#first Krakoan age
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rei-ismyname · 2 months ago
Dark Web: X-Men highlights 2
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Anecdotally, I only ever see negative commentary on Dark Web. I don't know why - it's a lot of fun with a solid emotional core decades in the making. Also, I'm a sucker for Cyclops and Magik working together, dunking on Havok, and Maddie Pryor in general. Havok is sidetracked fighting shopping carts! We don't need to see that - it's much better if we have to imagine what TF he's doing and why (losing.) Happy New Years btw!
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Jean is right, it is a diversion. A running theme in Dark Web is that Scott and Alex have problems and shouldn't be on a team together. The rest of the team is kind enough to not dwell on having to rescue him from shopping carts.
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Behold! The Summers brothers not understanding each other very well. There's definitely wisdom in just bailing on a situation that isn't for you, though they should both beat Forge up. He might be good at fixing mechanical problems, but he's not qualified for Summers drama. Maddie absolutely is - the puppies and Goblin gown allow her to set the terms of engagement and shush them up.
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It's little Yana again, using her stick to poke Jean this time. Still chasing ice cream too, though she never gets it (boo.) Jean throws down the gauntlet with a hefty backhand slap. Kinda fair, but not cool. Little Yana clearly agrees with me.
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Maddie stole a Cerebro drive, or had Venom do it for her. The drive itself is not important here, but we learn that Jean Grey is mutant 00000000001. Not Charles, not Scott, not Hope. Jean. We don't see Maddie's reaction to this but I doubt she'd appreciate it. What does it mean? Importance? Indication she was the first person copied to Cerebro? Charles being a creep? Idk, but it's interesting.
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Maddie is wearing a massive smile while beating Havok and Cyclops unconscious with chains. Let's call it an effective use of girl power. As I mentioned earlier, they're definitely shushed.
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Jean is the most powerful X-Man, but she's also very good at knowing when not to use it. Scott learnt that shit from her, and they both probably learnt how not to do it from Chuck. He tries this approach at the worst possible times plus he's just not great at empathising with people. Jean surrenders, surprising everyone. I love this and I love how much trust Ilyana has. 'Okay boss.'
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Jean surrendered because there's nothing to fight over. Maddie never thought to just ask (because she's so used to strings being attached) and Jean asked herself 'what does she want?' realising she can just give it to her.
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Possibly for the first time ever, a crossover event is solved with a conversation and rejecting the notion that it's a zero sum game. I think if the event was longer it might be more clear that women are often forced into competition with each other, with fuckheads like mister Sinister getting away scott free. It's understandable that Maddie wouldn't want anything to do with Krakoa when they have the author of all her misery on the ruling council.
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Maddie ends the conflict by decree, but needs to take the whole empathy thing a little further. She opens up Limbo to the powerless and rejected, declaring it a place of healing and safety. With Krakoan backing and some gunboat diplomacy the Limbo embassy to New York city is established. It becomes a haven for mutants during Fall of X and even ORCHIS gives it a wide berth. Oh, Havok is there too, making himself useful by opening curtains. Maddie, as ever, serves cunt.
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vertigoartgore · 8 months ago
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2024's X-Men Vol.6 #35/Uncanny X-Men Vol.1 #700 variant cover by David Marquez (pencils) and Rachelle Rosenberg (inks and colors). An homage to the cover of House of X #1 by Pepe Larraz and Marte Gracia (released 5 years ago today on July 24, 2019).
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illyanarasputinfan · 9 months ago
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The First Krakoan Age (2019-2024)
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thatawkwardmoth · 17 days ago
Apparently, I have a controversial opinion. I fucking loved Krakoa. I loved every bit of that whole series and arcs, it gave us more and more and more. I loved it. And whatever flaws were there, they might fix when they go back to Krakoa. Because remember, they keep calling Krakoa, the First Krakoan Age. And I'm hoping it lasts longer. I'm tired of mutants splitting up and being scattered and more people quitting or just never being heard of again. Krakoa was the greatest era yet and I'm hoping it becomes the permanent home for the X-Men.
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bothsidesofaquestion · 9 months ago
::headcanon of the day::
Quick, random & shippy headcanon.
I want to think Kurt spent all this time after Krakoa and between the new X-Men missions with Silvija (Silver Sable)
Cause he deserves to be happy and to feel loved.
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cenittxnadir · 4 months ago
Logan Howlett Canons
I'm trying to make a list of all the canons I know and I have seen on the comics and authors notes about him. This list has the purpose of giving some ideas for your fanfics, works and your own headcanos. I really just like to ramble about my favorite characters and share what I know :). Maybe I'll do one for Kurt. You know the drill; English is not my first language so they might be some orthographic errors
Logan had two half brothers: Dog Logan and Jhon Jr Howlett -who died quite young-
His real father's name is Thomas Logan (her mom had an affair with him while she was married to John Howlett.)
Logan´s relationship with her mother wasn't the best. He was usually neglected by her, but his dad (John) used to love him very much.
Logan had two best friends as a child: Dog Logan and Rose O'Hara (Theres no info if she's related to Miguel O'Hara. Although she was Irish as well. She was Logan's first love, unfortunately he killed her by accident, and yes, Jean resembles a lot to her, that's why Logan felt attracted to her.
In the comics, Logan got the name Wolverine as a nickname from his workmates when he worked in mine, referring to his animalistic way of work. In the movies he got the name from the legend of Kuekuatsheu.
Logan spent a while leaving with a pack of wolves, part of his mutation allows him to communicate with animals in a basic level
Logan has superhumanly acute sense, like the five of them, his skin is more sensible as well as he tastes (Use this information with caution) he can see in the dark with no problem and can get sensory overloaded pretty easily
In the movies, Logan smokes a lot because this helps him to disguise some smells that for him can be overwhelming. In Logan due to his age and loss of his mutation he doesn't smoke that much because strong smells are not a problem anymore
Against the common belief, Logan its quite intelligent, he's a weapons and computer expert
Believe it or not, he is a skilled pilot and a vehicle expert, he can drive pretty much everything and is good at vehicle repair
He had trained Black widow, Rogue, Storm, Nightcrawler, Colossus, Sunspot, Jubilee, Shadowcat and among other in hand-to-hand combat.
Logan is a polyglot. He speaks: English, Japanese, Russian, Mandarin, Cheyenne, Korean, Lakota, Spanish, and Krakoan.
Logan's blood type is O-
Wolverine carries a medical card stating that he is a war veteran who has a metal plate in the head, to help him bypass metal detectors in airports
Logan has used the E-Mail address '[email protected]' (Love him so much) Also, Deadpool has claimed to have hacked Wolverine's Tumblr account (He knows about us, he is among us, probably he runs a fanfic account, who knows)
Logan have claimed that his biggest and greatest love is beer
Logan burns a lot of calories while healing so needs constant fuel. (He has a big stomach)
Logan had a bunch of biological kids, but the ones that stand out more are Laura, Gabriela (she is Laura's direct younger sister/clone, I love her so much and they like to hang out a lot with Wade) and Daken. They are comics of them together
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gerec · 9 months ago
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How It Starts and How It Ends
The First Krakoan Age (2019-2024) Magneto/Professor X
House of X (2019) #6 X-Men (2024) #35
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honey-minded-hivemind · 6 months ago
Demi-god! Reader being given a magic bow with arrows of different types of love. Love between friends, siblings, parents, and kids.
Reader looks at the romantic and ***ual arrows and just....throws those arrows in the campfire and roasts marshmallows over them in front of everyone.
The bow and the rest of arrows are normally just hanging in their room. They like their frisbee better.
Reader, though, has kept hidden their true nature and what they are the representation/demigod/reincarnated deity of... (and they cherish their frisbee/discus of protection and death...)
