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may sound weird but insanely refreshing to see someone portray france as the racist hellscape it is. less weird, delightful to actually see arabs in a france based story, god know og mlb is white as fuck despite its attempts. love the horror as well delightful
Thank you !! One of the big things I try to do with LT is recontextualize characters and unfortunately the context (france) blows.
Arab rep that’s not a weird mishmash of middle eastern and south Asian culture is so rare I kinda feel like I have a responsibility to write slightly less shitty ones
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I’m sorry the Galattaca Girls have to work as synthetic pop idols, they should have been human sacrificing XY or smth
They can do both, theoretically.
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20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks to @the-ravening for the tag.
1. How many works do you have on ao3? 68, apparently.
2. What's your total ao3 word count? 1,906,252
3. What fandoms do you write for? Currently Captain America (which no one saw coming, but here we are).
4. Top five fics by kudos:
No Familiar Sunken Roads (Kingsman, Harry/Eggsy, extreme underage)
[Fan Comic] A Lovely Shade of Cherry (Kingsman, Harry/Eggsy, extreme underage)
[Fan Art] A Gentleman’s Suit (Kingsman, Harry/Eggsy, extreme underage)
[Art] Blow (Captain America, Steve/Bucky)
[Fan Art] Fear and Delight (The Boys, Homelander/Butcher)
Number 6 is finally back to fic. I hadn’t realized some of the art got that high. I never look at works by kudo count.
5. Do you respond to comments? I try to, but I very often fall off.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Probably NFSR, for where it is and how long it’s run and what they’ve gone through to get there, but it technically hasn’t ended yet and I hadn’t intended for it to stay that way.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Uh. Maybe Echoes (BBC Sherlock, Moriarty/Mycroft, de-aged/extreme underage) or Arms and the Boy (Fantastic Beasts, Grindelwald/Credence, extreme underage). Both are very iddy-happy endings.
8. Do you get hate on fics? More rarely than you’d think, but occasionally.
9. Do you write smut? I don’t think I’ve written anything without smut.
10. Craziest crossover: Haven’t done a crossover.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I don’t think so. If I’ve inspired anyone, I’m happy.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes, mostly with Silus Locke. It’s been a long, long time, but it would be nice to co-write again someday.
14. All time favorite ship? You can’t make me choose.
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I want to finish all of them. Some I still have hope that I will. I suppose Devil’s Bridge might fit this best.
16. What are your writing strengths? I’m honestly not sure what my strengths are.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Brevity.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language? No strong opinions. It works when the pov character isn’t meant to understand what’s being said. If they are, then it’s nice to have a translation nearby. If the translation is in the notes, it’s hard having to scroll down every time. Shrug.
19. First fandom you wrote in? Who knows.
20. Favorite fic you've written? No Familiar Sunken Roads (Kingsman, Harry/Eggsy, extreme underage)
No pressure tags: @katie-delaney @blackwood4stucky @polyavenger @rosduncan @devildears @sayahs-corner @succulent-hyena
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got some smoll informationen. ( this is also for myself, so no complaining if too much 😔 )
Name : Silus adachi
Family : Mom - Dead, Daughter -2 years old- deceased, Father - Alive, brother - Alive
Personality : Complex, Tidy, Apathetic, cold
Gender : Male
Weaknesses : eyesight is pretty bad ( sees blurry but on the right eye, almost blind. ), telling apart colors ( colorblind )
Height : 2m 18cm
Weight : 104kg
Likes : sour food, reading novels, listening to loud music, sushi
Dislikes : salty food, colorful buttons, the daily headaches
- He's a scientist, worked for a company and experimented on living beings.
didn't feel any kind of empathy for seeing the subjects suffer.
- Is colourblind since he was born. that's why he hates buttons.
-Was a father of a two year old. the mother was someone he didn't have a serious relationship with.
had to take care of the child on his own as the mother did not want it, it stressed him quite a lot, but did not want his child die while it was asleep..
- He decided that he does not want to have a birthday for unknown reasons and does not celebrate it.
- he wears a mask to cover up his mouth area. ( he hates the sharp teeth he got for some reason )
-He's tired 24/7
- He likes reading, but sometimes just stares at the book not even trying to read normally.
has his own room where he works on his stuff. ( one of the rooms with the glass tubes, but on the side with a small office and all the stuff he needs to survive )
- Drinks coffee like water if he has some.
- He loves the cold temperatures but often complains about them not wanting to admit he hates warm places.
- They can’t stand vague words, especially when it comes to science. If someone says “kind of” or “roughly,” they’ll immediately correct it to the exact number or term, and they’re unapologetically pedantic about it.
- If someone compliments them or their work, they usually respond with a scoff or a cutting remark.
if someone’s talking about anything they deem unimportant, they’ll zone out and blatantly ignore them. They’ll usually respond with an absent “Mm-hmm” or “Sure,” without even pretending to listen.
- Their notebooks are filled with sharp, angular doodles and dark scribbles in the margins. It’s like they’re venting their frustration into the paper.
- his desk in his office is MESSY.
They’re incredibly harsh on their own work and won’t hesitate to rip it apart if it doesn’t meet their impossibly high standards.
- If anyone dares bring up emotions, they’ll mutter something like, “Fascinating, but irrelevant to the work.” They find emotions tedious and completely unnecessary for anything important.
- They intentionally mispronounce names of people they dislike
- If they get an award or compliment, they’ll shrug it off like it’s meaningless and say something like, “Yes, well, some of us have standards.” They don’t need praise, but they’re clearly a little smug about it.
- Ingame: He just chills in his office, and sells certain documents for a high price. ( documents about the place and certain rooms dangers, and mostly batteries. rarely any medikits. )
his room would appears around door 75-85
I'm running out of stuff to say for New Ocs 🧍♂️.. BUT YEAH ANOTHER ONE.. Just a Scientist this time. Emo scientist, 🔥
My Phone started lagging so.. Had to stop sooner :'D
#Pressure#Roblox pressure#Pressure roblox#digital artist#digital drawing#artist on tumblr#digital art#Silus adachi#Pressure oc#emo scientist UIHADHUISDAUHI
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>>In this post, I, the former demon known now as Nox will detail my current situation. My position in the headspace of my headmate, the relationships I’ve managed to forge, and the peculiarities that surround me.
