#feelings i wished to forget. hatred had not been one of them’ ?!?!?!($3)/ okay.
vampyretaemin · 1 year
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if i was armand and i had been begging louis to take me to new orleans to show me his home but he kept finding excuses not to go until i told him lestat was alive and then louis set out to new orleans immediately in the hopes of finding him i would kms. i would just end it like oh ok i see *walks into sunlight*
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linabirb · 1 year
OK OK SO. 3 16 24 (i was LITERALLY gonna ask abt 6 and 7 but taru beat me to it LMAOAOAOAO) ummm i wanna see for twst and milgram pls <3
HEHEHEHEHE thank you for sending these sol!!
3. "screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr"
twst: OHHHHHH THERE'S A LOT. but i'll keep it short. again, that one bday vignette line and also people saying that riddle will grow up just like his mother despite the character development he got. that one hurts me so much because again, i had said it many times, i have anger issues myself and one of the many reasons why i like riddle is because of how much i relate to him and because he feels so human and not just. you know. "haha angy boi". so seeing things like "ohhh he should never have children because he will treat them like he was treated when he was little" is so. painful.
milgram: tbh there's so many that my brain just kinda refuses to process them anymore ALSO SINCE THE FANDOM IS KINDA SMALL. I FEEL LIKE ALL THOSE POSTS ARE EASY TO FIND but again i'll keep it short: mahiru is NOT a stalker/kidnapper/etc, stop saying she is, she literally said she's not one and i doubt it was a lie and also hhhhhhh i have my. own opinion about whatever is going on with kazui but i don't wanna go into detail but basically. before he himself said that his crime wasn't related to cheating, there were some people who were like.. very passionate about voting him guilty because he's a cheater and like. i'm sorry this is so funny to me like we have a guy who killed a child and MANY different animals, we have a guy who cyberbullied a teenage girl into committing suicide, MIKOTO, SHIDOU LITERALLY ASKED "WHICH ONE" AFTER HE GOT A QUESTION ABOUT HIS VICTIM(S) and cheating is where you draw the line?? 😭😭 ah and also whoever says that it was his wife's fault <3 i'm in your walls right now.
16. "you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)"
twst: HMMMMM LET ME THINK ABOUT IT. okay okay let's see. well, first of all, i'm not a fan of the time loop theory simply because i'm not a fan of time loop tropes in general. i'm pretty sure there was a time (i think it was like.. late 2000's-early 2010's? maybe even earlier) where like ALMOST EVERY SINGLE VISUAL NOVEL, GAME, ANIME, MANGA, ETC (but especially vns), used that trope AND I HATED IT SO MUCH. i love it when time loops are used to make a character go through the same painful event over and over again to completely change their character, but most of the time (haha get it) time loops feel like.. basically it's like writers use them to just explain everything that doesn't exactly make sense in-universe. why does this character say mc looks familiar to them and doesn't elaborate? well that's because they've seen them before in previous loops! why does mc know how this world works even though they've never been there? well that's because time loop! why do these two characters are in love with each other even though they've never even talked? well that's because they were in love in previous loops! i can talk about my hatred for that trope for hours, honestly.
okay, let's talk about characterization. tbh there's not much i can say because.. let's be honest, even though twst characters are definitely deep and interesting and fun, their personalities feel a bit "limited"(?) mostly because of their disney counterparts or because of how strong certain traits of their personalities are. and i'm not complaining.. mostly. i really wish some characters had more personality traits. but what i really hate is when some writers just.. throw away all the "ugly" or "unlikeable" traits of those characters to make them more "imagines-friendly". like i'm sorry, but sometimes i just read some fics and go "he would NOT say that". i know that people love the "OH BUT HE'S NICE TO Y/N" trope, i use it too sometimes, but like.. some people just really forget that this game is about characters who are literally based on disney villains. like it's okay, let them have flaws. and i don't mean those flaws that are like "omg he's so shyyyy >///<" or "hehe he can ramble a lot <3" NO. I MEAN ACTUAL FLAWS.
milgram: it's okay. it's okay guys. i promise it's okay that somebody can't see that character being gay or ships them with someone of an opposite sex. it's okay. and that's coming from someone who has almost no straight ocs.
like, listen, i'm a 0104 shipper. i see their relationship as romantic but i absolutely have nothing against platonic interpretations. but when people see something like ship art and go "muu is literally a lesbian btw" i'm like. i have so many hcs too but it's one thing to say that "hey i think this headcanon is very plausible and i think it's very neat" and to go "IT'S LITERALLY CANON" unironically and not as a joke. like idk, i'm just that kind of person who has lots of headcanons but until i see them actually being confirmed, i won't try to make people change their mind. (and just so you know i'm not trying to deny that she's attracted to girls. she has that vibe and she literally says "i love you" when she sees a girl and her pupils become bigger like?? but come on. it's okay for people to ship her with a male character until she literally says that she's not into boys in canon)
kazui is a whole different thing, i really was interested in the whole "yeah he's gay actually" theory and i love the memes, but now that people are saying it's "officially" canon and lowkey just. kinda being annoying, yeah, i don't even want to look at the tag anymore because i want to see actual theories and i don't want to see another "yeah he's gay so vote him inno". i'm not here to say that it's a dumb reason to forgive him, since we are literally allowed to have all kinds of reasons to forgive a character, but i think it's a weird thing to say when this guy really does seem like a very deep character, but i can't take him seriously anymore because of those theories that don't even sound like theories (and i mean it in a bad way and not bc they sound so canon)
24. "topic that brings up the most rancid discourse"
twst: honestly, this fandom mostly has like.. people-related drama, like this artist/writer/etc did something problematic, things like that. but i think if i had to choose a topic that annoys me the most.. these two topics kinda go together but i'll start with mc's gender. it actually doesn't get discussed that often, since we're supposed to see them as a self-insert, but i've really seen people say things like "mc is obviously supposed to be female" or "mc is obviously supposed to be male", etc.
i'm not going to pretend that i don't have my own opinion and i'm going to say that tbh i see twst mc as being male (one of the reasons why my mc is a guy), but that's mostly just because i usually prefer to play as a guy when it comes to games like that. (honestly if i have a choice, i choose fem mcs very rarely, stelle is like one of the few exceptions) however, i never try to prove why i'm right, i just kinda go "eh you do you". but i'm not gonna lie, those who believe that mc is female are the most annoying ones, like i get it, of course, a large part of twst fandom are women who are attracted to men, but also. there are. so many otome games. no literally a huge reason why i often don't feel comfortable playing otome games is because I HAVE NO IDEA WHY but i really just don't want to play as a girl and i don't want those characters to see my mc as a girl. (i rarely see my mc as a self-insert btw and almost always see them as their own character) LIKE I DON'T KNOW CAN'T PEOPLE WHO SEE THEIR MCS AS MALE/NB HAVE SOMETHING. like i literally love twst and obey me (i really should play it more often but again. my phone doesn't like it and idk if it will run on my tablet) exactly because of how "genderless" their mcs feel and that i can just see them as whatever gender i want them to be. and idk it just.. doesn't feel good when people are trying to remind me that "btw mc is obviously supposed to be a girl" especially when i already kinda know that considering the audience/demographic.
the second topic was probably more popular to discuss when i first got into the game and when it first came out: character x mc or character x character. i was a big character x character enjoyer and didn't really care about character x mc at first until i got interested in riddleyuu and malleyuu. but yeah, watching those sides fight was like. guys you both are losing. like some character x character fans were being mean and hating on self-inserts and some character x mc fans were saying things like "y'all just want more guys to ship". and like. there's nothing wrong with both of those things like calm down. i still can see people arguing because of that, but i just try to ignore them now tbh.
milgram: *clicks on the tag* .. yeah whatever is going on right now.
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stephenjaymorrisblog · 6 months
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If You Have No Imagination, You Can’t
Stephen Jay Morris
©Scientific Morality
            The late John Lennon was one of many voices of a generation, though many of those voices didn’t want the job. I think I wrote about this song some time ago. Well, recently, I saw a video posted by a Catholic bishop, denouncing the song, “Imagine,” by John Lennon. The name of the video is, “Why I hate the song, Imagine.” Hate, you say? Now that is a pretty strong word for a bishop of the Church. He initially gave faint praise to John Lennon and then proceeded to criticize the song, reciting it line by line, and explaining how each one was inspiring a rebellion of God, which is a sin.  He declared the song a “secular anthem.”
Okay, Boomer! But it’s not. What it is, is a wishful fantasy about the uniting of humanity. Can you imagine if he had written a line like, “Imagine no priests molesting little boys?” In that case, the bishop would have a reason to complain.
            John Lennon was the voice of a generation whether he wanted to be or not. This issue is similar to the Taylor Swift controversy today. In the early 70’s, the government, oil companies, and protestant churches were shitting bricks over John Lennon. So, like MLK, they spied on him and tried to extradite him from the USA.
            I remember the hatred and anger that spewed over this song in 1971. I was listening to a Top 40’s station when—I forget who the disk-jockey was—after playing the song, the guy went on a tirade about how John was a hypocrite because he was rich. It seems American conservatives have this misconception that, if you have leftist views, you must take a vow of poverty. Wrong! I’d rather be among rich communists that piss poor conservatives. So, am I to believe that if you are a conservative, you must be rich, otherwise you can’t be one? The anfractuous folly of the political right is endless.
            The song is a soft, wistful ballad that seems to have been written from a spiritual state of mind. Lyrically, it is suggesting the listener consider the propositions; ruminate over them. This type of fancible idealism started in the late 50’s to the mid 60’s.  The pacifist movement merged with the folk music era. Afterward came the Flower Children with their visions of world peace, and then the New Age movement in the 70’s. Lennon wanted to captivate the Boomer generation with this ballad, and he did.
Conservatives are afraid of artistic influence over the younger generations, for they are proponents of masculinity. Anything sensitive targets their accusations of inofficiousness to the Christian state. Femininity is evil and masculinity is godly.
John Lennon offered a great and novel proposition when he wrote:
Imagine there's no heaven.
It's easy if you try.
No hell below us
Above us only sky.
Imagine all the people living for today!
A well-said proposition. Most adherents to the three main religions look forward to death. They feel the earth is Satan’s property and that Heaven will be like Disney World. Suckers! Why not live for now?
Now for the political portion of the piece:
Imagine there's no countries.
It isn't hard to do.
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too.
Imagine all the people living life in peace.
Yeah, the conservatives are always preaching about small government. And yet if you say “do away with it” they lose their lunch. Good introduction for newbies to anarchism.
Now the line that pissed off conservatives:
Imagine no possessions.
I wonder if you can?
No need for greed or hunger.
A brotherhood of man.
Imagine all the people sharing all the world.
You may say I'm a dreamer.
But I'm not the only one.
I hope someday you’ll join us,
And the world will be as one.
Oh, gee! How fucking blasphemous!
So, in my confabulatory take of the religious shit, there are no such things as good and evil. God floods the earth and Satan talks about world peace. Forget about it!
This song is fantastic and if you don’t like it, fuck you! And fuck your material property’ too!
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pegasus-ghost · 2 years
An old friend just passed away.
I don’t know if I’ve mentioned in here that I used to have a friend from college named Syah.
We had really deep history together back in college. He was my good/best friend whilst in college and we were roommates for a short while.
He was bi and he had a crush on me for a while back then which I respected but just went with being good friends. We had tons of history in college, from playing games together, till fighting like hell.
I remembered back then I wanted to be thin and refused to eat much for 3 days. He got worried and forced me to eat something. I was so groggy and exhausted with little energy on the 3rd day and decided to eat a candy bar he gave me.
Then there was one time in college where I was cleaning the dusts in my dorm. It triggered my asthma. I didn’t have an inhaler back then because it rarely attacked me and whenever it happened, it wasn’t serious enough to warrant an inhaler. But that one time, it was. I could barely breathe and it was so fucking bad. Syah was the one who panicked and drove me all the way to the clinic to get medical treatment.
He was a kind and concerned friend. I have a lot of memories of him, both good and bad, mostly good. I remember hating him and always complained about him to my brothers because of how annoying he was. But I realized now that I, too, was fucking annoying to him.
The last time we met was when I worked at a call center, and he brought me to see his kid. Yes, he has a kid and there’s a sad and depressing history behind his broken marriage which I’m not gonna talk here.
Then one day, i just… vanished from his life.
When I was in my 20s, I was in my… Dark era. I was not a good person to anyone, especially to myself. I was so obsessed with my catfishing life that I just don’t bother about anything else. My focus was hyper fixated to my cat fishing personality instead of my own because I hated myself.
Then I got into a conversation years ago where Syah was discussing with two of my other friends who has kids about their kids. And I hated it. I was angry and bitter with them because it reminded me of how I was alone and unwanted, how I was still single when the rest of them were married with kids. So I vent my feelings and left the group chat.
I never looked back and never talked to any of them again.
Occasionally, I would still see Syah liking my Instagram or Facebook posts although he doesn’t talk to me anymore. But I ignored it. Not out of hatred, but just…. I don’t know… I just don’t like talking and connecting to people.
Then in January 2023, Allah sent me an instinct to watch Syah’s brother’s instastory (yes I followed his siblings too). I was seriously shocked to see him posting about apologizing to people on behalf on Syah who ‘might have sent people inappropriate DMS’ because he was sick.
I immediately DMed him and asked how long has he been sick and what was he sick with?
Stage 4 liver cancer.
I immediately texted Syah. Apologized like hell. Told him how I felt when I was young and stupid, and how I have learned to change recently. Apologized to him for the selfishness towards him, and how I was always so insensitive to his needs when we were in college.
He said (and I’ll never forget this), “Daww. I love you the most ❤️.”
He told me that fights were normal, and he seemed okay with me, and didn’t take it to heart that I never contacted him after I left the group chat years ago.
I wanted to visit him and asked him for his address or hospital ward number. But he seemed reluctant and kept changing the topic. I took the hint that he didn’t want me seeing him weak and sad, and I respected his wish.
Just a week and a half later from that chat, I found out from Syah’s brother that he has finally passed away on 25 February 2023, 7.50am.
I didn’t know what to think other than feeling… surprised at first. But it was a long time coming. I already knew from Syah’s brother that Syah had been extremely ill to the point of bedbound and paralyzed from the waist down. His cancer was spreading fast into his back bone.
But one thing I do felt for him, was a tad bit envious.
Syah had been tested by Allah with a lot of heavy burdens in his life especially with his kid and broken marriage which broke him. Then recently the cancer.
But he died young. He died at 33. And he died being pious and religious. Allah loved him so much that Allah saved him from worldly things and let him rest early in the afterlife.
Even if he is punished in hell, he’s only going to be punished for 33 years (or lesser) worth of sin.
And he already knows his ending. That’s the end of his test in this world. He’s done. And he died a Muslim, a good one too.
What about me? How’s my future going to look like? Am I going to die young too? Would I have the opportunity to die in a state where Allah is pleased with me? Am I going to pass Allah’s future tests for me? Am I going to have a good or bad end?
I didn’t wanna go to his funeral at first because I felt shy to go alone, I felt I would be intrusive to his family members who deserves to be there more than I do.
But all of a sudden, my other college friend texted me. He was also good friends with me and Syah, we were a trio all the time in college, but I was closer to Syah than him. Apparently he too, lost contact with Syah and didn’t realize Syah had been sick and passed. He asked me if I want to go to his funeral because he’s going. I immediately said yes and packed my bags to leave instantly the moment I had company.
Allah knew my concern, and He, again, helped me, by getting him to text me and accompany me to the funeral.
I reached early. And I managed to see Syah’s pale face and kissed his forehead before they send him to the cemetery. I whispered to Syah that I forgave him for all of the things he did to me and I asked him to forgive me too, and wished him good luck with the afterlife.
I kept praying in my heart repeatedly to Allah, begging Him to not torture Syah in the Barzakh world. Beg Him to forgive Syah for his sins and widen his grave and place his soul in the garden of Jannah. He was a good person to his family and friends and he always took care of himself religiously. He deserves a good ending.
Me, on the other hand? Not so much.
After the funeral ended, I drove back home. But on the way, I cried. I fucking cried my eyes out.
Not because I missed Syah. Not because I felt bad for not contacting him.
Because I was scared. Scared of how Allah will end me. Will I also have a good ending like Syah? Is Allah pleased with me? I am trying hard to fulfil the 5 prayers a day plus paying back all of the prayers I left for 20 years. I was and still am fully prepared to replace my prayers until I was 54 if Allah wills it.
But is it enough? I still find myself falling back into my old habits and mindset regularly whenever I’m around my family. It’s challenging as fuck to pass Allah’s tests of training my heart to be ‘good’ because I’m already so used to my ‘bitter and resentful’ persona around my family. I can’t even be a good person with a good heart like Syah. Syah doesn’t even have an ounce of hate in his heart. He forgives easily. But me? I keep grudges. And I hate that about myself. That’s something I want to change desperately and I’m trying to train my heart to let go.
It’s been improving slowly thanks to Allah. But nowhere near perfect. I still fall back. And I kept apologizing to Allah. I apologized so much that I sometimes question if Allah thinks my apology is fake? Or were my apologies fake? I don’t know.
What if I reach a breaking point and just… fall back to who I was and that I don’t change anymore. I even felt… so empty and blank, during the funeral. So numb.
It scared me a little because I was afraid if that was a sign that Allah didn’t like me, hence he ‘locked’ my heart from feeling anything during the funeral.
