#kung lao was my baby n still is
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mrstsung · 6 months ago
I will defend kung lao with my life. If you hate kung lao. Or write kung lao wrong. I will end you!
Never forget or forget what nrs did to you,took from you,my sweet bunny.
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Never forget what they stole from you!!!!
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theemissuniverse · 1 year ago
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SUMMARY : I think the title is self explanatory
A/N: I just thought it was funny lmao
WARNINGS : (MDNI) mentions of intimacy
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Liu Kang is definitely kissing your forehead. He finds the simple kiss to be more intimate than anything. But if you’re into him slapping your ass, he’ll definitely do it. He just doesn’t understand how that’s a sign for affection. (It’s funny because he’s technically an Earthrealmer himself but he still does not understand mortal customs of showing affection.)
Kissing your forehead: “I love you so much, my love.”
Slapping your ass: “You’re playing with fire, love.”
Raiden would very much want to slap your ass but he’s way too shy to do that with you so he’ll settle with kissing your forehead. Raiden has been caught staring at your ass several times and when you point it out to him, he smiles embarrassed and mumbles a “I’m sorry.” It is very rare Raiden will slap your ass and when he does it’s a soft but efficient smack.
Kissing your forehead: “How are you doing, beautiful?”
Slapping your ass: “Okay. I liked doing it. Stop asking me now.”
Johnny Cage is one hundred percent slapping your ass. Without question. 24/7. 365. All day. Every day. It’s literally his sign for affection. He doesn’t have a problem with kissing you on the forehead but that’s when he’s feeling more sappy.
Kissing your forehead: “Aw does my big baby want a kiss?”
Slapping your ass: “Whew! I’m never getting tired of that.”
Kung Lao is hitting you with a combo. He’ll definitely come up to you and give you the biggest kiss on the forehead before then slapping your ass. Sometimes it catches you off guard (even though it really shouldn’t at this point) and he’ll just laugh at you.
Kissing your forehead: “You look so good.”
Slapping your ass: “But this looks even better.”
Kenshi Takahashi is doing both. He loves touching all over your body. (Especially if he is blind.) So, he’ll settle for any type of touch that can show you his affection towards you. He wished he wasn’t blind though so when he does slap your ass he can see the recoil.
Kissing your forehead: “My love is always strong with you.”
Slapping your ass: “You’re so naughty.”
Bi-Han is not a physical person by any means. So, that means he’s really not doing either. If he’s in an emotional mood or if you’re in one, he’ll kiss your head. Sometimes on rare days when Bi-Han is in a playful mood, he’ll slap your ass playfully but he really doesn’t show his love through physical affection.
Kissing your forehead: “Do you need something?”
Slapping your ass: “Don’t get use to that.”
Syzoth does not understand the mortal custom of slapping your ass as a sign of affection but he quickly catches on. In fact, he likes it more than kissing your forehead but he’ll always save room for kissing your forehead. He likes to call them “love taps.”
Kissing your forehead: “What do you want to do today, my love?”
Slapping your ass: “You look so good when you bend over like that.”
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Shao Kahn is most definitely slapping your ass without question. He loves it. He has to be careful when he does it though because his hands are far bigger than what you’re used to. Sometimes when you’re in an emotional mood, Shao Kahn will kiss you on the forehead but he mostly slaps your ass to show his affection.
Kissing your forehead: “You need to rest, my Empress.”
Slapping your ass: “All of this is mine.”
Hanzo Hasashi doesn’t really get the point of it at first but he does catch on rather quick. He’ll slap it through out the day and kiss your forehead and neck while doing it. But mainly when he does it, he’s trying to get intimate with you.
Kissing your forehead: “Nobody is more gorgeous than you.”
Slapping your ass: “Do you want to take this to the bedroom?”
Nightwolf is kissing your forehead. He doesn’t understand how slapping your ass is a sign of affection in the slightest. In fact, he’ll look at men weird for doing it to their significant others and you can’t help but laugh at his reaction every time. If you like it though, he’ll do it.
Kissing your forehead: “My love.”
Slapping your ass: “I still don’t understand why you’re into that.”
Kano will always do it with no shame. He doesn’t care if you’re in private or around people. He’s doing it. He loves watching you simply bend over and when you bend over, he’s right on top of you. He’ll kiss your forehead when he feels tired or sleepy though.
Kissing your forehead: “Goodmorning, love.”
Slapping your ass: “Damn, baby. Just how I like to start my day.”
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Takeda Takahashi mainly likes slapping your ass but he’ll also kiss your forehead. Usually he’s very playful and just slaps it. Sometimes he’ll just slap it out of nowhere which catches you off guard. He’ll kiss your forehead though but it’s like a million kisses on the forehead.
Kissing your forehead: “You’re so pretty.”
Slapping your ass: “I can’t help that it’s staring at me.”
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Cyrax likes to slap your ass but it’s quick and it’s more of a form of goodbye. But when you’re intimate, be prepared to get it smacked repeatedly. He’ll kiss your forehead as a sorry for maybe how hard he’s smacking it but he really likes to.
Kissing your forehead: “Did I do it too rough?”
Slapping your ass: “God, you look so good.”
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edenianprincess · 1 year ago
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INTRO !!      ❤︎ ׄ                                              Dialogues Intros .ᐟ
Dialogues intros about characters’ relationships with a gender neutral!reader. Characters chosen are Johnny, Bi-Han, Kenshi and Kitana. Content warning: very slight suggestive theme in 2 dialogues. There’s a small bonus angst part for Bi-han but the rest of his dialogues is taking place in a world where he didn’t betray his brothers. Please, respond to the poll at the end!
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Johnny ! Mirror Dialogues
You: Two of us? There can only be one. You: Yeah, if Johnny see this he’ll go nuts.
You: Jo-Johnny?! But how?! You: Hollywood makeup, darling.
Johnny: Let’s be real, Y/n would totally prefer me. Johnny: You got balls to say this as a copycat.
Johnny ! At each other
You: Are you ready to show me off your skills in kombat? Johnny: Real question is, are YOU ready to be impressed by my skills?
You: Just because I’m your partner doesn’t mean I have to watch every of your movies. Johnny: Who said the only thing we were going to do is watch?
You: The model who talked to you, she wanted what? Johnny: Who cares, is someone jealous?
Johnny: Win this, Doll, and I’ll show my biiiig surprise for you. You: Let’s not waste time then, and just show me it now.
Johnny: I’ve got to say, I never went on a date as odd as this one. You: Could you please focus, Johnny.
Johnny: I may be the outlaw, darling. But you're the one stealing my heart. You: From which movie did you steal the line this time?
Johnny ! With other characters
Mileena: How can you have a partner with your pride is beyond me. Johnny: You know how many people wish to be at their place?
You: Why do you want to train with me that much? It has been a week now. Smoke: I just need to work on my technique, and you’re the best fighting partner!
Smoke: I don’t think I can hold on much longer, they’re starting to doubt something. Johnny: Please Smoke, my man, I just need a bit more time.
You: How is working with Johnny? Kenshi: Even the Yakuza didn’t make me work that much.
Johnny: Will you accept to be my best man for the wedding if Y/n says yes? Kenshi: It would be an honor.
Scorpion: The Shirai Ryu are in need of members. You: I can advise you Johnny’s paparazzis, they sneak into your privacy without your knowing.
Liu Kang: I’m glad to see your heart has open again. Johnny: I’m thankful for what Cris taught me but Y/n is without a doubt my soulmate.
Kung Lao: How is it like to live in a big celebrity’s house? You: Depends which house are we talking about.
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Bi-Han ! Mirror Dialogues
You: There’s still a chance of redemption for your Bi-Han. You: Wait, what happened to yours?
You: Bi-Han wouldn’t be able to handle two of us. You: That’s why there should only be one left.
Sub-Zero: Y/n made you soft. Sub-Zero: We’ll see who is soft when your face meets my cold fist.
Bi-Han ! At each other
You: I don’t ask you to abandon your duties, just show that you care for me. Sub-Zero: Everything I do is for the Lin Kuei and you.
You: Do we really need to fight? I wouldn’t want to ruin that handso- Sub-Zero: Not in front of the new recruits.
You: Do I really need to train that much? Sub-Zero: I won’t gamble on your life to know the answer.
Sub-Zero: You’re spending too much time with the actor. You: You know he isn’t cooler than you.
Sub-Zero: You’re not my Y/n. You: I’m here to stop you before the shadows take over you.
Sub-Zero: How dare you call me with your foolish names in front of the champions?! You: *laughs* Let it go, Bi-Han.
Bi-Han ! With other characters
Kung Lao: Should I go easy on Babi Han? Sub-Zero: I’ll put your head on an ice stake!
Johnny: Seriously, him?! What does he has that I don’t? You: It’s more about what you have that he doesn’t.
Raiden: You… having a partner. That’s quite the amazement. Sub-Zero: And what is that supposed to mean?
Smoke: He didn’t even yell this time, how did you pacify him? You: A magician never reveals their secret.
Kitana: I see that this cold heart has finally melt. Sub-Zero: Don’t think this made me weak.
Liu Kang: You kept Bi-Han away to deflect towards the wrong path. You: I’m always looking out for him.
Scorpion: I’m really happy for you to have found your one, brother. Sub-Zero: With them by my side, the Lin Kuei can only flourish.
You: I am concerned for Bi-Han, do you think he’ll stay stable? Geras: This will depend on your actions.
Bi-Han ! Angst part
You: How could I feel a part of the Lin Kuei, when you reject your own brother? Sub-Zero: Tomas won’t be the one to insure the clan’s future.
You: You put more trust in this sorcerer than in me. Sub-Zero: It’s not about trust, it’s about glory.
Sub-Zero: We could have ruled together. You: Indeed, and you ruined everything.
Scorpion: You were lucky to have found someone like them, and you had to crush their feelings. Sub-Zero: They were lucky I deemed them as worthy.
You: I'm sorry for his words, I'm trying to resonate with him. Smoke: I've stopped caring about what he says a long time ago.
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Kenshi ! Mirror Dialogues
You: Do you think if we switch places he’ll notice? You: We have to try that!
You: Your Kenshi has lost his sight too? You: This man really should try to protect his eyes better.
Kenshi: My Y/n died in my timeline. Kenshi: And you think I’ll let you this one?
Kenshi ! At each other
You: You may have lost the tournament but you’re the champion of my heart. Kenshi: *laughs* Since when did you become that cheesy?
You: Here comes the man in black. Kenshi: I know you love it when I wear that suit.
You: I wish I could have been here to protect you. Kenshi: You already do a lot for me, and I can’t be more grateful.
Kenshi: Wait, it’s not Johnny who told everyone I’m the best swordsman in Earthrealm? You: I’m simply sharing my honest opinion.
Kenshi: Don’t go easy on me. You: So, just like last night?
Kenshi: I feel like my past with the Yakuza is haunting me again. You: This time, we will fight together against them, mentally or physically.
Kenshi ! With other characters
Johnny: Have you seen the new hottie? Totally would sm- Kenshi: You don’t want to finish that sentence.
Kung Lao: So, I conclude it wasn’t love at first sight with Kenshi, eh? You: Very funny, Kung Lao.
Johnny: I swear, I didn’t know they were your spouse. Kenshi: Hmp.. as if you care for that.
You: Are you sure you’re up to fight? I wouldn’t want to match my husband. Mileena: Why, wouldn’t that be adorable?
Reiko: Should I steal your magic sword to see how quick you’d die? Kenshi: An angry spouse is deadlier than Sento and believe me, you don’t want that.
You: You’ll pay for what you did. Shang Tsung: I wasn’t the one to blind your lover.
Ashrah: I can only sense sincerity in your lover’s heart. Kenshi: They have helped me in many ways.
General Shao: Once I find your partner, he’ll lose more than his sight. You: Too bad you’ll have to pass over my dead body first.
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Kitana ! Mirror Dialogues
You: Do you really think Kitana would fall for your tricks, Shang Tsung? You: I just need to make sure I’m the only one remaining, first.
You: I don’t think I want to share Kitana even with another me. You: How strange, I was thinking the same thing.
Kitana: Y/n doesn’t exist my timeline. Kitana: I wouldn’t be able to imagine a life without them.
Kitana ! At each other
You: How about we go at Madam Bo’s after this fight? Kitana: It will be a pleasure to go with you. I’ve heard only great things.
You: Your fighting is just as graceful as your look. Kitana: Flattery will get you nowhere, beloved.
You: How about a double date with Mileena and Tanya after this fight? Kitana: Are you suggesting that I should date my sister and her lover..?
Kitana: I have lost sight of you in the fight against the titans. You: Don’t worry, we can’t get rid of me that easily.
Kitana: Leading the army can sometime become overwhelming. You: Rest is important even for someone as competent as you.
Kitana: *laughs* Do not fret, my sister does not bite. You: Yes, she does.
Kitana ! With other characters
Mileena: While I respect you if I learn that you’re toying with my sister, I’ll- You: Rip my face apart?
Kitana: Sister, please, trust my judgment on Y/n. Mileena: I’m just making sure of that.
You: Your daughter is truly a wonder. Sindel: She takes a lot from her mother.
Sindel: Is this lover of yours worthy to be by your side? Kitana: I deem them as so, mother.
Raiden: I’m really happy for you and the Princess. You: Is that so? Why do I hear disappointment in your voice.
General Shao: I’ll exploit you and your partner’s weaknesses that is you both. Kitana: You cannot be more wrong, General. We are each other’s strength.
You: Sorry, Cage. Kitana is off limits. Johnny: Not even a small place for a third person?