Each demigod, eventually, will see a symbol, one that can show them what their power and what demigod they are... When Reader first say their's, at the disgruntled age of twelve or thirteen, they threw up that night, waving off the others and joking they must have eaten an undercooked piece of meat or some bad vegetables... because... how could they ever, ever tell anyone they were some demigod or old god of Love, a being feared because no mortal or immortal could resist it, none could fight it, and now... would Reader be hurt for it? Or would their friends, the other demigods, suffer for it?
No. Nonono! Reader will become strong, assertive, charming, cunning. They won't act like a demigod of Love; they'll act like a warrior. No one can hurt them if they're prepared. No one can hurt their friends if they're strong enough. And none of them will ever, ever have to be forgotten by the gods or left to die on their own, not if Reader can help it...
(Some of the early campers/demigods, alongside Reader, were Lance, Gambit, Pietro and Wanda... later campers would be Scott and Jean... then Todd... then Rogue... then Fred... then Kurt, followed by Kitty and Evan... and even others...)
(There are nine remaining/not-disappeared gods of the Krakoan or Genoshan Pantheon: Xavier/Cerebro, one king of the gods and god of the mind, sleep, hypnosis, control, and marriage; there's Magneto, other king of the gods, god of metals, workmanship/craftsmanship, oaths, and leaders; there's Storm, goddess of the weather, storms, sun, rain, snow, wind, and the seasons; there's Wolverine, god of warriors, the woods, Autumn, animals, and comradery, as well as alcohol; there's Beast, god of knowledge, science, healing, medicine, and scholars; there's Morph, deity of change, mischief, LGBTQA+, wits/cunning, trickery, and messenger of the gods; there's Mystique, goddess of secrets, truth, lies, deception, and vengeance; there's Sabretooth, god of warriors, battle, the hunt, nature, cats, madness, and loyalty; and then there's Destiny, goddess of fate, visions, prophecies, destiny, and advice...) (and then the "father" of gods and demigods... Apocalypse, god/titan of time, space, and power... sealed away and forced into eternal slumber...)
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heckcareoxytwit · 10 months ago
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As the remaining Quiet Council are discussing family matters and their plans on going home, Kafka the winged mutant boy overhears the conversation and starts to have doubts. Kafka eventually talks to Exodus about his doubt about how the rest of the mutants may have to stay behind in White Hot Krakoa while some of the mutants are selected to go home (and fight Orchis). The Quiet Council and the chosen mutants prepare for a ritual which Mister Sinister empties a vial of Cypher's genes into the pool so that Krakoa could help them in teleporting the mutants back home. The Krakoan vines wrap around Mister Sinister & the mutants and turns them into buds. Hope Summers remains behind on White Hot Krakoa as she reminds herself that she has to bring Phoenix Force back and she has some Messiah shit to do. Back on Earth, Apocalypse is dragging Krakoa-Treant back to Krakoa island when the chosen mutants pop right out of the flowers.
Much later, Hope Summers is having much difficulty in dealing with the Phoenix Force and Jean Grey. In order to save all of mutantkind and resurrect both the Phoenix and Jean Grey, Hope alongside the help of Legion (as the talking Hope Gun) shot the Phoenix with the consequence being her sacrificing herself in the process. Jean and the Phoenix have come back but Hope is gone. Meanwhile, the mutants are fighting the Stark Sentinels on the ruins of Krakoa island when Exodus, Destiny and Mystique teleport in. The Hope Sword is back in Nightcrawler's hands. Even though Destiny hugs Nightcrawler after some getting her motherly memories back from Xavier, she gives the bad news - Hope Summers is dead. Exodus at first doesn't believe it then announces that Hope has returned to whence she came. "The word made flesh, the flesh made immortal. She is with Krakoa in exile in spirit." Nightcrawler says the Krakoan mutants are trapped in the White Hot Room, lost forever. But Exodus, returning to the fight and attacking a Sentinel, says the people of Krakoa will return, that the Krakoan age will come again. Nightcrawler asks Destiny if they can win but she still sees no victory.
The Krakoan mutants including the Five minus Hope and Jumbo Carnation are stuck in the White Hot Krakoan Room arguing around a table trying to figure out how they will function, who will do what, etc. Little Kafka gets annoyed and tells everyone to shut up. He tells the room that they have to be better than this, that they have no rulers, no leaders, no heroes. That they have to be the Quiet Council and that means they have to listen. He takes charge and starts working to assign tasks such as food supply, tutoring, teaching. It's a bittersweet last page as that little hero is determined to make Krakoa, despite being lost in the White Hot Room.
X-Men: Forever #2, 2024 (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th pics)
Rise of the Powers of X #4, 2024 (7th and 8th pics)
X-Men: Forever #4, 2024 (10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th pics)
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The trapped Krakoan mutants in the White Hot Room reminds me of the ending of Drifting Classroom manga when the elementary school students in the bad future dimension cannot go home after several tries. So the trapped students decide to stay and work together in the ruined future to build a new civilization.
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racefortheironthrone · 11 months ago
So in the early days of the X-Men, was Jean both telekinetic and telepathic? Or just the former and the latter was locked away, I think is what I've heard. And has Xavier ever showed any telekinetic abilities, or is he just a super strong telepath?
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(credit to Kirby Without Words)
So this is an area in which there have been a LOT of retcons, some I like better than others. When Jean Grey first appears in Uncanny X-Men #1, she's a telekinetic pure and simple. During the Silver Age, at one point Jean's telepathic abilities additionally manifested as part of a complicated plot involving her being the one student aware that Professor X had faked his death once again, and she became one of the first mutants to have two powers.
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Then in 1981's Bizarre Adventures #27, there was a major retcon that Jean Grey's telepathic abilities were actually the first to awaken long before her telekinesis. Her childhood friend Annie Richardson was fatally struck by a car while playing with Jean at their suburban street in Annandale-on-Hudson nearby Bard College. This event caused Jean's telepathic powers to activate as she experienced her friend's death from the inside, which caused massive crippling depression and an inability to control her psychic powers that eventually motivated her (horrible) parents to bring in Charles Xavier to help - and he ultimately decided on a strategy of installing psychic blocks to suppress her telepathy until she became older and better able to handle it.
I have very mixed feelings about this retcon. On the one hand, the Annie Richardson event is a classic traumatic backstory and one that advances a lot of interesting themes for Jean Grey in terms of her otherworldiness and her unique perspective on mortality. On the other hand, I feel like the whole business around Professor X installing psychic blocks leads to a pattern of midreading of the Dark Phoenix Saga as one of flawed and corrupt patriarchs unable to handle the cosmic feminine - when the whole point was that Jean established the psychic blocks as a way to control the Phoenix Force while remaining human, and it was the elimination of those blocks at the hand of greedy, self-interested, gaslighting, manipulative, sexual predators that ultimately brought the Dark Phoenix into being.
Professor X has occasionally demonstrated telekinetic abilities, mostly in the Krakoan Era.
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alsopurp · 11 days ago
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RIP Krakoa x From the Ashes
I got together with Elana Levin from Graphic Policy Radio to talk through our feelings about the current state of the X-Men franchise in the comics.
 A conversation in two parts!
First we sat down to talk about the Fall of X and the end of the X-Men & Marvel's 'First Krakoan Age'. 
Then we came back to the mic to talk about the state of the X-Office today and the relaunched slate of X-Men comics under the 'From The Ashes' banner. 
Tune in!
• Fall of X
• From the Ashes (Starts at 47:46)
• Kieron Gillen’s Immortal X-Men, X-Men: Forever & Rise of the Powers of X
• Gerry Duggan’s Fall of the House of X, Hellfire Gala 3, Invincible Iron Man & Uncanny Avengers
• Al Ewing’s Resurrection of Magneto & X-Men: Red
• Si Spurrier’s X-Men Blue: Origins
• Jonathan Hickman
• Gail Simone’s Uncanny X-Men
• Jed McKay’s X-Men
• Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly’s NYX
• Eve L. Ewing’s Exceptional X-Men
• Lucas Werneck
• R.B. Silva
• Adam Kubert
• Luciano Vecchio
• Pepe Larraz
• Matteo Lolli
• Solos!
