#feminist studyblr
hamoodmood · 29 days
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✨Hot girls study hard to have a well paid job ✨
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pefkaes · 3 months
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17.07.2024 // finally managed to get a good chunk of writing and reading done today. it is always a struggle to synthesise and coherently articulate all the ideas and thoughts bouncing around in my brain. by the time I manage to write a sentence, my brain has already skipped to the next paragraph and I've to ask it to slow down.
[in photos: returning books to the library; quick lunch and coffee]
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when i say “i can’t talk right now, i’m doing hot girl shit.” what i really mean is “i can’t talk right now, i’m doing my bio hw while listening to classical music and pretending i’m a female scientist in the 1700s learning in secret using books i stole from the academy when they refused to let me in, i’m hiding away in the attic of the opera house (where i work) while the orchestra rehearses beneath me. they’ll never accept me in the world of academia, but i know i’m destined for greatness.”
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lesbianspaceproject · 2 months
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The best study companion <3 I've been spending long days reading feminist and lesbian lit, writing endless notes to the point I've messed up my back (ah, chronic pain, what a delight). Serves me for not taking breaks and stretching. Do your stretches y'all! Learn from me ^^' P.s. that card in the upper left was handmade by my gf.
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virtuosicstudyblr · 6 months
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People keep asking me which specialty I want to choose after graduating med school and I still have no clue :‘(
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marscia · 3 months
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an ode to slow reading; join slow days book club on fable for contemporary lit fic reads and the occasional nonfiction 🤎 (think elena ferrante, elif batuman, joan didion, eve babitz, annie ernaux, etc.)
please note that members should be over 18 years old to join. also: this is meant to be a cozy/intimate book club, so basic rules apply. hope to see you there 🫶🏻
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troythecatfish · 4 months
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Here's an interesting question: why has western feminism failed so much at achieving gender equality in STEM careers, meanwhile Iran and many other Muslim countries that are considered to be repressive to women's rights have been so successful at it?
Communist countries of the 20th century were also very successful at getting women into STEM careers, which is why even to this day, after the fall of communism in those countries, roughly half of scientists in Russia and Eastern European countries are women, so this isn't just a Muslim thing. It seems that liberal feminism has failed at getting women into STEM careers, especially in areas like engineering which is a total sausage fest.
Also, this is a good counterpoint to the Jordan Peterson/James Damore argument of women supposedly just being innately less interested in STEM careers because of their biology or whatever.
Clearly that's not the case since many countries around the world have already achieved gender equality in STEM careers, so this is really just a failure of the liberal west, not a result of women's innate biology like the Jordan Petersons and James Damores of the world suggest.
1st slide: https://www.forbes.com/sites/amyguttman/
2015/12/09/set-to-take-over-tech-70-of-irans-science-and-engineering-students-are-women/? sh=69f2111f44de
2nd-3rd slides: https://qz.com/1223067/iran-and-saudi-arabia-lead-when-it-comes-to-women-in-science#:~:text=The%20West%20is%20way%20behind, Science%20like%20a%20girl.&text=In%20|ran %2C%20nearly%2070%25%20of,than%20in%20an y%20other%20country.
4th slide: https://thehill.com/changing-america/ opinion/481684-how-iranian-immigrants-can-be-role-models-for-diversity-in-stem/amp/
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lilly-chou-chou · 1 month
Often father and daughter look down on mother (woman) together. They exchange meaningful glances when she misses a point. They agree that she is not as bright as they are, cannot reason as they do. This collusion does not save the daughter from the mother's fate.
-Bonnie Burstow, Radical Feminist Therapy: working in the context of violence.
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can watching legally blonde for the 3rd time this week be considered studying
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fragments of a creative nonfiction piece im working on for my mfa program about my sexual assault in 2018 and my time in the mental hospital after it happened
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Fleabag and Différance: A Spectacle of ‘Excess’
I made this ppt for my final paper presentation for an art philosophy and aesthetics course on contemporary art. I used the case study of a contemporary media show fleabag to uncover the aesthetic experience of her "excesses"
here's my main argument if anyone wants to know:
I analyze Fleabag’s scenes and shot compositions to examine the aesthetic experience of Fleabag’s ‘excesses' to argue how Fleabag’s character negotiates the tension between traditional and neoliberal feminist gender norms through her ‘excess’— her humor, emotionality and the act of breaking the fourth wall. The spectacle of her 'excess' reveals the working of différance as articulated by feminist art history theorist Griselda Pollock. Ultimately, the performance in her 'excess" serves as a counternarrative challenging the binary gender performativity of “being a woman” from both patriarchal and neoliberal feminist perspectives
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iris-the-book-hoarder · 2 months
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-ˋˏ✄┈┈𝒜𝓃 𝒾𝓃𝓉𝓇𝑜 𝓉𝑜 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝓈𝒾𝒹𝑒 𝒷𝓁𝑜𝑔┈┈┈┈
🕷-About me-🕷
➼ Name: Iris ➼ Nationality: Italian /Brazilian ➼ Queer
🕷-My Hobbies-🕷
➼ Studying ➼ Reading ➼ Drawing ➼ Writing
🕷-My interests in studying-🕷
➼ History of the global south ➼ Marxism ➼ Colonialism ➼ Contemporary social relations ➼ Languages
🕷-Languages I speak and am learning-🕷
➼ Italian (C2) ➼ Portuguese (BR) (C2) ➼ English (C1) ➼ French (A2-B1) ➼ German (A2-B1) ➼ Spanish (A2-B1)(can understand but cant speak or write)
🕷- Languages I want to learn -🕷
➼ Arabic ➼ Russian ➼ Chinese ➼ Japanese (maybe) ➼ Korean ➼ Yoruba (maybe)
🕷- What is this blog going to be about? -🕷
➼ Studyblr ➼ Bookblr ➼ Diaryblr (maybe) ↳ ❝ [WARNING] ¡All of it very chaotically,I am the least organized person in the world! ❞
🕷- my DNI list -🕷
﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌Have a good read in this mess , love you all . -Iris🕷
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typicalsimswhore · 3 months
Hey Y'all!
If anyone is interested in helping a young lesbian pursue her studies in the Social Sciences, please support my GoFundMe down below! Any amount helps, it's tough times rn 😩
(You can read my story in the link below)
(⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧ thank you in advance!
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lesbianspaceproject · 1 month
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Continuing the long process of reading as much as I can get my hands on! But I have so many concepts and thoughts in my head that sometimes I lose track ^^' so I've started doing mind maps and they've really helped! Not just with my mountain of a literature review, but also for writing articles. (the middle pot with the cat was painted by me, I think its so cute :3)
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intothedreamverse · 2 days
okay hear me out guys. the story of an hour by kate chopin and heterofatalism. in this essay i will-
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amanufacturedheaven · 6 months
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This week (because one day is never long enough)
☕️ Finish Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf
☕️ Finish first draft of my final project for sociology class
☕️ References
☕️ Reflection
☕️ Spend one hour studying French per day
☕️ Submit application for summer school
☕️ Sign up for any more summer/spring classes (currently signed up for yet another Feminist Philosophy class!!)
(All images are from Pinterest)
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