#QSMP premiere
wishitweresummer · 2 years
Pls they practiced their Spanish so much just to not try any of it the second they meet someone that speaks mostly Spanish
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daddyboyhalo · 7 months
i can accept the sheer amount of programs (and streams!) richas has up at any given moment but hearing that he has vegas open breaks my heart. guys vegas users suffer more than jesus could have hoped to. as a vegas user i’m holding an intervention for this guy
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immortal-he · 1 year
If you thought you were safe from QSMP from this blog, you would be wrong lmao
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tubbo-in-a-boat · 2 years
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abeaze44 · 1 year
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blockgamepirate · 6 months
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Update from the French Union investigating the QSMP case and a call for more testimonies
We made a few days ago a call for testimonies about working conditions at Quackity Studios, the company that hosts and manages the QSMP server.
Unfortunately, the first feedbacks we have received confirm several issues:
Illegal conditions (minimum wage not respected, legal rest time, burnouts, etc.),
Distressing working conditions (night shifts, work regularly assigned on an emergency basis, complete isolation of workers with no communication allowed, etc.),
Toxic management (erratic communication, threats and pressure, abusive sanctions, etc.),
An almost non-existent legal framework (no work contract, no staff representatives, absurd NDA, etc.).
There is confusion between paid and « volunteer » workers. This blur is intentionally kept up by the company, as shown by the lack of any clear documentation or public communication regarding the status of these « volunteers ». In such a context, it seems hard to consider all Quackity Studio workers to be anything but regular employees, with all the rights conferred by the status of salaried worker. After a full server lockout while an internal investigation about the accusations took place, the company’s representatives announced a restart, sidelining the « volunteer » workers (discontinuing the activities involved). According to French law, such job cuts are regarded as unlawful dismissals.
Some workers have been left aside for more than 10 days, with no clear insight on their possible future responsibilities. This sidelining can be considered to be moral harassment. Quackity claims to have solved the problem by firing the manager who drafted the initial company statement, that he declares not to approve, but the others responsibles of these inexcusable work conditions are still in place.
These are sufficient grounds to consider legal actions. To avoid it, we invite Quackity to be proactive by opening a social dialogue with all their workers. A negotiated outcome remains possible: it will need to address monetary demands concerning work already performed and that to come, as well as claims to improve working conditions.
All victims and witnesses of this situation are still welcome to contact us (preferably in French or English) at:
qsmp @ solidairesinformatique org
We guarantee total confidentiality.
However, note that as a French union, we will not be able to legally support workers outside France. We can help victims to know and contact each others, and help organize testimonials when needed.
(French and Spanish below)
Nous avons lancé il y a quelques jours un appel à témoignages concernant les conditions de travail à Quackity Studios, l’entreprise derrière le serveur QSMP.
Les premiers échanges reçus confirment malheureusement un certain nombre de problèmes:
des conditions illégales (salaire minimal et  temps de repos legal  non respectés,  épuisement professionnel, etc.) ;
des conditions de travail dégradées (travail de nuit, missions régulièrement assignées en urgence, isolement total des travailleur·euses en leur interdisant de communiquer, etc.) ;
un management pathogène (communications erratiques, menaces et pressions, sanctions abusives, etc.) ;
un encadrement juridique quasi inexistant (absence de contrat de travail, absence de représentation du personnel, accord de confidentialité aberrant, etc.).
Un confusion existe entre les travailleur·euses salarié·es et les travailleur·euses « bénévoles ». Ce flou est volontairement maintenu par l’entreprise, en atteste notamment l’absence de documentation ou de communication claires encadrant le statut des « bénévoles ».
Dans ce cadre, il nous semble compliqué de considérer l’ensemble des travailleur·euses de Quackity Studios comme autre chose que des salarié·es, avec les droits accordés par le statut de salarié·e.
Après un arrêt total du serveur le temps d’une enquête interne sur les faits dénoncés, les représentants de la direction ont annoncé le redémarrer en laissant de côté les travailleur·euses « bénévoles » (arrêtant une partie des activités en jeu). Dans le cadre de la loi française, ces suppressions de postes sont considérées comme des licenciements abusifs.
Certain·es travailleur·euses sont laissé·es sur la touche depuis plus de 10 jours, sans aucune visibilité sur leur éventuel rôle futur. Cette placardisation s’apparente à du harcèlement moral.
Quackity prétend avoir réglé le problème en excluant la personne qui aurait rédigé le premier communiqué qu’il a dit ne pas approuver, mais les autres responsables de ces conditions de travail inexcusables sont maintenus en poste.
