#finch x josie
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Damn interuptions 🌹🔥
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I'm never getting over this 🥺
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My 40 favorite tvd universe couples ❤️
25/ Josie and Finch
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Hello I just wanted to ask if you can do one where Hope has a little sister is another daughter of Hylie and Klaus is named Crystal Mikaelson, she is the light of Hope's eyes and she is the key for Hope to turn on her humanity crystal age is 6 months
The Little Key

Baby female Mikaelson reader x Hope Mikaelson
Warnings: swearing, thats all
A/n: I did change the oc name to just y/n, cause that's what I'm used to writing and the age is a bit bumped up to around almost a year old to fit better with the fic, but she's still female. I hope you like it 💗
Josie bounces you in her arms with one of her hands on the back of your head while you're crying your eyes out. Your sobs and crying are silent, wanting your big sister and everyone can tell you miss her even if you can't speak coherently yet.
You remember the feeling of another woman but she's been gone a long time. Now it's only Hope, your big sister, you have that same feeling with.
Josie holds you close and stands up from the couch in the living room, trying to quiet and calm you down a bit. Lizzie, Kaleb, MG, Finch, and Cleo are the only other ones in the room. They're all standing or sitting, trying to come up with a plan to get Hope's humanity back.
They hear heels clicking on the hardwood floor, "Hmm, I can help you with that. Stop trying" Hope walks into the Library with her arms crossed.
She glances at you for a moment before quickly moving her vision over to everyone else standing up now. Cleo starts a spell on her, but Hope picks up on it straight away and knocks the witch out with an easy spell. The older witch falls back onto the couch, unconscious.
"Hope, what are you doing here?" Josie asks, hiding your face under her jean jacket so you don't see any other incidents that may come.
"Do I need a reason to come back to my old school?" Hope rhetorically says.
You let out a loud whine, tears subsiding, hearing your sister's voice and wanting to go to her. You manage to escape from under Josie's jacket and make a grabby hand toward Hope while your other hand is holding onto Josie's shirt collar.
"What about your baby sister? The old you would have never been this unthoughtful" Josie exclaims, tightening her grip as hard as she can without hurting you.
Hope laughs with a scoff mixed in, she says, "This is your big plan? Saying some tiny touching thing about my sister and then insulting me? Heh, you can do better".
She started to walk over to the brunette twin. Lizzie moves quickly and stands in front of you both.
"What? You really think I'd hurt my own sister and the girl I had the smallest crush on for a measly week?" Hope chuckles at the taller girl.
She raises her hands and snaps the heretic's neck effortlessly before she could answer. After, she casts an immobilization spell on everyone except you.
Vamping over, Hope takes you into her arms and leaves the school before the spell wares off.
All of your tears immediately subside and your breathing levels out as you cling to the tribid.
She walks into the abandoned Mikaelson mansion that your guys' family used to live in for around two years. She's been staying in the house since a week after she turned her humanity off.
Hope walks up the staircase after locking the door and enters the room which she's taken, which is Klaus', or used to be anyways.
She puts you down on the bed and starts pacing back and forth. A second later you raise your hands up, wanting to be back in your sister's arms.
"What the hell is wrong with you, why'd you take her. There was absolutely no reason to, ughh. No, no way am I turning the damn thing back on. I see what your doing" Hope rambles to herself and her mind trying to get her to flip it back on, ignoring your pleas to be back in her hold.
"Hhh-o,mmhh" you whine, not being able to pronounce it.
You keep trying over and over, not being able to get it right, and Hope paying no mind to your babbling.
She can already feel her switch flittering between off and on, but she pauses as soon as she hears the word that comes out of your mouth.
"Ho...Hop... Hope" you finally pronounce correctly and yell out to your sister.
"What'd you just say?" She walks over and finally picks you up from the made bed.
"...Hope," you say again.
She closes her eyes, trying to fight off her switch, but after some time it was no use. Opening them back up slowly, she looks down at you in her grasp, holding onto a lock of her wavy auburn hair.
"Hey y/n/n, I'm sorry. I'm here now sweetie" Hope holds your tiny frame against her tightly, not wanting to let go.
You lay your head on her collarbone with a hand still in her hair, content and happy being back with your big sister.
"You said your first word" she whispers into your hair and kisses your head.
