#feel like these are fairly lackluster but i wanted to work on making their faces different enough from the base models
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utilitycaster · 2 months ago
I am curious if you think the campaign wrap up will perhaps address some of the campaign shortcomings or challenges the cast faced in trying to land this campaign narratively, especially in comparison to previous campaigns? Not that they would disparage the whole campaign - but like a little “yeah this didn’t work as well as we wanted at times?” 
It’s odd because I find myself weirdly optimistic about CR as a whole despite this campaign’s possible lackluster ending, so I guess I’m hoping the campaign wrap up acknowledges that this campaign didn’t always play to their strengths in hopes that their next long form venture does more, idk.
I don't know if it will but. that's precisely the tenor any question I send will have: I don't think the fundamental concept is the issue - hell, I don't even think killing the gods is actually a problem if you appropriately set up a scenario where killing the gods has a motivation other than "mortals were mean to me in their name" [thing that happens irl all the time in a world with zero proof of divinity, in my religiously observant ideologically agnostic and skeptical opinion] or "I have issues with my parents I never worked towards so I've projected this onto The Ultimate Parents instead of like. being fucking normal." But it needed a lot more scaffolding at the VERY least in the prep for this campaign, and actually, to be blunt, if you want to make this a balanced issue you needed to seed this concept through prior campaigns in a meaningful way. There's a reason pretty much everyone who defends this campaign as Extremely Good, Actually is either doing some form of wildly revisionist history of the fandom and the past campaigns that's demonstrably false if you were like. there; or else they started with C3 and decided they were an expert despite being of below-average literacy and deeply below average personality and have to resort to such miserable efforts as "arguing that canon isn't real" and "posting an out of context Le Guin quote over and over in the hopes we won't notice they're actually 511 mice in a trenchcoat who can't actually read". So yeah I hope Matt is like this was an ambitious project and I'd have done many things differently.
I do wonder what's next for CR, because as I mentioned, it feels like the cast is stronger in shorter form; that even the other longform shows are moving to shorter form right now; and that WBN and C3 kind of show the limits/failings of longform. I hope they do another longform campaign at some point in the future, but it might make sense to take an extended break and play in the space for a while. They only took about 4 months between campaigns for the past two and maybe it would be good to take longer and focus on Daggerheart, Candela, and EXU for much of the year and if they do longform wait 8-10 months, especially with the comparatively extensive touring schedule this year.
I also hasten to add, and I mentioned this briefly in talking about CRPGs, but I think there's a Third Campaign Dip that's not inevitable (NADDPod didn't really have it; TAZ switches systems enough that it's not an issue) but definitely hit here, that doesn't apply to a fourth one. Like, for CRPGs (girl who's played Veilguard twice and gotten through the first day of Disco Elysium voice) it feels like the first run is following what seems most fun to you and then the second is playing around with other choices that maybe aren't as appealing just to see what happens, and then for the third and future runs you kind of know the full lay of the land and what you'll like while still allowing for a range of choices. For class-based TTRPGs, the first is the self-insert/thing that's fairly comfortable and easy/character you've dreamed of; the second is what you do now that you know how this works; and then the third can be...an overextension, shall we say. I think after that you figure out, again, the bounds of your comfort zone, how much you can stretch it, and what you don't like, you're in a much more consistent footing.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years ago
could i request the bishops + lambert with a rat reader that's a master thief, but is from a place where the old faith didn't have a really tight grasp so the reader hasn't really ever heard of the cult or the old faith?
Being a master thief has gotten you surprisingly far in life, stealing things from berry seeds to bags of gold. Enough to comfortably get by. You're just very stealthy in all you do.
When you visited Darkwood for the first time, it was fairly easy sneaking around by using the trees and bushes as cover.
You were practically invisible to the average person and not even the Droppers noticed you.
Unfortunately, the worms beneath your feet sensed you wandering too close to Leshy's temple to their liking, being quick to inform their leader of your intrusion.
You ended up facing him, and his first accusation was that you were stealing for Lamb's cult.
Imagine his confusion when you respond with "who?"
He thinks you're playing dumb, though you sound dead serious when you claimed not to know who they were....nor did you know who he was.
"I am Bishop Leshy of Darkwood! Bearer of the chaotic Green Crown! Everyone in the Old Faith knows my name!" He boasts, thinking this will somehow jog your memory.
But the truth is that where you're from, the Old Faith's gospel didn't really latch onto your society. So you knew nothing of the bishops, nor their war with the Lamb's cult.
Your only interest is the price Leshy paid for that Green Crown.
Despite feeling insulted, he decides to let you go since you aren't allied with Lamb (plus as the youngest bishop he didn't rly know what to do with an outsider like yourself).
He only demands that you never returned, lest you be strung up in the trees or buried six feet under.
You just took some souvenirs in the form of gold nuggets and pretty little worm skulls for the journey home.
The worm's more paranoid brother, on the other hand, had his fair share of outsiders trying to weave their way into the cult...
Only to snatch up glowing crystal clusters and raid shipwrecks for treasures.
Midas was one such thief until he was banished for redistributing the treasures and acting like a "god of fortune" to clueless followers.
Anchordeep has a law forbidding followers from selling crystals for profit and trespassing onto shipwrecked areas.
In his realm, the punishment fits the crime as it consists of the accused's hands being infected with some disease--ranging from severe itching to boils....or even necrosis.
You're totally unaware of this law (not that you'd care about the law to begin with) and go about your thievery business like usual.
Somehow you avoided alerting Kallamar--even tricking him into falsely accusing others of stealing crystals--but he eventually found out and had you brought to his palace for interrogation.
Even though you tell him you've never heard of the Old Faith nor his laws, he's certain you're just making excuses.
"It's just common sense...you don't walk into someone's house and just take whatever you want!!" He snaps.
While he's generous not to punish you with necrosis or boils...your hands are left constantly itchy for several days, persisting even after you returned home emptyhanded. They ached and hurt all over.
You didn't realize you damn near scratched your own skin off until you noticed blood under your nails.
You'd think there wouldn't be much to steal in swampy, humid, smelly Anura. But you were quite wrong.
Back at home, your folks got shipments of menticide mushrooms (which are a delicacy as both a soup and, of course, hallucinogens).
They never got spores to grow their own supply, though, and lately Anura's trades have been lackluster.
So you decided to travel there and do some "charity work" with your master thief skills. Plus find a few keepsakes along the way.
Besides the mushrooms, nobody in your village knew much about this domain....nor were you aware of its arrogant amphibian ruler.
You were in cahoots with Sozo's followers, visiting their grotto and camping grounds, stealing heaps of shrooms for them in exchange for gold and tarot cards.
Ofc you'd pocket some of the spores for yourself.
Eventually your thievery was discovered after a Mushroomo accidentally sold you out to Heket while they were high, leading to her finding and interrogating you.
She blatantly accuses you of stealing for Lamb...but is taken aback when you admit to not knowing them, the bishops, or the Old Faith.
"Your folks have traded with Anurians for ages....yet you know not of our religion??"
"Some of the elders have, but none of your "doctrines" really stuck around for long."
Heket finds this revelation most puzzling, but in her confusion you flee her temple, and she barks at the guards to stop you.
Fortunately for you, no frog there could leap fast enough to keep up.
Of all four rulers, this wise old spider had the greatest understanding that the Old Faith's gospel cannot touch every bit of land out there..
It's simply impossible for everyone in the world to know about it (let alone conform to its teachings) even if all their followers combined went on missionaries to spread the word.
That being said, they weren't completely alarmed when the bugs informed them that they caught an outsider--specifically a thief, aka you.
You were hoping to take some prized pieces of pottery and gold, but you got caught in a trap and busted big time.
Normally you're fearless, but being face-to-face with the Bishop of War while being webbed up in a silk cocoon (and seeing similar victims strung-up on the ceiling of the temple) had you scared shitless.
You were 100% convinced that Shamura was going to dissolve your guts into acid and feast on your corpse.
And yet...they spoke to you rather calmly, curious about your place of origin rather than angry over your thievery.
They ask you different things about your village, what religion it follows, how much it knows of the OF, etc.
Their followers kept reminding them that you're a criminal and should be prosecuted as such.
Eventually they do, but instead of death you're given a chance to earn your freedom by participating in a fighting pit.
Somehow you win and get to take all of the loser's money.
First, they notice their offerings mysteriously vanishing from the shrines around the cult.
Then they realized all the gold bars made from their refineries were suddenly gone, the chests completely empty.
When they mentioned this during a sermon, half their followers are confused...while the other half began pointing fingers at each other and start arguing.
Lamb sees them accusing each other all the time of stealing, so he usually takes the accuser's word for it and puts the suspect in the pillory for a little while.
But things get messy as the problem continues and they're running out of materials to build pillories with.
They'd rather not be chastised by the One Who Waits for causing such discord in his cult, so they temporarily halt their crusades and investigate.
Eventually, Lamb discovers it's been you all along, but since you're a rat...for a moment they believed you were related to Ratau and Ratoo.
You don't know who tf they are..nor were you aware that you've been stealing from a cult.
Honestly, they're impressed that you managed to evade them for this long, but displeased with the fact your actions nearly tore apart their entire following.
Since you aren't affiliated with the Old Faith, they don't punish you harshly, yet want you to understand there's consequences.
Your sentence is community service for a day and apologizing to every follower.
It's humbling as hell, but you get through it and Lamb lets you take some treasures home.
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j0kers-light · 1 year ago
How would J’s relationship with an asexual reader work? - 🍄
Hey hi 🍄 anon!!!
Woooo! This one is personal! Fun fact, I identify as ace. Haha... yeah.. I will say that not every ace is the same. This is my representation on a Joker x Ace!reader.
I hope you enjoy nonetheless 🖤💜🩶🤍✨
Joker won't lie. He doesn't understand it. You like him.. but you're not sexually attracted to him... soo? You just wanna be friends but.. you want to be with with him? Uh.. what's going on here?
You sat him down and explained that you personally don't care for the physical aspect of love but the emotional and mental connection you share with another human being is your priority.
You don't crave hugs or any of his physical touches and you groan when he brings up sex. You don't want that kind of a relationship however you want someone by your side.
You crave a bond; someone who will understand your heart and can stand the fact you genuinely do not want any form of sexual interaction.
Joker now understands why someone as beautiful as you, smart, educated, with a clear path in life, is single.
You're that 1% of the population that doesn't fit within the norm. J doesn't have to try as hard because you don't expect any of the traditional requirements in a relationship with him. You're perfect for a man like him.
Your lowkey approach to relationships also keeps you safe. His enemies don't consider you as Joker's girlfriend or a weakness to use against him since the two of you don't act like a couple while out in public.
You don't hold hands, he doesn't smile or interact with you in a way that's construed as romantic.
If only they knew just how much Joker adores you. You are his weakness and the longing heartfelt gazes he sends you when you're not looking is proof.
He never has to worry about your safety but he is upset that no one knows about the two of you being together.
You're the queen of long distance relationships so you don't miss or crave Joker's presence when he's gone for long periods of time. And since he's so busy torturing Gotham City, you're not worried about Joker cheating.
You do worry if he's safe and if he'll come home in one piece but you don't show it whenever he does return.
He just locks up and slides into bed with you. There's never an elaborate welcome home greeting but he knows you care-- showing that you do is the hard part.
If he's too tired he tends to forget (pls don't hate him) and pulls you into his arms and kisses you goodnight.
You pull a face and blink at him, "Uhhh okay?" is your lackluster response. You fall asleep as Joker caresses your face and kisses on you; doing things you wouldn't like if you were awake.
And stop it right there! Joker doesn't cross any boundaries!! He's not a freak like that.
He respects you and your sexual orientation. He knows you don't become aroused but he can't help himself... you are beautiful.
Joker tells you constantly, and you just roll your eyes and continue on with whatever, but J can't help how his body reacts towards you!
It makes him feel dirty to sneak around and touch himself without your knowledge. Its your fault that he's horny! He usually waits until your busy or asleep to jerk off though.
Joker goes insane when you wear something sexy but he knows its only for show or to boost your confidence.
He won't get anything out of it and so he locks himself in the bathroom or wherever to handle his... uh growing issue. The fact you haven't caught him masturbating is honestly a miracle.
Little does he know, you stand outside the door and listen while biting your lip. He sounds so hot; you really enjoy listening to him.. maybe one day you'll help him. (depending on if you're sexually repulsed or not.)
Joker's stamina is fairly low but he still has urges every now and then. He often wonders what you feel like— what you taste like too but he respects you and your flag.
Sex isn't 100% off the table; you have no qualms doing the deed but you get no gratification from it.
Maybe he can persuade you to try it with him. He knows you'll enjoy it if he's your partner.
Mac, Frost, and Neo honestly don’t understand what you are to Joker. You don't show any affection to their boss and its almost as if you're friends rather than lovers.
You're not a fan of labels and you introduced yourself to them as Joker's partner with a straight face. How are they supposed to know its a romantic relationship?! Joker seems to be more in love than you are..
Joker swears up and down that you're his girl and that you love him. The trio respects their boss but the guy has completely lost it.
There's no way you love him when the energy between you and Joker is purely platonic.
They're convinced you are a business partner and nothing more until they get a distressed call from you in hysterics.
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You weren't expecting Joker to come home tonight so you were going about your nighttime routine without him.
You got a lot of writing done today and you were rather tired but not tired enough to ignore the loud thud coming from the front. You immediately went into survival mode and grabbed the nearest weapon to protect yourself with.
Whatever made the noise was coming down the hall and you waited until it was within swinging distance to attack. However seeing a familiar shadow made you pause.
"Joker.. I thought you weren't coming home tonight. I almost laid you out with a bat." You chuckled as you turned on a light.
The bat in your hand clanged to the floor the same time Joker's weight sagged and he slid down the wall. You screamed his name and rushed to his side.
You never seen him so badly wounded, not even on the fateful day the two of you met. No, this was bad. You couldn't tell where the blood was coming from but he was covered in it and unresponsive to you screaming.
You wondered how he got here in such a state but in his most vulnerable moment, he deemed your home safe enough to hide and that made you burst into tears. He didn't open his eyes and you feared the worst when you couldn't find a pulse.
So you used the emergency phone. It had a single use but if you didn't call for help, Joker would die.
Someone picked up and you didn't waste a second.
"Please come he's.. he's covered in blood and I can't find a heartbeat! I can't lose him just.. please!" You couldn't loose the bond you had with Joker.
Who would love you despite your inability to love back? You just couldn't lose Joker.
Exactly fourteen minutes later, Frost, Mac, and Neo rushed into your apartment only to stop in their traces at the sight of you cradling Joker's body on the floor.
You were covered in blood up to your elbows yet they couldn't look away from your tearful face pleading with them. "Please help him!"
Frost was the first to react and joined you on the floor to start administrating first aid. Neo soon followed, leaving Mac to try and remove you from the situation.
You slapped his hand away, "NO! I'm not leaving him!" You turned to stare Frost in the eye. "I have a medical background, I can help."
He didn't argue and moved so you could return to Joker's side. You rested his head in your lap and smoothed his hair back, not caring that you were smearing blood everywhere.
Neo and Frost were hard at work to stop the bleeding under your verbal instruction when Joker finally came to. The first thing he saw was your tear stained face staring at him. He didn't remember how he got here but he was glad you were with him.
J called out your name and you choked out a reply.
"I'm here baby. I'm right here. Can you squeeze my hand twice; as hard as you can?" You waited for him to faintly nod and do as you asked.
Then you kissed his palm when he gripped it hard enough. You raked your hands through his hair, knowing he loved the soothing touch.
"Good job baby, that's good. His coordination and cognitive function is okay. What about his..." You glanced up at the three men already staring at you in shock.
This was the most they've ever seen you interact with Joker. It was definitely a sight to see. There was no doubt what your role in Joker's life was after tonight.
But it wasn't the time nor the place to be shell-shocked.
"What about his injuries?" You stressed.
Frost cleared his throat and rambled off the many stab wounds Joker sustained but the only thought on his, Mac, and Neo's mind, was without a doubt— you were Joker's girl. You proved it and then some.
You might not love Joker in the traditional sense, but any woman who could kiss their boss, blood and all while worrying about his life, was alright in their book. You loved Joker in your own way.
Joker would be fine after some medical treatment and they knew he had the best nurse in the world by his side.
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mbti-notes · 2 years ago
Anon wrote: i’m fairly certain i’m an esfp, but i know if i am one then i’m not a healthy one, and i really want to work on this.
first, i’m lazy, primarily with school. it wasn’t always so bad, throughout my life though many of my assignments had lackluster performance. but when i reached a huge downhill slope before highschool, procrastination became laziness (at the time it was probably ni grip because i was too depressed and demotivated to do anything) and lackluster perfomances became very little effort, that is if i wasn’t interested. i feel like this ni grip has really impacted my productivity, amongst maybe other things. my laziness now is either because i fear missing out, it’s disinteresting/boring so i don’t feel like do it, and the excuse “it can wait, i want to do something more fun now. i also constantly find myself in periods where i have a lot of missing assignments to catch up on. i don’t know what to really do to /maintain/ a productive lifestyle, and i would appreciate some tips that could really help
and second, i’m not so true to myself. i want to please others. when it comes to family and close friends, i tend to prioritize other people’s needs and happiness, because i’m scared of conflict to arise. i try to avoid conflict with others, which stops me from clearly asserting my wants and boundaries sometimes, especially when they’re crossed. this also has led to me finding trouble of ending toxic friendships, as i fear they will react badly and/or i feel tied to the friendship and want to make it work (e.g. giving them the benefit of the doubt). i also tend to please people in an attempt to receive approval. i was hoping i could receive some guidance on how to be myself without worrying if whether or not others will validate me. i used to be like this, but alas, that downhill slope ruined things for me, because before it started, i was really focused on impressing a particular person that it eventually led to me changing how i act and trying to fit in with /their/ friend groups, that i ended up neglecting myself in the long run. so yeah, how do i be the full, unabridged me without worry?
these are just the main ones i want to work on, as these qualities are really holding me back from what i need to be. thank you so much, if you decide to answer! :)
With regard to your poor performance in school: Many study problems are practical problems that need practical solutions. One practical thing you can do right away is work with an academic tutor to pinpoint the study skills you are lacking and improve upon them. Every student needs to have basic reading, writing, arithmetic, and critical thinking skills to succeed. Take charge of your school life by getting the help you need as quickly as possible.
With regard to your type development problems: As per the Type Dev Guide, to get out of Ni grip, you have to reactivate healthy Se and develop Fi properly. Have you worked on that? If so, describe what you've done and what happened.
ESFPs who are prone to Ni grip tend to be very narrow-minded, in two ways. They are narrow-minded in the sense that they see the trees but never the forest (tiny perspective). They are also narrow-minded in the sense that they are more likely to envision negative outcomes (unimaginative). There are several things you could work on to combat narrow-mindedness.
1) Longer Term Thinking: Unhealthy ESFPs don't pay enough attention to long term issues and concerns, so they have difficulty reaching goals that require more than one or two steps of planning. Does this describe you?
To achieve things in life requires some vision and commitment. You have to be able to set meaningful goals for your personal growth, work towards them incrementally, and maintain your intrinsic motivation in the face of setbacks, obstacles, and failures. It sounds like you are easily distracted and bogged down by trivial things. Are you willing to broaden your perspective on life, to look farther down the road, to take full control of your journey and destination? Do you understand that, even when you don't choose a direction, you're still going in a direction, most likely the wrong one? Isn't it better to choose more consciously?
2) Big Picture Thinking: Unhealthy ESFPs also don't understand how various factors connect together to create their current situation, i.e., to generate a bigger picture. As such, they have difficulty understanding and resolving complex problems. Does this describe you?
There are many aspects of life that need to be properly attended to in order to live an overall healthy and fulfilling life: the physical, the emotional, the intellectual, the creative, the interpersonal, and the spiritual. All of these aspects work together in a holistic way. When one aspect of life is being neglected or out of balance, it will influence the other aspects of life.
For example, you mention depression. (Have you gotten help and treatment for it?) When you suffer emotional problems, it negatively impacts your motivation, your self-confidence, your work, your relationships, your decision making, etc.
To get to the bottom of your life problems, reflect on which aspects of life have been given a disproportionate amount of attention, either too little or too much. Pinpoint the origin or root causes and then you have a better chance of discovering the right solutions that help bring better psychological balance to your life. Use your imagination to think of all the ways you can make your life better and take action.
3) Positive Thinking: Do you know why people go to school? Because they're forced to? As a society, the reason we implemented universal schooling was to equip people with the foundational knowledge and skills to pursue a meaningful career and navigate life's challenges successfully. Throughout history, how many peasants longed to be educated because they didn't want to die a peasant? Education is a privilege.
That said, as a former student and teacher myself, I can attest to the fact that not every aspect of school is interesting or inspiring, but this doesn't equate to being "useless". When you refuse to learn, your mind stays empty and you drift through life aimlessly. Remember that everything you learn gets stored away in the brain, just like a garage full of specialized tools. You may not use them all the time, but it's always better to have them there when you need them than to have nothing, emptiness.
Learning new things is always advantageous when you think of learning like building a strong foundation for your intellect. It is your intellect that allows you to have good critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, and organization skills. Yet, many students can't see past their own boredom to acknowledge all the objectively positive things that come from developing the intellect.
When you form the bad habit of only seeing the negative side of things, you start to lose the ability to see the positive side of things, and then you miss out on them. ESFPs are not naturally negative and pessimistic people; they usually learn to be negative over time due to bad circumstances. You can unlearn that bad habit by making a more conscious effort to focus on the positive and beneficial side of things.
4) Motivational Thinking: ESFPs aren't generally "lazy" people. In fact, they are well-known for being very energetic and even encourage others to be more energetic. If this doesn't describe you and you are indeed ESFP, you ought to do a deeper dive into what hampered your type development.
For EFs to be fully productive in life, they need to feel excited, enthused, and passionate about what they're doing. The great news is that being EF grants you the natural aptitude of generating your own excitement, enthusiasm, and passion. However, this rests on the above three abilities: to see the positive things in life, to appreciate the bigger picture, and to envision positive potential and how the future can be brighter based on your actions.
For ESFPs to generate motivation requires proper Fi development. You have to get in touch with what truly moves you and let that guide you. This means you have to open up your chest and allow yourself to feel things deeply, both the good and the bad. It sounds like you've closed yourself off to the world but you've not provided an adequate reason or explanation as to why. Perhaps your upbringing was too restrictive. Perhaps you've experienced too much heartache, disappointment, rejection, or failure, and you've come to believe that this pattern will keep repeating in the future. No matter your circumstances right now, there are always pockets of freedom, moments during the day when you are free to choose your own way. Are you choosing wisely?
The future isn't determined by the past. The future is determined by the decisions you make right now. However, if your decision making process is too often hijacked by your unresolved past dramas/traumas, then you will keep repeating your mistakes, bad habits, and unhealthy patterns indefinitely. Are you willing to disrupt those negative thought patterns and make decisions differently? Are you willing to listen to Se when it tells you that there are many things of interest and excitement in the world? Are you willing to listen to Fi and stand up for what is right, what is honorable, and what is in the best interests of your well-being? This is what it takes to change the direction you've been going in.
5) Logical Thinking: Developing Fi properly should go a long way to helping you navigate relationships better, in terms of setting healthy emotional boundaries and protecting yourself from relationships that aren't good for you. But your judgment in relationships also seems to be plagued by terrible logic.
You believe that people will only like you if you are what they want or expect of you. Maybe that's true of the people you've encountered so far. But when you put on a fake face to get someone to like you, do they actually like you? How could they when the real you is nowhere to be found? When a relationship is based on a lie, it's not real, is it? Trying to force people to like you through fraud means that you are a fraud. How can you feel good about yourself as a fraud? How can you hope for people to love a fraud? Fi development is about making good choices so that you can be proud of who you are. When you're proud of who you are, you'll pursue the people who are proud of you too.
No matter what you do, no matter how good or great you are, not everyone will like you or love you. This is a painful reality to face up to, but face up to it we all must. The healthy thing to do when a relationship just isn't meant to be is to let it go. Dwelling on it is self-inflicted suffering. When you dwell in unhealthy situations, you gradually become blind to new opportunities.
There are billions of people out there. You'll win some, you'll lose some, but the most important thing is that you stay in the game. You have to get back up and keep trying after every failed relationship. Look hard enough and you will eventually find people who can appreciate you and love you for who you really are. However, you won't find those people as long as i) you never show your true face for them to love, and ii) you stubbornly stay in relationships with people who aren't capable of loving you for real.
Remember that it's a lot easier to be your good-est self when you surround yourself with people who can see it and help bring it out.
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eldritch-spouse · 3 years ago
Pinnie Pinnie Pinnie i must first say i love you and several smooches upon your face and wonderful brain, you help me live honestly mwamwamwamwa
Secondly, I am like no brain cell head empty in love with Santi, something about a doting cumbrain with absolutely huge knockers scratches the itch just perfectly.
I have a question about something you mentioned in a post about Santi's mark (the design is BEAUTY btw), that the obsession could TRY to leave but that they'd be in so much pain or something that they'd just end up crawling back to him. Is it like a physical pain, an emotional pain? Is it intentionally inflicted by Santi or does it innately happen when they try to stay away for too long?
Here's a little angsty type ask/scenario though, the only thing that like gets under my skin (but in like the reluctant hot way you know?) is the aspect of the total control, to the point of your own body betraying you. Maybe its the trauma but it would make me wary of the otherwise perfect arrangement.
So say Santi's one perfect match realizes that his mark is in fact not just a cute little claim, but used innately for control, and this doesn't sit well with them. There's no chance he'd just remove it from them even if they begged and promised to stay with him even without it, right? What if it started to weigh on them, tainting everything Santi does or everything they even FEEL with the worry that its not even real, its just them being controlled.
How would Santi react if it even drove them to try something like cutting the mark off of themselves? IS there even a way to remove it without Santi doing it himself, magically, physically or otherwise?
[T-Thank ye, I'm very happy you feel that way! /////]
TW: Self-harm.
The mark's effects work autonomously, for the most part. Some time after you're a good distance away from Santi, the anxiety effect will begin, and though you may not immediately recognize what's happening, you'll eventually start obsessively thinking about the incubus in a way that leaves no room for confusion. What Santi has done, since you're presumably in a fairly standard relationship, is null this effect, so that you don't have a panic attack over him being gone for an hour.
The mark's effects are specifically psychological, on the basis of panic, sadness and anguish. See, it works a bit like a Pavlov mechanism. Disobey and you'll get punished with insupportable mental distress, please Santi and you'll get a buzz of pleasure to affirm this correct behavior.
The only things that can be physically noted are it might glow when activated, and your body temperature rises slightly the more it exerts influence over you. While these effects can be triggered by Santi, they are left untouched until the day he absolutely deems it necessary to use them. Such as the day you might try to leave him, in which a firm "Stay still." will most likely have you kneel obediently on the floor before him.
Santi obviously doesn't explain the sour parts of the mark to you, and your disgust upon finding out how nefariously this claim can be are entirely justified, which makes the incubus fumble for some sort of excuse. Truth be told, he did it because he doesn't want to risk losing you, because you're the first thing he loves, because Santi goes manic just thinking that some day you might catch eyes for someone else- That something could happen to you while he's away and the demon would have no way of knowing where you are. However, there's something here he can lean onto to deviate your anger- And that's the fact that this mark will make you live longer. The claim is the very start of your journey into becoming a concubus. Santi can say that he's doing this purely because he can't bare the thought of you dying due to your lackluster human lifespan! You should accompany him for endless years more, as a demon yourself. Don't be scared, don't fear this mark, he's not being controlling (yes he is), the incubus is just thinking ahead for the two of you! It had to be done.
The sight of you using a blade to cut the mark off will hurt Santi in unimaginable ways. You loathe him that much? You're so viscerally disgusted by the demon that you will mutilate your perfect form just so you can be rid of any trace of Santi? No, no you won't. Not on his watch. It's clear he overestimated your sanity. You're clearly not well. This is meant to be, you have to love him, you don't get to just remove yourself from the situation while Santi is essentially doomed to be infatuated with you for the rest of his days. That's not fair. You're not being fair. You're insane! And Santi won't be letting your cognitive lapse impair your relationship any longer.
I hope you can be fast enough to remove or otherwise heavily slash it before he comes barreling your way, because the mark sends off signals to the demon when it's actively being damaged. If you can do it in time, Santi will lose track of your location and you'll have much bigger chances of freedom.
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giftofwonder · 4 years ago
Cirque de Yuuie - MHA Various x f!Reader
A/N: Hey guys! So this is going to be a multi-part series of one shots. Each part will be a different character. There might be smut, we’ll see what happens. This is the introduction to the plot and characters. Some characters might have multiple parts as well. Let me know if you want anyone specific and also if you’d like to be added to their tag list! Also, let me know what you think! Feedback is always appreciated.
Your eyes cracked open, taking in the deep midnight hues that were cast over your room. Pale moonlight bathed everything in a faint glow.
You shifted, rolling to look at the clock on your bedside table. You groaned, pushing yourself up to sit on the edge of your bed and turned toward your open window. You could hear the boisterous chatter from the streets below. A cool breeze swept in and danced along your heated skin, and you welcomed it with closed eyes and a soft sigh.
Each night you found yourself waking up restless and antsy, unsettled. You’d sit in the confines of your room, and then dress and make your way to the tavern across the road. Tonight was no different.
Your tired limbs trudged across the cobblestone, pushing through drunken bodies that reeked of liquor and sweat.