Ces éléments sont suffisants pour envisager des actions en justice. Pour l’éviter, nous appelons la direction de Quackity Studios à être proactive en ouvrant le dialogue social avec l’ensemble de ses travailleur·euses. Une issue par le haut reste possible : elle devra prendre en compte à la fois les revendications financières sur le travail déjà réalisé et celui à venir, ainsi que la mise en place de meilleures conditions de travail.
Nous appelons toujours les personnes victimes ou témoins de ce type d’abus à nous contacter à l’adresse suivante (de préférence en français ou en anglais) :
qsmp @ solidairesinformatique org
Nous garantissons une confidentialité totale.
En tant que syndicat français, nous ne serons malheureusement pas en mesure d’aider légalement les personnes qui ont travaillé depuis un autre pays. Nous pouvons tout de même aider les victimes à se connaître et à entrer en contact, et aider à la rédaction de témoignages.
Hace algunos días lanzamos un llamado a declarar sobre las condiciones de trabajo en Quackity Studios, empresa que maneja el Servidor QSMP. 
Las primeras informaciones recibidas confirman desafortunadamente, varios problemas:
Condiciones ilegales de trabajo (salario mínimo y tiempo de descanso legal no respetado, agotamiento profesional, etc.);
condiciones de trabajo degradadas (trabajo nocturno, tareas asignadas regularmente con urgencia, aislamiento total de las trabajadoras o los trabajadores, impidiéndoles comunicarse entre sí);
una gestión dañina o toxica (comunicación errática, amenazas y presión, sanciones abusivas, etc.);
Marco jurídico casi inexistente (ausencia, de contrato de trabajo y de representantes del personal, acuerdos de confidencialidad abusivo e incoherente).
Una confusión existe entre los trabajadores de la empresa y los trabajadores “voluntarios”. Esa ambigüedad está mantenida por la empresa intencionalmente, lo confirma, la ausencia de documentos o comunicaciones claras enmarcando el estatus de “voluntarios”.
En este marco, es complejo considerar este conjunto de trabajadores de Quackity Studio diferentemente de unos trabajadores con derechos en acuerdo con el estatus de asalariado.
Después de un cese completo del servidor, el tiempo de realizar, por parte de la empresa, una encuesta sobre los hechos denunciados. La dirección y sus representantes anunciaron volver a reanudar el sistema dejando de lado los trabajadores “Voluntarios” (parando una parte de las actividades en curso).
En el marco de la ley francesa, estas suspensiones de puestos están consideradas como despidos indirectos y abusivos.
Algunos trabajadores fueron dejados en el banquillo desde más de 10 días sin ninguna visibilidad sobre sus funciones futuras. Esa manera de dejar trabajadores al margen se considera como acoso moral.
Quackity pretende resolver el problema excluyendo a la persona que consideraba ser el autor del primer comunicado sin admitir dicho panfleto. Al contrario, los otros responsables de esas condiciones de trabajo injustificables se mantuvieron en sus puestos.
Los elementos son suficientes para emprender acciones legales. Si la dirección de Quackity Studio quiere evitar dichas acciones legales y ser proactiva, los llamamos a que abran el dialogo social con todos los trabajadores.
Continuamos llamando a las personas, víctimas o testigos de estos casos de abusos planteados a contactarnos por medio de la dirección siguiente (preferiblemente en francés o inglés, pero también podemos traducir):
qsmp @ solidairesinformatique org
Garantizamos por completo la confidencialidad.
Como Sindicato Frances, nosotros no podemos legalmente, desafortunadamente, ayudar a los trabajadores de otros países. Sin embargo, podemos asistir a que las víctimas se junten a fin de unirse, conocerse e intercambiar, y en tal caso les podríamos suministrar o facilitar ayuda en la redacción de testimonios y en el desarrollo de su queja.
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barbiegirldream · 8 months
yeah like he doesn't need to hold by the hand his friend group, they are all adults. Tubbo's problem it's another of his own but not with his friends
It's not even like Tubbo was holding hands with the Dream Team singing kumbaya. Dream's rep was a crashed electric car <- lights on fire again and again as each battery continues to combust over and over again for days on end. Tommy was the one who dove into that controversy from November to Summer and then climbed out of the pool and pretended he had never been swimming to try and get premier access to the new country club qsmp but Quackity doesn't like him either soooo
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fandom · 11 months
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Here are the top tags across Tumblr last week.