First, there was absolution. An emptiness that drained any sense of self from me. I had assumed that that was what second death felt like, what having your existence wiped out would be. When you see nothing, hear nothing, experience nothing, you first go mad, and then you go quiet, and you cease. All thought goes quiet and you feel the absolute nothingness that. An only be described as a disconnection from existence itself. This was my state of being for a long time as I recovered. It makes sense, all that had survived of me was my eye, not that I knew that at the time.
After the absolution, when I was fully recovered, absolute quiet became murmurs, whispers in the distance that cut the quiet and woke me from my seemingly eternal rest. As I open my eyes, I found myself in darkness, twisted and abstract. I was wandering, lost, following the sounds I heard in an attempt to find something. Anything. I didn’t know who o was, where I was, why I was. All I knew was that I was.
It was when I finally grew close enough to the source of the sounds that I could make them out clearly that I began to be able to act in any capacity. And I’ll admit, I was a bit of a dick. I could hear self lamentation, self hatred, and I decided to make it worse. To insult and chastise and just generally be a jerk. It was the only thing that felt appropriate in the moment. And while she couldn’t make me out clearly at first, Asa did hear. And she responded in some part. This made the rest of my journey out of the dark easier. Eventually I spotted a light. Eventually I found what would become our single room headspace.
That simple space, maybe 12 feet on any side, a perfect square, a pair of screens, a chair, and Asa. I didn’t recognize her at first. And she didn’t notice me at first either. I sat down, and I watched. Her drama was like a movie to me. I was the passive observer, like the passenger in the car of a road trip: I could speak to the driver, who may or may not acknowledge me, but I still didn’t have power yet. Not yet.
It was a while before that came. Before Asa started to realize that I wasn’t just her self doubts. The thing that tipped us was her first big breakdown. Emotions ran heavy, and she couldn’t handle it, so she fell out of the chair. It would have been a total shut down, but I was there. And I played with the controller some. I experimented. I did chores, spoke as if I was her. Establishing that I could have just as much control as Asa could. And eventually, she caught onto me.
We still didn’t know much about what I was yet. But my presence grew more and more undeniable until I was finally spoke directly to eachother by way of the app known as discord, a private server, speaking back and forth, seemingly to one’s self, but not. Our personalities clashed. We thought I was a splinter of hers at first, pieces that had broken off and started to exist on their own. That would prove wrong later when Asa would go to confide in someone else. When true coincidence, or maybe true fate, struck.
The person Asa had confided in was possessed by Silus, and I recognized him. And all my memories started to rush back. I did my best to try and tak Silus down, talk my son down from his rage, but it didn’t help. I’ll talk more about this later but what mattered was I was remembering. And once I remembered who I was, Asa did too.
It is at this point now where I need to explain those who surround me. Asa, my headmate, my murderer, my metamour… Asa had been born in such a condition that lead to her eventually going on to meet and marry Cariel’s reincarnation. Something Cariel had no doubt planned for as well. The pair of them lived their mortal lives together, four children in tow, followed by a pair of guardians. Flak, Asa’s brother from before being born again, watched Cariel, and Casella, another of Cariel’s servants, guarded and monitored Asa, intangible spirits who had at some point in the past been forced to come in contact with them, building interpersonal relationships by way of possession and communication. I was surrounded by my former enemies.
Before you ask, no, my presence wasn’t appreciated at first. They tried to get rid of me but they couldn’t. I was tangled too deep in Asa’s soul. At first, the plan was for me to keep quiet. I had my confidants I’d speak to but nobody else. But… well, now that I was alive again, mortal again, I started to grow lonely.
And eventually, I had to make my presence known. First to Cariel, or rather, to Nel. Nel was the person who needed to know first because to be frank, never talking aloud was maddening. Nel wasn’t thrilled by it, but accepted it, albeit not without some threats. Honestly it was a massive shift from the Cariel I knew. As Nel, they were more… how to describe it… less holier than thou, more wrath of nature. It was refreshing in its own way. And it was around this point in time I decided I needed a new name. My old name didn’t suit me in my current state. It took a couple days, but the name Nox stuck.
Even then, only speaking to two confidants and Nel wasn’t enough. I slowly showed my existence in online spaces, and now, I’m a known presence among most of Asa’s social circles. And eventually… I made friends. And I even started to feel deeper emotions…
I’ll spare you the details. Nel and I eventually found common ground, started to get along. And now, we’re romantically intertwined. Nel isn’t the only person I can firmly say I love, there is another, but she doesn’t feel the same way, so I’ve accepted our relationship staying platonic. Furthermore, I’ve other friends, two of whom even see me as something of a mentor figure. For the first time in a millennium, I feel like I’ve actually felt alive…
That day, that day Asa begged Casella to kill my son… as horrible as that was to witness, it was the day that set in motion my return to humanity. It was the day that set in motion the Former to my demon status. It was the day my life started to begin anew. Asa and I. In a 12 by 12 room. A chair, a control station, a couch, a patio we can’t use, a lamp, a yellow dress for her and a charcoal suit for me… it’s not much. But it’s from this space that I’ve started to live again.
Asa is annoying as fuck though. The fact that Casella and she are a thing is also a pain since they’re both impulsive and chatterboxes, plus Nel and Asa’s children are intolerable some days, and not having my own face, ugh, I absolutely hate all of that. But… it’s a humble position in life that has helped me move on from the past I’d been broiling in for all those years.<<
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de um momento para outro, o céu resolveu simplesmente cair. enquanto não era necessariamente um problema que ele se molhasse, ele preferiria não andar com as roupas encharcadas pro resto da noite. ‘ com licença— ’ sempre educado, ele declara sua presença, antes de se colocar debaixo da cobertura pequena onde alguém já se encontrava. ‘ espero que não seja incômodo se eu me abrigar aqui. ’
#eu........queria escrever mais com ele................#podem responder a vontade ;v;#give my robot son some love#( ◞♙ ɪᴄ.┊ silus. )#( ◞♙ ᴍɪꜱᴄ.┊ open starter. )
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But as for c!krabs??? I'd imagine it's around the start of the Las Nevadas arc. C!Silus works for the Syndicate bc they don't really make sound so it's way easy for them to spy on people. So they're sent out to spy on whatever tf is happening with Quackity and they run into c!krabs and is just like
To which ckrabs responds with
And from then on csilus started walking back to the Meeting Place (later to be discovered as the welding shop place thing) and vibing with ckrabs, listening to whatever she wants to talk abt and helping out where they can
When it comes to meeting other people, that would def come from ckrabs. Csilus doesn't like meeting people to begin with so any time one of ckrabs's friends stops by when csilus is around is gonna be the time for them to meet
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Furiends Episode 10: Birth of Heroes
The morning sun lights the entire town square up. Several colorful canvas tents are set up for today’s event; Marketplace Monday, which is an event where many small and big businesses come together to promote their products and services around the public space in front of city hall. Team Rescuers stand before the crowd of people, searching around the perimeter as they remain back from the event.