You grunted as you pushed open the heavy oak door, finding it just as congested as outside. Bodies littered the room heavily, the music and laughter so loud it left your ears ringing. You weaved through the empty spaces and took a seat on a stool by the bar.
“The usual?” You heard a voice called out.
You glanced up, locking eyes with the bar tender as you gave a faint smile and nod.
A glass was slid in your direction a few seconds later, and you wondered if he’d already had it ready for you. You figured that must be the case, it was routine at this point.
“No luck sleeping again, huh?” He said, leaning across the counter as you nursed your drink.
“Afraid not, seems like this is becoming my normal.” You gave a dry laugh, trying to offer up something lighthearted.
“Seems like it. Something troubling you?” His head cocked to the side.
“Just the usual, nothing too bad.” You said, shifting your glass around in your hand.
“Come on now, you waltz in here every night and drink, people with problems that aren’t too bad don’t find themselves perched on one of my stools this often.” He whispered, his gaze intense as he inched across the counter toward you. His hushed voice was lost in the roars of the crowd around you, but you could hear him clear as day.
He wasn’t wrong. You had to give him that. The cluster of people surrounding you dispersed as groups made their way to exit back to the street.
Mummers still resounded around the room, but in the now much quieter atmosphere, you felt yourself relaxing. You leaned forward, propping your elbows against the chipped counter and braced your cheek in your palm.
“I just feel...I don’t know...an overwhelming amount of disinterest in my life. I wake up, I work hard and long days, I come home, eat and bathe and sleep. It’s a never-ending cycle that I’m doomed to repeat each and every day. It all just feels so lackluster.” You said, your voice soft as your eyes gazed at nothing.
“Well, that is quite the conundrum. Might I ask, why don’t you just do something else?” He quipped back with a grin.
“If only it were that easy.” You sighed, eyes slowly drifting back to him.
“Isn’t it, though?” He asked, a mischievous gleam in his eye.
“Is it?” You asked, brow furrowed in confusion.
“Hear me out, I’m no stranger to a hard days work by any means, but I like what I do.” He shrugged.
“Making drinks?” You pressed.
“No, I watch people. Get to know them, help them sometimes. You work in a pub and you meet a lot of people, hear a lot of stories. People get a bit of alcohol in them and suddenly their lips become uncontrollably loose.” He chuckled.
“So you’re nosy, then?” You spat back, a smile turning the corners of your lips.
“I prefer curious, it sounds much more pleasant.” He offered.
He turned and grabbed an envelope from behind him and slid it across the counter to you. It was unmarked, other than the intricate wax seal holding it closed.
“What’s this?” You asked, taking it and inspecting the “CdY” ingrained in the seal.
“A chance to escape.” He shrugged, and then leaned back abruptly, hands grasping glassware and a towel to polish the crystals surface.
“What do I owe you?” You asked, standing and grabbing your coin purse.
“Nothing. This ones on me.” He waved his hand.
“Well, thank you. I appreciate it. By the way, what is your name?” You asked, tucking the envelope into your pocket.
“Shinso, now get out of here and go off to do whatever it is you do when you stumble out of here each night.” He called, waving his rag at you. You smiled at the mirth lighting his eyes, offering a wave as you turned and made your exit.
You plopped onto your small wicker chair, it’s grooves lining up with your back perfectly, molded to your body after the countless hours you had spent hunched over in this seat.
Calloused fingertips reached to caress a fine silk that you’d never be able to afford. You pulled it to you, laying it across the table ahead and dug the patterns for a dress from the chest beside you at your feet.
You were a seamstress, and a fairly popular one. Women and men from both high and low society sought you out to tailor and craft their garments.
You had stitched an amazing collection of clothing, from simple gowns to the most intricate of pieces. Your customers had often boasted about your work, that you were able to create anything.
Until recently, you had been doing fairly well for yourself. You had purchased a home of your own, a massive feat for an unwed woman, especially one in her early twenties.
In the last six months, that had changed though. There had been civil unrest, looting and fighting at the capital. The local government had pushed back, increasing taxes heavily. With that blow came another, a new tailoring business on the other side of town. It offered cheap labor, using children from the orphanage as virtually free hands. The turn around was quick, much faster than the length of time it took you to produce a garment. But the quality was terrible. They used cheap labor and cheaper materials.
The first time you had seen their work, you had laughed till tears brimmed your eyes. However, the quick production and cheap cost had ended up hitting you hard. While the wealthy had no issue having you fashion something for them, most everyone else had flocked to them. It wasn’t terribly hard to do a simple stitch. To take in a gown or a suit. Suddenly, you found yourself praying for work as the jobs got fewer and fewer.
Meanwhile the heightened taxes left your coin purse extremely light. You hadn’t struggled like this in a very long time.
You finished the silken garment, folding it delicately over your arm as you took it over to the rack to hang.
Once hung, you patted off your apron and felt the crinkling of the forgotten envelope tucked in your pocket. You pulled it out, fingers dipping into the paper to tear it open. The red of the invitation was so bright, a high quality velvet lined in gold trim. You then wondered the status of your friendly barkeep, but chalked it up to his large amount of connections. Surely, a drunken man could be persuaded into giving an invitation in exchange for a free round.
Your eyes scanned along the paper, reading the fancy script that outlined the details of the event. You scoffed as you made your way back to your chair, shaking your head as the invitation was tossed onto your table.
A few moments passed before you picked it back up and read over the card again.
Your heels clicked against the pavement as you approached the large gate before you. You were in a state of awe at the lights and music making the night feel alive.
You stopped at the ticket booth, met with a disgruntled employee who looked half asleep. His thick yellow quilt was pulled taunt around his body and his hollow eyes stared at you with something akin to annoyance.
“Welcome to “Cirque de Yuuie”, admission is ¥220.” His bored voice stated monotonously.
“Oh...I actually have an invitation.” You said, giving a weak smile.
He held your gaze for a moment before he quirked a brow, his eyes scanning over you before he gave a sigh and a shrug.
“Alright, give it here.” He held out his pale hand, and you gently placed the invite in his palm.
He quickly pressed a stamp to your hand and shooed you away, so you turned and entered in through the gate.
You had wandered around the grounds for a while, but saw no familiar faces. It was odd, not even children were present. The cost had been rather high to enter, perhaps it was an adults only event.
After you had completed your lap, you were not too far from the entrance to the large tent in the center of the area. Red and white fabrics were draped beautifully, tied off with an intricately woven gold banding.
As you went to step forward, a large wooden pole cut in front of you, you gasped, your head shooting up to find a cheerful looking clown above.
“Whoops! S’cues me miss! Almost stepped on ya there!” He laughed, his painted lips opening to reveal his bright smile.
“Oh, no I’m sorry! I was enthralled by everything and wasn’t paying attention.” You waved him off.
“Ah don’t worry about it, it’s a beautiful night, and the tent looks great! I’ve been distracted by it myself! The names Mirio, by the way.”
“Y/N, it’s nice to meet you.”
He nodded and stepped to make his way off back into the crowd.
“HEY WAIT!” You heard a loud voice call out, and not a moment later, two more clowns turned the corner. One with green hair raced along side a blonde with large sunglasses and a lightening-shaped black streak in his hair. They were tailed by a very awkward and scared looking mime who ran behind them silently looking like he was going to be sick.
“Come on, Amajiki! Hurry up!” The blonde clown yelled behind him, causing the mime to flinch and pick up the pace. You laughed at their antics, they were definitely a good source of entertainment.
You pushed through the gathering crowd, entering through the fabric doorway. The ceilings were vaulted, and you were amazed by how large it seemed inside.
Chatter broke out amongst those around you as you passed a sign that read “Yuuie’s Spectacular Freak Show!”
You followed the corridor, peering in the labeled rooms as you passed by.
“Strongest Men Alive! All Might and Red Riot!” Inside the room were two muscular men. The blonde man was tall, looming over the crowd as he smiled and flex. The redhead was laying on a bed of nails, and a crazed looking woman with pink hair walked across him while he looked on unfazed.
“One Body- Two Men! Twice!” A man sat, arguing with himself, the crowd would call out questions and he’d answer two opposing ways, often breaking out into an argument. The crowd giggled and taunted as he yelled seemingly to himself.
“The Vampire: Toga!” Your stomach twisted as you watch the girl give a cat-like grin and chug a vial of blood. Shackles held her to her spot but she called out to the audience, telling them to come closer and let her have a drink.
“Invisible Girl: Toru!” You blinked at the empty room, rolling your eyes as you pushed past to the next stall.
“Frog Woman: Tsuyu!” A girl in a green dress crouched in a pool, her long tongue falling from her mouth as her large hand gave a wave. You couldn’t help but notice her webbed fingers and the faint croaks.
“Worlds Largest Woman: Mt Lady!” An insanely large woman sat on her knees, smiling and chatting with the audience. She was beautiful, but had to be at least 9’ tall.
“World’s Largest Man: Fatgum!” A very large man sat in the center of the room smiling and waving as he let children drift into his stall and eat from the various sweets lining the table beside him. Though the adults around you spoke insults quietly, you couldn’t help but think the man looked very kind. You smiled softly at the sight of a child hugging him in thanks before returning to their mothers side.
“Bird-Man: Hawks!” A young man laughed loudly, his beautiful red wings flapping as he gave a slight show to those who watched. Many looked on in awe and wonder, and women swooned at his charm. His feathers seemed to almost sparkle and while you noticed something mischievous in his gaze, you were mesmerized nonetheless.
“Dabi the Dragon and the Indestructible Bakugou!” This room was larger, and smoke poured out. You were curious about this one, as there was no crowd gathered out front. You only saw one person, a rather attractive but angry looking man, growling as he noticed you. He rolled his eyes as he lit off explosives in his hands.
Your hands shot up to cover your eyes, before peering out to see the man looked fine, bored even.
“That was amazing!” You exclaimed.
“Course it was!” He sneered.
Suddenly, the curtain behind him rustled and another man emerged from the darkness. He was shirtless, his body scared in burns that wrapped around his torso, arms and face. His black hair spiked wildly, just like the blonde beside him. He smirked at you, sauntering toward you before lifting your chin with his index finger.
“Want me to put on a show for you, doll face?” He whispered. You nodded mutely, feeling much like the mime you had saw earlier that night. He chucked and stepped back. His hand grasped a bottle and he turned his back toward you, taking a large swig from the drink.
He abruptly turned back, and blue flames shot from his mouth and filled the room. You could immediately feel the immense heat and no longer wondered how his scars came to be.
He wiped his mouth with the back of his arm, giving a small cough before grinning at you.
“Well, what’d ya think, princess?”
“It was amazing! Does it hurt?” You asked.
“Hmm? Nah, not really. Just burns a little.” He snickered at his joke while Bakugou rolled his eyes in the background.
“I also do a bit of sword swallowing.” He added, stepping in close to you.
“Oh, yeah? That’s a neat talent to have.” You spat back awkwardly.
“I could teach you, after the show that is. I’ve got a good one for you to practice on.” His deep voice said in a hushed tone, hot breath hitting you as his hand gripped the crotch of his pants.
You stumbled back quickly, mumbling about needing to find a seat, and then ran off to the main room of the tent.
Your heart was pounding as you took an empty seat in the front row that had your invitation number on it.
The lights around you dimmed and the seats behind began filling quickly. People chatted amongst themselves until the music changed and the curtains at the far side of the tent were drawn.
A pale looking man with light blue hair and red eyes slowly walked out, taking center stage.
“Welcome. I’m so glad all of you came to join us for the show.” His hoarse voice spoke out loudly. His eyes dragged along the audience, taking in those around him.
“My name is Shigaraki and I’ll be your host tonight. You’ll see things that you never imagined, acts of wonder put on display before you. Prepare to be in awe and amazed.” He cheered, giving and eerie grin.
Halfway through the show, they called for an intermission. The lights brightened as people stood and flocked outside to grab drinks and food.
You stayed put, reflecting on the show so far. There had been an amazing act with tightrope walking, acrobats and aerial silks. They had been called “Children of the Sky” by those sat around you. Aoyama, Mina, Uraraka and Nejire were their names.
Then there had been the father and son act of fire performance. Enji and Shouto Todoroki. They danced with fire and spun batons and hoops that were blazing. Their act would have been more enjoyable if the father had been quiet, but instead every few moments he’d call out to his son correcting his posture and moves. Mid performance, Dabi had joined them on stage. His blue flames shining brightly in contrast. He had quickly noticed you and his eyes lit up as your stomach filled with dread.
He marched over, pulling you from your seat as gasps and whispers of his damaged skin rang through the crowd. He didn’t seem to notice. Or didn’t care. He had spun you around, dancing as his azure fire lit his arms. You were worried you’d be burned, but the fire never touched your skin. He brushed his arms with his hands, extinguishing the flame, as the music had haunted. You watched the smoke rise from his skin as you frowned, but he simply took your hand and pressed a chaste kiss to the back of it before walking away.
You heard a voice rasp out “fucking show off” before seeing the angry blonde, Bakugou, take off after him.
Now you sat, watching a small man with balls on his head. He wore a jesters outfit and juggled before those left seated in the crowd. Slowly he made his way to you.
“Hey, how do you know Dabi?” He asked bluntly, wonder in his eyes.
“Oh, I don’t. Not really. I saw him in the freak show. That’s all.” You said, uncomfortable with the small mans leering.
“You actually watched him?” He asked dumbfounded. “No wonder he’s all over you.”
“What do you mean?” You asked perplexed.
“Uh hello, he’s gross looking. Definitely not as attractive as someone like me.” He beamed at you. You stayed quiet, unsure of how to respond and afraid to break the poor guys dilution.
“Hey I also do puppet stuff, you wanna see?” He asked, tone chipper.
“Oh, no that’s okay-“
“Okay cool, watch this!” He cut you off, pulling a small puppet from his suit. He dropped it and it limply hit the ground, the string much too long for him. The puppet dragged around weirdly as the jester spoke in a high pitch, giving the wooden body a voice.
You blinked, watching the train wreck as the doll slid through the dirt, getting jerked around by the man before you. He picked up the puppet and threw it at you, it landing in your lap. Then he pulled the string and yanked it back to the ground. You abruptly stood and walked away, hearing him call after you, but you only quickened your pace.
Once outside in the fresh air, a loud bellowing laugh burst from your lips. That was the weirdest thing you’ve ever had to deal with and you had been holding in laughing in the strange boys face.
“Seems like you’re enjoying the show.” A voice cut in.
Your head quickly spun, meeting the red eyes of the ring leader.
“Yeah! It’s nice, you guys are doing an amazing job!” You scratched your neck, feeling the hairs on your arms standing at the sudden tension as the mans smile fell.
“You weren’t invited here.” He stated.
“I...well I was given an invitation.” You replied.
“It wasn’t yours though. It wasn’t meant for you.” He said, eyes blank as his head cocked to the side.
“No, it wasn’t. I don’t know who it belonged to. A bartender gave it to me.” You explained.
“Hmm, is that so? Well, do enjoy the show then. But do me a favor, sit in a different seat when you go back in.” He sneered, and then he was gone as quickly as he had appeared.
You headed back inside, choosing a different seat in the front row that had been unclaimed earlier.
The music roared again as the clowns, Midoriya, Kaminari and Mirio, put on a show. Kaminari was being shocked while Midoriya rode around on a unicycle. Mirio stayed on his stilts and walked around the stage dancing and doing tricks. The trio was truly fun to watch, and then the mime, Amajiki, was shoved forward. A spotlight hit him as he stood frozen in fear.
“Come on buddy, you can do it!” Mirio whispered loudly in support.
Amajiki took in a big breath and lifted his arms, hands shaking as he formed an invisible wall in front of himself when a box hit him in the head and a drunken man “booed”. Amajiki immediately rushed to the shadows, pressing his face into the wall of the tent as an air of dread surrounded him.
“Uhhh...look over here!” Midoriya yelled out, pulling the attention of the crowd as he gave a large shock to Kaminari. Kaminari then “beeped” and “booped” and drooled as he wobbled around. The audience cheered and laughed.
Finally it was time for the final act of the night, the mysterious and powerful Mr. Compress.
A spotlight roamed the stage, and in a cloud of smoke he appeared. He wore a mask, top hat and yellow overcoat. His cane tapped against the floor with each step he took.
“Tonight, I will make you question everything you know about the world. Everything you believe to be real!” He called, and the crowd went wild, hooting and hollering.
He started with a few jokes, one about how he wasn’t the type to pull a rabbit from his hat, but then his hat shifted and he took it off. He pulled out the first rabbit, and then another, and then two more. You laughed at his seeming confusion. Finally, he plopped his hat back on his head and called out Bakugou to the stage. Bakugou marched to him, stomping his feet and crossing his arms as he came to a stop beside the magician.
Mr. Compress draped a large piece of fabric over the man, and then quickly pulled the cloth back to reveal a confused looking Shouto.
“I was just over there.” Shouto said, pointing to the other side of the tent.
“Yes! And now you’re over here!” Compress smiled, giving a grand wave of his arm.
“Aren’t I the one doing the magic then?” Shouto said blandly while Compress laughed.
“Alright then, do another trick for us.” Mr. Compress said, his tone amused. Shouto stood there silently, expression blank.
“YOUR FIRE! USE YOUR FIRE SHOUTO!” His father yelled from off stage. Shouto glanced behind him, annoyance radiating from him.
“No. Nevermind. Just put me back where i was.” He said to Compress. Not a second later, the cloth was thrown over him and pulled off to reveal what looked like 100 butterflies.
The crowed oohed and awed in response, and you felt your eyes widen in amazement as well. It was so quick, you were trying to understand the trick, but could hardly wrap your head around it. This guy was good.
He went through a few more tricks, each a little better than the last. Finally he called for a volunteer from the audience.
Many hands shot into the air, while yours meekly raised. You weren’t one who gravitated to the spotlight, in fact, you had no desire to go onto the stage and have everyone’s eyes on you. But, you had promised yourself you’d let go for tonight and do as the bartender recommended. Escape.
Perhaps he could sense your distress, or maybe it was just because you were the closest to him, but he slowly walked toward you and extended his hand.
“If you wouldn’t mind, I’d love it if you could assist me madam.”
You smiled, cursing inwardly at yourself, as you took his hand and let him pull you to your feet and lead you to the stage.
Red Riot ran over holding a heavy wooden chair, one you might find used as a throne.
Compress lifted the bottom of his mask and pressed a kiss to the back of your hand, much like Dabi did, before directing you to take a seat. You did as you were asked, feeling the heat of the light on you, thankful that it’s blinding light prevented you from being able to see the crowd.
Mr. Compress started his speech about defying nature, and the use of powerful magic.
“Do not look away for a second, it is imperative you see your reality bent before you. With the help of my beautiful assistant, I will show you that the limitations we set for ourselves are often just an illusion. Anything you can think of is possible!”
He turned toward you, pulling the yellow coat from his body and leaving himself in his black vest and pants, the orange shirt beneath now visible. He pushed up his sleeves and held his hands outstretched toward you. You felt the chair jerk and sucked in a breath. It lurched again, and soon you were floating above the ground. You kicked your feet and smiled, trying your hardest not to shift in the chair.
Then the lights flickered, and a spotlight fell from the ceiling, crashing into the empty seat that had been assigned to your invitation.
In the moment of chaos, the chair dropped harshly, cracking against the ground as the impact tossed you to the side. You grunted, the wind knocked from your lungs and your eyes unfocused after smacking your head in the fall.
Screams were heard as the crowd panicked and scattered, the roars of animals following after them.
A harsh tug lifted you back onto your feet, and in the darkness you could see nothing, but allowed the person to drag you from the tent as your head spun.
Your mind was trying to process as you were pulled into a trailer, and as your body met the cot inside, you fell unconscious.
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violetlunette · 3 years ago
What’s your opinion on the Traitor Plot-line for MHA?
For me I honestly feel like it was pointless since there was real buildup to it and apparently Aoyama only helped with two events and we aren’t told the extent of his aid to the League
Just everything about it is just bad
Well, I like that it’s not completely out of now whereas there were hints to it here and there throughout the story. And at least they used a character that actually interacted with Izuku to give a little emotional payoff. That being said, the payoff wasn’t worth it, and the confrontation was over way too quick. Personally, I wish that not everyone in the class was so quick to forgive Yuga. Izuku I can understand because a) that’s shounen protagonist trope in action, b) it’s his personality to forgive easily, and c) as someone who grew up quirkless he understand Yuga’s struggles and feelings, so he’s more likely to be sympathetic. I can even accept Aizawa’s instant forgiveness because for all his talk of rationality he’s a very emotional person. He hides it well but most of Aizawa's actions are based on his feelings for a person, and Yuga is his student so naturally, he’s biased. The others could have had a variety of feelings though, some opposing like Present Mic’s. It would have been nice where they had a chapter after Yuga was arrested and actually talked these things out, possibly debating with one another. Hell, some could start to become paranoid thinking, “what if there’s another traitor here?” showing that there were some ramifications for Yuga’s deceit. Not only would all this give us more insight into each of the students' personalities and their thought processes, (are they more likely to approach a situation logically or emotionally, etc) but it would show that they fully understand Yuga’s actions, what he did, and what it could have cost. All of this would have made the eventual forgiveness mean so much more. I agree that we need to know the full extent of his aid to LoV to properly judge him. Also, he should have done more to make his presence as a traitor worth something and make the villains look more villainous. Don’t misunderstand, Yuga still did wrong; he betrayed his classmates and teachers to dangerous villains with murderous intent twice when they trusted him. His actions also led to Aizawa getting his face smashed in, Bakugou’s capture, and Izuku tearing up his body to fight against muscular. I think he was also passing information on Izuku and his skills, but still. Just needed a tiny bit more—not too much, though—to make this plot worthwhile. Oh, and the audience should have seen the death AFO committed to convince Yuga's family to work for him in flashback form. Not only to demonstrate more of AFO’s tactics but to show the audience why they were so scared. As is, I think the setup was just enough to be passable story-wise, but the payoff wasn’t worth it. It’s buying a book with a neat cover and because of the teaser on the back only to have the actual story lackluster. It feels like Hiro just wants to finish the story at this point as a lot of the recent arcs seem fairly rushed, so he’s not giving arcs what they need for the payoff. (Hell, he gave Aizawa’s backstory—a crucial piece of information and plot—to another author to handle.) But that's just me.
Thanks for the message!
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brownandblackpearls · 4 years ago
🦇𝒯he  𝒱isitor (Alucard Tepes x BlackReader) Pt.3
You’re given a lackluster tour of Dracula’s castle that adds more questions than it answers, yet your quarters are beyond admirable and enough to forget the mysteries for just tonight. His ice is slowly melting, but not enough for you to see anything certain. To help speed things along, you decide to be a friendly guest and cook breakfast for the both of you.
─── Alucard x black female reader
─── imagery + fiction
─── explicit smut
─── Fantasy, vampires, hurt/comfort, enemies-to-friends-to-lovers, magic user, cute bats, gardening, cooking, cottagecore MC, castlecore Alucard.
☾ previous. ☾ next.
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Your host is as gracious as the circumstances allow, you begin to realize. As immense and as glorious as the few parts of the castle you’ve seen are, your host confides that they were once even grander. He speaks briefly of there being a battle of sorts. He doesn’t say when or why, despite prodding, but it helps to fill in some of the gaps you have.
Spying some of the deeper gouges and gashes in the tough stone, you can’t help but wonder exactly what he was battling.
“You won the battle, then...?” You ask.
“Something like that,” he says simply enough, but it reads rather ominously to your ears.
You pause as you follow him, trying your best not to sound too afraid. You hope no enemies from this past battle still sneak about...
“So it’s just you and I, here…?”
He turns on you slowly, and a familiar dread rises in your gut as you realize you’ve angered him once again. Unfortunately for you, you’re not sure how. His features appear natural and still, but what you are feeling under your skin hints at the truth to his demeanor. You catch a hint of fang as he speaks, and you wonder if it’s intentional.
“Yes. Does that suit your plans?”
You hesitate, unsure.
“I…’plans’? I don’t—“
“—Allow me to assist you. Silver is a trifle. Stakes are laughable. Garlic does nothing, and no holy symbol nor water—no matter what wayward priest you find to bless it—will help your cause. Sunlight is a pleasure to my skin, which heals from fire, knife wounds, and all other maladies in conception, if you even manage to pierce it. If a Belmont had trouble making me bleed, you surely will. The few things that I am susceptible to, are magic, decapitation, and stakes, but then again, who isn’t? I implore you to try though, and wish you luck. Believe me, you will need it.”
Like before, as if you’ve been transported back behind the walls of books, he is upon you, and you cannot help but tremble. The ruby red is back, flickering just behind his sunstorm eyes. You are beside yourself but you do your best to think quickly as to what nonexistent offense he’s percieved.
‘Does he think I mean to kill him? How even could he assume such a thing…? From me, of all people...?’
“I do not wish to make an attempt on your life,” you say slowly, clearly. “My magic is very poor, but not my behavior towards hosts kind enough to allow me in their homes.” You put a heavy emphasis on the ‘host’ portion, hoping to remind him of his promise from before.
“Enlighten me then,” he asks in a tone that seeks anything but enlightenment. “Why do you want to know if we are alone, if not to better plan something that would require isolation?”
You find yourself frowning.
“You…you completely misunderstand me, sir…” you begin, stepping back. “I just…I asked if we were alone because….I…I…”
Something in your face must call out to his reason, because the red drains out from his eyes and he steps away, reeling back. The grieved look returns.
“You’re afraid,” he realizes suddenly, aloud. “You want to ensure nothing else lurks in these walls.”
You nod, happy to be comprehended, for once.
“Yes,” you insist. “The damage from the battle...I see it, and I think that your foes were very strong. I only hope they were all defeated and that it is just you and I here, alone, sir—er, Alucard.”
He nods, looking somewhat embarrassed now.
“It is only us, in these walls.”
You sigh happily, glad to have your fears discarded. The castle was still scary and intimidating of course, as large as it was. It felt as though something had to be tiptoeing somewhere around in the fortress, yet...he would know the place better than you, wouldn’t he...? And if he says its just you two, then hopefully that is so.
“Good,” you sigh. 
He makes no move at the sound of his name in your mouth, but he does think on your words before bowing his head ever so lightly.
“I apologize,” he admits. “I keep...jumping to conclusions. I made you fret after giving my word. Forgive me.”
You watch him with pleasant surprise, the corner of your mouth quirking up. 
So there were manners somewhere in there.
“You’re forgiven. I’m sure you must have had a rough go of assassins, being who you are and all.”
“I’ve had my share,” he admits, before turning to advance through the corridor. You don’t have time to think about his ‘share’, trying to keep up. You know he can move far faster than he is showing now, and you appreciate the effort he makes to go at a human pace so that you may follow closely behind. 
Deep down, you are still worried about what lays in the castle. You do feel safer, knowing something supernatural like him is at your side, and vowed to make sure no harm befalls you.
“Well,” you continue conversationally, trailing after him, “thank you for soothing my concerns. I feel all the safer for it.””
“...Odd,” he comments. “Hm?”
“You, feeling safer alone in Dracula’s castle, with a dhampir.”
You chuckle.
“I suppose it is odd when you put it that way. Just work on that temper of yours, and I’ll really be right as rain!” The jest is funny enough for you, but it doesn’t land so well with your present company.
He scowls, but the real heat is gone. Energized from knowing he is bound by promise and that there are no others here, you feel bold enough to place an assuring hand on his arm. 
He feels strong and solid, like stone. He stiffens before pulling away, peering down at you.
You try your best not to look too hurt. You smile assuringly instead.
“Believe me, Alucard. I’m not here to try and do you in. I mean, look at me! You think I’m foolish enough to attempt such a thing on you when I could hardly handle that crowd of ruffians outside?”
You laugh then, slapping a hand on your leg. It is the bare one from the rip in your dress, and the smack is much louder than you anticipate. It’s enough to silence you into meek embarrassment.
Alucard simply watches you before turning around and leading you on.
You follow him silently now, and you quickly find that the tour is rather lacking. He says little about the winding halls you are led through, and you can’t help but wonder the stories of each hallway, of each room. Will you ever learn of them?
The place is monstrous, and so the soles of your feet are a bit sore by the time you reach what Alucard regards as your quarters.
“You will stay here,” he gestures past a large emblemed door into a wide room. 
You peer inside, finding a beautifully canopied bed, heavy curtains attached to what you can only assume is a gigantic window. There is a large bookcase, a fireplace, an armchair, a desk, and a small door leading into another room. 
“That is your bathing room,” he notes.
When you stare at him curiously, he explains.
“My father possessed immense technological advancements,” he says quickly, as if he’s explained it several times before. Perhaps he has.
‘So his father is Dracula,’ you think. ‘But the stories of Dracula were much more…gruesome and cruel. If this is his son...this man is certainly scary when roused, but…’
His deep voice breaks you out of your reverie.
“The washing room has a basin called a ‘tub’. There is also a bidet with a smaller basin called a toilet. No need for outhouses or bringing up jugs of water here. We have plumbing.”
Now, you’re utterly confused.
Alucard sighs.
“Just…follow me. I’ll show you.”
You do just that and watch, engrossed, as your host thoroughly lays out and points to every faucet, knob, and all of their uses. Before long, you ascend from a common traveling woman to an expert in an alternate world knowledgeable on things such as ‘plumbing’.
You beam at the tub and sink, too giddy with joy to hide it. You bounce a little, your hands drawing to your chest excitedly.
Alucard levels a raised brow at you, pausing.
“...Are you alright?”
You nod happily, twirling in the bathroom to face him.
“This place is incredible! Plumbing! Who would’ve thought? There was almost something like this I saw over the Eastern seas, but the people there called them…acq..acqueducts! They were these large beams that delivered their water…oh, but no matter! My hair! Goodness, it will be leagues easier…”
Alucard glances at your crown of curled, kinky locks before refocusing on you.