• “My name is Alex.”
• Democracy in the 2nd Krakoan Age
• The End of Hope Summers
• Remembering Utopia
• Kate Pryde and the gates
• Remembering Dr. Moira MacTaggart
• Assimilation Or Unity
• #XSpoilers and fandom
• Read comics, its good for your skin
One more time, Krakoans. For the children!
Hosted and produced by Dr. Khaliden Nas.
Additional editing assistance by Laila. 
Music by PamperedFists & Anzahlung.
All videos edited by Victor Alexander.
Podcast Artwork by Valentine M. Smith. 
Episode podcast cover by Valentine Smith/Fall of X promotional art by Mark Brooks & Richard Isanove 
Keep up to date with Dr. Khaliden Nas by checking out www.alsopurple.com Follow me @AlsoPurp on all socials.
Find out more about REFERENTIAL’s upcoming episodes on www.alsopurple.com/citations
*'Tangents' are bonus episodes posted more frequently than Main Episodes because they require less work/research/editing!
Expect quick reviews, edited out content, collabs, mailbags, live audio, and so on.. *
Thank you for listening! Leave the pod a rating to help other people find the show
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vertigoartgore · 9 months ago
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Jubillee, baby Shogo & Wolverine enjoying some quiet time outside. Pepe Larraz's watercolor auction piece for the Spanish Red Cross.
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newx-menfan · 3 months ago
hearing about how QQ is who they originally wanted makes so much sense considering everything about the Krakoan and the plans of the Quiet Council even small stuff like calling himself an omega level mutant which QQ is along with the Cerebro looking helmet makes more sense considering he is primarily a telepath. It really does feel like the talk about whether they can use QQ happened late in the game and the Julian stuff was actually really last minute which is funny because now it makes NYX come across a lot more like a stealth Laura book than the Kamala book it was supposed to be.
Yeah- 100% agree with you and now that you bring up the costume bit, it does make it seem like the transition to Hellion was really late in the game/the costume makes ZERO sense (Julian’s villain costume would also be way more revealing, let’s be honest 🤣🤣🤣… just look at his costume in “Age of X”….)
I don’t think anyone thinks this is a “Laura stealth book” though- even with Kiden and Hellion- it’s obvious to pretty much everyone reading it that editorial TOLD the writers to set Kamala up as a mutant/focus on Kamala.
It’s pretty much the AGE OLD NXM tradition- they’re only used in books to set up the NEXT CHARACTER because they’re popular- it happened with X-23, it happened with Hope, it happened with teen Cable, it happened with QQ…
Honestly like I said before- the irony is, if they had used QQ…I honestly don’t think this book would have made it past the first arc… especially AFTER the “election” issue…
The books sales are definitely dropping but still in the 50’s…I think they’ll AT LEAST make it to 12 issues because more people like Julian than QQ, lots of fans want a resolution to Liu, and Laura fans who hate Julian will hate-read it just to complain online 😂🤣
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orangedodge · 2 months ago
To date, I've been trying to stay away from being overly negative about the From the Ashes imprint. There's already enough of that, and a lot of the commentary strikes me as unnecessarily histrionic. But we've now reached a point in the publication of this run where I think it's fair to say that several elements of our first crossover, between X-Men and Uncanny X-Men, were poorly conceived. Or possibly all of them.
1) The least significant issue, though the most grating, to me, personally is Rogue's outrage at Magneto's presence on Scott's team. It has been more than 20 years--going back to the publication of Claremont's Excalibur--since Erik was depicted as anything but an ally. We are furthermore less than a year removed from his triumphant return from death at the finale of the Krakoan Age, wherein he was consistently portrayed as both the lone incorruptible paragon of his nation's founders, and as the greatest hero of his people in a world that fears and persecutes them. Oh, and also Rogue just incidently happened to be in love with him for most of her publication history, and has been on a team with him three times that I can immediately recall. Why would she be upset that he's working with Scott? Especially when the Juggernaut is standing right there. Or even Kanon, since as far as Rogue knows she's just a random Hand ninja.
2) I can accept that Scurvy was an unexpected, hidden, threat who entered the fray with such profound subtlety that even the most experienced members of the team at resisting psychic attack were unable to engage a defense. What cannot be overlooked, on the other hand, is the frankly incoherent suggestion that Scurvy is the first equal Charles has ever known. What about Emma, who was created just for that purpose? What about his dark mirrors, Cassandra Nova and Amahl Farouk? What about fellow Quiet Councilors, Bennet du Paris and Nathaniel Essex, or his Omega powered children, Kevin and David? What about JEAN, who is currently off being God in her own solo title, that shares editors with this one?
3) The implication that Charles' powers have caused a tumor to grow on his brain stem... makes no real degree of sense? His current body was created by the Five, and modified by Sinister after the fact. Wouldn't they have just gotten rid of that? Also, he's been the galaxy's most notable telepath for upwards of four decades. Wouldn't the Shi'ar doctors have noticed? Wouldn't Moira?
4) Okay. So Scott is outright done with Charles, and thinks he should toil in isolation to atone for his crimes. Okay. But why does it have to be in that one specific prison? At the mercy of a genocidal torturer, who has already successfully brainwashed multiple X-Men into serving as her hounds? Why not take Charles back to Alaska instead, and hold him there? It's not like Scott has ever shown a moral objection to imprisoning undesirables in his basement.
5) Speaking of our villain, previous issues of Uncanny have taken pains to show that while Warden Ellis is an authoritarian bigot, she is not unwilling to cut deals with her enemies to preserve life, even those of individuals that she hates, such as when she intervened to save the X-Men from Gaunt. I don't know if that's an interesting angle in the long term, but it was the one and only point that distinguished her from Orchis goons. We've now abandoned that thread, and flattened her out to a genocidal torturer for the sake of consistency with Adjectiveless.
6) Scott withdrawing because the villain has taken thousands of hostages is the exact scenario where he would usually double down and assess that the storyline antagonist must be dealt with urgently. And orbital weapons platforms are the kind of thing he would absolutely know about and have a plan for in advance. Especially after having just fought off Orchis, a space based adversary. Couldn't he just have Magik deal with it? Or his rocket plane? Isn't that why he has it? The cartoon absolutely would have followed up on Ellis' threat by star sweeping to footage of the Blackbird shooting missiles at a satellite, techno music going crazy in the background. It's just what you expect of the X-Men and their space plane. But instead, they just quietly walk away? What.
7) The threat is manifestly stupid regardless. "Let me keep my concentration camp, or I'll blow up Louisianna" is not credible. Suppose they call her bluff, and she blows up Louisianna. Wouldn't... the Avengers... or SHIELD... or the police show up five minutes later?
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bothsidesofaquestion · 9 months ago
We came out from the deep
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To help and understand but not to kill
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It takes many lives till we succeed
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To clear the debts
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Of many, many hundred years
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That’s what we are here!
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popculturebuffet · 5 months ago
X-Month Finale: My Top 10 X-Runs
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Welcome one and all to the grand finale of X-Month. A thing or two got changed and moved around but i'm overall proud of how it went this time. We've looked at darkwing duck, the greatest x-men cartoon ever, and Nightcrawler's two moms. Now we end this month with A look at something diffrnet but personal to me. These are my top 10 x-runs, the runs of x-men and it's various spinoffs that I truly love, that define the book for me and define this part of the franchise. There the books that either made me love mutants so much in the first place or helped reaffirm why. They run the gammut from the just ended at the time of this article Krakoa era's majesty all the way back to chris claremont helping retool a struggling half baked idea into one of the greatest comics ever. These comics are why I love x-men and i'm happy to share them with you and hopefully get you to read them and hopefully i'll be able to cover them all some day. But for now this is a nice smorgoseboard of what makes the strangest mutants of all marvel's best part, a small pocket full of creativity, commentary , change and artistic glory.
