#eventual roceit
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sanderssidesthehouse · 7 months ago
A couple people have been interested in my character and ship playlists so I'm going to share what is currently in a presentable state (none of them are complete, but they will also never be complete bc I don't cap my playlists ever). I'll update this with more playlists at some point, I'll link this post in my pinned. Feel free to ask me questions about song choices or send me rec's!
Sides: I'm sharing all the side playlists even though some are short, well actually they're all short by my standards bc I like long playlists, but I digress.
Ships: I am only sharing ship playlists that currently have a decent amount of songs on them.
Anxceit (You can't see the full description on mobile so here's what it says: "Maybe it's about what was. Maybe it's about what could have been. Maybe it's about what is. Maybe it's about what could never be. Idk, I just work here. Maybe it's Maybelline.")
About multiple sides but not in a ship way:
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unhinged-jaw · 10 months ago
Heyyyy I made some ts ship playlists :]
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edupunkn00b · 2 years ago
Chapters: 15/15 Fandom: Sanders Sides (Web Series) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Creativity | Roman "Princey" Sanders/Deceit | Janus Sanders Characters: Deceit | Janus Sanders, Logic | Logan Sanders, Creativity | Roman "Princey" Sanders, Dark Creativity | Remus "The Duke" Sanders, Sleep | Remy Sanders, Kelly Croft - OC, Arizona Tate - OC, Anxiety | Virgil Sanders Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Human, Homophobia, Developing Relationship, Developing Friendships, Abusive Relationships, Swearing, Janus likes to swear, Platonic Loceit, Slow Burn, Roceit - Freeform, himbros, Creativitwins, Angst, i swear to logic there is eventual comfort, and occassional fluffy scenes Series: Part 2 of Logan, Janus, Roman, Remus Summary:
It's 2001, Seattle, Washington.
Janus Pater has fought every obstacle - literally and figuratively - to survive as long as he has. Logan Croft is a young father and is married to his old college girlfriend, Kelly. Their law professor's flippant partner assignment has forced these two disparately orbiting men together.
Roman and Remus Prince are sophomores at the associated undergraduate college. To their fellow students, they're identical, however they approach life and solve their problems in very different ways.
Somehow, (most of) their paths cross in one way or another. Buckle up, because it's a bumpy ride.
Playlist for this story is on Spotify.
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radioactive-dazey · 7 months ago
Overgeneralizing Sanders Sides fanfiction: Roceit edition
Janus: I'm so incredibly Infatuated with Roman but I either don't realize it or confuse my feelings for contempt, disdain, and hatred. My wanting to get close to him is just so I can use the knowledge I gather against him and continue being the evil slimy boy everyone thinks of me as. Now if you'll excuse me I have a date to go get ready for.
Roman: I'm so incredibly insecure that I'm actively letting Janus butter me up but internally I'm terrified of him and will never fully trust him. I'm cautious of his compliments and kindness, despite how much I want to believe him. When I realize I've fallen for him I will suddenly close myself off and distance myself, OR I will ignore it and let myself get further involved with him. We'll have a massive fight right before the climax, and I'll be heartbroken for a few chapters. Eventually we confess to each other and it's the first step of Janus's acceptance with the other sides.
Meanwhile, in the Canon:
Janus: I'd sell you out for a corn chip.
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anxiousgaypanicking · 10 months ago
rephrased it as posts bc im posting all of them eventually, this'll just dictate the order :)
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dndeceit · 2 months ago
A bit late for "new years" stuff, but thought I'd put out a little about my fic writing plans for the next year...
(Plus some miscellaneous other plans. This is a journal post.)
I've got two stories right now tied neck and neck for being the first new fic of the year.
One is the sequel to "Nails in the Coffin" which I've been working on more or less since I posed the fic (or longer, technically, since Nails sat finished for almost half a year before I actually posted it). That one's going to focus mainly on finishing Logan's arc and actually seeing Thomas deal with moving forward and how he learns to cope with the whole...vampire thing, but there's plenty of the other sides as well.
The other is an expanded version of a prompt I filled last year. So the cute little one-shot I originally finished has grown about five more chapters and is a lot less cute and a lot angstier (though, still, with a nicely hopeful ending).
The rest of this is stuff I know I'll work on but can only hope I'll finish:
For the Fallout AU, I have three fics I'm focusing on. One picks up with Virgil and Janus after "But Someday the Sun Will Shine" and one follows after "Crawl Out Through the Fallout" (where Marcus continues to be best boy and Virgil gets a much needed hug). I've also made significant progress in a fic that will cover Roman and Remus's backstory (which is a lot of fun to write because the first one so far that ties in directly to the actual games).
Some others that I might wind up working on if the mood strikes me:
A pre/sequel to "A Game of Tea and Dragons" where we learn how Roman met his questing companions and what happens after the curse is broken.
The proper sequel/third entry in the Party Games AU with Janus figuring out how to handle the werewolf nonsense (and also how to deal with his friends insisting on being there for him every step of the way).
Part two of "A Kiss by the Sea", moving ahead with my original plans for that fic (i.e. actually getting to the Roceit in the Roceit fic that was requested).
My Among Us AU, which is probably going to be the next "big" project just as soon as "Salt for Salt is finished with.
A cute and creepy gothic horror/kiddie horror story focused on kid!Logan uncovering a supernatural mystery.
Two fics that were scrapped versions of prompt fills because I realized they were missing key parts of the request, forcing me to start over again. (I liked what I had, but if it wasn't what the requester asked for, better to start over and do these versions later).
Other plans outside of writing:
I'm finally getting back into the mood to play (and possibly run) DnD. I won't go into detail, but I was dealing with quite a bit of burnout before, which was keeping me from playing. A lot of factors were involved, including issues with the business choices of the people at WotC, the primary GM in my group wandering away from DnD (but not really sticking to any of the new systems he tried), an eventual friend break-up in the gaming group with said GM, and a lack of interest in learning the new edition (new 5e? 5e2024? whatever it's called). But I've finally joined one of my friends' New5e games...
