#must-watch movies for investors
sims-himbo · 11 months
THE SIMS 4: BARBIE Legacy Challenge!
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oh hi there! i haven't posted here in a while, but i just watched the barbie movie a few days ago and needless to say, it is now my entire personality. so here's my first ever legacy challenge based on barbie's many, many careers and achievements!
apologies in advance, this challenge uses a lot of packs! i'm sorry! i might try to make a base game version at some point
BASE GAME version
portuguese translation by @demaciana-sims
sims 3 version by @appaloosawhims
challenge rules below the cut
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All heirs must be female and named Barbie. (non-heir children may have any name)
You may use the freerealestate cheat for your first house, but try not to use money cheats after that!
You are allowed and encouraged to use lot traits and rewards to boost skill gain, anything that’s in-game is fair game.
Packs you will need:
EPs: Get To Work, City Living, Cats & Dogs, Get Famous, Island Living, High School Years
GPs: Spa Day*, Parenthood
Optional packs (for the optional generations):
EPs: University, Cottage Living, Horse Ranch
GPs: Strangerville
*You only need Spa Day for the High Maintenance trait in one of the generations and nothing else, so it's fine to skip out on it.
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You've been raised with traditional values: find a good man, start a family, be a homemaker... But you want your children to aim higher, so you'll make sure to set them up for success.
Complete Successful Lineage aspiration
Max Parenting and Cooking skills
Have at least 3 kids and 1 pet, each child must complete at least one child aspiration and they must all max out their grades in school
Must have Family-Oriented trait
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Your mother was happy staying at home, but not you. You're ready to fight your way to the top and make enough money to support your family for generations to come.
Complete Fabulously Wealthy aspiration
Max Charisma and Logic skills
Max Business career (Investor branch)
Must have Ambitious trait
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Your family is pretty wealthy, so you've used your funds to open up your very own vet clinic and follow your dreams of being surrounded by furry little guys all day! But it might be more difficult than you thought...
Complete Friend of the Animals aspiration
Max Veterinarian skill
Run a 5-star vet clinic
Have at least 3 pets and be good friends with all of them
Must have either Cat Lover or Dog Lover trait
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You grew up surrounded by pets, and you now want to explore even more of the animal kingdom... So you're going underwater! What magical secrets will you discover on your journey?
Must live in Sulani
Complete Beach Life aspiration
Max Conservationist career (Marine Biologist branch)
Become a mermaid
Max Logic and Fitness skills
Must have Child of the Ocean trait
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Your mother had an almost supernatural level of fitness at sea, so now you've been inspired to master fitness on land! You're determined to reach your full potential in physical performance and become a world class champion.
Join Cheer or Football team as a teenager and reach highest level
Complete Bodybuilder aspiration
Max Fitness and Charisma skills
Max Athlete career (Athlete branch)
Must have Active trait
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Your family has achieved many, many accolades, and you've set out to capture all of it in an epic Tell-All novel that you spend your entire life writing!
Complete Bestselling Author aspiration
Max Writing skill
Write Book Of Life and bind it to your parent, use it to successfully bring them back from a premature death
Must have Creative trait
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Movie stardom is the next logical step for your lineage, so you set out to conquer the silver screen. Will you catapult the family name into even greater heights, or will it now be associated with infamy?
Complete Master Actress aspiration
Max Acting skill
Must reach at least Proper Celebrity status
Must have a secret affair with a fellow Actor!
Must have High Maintenance trait
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As the child of a successful actress, people may roll their eyes and immediately write you off as yet another nepo-baby trying to start a music career... So you must prove them all wrong by becoming a proper rockstar!
Complete World Famous Celebrity aspiration
Max Singing skill
Max skill in at least 2 instruments
Max Entertainer career (Musician branch)
Must have Music Lover trait
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What's next after conquering so many careers and reaching worldwide fame for the family name? World domination, of course! Become the greatest Leader this nation has ever seen!
Complete Mansion Baron aspiration
Max Politician career (Politician branch)
Max Charisma skill
Must have Self-Assured trait
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Now that you've conquered the world, it's time to venture out into Space! There's so much to explore out there, and Barbie must leave her mark all across the galaxy.
Complete Nerd Brain aspiration
Max Astronaut career (Either branch)
Max Logic and Rocket Science skills
Go to SIXAM at least once and bring a souvenir
Must have Genius trait
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Still want more? Here's some extra Barbies that you can play with!
Secret Agent Barbie
Complete Bodybuilder aspiration
Must have Active and Geek traits
Complete Secret Agent career (Diamond Agent branch)
Max Logic, Fitness and Charisma skills
Become enemies with a Sim in the Villain branch of the Secret Agent career! (You may need to cheat this career level for sims outside your household)
Countryside Barbie
Complete Country Caretaker aspiration
Max Gardening skill
Must make all money from gardening, farming, wine making, etc. No day job!
Must own a horse and have it max every skill
Must have Animal Enthusiast trait
Army General Barbie
Must live in Strangerville
Complete Strangerville Mystery aspiration
Max Logic and Charisma skills
Max Military career (Either branch)
Must have Erratic trait
Scientist Barbie
Complete Nerd Brain aspiration
Max Scientist Career
Be abducted by Aliens at least once
Must have Genius trait
Ultimate Barbie
Set lifespan to long
Complete at least 2 child aspirations
Complete Renaissance Sim AND Academic aspirations
Max 10 skills
Have 12 or more traits
Graduate from college
Reach the top of any career
Have a house worth 1 Million Simoleons
Have at least 5 kids and max your relationship with all of them
that's about it! if you play this, please use #sims barbie legacy
have fun:)
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georgiapeach30513 · 7 months
I know you’re past your post limit tonight but you are an unwavering ray of strength and sunshine on here. So calm so chill. That cookie jar though…😏
That being said…are yall not entertained????
For those of you who screamed PR for months (I’m talking about the crazy ones who freak out every five minutes about something new even though they claim they know PR and they know people and have sources (in their own heads LOLOL)) - you want it? YOU GOT IT. It’s been in your face for months and yall still can’t see it?
An article comes out every time ramen breathes. And soba must be inserted. Soba gets articles for IG posts…when does that happen to a third rate noodle brand who can’t even hit 1 million followers after buying bots for two years and marrying the sexiest noodle brand alive? (Just to be extra petty, Jenna Ortega got ten million new followers in a week after Wednesday launched on Netflix (same month someone’s else season two show launched and then got canceled but whoops) and she didn’t marry anybody famous. Soba isn’t even a notable brand in their home country. Soba’s name gets misspelled even in her own movie promo posts. Yet she’s getting us weekly and people articles written about her every movement now? Oh and she’s getting a square on us weekly about celebs who adopted pets - with ramen’s dog even though she didn’t adopt the dog? LOLOLOLOL ok!!
Nobody thinks that’s odd?
I’ll have to admit, I didn’t really want to believe in conspiracy theories for a long time. It felt too delusional and too qanon for me. But after ramen returned to IG and made a post about dogs - a people mag article pops up and inserts a line to make it about soba, unprovoked. Why? Almost like it was intentional to shoehorn soba in. Almost like that’s basically been the MO since this all started. The tabloids have changed but the narrative has not. The rumors turned to confirmation turned to more rumors to more confirmation but never really really by the horse’s mouth except kinda two ceremonies maybe yeah go physical therapy!!
The way that “wedding” announcement launched as an unconfirmed source from page six. Then went immediately viral. After a weekend of extreme social media breadcrumbing…it was almost like watching a puppeteer orchestrate a show in real time. I can’t be the only one…right?
They have continuously gone the route of most resistance repeatedly, for two years - and nobody thinks this is just inane? They are doing this on purpose and the more you overthink it, the more crazy and unsense it will make.
Like you mentioned many times before, people just have to wait and see. And be patient. Try not to overreact over every little thing. (Hard for some, but seriously!)
Fact is: ramen has publicly endorsed soba (well maybe not the name) and they are linked. So until this changes, why wouldn’t you expect soba to be around lurking? Ramen can’t be an investor in a brand and then not show up with it.
Though it would be funny if he was caught eating banza pasta while toting the soba brand, like Britney getting caught ordering a coke while she was a Pepsi girl. 😆
I’m totally half kidding about most of this. But I think you get what I’m trying to put down. Nobody has to agree with me. But the longer this goes, the easier it’s been to look back on how it all started and string the pieces together.
First off are the same anon who has been doing amazing with the pasta analogies?? Because if so can I call you, Mrs. Pasta??
This is what PR looks like. Articles upon articles over nothing. Pushing a name out there for what? You make some excellent points, completely. Now, I’m not confirming or denying anything. Just that this is pointed. The timing is interesting and the entertainment is amazing.
Banza past is an amazing option. Top ramen needs to add a little spice and change. Soba noodles on the regular isn’t good for everyone.
I’m just here ready for the show. I told y’all to keep your eyes open 😉
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possumcollege · 1 year
Does the prospect of tailored, AI generated media where "YOU are the star" sound like a fucking nightmare to anyone else?
Everything about AI has the stink of depersonalization all over it. Maybe it's the ptsd talking, but the idea of watching a character with my face and voice doing things on TV is disturbingly close to the times when I couldn't recognize my own face in a mirror.
Like a dissociative episode with a laugh track.
Sounds like the narcissistic brainchild of someone who can't internalize anything that isn't literally about them.
"Everyone must want this too right? Especially people who aren't as interesting as me!"
I'm viscerally haunted by the presence of my own body on a daily basis. The thought of seeing it accurately scanned and pasted into a movie or skinned onto a more dashing frame makes me ill.
As does the way producers and executives want to use tech to circumvent fair labor practices, fair contracts, residual compensation, copyright law, employment benefits, and human performers to bring their absolute dogshit ideas to light.
AI devs want it to do everything "just like a person" when there ARE PEOPLE to do those things. The problem to be solved is that PAYING and supporting humans costs them money. Employees who don't want to be worked into the ground to bring their dream to life feels like someone eating their lunch.
So they imagine a future where we drive to a building, sit in a cubbie, wearing headsets so our hovering torsos can occupy a fun, budget-friendly, office of the mind for $15/hr 12hrs/day, sleep in the office during crunch time, and praise them for all their great and generous brain ideas!
AI kills jobs by convincing investors that it's cheaper than human workers, and that the remaining human workers will mostly be there for QC, which they don't consider skilled labor. We're the safety net for their machine.
By the time the consumers start realizing actually, AI support sucks, its products are either creepy or trash, and its judgment is dangerously inadequate, the developers have got their payday and aren't legally liable for the mess we made with their tools.
AI is wonderful for separating workers from profits, producers from criticism, manufacturers from liability, and people from each other. We don't share the profits because we just helped keep the Boss' machine from falling over. Our reward is pretending to be the person on a screen before we go back to work.
When we're the star of our own bizarre google-ads-ass media, we're robbed of the opportunity to see ourselves in someone who is not us. It makes us more of a puppet in someone else's play. Our Selves become another product we get to pay someone else to show us.
