#but they aren’t some “magical proof” of all radfems = bad
dykeulous · 15 days
btw your homophobic republican grandma is not a radfem. no, the conservative woman talking about “womanly brain” & being explicitly anti-abortion isn’t a radfem, either. no… the spiritual woman telling young girls to “return to their divine feminine” & selling out cheap dating instructions & “tips” & promoting the idea of “female-specific” emotions, thoughts, and feelings, most likely isn’t a radfem. your radical christian mom that disowned you for being trans isn’t a radfem. please. PLEASE LEARN what radical feminism is. i am BEGGING you.
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elenyafinwe · 3 years
CN TERFs, radfems, transmisia, genitals, sex
What I find so sad about rafems is the fact that they actually have a point, but then ... decent into TERF-dom. Because yes, feminism has to be radical, is has to be loud and aggressive to give a voice to the marginalized people around the globe. We need a loud, unmistakable feminism. But we need it in the form of intersectional feminism and not whatever shit radfems are doing.
I make a bold assumption: Most radfems are white cis women, and those are among the most privileged people, literally ony surpassed by white cis men. You have to understand that privilege is not a binary, you are not either privileged or marginalized. Reality is that you can be privileged in one aspect (i.e. skin colour) and marginalized in another (i.e. gender) and everything in between.
Trans women are women but at the same time get denied privileges cis women have precisely because of TERFs. They demonise trans women, frame them as predators and stealing rooms for women. But where do belong trans women then if not into rooms meant for women?* TERFs claim, that every man now can clam he’s a women and invade saferooms for women, while at the same time ignore statistics that proof that trans women are also vicitms of male violence as other groups. And who says cis women can’t be perpetrators themselves? Women are not inherently less violent than men, two X chromosomes doesn’t make you magically a peaceful creature.
And then there are all the other genderqueer people out there who also get ridiculed by TERFs. I got called ugly simply because I’m nonbinary. I got called woman, after I said I’m nb, which is as violent as being slapped in the face. Assholes insisted that I’m mentally ill (nicely said, they used different words) because I use neo pronouns. Some people even got as far as saying that no one wants to see my mico penis and that was the point where I simply laughed out loud. Because c’mon, how lost do you have to be to put that in my mentions simply because I have neo pronouns in my bio???
TERFs are obsessed with genitals, but claim that trans people are perpetrators violating safe rooms. Who is the creep here? Not me, that’s for sure.
TERFs shout out that no one want to sleep with trans people because *insert a lot of nasty shit here*, but it has never occured to them, that trans people also don’t want to sleep with them simply because they are very nasty persons. I at least would never sleep with a person I detest. Would you?
TERFs ignore science. TERFs ignore that it’s long prooved that there aren’t only XX and XY chromosomes. TERFs ignore anything that doesn’t fit in their narrow world view and demonise it without being provoced. Some people simply want to exist and they attack them for simply existing. Isn’t that utterly disgusting?
TL;DR: Radical feminism isn’t per se bad, because we need loud feminism. But we need it in the form of intersectional feminism. But then TERFs happened and ruined everything.
*And where belong other genderqueer people? My German bubble therefore uses FLINTA for safe rooms of any kind. F(Frauen, women), L(esbians), I(nter), N(onbinary), T(rans), A(gender). I haven’t seen a similar acronym in English speaking corners.
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