Felinette, Maribat, Dramione, MLB, PV fan fiction
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san-fics · 9 days ago
Chapter 13
“I take it that the barbecue restaurant I was going to take you to won't work for us this time,” Amelie muttered thoughtfully somewhere nearby, and Marinette looked up at her in confusion, unable to grasp the logic of her conclusions, but her hand went up to her mouth reflexively, because the mere mention of meat made her feel sick. Marinette was so stunned by her potential discovery that she didn't notice the older woman approaching and looking over her shoulder at the empty pack of pills. She was still so stupefied by the idea that she might be pregnant that she needed to look at the pills again to understand the gist of the question Amelie had asked her. “I… no…?” She muttered, confused. “I haven’t been able to tolerate meat well lately…” She admitted, “B-but…” “Have you by any chance started feeling sick in the mornings?” The woman asked carefully, as if to avoid startling Marinette in the strange state she was currently in.
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Happily Married
Felinette, 18+
(upcoming on Ao3, chapters 12-14 are published on Patreon)
Art credit @aspenaspid, original Tumblr post.
Marinette's appetite had improved—probably her body was trying to compensate and restore its strength after constant sex, which was exactly that, constant, at least that's how it felt, not that she objected or anything. Maybe she should have slowed down a bit with the food though, because it seemed like her hips were starting to round out a little, making her figure more feminine. But for now it was only noticeable while entering jeans, which she almost never wore anymore, so Marinette decided not to pay attention to it for now, so as not to invent problems that probably didn't really exist.
She couldn't help it for now, anyway: Felix wore her out so much in bed—again, not that she minded—that the next morning she was just terribly hungry, and the concept of “a portion that was too big for her” became blurred. So her relationship with food was what it was at the moment, sometimes a little weird even. For example, recently she was walking through the grocery store and suddenly had an unstoppable craving for pickled peaches...
Marinette hadn't even known pickled peaches existed before that day, but she'd bought a couple of jars and eaten one of them in one sitting as soon as she got home, chalking it up to her changing taste buds. After all, she'd never had to deal with a man's sperm before, much less in such large quantities, so who knew what else she might suddenly want to eat now that she'd added this new flavor to her collection, so to speak...
In the end, all the unusual changes in her boiled down to the fact that her man was too good to resist, Marinette explained to herself, feeling how sensitive her nipples had become. He handled her body so skillfully that it simply learned to react more sensitively to him. And as for the nipples... Felix paid so much attention to them, he loved to suck them and bite them slightly... of course they would become more sensitive with time!
And the fact that she became so tired at work was also only because they fucked until late last night, clearly (and every night, of course)... Marinette probably needed to buy one of those fitness bracelets to track the amount of sleep she was getting, otherwise, special treatment or not, she simply wouldn't be able to work soon!
“Always, my dear,” her mother-in-law responded. When Marinette finally released her, embarrassed by her emotional outburst, the woman continued as if nothing had happened. “Anyway, I came to take you to lunch. It’s already the beginning of the month, and you and I always discuss upcoming projects over lunch early on, remember?”
Marinette frowned, because yes, she did remember that, but it seemed so long ago that their last lunch happened… She looked at the calendar, realizing that it was indeed the third, meaning that it had been over a month since their similar discussion. But what was even more important was the unexpected realization that her period should have ended by now and she should have started the next strip of birth control pills, but…
Her period hadn’t even started yet.
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san-fics · 9 days ago
Chapter 1 is posted on Ao3
Marinette: what's important is that Nathalie probably accidentally sent him my number Marinette: to Felix that is Marinette: that's his name Alya: do I get it right that some guy threatened you on the phone last night so much that you fell in love with him? Marinette: it doesn't sound very healthy if you put it that way... Marinette: but yeah Marinette: something like that? Marinette: there's just something about him... Marinette: I can't stop thinking about him Marinette: well Marinette: I only realized who he was an hour ago Marinette: but he's all I can think about from last night Alya: a whole hour ago? Alya: and you woke me up only now? Alya: something doesn't add up, girl Alya: usually you would start texting me right away Alya: what were you doing? Marinette: don't ask... Alya: no way Alya: Mari, girl Alya: you need to build a real personal life and not only relieve stress with sex toys from your box Marinette: no comments Alya: was it at least before or after you realized who he was? Marinette: ummm Marinette: during? Alya: girl Alya: now you just have to tell me everything
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Toy Box
(18+ upcoming on Ao3, chapters 1-6 are posted on Patreon).
unknown: I'll post pictures from your last birthday all over the internet
unknown: I'll set up a fire alarm in your bedroom so it goes off every time the door opens
unknown: I'll write your father detailed instructions on where you keep your sex toy box
unknown: and yes
unknown: I know exactly where you hide it
Marinette: how do you know about my box?!