I've recently been drawn back to thinking about the Ravenloft setting (which was a much earlier hyperfixation of mine). I'm...cautiously excited that, after so many years of playing 5e, now that my friends are a bit more experienced, they're open to the idea of playing 3.5e. Which means that I won't have to do as much conversion to actually run a proper Ravenloft experience.
Ravenloft the setting is a whole different animal than has been presented in the 5e materials, and I'm looking forward to exploring that version of the Land of Mists again...
(Let's just hope that this energy doesn't wind up distracted toward a Sanders Sides Ravenloft AU, because the last thing I need is another WIP...)
If I get this off the ground I might start doing campaign journaling here, but if I do I'll have a tag so that those following me for Sanders Sides and Fic Rec Fridays and the like can block them.
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roceit-countdown · 7 months ago
Roceit is so severely underrated they are easily my favorite ship (prinxiety? Who's she, never heard of her)
They just got this hero and villain dynamic (more better phrased as the protagonist and antagonist but yall get it) and it's just SO FREAKING GOOD ARG! They're both so sassy and play off each other so well, and the ANGST potential is just so high.
Moceit works because they're on two ends of the spectrum and the whole morality/Deceit thing plays off super well. Anexceit works mostly bc of the mystery surrounding their past relationship. Demus works bc they canonly hang out together and seem to like each other, being a couple of loser outcasts /lh. Loceit works bc Logan needs someone to listen to him. And Roceit WORKS bc I SAY SO
I feel like nobody talks about how ambitious they both are, Janus is just a little more self serving than Roman is. Gah. Man I just love them so much. I adore them.
"Oh but Janus is mean/Roman is a little bitch/they don't like each other" Yes but have you considered how much that hurts my feelings and how much I think they should kiss??? Hmm??
(Rociet and Prinxiety may live in peace Roman has two hands)
YES I LOVE THEM ARUG I love rociet angst it's so good
And Literally like! They are so similar honesty- hell in Janus' first appearance didn't he did like theater puns/nicknames to himself? Thats such a Roman thing to do
They both honesty tend to have the same goals in mind for Thomas, but since Roman has this view of himself where he has to be this knight in shining Armour, and he has to be "good" (not fully his fault, he kind of is getting the draw backs of Patton's own morality issues. Plus there is Remus to consider) then Roman isntrying to distance himself from Janus and arugggg. Idk I started rambling but yeah!! They are really alike! If they can just make up they would he so perfect togther
No you are right they should kiss. They are allowed to be a little mean to each other rn as a treat but they can still kiss eventually (please)
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loganslowdown4 · 1 year ago
A little check in for Intrulogical or Roceit hcs ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ゙
Hmmm lemme think!
Well for Intrulogical, I do have a very real canon theory for them that they may team up and be the bridge between the light sides and the dark. Since the show (the main story at least) seems to be very ‘us vs them’, and since Logan and Remus had an episode together, Logan did say that Remus could eventually have a positive purpose down the road. I see that as Logan taking a first step to understanding him and the dark sides in general. They both have ‘not being listened to’ in common and they both have an uncanny way of always telling the truth. To the point where the others never want to hear it if it’s bad.
Sounds like bonding grounds to me!
As for roceit, I love that they’re both theatre gays. I can see Roman definitely encouraging Janus to audition with him. But for some reason (I don’t know WHY lol) Janus always gets cast as the villain and Roman the hero! Argh! Well Janus has a snit about that bc it’s happened more than once but Roman holds his hand and reassures him that no matter what, even if the play they’re in doesn’t have it written, they are the kind of enemies that always end up as lovers. And winks at him. Which flusters Janus to no end, and usually he’s so cool and smooth but Roman just gets under his scales, that pompous prince! Still, his idea doesn’t sound TOO bad, eh? Mmhmm 😉
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t4tprinzzy · 5 months ago
i can’t remember if i posted about this au but here’s the prince of your dreams (roceit-ish?)
janus is romantically pursued by roman in high school
he lies about liking someone else (logan) to let roman down easy
roman eventually finds out about the lie and gets mad at janus
years pass, they’re in their mid to late twenties now i’d say
roman is a stage actor now and janus decides to go to a show to support him
realizes suddenly during the show “wtf i might have feelings for roman now”
doesn’t tell him for obvious reasons but wants to spend some time with him just as friends
they hang out and janus goes to every show, and they’re really getting close now
but during the final performance janus realizes he’s not attracted to roman; he’s attracted to the character roman plays
i haven’t figured out how, but roman finds out that janus feels this way and is like. really upset about it. cos he thinks janus is using him (maybe janus started writing fanfic about the character and ships the character with his self insert, and roman ends up finding it somehow? tbd)
i haven’t figured out the ending but i know it won’t end with romance lmao if anyone has any ideas im all ears
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a-small-batch-of-dragons · 2 years ago
hiii feel free to ignore this if ur not taking request(im sorry if thats the case) but i love your roman angst fics and i know this isnt very specific but could you make some more roman hurt/comfort with janice? other than that i just really want to say is your writing is excellent, i think how you describe wanting to disappear really accurately(if that makes sense lol). as someone who has many issues with that when you write it it makes it feel more real. <3 – anon
Read on AO3
Warnings: none
Pairings: roceit, can be platonic or romantic you decide
Word Count: 1375
Some rivalries are best put to rest.
    "Hey, you okay?"
Roman looked up and quickly wiped his eyes. Janus stood a few feet away, hands twisted into his cloak. "Yes. I'm—I'm fine."
He scuffed his boot against the carpet. "Well, you don't seem fine."
Shit. "Look—" he pushed himself to sit a little straighter, plastering a smile on his face— "really, really, I'm okay."
Janus gave him a look, eyes narrowing. Roman swallowed. His hands balled into fists and he looked down.
"Just go away, please?"
I'm not gonna cry in front of you. I'm not going to fucking cry in front of you. You're not getting the satisfaction.
Distantly, he heard footsteps get closer, then rustling of clothes as someone sat next to them.
"…I know I may not be the someone you want to talk to," came the quiet voice, "but I…"
He swallows.
"Obviously I'm capable of leaving you like this."
Roman's fists clenched. "You're never had a problem leaving me like this before."
Janus makes a noise of surprise. "I've never left you like this!"
Anger flared bright and bitter and Roman's head snapped up, glaring. "Yes, you have, I've just never let you see it!"