Why the everlasting fuck should we want to copy/paste ourselves into a product made by an industry that no longer places value on human creative labor? When the brains at the helm of these industries are stone blind to the reality of human experience?
These are the beautiful dreams of people whose lives are so irreparably insulated and disconnected from consequence and the reality of other people that they see "other people" as a problem to be solved.
I don't want a thing from those people.
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I think a contributing factor to this ongoing OGL mess is Hasbro/WotC higher-ups conflating “dnd” with “Dungeons & Dragons.”
We’re really talking about two things here. There’s one thing: a tabletop roleplaying rules system for playing out fantasy-themed scenarios with dice, figurines, and character sheets.
And then there is THE FORGOTTEN REALMS©, a proprietary fantasy setting featuring creatures like beholders©, Githyanki©, and the dreaded mind flayers©, not to mention fan-favorite characters like Drizzt Do’Urden©! THE FORGOTTEN REALMS takes place on the continent of Faerûn©, on the planet Toril©, which used to be called Abeir-Toril©, which was the case until the dreaded Spellplague©--
You get the idea. From the perspective of ‘the suits,’ they’ve watched DnD take off since the advent of 5th edition, as the game expanded beyond what was previously thought possible. What triggered it? The OGL, certainly, allowing people to make third-party content for the game (most of it not Forgotten Realms). Critical Role (also not Forgotten Realms) played a part. Probably, to a certain extent, sheer intertia. DnD, it turns out, is pretty good for playing fantasy-themed scenarios with dice, figurines, and character sheets. Incidentially, people sometimes pick-and-choose pieces of the Forgotten Realms(©) to include in their games. Sometimes people even use WotC’s first-party adventure books and tweak them to suit their needs. 
My sneaking suspicion is that the people at the top don’t really see it that way. To them, the visuals, the details, especially the Named Characters and Things, are one in the same with the rules system. The rules system is, indeed, quite secondary! Why, after all, would people be buying all these little WizKids DnD figurines, signing up for DnDBeyond, if they were not having canon-appropriate adventures in The Forgotten Realms©, in cities like Waterdeep© and Baldur’s Gate©?
To them, the OGL constitutes people being able to muck about and muddy the waters in their pond. Why, they might do things that cut against canon, possibly confusing readers who happen across them! This could be dreadful. This could damage the brand. And the brand is the Forgotten Realms and the characters, creatures, spells, and scenarios therein, all of which are ripe for further use in movies, novels, video games, comic books, NFTs, and other stuff.
You might say, “How does OGL content conflict with Hasbro/WotC’s official releases? It’s not like a third-party is going to release a competing film, or something that could challenge their market dominance.” You aren’t thinking like a corpo (that’s from Cyberpunk). Consider Nintendo’s highly litigious stamping-out of fan content. Disney’s ironclad control over images of the Mouse. Neither have anything like the OGL, of course, but similar logic animates the DnD situation: things which could pose a problem should be stymied before they can ever become a problem. An unsecure (from their perspective) OGL is a time bomb waiting to blow, with the potential for someone to make a lot of money using their rules (rules which, remember, exist in subservience to their copyrighted settings) in a way that undermines their careful image management.
So, I think that’s why they want to corral the OGL into something more secure, from their perspective. Why risk it, when the thing you want more than anything is a customer base that sees it the way you do, a rules-system and setting that cannot be unspooled from one another?
(If you want my other opinion, its that Hasbro is a publicly-traded company, and DnD is now a significant chunk of their revenue, and that means Line Must Go Up, or Investors Get Mad.)
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dyns33 · 2 years
The Smile
Another Nathan Bateman story, because I love this annoying man. 
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It was difficult to explain what was the nature of the relationship that existed between Y/N and Nathan.
At the beginning, she had been hired to take care of him after the attempted murder of which he had been the victim, by one of his robots ("Android. Ava was an android endowed with artificial intelligence, I already told you a hundred times, are you doing it on purpose or are you stupid ?").
Being both secretary and nurse to such a proud, stubborn, boorish and annoying man hadn't been easy, and several times Y/N had been tempted to quit. Maybe she was paid very well, but nothing justified such treatment and she had more honour than that.
But she had come to understand that it was a sort of test, which Bateman had already did to the five other poor souls who had been in her place before, and since she had as much honour as pride, she had decided to not give in.
This had seemed to impress him. After a few weeks, Nathan had calmed down a bit, hovering around her in silence like a curious animal, studying her from afar, trying to understand her, first to figure out how to tease her or push her away, then simply to get to know her.
Despite everything he could claim, the man must have felt quite alone, in his big house lost in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by machines, being richer and more intelligent than most people who therefore did not understand him at all, while wanting to take advantage of his fortune and notoriety.
Y/N was not like that.
She just wanted to do her job well, while being a little intrigued by Nathan. Without being able to understand everything, she was still trying to find out what he was doing exactly, and he seemed to appreciate her attempts at discussion. He loved being the center of attention and seeing her eyes full of surprise and admiration when he told her that he was going to revolutionize the world with new technologies.
Sleeping together was not planned. It was probably discouraged by the contract, maybe even prohibited in a small clause at the bottom of the page.
But they were both feeling lonely after several months, they had been drinking a little, and they were starting to get along quite well.
You couldn't talk about love though. At least not with Nathan Bateman, who was probably the less sentimental man on earth.
There were no tender words, no hugs, no kisses. Sometimes gifts, which benefited them both, like clothes or perfume, or something Y/N had talked about, making Nathan think it was a request. He was a very good lover, who paid attention to her pleasure, but he always arrived in the room without saying anything, he did what he had to do and he went back to work as if nothing had happened.
This went on for a while, until his demeanour suddenly changed.
One morning, Y/N found him preparing breakfast, listening to music. Seeing her, he smiled.
It was a kind, gentle smile. A smile she had never seen on his face and never thought she would see. Nathan didn't smile often.
It was weird. This whole situation was weird.
           "Hello, sleepy head. Pancakes ?"
           "Uh... Yes, thank you."
           "What do you want to do today ?"
           "I don't know. I have to check emails, respond to investors, make sure..."
           "You're working too much." he said, coming to sit next to her, stroking her cheek, still smiling. "You need to rest a bit. We could watch a movie. Walk in the forest. Talk about science, philosophy, or whatever. We'll do what you want. It's your day."
           "... Nathan, are you okay ? Did you hit your head ? Are you messing with me ? I know it's not my birthday, or yours, or a special day, so what ? Wait, you know it's not my birthday, right ? "
           "I don't understand what you're talking about. I just want to please you."
Another weird thing. Not normal at all.
A smiling Nathan Bateman who cared about her, that had to be hiding something.
Y/N remained on her guard for the rest of the day, which didn't seem to bother him, his smile never disappearing from his face.
In the evening, Y/N found Nathan on the sofa, drinking a beer and staring into the distance, looking tired and serious. He already seemed more normal. He didn't look at her when she passed by him, going into the kitchen to get a drink, still not moving when she came to sit next to him.
           "How do you know ?"
           "How do I know what ?"
           "Hmm. So you don't know per se. You suspect. Interesting."
           "Nathan, what are you talking about ?"
           "Ignore that. I need more data." he declared while finishing his beer before jumping on his feet to go back to lock himself in his lab.
The rest of the week, the funny comedy continued.
Sometimes Nathan was normal, behaving like the selfish, annoying genius that he was, sometimes he got weird, with his kind smile and gentle attentions. Y/N didn't really know what to think about it, even less after what he had said. An idea briefly crossed her mind but she didn't dare believe it. Nathan Bateman was a little crazy, and he didn't care about anything, but after what had happened to him, he had to set some limits.
As she was about to fall asleep, Y/N heard her bedroom door open. She felt the bed sag as someone lay beside her, and she smelled the familiar smell of alcohol.
           "... How do you know ?" Nathan asked again, staring at the ceiling.
           "I really don't know what you're talking about."
           "You're not stupid, otherwise I would have fired you a long time ago. You know."
           "… You didn't do that, did you ? Nathan, you didn't… Have you forgotten what happened last time ?"
           "I haven't forgotten, doll. I have two pretty scars to constantly remind me of my mistakes. But Aiden is different."
           "Aiden ?"
           "I thought 'Adam' was a bit too cliché. Like Ava. And he's very different. He's not really an AI, I control most of his personality, to make sure he doesn't go berserk on me. He's off when I don't need him, so he doesn't feel locked in... Unless he considers himself locked in his shell. And most importantly, he's based on me. "
           "It's probably the worst."
           "It's the best. Imagine, I don't want to go on an important meeting that I can't cancel, I have to do boring interviews, people wonder if I'm dead because nobody saw for several months. I send Aiden, and I can continue to work. He is perfect. Well, almost perfect. How do you know it's not me ?"
Of course Nathan had wanted to test his creation before sending it out into the world, as he had tested Ava with Caleb, and he had been disappointed to see that Y/N had almost immediately sensed something was wrong.
For hours he had made changes, trying to make Aiden less caring. No doubt he wasn't as caring, he had wanted to use the kindness as a diversion.
But even when Aiden behaved almost completely like his creator, his smile remained soft. Too soft. And this detail, Nathan hadn't noticed. He didn't often see himself smiling. Almost never if he was honest, when it wasn't forced.
So obviously, he had used databases for the smile, and the result was not good.
This smile let Y/N know who was who.
She could have told him that it didn't matter, because it was probably only her in the world who was able to see the difference. But on the one hand she found it a little amusing to annoy him, knowing something that the great Nathan Bateman didn't, and above all she didn't really want him to make changes and not be able to tell when she was talking to a robot anymore.
He risked using this to never be with her again when it didn't suit him, sending his doppelganger instead.
Nathan wasn't exactly thrilled that Y/N didn't tell him how she always knew when she was interacting with Aiden.
For several more days he harassed her with questions, following her in the house and outside, everywhere. It was quite annoying. But he didn't scream, he didn't touch her either, he behaved like a child whose toy had been taken and who was demanding it.
Eventually he got bored, considering he was smart enough to guess on his own. Of course, he didn't guess, and Y/N continued to know when she was talking with a robot.
It was rather sad, because Nathan was spending less and less time with her, too busy testing his creation.
Aiden was nice. If he had been human, and he hadn't looked so much like his creator, maybe Y/N could have fallen for him. That smile was really charming.
But she missed Nathan's smile. That mocking little smile, accompanied by a caustic snort, which disappeared as quickly as it had appeared, because it was probably too overrated for a genius to smile for more than ten seconds. To really smile. He always looked embarrassed or ashamed after his smiles, which Y/N ​​loved.
To be able to see them again, but without giving Nathan what he wanted, she purposely made a mistake once. To please him. So he can use his stupid machine. He would know, he was probably looking at the recorded images through the eyes of his creation, if he was not observing them with the cameras.
In the evening, he came to her bed again, as always reeking of alcohol. Y/N would have thought that he would be happy, that he was celebrating his big achievement and that he wanted to dance or fuck. But no, Nathan was still morose.
           "You pretended."
           "Pretended what ?" she asked innocently.
