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stephenjaymorrisblog · 6 months ago
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Will the Black Flag of Anarchy Ever Fly?
Stephen Jay Morris
©Scientific Morality.
The answer to that question is: probably not. Long answer, maybe—when the vanguard army is created. The belly of the beast, the United States of America, has too many flaws. For one thing, the specimen of followers in the USA are mostly dreamy-eyed Millennials who hail from the White Middle Class; like my generation, who never had to struggle a day in their life. They are very aware of the plight of the poor and are knowledgeable of the trials and tribulations of the Third World.
Being an Anarchist in the USA is likened to a discrepancy of youth. You go through the rebellious stage of your own maturity, then you settle down, raise a family, and wave the American flag. This is the White American experience. When you ultimately realize that America is an imperialist monster, you are a committed revolutionary with hatred in your heart for the capitalist, military-industrial complex antics. Like America’s ongoing support—in dollars and bombs—of the genocide of the Palestinian people via the reactionary element of Zionism. You actively protest the genocide. Then a supporter of the Judeo-Fascist movement sprays you in the face with some bug repellent while the police turn their collective heads, pretending they don’t see what is happening to you. You come home to find that your apartment has been vandalized and robbed and you realize that you are fucking with a nuclear power who is not afraid of you. Then comes the “cosmic slap” in your face and you have an epiphany: If you can’t beat them, join them!
Do you realize that most Leftists in America go through that experience? Then, they write these sensationalist books with stupid titles like, “How the Communists Ruined My Life.” Before long, the author arrives at the conclusion that they can make a shitload of money just the lying about the left! So, they write more books with more lame titles like, “How Jesus Taught Me to Love America.”
Don’t make the mistake of thinking that government spies in your Anarchist’s cell don’t exist. They are there to provoke violence between Communists and Anarchists. Some even have podcasts on YouTube. One podcaster, who shall remain nameless, gives long lectures on theoretical anarchism and intimates that he knows the true meaning of Anarchy. Just like those who proselytize the religion of Christianity, whereby the pastor claims he is the one guy who knows the true meaning of Jesus.
So, here is this podcaster, an ex-Marine in the middle of America, telling you what Bakunin knew a hundred years ago. About community gardens and some fantasy of something called “Horizontal Control.” That is an economic term for efficiently running a business. How that applies to Anarchist theory I don’t know, and I don’t care.
True Anarchist Revolution will come from the Third World, such as the Zapatista Army or the Kurds in the Mid-East. They shall be the vanguard of the Anarchist Revolution. Here in America, we have college professors in country clubs, debating Marxist strategies versus Bakunin’s revolution by deed.  Proxy Anarchist revolution consists of bourgeois White kids wearing ski masks and breaking windows in the streets of Babylon.
Nope! That aint it.
I hate to repeat myself. “A revolutionary is a doomed man,” according to Micheal Bakunin. Revolution is about sacrifice. Revolutionaries must know about marksmanship, hand to hand combat, and the proper usage of explosives. Let’s not forget political polemics. Do not call yourself a revolutionary unless you are one. It’s okay to be a theoretical Anarchist. Me? I am a retired Anarchist. I paid my dues.
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stephenjaymorrisblog · 11 months ago
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Pigs off Campus!
(College Revolt is Back in Style.)
Stephen Jay Morris
©Scientific Morality
                Here is a nifty little analogy:  suppose your dad gave money to your uncle to buy a gun so that he could shoot his ex-wife? Would your dad be guilty of murder?  Kind of.  He would be an accessory to murder. Suppose your country gave weapons to another country to commit genocide? Would it be guilty of genocide? Sort of, as they would be an accessory to a war crime. So, is it justifiable for Americans to protest Israel’s genocide against Palestinians? Hell, yeah! Not only is it justified, but it is also warranted.
            Now I am going to play a game of comparative history. The Chuds have been whining and bitching about how college professors are brainwashing their precious White children with leftist propaganda. Back in 1968, most universities were run by Right wing, WASP men in suits and ties. College professors were either moderates or conservative. Only the Arts departments were managed by liberals and Beatniks. Baby Boomers were never brainwashed by college professors. They were autodidactic and hungry for the truth. Some joined the “Ban the Bomb” movement and later, the Civil Rights movement.