“How did you manage, before?”
“Oh, ponds. Streams. Rivers. The seaside. That sort of thing,” you say absently. “The chill of the water did wonders for my mane, but I felt like an icicle the entire time. And you say I can have heated, freshwater through these devices? I can’t lie, I’m ecstatic!”
Alucard nods shortly at that, watching you curiously, but seemingly unable to share your interest in the fixtures. Perhaps you’re more of an interest for him at this point than the plumbing. You eyeball his own healthy mane and assume he’s long been used to such luxuries.
“Oh, but…can I wash my garbs in the tub, too?”
Alucard tilts his head at that before realization sparks in his eyes.
“No. No, you’ll wear something else. That’s fairly ruined.”
You silently leave out the part that it is partially his fault, but he seems to catch on anyway.
“I…” he tries stiffly. “I apologize again. For before.”
“Oh?” You respond innocently. “For what? Scaring me? Yelling at me? Threatening my life? Tripping me?”
He sinks a little lower with each act. 
“All of it.”
“Oh! Well, then you’re forgiven. As much as I appreciate the apology, I have a feeling that this ‘tub’ will more than make up for it.”
Alucard seems to relax at that, showing you the cabinets with everything you’ll need.
“I’ll…” he trails off. “I’ll find you some clothing.”
He turns to leave, but you reach out to gently grip the tuft of white blouse peeking out from his sleeve. He turns, watching you sharply. 
He does not pull away, though. You call it progress.
“Alucard,” you say. “Thank you for your hospitality. Sincerely.”
He looks to the floor instead of your eyes—as if he’s afraid of what he’ll find there—before gently pulling away and wordlessly leaving the room.
You are lucky enough to find interesting soaps and good-smelling candles before working the bath. With some maneuvering and much delight, you are able to conjure bubbles through use of items you’ve scavenged from the cabinets. You find washcloths, sponges, brushes, and an assortment of other things.
You want to wait for your host to return first, but as the minutes continue to pass you realize you need to take advantage of the hot water before it cools.
You shed your clothes, undo your hair, and step into the water-filled basin.
“God…” you whisper, goosebumps rising on your skin.
It feels incredible.
You sink into the water, a smile on your face. You haven’t felt something this good since traveling to hot springs in your more daring adventures. Back then, you had to evade the cultist locals for a hint of heated water. This was so different, as it was your own personal hot spring whenever you desired!
You sink deeper into the water for a bit before beginning to scrub and lather your journey off of you. You decide to empty and fill the tub once more, just because you can, and bathe a little more before feeling pristine to your liking.
Stepping out, you massage in some leftover body oil from your pack. You clean the basin before peeking out into your room.
There is no one present, but a new, soft nightdress lays comfortably on the chair. Your fireplace is even lit.
You smile to yourself as you step out and lift the nightdress, assessing it.
“So his bark is louder than his bite,” you decide aloud.
You change swiftly, and despite being in such an strange situation, once in the massive bed, you find sleep has come right on your heels. Your eyes almost slide shut until you hear a knock at your door.
You open your eyes and slip out of bed. You push open your door—which has a heavy lock, you now realize—to see Alucard, in low lantern light, gazing back at you.
“I trust you found everything,” he says, rather than asks. You hear the question for what it is.
“Yes,” you smile. “Thank you.”
He considers your expression for a long moment before nodding his affirmation.
“Hm. Very well. There is a lock on the door of your room…if that’s any consolation to any fears you may have. Feel free to use it. Good night then,” he says, turning to leave.
“Alucard?” You call.
When he waits for you without turning to face you, you speak.
“Where will you be staying?”
‘If I need you,’ you think. 
You soon realize that this may become a situation where Alucard hears something in your speech that is not really there. With a solemn look, and the absence of an anger just as disturbing as its presence, he points to a door just down the hall from you. You would be pleased if not for the expression on his face.
“Just there,” he says. 
You realize that due to the two misunderstandings being him assuming you want to kill him, that this is likely what this third time revolves around. 
“Alucard,” you try, “I don’t intend to condescend, but you must know, I only ask for my own concern. I’m happier to know that my host is nearby. I meant no ill will by it. I’d be a poor assassin, remember?”
“Yes,” he answers quietly, as if he really is just recalling it. “I remember.”
“You’d hear me before I even entered, I bet!”
“I would.”
“So there is nothing to worry about…right…?”
His stiff shoulders finally seem to relax an inch. 
“I suppose. In any case…You are not to enter my domain, under any circumstances, outside of imminent danger. It would be…unwise of you.”
You nod, unsure of what exactly he means but positive he that he does mean what he says.
“I will see you in the morning...?” 
He pauses at that, looking somewhat bewildered. 
“I…yes, you will.”
“Alright!” You nod, pleased. “Good night then.”
Closing the door, you turn to the large, firelit room and beam.
It is a princess’s quarters…no, a queen’s! You will live lavish while you’re here, it seems.
You lay on the soft mattress under the thick covers, knowing pleasure you’ve never felt before until sleep takes you gently into the night.
When you wake, it is before the sun has fully broken into the sky. Pretty blues and pinks spill across the sky outside your window, so different from the cold colors of the day before. Rising in your nightgown, you spy a dress on the chair of your room. Alucard must have entered in your sleep. Had you locked the door...? You cannot recall. Under normal circumstances, traveling on the road, you would have never forgotten such a thing as utilizing a lock. For some reason, perhaps last night you felt you didn’t need to. 
You absently palm your neck for pinpricks of the vampiric sort, and find nothing.
‘Good enough for me, then.’
The dress lays before you, waiting
It is different, without any tears, and deep in its color. You pause before adorning it, turning this way and that in the looking glass before attempting to do something with your hair. 
‘I look rather stunning in this. Why does he have such nice women's clothing lying about, I wonder...?’
Once complete, you decide to do something as equally nice for your host as this dress was for you.
“Breakfast! I’ll make us breakfast. Dhampirs can eat food, right…? Now, if only I could find the kitchen…”
You spy your basket by the door. Another gift from your late-night visitor.
You pick up your newly returned basket from the room’s entrance, flipping over the blanket to spy your stolen vegetables still intact. 
You leave your rooms with a smile that slowly falls.
‘He said not to disturb him…perhaps I can find the kitchens myself? They must be on the first level, maybe the underground chambers, if anything. That’s how all castles are. I’d better start now if I hope to finish in time.’
You’re certain you will get lost, but you have a feeling that your host can easily find you again.
You pause, realizing something.
‘I hope I don’t find bottles of blood or something lying around…or something else’
On that sobering thought, you strap your dagger’s hilt tighter to your thigh. Alucard said you were both alone, but it couldn’t hurt to be vigilant.
You venture out and do your best to recreate the inverse of Alucard’s path to the great hall. After several turns and rerouting, you finally begin to recognize the way back to the grand hall. It takes far longer than you anticipated, and your soles begin to complain a little once you find the grand staircase.
With some exploration on the main floor, you finally come across a door leading into what appears to be a small kitchen. The floors are clean as are the pots and pans hanging from their hooks on the walls. You spy plenty of utensils, knives, and what appears to be another basin...plumbing. You will ask Alucard the name later.
You set down the basket, pleased to have reached your goal, and get to work.
“Can’t have just a vegetable scramble. He’s a literal dhampir, and I could use some protein.”
You can't find any aprons about, and so you wrap what looks to be a tablecloth around your pretty dress. No reason to ruin it with the trials of breakfast.
You hunt for eggs, meat, nuts, and anything of the protein type. After some pillaging, you are able to find all three and get to work. The eggs are small, and the meat is fox, rabbit, and fish instead of the typical villager fare of cows and pigs, but you make it work. You wash your hands and begin to carve out fillets, prep vegetables from your basket, and luck upon some spices. You search for oil, but can only find butter, and so you do your best with it.
Soon enough, the kitchen begins to fill with the scents and fumes of a bountiful breakfast. You plate the spiced eggs, the braised meat, the sautéed vegetables, and fill a pitcher with water. You think about finding the secret garden nearby once more to perhaps make juice from berries and fruits, or even preserve. Turning to the wood table, you set everything down before finding your final item.
The loaf of bread is well hidden, but not well enough. It is a little stale, but not enough to discourage. You claim it and cut it before setting it out on the table as well.
Turning to wash your hands one final time, you are unsurprised to find Alucard stalking in the doorway of the kitchen when you turn back around.
“What are you doing...?” he grouses, clearly just having recently awoken.
“Cooking us breakfast,” you sass, “you’re welcome, by the way. Oh, uh...you can eat food, right...?”
Alucard’s sleepy demeanor slowly fades as he nods, his interest growing as the smells of food clearly begin to assault him and cause wonders for his mood.
“Well?” You say, undoing the tablecloth-apron and taking a seat for yourself. “What are you waiting for? Sit with me, let’s eat!”
AN: Do not under any circumstances copy, repost, or edit any of my work. If you see someone do so, please let me know.
☾ previous. ☾ next. 
☾ check my blog for more imagines.
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amysubmits · 4 years ago
Hi! I just want to say I absolutely adore your blog and really enjoy your personal postings about D/s. Which kind of leads to this (which might be a little long):
I’m 22 and this is my first D/s relationship. My Dom and I have been in an LDR for 5 months. We’ve known each other almost a year and when we were friends, he even took the initiative to come visit me in person. Now, my relationship is feeling a bit…lackluster. Besides tasks, asking permission for specific things and titles, I don’t feel…wanted, like he doesn’t go out of his way to respond to a text or initiate a virtual night. He also has not made any plans to come visit again (due to circumstances that he’s aware of, I can’t visit him yet) and everytime I ask, he has something that comes up. When he’s present (over call, or video chat, which I ask for), it’s really nice. But every so often he also drops off the face of the planet after daily messaging with no warning or explanation and ironically, at the very time I need him the most (like now).
I’ve confronted him about it and he apologized and said he’d do better but nothing seems to have changed. I’m not sure if I’m coming across as too needy so I’m trying to give him some space but this is has me feeling quite lonely and I don’t know what to do anymore. Please help! Thanks so much in advanced!
Hey there!
Thanks for the kind words on my blog. :)
I am sorry that you aren't feeling like a priority.
When he's gone silent in the past, after you reconnected did you ask for an explanation for why he had quit communicating with you? I don't know that you should necessarily assume you're being too needy for him if he hasn't explained that as the reason for why he goes silent.
What each person wants from their D/s relationship or romantic relationship or whatever can definitely vary. However, for me personally if I felt like my partner had a tendency to disappear when things got tough, that would feel like a lack of the type of commitment that I desire, and that would be a big problem for me..an incompatibility, really. I am someone who needs to feel like my relationship is an anchor in my life and so having someone who I can't rely on to be there when things are tough is just a no-go for me. It sounds like you are unhappy with that as well...but it may be just who/how he is. So if that's the case, you may have to try to decide if it's something you can try to accept about him and live with or if it's an incompatibility about his relationship needs vs your relationship needs.
I feel bad saying the rest of this but I believe you're coming to me for a bit of a 'gut check' so to speak and so I'm going to share my honest gut feeling with you.
When people are in long distance relationships and one person just kinda goes silent or disappears sometimes, and/or is hard to contact at times, or doesn't follow through with in-person visits...my instinct is to wonder if they are married and so they can't contact their girlfriend while around their wife or something like that. I hope that's not the case here but it does seem to happen somewhat frequently in long distance relationships so I would recommend taking a fresh look at his behavior and see if there are any signs or red flags that he could be hiding some big stuff from you.
Another scenario that seems fairly common in online or long distance relationships is for the person to not really want much in-person contact...so while they may really enjoy the online or texting/calling portions of a relationship, they sometimes get cold feet if the other person starts pushing to meet up in person too much or to move in together, etc. I think for some people they get into online or long distance relationships not because they happen to catch feelings for someone who isn't more local but because they truly just prefer that relationship style and being in person is just not what they prefer. That'd be something else I'd consider with him seeming to always find excuses about why he can't see you in person...is does he prefer to just keep things long distance while you would prefer more in-person time?
Overall, my advice is to make it clear to him that he has to communicate with you if he needs space. It's not cool to just stop responding and leave you having no idea if he's okay or not. He could simply tell you that he is having a tough time and needs space or something.
I'd also just communicate to him that you feel like he hasn't kept his previous commitment to work on this, and that you aren't feeling excitement or investment from him in the way that you used to. See if anything is wrong, or if he has unmet needs or wants that could be contributing to the changes you've seen in him. Maybe together you can discuss what you need more of, and what he needs more of, and find a way to get things back on track.
Hope this helps. <3
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Meeting and Dating Bishop
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
- You met Bishop when he was stationed on the same ship as you. He was your teams resident artificial person and was tasked with keeping the ship up and running, as well as dissecting, examining and inspecting the alien life that your team was supposed to be finding. 
- You were a new recruit so you felt a bit out of place when you awakened from your hypersleep. Being surrounded by strangers in the middle of space is a bit jarring. 
- It was meal time when the two of you actually met. You were the last one inside the room and felt a bit awkward finding a place amongst the nearly full table, especially since the rest of your crewmates already seemed so friendly with each other. 
- But you couldn't just stand around and starve so you took your time grabbing your food and looking around the table to try and find a spot you could take up. That was when a voice came from beside you.
“You must be Y/n. I’m Bishop, I’ll be working with you in the lab.” Glancing up, you were met with a slightly cold yet inviting face. You quickly dropped your utensils onto your tray and took his outstretched hand, giving him a smile.
- The two of you made conversation as he led you over to the table, purposefully taking a seat with enough space beside it for you to sit in. To say that you were grateful for the simple act of kindness was an understatement. You could have kissed him ...and maybe, deep down, you actually wanted to.
- Over the next few months, you and the android grew close, working side by side and leaning more about each other. He was sweet and made you feel welcome on the ship that seemed slightly terrifying just a few weeks prior.
- To be honest, you’d felt a bit silly when you first realized that you had feelings for him. He was synthetic after all; you weren’t sure if he could even feel love the way humans could. But it seemed as though fate was on your side since it wasn’t long before he confessed his feelings to you.
- The two of you were in the lab; as per usual, when he asked if he could talk to you about “something ...personal”. You agreed and soon enough he was telling you that he was fairly sure that he was in love with you. To his delight, you confessed that you loved him back and the two of you went back to your work with smiles on your faces.
- You had your first date late one night when everyone else had already gone to bed. He’d approached you after dinner and asked you to follow him, taking you down a few deserted hallways and leading you to a big window that was sat in one of the secluded corners of the ship. When you looked outside, you were met with one of the most beautiful views of space you had ever seen.
- The two of you sat there for a long time, saying nothing yet perfectly content in the silence. It was there that he kissed you for the first time, bathed in the blue hues from the window and with no one around to disturb you. It was perfect, everything you could have ever hoped for and more.
- After that, there was no way you could ever part from him and him from you.
- He likes Pda but he prefers to keep it to a minimum just to remain professional. He usually just wraps an arm around your waist or kisses your cheek, little things like that.
- Something tells me that Androids are cold; like whenever you kiss him or touch his skin, it’s like you’re touching something that isn’t alive. It’s something you’ll certainly have to get used to.
- He holds your hand in both of his whenever the two of you talk or are just sitting together. It’s sort of just a habit of his.
- On that note, he loves feeling your touch. The warmth and softness of your hands is incredibly comforting to him. He’s never felt anything like it.
- Bishops extremely curious about human life so he’s happy to have someone who’s willing to divulge some information. He’s going to ask you a lot of questions, some generic and some personal. He finds you incredibly fascinating and has no problem telling you that.
- He could sit and listen to you talk about nothing for hours; and sometimes he actually does. Your voice is alluring to him.
- He doesn’t quite understand nicknames or pet names. Don’t you like your name? He likes your name, why would you want to hear anything else?
- Bishop is somewhat eager for acceptance. Not a ton of people treat him as a full fledged member of the team or completely human so he finds your relationship to be both refreshing and touching.
- Getting to see all of his little knife tricks.
- Androids have enhanced speed and strength so he tries his best to be careful and gentle with you; which he pretty much is just by nature. He never wants to accidentally hurt you.
- He isn’t quite sure how to react to affection when you first start your relationship. He feels the urge to thank you whenever you kiss his cheek.
- Your beds aren’t the biggest so cuddling is a bit of a challenge at times. He’s pretty skinny so you could be able to spoon; or he’s perfectly fine with you laying on top of him.
- Long hugs. He likes to press his cheek against the top of your head whenever you wrap your arms around each other.
- Stealing kisses whenever you can. He leans down and presses a kiss to your lips whenever he goes to look over your shoulder at something.
- For someone whose never been kissed, he’s a surprisingly good kisser. Firm yet soft and surprisingly passionate when the two of you have no way of being interrupted.
- Wearing his dog tags around the ship. He likes to tell you that they look better on you.
- Name a “person” more selfless than Bishop. This man would quite literally die for you. You constantly have to remind him to look out for himself and that he deserves to have a life outside of helping others.
- He’s fairly reserved, mainly keeping to himself during the day though he does enjoy having your company. He likes when you sit with him in the lab while he does his work, your presence makes things more fun.
- Spending long nights together, you’re either working in the lab or trying to make up for the lack of time the two of you get with each other during the day without having to work.
- He loves compliments, mainly because he rarely ever gets them. Doing a good job is sort of just expected of him so whenever you treat it like it’s more than nothing, he’s in utter bliss.
- Sharing food. He’s always happy to give you some of his.
- Getting shown the most beautiful parts of the universe around you. He likes showing you them, watching the expression on your face and taking in the sight of your amazement as the colors of the scene are painted across your face.
- He’ll explain his programming to you without a second thought if you seem the least bit put off or frightened by him, or if you just ask.
- He is a technician so if you ever have a problem with anything aboard the ship or at home, just let him know and the problem will be resolved in minutes.
- He gets offended when people aren’t polite to him and will take particular offense when they aren’t polite to you. He doesn’t like people who don’t treat you with respect and behaves coldly towards them whenever he sees them.
- Manners mean something to him so you best believe he uses his. Chivalry is not dead, it’s just not human.
- He always remembers your anniversary and birthday. He’s insists on getting you something, even if you tell him you don’t want anything.
- Well, you’re sort of stuck on a spaceship so the two of you can’t have too many “real” dates. You have to get creative if you want to something special. Otherwise, he’s perfectly content with having a relaxing night in.
- Board games. They’re a fun way to pass the time and he likes keeping somewhat busy.
- He always stays by your side whenever he can. At meal time, he’ll always take a seat next to yours or keep you close as he grabs your plates. You’re tasked with holding said plates when Hudson asks him to do something.
- Hudson; and some of the others, definitely tease the two of you. The moment they find out about your relationship, they are on your ass about it and won’t leave you alone for like a week.
- I get this feeling that he’s a good cook and that he finds cooking to be entertaining. It’s sort of like the work he does but without as much potential danger.
- He loves when the two of you get back from missions and can live somewhat normal lives. Being able to go on dates, and act like a real boyfriend is heaven.
- While he is very human-like, he doesn’t quite feel emotions the same way humans do. He does feel them, but not to the extent of organic beings. They’re sort of calmed down a bit, like they’ve been watered down.
- With that being said, some of his reactions to things are a bit lackluster though he does try to exaggerate his responses a bit. He wants you to know that he cares and is feeling the same thing you are, just in his own synthetic way.
- He doesn’t really get jealous but whenever he does, he’s too confused by his feelings to really register what he’s actually upset over. If you ask him if he ever gets jealous, he’ll reply with a no, if you ask him again, he’ll jokingly ask you if he should be.
- He’s always looking out for you. It could be because he’s protective of you or just because he cares, but the main point is that he has your back and isn’t going to let anything happen to you.
- Is he your boyfriend or is he your father, sometimes it’s hard to tell. He warns you about things like you’re a little girl and makes sure you’ve eaten and slept enough or are wearing enough clothes to stay warm. It’s both touching and slightly hilarious.
- He’s the perfect partner to have if you’re shy or the runt of the litter; so to speak. He doesn’t let people push you around or leave you out of things.
- The two of you rarely ever fight. He isn’t programmed to hurt people so you have to understand that whatever he may have done to upset you was purely accidental or against his own control. Whenever he does manage to hurt you, he always calmy apologizes and tells you that it wasn’t his intention.
- He doesn’t say he loves you very often but he does say it. He’ll usually say the words when he’s going somewhere or doing something risky, or when it’s just really warranted.
- Now, I’m not sure on the rules of Android and human marriage but I do know that you have a long and loving relationship ahead of you.
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abigailnussbaum · 4 years ago
The Watch 1x01 - 1x02
The first two episodes of BBC America’s The Watch aired this weekend, and I’ve seen basically zero discussion of them on my twitter and tumblr feeds. Which I assume is because most of the people I follow are Pratchett fans who have been horrified by the press releases and the trailer (or, for that matter, the lackluster reviews) and decided to write the show off before it even started airing. To be clear, this is an entirely reasonable approach, but there’s nothing else on right now and I was bored.
Quick verdict? It’s not dire, but also not so interesting that you’d feel compelled to keep going with it. In fact, my most powerful reaction after the first two episodes is puzzlement - I can’t understand who the intended audience for this show is. The thinking seems to have been “everyone will be interested in a brash, in your face, rudely comedic fantasy cop show!” And maybe that’s true, but The Watch isn’t particularly brash, in your face, or even that comedic, so what’s left are fans of the genre(s), who are reasonably spoiled for choice right now (the show The Watch most closely resembles is Carnival Row, which is not amazing but still has a greater depth of emotion and a more interesting world). Why anyone would go out of their way to watch a show that seems to be working so hard to stamp out anything original about itself is a question the creators don’t seem to have asked themselves.
More thoughts below the cut.
First, something positive: I quite like the look of the show. There was obviously a lot of pressure from previous adaptations, not to mention the famous illustrations associated with the books, to strike out in an original direction, and I think the show really found one. Instead of fantasized-medieval-through-Victorian, The Watch’s Ankh Morpork combines those period and genre elements with modern ones. So The Mended Drum is now a seedy nightclub with DJ lighting and an open mike stage, and the city’s walls are covered with graffiti tags. The more distinctive settings - the Patrician’s palace, the Unseen University library - are not as interesting, possibly because the budget wouldn’t stretch to make them look really spectacular. But the core approach of the series, that Ankh Morpork is an old but modern city where there are also a lot of fantasy elements, is a fun and refreshing one.
Second, despite all the prevarication and spin in the run-up to the show, this is a Pratchett adaptation. It isn’t merely “inspired by” Pratchett’s novels, as the show’s title screen insists. It isn’t taking Pratchett’s ideas and making its own things with them. I can only assume that these claims were made in response to the backlash against stuff like “Sybil Ramkin, young, hot vigilante”. But despite changes like that, this is actually a fairly straightforward adaptation of Guards! Guards!, which also incorporates elements from Night Watch, plus some rather deep cuts from the rest of the Discworld corpus (the second episode, for example, implies that the ultimate villains of the series are the Auditors of Reality). So yeah, The Watch doesn’t have the excuse of being its own thing. It is a Discworld adaptation, but a bad one, that fails to understand a lot of fundamental thing about the world and the characters.
Third, I think the thing that most strikes about the show is how low-energy it feels. Despite billing itself as something outrageous, and despite some work on the visual front (and in Richard Dormer’s Jack Sparrow-esque performance as Vimes), the show itself feels almost bland. You see this in particular when it comes to the humor. It’s not that The Watch isn’t trying to be funny. There are jokes, and a few of them - mostly the ones original to the series - are mildly amusing. But when it comes to Pratchett’s own humor, the show simply has the actors deliver the gags and references in the most low-key way, and unsurprisingly the result is that hardly any of it lands.
Now, to be fair, this has been a problem with Pratchett adaptations since the 90s. Most of Pratchett’s humor is based in what his third-person narrator tells us about the world, and is hard to convey in a dramatic presentation (Good Omens tried to solve this problem by putting a lot of Pratchett’s narration in its voiceover, with only limited success). But even the dialogue-based jokes are so arch and stagey, that to deliver them successfully would require committing to a lot of very specific, demanding choices from the actors and writers (off the top of my head, the only show that even comes close to that kind of humor is Brooklyn Nine-Nine). It would have to be a high-concept, meticulously executed sitcom, whereas most Pratchett adaptations have been fantasy dramas with jokes. 
So it’s not entirely The Watch’s fault that it isn’t managing to convey the zany energy of Pratchett’s novels, but at the same time, it also clearly isn’t trying to. Its attitude seems to be that simply the existence of things like troll cops or assassins’ guilds who leave a receipt are funny in their own right. And sure, even in a media landscape in which fantasy has been mainstreamed by Harry Potter, the Lord of the Rings movies, and Game of Thrones, not a lot of fantasy settings have an orangutan librarian who only says “ook”. But what makes The Librarian funny isn’t that he’s a librarian who is an orangutan. It’s that he’s a librarian who is an orangutan who still behaves exactly like a librarian (while also doing ape things like swinging from the bookshelves and eating bananas), and that “ook” can convey almost any concept in existence. The Watch doesn’t seem to realize this. It seems to be assuming that just putting that stuff on screen, or parroting Pratchett’s lines, will be hilarious in and of itself, while leaving out a lot of the specificity of setting, character, and tone that made the books sing.
You see this also in how it handles its characters. Everyone fixated on Lady Sybil when the promos came out, because that’s the most egregious misreading of the original (and rooted in the most boring assumptions about what audiences want and will respond to). But it’s everywhere. Take Carrot, for example. In the books, Carrot is fascinating because he’s never entirely what you take him for. He’s innocent, but not naive. Principled, but not a zealot. A goody-two-shoes, but not a prig. He’s always a lot smarter than you think he is, and most importantly, he genuinely likes and is interested in people. 
The Watch delivers none of this, and instead makes Carrot your basic hothead rookie who just wants to take down bad guys and sees the more seasoned, cynical officers who keep trying to slow him down as hopelessly corrupted. There’s none of Carrot’s openness, or his genuine love of the city, in this character. Instead he’s sullen and judgmental. And look, we could have a long conversation about which one of these characters is more useful to us and our ongoing conversation about policing (as well as a much shorter conversation about which one of them is truer to the ideas Pratchett was trying to convey about policing). But what feels more important to me, when coming to evaluate a new series that is trying to make an argument for why you should keep watching it, is the simple fact that there are a million places where you could find a character like The Watch’s Carrot, and hardly anywhere where you could find one like Pratchett’s. 
Again and again, it feels as if, in the pursuit of what it thinks of as outrageous, risk-taking storytelling, The Watch jettisons the unique characters from the books and replaces them with ones that we’ve seen a million times before. Angua in the books is kind of neurotic, and extremely thoughtful about the way her condition can incline her to see other people as objects to be used and consumed (which Pratchett later develops into an aspect of his theme of monsters-as-aristocrats). In the show, she’s obsessed with how her lycanthropy makes her “the real monster”. Oh boy, I’ve never seen a werewolf worry about being a monster before! I’ve never seen a scene where they send their friends away just as they’re about to transform! This is cutting edge stuff, I tell you. And while we’re on the subject, it gives me no pleasure to report that Anna Chancellor as Patrician Vetinari is thoroughly meh, because no effort has been taken to convey the character’s intelligence, near-omniscience, and constant scheming. Vimes is intimidated by her because she’s his boss and she’s posh, not because of anything specific to her. She feels almost identical to a million other posh rulers whose job it is to infodump to and threaten scrappy, working class heroes.
Which brings me back to my original observation: that I do not get who this show is for. It’s not for Pratchett fans, because it deliberately drops a great deal of what made his writing and characters special in favor of the most generic, predictable choices. But I can’t help but feel that anyone who is into this sort of extremely familiar cop story will be put off by the dragons and the wizards and the orangutan librarian, not to mention Dormer’s gurning performance. The whole thing is almost fascinating to watch - a work that clearly believes itself to be boundary-pushing and different, when really it’s just dull but with dragons.
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prompt-master · 4 years ago
You're always up for discussion and debate right? So is it okay that I pose this to you and you give me your opinion on it? Danganronpa V3 was the worst game in the series because while it had interesting characters and very (visually and aesthetically) pleasing executions it ruined the immersion of the DR universe by playing the 'Oh it's all just a game and anime in this universe!!! Ha ha' card (gonna do a pt2 so I can continue giving my points hope that's okay)
(pt2) Because they played this card I feel like it was a cop out in a way, an excuse to make more content but without a way to fit the game into the existing canon without shoe horning it in, which the creators clearly didn't want to do given the details they put so much effort into. I just personally think, as I've said, it takes away from the immersion but also that it discredits the meaning behind the other games intertwining storylines and characters (2/3)
(pt 3/3) and to me that was what sold me on the series, the fact that in the games world these were real people, these were *kids* and their actions had effects on the world around them and V3 making it so that it was fake in universe and then trying to make it so that people willingly put themselves into a killing game to me just... didn't work. One of the key points of THH was how *disgusting* the killing games were, that it was morbid and sick that Junko aired them. Anyway, your thoughts pls?
Yes I am always up for discussion and debate! I find them to be some of my favorite things I have done on this blog and I thank you for taking the time to pose this topic to me because it’s one that I’m actually very interested in.
See,you are certainly not alone in your opinion! And I wholeheartedly understand why the games ending is disappointing! Because it is! By design the game was MADE to upset us as fans. But I actually have a very strong disagreement with the assertion that it is the worst game in the series. In fact I think ndrv3 was better than sdr2, which is often called the best game in the series by fans.
