#finch tarrayo
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elizabeth-forbes Ā· 1 year ago
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legacies meme: [4/7] characters
Finch Tarrayo ā” So why don't we both look on the bright side?
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rhaenizziettie Ā· 1 year ago
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trihedaburden Ā· 10 months ago
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Moodboards for two of my upcoming fics.
First moodboard is for my college AU fic "hey baby, won't you look my way (I can be your new addiction)" and will have Penizzie, Hosie and Lethan.
Second moodboard is for my past and future fic "you can only hate what you could love (if things were a little different)" and it'll have Penizzie, Posie, Finsie and unrequited Hizzie (it'll go between past and future for each chapter and will have intertwining moments to do with canon but still be an AU).
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fern-parallels Ā· 10 days ago
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handonshipper Ā· 5 months ago
Does anyone have any idea was the timeline for seasons 3 and 4 are? I only trust the TVDU wiki timeline page for TVD and TO. I'm pretty sure Legacies is messed up. And I really need an idea of where season 4 left off timeline wise
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phantomstatistician Ā· 2 years ago
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Fandom: Legacies
Character: Josie Saltzman
Sample Size: 3,923 stories
Source: AO3
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arbitrarygreay Ā· 1 year ago
Oh. I just realized. Josie/Finch is what Josie/Rafael could have been. A werewolf with a lower class background, time spent not understanding their curse activation, somewhat of a loner, distrustful of others, beats Jed to become alpha of the pack, played by a POC actor.
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lesbiansaltzman Ā· 1 year ago
TVDU (The Vampire Diaries Universe) SHIP BRACKET
ROUND 2, BATTLE 40: Finsie (Finch Tarrayo x Josie Saltzman, Legacies) VS Baroline (Bonnie Bennett x Caroline Forbes, TVD)
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alltid-og-for-evig Ā· 7 months ago
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Legacies (TV 2018) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Hope Mikaelson/Lizzie Saltzman, Landon Kirby/Ethan Machado, Milton "MG" Greasley/Kaleb Hawkins, Ben/Jedediah "Jed" Tien, Jen/Cleo Sowande, Josie Saltzman/Finch Tarrayo Additional Tags: AU-gust | August Writing Challenge, Alternate Universe - Noir, Mystery, Private Investigators, Aged-Up Character(s), Light Angst, POV Multiple, Other Additional Tags to Be Added Series: Part 57 of AUgust Writing Challenge Summary:
In Landonā€™s case, he doesnā€™t deal with those who hide so much as those who run. Got a lot of runners in Mystic Falls. People who pass through looking for something else. Quiet people. The kind who are always searching, and who youā€™d never suspect are dying. Landon helps them as best he can when he can.
(or, MG solves a missing persons case while Landon helps his patrons solve their lives)
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whyislenaluthorsohot Ā· 2 years ago
Finch, texting Josie: Hey, gorgeous! Missing you so much!
Penelope, texting back: Sheā€™s asleep. This is her wife.Ā 
Finch: Forward my last message to 20 people for good luck throughout the week!
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32ameliapll Ā· 2 years ago
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Day two - body swap
What happens when Alyssa swaps Lizzie and Josieā€™s bodies and now Lizzieā€™s stuck with a crush on her sisterā€™s girlfriend?
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elizabeth-forbes Ā· 1 year ago
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legacies meme: [4/5] otps
Josie and Finch ā” So I was thinkingā€¦ girlfriend. Really? Yes! Yes!
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rhaenizziettie Ā· 1 year ago
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emilybrontesghost Ā· 1 year ago
I love Finch too! But my god Penelope and Finch were both SO hot.
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handonshipper Ā· 2 years ago
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Josie Saltzman and Finch Tarrayo
Legacies 3x05
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uncleasad Ā· 2 months ago
So @unsiredtribrid had this great post last night that started with Josie x Finch but went much deeper to the real point, and I had a few thoughts.
There are so many great threads there I want to tease apart a little and expand upon.
First, the showā€™s handling of Josieā€™s love interests or possible love interests; the show had a terrible track record of taking Josieā€™s love interests and casting them aside.
In S1, her ex was Penelope, we didnā€™t learn much of anything about when they were together, and she left before the end of the season. Josie was crushing on Raf but Lizzie got to him first and ā€œruinedā€ him for both of them, and even he ends up leaving at the start of S3 (the end of S2 as it was conceived). And of course the crush on Hope that we learned about and kind of simmered right up to the end, when Josie physically felt Hope being erased from her life.
In S2, Josie started the season with Landon, and he dropped her like a hot potato as soon as he remembered Hope (and then ran off on both of them, because Landon the Leaverā„¢). There was the brief thing with Jade post-prison world/Dark Josie, and then Jade, too, left at the start of S3 (the end of S2 as it was conceived). And the crush on Hope (the Pig telling Red Riding Hope to kiss sleeping Princess Josie). Noticing a pattern?
Then in S3 we got Finch, who was extremely jealous and possessive and didnā€™t want Josie to help her friend [Hope] who had saved Josie (and her family and friends) over and over in the course of the past two yearsā€¦and they fought over that often. Then, in a twist, Josie left her to go help Hope.
