost egg
(milo in high school au cause she’s actually in middle school but for the sake of the story she’s in high school now)
“Angel..? Where did the egg go?!” Tanjiro asked in a scared voice.
Milo looks around herself and can’t find the egg. “OH SUGAR ON A BISCUIT!!!” Milo yells, frantically running around the room.
To understand what’s happening, we must start at the beginning.
The teacher announced that there would be a group project. “Ok class. This week y’all will be doing a group project. You and another student have to take care of an egg for an entire week. If it’s cracked then you will automatically fail.” The teacher explained the assignment then announced the groups.
Obviously Tanjiro and Milo ended up in a group together.
The teacher gave them their egg. “Don’t lose it.” The teacher said, eyeing Milo and she gulped. “Y-yes ma’am…”
~time skip to after school~
Milo and Tanjiro sat down in a booth in his family’s bakery.
Milo pulled a aharpie out of her bag. “Would we get points counted off if I drew a face on it so people won’t mistake it for a regular egg and try to use it for cooking?” Milo asks, about to remove the cap from the sharpie.
“Well, she didn’t say anything about being unable to draw or write on the eggs, she just said we couldn’t crack them.” Tanjiro said. “So I guess it would be ok.” He continued with a shrug.
“Ok!” Milo spoke with a wide smile, she put the sharpie cap on the end of the sharpie and drew a cute face on the egg.
She showed the egg’s new face to Tanjiro and he gave a soft smile. “It’s cute ain’t it, Tanji?” Milo said, her blue eyes squinting from the big, bright smile on her lips.
Tanjiro’s smile grew at Milo’s excitement. “You did great angel, it’s almost as cute as you.” He said, making Milo blush and get completely flustered.
“T-Tanji…” She squeaked out and he softly chuckled.
Milo had her hands covering her bright red face.
Tanjiro carefully pulled her hands away from her beautiful and angelic face.
Her clenched shut eyes slowly opened to reveal her blue eyes filled with embarrassment.
Tanjiro’s expression softened even more. “Angel, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to embarrass you…” He said then they heard the bell on the door ring due to someone either exiting or entering the bakery.
They looked towards the door to see who had come in cause they heard voices.
It was their dear friends, Mari and Muichiro.
“Mari! Muichiro! Over here!” Tanjiro called out to their friends.
Mari gasped happily. “Hey Tanjiro! Is Milo over there with you?” She asked and the redhead nodded.
Mari grabbed Muichiro’s hand and they walked over to sit in the table beside the booth that Tanjiro and Milo are in.
They talked about school and other things.
~back to the present~
Now that we’re caught up, Milo somehow lost their egg in the bakery.
Tanjiro’s mom, Kie, walked into the main part of the bakery from the back room. “Is everything ok in here?” She asked the small group of teens.
“Mrs. Kamado! We can’t find our egg!! I drew a face on it, have you seen it??” Milo yelled, frantically running around trying to find the egg.
Kie frowned. “I’m sorry sweetie, I haven’t seen it.”
Tanjiro, Milo, Mari, and Muichiro continued trying to find the aforementioned couple’s egg.
Milo checked under each table and chair.
Tanjiro checked by the counter and by the booths.
Mari and Muichiro checked under various other things in the bakery.
~after 15 minutes of chaos~
“I FOUND IT!!!” Milo yelled out, holding the uncracked egg.
Tanjiro ran over to her. “Is it cracked??!!” He asked, stress in his voice.
Milo checked over the whole egg and breathed a sigh of relief. “No, it’s ok!” She said with a relieved smile.
~a week later~
After the scare with Milo losing the egg, they decided it would be better if Tanjiro held onto the egg instead.
They went to their psychology class and the teacher asked to see their egg.
“You 2 passed!” The teacher said after inspecting the egg.
Milo and Tanjiro cheered, giving each other a hug.
Let’s just say the teacher never found out about the scare from earlier in the week.