I’m so envious with Syah. He doesn’t have to face tests in this world anymore. He’s not going to potentially face Dajjal. His life is done and I’m sure he did great. His family loved him. He died being loved dearly by his family.
Me? My fate isn’t certain yet. Sure I’m trying to do good now. But who knows that Allah has a different plan for me and thinks I’m actually not worthy? And gives me a bad ending?
All of these just makes me scared. I’m scared as fuck if Allah is not pleased with me. But the only energy I’m capable of for now is to ensure my prayers are full, and that I slowly read the Quran again, recite it, and sometimes learn about Islam and stuff.
I don’t wake up in the middle of the night to do sunnah prayers. I only do obligatory stuff. Is that enough for Allah to be pleased with me? I don’t mind even if it’s the lowest of heaven. As long as Allah is pleased with me.
These were the questions that made me cry. I prayed after that and sobbed like hell. Syah already knows his ending. And he died young, which means very less sin. I’m not even close to being nice like Syah. And I wasn’t religious. I don’t grow up in a religious family like him. I’m just… starting to learn about Islam now and I am so fucking scared that I would go back to the old me.
Because I realized it’s so easy to fall back and forget Allah. So EASY. And it’s not easy to always remember Allah. I try to remember Allah everyday but I still find myself being very pre occupied with worldly distractions and forgot to thank Allah. And I hate myself for it.
But I won’t give up. I’m scared of the consequences if I ever give up. Because I don’t have a choice. Allah will spite me if I give up. And there’s nowhere to run or hide if Allah is angry with me. The only way out is to be on Allah’s good side.
And being constant to maintain on His good side is…
So. Fucking. Hard.
Please help me Allah. I can’t do this without Your help.
Please let me live and die with You being pleased with me. That’s all I want.
Al-Fatiha to Syah. I hope Allah will show you mercy and place you in heaven, man. And if you’re in heaven and I’m in hell, don’t forget about me. Same, Vice verse.
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danger-noodle-uwu · 3 years
Welcome to Tumblr ~
I'm a sucker for hurt/comfort so is it okay if you bless me with headcannons of the brothers getting into an argument with mcal and how they would make up for it??
Trigger warning!!
Mentions of blood/abuse/angst/death/harassment
Do not proceed if sensitive.
Known to be violent, Lucifer has tendencies of not only just of harsh words but worse.
In multiple moments had he lashed out on mc as well as his own brothers. Though afterwards he was always sorry for his actions. Yet that won't change what has been done... for damage is done...
Mc was sweet but slightly dense, they had many times triggered the demon to the certain extent where it was life or death for them.
One of such incidents was when they argued about Lilith as his doll refused for the death being his mistake. He disagreed.
He knew it was his fault that lilith is gone, that belphegor will be haunted for eternity, that Satan's hatred for him will never fade.
Mc being Mc, tried to convince their lover that there was no-one responsible for the war. And it was due to him, lilith lived happily with her partner.
The prideful yet guilty demon was in a clear denial still believing in his guilt.
Hovering over your shaking figure, he threw you over to the door breaking it down. He turned away back to his desk not bothered only to rush back to your dying cries.
He broke your spine. Shattered it entirely.
Now, he killed the love of his life from his own hands. But wait-
"Barbatos!" He remembered how you came back due to the ancient demon's powers.
So, he flew. He flew like he once had to.To dying Lilith. But you will come back...
He prays. He waits. Stands there uselessly.
"Ahhh!!" They scream finding him next to their body. Of course they were just a human. A fragile-hearted human.
Even Luke could see the pain in his eyes. The child prayed to father hoping their sibling-like-friend to be cured. Perhaps a miracle...
The pair never had private moment with each-other until 3 years. He broke everything he ever had...
His heart broke every day. He died inside out. He deserves this. Pain and guilt were his partner for the time you weren't, and they again are. They will always be.
Then arrived the day, when mc healed. From every wound he ever gave. They were happy but what made it better was they stayed claiming "it was your fault. Yes however, I choose what I want and all I want is you. Nonetheless this nuisance needn't happen again or I will marry diavolo!"
Eyes wide, he watches the mc who was once too shy to even compliment him without blushing, kiss him. Making him melt. A passionate rough kiss was shared.
Diavolo knew how his friend truly felt therefore gave him all the time, he wished to with his human. Even going as far as paying the expense of each everyplace you visited.
The day was beautifully spent by a lake watching the star shower over their bodies causing them to giggle.
While Mc giggled at sensation of shiny star caressing their soft skin, Lucifer was giggling at their cuteness not forgetting he could have torn it off your face because of what he..... No, live in the present.
"I will never let this happen again, flower..."
He isn't abusive at all. Not with his words or physical actions as he knows how it feels.
Yet, sometimes his tongue is slippery.
Insults are exchanged each time you've ever fought even at the little things.
He always regrets it in the end especially when you two argued about the punishments he had to suffer through.
Expectations are far from reality. For you had thought he'd be glad however he said "no." So as to why would he say that?
His claims included something like-"Lucifer is the eldest. So let him do what he wants. Plus, he'll explode from the stress."
What was he thinking?
You love him and you can't watch hurt himeself by the first-born. So, you argued.
Argued to protect the one you truly cherished. Attempted to stop the pain from reaching delicate heart. But little did you know what he had in stock for you...
" You fuckin' wh*re! Do ya' have idea your dumb*ss mouth is blabberin' about?! Damned sl*t..." so many piercing words left his mouth and he didn't stop at that...
Did he really see you that way? You never knew...
Tears flowed out like rivers. All you could feel was the stabbing pain your chest.
On the sight of you sliding down the wall to fall on the hard floor of your room, he was regretting it all... what got into him...?
"Oi... human, look at me...I am sorry..." he thought you'd forgive him like every other day. He thought wrong.
You used the pact and threw him out. You needed time for yourself. To gather yourself up. To fight against abuse even if you have to lose the one you love.
"Humans cannot stand abuse neither can angels nor can demons." Your talk with prideful one was rather smooth and the message was conveyed.
'No one will hurt you anymore.'
Mammon impatiently stood at your doors waiting outside for the brother who now swore to never abuse him to leave.
Hands trembling as he let out a breadth he didn't know was holding.
Star-like teardrops came out his gradient eyes when you embraced him, he must've hurt you so bad.
Making up to you was something he enjoyed, the picnic date, the party session in The fall or playing with baby animals.
By end of the day, you were safe and sound in his arms, sleeping as he slowly confessed to you about the vows he wrote.
" You are, you were and you will always be my safe place. My Human, I love you..."
Leviathan, The grand admiral of hell's navy is the one of the most violent among his brothers. Afterall, the title required no-less.
He can barely control his envy...and if you combine that with anger...
It was horrifying... he held you up high by his pure muscle tail squeezing your waist making you scream in pain.
It felt like your ribs started to stab your organs while they shatter themselves.
His yelling only came to a stop when a 'crunch' was heard and your struggling stopped... w-were y-you ..? No-no y- you can't be... could you?
The room's silence was broken by your strained breathing. He smiled--completely forgot about you dying from pain for a moment.
He ran to Solomon who was simply invited by Satan. The third-born was very joyful to hear that you would be alright.
But really would you?
The wizard healed you almost immediately and carried you to your room for he'd realized what had truly happened to you...
" Don't forgive him easily or he'll worsen." Suggests the witty Boi while brewing tea.
And you agreed, That demon has been guilt tripping towards you since the attic incident.
A few days, you refused to let him even speak to you, using the pact each-time. He was hurting but he knew he practically begged for this when he did that.
After 3 days of bugging his brothers, he finally came to you on his knees with a box of goodies he had made for you.
Usually, making up would consist of cuddling while talking about your interests however today, it was different.
It had to be different. He put you through so much pain. So, he recalled all those places you wanted to visit and tried to make list for the ones admired the most. (He failed)
That's exactly how you ended up in the cozy yet shimmery cave of dying stars. (Yes pun intended)
He maintained his distance until you pulled him close to hold the glowing ball of light with you, the back of your hand touched his palm and he saw that your aura had lit up.
Exploring the cave together, the Otaku murmured a hushed 'I love you' and reminded you that you were loved.
That he belongs to you and he swore to never let a mistake take away his home.
The wrathful demon was either on the verge of tears or screaming his lungs out. Despite wrath being his sin, he knew how to remain calm no-matter how awful a situation would get.
Arguments were mostly calm. So calm if someone listened they would say that it was just a conversation.
However, when out of hand, he would yell so loud that it's deafening. His growls could be heard in the HOL. His words were not that sharp as of asmodeus or mammon.
Yet, do not consider him likewise or he will repeat what he did that dreadful day.
Another book goes flying past your head, missing it by 3 inches as you slowly wilt and cry. What did I do wrong?
Harshly lifting you up, the fourth-born screams at you all over again claiming as to why you had dared to stop him from ripping apart Asmodeus for touching you there.
You were hurt no-doubt, but he was going to hurt his own brother. You had to stop him.
And for that now, he rubs salt in all of your wounds. He yells once again but louder for his brothers to hear who stood behind the door locked unable to break it due to the enchantment that lingered upon it.
"I am s-sorry" you choke out in midst of those sobs. Flinching slightly Satan stared at you in bewilderment.
Lost in his wrath, he forgot you were the one hurt.
So, he stopped. He stopped and offered you hand gently which you were reluctant to accept but did.
He slowly embraced you, giving enough time to push him away if you want to. He expected you to.
Nevertheless, you needed him and his comfort. It hurts a lot.
Your head rests on his chest, tears staining his shirt while you clinged onto him as if for dear life.
Few minutes pass in silence as you calm yourself and you are okay.
The rest day is spent in the dense yet wonderful forest that was often visited by the blonde himself.
You read to each-other, played hide&seek, petted the majestic creatures found there and so much more.
" The soft petals of gypsophila remind me of you. For they stand for everlasting love."
Capable of verbal abuse and ear-piercing screams. He has a history. A long history of how he manipulated many. Broke their hearts.
He knows where it hurts. And he abuses it.
The Avatar of lust did not hold back during an argument even if you're his true love.
Most arguments ended with both Mc and Asmo on floor crying and begging each other not to let go.
This time it was different, it was pure misery for you both. It had highly impacted your relationship.
Of course it did, how could he tease you in such a way. Who thinks it's a good idea to tease people about leaking their nudes?!
"Gah! I was just messing with you!! Give. Me. My. Phone. Back. Now." Growled the Fifth-born after a few attempts at snatching it back. "Not until I delete those images!" You replied while frantically searching for those images.
"You won't able to find them, so stop wasting time and give it back!! Ugh!" Asmo let out a frustrated sigh as you panicked not finding the very same thing you argued about.
How could he be such a creep?!
"F*CK OFF!!!" He threw you out... out of his room... what will you do now... everything is over for you... no hope... nothing!!!
You screamed and broke down right outside his room. He heard every plead, muffled scream and felt your tears but didn't wipe them clean, as if trying to leave you behind in the past. Forgotten.
Three hours later, The strawberry blondelocks was in a condition to ask your forgiveness for the time had been spent dwelling over his inner ugly-self. He knew how big mistake had he made.
Entering your room as quiet as possible, he showed you each-every image you wanted gone and deleted them in a single-go.
"You want space, don't you? So I will give to you. Take your time, Mc. I am sorry. I will wait for you. Just... stay safe and don't forget to eat..."
He did not deserve you. He deserved suffering the same way he'd made so many feel.
Betrayed. Not from someone else but himself. Disgusted. At how low he could fall. Pained. For his lover shed glistening tears due to him.
Recovery from this wound took a month, everything was changed. But for the betterment only. Never was a picture taken or uploaded without your knowledge and consent.
Making up would always something new each-time. Like the visit to rose gardens or the ice-skating session. Oh, not to forget when his hand-made earing fell straight into the soup.
"You choose." "How about this?" "Perfect!"
The resort was next to an flower garden, plus points for the swimming pool.
Delicate bougainvilleas decorated the railing of the balcony, they were divine especially due to the melodious chirping in the background. Not a single soul is breaking the harmony in the atmosphere. Asmo must be asleep.
The peaceful sleep was not for long as there were many wonders waiting to be found by you and your lover.
From the long gone storm, Asmodeus had learned 'Love' is a journey, two travellers set together.
And today, he will will start again. But with faith and trust. And most importantly, Love.
Yeah that was long! Took me 3 days to write cuz the workload from school increased and the each one had different scenario. So yeah. I might post beelzebub and belphegor later. uwu
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ikaroux · 3 years
Xiao: Always (part 2) (EN)
The Japanese dubbing of Kirito (Sword art online), helped me a lot to imagine how Xiao's emotions would be expressed.
The ost that inspired me a lot for most of the scenes:
Ori and the will of the wisps: Fading of the Light and The story of Niwen (The ost in general fits Xiao perfectly <3)
Part 1
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You had been in Liyue for several months now for your research. You had met several people there, some of whom had turned into real friendships. Hu Tao, Ganyu and the lovely Qiqi were the only girls with whom you had formed a real friendship and then there was Mr. Zhongli with whom you liked to talk a lot.
But above all you met Xiao, a taciturn young man with a cold look in his eyes. After some research, you learned who he really was, a follower protecting Liyue at the risk of his life. He was also known as the last surviving Yaksha, fighting day and night against the emanations of the ancient evil gods killed by the Geo Archon.
Zhongli, who had revealed to you who he really was, often spoke to you about Xiao. Sometimes he would ask you to bring him some medicine specially designed for him to relieve the pain that was eating him up inside.
This was not a big problem for you, as you were staying at the Wangshu Inn. It was perfectly located in the centre of Liyue, making it easier for you to get to different research sites. Zhongli had explained to you that this inn was a front, built mainly to relieve Xiao a little from his eternal burden.
Since your meeting with the adept, you had never dared to call him, for fear of disturbing him. You simply left Zhongli's small gifts in his flats, placed prominently on the table in the centre of the room.
A gift... you had wanted to give him one for some time, but not knowing his tastes, it was difficult to decide. What if he doesn't like it? What if he got mad at you? What if... You then thought of the innkeeper in Wangshu who had known Xiao for a while, she must have known a thing or two about the follower's tastes!
After consulting Verr Goldet on what Xiao liked, she taught you how to prepare the young man's favourite dish. So you prepared tofu with almonds once or twice a week as a gift to him. But even so, he never deigned to show himself to you again.
Yet Xiao was never far from you, always hidden in the shadows watching you, protecting you from the dangers that lurked.
The bond he felt between you and him had never disappeared. Near you, all the pain, all the suffering he felt disappeared. He knew that you were human, so fragile, so fleeting compared to him who had lived for millennia, yet in his eyes you were a true goddess. The night he saw you surrounded by this halo of light, his world was turned upside down. Of course he had discussed this with his master, Morax, or rather Zhongli as he liked to be called from now on.
Xiao asked him during one of their conversations:
"I don't understand, I can never take my eyes off her and my heart - he placed his hand on his chest, clutching the white tunic he was wearing - hurts when I lose sight of her for even a few seconds. I don't understand... Sir Zhongli, I don't understand..."
His voice often broke at such moments. Zhongli then placed his hand on the follower's shoulder, a gentle smile on his face.
"Talk to him and you will finally understand. "he would say to her each time.
"I can't... If I stay around her too long... the darkness around me will eventually engulf her too. "
The sadness in Zhongli's eyes matched the sadness in Xiao's. The adept would often leave without the answer he so eagerly awaited, going to the balcony of the inn to sit on the railing and gaze at the stars. When his gaze turned to his room, more precisely to the small round wooden table in the centre, he was looking for proof of your presence. Almost every day you would leave him an offering, medicine, the almond tofu he loved so much, a flower, a mineral or an artefact you had found on your expeditions. Every little gift you gave him made him forget his torments for a short while, savouring the joy he felt at the time. He treasured every item you gave him, carefully stored in a small gold box encrusted with jade.
When the moon was high in the sky, Xiao would sometimes go to your room, passing by your balcony to see if you were sleeping. Sometimes he would go inside the moonlit room to see your sleeping face. He thought you were terribly beautiful, he had never been so fascinated by anyone, let alone a mortal. He would sometimes tuck a strand of your hair back behind your ear, slightly disturbing your sleep, and you would wrinkle your nose with a groan, causing him to back away hastily.
When Xiao was sure you were still asleep, he would take the opportunity to give you a gift of his own, placed on your bedside table.
As he did every night, he would end up sitting on the roof of your balcony watching for any threat to you.
By the time the sun came up, Xiao was already gone. When you woke up, you would find objects that were not there the day before. It could be a crystal nucleus or sometimes a Qingxin flower, which made you smile every time. You kept all the gifts he gave you as a treasure.
Today you had to go to Mondstadt to visit your friend Lisa, whom you had met in Sumeru. She had come one year to visit her former teachers, introducing herself to the students in the class. The two of you had talked a lot, creating a bond of friendship that you had maintained through correspondence.
In your last exchanges, she expressed a wish to see you, which you gladly accepted. You had planned to stay there for a week, so it was not surprising that you were preparing some things to take with you.
Even though your protector never showed up in front of you, at least not since that night when he gave you his name, you wanted to leave him a letter to explain that you would be back in Liyue in a week.
Before leaving, you left him a plate of tofu with almonds, your letter carefully placed next to the plate.
You didn't think that the wind would blow your letter away from him before he had even read it.