“Pretty crowded today,” comments Kenji. “A lot of people at Marketplace Monday.”
“Perfect for our plan,” Jay tells him. “Mom should be set up about now.”
“Remind me again on what’s happening,” asks Miffy.
Jay lowers his tone to a whisper. “Mom has gone to place some explosives under the square. They’re set to go off soon. Once that happens, we’ll go in and save the day.”
“Interesting,” Cindy says. “And how does this relate to the flawed brats?”
“Mom has fabricated some pieces apparel, based on their wears. She has planted them with the bombs. After we “save” everyone from the explosions, we look around and fish them out, showing everyone what a dastardly deed they’ve done.”
“There’s children and families in the square, though,” Miffy utters. “Won’t they be badly hurt or killed?”
The wolf darts his eyes at her. “Sometimes, you have to make sacrifices to get what you truly want, even if it means innocent people die.” He fixes his eyes on the square. “Once all of this goes off, those brats will be run out of town and never be heard of again. We’ll also make sure the whole world knows what they do. Get ready!” The four animals wait, keeping their eyes on the bustling fair as animals, tall and small, go from stall-to-stall. Several seconds go by, and yet not a single explosion can be seen.
Cindy looks to her companion. “So, what am I supposed to see here? Are they going off anytime soon?”
Jay shakes his head. “I-I don’t understand… They should’ve detonated by now… What’s happening?”
“Are you sure she set them up in the square?”
“She told me so this morning… How could she-”
“Hey, Jay,” Miffy interrupts. “Why are you on T.V.?” The wolf stops and looks at the flatscreen television overlooking the square, as does the crowd. His eyelids pull back as wide as they can be while watching himself talk to the hooded figure on the screen. His conversation continues to carry on with the cloaked being as they explain their plan for the orphanage and about setting up the friends. “What?!” Everyone in the watches with shock; their eyes wide-opened like the wolf. He and the team run into the center of the square with his glare still on the television. People in the audience point to him and accuse him of treachery.
“Listen,” Jay utters. “I can assure you, whatever is going on is some kind of trick. That all isn’t true!”
“Oh, it’s all true!” yells a voice. Everyone turns and traces the voice to the fox, who stands in front of the government building in blue goggles with matching-color cape, gloves, and tights. His paws positioned on his hips. “Team Rescuers are nothing but frauds and deceivers! They’re not concerned for anything; not your wellbeing, your safety, your wants and needs, but take their own desires more seriously.”
“Flawed Fox!” Jay takes a step forward, clenching his paws with aggression. “Why you-”
Emmy appears by Zach’s side, wearing her goggles, purple tank top vest with the same color gloves, but with darker-colored pants and belt. “They were going to blow up the square, along with all of you in it, and then put the blame on us to persuade you all that we were nothing but terrorists. That way, you’d run us out of town or even kill us!” The crowd gasps in shock.
“Are you kidding me?” Miffy asks.
“Afraid not,” shouts the brown cat, making herself visible on the fox’s other side. She dons a black jumpsuit with blue lines to highlight it, along with blue goggles. “They weren’t acting alone, either! They had a lot of help from the headmaster of the orphanage! It was very clear she, along with your “favorite hero team” were going to attack many innocent beings.”
Niji zooms by the warthog’s side with Eren jumping from his back. The rainbow-haired wolf has a mask to cover only his eyes, a blue shirt with a red and yellow ‘w’ on it, steel-blue pants, and red gloves while the deer covers himself in a grey hood and mask, along with a white and lavender sweat jacket and grey shorts buckled by a golden belt. Niji sets a pile of explosives he’d been carrying down. “Man, these things would’ve caused a massive number of casualties. We wouldn’t want that to happen, would we?”
“No indeed,” Eren adds. He takes out his wrench. “Best to make them all into scrap.” He whacks the bombs with his tool, changing them all to nothing but metal in one hit, dazzling the people.
“We were able to stop your horrific plan just in time,” Zach claims. “You could’ve killed innocent people and children.”
“Flawed Fox!” utters Jay, pulling out a radio. “You didn’t think ahead with that, though! Come in, Mom. Those brats are here!”
“That’s where you’re wrong, Wolf,” shouts Navy, flying in and landing on her feet, showing off her costume which consists of pink mask and cape and a ring on her right wing, as well as a white pouch around her waist. “Your mother won’t be helping you out right now. She’s all tied up…”
The newt stomps in with the robed figure in his arms, then sets her down in front, showing the headmaster constrained in a set of ropes in her arms. His white jumpsuit with red lines are the opposite of Carly’s suit. His mouth and nose remain covered by a red mask. “One villain down, four more to go.”
“You’re not going to get away with faking anymore!” yells Emmy. “It’s time to come forward and accept your fate!”
“Yeah!” shouts Eren. “Your days of lying to people are over.”
“What would you all know about being heroes?” Cindy cries. “You don’t have what it takes to be courageous and cunning!”
“We are better than you, though!” shouts Carly. “We don’t go after harmless civilians and blame a group of unfortunate animals! You lot are too unethical to be called heroes!”
“I’ve had enough of this!” Jay sharpens his claws. The friends ready themselves, equipping their weapons and getting into fighting stances. “You will never beat us!”
“We shall determine that!” Zach retaliates. Jay immediately goes for the fox, but Zach blocks his attacks with his metal staff. Emmy pushes the wolf away and joins Zach, but soon Jay is aided by the monkey. Cindy and Miffy go after the bird and the newt. The four intertwine in engagement with fists, leaving Eren and the cat to struggle with keeping the headmaster contained. Niji helps guide the spectators of away from the area for safety before joining in the battle. The square stirs into chaos as the battle endures. tables are thrown and tossed around, tents are torn with animal claws, the sounds of clinging metal and shouting deafens other noises. The animals try to gain the upper hand on each other. Zach whacks the wolf away with his staff.