~the end~
A/n: Sorry this took me a minute to finish! I was working on this last night and started getting a headache so I had to stop. Hope you like it, Cloudy!<33
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lobster-tales · 2 years ago
Beat the Daylight
Sequel to Face the Noise, an Arcane Rock Band AU
Rating: M
Chapter 20: The Jam Sesh
Summary: All is well. 3 months later || Springtime
This work is available here on AO3. Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19
Powder had missed her bed. Sure, the one at the hotel had been comfortable, with its satin pillows and heavy comforter. But there was nothing like her bed, the mish mash of blankets from her childhood that were layered on top of each other in artful chaos, arranged to allow the best combination of weight and airflow.
And particularly this morning, with Lux sleeping beside her, she didn’t want to leave.
She heard heavy footsteps in the hallway, the scent of coffee a few minutes later. Careful not to disturb Lux, Powder slipped out of the sheets and tugged a Hextech hoodie over her shoulders. She’d been surprised at how comfortable it was, way more than any of Shimmer’s merch–no wonder Vi and Mel wore theirs all the time.
Vi was pouring a cup when she walked in. “Morning.” Even after a few months, her eyes still had that shine whenever she saw Powder, that awed relief. Powder pretended not to like it. Vi asked, “Lux here? What time did she get in last night?”
“Late.” Powder pulled out her favorite mug and her second favorite for Lux.
“She likes one splash of vanilla creamer and a splash of hazelnut,” Vi advised. “I picked up both last night. She also likes a little sprinkle of cinnamon on top but not too much because it’ll sink to the bottom.”
Still so weird. Powder wondered if she would ever get past it. “Thanks.”
“What are you two doing today?”
“I’m gonna show her the town,” Powder said, sipping from her own coffee. “We’ll pick up Ekko once he’s done with his meeting. You want to come with us?”
“Nah, I got work.” Vi stretched her fingers skyward. “New hire’s settling in, though. He’s been closing the last couple nights on his own.”
“Good. Give you more time to train for your tournaments.” Powder smirked at her. “Cause you’re gonna need it.”
“Oh, I need it, huh?” Vi scoffed playfully, rising from the table. “Come say that to my face, I’ll whoop you right here and now.”
“No thanks,” Powder said, taking Lux’s cup. “I’m not paying your hospital bill.”
Vi shook her head, grinning. “See you tonight, Pow-pow.”
“Later.” When Powder returned to her bedroom, Lux was just stirring. “Good morning, Starlight,” Powder purred. “Want some coffee?”
Lux blinked at her, and gasped. “Yes!” She accepted the cup, murmuring, “Did I ever tell you that you’re my favorite person ever?”
“Mmm I wouldn’t mind hearing it a little more,” she said, kissing the tip of Lux’s nose.
They took their time getting ready for the day. Of course, Powder wasn’t very helpful, since every time Lux put a piece of clothing on, Powder eventually worked it back off of her again, distracting her with kisses.
“Powder,” Lux giggled. “Come on, I have to do something with my day.”
“I’m something.” And she bit her neck.
They spent a few hours tangled in each other’s arms, enjoying each other in lazy bliss, until Lux glanced at her phone and gasped. “Oh, we gotta go! Ekko finished his meeting a while ago.”
As they arrived at Ekko’s place, he bounded up to the car. “Yo, Crownguard!” Ekko reached in through the window to clasp Lux’s hand and draw her in for a half hug. “What is up, girl, how you been!”
“Good,” Lux said with a grin.
Powder cut in. “You better watch those hands, Boy Savior.”
“Only if you can catch them.” He slid into the back, propping his forearms on the back of their seats. “What’s our first stop?”
“The school,” Lux sighed. “Have to convince my parents this was a productive trip.”
They cruised through campus: the weekend left the area empty, with only a few students trailing through. Powder had familiarized herself with the buildings, and pointed them out as they went. “There’s the chemistry building, environmental science. That’s where Viktor and Jayce’s lab used to be when they were grad students.”
Lux asked, “Which one are you going to be in?”