Xiao was accompanying Aether and two other companions for the day. They were to help him confront creatures once sealed in an ancient temple near the nine pillars of Cuijue Slope. The battle was long and difficult, but in the end they managed to exterminate the monsters, allowing Aether to retrieve the treasure that lay deep in the ruins. Xiao hurried back to the Wangshu Inn, feeling a bottomless pit forming inside him. He had been feeling uneasy for a while, a part of him wanted to make sure you were okay. When he arrived at his flat, he saw that you had left him a plate of tofu with almonds, and he took a bite, although he was too nervous to really enjoy them properly.
Xiao put his hand over his face in great pain.
His chest hurt terribly, the voices in his head tortured him again and his body seemed to be chained by the darkness inside him. Why was this? His karma hadn't weighed so heavily on him since he... since he... had met you.
He exhaled loudly, a sudden fear filling his body, making his hands tremble. Without further questioning, he quickly disappeared through his anemo vision and landed in your room. It was pitch black and looked horribly empty. The books usually scattered around your room were gone, your things were gone, your wardrobe was empty.
"No... no... don't go... (Y/n) don't go..."
His voice trembled in shock as his eyes still searched for traces of your presence.
Nothing. There was nothing. Nothing left. You were gone.
He couldn't even feel your presence on Liyue's land.
Had something happened to you? What if you had been attacked by monsters? The thought terrified him. He thought of your sleeping face, so peaceful. He thought of the promise he had made to himself to protect you.
Your absence was as painful to him as the day Aether told him Rex Lapis was dead. He couldn't bear it.
Xiao vowed to find you again and if you accepted him, he would stay by your side, he would not run away again.
He would listen to you sing again.
He searched for you for seven long days, which was a real physical and psychological torture for him. Aether, worried about his friend, helped him in his search, informing Zhongli, Ganyu and Hu Tao of your disappearance and the state in which the follower was.
Xiao always carried one of the gifts you had given him, holding on to it in the hope of finding you safe and sound.
With his mask over his face and his spear in hand, he slaughtered every hilichurl camp, hoping to find some trace of you, something that would prove to him that you were still alive. Disappointment after disappointment, the anger and hatred grew inside him every day, struggling to control it. He was leaving behind a pool of blood, soon he would sink into madness, feeling the sting of the karmic chains that made him sink a little deeper. How could he have formed such a strong bond with someone that he lost control?
"Xiao, we're going to find her. "
Zhongli's reassuring hand rested on the follower's shoulder.
Xiao had not removed his mask, but the former Geo Archon could still see tears of pain flowing from his eyes. His hand moved from his shoulder to the top of the young man's head. He knew what Xiao was going through, after all he too had lost loved ones in the past.
A varnished lily flower suddenly appeared under Xiao's nose. Ganyu held it out to him with a thin smile on his face. The Yaksha, who had watched you for a long time, knew that this flower was your favourite, many times he had seen you studying it, drawing it, smelling it, admiring it...
He could clearly see your face beaming as you drew it, singing a Sumeru tune.
He slowly grasped the flower that the young woman was holding out to him with renewed hope.
You had been leaving Lisa for a few hours now, promising her and your new friends that you would return to see them soon. You were anxious to get to the Wangshu Inn to rest. You missed your friends in Liyue and the absence of the Yaksha warrior around you left your heart empty.
You knew that he was never far from you. You knew that at night he sometimes stroked your hair, thinking you were asleep. You knew how soft his eyes were when he watched you draw.
You knew that he loved to listen to you sing.
Your lips curled upwards, happy at the idea of finding his presence. For this occasion you had grabbed an anemo crystal core which you intended to offer his.
When you reached the border between Mondstadt and Liyue, the atmosphere suddenly seemed heavy. You could not hear the birds singing, nor the wind cradling the trees.
Time seemed to stand still.
Alerted, you quickened your pace, crossing the wooden bridge that separated you from the shore.
The sudden sound of a branch breaking made you jump. You looked towards the source of the noise, finding yourself face to face with a Brutorocheux chief surrounded by some Brutoshamans and common Brutocollinus.
Your voice and body trembled.
"Why are they here? There have never been so many monsters on the border..."
The Brutocollinus came forward, threatening, it screamed, the breath knocking you to the ground. The smaller ones stepped forward, weapons in hand, while the Brutoshamans chanted their incantations.
Fear froze you in place, you were not a warrior, far from it. Your pupils dilated with fear and shook as the Brutoshaman ran towards you, fist in the air, ready to crush you. By reflex you had grown brambles around you to protect yourself.
But the creature in front of you was of a geo nature, impervious to the little thorns in your plants. Your trembling hand rose before you, summoning a flower capable of projecting poison, but again the monster crushed your hopes as did the flower beneath its feet.
"As long as you are in Liyue, I will protect you. Call me and I'll be there in a second."
Fear choked you, tears beading in the corners of your eyes as you remembered the words of the man you loved.
The sight of his gentle smile as he looked at you, thinking you hadn't noticed his presence.
The tender look in his eyes as he listened to you singing hidden behind a tree.
His hands savouring the feel of your hair between his fingers as you slept.
"XIAO! "
The moment you shouted his name, a gust of wind swept through the area. Blows rained down before you, and the brutocollinus and brutoshamans were the first to perish.
There he was, leaping to an inhuman height, a mask hiding his face and a menacing black aura covering him completely. The spear he always carried with him was pointed at the enemy as the Yaksha fell violently to the ground, sending out anemo illusions from his weapon that skewered the creature. He repeated his move once more, shattering its shell, before finishing it off by charging it with extreme speed. The Brutorocheux fell heavily to the ground, disappearing in a cloud of smoke.
Xiao moved his hand in front of his face, making his mask disappear, and then planted his spear on the ground. He ran towards you over the brambles you had created, not caring about the thorns that tore his legs. He knelt beside you, his eyes filled with terror and concern.
You looked into his eyes, shocked and trembling.
Finally you exploded, screaming and crying now that it was all over. You fell into his arms, your head resting in the crook of his neck, partially muffling your screams and tears.
He had found you. At last...
His heart broke free from its chains, relieved to see you safe and sound.
He felt as if his heart was going to burst out of his chest, so strong was it beating.
When he had reached you after your call and had seen you surrounded by monsters, monsters that were there because of him, because of the slaughter he had made in the camps of his creatures, the rage had risen in him. If you had been hurt because of him, he would never forgive himself.
He would never have forgiven himself.
He was surprised by your sudden embrace, not really knowing how he should react. What did humans do in such moments?
He raised his arms hesitantly, placing his hands gently on your back. Seeing that you didn't reject him, he hugged you a little tighter, soothing his soul and body with your warmth.
"Don't disappear again..."
His voice was husky, vibrant, emotion knotting his throat. He buried his nose in your hair, inhaling the scent of the flowers that covered you.
Your tears continued to fall as your hands clutched at his clothes.
He surprised you by planting a kiss on your neck. He left his face hidden there, not wanting to be seen so vulnerable. His trembling hands around you were more than enough to describe the emotions that were currently running through him.
When your tears stopped, his hands gently grasped your shoulders, pulling you back to get a better look at your face. He wiped away the tears that remained on your cheeks before placing the palm of his hand on them, caressing you with his thumb. Your hand joined his, closing your eyes to savour the sensation.
His forehead came to rest against yours, exhaling a shaky breath.
The happiness of finally having her so close to you involuntarily activated your dendro vision. Varnished lily flowers bloomed around you, and firefly-like particles of light swirled near your faces.
"Stay close to me. Always. "
"Always. "
Xiao didn't know exactly what he was doing as he tilted his head to your lips. The only thing he knew was that he wanted this connection badly.
The bond between you was stronger than any contract, he loved you, by the archons, he loved you more than anyone else.
An emotion so human but so beautiful...
Your lips... tasted like a sweet dream.
Bonus n°1:
"Ah, there they are! "
Paimon yelled to his companions, pointing at you and Xiao. Zhongli was the first to arrive and observed the scene unfolding before his eyes.
"XIAO! "
Paimon shouted, his voice carrying to you. Xiao parted violently from your lips, falling on his butt in the process, his face completely red with embarrassment.
Aether, who had arrived just after Zhongli, grabbed the little fairy in his arms, planting his hand over her mouth to silence her. Hu Tao and Ganyu were waving at you, reassured that you were okay. Xiao had completely forgotten that they had come with them.
He knew that with that chatty fairy and Hu Tao not far away, the rest of the day was going to be hell for him. He wanted to grab you in his arms and run away from his troubles, but when his gaze turned to Zhongli's, his heart was suddenly lighter with a burden. The gentle smile of his master and the kindly gaze he projected upon him broke the last remaining chains of doubt within him.
Bonus #2:
Xiao had offered you on the way back the varnished Lily flower that Ganyu had given him earlier, hanging it in your hair. You walked behind your companions towards the Wangshu Inn, laughter and loud discussions (too loud for his taste) were going on.
Xiao stood very close to you without physically touching you. You never took your eyes off his face, which he noticed. He abruptly turned his head in the opposite direction, the tips of his ears glowing crimson, forcing an affectionate smile on your face.
After a few minutes of silent walking between the two of you, he finally asked you a question.
"Why did you leave? -He looked at you again, his eyes full of emotion-"I thought you were gone forever...or worse, dead. "
His voice trembled at the thought, making your eyes widen. In a comforting gesture, you grabbed his hand, interlacing your fingers with his. The gesture surprised him, he was not used to physical (or emotional!) contact.
"Didn't you read my letter? "
Xiao blinked, once, twice, three times.
"What letter? "
"The one I left on the table next to the tofu dish. "
Xiao's face became totally impassive. He tried to piece together a visual image of his room in his mind, seeing your dish on his table very clearly, but no matter how hard he concentrated, no letter came to him.
"There was no letter. "
"Oh... Maybe it was blown away then?"
Xiao remained silent as you explained that you had gone to see a friend in Mondstadt. He listened to you without really listening, an array of emotions passing through his eyes. He needed someone to blame, anyone he could vent his anger and frustration on.
The wind... The wind...
A malevolent smile spread across his face and his amber eyes glowed with a menacing gleam.
He brought his hand up to his face, a gesture he made to reveal his Yaksha mask.
His hoarse voice whispered dangerously:
Further on, in Mondstadt, Venti felt a shiver run through his body, freezing him in place.
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Graveyard Siblings (2)
Alright, Here is the addition to the first post I made about Marinette having a somewhat of a similar backstory to Jason.
WARNING: the Revenge part have some suicide, death, physical abuse and bullying stuff mentioned. Extreme Lila Bashing.
Marinette runs a business called Afterlife (I am bad with names, gimme a break) with Wayne Enterprise as a partnership. She is the mysterious designer MT.
Jagged knows about Marinette and the whole LB thing after one scare and an explanation and promotes it a lot.
The Waynes can’t believe that she knew Jagged Stone.
So Afterlife brand is taking off and is the hottest new thing since Jagged is wearing it and MT is apparently the mysterious newly adopted Wayne who hasn’t appeared in public much and the family’s personal designer.
Loads of Celebrity commissions.
Gabriel loses sales as the new line they launched ‘coincided’ with the launch of Afterlife’s newest fashion line called Karma.
I should mention that Edna Mode(?) and Audrey Bourgeois gave many praises to MT because they are amazing designs and to spite Gabriel a little bit.
Gabriel doesn’t panic yet. A lie
I haven’t talked about Lila much, have I? Let’s just say she got a visit from a ghost, well, several ghosts.
Remember that guy Marinette mentioned that could get her fake documents. It was John Costantine, who owes her a favor ( he owes her more than a few and he would do anything she asked for her brownies. )
Tim and Babs dig up dirt on Lila Rossi and their silence was brought with a delicious cake.(coffee flavored for Tim)
Gets John to do a little summoning for her.
(Suicide implied, death, bullying, You have been warned)
“~Lila~. ~Oh Lila~”
Lila turned to her other side, wishing the voice would shut up.
“Oh, Lie-la, sleeping so peacefully. So silent. I wish you would stay that way forever.” The voice said menacingly.
Lila’s eyes snapped wide open to come face-to-face with supposed to be dead Marinette Dupain-Cheng with a manic look. Did Marinette had red eyes before?
Lila screamed.
“Oh, it’s no use. No one will hear you. Remember when you said those words. To poor Bianca. Every day at lunch break in the old unused bathrooms when you beat her up for not doing as you say.”
A girl with long dark hair appeared. Covered in black and blue bruises. Looking at Lila with hate.
“Let’s not forget. Poor Tommy. Alex. Andrea. Wil. Gary. Nico. Freya. Magnus. Della…” As Marinette listed off names, more and more teens appeared, the youngest being a 10 year old girl.
They all had the same expression as Bianca. Utter hatred.
“And there is me. The latest in your long line of victims. Lie-la, how do you feel right now, looking at the casualties of your greed for fame and fortune? Your ‘enemies’. And you know that English saying, ‘The enemy of my enemy is my friend’.” Marinette gave a sinister laugh.
“You are dead. You were all supposed to be dead. This isn't real. This isn’t real.” Lila chanted, closing her eyes and covering her ears.
She felt cold fingers lifting up her face to meet red eyes, promising many Bad things.
“Sorry, sweetie. This is the cold harsh reality. You thought that you could get away with it. The deaths you caused with your filthy lies and ‘so-call accidents’. You danced on our ashes and you built your kingdom with our blood on your hands. I hoped you enjoyed it while it lasted. ”
The nails dug further into her face, drawing some blood and sure to leave some scars.
“Because, Lila Rossi, this is the last time you would know peace. And could you pass on a message to the Agrestes for me. Tell them that Death cannot hold back the wrath of Ladybug.” Turning to the other ghosts. “Get her.”
Marinette stepped back as the other teens pounced on her. Scratching, pulling, biting. Inflicting pain on Lila. She jumped out the window and landed next to John smoking.
“Thanks for everything. Will she be okay?” Lila’s screams can’t be heard due to a soundproof charm.
“She will wake up in the morning, a little sore thinking it was all a nightmare.”
“That is until she looks into a mirror. I left a little something to remind her that it actually happened. By the way, can you help me with this curse?” She said, pulling out a notebook.
“Let me see. Hmm.. Oh.. that’s a good one. Nice. Wow...You are very creative with curses, remind me to never get on your bad side. But are you sure about that last part?”
“Lila needs a lesson and as much as I hate her and wants her to suffer for the rest of eternity. She doesn’t deserve being tormented for the rest of her life. At least, she should learn that actions have consequences, especially for everything she had done so far.”
“You are too kind despite everything that has happened, Pigtails.”
“Doesn’t mean I am going to give you the resurrection spell I used.”
“You are no fun. You are as bad as Bats.”
Lila’s curse is that she sees her victims when she leasts expects it. Alya, talking about her blog, is replaced with Bianca cracking her knuckles and about to punch Lila. In everyone else, it looked Lila screamed ‘Please don’t hurt me” to a confused Alya.
Lies some more to save face but the more she lies, the more the ghosts keep appearing. Some actually hurt her but there are no bruises or cuts to prove that it happened.
She is just so jumpy all the time and during photoshoots, Adrien gets replaced with a rotting corpse and every picture comes out with fear in her eyes.
Gabriel fires her after a million complaints.
Not before relaying Marinette’s message. “She cursed me. She came into my room and did this to me (pointing to the scars on her face.) She sent my dead classmates after me.”
“Ladybug. She told me to tell you that even Death cannot stop Ladybug’s wrath. So better watch your back, M. Agreste.”
(Gabriel didn’t feel threaten not at all. There is no such thing as ghosts. Sure magic is real with the Kwamis and the Miraculouses as proof. But ghosts? Those are just stories. Lila Rossi just had a nightmare that was too vivid for her. He definitely is not searching Google for warding them off. Especially revenge-seeking ones. He was just looking for inspiration. That MT caused a lot of trouble and sleepless nights for Gabriel but this next line was sure to be a success.) He was wrong.
No matter how many NDAs he made people signed and how much security measures he took. Afterlife seems to hosts fashion shows, launch new lines or their designs made the cover of a famous fashion magazine and SHOWING UP the GABRIEL brand EVERY! SINGLE! TIME!
Gabriel is rarely in the headlines these days and most of the billboards in Paris is filled with products from Afterlife (Chloe as a model with a mask to conceal her identity which adds to a mystery.) or WE.
He is super frustrated and a little desperate.
Got any ideas for revenge on Gabriel, Natalie and Adrien? Also the rest of the class?
(Part 3)
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nemeseos-noctua · 4 years
Hello! It's nice to see a new genshin impact writer! I saw requests are open, and there's two I have in mind (if it's ok with you): One is for Razor, Albedo, Xiao, and ganyu (possibly Aether if you can) wherein Reader is scared of love. Like, they're scared of opening up and love someone in fear of rejection or being tossed away. But yet they still daydream having someone who'd love them making it more obvious how much they want to love despite their fears anyway--
With this information, how will they confess to Reader about their feelings? Or comfort/console them?
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𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: albedo, xiao, ganyu, (separate) x gn!reader
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: reader has a pyro vision, albedo and xiao story spoilers in their parts
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: srry for cutting some characters off!! the character limit is 3! (but personally i would write for aether hehe hes so cute i love him)
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you just so happened to have a quest in dragonspine
you did not expect to see fatui—especially not fight them
and... you did not expect to get ganged up on! what is this? a bully session? what the heck?
Among the brawn and burly figures of the Fatui members, you didn’t fail to notice a streak of blonde and dazzling blue from a distance—your eyes widening as you prayed to whatever archon would dare to listen...
Please, please don’t be another stupid enemy. You thought with a grimace, your heart pounding in your chest as you could hear a voice—it was calm yet strong, like a endless waterfall or a river creek.
“Burst forth!” 