           "Don't play dumb. You pretended to be wrong. Why ? It's because you're afraid that I'll fix him, and you won't know who is who ? Why does it matter ? Aiden is much better than me anyway. You should prefer him. I don't understand why you don't prefer him. I made him softer and more caring. But not too much, you surprisingly got attached to the asshole than I am, he mustn't be too perfect. Or do you want him to be ? I can make him even better. He's a fucking romantic. He knows you perfectly well.Your date of birth, your favourite dish, your underwear's size... Why are you fucking smiling like that ?"
Y/N said nothing, continuing to stare at him with bright eyes.
           "I don't like you smiling like that, stop right now."
           "How does he know all this ?"
           "What ?"
           "He knows all this because you connected him to my data, or... Or did you enter the data yourself ?"
           "What difference does it make ?" he muttered, running his hand over his face, suddenly refusing to look at her.
           "A lot. Nathan. Do you know my date of birth ?"
           "Of course I know your fucking birthday. Stop smiling, it looks like you're laughing at me."
           "It's okay if you're not romantic, or caring, or present because of your job. I still prefer you."
           "Bullshit. Women hate being ignored."
           "People hate being ignored."
Nathan rolled his eyes, which made Y/N smile even more, asked him if he wanted her to ignore him, to spend all his time with Aiden.
           "... I forbid you to do that."
           "Yet you created it for this."
           "No. It's for the others. That way I'll have more time to work and... For free time. Eventually."
           "Yeah. Eventually. If I have time. And if you're not too annoying."
           "I'll be as annoying as you."
Then he smiled. His little smirk, accompanied by his mocking breath, and when he finally turned to her, Y/N wanted to kiss him.
           "I can tell you what the mistake is, although I will always be the only one in the world to see it."
           "That can't be my dick size, I checked."
           "I haven't seen Aiden naked. Do you promise me you won't use him to trick me if I tell you ?"
           "I don't want to trick you." Nathan muttered, stroking her cheek. "Don't tell me. I'll test him outside later. Or I'll destroy hum and keep telling the world to leave me alone by email."
The next day, the robot was deprogrammed and destroyed. Maybe it was to reassure Y/N, or because Nathan didn't want to risk having another machine uprising. He claimed that despite all his precautions, his double had started to act independently, visibly becoming attached to Y/N, and he hadn't liked that.
Upon learning that he was only going to serve with others and that he would no longer be allowed to approach her, Aiden could have attempted to stab Nathan. And Nathan didn't really want to be stabbed again.
           "Or else I'm lying, I'm Aiden, I stabbed the real Nathan hid the body and I want to keep you to myself forever." he joked with his small smile, before staring at her seriously. "You still know that it's me. There, now, you knew with that sentence. How ? No, don't tell me, I'll find out on my own !"
           "I'm sure of it, take your time."
           "Don't make fun of me." he growled as he walked towards his lab.
He opened the door, but stopped, turned around to come and kiss her quickly, muttering words that almost sounded nice, before going to work.
Y/N found it a little weird, but she didn't hate it.
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Is it bad that I hope DWD flops ? I feel sorry for the other actors involved but do they get paid regardless of ticket sales ? If that do then they probably want it to the flop due to how unprofessional everything was. I hope Harry steam and Olivia see how idiotic this whole stunt is. All it’s done is made everyone including the general public (outside the fandom) hate her and not see the movie. Instead they look forward to My Policeman
Hi dear,
Well I don't think so. I want it flop. It will flop. The actors and most everyone involved got paid a salary, so ticket sales don't matter for their income. The only people who stand to earn millions from ticket sales are Olivia and a handful of producers and investors who are part of the deal Olivia made with the studio. That group of people agreed to take a smaller salary up front in order to have a share of the box office profits. For them it's: after the movie earns $20M, 50% of the profit after that is distributed amongst these producers and Olivia. I'm not sure if the $20M bench mark changed bc DWD went way over budget. $20M was what the studio invested, and thus needs back. But bc it went over budget perhaps that changes the backend deal to ~$35M (what it went over budget to aprox).
This all to say: this movie doing well and people buying tickets to go see it, *directly* goes to Olivia's pocket. You'll be giving her money. You'll be supporting her. And by supporting her, you'll also support the stunt. Bc the stunt and Harry's involvement in the movie was the only thing that saved it from being canceled. Olivia pitched Harry Styles' marketing power and profit margins and the studio saw the data and said 'alright, your movie can go ahead'. So, don't support that. Don't show them they were right to do the stunt. Don't give this woman money. Don't pay to go see her movie, don't stream it on HBO. You can watch it for free on *other sites*, I'll share all the links. We're a huge fandom, we can do anything. If you *must* see it in theaters then buy a ticket to something else and sneak into dwd. Don't support her or validate her pitch for the stunt saving this movie via PR. Bc that's what it'd be doing too in addition to giving her millions $$ now and in future projects.
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tutuandscoot · 11 months
I haven’t seen Moulin Rouge so I don’t know the storyline/characters well. How do you interpret Scott in the Roxanne portion? I’m asking about the Olympics version specifically, not the original version. Some people say he’s Christian the whole way through the program but that confuses me? In the Roxanne doc T says she’s “like his puppet” and that’s how I think of it. I think the first half of the program the focus is T’s character and S is more of a threatening figure/force/energy/idk rather than a character. Like he’s this “puppet master” figure and he’s playing off of her. Then somewhere around the Carmen rotational lift he slides into the character of Christian. But I could be way off. How would you best explain his part?
So I have talked about my take on this quite a few times but ofc I’m happy to explain again!
I only watched MR for the first time about 6 months ago and I saw the stage show about 1 year ago. VM’s moulin rouge was always amazing to me though I did find myself kinda making up my own story as a I watched it, now having seen the movie it makes so much more sense and the way I had mostly interpreted the program holds up.
(I’ll give a super brief synopsis first) In the movie Satine works at.. essentially a brothel that moonlights as a theatre company (set in the late 1800’s in Paris), the theatre (named The Moulin Rouge) is desperately bankrupt and may close down, leaving all the performers essentially homeless and forced out to work on the streets (you should know what I mean by that) Satine is the star of the show but nonetheless of it fails she will be helpless and left for dead too. Christian is an aspiring writer from London who shows up in Paris, gets taken to the MR and immediately falls in love with Satine. On this night, the man who runs the theatre has an investor there to watch and potentially fund the theatre, Satine is employed to seduce (F’ck him) to keep the theatre running.
Etc etc etc.. she meets Christian and they fall in love but the have to keep it secret bc she is still wooing the investor.
In the movie (not to spoil too much) but the scene where Roxanne is sung, Satine must ‘go through’ with letting the investor (he’s called the ‘duke’) r*pe her. It cuts between that scene and Christian fearful and heart broken at what Satine is going through, when really he and her could just run off together and never live this life again.
So, I have mostly always interpreted the first half of their program (so the part set to Roxanne) as Scott not actually playing any one character- not Christian but also not the duke. I view it as him playing a manifestation of the life Satine has lived, having to seduce these men and be abused just to stay alive, be this sparking light in this long running theatre production that everyone loves but in reality she is a terrified slave. She has never been allowed to love for the sake of love- she loves for money.
So there is choreography of him grabbing her and stalking her and getting in her face. There were more violent pieces of chore in the original version like in the circle step sequence where he’s just straight up choking her. It’s super upsetting makes your heart ache for T and the character she is playing (bc they are both such beautiful actors it feels so honest),
Sorry, we’re talking about the olys version.
So yes, I interpret it the exact same way as you. Between GPF and Nationals they softened his character a bit to make it more about T’s character- not ‘softened’ like as in their precious loving hugs, but made him less of a domineering presence and instead more of shadow/threat lurking behind her and controlling her every move- he’s controlling her like a puppet- she has no will of her own in the environment she’s trapped in, must perform (both on stage and in the bedroom) upon command. (The movie is not that dark graphically- only in context/undertone and VM definitely psychologically lean into those dark undertones in their program while not performing the most R rated chore possible).
In the olys version I feel his (lack of) character starts to shed from him as they finish the circle step sequence and he stars playing more into Christian’s character and the lyrics and singing get more desperate and it’s very reminiscent of the scene in the movie where he’s so desperate to help her (see my breakdown essay on the rotational lift I explain this part).
When they talk about the jealously in S’s acting I dont interpret so much as the jealousy of Christian but more of the duke being jealous that Satine doesn’t actually love him, even though he doesn’t actually care about that- he just wants attention and his d*ck handled and probs enjoys abusing women bc he can.
It is a bit confusing and I think to understand even the surface level nuances they were feeling and portraying takes multiple watches. It can also I think be interpreted different ways which is fine.
It never made sense to me, even without seeing the movie, that he would be playing the character of Christian the whole way through- I don’t see how she could fall in love with a man who has spent that whole time manipulating her/ abusing her/ playing with her heart.
But then if you did want to interpret it as that.. and just forget about the connection to the story of MR, it could be seen as a bit of a broad comment on the idea of Stockholm Syndrome.. or even a comment on domestic abuse in its self. I’m certainly not inclined to interpret the whole program like this, more so I feel they are themes that could be pulled from it depending on how you looks at- that’s the great think about art.
It does make me think a bit- going with a program like this that is based on a well known movie, well known music and very of the musical theatre genre.. it was a very risky direction to go in such an important season of competition bc while Moulin Rouge is well known, it’s more those two words that are well known- some associate it with the actual MR in Paris, some the movie, some the touring musical (I associate it with my first ever competition dance group where we did ‘Diamonds’), and so if you don’t know the story of the movie… like it’s pretty clear the general structure of the story and that they fall in love and she dies at the end, but the nuances no and then if you have seen the movie, how do you then interpret their characters??
That’s what’s hard and has always bothered me about figure skating- like when people use music from ballets- say for eg Swan Lake and they are dressed as either a white or a black swan but use random pieces of music from throughout the ballet. Swan lake is a 4 act ballet and odile (the black swan) doesn’t turn up till the 3rd act, but some skaters will come out dressed as a black swan but will be using music from the white swan pdd- which is a completely different part of the story and is a different character all together. It really bothers me. If they were to just use white swan (so act 2or 4) and dress as a white swan and they interpreted a specific part from the 3 hour ballet- that would make more sense to me.
What VM did I think now having seen different version of the MR story; they very start with the stat. lift is like a prologue- an introduction/sets the scene. Then moves through kinda what happens behind the scenes at the MR, not the flashy costumes and dancers- that’s where they really interpret the darker themes of the story. The end of Roxanne really encapsulates this pivotal scene in the movie, then Come What May is just all about them and celebrating their love (both in the story and VM..). The death scene in the Olympics version is a bit quick- I really liked the time they took and the emotion poor out of them in that chore earlier in the season, but the final lift in the olys is so iconic and you know exactly what it means- what has happened to her. I really love how they centred the story around T’s character and had her go through and portray all these emotions, while not it anyway was S a background player - it could not have been done with anyone else but those two. The story in this case works in a skating program format because they do manage to tell a story arc that respects the source material- without skipping over parts/ too many music changes.. it’s just extremely well designed and executed piece of art.