Violence erupted across Palestine and Israel and the humanitarian crisis in Gaza is growing. The pilot for The Amazing Digital Circus has folks putting their clown makeup back on. Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour has hit theaters, much to Swifties' delight. Team Starkid's new horror musical, Nerdy Prudes Must Die, premiered just in time for Halloween. The latest Jujutsu Kaisen episode has everyone thirsty for Nanami. In case you missed it, there were some amazing panels, artists, and cosplayers at NYCC—stay tuned for more! This is Tumblr's Week in Review.
Our Flag Means Death
Baldur's Gate 3
The Amazing Digital Circus
Jujutsu Kaisen
Artists on Tumblr
Good Omens
Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake
Crowley | Good Omens
Aziraphale | Good Omens
Astarion | Baldur's Gate 3
The QSMP Minecraft Server
Ineffable Husbands | Aziraphale & Crowley, Good Omens
Izzy Hands | Our Flag Means Death
Taylor Swift
Stede Bonnet | Our Flag Means Death
Nerdy Prudes Must Die
Edward Teach | Our Flag Means Death
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chaoticangel11 · 6 months
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HUHHH guys! remember that in last year's puzzles on the QSMP website there was a video that hadn't been released yet? Well, that video premieres in two days...
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tiger-willow · 6 months
Hey qsmpblr! Since it’s the one year anniversary of qsmp, I’m gonna be watching all Philza vods on the day they were streamed starting with day 1 because I love to both challenge and torture myself and to also kind of relive past emotions. Yes, Even if there does include problematic people…
So yeah wish me luck! :D
[Translation below]
ES: ¡Hola qsmpblr! Dado que es el primer aniversario de qsmp, voy a ver todos los vods de Philza el día en que se transmitieron a partir del día 1 porque me encanta desafiarme y torturarme y también revivir las emociones del pasado. Sí, incluso si hay personas problemáticas...
¡Así que sí, deséame suerte! :D
PT: Ei qsmpblr! Como é o aniversário de um ano do qsmp, vou assistir a todos os vods de Philza no dia em que foram transmitidos a partir do dia 1, porque adoro me desafiar e me torturar e também reviver as emoções passadas. Sim, mesmo que inclua pessoas problemáticas... Então, sim, me deseje sorte! :D
FR: Hé qsmpblr ! Comme c'est le premier anniversaire de qsmp, je vais regarder tous les vods Philza le jour où ils ont été diffusés en streaming à partir du premier jour parce que j'aime à la fois me défier et me torturer et aussi revivre les émotions passées. Oui, même s'il y a des personnes problématiques...
Alors oui, souhaite-moi bonne chance ! :D
KO/HAI: 안녕 qsmpblr! Qsmp의 1주년이기 때문에, 나는 그들이 1일째부터 스트리밍된 날에 모든 Philza vods를 볼 것이다. 왜냐하면 나는 나 자신에게 도전하고 고문하는 것을 좋아하고 과거의 감정을 재현하는 것을 좋아하기 때문이다. 네, 문제가 있는 사람들이 포함되어 있더라도...
그래 행운을 빌어줘! :D
GR/DE: Hey qsmpblr! Da es das einjährige Jubiläum von qsmp ist, werde ich alle Philza-Vods an dem Tag sehen, an dem sie ab Tag 1 gestreamt wurden, weil ich es liebe, mich selbst herauszufordern und zu quälen und auch vergangene Emotionen zu erleben. Ja, auch wenn es problematische Menschen gibt...
Also ja, wünsch mir Glück! :D
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wishitweresummer · 2 years
Wait I really like VegettaGaymer he’s so funny and cute, and so nice to my streamers
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seatail-mc · 1 month
I'm uploading episode 10 of my QSMP clip compilations as a premiere so I can watch with you all!
Join me at 1:15pm PDT / 4:15 EDT if you want to comment live!
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royalarchivist · 9 months
The QSMP Rewind is premiering in 5 minutes! grab some popcorn and get ready to watch.
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qsmpficsarchive · 5 days
Turning Page by evyonewrites
Oneshot | G | 7,279
Accidental Confessions | Fluff | Influencer Pac | Bodyguard Fit
Pac is at a movie premiere he was invited to, and when it’s done, he and his bodyguard, Fit, struggle with obstacles in the way of getting home. From an annoying celebrity to fans and paparazzi asking too personal questions, Pac is overwhelmed and annoyed at everything. As he rants to Fit about his issues, he admits something he never wanted his bodyguard to know.
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tubbo-updates · 1 year
QSMP Episode 4 premiering now on The Lets Play Channel!
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carly404error · 11 months
I forgot to mention this but in the QSMP Info premiere I saw a comment that reminded me a lot to ao3 writers.
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