At the sight of Janus' mouth falling open in shock, he drew back a little. He's—okay, he may have never let Janus see how badly he was hurt, but he'd never seen Janus so visibly hurt. Not like this, at any rate. He decided he didn't like it.
After a few seconds, he looked at the ground again, absentmindedly chewing his lip.
Shouldn't have yelled. Should've been nicer. After all, here Janus was, genuinely trying to be supportive and what was Roman doing? Being a jerk, like always, and it's not Janus' burden to suffer.
"Just leave," he mumbled, hugging his knees to his chest, "you don't have to feel bad about it or anything. I'm sorry I yelled at you."
He missed the way Janus looked over, hurt and guilt fading behind concern as he watched goosebumps begin to rise under the thin white sleeve of Roman's costume. He missed the way his expression softened further, gaze flicking over his face once more. He missed the way Janus took a deep breath, as if pondering something, before letting it out as he came to a decision.
"Hey," he said quietly, nudging Roman until he looked up, "I'm going to do an impression of you."
Roman's chest clenched. If Janus was just going to mock him—
He gasped as warm hands cupped his cheeks, gentle fingers tucking bits of hair behind his ears.
"Shh," Janus murmured, his voice gentler than Roman had ever heard it, "I know it doesn't feel like it right now, but it's going to be alright. You're going to be okay. I'm right here."
Roman's eyes widened, breath catching in his throat. Janus shifted closer, one hand cupping the back of his head as another began to gently brush the tears from his face.
"I know it's hard right now," he murmured, still far, far too soft, "but you're doing great. I'm here for you, however you want me to be."
A bit of the Janus he recognized reappeared as he smiled. "I told you, I'm doing an impression of you."
Roman stared at him, gaze darting over his face to try and find the lie, the trick, the deception that must be there. "But how did you—"
"Figure out it's what you needed too?" He brushed away another tear. "It's like you said, isn't it? 'We all eventually become the person we needed when no one was there?'"
"…you remember that?"
Janus blinked, a light pink dusting the top of his ears as he looked away. "I do listen to you, Roman."
If the warm hands on his face weren't still sending volts and jitters through his body, perhaps he wouldn't have asked. But the tenderness had blindsided him and he did.
"…what else is in this impression of me?"
"Well, normally, you ask if someone wants advice or if they just want you to listen." Roman nodded, still taken aback that Janus knew that. "Are you asking why I didn't do that?"
At his nod, Janus smiled and shifted, easing a cramp in his leg.
"I've seen you ask Patton and Logan," he said, "and the two of them jump to giving you advice, don't they? As if you haven't already thought of plans A-Z and tried everything yourself, Creativity."
The role, thrown in his face so often, sounds dangerously close to an endearment as it leaves Janus' mouth.
"So I figured you probably wouldn't want that."
Janus…knew that. He'd watched—he'd seen Patton and Logan try to help him when he was upset. And somehow he'd known—he knew it was wrong.
Guilt about snapping at him earlier settled heavily in his stomach.
"I didn't know you cared."
Janus paused, hands stilling. He swallowed, ears flushing again but this time, he held his gaze.
"I do," he said clearly. "Care, that is."
Far away, a car drove down the street, dull roars fading into silence. Roman swallowed and nodded.
Fuck it.
"Yeah?" Janus smiled as Roman inched a little closer. "Would you like some comfort?"
Roman nodded again, almost frantically. Janus just held out his arms.
"C'mere, then."
The angle was awful. Their knees were in each other's ribcages. Their shoulders wouldn't fit together. The sofa started digging into their legs, but it was perfect.
When was the last time someone held him like this?
"Hang on, let me just—" Janus moved his leg, sitting almost sideways on the sofa so Roman could scoot into the open space— "there."
One hand cupped the back of his head, another rubbing his back. He was so there, so warm and solid and so much better than sitting alone in the dark on the cold couch. The sobs he'd worked so hard to trap in his chest tore from his throat.
"Hey, hey," came the soft voice, "shh-shh-shh, it's okay, you're safe."
He felt the hold on him shift as Janus started to pull away and flailed, grabbing hold of him before he could let go. Sillily, selfishly, stupidly—
"Whoa, whoa, easy sweetie, I'm not going anywhere?" A finger tilted his chin up. "Are you okay? Am I hurting you? No? Okay."
Slowly, the arms returned, holding loosely at first before Roman whimpered and it tightened.
"Let it out," Janus murmured, "it's okay. I won't go anywhere."
He cried.
Janus held him the whole time, occasionally murmuring things like you're safe, I've got you, or try and match your breathing to mine, that's it, or shh, shh, I'm right here, I'm right here.
Eventually, he sagged against him, exhausted. Janus chuckled gently, helping him adjust until he was practically dipped in his arms. He brushed away some of the hair and smiled as Roman shifted, wiping his face with his sleeve.
"That seemed like a lot," he said quietly, "you feel any better?"
"Face is all poufy. And my head hurts."
"Yeah, crying will do that."
"Which one?" Janus just grinned. Roman sniffled again.
"Thank you."
Instead of something like no problem, or you owe me, Janus suddenly looked nervous. "I, um, forgot something. Of my impression of you."
Janus leaned down and slowly pressed a kiss to his forehead.
Why did you do that? How did you know I do that? How many times have you seen me do that? How many times have you wanted to do that? How come I didn't get to kiss you first?
What came out instead was: "You're gonna make me cry again."
"Okay," Janus whispered, kissing his forehead again, "crybaby."
The nickname never sounded so sweet.