“All of them,” Powder huffed. “The boys said I can’t start my Hextech internship until I get my basics out of the way.”
Ekko reassured her, “You’ll knock it out in no time. As long as you don’t get distracted by Starlight over here,” and he pinched Lux’s shoulder.
“Hey, what’d I say about hands, bitch?” Powder reached back to swat at him.
They stopped at the top of the parking garage, leaning over the concrete wall to survey the city. The trees were full and lush, cars passing by lazily in the mid-spring day. Ekko and Powder switched off their tour notes, pointing out different landmarks.
“There’s the square,” Powder said. “You can’t really see the pub from here, but you can see the top of the courthouse.”
“And that office building?” said Ekko. “When that place was still being built, we snuck in one night and tried cigarettes for the first time.”
“Oh yeah,” Powder laughed. “Vander was pissed. Vi was grounded for two weeks.”
Lux just beamed at them both, enjoying the stories, only interrupting occasionally to ask questions.
The pub was the next stop. The lunch rush had just ended, giving Vi and Vander a long enough break to greet Lux. Vander in particular was excited to meet her, curious about her style of playing guitar. Lux was nervous at first, but settled into one of her rambles, and Powder gave Vi a knowing look as they all listened.
Eventually Vi and Vander had to get back to work, at which point, Powder, Ekko, and Lux went to Shepherd’s Bridge. After handing Lux some spray paint, they cheered her on while she left her own tag, a bright blue star symbol sandwiched between Caitlyn’s cupcake and a fresh pink “Jinx��.
The trio picked up a few supplies for the evening, stocking up on sodas and chips. Powder dropped off Ekko at his car so he could go pick up Zeri, leaving her and Lux to their own devices for the afternoon.
They lay entwined on the living room couch, half-paying attention to the horror movie. Lux ran her fingers through Powder’s hair, gently massaging her scalp.
“Do you think they’d like me?” Powder asked. “Your parents. And Garen.”
“Maybe. I mean, you are rich and famous now.”
“Jinx is famous,” Powder clarified. “Powder’s just rich.” Because she was over eighteen, all of the money Silco set aside for her had become hers, even after his arrest. The problem was she didn’t know what to do with it, other than pay for school. Now, she had everything she wanted.
Lux smiled to herself. “Well, Jinx is the one in all those scandalous pictures of us, so they’ll probably prefer Powder.”
“Scandalous, huh?” Powder buried her nose in Lux’s ribs.
“They’re going to be weird,” Lux said honestly. “They always have been. Hell, I could be dating Caitlyn and they’d still complain because the Kirammans are new money. You can’t worry about what they think. Just worry about what I think.”
Powder propped her chin on her stomach, gazing adoringly up at her. “And what do you think?”
“I think…” Lux said, tapping her nose with a finger. “That you’re adorable.”
Powder scrunched up her nose, pretending she was offended. “I’m not adorable. I’m a menace.” She gently bit Lux’s skin.
“Fine. You’re an adorable menace.”
The doorknob jingled, and Caitlyn followed the sound, arms overflowing with paperwork. “Hi Lux!” she said with a smile. “How was your trip here?”
Powder nodded towards the papers. “How’s hunting?”
“Ugh.” Caitlyn dropped everything on the already cluttered kitchen table. “I’d rather hunt a hawk in the rain. But, we’re making progress. There’s a lot of new housing between here and Piltover. Lux, I forgot to ask, do you have any home preferences?”
“Nope!” Lux said brightly. “Just my own room and a roof.”
“That’s exactly what Vi and Ekko said.”
Powder gave Lux the side eye. “You know, you could always take Vi’s room and live here with meeee.”
“My parents barely agreed to let me live with Caitlyn,” said Lux. “That being said, I might have some early classes, so it would make more sense for me to spend a few nights a week over here.”
“Or every night.”
“Powder,” Lux chuckled. “I can’t.”
Powder huffed, pretending to be annoyed. “You’d really rather live with my sister and my ex-boyfriend?”