Kitana: Should I thank you for putting me with Y/n in this timeline? Liu Kang: I did nothing, it was you both who found each other.
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‘𝓣𝐇𝐄 𝓔𝐍𝐃  Please don’t copy/translate and don’t reblog if you’re a yand3r3 blog/reblog account, or you’ll be blocked. Besides that, likes/reblogs/comments are appreciated. 
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visionsofmagic · 1 year ago
✧˚ · . mk1 men with villain!reader [bubbles] ˚ · .
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tomas, kuai liang, bi han, raiden, liu kang, johnny cage, kung lao, syzoth, shang tsung
—⭒ intro. dialogues, fluff, spicy, crush!mk1 men, crush!reader, pet names, hurt/comfort, flirting, power play, 's all? • came to my mind & I wanted to write but it's my first time to write this kind of work [intro. dialogues], so, take easy on me please. enjoy!
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y/n: oh hi pretty boy! already missed me? tomas: what would I miss? you tried to rip my heart last time we met!
y/n: c’mon tomas, be a good boy for me and maybe I will let you come and take a look up close. tomas: I prefer not to get so close y/n. I don’t want to end up like the last time.
tomas: it's tragic to see you as an enemy of mine, y/n. I wish we met before all the bad things happened in your life. y/n: don't, tomas, don't give me hope of having someone who understands me truly.
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kuai liang: don’t play with me, y/n. y/n: what would you do? burn me alive? well, that kinda sounds sexy.
y/n: well well, it's good to see my favorite boy. kuai liang: favorite boy to kiss or kill?
kuai liang: you should join me y/n. together we can protect the earthrealm. y/n: it’s a bit sad how you chose to protect it when you can simply - burn it to the ground.
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bi han: you were so much more fearful in my dreams. y/n: you dreamt about me? oh, so cute!
y/n: c’mon ice boy, I bet you need someone to warm your bed. bi han: I take this as an invitation, y/n. are you so needy for me?
bi han: together we can reach the power we need. y/n: baby, I can’t decide which version of you is sexier; evil or good boy. so, I would say; both.
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liu kang: don’t play with this timeline, y/n. keep still. be good for once. y/n: but where is the fun in that?!
liu kang: for what you have done, I should punish you. y/n: it sounds kind of hot when you say it like that fire god.
y/n: I bet you would look so good on your knees before me. liu kang: you always have a side that is hungry for power, aren't you, y/n?
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raiden: I wish you were on our side, y/n. y/n: it’s not my way to be a gentle farmer boy. I like it rough.
y/n: oh, is that blush on your pretty face? raiden: don’t even start again!
raiden: liu kang says we once were lovers - in previous timelines. y/n: you sound excited raiden. it’s a matter of time before we become one in this too.
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johnny cage: oh, where have you come from? hell? because you’re burning like one! y/n: after this fight, I will not be the only one who’s burning, cage.
y/n: no one can replace me, so, I can choose to play in your movie, johnny. johnny cage: really?! baby, you even deserve your own movie! with me, as your partner.
johnny cage: you have all villain types baby; power, rage, a bit of sexy energy. y/n: and you have everything to be thankful that I will go easy on you, star boy.
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kung lao: you should be on our side, miss. y/n: it’s boring, but I can let you be on mine farmer boy.
y/n: I like your hat much more now. how about we make a good use of it? in bed. kung lao: oh, right? thank you for the - wait, what?!
kung lao: liu kang warned us about you; about how bloodthirsty you can be. y/n: you shouldn't worry too much cutie, I will be gentle with you.
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y/n: can you really shape-shift into a human and a reptile? it’s fascinating! can I have a close look? syzoth: don't even think about it y/n. the last time's marks are still on my tail.
syzoth: why do you keep fighting with me? y/n: because I wanna see the beast inside you. it’s mesmerizing.
y/n: you should be my assistant instead of milena’s. we can have so much fun together. syzoth: a voice in me says that the fun you refer to is not what I think it is.
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y/n: don’t think I am at your side shang tsung. it’s just business. shang tsung: such a shame my lady. we could have been a great couple.
shang tsung: I wonder what you looked like in previous timelines, darling. y/n: curiosity killed the cat, sorcerer. focus on me instead.
y/n: you know, I kinda like seeing you on your knees shang tsung. no one can even guess how pathetic you’re for me. shang tsung: I don’t care my love. satisfying you is my priority.
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yanderestarangel · 1 year ago
TW: gang bang, sub!reader, dom!mens, blowjob, double blowjob, double penetration, anal, masturbation, ass play, pet names, triple penetration, unprotected sex, cum play, monster fuck, cock warning, exhibitionism, sadism , masochism, sex with ropes, bdsm, rough sex, extreme sex, objectification, degradation, porn plot, afab anatomy, oral f!re, orgasm denied, monster fuck.
ღ ୭·࣭࣪̇˖ Comments and reblogs are welcome <3 Do you want to make me a request? read my pinned post.
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You accepted the challenge, to catch them all at once, like the good warrior you were, but you caught them not in a fight but in bed.
To start preparing you would be a job for Raiden and Kung Lao. Raiden would calm you down, telling you not to be shy, but it was difficult seeing more than eleven men in front of you. Kung lao would grab your body and immobilize it, in a strong but still controlled way, making you sigh in shame, seeing the show you were/were going to give to all of them. Raiden would lower himself close to your crotch, waiting for Lord Liu Kang's orders to begin, which was met with a nod from the Fire Lord, making Raiden prepare your little pussy with his tongue and fingers, you were totally vulnerable and that was extremely delicious, all the fighters were watching you, waiting to be next. Raiden ran his tongue through your smooth folds, while Kung Lao brought his hands to your breasts, showing them to everyone. You saw the satisfied and lascivious looks of the eleven men in the room, your sweet moans echoed in everyone's ears as the mortal kombat champion used you delicately, using the powers of electricity to cause shocks of pleasure in your clitoris. "-You're so beautiful (Y/N), they all want to fuck you" -Kung lao would say while Raiden would agree looking at you, the sight of him sucking your pussy was almost unbearable it was so good, but soon you heard the order to change, getting ready for other partners, watching Raiden take his mouth off your pussy with a string of saliva connecting your wetness and him.
Next up were Kenshi and Johnny Cage. Both eager, a perfect balance of soft!dom and hard!dom. Kenshi would already place a kiss on your lips, a hungry and aggressive kiss, taking off the few clothes you had, leaving you completely naked in front of them all. Johnny smiled at you, while whispering in your ear: "-Let's give them the show they want, okay baby?" While giving you a kiss on the cheek, taking his skilled fingers to your core, dripping and smooth, covered in Raiden's saliva. Kenshi on the other hand would put his dick out, forcing you to suck eagerly, you obeyed, wanting to please everyone there, after all, you were the best. Takahashi saw you take his cock in your mouth, your lips sucked it desperately, pleasing him and pushing the length into you even more, forcing you to feel it in your throat. "-Such a greedy slut, how does it feel to be watched by all of us? Huh?" He pushes his dick into you even more, making you choke. "-Don't be so rude Takahashi... (Y/N) is a good bitch... A beautiful bitch." -Johnny speaks while inserting a second and then third finger into your pussy, while you heard comments from all the men, whether degrading you, praising you or complaining to be next. Kenshi feels the familiar heat in his balls, pushing his dick out of your mouth and ending up on your breasts, while Cage pushes you to your first orgasm, making you cum and squirt all over the movie star's arm as he gives you a cheesy wink.
You were still shaking from the orgasm, but you barely had time to breathe, seeing the lin kuei trio come close to you, Bi Han easily took you off the bed frame you were on, while Kuai Liang tied you with his hands behind your back, making strong knots that would certainly mark your skin, while I held you with the help of Tomas, who just smiled at you whispering that he was going to make you feel good. Bi Han soon opened your legs wide, taking out his dick, already dripping with cum from the tip, hitting your clitoris repeatedly, he didn't even wait for Liu Kang's order, pushing his thick length into you, filling you up, your pussy contracted drooling and squeezing his thick cock. "-You're a whore to me, even your pussy knows that little slut." -He growls under the mask, as he thrust his hips hard into your pussy, not caring if you were going to feel pleasure or not. You feel Tomas hold you as Kuai Liang squeezed one of your breasts, taking off his golden mask and taking the soft, bouncy flesh into his hot mouth, moaning against your skin. Bi Han continued to pound hard, his heavy balls slapped against your ass, Making you whimper and cry with pleasure and punishing pain, the grand master saw that you were close to cumming, pulling out of you with a sadistic expression, denying you the orgasm while it was Tomas' turn to fuck your pussy, alongside Kuai Liang. They both removed themselves from the position of supporting you, you found yourself among the ninjas now, with Kuai Liang behind and Tomas in front. Vrbada lifted you onto his lap easily, while Kuai Liang held your ass, using the soft cheeks of your ass to masturbate his thick and hot dick, while ninja smoke was hitting your overstimulated pussy, his thick dick was even bigger than Bi Han's, who just watched everything from the sidelines, along with the other combatants, who already had/were going to get you fuck. Tomas used a slow and provocative rhythm, holding your hips while using his other hand to make you suck his fingers, then using them on your clitoris. "-It's going so well... you're so good to me... for us, Lord Liu Kang is satisfied." -he babbled while he was lost in the velvety heat of your pussy, while Kuai Liang just let out moans and groans, biting your neck while moving his hips on your sensitive ass flesh, the man finally came, dirtying your ass on the outside, smearing your back and cheeks and slapping you hard to spread more of his cum across your skin. Now Tomas pushed even further towards the end of your pussy, making you cum once again, milking his dick with everything he had, he came all over your little pussy, taking out his dick and gently hitting your clitoris, giving you a kiss on the forehead.
The next ones were Syzoth and Baraka, with both holding you well, Baraka went in front, using your mouth to fuck, ensuring that you were well positioned for Syzoth to enter. You were still tied with Kuai Liang's ropes, which made the lizard man's job easier. Syzoth used one of his hands to grab the ropes, using the tip of his dick to tease your tight and still unused ass hole, spitting on the virgin canal while Baraka fucked your mouth, you salivated on his dick, as you watched him praise you. "-Yes, such a good boy/girl... please continue like this..." -Baraka forced his cock, coming against your cheek, fucking every oral cavity you had to offer. Syzoth on the other hand finally managed to enter your ass, his cock stretched you painfully and deliciously, making you tremble and roll your eyes. Both men matched a rhythm, with Syzoth moaning loudly even as he tried to control himself. "-Look at the mess you're making... do you like having that sweet ass fucked? Do you like taking several men, you slut? You're so beautiful like that." -Syzoth moaned loudly, as he slapped your ass more, his heavy balls hit your clitoris, sore and dirty with Tomas' cum, while Baraka grunted like an animal, fucking your mouth even more, he took his dick out of your mouth, running your tongue over his head while he came, staining your lips and even your teeth. Syzoth followed his friend's example, cumming deep in your ass, taking out his dick while giving you a quick pat on the head for doing a good job.
Shao Khan's strong hands grabbed you, lifting you like a trophy, while Reiko smiled. Shang tsung and Quan Chi just looked at each other, inviting themselves to join the game. You knelt in front of both sorcerers, taking both of their cocks at once in your mouth, Shang and Quan Chi moaned in unison, moving their cocks to the soft lair of your mouth. Reiko soon lay down on the floor, positioning himself inside your pussy at once, while he made you jump on him hard. General Shao Khan put his thick dick out, masturbating on your face. "-You're such a dirty human, you know? Being fucked by all these men and still wanting more?" -Shao Khan speaks in a sarcastic tone, hitting his dick on your face, the same face that was fucked by the two wizards' dicks. Reiko accelerated the pace, your pussy sucked him in with everything, the fat head of his penis slowly and rhythmically hitting your cervix, making you squirt again in record time. But they weren't going to end there, Shao Khan took you off Reiko's lap, using the already accustomed and tight hole of your ass to penetrate his cock. Meanwhile Quan Chi and Shang Tsung came together, both entering your pussy, Shang's cock filled you completely, while Quan Chi's cock only entered half, widening your hole even more. Reiko used his own hand, masturbating while squeezing your soft breasts. "-Taking two dicks in your pussy little pet? Damn you really are a whore." -Shang growled, as he stuck his dick into your pussy even more, while Quan Chi smiled sadicily, agreeing with his sorcerer friend. "-Yes... You're right, (Y/N) loves lots of cocks... doesn't they? How many men were there? I don't think our little pet even knows." When I would say finishing and cumming in your pussy, next to Shang, the thick liquid would stain you. Shao Khan slapped your ass hard, while finishing everything inside, without caring if you liked it or not. "-Yes... take all my cum in your ass... you worthless bitch." Khan soon left, while Reiko used your breasts to massage his dick, ending up on his stomach and breasts, completely dirtying your body.
Finally, you saw Geras and Liu Kang, who used his hands to untie the ropes that still held you, while holding your face. "-You were a good boy/girl... now let's get this over with, shall we?" -Liu Kang spoke softly, while Geras held you, he caught the attention of all the men present, as he fucked you in front of everyone, a strong and slow rhythm, smiling at you, the reward for being a great little slut for all combatants. Geras caressed your trembling body, showering you with praise. "-See how strong a fighter you were... still holding out against Lord Liu Kang and me at the end of it all? It looks like we have a winner here..." -Geras smiled, giving you a kiss, positioning himself behind you, while combining the slow pace with that of Liu Kang. "-Looks like we have a winner guys... wow (Y/N)... got us all..." -Kang said, laughing a little, while all the men looked at you, with longing, desire and happiness, that wasn't it It was going to end now and you knew it. Liu and Geras pushed you to your last orgasm, making you squirt in front of everyone, you fell a little on Bi Han and Syzoth, who were in the front row, while Johnny recorded everything, that was marked in history, and you had finally won,... Even if it wasn't in a conventional way.
