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rylanwoodrow · 10 months ago
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Completed colors for my latest 40k fanart piece, showcasing my homebrewed, space-marine prosecuting Sororitas Order of the Godly Flesh!
"With the resurrection of Guilliman and his atavistic primaris legions, many space marine chapters that had clung to the secular beliefs of their ancestors felt emboldened in expressing these convictions, in spite of backlash from the Ecclesiarchy. It wasn't until the Indomitus Crusade crossed the raging gulfs of to the Imperium Nihilis that they realized the true depths to which superstitious fanaticism could blossom in the face of unremitting horror."
Commissions open! If you want a rad piece of art like this for your own OC, homebrewed faction, or other project, shoot me a PM today to get your commission piece rolling! Otherwise, you can support my Patreon ( https://www.patreon.com/rylanwoodrow ) to see pieces like this at their full, lavish detail, vote for patron-sponsored monthly pieces, and more!
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rylanwoodrow · 10 months ago
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My latest pic of my roommate's rad space marine warrior woman from our Wrath and Glory campaign. Hjarka is a scout from the Thundercats chapter, astartes obsessed with the artistry of war and killing as beautifully as possible.
Commissions open! Alternatively, subscribe to support, check out pieces like this in their full, lavish detail, and vote in monthly content polls: https://www.patreon.com/rylanwoodrow
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rylanwoodrow · 10 months ago
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"Sin Eaters"
Finally finished this epic piece for my homebrewed space marine chapter of warrior-women, the Sin Eaters! I was shooting for that classic Codex vibe, while sticking in a few of those old Rogue Trader-esque elements that I always love. Maybe I'll mock up some kind of faux-codex cover with some graphics later down the road.
Commissions open! You can also support my Patreon to see this and more in their full resolution: https://www.patreon.com/rylanwoodrow
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rylanwoodrow · 2 years ago
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My latest commissioned piece! A pair of chaos champions, dancing at the threshold of the material plane and the twisted nether-realms, surrounded by the shrieking shades of a vanquished daemon-engine!
My commissions are open, so if you or anyone you know is interested in getting some great art like this, shoot me a private message and get a commission rolling today! Otherwise, you can support my Patreon! For only a few bucks a monthly, you can vote for custom pieces, view exclusive content, and see great works like this at their breathtaking full resolution: https://linktr.ee/Rylanwoodrow
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rylanwoodrow · 2 years ago
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Ahhh! Took all night, but finished the colors and lighting on this Drukhari power-throuple!
This piece was originally illustrated as a reward for my Patreon followers. If you're interested in checking out some of the variants I made of this piece (including my original, oversaturated color scheme, a desaturated version with spot-colors, and a purple-wash grayscale version perfect for wallpapers), subscribe to my Patreon (18+): patreon.com/rylanwoodrow
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rylanwoodrow · 2 years ago
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Happy pride 2023, everyone!
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rylanwoodrow · 3 years ago
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The colorized edition of this month's Patreon poll winner: a chaos-corrupted inquisitor, kneeling in prayer! If you're interested in voting on monthly pieces like this, check out my Patreon! Otherwise, if you're interested in getting a piece directly, shoot the page a message and get your commission rolling today!
Check out my links at: https://linktr.ee/Rylanwoodrow
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rylanwoodrow · 3 years ago
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"Survival of the Cruelest" - a 40k fanart piece I inked last year, but hadn't gotten around to coloring until now! Here, a triumphant Incubi poses with the corpse of one of a Black Templar, slain in dedication to the great god Kaela Mensha Khaine! Very pleased with how the colors turned out on this one!
Commissions open! You can also subscribe to my Patreon (link in bio) for exclusive perks, like seeing this and other pieces in brilliant, hi-resolution, access to exclusive polls, and art that can be seen nowhere else on the web!
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rylanwoodrow · 3 years ago
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Been reading "The Never Ending Story" for the first time, and came to the chapter of Atreyu finally encountering his pursuer, the planes-walking werewolf Gmork. I remembered seeing the film several years ago, and loving the horror element to their interpretation of the monster, but the scene in the book had so much more impact! Just the emotional vibes of a lost kid in an abandoned, gothic city watching a monster slowing starving to death while it assaults him with bone-chilling existential horror will be burned into my memory for a lifetime!