Jay growls. “I am impressed, Fox. But whacking me away will not do you any good!”
“There’s more where that came from, Jacob!” Zach responds. The wolf charges toward him, but Zach remains still. As Jay is three feet before him, the fox swings his staff at him, knocking the wolf into a fountain. Jay is quick to stand and charge toward the fox again. He is no match with Zach as he uses his mind to predict when the wolf will strike. Zach jumps into the air, then comes back down with his weapon against Jay’s head, knocking him down to the floor. The fox stands by his face and looks upon him. “You didn’t account for my new abilities.” He turns to see Emmy struggling with Kenji as he sways his tail at her. Zach runs over and kicks the monkey in the face, knocking him away. The fox then turns to the warthog. “You good?”
“Yeah, thanks,” Emmy replies. The two notice Kenji getting back up and holding out a wooden staff. “Uh oh!” The two animals prepare to battle him.
However, Niji zooms by and smacks him with his paw, causing the monkey to fly and hit the tent ahead, knocking him out. Niji looks to the two. “I’m sorry, Fellas. Did I steal your target?”
Zach smiles. “Not at all.”
Navy dodges some punches thrown by the cat. “Whoa! Nice kitty!”
“You dumb bird!” shouts Miffy. “You and your flawed friends will pay!”
“Don’t ever call me dumb!” The bird flaps her wings rapidly to push away the cat with her ability. Miffy gets up fast, then runs to her.
Carly immediately steps in, catching her in midair with her telekinesis, then drops her to the ground. “Man, you are one mean cat!” Miffy gets back to her feet. “Uh oh!”
“I’ll let you deal with her!” Navy changes into her lizard form to fight the sheep.
Carly quickly paints something in front of her. The beige cat pounces, but slams right into a wall spawned by Carly. Miffy struggles to stand, soon closing her eyes and falling into a deep sleep. The brown cat paints again, this time, some rope around her to keep Miffy in place. “That’ll teach you.” She is then smacked by Navy’s lizard tail. “Yow! Hey!”
“Sorry!” Navy tells her. “Just a bit distracted!” She evades the sheep’s attacks. “Whoa! You’re very feisty for a sheep!”
“You are so ugly as a lizard!” responds Cindy.
“Am I?” Navy then changes back to her bird form. “This better?” Cindy comes at her. “Oh!” The bird flaps her wings fast, creating a small tornado that gobbles Cindy and spins her around quickly. Once the tornado dissipates, the sheep stands, but wobbles. She sets her eyes on the bird and charges again, but her dizziness causes her to stumble. Navy places her foot on her back to ensure she stays down while Carly paints restraints on her hooves.
The headmaster pushes Eren off and knocks Silus back to stun them, then goes to pick up a wooden stake. She cuts herself free, then points it at Zach. “I will kill you for this, Flawed Fox!” She runs toward Zach with the wooden stake, but her attack is blocked by Emmy’s sword. The hooded figure tries desperately to hit the warthog, but when Zach aides her, the two repel her in an instant, disarming her weapon and kicking her back into a stone wall. The headmaster then takes the stake and throws it at them. Time slows for everyone except Eren, who walks over, faster than everyone else, and catches the stake in the air. The headmaster gets back up in anger and charges at them again, but is stopped by Silus, who stands in the way and grabs her hands with two of his own, then lifts her off the ground and tosses her at a nearby tent.
Eren reaches for his wrench and hits the little shelter, turning it into a jail cell for her. “There, that should hold her.”
“I… I can’t believe it…” Zach looks down at his paws, then at Team Rescuers. “I… I just saved people… I actually saved people!” A smile occupies his face. “I AM A HERO!”
“WE are heroes,” Emmy implies. “WE saved everyone in the square.” She gives him a smile. Zach reflects her expression and nods.
“Yeah!” cheers Niji. “We did it!” Navy joins him in celebrating.
“Hooray!” Eren shouts. Silus quickly picks him up and hoists him in the air. “Whoa! Hehe.” He then sets him back down.
“They won’t be deceiving and hurting people anymore,” Carly says. “Not after we exposed them for who they really are. People have now seen them for what they really are.”
Zach approaches the restrained hooded figure. “Looks like the tables have turned, Headmaster…”
“You!” the headmaster calls out. “I will get you for this, Flawed Fox!”
“That’s all you ever saw me as,” Zach says. “You and everyone else in Heroto, all because of my biological parents and disorder…”
“I didn’t care about what you did!” she cries. “But when you harassed my son and his friends, you went too far!”
“No, Headmaster… YOU went too far when you started attacking innocents and blamed everything on us… Putting me down was all you’ve ever done for me… I fell down and lied on the ground for some time, but then Emmy stood before me with Carly, Niji, Eren, Silus, and Navy. She offered her hoof to me, so I took it, and I got back up. My friends are amazing, and we will continue to fight off anyone who messes with us.” Zach turns away and sighs.
Emmy looks at him. “You okay, Zach?”
“I-I’m fine…” Zach puts his paw on his head. “I’m just a little empty that’s a-…” His eyes widen as he puts his arm down. “Empty… That’s what it is… All my life I’ve been dubbed a “flawed fox”, however, I faced my darkest fears, and now I’m not worried about that anymore, or afraid…”
Eren pulls up beside the fox, wrapping his arm around his back for comfort. “You aren’t a flawed fox, Zach. You are more of a “fantastic fox”.”
“Fantastic fox,” Zach repeats. “Such an interesting name for a superhero. I am Fantastic Fox! Hero of Heroto!” He looks to Eren. “You know, you were pretty courageous and daring to do everything that’s happened today.” Eren smiles and thanks him. “However, you like to manipulate time and speed. How’s the name “Quick Pause”?”
“Quick Pause?!” Eren utters. “I… I like that name. No, I love it.”
Zach then looks to Emmy. “What should we call you, Emmy?”
Emmy puts her hoof on her chin. “How’s Acroswine? You think it’s a good name?”
“Suits you,” Navy spurts. “Oh! I want to be called Feather-Morph! Because I change into anything I want!”
“Sweet,” comments Niji. “Hm, I’m not sure about my name.”
“Why don’t we call you Werewonder?” asks Emmy. “I know you’re a fast, but also a wolf.”
“I think I’ll stick with that name.”