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A/N: horny jail for me 🤫
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tiredfox64 · 9 months ago
Can I request the MK1 Earthrealm Champions with a fem!rockstar reader? Like when they meet her for the first time at one of her shows in some underground venue or when she’s rehearsing at soundcheck before a show?
(If you need songs for her to perform, may I recommend Kaia Jette’s music, she has songs like Medusa, Star Maiden, Hellfire, Immortal, Lovesick Idiot or you can choose songs yourself…)
Do You Wanna Love My Rock N Roll?
Yip notes: Joan Jett. Gotta be Joan Jett. I've been to a concert of hers two summers ago. She looks good for her age.
Pairings: Earthrealm Champions x Rockstar! Afab reader
Warnings ‼️: Gave up proofreading, sorry
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You have made a name for yourself. Baby, you’re a star! A rockstar that is. A rockstar who has starstruck people from across the world. Many kinds of people want to meet you. Farmers, monks, actors, ex yakuza members…
Alright, there’s more than that but in short, you have captured the eyes of a special group of men. Earthrealms champions to be exact.
Johnny was the one to introduce your music to them all. They were curious since he would blast it whenever he could. In the shower, while getting ready in the morning, during training, whenever really. It disturbed the peace at the Wu Shi Academy but he couldn’t help himself. You were just so amazing and the energy you were blasting out got him going. It even got him singing which was when everyone told him to stop.
Nonetheless, it captured the attention of the others and soon they were grooving to it as well. Kenshi would begin to whisper the lyrics under his breath without even thinking. Raiden would hum the melody while getting ready for the day. Kung Lao would straight up steal Johnny’s phone so he could listen to your music for himself. That was the moment Johnny knew he got them hooked.
They were even more hooked once he showed pictures of you and your band. Wow! You were so cool looking. Tons of pictures with your hair looking loud and wild. Your makeup matched your hair well, especially your eyeliner which made your eyes pop out. Leather and jeans were a wonderful combo for you. Your neck was decorated with chokers and necklaces that looked like chains. Not only was your voice awesome but you in general were awesome.
In a way, you helped them train more. Your music helped pump them up and made them train better. It was a bonding experience for them. It allowed moments where Kenshi and Johnny could put their differences aside. It made them grow closer. Even after the incident with the tournament and other realm bs they still found joy when listening to your music together.
So when Johnny invited them to come to California to see you perform they took their chances. Kung Lao and Raiden did have to beg Liu Kang to let them go though. It was all gonna be worth it! Seeing you in person will be a dream come true for them.
“I can’t believe we are going to see her in person,” Raiden had excitement present in his voice. If his amulet was with him he’d be sparking up like faulty wiring.
“But did we really have to leave your mansion early?” Kenshi asked Johnny.
“Hey! You guys want to see her, right? We have to be early to get a chance to be upfront for her performance. This isn’t a professional concert; this is one of those underground performances that only certain people know about.”
Of course Johnny would know about all your performances. From the big stage ones to the small venues that give people the chance to wreck shit, he’ll know what you’re up to. And he knows he has to be quick to be early to get good spots. Being early and being famous worked in his favor. The moment the security guards saw Johnny they had someone who works at the venue to go tell you. You wouldn’t believe your ears when you heard that Johnny Cage showed up. You had to see it for yourself.
You were still doing a soundcheck and some warm-ups when they arrived. You had to make sure the speakers could handle your music and for the hundredth time, yes, the drummer has their stick bag. You’re preaching to the choir at this point. Lo and behold the actor himself and his friends came walking through the door. You’re a lucky woman to be in the presence of great men.
“Well fuck me! It’s true. Johnny Cage in the flesh.”
You jumped off the stage, your boots making a loud thud once you hit the ground. You looked at the men before you. You’re already starting to like them based on their appearances and the vibes they give off. It’s different from what you expect your fans to look like but that’s not bad at all. You got closer to Johnny so you could get a good look at him. If he weren’t wearing his sunglasses you would see how his eyes widen in excitement.
“I need your good music. I’d die without good music.” Johnny thinks he’s slick for making a reference to one of your songs. “Oh yeah, these are some of my friends. This is Kenshi, Kung Lao, and Raiden.”
The first one you approached was Kung Lao. Immediately you surprised him by running your hands over the shaved sides of his head. Your hand soon went to the back to twirl his small ponytail with your finger.
“I love your hair. I might try this for myself.” You complimented him.
You weren’t looking at his face but this man was stunned. His mouth was open in a joyful smile as his eyes turned towards Johnny. In his mind, he was thanking Johnny for blasting your music every night even though it disturbed his rest. Then you turned your attention towards Raiden. The part of your brain that activates when you see something cute is activated from the sight of his face.
“Aw, look at that baby face. You can’t be a fan of mine, not with that face.” You teased him as you squeezed his cheeks with your hands.
His cheeks started warming up from embarrassment and flattery. No one’s ever described him as having a baby face which is embarrassing. But being touched by your soft hands made this moment worth it. Next was Kenshi. His tattoos caught your eye with how colorful they were and how the art form seemed foreign. You noticed the blindfold over his eyes and weren’t sure if that was a style choice or if it had another purpose. Whatever it was you weren’t sure if it was okay to touch him. That’s until he held his hand towards you, letting you know it was alright. Once you took his hand into yours, your other hand went up and began tracing over the linework of his tattoos.
“I’m digging the tattoos. Might need your tattoo artist’s number.” You joked.
“You don’t want the tattoo artist I have, trust me.” He joked back but his words were true. You didn’t know.
“Well, I sure hope I don’t mess up tonight. I got a good group of men watching me.” Not that you ever messed up before.
“I doubt you will. You’re too amazing to mess up. Plus I need you to give a good performance so I could stream it to my fans.” Thanks, Johnny, no pressure there.
You told them to hang around outside the venue for a bit since you were still getting ready. There was still a good hour before they would truly let people in. They waved to you goodbye, sometimes taking multiple glances at you, before finally leaving.
“They seemed pretty cute.” You hinted at your bandmates.
“Planned orgy?” Your drummer asked. She was dead serious you could see it in her eyes and hear it in her tone.
“What? No, what the fuck is wrong with you?!”
“It’s a valid question!”
The venue got packed quickly once the doors opened. Of course, your little group of fighters were front and center. It’s the best spot. They get a clear view of you and their eardrums don’t get busted from the speakers. Kenshi doesn’t need to be blind and deaf. Sento could only do so much for him. With them being in front of you, you took that as an opportunity to play around with them. That’s the fun of being a star. You get to interact with your fans in whatever way you want, if it’s legal of course. The interactions you will have with them will stay in their minds forever.
Your first victim- I mean fan, was Raiden. You were eyeing him the whole time while you sang. The song was good but he did feel a little embarrassed that you were staring at him while yelling “do you wanna touch” in your mic. But you made his head snap up to look at you when you walked up close and rested your right foot on his shoulder. You were gentle while doing it, not putting your whole weight on the poor man.
He stared up at you in awe. His heart was beating as hard as the bass drum. The spotlights shined bright behind you and you were like a demonic angel looking down on him. You had to get back to your other fans so you went him off with a very light kick before walking off. Kung Lao had to catch his friend who stumbled a little.
“What happened?” Raiden asked as if he were in a daze.
It made Kung Lao laugh at how ridiculous Raiden was acting. But his time would be soon.
Your next song was very screechy and chaotic. You were letting the world know of your wild spirit. Kung Lao was loving that. The energy got to him and he developed an appreciation for the electric guitar with how awesome it sounded. And to think he found electronic instruments to have no soul.
The end of the song was coming up and he was jamming out to it. That’s when you started slowly walking towards him. He didn’t notice at first until you dropped down on your knees in front of him. You grabbed him by the front of his shirt and pulled him in before yelling “Have ya, grab ya, til you’re sore!” right into his face. You had a satisfied smile on your face once you saw the utter shock in his eyes as you let him go. Luckily, Raiden was there to catch him and mock him for acting up as well. You got right back on your feet and continued until there was only pounding from the drums.
Now comes the time you like to jump down and walk through the crowd as you continue to sing. Your fans know not to touch you but to expect you to possible touch them. Raiden and Kung Lao already got their fixings, it’s Kenshi’s moment now. The chorus at the end was coming up and you thought why not give him a surprise. You tried to sneak up behind him thinking he couldn’t actually sense you but you were dead wrong. Though he didn’t turn around, he wanted you to believe you were being sneaky.
Your arm wrapped around his broad shoulders as you continued to sing. The part where your bassist and guitarist drop out and allow you to sing by yourself was coming up. When that moment came up Kenshi decided to turn his neck toward you and sing “I hate myself for loving you” with you. Well, he kind of sang, more like saying the lyrics as you sang them. You smiled proudly before pulling away from him. There was a slight smirk on his face which amazed the rest of the group. At least Kenshi kept his cool with you.
The end of the show was coming up and you did give your attention to Johnny. You didn’t forget him, not while he was shoving his phone towards you. You were saving the best for last. This song was the biggest I don’t fucking care message in the world. With the shit that Johnny pulls sometimes this song works out for him. That’s why he’s your target for the end of the night. At some point you walked up to him and shoved your face into the camera while singing. Gotta give his followers a great show and a good look at your lipstick. What is that, coral blue #2?
Then you decided to mess with him by taking his phone from him. It was like taunting an animal to come get you. You wanted him to jump on stage and he obeyed. He jumped up and took his phone from you, finding your efforts to be funny. You were making this man’s night with how close you were getting to him. Wrapping your arm around his neck, squishing your face against his, gosh it was magical.
But the show must come to an end. All good things come to an end. You kicked Johnny off the stage, not literally, and took a bow with your bandmates. A wonderful performance as always.
The boys were hyped up like kids during a sugar rush. All the way back to Johnny’s mansion they never stopped talking about you and the interactions they had with you. They joked, they laughed, they teased, they enjoyed. What better way to end the night than with a little surprise in the back of Johnny’s pocket.
As he went to grab his keys to his mansion he felt something else in his pocket. When he pulled it out it was a note that he didn’t remember having. When he opened up all their eyes lit up, except for Kenshi’s of course. It read:
Here’s my number:----------
Make sure to share it with your buddies! ;)
Yap notes: I'm so sorry for not posting. I got horrible writer's block and the lasagna put me in a coma. It was too good. Also I just found out my professor for my anthropology class is in Madagascar. LIKE WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE NOT EVEN IN THE STATES! CHECK YOUR EMAILS! Adiós!
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restinslices · 13 days ago
Johnny W/ Scary Dog Privileges
So I've accepted that I do not wanna write a pt2 to Open Arms :D. At least not anytime soon. Rip.
Anywho, a video of Kimiko from The Boys popped up on my youtube and for some reason I wanted to write headcanons about Johnny W/ someone like that. Readers powers are superhuman strength, durability, agility, hearing and healing. The bitch can get blown up and will walk it off.
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Johnny with scary dog privileges would really be something because we all know Johnny is a fucking fool when he wants to be
Is very aware that you're an intimidating person to others and milks that shit
And by "milks that shit" I don't mean he tries to do a bunch of crime or anything like that
I mean he'll say something like "hey Kung Lao, let's make a bet. Whoever wins in arm wrestling doesn't have to pay for lunch!"
"You're on!" "But we can choose champions to play for us" "Um, okay? Well I don't need a champion. Send your best warrior!" "Glad you said that!... Y/N-"
A filthy cheater
I do think the healing would freak him out sometimes
Goro rips your arms off and then five seconds later your arms are growing back but they're in this little baby stage
Keep that shit away from him. Do NOT touch him. He might vomit
"Wow, that's a new phobia"
Your neck is broken then seconds later you snap it back in place
"That was unfortunate" "THAT'S what you call what just happened to you?
Gives you a massager because he thinks all those broken bones must be causing you some sort of discomfort or stiffness
You feel completely fine but you appreciate the sentiment
"Come with me to ask Liu Kang (something stupid that he absolutely will not do" "Why do I have to go?" "He might do it if you're there"
I don't think the god will be spooked of the Deadpool/Wolverine variant, but okay Johnny
It's giving "ask my mom if you can stay over! She'll say yes to you!
I don't think he'd treat you as something scary though
It'll be like when people have big ass swole ass dogs and name them Princess
That is a demon. Let's be fr
"Is your face smashed in? Yes. Do you still look stunning? Yes"
"Bet you wish you had their powers Kenshi! Get it? Because then your eyes would've came back!... What do you mean that's insensitive?
"Have you considered becoming a stuntman?"
"So if I were to shoot you out of a canon-" "I'm way too civilized to be having this conversation"
It's the "Someone will die >:(" "Of fun! :D" meme
I just think it'd be really cute because of the fact that Johnny is such a jokester and can't take shit serious
He's such a jester type of character and he has this walking threat behind him
Johnny, my third favorite white man <3
Tumblr, the next time you delete something I'm writing, I'm coming up to HQ and heads will roll
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iliketangerines · 9 months ago
Okay okay okay okay okay imagine! Reader to pregnant and tired is like "okay liu your fucking lao tonight."