            The urgency of the war at hand got ahold of Boomers. Many Vietnamese women and children along with American soldiers were dying by the hundreds, as was reported on the nightly news. A minority of Boomers felt helpless and wanted to stop the killing. So, they resorted to protests and strikes on university campuses. These acts were coordinated by two major student groups: the Black Student Union and Students for a Democratic Society, other wise known as SDS. I joined SDS in 1969. The only communication avenues we had at the time were printed fliers, underground newspapers, and FM rock stations. Oh, and let’s not forget the telephone. The FBI loved tapping them. If we’d had the technology Zoomers have today, we would have stopped the Vietnam War in 1967.
            In 1968, the anti-war movement went international, from Europe to Africa to South America. Most of the world was opposed to the Vietnam War.
So, is this latest movement against Likud Party’s genocide on the Palestinian people a new Anti-War movement? As sure as the Earth is round! Now all this of this carping about Anti-Semitism is no different than when the New Left was accused of being Anti-American. Neither is true! There is a Jewish sect called, “Keturei Karta,” who believe that there can be no Israel until the Messiah comes. Many Jews do not accept Jesus as the Jewish messiah. Now, let me ask you. Is this orthodox sect antisemitic or just comprised of your average self-hating Jews? Shit no dumbass!
            In 1968, we waved Vietcong flags and were accused of being communists. It was all done in the name of solidarity. Now the Palestinian flag is waved. Nothing has changed. We did have contingencies of Tankies, and other types of communist groups, who marched with us and chanted slogans that didn’t reflect the true sentiment of the movement’s coalition. Here are a couple I remember: “America must die! Let the red flag fly!”  and “Get a clue! Fuck the red, white, and blue!” There were other silly ones I’ve long since forgotten.
            Now you have Islamic nationalist groups doing the same thing. The Chants of “Death to America” come from small, Muslim, theocratic groups who are not affiliated with the Anti-authoritarian Left. Due to rumors and erroneous propaganda, the Left, as a rule, do not support Islam. Why? Well, because many of them does not support organized religion! Second, Islam, like Christianity and Judaism, are sexist religions.
            It was the Battle of Seatle, in 1999, that gave me hope. Then came the occupation movement of 2011, and now, this anti-war movement of 2024. If they can pull this off, the movement’s young people can stop this so-called war in the Middle East. As for the young people in Israel, will they rise up and stop Likud Party? That remains to be seen.
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stephenjaymorrisblog · 5 months ago
Don't waste your tears on the neo-liberal Bourgeoisie.
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stephenjaymorrisblog · 5 months ago
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stephenjaymorrisblog · 1 year ago
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Republicans Are Soft on Fascism
(I try to put my head in the sand, but I suffocate.)
Stephen Jay Morris
©Scientific Morality.
Billionaire Elon Musk blames Jews for the failure of his social Media venture, “X” (formerly “Twitter). It has something to do with the ADL. I saw recent videos of neo-Nazis on a Florida bridge, waving their swastika flags left to right in view of the oncoming traffic. Hitler fan and podcaster, Nick Fuentes, tells the world he hates poor people. Anti-Semitism has come full circle, again, to being blatantly expressed in public. There used to be repercussions for talking shit about the Jews. I am watching this cadre of Jew haters unfold in front of my very eyes.  Lots of American Jews once thought that if they converted to Christianity and married a Gentile, they would be immune to being put in concentration camps or thrown into ovens. I can still hear my father pounding his fist on the dining room table, in a rage, yelling that the Jews are a religion not a race. “Why is he yelling at his family and not to real Jew haters?” I thought. That is a story for another time.
 But alas, you can’t convince a Nazi that Jews are white. They think and feel that Jews are a mogul race of mud people and should be destroyed. Once they find out that you are Jewish—bye, bye!
In 1935, Sinclair Lewis published a book, “It Can’t Happen Here.” It warned about the possibility of Fascism in America. I read that book in 1969. I told my parents and they thought I was crazy. America is the strongest country in the world, they said; it would never happen here!