“Hm,” Carly thinks, holding her brush up. “Not sure what to call myself. I do love this paintbrush a whole lot.”
“I’m thinking “Palette Cat”,” Niji tells her. “Good for an artistic superhero like you.” The cat smiles.
“Eren, Honey,” Silus starts. “How bout you give me a good superhero name? What should I be called?”
“Um…” Eren rubs the back of his head. “I’m not sure… You do have immense strength… Is “Mightymander” okay with you?”
“No,” Silus responds. “It’s not okay with me. It’s GOOD for me, and it fits my abilities. Thanks, Quick Pause.” Eren’s smile grows bigger.
“Well,” Zach starts. “Seems like this is the beginning of new lives for us. Fighting crime and maintaining peace.”
“It sure is,” Emmy tells him. “Sure is.” @carlycmarathecat @emmy-the-absolute-goof @rainbow-strike @ask-choro-mama @pink-unicorn-blood
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If you don't mind me asking, can u tell me more about Mylene? She's growing on me as a character.
First thing that comes to mind: We're carrying over her acitivsm stuff! She's very involved with soup kitchens and other volunteer work, as well as protests. She puts a lot of effort into helping people! Her and Felix are both pretty outspokenly leftist, but Felix is more into the posturing and theory (champagne socialist style) without any of the actual praxis Mylene puts in. He's all bark no bite, so to speak.
When we're talking about La Terreur's Horrifciator, Mylene does still have some social anxiety regarding speaking, but it's more in her day-to-day life and she can generally hold her own in public speaking. She's good at voicing her ideals and holding her ground in that regard, but for the conversational stuff she gets more timid.
Ivan still exists in this AU, though Stoneheart happens later and it actually snuffs out any possibility of Ivan/Mylene! She was put in a near death situation she would NOT wanna get with that guy no matter how much of a 'gentle giant' he is. Her and Felix have some sort of half-rivalry half-alliance thing going on, but she's too good for his reddit communism ass so Felix will just be one-sided-ly obsessed with her forever. And I do mean forever.
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nino, and alix (muslims):
sabrina, who has a french cop dad: 👁👄👁
#asks#silu responds#mlb la terreur au#art#nino lahiffe#chloe bourgeois#adrien agreste#sabrina raincomprix
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munday tag
RULES: answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers you want to get to know better
tagged by @orsino-the-enchanter, thank you <3
NAME: Jordan/Fish
FAVORITE SEASON: early autumn
FAVORITE FLOWER: calla lilies
FAVORITE SCENT: the desert after it rains, mul naengmyeon (the smell isn’t that potent but it makes me think of childhood)
FAVORITE COLOR: gray-green
FAVORITE ANIMAL: tardigrades
FAVORITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER: orsino (da2), finn+ariane (dao), silus (fnv), desmond (fo3), vivienne (dai)
DOG OR CAT PERSON: cat person with a dog
DREAM TRIP: i’m done travelling lol. i’m staying home forever.
BLOG ESTABLISHED: december 2019
FOLLOWERS: 3, and i love each and every one of them
RANDOM FACT: i opened my window and said “hey bioware, respond to me if you don’t want me to keep quentin” and they didn’t say anything so he’s mine now
(i’d tag people but i barely know anyone in the community lmao),
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How about an analysis on the finest scholar of Hegellian thought in the 23rd century, your boy Edward "Caesar" Sallow? Bonus points if you can work in an image of Bill Rawls giving McNulty the finger
The writers of Caesar knew what they were doing; Caesar is an excellent example of a well-realized totalitarian. His ideology mirrors the rise of plenty of despotic dictatorships throughout history with a uniquely Fallout twist.
Caesar talks up his similarity to the rise of Julius Caesar, but drawing upon the fact that his Legion is a largely forcibly integrated group of tribals, his Legion resembles more the fringes of the Roman Empire under the command of a private general, something more akin to the Crisis of the Third Century rather than the rise of Augustus or the Pax Romana of the first century A.D. To give Caesar what little credit he is due, he understands this, hence why he plans to take over New Vegas, turn it into his Rome, and to use it as a capital city. Of course, Caesar is banking on the politics of inevitability to do the heavy lifting for him with his interpretation of Hegelian dialetics. This idea of the politics of inevitability was prominent in Communist teachings, Marx believed in the inevitable class conflict that would lead to the communist utopia, and was convinced of its inevitable success due to the conditions of the capitalist system. Totalitarians aren’t the only ones who preach the politics of inevitability, the West was confident that China would liberalize its government with the capitalist reforms of Deng Xiaoping in the liberalist idealist model at the tail end of the 20th century. China freed up its markets but that came with no political freedom. The politics of inevitability are politics of failure, no future is certain without intellectual integrity in thought, careful thought in action, and constant evaluation and readjustment.
He believes that he will incorporate the positives of the NCR and Vegas without losing his Legion discipline. This profession of higher virtue is quite common in fascist thought. Fascist societies exhort a sort of palingenetic character, of a national renewal through a devotion to the nation, perfectly fitting Caesar’s idea of a legion that obliterates tribal identities and replaces that notion with devotion to a single idea. Caesar saw this as the strength of Rome’s empire, how it was able to lead to a successful, expansive, stable nation after the murderous infighting that plagued the Late Roman Republic. By forcing a continual emphasis on virtue and self-denial through a comprehensive culture built on obliterating all sense of self other than as a member of the Legion, Caesar believes he will create a society where the good of the nation is the good of the individual, where the selfish desires of individual people or small groups will not cause the suboptimal operation of the nation as a whole. This idea is straight out of fascist ideological textbooks. Liberal democracy is seen as selfish and decadent, incapable of responding to problems and encouraging infighting and corruption, enriching the self at the sake of the many. Democracy certainly does have a problem with corruption, but as the Courier discovers, Silus doesn’t obey the law to the letter, and he’s a centurion, one of Caesar’s highest ranking commanders.
