#finance for beginners
thewealthystatus · 5 months
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bitchesgetriches · 3 months
{ MASTERPOST } Everything You Need to Know about Investing for Beginners
Fundamentals of investing:
What’s the REAL Rate of Return on the Stock Market?
Do NOT Make This Disastrous Beginner Mistake With Your Retirement Funds
The Dark Magic of Financial Horcruxes: How and Why to Diversify Your Assets
Dafuq Is Interest? And How Does It Work for the Forces of Darkness?
Booms, Busts, Bubbles, and Beanie Babies: How Economic Cycles Work
When Money in the Bank Is a Bad Thing: Understanding Inflation and Depreciation
Investing Deathmatch series:
Investing Deathmatch: Managed Funds vs. Index Funds 
Investing Deathmatch: Traditional IRA vs. Roth IRA 
Investing Deathmatch: Investing in the Stock Market vs. Just… Not 
Investing Deathmatch: Stocks vs. Bonds 
Investing Deathmatch: Timing the Market vs. Time IN the Market
Investing Deathmatch: Paying off Debt vs. Investing in the Stock Market 
Investing Deathmatch: What Happens in a Bull Market vs. a Bear Market 
Now that we’ve covered the basics, are you ready to invest but don’t know where to begin? We recommend starting small with micro-investing through our partner Acorns. They’ll round up your purchases to the nearest dollar and invest the change in a nicely diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, and ETFs. Easy as eating pancakes:
Start saving small with Acorns
Alternative investments:
Small Business Investing: A Kinder, Gentler Alternative to the Stock Market 
Bullshit Reasons Not to Buy a House: Refuted
Investing in Cryptocurrency is Bad and Stupid
So I Got Chickens, Part 1: Return on Investment
Twelve Reasons Senior Pets Are an Awesome Investment 
How To Save for Retirement When You Make Less Than $30,000 a Year
Understanding the stock market:
Ask the Bitches Pandemic Lightning Round: “Did Congress Really Give $1.5 Trillion to Wall Street?”
Season 3, Episode 2: “I Inherited Money. Should I Pay Off Debt, Invest It, or Blow It All on a Car?” 
Money Is Fake and GameStop Is King: What Happened When Reddit and a Meme Stock Tanked Hedge Funds
Season 3, Episode 7: “I’m Finished With the Basic Shit. What Are the Advanced Financial Steps That Only Rich People Know?”
Wait… Did I Just Lose All My Money Investing in the Stock Market?
Season 4, Episode 1: “Index Funds Include Unethical Companies. Can I Still Invest in Them, or Does That Make Me a Monster?” 
Retirement plans:
Dafuq Is a Retirement Plan and Why Do You Need One?
Procrastinating on Opening a Retirement Account? Here’s 3 Ways That’ll Fuck You Over
How to Painlessly Run the Gauntlet of a 401k Rollover
Ask the Bitches: “Can I Quit With Unvested Funds? Or Am I Walking Away From Too Much Money?”
Workplace Benefits and Other Cool Side Effects of Employment
You Need to Talk to Your Parents About Their Retirement Plan
Season 4, Episode 5: “401(k)s Aren’t Offered in My Industry. How Do I Save for Retirement if My Employer Won’t Help?” 
Got a retirement plan already? How about three or four? Have you been leaving a trail of abandoned 401(k)s behind you at every employer you quit? Did we just become best friends? Because that was literally my story until recently. Our partner Capitalize will help you quickly and painlessly get through a 401(k) rollover:
Roll over your retirement fund with Capitalize
Season 1, Episode 12: “Should I Believe the Fear-Mongering about Another Recession?”
There’s a Storm a’Comin’: What We Know About the Next Recession
Ask the Bitches: How Do I Prepare for a Recession?
A Brief History of the 2008 Crash and Recession: We Were All So Fucked
Ask the Bitches Pandemic Lightning Round: “Is This the Right Time To Start Investing?”