The reason why I feel so strongly that ndrv3 is not the worst game in the series..is because of udg. I don’t want to go into too much detail on this particular post, but udg has a lot of irredeemable content for grossly handling incredibly serious and sensitive topics. If a game makes me feel like the FBI should be coming to my house I would not consider that a good game. Not to mention that unlike ndrv3 which aside from the ending you can see a LOT of effort put into it, udg feels incredibly lackluster and uncared for. The models used look unpolished, giving the game a beta testing feel that does not feel professional whatsoever. The lighting has a lot of issues to the point where Komaeda’s hair looks grey, even in key scenes, but no one bothered to fix that glaring issue. The model movements are awkward. The story is repetitive and rather face value, I often find myself thinking about how in the end Komaru still was on the side of hope, she did not defy being like her brother that she so strongly wanted to defy. The gameplay is also too easy and boring, but thats my personal issue. and finally when I learned that they dropped the idea of the game being about capturing the remnants I just found myself disappointed..far more disappointed than ndrv3 made me. Especially since udg wasn’t attempting to be unsatisfying.
Now as for the reasons that I actually quite like ndrv3...I understand that the last leg of chapter 5 and chapter 6 as a whole as a complete let down. But even right after playing I did enjoy how you could rework the ending to fit in the dr canon by having everything still be real. There’s a lot of evidence supporting Shirogane, and there’s a lot of evidence against her. As mystery game lovers it is our job to take these bits of evidence and try to work out what the truth is to the best of our ability. The ending is designed to be disappointing yes but the ending ALSO implies that they WILL find out about HPA, so that it may exist. And if HPA is real, so is everyone. (personally I believe that the first games are a long time ago due to 53 seasons being a lot. and that the outlandishness led to people forgetting that it was real and processing it as fiction)
I also feel as though I had a lot more fun in ndrv3 than I did sdr2. sdr2 I felt like had a lackluster start and a lot of missed opportunities from chapters 1 to 4. The redeeming quality of the game comes from chapters 5 and 6, where suddenly the game picks up incredible pace and goes out VERY strongly. In a way, ndrv3 is the exact opposite of sdr2. ndrv3 begins with THE strongest beginning in the series without a doubt (I partially blame HOW GOOD chapter 1 was for why chapter 6 was so disappointing, it’s hard to live up to such a good chapter), chapters 2-5 I felt held up pretty damn strong as well before Kiibo got his antenna knocked off. Because of this I had a lot more fun experiences in ndrv3 than I did in sdr2, making me consider ndrv3 as a whole the better game. I also really enjoy the characters and the depth to them. There is so much to analyze in ndrv3, and I really enjoy how every character is more affected by the themes of the game than the others, which felt rather concentrated around a select few individuals. The game is intense, although pessimistic, and if you look more into it the more intriguing the character relationships become. 
Of course, you’re entirely right about the ending shooting down the series. In fact i think it was fairly obvious that it was a direct message to us as fans. You say that the game was made to allow for an excuse to make more content but I argue it’s an excuse to NOT make more content. To add another game to the series after the way ndrv3 ended would quite simply feel WRONG. And you have every right to be upset and annoyed at this and the way the writers handled it! But again, the interpretation of reality that shirogane gave us...it almost feels like they WANT us to prove her wrong with all the contradictions. Now, this could absolutely be the writers not having a real ending and wanting US to write it, but as a mystery lover and a person who loves rewrites I don’t necessarily mind this. In fact I wish the ending didn’t ruin the game for a lot of people. There is a lot of really good things to discuss and analyze about the game but it doesn’t happen too often because of this disappointment. But I sincerely encourage you and others to look closer! There is a lot of gold to be found here, with or without the ending!
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wastelandcrown · 5 years ago
logan lark’s adventures in trying to appease his parents
CHAPTER 4: a tight-knit family
Summary: Logan Lark is a fairly average high school student. By all means, he should be impressing his parents on all grounds. Except...he doesn’t exactly have a social life. So after his parents give him puppy dog eyes, he decides to join the local theatre's youth production. Good grief...His life is about to get weird isn’t it?
Warnings: Potential ooc behavior, Roman is a theatre brat to the highest degree (Sorry Roman stans), Remus being Remus, (If I miss something please tell me!)
Notes: This fic is based off an idea from @under-the-blue-moonlight. If you wanna be tagged in chapters, please dm me!! This chapter we see a LOT of Patton, a little of Virgil, and some Roman being an ass behaviour. I apologize if this chapter is lackluster, it’s important I promise!! Also I just finished chapter 5...its 3295 of intrulogical fluff 
Pairings: Eventual Intrulogical, Eventual Rociet, Eventual One-Sided Logicality, Platonic Analogical, Platonic DRLAMP
Word Count: 2269
Tagslist: @under-the-blue-moonlight @why-should-i-tell-youu2 @im-actually-ok @hauntedturkeycalzonedreamer
After a few weeks, not disappointing Remus was a weak reason to be here. 
Though he never considered himself a quitter, god he would love to just quit one thing in his life. The thing being theatre. 
When Thomas arrived Roman bombarded him with questions. Turns out, Logan was cast as Hamilton due to his exceptional rapping. Roman, weaker at rapping but a very confident and strong singer, could provide the extremely skilled vocal performance required by Washington. If Logan were to get sick, Roman would play Hamilton and Remus would hand over Maria’s part to his understudy. Which made sense, of course. The beginnings of rehearsals were, by all means, not entirely awful. They were going to learn the music to the show, song by song. The first problem arises with Logan’s absolutely awful stage fright. After the first run-through of the title number, Alexander Hamilton, Logan almost threw up again. People looked directly at him whenever he sang or rapped. The musical director, Jamahl, assured him it was fine. Jamahl, as nice as he was, would be receiving a solid two on Logan’s chart. It’s okay, Logan, Everyone gets stage fright, Logan. That, quite frankly, sounded like a bunch of bullshit. Especially since every time Logan got too nervous and messed up, Roman laughed from off to his side. 
Which shouldn’t bother him. It really shouldn’t. Except...Well, it was infuriating to be laughed at. For something he can’t control no less. He was ready to ball up his script and pelt him with paper until he stopped being a colossally egotistical idiot. Along with Roman’s frankly abhorrent behaviour, Logan also had to deal with feigning...romantic intimacy. Don’t get him wrong, Patton was a very nice guy. But...how would you feel knowing your first kiss would have to be fake for a theatre production? Bad. You would feel bad. So does Logan. Logan is sick of all of this, and by the end of the second week he finally snaps. 
When he hears that during Helpless he needs to kiss Patton, he doesn’t bother to hide his surprise. Of course, after he does, Roman decides to open his big dumb mouth. 
“What’s wrong, Microsoft nerd? Upset that your first kiss will be on the stage?” 
Patton reels back and glares at Roman almost instantly, opening his mouth to defend Logan, when Logan turns on Roman himself. 
“I am beginning to wonder if you ever just shut up,” Logan snaps, fists balled in anger.
“Because honestly, for the two weeks I have been in this theatre program, you have done nothing but spout off like a tea kettle about to boil over all because I happened to be better than you at one thing. So I am sincerely asking, do you ever shut up?”
Somehow, he has done the impossible. Roman is stunned into silence, his face goes red with anger. 
“How dare-” Is all he manages to get out before Thomas calls for a five-minute break. 
Thomas motions for Logan to come over to him, and he’s still fuming. If he were as dramatic as a certain hoity-toity theatre brat, he would be practically foaming at the mouth. Thomas is an adult, so he tries to pull himself together. 
“I apologize-” 
“Don’t. Roman kinda deserved that,” Thomas says with a smirk, “He’s a great kid, but he has a lot to learn.”
It’s his turn to be shocked into silence, because never in a million years would he expect an adult to enable such an outburst. 
“Really though, Logan, Just try not to let it happen again. I’ll let it slide this time, okay?”
With a nudge to the side and a kind smile, Logan is sent to have his break. 
Roman is quiet for the rest of the day. Logan could not be more pleased. Roman’s anger at him was unjustified and awful, he was overall awful. After today, he would need to add a negative rating to his charts. He doesn’t think he could ever get along with someone like Roman without eventually succumbing to his anger and strangling him. Logan knows his extreme anger is wrong, but Roman was just...just...absolutely, unbelievably, infuriating. Sitting in the lobby waiting for his father like usual, he is approached by Patton. Alone this time, without Virgil. Which is strange. 
“You look like you’re about to rip someone's head off,” Patton giggles out with a sympathetic smile. 
Logan sighs and gives him a little smirk, “My apologies, are you going to be getting a ride with Virgil tonight?”
“No, his dad is picking him up! I was actually wondering if you wanted to hang out!”
“I-” Logan thinks on this for a while, then shrugs. It may be for the best. Patton has been very kind, and he has defended him when Roman was being a jerk.
“Sure, let me message my father.”
Patton’s car is a beat-up looking second-hand thing that looks like it rolled out of a dump. Inside, it’s actually very well taken care of. Patton calls the car “Christine” and pats her lovingly. Hanging from the rear-view mirror is a small frog-shaped air freshener that makes the car smell of strawberries. The seats are comfortable, and Patton’s music is sweet. Eventually they pull into a parking lot in a townhouse area, and as they walk down the street Patton waves and says hello to all his neighbours that are outside. 
“You know them all?” 
“Oh, yeah! Lots of them have babysat me, or my sisters! And I’ve babysat for them too!”
Huh. He didn’t know Patton had sisters. Though, the second they enter his house, it’s entirely obvious. 
In the living room, there are three young girls. Patton’s shoes are barely off when the two youngest ones rush him and engulf him in hugs. The older one walks over and smiles at Logan first.
“Hi, which one are you?” She asks, and Patton laughs.
“Delilah Ann! That’s not nice!”
“I’m Logan, it’s nice to meet you.”
“I’m Lilah, I’ve heard a lot about you. Mostly ‘cause Pat doesn’t shut up.”
Patton looks a little pouty, but Logan thinks he likes Lilah. She doesn’t look much like Patton at all. Her hair is more wavy than curly, and a very nice strawberry blonde colour. She doesn’t have glasses, and dresses very tomboyish, the only thing that ties them together are their freckled cheeks. She’s only thirteen, but Logan finds her interesting to talk to. While Patton is dealing with the younger ones, she tells him about how she wants to be a mortician and is the smartest in her family. Logan smiles a little while they have a mostly one-sided conversation. 
One thing the siblings have in common is certainly their talkative likability. 
The younger two are put to work on their homework at the dining table, and Patton begins to set up dinner. Logan sits next to the girls at the table, Delilah retreating to her room, chatting with Patton as he cooks. He offered to help but was denied at every turn. Something about him being a guest, and how he shouldn’t have to. They’re discussing their roles in the play when the youngest slams her head against the table dramatically.
“Patton! I don’t wanna do this anymore!” She whines, Patton puts some potatoes in a pot then brushes off his hands on his apron. 
“Do you need help, or do you need a break?” 
Logan peers over her paper and sees a bunch of simple multiplication questions, she must only be in second or third grade. 
He clears his throat, “If you’d like, I could help you.”
“Oh! Oh! Yes! Patton can Logan help me please!” 
Patton agrees, despite obviously looking at Logan and saying ‘You really don’t have to’ with his eyes. Logan likes to teach, he’s more than happy to help out. Especially since Elaine is extremely charming. You can definitely see how much she looks like Patton. Big square glasses, blonde hair in pigtails, tons of freckles dotting chubby cheeks. She acts like him too, spouting out awful dad jokes that make Patton lose it laughing in the kitchen. She tries her best to listen, and manages to actually complete her math homework with a pretty good mark. Her teacher will hopefully be impressed. Logan’s dad texts and asks if he needs to be picked up, but Elaine begs him to stay for dinner and...well he can’t say no, can he? Patton says he doesn’t have to stay, but he wants to. 
He’d never had siblings, it had always just been him and his parents. Though he loved them, and they loved him, it was so...lonely sometimes. He had always wanted a little brother or sister, maybe even a pet, but it never really happened. The energy in Patton’s house was somehow a perfect mix of lively and calm, they felt like they were really a family. Logan relished in it. The feeling of community, full of love so openly given and received. The most he had were very quiet holiday dinners with the few Larks who were left. He remembers being Elaine’s age, he felt so lonely. She wasn’t lonely though, she was full of love. So was Patton. It was very nice. He watches Patton cook and he chats with him while realizing he’s been much too harsh on him. His kindness wasn’t fake, there was no way. He was a real person who was actually that nice. He defended him out of the kindness of his heart. 
hey logan wyd rn
Ah, Virgil. That was a pleasant surprise. 
I’m actually at Patton’s house. Elaine has roped me into staying for dinner.
He can almost hear Virgil’s little chuckle. 
yeah she does that hows sophie
Sophie? Oh, that must be the third sister. She’s very quiet, her eyes haven’t once looked upwards the whole time they’ve been sat together. 
“Ahem-Uhm-Sophie,” Logan starts, and Sophie looks up from her homework, “Virgil was wondering how you are?”
Her eyes light up, “I’m good. Is he going to come over?”
She’s good. She wants to know if you will be coming over.
hah, sure tell her to give me 20 
“Yes, give him twenty minutes.”
Sophie smiles, and Logan is reminded of Virgil almost immediately. She has dark brown hair that covers her face and a bit of a natural glare. Her smile is shy, and he wonders if Patton secretly stole Virgil’s little sister. 
It seems like it, even more, when Virgil actually gets there. Sophie’s entire demeanor changes. She becomes extremely talkative and tells Virgil all about how she’s got a new villager in her animal crossing town. Virgil entertains her with talking, going and helping Patton to cook. Logan gets up to help as well, but Virgil waves him away. Virgil looks like he belongs here, in this little dining room-kitchen. He’s laughing beside Patton, talking to both girls and Logan, helping cook and set the table. Logan can’t help but wonder how many times he’s done this before. While Patton is putting the food on the table, the door opens and a tired-looking woman enters. Virgil goes to greet her, and she smiles. Her hair is curly and blonde, her eyes are a cloudy green, she is covered in a smattering of freckles, and she looks...just like Patton. 
Logan gets up to go greet her as well. When she sees him she beams and it’s like he’s been confronted by the sun herself. 
“You must be Logan! Virgil and Patton talk my ears off about you!” She pats his head, and continues, “The boys just adore you! It’s about time you came for dinner!”
He almost can’t speak, and both Virgil and Patton whine about her embarrassing them, but he nods, “Thank you for having me, but I’ve only known them for two weeks, Ma’am.”
The woman looks a little confused, then laughs joyously, “No need for that, kiddo! Just call me Lisa, okay?” 
After patting him on the shoulder, she slinks by and greets all her children. Lilah has come back down, and the whole table is now filled to the brim. Dinner is filling and delicious, Patton really has a talent for the culinary arts. Which is strange considering Logan took him as someone who, like him, couldn’t cook to save his life.
After dinner, Patton brings Logan and Virgil to his room to hang out. They play video games, talk about anything they can manage, and by the time it’s late Logan is smiling. At nine, Elaine and Sophie are whining about Patton putting them to bed. Virgil and Logan wish them good night and Virgil drives Logan home. 
“Logan, I’ve gotta ask...why did you agree to hang out with Patton?”
“Well...I’m not actually sure. I think that I needed it.”
“How do you mean?”
Logan looks out the window and thinks to himself. Why? He’s never had friends, or much of a close family. He figured he agreed because well…
“Patton has something I don’t. It helped me understand him better to see what he has.”
Virgil accepted that, but Logan wasn’t sure he understood it fully. He’s not even sure he does. 
That night, Roman gets a negative two. Patton gets a ten, and written on his pages are the names and personalities of his family members. Along with that, is a very simple phrase. 
I have concluded that Patton is, indeed, a very good person.
Why it took him this long to come to terms with, he will never understand. 
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palmtreepalmtree · 5 years ago
Alright, friends and enemies.  I’m back with the most recent edition of The Worst Movie on Netflix Right Now™.
Tonight, we’re gonna talk about a little movie called Roped.
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I’d love to say that you can learn everything you need to know about this movie from its one-sheet, but naw.  I mean, you look up you see a cowboy and a cowgirl kissin’ in the rain.  Nothing like a little ranching love, right?
Yeah, no.  The premise of this movie is that a rodeo rolls into a small Northern California town where it immediately faces opposition from the animal-rights progressives who don’t want that kind of cruelty-for-entertainment in their town.
The main characters are young rodeo rider Colton, played by legitimate hottie Josh Swickard, and pre-frosh at UC Santa Cruz Tracy, played by....
...Lauren Swickard?  Yeah.  Looks like the two stars of this little film got married last year.  She was originally credited on the production as ‘Lorynn York’, but she’s making a change.  And you know, what?  Good on you, Lauren.  You’re a good looking couple and I wish you both many happy returns.  
And now I’m going to insult your very fine work in this here production of Roped.
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So Tracy wants to be a lawyer and is entering a 6-year program at UC Santa Cruz to get her law degree fast (Is this even a thing? Never heard of it).  But in her last summer in her small hometown (somewhere in Sonoma, I believe), the rodeo has come into town.  Only thing is her town councilman dad (played by Casper Van Dien, helllllloooo daddy), is a passionate vegetarian and thinks the rodeo should leave.  
That’s it.  That’s the conflict.  It’s a cheap-ass reverse version of Footloose, where the preacher’s councilman’s daughter just wants to go to the rodeo and eat a damn cheeseburger but her father won’t let her because of his values.  
I gotta tell you folks, the biggest problem with this movie is that it’s fucking boring.  There is no meaningful conflict here.  Yeah, her dad gets mad when he catches her doing various shocking things like sneaking in a half hour past her 12:30 curfew.  But Tracy and Colton are both adults and there is nothing stopping them from having a summer fling.  
A summer fling that involves nothing more than consensual kissing---but only once Tracy has ended things with her asshole high school boyfriend.  He’s careful to make sure not to kiss her before then.  Because that would be morally wrong.  “Love is worth the risk”?  What fucking risk?  Everything in this movie is set up to be so perfectly honorable and polite that there’s nothing interesting going on. The stakes are so low, I started to wonder if this was a movie or just a Ken Burns’ documentary about America’s heartland.
But then I remembered.  Oh yeah.  If this was a documentary, there would be a hell of a lot more Jesus in this movie.
And that’s the thing that just really sucks about Roped.  It’s bullshit.  It presents a world in which the animal-loving townspeople are so closed-minded they can’t see the beauty and value of the rodeo.  They’ve lost touch with the history of the rodeo.  And they don’t know rodeo people, because if they did, they would understand how well rodeo people value the animals and how well treated and cared for the animals are.  
Now look, I don’t know shit about animal treatment and the rodeo.  I’m not wading into that business here. But I have been to two rodeos in the last ten years, including a fairly recent one in Yuma, Arizona.  And if there is one thing this movie gets plain wrong is that no one at this fictional rodeo ever talks about Jesus.  And that matters.
Consider how a Christian movie review site describes the themes in Roped:
“ROPED has a strong moral worldview where the rodeo cowboys overcome the Romantic, politically correct, progressive, environmentalist worldview of the townspeople led by Tracy’s vegetarian father. The cowboys show the closed-minded progressives how the cowboys actually take care of and love the rodeo animals. The movie also extols family and thankfulness.”
And you know what?  That’s an accurate description of the film.  
But if the politically correct progressives are the closed-minded ones, does that mean the rodeo cowboys are open and accepting of all peoples?  Is that what we’re supposed to take away here?
If so, that’s a fucking fantasy.  And a delusional one at best.  
I mentioned having been to a rodeo recently, because the one I attended opened with the emcee announcing to the crowd that there are people in this country who want to take away religious freedom and take away their right to worship god, but there at the rodeo, they would never stop worshiping our lord and savior Jesus Christ, and god bless the rodeo and god bless the United States of America.  The crowd uproariously applauded.
Now I have no problem with opening an event with an invocation or prayer. It can be a meaningful and thoughtful moment. It can invite all people into a moment of welcoming and thoughtfulness.  But it’s quite another to begin an event with a declaration that your right to worship Jesus is under attack, and to equate loving god with being a patriot.  As an atheist and a Jewish person who does not accept Jesus into my heart, I felt so uncomfortable, I felt like I should leave.  
And that’s the problem with so many of these small town fantasy movies.  They present these smalls towns as loving and caring communities.  People who look out for each other in a way that people don’t do in the big city.  People connected by bonds to the land and this small town life.  And sometimes they mention God.  
But they don’t talk about Jesus.  Not the way real people in the United States talk about Jesus.  So often, real people in these small towns talk about Jesus in a way that excludes all others from that warm circle of welcoming that they feel so proud of.
This is not everyone.  It’s not.  I don’t want anyone to walk away from this post thinking that I dislike Christians.  I do not.  I actually think there can be something valuable in any religion and especially in the communities built around them. But those communities have to be open to all and they have to be respectful of those who are different.   
And for this movie to thematically accuse its progressives of being closed-minded without fully and accurately representing the way that rodeo culture can also be closed-minded makes this film doubly reprehensible.  Not only is it boring and bad, its moral superiority is unearned bullshit.  And for that, it is The Worst Movie on Netflix Right Now™.
But hey, at least Christian film reviewers and profane atheist film reviewers can agree on some things:
That said, ROPED is a lackluster romantic drama that doesn’t evoke any emotion in the audience other than making viewers want to watch something else. 
Giiiiiiiiiiiirl, same.
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im-a-star-boy · 4 years ago
Forest Guardian
Parksbang 2020 bitches im tired ily **reposting this because it wouldn’t let anyone reblog at first lets hope this works lol
@sparrowsynopia @nalanoola
TW: Character Death
Summary: Harry gets sent to stay in a cabin in the woods for the summer by his father and is less than pleased. He quickly comes to learn he’s not as alone in the forest as he thought he was.
Word Count: 25,684
Date of Completion: Wednesday, September 9th, 2020
Harry stared at the water moving across the surface of the lake. He watched quietly as a stork leaned down, it's beak breaching the still, mirror-like surface, and resurfaced with a small fish. His father had brought him here for a retreat, a break from the chaotic world of New York City. "It's a safe, quiet place. You'll be staying there for the summer." He had said. "I did the same thing when I was your age, as well as my father before me, and his father before him."
A part of Harry felt like his father had made the whole thing up to get him out of the house. It was just him and an elderly woman in another house about a 20-minute walk away. It took about an hour to get to the nearest bus stop, to get to a nearby town where he could buy food, then a bus, and a subway to return to the city. But he knew if he tried to return, his father would be furious. He sighed and stared at the lake. 
The golden rays of light from the sunrise reflected off the surface, as the crickets began to quiet and birds began chirping loudly. He hadn't gotten much sleep the night before, he was angry that his father had just up and left him here. How could he? How could he just take me, his son, his own flesh and blood, and just leave me here?! Was it something I did? He closed his eyes and shook off the thought. Sitting there wouldn't help anyone. He turned back inside the house and began exploring quietly. 
The cabin was small and wooden. A small cobblestone fireplace sat comfortably in the living room. There was an intricate rug in front of the comfortable, dark brown couch. He trailed his hand over the fabric as he made his way to the kitchen, his shoes echoing against the auburn floor. 
The kitchen was simple, a fridge, a stove, and sink. There was no dishwasher, he had to wash his dishes by hand, which was easy enough. There was a small table and four chairs just off of the kitchen that made up the dining room. A lackluster chandelier hung above the table and there was a sliding glass door that led to a back porch that looked more than a bit unsettling at night. He always felt like someone was watching him through the doors as he moved through his kitchen. 
He shook his mind clear of the thought, not wanting to remember the unease he had the night prior. He began making his way back to the living room, which had a hallway leading to three rooms. Two bedrooms and a bathroom. The bathroom was fairly comfortable, a granite bath large enough to submerge yourself underwater. However, much to his displeasure, there was no shower. There was a washer and dryer in the corner. 
The bedrooms were similar, almost the same. The beds were comfortable, twin sized, with black sheets and light grey duvets with soft plaid blankets folded neatly at the end of the bed. There were chests at the end of the bed with extra blankets and pillows stuffed in. There was a nightstand with a lamp, tissues, and an old fashioned alarm clock. 
There wasn't much else to the cabin, no TV, no phone service, no computer, nothing. There was barely any electricity, aside from some plugs that were installed recently that gave Harry a bit of anxiety. The cords were exposed around them and they barely looked like they were stable. 
He let out a frustrated sigh as he grabbed a bottle of water. Two months of solitude in the forest with no connection to anyone, just what every child needs. He looked at the countertops before sighing and walking back out onto the porch. At least there’s a nice view…
He sat there for a long time, he wasn't sure how long, maybe an hour. He just sat there and watched the animals move around the lake. Finally, his anger became too much and he stood up. He leaped over the railing on the porch and began walking his way up the trail. Sitting and letting his anger fester wouldn't do him any good, and the solitude wouldn't help either. He began walking down one of the paths towards the older woman's house. Norman had introduced them, but he hadn't quite remembered her name. He was too busy being angry to process what they had been saying.
The path was long and winding, leading up a steep cliff face. He remembered his fathers' words. "Just stay on the path and you'll be fine. Don't stray or you'll get lost. I don't need to be sending out a search party for you." He had sounded cold, uncaring when he spoke. He wanted to get rid of me as fast as he could, He thought angrily. He continued up the path, trying to stay pressed against the wall. The fall wasn't far enough to kill him, at least he didn't think so. That didn't mean he was willing to risk it though. 
He absentmindedly kicked rocks ahead of him. Most just fell off the side, but one stayed on the path. He kicked it hard and froze up when he heard a small yelp of pain. He looked ahead, expecting to see an animal or maybe even another person, but nobody was there. He stopped and looked behind him, once again to be met with nobody. "Hello?" He called anxiously. He was met with silence. 
His gaze traveled across the thick vegetation of trees and the clear sky above them. He swallowed thickly and continued on the path, his pace quickening. As he nearly reached the peak, he felt a sharp pain in the back of his head. He let out a cry of alarm and turned around to see a small pebble hit the ground. He leaned down and picked up the rock, before touching the back of his head. There was no blood, a good sign. "Okay, who's there?!" He shouted, his anxiety growing. 
When he once again received no reply, he turned and began making his way to the peak once again. He was almost running as he attempted to get there. I'm being stupid- there's nobody here! I would've seen them. There's only one path, they'd have to be directly behind me to hit me with a rock, it just fell from above me, it just fell from above me, it just- He turned the corner to the peak and immediately ran into a boy, letting out a startled cry. 
He took gasping breaths for air as the boy raised an eyebrow. He was shorter than him by a few inches, dark-skinned, and had reddish-brown eyes. "Watch your step," He warned, stepping past him.
Harry stared after him as he went around the corner. "Wait, wait who are you-" He shouted, running around the corner to see him. The pathway was empty, making him freeze up in confusion. "Wh..."
He swallowed thickly and ran his fingers through his hair. Am I losing my mind? He turned hesitantly around and began walking to the house just down the path. 
When he finally arrived at the familiar flower-covered cottage, he knocked on the door anxiously. After a moment, the door opened, revealing the elderly woman. "Oh, hello, Harry." She greeted, seeming surprised. She opened the door wider. "Come in, come in, you're pale."
Harry nodded and stepped in, trying to quell his shaking. The woman sat him down on the couch and went to her kitchen. "Are you alright?"
"I just... I thought I saw a boy on the way here and... I guess I didn't..." 
The woman stared at him for a moment. "Well, the trees can play tricks on your eyes," 
Harry swallowed thickly and nodded slowly. "Yeah, the... trees."
The woman offered him a smile. "Would you like some tea?"
"Yes please," He sighed, feeling exhausted. 
He sat quietly as she made the tea. He swallowed thickly. "I-I'm sorry, I forgot your name." He finally spoke.
The woman looked up and smiled kindly. "My name is May."
Harry nodded. "It's nice to meet you, May. Well, meet you again. I'm sorry if I was rude the other day when we first met." 
"Oh no, it's alright. Not to offend you or anything, but I've never been fond of Norman. Always so crude, never able to give something other than science a chance." She chuckled.
Harry stopped for a moment, before smiling. "Yeah, that's about right."
May smiled back. "What kind would you like?"
"Tea, I have several flavors. What kind would you like?"
"Do you have black tea?"
"Yes," She hummed, pouring two cups as the kettle began to whistle.
Harry smiled as she handed him the mug. "Give it a minute for the tea to finish steeping," She hummed.
Harry nodded and used the spoon to stir it slowly. "Do you want any milk, sugar, or honey?" May offered.
"No thank you," He replied kindly.
May nodded and seated herself beside Harry. "So, why are you up here? Do you just want some company?" 
Harry hesitated, before nodding. "Yeah, I didn't want to be alone." 
May smiled and chuckled. "I understand, the forest can get lonely."
Harry nodded quietly and sipped the tea. It was bitter, but he could manage. May offered him a reassuring smile. "You can stay as long as you need,"
Harry smiled quietly. "Thank you..."
He stayed there for the majority of the day, helping May tend to her garden and perform daily chores. It was comforting to not be alone. As dawn began to break, Harry had to return to his cabin. He bid her goodnight, promising to visit the next day as he made his way down the cliff face. 
With each step, he didn't feel the same unease he had earlier that day. 
As he walked, he felt at ease, before feeling something flick the back of his head. He quickly turned around. "Huh?" 
There was nobody behind him.
Any ease and comfort he had immediately drained out of him as he looked around. "Hello?"
"Hi," He heard a voice. 
He looked up and saw the dark-skinned boy from earlier staring down on him with a smile. Harry stared slack-jawed. "Y-you're-you're standing- you're sitting on-"
The boy stood up, standing horizontally on the rough rock. "Surprised? Sorry, I should've introduced myself earlier. I'm-" 
Harry gasped and took a step back. "How- how are- am I-"
The boy's eyes widened. "Hey- hey look out-!" 