So a few guidelines: For longtime readers, I usually do top 12 lists, to the point i'm shirnking my best animated episodes list down to it, but with all the x themeing in the krakoan age it felt right to slim it down to a nice sharp x. The second is that i'm crediting every artist who worked on at least three issues. I'd credit all of them but the runs from the 2010's and 2000's are caked with one off fill ins and 80's comics tended to have a ton of one off fill ins or other people doing the annuals. I'm not against it, if you have someone who can do great art or guest on a run do it and it's thanks to this kind of thing we got walt simonson for one glorious issue of x-men, I just don't want the art credits to be 80 pages long, but DID take the effort to comb thorugh every run and find every artist that at least did an arc on the books honored here, as i'm trying to break out of only propping up the writers when it comes to comics. Their a VISUAL medium and the artists are often what makes a run. So to under the cut my x-men for the uncanny, the astonshing and my faviorites.
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10. The New Mutants Written By Chris Claremont Drawn by Bob McLeod, Sal Buscema, Bill Sienkiewicz, Steve Leialoha, Mary Wilshire, Rick Leonardi and Jackson Guice Marvel GN #4, New Mutants Vol 1 , #1-54 + 3 Annuals, NM Special #1 59 Issues
It was the 80's and the Uncanny X-Men was marvel's best selling comic. Chris Claremont and a slew of talented game changing artists had turned a once niche property into one of the most layered, engaging and compelling books out there. So naturally Marvel wanted MORE money and to spin off this mother. Chris was reluctant because he wanted the main book to be special and it's own thing.. but was then threatned that if he didn't do it someone else will, so he found a concept he liked: Focusing on teenage emerging mutants something lightly glanced at with Kitty Pryde in Uncanny but this book brough to the forefront.
In the process Clarmeont and Bob Mcleod created a bunch of my faviorite mutants: The outspoken but Compasionate and tactical Dani, her bestfriend/sorta girlfriend and heavily abused prior to her coming to the team Rahne, naive country boy Sam, smooth talking only in his head and hot headed in everywhere including his body and my adopted son Roberto. Theree was also Karma, a later revealed to be queer immigrant (While not done by Chris Claremont here he certainly is responsible for it later int he 2000s', so respect) trying to care for two siblings the book quickly writes out.
The book would add four more to the mix: Amilla who thanks to a messy backstory and not a lot of use is eh, and three of my faviorites: Illyana, Kitty Pryde's best friend and a sorceress who was kidnapped and tortured by a demon man, Doug Ramsey, kitty's other friend and a computer genius who can read any language and in this era was a non combatant and Warlock, doug's best self friend, a goofy gloriously weird looking alien on the run from his abusive dad.
If your thinking this team has a lot of angst you'd be correct: Rahne is introduced running from an angry mob, Dani having to go with a white man she resents after her grandfather is shot, Roberto's girlfriend being killed by bigots and Sam barely able to keep his family fed having to mine in his pa's place after his dad died. The X-Men as a rule carry baggage but these poor kids had a whole planeload, not helped by being hated and feared.
And yet they perservere: they find love, find strength in each other. They sometimes clash, poor Illyana gets accused of being evil due to her demonic powers far too often, Sam has a one sided crush on Amara, and Doug grapples with being the only one on the team whose powers don't make him fight good.
The book also has a fantastic horror tone at times , something uesd early on as the Professor Xavier who brought these kids together to train them, and to not fight which being mutants is still something they run into constantly. While the issues after tried to go for a more conventional superhero book, Bill Skinewietz arrival, gloriously scratchy pencils and endlessly awesome covers helped cement it: these were kids dealing with terrible horrors: aliens who'd kill their own children, the DID ridden head of Charles Xaviers son, demons internal and without, and a demonic bear following Dani Moonstar I still don't fully understand, but still slaps.
New Mutants is one of the best x-books of the 80s, with X-Factor close behind it (It didn't make the cut but I still love Louise Simonson's Run), and one other just ahead. It's a book full of creative swings, ideas that would last the franchise a while and some of the best mutants ever made.
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9. Iceman Written by Sina Grace DB Alesandro Vitti, Edgar Salazar, Robert Gil, and Nathan Stockman Iceman V3 1-11, Iceman V4 1-5, X-Men Winters End 17 Issues
This is the shortest out of these runs and that's for a very simple reason: Marvel's Editorial was very shitty to writer Sina Grace. They lambastated him for going on podcasts in a way that was subtly hompohobic, brought him back for another run.. and then cancled it 5 issues in. Grace has since done work for DC and marvel needs to both apologize and either bring him back or at least collect his run.
Iceman comes from RessuXion, Marvel's kinda sorta push to bring the x-men back after trying to kill them with the previous era. That's not hyperbole, there was a giant murder cloud, most of ya'll likely know, and Ike Pearlmutter was thankfully gone so the X-Men got something resembling a push and the fantastic four were reunited. That last part isn't relevant.
Ressurxion was only a half measure: the x-men really didn't interact with the rest of the lines still, one of the two flagship titles X-Men Gold, was a mediocre rehash of a bunch of previous stories wasting the great idea of having Kitty Pryde lead, and X-Men Blue, while awesome and only barely not making this list at various points, felt very weel spinny as Cullen Bunn wasn't alowed to change much as Hickman's run was on the horizon but not set ins tone. Which is stupid and something I doubt HIkcman actually approved or asked for.
Still Ressuction had a hidden gem alongside Blue: Iceman. So long story short that's going to sound weird even to fans who were there: The Original Five X Men were brough to the future by Beast in a stupid move that left them stranded and traumtized. Jean being about as tactful as a hurricane during Bendis run , OUted bobby claimed "he's not bi he's full on gay" and kinda shoved him out of the closet. While this was well meaning as Bobby still was in the closet in present day, it was done hamm handledly with a slice of accidental bi erasure.
Our Bobby coming out though was thankfully handled better with him admitting he didn't admit he was gay and while Bendis handeld the first part of the coming out with a sledge hammer, several previous x writers had left the seeds that the og class clown was indeed gay and it' sa move I support: the grounding was there and even with him dating women he never seemed that invested for the most part.
So the next era was too busy with the murder cloud to do anything of note with him being out, but thankfully they gave bobby to Sina Grace. Iceman is a fantastic solo and a fantastic queer superhero book, with Bobby figuring out what Coming Out means in his late 20's, and being both out and proud.. but still having struggles. He dosen't know how to put his profile together, has an akward mission with his last het romance kitty, a romance that in hindsight perfectly comes off like someone trying badly to pass as straight, and flirts with wolverine's disaster bisexual son who serves as the main antagonist. It's a book that explores just how fun bobby can be and sold me on a character I didn't care about before.
It also goes into his awful parents. His dad was a massive asshole in the 90's, tried to change but snapped back and while the snap back is a bit o fa continuity gafe, it's one that works as Bobby has to come out to two parents who already barely accept he's a mutant, and now have to accept he's gay. And then try to groom his past self to be the perfect son they always wanted.
It's a great run that not only lets Bobby show off his powers but his heart, humor and what makes him a great character. Check it out of you haven't and hopefully we'll get a one volume edition one of these days. Also just so I dont' have to say that a thousand time that goes for EVERY run present.