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coven-of-genesis · 1 year
3 tarot spreads for career & finances
Here are three tarot spreads specifically designed for career and finances:
Career Path Spread: This spread helps you gain insight into your career path, explore your strengths, and uncover potential opportunities for growth and advancement.Card 1 (Current Situation): Represents your current career situation and where you stand. Card 2 (Strengths and Skills): Reveals your unique strengths and skills that can contribute to your career success. Card 3 (Challenges): Highlights the major challenges or obstacles you may face in your career. Card 4 (Opportunities): Indicates potential opportunities or areas of growth in your career. Card 5 (Advice): Provides guidance and advice on how to maximize your career potential. Card 6 (Outcome): Shows the potential outcome or direction of your career if you continue on your current path.
Financial Outlook Spread: This spread focuses specifically on your financial situation, providing insights into your current finances and offering guidance on how to improve your financial well-being.Card 1 (Current Financial Situation): Represents your current financial state and where you stand. Card 2 (Income): Reveals factors or influences affecting your income and financial stability. Card 3 (Expenses): Highlights areas where you may be overspending or potential financial drains. Card 4 (Savings and Investments): Provides insights into your savings habits and investment opportunities. Card 5 (Financial Challenges): Indicates the major challenges or obstacles you may encounter in your finances. Card 6 (Advice): Offers guidance and advice on how to improve your financial situation. Card 7 (Outcome): Shows the potential outcome or direction of your finances if you follow the given advice.
Decision-Making Spread: This spread is useful when faced with a specific career or financial decision, helping you weigh the pros and cons and make a more informed choice.Card 1 (Current Situation): Represents your current career or financial circumstances. Card 2 (Options): Reveals the available options or choices you have. Card 3 (Pros): Highlights the positive aspects or potential benefits of each option. Card 4 (Cons): Indicates the negative aspects or potential drawbacks of each option. Card 5 (Advice): Provides guidance and advice on which option may be the most beneficial. Card 6 (Outcome): Shows the potential outcome or consequences of each option.
Remember, tarot readings provide guidance and insights, but the final decisions and actions are ultimately up to you.
These spreads serve as tools to explore your career and financial situations further and make more informed choices.
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iris-2212 · 6 months
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kc22invesmentsblog · 10 months
Demystifying the Bull and Bear: Understanding Market Trends
In the world of finance and investing, terms like “bull market” and “bear market” are frequently thrown around. But what do these terms really mean? Today, we’ll dive into the fascinating world of market trends and gain a clear understanding of these commonly used phrases. Bull Market: Riding the Wave of Optimism When we hear the term “bull market,” it signifies a period of rising stock prices…
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signode-blog · 6 months
10 Movies on Stock Markets You Should Watch
The world of stock markets is full of drama, intrigue, and high stakes, making it a captivating subject for movies. I would recommend you to watch these movies on stock markets. Here are 10 films that offer a glimpse into the thrilling world of finance: The Big Short (2015) “The Big Short” is a 2015 American biographical comedy-drama film directed by Adam McKay, based on the 2010 book “The Big…
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logicalnivesh · 1 year
Although options trading is a bit more complex than stock trading, it helps make more significant profits when the security’s price rises and restricts losses when it goes down. Options in stock market are powerful as they can enhance a person’s portfolio through added income, leverage, and protection.
What is options trading?
Option trading allows traders to buy or sell stocks, ETFs, etc., at a specified price and within a specific date. It also gives the flexibility to wait to purchase the stocks at the decided price or date. Options trading allows investors to judge the future course of direction of the stock market or individual securities like bonds, stocks, etc.
When considering options trading, one should know what options are and their various types. If you are looking for tips and strategies for options trading for beginners, this article will help you find answers to each of your queries.
What are options?
Options are tradable contracts that give the bearer the right but not the obligation to buy or sell an asset at a predetermined price on or before the contract expires. Although options trading is a bit more complex than stock trading, it helps make more significant profits when the security’s price rises and restricts losses when it goes down. Options in stock market are powerful as they can enhance a person’s portfolio through added income, leverage, and protection. It can be used as –
Leverage – When the security price rises, options trading helps you grab more enormous profits as you don’t have to put down the total price of the share. It lets you have control over the shares without buying them outright.