In a matter of seconds, a geo flower emerged from the earth, your form being lifted up on the tiny platform as shards of crystallized rock formed under you, nearly stabbing you in the gut.
Who? What? How? Who was this stranger? This vision-wielder?
Wasting no time, you plummeted down on a nearby Fatui—deeming this geo-user as ‘safe’, you summoned your own flames, charring the crystal snow black as you wrapped your arm around the blonde, barely taking any time to observe his features.
from then on, you never expected to grow close to this mystery man
turns out he was the chief alchemist of the knights! you weren’t personally associated with the knights... but being chief alchemist certainly was a grand title, right?
with the use of your pyro vision, you helped accompany—albedo—you learned his name was
at first, the two of you were just exploration buddies. but as time went on, butterflies began to form in your stomach, nervousness seemed to peak when he was around
love was like a poison—you knew it’d hurt, you knew it’d kill you to have a drop—
but you wanted it. you wanted love, you wanted to be held by albedo and to twirl his silky hair around your fingers...
but—would he want you?
You wanted to love Albedo so badly.
Yet you knew, you couldn’t. The alchemist just wasn’t the type for love, he was not the type to give kisses or reassurances, nor was he the type to confess with a rose in his hands.
It wouldn’t hurt to dream, though. 
The thoughts you had before you slept were of him, of how pretty his eyes were—you couldn’t even pinpoint a color for it. Sometimes, they were blue, sometimes, they were teal. 
With every shooting star that’d zip past the sky, every eyelash that’d fall and every fire that’d be lit with the palm of your hands... you hoped for a love. A love so grand it’d outshine the sun, a love so grand it could make you forget the past and undo the pain of before.
But, in the depths of your mind, in the wings of the butterflies that’d flutter in your stomach... you knew—
Albedo did not love you. 
albedo initially thought of you as a torch lighter.
LOOK, HE IS A LOGICAL AND RESOURCEFUL MAN. he does not see the world with a rosie-colored-lens like how many others do—he sees it as the facts
and with your pyro vision? combined with dragonspine, ooh, please... ain’t that a match lighter?
but as time went on, he started to see you in a new light
you were knowledgeable, you respected his views and even contributed sometimes! you were no prodigy of alchemy, of course, but you were well-versed in combat and oftentimes knew how to navigate dragonspine
(he asked you how you knew dragonspine so well. all you told him was “Pain”)
but... albedo is observant. he’s definitely aware of your feelings and nervousness, how you get overly sweaty near him and fumble on your words
it’s then he realizes—he likes you too
love is a foreign concept to him, uncharted territory and an unexplored region. of course, as an alchemist, it is up to him to discover the unknown
and love—love is unknown
how could one possibly dedicate their entire life to another? albedo always questioned this notion, for humans were free beings that wanted nothing more than to break free of their shackles
and yet—the moment the alchemist met you? all of those questions flew out of the window
he wished... he wished to love you. but to him, it looks as if you do not want to love him
It’s frustrating, really.
How Albedo would brush over your hand mindlessly, how he’d hand you an object and let your fingertips meet for two seconds too many, how his cold yet soft lips would curve into a smile upon seeing you return from your endeavors.
Why? Why? Why? Why did he do this? Was he aware of the way he made you go crazy? 
You wanted to love him, so so bad—but—
“[Y/N],” Albedo’s voice seemed to pierce through your thoughts as if he had heard them.
“Y-Yes?” You turned immediately, the rush of your heart not calming a bit, the nervousness of your leg that bounced up and down as a remedy that you wish didn’t have to be so obvious.
Averting his eyes from yours, you missed the pixie blush that dusted the tip of his ears. He was not aware of your insecurities—but he was aware of one thing.
That—that he liked you... a lot, in fact.
“Recently...” Albedo started, clearing his throat anxiously before continuing, “I have started to develop some... feelings, for you. It is okay if you do not reciprocate, but it feels wrong to think about you in such a light when you are not awa—“
You winced.
And then, everything seemed to crumble. Was he talking about someone else? Was there someone behind you? Was this a mindless prank? As it had been all those years ag—
A hand rested on your cheek, bringing you back to reality with the mere touch of his fingers.
albedo... in all of his intelligent prowess... was not expecting for you to say yes
in the public, he is a genius— a prince, a prodigy, even. but to him, he is but a failed student who is trying his best in completing his master’s final orders:
find the meaning of life
what is life? life is broad, life is different, life is... well, life.
at first, albedo had assumed that his master was talking about living life, as in plants or animals.
but now—with you, with klee, with mondstadt, with everyone. 
the chief alchemist seemed to realize:
life, life was in you.
life brought joy, laughter, pain, excitement, happiness—
and sometimes, even love
“But Albedo I—“
“It’s okay, [Y/N]. Though I am not personally aware of what seems to be troubling you, I will do everything in my power to assure that you feel comfortable with me.”
Life was short, Albedo noted. 
So—he wants to enjoy it.
—With you.
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xiao does not fear rejection, but he does fear love
how pitiful... for a guardian yaksha such as him to fear such a trivial matter
love—love was scary. love could take control of him like how he was manipulated in the archon war, love could tug his arms and move him around like a puppet
he, adeptus xiao, did not want to love
but then, you came in. and it frustrated him tremendously. you were but a mere mortal, a fleeting life that came into his eternal one. you were someone who he did not deserve
and yet, he loved you
so much, so so so much, he can’t bear it. he can take on all those karmic binds, all those whispers and hatred—yet he cannot bear the love he feels for you. he cannot bear the way his heart races or leaps whenever he sees you, he cannot bear you
but—his heart does not like the fact that you feel the same
you had told him before, one night, a few months ago... you told him how you were afraid of love
you were afraid of getting tossed away, of being forgotten like the fallen archons in war, like a side character in a play of fontaine
and all xiao could do was scoff. whoever dared to throw you away would meet his spear, his rage. he could not fathom a world where you were hated, where anyone would dare to reject you—because, because—
you were his world, regrettably
Pacing up the stairs of Wangshu Inn, you ignored the gross feeling of your clothes sticking to your skin.
Jolting up, your eyes met with that of the Guardian Yaksha—his piercing gaze and unwavering strength eyeing you down as if you were a pest.
“You’re going to get sick. Your mortal body cannot withstand such weather,” Xiao scolded, and on cue, a flash of light zipped through the air, the deep rumble of thunder following soon after.
Observing the way you flinched at the noise, Xiao merely wrapped an arm around your waist, teleporting you to the top of the inn and into your room.
“Dry up. I will return with soup,” The adeptus waved off your nervous gaze. He was not stupid, he has seen mortals succumb to sickness, and he hopes that you will not be one of them.
but as he heads to the kitchen, he cannot help but notice—notice the fact that you seemed to be... uneasy around him
was it something he said? was he perhaps too harsh with you? you of all people should know his words mean well, though...
and ugh, here it is again. the feeling of love that made even him overthink the smallest of things
yet after he brought you some soup and got you into bed, the question still ran around his mind like a halo. did you hate him? was this sickness bringing out your true thoughts?
well, yes and no
“Xiao...” You quietly murmured, wincing as the winds picked up inside your room, materializing a certain Yaksha out of thin air.
“I’m sorry...”
Rushing up to you, Xiao immediately placed a hand on your forehead, worried that you were on the brink of death.
“I’m sorry for liking you.”
“... What?” His eyes widened in disbelief, in shock. Sorry? Why were you sorry? Did you regret liking him? Was that why—
“I know...” You trailed off, in a drunken state of sickness, “That you don’t love me. But that’s okay. I just... wanted to let you know... because I’m afraid you’ll say no... but if you say no, I can at least move on...”
Staring at you fiercely, his breath hitched in his throat. No? No? He would never say no to you, ever, ever.
“Don’t move on,” Was all he could muster. 
Don’t. He wasn’t ready for love, no, he never was—but—
He did not want you to leave. 
This action of sickness was finally a catalyst, a catalyst for Xiao to confess to you properly when you were in the right state of mind.
And hopefully—when he does, you will say yes. 
xiao only confesses because he does not want to lose you
his karmic binds, the whispers, the screams. he does not want you to get tainted by them—so he is selfish, he is selfish for loving you and confessing to you... but he, he cannot bear to see you go
a double-edged sword, love is. it stabs his heart, skewering it as if it were nothing. it plunges his mind, clouding his thoughts as they fill with you and only you
can’t he just indulge in this fluffy feeling, once?
no—he doesn’t deserve it, he doesn’t deserve you.
Under the rising stars and floating lanterns, the two of you sit. It is an unspoken love, you both share, it is an unwritten rule that paints the back of your minds like a canvas of colors. 
But love—is love. Love is the rainbow that forms in the sky when the rain is over, love is the sun that shines, washing away all of the coldness of the world.
Love is you.
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ganyu feels... alone
so when you come into her life like a prospering glaze lily, she wants nothing more than to love you!
but you, confuse her. she is 100% sure you return her feelings, so why do you not seem to be... excited, about it?
To an immortal like Ganyu—love changes. At first, love was for the world, but then it shifted for mankind, and then it moved to... you.
She was no strange to love, in fact, she welcomed it! Ganyu wants to feel as mortal as possible, so when you stumble in and make her fumble for words—she knows she has fallen.
Like a meteor or a person—she falls for you. Everything reminds her of you, every flower and every bird makes her want to talk to you and spend her time with you.
But lately—you have been quite... reserved.
at first, ganyu thinks she is the problem. that she has done something wrong and she is a terrible crush
but then, she hears rumors. rumors about your past loves and how they rejected you mercilessly, how they played you like a marinette doll and caused you pain
to ganyu—that is the lowest any mortal could ever go. but for now, that is not her problem. she wants to help you, to make you realize that you are deserving of love and that you—you make her feel love
she—of course, does not confront you about this directly. ganyu is far too experienced to bring up past conflicts
but, she will subtly make you realize her feelings. with morning and night walks around liyue harbor, with hangouts and ‘dates’ at liuli pavilion...
love... it’s quite beautiful, isn’t it?
“Ah, the food here is certainly marvelous,” Ganyu gushed, enjoying a nice plate of jade parcels as you spared a smile.
“Yes, thank you for this, Ganyu. I know you work a lot and—“
“Of course, [Y/N]. Everyone needs breaks,” The woman returned your kind gesture, eyes crinkling in amusement as your heart pounded so loudly in your chest.
“In all honesty, [Y/N]. I feel quite a connection to you, and though I am aware you are hesitant— I just wanted to let you know that you are loved... by many people, not only me,” Ganyu rested her chopsticks down, making complete eye contact with you as her blue hair framed her face. The black and red horns that adorned her head glimmered—the kindness and delicate features of her nose and lips, her eyes and smile—
Your breath hitched.
ganyu—of course— does not expect an answer right away!
in fact, she thinks it’s quite unorthodox to confess to someone who is afraid of love—but her instincts told her it was right
it was abrupt, she knows. you don’t have to say yes, she knows.
but still, love was a game of chance—just as gambling, betting, anything. love was a game for two
so she took it. she took the chance, hoping that maybe you, you’d say yes.
“I...” You trailed off. You didn’t know Ganyu returned your feelings, neither did you ever imagine she could... Ganyu was half-adeptus, a caliber above you and your mortal-ness! Why would she ever think of you as anything more tha—
“Do not be afraid, [Y/N],” Ganyu’s voice was gentle as she soothed you. She had been here before, she had seen you cry out of a yearning for something you couldn’t have, she had seen your heart shatter and your mindset retract.
“I... like you too,” You responded, you felt light-headed, like you were soaring in the clouds that not even Celestia could bring you down.
Love, love was a gamble. And sometimes, you’d get your heart broken, your soul broken...
But love—it wasn’t so bad after all.
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― constellations!
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qsphyxias · 3 years
Could I request a trans gender neutral reader coming out to their partner Nagito?
if you fetishize trans people, get the fuck out of here!
synopsis ; trans reader coming out to nagito (their partner)
warnings ; trans reader (gender not specified), reader is anxious, mention of panic attacks, some cursing, hugging, a bit angsty, kinda rushed but not really, mention of cancer (don't worry, this has nothing to do with cancer), overthinking
note ; can't believe i posted 3 times today + i wish i had made it a bit more realistic and bumpy but this seems more like a hurt/comfort happy ending type thing.
words ; 0.8k +
⊱ ───── {⋅daylight/moonlight⋅} ───── ⊰
"s/o! what a coincidence, didn't think i'd see you here…! in the kitchen!" nagito smiled sheepishly as he dried his wet hands on his pants.
"what? nagito we... we live together." you furrowed your brows at him, nearly forgetting why you went to the kitchen for. oh, right! you were going to come out. to your boyfriend. about being trans.
ahh, fuck.
you were sure he probably wasn't going to hate you for being trans, but given how you both have never really talked about the subject of gay, trans rights most of your relationship, you were still unsure of where he stood—now, it wasn't like you both actively avoided the subject, but it was with the whole killing game, and all the trauma; there wasn't really a lot of space or time for that.— not to say he didn't know what it was, of course.
surely his opinion on it wouldn't be too bad... right?
"oh, right... i- i'm sorry, my hope, i wasn't sure if living together was something i had dreamt of or had really been happening." nagito laughed at his own foolery, eyes dark with self-hatred.
"nagito, i need to tell you someth-" "anyway, there's something i'd like to-"
you both managed to stop in sync, once you both realized there was something each of you had to say.
you couldn't meet his eyes, summoning the courage to actually convince yourself to do this was hard enough, but now he had something to say too. 'god, the timing! he probably already knows, doesn't he? and he's probably already planned the break-up. of course, he knows, he knows everything! like that time when i took the shoe and-'
"s/o? are you okay? y- you're not having a panic attack, are you?" nagito would be lying if he said this hadn't happened before; he believes his 'aura' sends people straight into comas.
he gently placed his hand on your shoulder and brought you in for a hesitant hug, meeting his hand with his other hand and locking them behind your upper back and neck. he couldn't explain it, but he felt as if he could feel the intensity of your overthinking from where he was standing; being a fellow overthinker himself, he can read all the signs.
normally he would've blamed himself and his luck for the way you were acting, but judging by the way you hugged him back just as desperately, maybe even more; he knew it wasn't that, it was something else.
he hoped to god you weren't going to tell him you wanted to split, or worse, you had cancer.
you gulped down the golf ball in your throat and took a deep breath, as hard as it was to let some air in your lungs. what better time than now?
"nagito, i'm trans." you balled up the back fabric of the army green zip-up, nervous he'd pull away too quick.
your face scrunched up, as if bracing for the impact of his next words.
to your surprise, he let out an extremely loud, relieved sounding sigh, as if he had been holding his breath underwater but no one was timing it. "i'm so glad, i thought you were going to tell me you wanted to break up, hahaha.."
then it hit him that the day wasn't over yet. "... wait- are you?"
comedic relief, phew, just what the doctor ordered.
"no, nagito, of course not!" you let out an airy laugh, pulling away to watch his expression.
he was smiling. you've never been so happy to see him smile— and that was enough to put a smile on your face too.
"i'm so glad someone like you had trusted someone like me with this information about yourself." nagito grinned, his heart feeling full and grateful; it was a bit weird to be feeling this happy, but he always felt happy and worthy when you trusted him with information about yourself, when you opened up just a little to him. it made him feel like he was good enough for you, even if he didn't always feel like he was.
you sniffled, brain falling down from the adrenaline as you soon felt waves of emotion hit you. you felt a bit stupid for feeling so worried; of course nagito would accept you, he's nagito. "sorry- i was- i guess i was a little nervous..? haha." you chuckled sheepishly.
"i'm truly sorry to make you feel like you couldn't tell me about stuff like that, but i guess i can't blame you... i'm me, after all." nagito groveled,—speaking as if being himself was the worst thing you could've ever been cursed with—before smacking himself upside the head.
"nagito..." your smile dipped.
"sorry, i'm getting off-track. i promise i won't do it again." nagito apologized sheepishly, eyes shooting back up from his feet.
his eyes shut for a moment, only to open up again to reveal a sea of all different sorts of emotions.
he held your hands.
"s/o, you being trans won't ever change how i feel about you, you're still you, and i'm still unworthy of being with you; i'm just so happy you told me about this, s/o. the bravery and courage you have to come out like that and be so vulnerable in front of me, is truly astonishing and so, so generous... thank you for trusting me with this s/o, i feel like i've just witnessed pure hope. it's beautiful, isn't it? truly..."
nagito spaced out, murmuring on about his mini hope-rant. ah, he promised he wouldn't!
you gently shook him back to reality, trying to catch his eyes once again. "uh, hold on- come back, nagito. wasn't there something you wanted to say earlier?"
"oh, i guess i can't really stave it off any longer, huh?" nagito beat around the bush before finally spitting it out, "i accidentally paid some sketchy guy for what i thought were ceramic cups, and instead got, like, 11 ferrets. somehow. haha."
⊱───── ❝ 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗸 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗿𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴! ❞ ─────⊰
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komotionlessqueenmm · 3 years
One man's trash, is another man's treasure.
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Short story # 6
2,216 - Words
Fandom - House of Wax (2005)
Pairing - Bo Sinclair X Reader
Summary - The reader finds herself & her 4 month old son stranded in Ambrose. While Bo finds himself enamored with the woman, wanting nothing more than to protect and provide for the two of them.
Warnings - Some dark topics, talk of abusive relationships, eventual blood & death, eventual smut. (I'm not sure what else tbh)
Notes - At this point both Bo and (Y/n) are really feeling that connection between them.