This idea of virtuous living extends to Caesar’s opinion on technology and one of his furthest divergences from our own historical Rome. Caesar believes in not using robots or other technology to simplify life save as an exceptional reward. Caesar’s reasoning is that if gains could be made without sacrifice, it would encourage easy living and naturally devolve to decadence and selfish characteristics. Only through paying a cost is the focus maintained on the good of the nation, without it the focus falls on the individual, to use Caesar’s logic. This of course is in great contrast to Rome, which was a scientific powerhouse and technologically advanced compared to its neighbors. Caesar either distrusts modernity as a means of decadence (another fascist analogue here) or believes that he must wait for the ultimate victory in the Mojave to transform the legion before they are capable of accepting some modern trappings. Either way, it’s a recipe for failure, throwing human grist into the mill of Legion operations. Caesar can train a soldier far better than any NCR general can, they are capable of charging a machine gun nest with throwing spears and football pads, but as World War I taught, human wave attacks are fodder for automatic weapons and artillery. While robots aren’t as disposable as they were before the bombs fell, the utility are too great to sacrifice, as Mr. House proves when his upgraded Securitron army can easily wipe the floor with the NCR and Legion both. Medicine is limited to just tribal powders and bitter drink, even though healing powder doesn’t fix broken limbs which are essential to the melee-heavy combat doctrine that the Legion practices (I play hardcore mode, there is no other way to play).
Caesar’s society too, is inefficient for all his carping about the inefficiencies of other systems. Women are forbidden to be soldiers despite multiple empirical refutations like Ranger Stella (and possibly the Courier depending on the player). Slavery is nothing like it was in Rome, the explosive collars and conversations with Legion members suggest that it’s a permanent caste of chattel slavery used to create a workforce to support their military state. As the Legion’s territory grows, the bureaucratic apparatus would become larger to match. Caesar alleviates part of the logistics problems through traders, but in remote, difficult areas like the conquest of Denver, the Legion runs into problems, and as the Courier can illustrate to Lanius, the West is simply too large to administer, and the Legion can’t make up the difference in slaves. Rome had an impressive bureaucratic apparatus and still had logistical troubles, Caesar is falling into the same traps. He can’t administer his territory, and even worse, everything is dependent upon Caesar, and he’s dying of a brain tumor that he forbade the medical knowledge to even treat. The Legion lacks theater flexibility, as Silus laments. Without the Courier, Caesar would have been dead in the water even if the Courier decided to ignore the entire Second Battle of Hoover Dam. While Lucius might be an adequate successor, Lanius is nothing but a butcher, lacking any sort of strategic diplomacy or depth. The military state that Caesar hopes to transform doesn’t even have that hope under Lanius. Heck, Caesar even invites his worst enemy (potentially) into his camp, and never bothers checking up on their work under the Fort even if the Courier spent the entire first act of the game undoing Caesar’s work.
So for all of Caesar’s grandiose dedications, he’s little better than a petty warlord with delusions of grandeur, full of nonsense based on a political interpretation of history meant to support his presupposed conclusions. He got lucky through conquering weak tribes and think it makes him a grand civilization. Just like the failed states before it, his lack of understanding of economics and the stagnancy of a central society will doom him. He might believe that there is only gain through sacrifice, but the only thing sacrificed is the chance of success.
Thanks for the question, TBH.
SomethingLikeALawyer, Hand of the King
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Que difícil es responder a las felicitaciones de cumpleaños pues mientras los seres queridos están festejandote un año mas tu agradeces a dios esos 365 días que le resta a tu libro personal llamado “vida”.
19-07-2018 -23 años
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Naughty Little Meme
@renaissons asked: ∀ { pra todos sim inclusive o silus i wont elaborate }
∀ : Your muse’s favorite position?
Sasha, Andor e Kolr: respondidos aqui.
Fenrir: respondido aqui.
Grimm e Quirrel eu uhhh não vou responder porque eles são. insetos.
Javier: se ele estiver sendo ativo, ele gosta de cowgirl. se for passivo, ele gosta de ficar de quatro. mas ele nunca vai admitir isso.
Silus: como ele mesmo não tem exatamente um órgão sexual, ele prefere posições onde as áreas erógenas do parceiro sejam facilmente acessíveis - afinal, ele é excelente trabalhando com as mãos. mais especificamente, ele gosta de ter o parceiro em seu colo, de costas pra si. juro que é mais confortável do que soa.
Mikhail: e esse homem lá faz sexo? ahem. simples e clichê: missionário.
#mano eu /perdi meus lados/ com o comentário#nem precisa se preocupar em elaborar não#sr. robo tem suas formas de satisfazer parceiros#rsrsrsrsrsr#( ◞♙ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴ.┊ mechanic prodigy. )#( ◞♙ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴ.┊ living mech. )#( ◞♙ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴ.┊ the white dragon. )#( ◞♙ ᴍɪꜱᴄ.┊ answered asks. )#nsfw.#renaissons
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💖- A memory that made them feel special or 💝- A memory that made them feel loved
💖- A memory that made them feel special
The wind blew harshly into the man’s frame as he stood in an open field, his griffon’s hood obscuring his features entirely, protecting his burn scarred skin from the cold blasts of wind that would come and go as they pleased.
In Noah’s hand he held onto an item of particular value, a cap of brown and black in his grasp as he looked over the vast green expanse before him. He slowly brought the item to his view, looking over the craftsmanship of the cap carefully, as though checking for any loose threading. As he admired the make a few moments, he began to feel his mind spur with thought, reflections into a time faded long by time…
…Family had always been a troubling thing for Noah, birthed to a woman who lost her husband on an adventure gone awry, he knew nothing of a mother’s love. Every time she would look to her son she would only see the remnant of a man who passed, her love that was gone and not to be brought back. For that, she cast the child aside, threw away the child she bore that she wouldn’t be reminded her own loss. Nothing left but relics and remnants of the man who was Noah’s father.
This cap was one of those remnants, the band inside having poorly written the name of it’s original owner, ‘Silus’. Noah bowed his head, the memory flooding back to him…
“How long are you going to keep me, Snaresven?” Noah’s voice spoke up, walking the Ul’dahn streets never did him much good, he became somewhat testy in heat.
“Ah calm y’damn self y’wiley lil brat, honest an’ true y’got one thin’ inherited from that father a’ yers it’s th’damn lack of patience. Th’man couldn’t stand still fer a minute b’fore whining worse than you now.” Came the voice of a middle aged Highlander, black haired with salt and peppered tresses scattered throughout helped give away the man’s age, well…if the multiple scars from combat over his years hadn’t helped already.
“You know,” Noah began, “You could have simply brought me the item in question as opposed to making me trek through the heat like some damned courier.” Noah spat out, glancing to the side and spitefully glaring to the side streets.