Caitlyn chimed in, “It was that or fourth wheel with Jayce, Mel, and Viktor.” The kettle whined and she entered a few seconds later with a steaming cup of tea in hand. “Speaking of which, Jayce said they’re on their way. Viktor wanted plenty of time to set up his equipment.”
“Perfect.” Powder stretched, rising from the couch and offering her hand to Lux. “I should also start getting set up. Wanna help me?”
“Sure!” As they entered the garage, Lux admired the string lights weaving back and forth over the ceiling, the variety of band posters on the walls. “Not sure how helpful I’ll be, though.”
“Well, you have the most important job.” Powder indicated the brown couch against the wall. “I need you to sit there, and look pretty.”
                                                           ☆ ☆ ☆                                                   
Viktor and Jayce brought Sky with them, as she was visiting from Noxus. While they set up, she regaled them with stories of her new job and coworkers, her love life and friendships. Lux asked constant questions, fascinated. The two had only met over Caitlyn’s video calls, and were fast friends.
Just as dusk approached, Ekko and Zeri arrived with Vi. Ekko prepped his keyboard presets while Vi and Lux tuned their guitars, Zeri warming up her vocals. Caitlyn and Sky were more than happy to plant themselves on the couch, splitting a bottle of rosé.
Vi asked Jayce, “Who’s drumming first?” but Powder answered for her, plopping down into the drumset chair and twirling her sticks.
“You ready to see a real drummer, Talis?” Powder sneered playfully.
He smiled, joining Caitlyn and Sky on the couch, inviting Viktor into his lap. “Took you long enough.”
Ekko played a single chord, considering his bandmates. “Alright. What song are we-”
Zeri interrupted him by seizing the mic and singing,
Shot through the heart And you're to blame
They all joined in.
Darlin', you give love a bad name
Vi, Powder, Lux, and Ekko launched into the instrumental, the noise rattling the walls of the garage. Zeri nodded her head to the beat, her pigtails bouncing with the movement.
An angel's smile is what you sell You promise me Heaven, then put me through hell Chains of love got a hold on me When passion's a prison, you can't break free
Oh, you're a loaded gun, yeah Oh, there's nowhere to run No one can save me The damage is done
The couch crowd sang along to the chorus,
Shot through the heart And you're to blame You give love a bad name (bad name) I play my part and you play your game You give love a bad name (bad name) Hey, you give love, a bad name
For the final chorus, the instruments fell away, leaving the band to sing acapella,
Shot through the heart And you're to blame
Zeri aimed the mic at the couch, and the small audience sang the last,
You give love a bad name
The friends whooped and cheered. Powder whispered to the other band members and they all grinned. She clicked her sticks together, “1, 2, 3, 4!” and they began an upbeat song. There was no part on the keys, so Ekko grabbed his mic and sang with Zeri.
All the small things True care, truth brings I'll take one lift Your ride, best trip
They harmonized, Zeri singing the higher part as Ekko took the lead,
Always, I know You'll be at my show Watching, waiting Commiserating
Say it ain't so, I will not go Turn the lights off, carry me home
Zeri pulled Ekko away from the microphone, dancing together in the center of the room while the rest of the band sang,
Na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na, na Na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na, na
As the song ended, Mel entered from the garage’s side door, grinning. “I can hear you down the street,” she chuckled. “Excuse my tardiness: meeting ran late.”
“You’re excused,” Zeri and Powder said at the same time.
Mel considered the couch. “And this must be the lovely Sky I’ve heard so much about.”
Sky’s eyes widened at the sight of her. “H-hi,” she stammered, rising. “Senator Medarda, it’s so nice to meet you.”
She took her hands and said warmly, “Call me Mel. I’ve heard you’ve been working in Noxus. Quite the culture shock?”
Sky smiled shyly. “Yeah, they’re a little intense over there.”
“Some things never change,” Mel said wistfully. “Here, I have something for you in the car: Caitlyn mentioned you like rosé so I brought my top six brands for you to sample. Jayce, darling, can you help me bring them in?”
