whereserpentswalk · 3 months
Hi, I saw one of your latest posts talking about the gender "segregation" where you state that women's only spaces shouldn't exist. So, if that was actually real, do you think me, a cis lesbian woman, should I be using a changing room or a bathroom used also by people with penises?
I would feel very uncomfortable being naked near someone who is biologically a male and I have the right to say no, no matter how they react, cis women's feelings matter too and nobody can tell me when I should be uncomfortable, same thing goes for sports, cis women could get physically hurt if a biological male played against them and this had already happened in a school in the US.
This more confirms how you far left activists don't care about us
I do not care about people's disgust when it comes to means of segregation. Do you think that during the 1960s there was no white person who felt uncomfortable sharing a bathroom with someone with dark skin when desegregation hit bathrooms and locker rooms? Do you think there's no white person who feels that way now (hell, a big reason American suberbs are a thing is that it allows white people to live in white only places post civil rights laws)?
How is your desire to feel comfortable through segregation any diffrent? There is a group you feel uncomfortable with in a space so you want it segregated, I suggest you either not use that space or find a way to be more comfortable. Society may have a responsibility for you to be safe, but there is no responsibility for you to feel safe.
And do you think nobody wants to be segregated away from you? You're literally a queer person, there are people who do not want you in public because of the exact same uncomfortablity with you. You probably have way more in common with trans people than most cis people do. If many people were allowed to remove what makes them uncomfortable from society, you would be forced into the closet. This isn't a hypothetical, the same people pushing for removal of trans people from society have same sex relationships as their next target.
Uncomfortablity is not something society can or should protect you from.
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marsivian · 4 months
just a quick reminder that Brazil is in 5th place in the rate of femicide, and last year every six hours a woman was killed, according to a survey carried out by the Brazilian Public Security Forum (FBSP), there were 1,463 victims of femicide last year throughout the country, that is, 1.4 women killed for every group of 100,000. the number is 1.6% higher than that recorded in the year 2022. And at least 4,473 women were victims of femicide in Latin America in 2021 and more than 4,000 in 2022
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ayaahh00 · 4 months
Social media apps are supportive of men and curated for them. Women's comments and posts constantly get removed when they fight back against men's misogyny or call men out. On TikTok, when I reply back to a man saying both men and women are bad, pointing out that women can never be 5% as bad as men given that over 95% of crimes are committed by men, my comment was removed despite gaining many likes. It was removed due to mass reports from men and incels. Meanwhile, misogynistic replies from men remain. When I report these, nothing happens, but their mass reports against women are effective. It's exhausting, and it feels like there's no safe space for women on social media as long as men are there. Men will never allow us to have a single safe space, taking over and mass reporting to silence us. It's suffocating how men get to post whatever they want online and can mass report anything by women. Every social media platform is tailored for and controlled by men. Women work in these companies too, but the majority are men. It's incredibly tiring.
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pjharvey-moved · 4 months
it’s absurdly easy also for abusive and predatory men to be accepted and platformed within contemporary leftist spaces bc saying the right things is treated as more important than doing the right things and misogyny against women you don’t like is encouraged even by people who call themselves feminists.
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rylanwoodrow · 6 months
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"Sin Eaters"
Finally finished this epic piece for my homebrewed space marine chapter of warrior-women, the Sin Eaters! I was shooting for that classic Codex vibe, while sticking in a few of those old Rogue Trader-esque elements that I always love. Maybe I'll mock up some kind of faux-codex cover with some graphics later down the road.
Commissions open! You can also support my Patreon to see this and more in their full resolution: https://www.patreon.com/rylanwoodrow
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radtoken · 4 months
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This is infuriating because this person is being intentionally obtuse. I bet they'd know what women-only spaces are if they included TiMs.
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genderkoolaid · 4 months
i’ve been seeing that “nooo tboy mutual don’t reblog that transandrophobia post, there are so many other non-reactionary frameworks that you can use to understand your experiences” post go around (unfortunately from. a lot of my mutuals.)
and it’s really frustrating to me bc like. i would love to hear them!!! i would love to discuss different lenses of viewing the specific kind of oppression that transmascs face, i would love to learn about different perspectives!!
but so much of what’s out there either 1) doesn’t include us at all or 2) insists that our oppression isn’t anything more than transphobia, or that it’s just misdirected transmisogyny, or that it’s just transphobia and misogyny, but no discussion of how transphobia and misogyny interact to specifically impact transmascs. it just feels so disingenuous and dismissive because whenever we talk about our experiences, no matter what language we use, we’re shut down over and over and over again.
Godddd I saw that post the other day and could not help but roll my eyes. Saying there's "so many other frameworks" to use disregards a fundamental reason why this framework is being created in the first place: transmascs, across different ages and races and other variables, feeling silenced and absent in other models of society, even those claiming to be for trans-feminist. Like if you are trying to convince trans guys to not use the term transandrophobia maybe start by acknowledging the absence of proper frameworks to discuss the unique position of trans men & mascs. & you know damn well none of these people will acknowledge how every other iteration of "transandrophobia" ALSO got shut down for being Problematic™, including "isomisogyny" which was literally just misogyny with a prefix attached to assure cis women that we would never DARE to imply that transmascs might be oppressed by the same social force as them!