General Taglist: @frxgprince@potereregina@gattonero17@iamhereforthegayshit@thefingergunsgirl@awkwardandanxiousfander@creative-lampd-liberties@djpurple3@winterswrandomness@sanders-sides-uncorrect-quotes@iminyourfandom@bullet-tothefeels@full-of-roman-angst-trash  @ask-elsalvador @ramdomthingsfrommymind@demoniccheese83@pattonsandershugs @el-does-photography @princeanxious@firefinch-ember@fandomssaremysoul@im-an-anxious-wreck@crazy-multifandomfangirl @punk-academian-witch@enby-ralsei@unicornssunflowersandstuff@wildhorsewolf @thetruthaboutthesun @stubbornness-and-spite @princedarkandstormv  @your-local-fookin-deadmeme @angels-and-dreams@averykedavra @a-ghostlight-for-roman @treasurechestininterweb @cricketanne @queerly-fluid-fan @compactdiscdraws@cecil-but-gayer@i-am-overly-complicated@annytheseal@alias290@tranquil-space-ninja @arxticandy @mychemically-imbalanced-romance@whyiask@crows-ace @emilythezeldafan@frida0043 @ieatspinalcords @snowyfires@cyanide-violence@oonagh2@xxpanic-at-the-everywherexx@rabbitsartcorner @percy-07734@triflingassailantofmyemotions @virgil-sanders-the-gay-emo@cerulean-watermelon@puffed-up-bees@meltheromanstan@joyrose-fandomer@insanitori@mavenmush@justablah65@10paradox10@uhhh-hi-there-i-am-nervous@cutebisexualmess@bella-bugatti-frogetti-baguetti@ultrageekygirl
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glacierruler · 2 years ago
Janus's character sheet/background
Taglist: @hyperfixated-homo @cutebisexualmess @prince-rowan-of-the-forest Please tell me if you'd like to be added/removed
Ships: eventual anaroceit, eventual intrulogical, preestablished roceit.
CWs: fantasy religion
Wanted to be part snake ever since he was a young boy, and made a deal with the goddess of nature, Rae, at the age of 15. Some nobles view this as a curse, but it's really a blessing. Whenever he gets the chance he prays to Rae, thanking them for giving him his scales.
Lacks balance because one eye is a snake eye. Uses a Cane when walking, but is usually on his horse, outside the palace, which helps him balance. Even if he's just leaning against her. Rouisha is the horse's name
Is the guard to and dating the Crown Prince Roman. When the Crown Prince is sent on an adventure so is he. Making sure the prince is safe is his top priority.
However he is rather stuck up in nature, and will do almost anything to keep his noble title. While he does believe that he should give his respect to those above him in status, just like those below Janus should give him respect, it can be lost. Sometimes rather easily. It's hard to gain his respect back. (I swear some of this changes as he goes on adventures, this is just how he is rn) He is also very vengeful if you hurt him or someone he loves.
Janus is a ranger and is 5'0
Strength: 15
Dexterity: 12
Constitution: 12
Intelligence: 15
Wisdom: 15
Charisma: 19
Feel free to ask questions! :)
Virgil / Patton / Logan / Roman / Remus
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lily-janus · 2 years ago
Someone Like You - Chapter 4
Chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3 | next
Summary: the inevitable clush between the two ex-friends.
Pairings: roceit
Warnings: disability, public humiliation, painful history, angst. I think that's it but let me know if I missed anything.
Word count: 1,183
It's that time of the week again folks! And this time I bring you the first chapter that was written by me only! Hope you all enjoy^^ @prince-rowan-of-the-forest
"That's a terrible idea." Janus deadpanned as Roman finished telling him his next idea for their project.
It was a few days after he… after they toured the potential places of filming their little film.
"What? Why? We can't film it with just the both of us! We need a crew!" Roman protested.
"A different crew, then." Janus said stubbornly.
"Oh c'mon, what's wrong with my friends?" Roman folded his arms over his chest, waiting for Janus' answer.
"I… They don't know anything about film-making." Janus tried to come up with an excuse. Roman might treat him nicely for some unknown reason Janus is still trying to figure out, but that doesn't say anything about the rest of his friends. And.. of course there's um… There's Virgil.
So, obviously Janus can't work with them, he does not have the energy to deal with what that entailed.
"Yes they do! I promise, plus they're really nice and great people… Well, Logan can be a bit stiff but he does have a good heart." Roman continued insisting.
"Just… no, okay?" For fuck's sake that sounded so pathetic, what's wrong with him? Well… besides the obvious.
There was a beat of silence in which Janus could feel Roman's gaze studying him.
"What's your problem with my friends? You don't even know them. I promise they won't judge if that's what you're worried about." Roman said again, though much softer this time.
"I just… I prefer to avoid meeting new people." He settled on, eventually. Which was half truth, true, he hated meeting new people. But, unfortunately, Virgil is far from 'new people'.
"Ohhh I see." Roman said, and Janus let out a sigh of relief. "I'll help you then!" Roman said immediately after, dragging Janus away from the lockers before he processed what was happening.
"What? No! Roman! Let go of me!" He almost dropped his cane from the surprise-dragging, left leg aching as he struggled to keep up and free himself from Roman's grip.
Someone must have walked towards them in Janus' blindspot and bumped straight into him, making him lose his balance and fall painfully on his behind. He heard some faint chuckles and his cheeks burned in embarrassment.
He lost his cane during the fall and attempted to crawl towards it when he saw a hand in front of his face.
"Janus! Oh gosh I'm so sorry… Are you okay? Can I help y-" Roman said distressingly above him.
"I think…" Janus cut him off, "you've helped enough" he hissed at him, finally reaching his cane and using it to help him get back on his feet without Roman's help.
Roman looked down in shame, "right… sorry, I just thought you'll see him coming your way and-" he tried to explain himself but Janus was already walking away, trying to ignore the laughter that followed him.
"O-okay… see you after school for our project okay?!" He shouted over the rackous in the hallway but Janus didn't grace him with a response.
Despite not answering Roman about whether or not they'll be meeting after school, he still found him waiting for him outside of his last class. He would have loved to ignore him and go home but they still had a project to finish and he did not feel like failing this class.
Roman bit his lip, "listen, about earlier-"
"Just forget about it, what are we doing today?" Janus cut off his less-than-genuine-apology.
Roman sighed, seeming to have expected this reaction, "...if that's what you want… I thought we could work on our costumes today but…" he hesitated.
"But what?"
"Well, as much as I hate to admit it, Virgil is way better than me when it comes to sewing… but I know you two have a history so… I guess we'll do our best with my skills." He laughed awkwardly.
Janus huffed, "how bad can it be?"
"Um… sewing-my-hand-into-the-fabric kind of bad?"