Ofc liu fucks lao. Reader gives them some titty juice as a reward.
let me watch
a/n: ah liulao my beloved
pairing: liu kang x kung lao x reader
warnings: nsfw (MDNI), hand jobs, ruined orgasm, orgasm denial, lactation kink
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you sit on the bed, face grimacing as the baby in you starts to kick again, and you sigh, irritated and tired from not having any sleep for countless days
you rub your hands over your stomach to try and sooth the baby inside of you, and you lift your weary head up at the sound of the door opening
it’s Liu Kang and Kung Lao looking at you with wide eyes and grabby hands as they crawl  into the bed and start kissing your exposed skin
you raise your hands, pushing them away lightly, and they comply easily, looking at you worriedly as you tell them that you’re too tired
immediately, they go and ask if you need anything, offering foot massages and cooked soup or whatever cravings you have, but you decline
you just need a little time to recuperate, and you notice how their pants bulge as they whine and flutter over you like a nursing hen
drumming your fingers on your chin, you tell Liu Kang to just fuck Kung Lao tonight, that they don’t have to fuck you every time and that they don’t need your permission
Liu Kang freezes at the prospect, and Kung Lao looks at you a bit surprised, a cocky smile already stretching his lips as he glances over at Liu Kang
the fire-wielder is a bit flushed at your crassness, and he looks at Kung Lao before looking back at you and asking if you’re sure
you pat his hand, reassuring him that you’ll be fine, you just really can’t tonight with how tired you are, and Liu Kang nods
Kung Lao has already moved the empty space on the bed, waiting for Liu Kang to come over, and he grabs onto the fire-wielder’s waist as soon as Liu Kang comes over
the monk gives him a cocky grin and then surges forward to press a searing kiss, making Liu Kang slightly whimper at the forwardness
the both of them had been so obsessed with you over the past few months that they hadn’t really carved any time out for themselves
and now, they seemed to crave each other carnally, missing each other’s tastes and revisiting old dips and valleys and exploring the new scars and marks
Kung Lao is more bold, squeezing Liu Kang’s ass through the thick material of his pants while Liu Kang just grips onto Kung Lao’s shoulders, melting into the kiss
you watch them lazily, eyes lidded with exhaustion as Kung Lao starts to paw at Liu Kang’s clothing, desperate to have them off as the bravado from earlier slips off
Liu Kang obliges, tearing his clothes off at full force as he starts to slip into the haze, pushing Kung Lao onto his back and reaching into his pants
Liu Kang’s hand pumps at Kung Lao’s cock slowly, and the monk pants into the air, hands scratching angry red lines into Liu Kang’s muscled back
Liu Kang doesn’t mind, instead biting and sucking hickeys and marks into Kung Lao’s neck, marring the clean flesh, and the fire-wielder grinds his hips into Kung Lao’s thigh
the monk whines, high-pitched and needy, and his hips buck up into Liu Kang’s warm hand, already close to cumming despite having only started
you see Liu Kang’s hand quick underneath Kung Lao’s pants, and you say stop, squinting your eyes at the both of them
at this rate, the both of them will still have pent-up energy by the time the both of them have come, and you want them both to be tired-out
Kung Lao looks at you with pleading eyes, and Liu Kang listens to you, hand still in the monk’s pants as he awaits for your order
you tell Kung Lao to undress first, that you want to make sure Liu Kang is doing everything perfectly, and the monk whimpers but obliges
Liu Kang peels himself off of Kung Lao and waits on his knees as Kung Lao shakily undresses himself, cock bobbing proudly and slapping against his stomach when he pulls off his pants
you tell him to get close to Liu Kang, to wrap his hand around Liu Kang’s own throbbing cock and you tell Liu Kang to do the same to Kung Lao
they do so, and they both whimper at the contact
you tell them that whoever cums first will get a punishment, and then you let them go at each other in their competition
Liu Kang is hungry, and he leans forward and kisses Kung Lao deeply as he can, thumb swiping over the tip of Kung Lao’s fat cock
Kung Lao hand jerks at Liu Kang unevenly, a little too unfocused on the way he has to win and all too preoccupied with the way Liu Kang kisses and teases him
you see the monk struggle to keep his wits about him as Liu Kang expertly keeps his cool and devours Kung Lao with his heat, sucking bruising hickeys into soft flesh
the monk’s hips jerk forward violently, a telltale sign he’s about to cum, and Liu Kang doubles his efforts, flicking his wrist to get Kung Lao to cum into his hand first
Kung Lao cries out, his free hand flying out to grip onto Liu Kang’s shoulder and dig his blunt nails into the muscle as he tries to control himself
the monk tries in vain to bring himself back to reality and pump at Liu Kang’s cock, but his hand falters much too often, grip too loose, unable to focus
it had always been his weakness, and Liu Kang was fully exploiting it, biting into Kung Lao’s neck and sending the monk over the edge
his thick cum spurts onto Liu Kang’s hand, and you raise your hand and tell Liu Kang to stop moving his hand
Kung Lao whines in vain as his orgasm sputters out all too fast, tears dripping down his cheeks at his ruined orgasm, and he begs and begs for more
you shrug your shoulders and told him the loser would have consequences before you look to Liu Kang and tell him to get Kung Lao on his hands and knees facing you
the fire-wielder obliges easily, moving the limp Kung Lao onto his hands and knees, and you can see exactly how red Kung Lao’s lips are from being bitten raw
tear tracks stream down his face, and you coo at him, leaning forward a bit to rub a thumb over his cheek
you tell Liu Kang to get the lube and the cock ring from the drawer and that he can cum as much as he wants when he wants
he excitedly gets up, moving quickly and slipping the ring over Kung Lao easily, pumping the monk’s sensitive cock to get the ring to stay
Kung Lao whines pathetically, looking up at you wet eyes, and Liu Kang kneels behind him, fingers rubbing the lube between his fingers and warming it up before spreading it on Kung Lao’s hole
the monk gasps, biting his lip and closing his eyes as Liu Kang slowly stretches him open on one finger, and you tell Liu Kang to stop
the fire-wielder lets out a small whine but obliges, stopping his movement, and Kung Lao’s eyes fly open at the loss of pleasure
you tell him that you will stop Liu Kang every time that Kung Lao takes his eyes off of you, and you signal for the fire-wielder to continue
Liu Kang nods, moving his finger in and out of Kung Lao, slowly adding in another one, and you watch Kung Lao carefully
he struggles to not close his eyes out of pleasure, and he lets out little gasps of pleasure, rocking his hips back to meet Liu Kang’s fingers
finally, the fire-wielder retracts his fingers and lines himself up with Kung Lao, tapping the head of his cock along the hole before slowly pushing in
the monk’s eyes flutter shut for just a moment before opening again, remembering your rules, and he lets out a choked groan as Liu Kang bottoms out
Liu Kang takes his time to work up a pace, his fingers digging bruises into Kung Lao’s slim waist, and his eyes are half-lidded and crazed as he stared at how his dick disappears into Kung Lao
but finally, he picks up the pace, groaning into the air as the sound of his hips slapping against Kung Lao’s ass fills the air
the monk struggles not to close his eyes, to keep them on you, but you can see them fluttering close for longer and longer periods of time
you raise your hand up and tell Liu Kang to stop, and he whines but listens hips stilling and his grip tightening on Kung Lao as punishment
he was close to his own orgasm if his loudening grunts told you anything, and Kung Lao opens his eyes and again and begs, saying that it was too hard, please
you just tell Liu Kang to start again, and he hisses as he resumes his brutal pace, needing to cum so badly
the cycle repeats over and over again, just as Liu Kang is about to cum, Kung Lao gets overwhelmed and closes his eyes, making you stop their actions entirely
Liu Kang grows tired and angry, one hand coming up to spank at the plump flesh of Kung Lao’s ass, making him cry out in pain and pleasure
you know that Kung Lao’s own cock must be flush and angry, pre-cum leaking from he tip and desparate to cum, but the ring won’t allow it
and you won’t allow him to cum until Liu Kang has had his fill
one more time, you allow Liu Kang to start moving again, and Kung Lao stares at you with watery eyes and red cheeks
Liu Kang groans, telling Kung Lao to be good, to keep watching, digging his fingers deep into the creamy flesh of Kung Lao’s waist
Kung Lao struggles, gasping and moaning and crying, and Liu Kang cums with a grunt, burying himself deep and cumming inside of Kung Lao
he stays there for a while, pumping his seed inside of Kung Lao, and you reach your hand up and forward to cradle the monk’s face as he lets wet fat tears fall
you tell Liu Kang that he can go with reckless abandon, that there are no more rules, and Liu Kang snarls, immediately moving Kung Lao to an empty space and then pushing his face into the sheets
he’s ruthless in his pace, eyes feral and crazed with how many times he had been denied because of Kung Lao’s inability to control himself
the monk lets out punched-out moans that soon dissolve into pathetic mewls as Liu Kang plows him into the bed
you can’t count how many times Liu Kang cums into Kung Lao, but you know that by the time he pulls out, that they’re both exhausted
Liu Kang crawls up next to you and collapses next to you, and you put one hand in his hair to comb through his hair
you tell him he did an amazing job, and you watch Kung Lao shakily crawl over to you, head nuzzling into your neck as he begs
your other hand removes the ring, wrapping around his heated flesh, and you slowly pump him for only a few seconds before he cums all over your hand
you make sure to let him ride it out as you slowly jerk him, and he whines out thank yous into your skin
you move your hand to rub shapes into his back and tell him that he also did a good job, that they were both so good for you
you grunt at the heaviness in your chest and look down to find stains on your shirt coming from your nipples
they both perk up in interest at your sound, and you pull up your shirt to give them their reward for being so good for you
they latch on, lapping at the sweet taste of your milk and relieving the burden in your breasts, and you sigh at the release of pressure
you were exhausted yes, but they were your boys and you wouldn’t trade the world for them
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m0chaminx · 1 year ago
Kung Lao | Shirt Thief
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*•.¸♡Request: no, but inspired by @heavenlyvision fic Matters (go read all her work if you haven't already it's so good)
*•.¸♡Prompts: none
*•.¸♡Warnings: Smut MDNI, Raiden being a ladies man, p in v, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), a little bit a plot, no use of y/n, Kung Lao is taller than reader, the knee thing, praise, big dick Kung Lao, begging if you squint, marking, pet names (angel, baby), oral Fem!receiving, hair pulling, Kung Lao being desperate for praise, kinda rough smut, Raiden walking in (At the end), fluffy ending, this is my first smut in a while (go easy on me), I wrote this while high
*•.¸♡Paring: Kung Lao x F!reader
*•.¸♡Summary: You had never looked so good, why did you have to wear his clothes? Why did you have to be so annoying?
Your mission to annoy Kung Lao takes a different turn after you steal his clothes and his bed
*•.¸♡Words: 3.6k
You hadn’t exactly planned to spend your night like this. You sat on the couch in the living room, flipping mindlessly through the pages of a book. After a lovely dinner at Madame Bo’s, but honestly, they were all lovely, just before you could order dessert for the two boys a girl had swept Raiden off his feet, suggesting she’d pay for his dessert if she could spend the rest of the night with him, and, as Kung Lao put it left you both for dead. The walk back to your small home was gruelling, Kung Lao complaining the whole time about he was the one that was meant to be swept off his feet. 
You closed the book and tossed it on the small table, huffing as you threw your head back to stare at the ceiling. Once you got home Kung Lao had locked himself in his room, still sulking. You turned your head to stare at his door, spend the night bored on the couch or annoy Kung Lao for your own entertainment. The answer was clear, and you kicked yourself off the couch, walking to his door.
You knocked twice before opening it. Kung Lao sat on the bed, weaving the loose bit of straw back into his hat. “Are you done being a baby?” Your voice was teasing as you leant against the wall.
His hands stopped and he scoffed. “I’m not being a baby,” Kung Lao huffed, staring up at you.
“Sure you aren't,” You rolled your eyes and closed the door behind you as you walked to his set of draws.
“And what are you doing?”
You trifled through the draws for a few moments before pulling one of Kung Lao’s long grey shirts. You turned back to him and shrugged. “My bed’s crap and you know it.”
“So? Go sleep in Raiden’s.”
You laughed silently and turned away, pulling off the shirt you had worn to work earlier that day. Kung Lao’s eyes widened as you so shamelessly stripped in front of him, the bare skin of your back so clearly on display. You shook your head and laughed at Kung Lao’s suggestion, “So Raiden can come back with his lady friend and I give him a heart attack? No thank you.”
You pulled Kung Lao’s shirt over your head and turned back to face him, who still stared so shamelessly. “Move over.”
“You just stole my shirt!” Kung Lao complained, his eyes lifting to meet yours. You placed a hand on your hip and raised an eyebrow.
Kung Lao sighed. He hung his hat on the bed frame and shuffled closer to the edge of the bed, making room for you. You pulled the blanket back and slipped in beside him. You rested your head against his shoulder, your hands moving with the end of the blanket. You nudged Kung Lao’s side, waiting for him to wrap his arm around you, as he had done before when you would disturb his daytime naps.
You nudged him again, this time digging your elbow into his side. “Hey! What was that for?”
“What’s up with you?” Kung Lao hummed in confusion, his eyebrows furrowing. “You’re never this upset, it’s not even upset, you're just acting weird.”
Kung Lao scoffed, trying to hide it with a chuckle. “I’m not being weird.”
“Yes you are.” You prodded his side again, getting an annoyed sound out of Kung Lao. “What’s up with you?”
“Nothing.” Another poke.
“Hey-” Another poke.
“I mean it.” Another poke.
“Seriously, cut it out.”
You moved to poke him again, but he seized your wrists, his hands fitting around them perfectly as he pushed you back against the bed. He climbed on top of you, his thighs pinning your legs against the bed. “I said cut it out,” His voice dropped slightly and your heart hammered against your chest.
You tried to pull your hands from his grip, but his hands only tightened. “Get off me,” You huffed, your head dropping back against the pillows.