Hedging – When the price of a share fluctuates, options trading protects the investor by allowing you to buy or sell the shares at a pre-determined price for a specified period.
Types of stock options trading
Options trading can be categorized into two types – call option and put option. Below is a detailed insight into the two categories.
Call options – When the underlying security rises in price, it gives the opportunity to buy. Call option allows the trader to buy stocks at a pre-determined price within a specified period. The price paid is the strike price, and the last date of exercising the call option is known as the expiration date.
There are two ways to earn profit from the call option: Close your position (sell the call option) when the asset’s price surpasses the break-even price and make the difference between the paid and current premium. Or you can buy the asset at the agreed strike price.
Put options – Unlike call options, where the trader has the opportunity to buy, the put option allows people to sell the underlying stock at the strike price on or before the date of expiry.
If you are willing to earn profits through put options, either close your position (sell the options contract) when the asset price is below the break-even level and make
the difference between the premium paid and the current premium. Or sell the underlying asset at the agreed strike price.
If the underlying asset’s price moves in the opposite direction to the desired call or put options, wait for the contract to expire, and your losses will equate to the amount you paid for the option.
Types of option trading strategies
There are multiple types of trading in the stock market. There are numerous options trading strategies, but if you are a beginner, you should initially be well-versed in these five for effective trading.
Long calls (Buying calls) – A bullish trader should take this strategy. When the price of an asset is expected to rise, you can buy a call option using less capital than the asset. Also, if the price falls, the losses are limited to just the premium paid and no more.
Long puts (Buying puts) – Bearish traders prefer this buying options strategy. It gives the holder the right to sell the particular stock at the strike price. Short selling is the only way a trader can benefit from this strategy.
Covered calls – This strategy is preferred during a moderate or neutral market. Out of all other option trading strategies, covered calls are one of the safest options trading strategies. Here the investor sells a call option while also owning the underlying asset.
Protective puts – It is a risk management strategy that guards against the downside movement of an asset. Although put options are a bearish strategy, protective puts are favored when the trader is still in a bullish trend but wishes to hedge against potential losses.
Long straddles – It is one of the best stock options trading strategies in the Indian stock market. Here the trader purchases both a long call and a long put on the same underlying stock having the same expiration date and strike price.
Profitability in options trading
There are various types of trading in stock market, but every kind has some profitability scenarios, which make it worth opting for. Below is a list of the three significant situations that may lead to profitable trading outcomes.
In-the-money option (ITM) – When the current index value is greater than the strike price, it is said to be an in-the-money option. It leads to a positive cash flow being exercised immediately.
At-the-money option (ATM) – When the current index value is equal to the strike price, it is said to be an at-the-money option. It leads to no profit and loss, i.e., zero cash flow being exercised immediately.
Out-of-the-money option (OTM) – When the index value is lower than the strike price, it is said to be an out-of-the-money option. It leads to a negative cash flow being exercised immediately.
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fastmoneyclicks · 2 years
Do you want to start a blog, here is the ultimate guide just for a fresh beginning for baby bloggers ☺️📢✨ Check out post on my website... lets's start now!
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bookblogger45 · 2 years
The Top 10 Best Personal Finance Books of All Time - Don't Miss Out on These Classics!
The Top 10 Best Personal Finance Books of All Time – Don’t Miss Out on These Classics!
Introduction : The best personal finance books of all time offer timeless, simple advice that can help you take control of your finances and live the life you want to live! If you’re looking to better your financial life, here are the ten best personal finance books that are both essential readings and can help you learn how to properly manage your money. Read on for more information on the top…
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cyber-soul-smartz · 5 days
Top 10 Budgeting Tips for Beginners: Start Managing Your Finances Today
Exciting news! Our new article, "10 Essential Budgeting Tips for Beginners: Take Control of Your Finances Today," is now live! Learn how to create a budget, save for emergencies, and more. Start your journey to financial stability now!
