#felinette month 2021
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san-fics · 2 years ago
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Comic 'Felix'
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3.1] [part 3.2] [part 4] [part 5] [part 6] [part 7] [part 8] [part 9.1] [part 9.2] [part 10] [part 11] [part 12] [part 13] [part 14] [part 15.1] [part 15.2] [part 16] [part 17.1] [part 17.2] [bonus 1 p.1/2] [bonus 1 p.2/2] [bonus 2 p.1/2] [bonus 2 p.2/2] [bonus 3]
Bonus mini comic 4
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Credit @faun_me on Instagram
Translation @san-fics
Felinette Tag list (ask me to join)
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raeuberprinzessin · 2 years ago
Making Amends - Fantasy - Prompt 16, Chapter 9
@felixmonth, @stainedglassm
Summary: For Felix Month 2021 - beware, the chapters are not in chronological order^^
When Felix loses a bet with his cousin, he has to make amends with Adrien’s friends. Well, at least this provides a good excuse to spent a lot of time with Adrien’s “very good friend”, a certain designer, who may or may not be described as tolerable … or cute. This may not be so bad. Yeah, not bad at all.
AO3 | Masterlist
Prompts: First | Previous | Next
Chapters: First | Previous | Next
"Don't worry, dude. Everything's chill between us. We both think - Ah, I mean, Felix and I are bros now. I mean, you're still my best bro, but you know. You get it, right?" Nino's rambling was almost as bad as Marinette's when she was nervous. At least that was Felix's opinion.
"That's great! I'm so glad you two get along!" was Adrien's reaction. He didn't even seem to notice that he barely escaped a word vomit. Instead, he gave his cousin a proud approving smile. Felix loved his cousin, he really did, but he would prefer him not to give him the look a pet owner gave their puppy for not shitting on the carpet.
That had been right after he made amends with the DJ. And as nice as it was to get along with Nino, simply by the law of the enemy of my enemy, he still had a long way to go. He knew that. He just had no idea how to continue.
��Well, your little stunt got Alya, Juleka, and Rosé akumatized. You already did something for Alya, which by the way is another stunt I will get both of you back for. As soon as I have more time,” Marinette declared, threateningly brandishing one of her colouring pencils like a sword. A very short cyan-blue sword. “But anyway, I’d advise you to continue with them. Although it probably doesn’t matter which one goes first. Rosé would probably be a bit more open, but I guess Juleka would be easier on you.”
“Rosé is the bubbly pink … girl? And Juleka is her goth friend?” he asked as he continued to note down what materials Marinette already had and how much. He barely stopped himself from using any derogatory term for the small blond and very, very pink classmate. The girl had too much energy, always talking and gesticulating. Her voice was so high and she was talking practically all the time and just everything about her was so … so … very not English. There was no better way to describe her.
Yeah, choosing her as his next target would not go well.
“So, Juleka it is,” he announced and turned to his friend. Since the theme for the silent auction was decided and Marinette said, she was fine with designing the costumes for everyone - fine his ass, he didn’t want her to do it, but nobody even took a second to listen to his very relatable concerns … -, she had been designing almost non-stop. And right now she just hummed as she added some accents to Max’s futuristic dolphin suit.
“I said,” Felix tried again leaning slightly over her, blocking the light, “I’ll continue with Juleka.”
“I heard you the first time and Felix, I swear to whatever unholy deity is willing to listen, probably Plagg, Trixx or Xuppu-”
“Not unholy,” the monkey kwami interjected. He sat on one of the ceiling beams and was doodling a few of his former holders’ transformations. Most of the kwamis had been very excited about the theme. Just Kaalki sat on Marinette’s bed, eating sugar cubes, watching interviews with celebrities and was all around sulking. And making nasty remarks about the dolphin kwami going by the name of Flipp.
“- if you don’t step out of my light, I will tie you up, throw you over my shoulder like one of our bags of flour, climb up onto my balcony and let you dangle there as if our house is a donkey and you’re the carrot. And don’t think I wouldn’t do that.”
On one hand, Felix knew it was a serious threat. On the other the mental image alone almost had him daring her to do as she said. But hanging from her balcony he wouldn’t get anything done and in the end, she would only regret what she said, since she just had a very short temper while designing. And he knew that. So, he stepped back and she turned back to her sketch with a slight huff, but he caught the little smile she unsuccessfully tried to hide.
“Fine. But, please, just tell me what I should do for Juleka,” he complained as he turned back to her materials.
“What makes you think I know?”
The blond snorted at that. “Of course you do! She’s your friend and you’re a bit scary with how much you know about your friends.” It was true. Marinette knew a lot about her friends. She even wrote their events down in her planner and now that he was in charge of her schedule she had him memorise those events as well so if he planned possible events that not only included both of them but also other classmates, nothing would coincide. But that wasn't a half-bad idea! Quickly he pulled out his phone to check his calendar app for any events Juleka had going on.
“You mean, like how I know that you’re hungry but won’t ask for the pain au chocolat with the dark chocolate Papa made especially for you, because you want to eat it with your five o’clock tea later and won’t allow your stomach to dictate when you eat something?” Felix looked up from his phone and stared at the girl. She just shrugged. “You have checked the time at least five times in the last half hour and that’s only what I have witnessed,” she explained. “Plus, I could almost see the saliva run down your chin when Papa told you about your favourite pastry.”
Felix audibly clapped the cover of his smartphone case shut and put his phone away. She was correct, of course, but he felt petty and unwilling to give her this win. “Just so you know, pain au chocolat is not my favourite. I like the mocha macarons better.”
“Oh? That’s good to hear, then I’ll give the pain au chocolat to Adrien tomorrow.”
Felix hissed at that. “Over my cold dead body!” he growled quite irritated but he instantly felt a bit soothed when he heard Marinette’s soft giggles. Of course, she wouldn’t do that. He knew that, but still, he was a bit miffed at the thought she might give something to someone else that was meant for him. Whether it be a pastry or his place in her life.
