#final fantasy rambles
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celestefox13 · 7 months ago
One of my favorite parts about Dawntrail is that no one knows who the WoL is.
Like, Koana has a vague idea, sure, and Galool Ja Ja clocks that we're far from average in an instant, but no one else has a fucking clue who this adventurer the Third Promise brought with her is.
Cause it leads to so many moments that are absolutely hilarious for us as players (and arguably our WoLs if you rp).
The way every threat of violence against the WoL and the party, and every "I bet you've never seen anything like this" could absolutely get one of the responses about:
-how we've slain eikons and gods,
-how we've saved the Star multiple times,
-how we've channeled (and honestly probably still have some of) the power of dragons,
-how we've been to other worlds, the past, and the edge of existence
And instead we get to respond with things that are effectively intimidating smiles and humble confidence.
It's not "Bitch, you don't who you're messing with."
It's "Yeah, ok, bud." Which is arguably the funnier and the more insulting of the options.
This is Stormblood all over again, but x2 cause we've done so much more than help settle revolutions by now. 😂
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jieanette · 7 months ago
Cecil And Bartz Ramblings
One of the things I like about Cecil and Bartz is that while they don't really interact that much in canon Dissida (at least from what I know), the few times they do it's really just wholesome. They always lift each other up.
In Dissidia, when Bartz is up against Cecil, some of the lines he says to him are, "You are who you are. Believe in yourself!" and "You don't have to go hiding your face too." And, knowing Cecil it's something he would have needed to hear. When Cecil is up against Bartz, some lines he says are, "I wish you'd show me your moves!" and "I hope you would not hold back!" which, again, is quite encouraging and I like how it implies Cecil just genuinely seems to want to know Bartz more, like he wanted to actually know what his moves are and not mimics of the other Warriors of Cosmos combat style.
((I'm not sure if I'm being so delulu rn, but to me their lines to each other sounds like they're playfully teasing... But it could be just me))
Another significant interaction of them is in Dissidia Opera Omnia (RIP). In Act 2, Chapter 2: Light, Bartz was there for Cecil when he was facing an crisis, with his memories and lost sense of self. It seemed that he was the only person that gives him space and time for him to figure everything out. It was what Cecil just needed, and it was so sweet for him to do that.
In Act 2, Chapter 9: Whiter the Wind Returns, Cecil was there when Bartz became a husk of himself after giving his memories away to his manikin, gently asking if he is okay (which mirrors the moment when Bartz asks Cecil the same thing in chapter 2) and telling him that he and the others are there to help him. At the moment I felt like Cecil was returning the kindness he gave to him during his time of struggle. It was heartwarming read it.
So yeah, in conclusion to this whole ramble, Cecil and Bartz are really wholesome together <3
Even if you don't ship them, it's still worth exploring their relationship in a platonic sense. I feel like they're such an underrated duo regardless as friends or romantic partners and if SE decides on another Dissidia game I would really love if they interact more (please I am begging on my hands aND KNEES)
Thanks for reading my ramble!! And correct me if there's any inaccuracies on this post!!
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dailylinrambles · 1 month ago
That question from Ben nearly killed me.
'What would Vincent and Clive do on a date'?
I'm still choking
A brooding Undead and an awkward Pup
@40:00 https://youtu.be/3VQZiNekQCU?si=fnsFBLQ73YeSL87k
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umbralstars · 1 month ago
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I have an illness
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ooeygooeyghoul · 2 months ago
You ever think about the crushing guilt Thancred must have about being a prisoner in his own mind and being forced to watch Lahabrea kill the Warrior of Light using his hands.
I do.
A normal amount.
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accala · 6 months ago
Zack Fair had:
A girl who spent 4 years pining after him to the point she chased an afterimage of him (Aerith)
A girl who looked after his parents and his hometown due to sheer guilt and devotion (Cissnei)
A boy who spent 4 years trying to find him after he went missing (Kunsel)
And a boy who adopted his entire being and became his legacy after his death (Cloud)
Zack Fair was NOT playing.