The ground disappeared beneath him and he began tumbling downhill, letting out a panicked cry. Before he could call for help, his head smashed against a rock and his vision faded to black.
Peter looked up from the small spider in his hands. He set his hand down on the side of the tree and the spider crawled off, almost invisible thanks to it's camouflaged exoskeleton. Peter turned to the familiar voice as he leaped off the tree. "What'd you do this time, Miles?"
"There- there was a kid. I think I killed him." The red-eyed boy wailed as he skidded to a halt in front of him. 
Peter stopped. "What?"
"I- he was on the cliff-face- I was- I was up there and- he was- he kicked a rock and it hit me- and I was being petty so I threw it back at him and he got all scared and I thought it was funny and-"
"Miles slow down I can't understand you," Peter said, putting his hands up.
Miles took a deep breath, a pair of sharp fangs visible in his mouth. "There was a guy on the cliff-face and he accidentally kicked a rock at me, I think it was on accident at least, he couldn't see me, I was camouflaged, but he kicked a rock at me and I was being petty and I threw it back at him and he got scared so I thought it would be funny if I scared him again so I got in front of him and scared him earlier and then I tried to scare him again when he was going down the cliff path and he tripped and fell off, he isn't moving but he's alive but I think he's dying," Miles wailed breathlessly.
Peter stared at him for a moment. "Oh for the love of-" He took a sharp breath. "Where is he now?"
"Oh, the edge of the forest by the cliff face- where the lamb's ear grows," 
Peter nodded. "Go get the Dryads, I'll go check on him." He ordered as he quickly ran to where the boy had fallen. 
Miles nodded. "O-Okay!" 
Peter turned and made his way through the forest, finding the boy with ease. He narrowed his eyes at his injured figure. He was laying on his back, dark red blood staining his shirt on the side and arms, as he laid motionless. Peter leaned down and touched his neck, wondering silently if he was already too late. His questions were answered when the boy let out a pain-filled moan. He jerked his hand away, before moving to his side. "Okay, this is gonna hurt a lot... I'm sorry." 
He carefully slid his arms under the boy and ignored the pained cries that escaped his lips. He picked him up, careful to not let his head sag, and began carrying him back into the forest. The boys' sobs and pained cries filled the air as he began carrying him to the forest. He made it to a small hollow that opened up into a cave that Peter called home. He carefully let the boy down, attempting to ignore the boys' screams. Peter rested his hand over his eyes when he tried to look at him. "Keep your eyes closed and go to sleep. I won't let you die."
The boys' tears made Peter's bloodied hands slick as he used his powers to put the boy to sleep. He moved his hand away and looked at his wounds. His legs were injured, one was fractured and the other was cut up, and his arms had several nasty cuts. Though his back was thankfully intact besides cuts and bruises and his ribs were safe. Peter took a deep breath and looked up as one of the Dryads entered the room. She had mid-length, curly brown hair and vibrant green eyes. "What happened?" She asked, quickly moving his side. 
"He fell down the cliff face to May's house. He's cut up pretty bad. Do you think you can help?" He questioned, not turning his gaze away from the injured boy's face.
The Dryad, named Ygeía, nodded. "Yeah, I can see what I can do. Leave me alone with him."
Peter turned away. "Make it as painless as possible if you could."
She smiled and nodded. "I will. Now go, you're only gonna be a worrywart. Go." She chided, pointing to the door. 
Peter made a face. "Fine, fine. I'll go." 
He left the cave, leaving Ygeía to work her magic. Not in a metaphorical sense, he was leaving her to perform magic. He looked up when he felt Miles' presence. "Is... is he okay?" 
"Miles, he's mortal. You need to remember that they're fragile." Peter reminded softly. 
Miles nodded. "I know I know. I didn't think that he'd walk off the side." He defended, looking embarrassed. 
"It's okay. He's in good hands now, I know it wasn't on purpose. You aren't a malicious spirit, Miles. You just gotta be more careful next time." He reminded.
Miles nodded. "God I really messed up, didn't I?" He asked, looking guilty. 
Peter touched his shoulder. "Miles, it's okay. You gotta forgive yourself, he's fine, he's gonna be fine, it'll all be fine. "
Miles searched his gaze questioningly, before nodding when he saw no hesitation in his eyes. "Alright. Thank you, Peter." 
He smiled. "You're welcome, Miles. Now go on, everything will be fine here. " 
Miles forced a grin before he nodded and turned away. "Thank you, Peter!" He called, before disappearing behind the trees.
Peter chuckled and turned back to the cave, waiting for Ygeía to exit.
Pain exploded through his body as he was brought back to consciousness. He let out a pained cry as he tried to adjust. "Ah, someone, help I'm- I can't- someone PLEASE-" 
He felt a hand on his shoulder and heard a shushing noise. "It's okay, I'm here, just relax, everything's alright."
He hesitated, before opening his eyes. A young boy around his age was sitting above him. He had large bright green eyes, brown hair, a green patchwork shirt that was torn at the edges, a black vest-like overcoat, and soft, dark tan, stained, loose leather pants. The attractive boy moved the hair out of his face. "You're gonna be fine." He promised.
Harry felt his breath leave his body as he stared at the boy. "God?"
The boy jerked back. "What? No. No, don't do that. That's like calling me your dad, which I'm not." He replied flatly.
Harry groaned as the boy pulled away. "Where... where am I? Am I dead?"
"No, you're not dead. And you're not going to die. But you'll open your wounds if you keep moving, so stop that." The boy hissed when he saw him attempting to sit up.
Harry didn't let that stop him and finished sitting up as he hissed in pain. "Shit shit shit that hurts shit." He cursed.
The boy scowled. "Well, no shit sherlock- stop moving for the gods' sake!" He snapped loudly, as Harry leaned against the cold stone wall. 
"Where am I?" Harry questioned again.
"You're in my forest." The boy replied calmly as he searched through small shelf-like indents in the walls. "Here." He pulled out an apple and handed it to Harry.
Harry looked surprised for a moment before hesitantly taking a bite into it. It was sweet and juicy. He felt a smile cross his face and he looked up. "Thank you, it's really good." 
The boy nodded. "Of course it is. What's your name?" 
Harry smiled. "Harry Osborn. What's your name?" He asked through a mouthful of apple.
The boy shifted. "You can call me Peter."
Harry smiled. "Nice to meet you, Peter." 
Now that he could see the boy clearly, he could see that the overcoat he was wearing was embroidered with small clear gemstones that reflected off the fabric. His green outfit had darker green details decorating it as well as thin gold-woven trims around the droplet-shaped details. His dark tan pants had small details woven into them but otherwise remained plain. The boy had pointed ears, like elf ears, and four small piercings. The largest was a green stud, which was followed by a red, blue, then yellow studs in that order, the yellow stud being the smallest. He watched as Harry finished the apple. "Are you able to walk?" He asked, seeing him beginning to test his limits.
Harry looked up hesitantly. "Uh, yeah, I think so." He mused as he began pushing himself up carefully.
Surprisingly enough, the pain was much milder than he expected. He looked at his injured legs and walked in a tight circle. "How the hell..." He whispered.
"What's that?" Peter asked from the exit of the cave.
"My- my legs, when I woke up, they were practically killing me but now, they're fine. Well, they're sore, but they don't hurt nearly as much."
Peter nodded. "Well yeah, Ygeía, one of our Dryads, healed you."
"What?" Harry faltered.
Peter stared at him. "You... you really don't know where you are, do you?"
Harry gazed back. "No? Should I?" He stammered out.
Peter sighed loudly. "We really have faded... haven't we?" He murmured aloud.
"What was that?"
"Nothing. Just- just come on."
Harry watched his saddened expression, before nodding. "Okay, I'm coming."
He followed Peter out of the cave into the light. It was about noon as Peter led him expertly through the trees, the sunrays dappling the ground as Peter hummed an unfamiliar tune. Harry followed him slowly, looking around. Fruit-covered bushes dotted the thick overgrowth of plants. Mossy trees growing over rocks and into other trees formed a beautiful archway that Peter was leading him out of. "Peter, this place is beautiful." He managed out. 
Peter laughed. "You should see it in the winter. Everything freezes over, that's when it really gets beautiful." 
Harry smiled. "Well, I'll have to visit then." 
Immediately at that, Peter's body went rigid. "Oh no, don't bother. I don't want guests." 
Harry glanced up. "Huh? Why not?"
"Look. Finding you was a fluke. You were hurt and I wasn't just gonna leave you there dying. That doesn't give you an all-exclusive pass here. Once you're out, stay out." He ordered. 
Harry felt a rush of irritation at his hostility. "Well hey, if you're gonna kick me out at least tell me about what you were talking about earlier. Ygeía? Healing me? What are you guys magic or something?" He demanded.
Peter scoffed. "Okay, if I answer your questions will you leave?" 
Harry thought for a moment. "I can't if I wanted to, but I won't go looking for you if that's what you want."
Peter tilted his head lightly before sighing. "Good enough for me. Yes, we're magic. Miles, my friend who accidentally scared you off the side of the cliff, is also magic. So is just about everyone in this forest, there's a lot of spirits, nymphs, dryads, and demons here. You name it, we've probably got one."
"Not that fantastical, those are in Europe."
"They're real?!"
"Yes, now go."
Harry stood his ground. "Wait, wait I have more questions!"
Peter huffed. "I agreed to answer one question, now go."
His final statement was much more aggressive and firm than before. Harry took that as a sign that his patience was running thin. He still didn't budge. "Come on, one more question."
"Then it'll turn into two, then five, then fifty."
Harry opened his mouth to argue before realizing he was probably right. "Two more questions then I'll go, pinky promise."
Peter faltered for a moment before sighing. "Fine, but I mean it. If you don't go after these last two questions, I'm kicking you out, through force if I have to."
Harry felt a rush of satisfying victory. "Alright! Lemme think I gotta make these questions good."
Peter nodded. "Let's keep walking while you think."
Harry's mind raced through questions as he tried to pick out the biggest ones. "What's going on with this forest? I mean, why are there so many spirits and stuff here?"
Peter made a small noise. "It's safe,"
Harry tilted his head. "What do you mean?"
"Do you want that to be your second question?"
Harry hesitated, stopping in his tracks. "Come on, that isn't cool." He complained. 
"Do you want that to be your second question or not?" Peter questioned, not bothering to stop. 
Harry huffed and jogged to keep up. "Fine, sure."
"There aren't a lot of places where mythical creatures are safe anymore. But this place is. That elderly woman you were with, May, she owns this forest and helps keep us alive. She's one of the good humans."
"One of the good humans?"
"You people are destroying this earth." Peter scowled, seeming annoyed. "You may not realize it, but you're killing us. One day, your greed will extend to this forest, and that day is coming. May has no next of kin, once she passes, it's all over for us. This forest will be ripped to shreds and you'll market it off for profit, and we'll all die. But you won't care, you won't even know what you did, all you'll know is that you have more money in your pocket." 
Harry stared after him. "Not every human is like that,"
"No, not all of you are, but the vast majority are. You say you're on our side, you hold protests to help us, but then you turn around and do the exact same things that kill us. You're hypocritical, there are very few of you that make an effort and sacrifice your lavish lifestyle to try and help us, and since there are so few, your contribution barely makes a difference."
Harry wasn't sure what to say as he followed Peter to the clearing of where the cabin he was staying in was. Peter turned back to the forest. "Now go. And if you come back, I won't be as nice while leading you out."
Harry was silent as he walked towards the cabin, processing what he had learned. He stepped up the porch and turned to where Peter was. He was gone. He felt the chill of night run up his spine and quickly turned into the cabin. It was warm, as usual. He closed and locked the door behind him and walked into the kitchen to make a meal, which turned out to be a ham and cheese sandwich. He sat on the couch, feeling tired. 
As he had the night before, he couldn’t shake off the notion that he was being watched. He glanced out the windows, half expecting to see Peter or the other boy, Miles was his name? Of course, there was nobody there. He paced quietly as he finished the last of his sandwich, before the feeling of being watched became too much. 
He moved to his bedroom and grabbed some of his pajamas from his still unpacked suitcase. He brought them to the bathroom and began to fill the tub, pulling a towel out from one of the cabinets. He set them down and waited for the tub to fill, giving the room a slight steamy haze that he enjoyed. 
The water was a bit too hot for his comfort, but he still found himself relaxing against the granite tub. He laid there for a long time, processing everything he had learned until the water began to chill around him. Once he got up, he drained the tub and dried off. He dressed in his pajamas and walked to his bedroom, closing the curtains as he got in. He closed the door to his room and slumped against the bed. He may not like the cabin and being stranded, but he couldn’t lie, the bed was comfortable. He threw the duvets over him and nestled down, the silk sheets comforting him as he quickly found himself falling asleep.
He woke up early the next day. He glanced over at the alarm clock to find it was 7:30 am. He huffed softly and pushed himself out of bed and opened the curtains. It was bright, the sun already above the skyline. He quickly made his way out of the cabin and onto the porch, smiling at the sound of all the frogs. This was a luxury he didn't and would never get in New York City. The crisp, clean air filled his nostrils as he smiled, finding himself relaxing against the railing of the porch. He turned back inside to change and get ready for the day. 
The anger of his father leaving him there hadn't quite faded but he could at least appreciate the place for what it was. As he finished getting dressed, he made his way to the kitchen to get some food. He looked through the cupboards and found some oatmeal and a box of raisins. He grabbed two packets and a box of raisins and made himself a bowl, dumping the raisins in before microwaving it for two minutes. The ravenet made his way around the room, opening the windows slightly to get some fresh air in. He wandered over to the living room and sat on the couch until the microwave beeped. Once it did, he stood up and walked to the kitchen. He pulled the oatmeal out and poured a bit of milk in and stirred it as he walked back out front to eat. 
There were a few times where he'd be bothered by bugs, but other than that nothing of note happened. It was uncomfortably quiet. He didn't like how alone he felt, nobody was around, the nearest town was miles away, and the nearest house was a 40-minute walk. Despite the serenity of the area, he couldn't help but wonder what if someone tried to attack him? Where would he go? Would anyone help him? Again, he tried to shake away the thought, feeling a general sense of unease growing in his stomach. 
A bug flew closer to his bowl and Harry was quick to swat it away and scarf down what was left of the oatmeal before turning inside and closing the door. He walked to the kitchen and got hot water running before soaking the bowl and a rag, putting soap on the rag, and washing out the bowl. Once all traces of oatmeal were gone and replaced with suds, he rinsed off the bowl and dried it with a clean rag. Once it was dry, he set it back in the cupboard and decided to go see May. 
He put on the durable shoes his father had bought him and closed the door behind him, making his way down the path. As he walked, he could hear frogs and bugs up ahead grow quiet as he passed, only to resume their noises once he was a safe enough distance. 
The walk was uneventful, as it had been the first time, and after 40 minutes he found himself in front of May's humble little cabin. He walked up and knocked politely. After a few seconds, May opened and greeted him with a smile. "Hello, Harry. Here to help with the chores again?"
"Yes ma'am." He replied happily. 
May chuckled. "You'll be having help today, come in, I'll get you a cup of tea."
Harry raised an eyebrow as she opened the door wider for him. "Help?"
He walked in and looked over to see none other than Peter sitting on the couch, sipping from a mug of his own. Peter startled at the sight of him, gasping and coughing suddenly before straightening and glaring. "What are you doing here?" He demanded angrily.
May gave him a pointed look. "Be nice, Peter."
"He's here to help."
Peter looked between the two before sighing. "You know what? Fine. Whatever."
May seemed confused, yet satisfied with that answer as she turned to the kitchen. Harry shifted awkwardly and looked away as she disappeared into the kitchen, biting his lip anxiously before meeting Peter's gaze. "Look, if I did something to offend you then I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. But please, at least give me a fighting chance here,"
Peter examined his expression wordlessly as if trying to find a reason not to believe him. He let out a heavy sigh. "Give me a reason to trust you and I'll consider it."
Harry smiled. "And what do I need to get you to trust me?"
Peter gave him a firm glare. "I'm not giving you tasks to do, that's not how trust works." 
Harry put his hands up. "I'm just trying, you've gotta at least give me something to start with!" 
"I don't have to give you anything!" Peter snapped, obviously irritated.
May stepped in. "Boys, please, could you get along? Just for a moment?"
Harry opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by Peter. "I don't like him, May."
May gave him another pointed glare as Harry scoffed. "What did I do to you?"
"You nearly died in my forest."
May turned her gaze on Harry. "You what?!"
Peter continued to answer for him. "Miles scared him and he slipped off the cliffside."
With that, May set down the mug she had brought out for Harry and immediately began inspecting him for wounds and injuries. "Relax, Aunt May, Ygeía took care of any injuries he had. Anything that was doing any harm is gone now."
May glanced at him before returning her gaze to Harry. "Just to be safe,"
"It's okay, Mrs. Parker, nothing hurts," Harry reassured.
May glanced over him for a long few moments, before pulling away and nodding. "Alright, if you're sure." She said hesitantly, standing up and handing him his tea.
Harry gave her a grateful smile and took a small sip as Peter shuffled over to give Harry room to sit. Harry did so as May sat on her rocking chair and smiled. "Alright then you two, Peter, you work in the gardens with me. Harry, do you think you could rip up the walkway?"
Harry sat up, surprised. There was a lovely wooden walkway that went along the garden around the side of the house that led to both the front and back porch. "Well, I can, but can I ask why?"
May gave him a kind smile. "Some of the wood is starting to rot, I need to get it out and rebuild it with something more sturdy and then paint over it again." She explained. "I was planning on going into town today to buy some wood to replace it."
Harry thought quietly before remembering the credit card his father had left with him in case he ran out of food. He sat up slightly. "I can buy it," He offered. "Obviously, I can't bring it back on my own, but I've got more than enough money to pay for it."
May scoffed at him. "Absolutely not, young man. I've been saving up money for this anyway."
Harry shook his head. "No, ma'am, I mean it. My dad just left me here for the summer, and I'll probably be here very often. It's the least I can do for all the hospitality you've already shown me and continue to show me. Plus I wanted to go check out the town anyway,"
May was still hesitant. "Are you sure?"
"Absolutely. My dad's a multimillionaire, he won't notice a few hundred missing from the bank to replace the walkway." He reassured.
May watched him before smiling. "Well, if you insist, who am I to deny a gift?"
Harry smiled happily. "I'll just need a way to bring it back,"
"I was going to have a friend of mine deliver it here anyway, just put it under my name, alright?"
Harry nodded. "Alright, they'll have to call you, won't they?"
"Maybe, I doubt it. Around town, everyone knows each other, though they aren't my biggest fans. Most of the teenagers around there have created some pretty nasty rumors about me."
Harry tilted his head in confusion. "What do you mean?"
Peter snorted. "They've been calling her, 'The Witch of the Woods.' Pretty stupid, isn't it?"
Harry snickered along. "God that's stupid."
May laughed softly and nodded. "It is, isn't it?"
Harry offered her a happy smile before standing up. "So you want me to rip up the walkway?"
"Yep, Peter and I will take care of the gardening. But first, finish your tea."
Harry looked to his still mostly full mug before chucking to himself. "Alright, sorry." 
May simply smiled at him as he sat back down to sip. As he brought the mug to his lips, he glanced up at Peter and startled, choking on the tea he had barely started to sip. There was some- some kind of goo on his shoulder. May and Peter both gave him surprised looks as he coughed and regained himself. "Peter- there's something on your shoulder," He choked out.
Peter glanced to his shoulder, seeing the goop before chuckling. "Don't worry, it's nothing."
Harry wiped his mouth and stared at him. "It wasn't there before though!"
Peter smiled and lifted his hand. As if he was controlling it, the goo moved up his arm and wrapped around his hand before extending out and forming small, teardrop-shaped white eyes. Harry gawked for a minute as Peter smiled. "Meet Venom. He's a relatively harmless demon we found a few weeks back." 
Harry stared at it for a moment. "Its- it's just goo though,"
Peter chuckled. "That's what I thought at first, then it started moving."
Harry looked up at Peter then back to Venom. "So... it's harmless?"
"Yes, it can't do any damage without a catalyst, me in this case, but I'm much stronger than it and it can't overpower me if it tried. Plus, it's a sweetheart, I don't think it'd try to overpower me either way."
Harry stared at the goop consideringly. "So it can't do anything without overtaking you, and you're too strong for it to do that?"
"Exactly. Despite what you may think, I'm not weak."
Harry swallowed. "I-I never said you were!" He quickly replied, trying not to offend Peter any more than he already had.
"I can tell you're thinking it."
"I'll meet you outside, Aunt May. Thank you for the tea." He interrupted, setting his empty mug down and turning to the door.
Despite what Peter had said, when Venom turned to look at him as he shut the door, Harry couldn't help but feel a cold chill run up his spine.
"So are you and Peter related?"
May looked up, surprised. "What?"
"Peter calls you Aunt May, is he your nephew?"
May chuckled. "No, no no, he isn't. He's been here far longer than I have. He just calls me that."
Harry tilted his head. "How long has he been here?" 
May thought for a while. "I don't know, he's never told me."
"Have you asked?"
"I guess I just assumed he's been here as long as this forest has."
"Has he ever left?"
"Oh heavens no. If he ever left, it'd kill him."
Harry stiffened. "What do you mean?"
"I mean he can't go. His life is connected to the forest. If he leaves, he dies. If the forest dies, so does he."
Harry thought about that. "That's gotta be horrible, no wonder he doesn't like anyone outside of the forest. I couldn't stay in one place for so long."
May nodded and smiled. "You did say you're gonna be here all summer, correct?"
"Yeah, until school. Why?"
"While you're down in the town, buy some chocolate."
Harry chuckled and smiled. "What? Why?"
"Peter loves chocolate. Bringing him some is the best way to get him to ease up to you."
A smile crossed Harry's face and he nodded. "Alright then, any specific type of chocolate he likes?"
"Avoid almonds, try to get some with toffee in it. Stick with milk chocolate,"
Harry nodded determinedly. "Alright, I can do that!"
May chuckled as Harry chugged the rest of his tea, set the mug down, and stood up. "I'll start ripping up the wood, got a place you want me to put it?"
"In the garage, I have a wheelbarrow, some gloves, and a hammer. You can use those to get the wood up and out. Once you've got it, take it around the back and follow the path downhill. I have a burn pile down there."
Harry nodded. "Alright, thank you!"
May waved him off as he stood up and left the cabin to the detached garage. It was a small, dark green and grey, one-car garage. The door was open as he walked in, stepping around May's truck. He found the wheelbarrow easily and searched for a minute to find the hammer and gloves. He pulled the thick gloves on and grabbed the hammer and pulled the wheelbarrow out and maneuvered around the truck. He made his way to the garden and found Peter on his hands and knees pulling out weeds. He offered him a smile, which received nothing more than a grunt of acknowledgment. 
He tried to not let it get to him as he pulled the gloves on and began working with the wooden walkway. He first pulled out the nails on the plank before dumping it into the wheelbarrow. It was tedious work as Harry worked his way down the long path. Many of the planks were splintering and he had to take a minute to pick up small pieces that had been dropped. 
When May joined them she was carrying a watering can. She smiled and greeted them happily and watered the shrubs and flowers. 
As noon steadily approached, it got hotter and hotter, and Harry was beginning to feel like he was cooking in the heat. He pulled out the last plank and smiled victoriously. "Done, May!" He called gleefully.
May looked up and smiled. "Thank you, Harry! Could you get the beams that were under them out?" 
Harry looked down at the wooden beams the nails were connected to. He nodded, replying, "Yeah, I can do that. Should I just take them to the burn pile too or do you want to keep them?"
"Burn them, they're rotting too."
Harry nodded and looked at them, humming softly. They were heavier than Harry could carry, so he'd have to bring them on the wheelbarrow, but they were also attached to the porch that wrapped around the front of the house and to the back. "How should I get them out?" He questioned.
May looked up and examined the nearest one to her for a moment. "I have a hand saw in the garage. That should work,"
Harry nodded and turned. "Alright, I'll go grab it!"
May nodded and resumed weeding and watering the plants with Peter. Harry returned to the garage and found the saw hanging on a few nails on the side of the wall. He grabbed it carefully and pulled it off the wall, bringing it to the walkway. It took a few minutes, but he managed to saw the wood off of the others and pull them out. They were long, heavy pieces, and he had to separate them. The walkway was about 15 feet long and he sawed each plank into three 5-foot sections. He set them on top of the wheelbarrow and began wheeling them to where May had said the burn pile was. 
He had dropped them a few times on the way, but he managed to get them there with little issue. He dumped the wood onto the pile and began making his way back up the hill. As he got back, he was surprised to see May was alone. He walked over, feeling slightly upset. "Where'd Peter go?"
May looked up. "He's got responsibilities to take care of,"
Harry frowned. "Responsibilities? He's just a forest spirit, what kind of responsibilities could he possibly have?"
May hummed. "I don't know too much about how it works in there, but there are four main spirits that sort of run the forest. Peter is one of those four. They each have sections that they are in charge of, but they all take care of the forest together. For each section they're in charge of, they settle disputes, take care of the plant life, and generally take care of those who inhabit that section of the forest."
Harry hummed curiously. "That's cool, I wonder what it's like."
May chuckled. "Maybe you can pry more information out of him."
Harry chuckled along and sat back. "Should I head to town now or wait a bit?"
May stopped and thought for a long moment. "If you do, I'd like to go with you. Just for safety."
"Alright, should I be worried about getting kidnapped?" Harry joked.
"No, most of the people in town are kind enough. It's just a precaution."
Harry nodded again. "Okay, that's cool. So I'll get my stuff and you can get your wood."
May chuckled and nodded in agreement. "That would be the plan,"
"What wood are you getting?"
May hummed thoughtfully. "Ceder would be good, we can get your things first. The wood will be heavy and we'll have to load it into the truck."
Harry nodded. "I can do that, I'm still paying for it though."
May rolled her eyes. "Alright alright, let's go buy Peter chocolate." She stood up and wiped her hands off on her jeans as she made her way to the car.
Harry laughed and followed her. "How should I find him when I get back?"
"Just start wandering around the forest. You'll run into someone eventually,"
"Peter doesn't exactly like me," Harry frowned, "last time I was in there he told me not to come back."
"Don't worry, he won't do anything. He might get upset, but the chocolate is a good middle man. It'll at least get you two to talk." She reassured.
Harry hesitated before nodding. "Alright, you sure he won't hurt me?"
"So long as you don't do anything to hurt the forest, he won't do anything." 
Harry hummed and stood still for a long moment. "Okay, alright."
May gave him a kind smile as she opened the door to the truck and got in. Harry entered through the passenger seat and buckled up as May turned the key. The engine revved and May began driving. 
The drive to town was a long one, almost an hour. They went to the wood store first, buying the lumber that was needed and loading it into the truck. Once that was taken care of, they went to the store and May stayed in the car as Harry shopped. 
The store was small as Harry began to look around. Sure, it was small, but it had all the necessities. He bought a half-gallon of milk, lunchmeat, more oatmeal, bread, cereal, bottled water, graham crackers, marshmallows, and several different types of chocolate. He bought it all and returned to May's truck where she sat in wait for him. He slid in with a few bags. "Back,"
May greeted him and began to drive off. The drive back was relatively quiet and uneventful. 
They stopped about halfway back at a large, white, and blue house. The walls were stained with dirt and algae and there was a wood log fence going around the house. May pulled in and parked. Harry looked around curiously. "Where are we?"
"This is the guy who sells the wood, he's got good quality and it's cheap. This place is closer than any hardware store,"
Harry nodded. "Alright,"
May unbuckled and got out of the truck. "I'll get the wood, we have to pay in cash and I can't imagine you have the cash on hand. You can just pay me back later if you really want to pay for it."
Harry nodded hesitantly. "Alright, I'll make sure you get paid before I leave." He promised
May chuckled. "You don't have to!" She called before going to the door. 
Harry watched uninterestedly as May knocked. After a few moments, an older man opened the door. He greeted her politely and they chatted for a long while before the man led May on. After about 5 minutes, the man came out on a riding lawn mower with a barrow attached. It was full of the wood May had bought. Harry unbuckled and hopped out of the truck. "Do you need any help loading that up?" He called.
The man on the mower stopped and smiled. "Sure do!"
Harry smiled as the man parked the mower. He began lifting some of the wood out and Harry started by grabbing some of the smaller planks. He helped tie them down as May followed over with an amused smile. They managed to load the wood up fairly quickly. Harry finished loading it up as May pulled the man aside to pay. 
May wished him farewell as they double-checked it was tied down tight, before they got back into the truck, buckled up, and drove off. Harry hummed. "He seemed nice,"
"He's one of the few people in this town who doesn't think I'm a witch."
Harry chuckled. "Well, at least some people aren't jerks." 
May chuckled in agreement. "Alright, let's get home then. Ready to talk to Peter?"
Harry paused for a long moment. "I don't know, he really didn't want me to come back,"
May snorted softly. "Well, chocolate will solve that problem."
"You sure?"
"Positive, just trust me."
Harry stepped into the forest, his heart thudding in his ears as he searched for Peter. He knew May had said that Peter wouldn't hurt him, but his words were sticking.
"Now go. And if you come back, I won't be as nice while leading you out."
It made him feel anxious. He knew Peter didn't like him and here he was, strolling in like he owned the place. He began walking, trying to figure out where to go. There was no clear cut path, just forest ground. Real forests weren't like anything in the movies or books, the ground was littered with rocks and twigs, the forest was alive with sounds. Frogs from the creeks and ponds, birds in their nests above, vultures cawing nearby, just sound everywhere. The trees weren't as tall as Harry expected either, very few of them seemed to be able to hold his weight if he had to climb them.