It is now happening here. What about the owners of massive wealth and the military industrial complex? Do they care? First, the so-called deep state couldn’t give a damn about Jews at risk for death! Second, Nazis are pro-capitalism so long as White men control it. I’ve asked this question a million times: have you ever seen a Right winger protest a Nazi? Neither have I. Conservatives are soft on fascism. They get embarrassed by Nazis because they say the quiet rhetoric out loud. They say things like, “the East elites (Rich Jews) want to run our country” or “the globalists (Rich Jews) want to run the world!” They say, “the Jews will not replace us!” to which the conservative agrees, but thinks the Nazis are giving the game away.
But when it comes to Communism? Holy fuck burgers! Bomb them! Kill them all and let God sort them out! They know that Communists would take away their property and businesses and give it all to the poor. If you ask me, I’d rather live in Stalin’s Russia than in the 1950’s America, anti-communist hysteria. Fuck anti-Communism!!! Conservatives outlawed free speech in America in the 50’s. If you slightly inferred liberal tendencies in your speech, the FBI would tap your phone and follow you to work! You think I am exaggerating? Go through some time machine and find out. During the 50’s, if you were in America and, simultaneously, in the then Soviet Union, you wouldn’t know the difference! In Russia, The KGB would follow you around and, in the USA, the FBI would follow you around.
As an anarchist, I am not surprised. As a Jew, I am highly concerned. Oh, and your gentile spouse will not be spared. During the Nazi’s regime, many Aryans were put into camps for marrying non-Aryan husbands or wives. The price for race-mixing is death.
I sure miss the Jewish Defense League, even though they were Right wing, Zionist revisionists. They were pro-active. Whenever there were Nazi rallies, they were there with baseball bats. I am not pro-violence, but I am not pro-surrender, either. I’ll tell you one thing. I will not walk into a gas chamber peacefully. Never again, motherfuckers!
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stephenjaymorrisblog · 8 months ago
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Bibi Goes to Washington
Stephen Jay Morris
©Scientific Morality
Not many people are going to read this article. I might as well be preaching to a basket of kittens. It certainly wouldn’t hurt my feeling to engage in that type of activity.  The concept of bad Jew and good Jew has not penetrated with non-Jews comprehension. There is this politically correct notion that you can’t say anything negative about Jews, even though some Jews do negative things. Well, as a Jew myself, I give you permission to criticize any Jew that does wrong.
I have stated before about Jews who were gangsters or serial killers. Though the late Bugsy Siegal, Jewish gangster, was a handsome dude, he was an evil asshole. Prime Minister Netanyahu is a 74-year-old, ugly, fat, old man that looks more like Bela Lugosi than Bugsy Siegal. He is a stereotype of evil. Yes, Virgina, there are evil Jews. The problem with real antisemites is that they think all Jews are evil. On the other hand, American liberals think all Jews are saints. Both are wrong. The old trope that Jews are either Communists or greedy money-grubbers. Is too dualistic to be true. The old-time Hollywood studios’ owners were registered Republicans and were happy to assist the anti-Communist campaign to rid America of Communists. Just remember, anticommunism and antisemitism walk hand in hand, together, down Desolation Row.
So? Who in the fuck is this Netanyahu character anyway?  He thinks he was anointed by God to lead the Jewish people. No, really—he does. He has a solemn disposition like someone suffering from a sociopathology disorder. The only time he smiles is when he is cavorting with Donald Trump, another nut case. No matter how much video tape that’s been shot of it, he will not cop to killing women and children. It’s all Hamas’ fault. He told house Republicans that the reason the Palestinians are starving is because Hamas is stealing their food. No matter how much evidence to the contrary there is, the Likud flunkies will lie with intransient vigor. That is like saying the reason Black people are starving is because the Black Panther Party is stealing their food. Likud propaganda is not just sophistic, it’s outright, fucking retarded! There are also non-Jews who believe it!
Bibi came to Washington to appear in the Peoples’ House and excoriate American politicians like an angry school master. He acted like he was going to give each member a caning. Not a bad idea. He stood up there at the podium, like an ancient, avenging angel, lecturing the House about not doing enough for Israel. And after every declaration, he was interrupted with a standing ovation by these sycophantic Democrats and Conservatives who, otherwise, wouldn’t know anything about the Jewish people—at all!