“Actually, this is just more proof, that you definitely know what I should do for your friend,” he tried to get back to the original topic. Marinette just hummed noncommittally. “Please, Marinette? You know, I need your help to do this making-amends-stuff. And it’s also a bit your fault I’m in this predicament.”
“Okay, first off: I did not tell you to make that stupid bet. That’s on you. You made a mistake and I hope you learned from it and it better not be to make sure that the odds are even more in your favour the next time-”
“Was there any other lesson to learn from that?”
Marinette heavily breathed through her nose when he interrupted her, so he decided to not add anything and to just let her say her part for now.
“Anyway, what I wanted to say is, that a part of this making-amends-stuff, as you called it, is that it should show that you are trying to be a better person. I will help you at some point, but first, you will have to put in some work. This is more than some homework you can finish and not think about again. Try to find out what Juleka’s fantasy is and what you could do to make her happy. Happy and grateful enough so she might accept that the bad behaviour from your last visit is not who you are.”
Having said what she wanted to say, Marinette turned back to her sketch and narrowed her eyes as she critically looked it over. She was done with their discussion.
Talking to Juleka turned out harder than he thought. He tried to start a conversation but she just mumbled something unintelligible and hid behind her hair. And Marinette just gave him an amused grin and a slightly raised eyebrow, letting him know that she still expected him to make an effort to find out what Juleka would like himself. Maybe he should pay for a few lessons of confidence training? She could definitely use it!
At the end of their lunch break, he still hadn’t made any progress and he was ready to ask Adrien to give him another punishment. He would get nowhere like this.
“You could use some help, am I right?” he heard a high voice ask and turned to the source. The pink flower girl, Rosé, stood there and gave him a small smile. The kind of smile someone gave out of embarrassment when they weren’t sure whether to smile or even say something.
“Yes, I could use some help, but Marinette has this idea that I have to put in the effort before she considers helping me.” He sighed and pulled an overly dramatic grimace. “Why is she one of my favourite people again?”
Rosé giggled and relaxed her posture slightly. “Probably because she sent me a message last night. Hey, Rosé, tomorrow Felix will try to find out what he could do for Juleka to make amends with her. I want him to try on his own at first, but if he hasn’t been successful when lunch is over, could you help him? He’s not a bad person, I promise. If you can’t trust him, trust me with this. Have a good night, see you tomorrow, Mari,” she read the message and looked back up. “Well, you don’t look like you had any success, so here I am. Also, you’re stressing out Juls with your attempts to approach her. Maybe we could meet at the library after school and brainstorm an idea?”
“That should be possible. I’ll just inform Marinette that I’ll come over later than planned. She’ll probably design first anyway and we can finish homework later.”
Rosé smiled and nodded. “Okay, see you then, Felix,” she bid goodbye and returned to her friend group. Finally a silver lining! And in the end, Marinette had helped him anyway, even if it was indirect. It was actually scarily smart. Before now he had thought Rosé was annoying, but now that he had talked to her, she didn’t seem that bad. Quirky and excitable maybe and if he had to spend long periods of time with her she would certainly be unbearably annoying after a while, but she seemed to be alright if he only had to interact with her for a limited amount of time. He wouldn’t have known that if Marinette hadn’t sent her his way.
Felix grabbed his bag and went to find his friend to tell her: Well played!
"Do you really think a new instrument is the best we can come up with?" Felix frowned as he looked at the list of ideas Rosé and he had come up with. He learned that Juleka liked music and played several instruments like everyone else in her family, although she preferred the bass guitar. She liked make-up and styling and had dyed her hair in different colours in the past.
"I guess it's the best thing that's possible and not just some fantasy," Rosé answered doodling a little cute kitty next to the list of ideas. "A fantasy?" What did she mean by that? In a city that got attacked by a magical supervillain and his butterflies almost daily - and got saved by two teenagers with magical jewellery just as often - he would think anything fantastical wouldn't seem quite as out of reach. "You know, if you have another idea, just say it. Even if you don't think there's anything I can do. Maybe we can think of something that's close enough or I can make sure to at least turn a part of this fantasy into reality," he offered after he had a few moments to think about it.
"Are you sure?"
Felix gave her a small self-assured grin. "I better be!"
Rosé giggled at that and began to tell him about the curse her girlfriend only recently broke.
“What do you say?” It was a bit later in the afternoon and Felix had just told Marinette about the idea Rosé and he had come up with. “That should be possible, right?”
Marinette sat at her desk but turned to face him. She fiddled around with some ballpoint pen, rolling it thoughtfully between her thumb and her index finger.
“Maybe,” she finally answered, “but the last time Juleka tried to model for me, she got very nervous. Alya was a bit pushy because she convinced Adrien to help out as well and that’s why we had a time limit. In the end, I was pushed to model with him and Juleka got akumatized. Do you have any plan for what to do if Juleka gets anxious again?”
“Well, not inviting these two might be a good start for now.” He didn’t intend to have them there, but this just confirmed his thoughts on the matter. “I could also take the shots myself. I have some experience behind a camera and I imagine having a professional photographer there would mean more stress to her. I could even try to not be seen by her.”
“You mean, you would hide in the bushes and on trees?” Marinette asked slowly. She gave him a look as flat as a sheet of paper. And to be honest, hearing it like this, it sounded … weird in the best case.
“No, I think I better not do that.”
“No,” Marinette agreed sagely, “you better not.”
Felix wasn’t sure how he thought Juleka would react, but he didn’t expect her to look like a cornered little bunny.
“You- you want me to model some of Marinette’s designs? Don’t you remember, what happened last time?”
“Oh Juls,” Rosé whispered and hugged her friend. “That’s exactly why we want to have a do-over! Don’t let that one bad memory stop you from doing something you really want to do!”