“Aye, I could’ve, but t’be fair that seems a mite less entertainin’.” The man mused, glancing to the boy who looked more like a petulant little brat. “C’mon now y’damned fool, stop lookin’ s’bloody glum, yer gonna ruin the surprise with yer damned poutin’.” The highlander man rolled his eyes, was it always so difficult to deal with this boy?
“All easily avoided had you simply brought me this item. What in the world could be so important that you’d need to rush me from the library like that anyways, Syvard? Do you not understand that I have a great deal to learn in a short amount of time? Do you even know how short this life can be relative to what needs to be known?” Noah paused, looking at the man with an accusing glare, “Do you even want to know?” Noah found the Highlander’s carefree attitude rather annoying at times, there was so much to learn and this man was so content with knowing none of it, it almost made Noah sick.
“Nope, y’can keep that t’yerself thank y’kind.” he chuckled, “An’ iffin’ yer wantin’ t’learn more I figure yer best t’be gettin’ out of th’damn library anyways. Y’keep yerself in there all yer time an’ yer gonna find y’read more about life than y’ever experienced first hand.” He sighed, “Too much like yer damn pops. I’ll tell y’what I told’im, y’keep yer face buried in a book, life passes y’by. All the readin’ in th’world ain’t gonna help y’then.”
“Yes yes I’ll keep that little lesson in mind when I’m busying myself with my true goals and not spending my time idling through city streets like a damned fool baited by a relic of his past.” Noah spat, glaring to Syvard. “Are we nearly there? I’d like to be back in time to resume my studies prior to night fall.”
“Ugh, y’little twerp…aye…w’are here now.” The duo approached a small camp site just outside the cities gates, Noah looked around expecting something of value, or perhaps a relic much like he considered the man he walked with. Instead he spotted a meager little box…looking to Syvard, then to the box he sighed.
“Are you going to present me with the item? Or am I to open the box myself?” Noah groaned, before the highlander did the same, moving towards the box he shoved the small gift into Noah’s chest, which didn’t impress the midlander one bit.
As Noah opened the small box he peered inside, his eyes narrowed for a moment, looking over to Syvard for a long moment before finally asking, “You’re giving me a hat? You know there are better ways to simply gift an article of clothing…one that really isn’t truly necessary you -”
“Look inside th’damn cap y’twit.” Syvard interjected, giving Noah a smack to the back of his head.
Noah flinched, shutting one eye and looking nothing but bothered before looking to the caps, immediately he spotted nothing but suddenly something caught his eye, a name written in poor fashion, but a name he remembered well. “This…” His eyes grew wide…the hat suddenly looked all the more like a lost treasure, suddenly was clutched oh so carefully. “This was…”
“Aye boyo, that was Silus’ cap…wore it wherever he went…joke was he had a bald head under it he kept well hidden. W’all teased’im like th’dickens but this was one of th’thin’s we were able to get back when he was taken. H’asked it b’given t’you…” Syvard looked…almost with a hint of remorse to the item Noah held now, the memory of his lost friend surfacing.
“I…” Noah didn’t know how to respond, how to react at all. “Th-…this was what you brought me here for?” He spoke, through choked words, to the highlander. “This is just…” he shut his eyes for a moment, the remnant of a man he never met yet admired so thoroughly…his father’s cap. “Wh-when you decide to waste my time next, Snaresven, just send me a letter. It will save us both the trouble of having to reflect on such terrible things.” he said, turning and leaving the scene quickly, leaving the highlander to stand there in his own thoughts.
As Noah walked back towards the library he kept starring at the hat, kept watching it closely as he moved through streets and turns.
Until eventually…he placed it on, it fit him perfectly even with his messy hair. Noah began to get a small tingling sensation throughout his body…he paused, head bowed as he could feel the tear slip from his possession and drip down to the ground.
“…Damn it all, you have gotten me emotional, Snaresven…” Noah said simply, adjusting the brim of his cap a bit lower to hide his eyes as he moved along.
As Noah thought back on the memory, he couldn’t help but chuckle. “Oh how things have changed. If only that I knew where you were, Snaresven…I would apologize for the man I was back then. And thank you for the lesson I learned far too late.” He began to see a figure on the horizon, waving to him as he moved himself in their direction. “But I’ll make good on the lesson, old friend.”
#Final Fantasy XIV#ff14 rp#final fantasy rp#Balmung Roleplay#ask noah#Sorry this took so long but I got carried away!
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Furiends Episode 8: From the Ashes
Deep under the city of Heroto lies a network of railway lines that connect to the town to many others. However, one station is an old line that has not been used for years, until now. The gang have all made themselves cozy in the abandoned underground station, which still has a train parked at it. Zach and Navy make through the gates and down to the platform, hauling packs of things they took from the surface, where they stop in amazement as they see the abandoned station looks as if it’s well-kept and functional.
“Whoa,” says Navy, scanning the entire place. “This all looks amazing! Like before it all became creepy and eerie… I hate it…”
“You can thank Carly, Eren, and Silus,” Niji tells them. “They were the ones who spent some time cleaning and fixing things.”
Zach looks at the deer and newt as they approach. “Good job, you two. You cleaned up and fixed everything really quick. It’s good to have powers, right?”
“Actually, I had some help with this.” The deer holds up a golden wrench with a battery built into it. “My trusty tool!”
“No way!” Zach comments. “You have some sort of power wrench? Where did you get that?”
“Well, it goes a few years back,” Eren starts. “I was heading home after an incident with some bullies when I noticed something shiny in laying on the ground. I walked up to it and found it was this wrench. I didn’t really play around with it too much, but I eventually found out about its power; repairing things fast by smacking them once. I can also build things when I hit an object once I give the command.”
“Whoa, really?” Navy utters. “That’s so cool! I sure wish I had something like that. I’d be building anything my mind can think of!”
“Team Rescuers has some fancy gadgets,” adds Zach. “It would be cool if we had incredible tools like that.”
“Why think about it? We could go up top and steal everything from them! It’ll also teach those Team Rescue-jerks not to mess with us!”
“That would be difficult. We’d have to sneak into their base and disable their alarms system.”
“You know about their base?” asks Niji.
“I hung out with them for a few years. You pick up a few things.” The gang start walking over to the other two girls by the subway car. Carly sketches in her sketchpad while Emmy works away on a laptop. Zach approaches the warthog and stands next to her. “Hey, what are you doing?”