#hope mikaelson#no humanity hope#hope mikaelson x sister reader#hope mikaelson x little sister#hope mikaelson x reader#humanity switch#baby reader#josie saltzman#lizzie saltzman#cleo sowande#milton greasley#kaleb hawkins#finch#cute#fluff#angst?#imagines#fanfic#thevampirediaries#theoriginals#legacies
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legacies meme: [4/5] otps
Josie and Finch ━ So I was thinking… girlfriend. Really? Yes! Yes!
#legaciesedit#addys-beth#userbboo#tvdversegif#tvdverseladies#userthing#finsie#finsieedit#josie x finch#*lgmeme#legaciesmeme#my gifs#*lgotp#josie saltzman#finch tarrayo#finchtarrayoedit#josiesaltzmanedit#legacies#favouritecouples
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Moodboards for two of my upcoming fics.
First moodboard is for my college AU fic "hey baby, won't you look my way (I can be your new addiction)" and will have Penizzie, Hosie and Lethan.
Second moodboard is for my past and future fic "you can only hate what you could love (if things were a little different)" and it'll have Penizzie, Posie, Finsie and unrequited Hizzie (it'll go between past and future for each chapter and will have intertwining moments to do with canon but still be an AU).
#legaciesedit#penelope x lizzie#hope x josie#landon x ethan#penelope x josie#josie x finch#nh hope x lizzie#penizzie#hosie#lethan#posie#finsie#unrequited hizzie#penelope park#lizzie saltzman#hope mikaelson#josie saltzman#landon kirby#ethan machado#finch tarrayo#no humanity hope
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Finch, texting Josie: Hey, gorgeous! Missing you so much!
Penelope, texting back: She’s asleep. This is her wife.
Finch: Forward my last message to 20 people for good luck throughout the week!
#married life#married posie#penelope park#josie saltzman#penelope x josie#posie#finch tarrayo#legacies incorrect quotes#legacies#incorrect legacies#incorrect legacies quotes#incorrect posie#incorrect quotes#tvdu#incorrect tvdu quotes
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Josie x Finch
MELISSA’S 225 FAVORITE SHIPS OF ALL TIME ranked by my followers 197. josie saltzman and finch tarrayo - legacies “Why don’t we both look on the bright side? Instead of always dwelling on the past and assuming the worst. Because maybe, just maybe, things will be different this time.”
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So @unsiredtribrid had this great post last night that started with Josie x Finch but went much deeper to the real point, and I had a few thoughts.
There are so many great threads there I want to tease apart a little and expand upon.
First, the show’s handling of Josie’s love interests or possible love interests; the show had a terrible track record of taking Josie’s love interests and casting them aside.
In S1, her ex was Penelope, we didn’t learn much of anything about when they were together, and she left before the end of the season. Josie was crushing on Raf but Lizzie got to him first and “ruined” him for both of them, and even he ends up leaving at the start of S3 (the end of S2 as it was conceived). And of course the crush on Hope that we learned about and kind of simmered right up to the end, when Josie physically felt Hope being erased from her life.
In S2, Josie started the season with Landon, and he dropped her like a hot potato as soon as he remembered Hope (and then ran off on both of them, because Landon the Leaver™). There was the brief thing with Jade post-prison world/Dark Josie, and then Jade, too, left at the start of S3 (the end of S2 as it was conceived). And the crush on Hope (the Pig telling Red Riding Hope to kiss sleeping Princess Josie). Noticing a pattern?
Then in S3 we got Finch, who was extremely jealous and possessive and didn’t want Josie to help her friend [Hope] who had saved Josie (and her family and friends) over and over in the course of the past two years…and they fought over that often. Then, in a twist, Josie left her to go help Hope.
So the show had a bad habit of bringing in a random character (almost always recurring) that we never learned much about and then casting them off. Contrast that to Lizzie’s ultimate endgame, MG, who was a regular who lasted the entire series, and, at least for the first parts of the series, we saw some manner of development and character growth for both of them in conjunction with that potential relationship (MG liked Lizzie in S1, Lizzie didn’t reciprocate until S2 when he was with Alyssa…); it wasn’t super, but it was something.