“We hope to create a less stressful situation this time,” Felix offered. “It would be just you, Rosé, Marinette, and I. I will also shoot the photos. So, there will only be people you have at least talked to already. This could be the foundation of a portfolio if you want to do more modelling gigs. Also …” Felix looked around and after not seeing the lying girl anywhere near them, he leaned a bit in and lowered his voice, “considering other people who confidently model and who have less than half as much reason to be as confident in their looks as you should be, you really should do this. Always remember: If you would like to do something but you wonder if you are qualified enough, rest assured that there is at least one unqualified person who does exactly this.”
Juleka still looked a bit hesitant, but finally, she nodded.
Felix should have known. Of course, it would have just been too easy, if they could just get to the location and take the photos.
Some students from her brother’s school recognised Juleka and immediately crowded around her. Rosé was so excited for her friend, she told them about the photoshoot and they asked if they could stay. They wanted to help and watch.
After all this excitement Juleka’s confidence took a nose-dive. She was nervous and stiff and looked like she was forced to do this at gunpoint. Felix only took half a dozen pictures before he decided this didn’t make any sense.
“The only fantasy I see in these pictures is her fantasy of running away and hiding,” Felix whispered as he stood next to Marinette and showed her the pictures. His friend gave them a critical look, but finally, she sighed and gave him the camera back.
“Well, at least they seem to be genuinely supportive. That’s not the worst-case scenario. But maybe we should still reschedule?”
Felix shook his head. “We won’t have enough time if we don’t get the pictures by the end of the week.”
Marinette frowned at him. “Why the time limit?” she wanted to know. Felix hadn’t told her, but he had sort of planned another surprise for Juleka, but he hadn’t told anyone. He didn’t want to put more pressure on Juleka or disappoint any hopes he might spark, should it not work out as he planned. But maybe he should tell Marinette now?
“The modelling agency you work with has a youth program and I know someone working there because he used to work for my acting agency. I showed him the class photo and he agreed to take a look at Juleka’s portfolio. And if he could get the portfolio by the end of the week, he might be able to get Juleka into their summer program. This would-”
“Felix, I have to interrupt you.”
Marinette cut him off with a raised hand and a pensive expression. “We don’t even know if Juleka would want this. I agree, it’s an amazing opportunity and Juleka deserves this chance. I appreciate how much thought and work you put into this and I’m sure Juleka would, too.”
Marinette’s lips twitched into a tiny smile. “Still,” she continued, emphasising the word to point out that she was not using a but, “I think you should talk to her before you show the pictures to anyone else. She’s surrounded by people who support her and she is this anxious. Could you imagine how violated she might feel if she learns afterwards that some stranger saw the photos without her consent?”
Felix couldn’t precisely understand why Juleka might be hurt. He was usually ecstatic when he learned people saw his work. But Marinette knew the girl better. Maybe she really wouldn’t want that. The boy decided he should talk to Juleka first, but when he looked around he couldn’t see her anywhere.
“Give me a moment, I’m texting Luka. I’m sure he can calm her down.”
“Amazing idea. Maybe he can also tell us where she likes to hide?”
The young designer looked up and let her gaze wander over everyone present as well. She couldn’t find her friend but only a moment later they both noticed something else. “Merde!”
“With baked beans on toast,” Felix added with a nod. “Alright, you find a place for your glam up and I try to find our model before Mothbreath does.” With this Felix followed the little black butterfly. It was surprising enough that nobody else seemed to notice the akuma. Rosé talked to those other students about the band she and Juleka played in. If he had to guess, he would say she tried to keep their attention from her friend. Only, Rosé did it too well, so she didn’t notice anyone leaving.
Felix followed one of the paths for a bit until he found a hair clip near the edge of the grass. It was black and pretty simplistic, but he was sure he had watched earlier as Rosé used this clip to keep Julekas hair out of her face.
He looked around and noticed that there was a shortcut towards the toilets if he walked over the grass compared to the gravel path. Of course, an upset girl would run to the toilet. He should have learned this from Marinette by now!
With a deep sigh, Felix cursed Hawk Moth and public toilets and the fact that he would still do what he had to do. To put one over on Mothbreath and so Juleka wouldn’t be reminded of past traumatic events.
He didn’t usually storm the ladies’ room, but this also wasn’t a usual situation. He was faster than the akuma and skidded in front of a still pretty upset Juleka.
“Not her!” he hissed, watching the flying pattern of the black insect. “Not today!”
Felix heard the scared sobs Juleka tried to suppress. As if the butterfly could hear her and take control of her if she was too loud.
“Juleka, please listen to my voice,” he begged while internally praying that Ladybug would soon appear. “Take deep breaths. Concentrate on your breath on the feeling of your lungs expanding when you breathe in and contracting when you breathe out. You’re doing great! Ok, Juleka, do you think, you can listen? Hawk Moth can only control you if you think the power he offers is the only way out for you. Do you understand me? You don’t need his power. I think the fact that you are here is proof that you are so much stronger than he is. Do you want to hear my theory on why he mainly akumatizes teens and children?” Felix didn’t wait for an answer. Giving the girl something else to focus on seemed to be as good a plan as anything else.
“Teens and children haven’t had the chance to learn a few important life lessons. It’s a lot more likely that a situation seems hopeless to them. Hawk Moth thinks they are the best targets. Easy victims. I don’t think you’re a victim and I’m offended Mothbreath would dare to think this!”
A surprised little laugh sounded behind him and Felix felt a tiny part relax slightly.
“Mothbreath?” Juleka whispered.
“Yeah. I’m also convinced the akumas are created by his burps.” This was improvised, but he heard the girl giggle softly. The dark butterfly seemed to be scandalised by his words and left the restroom through a window. Felix felt himself finally relax. He was confident that Ladybug would be able to do the rest.
“Thank you. I … I really didn’t want to be akumatized again. I just get so anxious when so many people expect something from me. What if I disappoint them? Rosé and Luka’s friends were so excited for me and you organised everything and Mari agreed to let me model some of her designs. And my dad loves her designs and I just know that he would make this big deal about this. And if I end up having this portfolio and people immediately see through me and know I’m not an actual model? After all, most pictures of me end up being awful!”