Sky just stared after them, jaw dropped. “Is she-”
“Always like that?” Caitlyn asked wryly.
“Always,” Viktor confirmed, resting an arm around Sky’s shoulders.
When Jayce returned, Vi nodded towards Powder. “Alright, Pow-Pow, it’s Jayce’s turn.”
“No!” She crushed the sticks to her chest, but her possession was more playful than sincere.
Ekko smirked and said, “You’re gonna make her sing this next one alone?” And he played the opening synth riff.
Powder practically threw the sticks at Jayce, taking the microphone in hand as he scrambled to get behind the drumset before the beat dropped.
The sisters sang the first verse together.
Here we stand Worlds apart, hearts broken in two, two, two Sleepless nights Losing ground, I'm reaching for you, you, you
They harmonized together on the pre-chorus.
Feeling that it's gone Can't change your mind If we can't go on To survive the tide Love divides
On the chorus, Ekko and Lux joined the vocals, but paled in comparison to the passion that Vi and Powder shared.
Someday love will find you Break those chains that bind you One night will remind you How we touched and went our separate ways
Vi sang,
If he ever hurts you
Then Powder,
True love won't desert you
And together again, grasping each other’s hands as they belted,
You know I still love you Though we touched and went our separate ways
Lux shredded through the guitar solo, a cocky smirk resting on her lips. Then it was just Ekko, running the synth hook, the song ending with the final two notes of the bass drum.
When the applause and cheers died down, Powder pointed at Viktor. “Alright, Vik, you’ve had it too good for too long. It’s your turn, DJ.”
“Eh, good things never last.” He took his spot behind his equipment, playing a few warm up beats and house music. The couch was too small to fit all of them, so Powder, Jayce, Ekko and Zeri grabbed some lawn chairs.
After his series of beats and tracks, Viktor nodded decisively towards Lux. “You ready?”
“I was born ready,” Lux said. She left the mic in the stand to free her hands.
Viktor started with a snapping, electropop beat. Lux raised her hands, grinning slyly at Powder as she sang. The notes were simple, but she added vibrato to the notes, made the sound her own.
We are the crowd, we're c-comin' out Got my flash on, it's true Need that picture of you, it's so magical We'd be so fantastical
Leather and jeans,
She spread her arms wide, indicating the space.
Garage glamorous Not sure what it means But this photo of us, it don't have a price Ready for those flashing lights 'Cause you know that, baby, I
Lux took the mic in hand, stalking towards Powder in time to the music.
I'm your biggest fan, I'll follow you until you love me Papa-paparazzi Baby, there's no other superstar, you know that I'll be Your papa-paparazzi
Standing directly in front of her, legs between Powder’s knees, Lux’s free hand toyed with her braids. Powder lifted her hands and claimed the back of Lux’s thighs, holding her there. She gazed up at Lux with adoring, hungry eyes.
Promise I'll be kind But I won't stop until that girl is mine Baby, you'll be famous, chase you down until you love me Papa-paparazzi
Lux’s voice was playful as she went through the verses, gliding around Powder, brushing her fingers over her shoulders, never quite close enough. But as the bridge ended, Lux fell to her knees in front of her, crawling towards Powder as she sang the chorus once more, her voice fiercely possessive.
I'm your biggest fan, I'll follow you until you love me Papa-paparazzi Baby, there's no other superstar, you know that I'll be Your papa-paparazzi
Powder held her breath. She was spellbound by Lux’s intensity, fixed in place by those bright eyes and the carnal rawness of her voice. Lux added in her own high notes to the final chorus, belting the song as she climbed into Powder’s lap.
Promise I'll be kind But I won't stop until that girl is mine Baby, you'll be famous, chase you down until you love me Papa-paparazzi
The mic dropped to the floor as Lux took her mouth in a rough kiss. Everyone cheered except for Vi and Caitlyn, who averted their eyes and clapped politely, charmed but embarrassed at the fiery display.