Then came the cherry on top: he condemned the American anti-war movement of being paid agitators of Iran. Oh Yeah? Do you have the receipts, Bibi? Or did you pull that one out of your tush?
The idea that Bibi came to America to criticize American lawmakers of not doing much and accusing the pro-Palestinian movement of being financed by a foreign country—an Israeli enemy, by the way—would make one think he is some type of courageous warrior. No, he is not. He was protected by the secret service and—get this—he was staying at the Watergate hotel! Why there?
Funny, my generation was accused by these same creeps of being financed by the former Soviet Union for our anti-war demonstrations. Nothing ever changes but the names. I wished to God that somebody had handed him a subpoena and handcuffed his fat hands! The only time I would support Hamas would be if they kidnaped him, took him to the World Court, and put him on trial. He would probably ask for a public defender; he’s too cheap to get a lawyer! What? Too antisemitic? Good!
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stephenjaymorrisblog · 1 year ago
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Benjamin Netanyahu
The Menace to World peace
Stephen Jay Morris
April 14, 2024
©Scientific morality
            The world would be better off with pacifists than with avenging angels. What religion has taught us is not to trust the followers of any religion. They always put a square peg into a round hole. They twist God’s words to fit their own agenda. If God is so fucking omnipotent, why does he need Christian soldiers, Jihadist warriors, or the I.D.F. to levy his punishment upon evil doers. I suspect he doesn’t really exist. Even common sense will tell you that God doesn’t need an army to implement mega-universe domination.
Sounds kind of primitive, doesn’t it?  It is. Simpletons have this fear of so-called evil. They make the fatal mistake in feeling that the only way to deal with evil is to destroy it. That is a gigantic fallacy. Evil will always replace itself. Someone once told me that there will always be good versus evil. That I do not accept. What is evil? That is a subjective question.  What may be evil to you is good to someone else.
            Ever since the 60s and 70s, I was told that the older generation sends the young to war to fight the gerontocratic political schemes. One thing about narcissistic old men is that they know their time on earth is almost up. So, they want the whole world to die with them. The phony good is really the true evil. Or maybe, just maybe, there is no such thing as good and evil. There are people who have mental disorders, or angry people who have personality maladies. They need healing, not punishment.
Then, those who think violence solves everything will give you an example of “what ifs.” “What if someone is raping your wife? Would you give the rapist a therapy session?” We are talking about the long term, you dumb fuck! Not an immediate, singular situation. Of course I would do anything to stop such an act!  Prevention of evil is wiser than revenge.
            If we are going to have World War Three, can we at least wait until the NBA playoffs are over? It only takes one leader that suffers from a messianic complex and thinks himself a Jewish prophet: Benjamin Netanyahu, the not-ready-for-prime-time minister. He wants to drag the United States into war with Iran. The Likud Party initiated it when it bombed an Iranian consulate in Syria. Of course, Iran wants to retaliate. So, they launched hundreds of missiles and drones toward Israel. And, of all those fired, just one missile penetrated. One? After spending millions and billions on Israel’s Iron Dome, you’d think all missiles would be deterred. Can the IRS refund my tax money, then? I need it for some plumbing work in my bathroom.
            Benjamin Netanyahu is not my leader. I didn’t vote for him to be pope of the Jews. What he has done for Israel is to apply a permanent scar in history. What he has done and is doing to the Palestinian people is genocide. Repeatedly spewing the details of Hamas’ horrific attack on October 7, 2023 is not justification for that genocide. The question really is, with Israel’s technological and logistical advances, where were the border police that day? Was the Iron Dome turned off?  I know I won’t get any answers to these questions.
            Being opposed to Revisionist Zionists does not make me Anti-Semitic, it makes me pro-humanitarian!
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stephenjaymorrisblog · 1 year ago
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The Very Last Resort
(Arron Bushnell self-immolates)
Stephen Jay Morris
©Scientific Morality.