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theghostavocadoe · 3 months ago
this is the guy who nerded out about apples so hard that he INVENTED CANNED APPLE JUICE at the age of TWELVE stop acting like he wouldn't know how to drive a tractor or something
give me more Genesis who can sprint through gravel barefoot because he grew up doing so. give me more Genesis who is an absolute NERD about agriculture and it's sciences. give me more Genesis who hears a blood curdling scream in the woods and just goes "oh it's the foxes." GIVE ME MORE COUNTRY BOY GENESIS
he can still be a country boy at heart while living his dreams as a city boy
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foreststarflaime · 7 months ago
Yes hello I just wanted to say as a massive sword nerd ily square for making Genesis actually use Rapier like a rapier—you do tend to do a lot of stabbing with rapiers because they’re so long (although you can cut with them too, but he doesn’t really have great rapier cutting form with Rapier so can’t win em all ig, video game limitations) and they actually draw attention to it in this little cutscene. Rapier is also quite a notably long and thin(er) weapon, like an actual rapier. Awesome little details that made me very happy!
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Also, I think it’s perfect that they chose a specifically one-handed weapon for him, since as the resident swordmage it leaves his other hand always free to cast spells when needed without dropping his sword’s defense. And I don’t know how to describe it really but he really has a rapier person personality (fondly, ily my more rapier focused friends lmao)
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ilminnestrone · 5 months ago
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Guys, I hate to be that person, but Genesis and Angeal being older than Sephiroth is not a theory: it's the literal narrative of Crisis Core.
Genesis is an academic with a perfect use of language for dramatic purposes, and he told the story of the Jenova Project in perfect order: first Project G, then Project S, using the failures of the former to ensure a good success of the latter.
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The progress is clear: Failure (Genesis) < still not there (Angeal) < success (Sephiroth)
Sephiroth being the youngest is not speculation, but intentional storytelling. They could always retcon this, but there was no doubt in the original script, at least the fact that Project G came first.
There could still make Genesis the middle child because their order of birth has not being stated, but there's no doubt about Sephiroth being the youngest, since Genesis stated it in Nibelheim.
Yeah, it would be awkward having a character called "The Origin" not being the first born, but in meta he would still be the origin of the crisis, so it could work. I don't like this option -logically the biggest "error" should be on the first try- but that's the only non-canon thing they could change without retconning.
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I could go on telling you that basically Genesis also told us that Sephiroth is genetically sterile. Which makes perfect sense: Hojo could have just made another S by reproduction if it was possible.
I have a bunch of theories about the genetics of AGS, but they could sum up in "Genesis and Angeal are chimeras, Sephiroth is an hybrid" (and most hybrids, expecially males, are indeed sterile due to extra chromosomes).
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flshmans · 6 months ago
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what do you think he wears casually
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dangoulains-devotion · 11 months ago
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you mustn't blame yourself
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celestefox13 · 7 months ago
So..... can we talk about how Sphene is a foil to Shadowbringers G'raha?
Like, under slightly different circumstances, or if he started to doubt his plan having a chance at success, he could've distressingly easily become like Sphene.
He admits to how he tried everything he could think of to save the WoL on the gondola ride. And the unspoken part, that perhaps even he doesn't consciously realize or want to acknowledge, is that he did everything he could think of without violating his morals. He held onto lines he wouldn't cross.
But what if he hadn't? What if his poor heart finally broke and he decided the means were justified if it meant saving the one person he wanted to save?
Or what if Emet got to him and figured him out sooner and managed to get the idea in his head that an umbral calamity would be a small price to pay if it meant saving the WoL?
The scale is arguably smaller, and much more intimate and close to the heart, than Sphene, but the steps to lead to that alternate timeline where our precious G'raha Tia burns the world and beyond if it means saving us was probably a lot closer than we ever dare consider.
The fact that he managed to endure and save everything that he did while going through all of the research about what leads up to the WoL's death in the world he woke up to, and didn't lose his morals in the pursuit of saving the WoL is an impressive display of mental and emotional fortitude.
But his poor heart. All those years of stress and frustration whenever a wall was hit, or an idea didn't work out when applied even in theory.
Their desperation levels even reach similar points. Because on every try to pull the WoL to the First, there IS desperation in his voice, increasingly so with each attempt. The try that finally works, he rushes to where they land because he has to be sure. He has to see with his own eyes to confirm that this plan that he finally landed on after YEARS of hard work and research is at least working on step 1. That he's finally gained a foothold on his goal.