“Nope, this suits me quite nicely.” Kung Lao shook his head, a teasing smile taking over his face. You tried to wiggle out of his hold, your hips trying to shuffle back and your legs rubbed against him. One of Kung Lao’s hands shot down to grip your side, pushing you back against the bed and holding you still. “Don’t move like that.” His voice was breathy as his head dropped. You couldn't see his eyes, but by the way his eyebrows pinched you could tell they were screwed shut.
“What’s up with you?”
“Me?” Kung Lao laughed softly. “You just stripped in front of me, climbed into my bed and then grinded against me.” Your eyes winded and a soft breath passed your lips. “Not to mention you're wearing my shirt and it looks too goddamn good on you.”
Your cheeks burned in realisation. “Oh.”
You tried to slide back but his grip on your side tightened and you were thankful he wasn't looking anymore otherwise he would have seen your teeth sink into your lip to keep quiet. His hand loosened and he took a soft breath. “Just don’t move.”
Kung Lao dipped his head closer to yours, eyes dancing across your face but kept moving back to your lips. “Cause if you move I’m gonna kiss you and I’m not gonna stop.”
“Kiss me then.”
Kung Lao shook his head, his eyes moving from your face and this time you stared at him. The dip of his nose, his soft lips and his tongue that shot out to swipe across his pink lips. His eyes moved back to yours and your gaze fixed on his dark coffee eyes. “I’m not messing around,” He said, his voice dropping again.
You shook your head and your eyes drifted back to his lips. “Neither am I.” His grip loosened enough and you slipped one of your hands from his and traced the line of his cheekbone. You pulled him closer, and you raised your head off the bed, your nose crushing ever so slightly against his. “Kiss me Kung Lao.”
His eyes scanned over your face once more before dipped his head down to yours, connecting your lips and kissing you feverishly. His hand glided up your side, raising goosebumps across your skin as his fingers found your jaw, tipping your head up, his lips pressing harder against yours. Your teeth nipped his bottom lip, pulling a soft gasp from him. You slipped your tongue through his lips and he tried to pull you impossibly closer.
He shifted his hips, his thigh moving between yours to press his knee against you. A whine tore itself from your throat and your head fell back against the bed. You moved your hips against his knee and Kung Lao made a sound of approval as his lips trailed down your jaw and across your throat. His name fell from your lips in a soft moan and his knee worked harder against you.
“You sound so fucking pretty,” his words vibrated against your throat.
You hand tugged at the collar of his shirt and he lifted his head. “Take your clothes off, please.” Kung Lao complied, sitting back on his knees and pulling his shirt off. You pushed yourself up, your nails running across his abs as your lips attached to his throat, biting and sucking dark marks into his soft skin.
He pulled back for a moment to slip out of his pants and while you pulled your shirt over your head. He stood over you, his hands moving to hold your face as he kissed you softly. “You wanna stop, just tell me okay?”
“Don’t want you to stop,” You mumbled against his lips.
“Fucking hell angel.” He knelt by the bed, his large hand wrapping around your thighs and pulled you closer. He pressed small kisses to your thighs, nipping at your skin and leaving marks behind.
His hands trailed up your inner thighs, slipping under your shots and brushing against the soft fabric of your panties. “You don’t have to,” Your words trembled as his hands continued to tease too close to where you needed him.
“I want to, have to.” He pulled back to pull your shorts and underwear off at once. “I’m the best you’re gonna have, gotta prove it.” His hand trailed up your legs again, one hand moving to swipe through your folds. Your wetness clung to his fingers and he hummed, a cocky smile spreading across his cheeks. “Didn’t know I got you so worked up.”
“Don’t be a bitch, Kung Lao.”
He laughed and pressed a kiss to your navel, his lips dragging against your skin as his kisses grew lower. His name fell from your lips and his grip tightened, pulling you suddenly against his mouth. Your head fell back against the bed with a loud moan as his tongue began to lap at your pussy. He pulled your legs onto his shoulders, your hips angling so every time he moved his head his nose pressed against your clit.
Your hips moved to grind against his face but he held you tightly, stopping your squirming. Kung Lao chuckled against your clit, the vibrations running through you. Your hands shot down to his head, weaving your fingers through his hair to pull him closer against you. He finally released your hips to squeeze your thighs that had locked against his face. 
His strong tongue pressed against you, slipping over your entrance. The movements made you squirm and tremble as his name lipped from your lips, melding into your pleas and moans. You rolled your hips against his mouth, searching for more as your clit rolled against his tongue. 
Kung Lao’s hands dragged up your side, raising goosebumps at the slow touch. The soft whine that left your lips made his stomach tighten and made his cock twitch. He pressed his face further into your wet cunt, taking everything you gave him.
You could feel your end nearing, writhing against Kung Lao’s tongue as pressed harder against you. Then one his hands slid away and his fingers were at your entrance, gathering your slick on his fingers before gently prodding at your hole. A needy whine pours from your lips and Kung Lao chuckles, the vibrations running through you. His fingers slid inside you, your walls clenching around his as his fingers pressed against parts of yourself you could never reach. 
“Kung Lao,” Your voice was shallow and shaky as you called for him, trying to hold onto whatever control you had over yourselves. “Please, need more.”
“Not yet.” His reply was quick and muffled, still focused on the way your pussy pulsed around his fingers. “Need you to cum, need you to make a mess.”
His fingers curled inside you and your grip on his hair tightened, your breathing quicking as you tiptoed around the edge. His fingers sped up, becking you closer to the edge but it was the light graze of his teeth against your clit that had you cumming, your cunt clenching on his fingers like a vice. 
His hand still, gently grinding his fingers against your clit as he brought his head up, his own breath doubled as he panted softly. Your hands slid from his hair, falling to your sides as you tried to catch your breath, the shocks from your orgasm still burning with hot pleasure. Carefully Kung Lao removed his hand and stood, leaning over you, one hand pressed into the mattress. 
“You still with me?” Kung Lao teased, his forehead pressing against yours. You hummed lazily and grabbed his jaw, pulling him into a slow kiss. You only broke away when your hand grabbed his wrist, pulling his hand still coated in your juices towards your mouth. His eyes singled on your mouth as your lips wrapped around his fingers sucking him clean. He cursed, his dick jumping at the sight.
You gently pushed him back and stood on uneasy legs. He looked down at you, towering over you as your fingers traced his skin. You spun the both of you around and pushed him onto the bed. He landed on his back and quickly pushed himself onto his elbows. “What’re you doing baby?” You crawled back onto the bed, your leg swinging over his, your bare pussy landing on his still covered cock. His head dropped back slightly, the thin material doing little to hide how wet you were. “Fuck… you’re so warm.”
Your hips ground hard against his, his cock twitching and his elbows gave out. His head fell back groaning at the feeling but it turned into a soft whine as you slid back, pulling his underwear down. You tossed them aside and crawled back up his body, pulling him into a quick kiss before trailing kissed down his throat.
You reached for his heavy cock, pumping slowly. His breath hitched as your hand worked his long, thick cock, your hand so small against him. You sat straight, lining his cock at your entrance, your walls sucking in the tip so quickly it made Kung Lao let a breath moan. A soft whine of your name passed his lip as his hands came to your hips to pull you down but you slapped his hand softly. “Ah, what was that for?” He tried to sound menacing but his voice was so shaky.
You fared no better. The tip of his dick stretched you so well, pleasure and pain mixing in a seering burn that you couldn't help but love. Your hips lowered ever so slightly, your head rolling back as you gripped his wrist for support. “You’re so big, need to go slow,” Your voice was hushed, trying to hide the whines on the tip of your tongue.
Kung Lao chuckled softly, “You flatter me angel.” One of his hands left your hip to race light circles on your clit, trying to relax you to let him slip deeper. You leaned forward, taking a few more inches as you kissed him again. It barely counted as a kiss, messy and disorganised as you tried to distract yourself from the burn in your thighs. “You’re so fucking tight,” Kung Lao whispered, his lips moving to nip at your jaw. “Your tight, wet pussy stretching around me. Feels so good. I’m not even fully in you yet.”
Your eyes fluttered as his cock slipped deeper, your pelvis finally meeting his. He held your hips tight against his, pushing you back and forth slightly to grind you against his cock. The feeling of his cock pressing against your gummy walls had your eyes rolling back, needy whines escaping you as each roll of your hips. His cock knocked something so deep inside you, a long moan filling the room, “Fuck… can feel you- so good.” He didn’t know if it was the whines in your voice or the praise that spurred him on but his hips bucked up, trying to chase you. Another moaned sentence of how good you felt, how good he was fucking you fell from your lips, almost incoherent but the way your head dropped against his neck and hips stutted- Fuck!
Kung Lao grabbed your hips, rolling you underneath him. He pulled your highs up onto his hips, the angle of his cock shifting to press against your most sensitive spot. You clenched around him as he started to rock his hips deep inside you. “Fuck, so good.” His hand ran up your arm and to your hand to lace his fingers through yours, feeling you grip his hands so slightly. 
His grip on your hip tightened as his thrusts sped up, his pelvis hitting your clit as his cock reached so deep inside you. Your free hand held onto his back, your nails nipping his skin as his cock snapped harder against you, drilling into you like he was made for it. His cock dragged along your walls, cum creaming at the base of his dick as he fucked into you, lost in the promise of his own orgasm.
Your walls pulsed around him feeling so full as his cock rammed harder against you. Your nails ran down his back, leaving marks in his skin as you tried to ground yourself but your second orgasm was quickly approaching. “Lao-” Your voice cut short as Kung Lao pulled your hip higher onto his, your knee bending slightly.
“Gonna make me cum if you keep sayin’ my name like that baby,” Kung Lao whined against your neck. You turned your head to attach your lips to his, pulling him closer as you lost yourself in the pleasure, your pussy fluttering around him. He chuckled softly against your lips, his grip on your hand tightening, “You gon’ cum for me angel? Can feel you squeezing me tight.”
“Please,” You squeaked, your voice cracking, “Please.” His hand slipped from your leg to rub harsh and fast circles into your clit, needing to pull another orgasm from you before he would let himself go. You tried to warn him that your high was here but you couldn't form a sentence, babbling nonsense as he drew you closer to the edge.
Kung Lao pressed a final, heavy, hot kiss to your lips, “Cum for me, make a mess baby.” The pressure inside you snapped, your orgasm washing over you like a tidal wave. Your nails dug into his skin and your thighs squeezed his hips, trying to hold him close against you but his thrusts continued, fucking you through the plesure. 
He cursed, his grip hard enough that it would leave bruises. The squeeze of your tight walls against his sensitive cock made his head spin and his abs tighten, his own high clawing up his spine. He continued his thrusts but they grew sloppy, his hips instinctively bucking inside you. 
He tried to pull away but legs pulled him back in. You could barely form a sentence, your voice drowned in whines and moans, your mind lost to the blinding pleasure pulsing through you, “Pl- please! Need to feel you, need all- all of you!”
His head dropped to your shoulder, moaning softly as the tight feeling in his stomach let go, a pleasure that made his eyes screw shut taking over his body. He stilled against you, grinding his hips into yours to draw out both your orgasms. 
Kung Lao stopped his movements but was reluctant to move away from you, wanting to stay as close as possible. He pressed a few sweet kisses to your shoulder before he pushed his head from your shoulder, looking down at you. “You still mad I stole your shirt?” You teased, a soft chuckled playing at your lips. 
Kung Lao shook his head, “Keep stealing my shirts and you’ll end up like this every night.”
“That’s not as threatening as you think it is.” Kung Lao laughed, pressing a soft kiss to your lips before he pulled out, the both of you hissing at the feeling. Kung Lao helped you sit before cleaning you off, pressing soft kisses to the marks he left.
Kung Lao tossed you your clothes before pulling on his own pants. You reached for the grey shirt making Kung Lao laugh, “If you wanted round two you could have asked.” Kung Lao leaned over you, his hands pressing to either side of your body.
“Maybe I’m saving it for another time,” You teased, a smug smile pulling at your lips.
A knock at Kung Lao’s door made you both jump and you scrambled to pull on the shirt as Kung Lao called out a soft yes. Raiden opened the door, looking in but he kept a hand over his eyes as he stepped in. “Are you both done? I could hear you the second I walked in the front door.” Your cheeks burned in embarrassment and Kung Lao chuckled softly.
Raiden carefully took his hand away to look at you both, “Have some humility Lao,” Raiden chastised. “Put a shirt on, I brought dessert.” Raiden turned to close the door but stopped and turned back to Kung Lao, “And is this gonna be a proper thing? Because I think I’d much prefer to hear Kung Lao’s pinning then… that.”
Raiden closed the door without another word and you turned to Kung Lao, a small smile on your lips. “What’s he mean?”
Kung Lao sighed and dropped back against the bed, one hand moving to rest behind his head. “I don’t-” He cut himself off, closing his eyes. You laid next to him, resting your head on his shoulder. “I don’t want this to be a one time thing.”
“You know, I never expected to find someone like you,” you confessed, your fingers twirling his hair that had fallen from his bun.
Kung Lao's eyes crinkled with a hint of amusement, but his nervous tone was still present, "And what kind of someone did you expect?"
You chuckled, "Definitely not someone as incredible as you. I mean, you not only have these killer martial arts moves but also a heart that's surprisingly sweet."
Kung Lao's lips curved into a playful grin, "Well, don't let the hat fool you. It's not just for show."
You swung your leg over his hips, resting on his stomach. His hands immediately went to your hips, just resting there like they belonged. “We can go out tomorrow, talk about… this properly, but Raiden does have desert and that sounds pretty good right now.”