A normal person cannot comprehend someone walking up to the Israeli Consulate and pouring gasoline all over themselves, striking a match, and burning to death while screaming, “Free Palestine!” Was he insane? Back in the 60’s, Vietnamese Buddhists set themselves on fire to protest America’s occupation of their country. They believed in reincarnation and had faith that they would return to earth for their sacrificial good deed. But Arron? He was a member of the United States Air Force. It is alleged that he was a Gay Anarchist, which makes me very inquisitive about him. Why was he in the Air Force? Was he a weekend leftist? I wonder if this question will ever be answered.
Let’s talk about his political suicide. Or was it suicide? This is a very controversial point. This act was, indeed, an existential shock. As for me, I am afraid of death, even were it to occur in my sleep. But many brave souls are willing to die for a cause, or for a loved one. I would die for my wife. That is understandable. But for my country? People who send others to war would never die for the USA. So, why would I?
Why would a 25-year-old man self-immolate? Was it because he was experiencing a moral panic? Maybe. If you are a moralist and hear continuous, daily death tallies of innocent men, women, and children, you feel helpless. He may have had fantasies of being a Rambo type and going into Gaza with an AR-15, shooting IDF soldiers, and freeing Palestinians. Or, perhaps, parachuting into Gaza with food and water to help. Maybe Navy Seals could complete such an unimaginable act, but without professional help, it is not really feasible. What Arron did was apparently self-determined and purposeful. It was his protest of the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Palestine, the genocide of the Palestinian people, and the U.S. support of the Israeli government in these actions.
The mainstream media played this down as suicide. The reactionary element of America has played it cool. Oh, there have and will be insensitive memes or hateful posts on X, but I would be very surprised if some conservative pundits pose analytical theories on Arron’s motives. Maybe some MAGA lunatic will set himself on fire to stop abortion. (Am I now a participant in stochastic terrorism? Sure, why not.) I doubt that it would ever happen. It would be fun, though.
What Arron Bushnell did was a humanitarian act of altruism; the highest form of altruism, which is putting someone else’s needs above your own. America is so indoctrinated with the Ayn Rand virus of, “Fuck you! Me first.” Sacrifice is more moral than self-interest. What Bushnell did was the highest form of morality: sacrifice.
If you are willing to die for a cause, die in the anarchist revolution. Bakunin once said, “A revolutionary is a doomed man!” There is nothing romantic about revolution. It is full of hardship, bloodshed, and death. If that scares you, then become a Democrat or Republican, and waste your vote.
Me? I’m almost 70 years old. Unlike President Biden, however, I know my limitations.
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stephenjaymorrisblog · 11 months ago
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How Will All This End?
Stephen Jay Morris
©Scientific Morality
            Ever hear of the expression, “a self-fulfilling prophecy?” What does that mean?  You can convince yourself that something negative will happen in the future; you can convince yourself by repeating it repeatedly. Does it usually happen? Well, if you believe in a supernatural belief system, you can make something happen by chanting for it. If you believe in logic, there’s a 50-50 chance that something you predict may happen by coincidence.
            I know, I know—in the past I promised not to make any predictions. But America in the year 2024, is too juicy to pass up. Let’s just say, I’m only theorizing. Is that Kosher? OK! Let’s get to it.
            Many self-created prophets want that Nostradamus statue on their living room mantel, above the fireplace. But most predictions fall flat on their face. What is America’s number one concern as it is shoved down our collective throats? The presidential election in November 2024. Let’s see. Before the primaries, both political parties declared their candidates for president.
That didn’t happen in 1968. The Democrats had three candidates running for president. RFK, Eugene McCarthy, and Hubert Humphrey. So did the Republican Party. Nelson Rockefeller, Ronny Reagan, and Dick Nixon. (Can you believe that Dick Nixon beat Ronny Reagan?) So, this not like 1968 at all.
Second of all, will there be riots at the Democratic convention in Chicago this summer? Same as in 1968—yes. Will there be any trouble? Not really. In 1968, there were dozens of protest groups, from the Civil Rights movement to the Black Panther Party. Also, from SDS to the Yippies. The City government consisted of Blue Dog Democrats. What are Blue Dog Democrats? Right wing Democrats. Yeah, there was such a thing! After all, Rockefeller was a Liberal Republican. The Mayor, Richard J. Daley, was a Red Neck conservative, and he loved the police force and the military.  Now, in 2024, the Chicago city council are mostly left-of-center Democrats. Nothing will happen on the streets of Chicago because the Liberals will negotiate with the protest leaders. And make deals with them. Unless police provocateurs or Israeli agents start some shit. But I highly doubt it.