Pt. 1 ~ Pt. 2 ~ Pt. 3 ~ Pt. 4
By the end of the day (Y/n)'s jeep was all fixed up, but with as late in the evening as it was she decided to stay another night, with some encouragement from Bo of course. While (Y/n) and Von slept soundly in the guest bedroom, Bo met his brothers down at the garage, discussing what they should do, and if they should do anything in the first place. "I don't know Bo, her ex tried killing her because she was pregnant... She'll be running her whole life from a man like that." Lester sighed, not wanting anything to happen to (Y/n). "So we let her stay here, we can protect her from him easily." Bo shrugged. "What about when she realizes what happened to the people here? Or she finds out about Vincent's projects." Lester argued. "We'll explain it, make her understand." Bo countered. "How?" Lester asked feeling a little concerned. "I don't know yet." Bo admitted with a sigh. "I think we should start by introducing her to Vincent." He continued his thought, glancing to his twin, who made an almost concerned groan. "If she can accept him, I'm sure she'll accept the rest." Bo lit a new cigarette after finishing his statement. "And if she doesn't?" Lester asked. "That's not an option." Bo's smirk made worry spark in Lester's heart. Despite this however he chose to keep his mouth shut, and allowed his older brother to do whatever he had in mind.
When morning came, (Y/n) woke up early and cooked breakfast. "Morning." Bo murmured with a sleepy smile on his face, having been woken from the smell of bacon. "Morning Bo, I hope you don't mind." (Y/n) smiled sheepishly as she looked to what all she had cooked. "Not at all." Bo shook his head, happily accepting the cup of coffee she handed him. "Great." (Y/n) smiled brightly, the pair of them taking a seat beside eachother, eating their breakfast in a comfortable silence. Excluding the occasional hum of approval Bo gave when he bit into something new. And by the time they finished Von began crying from upstairs, cueing (Y/n) to fetch him to begin his morning routine.
"Hey I was going to do those." (Y/n) pouted playfully when she entered the kitchen, finding Bo working on the dishes. "Eh don't worry about it, you cooked I'll clean up." Bo winked making (Y/n) blush as she sat at the counter, adjusting herself to feed a fussy Von. "My brother wants to meet you before you leave." Bo stated casually. "Really?" (Y/n) smiled softly. "Mhm." Bo nodded his head with a hum. "I'd love to meet him." (Y/n)'s grin widened a little, feeling honored that he'd want to meet her. "We'll meet him up at the house of wax in an hour." Bo confirmed as he finished up the last dish. "Sounds fun, I've never been to a house of wax before." She hummed as she propped Von onto her shoulder, burping him. "I'm gonna go take a quick shower, let me know when you're ready." Bo insisted casually as he moved to wipe the spit up off of Von's chin. "Okay will do." (Y/n) smiled with appreciation, hopping up from her seat to get herself and Von dressed.
Once inside of the wax Museum (Y/n)'s attention was drawn to just about everything within sight, making Bo chuckle as he watched her ogle everything. "I take it you like it?" Bo mused with a grin. "I'm a little obsessed, is everything in here really made of wax?" She asked turning to look Bo in the eye. "Just about everything, most of its wax, but some of it isn't." Bo shrugged a little. "The vase?" (Y/n) asked as she pointed to the large decorative vase. "Wax." Bo nodded. "The couch?" She pointed to the couch two wax figures sat upon. "Wax." He chuckled. "How about the...." (Y/n) looked around before realization struck her. "The building?" She turned her attention to Bo, her eyes widening when he nodded his head yes. "Wow that's insane." (Y/n) chuckled with astonishment. "But you like it yeah?" Bo asked. "I love it! I can't imagine how long this must have taken to craft all of this, but it's very impressive." (Y/n) beamed making Bo chuckle softly. "Vincent will be happy to hear that you like his work." Bo mused. "Wait he did all of this?" (Y/n)'s eyes widened. "Not all of it, but a lot of it." Bo explained. "Wow I wish I had that kinda talent." (Y/n) chucked softly, jumping when a statue in the back moved. "Alright no need to scare her." Bo chuckled with a shake of his head, the once statue approaching the pair. "I was not expecting you to move, I really thought you were a statue." (Y/n) chuckled nervously.
"(Y/n) this is my brother Vincent." Bo introduced the two, the masked brother timidity offering (Y/n) his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you." (Y/n) smiled looking at his mask with curiosity. "Is your prosthetic made of wax?" She asked without thought, but he only tilted his head to the side. "Your mask." She clarified, smiling when he nodded his head yes. "That's very cool, did you make it yourself?" (Y/n) asked chuckling when he nodded his head again. "You don't talk much huh?" She tilted her own head a little. "He can't." Bo clarified unknowingly making (Y/n) suddenly feel guilty. "Oh I didn't know, I'm sorry." (Y/n) ducked her head down, feeling stupid for opening her mouth. "Vincent do you wanna show her?" Bo asked his brother, who hesitated for a moment before nodding his head in agreement. (Y/n) picked her head up, watching in amazement as Vincent removed his mask. "Wow." She muttered under her breath, taking in the sight of his face, frowning a little when he looked away from her. "What happened?" (Y/n) turned to Bo. "We were born as Siamese twins, and our daddy was an unorthodoxed doctor. He was able to separate us as infants." Bo explained suddenly feeling subconscious himself. "Wow... That's incredible." (Y/n) murmured softly. "You're both incredible." She chuckled softly looking back to Vincent, who smiled back at her before putting his mask back on.
--Later that day--
Having decided on stay one more day (Y/n) sat with Bo in his living room talking about this and that, and joking about nearly everything. "(Y/N)!" A voice yelled from outside, cutting off (Y/n)'s laughter, a look of terror filling her eyes in an instant. "(Y/N)!" The man yelled from outside for a second time. "It's him... It's Trent, he's come for me!" (Y/n) panicked, explaining to Bo why she suddenly got so fearful. "(Y/N) I KNOW YOU'RE HERE!" Trent yelled, sounding a bit closer to Bo's house now. "I'll keep you safe." Bo promised before he rose to his feet, grabbing the shotgun he kept near the front door. "Wait he's dangerous." (Y/n) rushed to follow Bo outside, leaving Von in his crib asleep. "COME OUT COME OUT COME OUT!" Trent taunted from the center of town, his attention turning to a pissed off Bo Sinclair. "Found yourself a gullible local huh?" Trent sneered at (Y/n) who ignored her fear and continued following Bo. "I suggest you get outta here and forget about (Y/n)." Bo warned, resting his shotgun on his shoulder, standing about eight feet from Trent, who only scoffed at his threat. "How about you go fuck your sister, and leave me to my business." Trent hissed, his words only fueling the hatred Bo felt for this man. "Your business best consist of you getting outta my town." Bo glared Trent down, who only chuckled. "Sure I'll get outta your town, once I have her." Trent pointed to (Y/n), but Bo only pushed (Y/n) to stand back a little.
"That ain't gonna happen." Bo shook his head with a mocking grin on his face. "How did you even find me!?" (Y/n) asked the question that had been plaguing her mind. "Remember my buddy Stan? I had him bug your car with a GPS tracker." Trent mocked as he flashed them the receiver of the tracker. "Now get over here." He growled as he pulled a pistol from the back of his belt. As Trent trained the pistol, Bo stepped in front of (Y/n) training his shotgun on Trent. "I'll only warn you one more time." Bo hissed, resisting the urge to just blow the motherfucker away. "Fuck you, you fucking redneck." Trent taunted before he pulled the trigger, but his gun jammed and Bo smirked. "Nah fuck you." Bo retorted before pulling the trigger, blowing open Trent's chest. (Y/n) screamed at the sound, her heart racing in her chest. Almost like everything was moving in slow motion, (Y/n) watched Trent's body hit the ground with a thud, dead as dead gets. Bo was quick to spin on his heel, gently setting the gun on the ground he scooped (Y/n)'s shaking form into his arms. "Sh darling it's alright, I've got you. You're safe now darling, I've got you." He murmured against the crown of her head, carrying her back into his house. "It's okay (Y/n), rest now. I'll take care of everything, I'll take care of you." Bo promised as he laid her down on the couch, lovingly stroking her hair, before he kissed her temple. The events suddenly flipping a highly protective and tender switch within Bo, not that (Y/n) was complaining in the slightest, taking great comfort in his words and actions.
A few hours passed and in that time, (Y/n) had calmed down, and thought about a lot of things. Bo had dealt with the body and come back to (Y/n)'s side within the first hour, allowing her to cuddle into his side and think. "Bo what is this place?" (Y/n) asked with worry laced in her voice. "What?" Bo frowned his brows, a confused smile on his face. "Please don't lie to me anymore, please tell me what this place is. This town its just not right, in all the time I've been here I've only seen you Lester and Vincent." (Y/n) explained, suddenly feeling concerned for her baby's well being. "I want to tell you, I've wanted to tell you for a while now... But I don't want to scare you away." Bo hung his head. "Not telling me is scaring me, Bo please tell me." She insisted. "You know I would never hurt you or Von right?" Bo asked, his eyes the tiniest bit glossy. "Of course I know that." (Y/n) licked her lips, ignoring the worry bubbling at the back of her mind. "The town been abandoned for a decade, me and my brothers took it over a few years ago." Bo began. "Brothers?" (Y/n) asked having caught the plural. "Lester is mine and Vincent's younger brother." Bo explained frowning a little when (Y/n)'s eyes filled with worry.
"Lester convinces people to come to Ambrose, and me and Vincent kill them." Bo revealed, his confession making (Y/n)'s breath hitch in her throat. "Lester called me after he dropped you off at the gas station, and he told me to help you out, he insisted that we spared you." Bo licked his lips nervously. "I wasn't going to listen to him, but when you didn't snoop around town like everyone else, I was curious about you... Then I seen you, and your baby, and any dark thought I had washed away in an instant. The more we talked, the more I was intrigued with you... The more I wanted to protect you, especially when you told me about your ex." Bo admitted, his words surprisingly soothing (Y/n). "I'm sorry..." Bo muttered under his breath. "I forgive you." (Y/n) smiled softly, sitting up she adjusted herself to straddle Bo's lap. "I forgive you." She repeated herself as she took his face between her hands. "You've been better to me than most people in my life, and while the knowledge of what you and Vincent do... Is almost heartbreaking... I forgive you. I know you won't harm me or Von, to proved yourself to me today when you saved me from Trent." (Y/n) leaned in and gently kissed Bo's lips, pulling away all to soon. "I don't want to leave, I want to stay here with you... To love you despite the things you do, to love you despite the monster you can be... I want you for who you are, darkness and all." (Y/n) confessed, making Bo's mind go hazy with adoration. "Please stay." He muttered subconsciously. "I am." (Y/n) rest her forehead against his, smiling when he wrapped his arms around her waist.
Part three is complete!!!!
Part four will hopefully be posted tomorrow evening.
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hercleverboy · 4 years
spencer reid x reader
summary ↠ based off of the prompt “I’m yours for as long as you want me.”
category ↠ angst/fluff
warnings/includes ↠ none
word count ↠ 2.9k
“If someone makes you feel, let them.” — Reyna Biddy
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Spencer could never very well doubt just how much she loved him. 
She told him every day, not always with words but he could hear them clearly in how she touched him. Feather-light fingertips tracing along his delicate skin, perfectly pursed lips pressing affectionate kisses to the scars littered on his arms and chest. 
He heard the words in how she cared for him, in a way that he’d never felt cared for before. Her hand would squeeze his three times when she could see him getting anxious in a social setting, three small squeezes that screamed the words ‘I love you’, ‘you’re safe here,’ ‘I’ve got you.’
But despite everything, nothing seemed to be a match for Spencer’s own insecurities. Insecurities he thought he’d buried deep down, hidden away for so long he could almost kid himself into thinking they’d simply disappeared. 
Combine those insecurities with the green-eyed monster that had attached itself to Spencer’s back, and you’re left with an ugly amalgamation of self-hatred and jealousy. As if he hadn’t felt insecure enough over the prior weeks, it didn’t help that he had to watch some guy flirt with his girlfriend once the night ended. 
The BAU had been dragged along to a charity event that the Bureau was holding. The whole idea was to keep up the FBI’s good reputation, and an appearance from their elite profiler team would certainly look good for them. So, with the news that they were each allowed a plus one, Spencer had asked his girlfriend to accompany him. 
Y/N had been ecstatic when he’d asked, grinning about how this was the perfect excuse for her to shop for a suitable dress in the adorable boutique that had opened in town. Despite how he’d been feeling, he found himself smiling without force. No matter how he felt, she always managed to make him feel better. They’d been together for just over a year and he was yet to grow tired of her optimistic outlook on life. She really was a ray of light that shone through the darkness of his life, a shadow that came so close to swallowing him whole before she held him tight and pulled him out.
As the days before the event dragged on, Spencer found the intrusive and self-conscious thoughts were only growing, his brain trying so desperately to convince him that Y/N was merely with him out of convenience. She was simply tolerating him until she could find someone better. The rational part of him argued that the was definitely not the case, but when has anyone ever been rational when it comes to love? 
These insecurities were unfortunately not new for Spencer. They’d been there since the beginning of the relationship, and he lived in fear that his relationship would fall victim to the BAU’s curse. With the exception of JJ and Will, all of the BAU’s relationships eventually crumbled under the pressure of the job that never stopped, never slowed down. There were always forgotten anniversaries and missed birthdays, late nights and early mornings and interruptions at times when Spencer wanted nothing more than a moment alone with the woman he loved. 
It was exhausting, really. But they made it work.
And Spencer cherished every moment they had together as though it was their last. As though she would wake up the next morning and decide she didn’t want him anymore, that the job was too much, that she couldn’t keep watching him leave without knowing if he’d ever come home. 
Y/N had noticed the slight shift in how Spencer acted around her. She was no expert profiler, but Spencer wasn’t exactly as subtle as he thought he was with his actions. When she asked about a case, he wouldn’t confide in her like he used to. He was never impolite, ever the gentleman, but simply shut her down with a kind smile before moving on to talk about a different topic. 
He still held her close to his chest at night, arms wrapped around her. Though she noticed how he’d tightened his once loose grip on her, caging her in his arms. It made her heart ache a little when she felt him hold onto her as though he was afraid to lose her, as though she was going to leave. Although she wanted to, Y/N didn’t comment on this change in behaviour. She allowed him to hold her as tightly as he pleased, hoping it brought him any sense of comfort or reassurance he might need. 
One night when she was deep in sleep, her head on his chest, Spencer stared up at the ceiling with his hands holding her as close to him as she could get. He listened to the sound of her gentle breaths that somewhat soothed him, until the invasive thoughts started up again. He blinked away the tears that burned his eyes as he thought about how she deserved so much better than what he could give her, how he was selfish. Against his better judgement, he refused to push her away. If the dreadful day came when she decided she didn’t want him anymore, he would let her go. But until then, he was desperate to cling to her for as long as he could. 
He didn’t register the tears slipping from his eyes until the girl on his chest shuffled. He was quick to wipe his tears, watching as her own eyes fluttered open, staring up at him in confusion.
“Baby? What’re you doing awake, what time is it?” She groaned quietly, her eyes landing on the clock across the room. 3:47am.
When Spencer didn’t answer, she blinked to adjust to the darkness of the room, shifting to sit up slightly so she could meet his eyes.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” She murmured, her voice still thick with sleep.
He gave a small smile at that. She was evidently still so tired but was forcing herself to stay awake so she could check he was okay.
Her compassion was one of the many reasons he loved her so. 
He shook his head. “I’m okay, I promise.”
She titled her head the side, her eyes searching his for any hints of how he was really feeling. She came up empty. She wasn’t a profiler, after all.
She reached her hand up to cup his cheek, and he gave the most adorable little grin, turning his head to place a kiss on her palm.
“You know you can tell me anything, right?” She whispered, the sincerity in her tone making the tears in his eyes well quicker.
He just nodded with a sniff, unsure how to respond. Of course, he knew he could tell her anything and she wouldn’t judge him. But his insecurities felt like a bother, and he wouldn’t want to burden her with such petty concerns. 
Y/N was still unsure, though she accepted his answer, giving him a small smile before returning to her sleeping position, her head on his chest. She had to have faith that he would confide in her when he was ready. 
 This time, he had one arm wrapped around her, his other hand intertwined his fingers with hers, bringing him even more comfort. He pressed his lips to her forehead, whispering a small ‘I love you’ against her skin before finally allowing sleep to take him.
The event was on a Saturday evening, and Spencer had found himself throughout the week secretly wishing they’d be called away for a case; but no such call came. Funny, he thought, the one time it’d be great to get whisked away for work, serial killers seem to have taken the week off? He wasn’t really looking forward to it at all but knowing he’d have Y/N on his arm all night made him feel slightly more at ease. 
When the clock hit 6pm Spencer called out to her, his voice bouncing off the walls of the apartment. 
“You ready?”
Spencer had familiarised himself with Y/N’s outstanding beauty over the years, even before they were together and he’d found himself pining over her, watching how she moved and how she acted and falling in love just a little more each day. He recalled the words of poet Robert Burns, ‘But to see her was to love her, Love but her and love forever.’ He noted how extremely fitting they seemed. When she stepped out of the bedroom, shoving her belongings into her clutch, and flashing a grin at her boyfriend, he was reminded how she was just so effortlessly enamouring that even his eidetic memory wasn’t enough to perfectly capture her allure. 
What a privilege it was to love her. 
“You look-” His words caught in his throat, trying to find ones that could even begin to convey his thoughts. There simply weren’t words. He knew a thousand different ones, but none that were adequate enough to describe the woman before him. 