The jam session went well into the night, with each of the band members switching off instruments whenever they got too tired. Even Caitlyn at one point felt the rosé enough to show everyone her under-practiced, jerky rendition of Moonlight Sonata, to which Zeri chose to do an entirely inappropriate dance to, making everyone laugh. They went through a variety of genres, and the original Firelights even played a few of the songs from their past performances. Eventually, the group decided to call it, with Powder taking the mic to lead them into one final song.
Acapella, Powder sang the lead, with Vi and Ekko backing her up with harmonies,
Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landside, No escape from reality Open your eyes, Look up to the skies and see,
Powder belted out,
I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy, Because I'm easy come, easy go, Little high, little low, Any way the wind blows doesn't really matter to Me, to me
Ekko played a gentle, modified scale on the keyboard. The rest of the group joined in, all singing together for the first verse.
Mamaaa, Just killed a man, Put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger, Now he's dead Mamaaa, life had just begun, But now I've gone and thrown it all away
Powder took the lead again on the second half of the verse,
Too late, my time has come, Sends shivers down my spine, body's aching all The time Goodbye, everybody, I've got to go, Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth
During the instrumental break, Vi tore up a guitar solo. Her fingers pulsed against the fret with each note, creating a vibrato sound. When the solo ended, Ekko’s piano took over again. Powder sang,
I see a little silhouetto of a man,
The rest of the band sang,
Scaramouch, Scaramouch, will you do the Fandango!
They all broke out into smiles during the operatic third verse. Powder alone,
I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me
Zeri and Lux both grabbed her, dramatically fawning as they sang,
He's just a poor boy from a poor family Spare him his life from this monstrosity
As the verse built towards it’s climactic end, they all sang,
Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me, for me,
“Go Starlight!” Powder yelled, and Lux belted the high note,
For me!
Vi shredded out another guitar instrumental, screaming into the microphone with the rest of the band,
So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye? So you think you can love me and leave me to die? Oh, baby, can't do this to me, baby! Just gotta get out, just gotta get right outta here
She kept up the pace, the energy building until finally the music collapsed back into a slower tempo. The couch audience held up their phone flashlights, swaying back and forth to the muted end of the song.
Powder took a moment to look at them, her family. It had grown so much in such a short time. She smiled at each of their shining faces, ending with Vi, who returned the joyful grin. Powder sang,
Nothing really matters,
Lux took her hand, drawing her attention, and sang,
Anyone can see
Powder pressed her sweaty forehead against Lux’s, singing,
Nothing really matters
Lux echoed,
Nothing really matters
Then they harmonized,
To me
Ekko played the gentle piano outro, Vi joining quietly on the electric guitar. And here, surrounded by the music and her family, Powder felt completely and totally at peace.
Any way the wind blows
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lavenderchqn · 7 months ago
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𝐶𝛨𝛢𝑃𝑇𝛦𝑅 𝟎𝟎𝟕 — INVESTIGATION BOARD (1K WORDS) 𝑅𝐸𝐷 𝐿𝐼𝑁𝐸𝑆 — lyney x f!reader smau
Second year of university should've been everything you thought of it - more studying with human interaction sprinkled throught... What it definitely wasn't supposed to be was an investigation saga where one of your friends goes missing out of nowhere
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“Hi! Good to see you. Nice to meet you in person, Furina.” You opened the door to the last expected visitors. Lyney, Lynette and Furina are standing in front of [Y/N], with some snacks. She promptly lets them in, taking some stuff from their hands. 
“Pleasure meeting you too…” Furina answers, albeit a tad shy. 
“Clorinde and Charlotte are setting up the games and Navia is getting some snacks ready.” She mentions, leading the arriving guests into the tiny dorm. “What can I get you started with?” 
“The usual,” Lynette answers, setting down cookies before heading into the living space and greeting the remaining girls. 
“Oh, uh… Do you have any tea, perchance?” 