It was so incredibly brave of them to go this way bc it was truly something different not just for them but in the direction ice dance was going and has since gone- it really was (I think) the last true ‘showstopping’ program by far on par with and imo more iconic than Bolero and even their Mahler.. but it could’ve done so wrong in the hands of any other ID team, team of assisting coaches, choreographers. If they weren’t the best athletes their sport had ever seen with the skating elements executed near perfectly, then if they weren’t such beautiful actors and dancers with chemistry so hot it melts the ice… the judges may not have got it and it would’ve flipped- only in VM could this program not just flop, but be as iconic as the movie it’s based on (baz essentially said so) .
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dojae-huh · 4 months
[the anon from the "not-a-company-stan" answer] in the age where artists are getting their fame from tiktok (ice spice comes to mind) this idea of being in a notorious company really fades. there are artists in big companies that get nothing (be it kpop or apop), and artists without a company that go viral and famous and rich. ice spice has put out more music and getting more promo (a song in the barbie movie) in a shorter amount of time than some artists that have been stuck in a notorious label for years with no album (chloe, normani). i think it's just outdated to think an idol has to stay with their group company. blackpink didn't, CBX didn't, DO didn't, LAY didn't. they are proving it's perfectly doable to stay with their group work in their previous company but manage their own solo work separately. it seems a new paradigm is coming and idols aren't afraid to do what's best for them with the fear of being blacklisted by sm. i don't think they would take their solos elsewhere if sm was handling them well. there must be a good reason to leave for other companies, going as far as setting up a new whole company for themselves. in bp's case it's obvious, everyone knows that yg blocked work offers for the members, and they are huge now, so staying would be detrimental. if companies were stepping up and doing the best for an idol's solo work then they wouldn't leave, right? that's what sounds logical to me. also sm is so shady financially speaking lmao. maybe i don't pay taxes cuz i don't qualify for it, but i am trusting CBX knows what's best for them when they choose to leave. and if jaedo ever leaves with their solo work, i will know they are doing the best for themselves too cuz they know their reality better than we do.
Didn't I just say that staying with one's own company is not always the best solution? That both being in a big company and moving to a smaller company has its downsides? Where did I say that companies always do the best for their idols? Show me in my texts.
Lay was supported by LSM financially, he was given a company by him, plus Chinese market is a different from Korea thing. In the first place Lay left because of the Chinese ban on Korean companies and Korean idols. Lay had limited number of days he could leave his country. Do you know to what lengths Lay needs to go, how much to work, to stay relevant? Suju got their own Label SJ, but it was merged back to the main SM. BP members have the fame. They were approached by other companies and investors, them running their own companies for real is for PR. And we need time to see how well they will do. Though I agree, they will do better without YG.
TikTok fame is short-lived. While BoA is one of the richest woman among idols and will produce the upcoming SM gg.
I stated before that it is not always the right choice to stay with the company. I agree on that. However, fans like to say their bias needs to go all the time, with and without a reason for it. Changing a company is a big risk, a new beginning. And there are very few successful stories.
Just yesterday I watched a debut video of Yang Dongwha. I liked it. The video is good, the song as well, the concept. Apaprently, he was a winner of an idol-show and was supposed to debut in a group, but was evicted due to surfaces rumours about his behaviour in school. He changed companies. He was mistreated by his original company, he had the reason to start anew. He debuted. Good for him.
Now, back to Taeyong and JaeDo. Tae got two solos in a span of a year. With his own songs. Does he need to leave SM? JaeDo, a gay couple, got themselves a unit with only one additional member, Jaehyun can flirt with his bae openly without a break during their promotion. Both will get solos in 2024. Do they need to leave this year? Before enlisting and a break away from the public of 2 years?
SM is not just executives who steal money, it's personelle. Managers, choreographers, make up artists, songwriters and in-house producers like Kenzie and Deez - all those people who have seen neos grow up, who like them and go drinking with them, to whom neos send presents and go to their weddings, who can go an extra mile and write a personal song (Kenzie, MinGtion) or make BA ugly clothes presentable, fit to elevate the idol they like. It's a community. To uproot and go elsewhere is to leave most of them behind, start from scratch, waste years of earned advantage.
Ten recently said he doesn't know his schedule, he wakes up and goes where his manager tells him. You think it's because he is kept in the dark? Somehow Do knows his own schedule better than his own manager. No, it's because an idol has a ton of things to do, there is no room for other things like learning lore or itirenary.
Self-managing, being a CEO of one own's company sounds fancy, but what does it entail? Lay attened a business school, mind you. Where is the guarantee the financial guys you'll hire won't steal money from you? Or that the new producer will allow you creative freedom? Investors are the same, they want money, not art.
How many labels Jessi has changed?
It is known that right now SM is lacking personelle, it is in a transitional period. The dividion into centres, and tuning those centres will take time. Those, who can't wait or whom managers left to produce for newer groups, have reason to find a new team outside to manage their solo activities. Again, without breaking off of the awful SM completely. Kyuhyun was present on the last SMTown, what gives?
We don't know the future. SM can really change for the worse. However, currently it is far from the worst company to be in. Music wise the best among the biggest ones.
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megan0013 · 2 years
I wish you would write a fic where an unfortunate series of events requires Uncle Otto and Aunt Nomura to babysit the Stricklake kids. And maybe teach them baby crimes as required by a whole separate set of shenanigans
(i think this fits into the only constant universe quite nicely if we ignore the fact that otto is dead in that story + it’s easier to use my stricklake baby’s names vs ‘the big one’ or ‘the little one’ or ‘the little smartass who acts far too much like his stuck up father’)
there’s a wedding. barbara and strickler must attend it. not because they really care for the people getting married, but because it’s being held on a beach in cabo at some super swanky adults only resort whose website is plastered with pictures of the most gorgeous sunsets they’ve ever seen and they haven’t been on a vacation in years - they deserve this damnit
this means they need to find someone to watch the kids for a few days
unfortunately, the responsible adults are all busy that weekend. ophelia’s parents are in town, jim and blinky are heading to vancouver to discuss trade agreements with a clan of forest trolls, claire has a retreat scheduled with her coven, and toby has finals to study for. even steve, and lawrence by extension, will be out of town for some football coaches convention
which leaves the last two people on earth (because they reached out to aja and eli on akiridion 5, too) - otto and nomura
it takes some blackmail and bribery finessing on strickler’s part to get them to commit but he eventually talks them into it. nomura needs to be in town for some meeting with ‘investors’ anyway, and otto’s got some sort of stake in her business venture so he doesn’t mind tagging along
“the children are five and seven,” the poor, delusional polymorph thinks with a shrug when the three-way facetime call ends. “how hard can it be?”
DAY 1/3
this isn’t the first time nomura and/or otto have watched the kids. in fact, they’ve spent a lot of time with strickler’s spawn. nomura is rory’s idol. and otto’s not too weird, they guess. but that doesn’t mean either changeling is particularly equipped to care for two small children for a whole weekend
case in point - nomura knows walker likes pepperoni on his pizza. she’s watched the kid inhale three pieces within five minutes. it’s a well-known fact. except, it isn’t anymore because the second she sets a slice in front of him he turns up his little nose and tells her he’s allergic to pepperonis now. he’ll have sausage, thank you very much
they blatantly cheat at board games
and they won’t allow anything on the tv that’s not animated even though both are watching youtube videos of people watching youtube videos on their tablets
and how many snacks do these kids need?! they just ate a whole pizza!
and while neither have ever had a problem putting rory down for a nap before, bedtime is apparently sacred in the strickler-lake household these days because the little girl loses her shit when she realizes her father isn’t there to read her a story. she really goes off the deep-end when otto tries to impersonate him and just “I WANT MY REAL DADDY RIGHT NOW”
strickler is so fucking smug about it the next day
DAY 2/3
nomura is awoken at the ass crack of dawn by a wired walker jumping on her bed. from the sound of otto’s muffled squeals of terror, rory is doing the same in the room next door
both kids have already polished off a couple bags of chips but want doughnuts, too. otto jumps at the opportunity to get out of the house, leaving nomura to clean up the gallon of milk spiled all over the floor after rory swore her parents let her pour it herself (they don’t)
they go to the park. it ends in tears
they go out to lunch. it ends in tears
they go to a movie. it ends in tears. otto’s, this time. because the hit to his bank account is astronomical
by the time they get back to the house, nomura and otto are exhausted - the kids aren’t - and otto wakes up from his little nap on the couch an hour later with a frowny face drawn on his forehead. they used permanent marker
at four, they all head to the some warehouse for nomura’s meeting. which is when things really get interesting
because *magical artifacts*. that’s what the investors are interested in. small ones. the size of a marble, maybe smaller. just big enough to fit in a five year old’s nose. which is exactly where it goes when otto tries to head-off a tantrum in the car by letting rory look at the pretty colors the jewel casts. obviously, it gets stuck
otto, in horror: “oh no”
nomura, eyeing him in the rear view mirror: “what? otto? otto, what? otto! what’s the ‘oh no’ for?!”
they don’t take her to the hospital because barb will definitely find out if they do, and neither changeling is too keen on getting something stuffed up their noses in retaliation for not stopping strickler’s spawn from doing it in the first place. they’ll just explain the situation to their clients and ask for a little more time until they can find a solution to the problem
except these are not fine, upstanding citizens they’re working with and the only viable solution they can see is to (pick your favorite villain accent): “just cut off her nose”
which, no
at some point during the conversation, otto notices walker has managed to disappear from his side. so that’s fun
the polymorph quietly excuses himself to go search high and low for the little runaway. he finds him ten minutes later when the little shite jumps out from behind a pile of crates and scares the ever-living bejeezus out of him
walker, having recognized the look on otto’s face as the one his father wears when rory tattles on him for pinching or kicking or trying to give her a swirly, whispers a panicked “oh frick” and, understandably, books it
meanwhile, nomura and rory have been stuffed into an old, unused office as the bad guys argue just outside the door. nomura’s contemplating her next move when rory holds up a bobby pin and grins: “don’t worry nom-noms. i got this”
(turns out she taught herself how to pick locks months ago in order to break into her brother’s bedroom, hack his tablet, and subtlety sabotage his minecraft game on a daily basis)
now, two things happen at once - 1. nomura kicks the office door open, and 2. walker accidentally smashes full speed into one of the men holding them captive. something incriminating goes flying out of the pockets of one of the henchmen as walker, then otto, falls on top of them. there’s a moment where time seems to freeze, and then the main client growls at the henchman: “really, scott? i thought our daughters were friends”
police sirens can suddenly be heard in the distance
nomura pushes the kids forward and out, ignoring otto’s panicked little screeches as they hurry into the car they left parked around the corner
walker: “step on it!”
rory: “on the double, man!”
it’s all very nostalgic for nomura and otto (that exact phrasing, specifically) but there’s no time for reminiscing as they speed away from the warehouse
the second they walk into the house, the adults are just. done. and otto’s like: “well that was fun but i think i’ll go to bed now”
rory: “it’s seven o’clock. the sun’s still up”
nomura: “are you two… ok? with everything that just happened? you’re good?”
walker shoots her an incredulous look: “uh, yeah! that was so cool! like we were in a movie or something! i took down a bad guy all by myself!”
nomura: “pretty sure you blew detective scott’s cover, but ok. i’m happy you’re not traumatized”
rory: “you’re the best babysitters ever”
DAY 3/3
the next morning starts the same as the day before but with the addition of nerf guns and ten times the excitement. nomura and otto literally count down the hours until strickler and barbara return, even going so far as to track their plane
oh shit. they forgot about the magical marble thing still stuck in rory’s nose. now they’re really counting down the hours because “we have to get this thing out of her nose or barb’s going to kill us!”