So in the context of the first two seasons, fans were rightly upset about the unfair handling of Josie’s love interests? What was it about her that always made people want to leave? 😢
And, also in the context of the first two seasons, the writers had set up this long arc pulling Josie and Hope together. The mutual attractions, the close and intimate moments, the saving, Hope always choosing Josie/the twins over Landon, Pig!Josie asking Hope to kiss her (sleeping Princess Josie), and so forth. When S2 had its truncated ending with Josie’s fairytaleland mindscape…if you couldn’t see the Hosie of it all, well…what the hell are you doing reading this post anyway? 😂
And then, inexplicably, after setting up two main characters of Hope and Josie to have a romance, the writers decided to address their flawed handling of Josie’s past love interests by…bringing in yet another side character that we never learned much about (and checked that “person of color” brownie-points box while they were at it) and almost immediately putting them together. And the showrunners were somehow shocked by fans’ dislike of the resulting pairing.
You’re cooking a filet mignon for two seasons, and instead of giving us that prime, tasty, meal, you cut off the fat and toss it at us and want us to be happy about it? Are you fucking kidding me?!
It’s cool for Hope to have a long-running romance with another main character…if it’s a man. It’s cool for Lizzie to have romances with 3 main characters [Raf, Ethan, MG] as long as they’re men (only Sebastian was here and gone). But heaven forbid Josie get another main character for a fully-developed romance! Or Hope and Josie to get the romance the writers set up and teased across two seasons! This is where people rightly get upset about queerbait and scraps and just checking boxes…
I always go back to Buffy when I’m thinking about things, and (it’s been a while) there was a build-up with Tara. We learned about her. She supported Willow. She helped her grow. (Once again, they had the “luxury” of 22-episode seasons to develop things…) And even Tara’s death, as horrific as it was, kicked off an important arc for Willow and resonated long after. Finch was nothing like that for Josie. If anything, Hope was the Tara-esque person to Josie’s Willow.
So there’s that.
On the other side of things, as soon as Finch showed up on screen, I immediately said this is exactly the kind of person Josie would date in this situation (given the bizarre situation we had been forced into, with Josie and Hope going from almost kissing to not interacting for half a season). Because Josie Saltzman Has. A. Type.
An outsider, brooding, somewhat-dangerous, loner?
Hope Marshall, anyone? Our archetype.
Penelope’s a bit of a tougher fit, because we know so little about her, but she’s got the dangerous part, and she’s (when we meet her) on the outside of Josie’s social circle, at least.
Raf checks pretty much all of those boxes at the moment Josie meets him, especially as he’s separated from Landon at that point.
Landon’s another weird fit, but he’s been mostly an outsider, and the two are both “alone” when they get together. And maybe killing yourself repeatedly for glimpses of someone ticks brooding and somewhat-dangerous?
Hope Mikaelson…I mean…!
Jade’s a bad girl (maybe with a good heart) and an outsider at the point they get together…and she has clear echoes of someone else.
And then Finch, check, check, check, check. Josie’s type.
As much as I disliked Finch’s jealousy and controlling nature, her badmouthing Hope (whom she didn’t know, nor did she know Josie’s history with her), her unwillingness to fight for Josie, and the ultimate lack of chemistry when they were together, and in general her arrival/presence in the series as part of this bizarre hard-right turn in Josie’s behavior…
As much as I disliked all of that, I could have lived with the run of Josie x Finch that we endured if Legacies had gone on for another season—or Kaylee hadn’t felt the need to protect herself and leave—and we had seen Josie find her way back to Hope. People have bad, inexplicable romantic partners in the real world. Hope had a couple. Lizzie (Sebastian) and MG (Alyssa) had one. But you move on.
And when the writers have set up this epic love, one where they each go to the ends of the earth to support and save each other…and instead we’re left with a box-check-only relationship that feels like it has no chemistry…no, I won’t let people keep trying to gaslight me into believing table-scraps of fat are a five-star dinner when the writers repeatedly not only put filet mignon on the menu but also brought out samples and encouraged me to order it.
#rant#musings#anti legacies#anti finch tarrayo#josie saltzman#hope mikaelson#hosie#josie saltzman love interests
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Legacies 1x05 Rewatch:
The Dryad, I've missed her
I actually love how they show the evolution of the school with stuff like adapting to monsters and giving the students a voice
No because who takes over Raf's spot on the Honor Council when he dies
"YoU'rE nOt GoNnA lOsE tHe ElEcTiOn OvEr An OuTfIt." Why is it so hard for Josie to just support her sister for once.
"Lizzie Saltzman only cares about Lizzie Saltzman." You mean the Lizzie Saltzman, who does everything for her sister and sacrifices her life over and over again for every other student in that school?