But that's the problem with people trying to make the discussion of anti transmasculinity palatable! They want to have a version of this discussion that isn't threatening at all to the deeply ingrained anti (trans)masculinity in queer spaces. Literally any criticism, no matter how lukewarm or carefully handled, is labeled "reactionary." After you get rid of everything that people hate about transandrophobia theory you are left with none of the things that make it valuable to transmascs + everyone else who benefits from this discussion.
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dykeulous · 14 days
btw your homophobic republican grandma is not a radfem. no, the conservative woman talking about “womanly brain” & being explicitly anti-abortion isn’t a radfem, either. no… the spiritual woman telling young girls to “return to their divine feminine” & selling out cheap dating instructions & “tips” & promoting the idea of “female-specific” emotions, thoughts, and feelings, most likely isn’t a radfem. your radical christian mom that disowned you for being trans isn’t a radfem. please. PLEASE LEARN what radical feminism is. i am BEGGING you.
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feministfang · 28 days
❣️I love/support "selfish" girls for always choosing themselves and not caring about the rest of the world.
❣️I love/support "rude" girls for putting people in their place who cross their boundaries.
❣️I love/support "narcissistic" girls for being self-obsessed and loving themselves extremely.
❣️I love/support "greedy" rich girls for not letting anyone decide what to do with their hard-earned money and spending it all spoiling themselves.
❣️I love/support "greedy" successful girls for taking up as many spaces as they want unapologetically.
❣️I love/support "crazy" girls for letting out their anger instead of bottling it up inside.
❣️I love/support "rebellious" girls for not putting up with patriarchal bullshit and not doing anything for a man.
❣️I love/support "weird" girls for always being authentic and doing whatever they love to do.
❣️I love/support "self-centred" girls for only making themselves their centre of attention.
If you were ever labelled any of these/or other terms for whatever reasons, i hope you know you are doing everything right. You don’t owe your energy and time to anybody. You don’t owe your presence to anybody. Be selfish. Be greedy. Stay obsessed with yourself. And if anyone dares to bark at you for that, put a headphone on and blast your favourite song at the highest volume. (or maybe punch them so hard they won’t be able to speak again)
Stay authentically powerful, they will adjust. 🐬❤️
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redditreceipts · 7 months
there should be an extension to every social media site that automatically blocks every male so you never have to read their comments, see their posts or be reminded or their existence while using the platform
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die-rosastrasse · 8 months
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⭐👁️ 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕴𝖓𝖓𝖊𝖗 𝕮𝖔𝖘𝖒𝖔𝖘 👁️⭐
I'm very pleased to announce my first ever painting series! Obsessively created during the endless January nights, they're a voyage into personal symbolism, magic, night sky and language of flowers.
Hand-painted with gouache on paper, 2024
All 11 original paintings are now available in my Etsy shop - OlgaMariaAnastazja
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radifemsara · 6 months
Women are angry, and it isn’t hard to figure out why.
We are underpaid and overworked. Too sensitive, or not sensitive enough. Too dowdy or too made-up. Too big or too thin. Sluts or prudes. We are harassed, told we are asking for it, and asked if it would kill us to smile. Yes, yes it would.
Contrary to the rhetoric of popular “self-help” and an entire lifetime of being told otherwise, our rage is one of the most important resources we have, our sharpest tool against both personal and political oppression. We’ve been told for so long to bottle up our anger, letting it corrode our bodies and minds in ways we don’t even realize. Yet our anger is a vital instrument, our radar for injustice and a catalyst for change. On the flip side, the societal and cultural belittlement of our anger is a cunning way of limiting and controlling our power.
We are so often told to resist our rage or punished for justifiably expressing it, yet how many remarkable achievements in this world would never have gotten off the ground without the kernel of anger that fueled them?
— "Rage Becomes Her: The Power of Women's Anger", by Soraya Chemaly
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transphobicennui · 18 days
every single time
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uter-us · 1 year
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context: from here where TIMs said "no amab allowed" spaces are bigoted.
friendly reminder that if you've been sexually, physically, or in any way attacked by "an amab" you are completely in your right to become "super intense abt it." that shit's traumatizing
youre also JUSTIFIED in having and wanting spaces free of men.
sending love 💞
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ayaahh00 · 4 months
In the early 2010s, the trans community vowed and said they would never try to pressure anyone into changing their sexuality for them or dating them or accusing others of being “transphobic” for not being attracted to them. Look at how it all completely changed. Now they’re telling lesbians if they don’t like males and won’t take their “girl cocks” they’re disgusting terfs who deserved to be raped. They’re taking over every single lesbian space or group you can think of, to the point of wanting to change the meaning of being a lesbian which is being a homosexual female into non men loving non men. Even our homosexuality has to revolve around men to appease agp trans identifying males. We gave them the benefit of the doubt when we shouldn’t have. Especially trans identifying males who are by far one of the most predatory vile set of males. They would masquerade as women just to get into lesbians safe space and harass other lesbians. In many cases, rape them which is what they want.
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radtoken · 7 months
I find it funny that trans women can have their own spaces, separate from females, without being called sexist or misogynistic. But god forbid females want our own space separate from biological males (trans women)! Then we're evil, transmisogynistic women who need to be punished and called names.
Just because you're transsexual (and, let's be honest, most TIMs aren't truly transsexual) doesn't mean you get to enter female-only spaces. Jusy because you identify as a female doesn't mean you get to enter female-only spaces. Sure, transsexual-inclusive groups can exist. I don't care if they do. But let females (including transsexual men and nonbinary afabs) have our own damn space.
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