No, no, you can’t get upset again, just when I was able to calm you down a bit! Felix tried frantically to come up with an idea.
“I just don’t want to disappoint everyone if I can’t do it,” Juleka added faintly not knowing how her words sparked an idea in the blond boy. Felix remembered himself saying something very similar many years ago. Reaching a decision he carefully looked out the door and saw Ladybug de-akumatizing that pigeon guy and joking with her cat boy. Seems as if Hawk Moth had to use the akuma one way or another and the pigeon guy was the only other option. He hoped Mothbreath bumped his tiny toe when he kicked something, angry about his newest loss and his stupidity.
“Look, over there is a bench, let’s sit for a moment,” he offered and pointed to a wooden bench not far away. Juleka nodded and followed him there. He took a moment to sort through his thoughts.
“Many years ago, when I had my first acting role, I said something similar. I was afraid I wouldn’t get it right and would be replaced by another, more experienced child actor, which would surely disappoint my family. One of the assistant cameramen found me and sat down with me. He told me that even though people may think otherwise, a camera doesn’t capture reality. This goes for acting and modelling. Shortly after my aunt disappeared, there was an interview and a photoshoot with Adrien. In the interview, they praised how brave my cousin was, because he could still smile for the camera. I like to think that I know my cousin well enough to know that he didn’t feel like smiling or brave in any way and this interview is just another reason I owe my uncle a kick in the crotch. He hid and mostly still hides in his obscenely large house and Adrien had to manage on his own, while the media hunted him down because stories and pictures of the son of the mysteriously vanished wife of a failed designer sold well.” He took a deep breath, to get back on topic.
“What I’m trying to say is, that in front of a camera, you can be whoever you want to be. It’s not Juleka, the girl who had a photo curse. When you’re in front of the camera, it’s Juleka, the model. If it would help you, you can have a pseudonym.”
“Do you have a pseudonym?”
“No,” he answered but pulled a piece of cloth out. “Back then, a friend gave me a piece of cloth she had used to practise stitching. I could hide it in the pocket of my costume. With it, I had an easier time getting into character.”
“Was Mari this friend?” she asked and finally there was a soft smile on her lips. She knew the answer, which is why Felix only smirked but didn’t answer. She snorted at that. “So, who are you playing if you have it with you now?”
“Initially I thought I would play the photographer, but it seems I also picked up the role of a civilian hero and your coach. This reminds me …”
Felix raised the hand in which he still held the hair clip she lost earlier.
“I think you lost this. It’s not a talisman made by Marinette, but then again, what else is? And I’m sure, Rosé will be more than happy to supply you with your own talisman. May I?” Felix didn’t comment on how Juleka blushed when he mentioned her girlfriend. Instead, he motioned to the hair that was hiding half her face. He leaned forward and fixed the hair clip so her hair would be held back.
“See? Now I can only see the model of today’s photoshoot. Before we go back, Marinette scolded me and told me, I should tell you before: I know someone working for a modelling agency with a youth program because he worked for my acting agency when I started out. He said he would be happy to take a look at the photos we shoot today and maybe he could get you into their summer program if we can show him the photos by the end of the week. Initially, I only wanted to tell you if everything worked out, but Marinette thought it’s more important that you are okay with someone else seeing your photos. What do you think?” Felix watched her and carefully tried to take note of every twitch that might tell him if she felt uncomfortable with the idea. Of course, he wanted to respect her wishes and if she didn’t dare to outright tell him, she didn’t like the idea, he wanted to be able to offer her a way out.
But he was worried for no reason because he could see determination steel her face and she gave him a brave nod. “That sounds like an amazing opportunity, Felix. Thank you. But, you know, now I really expect you to shoot amazing pics!” She gave him a small smirk and he returned it as he stood up.
“Perfect! Then let’s return to the location!”
When Felix saw his uncle later that day he was walking with a limp and when he asked his cousin what happened, he told him that Garbiel had bumped his tiny toe somewhere.
Huh! Well, it didn’t hit someone undeserving, Felix decided and revelled in the petty feeling of schadenfreude.
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mercurialrain · 11 months ago
Master Post of my Fics!
Updated as of 12/11/2024! All links are for Ao3 and rated G/T unless noted otherwise. :)
Completed multi-chaptered Felinette fics:
Silver Lining
Ocelli (rated M)
Felinette Month 2021 (collection of unrelated oneshots)
Incomplete multi-chaptered Felinette fics:
The Royal Conundrum (permanent hiatus)
Felinette Spooktacular (discontinued)
Felinette Oneshots:
Fairy Circles
Spring in the Underworld
History Lessons in Love
Quite A Life
And That's the Tea
Sand in the Eyes is a Beach
It Was in the Cards
Cat's Out of the Bag?