“Absolutely! I’ll show you the options in a sec.” [Y/N] brings out a can of energy drink handing it to Lyney. “Unsure if you want it in a glass, but I  think you like this flavour.” 
“No shot you remembered?!” He takes it with quite the shock on his face. 
The only other time Lyney and [Y/N] met happened months ago when the girl came to collect a pillow Lynette took during one of their sleepovers on accident. Back then, Lyney’s drinks of choice had less caffeine compared to these days, yet the flavours he fancied stayed the same. 
“It just stayed in my brain for some reason.” 
She gets the water for the tea going not before remembering the offer she made to Furina. 
“Here’s the available options.” The girl sets a basket full of bagged tea in front of the girl, ready for her to pick. She does it promptly, not forgetting to ask for some sugar.
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Charlotte puts down the most devious plus four of her life. Lyney up to this point was one card away from winning… His brilliant strategy to win turning out utterly impossible to accomplish. 
“Pick up.” 
“Wait, no shot you can’t stack cards?!” Lyney looks at Charlotte with utter horror on his face. 
“According to Uno’s twitter post, those are the rules. Pick up.” 
“Uno doesn’t know their own fucking game then…” He sighs, taking the loss and 4 cards. 
“That’s what you get for only playing online.” His sister shoots him a deadpan look, drawing a card herself. “Uno.” 
She’s gotten lucky, instantly getting the required colour. Lyney shoots her a dirty look, albeit agreeing with her silently. Furina had to convince him quite a lot for him to consider coming to play “normie” versions of board games. He was used to sitting in front of his setup playing these games with his friends online.
“It’s much easier, and there’s no cleanup required,” Lyney said, on his voice call with Furina a few hours prior.
“I know, I know… But there are some things you can’t experience stuck in gaming chairs,” 
Looking back, this is what Furina must’ve meant when speaking of experiences happening only in offline play… Looks of envy, future revenge incoming or crocodile tears pleading not to get skipped or nuked with cards… 
“Uno out,” Lynette says with a soft, yet accomplished expression on her face. A bunch of words of congratulations mixed with sighs of defeat fill the room. 
With the staple of the girls’ mandatory game of UNO now being 
Navia instantly starts to eye the box of monopoly that had been waiting this entire evening. 
“How about monopoly next?” She asks, getting mixed reactions. 
“You’re not the banker this time,” Clorinde states. 
“What?!” She looks at her appalled. “I think I’m a great banker, thank you very much!” 
“Didn’t you steal money for yourself last time we played?” [Y/N] gets up picking up some mugs from the floor. “Lyney, Furina would you like something more to drink?” 
All this time, she was making sure that the first-time guests of hers were taken care of in the best way possible. Always offering more drinks and snacks and checking if their pillows and blankets were comfortable… 
“Oh, that would be lovely.” Furina smiles at her, standing up to help her with the tableware. “Thank you so much again for inviting us, as well as being a magnificent host.” 
“I’ll get that started then,” She quickly takes their mugs, signalling for them to stay in the room. “I can handle the cleanup, you stay here.”
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Time sure goes fast when you're in good company. By the time a break time is called during a session of monopoly, it’s already dark outside. 
“Clorinde, can you drive today?” Navia asks, lying down on the floor. “I don’t wanna drive at night…”
“Yeah, I can do that.” She answers, noticing how dark it indeed got. “What about you three? How are you getting home?”
“Oh, I live quite close to the campus.” Furina perks up. “I’ll probably walk— ” 
“Absolutely NOT.” She gets shushed by Lyney, whose expression says more than a thousand words. “If Wriothesley hears that you did that, especially after their department announced a person went missing, I will have my head chopped.” 
“Oh please…” Lynette rolls her eyes at him. “You can be honest and say you’re worried about your bestie…” 
“Man, speaking of that weird kidnapping situation — I started investigating that a few days ago.” Charlotte gets up, garnering attention to herself. 