He wandered for what felt like hours, his footsteps noisy beneath him as he walked, before hearing a voice. "What are you doing out here?"
He nearly jumped out of his skin before turning around to come face-to-face with a blond-haired girl. Her hair was tied up in a bun and she had bright blue eyes and pointed ears, much like Peter's. The sequence in her's was blue, yellow, green, red. She wore a long, ombre, light blue, asymmetrical hem dress. The bottom was a lighter color than the top and there were no shoulders to her dress, though there were sleeves that went just past her elbows before turning to lace. Along the top of the corset and above the shoulders, she had gold embroidery vines that got thinner the further down they went before disappearing just above the waistline. She had a dark magenta hooded cape around her shoulders that ended just above her tailbone.
Harry stumbled over his words for a moment before managing to get out, "I'm looking for Peter."
She stared at him for a long moment before smiling and nodding. "Come on, I'll lead you to him."
Harry swallowed before nodding. "Okay," 
The girl turned and began leading him away. Harry followed quietly for a while before looking up. "What's your name?"
The girl smiled. "I'm, Gwen. And you are?"
She smiled. "Ah, the one renting out the cabin in Peter's section, right?"
"Uh, I guess?"
"How is he?"
Harry made a small noise. "Honestly? Kind of crabby."
Gwen chuckled before sighing. "He's been like that for a while..."
Harry looked up. "What do you mean?"
Gwen was quiet for a long moment before sighing. "See, it's a little complicated. There was an... event. He isn't exactly a fan favorite around here, and since then, well... He's been in a bad mood. I don't blame him, when people are cruel to you, you tend to be cruel back."
Harry stared at her quietly. What did she mean, was Peter being hurt? 
Before he could open his mouth to question her, she stopped. "Stay here, Peter will find you."
"I'll see you later,"
"Wait, wait wait wait, what?!"
He turned to argue, but she was already walking away. "Wait- where are you going?! Are you just gonna leave me here?!"
"Yep, you'll be fine!"
He gaped as she left. Before he could think about it too much, he heard footsteps behind him and whirled around. Peter stood there, looking more than a little irritated. "What are you doing here? I told you to go."
Harry held up the bag, fighting back a rush of fear. "I just wanted to chat,"
Peter scowled at the bag. "What's in there?
Harry reached in and Peter flinched back. He began slowing his movements to prove he wasn't a danger, before pulling out some of the chocolate. "I just want to be friends,"
Peter stared at him and the chocolate for a long time before letting out an irritated huff and covering his face. "May told you, didn't she?"
"Tell me...?"
"That I'm a sucker for chocolate."
"Yeah, she did."
Peter sighed heavily and put his hand out expectantly. Harry tossed the chocolate to him and he caught it. He opened the wrapper and took a bite before walking. "Come on, you wanted to chat so badly, let's chat."
Harry smiled gleefully and began following him. It was a long walk, too long for Harry's liking, but they soon arrived at the cave where he had first woken up. Now that he was more awake than he was before, he took in the surroundings. There was a hollow that gave way to a cave near the bottom. Large tree roots created an overhang over the hollow. As Peter led him in, he saw the majority of the inside of the cave had a wall of tree roots around it making a nice looking interior as moss grew along the walls. He sat down on the stone floor and shifted for a moment as Peter sat down across from him, finishing the chocolate bar. "Was there a specific thing you wanted to talk about?" He questioned, handing him the now-empty wrapper.
Harry shoved it in the bag and handed Peter another chocolate bar, smiling at how Peter's eyes lit up as he grabbed it. "Not really, I just wanted to chat," Harry replied.
Peter hummed and took another bite. "Okay, what do you want to chat about?"
"What's it like living here?"
Peter stopped as the chocolate bar was halfway in his mouth, before pulling away and smiling softly. "It's pretty good. I've got friends and family here,"
Peter nodded. "See, it's a little complicated to explain. There are four guardian spirits, Me in the East, Anya in the West, Miles in the South, and Gwen in the North. The area we're in we take care of, we solve disputes and make sure things are good here." He explained.
Harry nodded curiously. "And I'm assuming the rest of them are like a family to you?"
"Yeah, they are my family."
Harry smiled. "That's cool,"
Peter nodded and took another bite of his chocolate. "It is."
He opened his mouth to speak again when Venom appeared out of his shoulder with a curious look. Peter smiled and offered him a small piece of chocolate. "Want a bite? It's good,"
Harry tried to ignore the chill that ran up his spine when he saw the back and white demon. It sniffed the chocolate before opening its mouth and taking a bite and Harry tried to ignore the feeling of sickness in his stomach when he saw the rows of sharp teeth in its mouth. The demon seemed pleased as Peter offered it another piece. It ate it before recoiling back into Peter's skin. Harry swallowed as it disappeared. "So you said that Venom was a demon, aren't demons, you know... bad?"
Peter looked up and hummed. "Yes and no. They're kind of like Pitbulls for you, they have a reputation of being evil, but that's not entirely true. Sure there are some bad apples, and those ones typically are really bad, but those are the only ones ever talked about. There are good demons who are just trying to survive like the rest of us."
Harry nodded for a moment. "That's weird to think about. We aren't exactly religious in my house but... good demons?"
Peter nodded before looking down at his hands, looking anxious. "I'm not gonna lie but... a lot of spirits in this forest don't like that we allow demons here. Sure, the good demons are great allies and even better friends, but the demons that aren't good are a major threat." 
Harry tilted his head. "What do you mean?"
"You see, demons can take root in two ways. They can force themselves in, that way is impossible here, there's too many of us protecting this place and we can hold them off. The other way is that they can come in on neutral terms of agreement. Making a deal with the devil per se. If they come in on agreement, that's when they're very dangerous because they're stronger that way. They don't have to exert effort into keeping someone restrained because they can gain power under your nose. And they're extra dangerous because demons, unlike most spirits, can hide their strength."
"What do you mean?"
"Every spirit has magic. The more magic a spirit has, the more powerful they are, the stronger aura they have. Other spirits and even some animals can sense that aura and gauge how strong a spirit is based on that, but demons can contain their aura, which means we can't figure out how strong they are. We know it's there, but it's not enough."
Harry nodded slowly before thinking. "So what about Venom? How do you know he isn't dangerous if you can't... feel it?"
"I never said he wasn't a threat. You see, Venom's a type of demon that requires a catalyst, he's a Symbiote. A parasitic demon, he needs a host to do anything. And sure, parasitic demons can take over their host, but I'm too strong for him to." 
Harry made a noise. "Alright, okay that makes sense. But back to point, why don't the other spirits like demons?" 
"Well, there aren't very many safe places anymore, this forest here is the only place we can hide for miles around. Sure, we might be able to find a place that's suitable for one or two, but not enough for all of us. If we lose this place, we lose everything. Very few of us will be able to relocate to another safe haven, the risk is just too high."
Harry nodded understandingly. "But if the threat is so high, then why accept them?"
"Because if we don't then we're stranding potentially innocent spirits. Sure, there's a risk, but put yourself in their shoes."
Harry nodded again. "Yeah, being in that position would suck."
Peter nodded in agreement before looking down and picking at his shirt. Harry could feel the tension in the air as he swallowed. "Well, I'm glad you all are kind enough to share the forest, even if it is dangerous."
Peter glanced up and smiled. "Yeah... thanks, I guess."
Harry hummed for a moment before speaking again. "Out of curiosity, why don't the other spirits like you?" He asked. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to," He quickly followed up.
Peter laughed wetly. "That's complicated."
Harry hummed softly. "I'm willing to listen."
Peter stared at him for a long time before nodding. "Okay, well... here we go. You see, it's going back to the whole demon thing, how the spirits in this forest don't exactly like them. The four guardians, Me, Miles, Gwen, and Anya, we met up after a demon came to us, begging for help and a place to stay. We couldn't just leave her- she was terrified!
"So we met up to discuss what to do and Miles brought up the idea of letting demons in. We were all a bit hesitant, sure, but Miles was persistent. He really wanted the demons to be happy too, despite their reputation. We eventually agreed that we should let them in."
"But why do the spirits hate you?" Harry pressed.
"The decision was... complicated. See, Miles is sort of a fan favorite around here, a lot of spirits like him. He's kind of... sensitive? He gets his feelings hurt easily." He sighed. "The thing is, if we told everyone he was the one to advocate for the idea, their opinions would change, they'd get angry about it. Miles doesn't deserve that, so I took credit for the idea and I'm dealing with the fallout."
Harry watched him for a long moment. "You don't deserve that either,"
Peter shrugged. "I can take it, Miles can't. I'm fine with dealing with the fallout, I agreed to it. And either way, there's nothing we can do now."
Harry watched him for a long time before scooting closer. "Well, now you've got me, I'm your friend." He hummed, a smile crossing his face.
Peter stared at him before smiling. "Thanks, Harry."
He looked back down as Venom came from his shoulder. "Me too," It spoke, headbutting him lightly.
Peter chuckled. "Yep, you're my friend too."
Harry smiled at the two and dug into his bag. "Last chocolate bar, want it?"
Peter nodded eagerly. "Yes please,"
Harry handed it over and smiled as Peter happily unwrapped it, taking a cheerful bite. Harry smiled softly as Peter took a bite. 
The two sat there for a lot longer than Harry had realized and it was getting dark by the time the two realized the time. Harry cursed softly. "I should probably get to heading home." 
"Do you want me to walk with you?"
Harry looked up. "Do you want to?"
Peter smiled and stood up, offering his hand. "Yeah, let's go."
Harry smiled and took it. The two were up quickly and made their way back, still talking. The two didn't stop when they got back, Harry was putting the plastic wrap in the recycling bin before grinning. "Do you wanna make s'mores? I got stuff for them earlier,"
Peter straightened curiously. "S'mores?"
Harry's jaw dropped. "Graham crackers, sandwiching a roasted marshmallow and some chocolate?"
Peter gave him a confused look. "Oh my god, you need to stay for s'mores."
Peter snorted softly. "Alright then, let's see."
Harry grabbed the things and the bug repellant candle. "Come on, there's a fire pit out back."
Peter nodded as Harry grabbed a match and some firestarters. He followed Harry out and watched him pile a few logs of firewood into the pit, before lighting a match, lighting the firestarter, and tucking it under a few logs. After a moment, it caught aflame and Harry gave it a few moments to kindle. After that, Harry pulled out a few sticks and stuck marshmallows on them, handing Peter one. The brunet took it curiously as Harry put his between his legs for a moment to get out some graham crackers and some chocolate. Peter stared at the stick, unsure what to do, as Harry lit the bug repellant candle and readied himself, setting the marshmallow over the flame.
Peter stared at him. "What are you doing?"
"Roasting marshmallows, come on," He moved the stick representatively. "You put it over the fire or in the fire depending on how roasted you like it."
As he continued explaining, his stick descended further and further into the flame. Peter coughed. "Uh- Harry,"
Harry hummed. "Yes?"
"Your- your stick,"
Harry glanced over and immediately panicked, pulling the stick out and blowing out the flaming marshmallow. He sighed and grabbed a graham cracker, splitting it in half with chocolate. He used the graham cracker to scrape off the marshmallow before sandwiching the chocolate in there. He gave it a moment to cool down before taking a bite and making a pleasured noise at the taste. "In the city, we can't just light a fire to make these so I just have to make them in the oven, or if I'm lazy, in the microwave. They never compare to over-the-fire s'mores."
Peter started at him before turning before following his example. After it was golden brown, he got the graham crackers and the chocolate and sandwiched it. He stared at it for a long moment, looking back to Harry one final time for confirmation, when Harry smiled at him and took another bite, Peter swallowed and took a small bite.
He chewed for a while when the flavor set in and he immediately took another bite. Harry grinned when he saw the happy look cross Peter's face. "This is really good!" He yelped, finishing it and reaching for another marshmallow. He hesitated halfway there, looking to Harry for confirmation.
"You can get another," Harry chuckled. "You can get however many you want."
Peter grinned madly before getting another. "I'm gonna clear out your entire stock."
Harry laughed gleefully. "Go right ahead."
After that day, Harry went to the store again and bought several things for s'mores. Each day he'd go find Peter, and they'd talk, they'd laugh, and at the end of the day, they'd make s'mores. It went like that for a little more than a week. Harry almost forgot to visit May, he'd gotten so caught up.
One day, Peter came over as usual. He was cheerful, it almost seemed like nothing was wrong. Almost. There was something off. His first clue was when Peter first arrived.
The door opened while he was making eggs. Harry glanced up and smiled as Peter walked in. "Hey, Peter!"
Peter smiled. "Hey, Har. what'cha making?"
"Omelette, you want one?"
Peter shook his head. "Nah, I'm not hungry."
Harry tilted his head and laughed playfully. "Really? You're always hungry, are you sure?"
Peter nodded. "Yeah, I'm good. Thank you though."
Harry's laughter died out as he stared at him. "Are you okay?"
Peter hummed and looked up. "Why wouldn't I be?"
Harry flipped the omelette. "I don't know, it just feels like something's off. Are you sure you're okay?"
Peter chuckled and gave him a reassuring smile. "I'm okay, Harry."
Harry stared at him for a long moment before nodding. "Alright, if you're sure."
The second thing to tip Harry off was when they were out swimming in the lake. Peter was sitting ashore talking to Venom as Harry stood in the knee-deep water trying, and failing, to catch a fish with his hands. When he had done this before, Peter always laughed at him, especially the one time he had actually managed to catch a fish and he started screaming because he didn't know what to do with it. Peter had teased the hell out of him, but he seemed cheerful.
Now, he was struggling to catch fish, and Peter barely even seemed to notice. He didn't know why it upset him so much, but it did. In an attempt to cheer Peter up, he dove for one just out of reach, causing him to slip. He let out a startled cry as he sat up and shook the water out of his hair. "Fuck that's cold!"
Trembling, he stumbled out of the water and reached for his towel. He cast a glance over to Peter and saw he hadn't even looked up. He pouted slightly and dried off before walking over to Peter and sitting down. "What's wrong?"
Peter looked up and Venom disappeared between his skin. "Wha?"
"Something's wrong, Peter. I can tell."
"Nothing's wrong-"
"You're an awful liar."
Peter sighed and looked down. "I just... didn't get enough sleep."
"You told me you don't need sleep."
He was quiet for a long moment before curling up into himself. "I... I'm just a little bit frustrated I guess..."
Harry tilted his head. "Wanna talk about it?" He asked gently.
Peter made a small noise before looking down, a scowl crossing his face. "The spirits in the forest just... they hate me."
Harry instinctively went to argue before remembering the conversation they had the week before. He hesitated for a moment before resting a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "They'll come around,"
Peter shook his hand off and stood up in frustration. "It's been years and they haven't come around! I'm tired of waiting- I just don't wanna be ridiculed for a decision I- I want people to see me for- for me and I just.." Peter paced back and forth, his voice breaking. "I hate this!"
Harry stood up. "I know, I know you do. They'll come around, they will."
Peter whipped around and faced him. "Harry, it's been 4 years since we made the decision, and they still hate me! Do you honestly think they'll change?"
"Yes, I do."
"I don't know,"
Peter turned around again. "I can't wait until then, this sucks, Harry. I hate this, I hate this so much." His voice broke again.
Harry stood up and turned Peter to face him. "I know, but it'll get better." He promised, pulling him into a hug.
Peter stiffened up and Harry felt his stomach turn. Crap I should NOT have done that without asking- Before he could pull away, Peter slowly wrapped his arms around him, hiccuping softly before bursting into tears. Harry rubbed his back as he cried.
After a few minutes, Peter pulled away, wiping his face quickly. "Shoot- I'm sorry, I'm sorry for crying on you like that,"
"It's okay, you were upset. Do you feel better now?"
Peter smiled weakly. "Yeah, a little bit,"
Harry smiled. "That's good, wanna go get some snacks and help May with her garden?"
"Yes please,"
Harry smiled and stood up. "Come on, I think I have some granola bars with chocolate chunks at the cabin,"
Peter's eyes lit up at the mention of chocolate and he nodded, following Harry along.
The two walked up the path, the previous stress beginning to melt away. They got to his porch and Harry held the door for him. Peter thanked him quietly and walked in, Harry close behind. He stepped into the kitchen and opened the cupboards and pulled out two granola bars for Peter. "Do you want anything to drink?" He offered.
Peter hummed. "Water please,"
Harry nodded and handed Peter the snacks before going to the fridge and pulling out the water pitcher, pouring himself and Peter a glass. Peter thanked him through a mouthful of the granola bar as he set his drink down. "You're welcome." Harry hummed back, taking a quick drink.
Peter smiled as he finished the first granola bar and quickly moved on to the second. Harry finished his water, feeling extra thirsty. "You wanna head up to May's after this and finish the walkway?"
Peter chewed and nodded. "Sure,"
Harry stood up and stretched before pouring himself another glass and chugging it down and setting the empty glass in the sink. "Well, I'm ready when you are."
Peter picked up the second granola bar and unwrapped it, putting the wrappers in the trash, and drank his water. "Let's go then, I'll eat this on the way." He yawned.
Harry nodded and pushed the door open for Peter once again, letting him out first. Peter thanked him quietly and the two were off on their way to May's house.
The walk was quiet and calm, the two just enjoying each other's presence. The peace was however interrupted when a foul smell hit Harry's nose and he cringed slightly. He tried to ignore it as they walked, but the smell became worse and worse as they moved along.
Finally, the two came across the source of the smell. A deer carcass lay on the ground near the path. Harry recoiled slightly at the sight. "Oh,"
Peter's gaze softened at the sight and he moved Harry to step around the deer. "Leave it be, the animals in the forest will clear it later."
Harry plugged his nose. "God- that stinks."
"It's rotting, it's probably been here for a few days."
Harry gagged lightly as the two speed-walked past. As they walked, Peter looked over his shoulder towards the fallen deer and smiled softly. "Harry, look."
Harry looked up, still covering his nose, and turned around. Above the deer carcass stood a white translucent deer, trotting slowly and carefully around the body.
"Anything that dies in this forest can live on as a spirit." Peter murmured as the deer nosed its former body, its muzzle passing through it. The deer seemed undisturbed by this, however, before it straightened up again and began back into the forest.
Harry watched it go and smiled softly. "That's... nice,"
Peter nodded quietly. "This place is sacred, that's why we have to protect it."
Harry nodded slowly. "I'll do whatever I can to help,"
Peter smiled up softly. "Thank you,"
"It's no problem,"
The two walked the rest of the way back in an even more comfortable silence.
They finally arrived at May's house after a while and were quick to greet her. May seemed pleased that they were getting along, even more so that they were willing to work together to finish the walkway.
It was a relatively simple build, lay the long planks parallel to one another, fill the space between them with gravel, and lay the shorter planks on top of the long planks, and nail them down. It was tedious and the bags of gravel were heavy, but Peter didn't seem to have an issue with it.
As Harry hammered a nail into one of the shorter planks, Peter stood up. "Boletus? What's up?"
Harry sat up to see a tan-skinned man approach. "Hey, Peter. I've got the daily report,"
Peter straightened curiously. "Doesn't Nuntius usually give the reports? Where is he?"
"I offered to do them today because I also wanted to ask you something."
Boletus cast a glance at Harry and back to Peter. Peter noticed this and hummed. "Boletus, this is Harry, you can trust him. Harry, this is Boletus, he's our local fun guy,"
Boletus snickered as Harry tilted his head in confusion. "Huh?"
"I'm a fungus spirit," Boletus clarified as Peter snickered, "it's nice to meet you."
Harry snorted as he got the joke. "It's nice to meet you too,"
Boletus returned his gaze to Peter. "Anyway, I wanted to ask you a question after the report."
Peter nodded and smiled. "Go on then,"
Boletus cleared his throat before speaking. "So in our section of the forest, things seem clear. The rains last week caused a bit of root rot towards the edges near the lake, but one of the naiads and I were able to prevent it. Other than that, things seem peaceful."
Peter nodded with a smile. "That's good, so what did you want to ask me?"
"Near the southeast section of the forest by the astilbes, a lot of weeds are starting to overcrowd the area. I wanted permission to use the fungi to clear them?"
Peter smiled brightly. "Go ahead,"
Boletus grinned excitedly and straightened. "Thank you!"
Before Peter could even say goodbye, he was off. Harry chuckled. "Well, he sure is excited,"
"He's the only fungi spirit in the forest so he has a lot of responsibility. Fungi play a huge part in a forest's ecosystem and we rely on him to keep our forest healthy. Without him, the forest would be vulnerable to diseases, I'm not even sure we'd survive."
Harry nodded. "Interesting,"
Peter cast him an amused glance. "Let's get back to working," He hummed.
Harry returned his gaze to Peter and smiled. "Alright."
That night, the two finished the walkway.
Harry shifted. "Are you sure this is a good idea?"
"Don't worry, they'll love you," Peter promised, leading him down a trail.
Harry glanced over his shoulder, feeling uneasy. "Peter, you're literally taking me to meet the other gods of this forest."
Peter giggled. "If they're gods then I am too,"
"Yes! You are! You're a god of this forest! And you're taking me to meet three other gods!"
Peter rolled his eyes. "Oh hush. You're giving me too much credit."
"Peter, you are literally one of four spirits who protect this forest with their lives. You're a god."
Peter shoved him playfully. "Shut,"
Harry snickered softly and continued to walk beside him. After a long while, they arrived at a large clearing. In the center was a massive tree that looked akin to a sequoia tree. Harry gaped at it for a long moment when Peter stepped forward. "Come on,"
Harry looked between Peter and the tree before following. "O-okay,"
Peter climbed onto the roots and sat. "Come on,"
Harry hesitated before nodding and climbing up. "Jesus, how tall is this thing?"
"150 feet at the top. It's about 400 years old, but it can live to be up to 2,000."
Harry stared at him wide-eyed. "You're kidding! 2,000 years old?!"
Peter grinned and nodded. "I know, cool, right?"
"That's insane!"
"For the past 400 years, me, Anya, Gwen, and Miles have been meeting here and watching it grow. We've taken pretty good care of it if I do say so myself."
Harry nodded. "I've heard sequoias are hard to grow."
Peter nodded. "Really hard. But we grew it, and it's going strong!"
Harry grinned and settled into the roots. They were strangely comfortable for a tree. "So how long are we gonna wait for them?"
"They shouldn't take too long," Peter hummed. "Give them a few minutes."
As if on cue, a familiar face strolled in. Harry perked up slightly as Gwen approached. "Hello there," She greeted.
Peter smiled. "Hey, Gwen."
Gwen sat on a nearby root that was slightly lower than the others. "How have you been?"
"I've been good," Peter turned to Harry expectantly.
"I-I've been alright?"
Gwen chuckled. "That's good."
"How about you?" Peter hummed.
Gwen smiled cheerfully. "I've been alright, thank you for asking."
"Anything new going on in your part of the forest?"
"We've had a few lilies blooming around the edges. I don't know who or what spread the seeds, but they're beautiful. Orange and white,"
Peter smiled. "That's good, lilies aren't really growing in my area."
"Yeah well, you have all the roses."
Peter giggled. "You know you can come by and take them if you ever want to. The nymphs don't mind, they love sharing the flowers as long as you don't take too many."
Gwen smiled. "I might just take you up on that."
Harry glanced up to more footsteps. Another girl was walking in, she wore a dark red dress that was a stark contrast to the greenery. She had long white lace sleeves going down her arms that doubled as finger loop gloves. He straightened slightly as Peter smiled. "Hey, Anya!" He waved cheerfully.
Anya looked up and rolled her eyes playfully, walking over. "Hey, Peter. Hi, Gwen,"
The girls smiled at each other as Anya walked over, hopping on the root beside Gwen. Peter grinned at them as Harry tilted his head. Peter saw his confused look and elbowed him playfully. "They're lesbians, Harold."
Harry choked for a moment. "You know what a lesbian is?"
"Of course, we're not stupid. We never really had a word for it before since, well, if you love someone you love them. No point in labeling it here. May explained to us how you all label everything, dumb in my opinion"
Harry smiled softly. "That's cool,"
Peter nodded with a smile before turning to the girls who were holding hands and giggling softly. Harry felt his smile grow as he turned to Anya. "I haven't met you yet, I'm Harry," He managed to say without stuttering.
A grin crossed her face. "I'm Anya, nice to meet you, Harry."
Harry smiled cheerfully back when bushes rustled once more. A familiar face came out, making his mind stutter for a moment. "You're that one kid!"
Peter glanced up. "Hm?"
"That kid! The one who knocked me off a cliff!"
Anya barked out a laugh. "Miles!"
"I'm sorry!"
Harry felt a rush of irritation as Miles looked down guiltily. "I'm sorry,"
He let out a heavy sigh. "It's okay I guess, no permanent damage done..."
Peter patted his shoulder. "Miles didn't mean to, he came to me crying his eyes out after the fact."
Harry's lips quirked up in a smile. "Then I guess I've gotta forgive you then."
Miles glanced up with an embarrassed smile on his face. He had a black and red robin hood-esque outfit, minus the hat. He looked sheepish but cheerful. After a moment of embarrassed shifting, Miles moved to join them. He sat on a tall root that had him towering over the others. He curled up into himself and waved at Harry. "I- uh, I'm Miles."
Harry forced a small chuckle. "I'm Harry, nice to meet you?"
"Nice to meet you too,"
Peter smiled between the two. "I just wanted to make sure you all got to meet Harry, we've kinda been sticking around each other."
Gwen chuckled. "That's fine, how long will you be staying, Harry?"
"Until the end of the summer. Hopefully, I can come back up next summer."
Peter perked up. "You should come up during winter! Most of the flowers aren't blooming, but it's beautiful!"
Harry grinned. "I'll see what I can do, I have school so I'm pretty busy during the winters."
"Well, we'll be happy to see you if you do come." Gwen chuckled
Peter nodded eagerly in agreement. "You should,"
Harry nodded back. "I'll see what I can do,"
Peter grinned and pushed him playfully. "Well, see what you can do faster."
Harry opened his mouth to spit out a playful retort, when a young boy ran in, looking breathless. Peter sat up. "Ameinias? What's going on?"
The boy panted before sitting up. "Theo and Roz are fighting over the lilacs, again."
Peter sighed. "Really? Again?"
Peter stood up and jumped off the root. "I'll be back, those two just can't learn to share." He sighed to himself.
Harry chuckled awkwardly as Peter slid out of the clearing with Ameinias. Miles smiled sheepishly over to Harry before fiddling with the hem of his shirt. "Uh, hi."
Harry smiled back. "Hi,"
They all sat in awkward silence for a moment before Gwen cleared her throat. "So you're staying here in the forest? I'm amazed you managed to win Peter over, he's pretty stickler when it comes to who's allowed here and who isn't."
Harry snorted. "Yeah, I bribed him over to my side."
"Chocolate?" Anya deadpanned.
"Chocolate," Harry confirmed.
Miles barked out a laugh as Gwen shook her head in amusement. "Oh by the gods, Peter's gonna get us killed one day."
Harry laughed and put his hands up. "I swear, I don't have any evil plans or anything. This place is nice,"
Anya grinned. "You better not have any evil plans, we'll fight to keep this forest going."
"Well, I'm willing to help however I can."
"Thank you, but that won't be necessary. We've protected this forest for 700 years, we'll be okay."
"700 years?! God- that's forever!"
"Yeah, it's a long time. Not as long as you'd think though,"
"How old are you?"
"You aren't getting the info out of us." Gwen deadpanned.
Harry pouted and smiled slightly. "I tried."
"If that's your definition of trying, you aren't gonna get very far in life."
"I said I tried, not that I put 100% effort in."
The Guardians shared a laugh as Harry grinned. "You guys are cool,"
"Thank you, I've spent years perfecting it!" Miles chirped.
Harry smiled happily at them. "Well, you've done a good job." 
"YAY!" Miles shouted, earning a laugh from the others.
Harry felt at ease as the conversations continued. The other guardians were pleasant and Harry almost felt like he fit in with them, despite only having known them for half an hour.
"You know, Peter's seemed a bit calmer since you came around," Miles pointed out.
Harry straightened slightly, his face flushing. "O-oh?"
"Yeah! For the past couple years he's been a bit snippy, I can't say I blame him though. If I was in the same position, I would be too."
Harry nodded slowly. "Yeah, he's told me about it." 
Miles was a bit quiet, looking guilty and Harry quickly caught himself. "You know he isn't mad- right?"
"I know it's just... I still feel bad. Yeah, most of the spirits in his section of the forest trust him, but not all of them. Especially after he took in Venom,"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, he was the scapegoat for why Demons were in the forest in the first place, and then immediately after he bonded with a Demon. To a lot of spirits here, that seems a bit like foul play. A lot of people don't trust parasitic demons, and for good reason too."
Harry nodded slowly. "Well, Venom hasn't given you any reason not to trust him, right?"
"Well no, other than just being a bit intimidating, he's done nothing wrong. I don't entirely trust him, but he hasn't given us a reason not to trust him," Anya spoke up.
Harry nodded and hummed. "Well, I'm glad things seem to be going relatively well at least."
"Things are pretty great if I'm being honest." Gwen chuckled.
Harry smiled. "That's good. You guys make sure to keep this forest as safe as possible, I'll do what I can to help too."
Gwen smiled. "Well, we're happy to take your help."
Harry looked up at the sky. "Well, it's getting pretty late. I should probably head home now." He sighed when he saw it was darkening.
Miles nodded. "We'll let Peter know you had to leave, it was nice to meet you!"