(they’re not nearly as afraid of strickler)
but nothing works, and as the car pulls into the driveway nomura and otto are furiously playing rounds of rock-paper-scissor to determine who has to tell the parents about their little misadventure when rory sneezes and the damn thing pops out easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy
nomura and otto are both: “really, kid”
they all lived happily ever after once nomura and otto gave their statements to the police and then swore to never watch over strickler’s spawn for more than an hour at a time ever again
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nft-trends-news · 8 months
The NFT Video Games Revolution: What To Watch For In 2023 - GameTyrant
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The next-gen of video games is going to blow players away: NFT video games. However, these have been around for quite a while, but 2023 will likely bring them the deserved attention. It is not surprising that NFTs have found their way into gaming since they have penetrated various industries, including fashion, movies, and real estate. Focusing on gaming, we will discuss how NFTs could shape this sector’s future and how players will benefit from this innovation. First, this kind of asset gives gamers a unique chance to increase their own profits, not those of the game’s developers. Second, players enjoy complete ownership of their digital assets regardless of what happens to the gaming company. Plus, enthusiasts can finally immerse themselves in a virtual world of thousands of possibilities, which allows them to take up even more exciting roles in their games, customize their experience and in-game items, and receive the rewards of their invested time and money. Without a doubt, blockchain is no longer just about virtual currencies. It has given rise to a range of digital assets, including NFTs representing in-game collectibles. Some of these assets have seen real success in the last few months as investors have noticed their gain potential. Therefore, when checking the Ethereum price, you may also want to look at gaming tokens. Apart from exposing you to new virtual lands, this is also an excellent method to diversify your investment portfolio. Here is what you need to know about gaming NFTs: You have probably heard that NFTs are the latest revelation in the gaming sector, and while it is indeed true, what are these NFT games after all? The simplest explanation would be that NFT games are blockchain-based, allowing players to exploit a new form of in-game collectibles. That being said, people can handle land, avatars, clothing pieces, or any other game features in the form of non-fungible tokens, use them to advance through the game, or further sell them on the marketplace to maximize their gains. Since NFTs have long been considered works of art, enthusiasts are now calling video games the ‘seventh art.’ NFT games are often called P2E games because they are based on a play-to-earn model. Thus, players can earn tangible rewards as they complete the various game missions. Collecting in-game items through the gaming journey is the main goal of people immersing themselves in this kind of activity, as this is generally the only way to cover their investments. The acceptance of NFT standards also lets developers preserve the uniqueness and rarity of these in-game collectibles, which is why some digital gaming goods are more expensive than others. As for how to access these assets, there are basically three strategies: unlocking and earning new items, purchasing items on third-party or native marketplaces, or breeding new characters. Whichever method you pick, we assure you that you will have exclusive ownership rights over these treasures. It is indeed possible to earn real-life money from these games, but we don’t recommend making this a top priority. Just like cryptocurrencies, NFTs are also volatile, so it would be all in vain to earn massive rewards as you complete tasks and missions if the assets start to lose their value due to developers failing to hold their gamer base. So, to put it simply, people in the Philippines making a considerable income playing Axie Infinity are a rather exceptional case. Earning money from games like Axie Infinity means you must recover your upfront cost first. Did you know that you need three Axies (the value of these cute little monsters can range from $30 to $100)? So yes, we advise you to play better for your own pleasure instead of making high expectations of gains. Since NFT games are all the rage in today’s playing environments, it becomes obvious that developers don’t cease to create more and more games. And while it’s excellent news that this area is expanding, it could be daunting for a newbie to navigate through the sea of NFT-related games available. Well, that’s why we’re here. Consider this round-up of definitely worth trying games in 2023 (apart from the ever-present Axie Infinity): Alien Worlds If you’re a fan of outer space and faraway galaxies, Alien Worlds might be your thing. This is a unique chance to explore planets, conquer lands, and engage in battles, which will eventually bring you revenue in the form of NFTs. Alien Worlds’ native token is Trillium (TLM), a valuable asset in this fascinating multiverse as it gives players access to additional gameplay and control over decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs). The Alien Worlds metaverse is all about adventure, imagination, and perseverance, so if you boast any of these, ensure you give this NFT game a try. Dogami If you don’t dispose of enough room in your house to adopt a dog, Dogami is a viable solution for you. This ‘Petaverse’ allows animal lovers to own adorable dogs and nurture them to adulthood. And what makes this game stand out is that it boasts more than 300 distinct DOGAMI breeds, each distinguishing through its own traits (due to the NFT mechanic) and coming in four different rarities - diamond, gold, silver, and bronze. By playing Dogami and participating in the various game modes, you will earn rewards in the form of DOGA tokens. STEPN STEPN is the ultimate fitness game, so if you’ve always wanted to move by walking or running, this game is a great start. We know, we know - it’s all in a virtual world. But continually improving yourself in this video game will further motivate you to do the same in the real-life, tangible world. So, all you need to do to get started with STEPN is buy a pair of virtual sneakers inside this Web app. And don’t forget: the STEPN shoes not only lead you to massive potential gains but also to self-improvement. Let walks and jogs be part of your norm! So, are NFT games a thing or not? All names, trademarks, and images are copyrighted by their respective owners   ///   Copyright / DMCA Notice Copyright © 2015-2022 GameTyrant Entertainment LLC All Rights Reserved Read the full article
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dateddisneydishes · 2 years
Floral Infused Water
From Flowers and Trees in An Academy Award Review of Walt Disney Cartoons
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The History
So I realize that that title may seem a little confusing.
See as we move away from shorts and into Disney feature films, we must talk about the movie that bridges that gap.
While Disney was trying to gain investors for his Snow White project, he had to convince the banks that people would sit down for over an hour to watch a cartoon.
Seems silly to us today, but back then it was unheard of. So Disney compiled all of his short films that had won an Oscar into a movie; that was then shown in select theaters.
An Academy Award Review of Walt Disney Cartoons was not only successful enough to gain funding, but it also wound up receiving a re-release a decade later with added shorts.
We will be tackling that re-release in this series next.
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The first short in the movie is Flowers and Trees.
It won the Academy Award for best animated short in 1932. Which at the time, was a brand new category for the Oscars.
The reason why it won was because it was the first short to utilize Technicolor.
Other films before it had experimented with color before, but it was a two tone process that limited what could and could not be done.
Think of the difference between Cuphead's regular mode and the harder two-strip color overlay.
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That's referencing the difference between the two processes that was being experimented on at the time.
So Flowers and Trees is a first for many reasons; hence it's importance in animation history, but what about the food?
The Food
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The only food in the short involves some flowers bathing in water. Water is hardly a recipe, buuuuutttt.... What if we infused water with flowers?
Such a thing is hardly new. People have been flavoring water with fruit, flowers, and leaves for as old as civilization itself, which is how tea was invented.
It's making a comeback as a heath fad, as of late, to get people to drink more water. Looking at these as inspiration, I've devised my own rose, mint, and berry combination.
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1/2 cup raspberries
1/4 cup fresh mint leaves
2 tbsp edible dried rose petals. (be sure to get this from the grocer and not a florist as you don't want to risk consuming pesticide)
7 cups of water
Large pitcher or jar
Tear up the mint leaves
Add the mint, berries, and rose petals into a water pitcher or jar.
Add the water
Let sit in fridge for at least 30 mins for favors to mingle
Drink or freeze within 24 hours
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A trick with infused water is that you can freeze it in ice trays to store it, and then just plop a few of the icecubes into your water bottle to melt throughout the day.
Next up The Three Little Pigs and recipe from the Big Bad Wolf himself.
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awesomephd · 2 years
Watching Through My Collection: Day 16/36
I Eat Your Skin (1964) aka Zombies aka Zombie Bloodbath aka Voodoo Blood Bath
Day 15 / Day 17
Now, not only does this movie have so many names, but the 1964 date on my copy is actually when it was filmed. It didn't get released until 1971. Even still, with all the names it got after release, it was filmed under the working title Caribbean Adventure to keep potential investors from catching on that it was a zombie film.
So, truly, it's a painful gem of low-budget horror.
It even made it big in an episode of Elvira's Movie Macabre that I might just watch after this on Tubi. (The plain movie itself is on Youtube too, but I'd rather watch it with Elvira)
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CW: 1960's sensibilities
While there were some enjoyable moments in this movie, it wasn't good and constantly felt like it wanted to be a different genre entirely. This is an adventure romance that just so happens to have zombies in it.
The main character is even an insufferable, womanizing erotica adventure novelist that we get introduced to absolutely surrounded by women beside a pool in Miami while he recites his own work to them.
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If you want me to believe this many women are that interested in what he's saying, at least let him say "throbbing cock" instead of "throbbing temples" when we all know that's what it's supposed to be.
There's some admittedly funny dialogue here and then some unfunny dialogue that tries too hard and had me thinking this might actually be some kind of horror comedy. But it isn't. It's just weird.
They fly to Zombie Island (yes, that's the actual real name they call the island) and their plane runs out of gas so, naturally, our protagonist must take over for the Hispanic pilot to land them on the beach because he's so sexy and cool and suave. So sexy and cool and suave that he gets absolutely soaked through swimming in a river, but can still use the revolver he had stuffed in his waistband against zombies.
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I'll give them credit for the makeup, though. It's fun.
The movie goes back and forth between poorly acted, dull scenes with our white ensemble and "voodoo" rituals that almost feel like they just told the extras to improvise and dance crazy for. Whatever sort of mysticism that does get built up in the movie gets immediately ruined when they decide that actually the thing that made all these not-actually-zombies-apparently was a doctor doing experiments with snake venom and radiation.
Because god forbid the zombies be actual voodoo or anything. Guess that would've been too much like White Zombie (1932).
Oh, also the doctor's daughter has no chemistry with the protagonist, but right after she almost gets kidnapped to be a virgin sacrifice they fuck so it's real love and she's ride or die for him.
I could probably go on all day about the nonsense this movie has happen.
The author, his publisher, and the publisher's wife are definitely swingers the way they all talk to each other.
The Hispanic pilot gets blown up in his stationary plane by a slow-walking zombie carrying explosives as if he couldn't have just gotten out of the plane.
