#fighting for Gaza
hxltic · 3 months
I am Noor, a mother of three children from Gaza. The war has destroyed our home and our lives, and my children live in constant fear and deprivation. Every day is a struggle for survival.
I kindly ask you to share my story. Your help could restore our hope and open a new door to life for us.
Please, be our voice in this difficult time.
What people will do to each other is cruel. I just scrolled through Noor’s account, and on top of having to move countless times, her daughter developing illness added to the equation. Please help Noor Alanqar, her husband, and her beautiful children.
I cannot begin to imagine the situation you’re in and it would be cruel of me and downright wrong to ignore this in my inbox. I’m praying for you guys—stay strong for those of us who care. Bless you.❤️
Don’t take what you have for granted. Be thankful you can sit in your room and write filthy smut, because you have a room, let alone a phone or laptop.
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morallyrainyday · 3 months
happy father's day to palestinian fathers. happy father's to palestinian grandfathers. happy father's day to palestinian fathers who have lost children. happy father's day to palestinians who have lost their fathers. happy father's day to palestinian fathers older than israel itself. happy fathers day to palestinian fathers forgotten by the media. happy fathers day to fathers living in the gaza strip and west bank, and to fathers that have escaped palestine.
happy father's day to all palestinian fathers. you are not weak or any less of a man for struggling or showing emotion. you are some of the bravest men out there. 🇵🇸✊❤
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odayakrams-blog · 26 days
Don't skip please🍉🇵🇸
My name is Oday , I am 19 years old. I live in Palestine Gaza I was living a normal life and I was a university student. Because of October 7, my dream, my university, and my whole life were destroyed. Now I am living a bad life and I am trying to travel with My family of 8 and I, as the eldest son of this family, have endured hardship since I was young, trying to bring them to safety and complete my studies.
If you can, help me.
@moayesh @bixlasagna @everyoneisgay @90-ghost @not-alesha @amvs @el-shab-hussein
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samerpal · 3 months
"First, I would like to thank everyone who supported me.🙏🌹
This is my new platform, friends, after my old platform was deleted for reasons unknown to me.
I ask for your help in sharing my story again to keep hope alive for me and my family, friends.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.♥️
My family and I appreciate your cooperation and hope to reach the desired goal and save us.🙏
Attached are the verification links for the old account from the supporters.
Link vetted by @ibtisams
Link vetted by @el-shab-hussein and @nabulsi
Link vetted by @sar-soor
My approved number by the families in need and endorsed by the supervisors is 196."
@90-ghost @ibtisams @nabulsi @aces-and-angels @sar-soor @sayruq @fairuzfan @palestinegenocide @vakarians-babe @northgazaupdates @northgazaupdates2
Trapped Family in Gaza Appeals for Help to Survive 🕊️🇵🇸🙏
I Samer Abu Ras, am reaching out to you with a heartfelt humanitarian appeal, after the ongoing war in Gaza has cast its dark shadow over my life and the lives of my family. Our lives were once filled with peace and stability before the onset of this catastrophe, but now, we find ourselves living in a situation described as nothing short of tragic.
Please note that the conversion rate is 1 USD =10 SEK
10$ = 100 SEK
50$= 500 SEK
100$= 1000 SEK
200$= 2000 SEK
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My wife, Shurooq, our three children, and I are now homeless, without a source of income, and without hope for the future. My family and I have lost our businesses and our home due to the war, and we now have nothing left but the cold streets and troubled hearts.
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My children are suffering greatly as a result of these horrific events. They have lost the security and stability they once enjoyed and are now facing new health and psychological challenges that threaten their lives. As a father and husband, I feel powerless in my ability to provide adequate protection and care for them.
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My child, who is a year and a half old, is experiencing hardships far beyond his tender age. Since the war broke out, we had to flee our home and seek refuge in a tent in a displacement camp. My child lives in extremely difficult conditions, deprived of safety and stability. The tent does not provide adequate protection from harsh weather, and food and medicine are scarce. My child suffers from malnutrition and illness, lacking basic healthcare. He cannot play or grow in a healthy and suitable environment. My only dream is to see him grow up in a safe place full of opportunities
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In the face of difficult circumstances, Samer Abu Ras and his family find themselves facing serious challenges in their daily lives. They reside in a modest tent lacking comfort and security, suffering from a shortage of clean water and food, and encountering difficulties in accessing necessary healthcare. Despite these challenges, they continue to express hope and resilience in confronting adversity, holding onto hope for a better tomorrow and a return to a more stable and secure life.
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I appeal to you today, dear friends, to extend to me a helping hand in escaping this hell. Regardless of the size of the donation, every drop of generosity will contribute to alleviating our suffering and rebuilding our lives anew.
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We need your help to secure the funds necessary to travel away from these destructive wars and seek a safe and stable environment where we can build a better future for our children
Let us stand together in these difficult times and let hope triumph over despair by providing support and assistance to those in dire need. Let us be part of the solution and build a better future for ourselves and future generations.
Thank you for listening and for the potential generosity of your giving, and for your generous donations that will change the lives of my family for the better.
With sincere gratitude and appreciation
‏Samer Abu Ras and family.