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8. Wolverine and the X-Men Written by Jason Aaron Art by Chris Bachalo, Nick Bradshaw, Jorge Molina, Ramon Perez, Pepe Larazz and Ed McGuiness 42 Issues + Annual + AU Issue + Amazing X-Men 1-5 49 Issues
Wolverine and the X-Men is the big breakout of one Jason Aaron, a writer I have mixed feelings about. He has written comics I like, this one, doctor strange and so far his TMNT run, but has a weakness for putting over the top spectacle over character or cohesive plot, his Thor run degrading with time and his Avengers run having great ideas for plots but no real meat to said plots.
Wolverine and the X-Men does run into that a little, mostly with the x-men themselves as only WOlverine really gets an arc: most of the team gets a spotlight issue, but still spend the bulk of their time in fight scenes. Kitty Pryde is the only one besides logan to net decent focus and that gets thrown out as Brian Micheal Bendis called dibs as soon as he joined post avx. This was the first book I read with rachel summers but outside of her spotlight she's mostly there to be the token telepath. We never really get a sense of what she WANTS out of the school, how she feels about what Scott's up to anything personal. Cannonball, Sam from New Mutants, gets it worse as he's really just there for his sisters subplot and nothing else. I won't evfen get into the horny bird lady sexually harassing iceman. Ther'es also a bad tendency to treat Cyclops as some form of despot and not that guy what over at the other place.
That said the series manages to dodge this being a complete issue with the kids: Wolverine and the X-Men is at it's core a teen x-men book and the reason these teens are back in school at all also provides nice motivation for Logan to be running a school, something the book frequently lampshades is kinda nuts. With mutantkind dwindling at the time, Cyclops kept militarizing the children and Logan, tired of it and wanting them to live rather than surivvie, took half the x-men and any willing students.
The result is a diverse and intresting student body focusing mainly on Idie, a young religoius african teen who sees her powers as a curse and herself as a monster, Broo, my faviorite x-child period and an adorable nerd who happens to be a brood, a group of aliens that try to eat the x-men regularly with the mutation to not be a bloodthirsty monster, Gensis, a cloned apocalypse who was given superman's upbringing in stasis. And of course theirs Quinten Quire whose been overused sense this but hadn't really got to do anything. He's a punk who after a breakdown at finding out he was adopted decided to throw a riot at the school. He'd rather be on Cyclops Island but gets dragged to Jean Grey's School for Hire Leanring, renamed from "I did your wife school of hire learning". It' shis evolution tha'ts intresting: going from a mouthy twerp with way too much power and ego to.. well still a mouthy twerp but one with an actual heart and friends. We also have Kid Gladiator, son of the shiar empreoro gladiator and boisterious hilaroius jock. We also get great additions like eyeboy, sprite and shark girl, albeit none getting a ton of focus here.
While the main cast is great, what throws this series over the top its it's gonzo creativity. More than any writer since morrrison and until hickman, Aaron embraced the batshit insanity of the x-men and grasps at it with a gonzo whimsy few can match. Jason Aaron has had his issues with reining it in but with x-men it's just the right ballance.
The first arc alone, one of my faviorites despite not being a fan of chris bachelos art, Wolverine opens school, and find sit under siege from a revamped hellfire club, now a bunch of tweens lead by Kade Kilgore. Given hellfire was reduced to "sebastian shaw on occasion maybe" by this point, it was a needed revamp and I get it's not everyones taste but for me it works. Especially when one of Kade's minons is a frankenstien (the doctor not the monster man), who grenade launches frankenstiens at our heros and mutates two members of the school board into a wendigo and a sauron. Oh and the schools grounds have become a baby krakoa, the hisland that wallks like a schoolyard, which wins the day and soon becomes my faviorite part of the book. I loved krakoa since I was a teen so seeing him get revamped as this adorable adiditon was great and I still wonder what happened to them and why the krakoa era never adressed them.
Our heroes fight weaponized brood pregancies, go to space casinos to raise funds, deal with angel having come back as an actual angel and possed by.. something, too many tie ins, a murder circus lead by frankenstien, a field trip to the savage land and a final showdown with the hellfire club. It was a wonderfully creative, batshit insane story with tons of great ideas that have been barely touched, like School-Krakoa, Toad as a good guy or Logan's brother dog coming back as a time traveling badass. There are better books than Wolverine and the X-MEn but few have this much fun.
PS: Almost buried the leap, this book brought doop from x-statix back and i'm eternally greatful and his spotlight issue, drawn by co-creator mike allred, is easily the best of the run. I mean it has this alone
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So speaking of doop
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7. X-Statix Written by Peter Milligan Drawn by Mike Allred X-Force 116-129, X-Statix 1-26, Dead Girl 1-5, Wolverine/Doop 1 and 2 46 issues
X-Statix came about as part of marvel's big relaunch of the X-Men with New X-Men, canceling several titles, relaunching a few and changing up the few left. In this case X-Force, previously about the new mutants as they grew up and got guns then got their personalities back once Rob Liefield left, they instead completely upended it. The old cast was gone, the old premise was gone, and a whole new idea and cast of mutants were introduced.
The series had a genius premise: A shady reality show producer, Spike Freeman, starts up a mutant reality show at the height of the reality show boom starring a bunch of mutants who are desperate to be loved and adored by becoming rich and famous, often being conceded assholes like any reality tv star.
The catch was revealed in the first issue as the bulk of the team is gunned down: Only angry black man with internalized issues about his race Anarchist and the egotistical , pill popping shocking compitent u go girl are left as the team is rebuilt, now lead by the orphan, a man with super sensitivty and a ton of lampshaded angst, Vivisector, an erudite wolfman who later turns out to be gay, Phat, one of the many white kids approraiting black culture at the time, and Dead Girl. THere's many more but this is the core of the cast for most of the book, which was later relaunched as X-Statix. Many a member dies, no one is safe, and it's cyncial as fuck, making fun of celebrity, events, and mutant cliches. Some of the shine has rubbed off this one as a lot of these jokes have been made a lot, but it's still fun thanks to it's compelling cast who get fleshed out amazingly, meditations on fame, and Doop, the little ball of tumors that follows them around. It's it's own neat little pocket of the marvel unvierse: it's revivial is pretty detached from Krakoa and something I need to check out and it's cast, due to mbeing dead a alot, havne't really crossed over. But the book itself stands as a nice unique pocket
And saving the best for last no discussion would be complete without Mike Allred, an artist with a unique style remincent of jack kirbys btu still his own that's this nice art deco chunky goodness and works perfectly here, both giving the mutants all really fantastic designs and nicely giving everything a splash of color to contrast the dark tone. This is one I picked up in high school in backissues and hasn't left me since.
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6. Uncanny X-Men Writer: Kireon Gillen Artists: Carlos Pachcheo, Terry Dodson, Greg Land and Daniel Acuna Uncanny X-Men V1 #534.1-544, X-Men Regenisis, Uncanny X-Men Volume 2 #1-20, AVX Consequences 1-5, 36 Issues
So when I first got back into comics reguarly I figured from both is more dangerous new design where he can't see too good
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And the way both bendis own much worse companion book and various others like Uncanny Avnegers or Wolverine and the X-Men talked about him and AVX that Scott Summers had become the new magneto and a dangerous edgelord man.
Instead the truth was more nuanced as i'd learn: Some writers made Scott a bit of an ass during his time leading utopia, the slap of concrete what contained all the muants left. But despite some questionable actions down more to bad writing, he wasn't evil. He asn't purely good either as the schism I mentiond proved, driven to do whatever it took to survive. He was shady but never quite took the heel turn, instead being an intrestingly pragmatic character. Also while he did kill charles xavier it was while hopped up on the phoenix force, something he points out reguarly making everyone else come off as assholes for giving Jean a pass but not scott.
And the man who wrote this best was Kireon Gilleon, scottish writer and maestro who came along after a decent but forgetable run from Matt Fraction and gave the franchise the injection it needed.