Janus swore under his breath, heart aching in his chest as he realized there's not going to be any way around it. Life just keeps being oh so kind to him. "Fine… whatever, let's go to Virgil's and get this over with."
Roman smiled in relief, "oh good, I'm sure this won't be awkward at all!" Janus would have said that sentence with a lot more sarcasm but Roman seems to really mean it, ignorance is bliss I guess.
"Oh, Roman, what's up man?" Virgil said in surprise when he opened the door, "...and Janus… long time no see?" He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly as he noticed his ex-friend at the doorway as well.
"I don't want to be here anymore than you want me here, trust me." Was all Janus said as he walked inside after Roman.
"...good to see you too." Virgil sighed, closing the door behind them. "Roman, what did we say about springing upon me human interaction without warning? Texting is not very complicated, you know." He said tiredly, leading them to his room.
"Sorry, Virge, it was kind of last minute and I forgot to notify you, we won't be long though, just need your help with our English project." Roman apologized, Janus staying silent beside him, trying his best to sink into the floor but not really succeeding.
"Oh, the Macbeth one? What do you need me for?" Virgil asked, walking to sit on his bed.
Janus tried readlly really hard to ignore the pinch of nostalgia this place brought, Virgil's room especially… he does not cherish those memories at all… in case you were wondering. He knows now it was all fake, Virgil was just his friend as long as he was his only option, once he got more, he was more than happy to ditch him for those…. Not that Janus cared, alone suited him just fine.
"...what do you think, Janus?"
He was suddenly aware of everyone's eyes on him and he realized he spaced out without noticing. "Um… it's great!" He hoped that fit with the question Roman asked him.
Roman and Virgil exchanged looks, "ah… we asked if it was okay if I measured you guys before I start working on Roman's designs? Are you okay?" Virgil said, frowning at him.
Janus huffed in annoyance, "like you care… and yes, fine, whatever, just make it quick."
Virgil rolled his eyes, "of course, wouldn't want to make you suffer in my company for more than necessary."
"Aw c'mon, Virge, he didn't mean that-"
"Yes, that'll be appreciated, thank you." Janus agreed.
"Janus!" Roman protested.
"I don't know what's your issue with me, I never ditched anyone to hang with the more popular kids the first chance I got. Virgil on the other hand…" Janus spat, watching Virgil's gaze turn downward.
"That's not what happened, and you know it." He said quietly.
Janus gripped his cane and turned to face the door, "keep telling yourself that." He opened the door and made to leave.
"Wait! What about-"
"I'll measure myself at home and send it to you, goodbye." And he walked away without another word.
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Assassination? (chapter 2)
Roman has been asleep for three and a half days, that doesn't make Janus' companions any more welcoming towards him when he wakes up.
| Ao3 | Previous part |
Warnings: None that I'm aware of, other than Virgil being kinda a dick.
Pairings: pre-romantic roceit,
Word count: 3319
Honestly I wasn't sure I was going to make a part two for this, I might write a third part, to get a real insight into their flirting and being cute whilst on the road, this one's more just a 'direct aftermath' lol.
I would like to put out a warning now that I might not be able to update every week from here on, since I have exams from now until late June. I do still have a bunch of chapters pre-written for the anaroceit Royalty au though, so whenever I don't have something new finished, I'll probably post that!
Also I will be putting out a poll this week, I just completely forgot about it, lol.
Please enjoy!
It had been three days since they left the city and Roman still hadn’t woken up. Janus’ trio had picked up the reward for the prince’s assassination (carefully hiding Roman under blankets and bags while they did so) and hadn’t stopped travelling since. Word of the prince’s death travelled just as fast as they did, though, and no matter where they stopped someone was talking about it. The flying rumours made it difficult to stop anywhere for long, especially with the still breathing prince himself concealed in their wagon, so they’d been taking turns to sleep on the road instead. At least things should get easier when Roman wakes up.
Janus wouldn’t say aloud that he was worried about the prince - three days was far too long to be asleep - but he was also certain that Virgil and Logan had picked up on his stiffness regardless. It didn’t help much that Virgil was still angry with him for kidnapping the prince in the first place and Logan was irritated that they now had to take all sorts of detours to avoid villages that did wagon checks to make sure no-one checking for illegal produce found him or guards who might spot the prince and raise the alarms. 
He didn’t blame them for being upset with him, really. He had messed up the mission and put all three of them in danger by bringing the prince here. But at the same time… those amber eyes still haunted his dreams and Janus really hoped the prince would wake up soon…
Roman woke up slowly to bright light behind his still closed eyelids and a painful, throbbing headache hammering at the inside of his skull. He felt groggy, like his mind was stuffed with cotton wool and he was floating through a vat of honey. His limbs were heavy, feeling more like blocks of wood than arms and legs, and his mouth was dry as sandpaper. 
As his senses slowly returned, Roman registered that he was wrapped in some form of blanket, all the way around like a cocoon, up to his neck. His head rested on something lumpy, a little scratchy against his cheek and just left of firm. Stupidly, Roman’s foggy mind provided the idea that… he definitely wasn’t in his bedroom back at the castle. 
Slowly, as he laid there with his eyes still closed, Roman began to piece together the memories of what had happened. His mind still felt as though it was stuffed with wool, but slowly he put together the puzzle, an assassin, the vial of poison, the deal, multi-colored eyes - blue and yellow - snake scales that had glistened in the candlelight…
Part of him had expected Janus to bail on him. It would have made sense, he could have ran whilst Roman was asleep, it would have been the most logical thing to do. He would've gotten his reward and been able to move on. That same part of him hadn’t even minded the idea. Poison - or even a knife to the throat, if Janus had so chosen - whilst he was sleeping wouldn't have been the worst way to go.
But nevermind all that, because Roman was apparently not dead, just… incredibly uncomfortable. 
When he did eventually manage to move his limbs - starting with just a twitch of his finger - he realised that not only did he feel stiff and like all his joints had locked up, but he ached basically everywhere, his shoulders, his back, his legs and arms, his neck. It left him wondering just how long he had slept for - and where. He could smell the barest hint of salt in the air. Maybe they were by the ocean? 