Guardian Angel
Kiss of Truth
Scaredy Cat
A Viper Means Trouble
On the Throne (rated M)
A Cup of Sugar
Heart Attack
A Curse Upon You
Gone Fishing
You Rock
I Couldn't Have, I Was Playing Hopscotch with Hawkmoth
Flower Crowns (rated M)
Most Eligible Bachelor (rated M)
Lukanette fics:
Scales and Tails (chaptered fic)
Bluebell Eyes (oneshot)
i can see the colors (when i'm with you) (oneshot)
Multi-Chaptered Lockwood & Co fics:
On the Fence (Locklyle, ongoing)
Lockwood & Co Oneshots:
if i see but one smile on your lips when we meet (Locklyle)
Lemon Glaze (Locklyle)
i'm an apostrophe; i'm just a symbol to remind you that there's more to see(Locklye)
simple as can be, i'm gonna be around (Trio bonding)
don't worry, I got you (Locklyle)
okay, show me (rated M) (Locklyle)
i'd draw you too (Locklyle)
you're the smartest person i know (George & Lucy bonding)
i can't wait for you (Minor Locklyle, mostly trio shenanigans)
do you recognize this? (Minor Locklyle, mostly trio shenanigans)
give me that, before anything happens (Trio shenanigans)
i wouldn't do that if i were you (Locklyle)
it's alright, i'm here (Locklyle)
tell me you feel it too (rated M) (Locklyle)
Use It to Fight For Your Life (TW for suicidal thoughts) (Minor Locklyle)
Hidden Knives (Locklyle)
Locklyle Week 2024:
Absolutely Floored (Day 1: Mission Gone Wrong)
Who Has the High Score? (Day 2: Arcade)
I Wasn't There to Protect You (Day 3: Don't go where I cannot follow)
Under the Umbrella (Day 4: Rain/Storm)
Paint your Heart (Day 5: High School AU)
Hear Me in the Quiet (Day 7: Free Day)
Star Wars:
You Cake My Day (Reylo, ongoing)
Not So Bad (Reylo, complete)
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lily-drake · 2 years ago
Master List Part 2
Master List Part 1
Biosibling!Dickinette: Birds of a Feather Flock Together: Part 1 Part 2
Of Broken Hearts and Shattered Minds
Ric Rolled: Part 1 Part 2
Casinette: Sibling!Cassientte: Stop in the Name of Your Sister: Part 1 Part 2
Where is She?!
You've Got to be Kitten Me: Part 1 Part 2
He Stole My Heart So I Stole His (Felinette) Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
BioDad!Month (2021): Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Everything after Part 11 was posted exclusively on my Ao3.
Found Family:
Watch What You Say: Part 1 Part 2
Adopted Into a Better Life
Drabbles/Story Ideas
Batman Specific:
Why are you here Batman?
In a Different League: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
6 Times Tim Suffered Alon + One Time He Doesn't
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kronehaze · 3 years ago
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Click for quality
2.02.22 Mirror
this was a bitch to figure out and I was originally gonna make it with really saturated colours but Im bad at that-
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emzurl · 3 years ago
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Felinette November • Day 4
💀 Pomegranate 💀
It’s that time of year again!!!!!!! This year, I’m (clearly) not doing every prompt, I honestly don’t know how I did it last time 😩 I have 4 pieces planned for this go around, so enjoy!
Thanks to the awesome people over at @felinettenovember for organizing this!
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cassava-49 · 3 years ago
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Day 10 of Felinette November:  School Dance
Lighting practice! I find it funny that only through fanart can I actually practice.
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dandelionflower · 3 years ago
Take Flight
(Anyone else remember when the wing au took over the fandom?)
Marinette had stunning wings. 
A brilliant light blue one moment, and a cloudy grey the next, Felix couldn’t help but stare. And their motion! It was like a dance, like they were conducting their own symphony. 
The way they puffed up defensively when Chloe got on her nerves, and how she shot a little smile at Felix, who couldn’t even pretend he wasn’t watching, how could he? When she so unapologetically allowed her feathers to be shuffled and disarrayed even after the conflict.
And when she was nervous, and stuttering in the face of Adrien, they’d swing around with her other limbs. More often than not, they’d end up hitting whoever was beside her, sending them toppling to the floor with the strength of her anxious flight. Some people laughed as they got up from the ground, others just seemed annoyed. 
Adrien. With his golden wings and perfect smile. Paris’s angel, their golden sun. Eyes followed him wherever he went.
How could Felix compete? With his tar tinted wings, frightening blue eyes. People stared when they saw him too, but it wasn’t awe they were looking at him with; it was disgust. Too dark, too wide wings on a too pale and too lanky body.
But he couldn’t help but feel like anything and everything was possible, it was beautiful, even, when he watched Marinette fly. 
Her wings blended with the colors of the sky, so when she took to the air, it seemed almost unnatural, how weightless she seemed up there, wings beating, visible to her eyes only. Gravity became null and void when Marinette took to the skies and Felix felt dizzy for it. 
So he didn’t mind, when he wrapped his wing behind her, allowing his wings to take the brunt of spitball attacks against her (mostly orchestrated by Lila.) He didn’t mind taking the extra time after school to fly with her and subsequently the time he had to take to preen his feathers back into place afterwards. 
Marinette never spared a second glance at her wings after a flight. Her wings were always messy from flight or restless sleep, decorated in flour from the bakery, scraps of fabric from her latest project, and, on one occasion, an entire cookie. 
Felix longed to filter her feathers back into place. To align her coverts, primary, secondary, marginal. To smooth over her scapulas. Sometimes, when he preened his own wings, he let himself close his eyes, and pretend it was those beautiful sky feathers. 
Felix’s wings were beautiful. 
Dark, so dark, like midnight. And when the light hit them just right, they shone like stars. Marinette had spent nights upon nights in a creative spree, all because of those wings. All because of those wings on that boy. 
Marinette couldn’t understand how he couldn’t see that. 
She could tell he couldn’t. He held his wings tight to his back, even when he was with the class, outside of the judgmental eyes of strangers. He held them so close to his back that she could hardly tell they were there sometime. She was sure that some of it was just the result of a wealthy upbringing, but Adrien was overcoming those habits, why couldn’t Felix?
And whenever he did, whenever he would wrap a casual wing over her shoulders, they were stiff as boards, constantly flinching to his back. Minuscule movements, but as constant as the ticking of an old grandfather clock.
The way he sheepishly combed his fingers through his feathers after they ruffled reflexively after that indignant sound was forced from his throat by another one of Lila’s falsities. He never met her eyes, never looked up from his systematic work. She knew because she could never look away from him when he did.
He was always so hesitant, when he joined her in the air. Shaky, in the sky, and always glancing at the ground like he was afraid for people to see him. She could practically hear the underused creak of his bones as he took off after her. 