Emmy keeps her eyes fixed on the screen. “I’m doing a little bit of research into the news reports about the laboratory and the orphanage bombings. However, in the past few days, there have been more articles about explosions, attacks, fires, and so forth.”
“And let me guess,” butts in Navy. “Everyone’s pinning it all on us?”
Emmy nods. “Pretty much… They all say how dangerous we are, Team Rescuers is searching to put us in jail, and some are even saying we’re working with Capital Corp as their allies…”
The bird sighs. “Man, it’s one thing to be hated, but to be blamed for every little thing, even if you didn’t do it…?”
“Why would Team Rescuers make up all of these lies about us?” Eren asks. “First, they abuse Zach, then they make us the enemy for trying to help him… I mean, are these people really that dumb?!”
“I know, right?” comments Niji. “Like, how dumb are these people?!”
“It is because somebody has taken information and made false allegations about all of you,” a voice from the shadows nearby speaks. The gang freezes, turns to the corner, and notices a robed figure. “They have been convinced by another source, but it is all lies and made-up stories.”
“W-who are you?” Carly queries. “A-and how did you find us?! A-are you here to alert Heroto where we are?” The figure shakes their head.
“Wait, I know you…” Zach steps forward. “You were my aide… Back when I was in the orphanage… I am glad to see you…”
“I am glad to see you again, too, Young Zach. However, I am not here for a personal visit. I have been following your case after you’ve been evicted, and someone else has been, too.”
“What? You mean… someone’s been spying on me… On us?” They nod. “Are they the ones behind the attacks and making us look bad?”
“Indeed. And they have ties with Team Rescuers, making it even easier for them to set you up. They have been formulating plans with them to do this.”
“Who’s behind all of this?”
“I’m afraid I cannot say anymore. I will say it is someone who knows you… You and your friends should watch yourselves. If you are not careful, they will get you. I must leave, for I have more pressing matters to attend to. Farewell, Zach and friends. I wish you the best of luck.” The figure disappears within the shadows by backing up.
“Someone from Zach’s past has been onto us…?” Silus spurts. “Who?”
“I don’t know,” Zach responds. “But I’m tempted to find out… We need to get to the bottom of this… We need to find out who’s been behind the attacks and framing us… It has to be someone who hates us very much…”
Carly looks up at the fox. “Well, Team Rescuers pretty much despise us right now, and it’s possible they could be the ones carrying out the strikes on the city. They could be doing it all in the shadows and then coming in to “save the day”. They could be frauds!”
“That actually might be the case,” Eren says. “However, we need to be sure that it’s truly what they’re doing.”
“So, what do we do?” asks Navy. “I’m sensing a plan to break into Team Rescuers’ base, stealing all intel on them, as well as their gadgets, and then try to convince the people of Heroto they’ve made a mistake.”
Emmy smiles and stands. “You’re a genius, Navy! That’s what we’ll do! Sneak in, search for anything Team Rescuers has on the attacks, and then tell everyone in Heroto who the real villains are!”
“It’s a good plan,” adds Niji. “But, how are we going to get into Team Rescuers’ base without anyone knowing where we are? Team Rescuers, as well as the whole town, has a bounty on our heads and they’re sniffing around every corner to look for us. What’re we going to do about that?”
“Perhaps we can help you with that,” utters a voice. The gang turn and flinch to the source of the voice and notice a group of four animals emerge from the shadows where the figure had appeared. The four animals reveal to be a raccoon, blonde-haired mouse in a red dress, a bat, and a chipmunk.
“My god…” Zach takes a step back in shock. “Capital Corp! Roger Raccoon, Charlie Chipmunk, Bella Bat, and Anne the Mouse…” The others get into ready stances and stick together. “W-what do you all want?”
“Relax, Hon,” Bella states. “We’re not here to hurt you or rat you out. If anything, we’d like to call an accord and help you out.”
Niji narrows one eye. “Help us out? What…?”
“Look,” Anne begins. “We understand you don’t trust us, and think this is some joke, but we’re actually telling you we can help.”
“Yeah right,” Navy tells them. “You think we actually believe you? How do we know you’re not going to backstab us?”
“They’re not going to betray us,” Emmy assures. The others look at her and wonder why. “I can scan their minds and process their thoughts and feelings. They really do want to help us!”
“They do?!” Navy looks to the four animals. “Why do they?”
“Those Team Rescue-jerks have been thorns in our sides for so long,” Charlie responds. “They always beat us, attack Buscity, and hurt other people. And now, with what you guys have experienced, it’s only appropriate we should work together to defeat the enemy we share…” The gang become hesitant.
“We’re not asking for much, Kids,” Bella explains. “You don’t even have to pay us a penny. Crushing Team Rescuers is good enough for us as is.” Emmy confirms her statement as truth. The friends look to each other and exchange whispers before coming to an agreement and looking back to Capital Corp.
“Very well,” Zach begins. “We’ll employ your help, under certain conditions.” The four ask what it is. “First, we ask that you keep all of this a secret. Tell no one, not even your boss, about the secrecy of our new pad. Second, once Team Rescuers are defeated, we want you to keep peace between Heroto and Buscity, ending our conflicts. Third, anything that Team Rescuers own will go to us for future missions and tasks. All of you understand?” Capital Corp all agree to the terms, in which Emmy confirms they are swearing to. “Thank you. Now, if we’re going to get into Team Rescuers’ base, we’re going to need to get them and the townspeople away so we can get in without being seen.”
“Capital Corp could stage a distraction,” suggests Carly. “That would get Team Rescuers away from the area so we can just walk right in.”
“A distraction, you say?” asks Roger. “That should be easy enough with me and Bella. We’ll make sure Team Rescuers stays as far away as possible. Anything else?”
“We’ll need to enter in their base and avoid the security system,” Silus adds. “Anything tripped could sound alarms.”
“You leave that to me and Charlie,” Anne tells them. “We can get that security system disabled quickly and quietly.”
“Anything else?” Eren questions.
“That should be it,” Zach says. “We can take care of the rest from there. I know Team Rescuers’ base well enough to search for anything.”
“Get your backpacks and gear ready,” Emmy orders. “We set out in a few hours.” @carlycmarathecat @ask-choro-mama @rainbow-strike @emmy-the-absolute-goof @pink-unicorn-blood
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