"You still like it when I went low." "Oh, honey, you crush on me." Posie needed more than one season.
"We're not negotiating. Right, Ric?" "Uh ..." Dorian as headmaster would have been a great storyline.
Watching Rafael and Jed spar makes me realize that Finch never got to meet Rafael. What a wasted opportunity.
" You're mocking me." "Yeah but just a little bit." When I say Dorian and Alaric had more chemistry with the Dryad than they did with Emma or Mac ...
" Sometimes in the human world telling the truth can do more harm than good." OH THIS IS ABOUT THE MERGE. MM HMM.
"I see it in their smiles, in their laughter. I still see her sometimes." Going to cry thinking about that last scene in TVD
"You straight up refuse to swim across the lake." "Excuse the foster kid for never having swim lessons." And now he literally lives, immortal, ferrying across a lake.
Testing his ability to get away from you as fast as possible, Hope? Little Miss Hold on Tight?
So if Malivore's DNA showed up as literally everything, why did Landon's DNA show no supernatural history? Why didn't it raise any red flags?
"It's so nice to know you all love me as much as I thought you did." She's a comedian because I know she knows those kids hate her ass. They attended a book club reading of her diary. They laughed at her funeral. They did NOT love her and she knew it.
"Jackass Jed." If there's one thing the Saltzman twins know how to do best it's come up with nicknames.
"Say no more. I know how much it means to you and I would be happy to help." She needs a hug.
Tell me again how it's Lizzie who's getting in the way of Josie's romantic life?
What is the SBS sex ed class like because the amount of STD jokes those students make is kind of wild.
Not Josie giving away Lizzie's pink sweater ... like we never even got to see her wear it before you did that ...
"I've always wanted to be part of a power couple." Oh boy do I have news for you Lizzie
No, because Handon's "I don't want to be special" x "I need to be special" dynamic is so delicious
"You know, you can only hold out hope for so long and be hurt by so many people before it starts to seems impossible to trust someone new." "Do you trust me?" "Of course I do." Handizzie excellence.
Why did they have to do S1 Jed so dirty
"I'm trying to rise above it. So let me freaking rise."
"I'm a tribrid. The only one of my kind. No one can represent my interests but me." So does Lizzie finally get her spot on the council after becoming a heretic?
Did the Honor Council just disappear after Hope was forgotten??
Imagine if Lizzie had brought the truth orb with her when she hunted down Hope and confessed to being in love with her
Josie using her father and her sister almost dying since Landon arrived as an excuse to kick him out is kind of funny when you remember that later she kills her sister and doesn't care when her father stuck in a coma and on his death bed.
"This school is family." Guess nobody there can like each other now
That's TWO magical trees in the Legacies universe now ...
"What did I ever do to make you hate me so much?" No because one day I will write an essay on how all of Josie's love interests end up hating Lizzie for no reason and/or misinformed reasons and there's one common denominator.
"It's not about you. It's about how you treat Josie." Is that not literally about her. Like if your problem is that she doesn't exist solely to serve Josie, isn't that having a problem with her??
"Did you think to ask her if she wanted to run for council before you assumed you'd win?" DID YOU?? BECAUSE THAT GIRL LOOKED LIKE SHE WANTED TO DIE AS SOON AS SHE HAD TO MAKE A DECISION ON THE SPOT LIKE THAT.
The irony in Penelope telling Lizzie that she's left Josie with no room for herself when it's actually the opposite way around. Like real quick Miss Park, which one of them are you telling that they can't pursue their interests because the other twin might want it too?
I will never understand why Penelope acted like Lizzie and Josie couldn't both run for council. It was an open election. All she had to do was put her name in.
"She spends all her energy taking care of you." To recap in the past four episodes she has spent her energy trying to win over Rafael, trying to convince everyone to hate Penelope and not talk about her, trying to get offensive magic put into the school curriculum, trying to get everyone to lose the football game, and trying to drive a deeper wedge between Hope and Lizzie during community service. Now which part of that is taking care of Lizzie?
"You are a black hole of time and energy and love." Is the time and energy and love in the room with us right now?
"She won't ever burn you world down." The foreshadowing to her literally burning the school down ...
Every day I wish Penelope would have been around to see Josie in her black lipstick era.