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rylanwoodrow · 3 years ago
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Hey peeps! Here's the latest Patreon art winner, with the prompt "Something anime-inspired!" . This time, I decided to do a pic based on Demon Slayer! It's a beautifully animated series, but it's definitely a problematic fave. Throughout the series, Nezuko, the demon girl, faces endless manipulation and domination at the hands of her brother; she's been brainwashed, kept imprisoned in a box, and forced to live with a ball-gag strapped into her mouth 24/7. While the hero is protective of her well being, she's essentially treated as his pet, given no agency of her own and released from her confinement only when useful. Pretty disturbing stuff, all things considered! . Anyway, here she is getting payback. Before anybody gets on my case, this piece is meant to depict her a few years down the road, once she's become legally of age and matured to the point of recognizing her circumstances. If you're interested in seeing more versions of this piece (including the NSFW version!), subscribe to my Patreon! As a patron, you can vote on new art pieces like this each month and get access to the highest quality versions of my work! I'm open for commission as well, so if you have something specific in mind, shoot me a message and get your commission rolling today!
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rylanwoodrow · 3 years ago
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Hey peeps! Here's the winner of my Patreon's January's inkwork art poll, "something fantasy inspired." For this piece, I decided to make a fan-art image of the popular Dragon Age character Varric Tethras, the roguish Dwarf! Unintentionally got a bit of George C. Scott energy in this version of him, but I think it works!
Dragon Age has jumped around radically in terms of mechanical focus, artistic direction, and general vibes from one game to the next. Throughout the series, the only consistent element seems to be a general sense of "smarminess in the face of doom" in the writing, which is captured nowhere as purely as in Varric, from DA2! I hear a lot of hate for Dragon Age II, but it's honestly my favorite of the series. Its endlessly repeated dungeon design grew tiring immediately, but I definitely preferred its limited narrative scope, pulp-fantasy vibes, and its extreme artistic aesthetics- all huge breaths of fresh air from the first game, which were tragically watered down with pseudo-realism and an over-extended narrative again for the third.
We're in the full swing of the chill, dark months, and what better to drag you kicking and screaming out of your seasonal depression than a piece of badass, custom art? If you or anyone you know would love a rad illustration like this, shoot me a message and get your commission rolling today! Otherwise, for a nominal monthly fee, you can support my Patreon page to see full-res content, alternate versions of pieces, and vote in monthly polls for unique pieces of monthly art like this! Links on my page!
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rylanwoodrow · 3 years ago
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My latest commission piece, featuring my client's Iron Warriors chaos space marine character! This is actually the second piece I've done for this client of this character, the first being fittingly titled "Iron Within". Whereas the first image was meant to illustrate the astartes at the very dawn of the Horus Heresy, this new one pictures him at its close, wallowing through the carnage of the Siege of Terra. It isn't particularly often that I have the pleasure of being hired to draw the same character twice, but I loved the opportunity to both return to an old favorite and flex on how my skills have developed over the years!
We're in the full swing of the chill, dark months, and what better to drag you kicking and screaming out of your seasonal depression than a piece of badass, custom art? If you or anyone you know would love a rad illustration like this, shoot me a message and get your commission rolling today! Otherwise, for a nominal monthly fee, you can support my Patreon page to see full-res content, alternate versions of pieces, and vote in monthly polls for unique pieces of monthly art like this! Links on my page!
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rylanwoodrow · 3 years ago
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My latest commissioned piece, featuring the master of the Iron Warriors Chaos Space Marine legion, Perturabo! There's very little artwork featuring Perturabo after his transformation into an immortal daemon prince, leaving his whole vibe kind of a mystery. I did a bit of a tamer version of the daemon prince a few years back, and was excited to go for a wilder look this time around! For this interpretation, I decided to mix the vibe of his massive, tank-like armor with the aesthetics of the chaos knights and obliterators- making him a perfect, awful mesh of mutant flesh, daemon power, and grinding war-machine! My client was interested in him looking sad and disgusted at his transformation, constantly haunted by visions of the Eye of Terror, so I included a lot of weeping eye imagery, and rendered his face down to a weeping mask jutting from the monstrous maw of his mutated flesh.