The protagonist pulls a guy off a boat by his rifle, beats him in the water with it, and then tosses it off in the water instead of taking it himself! He has proven he can still use guns that have been submerged!
He then steals a flare gun off the boat because "it's better than nothing" as if he hadn't just had someone's rifle in his hands a minute ago.
The opening had an extended bit of him making out with a girl, getting caught by her husband and getting chased back to his publisher's car where they drive off laughing as the guy he cucked literally kicks his wife in the butt like some slapstick routine!
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Feel like doing this after watching this movie.
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deshbandhu · 1 month
Hindi News Highlights: Major Stories of the Day
In today's fast-paced world, staying updated with the latest news is crucial. For millions of Hindi-speaking individuals, catching up on the top stories is a daily ritual. This article brings you the major stories of the day, featuring the most prominent news headlines in Hindi. From political developments and economic updates to cultural events and sports achievements, these news headlines in Hindi provide a comprehensive overview of the current affairs that matter most.
Political Developments
Government Policies and Reforms
Today's news headlines in Hindi are abuzz with discussions on the latest government policies and reforms. The government has announced a series of initiatives aimed at boosting the economy and supporting small businesses. Key policy changes are expected to have a significant impact on the agricultural sector, with new subsidies and support schemes being introduced to benefit farmers. These developments are among the most talked-about news headlines in Hindi, reflecting the government's focus on economic growth and development.
Election Updates
Elections are always a hot topic, and today's news headlines in Hindi cover the latest updates from various states. With upcoming elections, political parties are ramping up their campaigns, making promises to woo voters. The news headlines in Hindi highlight key campaign strategies, candidate profiles, and public reactions. The political atmosphere is charged with rallies and speeches, making it one of the most engaging sections in the news headlines in Hindi.
Economic News
Stock Market Trends
The financial markets are a staple in the news headlines in Hindi. Today's updates include significant movements in the stock market, with major indices showing volatility. Investors are keenly watching these trends, and the news headlines in Hindi provide detailed analyses of market performance, expert opinions, and forecasts. Understanding these trends is crucial for investors and businesses alike, making this a vital part of the daily news headlines in Hindi.
Economic Growth Projections
Economic growth projections are another key focus in the news headlines in Hindi. Reports from leading financial institutions suggest that the economy is on a path to recovery, with positive indicators across various sectors. The news headlines in Hindi delve into these projections, offering insights into factors driving growth and potential challenges ahead. This information is essential for policymakers, businesses, and the general public to understand the economic landscape.
Cultural Events
Festivals and Celebrations
India is a land of festivals, and the news headlines in Hindi often feature stories about ongoing and upcoming celebrations. Today's highlights include preparations for major festivals, with communities gearing up for grand events. The news headlines in Hindi provide a glimpse into the cultural richness and diversity of the country, showcasing traditions, rituals, and festivities that bring people together.
Entertainment Industry Updates
The entertainment industry is always buzzing with activity, and today's news headlines in Hindi cover the latest from Bollywood and regional cinema. From movie releases and celebrity interviews to box office collections and award functions, the news headlines in Hindi keep fans updated with all the glitz and glamour. These stories are a major attraction for readers who follow the entertainment industry closely.
Sports Achievements
Cricket Highlights
Cricket continues to dominate the sports section of the news headlines in Hindi. Today's top stories include match results, player performances, and upcoming fixtures. The news headlines in Hindi provide in-depth coverage of domestic and international cricket, making it a must-read for cricket enthusiasts. Highlights of today's matches and expert analyses offer a comprehensive view of the sport's current scenario.
Other Sports News
While cricket is immensely popular, other sports also find a place in the news headlines in Hindi. Today's coverage includes updates from football, hockey, badminton, and more. Achievements of Indian athletes in international competitions are prominently featured, inspiring young sports enthusiasts across the country. The news headlines in Hindi celebrate these accomplishments, highlighting the dedication and hard work of athletes.
Health and Lifestyle
Health Alerts and Tips
Health-related news is an important part of the news headlines in Hindi. Today's stories include health alerts, expert advice, and tips for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The ongoing focus on public health measures, especially in light of recent health crises, is covered extensively in the news headlines in Hindi. These updates are crucial for keeping the public informed and promoting a healthier society.
Lifestyle Trends
Lifestyle trends, including fashion, travel, and wellness, are also featured in the news headlines in Hindi. Today's highlights include the latest fashion trends, travel destinations, and wellness tips that cater to a broad audience. The news headlines in Hindi offer readers practical advice and inspiration for improving their daily lives.
Conclusion Staying informed with the latest news headlines in Hindi is essential for understanding the world around us. Today's major stories span a wide range of topics, including political developments, economic news, cultural events, sports achievements, and health updates. By providing comprehensive coverage of these areas, the news headlines in Hindi ensure that readers are well-equipped with the knowledge they need to stay updated and make informed decisions.
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kp777 · 1 month
By Thom Hartmann
Common Dreams
May 17, 2024
The ideology of the Republican Party and the stranglehold of powerful corporations of our political system overall has transformed America from a democracy into a late-stage oligarchy, and the point of no return is now visible.
The headline in this week’s Fortune reads:
“Billionaire investor Ray Dalio warns U.S. is ‘on the brink’ and estimates a more than 1 in 3 chance of civil war”
Billionaires and civil war? A billionaire-funded Supreme Court Justice flew the American flag upside down outside his house after January 6th in apparent support of Donald Trump‘s attempt to overthrow our government.
Americans for Tax Fairness reports that 50 billionaire families have, at this early stage, already injected almost a billion dollars into our political system — the overwhelming majority of it going to Republicans and in support of Donald Trump — in an effort to maintain enough control of our political system that their taxes won’t go up. And that total is just what’s reported: it doesn’t count the billions in unknowable dark money that’s sloshing around the system thanks to Citizens United.
Back in the day, the late Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis warned us:
“We must make our choice. We may have democracy, or we may have wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both.”
The number one movie in America last month was Civil War. Right wing militias are on the march. More than half of Republicans say they are “expecting” a civil war.
How did we get here? And what does oligarchy have to do with civil war?
The clear result of five corrupt Republicans on the 1978 and 2010 Supreme Courts legalizing political bribery of politicians (and Supreme Court justices) by both corporations and the morbidly rich is that America is now well past the halfway mark of a fatal-to-democracy slide into oligarchy and the strongman autocracy typically associated with it. And the conflict that can follow that.
You can see the consequence in any contemporary survey. The majority of people want things — gun control, a strengthened social safety net, a cleaner and safer environment, quality, free education, higher taxes on the rich — that Congress refuses to do anything about because it is in thrall to great wealth.
As President Jimmy Carter told me eight years ago:
“It [Citizens United] violates the essence of what made America a great country in its political system. Now it’s just an oligarchy, with unlimited political bribery being the essence of getting the nominations for president or to elect the president. … So now we’ve just seen a complete subversion of our political system as a payoff to major contributors, who want and expect and sometimes get favors for themselves after the election’s over.”
For example, just last week, Donald Trump solicited a $1 billion bribe from a group of fossil fuel executives in exchange for undoing all of President Biden’s climate regulations.
In a testament to how today’s form of transactional oligarchy has become normalized in America, the only national news organization that reported this shocking story was MSNBC; every other news outlet thought it was entirely normal for an American politician to have their hand out in exchange for legislative or policy changes. As Media Matters reported this week:
“CNN, Fox News Channel; ABC’s Good Morning America, World News Tonight, and This Week; CBS’ Mornings, Evening News, and Face the Nation; and NBC’s Today, Nightly News, and Meet the Press” all completely ignored the story.
What we are watching is the final stage of the 40-year neoliberal transition of our nation from a forward-looking and still-evolving democratic republic into a white supremacist ethnostate ruled by a small group of fascist oligarchs.
Some years ago, Trump economic adviser Stephen Moore (before he was Trump’s advisor) was a guest on my radio/TV program. I asked him, “Which is more important, democracy or capitalism?“
Without hesitation, Moore answered, “Capitalism.” He went on to imply this was how the Founders wanted things. After all, as George Orwell said:
“Those who control the present, control the past and those who control the past control the future.”
That philosophy and a phony American history have held the Republican Party in its thrall for the past 40+ years and have brought America to this moment of great crisis and danger.
It has transformed America from a democracy into a late-stage oligarchy, and the point of no return is now visible. Which presents a true crisis for America, because oligarchy is almost always merely a transitional phase in the evolution to full-blown tyranny and/or fascism, and often civil war.
Oligarchies are inherently unstable forms of government because they transfer resources and power from working people to the oligarchs. Average people, seeing that they’re constantly falling behind and can’t do anything about it, first become cynical and disengage, and, when things get bad enough, they try to revolt.
That “revolution” can either lead to the oligarchy failing and the nation flipping back to democracy, as happened here in the 1860s and the 1930s, or it can flip into full-blown strong-man tyranny, as happened recently in Hungary, Turkey, and Russia, and nearly happened here on January 6th.
Oligarchies usually become police states, where any average person who dares seriously challenge the ruling oligarchs is squashed like a bug either legally or financially; the oligarchs themselves are immune from prosecution and get to keep their billions regardless of how many people’s lives are ruined or die because of their crimes.
Oligarchic governments almost always do a few predictable things, as I lay out in The Hidden History of American Oligarchy:
— They change monopoly laws and regulations so their rich buddies can take control of most of the nation’s businesses and media. — They stack the courts and regulatory agencies with oligarch-friendly ideologues or outright corrupt toadies, while eliminating regulatory protections for average citizens. — They cut taxes on the rich and drive wages low on working people while criminalizing and cracking down on dissent, particularly if it involves any sort of direct action or property damage. — They distract voters from their own looting by demonizing minorities and encouraging racism, religious/gender conflict, and regionalism. — They reinvent history to argue that the country was “always an oligarchy and that’s the way the nation’s founders wanted it. It’s what works best.” — They actively suppress the vote among people inclined to oppose them (typically minorities and the young), or outright rig the vote to insure their own victory. — And they transform their nations into police states, heavily criminalizing demonstrations, nonviolent resistance, or “direct action” while radicalizing and encouraging right wing vigilante “militias” to put down the inevitable pro-democracy rebellions as people realize what’s happening.
To the end of cementing their own oligarchy here, the billionaires who own the GOP are now actively promoting the same sort of revisionist history the Confederacy did, claiming that the Founders were all rich guys who hated taxes, wanted rich men to rule America, and wrote the Constitution to make that happen. It was a story popular in the South leading up to the Civil War, now part of the “Lost Cause” mythology.
To that end, they’re purging our schools and colleges of books and history courses; professors and teachers who don’t toe their line that America was designed from its founding to be an oligarchy are being fired as you read these words. In this, they’re promoting — for their own benefit — a dangerous lie.
A lie that rationalizes oligarchy.
While there were some in America among the Founders and Framers who had amassed great land holdings and what was perceived then as a patrician lifestyle, Pulitzer Prize winning author Bernard Bailyn suggests in his brilliant 2003 book To Begin the World Anew: The Genius and Ambiguities of the American Founders that they couldn’t hold a candle, in terms of wealth, to the true aristocrats of England.