Budgeting At a Glance Budgeting is more than just a tool; it’s a powerful skill that empowers individuals to take control of their financial situation and achieve their financial goals. Whether you dream of a vacation, want to eliminate debt, or build an emergency fund, a well-structured budget can be your key to success. Starting a budget may seem daunting, especially if you’re new to it. But…
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thewealthystatus · 5 months
TODAY'S TOPIC: Discover a treasure trove of financial wisdom and intrigue with our carefully curated selection of 16 must-watch shows and documentaries on Netflix. Dive into the adrenaline-fueled heists of "Money Heist" and uncover corporate corruption in "Dirty Money." Explore the roots of the 2008 financial crisis in "Inside Job" and witness the triumph of the human spirit in "The Pursuit of Happyness." From the investment strategies of "Becoming Warren Buffett" to the societal impacts of "The Social Dilemma" and "The Great Hack," each title offers invaluable insights into wealth, risk, and resilience.
Delve into the world of financial fraud with "The China Hustle" and gain perspective on market collapse in "The Big Short." Uncover the dark realities of white-collar crime in "American Greed" and challenge consumerist ideals in "Minimalism." Examine economic inequality in "Capital in the Twenty-First Century" and confront the consequences of ambition in "Breaking Bad."
Witness the rise of American industry titans in "The Men Who Built America" and learn from the cautionary tale of "Fyre: The Greatest Party That Never Happened." Finally, ride the rollercoaster of Wall Street excess with "The Wolf of Wall Street" and glean wisdom from the Oracle of Omaha in "Becoming Warren Buffett."
From thrill-seeking adventures to introspective journeys, each recommendation offers a unique perspective on wealth, integrity, and the pursuit of happiness. Join us on The Wealthy Status as we unravel the mysteries of financial success and empower you to master the art of wealth-building. Let's unlock greatness together!
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suttastories · 10 days
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inu-demon · 12 days
Unlocking Financial Knowledge: Top Financing Articles You Need to Read
In today's fast-paced globe, monetary proficiency is essential to opening a safe and secure and flourishing future. Whether you're just starting your trip to economic independence or seeking to level up your investment game, staying notified and informed is important. Among the best methods to increase your knowledge on all points money is by reading informative short articles from specialists in the area. In this article, we'll explore a curated listing of top finance posts that cover a range of topics from standard economic principles to innovative methods and individual money tips.For beginners dipping their toes into the world of financing, comprehending the essentials is essential. Articles like "Finance 101: A Beginner's Overview to Money Management" or "The Power of Budgeting: How to Take Control of Your Finances" give a strong structure for constructing economic literacy. These must-read items break down ideas like budgeting, conserving, and financial obligation administration in an available way, making it less complicated for newcomers to grasp vital money skills.As you advance on your economic journey, diving right into more advanced strategies can assist you maximize your wealth-building initiatives. Top financing experts often share their understandings via posts that dive deep right into topics like investing, tax obligation preparation, and retirement cost savings. Parts such as" Maximizing Your 401( k) Payments: A Comprehensive Guide" or" Opening the Keys of Compound Passion for Long-Term Development" offer beneficial ideas and methods for growing your wealth strategically.Personal financing is not just about numbers; it's additionally about state of mind and habits. Checking out articles that offer functional pointers and tricks for handling cash can be transformative. From "The Psychology of Investing: Understanding Your Cash Causes" to "Practices of Highly Successful Savers, "these insightful items supply actionable guidance on exactly how to make smarter monetary choices and cultivate healthy money routines that last a lifetime.For those seeking to expand their investment portfolio or venture into new possession courses, browsing the globe of investments can appear challenging. Nevertheless, with the right sources handy, you can with confidence discover opportunities that straighten with your monetary objectives. Articles such as" Real Estate Spending 101: Tips for First-Time Investors "or "Demystifying Cryptocurrency: A Newbie's Guide to Digital Assets" offer beneficial insights right into different financial investment alternatives and techniques for making the most of returns while handling dangers effectively.In verdict, informing on your own with top finance posts is a powerful way to enhance your economic proficiency and make educated choices concerning your money. Whether you're a newbie seeking to develop a strong financial structure or an experienced capitalist seeking sophisticated strategies, there's a wide range of knowledge awaiting you worldwide of money posts. So get a cup of coffee, resolve into a comfortable chair, and begin opening the wisdom that will certainly assist you achieve your monetary objectives. Article By Manzel Caudle And Associates.