Roman took a deep breath - he really could do with some water right around now - and peeled open his eyes only to shut them again when the blaring sun above him made the pounding in his head almost double. When he slowly opened his eyes again, he saw not the sun this time, but an unfamiliar face staring back at him which… least to say startled him quite a bit. 
Roman was pretty sure he was tall, though he couldn’t quite tell exactly how tall, considering he was lying on what was likely the floor and this guy was standing almost directly over him, which… a little weird, but he already knew this wasn’t going to be like what he was used to. That was fine. His hair was long and unkempt, scraggly black mixed with purple and a little dull green and blue, skin pale as milk and a little sunken with eyes that looked a little too big on his face and were an almost ghostly pale blue. Roman found himself thinking he looked pretty creepy before correcting his thoughts, sure he looked a little creepy, but that was just because he was different from Roman. He wouldn’t let his parents' biases speak for him here. 
Though the way he was silently and unblinkingly staring at him was starting to become increasingly unsettling regardless.
Roman shifted, attempting to ease the ache in his neck, and the stranger seemed to come out of a trance, turning away and yelling something that Roman’s brain refused to comprehend with his throbbing headache and the stranger’s unfamiliar accent. 
Whilst they were gone, Roman tried to sit up and found that it just made his head spin and throb even more. He settled instead for stretching out his limbs and trying to regain feeling in the rest of his body. 
Moments later, something was pressed into his hand by another unfamiliar figure, this person was crouched next to him, so he couldn’t discern his height in comparison to the other stranger, what he could discern was the strangers blue-tinted dark skin, dotted with silver freckles, his eyes like pools of murky blue water and hair resembling what Roman thought might be seaweed which also seemed to be dripping with water. After a glance Roman realised the object in his hand was a waterskin, which he went to drink before a thought struck him.
“Why should I-” Roman coughed at the dry feeling of his throat as he tried to swallow, he’d really like some of that water, but he didn’t fake his death and escape the palace just to get poisoned for real, “Why should I trust this? I don’t- I don’t know you, where is Jay?”
Roman thought it would be best to use the cover name Janus had given him. He knew how unwise it was to give out your true name to suspicious creatures you couldn’t pinpoint the identity of, especially ones you didn’t know.
“Jay is currently out getting supplies,” The one with seaweed for hair told him, “And this is just water, but you should sit up to drink it or you’ll choke.”
“How do I know you haven’t poisoned it,” Roman narrowed his eyes at the stranger, he still felt a little woozy, but the sensation was ebbing away by the second thank goodness. The first stranger appeared standing behind him with folded arms and a scowl on his face.
“Just drink the damn water,” He said, “It’s not poisoned, Jay made us swear not to hurt you.”
Roman… still didn’t trust that, but while he wasn’t sure how long he had been asleep, he did know that he felt like he’d been stuck in a desert for a week and the waterskin in his hand was looking more and more tempting every moment. Eventually - under one’s passive gaze and the other’s scrutinising glare - Roman slowly pushed himself up into a sitting position and tilted his head back to drink the water. It tasted normal, as water should, thank goodness. He must have drank half the waterskin in one go before looking back at the pair of strangers. Somehow the pale one looked even more annoyed now. He wondered distantly what he had done to offend the guy. 
“You may call me Lo,” The blue one said, and after a moment that made it clear the other wasn’t going to offer a name, he spoke again, “He’s Vi.”
Roman opened his mouth to offer a nickname they could use for him too, before ‘Vi’ cut him off, “We already know who you are, Princey.”
“Princey?” Roman asked, with an offended gasp.
“Yeah, cuz’ you’re the prince?” Vi said, raising an eyebrow as if to say ‘are you stupid?’.
“No I get it-” Roman huffed, already irritated, “Just-”
“What?” Vi said, “Don’t like it? Well deal with it, just like I have to deal with you.”
With that, he turned around and walked away, hopping down from wherever they were right now. Roman watched him walk over to the large horse that was tied up to a post there and begin angrily brushing her fur. Eventually, Roman turned back to Lo, hoping to communicate all his questions with his expression alone. 
“Vi is- a little prickly towards strangers in general,” Lo explained softly, “And, no offence, but neither he nor I are very happy that you are here, he is simply more overt about it.”
“I get it,” Roman shrugged, “I’m supposed to be dead.”
“Yes,” Lo said, pushing a pair of silver glasses up his nose, “You are.”
“Right,” Roman said with a sigh, so this was just going from one miserable existence where everyone hated him to a slightly less comfortable existence where almost everyone still hated him. Wonderful, Roman was really glad he made this decision now.
“Yes, Jay insisted we keep you around and that we do nothing to harm you,” Lo explained, “But please refrain from causing us trouble, or I may have to rethink my agreement.”
Roman shivered as Lo stood and walked away towards Virgil, well, that was terrifying.
All he could really do now was sit here and hope that Jay would be back soon and also hope that Jay following the plan and making Lo and Vi swear not to hurt him meant that he at least didn’t hate Roman like the other two seemed to. Roman wasn’t sure how long getting supplies typically took, but he really hoped it wasn’t too long. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could stand the scathing glances Vi kept shooting his way as he talked quietly with Lo over by the horse. 
Growing up, Roman had learned all too well how to tell where he was not welcome, and he was most definitely not welcome here.
It was approaching sundown by the time Janus got back to their makeshift camp. He hadn’t intended to be out for so long, but he had struggled finding a few certain items they desperately needed - one being a certain lotion for his scales. He’d also gotten some extra clothes for the prince, because while he absolutely was not comfortable changing his clothes whilst he was sleeping (Janus thought that would be a horrific breach of privacy) he was sure Roman would want something to change into from the gala outfit he was still wearing when he woke up. 
When he did arrive back to camp, Virgil approached him almost immediately, looking stormier than usual. 
Janus very quickly found out why.
“Your prince is awake,” Virgil told him shortly, “he’s already annoying.”
“Don’t judge him so quickly,” Janus said, inwardly relieved, so he had woken up, finally. He was a little annoyed that he hadn’t been here, but it didn’t matter. 
“Just because you want to get into his pants, doesn’t mean the rest of us do, Jay,” Virgil said, crossing his arms, but pointing towards the path that leads further towards the cliffs, “He walked off that way, dunno where he went.”