His run started with the x-men on utopia nad not only reballanced Scott after said bad writing, but showed off the good and bad of Scott: he's repessed and obessive, but also a stategic mastermind determined to save his people. The early part of his run does what the run before it by Matt Fraction did: uses the whole of mutantkind for huge spectacle as well as return Kitty Pryde to normal, she was a ghost for a while, so she can go off with the other book. The highlight is it's climax: juggernaught, jacked up on the power of a god and a hammer like thor, is more unstoppable than normal and Scott throws EVERY plan he has at the guy and every mutant he has at the guy which is ALL OF THEM who aren't children. And even a few children because the situations that bad.
The real meat is the sadly short livedb ut awesome second volume of uncannY: After the schism, Scott splits up, getting Emma because she loves the guy, Namor because he wants to do Emma and i'm not exagerating he's blatant about it, Storm because Scott dosen't trust himself, Hope the mutants own personal jesus, Danger, the former danger room having gained snetience and tried to kill charles for enslaving her
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Dr Nemisis, an immortal nazi hunter, Colossus, current host of the juggernaught powers, his sister Magik, Psylocke, and of course Magneto, who'd recently joined up and is master of magnet.
This team of scary motherfuckers is the exctinction team and that name is unsettling on purpose but also dosen't mean kill everyone.. it just means they could and Scott is both helping mutantkinds rep AND scarring the shit out of it's eneies my taking on extinction events: if something can wipe out huamnity it's their job and it's a fucking briliant setup. Take the strongest x-men left on scott's side, which is really most of THE strongest in general and put them against the worst.
This also sets up the big bad of the series and Kireon's best achivment: Sinister. Gilleon revamped him from a fairly sterotypical and deranced mad science man to a campy as hell horrible as hell man who sets out to remake the world literally in his image, thinks turn of the century britan was just fine, hates women and isn't lacking for quips or meance with our heroes stuck in a city of him that can develop safe guards every time they kill one. And he does so by stealing a celestial's head, which means the first mission alone is stop a space god AND a madman.
There's other good romps but sinister is the core and the series weathers the avx tie ins decently, weaving them into what's writtne. IT's ending, consequences, isn't nearly as good, with scott feeling out of character and was meant to set up further adventures that instead got handed off to bendis, but Gielleon's runs a great mediation on absolute power , scare tactics and the meaning of fear regardless and is still a joy to read every time.
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5. X-Men Red/S.W.O.R.D. By Al Ewing Art by: Valerio Schiti, Jacopo Camagni, Stefano Caselli , Jacopo Camagni , Yildray Cinar and Luciano Vecchio S.W.O.R.D. V2 #1-11 , Cable Reloaded, X-Men Red V2 1-18 and The Resurrection of Magneto 1-4 34 Issues
Al Ewing is one of my faviorite writers in comics. easily. Starting with Mighty Avengers, i've adored his runs on Immortal Hulk, his ant-man/wasp trilogy, his character defining run for Roberto decosta on new avengers and usa avengers and what i've read of immortal thor among others. Al Ewing is Marvel's best writer these days and in a pool that includes Jonathan Hickman and now once again Gail Simone, tha'ts the highest praise.
So naturally given Ewing had a clear love of x-men from new avengers alone and a deep love of continuity I was chomping at the bit for him to join the krakoan age, a bit disapointed he wasn't in the first round of books but knowing he had ot show up he just had to.
Thankfully my prayers were answered as not only did Ewing arrive he arrived in style, bringing back SWORD, once shield's extraterestial arm now krakoas. Ewing at the time was reworking marvel's space with his Guardians run and wrote SWORD in concert with it, as big evfents happened and SWORD stood ready, while bringing earth, or sol as it's called onto the galactic stage, starting the run with stealing a mystery metal from the heart of creation and then using it to fund the galactic economy. SWORD was a solid captivating book, amping up the idea of mutant circutis (a bunch of mutants working in concert), galactic marvel and earth's place in it.
What's brilliant in hindsight though as while a great book on it's own, making characters I thought were highly underused like Wiz Kid or Frenzy rise to full potetial and making previously also ran mutant Peeper into a star overnight. I mean look at him
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I also love Magneto is so .. happy to see him.
While SWORD is great what followed is truly incredibly, some of ewings best work and all the groundwork was laid in sword, from Magneto regretting his past in the hellfire gala tie in to said gala leading to one of the best events in x-history: Arakko. A bunch of mutatns who'd become a warrior civilization needed a home so thier island was put on mars giving them a planet and possible peace... and storm was put there as regent.
This leads to an even better sequel as ewing keeps SWORD head abigail brand on as big bad, wanting to destroy mutant civilzation and make earth a real power in the universe, and thus Arakko is a great chess piece as Storm plays against Abby for it's future for the first two arcs. Storm is a fantastic character and ewing gets her down pat, her grace, her badassery but also her humanity, kindness and mohawk. Helping her are my two faviorite mutants, no really 1 and 2 respectively, Magneto and Sunspot. Magneto was already eating well in the krakoan age, but ewing gives the old man humanity, with Magneto realizing his lost daughter Anya wasn't a mutant.. and thus can't be brought back and wondering what all this was for, being cojolled into things as he realizes as much as he wanted to retire he can't. Roberto meanwhile had a rough start in Krakoa as Jonathan Hickman took out all his brains for some reason despite being the one who started to emphasize that he's more than just a pretty face.
Ewing in his avengers runs made roberto into a master stratageist and chessmaster bar none who still loved parties, champaign robots and the mission impossible theme, so I was utterlyt hrilled to see berto on the cover. Now a consort to Shiar regent Deathbird and having a stake in the game, Roberto comes to arakko to play and quickly gets involved in things, using his skills to help his new team. Ewing is the man who truly made the best roberto decosta and it's so gratifying to see he got a second lap.
Ewing also builds up arakko well: it's culture, i'ts changes, and the challenges storm and magneto face in changing it, concluding in a massive war that ends the series as arakko's past rule comes knocking. Add in a great epilogue exploring magento and storm and you have one of the finest comic runs in recent memory.
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4. New X-Men Written by Grant Morrison Art by Frank Quitely, Evan Van Sciver, Igor Kordey, Phil Jiminez, Chris Bachalo, and Marc Silvestri 114-154 Plus Annual 41 Issues
It was the early 2000's and the x-men had hit a fucking a wall. The 90s while fondly remembered for the jim lee outfits, awesome cartoon and other delights, were a nightmare time for the x-men. Just trying to read that era of uncanny and adjectivless to fill the gaps in my knowledge was a waking nightmare with only a few bright spots. I got as far as just after operation zero tolerance and bailed and despite bringnig back heavyweights like Alan Davis or Chris Claremont, restrictive ediotrial mandates, overdone crossovers and other nonsense had left the x-men barley standing.
Desperate Marvel had a bunch of creators pitch various ideas for a bold new take on the x-men.. and the winner was the one, the only Grant Morrison. Grant had already made big splashes at DC with their runs on Doom Patrol, Animal Man and more, had a penchant for writing gloriously weird, sometimes incomprehnsible stories with a beating human heart. So being both a hot writer from the other company and having a bigger bolder vision, and needing badly for the comcis to recover to cash in on the recent film and upcoming X-Men Evolution, they agreed.
The result is the run that made me the x-holic I am today: while I read x-men stories i loved before this, with Chris Claremont and Paul Smith's run being the first this is the one that got me as hooked as I am: a stylish run with what morrison called a kinetic strut, aided by Frank Quitely's weird and awesomely unique art and a variety of other artists of varying quality brought out a vision of a bold new era.