It broke her heart to see the spitballs in his beautiful inky wings. To think that he believed his wings should be exchanged for the well-being of her stormy, shaky wings. 
When she was on patrol, she stopped by his window. It took him nearly an hour to get the spitballs, the trash out of his wings; she flinched every time he nearly tore out a feather from the force it took to get some of the spitballs out. 
She couldn’t preen his wings for him, no matter how much she wanted to. He wouldn’t be comfortable with it. But goodness, if she didn’t want to show him how beautiful she found his feathers. How precious his primaries were, how spectacular his secondaries were. 
But she could do that, so she had to settle for leaving specialized shampoos and tonics on his windowsill. She had to settle until he’d let her settle her hands onto his wings. 
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taldigi · 3 years ago
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Day 6: Pride
okay so i can explain- wait no I cant hm.
was doing some animal crossing stuff and Reese said the cutest thing about Cyrus and I died on the spot okay, so have pure unfiltered concentrated mush.
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felinettenovember · 3 years ago
Felinette 2021 Prompts
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Thank you so much to @lxia-art​ and @ninja-knox-ur-sox-off​ for the top and bottom art, respectively; thank you to @eat0crow​ and @nottesilhouette​ for designing the calendar; and thank you to @newdog14​, @cheeseeatingtrashmonster​,and @musicfren​ for compiling and ordering the prompts. As always, we couldn’t do this without all of you, the Felinette discord members, and everyone who submitted prompts to this Tumblr. 
The full list of prompts as plaintext is under the cut. See you in a month! 
new recipes
flower picking
take flight
unexpected weather
school dance
enemy of my enemy
ship wrecked
glass door
take out
friendship bracelets
sweet and sour soup
[evenly] matched
past time
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san-fics · 2 years ago
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Comic 'Felix'
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3.1] [part 3.2] [part 4] [part 5] [part 6] [part 7] [part 8] [part 9.1] [part 9.2] [part 10] [part 11] [part 12] [part 13] [part 14] [part 15.1] [part 15.2] [part 16] [part 17.1] [part 17.2] [bonus 1 p.1/2] [bonus 1 p.2/2] [bonus 2 p.1/2] [bonus 2 p.2/2] [fanboy art] [bonus 3] [bonus 4]
Some more Felinette art
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Felinette Tag list (ask me to join)
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raeuberprinzessin · 1 year ago
Making Amends - Hazy - Prompt 18, Chapter 5
@felixmonth, @stainedglassm
Summary: For Felix Month 2021 - beware, the chapters are not in chronological order^^
When Felix loses a bet with his cousin, he has to make amends with Adrien’s friends. Well, at least this provides a good excuse to spent a lot of time with Adrien’s “very good friend”, a certain designer, who may or may not be described as tolerable … or cute. This may not be so bad. Yeah, not bad at all.
AO3 | Masterlist
Prompts: First | Previous | Next
Chapters: First | Previous | Next
"Nevertheless," continued Poirot, "in view of what has happened, the police there would like to have another look at the anonymous letter I received. I have said that you and I will go down to Andover at once."
An ear-piercing thunder outside the bay window made Felix jump. He looked up and realised to his surprise that he hadn't even noticed the dark clouds that had claimed the sky. When he had started reading The ABC Murders, one of his favourite Poirot novels by Agatha Christie, only a short while ago the sky had been a cerulean blue, dotted only by a few soft-looking clouds here and there. Now it seemed like the apocalypse had come, another great flood hell-bent on drowning all of Paris. The city lay almost abandoned in the darkness of the overcast sky, which was quite unusual for this hour. Strong winds ripped through streets and alleyways, jolting the shutters of the windows and shaking, no, nearly bending the trees lining the streets of the posh neighbourhood he lived in. The window pane was cold enough that his breath left a small spot on the glass. Another bolt of lightning illuminated the world outside the window for a few moments soon accompanied by its roaring thunder. Heavy drops of rain pounded against the window forming small rivulets as the water ran down the glass.
To be honest, it was the perfect weather for an afternoon reading session with his favourite detective novel. And still, the sudden change in weather didn't sit well with him.
Felix pulled out his phone to check the news. Maybe this was the result of an akuma attack? If he remembered correctly there had been an akuma with weather-based powers in the past. Weather Girl or Storm Witch or something like that. She, like practically every akuma victim, looked nearly as bad as every poor model who had to wear one of his uncle's creations. That was the one relevant information he took from Marinette's rant over text back then. The rant had started with her disappointment over her losing the chance to model with Adrien to the girl she babysat that day, although she was happy the girl had a good time. Felix deliberately forgot this detail and selectively remembered the complaint about the design of the one akuma he heard about before he caused three of them at the same time.
There had indeed been an akuma battle earlier but the victim hadn't possessed any weather powers. In the end, the hero duo won the battle with some safety pins. Felix was confident that the local heroine was well-versed in this item's utilisation.
The lights in the den suddenly turned on and Felix looked over to the door where his mother had just stepped into the room. “Felix, how often have I told you to turn on the lights and not read in the dark? You’re ruining your eyes by doing that,” she reprimanded him, but her voice was gentle. “I just noticed the storm when I heard the thunder. But thank you for turning on the lights,” he answered and looked out again, watching the spectacle for another minute before he wanted to return his attention to his novel.
“It’s really coming down now,” he heard his mother mutter. She had stepped to the window next to him and looked out with a frown. And as much as Felix would like to return to his book, he had a feeling that his mother actually wanted to talk to him about something. Of course, it could also be that she just didn't get the hint that the still-opened book in his lap was
“I just thought how a storm like this is the perfect weather for an afternoon with my favourite detective,” Felix told her and glanced back down to the pages of his novel. "The ABC Murders again?" she wanted to know. There was a slight smile on her lips when she looked at him, but Felix could read the worry in her eyes. He closed the book, showing her the cover to let her know that she was correct, and placed it next to himself.