            So, what about the Republican Convention? In 1968, they had theirs in Miami Beach Florida. It’s funny; the Democrats had theirs at the same place in ‘72. There were riots there. Looking back, the so-called media always focused on the Democratic Convention. They loved it when the Left fought Liberals. People forget when the Republicans had a riot near their convention in ’68, Blacks rioted at Liberty City and the media blacked it out. (Pun intended.) In 1970, when White students at Kent State got shot, it was front page news. However, when Black students got shot by cops at Jackson State, that appeared on page 18 in the newspaper. So, when the GOP have their convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin this year, the media will downplay any demonstrations. If you still think the media is liberal, maybe you should go to your primary care provider and get tested for early-stage dementia.
            Now, between Biden and Trump, who will win? Biden is senile and Trump is demented. A lot can happen before November. Biden could drop out of the race for an elderly illness. Or he could die of natural causes. Keep your eye on Kamala Harris. She might be our first female president. If Biden does survive, he will lose the race.
            What about Trump? He could win, but he’d be very ineffectual sitting in a prison cell. Keep your eye on his vice-presidential choice. They might be our next president if Trump wins. It cracks me up how some of his sycophant followers portray him as some type of superhero. He must wear a girdle to keep that fat belly from falling on his dick! His arteries are so clogged with junk food, he might have a massive heart attack while sitting in the prison cafeteria. Plus, he has obvious signs of dementia; just listen to how he talks. I love how supporters of both candidates deny that their candidate has any illness. If Trump survives, he will barely win. The outcome may depend on which candidate dies first.
            Now, about this talk over losing our democracy. We never had it! For decades, the Chuds have claimed that we are a Constitutional Republic. The Liberals say we are a Liberal Democracy. Who’s right? Who cares?! This two-party system will always be a two-party system. If we were a true Democracy, we would have 17 political parties—just like Israel. But no, we have this fake rivalry between left and right. “Democrats are for the working man.” No, they’re not. “The Republicans are for individualism and Jesus.” Really?
So, as for this ultimatum of either we elect Biden or we get fascism versus if you vote for Trump, you’ll be raptured and float up to heaven…Fuck off, please! Nothing is going to happen in November. Even if Trump is elected, America will survive. If Biden wins, America will survive.
It’s time for a new constitution! It’s time for a one world anarchy!
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stephenjaymorrisblog · 3 months ago
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My movie review!
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stephenjaymorrisblog · 3 months ago
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My friend Bill has a new book out.
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stephenjaymorrisblog · 3 months ago
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How Many Years Since 1965?
Stephen Jay Morris
©Scientific Morality
            In 1965, I had one foot in hell and the other in heaven. The year rushed by so fast before I could capture the true meaning of that year. I had a docile mother and a neurotic father. My mother had a personality disorder, which I understood. She had lived a life of emotional strife. She was 35 years old in 1965. She was a real artist with New Age tendencies. She was the nicest of my parents, an introverted type, which made her a fantastic listener. Later, in 1969, I used to have these emotional rants in the kitchen, and she would sit quietly at the breakfast table, listening to every word I spat from my mouth.
            My dad, on the other hand, was an angry man. He had a high-pitched voice which made me question his sexual orientation for years. Funny, though; he had a nerdy appearance. He wore a pocket protector and black-framed, horn rim glasses, 1940’s baggy pants, white short-sleeved, shirts. Plus, he sported big, fat, solid-colored ties, Wingtip brown shoes, and socks with funny patterns. And then, there was his hair. My God, his hair was atrocious! It was parted on the left side of his head, and the sides of his head were shaved. It was covered in greasy hair tonic, and visible was the dandruff that was trapped in his greasy brown follicles. Conversely, my mother dressed in the latest fashions and had a model’s figure. The only thing negative about her looks was her bulbous nose and deformed toes. I inherited those two attributes.
            Why my dad hated me so much I never knew. In the beginning, I believed his assessment of me, which that I was lazy, stupid, fat, and a weakling. I was an11-year-old kid, fantasizing about being dead and watching people’s reactions to that.