The run came out hot: it stripped it's cast down to a core of iconic x-men, added in Emma Frost finally fully reforming but still 100% that bitch, and threw in curveballs with kind monk with a hell of a look xorn and xavier himself getting his legs back. There were set backs as Colossus was killed before Morrison could use him and Claremont called dibs on rogue and storm for X-Treme X-Men, but they pivoted well.
However a flashy new look wasn't what made the book, it was it's frantic pace and bold new vision: Morrison recontexulizted the x-men as an actaul minority, giving them a culture, a voice and making many weirder and wilder than ever before, showing that not every mutant got to pass. He also threw the x-men out of the shadows: formerly, a group of outlaw mutants hated and feared, they weere still that but thanks to Professor Xavier's twin who tried to choke him in the womb, he's outed to the public and rolls with her , using his body as a suit at the time, doing so to change the x-mens mission, now doing more search and rescue with slick leather jackets. They aren't traditional superheroes anymore, but just a trained team of the best trying to help their own. The X-Men now hav ea worldwide reach with x-corp with missions going from paris to shang hai.
Morrison took plenty of other hammers to the status quo: Xavier and Lilandra broke up, he could walk, Genosha got destroyed in a devistating act, scott and jean had marriage crissi as Emma gaslit him into an affair and Beast got his awesome lion look. The run also isn't afraid to get weird with xavier's twin he seemingly killed in th womb Cassandra Nova, a corrupt general whose skin becomes golems, and a special class made of mutants all with weird borderline useless powers, most of whom would become fan faviorites.
Years ago this would've been my easy number one but age for both me and the comic have revealed cracks; Some bits haven't aged well like Dust, whow hil ea good character now was done with no real research or depth, the u men dangling way too close to a parody of trans people, being just fringe enough to avoid it but still far closer than they should be.
The biggest knock though is the final two arcs: everything up to that is minty fresh and full of cool ideas warts and all. The last two arcs have Morrison try to rerail magneto back into a hateful monster instead of the complicated monster he'd become, something already tried in the 90's but even worse here, with Magneto reduced to the boring silver age villian that got old fast. I'm not against holding his feet to the fire for his worse actions, but this one was too far and swiftly retconned.. in a very dumbass way but still, you uusally only get a patch on a bad story that fast. Here Comes TOmmorow likewise is a trippy and mediocre finale to the run. Not as bad as what just came before, but it's grant morrison at their most self indulgent... that i've read.
Still despite the runs issues.. it's a good ride and worth it for classics like E is For Extinction and Riot at Xaviers alone.
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3. X-Men By Jonathan Hickman Art by Pepe Laraz, R.B. Silva, Lenil Francis Yu, Mahmud Asrar and Valerio Schiti House of X 1-6, Powers of X 1-6, X-Men 2019 1-21, 5 Giant Size X-Men One Shots, and Inferno 1-4 42 Issues
Anyone whose read this blog a long time knew this was coming. I mention X-Men as much as possible and the krakoan era, being so weird and wonderful, was something I brought up a lot. Especially the x-men colonizing mars. And I probably will again. The Krakoan age is one of the best eras of x-men and while it ended in fire and a whimper, it started with a bang.
The x-men were in a bad place in 2019. Ressurxion as I mentioned wasn't horrible but wasn't really a reinvention, partly because they woudln't let anyone make any real changes which... again this run could've easily dealt with fine. Before that Marvel , and once again entirely serious tried to kill the x-men, showving them to the side and trying intitally to make the inhumans symapthetic when they needed to get rid of their murder cloud. And the inhumans books WERE great, but no one could get the taste of ike pearlmutter trying to make them the new x-men out of their mouths.
And like the last time the x-men were in a bad spot, marvel sought a hot creator, gave them creative control and let them do a hard stylish reset. Last time it was grant morrison, , this time it was Jonathan Hickman.
Hickman is one of my faviorite marvel writers. While he started slow yet awesome with a small run on secret warriors, a book that remade shield and did black ops glory, he rose to his biggest success with Fantastic Four, taking one of marvel's greatest teams and plunging them out of their rut with a big sweeping sci fi plot, clever ideas like 4 great cities about to go to war, a council of far less moral reed richardses, and smaller scale but no less game changing ideas like havnig the fantastic four open up a think tank for children, the future foundation, finally once and for all resolving ben grimm's on and off state of being cured, and giving the richards kids fleshed out personalities.
I could gush about this run all day but i'll save that for next year.
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The point is HIckman had a talent for big wordy sweeping epics and was quickly tapped to follow up Brian Micheal Bendis on avengers, which had also gotten old for some, expanding the team's scope, having a meta plot about the multiverse dying and combining a core of familiar faces (including hulk's first longterm run as an avenger), with people who had yet to wield the circle a like Cannonball, Sunspot and SHang Chi, giving all three a needed boost.
So him doing X-Men was a natural next step that seemingly just.. didn't happen. Ike Pearlmutter's attempt to dempahsises it probably is why and Hickman having completed his sweeping epic across several titles, was ready to go to dc. THen Marvel, desperate to revitalize the circle x.. offered it to hickman. And a thing I didn' tknow is while he got what made the ff and avengers work perfectly.. hickman wasn't a fan of either going in. He did his through homework and you honestly can't tell he dosen't, but X-Men on the otherhand was his teenage obession. Like me, it consumed him and he jumped at the chance to do it his way.
He also saw a franchise that post avx had stagnated, not really inovating and growing and gave it a shot in the arm. Just like New X-men before it, Hickman decided to ditch where the franchise had been stuck, in schools with never aging classes and wars with each other and try something entirley new, something that could not be walked back easily and that even going back to basics, the current run is still feeling the repurcussions of. With 6 golden words:
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Hickman in his epic pair of mini series that are really one big 12 issue series, House of X and Powers of X flipped up the wohle gameboard and erased problems that had been plauging the x-men: The constant climate of fear? The X-Men decided to fuck off to their own island nation, Krakoa, the island that walks like a man and is now cool with them. Humanity hating and fearting them? still a problem but they can sue for peace with some mmmm drugs and deal with those who don't take the mmmmm drugs. And they could just give these mmmm drugs that cure brain diseases free but after the rampant genocides, not hyperbole they have a statistic
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Their saying enough. And the various mutants killed off for shock value? Well... death no longer matters. In a game changing final reveal, mutants can now be revivied from teh dead thanks to 5 working in concert. Add in a meta riff with Moria Mactaggerts 10 lives and you have a brilliant start
And HIckman did'nt stop there, as his next book , X-Men and i'ts companion piece Giant Sized X-Men was less one long narrative and more a series of ideas for the universe he was creating, a series of brilliant one shots following Scott Summers in a good place in his life: His wife is back from the dead, their embracing polyamory so he can still see emma and Jean can see wolverine who lives with them, both their kids are alive and well. It's a dream. And with every issue hickman provided a great adventure from magneto standing against a tie in, to discovering Krakoa's lost sibling setting up the massive x of sowrds crossover, to a family roadtrip into space to dela with the brood, to the savage land ot fight the golden girls, to a hidden vault to face the future, there was never an end to his creatviity or clever ideas.
Sadly there was an end to his run with Inferno which left on a high tying up some threads and leaving the rest open for those to take up the sword after he left. Hickman's run is gorgeously drawn by a bevy of the best in the buisness, well throught out and stylish and I will likely read it forever. While Krakoa sadly didn't last this run stands forever as what it is : MUTANT.
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2. X-Factor By Peter David Art by Peter David and Pablo Raimondi, Ryan Sook, Dennis Calero, Renato Arlem, Roy Allen Martinez, Khoi Pham, Scott Eaten, Valentine De Landro, Larry Stroman, Marco Santucci, Bing Cansino, Emanuela Lupacchino, Leonard Kirk, Neil Edwards, and Paul Davidson Madrox 1-5, V3 1-50, 200-262 , X-Factor The Quick and the Dead, X-Factor: Layla Miller and Nation X: X-Factor 119 Issues
Peter David might be my faviorite x-writer and is the other major reason I fell as hard for x-men as I did. Starting off at marvel with his character defining run on Incredible Hulk, he did a short stint on the x-side of things with X-Factor, following up the original run by focusing on a bunch of lesser focused mutants who weren't afraid to pepper things with jokes, weren't immune to tragedy, and threading a nice line between real danger and humor. It sadly didn't last long, but what we got was great.
