#femme flirt
ellaenchanting · 1 year
Come See Me: Beguiled 2023!
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I'm really excited to be attending and presenting at @beguiledcon this year Here's what I'm teaching with descriptions:
Hypno- to -Go with @the-inquisition-scmh : Fun class on improvising a scene on the fly. I'll mostly be demo-bottoming this one but hope to contribute ideas on the fly with a very fun and knowledgeable co-presenter. If you like shenanigans, this is a good class for you. Full description here
Sapphic Soiree- (the event formerly known as the Femme Flirt)- I'm cohosting this with the lovely @daja-the-hypnokitten . This is an evening event designed to give a space for ladies to flirt with ladies. We do not gender police and all that identify as women/femme/in that section of the gender spectrum are welcome (including butch women, trans women, non-binary folks on the femme side, etc.) Full description here
Hold your Applause: Coping with Imposter Syndrome- Class exploring how imposter syndrome and other common confidence issues can impact us as hypnotists/subjects/content creators/community members. We'll also be discussing some helpful ideas and techniques for building confidence and coping with imposter syndrome when/if it happens. Full description Class-Related Resource List
(hopeful uncon) Smut to Scene: Converting Mcstories to Actual Scene Ideas. This class is designed as a group brainstorm on different ways we might convert hot stories to scenes. The 2 stories I'm hoping to discuss are this robot play microfic by Double Grinch ( @doublegrinch ): and Flesh for Fantasy by Jukebox (@jukeboxemcsa ) . You'll get a lot more out of the class if you're able to read these ahead of time- they're both pretty short! (Although you can also come if you haven't read them). In class, we'll be brainstorming basic scene ideas based on these stories keeping in mind logistics, ethics, what makes them hot, etc- so definitely bring your ideas!
I'm looking forward to seeing everyone and teaching again this year. Please let me know if you have questions about any of these classes/events!
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sawxwhxrex · 1 month
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u knew what u wanted n boy u got her
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peppermintmochafem · 8 months
Femmes flirting:
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k-wame · 8 months
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PAAPA ESSIEDU as Jordan & HARRIS DICKINSON as Wes FEMME (Short 2021) dir(s). Sam H. Freeman, Ng Choon Ping
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bluesmileyy · 2 months
whenever someones like “lesbians shouldnt be so scared of interaction we need to start just asking eachother out it really is that simple” im really just in total bewilderment like wdym. no i cant.
like im not even disagreeing obviously its true and its sad how terrified we are of eachother but i cant imagine myself flirting or asking anyone out like thats ridiculous
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infraredss · 8 months
if a femme lesbian doesn't kiss me on the mouth the world will explode actually. i don't make the rules
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princessgwens2 · 26 days
hi there! (in a flirty tone) wanna come to my place and wait for 45 minutes while I dress up in extremely complex clothes, accessories and makeup and then take a picture together? (i'll cry if you don't compliment me btw)
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butchboylemons · 7 months
Roll those gorgeous eyes at me, I know I’m equal parts ridiculous and charming
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femmefatalevibe · 2 years
Femme Fatale Playbook: How Flirt With Men, Hold Your Own, & Embrace The Art of Seduction
While every encounter has nuances, here are some general principles that inspire a captivating, confident, and alluring presence without making you appear closed off when interacting with the opposite sex. Hope you enjoy these tips x
Decide On Your Intention: Determine your desired outcome from the interaction. Are you looking to get a man to sit by the bar for a drink, ask for your phone number, plan a date in the near future, build tension for a potential fling, or is the interaction more superficial – to practice your flirtation skills or go home with someone (no judgment – everyone needs those nights in their lives)? Knowing your goal and expectations going into the conversation allows you to relax and have a general action plan of how you want to approach the conversation.  
Go In With Confidence: While remaining humble, it’s important to enter into the conversation with the feeling like you’re the hottest woman in the room. Dress to impress – whatever is well-fitting and makes you feel your best. Do your hair and makeup – add a seductive perfume. Wear anything to make you feel like a million bucks. Remember: You can take or leave any offer. It’s a man’s privilege to be in your presence and have your attention. You're in control of the outcome and dynamic of the conversation. Claim your power at every stage of the interaction. 
Learn How To Hold Your Own: Stay unbothered by men’s opinions of you. Decide whether you like him before second-guessing what he thinks of you. Embrace a quiet confidence. Own your opinions. Walk away at any signs of disrespect. Finish your sentences if he’s about to cut you off while you’re still speaking. Control your range of emotions while still having a sense of humor, smiling, and maintaining good posture/open body language. Command presence. Display confidence. Make it clear that you know what you want. 