So the show had a bad habit of bringing in a random character (almost always recurring) that we never learned much about and then casting them off. Contrast that to Lizzieā€™s ultimate endgame, MG, who was a regular who lasted the entire series, and, at least for the first parts of the series, we saw some manner of development and character growth for both of them in conjunction with that potential relationship (MG liked Lizzie in S1, Lizzie didnā€™t reciprocate until S2 when he was with Alyssaā€¦); it wasnā€™t super, but it was something.
So in the context of the first two seasons, fans were rightly upset about the unfair handling of Josieā€™s love interests? What was it about her that always made people want to leave? šŸ˜¢
And, also in the context of the first two seasons, the writers had set up this long arc pulling Josie and Hope together. The mutual attractions, the close and intimate moments, the saving, Hope always choosing Josie/the twins over Landon, Pig!Josie asking Hope to kiss her (sleeping Princess Josie), and so forth. When S2 had its truncated ending with Josieā€™s fairytaleland mindscapeā€¦if you couldnā€™t see the Hosie of it all, wellā€¦what the hell are you doing reading this post anyway? šŸ˜‚
And then, inexplicably, after setting up two main characters of Hope and Josie to have a romance, the writers decided to address their flawed handling of Josieā€™s past love interests byā€¦bringing in yet another side character that we never learned much about (and checked that ā€œperson of colorā€ brownie-points box while they were at it) and almost immediately putting them together. And the showrunners were somehow shocked by fansā€™ dislike of the resulting pairing.
Youā€™re cooking a filet mignon for two seasons, and instead of giving us that prime, tasty, meal, you cut off the fat and toss it at us and want us to be happy about it? Are you fucking kidding me?!
Itā€™s cool for Hope to have a long-running romance with another main characterā€¦if itā€™s a man. Itā€™s cool for Lizzie to have romances with 3 main characters [Raf, Ethan, MG] as long as theyā€™re men (only Sebastian was here and gone). But heaven forbid Josie get another main character for a fully-developed romance! Or Hope and Josie to get the romance the writers set up and teased across two seasons! This is where people rightly get upset about queerbait and scraps and just checking boxesā€¦
I always go back to Buffy when Iā€™m thinking about things, and (itā€™s been a while) there was a build-up with Tara. We learned about her. She supported Willow. She helped her grow. (Once again, they had the ā€œluxuryā€ of 22-episode seasons to develop thingsā€¦) And even Taraā€™s death, as horrific as it was, kicked off an important arc for Willow and resonated long after. Finch was nothing like that for Josie. If anything, Hope was the Tara-esque person to Josieā€™s Willow.
So thereā€™s that.
On the other side of things, as soon as Finch showed up on screen, I immediately said this is exactly the kind of person Josie would date in this situation (given the bizarre situation we had been forced into, with Josie and Hope going from almost kissing to not interacting for half a season). Because Josie Saltzman Has. A. Type.
An outsider, brooding, somewhat-dangerous, loner?
Hope Marshall, anyone? Our archetype.
Penelopeā€™s a bit of a tougher fit, because we know so little about her, but sheā€™s got the dangerous part, and sheā€™s (when we meet her) on the outside of Josieā€™s social circle, at least.
Raf checks pretty much all of those boxes at the moment Josie meets him, especially as heā€™s separated from Landon at that point.
Landonā€™s another weird fit, but heā€™s been mostly an outsider, and the two are both ā€œaloneā€ when they get together. And maybe killing yourself repeatedly for glimpses of someone ticks brooding and somewhat-dangerous?
Hope Mikaelsonā€¦I meanā€¦!
Jadeā€™s a bad girl (maybe with a good heart) and an outsider at the point they get togetherā€¦and she has clear echoes of someone else.
And then Finch, check, check, check, check. Josieā€™s type.
As much as I disliked Finchā€™s jealousy and controlling nature, her badmouthing Hope (whom she didnā€™t know, nor did she know Josieā€™s history with her), her unwillingness to fight for Josie, and the ultimate lack of chemistry when they were together, and in general her arrival/presence in the series as part of this bizarre hard-right turn in Josieā€™s behaviorā€¦
As much as I disliked all of that, I could have lived with the run of Josie x Finch that we endured if Legacies had gone on for another seasonā€”or Kaylee hadnā€™t felt the need to protect herself and leaveļæ½ļæ½ļæ½and we had seen Josie find her way back to Hope. People have bad, inexplicable romantic partners in the real world. Hope had a couple. Lizzie (Sebastian) and MG (Alyssa) had one. But you move on.
And when the writers have set up this epic love, one where they each go to the ends of the earth to support and save each otherā€¦and instead weā€™re left with a box-check-only relationship that feels like it has no chemistryā€¦no, I wonā€™t let people keep trying to gaslight me into believing table-scraps of fat are a five-star dinner when the writers repeatedly not only put filet mignon on the menu but also brought out samples and encouraged me to order it.
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