“You are so beautiful.”
Is what he settled for, and it still seemed to fall short but when her lips turned up in a bright grin, he knew she was grateful for the compliment.
“Thank you. Are you ready to go?” She asked and he swallowed nervously before he nodded, offering him her arm as they walked out of the apartment.
He watched from their seats as Y/N stood by the drinks table with JJ and Garcia, deep in conversation. She’d been dragged from his side to have what Garcia called a ‘girly catch-up’, and hence he was left at the teams designated table with Morgan. Morgan was talking about a topic Spencer hadn’t much interest in, and though he had initially attempted to listen, that had been thrown out the window as his gaze drifted to Y/N once again. 
“Kid? Hey, you listening?” Morgan asked, waving a hand in front of Spencer’s face to get his attention. 
Spencer’s gaze snapped away from Y/N, focusing back on his friend. “Sorry, what was that?” 
Morgan shook his head with a laugh, nodding his head in Y/N’s direction. “I’ll bet you’d much rather be at home with your lady, huh?” 
Spencer followed Morgan’s line of sight, finding Y/N across the room again. He watched in silent awe as she threw her head back in laughter at something Garcia said before taking a sip of her wine. 
“Yeah. It’s just- we’re away so much with work. I would’ve liked to have taken her out this evening or something. I don’t ever want her to forget how much she means to me.” Spencer blurted out in a moment of honesty, something that Morgan had always managed to get out of him. 
Morgan nodded in understanding. “You know you never have to worry about that with Y/N. You, my friend, are the definition of whipped.” He grinned, reaching out and placing a hand on the younger man’s shoulder. 
Spencer frowned at the comment. “Whipped?” 
“It just means you’d do anything for her. Anything she wanted, anything she asked for. Anything to make her happy.” Morgan explained. 
Spencer nodded in understanding, put his frown remained. “Is that a bad thing?”
Morgan smiled, shaking his head. “Not at all. It’s nice seeing you so happy. She’s good for you, you know.”
Spencer glanced back over to her and caught her eye. She was mid conversation, but still flashed a smile to him.
He gave a small grin back before responding to Morgan. “Yeah, she is. Too good.”
As the evening came to a close, Spencer watched as Y/N said goodbye to everyone. He didn’t miss how one of the guys from Sex Crimes placed his hands far too low on her waist as she hugged him goodbye. How this guy seemed reluctant to let Y/N go even after she’d pulled back from the friendly hug. It made Spencer’s heart ache, watching this guy’s eyes glisten as Y/N spoke, looking at her in a way that was reserved for only Spencer. 
That green-eyed monster reattached itself to Spencer, his brain flooding with the self-depreciative thoughts that had plagued his mind for weeks at that point. It was getting too much for him to handle. 
He’d never been more relieved than when the taxi dropped them off outside their apartment, their home. 
Y/N had noticed her boyfriend’s silence on the journey home. It was even more confusing because he still held her hand tightly in his own, intertwined and resting on the middle seat between them. Spencer faced looking out the window, not paying much attention to Y/N, and she’d think he was ignoring her if it wasn’t for his vice-like grip on her hand. 
She figured he’d speak when they were back in their home, an environment he was the most comfortable in. Though he remained silent. When they stepped over the threshold of the apartment, he raised their joined hands to his lips and placed a faint kiss on the back of hers, before dropping her hand and quietly heading for the bedroom. Y/N stood in the hallway, hand dangling by her side as she pondered over what could be wrong. 
She waited to approach the topic until they were getting ready to sleep. Y/N had just finished washing her face and brushing her teeth in the bathroom, flicking off the light and making her way back to the bed. Spencer, who had still not said a word, was staring at a page of his book. She could tell he wasn’t reading, as he hadn’t flipped a page in a few minutes. She climbed in next to him, sitting up against the headboard as she looked over at him. 
“Spence, what’s wrong?”
He didn’t answer, his eyes trained on the hundreds of words on the pages before him. 
She cleared her throat, her voice small. “You gotta talk to me. I need you to tell me what’s got you so worried. If it’s something I did then-“
“Why are you with me?”
Y/N blinked in shock. Those were the first words he’d spoken to her in hours, and she had no idea where they’d come from or how to respond to them. 
“Why did you choose me? I mean, y-you could’ve had anyone you wanted, and you chose me?” His tone of voice was pained, and Y/N could tell that these words were the sum of self-doubt and malicious thoughts. 
Her eyebrows knitted together. “I don’t understand.”
“I just don’t get why you’d want me. I’m weird, I don’t always pick up on social cues and I don’t understand pop culture references and there are just so many other people you would probably be better suited to and- and you want me?” His eyes flicked up to meet hers and only then did she see the tears that brimmed in them. 
Y/N took a moment to mull over the words, realising that what she chose to respond with would be incredibly important to Spencer. She gave a small sigh and smiled slightly, reaching over to grasp his hands in hers. 
“You always go out of your way to bring me a blueberry muffin in the morning, even though my favourite bakery is the next town over. You give up your favourite cardigans because you know how much I love to wear them. You watched the whole of Stranger Things just because I spoke about it so much and you wanted to be able to talk about it with me. Despite how much you hate the logical inconsistencies.” She chuckled and he gave her a smile too, looking down at their joined hands. “When I go on and on about how the eleventh Doctor is my favourite you agree despite how I know for a fact that your favourite is the fifth. You always know when I’m upset without me even having to say a word. You dance with me on rainy days and read to me when I can’t sleep, and I am so in love with you.” She whimpered out the last bit with a smile, and his head shot up, eyes meeting hers. “You do not ever need to worry about whether you or not you ‘deserve’ me.” 
He nodded, but she could see he was still not entirely convinced.
So, she tried one more thing, something she was sure would get through to him. 
“Who was it that said, ‘We accept the love we think we deserve.’?” She asked, and he knew she knew the answer but still gave her the response she was looking for. 
“Stephen Chbosky.” 
She hummed in agreement, releasing one of his hands so she could cup his cheek, wiping away trembling tears with her thumb. “You deserve everything good in life, Spencer. You deserve to be loved.” 
He nodded again, having been convinced. 
For the first time in weeks, Spencer felt the weight of that green-eyed monster leave his shoulders. His constantly overworking brain seemed to grant him a single moment of clarity, enough for him to force away the thoughts that had hounded him for too long. He knew they may never really go away, but Y/N’s affections were certainly enough to quieten them down. 
“Okay.” He murmured, still smiling as his cheeks flushed.
She chuckled quietly, using her other hand to brush back the hair that had fallen in front of his eyes in a tender move. “You’re my everything, the love of my life. Please don’t forget that.”
Spencer nodded, leaning forward. His arms enveloped around her, pulling her close to his chest in a tight hug.
“I’m yours.” He whispered. “I’m yours for as long as you want me.”
She smiled and spoke the words as though they were the simplest thing in the world. 
“I’ll always want you.”
taglist: - @beyonces-breastmilk @pinkdiamond1016 @itsmyblogandillreblogifiwantto @thelovelyrose @averyhotchner @cynbx @calm-and-doctor
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youuuimeanmee · 4 years
Selfish is Eren’s trait.
No matter how much time changes.
EDIT: Should I mention that this is NOT an Eren rant? This is just me marveling at how great Eren’s character is, no matter what his flaws are.
Many people has been saying that Eren is selfless, how the Rumbling is the only choice to save Paradis so he had to set aside his emotion for greater good. While yes, that is true, it’s not quite right. Remember chapter 131?
Eren himself said he was selfish. He was disappointed the world is not as beautiful as in Armin’s book. He was disappointed humanity outside the walls exist. He wished to wipe them all away. But still, no matter how much he wished for it to happen, it’s still wrong. Just like Eren said in chapter 130, all the future he saw is still far away. Maybe things could change. Maybe his wish won’t come true, but at least things would turn out to be morally right. That’s why he decided to sit back and watch.
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But no. Even after Zeke (another royal blood) and Azumabito (the mediator to the outside world) entered Paradis, they’re not giving him a great option. They’re blinded by their own selfish desire. Azumabito just wanted to use Paradis as a cashgrab, while Zeke wished for Eldia’s euthanasia. Paradis doesn’t give him another option either, even though the time is running out.
Of course Eren would snap. 
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Fuck them all. Fuck them all, who won't give Paradis a chance. Fuck them all, who choose to stay in their comfort zone. Time is running out. All lives matter, including Paradis. If the world refused to see Paradis as a part of humanity, then he’ll reject them as parts of humanity too. If Paradis refuse to move, then he’ll force them to move. Better bring out his dream to life if that's the case.
It was all too convenient; the time, the circumstances. It was all matching with his dream to exterminate his enemies; to become free from shackles; to expand his horizon outside the walls.
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He has the power, and he only have a few years to live, what's the more appropriate time than now?
But still.  He's painfully aware it's wrong.  What’s he about to do is a one-sided massacre.
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If I had to say, Eren has several options:
Wipe out the rest of the world
Let the world trample Paradis
Run away and forget it all
Share his future memories, and decide things with his friends.
Option #4 is already out of the window, because he doesn’t trust his friends enough to let them decide their future. He believes all the hatred and bloodshed will not stop until he buries the world to the ground, to avoid them laying a hand on Paradis ever again. He believes if he doesn’t do this, his friends would continue to live in misery until they die.
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Option #3 is also out, since he had to move forward no matter what, so he’s left with 2 choices.
Again, he throw away option #2, because no matter how much he think about it, there’s no way he’d let his own people being trampled by the world.
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So yeah, option #1 is to go, then. But he knew, it’s wrong.  He will take all the lives of innocent people. He will drag his friends into danger, he will hurt them, he will disappoint everyone. He will become a monster. There's no guarantee Paradis will strive once this is all over. There might be another hell, he knew.
That’s why, even though he knows what to do, even though things is going according to his dream, he broke down. He still asked for forgiveness, even though he knew full well he’s the one at fault.
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He couldn’t take it anymore. His guilt is eating him alive. 
At this time, he wished for an escape. He’s starting to reconsider option #3. And that’s where Mikasa came in.
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Mikasa, the girl who sticks to him no matter what. Mikasa, who saved him, no matter how hopeless the situation is.
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Maybe this time, she could save him too. He relies on her, he clings to her answer for dear life. Maybe he could stop him. Maybe things would turn out okay if she give a different answer.
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But no. Things didn’t work out as he wished for. Mikasa didn’t see through his suffering, she is clueless as ever; so he had to move on with his initial plan. When Eren said it’s a perfect timing, he really meant that, since he could snap out of his emotional self and focus on what he needs to do. Back to option #1.
This is one of the moments where Eren’s half-assed-ness selfishness shine. If he truly cares for the rest of the world, if he truly cares for his friends’ feeling, he should’ve open up more. He should’ve told Mikasa his dream, because only then, she could understand where Eren is coming from. If so, maybe Mikasa could told him to give up his dream, just like Levi to Erwin.
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But no. Until the very end, he didn’t told his friends anything, because he already decided. He didn’t want his friends to stop him at this point, not yet. He has to do what he needs to do first. Not even in the moment of weakness he’d let Mikasa stop him. Because he knew. If he let his emotion and moral get the better of him, he’d never find a solace. Sure, maybe he could live the rest of his life with Mikasa in peace, but he wouldn’t be able to live with another greater regrets.
He chose the solace instead of salvation from his sins. So he turned his back from SC and never came back.
Eren infiltrated Marley. He experienced it firsthand how, even outside the walls, bad and good people were all the same. Reiner’s confession surprised him in a good way, because of  how similar they are than he originally thought.
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Both of them are moving with such selfish desire, under the pretense of “for the greater good.” Reiner destroyed the walls because he wanted to become a hero, while Eren is about to destroy the world because he wants humanity to perish. Their guilt is eating them alive to this day.
But Willy’s speech reminding him once again, that, in the end, they’re all the same, they’re just one side of the coin.
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Willy reminded him why he’s doing all of these in the first place. He reminded him of his initial motivation.
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It resonates with him so much that it hurt. Listening to Reiner and Willy gave him comfort,  that everything is not his, nor everybody's fault. There’s no right or wrong. Maybe, everyone is born this way. Even if he moves with selfish desire, the world really doesn’t give him much choice so it doesn’t really matter. It's just the matter of who will keep going until the very end.  
He keeps moving forward until his objective is fulfilled, no matter how much he suffers, no matter how much his friends suffer. But deep down, he wanted to be saved. So much that during the Rumbling, his mind regressed into a child, because it’s easier for him to kill “bad people” to reach his “freedom.” This is why he didn’t fight the Alliance seriously. If Eren really wanted the Rumbling to continue, he could’ve eliminated them on the get-go, or sent one of his titans to remove the explosives around his neck, or prevented Armin from reaching out to Zeke, anything. But he didn’t. Because now that his objective is fulfilled, as Reiner said, he wants someone to stop him. He decides when is the right time to stop; and that’s after he destroy Fort Salta, humanity’s last weapon.
TLDR; Eren is selfish for  letting his dream get the better of him; for deciding what’s best for Paradis himself; for dragging his dad and his friends into this mess; for choosing this bloody path; for wanting to be saved after everything he had done. But if he hadn’t done this, who knows what hell will await Paradis. He won’t take that risk, ever. Eren is aware of all of this; thus why, he asked Mikasa to forget about him.
His selfishness makes him a true monster, yet at the same time, a really flawed human being.
Eren Yeager decides where to start, and where to end his journey. He really is selfish until the end. 
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DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE BLOOD Vol.2: Mukami Kou [Track 7+8]
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Original title: 堕落した証 & いらいらする
Source: Diabolik Lovers More, Blood Vol. 2: Mukami Kou [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Kimura Ryouhei
Translator’s note: Oh boy oh boy. I should have kept my mouth shut during the last few tracks because these two tracks had me wriggle around in my seat as my stomach turned upside down. > < Those of you who have been around since last year might recall how I struggled with Shuu’s D-S Kyuuketsu CD because of the ‘bodily gore’ noises when he cuts the MC with a knife and then stirs his fingers around in the open wounds. KOU DOES THE EXACT SAME THING GDI. I had to pause several times because I got nauseous. :’’) Please no more of this Rejet. 
Track 1+2 ll Track 3+4 ll Track 5+6 ll Track 7+8 ll Track 9+10
Track 7: Proof of Corruption
“Well then, where should I bite you next...~? Both your neck and arm are already dyed a bright crimson from your blood. Fufu~ While I’m at it, I guess I should make you even more red...Perhaps that’ll improve your looks a little.”
[00:25] “Hmー Such slender wrists...Fufu, I could probably twist them with ease. If I were to plunge my fangs in, they might just pierce right through, don’t you think? Come on, show me your hand.”
“Hm...These marks are still fresh. Hmー They weren’t left behind by me, which means they belong to one of those guys? Heeeh...Now what a lovely decoration you have here. You really are a maso-kitty, aren’t you? I sort of get now that you’re not doing all of this on purpose. Which means...is someone controlling you behind the scenes?”
*Rustle rustle*
[01:18] “Take flowers, for example. They don’t particularly wish to bloom beautifully, do they? However, some larger force in nature is ordering them to do so to lure in birds and insects. So perhaps you were put together by someone with the specific goal to seduce us Vampires? If not, a plain girl such as yourself couldn’t even dream of having someone like me suck you, not even out of pity. Fufufu...~”
*Rustle rustle*
He digs his finger inside your skin.
[01:59] “Ah-aaah...Since the wound hadn’t fully healed yet, my finger sank in the moment I pressed down. Does it hurt? Fufu~ I’m digging my nail into the open wound after all~ I bet it hurts...Then suffer more...Scream...! Nobody will hear you here. This place has been equipped to ensure that they won’t find you.”
“But...Well...If they did know you were here, I wonder if they would come and get you? These guys who seem to be oh-so obsessed with you, I mean~”
Kou continues to stir up the wound with his nails.
“Are you writhing in pain? Ah-aaah...Your ugly face only became even more hideous. Should I say it has a certain charm to it? I’m incapable of loving you while you look like that though. However...”
[02:57] “In regards to these wounds, I feel a strange sense of attachment. I wonder why? Perhaps it’s just fun to compete with other Vampires over a prey such as yourself? Hahaha...But in that case, I have to leave behind my own marks as well or it’s no fun, right? ...I’ll leave my mark on top of these wounds, as if to overwrite them. It’ll be perfect proof of how thoroughly corrupted you’ve become.”
Kou bites you.
*Gulp gulp*
[03:50] “Mmh...Haah...I can smell them from here...It pisses me off...Hahn...”
*Gulp gulp*
“Hah, haah...It makes me want to just rip up your whole arm with my fangs...”
“Fufu...This must be the taste of hatred...~ Exactly...I can’t forgive them...Never! That’s whyーー”
*Gulp gulp*
[04:38] “I won’t return you to them. You’re basically mine now. Offer both your body and soul to me...And go mad. Fufu...Damn~ What’s wrong with me? Am I being spurred on by you? Uwaah...This is a first for me. Fufu~ I truly got my hands on a nifty toy. I was just going to have a little taste before handing you over to Ruki...but I might not want to let you go again.”
[05:22] “Haah...Let me suck more...Your blood is messing with my head...as I find myself wishing you would offer more of that delicious blood pumping through your veins to me and me only.”
“Oi. I bet you have other marks left behind by them as well, don’t you? Tell me. I’ll make you go through those painful memories again. Come on, hurry up and fess up.”
[06:00] “Hey? Are you listening? If you space out like that, I’ll do something much, much more painful and rough?”