"It was nice to meet you all too!"
"We'll be seeing you, Harry!"
"Right back at you!"
And with that, Harry left.
"What's taking Peter so long? He should've been here by now." Miles groaned, laying upside down from the roots of the sequoia tree.
Anya flicked a pebble at him. "Be patient, he might've gotten held up solving an argument or something."
Miles pouted. "I just wanna get this meeting over with, these are lame and take forever. I like taking care of my flowers."
Gwen snorted. "We all like taking care of our flowers, Miles. We just gotta make sure there aren't any big conflicts going on, this only happens once a fortnight, it's okay."
Miles groaned. "We can just call a meeting if something bad happens,"
"Sometimes we don't realize something bad is happening until we talk about it with someone else."
Miles sat up to continue arguing when footsteps filled the clearing. They all looked up, expecting to see Peter when an unfamiliar face entered the clearing. "That's one of Peter's nymphs," Anya said, sitting up quickly.
The girl approached, her breath short. "Peter- Venom- he- I-"
Anya jumped down. "Hey, take a breath, what happened?"
"That- that demon- Venom- he- he-"
Miles felt his stomach sink as he jumped off his root. "What happened?" He pressed fearfully.
"Peter- he- he got taken over!"
Gwen froze up. "What?"
"The demon, Venom, he took over Peter! I-I saw it happen- I swear- I- I think he saw me- I-"
Anya squeezed her shoulders. "Take a deep breath, what's your name?"
She swallowed. "A-Astelle,"
"Take a deep breath, Astelle. It'll be okay, we'll investigate. Where did you see him?"
"T-towards the creek, on the edge of Miles' territory."
Gwen nodded. "We'll go look at it, you can stay in Anya's territory until the situation is cleared up if you'd like."
Anya snorted playfully. "Way to offer my place up."
Gwen gave her a playful glare and the two giggled before turning back to Astelle, who smiled weakly. "T-thank you for the offer, c-could I?"
"Of course. I'll take you there now, Gwen, Miles, you two chat. I'll be back in a minute."
As Anya disappeared behind the tree with Astelle in tow, Gwen turned to Miles, who turned anxiously back to Gwen. "You... you don't think she's telling the truth, do you?" Miles choked.
Gwen made a small noise. "I don't think she's lying, but I'm sure this is just a misunderstanding. Peter's too strong to just lose control of Venom like that, even if Venom is a powerful demon. Peter isn't dumb, he'll be able to keep Venom in line."
Miles shook his head. "I don't know, Gwen. He's been in a bad place recently, you know he has. It's... this is different. He's vulnerable, if Venom really is evil, he could be exploiting that."
Gwen gave him a look. "Miles, Peter's probably the strongest out of all of us. He would be the worst target for Venom to go for."
"Gwen-" There was a fiery look in Miles' eyes that was interrupted by Anya returning. "Quiet you two, let's go talk to Peter." She said curtly.
The two exchanged looks before nodding and following Anya through the foliage.
The walk was a short one, but it felt so much longer than it should've. The entire time, Miles couldn't shake the growing pit in his stomach. What if they got there and it was too late?
They entered the clearing Peter usually stayed. They got to the shaped oak and Anya kicked at the root. "Peter!" She shouted, sounding angry. "Out, now!"
There was a startled noise from under the tree and Peter poked his head out, looking surprised. "What's up?"
He saw all of them looking a mix of concerned and angry and shrunk slightly. "There was a meeting today, wasn't there..."
"Get out, we need to talk." Anya hissed.
Peter obeyed and Miles looked him up and down anxiously. He didn't look any different, nothing seemed wrong. "We've got questions and you better answer." Anya spat, grabbing his arm and tugging him out the rest of the way.
Peter made a startled noise and nearly fell but didn't argue. "Okay- okay okay! What's wrong? You're never this mad when I forget meetings."
"One of your Nymphs just came to the clearing sobbing that you got taken over by that demon, Venom."
A confused look crossed Peter's face. "What? No, I've been here organizing the herbs for Ygeía for the past few hours."
Anya looked over him. "I want to talk to Venom,"
Peter nodded wordlessly and shook his shoulder as Venom came out of his shoulder. Anya scowled at the sight of him. "I want a charm on him,"
Peter startled. "Anya!"
"It's a valid concern!"
"Anya, Venom's never done anything to hurt us! You know putting a charm on him will hurt him!"
"So? He's a threat!"
Peter bristled angrily. "That's not fair to him, it'll hurt him! He hasn't done anything! At all!"
"Peter, it's just a precaution! One that we frankly should've taken the moment he arrived here." Anya hissed.
Peter narrowed his eyes and straightened, setting a protective hand on the side of Venom's head. "I'm not putting a charm on him, end of story."
Miles swallowed. "Peter, I'm not saying we should put a charm on him, but, well, maybe you two should... I don't know, separate for a little?"
Peter turned to Miles. "Excuse me? Miles- are you kidding me?!"
Peter looked physically hurt as Miles struggled to backtrack. "Miles, you were the one who wanted demons like him to be able to live in this forest in peace! Hell- I took the blame for you!" He shouted, his voice breaking.
"I-I'm not saying that- I just- I-"
"How do you know she isn't lying?" Peter demanded, returning his gaze to Anya, who still looked firm.
"Astelle wouldn't lie."
"God- do you even know her?!"
"I can't believe you're accusing one of your very own Nymphs of lying about you! Peter- it's literally a Nymph's job to serve!"
"Well in case you haven't missed, it's not like I'm much of a fan favorite around here." Peter hissed.
Gwen stepped forward. "What are you talking about?"
Peter scoffed. "Oh come on, you all aren't stupid."
They all exchanged hesitant glances before Peter shook his head and looked down, his eyes beginning to water. "Wow, such friends you all are."
"Peter- just-"
"I said go." His voice broke again as he spoke and Venom turned to him, with a pained look on his face.
Gwen reached out and Anya stepped in front of her. "Leave him. I want a charm on that thing before the next meeting," She warned.
Anya glanced up. "Excuse me?"
"I said no," Peter repeated, turning away from them as Venom disappeared beneath his skin.
"Peter, I want it-"
"I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU WANT!" Peter shouted, whipping around suddenly. His eyes were glowing a vibrant and dangerous green, warning them that he was becoming aggressive.
Anya straightened and took a threatening step forward. "Peter,"
"Peter you need to calm down."
"Stop it,"
"This isn't an argument,"
"Peter, it's just for a few days until we can figure out its intentions," Gwen spoke up.
"It's only for a little while, Pete," Miles begged.
Peter cupped his ears as they continued speaking, trying to get him to cave. Their voices filled his ears as the ringing in the back of his head became louder and louder. Protect yourself, they're enemies, they're trying to hurt Venom, they're trying to hurt you,
"Peter, just put a charm on him,"
Protect Venom,
"It'll only be for a few days,"
Defend yourself,
"This isn't an argument, do it."
You have to protect yourself at all costs,
"Now, Peter."
Now do it.
"Shut UP!"
Peter lashed around suddenly, as needles manifested themselves at his fingertips, launching out and hitting Gwen in the abdomen and hitting Miles in the stomach and arm.
The two let out pained cries and immediately cupped their wounds, as Peter struggled to control his breathing. His vision cleared as he looked up. He stared blankly for a moment as Anya ran to Gwen's side, immediately looking over her wound, and quickly glanced over Miles', before turning to Peter. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING, PETER?!" She cried out, enraged and horrified.
Peter choked up as he realized what he had done. "I-I'm-"
"GET OUT," Anya screamed.
"Anya- please, I-"
Peter choked for a moment before quickly turning and fleeing into the underbrush.
Harry slouched, impatiently playing a game of solitaire as he waited for Peter to show up. He never was very good at the game.
He looked up excitedly as he heard the door knock and laughed to himself before standing up to go let Peter in. "Peter- you know you don't have to kno-"
He froze up as he opened the door. Miles was standing there, rubbing his arm anxiously. "Miles?" He greeted, surprised.
Miles looked up. "Uh, hey, Harry. Uhmm... can we talk?"
Harry shifted uncertainly for a moment before opening the door wider. "Uhmm... sure? Yeah, uh, just- come in."
Miles nodded thankfully as Harry closed the screen, leaving the door open behind them. "Um, do you want anything? Water? Tea? Uh, milk?"
Miles laughed softly. "No thank you, look, I don't wanna take up much of your time so I'm just gonna, you know, get straight to it I guess."
Harry nodded and unconsciously crossed his arms. "Go ahead,"
"So, we need you to talk to Peter. We as in Gwen, Anya, and I."
Harry shifted. "Is something wrong with him?"
"He's just... he's been acting weird recently. Not as in since you came here- like, the past year or two I guess."
Harry's eyes widened. "You consider two years recent?"
"When you're alive for centuries, years seem smaller and smaller, you know?"
Harry hummed uncomfortably. "Yeah, I uhh... I guess that makes sense. God- how old are you guys?"
Miles shrugged before putting his hands in front of him. "Look- that's not the point. Peter's been acting weird recently,"
"If you wanna know where he is, he hasn't been here all day." Harry cut in. "We were supposed to hang out but he never showed."
Miles' frown deepened. "Earlier today we were supposed to have a meeting, like the other week when you were there. We were supposed to meet up like usual but he was late. And you know- Peter's late to everything, he always has been, so we didn't think about it too hard, but then..."
Miles quickly recounted what had happened earlier that day as Harry listened intensely, looking more and more worried as he continued.
"Yeah, that doesn't sound like him..." Harry bit his lip and looked away as he thought. "So he just attacked you guys? For no reason?"
"In his defense, we were kind of antagonizing him," Miles mumbled.
Harry continued to think. "So you want me to talk to him and..?"
"We just want him to put a charm on Venom, at least until we can figure out if he's safe enough to leave alone."
"And will the charm hurt Venom at all?"
"Not unless it's used. What it'll do is it'll latch onto him, probably stick to the back of Peter's neck when Venom isn't out, and if it's used it'll burn him. But it'll only be used if Venom does something and we need to stop him."
Harry's mind went back to the conversation he and Peter had had in the weeks prior about demons.
"Every spirit has magic. The more magic a spirit has, the more powerful they are, and the more powerful they are, the stronger aura they have. Other spirits and some animals can sense that aura and gauge how strong a spirit is based on that, but demons can contain their aura, which means we can't figure out how strong they are."
"If you guys had no idea how strong Venom was when he bonded to Peter, why wasn't that the first thing you did when he bonded? If it doesn't hurt him unless it's used, I don't see a point not having that extra precaution."
Miles took a few moments to answer. "That's... complicated. See- we had no reason to believe Venom was dangerous and if he wasn't bonded to someone immediately when we met him, he would've died. He's entirely reliant on someone else to keep him alive. Sure- he can survive without someone else, but not for long. A week or two max, and he was at his limit when we found him. The plan was to have him rebond with something else later, an animal or something, but he and Peter got close and Peter decided to keep him as a familiar. So he just kept him."
Harry nodded quietly. "And there was no reason to suspect he was any kind of threat so there wasn't a point. And Peter can reject him whenever he wants to?"
"Well, sort of. If Venom's strong enough, he might not be able to, and if Astelle was right that Venom was forcing control on Peter, then he definitely won't be able to. Most demons like Venom usually aren't strong enough to do things like that though, which means Venom's more powerful than we thought, which scares me."
Harry nodded in agreement. "Yeah, this is uh... this is kind of scary. So you want me to talk to him and try to convince him to use a charm?"
"If you could, you don't need to though. He might get mad at you."
Harry snorted. "I can live with him getting mad, I think I can get him to listen. Try coming on over in a few hours, I'll let you know how it went."
Miles nodded. "Thank you, Harry. This really means a lot."
"It's no problem, I'll go look for him. I have a few ideas about where he could be."
"Alright, if you need any help, we'll do what we can."
Harry smiled. "Thanks, but I think I've got this. I'll see you,"
"See you, be safe."
Harry promised he would as Miles left. He let out a deep sigh and rubbed his face before standing up. "Alright, let's go find Peter." He mumbled to himself.
Harry finally managed to find Peter in a clearing with a large rock overhang. He was curled up with a large spider crawling over his hand.
"Hey, Peter!" He called, skipping over and trying to keep up a cheerful facade.
Peter jumped and looked up and Harry managed to catch sight of Venom, who had been hidden by Peter's head. He restrained himself from making a face when he saw him and slid over to the brunet’s side confidently.
Peter was stiff as Harry sat down. "I was waiting for you and you never showed, so I came to come find you."
Peter looked down and quietly replied, "I'm sorry."
Harry softened his expression. "Hey, it's okay. I'm here now, wanna go help May with her garden?"
Peter glanced up hesitantly as Venom disappeared into his neck and left arm. "No, not today."
Harry frowned slightly. "Is something wrong?"
"No-nothing's wrong."
"You're a terrible liar."
Peter laughed softly before looking down. "I just... I messed up... big time."
Harry bumped him lightly with his shoulder. "What happened?"
Peter rubbed his eyes, seeming to try and stop tears before they formed. "I just... I..."
Harry almost wanted to reassure Peter that he already knew what happened so he didn't have to talk about it, but he knew Peter had to say it himself.
"I... I hurt them.." His voice got small as he spoke, breaking slightly.
Harry felt a pang in his chest as Peter practically whimpered out the next sentence. "I attacked them and I..."
Harry gave him a gentle look, egging him on silently. Peter glanced up at him, not turning his head, before swallowing thickly. "They wanted to put a charm on Venom and I just... I got so... angry- I don't know why, it's a reasonable concern and I just- I-"
Peter covered his mouth as the spider crawled off his hands and onto the stone of the overhang. Peter let out a small, choked sob, and Harry hesitantly touched his shoulder. "Hey- hey hey, come here, come on,"
Peter immediately leaned into Harry's awkward embrace. He sat with his hands in the air, unsure what to do for a moment, before slowly wrapping them around Peter's torso as Peter clung to him and cried.
The two sat there for a long time before Peter pulled away, wiping away snot and tears as he tried to regain himself. Harry gave him a gentle look as the brunet hiccuped and sniffed. After a minute, Peter seemed in control of his emotions again as he looked down. "I don't know why I got so mad at them... I didn't want to hurt them but I just..."
Harry patted his shoulder gently and stood up. "Hey, it's okay. Let's go talk to them, they're just worried about you, okay? Let's go talk to them and you can apologize, they'll forgive you."
Peter looked at him with an unsure look but followed in his movements. "But... what... what if they hate me?"
"They won't, it'll be okay. They're probably just trying to figure out what's going on. We can go talk to them and get a charm on Venom and it'll all be okay." He reassured, turning to start walking.
Peter gritted his teeth for a moment and looked down, tears welling in his eyes. "I... I just... I can't- I don't- Harry-"
Harry turned around, immediately feeling anxious. "Peter?"
Peter was hunched over slightly, seeming to struggle to catch his breath. "Harry, Harry- please..."
Harry took a step forward. "Peter- are you okay?"
Peter looked up. His eyes were no longer the green Harry had grown accustomed too, but instead fully black. Peter seemed to try to choke out a word, only to start coughing as he covered his mouth. Harry immediately moved to his side when a dark tendril shot out of Peter's back and slammed into him, sending him tumbling onto his back. "Peter?!" He cried out in alarm as he fell.
Peter's coughing increased for a moment before ceasing. Peter went stiff as he caught his breath before standing up straighter, his movements almost seeming artificial. His movements were too perfect to be real as Peter looked up at him. His eyes were completely blackened as he stared at Harry quietly. Harry stared at him for a wide-eyed moment. "Peter?"
After a few seconds, Peter chuckled softly, his eyes half-lidded as he looked down at his hands, squeezing them experimentally, before looking back up to Harry. "Peter's gone now,"
Harry's stomach clenched as he recoiled at Peter's voice. It was too deep, it wasn't Peter talking. "Peter? Wh-"
A sudden black tendril lashed out at him, hitting him square in the chest and sending him flying back. He let out a wheezing cry as the wind was knocked out of him and he cupped his bruising chest. Peter- or whatever he was at the moment- only watched him with an amused look. "Stay down, or I'll have to make him watch me kill you."
Harry coughed. "What are you?"
The whites and irises of Peter's eyes turned black as a sick smile crossed his face. "We are Venom."
In a split second, Venom lashed out again, and Harry's vision turned black.
Miles stepped through the forest slowly, looking anxious. It had been hours since Gwen, Anya, and him had sent Harry out to find Peter and they'd gotten no word back from either of them. They had begun to worry and decided to send out a search party for them.
Miles was listening for any sounds of arguing or Harry's voice, silently hoping everything was alright and the two were just taking their time while they talked.
However, his fears were confirmed as the scent of blood touched his nose and he immediately froze up. He looked around for a moment before turning in the direction of the smell and speed-walking over, his eyes narrowed and his form stiff. He got to a small clearing and looked around in a panic before spotting Harry collapsed against a nearby tree.
He sprinted over, letting out a panicked cry as he kneeled beside his limp form. He reached out and nudged him fearfully. "H-Harry?"
Harry didn't move and Miles shook him again. Before he could fully panic, Harry began to stir with a groan. Miles let out a sigh of relief as his eyes opened slowly before closing again as he covered them against the setting sun. "Uggghhh..."
Miles moved to block the bright red sun. "Hey- are you okay? What happened? Where have you been for the last few hours?"
Harry rubbed his eyes and moved a bit, taking a deep breath through his nose. "I... I don't," he paused to lick his lips, seeming to try and gather himself, "I think... Venom is bad."
Miles straightened slightly. "What?"
Harry seemed to think for a moment before suddenly shooting up. "Shit- Venom is- AH-"
He let out a pained cry and gripped at his chest. "Fu- ouch..."
Miles looked at him worriedly. "What happened?"
Harry leaned against the tree, closing his eyes and resting his head against the trunk as he took deep, labored breaths. "I don't know, I think Venom... I think he's in control of Peter. He attacked me."
Miles' heart sunk at the news. "Oh god, oh no this is bad. This is really bad..."
Harry nodded in agreement before slowly pushing himself up with a pained groan. Miles put his hands up in a panic. "Wait- wait you're hurt, lemme get a nymph or- or a dryad or someone- you're too hurt to move."
Harry ignored him. "I'm fine- I'm fine, just sore."
Miles shook his head. "No, stay here, it'll only take a minute to find someone, the forest is pretty full. It's surprising we took so long to find you," he sighed.
Harry chuckled wheezingly before nodding and leaning back down. "Alright, just don't be long."
Miles nodded. "I won't,"
Harry watched him stand up and quickly go, obviously in a panic. He was only gone for two or three painful minutes. He quickly returned with a young-looking girl. She smiled sympathetically at Harry. "Hey, just relax, I'll heal you."
Harry nodded and took a deep breath as Miles crouched beside him. "This is Roz, she's one of our best healers."
Roz nodded to Harry as her hands started to glow. "Yep, it'll only take a minute. You'll be okay." She reassured softly.
Harry laid back and closed his eyes as Roz healed him. Her hands emitted a warmth that made Harry feel safe. After a minute, she pulled away. "All done,"
Harry glanced up and looked down at his body. The ache in his chest had disappeared and he felt comfortable as he sat up. "Thanks," He murmured, still in slight disbelief that such a peaceful forest was so magical.
He twisted experimentally before smiling in satisfaction. Roz seemed pleased with his development before stepping back. "Is there anything else you two need?" She chirped.
Miles' gaze darkened. "Yes, actually. I want you to go around and warn the other spirits to stay hidden until Me, Gwen, or Anya come tell you it's safe to come out."
Roz stiffened up. "Is something wrong?"
"No, we're just taking a precaution." Miles lied. "It shouldn't take long, I'd say less than a few hours, but like I said. Don't come out under any circumstance unless we're telling you it's safe."
Roz shifted before looking down. "What about Peter? What if he comes and tells us it's safe?"
Miles' gaze looked pained. "Then don't come out."
Roz looked at the ground and nodded, whispering, "Okay..."
She looked up weakly and Miles gave her a pleading look. "Don't tell anyone what's going on, just tell them to hide."
Roz looked down again and nodded mutely. Miles watched her go, feeling guilty. "This is gonna hurt Peter a lot..." He murmured.
Harry glanced up. "What do you mean?"
"We're telling everyone in the forest to hide and only come out when Me, Gwen, or Anya tell them to, but not when Peter does... They aren't stupid, they'll make the connection..."
Harry felt his stomach clench as he looked down at the thought. Peter will be devastated...
He tried not to think about it too hard as he looked back up to Miles. "What do we do now?"
"Now we go tell Gwen and Anya."
Anya swung her legs over the side of the tree boredly. "Gwen, I'm bored."
"I know, I am too." The blonde replied, sighing loudly. "How long is Miles gonna take?"
"Hopefully him taking forever means he's found Harry and Peter."
As if on cue, the sound of hurried footsteps filled the clearing and Miles ran in with Harry in tow. Anya sat up. "Hey, you two, where have you been?"
"No time to talk, Astelle was right."
"Peter got taken over by Venom."
Gwen straightened up, her eyes widening. "You're kidding,"
"I'm not, he attacked Harry and now we have to find him,"
Anya looked over to Harry for confirmation. Harry responded with an unhappy nod. Gwen looked crestfallen as she turned to Anya. "He's really gone?"
Miles shook his head. "That's not how those kinds of demons work, they take control of the host but they don't kill the host. And the demon can be separated but its a ridiculous process,"
"How ridiculous?"
"We need a charm to separate Peter and Venom and I have no idea how to get one."
"Do you know what the charm is called?"
"No, but I know what it does. After we get that charm, we need another charm to contain Venom. That or someone can try to get an Erinyes and-"
"Yeah, agreed."
"What's an Erinyes?" Harry interrupted.
"A demon I'd rather not piss off," Anya replied with a sigh. "Hopefully we won't have to get them."
"So all we need is a charm to separate Peter and Venom and then a charm to contain Venom? That's easy enough."
Miles shook his head. "At first it is, but containment charms for parasitic demons like Venom are hard to come by. We probably won't be able to find one around here."
Gwen hummed thoughtfully. "I have a few charms hidden around my place, I might have one that can separate Peter and Venom, I'm not sure about containing Venom though."
Harry furrowed his brow as he thought. "Can't you just... separate them then kill Venom?"
The group exchanged looks. "Harry- it isn't that easy," Anya spoke up. "Sure, we can separate them, but we can't kill Venom unless he has a host or he's contained."
"Wasn't he dying when you guys found him? If he doesn't have a host then he'll just die on his own, right?"
"Well, yes and no. Who's to say he won't bond with us? All it takes is just a touch for him to bond."
"Yeah, just one touch then you're bonded. And if he's taking control of Peter, we probably won't be able to shake him off if he does bond to us. We have to contain him and kill him that way so he doesn't bond to us or anyone else in our forest."
Harry nodded slowly and thoughtfully. "So what do you need for a containment charm?"
Their conversation was interrupted by another set of footsteps entering the clearing.
They all glanced up and froze to see Peter at the edge of the clearing. His eyes were dark and he looked irritated. Anya stood up and growled. "Venom."
He barely spared her a glance before sighing. "You all are making my goal too complicated."
"Release Peter," Gwen demanded, preparing to fight.
"You aren't in a position to be making demands,"
"I won't ask you again,"
Venom sighed, seeming annoyed, before turning around. "Out, now."
A familiar boy staggered out of the undergrowth, his eyes wide with panic. "Boletus-" Miles yelped in alarm.
Anya took a threatening step forward, only for Venom to tug Boletus closer. "Take another step and he's dead."
Harry's mind flitted back to what Peter had said when he first had met the boy.
"He's the only fungi spirit in the forest so he has a lot of responsibility. Fungi play a huge part in a forest's ecosystem and we rely on him to keep our forest healthy. Without him, the forest would be vulnerable to diseases, I'm not even sure we'd survive."
The other spirits stiffened up, their eyes wide with uncertainty. Venom grinned at their panic. "Well, I'm glad to see you'll listen to me. Now, you have two options. You can hand over your powers to me and neutralize any threat you could be, or I can kill him. It's your choice, really." Venom sneered.
They all exchanged panicked looks and Venom tightened his grip on Boletus' neck. "Make your choice now, I'm not here to play."
Miles jumped and looked to the others in a panic. When they still hesitated, Venom tightened his grip ever more and Boletus gagged and choked, struggling for air. "Stop-!" Miles yelped in alarm.
"I'll stop after you give me your powers." Venom snarled.
"Okay- okay I will!" Miles cried out, stepping forward in a panic.
Venom grinned and grasped onto Miles' arm. In what felt like a fraction of a second, he tightened his grip painfully tight and a red aura surrounded Miles' body, transferring over to Venom. It was only a moment, but then Miles was on the ground gasping for air as he clutched his chest, clearly in pain. "Miles!" Gwen shouted, running over to the weakened boy.
Harry watched in horror as Venom reached out to presumably steal her powers as well, only for Anya to interrupt, sprinting forward. "DON'T TOUCH HER!"
She was quick to intercept Peter's grasp, only for him to grab onto her arm, tightening his grip. Just like what had happened with Miles, a golden aura surrounded her and transferred to Venom in a fraction of a second, leaving her weakened and collapsed.
Gwen caught her and held her close, snarling at Venom. He only grinned back, throwing Boletus aside, and grasping Gwen by her throat. Gwen gagged and coughed as Venom simply smiled at her. "You all are quite a powerful bunch, don't worry, I'll be using these powers well."
A light blue aura surrounded Gwen and Venom was quick to take it in, taking a deep breath and smiling at the new strength before dropping her on the ground. He turned to Harry and smiled. "Well, it's almost the end of summer, isn't it? Just pretend like this was a normal forest, won't you?"
Harry took an alarmed step back as Venom smiled. "I'm sure you will,"
With that, Venom turned and left, seeming satisfied with his conquests.
Harry stared on in horror for a moment, before regaining himself and running towards the injured guardians. "Oh my god- are- are you all okay?"
Miles sat up, seeming the most recovered but also the most distraught. "He- he took our powers- he- I-"
Anya sat up as well, looking exhausted and distressed. "There's nothing we can do to protect the forest," she whimpered.
Harry looked between them as the horror of what had happened set in. They were defenseless.
Harry paced back and forth as the weakened guardians tried to recover what strength they could. "So there's nothing you can do?" Harry asked for what must've been the 27th time.
"For the last time, Harry. No, without our powers, we may as well be humans."
Harry looked down and rubbed his face. "Then what do we do?"
"I don't know, I don't think there's anything we CAN do."
"So we just- just sit back and let Venom take over the forest?!"
"Well without our powers we can't forge the charm to capture Venom, none of the other spirits here can either. We can try and search for one who can, but by the time we find one it'll be too late."
Harry looked down again. "Then what are we supposed to do?"
Anya looked down and shook her head. "I don't know,"
Harry swallowed and looked at the ground. "So... Do we just give up?"
"I don't know!" Anya yelled, getting frustrated.
Harry recoiled. "Sorry, sorry, I just..."
Anya sighed and rubbed her face. "No, no I'm sorry. I'm just... I don't know what to do, we can't fight him anymore, there's nothing we can do to stop him. We were the strongest spirits in the forest and if even Peter can't control him, then we were doomed the second we saw that thing."
"What does it even want?"
Miles sat up to answer. "Parasitic demons drain power from others to live longer. Essentially as long as they have a food source, they're immortal. Nothing can kill them other than them running out of energy. Containing Venom was the only way we could kill it and obviously, that's not something we can do anymore."
Harry furrowed his brow. "There's got to be someone in the forest that can make the charms!"
Gwen sighed. "I mean, I have one of the charms, the one that can separate Peter and Venom. But we don't have the magic to do it. Sure, we have it, but we need magic to activate it."
"So we just need to find a spirit strong enough to use it, right?" Harry questioned. "Come on, guys. We can do this, we just need to keep our heads up, okay? Peter's strong, he can tough through this while we figure out what to do,"
Miles looked down. "I know it's just..." He took a shaky breath. "What if he can't?"
Harry looked down, not wanting to think about what that could be implying. Anya and Gwen copied his movements, seeming to agree.
"Well... we'll figure something out. All we need is someone who can craft charms right? You guys get the materials, and I'll look for someone who can."
"Where will you even start?" Anya questioned.
Harry shrugged. "May? She seems to know some of the spirits in this forest, she might know something." 
Miles narrowed his eyes. "Harry, May's strong and all, but I doubt she knows someone who can craft charms."
"Well it can't hurt to try, can it?"
They all exchanged looks and Anya sighed. "I guess you're right, just be careful. We don't want Venom to figure out what we're doing and try to stop us."
Harry nodded back. "I'll be careful, don't worry. I'll be back by tomorrow night at the latest,"
The guardians wished him luck as he turned to go.
The walk was quiet and unnerving as Harry quickly made his way to where May's cabin was. It took a little more than an hour of walking through the dark to get there and every noise made him jump. The forest was unusually quiet, not even the sound of the crickets he'd grown accustomed to filled the air. It was just silence.
After he found the path to May's house, he felt much more at ease, now at least knowing where he was going, though he practically ran the entire way, just wanting to get out of the dark.
He finally got to the top of the narrow path and nearly cried with relief when he saw the lights of May's house. He jogged over, finding comfort in the light, before slowing his pace as he got to the door.
He knocked gently, silently praying May was still awake. After a few moments, he heard a reply from inside. "Who is it?"
"It's Harry," He called back.
There was a moment of silence before the doors opened to an alarmed looking May. "Harry! It's so late- what are you doing out?"
Before Harry could reply, May opened the door further. "Get in here, you're getting bitten up by mosquitos."