She walks to a board covered by a bedsheet… courtesy of [Y/N], who didn’t want the guest to experience walking into THAT. By the time it’s off, you can see many pictures of currently known missing people, their contact, gauged days when they went missing… It’s a lot. 
“Holy shit, how did you make this?” Lyney comes closer, looking at all the detailed information. “If I wasn’t scared of journalists before, I sure am now…” 
Curiosity also gets to Furina, interested as to how much information a singular board can hold… and how much Charlotte would be able to gather in a few days. By the time she gets there… something is not right. 
She freezes in front of the board, eyes wide with shock realising the linking thread about three missing girls specified. 
“Oh my god. I know all of them.”
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@state-of-grac3 @santaluna @meigalaxy @romyoia @meurtreofcrows @floweringanna @moonjellyfishie
for the people who's @ are in italics, it's because for some reason whenever I tag you it just doesn't show up whenever I save the chapter...
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date of posting — august 7th 2024
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cksjptblog · 7 months ago
On Evangelion Part 2
Evangelion part 2 continues following Shinji as he pilots Evangelion in protection of humanity.
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The trend of other female characters showing more traditional masculine traits than Shinji continues with the newest Evangelion pilots arrival Asuka who immediately presents herself as brash and unkind calling Shinji an oaf without even knowing him at all.
At this point it seems like every other character introduced puts down Shinji and I can’t tell anymore if it’s trying to drive home the queer masculinity point or if it’s just playing to anime tropes and putting the main character down because its “humorous”.
Episode 8 heavily deals with power dynamics and control and I suppose their relation to masculinity. The captain is brash and rude towards the nerv squad for stepping within their bounds which Misato later accounts to the captain being a prideful man. During the angel attack they fight for control to launch the Evangelion and Asuka tries to show some control over Shinji as well as prove her superiority.
Episode 16 immediately makes the queer masculinity of Shinji front and center as he starts the episode fulfilling duties often associated with a “housewife” cooking, and apparently drawing a hot bath for Asuka? And once more Shinji is criticized for this trait. This episode also makes me appreciate Rei more for not taking any of Asuka’s crap.
Shinji during this episode also directly comments on masculinity after being provoked by Asuka “After all Fightings the man’s job” it was said jokingly I’m fairly certain but still highlights the undertones about masculinity in the show.
Also Episode 16 is a bit confusing, they give Shinji point on the mission, he sets up to pin down the enemy with suppressive fire and then later people complain that he went off on his own but that didn’t happen? Pinning down the enemy (as he DIRECTLY said he was doing) is inherently so other units can finish them off, he was acting like a team lead taking point on the mission, against other Angels we’ve seen during the anime it would’ve been a good plan, it only went wrong because of its “teleportation” abilities.
It also dive a bit further into the mystery that is the evangelion, what are they is shaping up to be the main mystery alongside the other details sprinkled in.
The main conflict of the episode is Shinji’s internal struggle about not wanting to be hurt and in doing so he runs from his problems. With a secondary conflict about rescuing him.
The mystery builds as despite being out of power Shinji’s Ava/Evangelion breaks out of the angel after he has a vision of his mother. Supposedly the Ava’s are also replicas of the first angel but Misato doesn’t quite believe this.
Episode 24 shows a wholly different tone than the previous episodes Asukas depressed, Rei’s depressed over dying once I think? The jump in episodes is confusing.
There is also a new group whos motives I don’t fully understand. The new 5th child also shows himself to be an angel, more specifically adam implanted with human dna I think. It also dives into the underlying understanding regarding the Avas and the at field they have, representing the natural walls people put up.
The episode is very confusing and episode 26 is no less confusing. The human instrumentality project is revealed to be joining humanity together through instrumentality.
I think the final episode deals with feelings of self-worth and how defining yourself on an action you take is self-destructive.
It focuses on finding yourself, your identity and your self-worth and your connection to reality. I also feel like I’m missing context for this ending which hopefully the movie we watch next will solve.
Overall Part 2 of evangelion continues the themes of masculinity but also dives into the idea of the self, self-worth and self identity
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