No because what happened to pretty shots like the Handon kiss? When did TV shows stop caring about cinematic beauty and nicely lit shots and fantastic coloring??
Sandwiches are a Handon thing
"I have a family friend who's expecting you." The fact that we never see Landon with the Mikaelson family friend ...
Every time I see Raf and Lizzie's scene, I think about that post about how lesbians use hetero sex as a form of self harm and there has never been a better example to exist in all of history. Like what part of being told that you're the worst person in the world makes you horny??
Also Lizzie Saltzman kiss a guy without crying challenge. Like sweetie if you're crying every time you have to kiss them, maybe it's for a reason.
Every time I hear Someone to You on the radio I get chills because of this episode
#legacies#legacies cw#lizzie saltzman#hope mikaelson#landon kirby#rafael waithe#josie saltzman#milton greasley#penelope park#losie#posie#handon#hafael#legacies rewatch
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TVDU (The Vampire Diaries Universe) SHIP BRACKET
ROUND 2, BATTLE 40: Finsie (Finch Tarrayo x Josie Saltzman, Legacies) VS Baroline (Bonnie Bennett x Caroline Forbes, TVD)
#tvdu ship bracket#tvdu#the vampire diaries#legacies#to#the originals#finsie#baroline#finch tarrayo#josie satlzman#bonnie bennett#caroline forbes#polls
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Popular Pairing List Update
The following pairings have more than 10 recent posts in their pairing tag, and are therefore too popular to be posted on Rarepair Thursdays:
Amalia True x Penance Adair (The Nevers)
Anita St. Pierre x Della Street (Perry Mason)
Anne Boonchuy x Sasha Waybright (Amphibia)
Ava Coleman x Janine Teagues (Abbott Elementary)
Carol Aird x Therese Belivet (Carol)
Cinta Kaz x Vel Sartha (Star Wars)
Drea Torres x Eleanor Levetan (Do Revenge)
Eleanor Levetan x Gabbi Broussard (Do Revenge)
Eleanor Roosevelt x Lorena Hickok (The First Lady)
Ellie x Riley Abel (HBO The Last Of Us)
Emily Prentiss x Jennifer Jareau (Criminal Minds)
Frannie Langton x Marguerite Benham (The Confessions of Frannie Langton)
Katherine Hastings x Sadie Ryan (American Auto)
KJ Brandman x Mac Coyle (Amazon Paper Girls)
Lily Evans x Narcissa Malfoy (Harry Potter)
Mia Reed x Vada Cavell (The Fallout)
Midge Maisel x Susie Myerson (The Marvelous Mrs Maisel)
Miorine Rembran x Suletta Mercury (Mobile Suit Gundam Wing)
Natasha Romanoff x Peggy Carter (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
The following pairings have been posted less frequently recently, and have therefore been removed from the popular pairing list:
Addy Hanlon x Beth Cassidy (Dare Me)
Alex Danvers x Kelly Olsen (Supergirl)
Alex Vause x Piper Chapman (Orange Is The New Black)
Alexis Rose x Twyla Sands (Schitt’s Creek)
Allison Argent x Lydia Martin (Teen Wolf)
Andi Mack x Buffy Driscoll (Andi Mack)
Anne Shirley x Diana Barry x Ruby Gillis (Anne With An E)
Buffy Summers x Willow Rosenberg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Caitlin Snow x Iris West (The Flash)
Camina Drummer x Naomi Nagata (The Expanse)
Cosima Niehaus x Delphine Cormier (Orphan Black)
Dinah Lance x Helena Bertinelli (DCU)
Eleanor Shellstrop x Tahani Al Jamil (The Good Place)
Finch Tarrayo x Josie Saltzman (Legacies)
Greta Moreno x Riley Luo (Generation)
Hannah Miller x Sarah Fier (Fear Street)
Hermione Granger x Narcissa Malfoy (Harry Potter)
Ji-yeong x Kang Sae-byeok (Squid Game)
Joan x Zoey Clarke (Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist)
Kathryn Janeway x Seven of Nine (Star Trek: Voyager)
Lady Hideko x Sook Hee (The Handmaiden)
Laurel Lance x Nyssa al Ghul (Arrow)
Natasha Romanoff x Wanda Maximoff (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Neopolitan x Yang Xiao Long (RWBY)
Nora Grace x Viri Gómez (Skam Spain)
Paris Geller x Rory Gilmore (Gilmore Girls)
River Song x Thirteenth Doctor (Doctor Who)
Seo Ji-wan x Yoon Sol (Nevertheless)
Shane McCutcheon x Tess Van De Berg (The L Word)
#femslashrevolution#femslash revolution#wlw#sapphic#bisexual#lesbian#popular pairing list#Rarepair Thursdays#mod post
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Josie is pretty. Gorgeous. Brown hair and a devastating smile, and so clearly Finch’s type. Not just in looks. She stands with her sister, with her father, with someone Finch presumes is her mother, and in each photo she looks kind and sweet and a little reckless. It’s hard to imagine the girl in these photos could be anything even remotely dark. She doesn’t look like she’d kill a bug.