You muster a response.
“Hm? Your belly? Eeeh~? Now where could they be...~?”
*Rustle rustle*
“Ah, you must be talking about these. Marks spotted~ They really don’t hold back when devouring you, do they?”
He licks the marks.
“Oh, this one smells different. So, tell me. Did you have them bite you from head to toe? Hah! What a slut you are.”
You protest.
[06:46] “Hm? You didn’t wish for any of this to happen? ...Che. Why are you giving me that defiant look? Do I have to repeat myself a million times before your idiotic brain gets it? I was reminded once more the moment I sucked your blood. You’ve been tampered with in some way to lure in Vampires. I wonder who could be behind it...~? Fufu...Somehow that piques my interest...”
“But for now, I’ll cover you with my marks. So I’ll thrust my fangs inside these wounds as well...”
Kou digs his nails into your skin once more as you flinch.
[07:31] “Aren’t you happy? I’m the one saying these things after all. ..Aaah-aah, such filthy marks. I’ll erase them right away.”
He bites you again.
*Gulp gulp*
*Gulp gulp*
“Haah...This stench is persistent...It won’t disappear...Ugh, it pisses me off. If I can’t get rid of it with my fangs...It just makes me want to mess you up as a whole...”
“Haah...Guess I’ll just have to sink them in deeper and deeper...Like thisーー!”
*Gulp gulp*
You cry out.
[08:41] “Ah...It hurts? Look at you gushing blood all over the place. You really have no shame, do you? But you shouldn’t be able to feel the pain, you know? My fangs have already made it so you perceive everything as pleasure. Fufufu...”
“I can tell you want me, so try and voice it out loud? Beg for me with a cute tone. Come on, hurry...Ask me to make you feel ever better~”
You whimper.
[09:24] “Hmm~~? I can’t hear you...~ You’re going to have to speak a little louder. Also, don’t forget to sound cute, okay?”
You repeat it.
“Fufu...~ Exactly, like that. Just be honest with yourself...Perhaps then I’ll be able to feel a little affection for someone as ugly as yourself.”
You beg again. 
“Mm~ Good. You managed to beg for it cutely, so I’ll love on you in return. ...With these fangs of mine, that is.”
Kou bites you again.
*Gulp gulp gulp*
[10:14] “...Hah...! ...Hm? ...’More’? ...You can crave it more. I kind of like it when people yearn for me. ...I’ll plunge them inside even deeper than before...”
*Gulp gulp*
“Haah, haah...Ugh...Haah...I guess the smell is starting to fade a little?”
You moan.
“Fufu...Seems like you’re feeling rather good as well. Your body has completely given in to the pleasure, it feels as if your blood has become sweeter as well.”
Track 8: Irritation
Kou inspects your body.
“Where else have they bitten you...? ー Ah, don’t tell me. I’ll try finding it myself this time...~ After the stomach, it has to be...The legs, right~?”
[00:18] “Yes, I got it right! ...They sure love going for the risqué spots, don’t they? Hah! Right near your crotch (1) ...How lewd. On top of that, you can tell they’ve sucked from here repeatedly...Very dirty! I wonder what kind of expression you made as they sucked from here? Perhaps you didn’t realize it yourself, but they pretty much got a full view of aaaall your embarrassing places.”
You squeak.
“How embarrassing, gosh! ...But I’m sure you love that sorta stuff, don’t you? After all, I can see a glint of anticipation in your eyes. Or am I just imagining things? Is it because I’m the one doing this to you? ...Well, I guess I’ll figure out the answer to my own question once I bite you. Well then...”
“Where should I leave my mark? ...Right here. I’ve settled on this spot.”
He bites you again.
[01:28] “Mmh...Hah...Haha! What a lovely view...Fufu...”
*Gulp gulp*
“Seems like it’s making you weak as well...Look at you twist and turn your body like that...What a dirty girl you are.”
*Gulp gulp gulp*
“ ーーHah! We’re still nowhere near done...Let me suck more and more...Hahn...”
*Gulp gulp*
[02:11] “Haah...Fuck...Could this be a trap of some sorts...? Fufu...I feel as if your blood is leading me straight to my own demise...Well, I guess that’s fine. As long as it feels good...whether it’s a trap or whatever, I’m not scared. Perhaps the person who set you up this way predicted this all along? ...Say.”
[02:44] “I bet they knew that we would try and snatch you away like that. Guess we’re being mocked, huh? That pisses me off. ...You seem to be feigning ignorance but you’re part of the whole scheme, aren’t you? ...If you think this will all pass as long as you just obediently spread your legs, you’re gravely mistaken. I’ll give you something much, much, much more painful, you’d find yourself wishing you’d be dead instead...!”
Your eyes widen in horror.
*Gulp gulp*
[03:26] “...Heh. Does it feel good? Lucky you! I think you might be the first human who has gotten the honor to receive this much pleasure from me. Well, under normal circumstances, one bite is plenty to make any human ascend to Heaven, but in your case, the more I have, the more delicious your blood becomes and on top of that...You dare oppose me. It pisses me off. ...Mmh...”
“...Hm? There’s marks on your thighs as well!”
*Rustle rustle*
[04:06] “I have to engrave my own mark here as well. ...Geez, I wonder what they find so appealing about these stick legs? I can’t relate, but I don’t like the idea of there being marks from someone other than me. ...Mmh..”
*Gulp gulp*
[04:37] “...Hah...Ah...Haah...~ I feel sluggish for some reason...Have I been numbed? In that case, your blood is to blame. ...This is bad...Fufufu~ I just don’t understand how I want to keep an ugly girl such as yourself all to myself...Makes no sense, does it? I feel irritated by it myself but...I also just can’t help it. This strong desire for you keeps on welling up inside of me...What is happening to me? Geez...Honestly, it pisses me off! I’ve never felt this strongly attached to anything or anyone before!?”
*Gulp gulp gulp*
“...ー Hah!”
*Gulp gulp gulp*
“Mmh...Haah, haah...I can’t get enough...Do you want me more? ...So do I.”
*Gulp gulp*
[05:57] “Hah...Yearn for me more and more...You just need to keep your eyes on me. ...You belong to me now. Happy? Of course you are. If you continue to writhe around like that, I’ll give you never-ending pleasure.”
*Gulp gulp*
“Haah, haah...!”
[06:37] “Haah...! I can’t...I still haven’t had enough...Hm. I still refuse to give you up. I’ll make you forget about those other guys in no time. I’m obsessing over you, so it only makes sense. ...Unlike those guys, I won’t call you prey either. You’re mine after all. ...Doesn’t that make you happy? I’m a gentleman after all~ I know how to make a girl happy. I’m sure you didn’t like being degraded by having them call you ‘prey’ either, right? Fufu...~”
Translation notes
(1) 足の付け根 or ‘ashi no tsukene’ is the root/base of the leg where it connects to the hips. 
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maplecornia · 3 years
chapter 31
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𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔡 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱: 1.26K
𝔤𝔢𝔫𝔯𝔢: romance | slice of life | fluff | angst | bts x female!reader | ot7
𝔰𝔲𝔪𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔶: You watched them from the sidelines ever since you were a young teenage girl. Now you’re grown up, they’ve returned after 2 long years and everything has changed. What happens when you pull back the mask and find the darkness within? What happens when you see that they’re broken?
𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰: cliffhangers | angst | fluff | slight mentions of self hatred | depression | mental health illness | self harm | occurs in the year 2024 | set in a timeline where BTS went to the military together | slight language
tags: @kookaine | @fangirl125reader | @kookiebbyxx | @taradevonne | @rae-bear |@mangminnie | @pixiekooo | @cana | @canarystwin
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Opening the door to your apartment, you sigh.
It was a long day. The photoshoot lasted longer than you expected, and you didn't even get a chance to reprint your schedule. It was for the best though, you supposed. Namjoon didn't need you to do much of anything else besides assist him while he set up to get some work done.
Biting your bottom lip, you try not to feel guilty that you left him all alone. He said he needed no distractions, but you pray he doesn't pull an all-nighter. Knowing him, however...Glancing down at your phone, you wince at the week's schedule Mr. Sejin gave to you before leaving. He told you that getting a daily schedule would be tedious, and informed you that weekly schedules would be sent to you every Sunday.
As for this week...
They have hardly any free time, especially Namjoon. Filled to the brim with practices, photoshoots, and interviews...you can't imagine what it'd be like when promotions start. He really shouldn't be pulling all-nighters nowadays, he needs to rest now to prepare for the workload that will come his way.
You scoff.
Who are you kidding? Namjoon won't be likely to do that. He's the type to pour out every last of his waking spirit into his work. Even if you did go back to help, you'd probably be in the way. Not to mention the fact he wouldn't listen to a word you say.
Shaking your head, you wonder if your mother felt the same way when she was raising you.
Studying all night, practicing until your voice was sore or you couldn't dance anymore, pushing yourself to the very limit, preparing for your dream...
Swallowing hard, you push the thought out of your mind.
You don't have time for guilt.
Slipping out of your shoes, you advance, locking the door tightly behind you. In the corner of your mind, you wonder if Sunoh is sleeping already. Glancing at the clock, you roll your eyes. If he wasn't, he'd be crazy.
3 am already?
Reminds you of the times you would write till the wee hours of the morning. Creating countless stories and adventures, different worlds and different people, trying to find a way to escape when you had nowhere else to run. When was the last time you were inspired to even pick up a pencil much less write?
"I hate being alone." You murmur, rubbing your face. "I always think too much."
Setting your satchel on the counter island, you empty its contents and come across the contract. Freezing, you slowly pull it out and stare at it.
This is your dream.
So why are you hesitating?
Taking it to the table, you pull out a chair and carefully set it down.
It couldn't hurt to read through, could it?
You wonder why you are so afraid. What he did wasn't even something to be worried about. But when the one you cherish the most tells you you'll never make it, that you aren't talented enough...
He heard your voice and called it mediocre, amateur, and told you to find a new dream. Told you to give up on something you would never succeed at. Told you everything you worked so hard for was worthless. It was unrealistic, it wasn't worth trying.
You'd never make it anyway.
You weren't nearly as pretty enough to fit their standards.
You weren't perfect enough to pass their expectations.
You weren't made for the dream, so you shouldn't be given the chance to achieve them.
Groaning, you try to swallow the lump in your throat, you try to ignore everything you wish to hold back, but you can't.
How could they see that you were worth something?
Obviously, you aren't worth that much, obviously, you aren't that special...
"Why are you hesitating?"
Remembering what Suga said, you wonder at the question yourself.
This is supposed to be your dream, you are supposed to hold onto it no matter what others tell you. No matter what people may think. It's something that's made to be eternal, that won't give up as long as you don't give up either.
Are you afraid?
"Yes. I'm terrified."
But why are you terrified? Why can't you forget the past?
"What if he's right? What if I'm not cut out for this?"
So are you afraid of what others think?
Then what is it?
You think of everyone who is counting on you, their high expectations. What they are risking for you. You think of the people who came before you, how hard they tried for this chance, just so they can achieve a dream they may never get. You think of your mother, who lost the very same dream and could never achieve it.
What is holding you back?
"What if I let them down?" you whisper softly, as a tear finally escapes its blockade and lands on the very same contract you've been holding in your hands.
You've dreamed of this. Receiving your first contract and signing with a company, ready to become a trainee, ready to be the singer; the performer you've always wanted. You've imagined the scenario in your head, acted it out many times over and over again. This was supposed to be a happy moment, the moment when all your hard work meant something. The moment when you finally took the next step towards your goal.
Inwardly, you want to scream in joy. You want to cry from happiness. But that fear, that blockade of terror, that is the one thing that holds you back.
What if when you finally let go, when you allow yourself to be happy again, it's ruined?
I gave everything to you.
"Shut up."
But you threw it away.
And for what? A dream that will never find its way out of your head?
"You're not here."
It's worthless hoping for something that can never happen.
"You don't know that."
Do you want to be worthless?
"You don't get to dictate my life."
Biting your lip, turn the final page of the contract, and find the dotted line. A line that will sign your life away. A line that holds every dream, every wish, every hope you've gathered in your small wish to be an idol. To sing on the stage, to perform and touch the world with your music.
Your world.
Finding a pen amongst the confines of your satchel, you put the tip gently to the paper and sign your name.
You smile once you do, and hold your hands to your face.
Letting out a small shriek, you let your excitement take control of your body and you allow the euphoric feeling of happiness to spread throughout you. You push back the feelings of doubt, the paralyzing helplessness of terror. For now, that doesn't matter. At this moment, those feelings aren't important.
Who cares about what's to happen in the future?
Would you rather be held back because of things you can't control?
No, this is your choice. This is your life.
You make the choice, no one else can make it for you.
At the harsh ringer of the phone, you jump. Startled, you turn to it from where it sits on the counter and check the caller ID.
One step at a time right?
That's all it takes to be okay again.
To move on.
Maybe it's time you talked to her.
Setting the pen down, you pick up your phone, taking a deep breath before accepting the call.
"Hi, Mom."
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she finally called her mom! question, on a scale of 1-10 how angry would your guys' mom be if you ghosted her for this long? 0.o cuz mine would disown me for the longest time.
chapter 32 here
check the Infinite Stars masterlist for more chapters
check my BTS masterlist for other BTS content
check out my masterlist for other kpop fanfics
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theaviskullguy · 3 years
Ink and Petals
@dapple-dualies-propaganda here's the au
Tattoo artist! Rider x Florist! Goggles
hope you enjoy!
When was it not busy at Squid ink?
It was one of the top Tattoo Parlors in Inkopolis. and it was also on a pretty busy street. So, it got a lot of customers. Also the fact that one of the artists was a famous turfer.
Rider hadn't formerly retired, but he had eased out of playing Turf Wars. He had found other interests outside of the sport: Theater, art, reviewing old movies online... He still did Turf from time to time, albeit the adult league. He was too old for the more popular teen division.
So, he found a job as a tattoo artist. And he rather loved it. Not only did most of his friends consult him for tattoo advice (from where the best places are to good designs), but he also knew some gossip. One of his regulars had beef with her neighbor because he has a pet raccoon who keeps stealing her trash and Rider could NOT wait to hear more about this story.
Another thing was, well, Rider had seen some shit. From people covered head to toe in tats, to people eagerly wanting their first tattoo, even to shyer folk who wanted one to defy controlling parents or to mark something important.
None of that prepared Rider for the news he got when tattooing one of the customers. More specifically, Gloves.
You see, Gloves had been coming in for the past few days. They had wanted a pretty complicated butterfly tat, so for the last 3 days Rider has been exchanging stories with the resident enby about... pretty much anything.
This is how this exchange happened;
"So you remember Goggles, right?" Gloves asked.
Rider rolled his eyes. "What, you think I'd forget the guy who kept pulling down my pants?"
"Oh ha ha. Anyways, apparently he works at that flower shop now."
"...He what?"
"You heard me!" They said. "I went there yesterday to get something for a project and there was Goggles! He misses you, 'ya know!"
Rider was just. quiet. He hadn't talked to his crush in a while, contact dwindled when Rider stopped doing Turf as much. Never once did he think Goggles would miss him, but that was probably the self hatred talking.
"...I'll think about it." Was all Rider said.
The conversation continued like nothing happen; Gloves saying multiple cursed things and Rider sharing interesting stories he heard on his job. Time flew by and soon, the tattoo was done; a butterfly with the bi colors on one wing and the nb colors on the other. Rider was quite proud of it, and Gloves seemed to like it. They waved, and left the store, humming to themselves.
Rider looked at the clock. His shift ended in just a few minutes. He knew he had no other appointments that day, so he took to watching old recorded matches in his phone.
Those were over a decade ago. Yet he still remembered everything. His favorite part was still learning he won a match by such a small margin. It was just... amazing.
He sighed. Rider missed those battles. But he has to say, he missed his crush a bit more.
He clocked out, saying goodbye to the other employee-Cherry (business relationships were easy to maintain when your coworkers were your siblings), and headed towards the flower shop for more reasons than one.
Army had a performance the next day. And yeah, Rider knew it was romantic, but platonically giving your best friend flowers was always nice. Plus, he wanted an excuse to see Goggles again.
He looked into the shop-the blue inkling was nowhere to be seen, but then again neither was the front desk. So, Rider shrugged and stepped in.
The floral scent was strong, but not overwhelming. Plenty of blossoms lined the stands, along with tags of what the flowers were and what they meant.
Rider looked around, trying to remember which flowers Army liked again, when he heard a familiar, youthful voice.
"Hi! Need any help?"
The inkling turned around. Goggles had definitely changed since Rider last saw him; his tentacles were longer and in an actual bun, for once. His blue eyes still had that clarity, and he still had that goofy smile. Though he didn't seem to recognize Rider.
"Uhh... I'll be fine. I'm just trying to remember what flower my friend likes the most." He said, hoping his accent didn't give him away; there weren't many in Inkopolis with an Australian accent.
But, Goggles didn't seem to notice or care. "Oh, okay!"
Rider internally breathed a sigh of relief. That would have been awkward if Goggles recognized him.
He looked around the shop, before spotting a bouquet of lilies. He knew Army liked lilies. If they weren't his favorite flower, it'd be close enough.
Rider took a few of the bigger ones, and a few white roses for variety, and took them to the counter.
Goggles smiled. "This a special occasion?"
"Not exactly. Just, my friend's doing a performance for a musical and I wanted to get him something for it." Rider explained.
"What musical?" Gogs asked, arranging the flowers with a sheer, white ribbon tying them together.