"What's wrong? I can see that you are worried. Is it Gabriel? What did he do this time?" His mother shook her head. "No, Gabriel doesn't have anything to do with this. At least as far as I know. It's just …" She fell silent and turned fully to him.“Have you heard anything from Marinette?” she asked after a moment of silence.
Felix froze. Why would his mother ask about Marinette? He felt a bit queasy the more he mulled over her words. Was she just trying to make conversation? Or did she have another reason? There had been an akuma battle. Had his mother figured out who Ladybug was as well? Or did he give something away? He could have sworn he didn't change his behaviour after he found out. “Not since school today. Is there a reason you asked?” he carefully probed, trying to seem nonchalant about it. His mother turned back to the window and watched the storm, but her frown had deepened.
“I called Sabine earlier and asked her if we could get something delivered. Initially, she told me that the delivery man had to leave for an emergency, but right at that moment Marinette came back from babysitting the daughter of a friend and she said she would send Marinette to us,” she explained and finally sat down next to him.
“Mrs Cheng sent her daughter out into pandemonium?” he questioned in disbelief and gestured at the apocalyptic conditions outside. His mother shook her head. “That was before the storm. I guess Marinette had to take shelter when that akuma attacked. The battle took place right between the bakery and our building. And right after that, the thunderstorm started. I had hoped she might have sent you a message to let you know she would be late. But if she hasn’t …” His mother fell silent once more, visibly perturbed by the thought of a young teenager running an errand in a storm like this.
Felix picked up his phone again to take a look at his messaging app, but when he couldn't find a text or a voice message from his friend he tried to call her. He had no success, so he put his book down and stood up. “Felix? Where are you going?” He turned at the door back to his mother. “It’s not like Marinette to worry others. If she could, she would let us know she's late. So, I’ll go out to find her,” he declared.
“Felix, look outside! You can’t be serious! We can call the police-”
“I am perfectly serious, mother. If I’m not back or haven’t told you where I am in half an hour, you can still call the police. But I will go out and look for Marinette. After all, if anything happened to her it’s because you asked for a delivery when you could have sent someone. And I will also let Mrs. Cheng know not to spring more responsibilities on Marinette. She already seems to drown in all the burdens people just load on her.”
With that, he got a coat and decided with a look out another window against an umbrella and instead took a rain poncho to go out. The strong wind would have just ripped the umbrella from his hands.
Outside he could only see as far as a few meters. The rain came down heavy and shallow rivers ran down the streets. He tried to walk around at least the bigger puddles, but he couldn’t avoid them all and soon his feet felt wet and cold. He wasn't really angry and immediately regretted his harsh words. His mother had no idea about everything Marinette was juggling. It was his own worry that had made him react harsher than he usually would.
The streets were pretty empty. Most people probably took shelter when the akuma attacked and stayed there when the storm followed after, but he was pretty sure that wasn’t what Marinette had done. After being held up by the akuma she would have felt guilty for being late, so she would have tried to make it as fast as possible through the storm. The thought of her out here all alone gave him another freezing shiver which had nothing to do with the cold rain or the biting wind that found its way under his coat.
It only took ten minutes to find her. Felix had held his eyes open and when he found a person with black hair lying on the pavement he recognised the girl immediately. “Marinette?” Felix gently shook her shoulder and when she wouldn’t react he shook her harder. A groan stopped him. “Marinette?” he repeated with slight trepidation. “Felix?” she slurred and closed her eyes again. Felix looked at his phone to check the time. He could call an ambulance and wait with her, but he could bring her back to his apartment faster than the ambulance could be here. It was only a few minutes, he had taken longer to get here because he was searching and had to be sure since the visibility conditions were quite poor. But he could call his mother and have her call for a doctor and he could bring her to the apartment. By doing this he could try to get her warm and dry while waiting for a doctor.
Decision made he pulled the rain poncho off and draped it carefully over Marinette. After that he called his mother and let her know about his plan then he turned back to Marinette. Felix left the box with the bakery’s logo that had spilt next to her where it was. That stupid delivery was the reason she was in this state. Well, maybe one of the reasons. The pastries were soggy anyway, so nobody would eat them anymore.
The boy tried to pick up Marinette carefully. He made sure to cover her with the poncho as much as possible, so she would be protected from the rain for now. He also held her close to his chest in a desperate effort to share his remaining warmth with the sogging wet icy bundle in his arms as he made his way back to the apartment at a hurried pace.
“Felix?” he heard the girl in his arms rasp after he started walking back to his apartment. “Shhh, Marinette. Everything will be fine. I’ll bring you back to my apartment and we’ll get you dry and warm and comfy there, alright?” he reassured her, but he wasn’t sure whether she could hear him over the thunder and the rain pattering against the material of the poncho. Still, Marinette seemed to relax at his words. “Ev'ything's so hazy. 'don’ like it,” he heard her complain and he felt how she snuggled her face against his shoulder. “We will make the haze disappear,” he promised her after a moment he took to take a deep breath. Marinette just sighed and didn’t stir again until he was back at his building.
The lift couldn’t be fast enough and at the door, he rang the bell and knocked against the door. With his arms full of a bundle of unconscious designer he couldn’t unlock the door on his own. His mother opened, the worry and guilt written across her face. “You found her!” she exclaimed in relief. “Ines has prepared the guest bedroom for her. Ines? Can you help to get her out of her wet clothes? Felix, could you go and get some of your lounge attire? It’s probably still too big, but not as big as my clothes would be.”
Although Felix was loath to leave Marinette for even a second, he agreed that Marinette wouldn’t want him there when she was changed into dry clothes, so he left. In his wardrobe, he looked for the softest, comfiest clothes he had and soon returned with them to his mother. While he was waiting to be allowed back in he heard the bell ring and answered the door. It was the doctor his mother called. He allowed the woman in and led her to the bedroom. His mother came back out and waited with him in front of the door.