@heba-20 @soon-palestine @marnota @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @i-am-aprl @nabulsi @sayruq @communistchilchuck @palipunk @palestinecharitycommissionsassoc @faggotfungus @ghost-and-a-half @magnus-rhymes-with-swagness @three-croissants @interfacefox @appsa @akajustmerry @feluka @flower-tea-fairies @90-ghost @victoriawhimsey @ficsforgaza @aria-ashryver @mangocheesecakes @humanvoicebox @plomegranate @queerstudiesnatural @commissions4aid-international @palestinegenocide @ghost-and-a-half @bibyebae @heritageposts @norrriey 🍉🌹🍉✍️
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jloisse · 6 months
🔴New Zealanders put on a powerful display by doing the Haka in solidarity with Palestine
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rhq2744 · 2 months
Sorry for the ugliness of the view, or should I be the one sorry or the occupation? Of course, dear reader, you could not bear the ugliness of the scene, but what should I and my family say? We have been here since the third of December,
[ vertified by @nabulsi and @el-shab-hussein , num.221 on fundraising list ! ]
See the evidence below !
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Note, the iron thing in the picture in the back is the primitive oven in which we bake our daily bread using firewood and plastic. CAN YOU IMAGINE ????!!!!!!! Is your food covered in sewage, urine and feces? Sorry for the words but this is crazy, I'm going to lose my mind!
We have been here since the third of December,in addition to the filth and waste, it explodes daily due to the presence of 30,000 thousand displaced people. It explodes and the place here is flooded with filth, sewage and dirt. It is definitely a hotbed of diseases. Why do I and my family have to live, sleep, eat and cook here?????? Do you see this little threshold? A few centimeters that separate us and it's not enough, a lot of insects and worms,If you go out with your shoes, they will get dirty and dirt will enter inside. We are inevitably stuck in dirt. Is there a decent person who would be satisfied with a life like this? I am tired. We are all exhausted by the disease. Everyone is here with yellow eyes and epidemic hepatitis. Everyone is like a zombie because of this tragic and inhuman situation in which we live. My family does not leave the bed due to the severity of illness and fatigue. [is there a bed? Of course NO, we sleep on the floor, specifically on dirt, but unfortunately we have begun... We get used to the tent like a house and we use its terminology. This habit and habituation is killing me. I cannot accept and do not want anyone to accept the humiliation we are experiencing Or try to beautify it in any way.]
If you would like to help even a little for my family, please do not hesitate for a moment. It is an unbearable situation. Our lives have been destroyed. Or you can help spread the link to our family to someone who might be able to help. Thank you for reading. Have a good day. At least someone should be happy today.
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chaiaurchaandni · 10 months
does throwing a stone at a tank
make a child a terrorist?
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is terrorism about resisting oppression? is terrorism about demanding your birthright to live safely and peacefully in your homeland? is terrorism about hating the killers of your family, your friends and your people?
accusations of terrorism are often weaponized against those fighting for liberation and sovereignty and dignity. the french settlers called the algerians terrorists. the indian government calls the kashmiris terrorists. the pakistani army calls pashtun activists terrorists. the turkish government calls the kurds terrorists. apartheid south africa called nelson mandela a terrorist. americans called the vietcong and the black panthers terrorists. the israelis call the palestinians terrorists. all oppressive regimes are connected. all oppressed people are connected. injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.
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nohabed · 1 month
Attention please !!!
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Hello, my name is Noha, a mother of 4 children in Gaza. We now live in inhumane conditions, lacking all the necessities of life. We have lost our home and our loved ones. We have been forced to move more than 9 times so far and we are now subject to an evacuation order. My children and I were forced to live in this. The infected place, in tents that do not protect us from anything, neither the cold of winter nor the heat of summer. We have been here for months, among the filth and sewage. My children are sick and suffer from wasting, hepatitis, and many other complications, skin and respiratory diseases. We cannot obtain food or medicine. There is no water for cleaning or bathing.There is no place to shower, we literally live in filth!! Diseases and epidemics, what is our fault in all of this? Do we have to face all this to survive death? To die slowly every day? From hunger, thirst, illness, fatigue, or even from depression and fear! My children long for their warm bed and our beautiful home, but now they have turned to ashes, missing their schools, their friends, and their most basic rights as children! They miss their forgotten childhood among tents and water lines, searching for food or killing harmful insects that attack them throughout the day!
I created this link to try to survive and save my children from this nightmare, so that we can begin to recover and regain our dreams. Your help is our only hope!
Your little means a lot to us, don't hesitate! Your help could save the life of an entire family elsewhere
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wearenotjustnumbers2 · 11 months
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"Why is there no doctors or scientists or educated people in gaza?" Because Israel is killing them all. The majority of the population in gaza are under 18, Israel kills them before they get to college, and also kills the ones who do.
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thatheathen · 1 year
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"A war is when two armies are fighting..." - Bill Hicks
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anqarfamily · 11 days
My campaign has been Verified and Vetted, and is now listed on the :
🌟Gaza Donations [On The List Of Fundraisers] that have been verified by @/el-shab-hussein and @/nabulsi at line number 264.