"Hadestown. He got Eurydice."
"Oh! I went to go see it last night! Army's amazing at that role. He's your friend, right?"
Rider internally panicked, but calmed down after remembering he wasn't Army's only friend. "Yeah. We've been friends for a while now."
"Well, tell him I said hi!" He handed the bouquet to Rider. "On me, alright? It's for a friend anyways!"
Rider nodded. "Thanks, mate."
"You're welcome!"
A few weeks went by. Rider occasionally stopped at the flower shop and got flowers for...well, no real reason. He'd use them to add color to his house, or give them to friends. He just wanted an excuse to see Goggles.
He'd talked to the blue inkling a bit more, too. He'd gotten into the business since, well, he really liked flowers, and he wanted a job where he could just...relax! He still did Turf, of course, but the Adult league was more serious than the teen one, and he just wanted to have fun instead of be expected to take a game seriously.
He still didn't recognize Rider. The yellow-green inkling was a bit hurt by this, to be honest.
Though, it was a bit startling when Goggles actually walked into Rider's work. And Rider was assigned to give Goggles his first tattoo: A blue jay on his shoulder, taking off from a branch.
This time, it was Goggles' turn to ask questions as Rider worked.
"Sooo.... you've been coming into my shop for a while and I still don't know your name!" The blue inkling stated. "I mean, you can probably recognize me though!"
Rider shrugged. "Well, who can forget Goggles of the Idiot Blue team?"
Goggles giggled. "You do know me! I still don't know you!!"
"...I can assure you, we've met before that day I got Army flowers." Rider said.
"Ooh! Can I try and guess who you are?"
"Ehh, why not."
"Okay! Umm..." Goggles thought for a moment. "Clams facemask?"
Rider shook his head. "Nope."
"Eging Jr?"
"Not even close there."
"Stealth Goggles?"
"Getting closer, I'll give you that."
"....Rider?" Goggles asked.
Rider chuckled. "Took you long enough, idiot."
Goggles smiled wide. "I finally found you! Hi Riri!"
"Hey, Gogs. It's been a while."
"Yeah! I'm a bit surprised I didn't recognize you, since we were pretty close!" Goggles stated.
Rider shrugged. "Well, I'm not the most memorable person anyways."
"Riderrrrr don't say that!" Goggles said. "You're still really popular!"
"To some people, maybe. Not everyone."
There was a tense silence, other than the hum of the tattoo needle as it made the drawing.
"....So." Goggles started again. "How's life?"
"It's...well, better than it was." Rider said. "Got my own place, for one. Though it gets a bit lonely.. You?"
"I'm still living in an apartment. I really want a roommate!" Goggles proclaimed. "Maybe we could move in together?"
"..I'll think about it, Gogs. Though it might be fun being your roommate."
"Really? Thanks Rider!" Goggled smiled.
The conversation grew more casual. Rider enjoyed it; turns out Goggles had his fair share of gossip. It was kinda cool.
And as the next few days passed, Rider looked forward to each of those sessions. His crush seemed to go from "this person would be fun to date i think" to "hOLY MOTHER OF THE GODS IM IN L O V E", and it didn't help that during those meetings, Goggles had to be shirtless.
The days turned into weeks and months. Goggles moved in with Rider, and the two became incredibly close friends.
And, it came to a head near valentines day. Goggles' shop was very busy, as expected. Luckily, Squid Ink wasn't as much.
So, on his day off, just before Valentines, Rider headed to the flower shop and got a bouquet of roses. Cliché to confess on Valentines day, Rider knew, but he's a pining gay cut him some slack.
And Rider came home right as Goggles was leaving for his shift. So, that left Rider with a good 3 hours to practice his confession.
"Alright, Rider. This has to be CASUAL. 'Hey, I've liked you for over a decade but just now had the confidence to confess!' No, too creepy sounding. 'Yo, Gogs. I really like you and maybe we could go out to dinner sometimes?' ...Too casual."
....Yeah, this went on for a while.
Rider groaned, collapsing his his bed. "I wish feelings were fucking easier...I should just call Army."
So, he grabbed his phone and selected the contact, Veronica Sawyer Kinnie
"C'mon, Army... pick up."
And not one ring later, "Rider, what is it?"
"...I need romantic help. Please." Rider asked.
"Look, just because I'm married to Aloha, doesn't mean I know how I ended up here."
"Yeah, I kinda know that." He stated. "Still. I really need some help."
Army sighed. "Who is it? It's totally that one person with the raccoon story-"
"Actually, no. It's, um.... It's Goggles."
The octoling on the other end of the line could be heard sighing. "Still a morosexual I see."
"OI! You're the one who married a fuckin himbo!"
".....Touché. Still, there's a difference."
Rider huffed. "Just... give me some advice. I wanna confess to him tomorrow but I've got no idea how. I'm giving him roses, but like, there's gotta be something more I could do, y'know?"
"Have you tried asking Prince?" Army suggested. "He is the one with the obsession with rom coms and romance novels."
"This is his exam period, Army. I'm not about to potentially interrupt a cram session by asking for romantic advice!"
"Fair enough. I'd say...well, just rip off the band aid. Like... 'Hey, Goggles, I really like you and was wondering if you'd like to be my boyfriend.'"
"...Thanks, Arm. I'll, uh, give it a try."
Rider couldn't sleep that well. Mainly out of anticipation.
He was gonna confess to his crush of...over a decade, at least. He didn't fuckin know what was gonna happen!
Like, would Goggles reciprocate? Would he hate Rider after it? WHAT THE FUCK WOULD HAPPEN-
He sighed. He needed to get his mind off this shit.
Rider looked over to his bedside clock: 5AM. 5 hours before his shift. 5 hours to get his shit together and plan for confessing to the world's cutest but also dumbest man later that night.
C'mon, Rider. Think. Army said to rip it off like a band aid, but Goggles might find that a little sudden and out of the blue. He could write a letter and leave it for Goggles when he went to his shift (The flower shop was closed on Valentines day). That would be a safe option.
Rider sat up, and got out a piece of paper and pencil, writing a note.
"Hey, Goggles.
There's something I've been wanting to tell you for a while. I really, really like you. As in, a crush.
I totally get it if you don't like me back, or think I'm weird, but hey, I was wondering if you'd wanna go out to dinner or something. Probably not tonight cause of Valentine's day but maybe tomorrow night or something.
Quickly, he folded it and wrote Goggles' name, putting a little heart sticker on it. It was corny, but hey, Rider had to use up those stickers somehow.
Rider attached it to the roses, and kept it on his desk.
And so, the morning went as normal. He had breakfast, got out of his pjs, put his hair up... the usual.
But as Rider left to go to work, he left the note and rose on the table, and left the house quickly.
During the day, he nearly forgotten all about it; He caught up with the gossip-Apparently the neighbor with the raccoon and the regular were now dating. So that was a nice little end to the story.
Squid Ink wasn't AS busy-probably because it was Valentines day, people were spending it with their lovers, not getting inked up (unless they made the appointment when single)
And it was near the end of Rider's shift when he heard his name mentioned. Probably someone making an appointment before he heard the familiar voice of Goggles going "Okay!!"
The blue inkling walked over to his station. "Hi Ridey!!"
"...Hey, Gogs. Getting another tat?" Rider asked, trying to keep his cool.
Goggles nodded. "Yeah!!!"
"A'ight anything specific in mind or-"
"Can I get just a simple quote one?"
Rider nodded. "Where do you want it?"
Goggles pulled down the collar of his shirt slightly. "Right here, please!"
"Okay. Just try to keep holding that down so I don't mess up.
And so, tattoo conversations ensued.
The quote Goggles had wanted was a simple Pride one, that said "love is love". It was discreet, but a bit of it could be seen poking out if Goggles ever wore a v-neck.
"So, any plans for tonight?" Rider asked, trying to keep things subtle. Maybe Goggles hadn't read the note yet.
The blue inkling nodded. "Kinda! I had mental plans buuuuut nothing serious."
Rider raised an eyebrow. "Who with?"
"..I m-mean, I still have to ask him.." Goggles' face turned a shade of blue, and he averted his gaze.
"....Can I guess who he is?"
"If ya can!"
He smiled. "Does his name have an R in it?" Rider had a guess it was himself, but it wouldn't hurt to check.
Goggles nodded. "Yeah!"
"Got an accent?"
"Is he doing your tattoo?"
"....y-yeah?" Goggles sheepishly smiled. "I'm n-not that discreet, am I?"
Rider chuckled, but on the inside he was screeching. "Honestly? I had no clue myself."
"Really? I've been dropping the most obvious hints!"
"...Like what?" Rider asked, now a bit curious.
"Welllll I've been picking movies you like during movie night, I've made sure to get your drink on coffee runs, Oh! And I offered to cook dinner that one time!" Goggles stated.
"...Damn. I'm just oblivious then." The former dynamo user laughed, before turning off the needle. "There. It's all done." Rider held up a mirror for the blue boy.
Goggles' face lit up. "Whoa! It looks amazing!!! Thanks Riri!"
Rider smiled. "You're welcome. Now, uh, ...did you read my note?"
"..Y-yeah, I did. And, um...I like you too Rider!!" The blue man pressed a small, quick kiss to Rider's cheek.
Rider blushed. "S-so, you'll let me t-take you out?"
Goggles nodded. "Yeah!!!"
"I...thanks, Gogs."
"You're welcome Riri!!!"
but like. hope yall enjoy!
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Ripped Apart
Kinktober: Day 3, Hatefuck
Loki x Reader
He doesn’t have a reason to hate, in fact everyone loves you, but what happens when that hate is confronted.
Warnings: language, angst, smut,  
Part 2 Part 3
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He had despised her for as long as he could remember. From the moment she had stepped into the compound, Tony leading the way, he hadn’t trusted a single thing she had said. She had eyes more devious than the devil and a smirk to match. She had shaken his hand with the confidence of a goddess and sent him a wink to rival a courtesan. His muscles angrily shifted against his bones as he fought his instinct to get away from her.
The worst part of it all was that everyone seemed to like her. Everyone had gravitated to her in an instant. Even Bucky, who didn’t seem to like anyone, could be found at her side. He did his best not to grimace when she sat beside him or rant about her when everyone else was drunk out of their minds, he tried to not even mention it in the reports he sent in monthly. The one time he had Fury had brought him and questioned him about the feeling, hitting every feeling that churned in his stomach with facts to dissuade him. He had kept his mouth shut since then, seething in silence. The only person he dared to share his feelings with was Thor, who at least seemed slightly concerned.
It didn’t matter if she was doing everything perfectly or royally fucking everything up, he hated her. His dreams were filled with the idea of choking her until she turned blue, making her bleed until her skin lost color, making her scream until her lungs couldn’t take it any longer. Of course, he didn’t act on anything of the sort. If he even attempted his ass would be back in prison faster than she could raise an arm to defend herself. The closet he got was training. At first, he had avoided it all together, not daring to even look at her lest he be tempted to rip her apart; but now, he embraced it. Any chance he had he was on the mat, throwing her against the padded ground with as much force as he dared. She fought against him tooth and nail, grinning all the while. He tried to break bones, bruise her past recognition but she always seemed to slip away with a twinkle in her eye.
And then, as if to mock him, she would compliment him on his fight before disappearing with a group of interns who congratulated her for keeping up with a god. Normally, he would destroy something after that, adrenaline shooting through his nerves until his knuckles were busted and bloody and at least one wall is covered in dents that he wouldn’t bother explain.
And now they were partners, through and through. He had begged and pleaded, threatening Stark with everything he had, but there was nothing he could say that would change the man's mind.  He had threatening to burn down Stark towers, but Tony was having none of it. Now, as they sat atop a building in Southern Germany he wanted nothing more than to push her off. Her hair was brushing against his face as she stared through the scope.  She didn't even notice.
"Tie your hair up," he snapped, and she glanced over her shoulder, grinning at him.
"Sorry," she replied, brushing the hair behind her ear but with a smile like that he didn't believe a word she said. He continued to glare at her, even as she returned to the scope, and then when she pulled away, brow scrunched in annoyance. "Do you have a problem with me?" she snapped, and he almost wanted to laugh at the audacity. He didn't bother answering such a question, if she was really that stupid, he had more than one reason to despise her. “Hey, I asked you a question, just because you’re some god doesn’t mean you get to just ignore me,” she snapped, grabbing his arm with questionable confidence. He returned the gesture and slammed her against the electrical box beside them. She squirmed against his arm, but he didn’t let up.
“Fucking drop it.”
“Fuck you, Loki. I haven’t done anything.”
“I said, fucking drop it.” There was a beat of silence before someone spoke through their cons, asking if the pair were okay. She shoved him away and returned to her sniper.
Fifteen minutes later they were sitting on the hellicarrier, glaring at one another from across the deck. She had shot the target and now they were free to go home, and as far from one another as they possibly could. He couldn’t believe she didn’t know what his problem was, but the longer he sat there he wasn’t exactly sure if he knew what the problem was either. He was in Stark tower as fast as his legs would take him, ignoring Stark’s request for a report, and darting towards his room.
Meanwhile, Y/N was following him at breakneck speed, even daring to shove an unsuspecting intern out of her way. When she reached his door she slammed her fist against it, rehearsing the string of curses she was going lay out for him the moment he opened the door.
When he didn’t answer she resorted to slamming her foot against it, denting the door with each well-placed kick.
Inside, Loki was grinding his teeth with each attack on the last layer that was protecting her from her demise. She was screaming at him now, drawing attention to herself, as if this whole ordeal wasn’t bad enough. Finally, with great irritation he allowed her. She stumbled forward and quickly took a fighting stance he was used to seeing.
“You’re going to tell me what the fuck is going on right now, or I swear I’m going to make you forget you’re a god.” He took a long step forward, eyes narrowing with each second that passed through the tension.
“Make me forget I’m a god?” he asked with a chuckle and she aimed a kick at his jaw. It should have shattered the bone, it should have done enough to send his mind spiraling, but with a swift hand he caught her ankle and twisted. She fell to the ground with a cry. “Make me forget I’m a god?” he repeated stepping towards her as she scrambled away. “I think you forget who you’re playing with little girl.” She pulled herself up by his bedframe and leaned on the ankle that had suffered his attack.
“I haven’t done anything.”
“You’ve done everything,” he snarled grabbing her arm and tossing her against the wall. The paintings Thor had hung for him shook at the force and she cried out in pain.
“Tell me, tell me what I’ve done.” He grabbed her chin to answer but words failed him. She had done nothing, merely coexisted with him and yet he felt nothing but hatred.
Maybe that’s why he kissed her.
She squirmed away from him, hands pushing against his chest. He grabbed her hair, pushing her closer until he found it hard to breathe. Gasping for air, he pulled away, hands still pressing against. She glared at him and aimed a punch that he caught.
“I’m going to show you exactly why I’m a god,” he snarled placing himself between her legs. She swallowed and he grinned.
Everything that happened after that was nothing but hatred.
When he slammed her body against the drywall, he forced every ounce of anger he had been forced to hide into the move. She cried out but respond with a similar force, grabbing his arms and bruising his back against the dresser. His backbone cried out in protest and he flipped her onto the bed, climbing over top of her. He took her wrists and held them above her head, fingers tightening until the fingers curled from the blood loss. Her knee found his chest and he stumbled back.
“What the fuck?” she yelled standing up from the bed with as much dignity as she could manage with her shirt half torn off. “First you hate me and now you’re all over me.”
“Last time I check, you kissed back,” he taunted, enjoying the scandalized look on her face. A beat of silence passed as she tried to come to terms with the situation. He smirked when she moved forward, hiding the disappointment that she was leaving, until she grabbed his collar and kissed him.
He could feel her anger too. She wanted to be accepted by everyone, especially him, and by the way she was kissing him, she thought this would do the trick.
“I fucking hate you,” she muttered against his lips, nails digging into his skin until thin rivers of blood ran down his shoulders. He shoved her away and ran a hand over the wound. The red collected in the lines of his hands, pooling in the center of his palm. She watched him like a cornered wolf, leaping away when he attacked, dragging her towards the sheets. She fought against the contact, hands grabbing hold of flesh, not to push it away but to pull it closer against her better judgement.
Her shirt went first, or what was left of it. She was all tan skin, taught muscle and heavy breathing. His blood caked the fingernails that were clutching his shirt, doing their best to remove the clothing. He picked her up and pushed her against the wall once more, yanking her pants to the floor before wrapping her legs around his waist. The drywall dented when he slammed into her, residue drifting into their hair until it was a blizzard to match the frigid words that passed between their lips.
He wanted to rip her apart as she gasped around him, fingers clawing at her skin. She returned the favor, drawing intricate designs into the skin that hadn’t been damaged by a thousand more worthy opponents. It was a conflicting symphony of noises, the agony of pleasure ringing out over the proclamations of ongoing hatred.
To admit enjoyment was to lose and so all moans become a declaration of agony. Gasps drifted into screams and smiles became winces. Caresses were replaced by claws and when the climax came and went it was filled with anger, wishing more than anything to deny that it had ever occurred.
He dropped her to the ground, not bothering to watch as she pulled on her pants, panting against the feeling of emptiness. He was colder than before, not even her hot breath against his back could warm him.
“Get out,” he mumbled.
“I would like nothing more,” she snapped, marching out of the room without picking up her shirt. The door slammed behind her, sliding into place awkwardly because of the dents that had began their encounter.
He was glad she was gone, ecstatic in fact, and yet he wanted nothing more than to bring her back and rip her apart again.
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