Snippet for day 13 of the AUgust Writing Challenge
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plots pls for regina( with hope, klaus, anyone?); mia/finch; coda/lottie
send me “plots please” and I’ll respond with 3 (or more) interesting plots / relationships / connections I can think of for our muses!
regina and klaus - they probably have a lot to talk about as people willing to play the villain in other people's stories, but are often not given much credit for having become such a villain due to the actions of their parents. regina with cora and klaus with mikael has a number of parallels, most strikingly the constant degradation and derision that they're weak, powerless, etc. they've both been hardened by life and both have done awful and unforgivable things, but they also probably could connect on their attempts to do good and be better, only to have their pasts thrown into their face
regina and hope - okay we could go one of two ways with this: a standard canon-esque relationship where regina sees hope very similar to henry (and emma). she's a child that serves as the lynchpin to the story, and she's remarkable in every way. in many ways, hope has exactly what regina wants, which is to maintain immortality without having to give up her magic. however, especially in a post-henry world (which is almost always how i'll play regina), she's not going to be as willing to harm a random child, even for her own gains. if anything, i can see her offering herself up as a resource for hope, to teach her some of the lost magic that she knows or expertise in dark objects (or teach her how to do the heart spell idk); ALTERNATIVELY we could do pre-evil queen regina who still believes in love and idk maybe instead of getting promised to some creepy old king, she gets promised to the tribrid and they have to deal with arranged marriage bs
mia and finch #1 - pre-finch's appearance in canon, mia, loren and flori go to the grill and get seated in finch's section. loren and flori make fun of how red mia gets when finch flirts with her
mia and finch #2 - as an alternative to josie finding finch when she transfers to mfhs, i find it pretty hard to believe that there's an untrained werewolf under the noses of the school for longer than a few months and it seems like finch has been doing things for at least a year (since she was around when maya was in town), maybe a verse where mia finds finch, maybe fairly soon after she's brought to the school? finch is living the life that mia was just rescued from, on her own, while also trying to go to high school. it'd be a far less traumatic way for her to be introduced to the world of the supernatural
mia and finch #3 - this time in your lore, where after tiva is murdered and mia leaves len, they run into each other. i'd probably keep tvdu lore for finch but she'd still be in the part of her journey where she's not sure what the hell is going on and she thinks she's the only one out there. and it's just two feral teenagers trying to figure out the world, even if they're not exactly alike, but close enough for it to be meaningful
coda and lottie #1 - i vaguely remember you saying vampire lottie like once and now i need it. unlike most wolves, coda tends to be more suspicious of witches bc of what she went through with the hollow, so lottie being a vampire wouldn't outright deter her. also she's a golden retriever, so lottie could smile at her once and she'll be smitten (me too coda)
coda and lottie #2 - yj au where coda and lottie met in group therapy when they were kids (coda after her parents died, lottie bc her dad is a dick). she's not part of the soccer team and doesn't go to wiskayok high at all, but they bond over trauma and stuff and idk maybe they reconnect post-rescue
coda and lottie #3 - rich girl x kid from the wrong side of town and no one knows why they get along but they do. coda is all instinct and action while lottie is more cerebral and mindful, but it balances them out. is this supernatural or human or a different third thing? idk i'm just vibing
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do you have a fav josie ship?
Again, it's so hard to decide! When looking for a default ship for Josie, I usually go with Josie x MG, because best friends to lovers make me happy. I do also really enjoy Jandon, though! And Josie x Finch, of course. I kinda want to rate them now.
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Courtney Bandeko is just 👌
legacies meme: [4/7] characters
Finch Tarrayo ━ So why don't we both look on the bright side?
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