Harry was happy to come in, letting out a relieved sigh as May sat him down on the couch. "You look exhausted, what happened?"
Harry curled up slightly at that. "Uh, a lot. Before we get into it, I gotta ask you a question,"
May straightened slightly before nodding. "Ask away,"
"Do you know anyone who knows how to make charms? Like the spiritual kind, we gotta make one to hold Venom."
May's face grew concerned. "To hold Venom?"
Harry nodded. "It's... it's a long story. Shortening it as much as I can, Venom is evil and he's controlling Peter and we need a charm to contain him."
May paused for a moment and sighed. "Oh my goodness..."
Harry nodded weakly. "Yeah, I know."
May glanced up before softening. "Well, you're in luck. I can make charms,"
Harry's head snapped up. "You can?"
"I live next to a forest full of people who are magic, of course I pick up some things." She chuckled.
Harry stared for a long moment before snorting. "Well, that was easier than I thought it was."
May chuckled. "I can make it, just bring me the materials."
"Does Peter know you can make charms?"
"Well, I never bothered to keep it a secret, though he might not know. I don't make charms very often since the materials to make them are quite valuable."
Harry nodded. "Okay, I don't want Venom to try to hurt you because he thinks you could be a threat."
May laughed. "Well, I don't think that'll be an issue. What could a little old lady like me do?"
Harry couldn't help but laugh along before yawning. May smiled softly. "You look exhausted, you should sleep."
Harry rubbed his eyes. "No- no I'm okay, we need to help Peter."
"You won't be doing Peter any good if you're passing out while trying to fight." May scolded. "Sleep, we can get the materials tomorrow."
Harry watched her for a long moment before nodding. "Okay, I should head home then if I'm sleeping."
May scoffed. "We have a couch, I have spare pillows and blankets. You settle down for the night,"
"No buts. Just sleep, alright?"
Harry paused for a long moment before nodding. "Okay, I'll sleep..."
May smiled in satisfaction. "Goodnight, Harry,"
Harry smiled back. "Night, May,"
Harry woke up to the smell of sausages. He yawned and stretched, finding himself too comfortable to get up. He laid there for a long few minutes before sitting up.
May smiled when she saw him. "Good morning, Harry," She greeted.
Harry rubbed his eyes with his palms and offered her a weak smile. "Morning, May. How'd you sleep?"
"I slept just fine, how about you?"
"I slept good,"
May smiled and motioned to the pan. "I'm making breakfast, sausage and eggs."
Harry smiled and sat up only to sit back down at the breakfast table. "It smells good,"
"Thank you,"
Harry stretched again with a long yawn. The two sat in silence as May finished cooking, setting the plate and a fork in front of Harry. He thanked her and quickly dug in, only having eaten breakfast the day before. He quickly finished and smiled. "This was really good, thank you May,"
May chuckled at the thanks. "You're definitely welcome, Harry."
Harry wet his plate in the sink and washed it quickly before setting it on the drying rack. He moved to the couch once he was finished and sighed. "So... back to the serious topic."
May set her fork on the plate as she finished. "Oh yes, the charm. You only need one to contain Venom, right?"
Harry nodded. "And someone to use them, that should be easy though. Gwen already has the charm to separate Venom from Peter,"
May looked thoughtful before smiling. "Alright, well you need someone to use the charm. I'd offer to but I don't think I'd fare well in a fight."
"Yeah, I was gonna look for a spirit who could."
May smiled at him. "How about I train you to use them?"
Harry's head snapped up in alarm. "I- me?"
May nodded. "You don't need to, but I can imagine you want to help as well. Plus you won't have to search for someone to do the charms for you, you'll be able to do it, it just saves time." She chuckled
Harry stuttered for a moment at the thought. "So you'll just- just teach me? How to use charms?"
"If you're willing to learn."
"Yes-! I- yes, please. I want to help, I want to learn,"
May smiled happily at him. "Alright then, charms are very simple to use. All you need is a correctly made charm, the right keywords, and a target."
"Okay, that's… easy."
"It is, the hardest part is pronouncing the words correctly," She chuckled. "Before I get into training you, let's make the capture charm."
Harry nodded. "The Guardians should have the things by now,"
May only hummed as she picked up her plate. "I'll clean up here, I'm ready when you are."
"I'll be back in a bit,"
"Stay safe,"
"I will,"
With that, Harry gathered himself and made his way out of the house. The sun had just risen and a light mist covered the horizon as the ravenet quickly made his way to Gwen's camp, silently hoping she would be there.
It was a long walk and his feet were growing sore, but he got to where Gwen's camp was. He slid into the cave, maneuvering around some of the sharper rocks, before letting out a relieved sigh as it opened up to a large clearing. Miles was curled up against the wall, seeming to be asleep, but Anya and Gwen were gone.
Harry quickly made his way over to the dark-skinned boy and nudged him lightly. "Miles, wake up,"
Miles jumped at the nudge and rubbed his eyes before smiling slightly at Harry. "Hey,"
"Were you sleeping?"
Miles sat up and rubbed his eyes, nodding. "Yeah, it's been a while since I've done that." He chuckled softly.
A smile tugged at Harry's lips and he sat down. "Alright, where's Gwen and Anya?"
Miles stretched and sighed. "Gwen's out to get the last of the materials, Anya's napping towards the back of the cave." He yawned.
Harry nodded. "So we should probably leave her alone, huh?"
"If you want to keep your head, then yes."
He grinned and leaned back slightly. "So, I found someone who can make the charms."
Miles straightened up. "Really? How- who!?"
Harry laughed at Miles' gobsmacked reaction. "May could make charms this whole time!?"
"Apparently so, I asked her if she knew anyone and she said she could. She's also gonna teach me how to use them so I won't just be sitting on the sidelines."
That made Miles take a pause. "I don't know if that's a good idea, Harry. If you're using the charms, Venom's gonna be gunning for you."
"I know, but it's a risk I'm willing to take. I want to help Peter too,"
Miles smiled slightly and looked down. "I'm glad he has someone like you, you're good for him."
Harry's cheeks tinted pink as he gave him a bashful smile. "You think so?"
"I do, he's been happier since you came around."
Harry couldn't stop his grin from growing and he looked down, slightly embarrassed. 
Miles elbowed him playfully. "He has been, really!"
"Oh shut up!"
The two shared a laugh as Miles prodded him. "Ooo? Does someone have a cruuussshhh?"
"Miles, I will punt you."
Miles laughed happily before shaking his head. "Aww, romance."
Harry only looked down, his smile fading slightly. "Well, there's not much of a chance it'll work out. You guys are all tied to the forest and pretty much immortal, I cap out in 70 years at best."
Miles gave him a gentle look, seeming to think. "You know, there could be a way you two could make it work,"
"I'm back!"
Miles' gaze snapped away from Harry and the two looked up to see Gwen walking in with a small bag. "Oh, Harry, you're back already,"
Harry cast Miles a quick glance before nodding. "Uh, uh yeah. Yeah, I'm back."
"Did you find someone who can make the charm?"
"May can," Miles chimed in.
Gwen looked slightly surprised. "Can she?"
"Yeah, I know, it came as a shock to me too."
"She's gonna teach me how to use them too, so I'll be able to help you guys."
Gwen thought for a moment before smiling. "Well, we're more than happy to accept your help."
Harry smiled. "Thanks,"
Gwen walked over to him. "So you're taking this to May for the charm to be crafted?"
Harry nodded and Gwen handed him the small satchel. "This has everything she'll need. Bring it to her and don't lose anything, be careful. I think Venom might know what we're doing."
Harry paused. "What makes you say that?"
"I mean... Venom isn't stupid. He's manipulative, he's not gonna give up easily. I'd honestly be surprised if he didn't know what was happening."
Harry nodded slowly. "Alright, so what do I do?"
"Just... be aware. If you think you're being followed, run."
"And if he catches me?" Harry asked after a bit of hesitance.
Gwen was quiet for a few moments before replying. "Yell for help, someone will hear you and they'll come help."
Harry looked down and nodded. A tense silence followed for a few seconds before Harry looked up determinedly. "I'll be back soon,"
Gwen smiled slightly. "Yeah, see you soon."
Harry took the satchel carefully and held it for a few minutes before turning around to the exit of the cave. "See you guys," He called, keeping his voice steady.
They wished him well as he made his way out. He squinted against the blinding light of the sun as he exited, rubbing his eyes with the heel of his hand and cringing slightly. He muttered a complaint to himself as he began speed-walking to May's house, wanting to keep a swift and steady pace.
He managed to get there after a little more than an hour of walking. He dragged himself up the slope, his legs sore and aching. He went to the door and knocked twice, shifting from side to side. After a moment, May opened the door and smiled. "There you are, Harry. Come in,"
Harry was happy to do so, slumping down on the couch. "Ugh, my legs are so sore." He groaned as he sat.
He could practically feel the blood flow return to his legs and let out a long sigh of relief. Harry missed May's worried look as he tilted his head back and closed his eyes.
May watched him let out a long sigh as he let his legs rest. He looked tired. "Are you okay?"
Harry glanced up and smiled. "Yeah, my legs are just sore."
May nodded. "You rest up, I'll make the charm, okay?"
Harry nodded mutely, closing his eyes again.
It only felt like a minute before he was being nudged awake. He opened his eyes and sat up. "I uh, I'm awake, awake, yeah. Hi,"
May chuckled. "Morning, Harry."
Harry jolted lightly. "Did- did I sleep through the day and night?" He yelped.
May laughed softly. "No- no, you didn't. It's only been an hour,"
Harry rubbed his eyes and stood up. "Okay," he yawned.
May watched him get up and take a few experimental steps before he nodded. "Okay, what were we doing?"
"I was going to train you," May replied, a hint of a laugh in her voice.
Harry perked up excitedly. "Training?"
"Yep, are you ready?"
Harry nodded. "Yeah, yeah I am."
The ravenet wavered slightly as he stood up and walked in a small circle, seeming to be getting used to being awake again. May led him out back. There was a small table with a few different charms laid out neatly. He walked over and examined them curiously. "What are these?"
"Those are all charms. They're harmless ones, speeding up the growth of grass, moving the water in the air, things like that."
Harry nodded slowly. "If you have these, why do you garden? These would help speed things up,"
"They're single-use, once the magic in the charm is used up, you need to make a new one. I don't use charms unless I need to, and typically it isn't necessary." May explained.
Harry nodded slowly and looked at each of the charms as May joined his side. "Okay, let's start out with something easy." She reached for a light blue and gold charm that had a bright white crystal in the center. "I want you to use this charm to redirect the water in the air and accumulate it onto the grass,"
Harry nodded and took the charm. "How?"
"Think of what you want the water to do, then say, Συμπύκνωση."
"I'm sorry, you want me to say what now?"
"It's Greek for condensation." May hummed, taking a pad and pen and writing the word down.
"Oh, okay um... that's hard to say." Harry mumbled, staring blankly at the word.
May chuckled lightly before writing 'sympýknosi' under it. "There's the English lettering if that helps,"
Harry nodded, studying the word for a few moments. "Okay, can you repeat the word?"
"Συμπύκνωση," She repeated again.
Harry was quiet before trying to repeat the word back slowly. "See-pek-nos-e?"
"Close, less stress on the beginning and more on the 'pek' part."
Harry nodded before repeating it again. "Se-peak-no-se?"
May nodded. "Better, now try it with the charm."
Harry nodded and took the charm from May and sat down, concentrating on the ground in front of him. He remembered what May had said, that it was relatively simple and he shouldn't overthink it. He took a deep breath and held the charm tight before saying, "Συμπύκνωση," aloud.
Harry waited for a few moments and pouted when he saw nothing had happened. May gave him a sympathetic smile. "Just take a deep breath and try again, don't forget to concentrate on what you want to happen."
Harry nodded. "Okay,"
He took a slow breath before imagining the blades of grass covered in dew, before repeating, "Συμπύκνωση."
At first, it seemed like nothing had happened again. Before Harry could get frustrated, he could see small droplets begin to form on the blades. He grinned eagerly as May patted his shoulder lightly. "Good job!" She praised.
Harry looked up at her, his eyes shining, before returning his gaze to the blades, which were now drooping as the droplets of water grew bigger. He looked down at the blue and gold charm in his hand to see that the crystal in the middle of the charm was no longer as white and pure as it was before, now clouded and dull.
May smiled and walked over with another charm, having a similar crystal in the center, though it was still clear and white. "This one makes grass grow faster, it's the same sentiment as the συμπύκνωση charm. Concentrate on what you want it to do, grow the grass faster, then say λιπαίνω."
Harry nodded slowly. "What does that one mean?"
Harry snickered softly before nodding. "Li-pan-o?"
"Yep, that's right,"
Harry nodded and took the charm, looking at the ground in front of him. The dirt and soil had darkened from the dew building up as he took a deep breath and said, "Λιπαίνω.”
He grinned proudly as small needles of grass began to breach the surface of the dirt as the existing grass grew darker and longer. The crystal in the charm became cloudy just as the other had. May smiled proudly and patted his shoulder. "Great job, you're a natural at this!"
Harry looked down, his face tinted pink with embarrassment at the praise. "Thank you,"
May smiled at him before standing up. "Come on, let's get you that charm."
Harry nodded and stood after her, following her inside. "Now, this charm is just as easy as those charms you just used. The keyword to separate Venom from Peter is άδεια and the keyword to contain Venom is περιέχω."
Harry was quiet for a moment as he made a mental note of the two words. "To separate them is a-de-ya, and to contain Venom is pe-ri-eh-ho?"
"Yes, but you say άδεια faster, it's only two syllables, and you put an accent on the R for περιέχω."
Harry nodded and repeated the words under his breath a few times. May gave him a worried look as she grabbed a larger charm and walked over to Harry. She took his hands and carefully placed the charm in his grasp. "Now you need to be very careful. Don't break the crystal, it won't work if the crystal is broken, and after Venom is contained, the crystal will be very fragile. More fragile than glass. If it breaks, Venom will be free again. Once he's captured, put the charm somewhere where it will never be touched again,"
Harry nodded and held the charm close before looking up. "Uh, anything else I should know before I go to try and save Peter?"
May gave him a gentle smile. "Stay safe, alright? You can do this,"
Harry turned his gaze to the floor and smiled slightly. "I'll do my best,"
May grabbed his shoulders lightly. "I'll see you soon, Harry."
Harry looked up once again and smiled. "I'll see you soon too, May."
Harry reluctantly pulled away, holding the charm close, before making his way down the cliff face.
May watched him go without a word.
Harry was careful as he walked through the forest on high alert. He didn't want to be caught by Venom without the separation charm, but he couldn't risk the capture charm being broken as he tried to be quick but careful at the same time.
He was jumpy and paranoid the entire walk, only getting any sort of relief when he approached the giant sequoia. At least I'm in Gwen's section of the forest now. He thought as he made his way back into the foliage.
He slipped through the undergrowth and followed the natural paths that led to the mouth of Gwen's cave. He was very careful with his entry, not wanting the charm to get injured in any way, shape, or form. Finally, after a minute of maneuvering carefully, the cave opened up into the large cavern and Harry was quick to let out a breath of relief. He was safe.
He was quickly approached by a hopeful looking Miles. "Did you get it?"
Harry showed him the charm. "Yeah, May taught me how to use them too so I'm ready whenever you guys are,"
Miles let out a relieved sigh. "Oh thank the gods- so you'll be separating and capturing them?"
"If everything goes okay, then yeah."
Miles smiled excitedly before looking over his shoulder. Anya was walking over, looking tired but hopeful. "So we have a chance?"
"Yep, now we just need to find them."
"There's the hard part." Gwen sighed, following Anya out. "See, even if we had our powers, Demons can mask their auras so it's hard to find them. And without our powers, we're basically screwed."
Harry sighed and looked down. "So... what you're saying is he has to come to us."
Anya narrowed her eyes. "What are you suggesting?"
A sly grin crossed Harry's face. "Well, he's not gonna come to us under any normal circumstance. We just aren't a threat to him anymore, so we gotta make ourselves a threat."
Anya stood in the small clearing with Gwen and Miles. They casted a glance into the undergrowth where a spirit who was new to the forest, named Technitós, laid in wait. The young illusionist was using his powers to create a large artificial aura surrounding the Guardians.
"If Venom thinks you guys have your powers back, he'll get scared."
"He wasn't scared last time,"
"Well yeah, last time he had leverage, this time he has nothing."
The Guardians exchanged looks. "So we just need to convince him that we have our powers back?"
Harry nodded. "He might back off long enough for me to come in with the charm,"
Anya sat up. "I think I know someone who can help us,"
The others turned to her. "Oh?"
"A new spirit in my part of the forest, he's only been here a few days. I was going to introduce you guys to him but, well, things got complicated, obviously. His name is Technitós, he's an illusionist spirit. Along with just making illusions, he can also create a false aura, making him look stronger or weaker. He can probably make one around us,"
"Then we have everything we need, you all ready?"
"As we'll ever be,"
They all felt exhausted from being completely drained of their magic, but they kept their heads up, putting on a facade of strength.
After standing for what felt like hours, they heard swift footsteps in their direction. In a moment, Peter entered the clearing, his eyes blackened out and his expression furious. "How did you get your powers back?" Venom demanded.
Gwen took a threatening step forward. "You underestimate us,"
Venom snarled at her, the tips of Peter's fingertips changing into inky black claws. "You all made a mistake trying to challenge me,"
Harry slowly made his way out of the underbrush with the two charms as the Guardians stalled. He held the separation charm tight, his hands shaking, as he focused on Peter and whispered, "ádeias,"
A few seconds passed and Harry began to panic, whispering, "ádeias," again, more urgently.
When nothing happened, Harry’s blood ran cold. He had gotten the word wrong. He frantically tried to remember what the word was when he felt a sharp pain in his stomach and he was thrown aside. He looked up to see Venom looking outraged at him.
"You tried to trick me!" He screeched. "You'll all pay for that!"
Harry shakily looked down to see his stomach bleeding out. He wrapped his arms around the wound as the Guardians quickly began to panic. Venom turned to attack them before stuttering in his movements, making the onlookers take pause. He staggered for a moment before a low snarl erupted in his throat. "Get off of me," He whispered.
Harry watched for a moment before realizing it was Peter trying to take back control. He quickly looked around the ground, trying to find where he had dropped the separation charm, his entire body shaking. He panicked when he couldn't find it before Technitós appeared in front of him, wide-eyed and shaking but also holding the charms. "H-her-ere," He stuttered out.
Harry reached out for the separation charm, his arms shaking as he grabbed it and held it close. He looked over to Venom, who was snarling at him, before wheezing out, "A-"
He didn't manage to finish the word before Venom let out a furious shout and launched out a tendril, grabbing Harry by the neck and pinning him against a nearby tree. "SHUT UP! SHUT UP!"
Harry gagged and wheezed as he used one hand to grip the charm and the other to grab onto the tendril, trying to loosen it from his neck. Venom only tightened his grip however and snarled as Harry struggled to choke out the keyword.
The tendril recoiled a few inches as Peter struggled to force control again, his entire body shaking with effort as his eyes began to return to their usual green. "Get- get off of me!"
Harry gasped for air, his stomach bleeding as he struggled to take in air and reduce his pain however he could. He coughed wetly as he gripped the charm. "A-A-Αδεια," He coughed out.
Peter let out a loud shout as Venom was crudely ripped from his body and slid off of him like oil on water. Peter gasped and coughed for air, recovering from the sudden shock of being in control again.
Harry let out a relieved sigh and slumped down, nearly crying with relief. He put his hands on his stomach and let out a pained whimper as he was reminded of the messy tear. He tried to ignore his agony as he reached over to get the containment charm. A soft hand touched his arm, stopping him. "Don't move, Harry, someone's coming to heal you, I've got this."
Harry looked up to see Peter giving him a gentle look. He looked scared, though he was trying to keep his composure. The ravenet grabbed his hand tightly and let out a pained noise. "Don't- don't die,"
Peter gave him a pained look. "I should be telling you that," Peter moved his hair out of his face, his sweat keeping it where it was moved. "Just stay still for a few more minutes, we've got this, okay?"
Harry swallowed thickly and nodded as Peter stood up and walked over to where the charm laid. He picked up the grey and white artifact and turned to Venom. He didn't waste any time in absorbing the power he had stolen and returning it to Gwen, Anya, and Miles, before tightening his grip on the charm. "I was willing to help you because I thought you just wanted a place to belong." He scowled, looking angry and hurt. "I let you feed off of me, literally draining the life out of me, and you still betrayed me."
Peter looked down, angry tears forming in his eyes. "And look where that got me."
The others watched him mutely as he squeezed the charm. "Περιέχω."
Peter watched silently as the blob writhed for a few moments before dissolving into a black mist that was quickly sucked into the crystal in the middle of the charm. He looked down at the charm for a long moment before sighing. "Anyone wanna take this?" He asked, holding the charm away from him.
The newly rejuvenated Gwen approached. "I can keep it safe," She murmured softly.
Peter gave her a small smile before looking down and sighing. "Shit, I'm sorry I put you all through this..."
"It wasn't your fault, Peter. Demons are finicky like that, sometimes they're good, sometimes they aren't. You were just unlucky,"
Peter offered him a small smile before turning over to Harry and quickly walking over to his side. "Harry, are you still with us?"
The taller boy nodded. "Yeah, just- ow, shit, just..."
"Hurting, I know. Just relax, we'll get someone over here," Peter promised, turning his gaze to the injury.
He cast a glance over his shoulder to see Miles was already off going to find someone. He turned back to Harry and smiled. "You're gonna be okay,"
Harry forced a smile before making a pained noise. Peter cringed lightly before lightly lifting up Harry's shirt to check the damages. There was a gash about 4 inches long across his stomach. Peter couldn't tell how deep it was, but it wasn't good. Harry tried to look down and Peter cupped his face, keeping his head up. "No no, just keep your eyes on me." He murmured, pushing Harry's shirt back down.
Harry tilted his head back and let out a pained noise. "God damn this hurts," He choked out in a wet laugh.
Peter nodded. "I know, I know, Miles is on his way with someone who can help."
Peter comforted Harry for a long few minutes before Miles arrived with Ygeía. "Well, isn't this morbidly familiar?" The Dryad murmured, quickly moving to Harry's side.
Peter smiled weakly as she sat down beside him and quickly began healing his wounds. "Harry, this is Ygeía. She was the one who healed you when you first fell down the side of the cliff,"
Harry laughed softly before making a pained noise. "What a coincidence, saving me from dying again."
Peter chuckled softly. "Oh quiet, let Ygeía focus on healing you."
Harry smiled but clammed up, his eyes closing as his wounds were slowly stitched shut. The clearing fell silent except for the distant chirping of blue jays.
Harry fiddled with the hem of his suitcase as Peter stood in front of him, looking sad. "Promise you'll come up next summer?"
"I swear on it, and I'll see if I can come up in the winters too."
Peter smiled weakly. "You'd love the snow spirits, they're nice."
Harry's gaze softened as he reached out to grab Peter's hand. Peter took it and gave it a gentle squeeze. "See you in 9 months?" He murmured.
Harry smiled. "See you in 9 months."
As much as Harry wanted to stay and talk for longer, he knew he couldn't miss the bus. He walked over to May's truck, getting a ride down to the bus stop, and cast Peter one final glance before waving goodbye.
Only 9 more months.
It had been years since the events in the forest that summer had taken place. Harry had kept his promise and had visited as often as possible, doing what he could to preserve the forest so Peter and the others could live on as long as possible. They always expressed their gratitude whenever he came to see them.
But as time went on, Harry got older, and after a long 84 years of life, doing what he could to better the world around him, Harry knew his time was coming to an end.
His entire body ached as he laid on his back in the car. He knew what was happening, the people around him knew as well. A few of his employees and caretakers were with him, watching him fearfully as they drove. It was a long and painful drive for him, but one he needed to take.
They soon arrived onto the ever-so familiar gravel road. The bumps made his back ache even more as he let out small pained noises. His caretakers seemed anxious, wanting his ride to be as painless as possible. When they finally got to the forest, Harry almost wanted to cry with relief. He was almost home.
They got him onto a cot and brought him to the bed at the old cabin. He had managed to keep it in relatively good shape over the years at least. He was laid down on the mattress carefully. The caretakers sat down and watched wordlessly as Harry slowly began to drift. They knew what was coming, they were all aware of what was happening. Harry was leaving.
They watched quietly as the steady rising and falling of his chest slowed to a stop. After a minute or so, his heart soon followed, and they all knew he was gone.
Peter tended to May's old garden quietly. He and Harry had never stopped weeding the garden and tending to it, even after May had passed. They missed her, but it had been decades since she'd gone and both knew she was still around, though in a different way.
His mind wandered to Harry. A rush of love and affection washed over him as he thought about the other. Though they did have feelings for each other, both of them were afraid to pursue them, knowing the day would come when Harry would die and Peter would be left alone. He didn't like the thought.
He lifted his head as he finished yanking out the small weeds and he made a pleased noise as Astelle trotted over with a bucket. "Are those the last of the weeds?" She asked, picking some of them up and tossing them in the compost.
Peter nodded. "Yep, that's it. Almost time to start planting the Marigolds, don't you think?"
Astelle nodded in agreement. "I'll ask Gwen for some seeds if you want me too,"
"If you could," Peter hummed, standing up and brushing off his pants. "By the way, have you seen Harry yet?"
"Has he not come to see you?"
"No, not yet."
"Huh, weird."
Peter only nodded and glanced up at the clear sky. He could see a distant plane flying far above. "I wonder when he'll get here."
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1989xtaylorsversion · 4 years ago
olivia jade’s quest for redemption + if she deserves a second chance.
if you weren’t living under a rock in march 2019, then i’m sure you’re aware of the college admissions scandal that was exposed to the public. here’s a brief rundown: wealthy families who bribed prestigious colleges in order to secure a spot for their seemingly unqualified children, were exposed for breaking the law and faced the consequences. however, i use the word consequences in the loosest sense possible since our justice system isn’t exactly fair and balanced, as proven by the jail time served by these law breakers. anyway, among these criminals were actresses felicity huffman and lori loughlin, lori’s husband mossimo giannulli, and their 2 daughters olivia jade and bella.
there were countless people involved, but since these few individuals are celebrities and influencers (still hate that word), they got the brunt of the criticism since they’re in the public eye. the person i’m going to be focusing on in this post is olivia jade (pictured below), given the fact that she’s a youtuber, and someone i never would’ve expected to be caught up in something like this. that’s probably naive on my part since she’s a wealthy white woman in america, but i used to be a long time subscriber, so i felt like she wouldn’t be the type of person to do something so dishonest.
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spoiler alert: she’s totally that type.
i’m not going to go too far into the past, because everyone else already has. instead, i’m going to give my opinions based on her current self. a couple of months ago ms. olivia jade graced our screens once again on the “Red Table Talk” and let’s be real, that was a mistake on her part. anyone who believes olivia’s a changed woman based on her words alone is incredibly naive. i’ll admit, when i was watching her interview, i did think she learned some lessons. she acknowledged how her privilege clouded her good judgment for most of her life, and she has since then made an effort to be better. however, when she was saying how she believes she deserves a second chance is where she lost me.
olivia’s 21, which is fairly still young. it’s great that she realizes she has privilege and whatnot, but she doesn’t deserve anything. no one owes her a single thing. if people don’t want to forgive her, they’re allowed to feel that way. her coming on a show hosted by black women (which is a problem on its own) for redemption, without demonstrating real growth and change is meaningless.
if someone ever asks for your forgiveness without showing you the steps they took in order to become a better person, you should not forgive them. i don’t want olivia to tell me why she deserves a second chance, i want her to show me. it was all talk, and no show. what that tells me is that she just wants to go back to making mediocre youtube videos and gaining back her influencer status without putting in the work to prove to people that she’s really learned her lesson. how does she expect her audience to be able to trust her without solid proof of her new self? she lost all integrity the second her name was printed in the magazines, and getting it back isn’t going to be an easy task.
the interview was also pretty lackluster, because they didn’t actually hit her with the tough questions. maybe it was for legal reasons, but why didn’t they question her more about her involvement in all of this? we know she posed for the rowing pictures, so why didn’t they ask her about that? she can’t plead ignorance, and then in the same breath go on and on about how people around her were doing the same things to get ahead simply because their wealth and privilege allowed them to do so. which is it, olivia? were you blissfuly ignorant of the whole scam or were you alright with it because it’s just what everyone does?
something i want to remind people is the infamous picture olivia posted in august 2019 in which she decided to flip everyone off and tagged multiple media outlets for good measure. now, maybe that was when she was still ignorant and unaware of her privilege, as stated in the interview, or maybe she just felt like making an ever bigger fool of herself. that’s something else i wish they had grilled her on. why make that post in the first place? what has she learned since she posted and deleted it? also, since they falsely applied as athletic recruits, they took 2 spots away from probably more deserving candidates. do they even realize that? do they feel sorry for that? what will they do to make up for their deplorable and selfish actions? i almost wish i had conducted that interview, since jada let her off the hook on seemingly all of the important topics.
i do think some people deserve a second chance, but only when they’ve proven that they’re a changed person. olivia uploading 2 new videos and going on about her business without showing any kind of growth is meaningless to me. time will tell if she’s a different person or not. on a personal level, i hope she has learned her lesson and understands how her and her family’s despicable actions indirectly and directly affected everyone. actions are worth more than words. until she can prove to the world at large that she’s not that ignorant, stupid girl who can’t take accountability for her actions, i really don’t want any part in helping to restore her integrity and good girl image. i don’t wish anything bad on her, but until she stops being all talk and no show, she shouldn’t expect any kindness or forgiveness from the public anytime soon.
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