Remain Interested To Become Interesting: Listen more than you speak – it’s the secret to being mysterious, charming, and alluring. Don’t reveal too many personal details about your life. Ask follow-up questions to his anecdotes. Paraphrase his talking points and respond with an insightful connection that one can take away from his series of thoughts. This type of response makes you captivating and allows him to feel heard without your needing to disclose anything. Let him be more emotionally vulnerable. Nod, smile, and maintain eye contact to show you’re listening and to make him feel safe in your presence. 
Keep It Playful: Tilt your head to the side, touch your lips on occasion, subtly bat your eyelashes, use the triangle technique (look at his left eye, mouth, right eye, and then back at his left eye), graze his shoulder or knee while sharing a laugh, look him up and down – complete with a smile on your face. Indulge in the seduction. Regardless of your intention and timeline, sexual tension starts building in the mind and offers many avenues of exploration from the emotional, intellectual, physical, sexual, and spiritual – all in due time. 
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lovesxxx · 26 days
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take bite? pls?
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sawxwhxrex · 15 hours
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low quality
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buggiesbuns · 10 months
I can top, you just need to explain in great detail what you want me to do.
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sapphoscompanion · 1 year
i was rewatching episode 5 for edit purposes and i realised something.
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here lydia is talking about the kiss, but it has a deeper meaning.
i can’t get out of my mind the fact that yes, she found cynthia annoying from the start, but it was the endearing kind of annoying. (or maybe that’s just my ship goggles.) because if you look back at episode 3, the first time they meet, and pay close attention to the expressions lydia makes in the background when the drama teacher is telling cynthia that she’s now a martian, there's no trace of hate or disgust.
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like, hello?? that’s flirting. (or maybe i would just swoon if someone looked at me like that.) and what about their rivarly?
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does this look like she’s angry at cynthia? to me, she seems mildly annoyed, but also interested. no one’s ever questioned her, and now this butch comes along and proves her wrong. but lydia doesn’t really understand how she feels about cynthia yet. she tries to re-establish her power in episode 4, but cynthia once again overthrows her.
and now yes, she is angry, and confused. ever since cynthia’s joined drama club she has brought nothing but chaos in the established hierarchy, and in lydia’s mind: why can’t she stop thinking about her?
is it hate, mere superficial attraction (see the “flirting” above), or something more?
she has to get it over with, quickly. “the quicker you get something over with, the less of a deal it becomes in your mind”. she needs to put a stop to these thoughts: what’s the quickest way to?
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stage kisses are meaningless. she obviously isn’t crushing on cynthia, just like she felt nothing for all the people she kissed on stage. thus the straightforward scientific experiment: she’ll kiss cynthia, she’ll be sure she feels nothing, and all will go back to normal. she’ll stop obsessing over cynthia. right?
rehearsing romeo and juliet is the best excuse ever. because no one can convince me she didn’t follow cynthia in an empty room (where guests shouldn’t enter) to test her theory, and then jumped at the opportunity. (like why else would she follow them? if not to flirt? which to her means bullying them, because she’s a mean lesbian.)
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but her plan backfired. and now she knows she’s got an actual crush. on cynthia.
while cynthia, sweet cynthia, thinks they just love acting.
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wednesdaysky · 1 year
Other people's Durgetash, from what I can gather: Lord Enver Gortash and his adoring pet Slayer at his feet
My Durgetash: Lord Enver "haha I definitely meant to catch the amorous attention of the literal incarnation of the murder god and that's why I'm totally chill having him lounging across my desk talking about how beautiful he thinks my intestines must be, all part of the plan, I'm definitely not terrified or horny or weirdly flattered about this" Gortash
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esteemed-excellency · 7 months
re: the Red Knight. Hiram appears colder and more detached than usual in Parabola. He's there to fight in the Campaigns and play at the Chessboard, hunt, or participate in a tournament every now and then, and this makes him very goal-oriented. He's available to undertake oneiropomp duties if a dreamer asks for guidance and protection, but he always needs to be alert, and he doesn't adjust his mannerism around others like he would in London. He doesn't care to compensate for his personality and his soullessness if he's not around polite society, he usually does it to make perople feel more at ease around him, but that doesn't mean he always has to care about them. The polycule and his closest friends know this, and they don't mind his seemingly uncaring demeanour. He's courteous and gentlemanly in Parabola too, he just appears to be less invested in social interactions.
His parabolan double is just like him, but with fingerkings possessed eyes. If they're both in full armour, helm included, they're indistinguishable from each other. They both hate it.
Fantasy au: he's a knight errant. No one has any idea about his code of honour or where his loyalties lie. The Red Court is always bad news and he's not to be trusted, even if he's pretty helpful most of the times. Rumour has it, he has a palace somewhere far away, but no one knows what his quest is, if he even has one, or what he's looking for. Some say he's cursed, others say he was bewitched long ago, too long ago, and he's still under a spell. Whatever happened, someone must have given him that red sash.
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riversolow · 10 days
u don't have to be shy about flirting with me in anon asks or messages i don't bite unless u ask for it ;)
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