With page after page of photographs and old paintings of the homes of the Founders and Framers, Bailyn shows that none of those who created this nation were rich by European standards. After an artful and thoughtful comparison of American and British estates, Bailyn concludes bluntly:
“There is no possible correspondence, no remote connection, between these provincial dwellings and the magnificent showplaces of the English nobility...”
Showing and describing to his readers the mansions of the families of power in 18th century Europe, Bailyn writes:
“There is nothing in the American World to compare with this.”
While the Founders and Framers had achieved a level of literacy, creativity, and a depth of thinking that rivaled that of any European states or eras, nonetheless, Bailyn notes:
“The Founders were provincials, alive to the values of a greater world, but not, they knew, of it – comfortable in a lesser world but aware of its limitations.”
As Kevin Phillips describes in his masterpiece book Wealth and Democracy: A Political History of the American Rich:
“George Washington, one of the richest Americans, was no more than a wealthy squire in British terms.”
Phillips documents that it wasn’t until the 1790’s — a generation after the War of Independence — that the first American accumulated a fortune that would be worth one million of today’s dollars. The Founders and Framers were, at best, what today would be called the upper-middle-class in terms of lifestyle, assets, and disposable income.
In 1958, one of America’s great professors of history, Forrest McDonald, published an extraordinary book debunking Charles Beard’s 1913 hypothesis that the Constitution was created exclusively of, by, and for rich white men. McDonald’s book, titled We the People: The Economic Origins of the Constitution, bluntly states:
“Economic interpretation of the Constitution does not work.”
Over the course of more than 400 meticulously researched pages, McDonald goes back to original historical records and reveals who was promoting and who was opposing the new Constitution, and why. So far as I can tell, he is the first and only historian to do this type of original-source research, and his conclusions are startling.
McDonald notes that a quarter of all the delegates to the Constitutional Convention had voted in their own state legislatures for laws that would have helped debtors and the poor and thus harmed the interests of the rich.
“These [debt relief laws] were the very kinds of laws which, according to Beard’s hypothesis, the delegates had convened to prevent,” says McDonald. He adds: “Another fourth of the delegates had important economic interests that were adversely affected, directly and immediately, by the Constitution they helped write.”
While Beard theorizes that the Framers were largely drawn from the class of wealthy bankers and businessmen, McDonald shows that wasn’t true at all:
“The most common and by far the most important property holdings of the delegates were not, as Beard has asserted, mercantile, manufacturing, and public security investments, but agricultural property.”
Most were farmers or plantation owners and, as noted earlier, owning a lot of land did not always make one rich in those days, particularly compared to the bankers and mercantilists of New York and Boston.
“Finally,” McDonald concludes, “it is abundantly evident that the delegates, once inside the convention, behaved as anything but a consolidated economic group.”
After dissecting the means and motivations of the Framers who wrote the Constitution, McDonald goes into an exhaustive and detailed state-by-state analysis of the constitutional ratifying conventions that finally brought the U.S. Constitution into law.
For example, in the state of Delaware, which voted for ratification:
“[A]lmost 77 percent of the delegates were farmers, more than two-thirds of them small farmers with incomes ranging from 75 cents to $5.00 a week. Slightly more than 23 percent of the delegates were professional men – doctors, judges, and lawyers. None of the delegates was a merchant, manufacturer, banker, or speculator in western lands.”
In other states, similar numbers showed up. Of the New Jersey delegates supporting ratification, 64.1 percent were small farmers. In Maryland, “the opponents of ratification included from three to six times as large a proportion of merchants, lawyers, and investors in shipping, confiscated estates, and manufacturing as did the [poorer] delegates who favored ratification.”
In South Carolina it was those in economic distress who carried the day: “No fewer than 82 percent of the debtors and borrowers of paper money in the convention voted for ratification.” In New Hampshire, “of the known farmers in the convention 68.7 percent favored ratification.”
But did farmers support the Constitution because they were slave owners or the wealthiest of the landowners, as Charles Beard had guessed back in 1913?
McDonald shows that this certainly wasn’t the case in northern states like New Hampshire or New Jersey, which were not slave states.
But what about Virginia and North Carolina, the two largest slave-holding states, asks McDonald rhetorically. Were their plantation owners favoring the Constitution because it protected their economic and slave-holding interests?
“The opposite is true,” writes McDonald. “In both states the wealthy planters – those with personality interests [enslaved people] as well as those without personality interests – were divided approximately equally on the issue of ratification. In North Carolina small farmers and debtors were likewise equally divided, and in Virginia the great mass of the small farmers and a large majority of the debtors favored ratification.”
After dissecting the results of the ratification votes state by state — the first author in history to do so, as far as I can determine — McDonald sums up:
“Beard’s thesis — that the line of cleavage as regards the Constitution was between substantial personality interests [wealth and slave ownership] on the one hand and small farming and debtor interests on the other — is entirely incompatible with the facts.”
Here we find the explanation for James Madison sealing his notes on the Constitutional Convention until every man who participated was dead (they were finally published more than 50 years later in 1840). He and many others at the convention were essentially betraying their own economic class in favor of democracy. Something today’s wealthy Americans apparently can’t imagine doing.
No matter how hard Republicans try to reinvent the Founders and Framers of this nation in the image of their libertarian billionaire patrons, and no matter how imperfect and even brutal their time was, the simple reality is that in 1770’s America this nation’s Founders undertook American history’s first truly great progressive experiment.
And they all put their lives on the line to do it: when they signed their names on the Declaration, a death warrant was issued against each one of them by the largest and most powerful empire in the world.
And then, four generations later, we backslid.
The only other time in American history when an entire region of America was converted from a democracy into an oligarchy was the 1830-1860 era in the South. It’s why Republicans are so fond of the Confederate flag and Civil War memorial monuments.
The invention of the Cotton Gin made a few hundred families of southern planters richer than Midas; they seized political control of the region and then destroyed democracy in those states. Even white men who dared stand up to them were imprisoned or lynched, ballot boxes were stuffed, and social mobility came to a standstill.
By the 1840s, the South had become a full-blown police state, much like Trump and his acolytes would like America to become in the near future.
Offended and worried by the democratic example of the Northern states, the Confederacy declared war on the United States itself with the goal of ending democracy in America altogether. Almost 700,000 people died defending our form of government.
And now, for a second time in American history, we’re confronted with a near-complete takeover of about half of our nation by America’s oligarchs.
And with it has come not just the threat of political violence, but the reality, from the death of Heather Heyer to the George Floyd protests to January 6th and the assault on Paul Pelosi.
All driven by oligarchs determined to pit us against each other so we won’t recognize how they’re robbing us blind.
Unless and until our tax laws are changed and the Supreme Court’s legalization of political bribery is reversed, we’ll continue this disintegrative slide into fascism and the danger of domestic armed conflict.
This fall we’ll have the opportunity to elect politicians who actively oppose oligarchy and fascism while embracing the true spirit of American egalitarianism.
President Biden is the first president in 80 years to consequentially raise taxes on both rich people and corporations. That political bravery has brought him powerful enemies: this fall’s election will be hard fought.
Make sure everybody you know is registered to vote, and if you live in a Republican-controlled state double-check your voter registration every month at vote.org.
America’s future — and the integrity of our history — depend on it.
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stockmarketanalysis · 4 months
15 Best Stock Market Movies To Watch: A Blend of Entertainment and Education
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Introduction: Stock market movies offer a captivating blend of drama, suspense, and insight into the world of finance. Whether you're a seasoned investor or just curious about the intricacies of Wall Street, these films provide entertainment while shedding light on the complexities of the stock market. From tales of greed and ambition to stories of triumph and resilience, here are 15 must-watch stock market movies that will both entertain and educate.
The Wolf of Wall Street (2013): Directed by Martin Scorsese and starring Leonardo DiCaprio, this film is based on the true story of Jordan Belfort, a wealthy stockbroker who engages in corruption and securities fraud. It's a wild ride through the excesses of Wall Street in the 1990s, offering a darkly humorous look at greed and moral bankruptcy.
Wall Street (1987): Directed by Oliver Stone, "Wall Street" stars Michael Douglas as the infamous Gordon Gekko, a ruthless corporate raider who epitomizes the greed of the 1980s. The film explores themes of ambition, ethics, and the moral dilemmas faced by those in the financial industry.
Boiler Room (2000): Inspired by real events, "Boiler Room" follows a young stockbroker who gets caught up in a high-pressure brokerage firm engaged in unethical practices. The film delves into the world of pump-and-dump schemes and the allure of quick riches, highlighting the consequences of unchecked ambition.
Margin Call (2011): Set during the early stages of the 2008 financial crisis, "Margin Call" offers a fictionalized account of a prestigious investment bank grappling with the impending collapse of the housing market. The film provides a tense and thought-provoking look at the ethical dilemmas faced by those in the financial industry.
The Big Short (2015): Based on Michael Lewis's book of the same name, "The Big Short" chronicles the events leading up to the 2008 financial crisis through the eyes of a group of investors who predicted the collapse of the housing market. With its star-studded cast and witty script, the film sheds light on the complexities of the financial system and the flaws that led to the crisis.
Trading Places (1983): This classic comedy stars Eddie Murphy and Dan Aykroyd as a streetwise hustler and a wealthy commodities broker who unwittingly switch lives as part of a social experiment. "Trading Places" offers a humorous take on the world of commodities trading while addressing themes of class and privilege.
Rogue Trader (1999): Based on the true story of Nick Leeson, "Rogue Trader" follows the rise and fall of a young trader who single-handedly brings down Britain's oldest merchant bank, Barings Bank, through unauthorized speculative trading. The film offers a cautionary tale about the dangers of unchecked ambition and the consequences of financial fraud.
Inside Job (2010): This documentary provides a comprehensive analysis of the 2008 financial crisis, examining the systemic corruption and regulatory failures that led to the collapse of the global economy. Through interviews with economists, politicians, and industry insiders, "Inside Job" offers a damning indictment of Wall Street's role in the crisis.
Too Big to Fail (2011): Based on Andrew Ross Sorkin's book, "Too Big to Fail" offers a behind-the-scenes look at the events surrounding the 2008 financial crisis, focusing on the efforts of government officials and Wall Street executives to prevent a complete meltdown of the financial system. The film provides a gripping account of the high-stakes negotiations and power struggles that defined the crisis.
Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room (2005): This documentary explores the rise and fall of Enron, once one of the largest and most respected companies in the United States. Through interviews with former employees and archival footage, "Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room" exposes the corporate greed and accounting fraud that led to the company's spectacular collapse.
Barbarians at the Gate (1993): Based on the book by Bryan Burrough and John Helyar, "Barbarians at the Gate" tells the story of the leveraged buyout of RJR Nabisco in the late 1980s. The film offers a gripping portrayal of corporate intrigue and boardroom battles as rival executives vie for control of the company.
Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps (2010): Directed by Oliver Stone, this sequel to the original "Wall Street" follows Gordon Gekko as he emerges from prison and attempts to rebuild his life and reputation in the aftermath of the financial crisis. The film explores themes of redemption and the changing landscape of Wall Street in the wake of the crisis.
The Pursuit of Happyness (2006): While not strictly a stock market movie, "The Pursuit of Happyness" offers a powerful portrayal of the struggles faced by a single father trying to make ends meet while pursuing a career in finance. Starring Will Smith, the film is based on the true story of Chris Gardner, who overcame homelessness and adversity to become a successful stockbroker.
Boiler Room (2000): Directed by Ben Younger, this film follows a young college dropout who lands a job at a shady brokerage firm that specializes in cold-calling unsuspecting investors. As he gets drawn deeper into the world of high-pressure sales tactics and dubious financial schemes, he must confront his own moral compass.
Moneyball (2011): Based on Michael Lewis's book, "Moneyball" tells the true story of Oakland Athletics general manager Billy Beane, who revolutionized the game of baseball by using statistical analysis to assemble a competitive team on a limited budget. While not directly about the stock market, the film offers valuable lessons about the power of data-driven decision-making and unconventional thinking.
Conclusion: Stock market movies offer more than just entertainment; they provide valuable insights into the workings of the financial world and the human psyche. Whether you're interested in high-stakes trading, corporate scandals, or the psychology of investing, these 15 films offer something for everyone. So grab some popcorn, settle in, and prepare to be entertained and enlightened by the best that Hollywood has to offer in the realm of finance.
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mamun258 · 5 months
Become a rule maker
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As for the real investment leverage, it will only roll when a hit drama is born.
This is how a wealth-making myth HE Tuber was born. In the eyes of lay investors like Ma Chenggang, it is impressive and gorgeous. After the ROI is positive, investment companies continue to increase their weight, just like after the short drama "Wushuang" became popular, it set industry records every day and was online for 24 hours. 33 million, 55 million in 48 hours, and on the 8th day, the box office successfully exceeded 100 million.
But in the eyes of insiders, it is extremely weak. Li Tao explained more than once to the public that 90% of the more than 100 million box office of "Wushuang" was used for distribution costs, and the remaining profits were divided between the distribution company and the production company.
A leading person in the short drama industry told 36Kr that the method of short drama casting has actually appeared in major online movies around 2015. "Xuanfa Company had the advantage at that time, and the logic is the same as that of current casting companies. The final outcome was that a large number of production companies collapsed." He said.
In this sense, small program dramas only once again verify a law of capital, and its stories can even be called repetitive and cliché. The classic saying of the philosopher Heraclitus, "One cannot step into the same river twice." This philosophy was ultimately defeated in the face of the interests of the business world.
As someone who has also experienced the era of big online movies, Chen Wen also said that there are different shells but the same core, but there are always people who fall into them because of human nature, and he himself is no exception. "No one believes that they will be played."
After the short drama entered its second half, large streaming companies were no longer limited to the distribution of mini-program short dramas. They began to fully participate in the screening and production of short drama scripts, with the intention of generating hits from the source and maximizing profits. However, investment companies are very picky. "Fully-funded projects only target teams with big hits. For some new players, the producers bear the risk," said short play director Liu Tao.
Starting from April 2023, Liu Tao will begin to undertake the short drama needs of front-line streaming companies. This model is uniformly called "wholly owned by the platform (referring to the streaming company)" in the industry, that is, the casting company bears all shooting expenses, except In addition, the producer can also receive additional box office dividends, "generally around 5% of the box office," producer Chen Wen told 36Kr.
Not everyone can have such an opportunity. After all, there are many benefits to being favored by an investment company. The first is resources and money. Liu Tao has already released a science fiction mini-program short drama, which was funded by another company and cost a lot of money. The cost of a virtual studio is close to 200,000 yuan a day, and Liu Tao filmed it for three days.
More importantly,
No one knows better than a streaming company what the audience likes. Chen Wen once cooperated with a casting company. He mentioned that after investing in a short play, the casting company would send someone to the crew to make suggestions, with details including script changes, actor selection and even post-editing.
He also remembers an interesting example. Generally speaking, a mini program short drama will have 3-4 payment points. Whenever the last paid episode is approaching, a "hook" must be set, preferably enough to catch people and seduce them. When filming his last short play, Chen Wen set up an intimate sex scene as a hook. After watching it, people from the casting company told him that such a superficial hook could not be spread in actual casting, even if it passed The screen must be full of mosaics, which greatly affects the viewing experience.
At the suggestion of the other party, the hook was changed from the sex scene to the rape scene, and it was stuck on the close-up of the evil mother-in-law pushing open the door with an angry face. At this moment, emotional, moral and ethical conflicts all reach a high point.
The trend is becoming more and more obvious. When streaming companies have their own short dramas and their resources are centralized, small and medium-sized producers may be squeezed even more. In Liu Tao's words, "After all, why should the casting company be responsible for a small program drama that cost nothing of itself?"
Under this logic, if a small program short drama producer wants to survive smoothly today, it is a good choice to rely on a big tree. "Now I usually only participate in dramas that are opposed to investment companies, and everyone contributes half." cost," Chen Wen said.
There is another way to become a big tree and a rule maker.
But it turns out that this requires considerable cash flow. Wang Han, the founder of the short drama company, established a short drama company with several partners in November 2022. From casting, setting up small programs to short drama production, he connected the upstream and downstream.
They prepared 4 million. At that time, Wang Han was full of confidence. They had a trump card IP "Crooked Dragon King" - one of the earliest internet celebrities born in information flow advertising, who once starred in "Menghualu". Everyone believes that with this traffic IP and the fact that the mini program drama model has been used by some investment companies, the company has a high chance of success.
But Wang Han soon discovered that 4 million was just a drop in the bucket. At first, when building mini programs, the team chose to hire programmers to develop them on their own, which directly led to high costs. By the later stages of the mini program explosion, the backend of mini programs did not even need to be built, and could be purchased directly online at a cost of less than 50,000 yuan.
regarding the monetization of the Dragon King IP, after trying mini-program short plays, the team began to try to create a Douyin account for the Dragon King short play, trying to retain fans through the logic of live streaming to bring goods, but in the end, neither side was invested enough. In the end, the company no longer had enough cash flow in its accounts to make large-scale investments. Wang Han still remembers that the ROI value of their short play at that time was 115%, which was a profitable number. However, for 9 days, because of the rolling cash, The flow was only 40,000 yuan, and the final profit was only 5,000 yuan.
After all, winning or losing in a leveraged game is more than just the leverage itself. Sometimes, the size of the force really determines whether the stone can be lifted.
Soon, the cash flow was burned up. At that time, the box office explosion of the short drama had not been verified by the market, and the partners began to have conflicts over whether to stay or leave. The decision has been delayed, but the confidence is no longer what it used to be, people are scattered, and the company can only end up hastily with a loss of 4 million. We did a premature thing at the wrong node, "We are Tianhu opening the cards and finishing with garbage." Wang Han laughed at himself.
For individual players, the way to truly enter the chain of mini program short dramas is by no means as simple as 4 million. The founder of Jiuzhou Culture once said that in order to start the investment business, "it has to be upwards of 30 to 50 million, (otherwise) the gross profit margin, labor, and losses will not be appropriate."
It's just that the film and television industry naturally believes in Darwin's law. Wang Han's failure seems normal to Liu Tao. Natural selection depends only on the results.
"As many people stand up, so many people fall down," he said.
4. The Last Reaper
Today, for players of paid short dramas, a greater disruptive force is approaching.
As Li Tao, the head of Fengxing Culture, said, 90% of the box office is the cost of investment. Your cost is another's gain. Most of this crazy hot money will eventually flow into large-traffic platforms such as Douyin, Tencent, and Kuaishou.
As the largest carrier supporting mini-program dramas, when a short drama is cashed out at the box office, it needs to pay a technical channel fee to the WeChat mini-program, which was initially 1% and later 10%. The WeChat video account is also one of the main distribution channels for short drama companies.
Kuaishou disclosed a set of data in last year's Q3 financial report. In the third quarter of 2023, the consumption of paid short dramas on Kuaishou increased by more than 300% year-on-year and nearly 50% month-on-month. "In the media and information industry, paid short dramas have the best growth." Cheng Yixiao, chairman and CEO of Kuaishou, said.
But now, large traffic platforms are no longer satisfied with just selling traffic. They decided to go out and harvest it themselves.
Byte's Hongguo Short Drama APP will officially change its name to Tomato Short Drama in November 2023. It obviously has the ambition to unify the brand and accelerate its development. A person who has contact with Tomato Novel told 36Kr that Tomato short dramas have always been a business line under Tomato Novel in the past and were tepid. “It was not until mid-2023 that a new independent department was established.” Kuaishou has launched an independent short drama app Xifan, which is currently available on Android. Tencent Literature Group also released the "Short Drama Galaxy Incubation Plan" in December 2023, which will start with short dramas based on its own IP advantages.
But Byte is still the most ferocious one. A few years ago, Bytedance harvested traffic through free Tomato novels, and finally successfully snatched the cake from the Internet literature leader China Literature. Nowadays, the familiar plot is unfolding, and the Tomato short drama is also burning money to promote the free model. There are even rumors in the industry that "Byte has not made any money in five years of business in the same year."
“This has subverted the existing gameplay of the short drama industry, and 1/3 of the paid short dramas have been cut off at once.” An industry insider told 36Kr. In this new model, Byte, which has traffic, advertisers, and strong commercialization capabilities, will definitely gain greater profits.
For a large number of small and medium-sized producers, their situation is still a squeeze.
There are not many choices before Chen Wen. After all, the platform is engaged in traffic war, but he wants to survive. Now, Chen Wen has decided to build his own short drama company with several partners, taking over the investment and production chain. At the same time, he will launch mini programs and Douyin, try both, and seize the opportunity in his own hands.
At the end of December, there was still no news about investor Ma Chenggang's two mini-program short dramas, and he had given up his frequent inquiries. He decided to invest another 1 million and give it a final try.
However, it is not that easy for ordinary people to write rules. In a sense, even large-scale short drama companies with the capabilities of casting, production and distribution cannot guarantee a complete escape from the whirlpool of profit losses.
In early November, the leading short drama company Dianzhong issued a statement stating that there were 27 dramas on Byte's "Tomato Short Drama" and "Tomato Free Short Drama" APP platforms that were produced by Dianzhong but were first broadcast and enjoyed information. The network and broadcast rights for popular drama series have not been authorized by Dianduo.
In the new game, the traffic empire talker who holds the power of life and death appears again.
The market is still moving, the reapers are looming, investment companies are keeping a low profile, and producers are looking for a way out. Only those stories of making wealth in the past were secretly hidden one day.
(Wang Han, Ma Chenggang, Chen Wen and Liu Tao are pseudonyms in this article)
Author: Zhong Yixuan, Editor: Qiao Qian Yang Xuan
Source public account: 36氪 Future Consumption (ID: lslb168), see the future of consumption here.
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