“I didn’t mean for this to happen,” she finally admitted. And Felix knew that. He wasn’t truly angry with his mother. Of course, she would assume it was fine if Marinette’s mother said so. He couldn’t blame this on her. He was just worried and his mother was there.
“I know,” he replied and offered her a hug which she accepted. “I’ll still need to have a serious talk with Marinette’s parents and with Marinette. She was lucky. Who knows if she would be as lucky the next time? She needs to take things slower or she needs someone to keep an eye on everything she does, so she won’t overdo herself.”
Actually, this wasn’t a bad idea. He was brilliant at planning and organising. Maybe Marinette would agree to have him manage her schedule. It would give him the perfect reason to spend more time with her as well. The more he thought about it, the more he liked the idea. He would approach Marinette about this when she felt better and not a moment earlier.
"Felix?" He looked away from the door to the guest room to his mother. "You're drenched. Go, take a hot bath or at least change into dry clothes as well. I'm sure Marinette wouldn't want you to get sick. The doctor is with her and Ines and I are here. It's going to be fine. You can take care of your own well-being now." She was right. Felix took a deep breath and let it go slowly. He felt the tension slowly leave his body and exhaustion settle in. If he took a bath, he would only fall asleep there, so he decided to just change his clothes. "Thank you, Mom," he croaked and turned away. The worry didn't leave him altogether, but the queasy feeling he had was barely there anymore only to return with a vengeance when he came back in lounge attire to see the doctor talk in a hushed and severe voice to his mother.
“-After enough rest, she should be fine,” the woman ended just as he arrived at the door. She couldn’t tell them more but would inform Marinette’s parents about the details. Felix wasn't satisfied with that, but there wasn't anything he could do. The doctor told them enough to properly take care of Marinette, any more information about her health would be reserved for her family. And after all, this was another way to let them know how dangerous the situation was, by a medical professional no less. He stepped into the room and sat down next to Marinette. No matter how tired he was, he wanted to assure himself of her health condition. Carefully he took her hand in his and gently stroked it. It pained him to see his fiery friend this vulnerable and fragile and he swore to himself, he would never allow anything like this to happen to her again. He would have to be there to prevent a repeat!
“Felix?” he heard Marinette mutter once more. Said boy felt his heart beat a bit faster and stronger. He changed his position so he sat down next to her on the bed and his fingers clasped her hand with a bit more force. “I’m here, Marinette. I’m with you.” The girl smiled a bit. “‘s not hazy an'more. ‘s comfy. Like promised,” she slurred and pulled his hand next to her face to snuggle it as she slipped back into sleep. Felix stayed right next to her on the bed until her parents arrived to bring her back home.
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miraculousmarifan · 3 years ago
Day 3: Take Flight
Here’s to another @felinettenovember prompt that’s coming in late! There’s a few more queued up and hopefully I can finish about half of them, before I cross-post them over on AO3.
A little bit of class / Lila salt, a little bit of sweetness. About 550 words.
Felix approached the classroom, curious about the racket coming from inside so early in the day.
"You really need to stop bullying Lila just because of your jealousy! If Adrien likes Lila, bullying her isn't going to change that!"
Felix couldn't quite hear the reply but had to duck out of the way as Marinette burst from the room, dashing through the hallway towards an exit.
Inside he saw Alya placing a comforting hand on a distraught Lila's shoulder. He wasn't listening to the words as she consoled the girl and he wasn't willing to stick around for another excuse from Lila.
Instead he turned and took flight, hoping to catch up to the dark haired girl in spite of her head start. Out the front entrance of the school, he quickly looked around for her, then headed towards her home, hoping he'd guessed correctly. As her house came into view, he saw her turn from facing the bakery doors towards the nearby park and start speed walking. He picked up his pace again, worried that if he called out, she would run again.
With eyes locked on her, he was able to better plan an intercept course in the park. When she settled underneath a tree, well into the park, he had been fairly close.
She looked startled when he plopped down on the ground next to her. He put a hand on her arm before she could rise and gave her a small half smile. He hoped it would look sympathetic, when his entire goal in chasing her was to comfort. The way she seemed to falter, he wondered if he should’ve called someone else to come. 
Suddenly her arms were around him as she cried against his chest, her hair tickling his neck and face. He readjusted, bending his knees and putting his feet together before pulling on her side so she was sitting in the cradle his legs made, rather than awkwardly leaning over and onto him.
She seemed to settle more into this position while crying and he softly ran his hand in circles on her upper back. He stayed silent, deciding he ran a bigger risk of making things worse if he spoke.
After a while, her cries turned to sniffles, then to long, shuddering breaths. She leaned back away from him and he placed his hands on the ground beside himself. She smiled sheepishly at him, a light flush to her face.
"Do you want to tell me what Lila accused you of or do you want to forget about that entire situation?"
"Forget." Marinette’s eyes suddenly grew again, running down his shirt and back up to his face. "You shouldn't be sitting in the dirt in those pants! And look at your shirt!"
She sprung up, before continuing, "You need to come with me and get cleaned up!"
Felix rose stiffly as she continued to stress about his clothes. She took his arm to usher him towards her house, detailing her plan to take care of his outfit.
While she fussed over him, he tried to find the opportunity to tell her that some things are more important than dirty clothes. He concluded that it had been the perfect way to get her mind off what awaited at school.
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nelintosan · 3 years ago
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Day 6 : Pride
guess who watched pride and prejudice before making thiss!! anyway i know im really late, have been having a major art block these past days :(( but anyway... here it is!!
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emzurl · 3 years ago
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Felinette November • Day 9
☔ Unexpected Weather ☔
This is (probably) the last piece I’ll do for Felinette month, I have too much going on unfortunately 😭 These 4 pieces were really fun to do though, so I’m glad I got to contribute something!
Thanks to the awesome people over at @felinettenovember for organizing this!
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cassava-49 · 3 years ago
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Day 4 of Felinette November: Pomegranate
Part two of these two as the god and goddess of the underworld. The pomegranate just works if you know what I mean.
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