Kung Lao smiled and used one hand to push himself up, the other wrapping around you to keep you planted in his lap. His eyes wandered over your face, pausing on your bruised lips. “And if it wasn’t obvious,” You said softly, your lips drawing closer to his, “I really really like you Kung Lao. Ego and all.”
“Well, that's good, you can keep stealing my shirts then.”
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vampiric-tempt · 1 year ago
if you don’t mind, could you write kung lao, Raiden, smoke, scorpion, sub zero, Johnny cage, and kenshi being waken up with head by the reader?
↳˳❝ mk1 men waking up to receiving headੈ♡˳🎀
✦ headcanons w/ kung lao, raiden, tomas vrbada, kuai liang, bi-han, johnny cage, & kenshi takahashi
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Kung Lao ➤ As heavy of a sleeper that Kung Lao was, his body was very reactive to your ministrations. He shifted and jerked from the way your mouth sucked his dick, your hand cupping his balls to heighten the sensation. His eyes eventually flickered open and his hand immediately shot down to grip your hair for leverage, groans leaving his lips. "Fuck, what did I do to wake up to this babe." He tosses his head back. "S-so good!"
You couldn't help but hum, causing vibrations on his member and driving him to lose himself within the pleasure. Cum soon coated the insides of your mouth when he reached his climax, brows furrowed as he emptied himself. He panted as you crawled up and gave him a cheeky smile. He gives you a lazy smirk. "Does this mean I can wake you up like that too?"
You chuckle. "I don't see why not, but I doubt you'll wake me up as good as I did you."
Kung Lao raises a single brow. "Is that a bet?"
Raiden ➤ He was already squirming in his sleep, brows furrowed and small gasps leaving his lips. You watched as Raiden tiredly opened his eyes and gripped the sheets when you bobbed your head just right. "Y-y/n?" He moans and tries his best to push himself up with his elbows, tired eyes watching you pleasure him, but one of your hands reaches up to push his chest down and he let's you. Too tired and drunk with pleasure to really do anything. "I-it feels so good," He whines. "Y/n, god, you're too good for me."
You pulled away just before he could cum and wiped your lips. "I thought I'd reward you for winning mortal kombat. So stay down and let me please you, my love."
He nods eagerly. "Please continue, I wanna cum so bad."
A glint of mischief reaches your eyes as you slowly trail down to his leaking member. "Then be a good boy and I'll give you what you want."
Tomas Vrbada ➤ Baby boy is whimpering in his sleep. As soon as he opened his eyes at the sight of his dick in your mouth, Tomas let's out a little whine and tiredly thrusts his hips to meet your pace. Your eyes gleamed with pride seeing the effect you had on the man. He couldn't even muster a word as he desperately raced to his climax, head leaning back and groans escaping him. His hand laid atop of your head, just resting there as you continued to swirl your tongue and torture the poor boy. His hand then slightly eased your head down as his hips stilled, cum shooting down your throat and a loud moan falling past his lips.
"S-swallow all of it please." He whines. You do just as he says and when he finally collapses back into the bed, you lean over him, a smile on your face.
"Good morning Tomas." You coo.
He huffs a little and pulls you down onto his chest. "I admit, I'd like to wake up like that more often. I-is it okay if I do the same to you?"
You let out a small laugh. "Of course Tomas, it goes both ways."
Kuai Liang ➤ Just as your lips encircled the head of his dick, his brows furrowed and thighs tensed. You began to suck and bob your head to the best of your abilities around his cock and later felt the palm of Kuai's hand on your head. You peered up to be met with your husband's tired eyes peering back down. Of course it wouldn't take long for someone like him to wake up.
"Couldn't wait to wake me up huh?" He teases, but gets cut into a groan as you stroked his lower half with your hand. He lets you suck him off, hand guiding your head up and down and hips thrusting up into your mouth. He was light-headed and still sluggish, but he was enjoying every damn second of it as quiet groans left his mouth. "Almost there, keep going my love. You're pleasing me so well." He grunts, hips jerking to hit the back of your throat causing a muffled choke out of you. You quickened your pace and let out a satisfied moan as Kuai's cum filled your mouth. You gasped from how much he came, only being able to swallow some of it as the rest leaked down the sides of your mouth. Kuai chuckles and leans up to wipe some away with his fingers.
"What was the special occasion?" He asks, a hint of amusement in his voice.
"Nothing, I just wanted to surprise you."
Kuai hums. "I liked the surprise, thank you."
Bi-han ➤ Quiet grunts left Bi-han's mouth, brows scrunched as his sleeping figure felt the suction of your mouth. You admired the way his body reacted beneath you, his groans becoming music to your ears. Tt didn't take long before Bi-han's eyes slowly opened and quickly took in the sight of your reddened lips around his glistening cock.
He growls and puts a hand over your head with enough pressure to control your pace. "Naughty little one, sucking off your grandmaster while he's sleeping." You choke a little as he positions himself up, now on his knees as he peered down at you with his hair draping down his shoulders. "Naughty consorts should be punished, don't you agree?"
You try and answer but moan feeling him push his hips into your mouth, completely gagging you. He groans beginning to fuck your throat, his cock abusing the back of your mouth over and over. You were already a drooling mess as tears pricked the corner of your eyes. "It's time I reteach you the differences between you and your grandmaster."
To say the least, you were not upset with the outcome of your surprise and neither was the Lin Kuei's grandmaster.
Johnny Cage ➤ He was a moaning mess, dick twitching in your mouth, and hand unconsciously over your head. To him, he probably believed he was having a really realistic wet dream until your actions shook him awake, sloppy wet noises filling the dimly lit room. Johnny's eyes blinked open and he immediately smirked looking down at you.
"Damn, now this is something worth waking up to." He bites his lips, feeling his hips jerk to meet your pace. "K-keep going babe, almost there." He groans. His hips quickening to reach his climax, small curses leaving his mouth as you hollowed your cheeks just right which caused Johnny to choke out a whimper. Finally, a loud moan escapes his mouth, thighs shaking as cum spurted into your mouth. You quickly lapped up the juices and gave Johnny a wink.
Johnny returns a tired smile and quickly switches your positions, your body now beneath him. "My turn babe, don't be complaining when I can't have enough of you."
"Oh, I think I'll be too busy moaning your name Johnny."
"That's what I like to hear."
Kenshi Takahashi ➤ The man woke up rather quickly, his sense of touch more sensitive than others. He was squirming under your touch, small grunts coming out of him.
You smile, lifting your lips to kiss the tip of his dick. "Good morning Kenshi." You say, before enveloping his cock into your mouth once again.
He hisses, tatted hands now entangled in your hair. "Ngn- i-it's a very good morning indeed." He jerks his hips lightly. Kenshi was having a hard time not cumming, the feeling of your tongue swirling his length as you bobbed your head in a torturous pace. He felt everything with such higher intensity and it was so intoxicating for the man. He let's out a loud grunt, tossing his head back when he finally reached his breaking point. Cum filling your mouth as you happily swallowed it with a satisfied hum. You crawled up to him and began biting and nibbling his neck, more moans leaving the samurai's mouth.
"God, you drive me so crazy." He says, tilting his head back for you. "Is there any specific reason for all this, hun?"
You smirk. "Just a little surprise s'all."
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inactivewattpadauthor · 11 months ago
Kung Lao x Reader: Do Not The Cat
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Context: After a small mission in the Netherrealm, you make it back home with Kung Lao with a secret in your bag. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Returning to your room with your Shaolin boyfriend, you were joyous to relive the familiar scent yet another day. The mission to hell was pretty simple, but still there were a few close calls. Bombarded by starving, scorching devils and nearly tripping over embers into lava. It was quite embarrassing until Lao, who was laughing at you, almost did the same thing, tripping over pebbles and almost eating up karma.
"Today was boring. I wished we done more." Lao huffs, taking off his weapon and laying back in your bed. All you did was roll your eyes, thankful that the dark thunder god didn't command you two to something more reckless.
"Want to make tonight different?" Your man sits up with a mischievous gleam on his face. Boy, was he always like this.
"We just got back!" You retort with some sort of amusement. "Like, can I shower first at least? Damn." You murmur under your breath, but he could still hear.
"So, is that a no or yes? After a shower?"
Scoffing and shaking your head from his silly idiocy, you turn away to take off all your protective gear and weapons. Lao smirks, always finding it funny when he annoys you. In his peripheral vision, he sees some movement from your duffel bag, making his attention go to it.
At first, he thought his mind was playing with him, but he clearly sees and hears something shuffling in there. "Y/n! There's something in your bag!" He calls out, standing from the bed and grabbing his hat defensively.
Oh! How could I forget?? You walk out your bathroom and to your bag with no concern like Lao's. Unzipping it fully open, something leapt into your arms. One look of it screamed out that it's from the Netherrealm.
"By the Gods! What is that?!" Lao's face held fright, pointing his sharpened hat at the hellish creature snuggling in your arms. Studying it more, it seems like a resembled cat, but instead of normal fur, it was made with rocks with small lava flows between the faults. It was somewhat unique, the lava flows portraying the stripes of a tabby cat. But either way, Lao needs to know what that demonic creature was doing in your bag and why it's snuggling in your arms like a normal house pet.
"He was brushing up against my leg when we were about to leave the Netherrealm. I couldn't leave him in such a dreadful place." You fake a pout, gently rocking the cat in your arms like a baby.
"Raiden let you bring it with you?!" The absurd question makes you furrow your eyebrows. "Hell no! That's why I snuck him in my bag. I don't want that tyrant around my child."
"Your child?!" Lao looks at you like the crazy person you are.
"Our child. My bad."
Kung Lao wants to cry inside now. Many questions were raiding him, but he doesn't even know what to say. So, he just stands flabbergasted, watching you play with the cat.
"You know what? I think I'll name you Magmastar. Because I bet you can lead a whole clan of strong cats! Yes, you can!" You coo at Magmastar, whom just purrs roughly, nuzzling against you. You turn to see Lao's judging look, one that makes you feel patronized. "It's a reference to a book series I used to read when I was younger. Don't give me that look."
"Right. What do you think Lord Raiden would say if he sees it?" The monk grimaced at the thought, biting his knuckle.
"He won't, because it's not like I'm gonna do a show and tell, and for as long as he has that stupid amulet, he's not allowed in my home." Your tone is grave. "And I trust you won't rat me out to him." Your eyes looked into his with plea. Is Lao's heart faithful to you, or the red lord, someone who doesn't even treat him nearly as well as Liu Kang?
"Of course I wouldn't, my love." Lao sighs. He can't fathom getting you in trouble with someone dangerous. You smile gratefully at him, walking to him and holding Magmastar out. "He's very nice, I promise."
Setting down his weapon again, he softly smiles back at you. He's nervous, but he trusts your word. He takes the cat gently from you, holding it with cautiousness. It definitely feels rocky just like it looks, and is especially warm. Other than that, the average friendly cat, not wanting to claw your eyes out unlike most Earth cats or anything from hell.
"Wow. This... isn't bad." He holds the fiery feline with more ease and comfort.
And after a shower, you walk out in a towel seeing Kung Lao asleep with your Magmastar curled up on his stomach. Cute! ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Today, I say the science will not science because the very flammable cat - made of burning rocks with a few lava stripes - doesn't hurt if you cuddle/pet it!
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enterwittyjokehere · 1 year ago
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Sensual Sparring
[Reciving! Kung lao x male! reader smut]
⚠️ warnings:
[No pronouns used]
[Amab reader]
[Male Gendered nicknames]
[Heavy gay smut 18+ ONLY]
"Come on, Kung lao, I know you've got more than that." You teased, your boyfriend slumped against the wall breathing heavily.
"Just give me a second." He waved you off, the two of you were training and you had landed a devastating hit to his lower jaw.
"Want me to kiss it better?" You teased, leaning over the shaolin monk.
"Don't test me, (y/n)." He laughed out.
You extended a hand, kung lao took it and raised back onto his feet. "What do you say we make this interesting?"
"How so?" He raised an eyebrow.
"How about, one last fight, winner gets to top tonight?" You said, gaining your boyfriends attention.
The problem with being a relationship with two tops is that most times, there's a fight for dominance.
"A win-win situation is what that sounds like." Your boyfriend held his hand out for you to shake on the deal.
"Don't go easy on me just because you want my d*ck in your a*s, Kung Lao." You teased, giving him a peck on the cheek.
"Wouldn't dream of it, pretty boy." He responded, pulling you, in by your waist, to kiss you.
"Alright, Let's fight!" You smiled.
"Yup!" He said, stretching.
You threw a punch and kung lao blocked, but you didn't follow through and tossed your leg up landing a hit on him. He stumbled back, you took his moment of weakness and kicked his knee in, he fell to his knees. Quickly getting up he caught your right leg, from a kick and you lost balance falling.
Kung lao, had let his gaurd down now that you were on the ground and with a swift kick he was also on the ground. You got on top of him and declared your victory.
"I win." You said.
A goofy smiled plastered on the shaolins face, told you the victory wasn't yours alone, "Shut up and kiss me."
You did as told, leaning down, your crotch rubbing against kung laos own. The friction the training gis gave was amazing, Kung lao grabbed the collar of your gi pulling you more on top of him.
"Slow down, baby." You said, pushing him to lay all the way on his back.
"We're not going to do this here, right?" He asked, a little worried about being found out.
"Of course we are." You spoke as you began to disrobe.
"What if we get caught?" You moved to kung Lao's kneck, still laying in between his legs. You left faint bruises along his Adam's apple, "what if Lord Liu Kang finds out?"
"It'll be fine, kung lao." You said, taking a break from marking him, "you just have to keep your cute noises down."
"I am not cute."