            It wasn’t just my parents who deeply affected me, it was my school mates and fellow Boy Scout members. Also, my relatives. All my grandparents were civil to me. Ultimately, I became asocial. I liked walking aimlessly through the back streets. I loved laying in my bed and listening to my transistor radio. I was into baseball and pop music, plus Hollywood movies. I lived just two blocks from a walk-in movie theater. Even though I didn’t know beforehand what a movie was about, I went to see it anyway.  I do know that, if not for music, I would be dead by now.
            There were many songs that saved my 11-year-old life. This one, which was a soundtrack
from a 1965 movie starring Steve McQueen, is one of many anthems I’ve heard in my lifetime. Bob Dylan’s folk anthems didn’t do much for me at the time. In “The Times They Are a Changing,” I thought he was talking about daylight savings time. Then there was, “Blowing in the Wind.” Was he singing about a balloon? One song I did understand was this, a soundtrack to a movie. It was sung by Glenn Yarbrough with a cool orchestra behind him.
“Baby the Rain Must Fall” is a song written by Elmer Bernstein and Ernie Sheldon. It was recorded by folk artist Glenn Yarbrough in 1965. It was the title song for the movie of the same name, which starred Steve McQueen. It appeared on Yarbrough’s album, “Baby the Rain Must Fall,” and, in 1965, it peaked at number 12 on the Billboard Hot 100, and at number 2 on the Billboard Adult Contemporary Charts.
Baby the Rain Must Fall
 Some men climb a mountain
 Some men swim the sea Some men fly above the sky
 They are what they must be
 But, baby the rain must fall
Baby, the wind must blow
Wherever my heart leads me
Baby, I must go, baby I must go
I do not love for silver
I do not love for gold
My heart is mine to give away
It never will be sold But,
Baby the rain must fall
Baby,the wind must blow
Wherever my heart leads me
Baby, I must go, baby I must go
I am not rich or famous
But who can ever tell
I don't know now what waits for me Maybe Heaven, maybe Hell But,
Baby the rain must fall
Baby, the wind must blow
Wherever my heart leads me
Baby, I must go, baby I must go
There were a lot like this one that I would memorize. But 1965 was year one of my fandom of all music.
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stephenjaymorrisblog · 11 months ago
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Between Narcissism and Altruism
Stephen Jay Morris
©Scientific Morality
            The voices in my head clutter up the canyons of my mind. “Don’t be a victim!” “Man up!” “Do it yourself!” “Get off my lawn!” “What are you looking at?” “Be a man!” “Ring, ring on the telephone!” “Monday is the deadline!” “Don’t be so selfish!” “You’ve got to think about yourself sometimes!” “Oh! My Bob!” Shut the fuck up! SHUT UP!
            I do care. I really do. When women and children are starving to death, being maimed, and killed by weapons of war, and you express that emotion, most conservatives say, “Why don’t you adopt them and have them sleep in your garage!” Most conservatives are narcissists. Certain political ideologies attract those with personality disorders. Sociopaths make personal liberty into malignant selfishness. That sentiment ranges from libertarians to Paleo-conservatives: Me first, my family second, and my country on third base.
            Oh, those on the left, on the other hand, are neurotic, clinically depressed, anal retentive, and emotionally wrecked. At one point, some smart-ass yells out, “The whole world is fucked up!” To which I reply, “No. Just you.”
            You know what is acceptable? To hate people and despise the world. But if you declare, “I hate the Irish!”—Watch out! You’re a bigot! If you hate the world, you are seen as a prophet from God. Is it acceptable to hate all except for one group of people? If you hate all countries, then you are an Anarchist terrorist. However, if you love America, but hate all other countries, you are a Patriot!
So, let’s review: Collective hatred is just fine. Specific hatred for a particular race is unacceptable. Why is that? I’ll tell you, boobie: On the left, there is the belief of international solidarity. On the right, it’s tribalism. Stick to your own kind.
            Now the main problem with the right is this gigantic contradiction: Individualism versus National pride. You remember that lunatic, Ayn Rand? Not only was she an atheist, but she believed that the rights of the individual triumphed over loyalty to their country. AKA: dying for your country is a sucker’s game. So, do you put your personal liberty over loyalty to your country? According to Ayn Rand, you put yourself over the state.