So come the 2000's, he returned to marvel after a long stint at dc and another sensational run with young justice, Peter David asked "Are you ready for the sequel?" So came X-Factor, also known as X-Factor Noir to defretate it from the previous two runs, a decade long run rivaling Chris Claremonts in character, franchise impact and sheer girth. David's come the closest to Claremont's flair for shakeups, cast rotation and soap opera.
X-Factor primarily stars Jamie Madrox, an also ran mutant who could multiply who was the comic relief in David's previous run then kinda thrown aside like garbage and used in backgrounds. Clearly liking Jamie and seeing potential in him, David brought his boy back as a private eye working cases in mutant town. What was once the mutant burogh of new york is now filled with those who lost their powers on m-day, something our heroes also investigate as Wanda's mental breakdown wasn't exactly common knowledge.
Helping Jamie in his noir detective fantasy are Strong Guy, his best friend and the best character of the previous run, Wolfsbane, who was also on that team but is now older and angister, even more so after she leaves the team breifly to join x-force, Siryn, jamie's dupes ex and daughter of the banshee and M, monet st croix whose better than you and knows it. Monet is STILl a major fan faviorite and player to this day thanks to this run and everyone got a bump. This included later additons longshot and shatterstar, the latter of whom became a pansexual icon.
The run is massive and something I hope to cover someday in SOME form but loops our heroes as they do buisness in mutanttown, move to the east for goverment work, come back to nyc, and deal with everything from a manical man from the future to the invisible woman going missing. It's a fun run full of deep character development, well executed twists and while I used to feel it had a huge downturn, it seems far more coherent now.. though i'd still have to reread to see for sure. But what's ther eis one of the best runs in x-men , one of my faviorites.. and only one tops it you can transparently see coming
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Uncanny X-Men By Chris Claremont Art by Dave Cockrum, John Byrne, Paul Smith, Frank Miller, John Romita Jr, Barry Windsor-Smith, Marc Silvestri, Rick Leonardi, John Bogdanove, Al Milgrom, and Jim Lee Uncanny X-Men 94-279, X-Men Annual #3-12, 14, Marvel Graphic Novel #1, Wolverine #1-4, Kitty Pryde and Wolverine #1-6,X-Men/ Alpha Flight #1 and 2, X-Men Vs Fantastic Four #1-4, X-Men #1-3 214 Issues
Hail to the King Baby. Having recently finally read EVERY issue of this run, I can say Chris Claremont defines the x-men. Even as things change, the basis was set by him. While Lee and Kirby created the x-men, Chris Clarmont made them truly exceptional.
Most of you don't need an intro but just in case: Chris Claremont was an up and coming writer at marvel who exploded when he took over x-men from Len Wein. Wein had relaunched the x-men with giant sized, creating a brand team with artist Dave Cockrum: Xaviers Original students were quickly written on in Wein's planneed next issue leaving only Cyclops, now moodier, as the vetral to command a group that was not 5 teenagers with attitude, later 7, but adults from radically diffrent backgrounds: A near feral and terse secret agent who once fought the hulk, a russian farm boy who can turn to steel, a woman from cairo who lived as a goddess in kenya, a former foe turned experinced ally, and a circus performer with the face of demon but the kindest soul of all.
Claremont would take this great setup and run with it once given full control. He reinforced the mutant metaphor which was present on and off in Lee's run, but now came blaring out, with the series first overarching villian being a mad scientest who speaks of mutants like a feral monster and has an army of shiny new sentinels, as opposed to the misguided previous users of them. The X-Men's rep takes a hit as the series goes and their forced to wipe goverment records as it plots against them. As the run goes on the racisim grows, as the goverment turns against them and the x-men are left as outcasts even among other heroes, going to war with both the ff and the avengers for diffrent reasons. In his most powerful use of this the x-men have to face Revered Striker, a fire and brimstone preacher with a secret paramilitary death squad.
But more than that he gave the franchise humanity: The X-Men here are fully fleshed out people: Scott strains under the role he's been given and trained since childhood and his rough past, Logan grows from a feral asshole who nearly kills nightcrawler for laughing at him, to Kurt's best friend and a wise if still gruff man who loves his found family. Ororo has the biggest evolution: from a shy woman discovering the world, to a goddess, to someone grappling with the darkness in her and the things she must do to keep her found family safe. Colossus grapples with the violence and confusion of his new world and of finding love even if it hurts someone he cares about. Things only get richer as new characters are rotated in: Jean is thought dead after joinnig breifly and leaves an impact and banshee goes to join his true love on a scottish island. This leaves the board open for Kitty Pryde, a 13 year old written shockingly well who grows up year by year and has to deal wtih the reality of being an x-man and of having a crush on a 19 year old and Rogue, who goes from a foe of the x-men they slam the door on badly haunted by her fractured psyche to.. well the last part dosen't go away but she's one of the most trusted x-men with time .
Claremont wasn't afraid to shake this up either: over the course of his run the x-men are thought dead by xavier and left to their own devices, loose jean, cyclops leaves, the mansion is breifly destroyed and their forced to live on magneto's spooky island, the new mutants arrive, and you never get a full sense of peace. When one status quo has set in a while, it flips. Just when the x-men were getting used to rachel summers, jean's troubled daughter from the days of future past, rachel flees and half the team is horribly mauled and they have to almost start over. The x-men sacrifie themselves and use their newfound supposed death to strike from the shaodow. and the final stretch of the run has the x-men scattered to the winds and coming back together.
Change is the constant as is a parade of intresting foes: Magneto is reconfigured from cackling super villian early on, to the troubled complicated man he becomes later, trying hard to be better while the world says no. The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants is reformed into a more modern for the time terroist group with the cunning mystique.. who tehn has the team work with the goverment when she finds that safer. Mastermind is taken from Magneto's lackey to a truly frightining figure whose only beaten because the person he was manipulating with. Then Claremont adds his own: The Hellfire Club, rich mutant assholes hiding in plain sight woh easily outflank our heroes, Nimrod, a robot from the future sent to kill mutants but who sees himself as a hero, the Brood, terrifying xenomorph knockoffs, and the Shadow King: Xavier's oldest and deadlist foe.
Ther'es a lot here: Our heroes go to space, grapple with demons literal nad metaphorical, spend time in the outback with a wiseman who can teleport, go to another dimension or two, there is FAR too much in this decade to recap but it is special
The run isn't without flaws and the age spots may be an issue: there's the entirely stupid and gross kitty pryde and colossus romance which is thankfully kept to mostly a crush but wolverine treats like Colossus wronged her by.. not wanting ot date a 13 year old and finding someone else. The bunche sof brainwashing. Kitty Pryde using the n-word twice. Coloring native american characters bright red. Ther'es a lot of stuff left over from the 80s in here that we'd rather throw back. Now Claremont's bdsm fetish on the other hand.. eh fair enough.
But if you can get past it, you'll find an epic like no other, one continuious story that nicely weaves with it's sister book new mutants. A story you can hop in at any point and enjoy (except maybe those last two years. Yeesh) yet as this glorious whole i've discovered now owning most of it and reading it often, it's a wonderful saga with tons of planning, and it'll likely never be topped in scope, though many of these fine runs equal it in quality. It's the basis for some of the best comic si've ever read, and I'm pleased to have read it all. Thanks for reading and please.. read some of these.
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