And what a blessing that that plan didn't end up like Sphene's. That he never hit a point where the thought of "by any means necessary" truly meant by ANY means necessary. But now I wonder and worry about how close he may have been to that edge.
"This tragedy, even greater than the Seventh Umbral Calamity, must be undone. If history must be unwritten, let it be unwritten." - G'raha Tia about his goal to save the WoL
"For them I will do anything. If bloodshed will save my subjects, I will become history's most brutal Queen." - Sphene about her goal to save the Endless
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meii-jasmine · 3 months ago
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Richter, Firion, and Shadow talk about the Maria in their lives!
They are a family now.
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soggy-fishsticks · 15 days ago
hi guys long ff7 idea rant/ramble below
I've seen this idea mentioned in a few posts here-and-there lately, but I feel like people really gloss over the inherent horror aspect of post-Nibelheim Sephiroth's body just, , being a projection. He's still there, yeah, but his true body has long since been dissolved in and eaten away by the lifestream.
If you think about the lifestream like the burning, acid-esque way we think of mako in ff7, then imagine how incredibly horrific and excruciatingly painful Sephiroth's death must've been.
WE NEED MORE FF7 HORROR GUYS PLSSSSS 😭😭🙏🙏 Because think about it: the image of Sephiroth being burned and dissolved alive when he falls into the lifestream, his real body not actually existing anymore, his "body" being a form that- hypothetically- could take any form he wanted, etc. etc. etc.
Imagine aus where him coming back again, and again, and again, and again acts like a purgatory he can't escape, and he's the only person who's unable to realize he's in one. An au where, miraculously, his physical body DOES come back but it's wrong. His body is inhuman, his flesh and bones are still dissolving, and he's nothing more than a crazed, lost spirit that Jenova refuses to let find any peace.
And think about Genesis!!!!! I see SOOO many fics completely gloss over Genesis and it's like NOOOO IT'D MAKE EVERYTHING SO MUCH MORE TRAGIC AND INTERESTING PLEASE SHOW HIS REACTION TO SEPHIROTH RETURNING BACK FROM THE LIFESTREAM FOR THE NTH TIME 💔💔💔💔 ESPECIALLY when he doesn't come back the same!!!!
For a while I've been tempted to write about this kind of stuff myself, but it's hard to find the motivation to write and finish something 😞 Anyways that's my rant ok bye xoxo 💋
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umbralstars · 1 month ago
On this episode of "Things in Rebirth than make me insane" Mt. Nibel is genuinely gorgeous. Like full stop one of the best examples of how alien Gaia is and how the Lifestream shapes the environment. I took some photos to yap about :)
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So first of all we can see how thick the mako within the mountain is. Nearly every cave has a haze of green and embers of the Lifestream hanging in the air. Materia grows freely in the pools of mako within the caves (we can see crystals jutted from the rock walls and between the roots of trees), and the Lifestream here is so potent that trees and plants can grow underground with barely any sunlight. Sinkholes and cavern entrances are also carved by the mako, yet the trees continue to live and thrive despite growing in awkward positions.
We can even spot how Mt. Nibel was formed in the first place!
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Here, and in the background of the first image, we can see exactly why the Nibel Mountains have the strange shapes they do. Mako crystals here have started to turn into the dull grey stone of the mountain with age, and erosion would change the shape of the rock over time. Mt Nibel was forged by the lifestream itself; grown from the very pools within its cave systems or the landscape was changed by an upswell of the Lifestream (similar to how Cosmo Canyon was described being created in the World Intel). There are plants in Nibel that are either partial crystallized or seem to be bioluminecent because of how rich the Lifestream is here.
I really do wonder what Nibel would look like if it wasn't suffering from the environmental degradation of its reactor and all the mako research. Or what other areas of the region we don't see may look like.
There's another cool detail you can hear in the sound design when the music quiets before the mako spring cutscene.
The mako in this cave is so thick that you can hear what almost sounds like a "song" or what is probably meant to be voices we can't decipher. I really don't think it's wind ambience because the other caves don't seem to have sound design like this. Mt Nibel is probably is so associated with death and the afterlife because within these caves you can hear the voices of the Lifestream even without being a Cetra. No wonder people of this region associate the mountain as being a way into the underworld. In many ways, it truly is.
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frankenvampzap · 17 days ago
final fantasy 7 pacific rim au. can anyone hear me
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