“You weren’t keeping an eye on him?” Janus asked, frowning.
“I’m not babysitting a stupid adult royal,” Virgil told him, practically glowring now, “He’s your responsibility, you brought him here.”
Janus just huffed, rolling his eyes and passing one of the bags - with all the supplies for the group - to Virgil, keeping the bag with his own things and the clothes he had gotten for Roman in his hand and stormed off down the coastal path.
Really, he hoped this rift that he’d caused between them by bringing Roman here would fix itself soon. He hoped Virgil would warm up to the prince - though he doubted it would happen for a while. Either way, Virgil would have to get used to it, it’s not like they could just abandon Roman now.
The trail was winding and overgrown. The wind picked up as he approached the coast too, ruffling his hair and tugging at his clothes. It was getting dark - though he couldn’t deny that the sunset looked beautiful - and with night came cold. He really hoped he found Roman soon. He couldn’t help a pang of annoyance towards his companions for letting him walk off. 
Luck must be on his side, though, because as he approached the cliffs his eyes caught on the bright red, gold and white of Roman’s clothes where the prince was sitting in the grass, knees pulled up to his chest and chin set atop them. Janus sighed softly and walked over, of course Roman was upset, he’d woken up somewhere unfamiliar surrounded by unfriendly - and possibly outright hostile, in Virgil’s case - strangers. No wonder he’d run off.
“Hey,” Janus said softly, though loud enough to be heard over the wind, “May I sit?”
“Jay?” Roman said, looking up, and looking immediately relieved, “Oh, you’re back.”
“Indeed I am, I hope the others didn’t cause you much trouble,” Janus said, though he’d known Virgil long enough to know how he would have reacted to Roman anyway. The way Roman sighed and looked away again told him everything he needed to know.
“Your companions do not like me,” Roman said, uncurling from his position just a little, “But I understand why.”
Janus hummed, not having an answer to that. He had to remind himself that he barely knew Roman, he didn’t know what he was truly like, didn’t know his mannerisms or how he would react to certain things. It made it difficult to interact, and was the main reason Janus didn’t like strangers in general. He thought he should try, though. Especially with this one.
“How are you feeling?” Janus asked, “You were asleep for a while.”
“I have a pounding headache,” Roman said, reaching to rub at his forehead for emphasis, “And I’m incredibly hungry, otherwise fine, how long was I out for?”
“Three and a half days,” Janus told him, “There should be food back at camp, if you want it?”
“I’d rather stay here,” Roman said, looking back up at him, he was sad to see that the fire in his eyes had dimmed slightly, “Your friends have made it abundantly clear that I am not welcome.”
“I know their first impressions were just wonderful,” Janus said with a sigh, “But you cannot write them off so quickly, they will warm up to you in time, trust me, I know from experience.”
“What do you mean?” Roman asked, tilting his head a little, Janus smiled, pulling his knees up to mimic Roman.
“I don’t think we know each other well enough for the full tragic backstory,” Janus said with a small smile, “But, they are as close as siblings, Lo and Vi, and they brought me into this group later after certain events.”
Roman nodded, looking back out towards the sunset, “Alright, I’ll trust what you say, and for the record, thank you for sticking to your word and bringing me along, even if your friends are a little prickly.”
“You’re welcome,” Janus said, nudging Roman’s arm to regain his attention before passing him the bag, “I got you some new clothes at the market - assuming you don’t want to remain in your gala attire?”
Roman laughed, “That is a kind gesture.”
“The reward we got for your assassination more than covered it,” Janus huffed, “So you basically payed for yourself.”
“Thank you,” Roman said, and Janus was started to realise how earnest his tone was.
“What… for?” Janus asked, frowning.
“I just- you’ve freed me, and - whilst Im sure you’ve had it worse - my life was hardly enjoyable back there, and you got me out, protected me, bought me clothes?” Roman said, trying to subtly wipe away a tear Janus was sure he wasn’t supposed to notice.
“As much as Vi is mad at me for it, I’m glad I could get you out of there,” Janus said softly, placing a hand on Roman’s arm, “I don’t know you well, but… back in the castle, it was clear you were unhappy.”
“Thank you, again,” Roman said with a small smile, “And I can- once I’ve gotten my barings I can leave, if you need me to, I’m happy to go alone.”
“Absolutely not,” Janus said sternly, “I didn’t kidnap a beautiful prince just for him to run off into the wilderness.”
“You think I’m beautiful?” Roman asked, blinking those oh-so-beautiful eyes of his, Janus blushed- because oh dear he totally just said that.
“I didn’t say that.” Janus said, wonderful.
“I do believe you did,” Roman said, grinning, “awee- you’re all blushy! That’s adorable!”
“I have reconsidered, you can leave in the morning,” Janus mumbled, looking away.
Roman laughed, loud and free, “No take-backs! You’re stuck with me now, sweetheart.”
“Oh no,” Janus huffed, “not petnames-”
“What, you don’t like them, darling?” Roman said, batting his eyelashes. Janus tried to cover the half of his face not covered in scales - which just happened to be bright red for no reason whatsoever - with one hand as he shoved Roman with the other.
“Stop it!” Janus cried, “I did call you beautiful, ok? Is that what you wanted?”
“Thank you!” Roman grinned, nudging him gently, “So are you, you know.”
Janus paused for a moment, while yes, those ‘pretty’ comments back in Roman’s bedroom at the palace had flustered him, he hadn’t really thought that Roman was being genuine, he still wasn’t entirely sure now, “Really?”
“Mhm,” Roman hummed, “I’d even go as far as to say you’re the prettiest person I’ve ever met, and trust me, I’ve been presented with many suitors.”
Janus choked, “That’s unfair, you can’t say that.”
“Whyever not?” Roman asked, looking almost genuinely offended, “Who are you to stilfel my truths?”
“Previously, the only person in this group able to lie,” Janus countered, “But now you’re here, so I suppose that title is invalid now.”
“I’m not lying to you, Janus,” Roman said softly, “That would be horrible of me, to lie about something like that.”
“I never said I thought you were lying,” Janus said, frowning, how the hell was this guy so perceptive? And on top of that, how had he earned such a reputation that painted him as some arrogant idiot. Really, it made no sense.