Marinette: that is
Marinette: what did I do to you?!
unknown: I could forgive you for the disgusting dinner
unknown: but the harassment in a cab?
unknown: that was way beyond what I'm ready to tolerate
unknown: even for you
Marinette: the what where now?!
Marinette: aaaalright whoever you are
Marinette: you're texting the wrong number and I don't understand why I'm even continuing to text you back
unknown: I am not texting to the wrong number!
unknown: that's the number Nathalie sent me
Marinette: I don't know who Nathalie is and how she got my number
Marinette: but that just confirms that I have nothing to do with your life drama
Marinette: hey
Marinette: why did you suddenly go silent?
Marinette: ok good luck with your wicked revenge
Marinette: I hope they at least deserve it
unknown: good evening
unknown: my sincerest apologies
unknown: I called Nathalie
unknown: turns out she did accidentally send me the wrong number
Marinette: if I may ask
Marinette: what did that poor soul do to deserve your revenge?
unknown: it would be only fair, I suppose
unknown: but remember that you asked for it
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san-fics · 12 days ago
Adrien: Felix, why are you always so serious?
Felix: I just turned down the brightness of life so that the charge would last longer…
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san-fics · 12 days ago
Felix [dreamily]: When you're single, everything is scattered exactly in its place.
Felix [grumbles]: And as soon as you get married, everything turns out to be neatly folded God knows where!
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san-fics · 12 days ago
Marinette: I’M ON MY WAY!!
Marinette [grumbles while finishing putting on makeup]: Of course! He's capable of sitting in ambush for 2 hours without moving, tracking down some bandits...
Damian [from the hallway]: Are you finally ready?
Marinette: I told you, I’M COMING!!
Marinette [continues to grumble under her breath]: But he doesn't have the patience to wait 5 minutes for his girlfriend to get dressed!...
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san-fics · 12 days ago
Tim: If you want to get enough sleep, you need to go to bed not on the same day you need to get up
Tim: It doesn’t work for me, though
Tim: Today I woke up suddenly because I thought I was late for work
Tim: I opened my eyes and calmed down - I was already at my desk at Wayne Enterprises…
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san-fics · 12 days ago
Jason: Be vigilant, slippery sidewalks kill speech culture…
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san-fics · 13 days ago
Felix: Making up only about 2 percent of a person's weight (and not even everyone's), the brain consumes 20-25 percent of energy.
Felix: So if you want to lose weight, think.
Felix: Think a lot.
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san-fics · 13 days ago
Marinette: Oh these men…
Marinette: When I got a new haircut, Felix didn't even notice.
Marinette: But when I scratched the bumper on his car, he ran out to meet me at night in just his underwear!
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san-fics · 13 days ago
Damian: Marinette, could you show me how to use the washing machine again, please?
Marinette: You set it to "synthetics", 40 degrees, add detergent, turn it on.
Damian [perplexed]: What are the other 15 modes for?
Marinette: Oh, those are for women...
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san-fics · 13 days ago
[GCPD Announcement]
Wanted: An anonymous hero who risked his life to take a bag of diamonds from a burning bank.
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san-fics · 13 days ago
Dick [thoughtfully]: It's a paradox that cockroaches can survive a nuclear war, but they can't survive a phone hit…
Damian [solemnly]: This once again proves how dangerous modern gadgets are…
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san-fics · 17 days ago
Marinette: The right way of thinking for a self-confident woman.
Marinette: If someone doesn't like the series that I'm really into, it means that these people are too stupid and can't understand the whole essence of this masterpiece.
Marinette: If I don't like the series that everyone likes so much, it means that these people are too stupid and watch all sorts of crap.
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san-fics · 17 days ago
Felix [kisses Marinette goodnight]
Felix: I'm your ANTI-prince
Marinette: ???
Felix: In a fairy tale, the prince kissed the princess to wake her up
Felix: and I kissed you to put you to sleep...
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san-fics · 17 days ago
Robin: Yesterday I competed in arm wrestling with Ladybug.
Robin: She won.
Robin: Then she smiles at me and says, ‘Thank you for giving in, that was really nice of you’
Robin: I didn't give in...
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san-fics · 17 days ago
Jason: I don't like it when a woman's breasts are bigger than 3rd size!
Jason: I hate being manipulated...
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san-fics · 17 days ago
Indignant woman in the park: Your dog was chasing my son on a bicycle!
Damian [stepping in front of Titus protectively]: What nonsense, my dog ​​doesn't have a bicycle!
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