We're in the full swing of the chill, dark months, and what better to drag you kicking and screaming out of your seasonal depression than a piece of badass, custom art? If you or anyone you know would love a rad illustration like this, shoot me a message and get your commission rolling today! Otherwise, for a nominal monthly fee, you can support my Patreon page to see full-res content, alternate versions of pieces, and vote in monthly polls for unique pieces of monthly art like this!
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rylanwoodrow · 3 years ago
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“The Coiled Heart”
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rylanwoodrow · 3 years ago
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Here's the winner from my Patreon's December inkwork poll- the winner being a 40k noise marine! Figured it would be a good opportunity to give my take on infamous Emperor's Children character, Lord Commander Eidolon. Eidolon is nearly the exact opposite of Lucius the Eternal, in that he has shirked personal glory to instead focus on reuniting his fractured legion and bringing it back to its long-lost glory. Some fools consider Eidolon's dreams of military reunification and his endless quest to find their treacherous daemon-primarch,
Fulgrim the Phoenician, displays an inherent weakness or lack of confidence; those who serve the Lord Commander know the opposite is true. In his heart, Eidolon has no loyalty to the master that betrayed him, nor even to his own followers; he merely understands that finding the Phoenician would be the easiest means of rallying the wayward factions of the legion back to the fold. Like a true Emperor's Child, he chases an impossible dream for its own sake, and everyone else in the cosmos is merely a resource to be utilized in that pursuit.
We're in the full swing of the chill, dark months, and what better to drag you kicking and screaming out of your seasonal depression than a piece of badass, custom art? If you or anyone you know would love a rad illustration like this, shoot me a message and get your commission rolling today! Otherwise, for a nominal monthly fee, you can support my Patreon page to see full-res content, alternate versions of pieces, and vote in monthly polls for unique pieces of monthly art!
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rylanwoodrow · 3 years ago
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My latest commissioned piece, featuring Saint Celestine, surrounded by a menagerie of doves, cherubs, and servo-skulls!
We're in the full swing of the chill, dark months, and what better to drag you kicking and screaming out of your seasonal depression than a piece of badass, custom art? If you or anyone you know would love a rad illustration like this, shoot me a message and get your commission rolling today! Otherwise, for a nominal monthly fee, you can support me as a patron and vote in monthly polls for unique pieces of monthly art! Check out my links @ https://linktr.ee/Rylanwoodrow
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rylanwoodrow · 3 years ago
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"FOR THE EMPEROR" - FAN-COMIC RELEASE! Whew! At long last, I'm stupendously proud to announce that my Warhammer 40k fan comic, "For the Emperor," is complete! Follow the third legion, the Emperor's Children, from their frightening origins to their fearsome fate! You can check out the entire piece, uncut and uncensored, in excessively lavish detail on my Patreon page (https://www.patreon.com/rylanwoodrow)! If you can, subscribe to the page to support production of great pieces like this, and to get access to make your voice heard for my monthly posts in the future, including character portraits, creature designs, and more! Alternatively, if you're interested in commissioning a piece directly, feel free to shoot me a private message for details! As anyone who's followed me for a while or scrolled through my galleries knows, the Emperor's Children are my favorite faction in 40k! However, 40k lore can be dense and self-referential to the point of inaccessible, and the portrayal of these champions of Slaanesh have gone through many revisions and reimaginings over the years. I designed this piece as an handy introduction to their themes and in-world history for the uninitiated, boiling the legion's arc down to its essential themes and painting it in broad, operatic strokes! I may also post up some behind-the-scene pictures from this project as patron exclusives (such as art-panels before colorization and/or lettering); I did my best to avoid cutting off major details in the layout process, but I'm definitely a "more-is-more" artists, so there are some bits I felt sad about having to obscure in telling the story in the final piece!
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