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badasgaroth · 12 days
Unlocking Financial Knowledge: Top Money Articles You Need to Check out
In today's busy globe, monetary proficiency is crucial to unlocking a secure and flourishing future. Whether you're simply beginning your trip to economic independence or seeking to level up your financial investment video game, staying notified and educated is essential. Among the most effective methods to broaden your expertise on all points money is by checking out insightful posts from specialists in the area. In this post, we'll discover a curated listing of leading finance write-ups that cover a range of subjects from basic financial concepts to sophisticated strategies and personal finance tips.For novices dipping their toes right into the globe of finance, recognizing the basics is vital. Articles like "Money 101: A Beginner's Overview to Finance" or "The Power of Budgeting: How to Take Control of Your Funds" provide a solid foundation for building financial proficiency. These must-read pieces damage down ideas like budgeting, conserving, and financial obligation monitoring in an accessible way, making it easier for newbies to understand essential money skills.As you advance on your economic trip, delving right into advanced methods can aid you enhance your wealth-building initiatives. Leading money experts usually share their understandings via write-ups that dive deep into topics like investing, tax obligation preparation, and retired life savings. Pieces such as" Optimizing Your 401( k) Contributions: A Comprehensive Overview" or" Unlocking the Secrets of Compound Passion for Long-Term Development" deal valuable ideas and methods for expanding your wealth strategically.Personal money is not nearly numbers; it's additionally concerning frame of mind and practices. Discovering short articles that provide sensible pointers and techniques for taking care of cash can be transformative. From "The Psychology of Spending: Recognizing Your Cash Triggers" to "Habits of Highly Effective Savers, "these insightful pieces give actionable guidance on how to make smarter economic decisions and grow healthy cash routines that last a lifetime.For those seeking to diversify their investment portfolio or venture right into new asset classes, browsing the globe of financial investments can seem difficult. Nonetheless, with the best sources handy, you can with confidence discover possibilities that align with your financial goals. Articles such as" Real Estate Spending 101: Tips for First-Time Investors "or "Debunking Cryptocurrency: A Newbie's Guide to Digital Possessions" deal important understandings right into various investment alternatives and methods for taking full advantage of returns while managing dangers effectively.In verdict, educating on your own through top money short articles is a powerful way to improve your financial literacy and make informed choices concerning your money. Whether you're a beginner aiming to develop a solid economic foundation or a seasoned investor looking for innovative techniques, there's a riches of knowledge waiting on you on the planet of financing articles. So get a cup of coffee, clear up into a comfortable chair, and begin unlocking the knowledge that will certainly assist you achieve your financial goals. Article By Manzel Caudle And Associates.