"Yeah, you are." You said, standing up to take your pants off.
Kung lao eyed the tent in your pants, licking his lips, "want me to handle that, champ?"
"You wanna bl*w me?" You asked, as he crawled towards you on all fours.
"Oh I wanna f*ck you into oblivion." He said, as he began to pump your c*ck.
He sat up, pumping his hand along your length, then gathering saliva in his mouth, he replaced his hand.
The tight feeling swirling in your stomach only grew as he moved faster and began to massage your balls.
You let out groans, your hands finding his tied back hair. You pulled it out of the band holding it back, tugging on it as it fell down framing his face.
Kung lao stopped right as the coil in your lower stomach was about to snap, depriving you of your release. You hissed when the cold air replaced your lovers warm mouth on your c*ck.
"Come on baby. I thought you were gonna do the f*ck*ng." Kung lao said, taking off his clothes.
You kneeled down beside him, pushing him onto his hands and knees, kneeling behind him you hoped his spit would work good enough as lube. You pushed through his back entrance, he moaned as you hit his inner walls.
Leaving yourself in there for a moment, so he could collect himself, "let me know when your adjusted, Lao." You said, holding his a*s in your hands.
"I'm fine, just move, please." He begged and you complied as you moved in and out, kung lao, moved his hand to tease his own c*ck.
"Faster. Baby, please." You complied, straightening your posture you slowly picked up the pace.
The coil in your stomach tightened again, the sounds your lover made beneath you let you know he was also close. You pumped in and out of him, grabbing a handful of his hair, making him stop touching himself.
He let out a string of swear words, as he began grinding against you, signaling he needed a little bit more for his climax.
You took his c*ck your own hand and began pumping at the opposite pace your hips made.
Kung Lao only let out a loud groan as he came in your hand, you continued to move in and out of him as you got closer to your own.
Kung Lao now a moaning and turned-on mess, repeated your name and scattered pet names. Until you finally filled him up, making him gasp, he pressed his forehead to the mat covering the ground. Trying to regain any strength he had left, but you both just laid there panting. You gave him a quick kiss on the back of his neck, "see, you should let me top more often."
"This isn't over I have to get you back." He said, his voice strained and hoarse.
[There may be a part two idk yet.]
Maybe if enough ppl want it...
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theemissuniverse · 11 months ago
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SUMMARY : You are a powerful Earthrealm warrior with the ability to pick up peoples fighting styles. (Basically Shujinko.) and shapeshift into them. You were once a part of the Black Dragon and dated Kano but left.
WARNING : Suggestive dialogue.
A/N : This was fun. I missed doing this.
Kung Lao
Shao Kahn
Probably more that I forgot. main character wants to f with everything tbh
Rock, Paper, Scissors
(Y/N) will shape shift into Scorpion first. She’ll throw the spear at the opponent and yell “Get Over Here!” She’ll pull you over towards her. She’ll shape shift into Sindel and use her scream, making all the skin pull off her opponent. Then she’ll change into Liu Kang and preform his bicycle kick to go right through her opponent.
Monkey See, Monkey Do
(Y/N) will change into whoever her opponent is. Then hit her opponent in the face repeatedly saying, “why are you hitting yourself?” The manically laugh and do a spin kick to kick their head off.
Kung Lao
Scorpion (one sided on her side)
Noob Saibot (one sided on her side)
Liu Kang
Cassie Cage
Jax Briggs
Johnny Cage
Jacqui Briggs
Erron Black
Kotal Kahn
Shao Kahn (one sided on her side)
Sonya Blade
Shang Tsung
(Y/N) #1 : Who’s hotter? Kung Lao or NightWolf?
(Y/N) #2 : Shao Kahn.
(Y/N) #1 : There’s no hope for you.
(Y/N) #2 : Okay round two. Who’s hotter? Kitana or Sonya?
(Y/N) #1 : Skarlet.
(Y/N) #2 : Dear god, what is wrong with you?
(Y/N) : Is it hot in here or is it just you?
SCORPION : It’s me.
(Y/N) : I can’t tell if you’re going along with my flirting or if you mean that literally.
(Y/N) : *shape shifted into Scorpion* Get over here!
SCORPION : How many times are you going to say that?
(Y/N) : *back to normal* Until it gets old.
(Y/N) : *imitating Smoke* Where there is Smoke there is fire!
SCORPION : I do not say that.
(Y/N) : One of you ninja freaks do.
(Y/N) : *shape shifted into Sub-Zero but with Scorpion’s voice* Get over here!
SUB-ZERO : I do not say that.
(Y/N) : *back to normal* It’s not my fault you don’t got a cool catchphrase.
(Y/N) : Come on, Kuai, don’t give me the cold shoulder. Ha! Get it? Because you got frosty powers?
SUB-ZERO : Yes. I get it, (Y/N).
(Y/N) : Cool. Glad we’re on the same page.
JADE : You and Johnny Cage are a headache.
(Y/N) : Yeah but I’m the funny one right?
JADE : By the gods…
(Y/N) : You’re cute when you get all fiery.
JADE : I am not nor will I ever be interested,
(Y/N) : Are you Outworld women conceited? I was trynna be all girl power and compliment you.
(Y/N) : 50 bucks says I beat you.
RAIDEN : I do not wager money.
(Y/N) : If you’re broke just say that.
(Y/N) : Come on, Raiden! Hook me up with Fujin.
RAIDEN : I will not play matchmaker with my brother.
(Y/N) : So you’re broke and not a matchmaker? What are you good for?
LIU KANG : Are you ready for training?
(Y/N) : Not if Kung Lao isn’t here.
LIU KANG : You know you’re the only person to utter that.
(Y/N) : Double or nothing!
LIU KANG : *laughs* I have already beaten you twenty times, (Y/N).
(Y/N) : So??? I will be the last one standing!
(Y/N) : Is it hot in here or is it just you?
LIU KANG : Didn’t you use that line on Scorpion?
(Y/N) : Give me a break. I can’t keep track of everything I said.
(Y/N) : Do your bicycle kick into Shao Kahn. He won’t leave me alone.
LIU KANG : I pity that you have to deal with that.
(Y/N) : The chosen one pities me? I must be dead meat.
(Y/N) : I’m not the bad guy anymore, Sonya.
SONYA BLADE : You were with Kano. Bad guy still stands with you.
(Y/N) : Yeesh. If you want to fuck him, go ahead.
(Y/N) : *shape shifted into Sonya but with Kano’s voice* ‘Ello baby, did you miss me?
SONYA BLADE : That’s not funny.
(Y/N) : *back to normal* Don’t be jealous cuz you can’t do the voice.
KUNG LAO : How come you haven’t trained with me?
(Y/N) : I’m scared I’ll hurt you.
KUNG LAO : Oh, sweetheart. That’s just not possible.
KUNG LAO : You dated Kano?!
(Y/N) : Are you judging me, Lao?
KUNG LAO : I just didn’t know your type was losers.
KUNG LAO : It seems like all the men want you.
(Y/N) : I know right? I’m a total catch.
KUNG LAO : None are better than me.
(Y/N) : You know the Darth Vader thing you got going on is kinda hot.
NOOB SAIBOT : I will bring you to death.
(Y/N) : Okay on second thought….
NOOB SAIBOT : Your fighting is impressive for an Earthrealm woman.
(Y/N) : Why thank you dark shadow thing.
NOOB SAIBOT : That doesn’t mean you can beat me.
(Y/N) : Come on, Bi-Han. We were buddies, remember?
NOOB SAIBOT : I tolerated you. I do not like you.
(Y/N) : We’ll that’s just hurtful.
(Y/N) : Come on. Say it. Just once.
KANO : *sighs* Throw a shrimp on the Barbie.
(Y/N) : Aww. You do still love me.
KANO : That bloke still hitting on you?
(Y/N) : You know how many men I have lined up? You’re going to have to be more specific.
KANO : The one with the stupid hat.
KANO : Your last chance to come back to me.
(Y/N) : I’d rather be with Shao Kahn than you.
KANO : You got yourself a death wish.
MILEENA : Come dance with me.
(Y/N) : How about no?
MILEENA : Then I’ll make you.
(Y/N) : I’m kinda into the whole vampire thing.
SKARLET : I am no vampire you mistake.
(Y/N) : Ouch. That wasn’t even necessary.
JOHNNY CAGE : You and me would make the hottest couple in Hollywood.
(Y/N) : I’d rather die than be caught dating a white American man.
JOHNNY CAGE : Death over dating me? Seriously?
(Y/N) : Now that I think about it, Takeda is kinda cute.
JACQUI BRIGGS : Don’t even (Y/N).
(Y/N) : What? I said I was thinking it.
JACQUI BRIGGS : Don’t say it…
(Y/N) : Okay I won’t….your dad’s kinda hot -
(Y/N) : To what do I owe this displeasure?
D’VORAH : The Kahn wants you. Alive.
(Y/N) : The Kahn will be disappointed then.
(Y/N) : *shape shifted into Shang Tsung* Your soul is mine!
SHANG TSUNG : I sound nothing like that!
(Y/N) : *back to normal* Sure you don’t…
SINDEL : You are too weak for Shao Kahn.
(Y/N) : And yet…he wants me more than you.
SINDEL : A fatal mistake he has made.
KITANA : Tell Kung Lao I am not interested.
(Y/N) : Because you’re going to admit your undying love for me right?
KITANA : *laughs* You amuse me, (Y/N).
CASSIE CAGE : So do you like girls or boys?
(Y/N) : I like whatever looks good.
CASSIE CAGE : That is such a ‘you’ answer.
CASSIE CAGE : Come on, admit it. You like him a little.
(Y/N) : He keeps sending human hearts at my door. No!
CASSIE CAGE : Who knew Shao Kahn was a romantic?
(Y/N) : You know you want me.
JAX BRIGGS : Tuh. Not exactly my type.
(Y/N) : What I gotta do? Get a cheap blonde wig?
KABAL : Fighting me won’t make you gain all my moves.
(Y/N) : That is literally how it works.
KABAL : Ah shit.
SHAO KAHN : I will kill all my concubines just to have you.
(Y/N) : Why doesn’t anyone normal want me?
SHAO KAHN : You did not deny me.
SHAO KAHN : Earthrealm is wasting your power.
(Y/N) : Let me guess, you have better use for it?
SHAO KAHN : More than you know.
(Y/N) : Tell your scream queen wife to leave me alone.
SHAO KAHN : Her jealousy is its own weapon.
(Y/N) : How the hell did the tyrant want me?!
(Y/N) : Stop sending me human hearts in a box. It’s weird.
SHAO KAHN : What would you like for me to do?
(Y/N) : Not send me human hearts???
(Y/N) : How come you’re not my mentor and Raiden is?
FUJIN : Because we wouldn’t be able to go through one lesson without you flirting.
(Y/N) : I can’t help it if you’re hot.
(Y/N) : I’m ready to be blown away Fujin. Get it? Because you control the wind. And stuff…
FUJIN : Yes, (Y/N). I get it.
(Y/N) : Good. Let’s tussle.
(Y/N) : 50 bucks says I beat you.
FUJIN : Are you sure you want to lose all your money?
(Y/N) : Oh you think you’re the funny one here?
FUJIN : Ignore Shao Kahn’s advances, (Y/N).
(Y/N) : You say that like I’ve been hanging around with him.
FUJIN : After finding out about Sindel, I don’t know what to expect.
FUJIN : Your power is most impressive.
(Y/N) : *giggling* I take that like you’re flirting with me.
FUJIN : You take everything I say as me flirting with you.
NIGHTWOLF : You are a powerful warrior, (Y/N).
(Y/N) : *giggling* You make me blush, Nightwolf.
NIGHTWOLF : Show me what you can do.
(Y/N) : If your name isn’t Nightwolf then what is it?
NIGHTWOLF : I will never hear the end of it if I tell you.
(Y/N) : Aw. Don’t be shy, Nighty.
LIU KANG : (Y/N) says she likes you better than me.
KUNG LAO : Smart and beautiful. What doesn’t she have?
LIU KANG : The sense to realize I am the better one.
SHAO KAHN : I will have (Y/N) and take over Earthrealm.
KUNG LAO : Tuh. Don’t think you’re her type.
SHAO KAHN : Says the one who gets rejected for Liu Kang.
LIU KANG : You know…(Y/N) doesn’t seem like your type.
KANO : She wasn’t personality wise but body wise she was.
LIU KANG : You are truly insufferable, Kano.
SINDEL : That pretender has gotten under your skin.
SHAO KAHN : I don’t need you of all people to tell me that.
SINDEL : That rat will die where she stands.
SCORPION : Your ex will not stop showing her affections for me.
KANO : She’ll fuck anything with a pulse.
SCORPION : She dated you. I expect that.
RAIDEN : (Y/N), keeps asking about you.
FUJIN : Really? What has she said?
RAIDEN : Do not fall for a mortal, brother.
JOHNNY CAGE : We all know you wanna bone (Y/N), dude.
NIGHTWOLF : I can’t tell if you’re (Y/N) impersonating Cage or if that’s really you.
JOHNNY CAGE : Really? We act that much alike?
JADE : How are you friends with (Y/N)?
KITANA : She’s not as bad as you think she is, Jade.
JADE : I highly doubt that.
FUJIN : Stay away from, (Y/N).
SHAO KAHN : I am not threatened by an air bender.
FUJIN : You should be.
SONYA BLADE : (Y/N) is not your friend, Cassie.
CASSIE CAGE : Can’t you put your beef in the past? She’s cool.
SONYA BLADE : Once a black dragon, always a black dragon.
I’m pretty much a badass so it was expected that I was the one to defeat Kronika. There was one thing I wasn’t sure about. The hourglass.