            Where do I stand politically? Does it matter? I realized, over the years, that I am not special. I try my best to be a good person. Now, in America, selfish people outnumber the good. You need a magnifying glass to find them. Morality does not come from a compass; it comes from the conjunction of your left brain and your right brain. Once you fine tune it, then you are in business.
            When I was young, my priority was to save the Vietnamese people from the American bombers destroying their homeland. Every night, the news gave up the death tolls while we ate our T.V. dinners. So, we protested and got arrested. It was better than going to the high school football game! I think and feel that we did the right thing.
            Now, Israel’s Likud Party is running a near six-month campaign of committing genocide on innocent Palestinian men, women, and children in Gaza. What can I do? Protest? Write a letter to my congressman? Bomb a building? I don’t care if you think this is a major copout, but I am tired, I suffer from comorbidity ailments, and I have chronic pain in various parts of my body. As such, I do nothing. The young people are managing just fine without me.
If I knew I was going to live this long, I’d have taken better care of myself. I am 70.
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stephenjaymorrisblog · 5 months ago
Plenty of time to watch a movie
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stephenjaymorrisblog · 1 year ago
A real man should know his limitations..
Some people are not cut out to be a podcaster. When will there ever be a platform where anarchists can post videos.
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stephenjaymorrisblog · 10 months ago
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Israel’s Historic Permanent Scar
Stephen Jay Morris
©Scientific morality.
The polemics of morality can lead to moralistic fallacy. For example, Israel has the right to defend itself against terrorist attacks, so killing women and children is a defensive action and, as such, is justified. Well? Is it? Believe it or not, it is justified by fables in the First Testament. In that context, God is absolutely evil and bad tempered. He gives ultimatums like: ‘Would you show your loyalty to me by killing your baby boy?’ He floods the earth, causing a genocide, but saves animals. He condemns women because Adam ate the apple offered by Eve. Come on now! There are horror movies in which young kids are evil. What’s up with that shit?
What is it with innocence that Prime Minister Bennjamin Netanyahu finds so distasteful? Suppose the shoe was on the other foot and Hamas declared the Likud Party a terrorist group? How would they locate Likud Party members in a state with millions of people? So, Hamas starts bombing Israeli day care centers, schools, and hospitals. Why not? Doesn’t Palestine have a right to defend itself? You will find this type of sophistry with a shyster lawyer. This antisemitic stereotype of lawyers is what Bennjamin Netanyahu is perpetrating and it sets the Jews back 500 years!
Bennjamin Netanyahu doesn’t care about Israel or worldwide Jewry. He cares only about himself and his career as a Jewish dictator. Someone who is so heartless as not to shed a single tear for any Palestinian child or mother is a straight up sociopath! He is cold and calculating and speaks in a monotone voice, so you know we are dealing with a sick-in-the-head monster! He has his supporters and they are in the IDF. These monsters make videos of themselves taking the clothes and toys of dead Palestinians, putting them on and playing with them, laughing and mocking their victims’ pain and suffering, and post them all over social media!
America’s support is unconditional because President Biden stands absolutely and without question with Israel. Why? Since when are Revisionist Zionists Israel? Can you imagine if Christian Nationalists represented the USA? Would Canada stand with America? Maybe Biden doesn’t know a fake Israeli from a true Israeli? Does Biden stand with Judeo-Fascists? Bennjamin Netanyahu and the Likud Party is not Israel! Nor is MAGA America!
What Bennjamin Netanyahu has done with Israel is no different from what Jewish gangsters did in America the 1930’s, or Jewish landlords in 1950’s. He has placed a permanent scar on Israel’s history. The Gaza genocide will be known for countless generations to come. The videos of the reactionary settlers throwing humanitarian food and aid off flatbed trucks and doing a dance of the Hora is sickening! This is not a war. A war has bullets flying in both directions. This war launches bullets from only one.
I am fucking sick of self-righteous Chuds saying how wonderful Bennjamin Netanyahu is! He is a cold-hearted butcher and should be sitting in a prison cell. He is evidence that there is No God!
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