🌟Butterfly Effect project at line number 741.
And Verify & Share by :
@nabulsi @90-ghost @appsa @heritageposts @communistchilchuck @apollos-olives @vakarians-babe @sar-soor @commissions4aid-international @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @fairuzfan
From the Ashes of War: A Father’s Cry for His Children’s Future ❤️‍🩹
Imagine watching your children’s future slip away before your eyes, while their present is caught between death and injury. 💔
In a world full of painful stories, our story in Gaza is one that bleeds and cannot be ignored. I had previously started sharing our pain and hopes through my Tumblr account, where I found in you a support that eased the harshness of the days. But now, that account has been closed for reasons I cannot understand, deepening my sense of isolation in this dark world. 😞
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I am Ahmed, an ordinary man whose responsibilities have become heavier than any human heart can bear. A father of five young children who look to me every day with eyes filled with fear and hope, and a husband to a woman who has proven to be a source of patience and strength in every moment. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
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This war has destroyed everything. We lost our home, our dreams, and even the simplest rights to live in peace. I once dreamed of seeing my children grow up in a safe environment, but that dream shatters day by day. 💔
The war no longer affects just our present. Our memories have been erased, every beautiful moment destroyed, and our past scattered among the ruins of homes and shattered recollections. 😢 Our present is drowning in blood and destruction, a never-ending war that follows us every second and in every place. And the future? It’s unknown, terrifying, and we have no idea what it holds for us. 😔
Every day we live here is a battle for survival. We face terror, hunger, and fear of a future we cannot predict. We hoped to find refuge, a place where we could feel safe, but even that has become unattainable. 🏚️
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I have returned now with a new account and a new plea to everyone reading my words. I have no other place to turn but to your words and support. 🙏 Every share of my campaign, every financial contribution, means that I am one step closer to saving my family from this hell. I don’t ask for much. I only ask for hope – hope that my children will see a day without fear, that they will live a dignified life, and that they will find a place in this world far from the sounds of bombs and destruction. 🌱
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Help me raise my voice and the voice of everyone in Gaza. We need you. 🌍 The campaign link is in the bio. Even the smallest step can make a huge difference.
@determinate-negation @serialunaliver @feluka @opencommunion @ask-muslim-anon
@womenintheirwebs @anneemay @werewolf-transgenderism @fiqrr @pansyfemme
@tesseract-s @kindaorangey @murderballadeer @tortiefrancis @deepspaceboytoy
@laz-laz-ace-pilot @irhabiya @paper-mario-wiki @27-moons @i-am-aprl
@papayajuan2019 @punkitt-is-here @jame7t @ana-bananya @rhubarbspring
@fromjannah @slicedblackolives @txttletale @thatdiabolicalfeminist @oliviawebsite
@leolaroot @incognitopolls @klingerhabibi @bookskittychad @kahin
@pangur-and-grim @romanceyourdemons @perfectlyperiwinkle @dykesbat @deathlonging
@cenobutch @appsa @turian @transmutationisms @burntoutandproud
@three-croissants @brutaliakhoa
@briarhips @bazwillendinflames
@killy @silicacid @fairuzfan @riding- @apollos-olives @acepumpkinpatrick
@laios-thorden @postanagramgenerator @thatdiabolicalfeminist
@economicinflationkink @just-complete-trash @punkitt-is-here @irradiatedcarseat
@luminesnake @eggyolkperona3000 @laz-laz @monstermashpotato
@wellwaterhysteria @iyherpei @brutaliakhoa @timogsilangan @a-shade-of-blue
@cenobutch @appsa @turian
@transmutationisms @burntoutandproud
@three-croissants @brutaliakhoa @briarhips @bazwillendinflames
Help me achieve this simple dream. Please, don’t leave us to face this fate alone. 🌟
If you're unable to donate, even a small amount, I kindly ask that you reblog & share this post with your friends so our message can reach the world.
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abood-family-gaza · 2 months
Hi my name abdelrazq from the North of gaza
We have been suffering from this war for 9 months and we have lost everything, all I aspire to is to raise money to get my family and children to safety.
So I created a donation link to help me and see all the story click here
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odayakrams-blog · 8 days
Don't ignore my story please 🍉🇵🇸
On a gray day, our neighbors' house was destroyed and none of them were left alive. The walls of our house were demolished and the house was covered in shrapnel. My brothers sustained minor injuries, but God saved them after that.
This is a picture of the house before and after the bombing.
Only the olive tree remains
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O merciful heart, I am optimistic about you and that you will help me and my family
Don't make me lose hope in life
@bixlasagna @gaza-evacuation-funds @amvs @90-ghost @el-shab-hussein
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thecosmicpunk · 8 months
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jloisse · 6 months
Reality of Mothers in Palestine.
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rhq2744 · 1 month
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Our lives are threatened all the time, every minute is a confrontation with death of all kinds, bombing, captivity, kidnapping, rape, hunger, thirst, disease, heat, insects, depression and shock, many causes of death. Please help us! Everything is terrible!
Your little means a lot to us, don't hesitate! What you contribute saves the life of an entire family somewhere else!
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