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badgyal-k · 12 days
Unlocking Financial Knowledge: Top Finance Articles You Required to Read
In today's hectic globe, financial literacy is key to unlocking a protected and thriving future. Whether you're simply beginning your journey to financial freedom or aiming to level up your financial investment game, remaining notified and informed is vital. Among the most effective means to increase your understanding on all points finance is by checking out informative write-ups from experts in the field. In this blog post, we'll explore a curated checklist of top finance short articles that cover a variety of topics from standard financial principles to advanced approaches and personal money tips.For newbies dipping their toes into the world of finance, understanding the basics is crucial. Articles like "Finance 101: A Beginner's Overview to Finance" or "The Power of Budgeting: Just How to Take Control of Your Finances" offer a solid structure for developing monetary literacy. These must-read pieces damage down ideas like budgeting, saving, and financial debt administration in an available means, making it less complicated for newcomers to understand important cash skills.As you advance on your economic journey, delving right into more advanced techniques can aid you optimize your wealth-building initiatives. Top finance specialists typically share their understandings via short articles that dive deep right into topics like investing, tax obligation preparation, and retired life cost savings. Pieces such as" Maximizing Your 401( k) Payments: A Comprehensive Guide" or" Opening the Tricks of Substance Interest for Long-Term Development" deal important tips and tactics for growing your riches strategically.Personal finance is not just about numbers; it's also about frame of mind and habits. Checking out posts that provide useful ideas and tricks for taking care of money can be transformative. From "The Psychology of Spending: Recognizing Your Cash Sets Off" to "Practices of Highly Effective Savers, "these insightful pieces offer actionable suggestions on how to make smarter financial choices and grow healthy money habits that last a lifetime.For those looking to diversify their financial investment profile or venture into new property courses, browsing the globe of financial investments can seem complicated. However, with the best resources at hand, you can with confidence discover opportunities that align with your economic objectives. Articles such as" Property Spending 101: Tips for First-Time Investors "or "Debunking Cryptocurrency: A Beginner's Overview to Digital Possessions" offer useful understandings right into different investment alternatives and strategies for maximizing returns while handling dangers effectively.In final thought, enlightening yourself with top financing write-ups is a powerful method to improve your monetary proficiency and make educated decisions about your money. Whether you're a novice looking to build a solid monetary foundation or an experienced investor seeking innovative methods, there's a wealth of understanding awaiting you in the world of finance posts. So get hold of a mug of coffee, work out right into a comfortable chair, and begin opening the wisdom that will certainly assist you accomplish your monetary goals. Article By Manzel Caudle And Associates.
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amyvagabond · 12 days
Unlocking Financial Wisdom: Top Finance Articles You Need to Review
In today's fast-paced world, monetary literacy is key to opening a safe and secure and prosperous future. Whether you're simply starting your trip to monetary independence or wanting to level up your investment game, staying educated and informed is crucial. One of the best means to expand your knowledge on all points money is by reviewing insightful short articles from specialists in the area. In this blog post, we'll explore a curated list of leading money write-ups that cover a variety of subjects from basic economic concepts to innovative techniques and individual finance tips.For newbies dipping their toes into the globe of financing, understanding the essentials is necessary. Articles like "Money 101: A Beginner's Guide to Finance" or "The Power of Budgeting: Exactly How to Take Control of Your Financial resources" supply a solid structure for developing monetary literacy. These must-read items break down ideas like budgeting, saving, and financial obligation monitoring in an available means, making it simpler for newcomers to realize vital cash skills.As you progress on your economic journey, delving into more advanced techniques can assist you maximize your wealth-building efforts. Top finance professionals commonly share their understandings with articles that dive deep right into subjects like investing, tax planning, and retired life savings. Parts such as" Optimizing Your 401( k) Payments: A Comprehensive Overview" or" Opening the Tricks of Substance Interest for Long-Term Growth" deal important pointers and tactics for growing your riches strategically.Personal money is not just about numbers; it's also regarding way of thinking and routines. Checking out write-ups that provide sensible pointers and tricks for managing cash can be transformative. From "The Psychology of Spending: Comprehending Your Cash Sets Off" to "Practices of Highly Effective Savers, "these insightful items provide workable recommendations on just how to make smarter economic choices and grow healthy money routines that last a lifetime.For those seeking to expand their investment profile or venture right into new asset classes, browsing the globe of financial investments can appear complicated. However, with the appropriate sources available, you can with confidence check out opportunities that line up with your monetary objectives. Articles such as" Property Spending 101: Tips for First-Time Investors "or "Demystifying Cryptocurrency: A Novice's Guide to Digital Assets" offer valuable understandings into different investment alternatives and techniques for making best use of returns while managing threats effectively.In conclusion, educating yourself via top money posts is a powerful way to improve your financial proficiency and make informed choices regarding your money. Whether you're a beginner seeking to construct a strong monetary foundation or a seasoned capitalist seeking advanced approaches, there's a wide range of expertise awaiting you in the world of finance articles. So grab a mug of coffee, settle right into a comfy chair, and start opening the wisdom that will certainly help you accomplish your financial objectives. Article By Manzel Caudle And Associates.
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