Changing history would mean the relationships I’ve made along the way would be forgotten. And I would go back to being the evil bitch in the Black Dragon.
In the new timeline, I made it exactly how it should be. Liu Kang and Kung Lao heroes. Shang Tsung, Shao Kahn, and the others casted away like they never existed.
Everything was supposed to be peaceful.
I started to feel a newfound boredom. Because there was no chaos and I made everything perfect, there was nothing. Absolutely nothing.
The people I’ve once cared about had no recollection of me and I didn’t know what to be. The only reason why I was one of the good guys was because of the people that were near and dear to my heart.
So I did what I do best, I played the bad guy.
And damn does it feel good to be the bad guy again.
A/N : part 2 or mk 1 next?????
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hungrywriter · 1 year ago
Herbs & Hearts (pt.1)
Raiden x f!reader
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Raiden and Kung Lao entered Madam Bo's restaurant, instantly greeted by a delightful medley of sweet and savoury smells emanating from the kitchen where Madam Bo worked her culinary magic. They were welcomed by the owner herself, who guided them to their usual table, the spot where they often hung out.
As usual, they playfully argued over who would be picking up the tab for their meal. After this spirited exchange, they stood up in an open area to engage in a friendly martial arts match. Their battle was intense, but in the end, Kung Lao emerged as the winner. His celebration, however, led to an accident when he bumped into a waiter carrying a bowl of noodles, causing the food to go airborne.
The whole restaurant fell silent, anticipating a mess, but from the kitchen, a figure swiftly emerged, wearing a farmer's hat and the familiar restaurant's apron. With incredible dexterity, this person skillfully caught the flying food and restored it to the tray, as if the accident never occurred. The customers, initially holding their breath, broke into applause. The restaurant quickly returned to its usual bustling activity, with the incident soon forgotten.
Raiden and Kung Lao couldn't contain their curiosity and approached the mysterious saviour. When the figure looked up, they immediately recognized her as Y/n, their childhood friend. Y/n was the adopted daughter of Madam Bo, the chef of the restaurant. Madam Bo had found Y/n as a baby, abandoned at her doorstep with nothing but a tattered cloth to protect her frail body. There were stories circulating that suggested divine intervention, as some believed that gods had descended from the heavens to save her. These tales led some superstitious parents in the neighbourhood to warn their children to be cautious around Y/n, fearing that they might inadvertently offend these mysterious deities and bring about a curse.
However, it was only Raiden who immediately welcomed Y/n as a friend. Kung Lao, on the other hand, needed some convincing, but as the years passed, he too grew to love Y/n, not only as a friend but also for her exceptional fighting skills. The trio grew up together and trained martial arts under Madam Bo, forging a strong and enduring bond.
Y/n smiled at them and continued serving customers. The two friends couldn't contain their joy and embraced Y/n. The boys were aware of Y/n's deep passion for plants and her fascination with studying various herbs. She was often found in her room, conducting experiments and nurturing her own herbs. This love for botanical pursuits led her to embark on journeys in search of herbs that she insisted couldn't be found in the village.
Initially, the boys expressed concern and offered to accompany her on these trips, but Y/n politely declined their assistance. Madam Bo, too, advised them not to accompany Y/n, encouraging her independence. In order to avoid upsetting the wise elder woman, the boys eventually accepted and let Y/n pursue her herb-hunting adventures on her own.
"Y/n, when did you come back? We've missed you!" Kung Lao said, affectionately pinching her cheeks. The female laughed at his actions and put her hands over his to get him away from her cheeks. 
"I got back this morning. Mother told me to rest, but you know I can't just sit still for too long," Y/n replied as she picked up a tray of food from the kitchen and resumed serving the customers, with the boys trailing behind her. As she went about her tasks, Raiden couldn't help but notice the bandage on her left foot and her slight limp when she walked.
"What happened to your foot?" he inquired. Setting the food on a table, Y/n turned to face them, a touch perplexed at first, but then realising what he was referring to.
"Oh, I just ran into a bit of trouble during my journey," she nonchalantly shrugged. However, seeing their worried expressions, she swiftly reassured them that she had managed the situation. Kung Lao offered a hearty chuckle and cheered for her, while Raiden could only shake his head, sighing in concern.
Y/n felt a slight disappointment in his reaction, but her spirits lifted when he smiled at her. He gently placed his hand on her shoulder and pulled her close to his chest.
"Well, as long as you come back in one piece, love petal," he whispered, kissing her head. Y/n returned the hug and turned her head away to hide the growing blush on her face. Kung Lao let out an exaggerated scoff and rolled his eyes before heading back to their table. The duo then parted ways and joined each other at their table, ready to relish their meal and dive into a conversation about Y/n's recent adventures.
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visionsofmagic · 1 year ago
— how loud they are. ✷ mk1 edition. | part 1.
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— nsfw content is under the cut! just a drabble. hope it is canon correct. also, wanted to make this two part because wanted to publish this before a request work, so here we are. enjoy! part 2; kung lao, syzoth, raiden, kenshi, shang tsung [so far]. [main master.]
tomas, kuai liang, bi han, johnny cage, liu kang
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TOMAS. he would keep his voice to himself at the beginning of your relationship, however, over time, he will get confident and he will never hold himself back from showing how good you feel as he uses his voice, words, and sounds. he will be still shy yet he knows he should not hide how weak he is around you. he will become so loud that it’s hard to cum by just how cute he sounds. he will moan shamelessly, yet have a bit of redness on his face, worshipping you even and begging- it takes a few seconds until he’s down bad for you.
“mmmhhp! oh, yes, yes, my beloved, please - need more - ohhhh! more, mor - mhhhp! so good to have you - so gooood!”
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KUAI LIANG. his loudness can change from time to time, whether he is the one who is a mess or you who is being a pathetic one by him and his cock. he will stay a bit silent when it comes to fucking you rough, yes he will still growl, and leave low moans but he will be louder when you take control, making him weak on the knees, hotness in his body is not there because of his ability, no, it will be there because of you and how easy you take shameless sounds from him.
“oh my - you have no - aggh - idea how much you make me weak, right? baby, I - ohhhh fuu - I love you so muuch - agh, will cum because of how good you’re making me feel!”
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BI HAN. he stays quiet except for talking dirty, humiliating, teasing - will praise you if you do good, will accept how good you feel if it’s a lucky day because the man doesn’t want to break by anyone yet you’re so different, different than anyone else because you can really make him, the grandmaster, swear underneath his breath, sweating and can’t help but moaning lowly into your ears - growling from time to time as if he’s a beast and your his special hunt.
“fuuck! pretty baby, have no fucking idea how much pleasure I, your grandmaster, get by fucking you. aggh - fuck! feel so good to see you making a mess on my cock like this slut.”
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JOHNNY CAGE. he will never stop talking, so, he would not like to keep his voice only to himself either, especially when you make him see starts, reaching the climax - the highness he has never had before you - not even seeing outworld for the first time had this effect on him, no, you’re something else and he promises that he will never hold back when it comes to you, and that includes literally worshipping you, moans, lewd voices, begs never leaving his mouth.
“shiiit baby! fuuuuuck you feel amazing! please baby give me more - need more, fuuuuck! pussy is tightening around my cock that you literally swallow it - ahaha - feel that baby? ‘s all you!”
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LIU KANG. god of fire has great control over his body which allows him to stay calm and steady even in the most challenging situations. however, it all disappears in the air with a puff when he has you - exposed, giving yourself to him, and in return, making the god of fire a mess - literally, a mess who is doing all the things he never expected himself to do; moaning loudly without shame, talking so openly with the highness he feels, being on his knees and begging for you. so, he is likely to be as loud as you in bed, wanting you how you affect him in all good ways by being loud enough to make his voice echo inside your mind as he fucks you into oblivion.
“oh my y/n, my love, such beauty that I am so weak before you! please - one more, pretty girl, please, give me one more - you can do it - mhhpp! I can earn it. pretty - ohhh!”
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spicybeefnoodles · 9 months ago
hi again! could you write a Lin Kuei bros angst fic? the plot doesn't really matter, anything is fine. just some brotherly angst please 🙏🏻
brother in arms
a/n: mmmm angst...yes...rubbing my hands together like a fly because i'm thinking of kung lao angst...yes. um, probably a little ooc
summary: bi han misses his brothers
warnings: child abuse (brief)
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Bi Han stared at the photo sitting in the desk drawer. He had meant to throw it away when he let his father die, but for some reason, some irrational part of his heart had wanted him to keep it. And so he did. But as he stared at it now, the photo crinkling in his frosted hands after his brothers had betrayed him, he wished he had thrown it away. It was an old photo of when he was younger that his mother had taken without him knowing. He had a stupidly soft smile on his face as he stared at Kuai Liang and Tomas practicing one of the basic stances. They were all so young back then. His parents had always stressed the importance of family, to stay connected, to always help each other out. So why hadn’t Kuai Liang and Tomas helped him? Why had they abandoned him?
The grandmaster couldn’t help it as he remembered meeting his brothers for the first time. How his father had finally opened the door to the room where his mother lay, a small bundle of cloth in her arms. He had walked over a little hurriedly, excited to see his mother again after so many hours of being apart from her, and Bi Han just stared at the small sleeping face of the baby in her arms. His mother spoke in a soft voice, not too loud or harsh, and had told him to meet his baby brother Kuai Liang. He was so delicate, soft, and weird looking. Bi Han pointed it out, and his father gave him a glare. His mother just laughed, saying that Bi Han had looked just as weird when he was born. That earned a pout from a younger Bi Han.
Then, his mother offered to let Bi Han hold Kuai Liang and gently transferred the baby in his arms. Just then, the baby opened up his eyes, dark and warm, and he reached out a hand toward his older brother. Bi Han raised up a finger, and Kuai Liang wrapped his tiny little fist around Bi Han’s thin finger, making what sounded like a gurgling sound. The memory would forever be imprinted onto him.
When they had gotten older, Kuai Liang just having finished his first day training, they both sat at the dinner table with their parents as his younger brother complained about being tired from training all day. Bi Han rolled his eyes and nearly elbowed him in the ribs to make him stop being so loud and to finish his food if it weren’t for his mother picking up some food from the plates in the middle and putting it into his bowl and telling him to eat more. Bi Han just thanked his mother quietly, eating the food she had placed in his bowl. Then, he glanced at Kuai Liang pouting and picking at the rice in his bowl, and Bi Han rolled his eyes and picked up some lamb from the dish in the middle with his chopsticks and placed it gently into Kuai Liang’s bowl.
He remembered when Kuai Liang had gotten in trouble, stole something from the kitchens for a midnight snack but had been too loud while sneaking back in and had found his father sliding open the door to their shared room and caught Kuai Liang eating the food. His father: so cruel and so cold to Bi Han and so kind and warm to Kuai Liang. Bi Han was always envious of how he was so cautious and caring to Kuai Liang but then demanding and harsh to him. And yet, at this moment, as his father stride toward Kuai Liang, disappointed and angry, Bi Han said he was the one who had snuck to the kitchens and stolen the food and given it to Kuai Liang. He remembered that night well, how the sticks had hurt more than usual, and only because Kuai Liang watched with wide fearful eyes, small tears in the corner, until their mother pulled the younger brother away.
Bi Han remembered meeting Tomas well. Huddling and shaking but still bearing his teeth like a feral animal as he hugged his mother’s dead and bleeding body. The Lin Kuei grandmaster had put on the mask of indifference, glancing at the Lin Kuei soldiers whose weapons still dripped with the blood of those on the ground. It was Kuai Liang, on his first patrol, who had reached his hand out first to the shaking boy, who was only maybe a year or two younger. He walked out to the boy slowly, extending the hand, and Tomas had stared at it and taken it, bringing him into the Lin Kuei family.
The boy was silent for the longest time and hugged his mother’s hunting knife in bed like the cuddliest toy, but Bi Han understood. If his mother had been torn away from him so violently in front of his eyes, he would hold onto every memento of her like it was a precious treasure. Tomas rarely ate for the months following that and stayed cooped up in the nursery most of the time. It was only when Bi Han had grown tired of the wasted food that he had brought Tomas’s meal personally and made sure that the boy ate all of it that Tomas finally came out of his shell.
Bi Han quickly learned that Tomas was not a hermit and was quite adventurous, loud, excitable. Kuai Liang and Tomas often clashed with their opinions, fighting and screaming at each other, but at the end of the day, they were now brothers and always made sure to protect and guide each other. With Bi Han, Tomas was quiet, respectful, but he would bring him food, always made sure to give him the last orange slice and or pile on food to his bowl of rice. Tomas was always observant and listened quite well. He probably heard how their father kept Bi Han in his office late at night to scold and berate him for each and every miniscule mistake.
And then when their mother had died so suddenly and quickly, healthy one moment and then sickly the next and then dead. Kuai Liang and Tomas had been there for Bi Han while he grieved. They were all close to their mother, but Bi Han had always had a special connection with their mother. Perhaps it was the bond of firstborn and mother because she always looked to Bi Han first to coddle and care for. Perhaps because she was much kinder than his father. Perhaps there was no special connection. But Bi Han loved her, and Kuai and Tomas had been there to help stitch his bleeding heart together.
They were brothers. There for each other from the heavens to the core of the earth. Through stormy nights and soaked uniforms to blistering days and sunburnt skin. From grief to happiness. For every meeting and mission. And then they had abandoned him because Liu Kang had told them to. That damned god. Keeping the Lin Kuei from progressing, keeping them hidden in the dark, keeping him from his brothers.
Bi Han will choose war because he will kill a god for his brothers.
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