“Maybe not,” Roman said, reaching for Janus’ hand, “But you certainly implied it.”
“I did?” Janus asked, frowning further.
“You did,” Roman nodded, “I saw it in your eyes.”
For a moment, Janus couldn’t think of anything to say in return before sighing, “Are you sure you’d rather stay out here?”
“For now, yes,” Roman nodded, seeming to accept the topic change readily, “The sea is calming.”
“Alright,” Janus said, standing up, “In that case, I’ll go back to camp and bring you back something to eat, make sure you stay here?”
“Of course!” Roman smiled, “Thank you!”
Janus smiled softly as he stood up, turning to walk away, “You’re welcome, Roman.”
He’d barely moved a few paces before Roman called out again.
“Oh, and Janus?” He said, Janus turned, raising an eyebrow, “Do make sure you come back? It would just be so sad if I had to watch such a beautiful sunset alone.”
Janus laughed softly, “In that case, I’ll make sure I hurry.”
Tags: @full-of-roman-angst-trash @reptilianrapscallion420 @your-local-random-dino @cutebisexualmess @glacierruler @roseianxiety (if anyone wants to be added, let me know!)
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roseianxiety · 2 years ago
End the Crown Prince
Roceit Week 2023, Day 2: Assassination
Content Warning: Knives, Killing (mentioned), Attempt assassination
Author's Note: This was supposed to be really long but I was straying too far from like, the actual prompt so I just made it an open-ending.
There was a masquerade ball being held in the castle celebrating the crown prince's 21st birthday. Nobles and other royalties from all around the realm are going to attend, for this will also be the time that the Crown Prince will choose the person he will be betrothed with as his future spouse. Everyone right now will be busy preparing for the celebration, a perfect way for him to enter the palace without suspicion. He was hired by a secret society to assassinate Prince Roman, the crown prince of the kingdom. Janus had been studying Prince Roman's every move for months, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike.
Janus stepped out of the carriage on the royal driveway. The palace doors were wide open and the people were milling about the area, getting ready for the evening festivities. He was disguising himself as a duke from a faraway kingdom so that everyone would assume he was just one of the guests attending the ball. He adjusts his mask slightly and then walked towards the castle entrance. He walked into the palace gates and felt a slight sense of unease. He had never before attempted assassination in such a high-profile event and the risks were at an all-time high. Despite this, he ignored his anxieties and reminded himself that he must carry on with his mission.
The palace was more magnificent than he had envisioned, with stunning chandeliers hanging from the high ceiling and golden ornaments embellishing every wall. Janus had to focus on his objective and not let himself get distracted by the grandeur of his surroundings.
He walked through the crowded halls, carefully observing the guests as he passed by. Eventually, he spotted the crown prince, Roman, socializing with the other guests from a distance. He spotted the crown prince, Roman, in the distance, mingling with the other guests. Now all Janus needs to do is formulate a plan to approach the crown prince and distract him away. His mind flashed through various scenarios and it appeared like one would have the most success. He must charm the crown prince and keep him occupied enough until midnight.
Janus took a deep breath and approached the prince with a calm and confident demeanor. As he drew near, he saw Roman's eyes flicker over to him with curiosity. Janus put on his best smile and introduced himself as a foreign duke attending the ball.
"Salutations, your Highness. I am Janus Cassidy, Duke of Delvor. It is a pleasure finally meeting you face to face." Janus purred as he bowed slightly. "Prince Roman Goldenberg. And likewise," Roman replied with a grin. Roman seemed intrigued by the newcomer, and Janus knew he had to keep up his act to maintain the prince's attention.
Janus straightened his posture as he spoke once again, " I wish you a happy birthday, Prince Roman. Though I apologize, I have not brought any gifts with me.".
"That's quite alright, Lord Janus. Material things are unnecessary, your presence here is enough," Roman said sincerely with a bright smile. Janus couldn't help but feel a little taken aback by the prince's kind words. He had expected the crown prince to be arrogant and entitled, like many of the other royals he had encountered. But there is more than meets the eye.
Their conversation was cut short when the announcer announced, "Let us begin the dance!". Immediately, everyone started clapping and cheering and music filled the grand hall while servants carried around trays filled with liquor. Roman raised his glass in acknowledgment of the cheers, but his gaze quickly went back down to the duke. He sets his glass down on the nearest table and offered his hand to Janus, " May I have this dance with you, Lord Janus?" Roman asked.
Janus grinned, " Of course, the pleasure is mine, Your Highness.".
As they danced, Janus continued to keep up his charming facade, making small talk and complimenting the prince on the grandeur of the ball. Roman seemed to enjoy his company, and Janus was starting to, as well. But he must not stray away from the mission he was tasked with, tonight, he shall kill the crown prince. He can't afford distraction.
As the night wore on, he and the prince were now on the balcony. The prince was trying to escape the many princes, princesses, and other nobles trying to court him that night. Roman was telling Janus his woes of having to choose a spouse.
"They simply do not understand that I take no interest in them! I am not ready for marriage, yet they persist. How annoying!" Roman exclaimed dramatically as he leaned on the railing of the balcony. He looked out to the grounds below them, "Being a crown prince is a hassle, there are too many responsibilities to keep up with.". He sighed and turned back to Janus. "How about you, Lord Janus? Tell me about yourself. I've been talking too much of myself, I might've looked quite egotistical to you.".
"I don't think so, your Highness. It's nice hearing you talk." Janus replied nonchalantly. Roman chuckled and smiled softly, "Thank you, I'm glad to hear that". Janus notices a small blush tinting on the prince's cheek, his plan is working well. A few minutes later, Roman speaks up again. "So uh, tell me about yourself. I'd like to know you more, Duke Janus.". There was a hint of curiosity lingering in the prince's voice.
Janus quickly concocted a believable story at the prince's question, "I come from a small kingdom far from here, Your Highness. Our land is rich in natural resources, particularly in precious stones and minerals. As a duke, I oversee the mining operations and the trade of these valuable resources. It's a modest life, but one that I find fulfilling." Janus answered with a smile.
Roman seemed fascinated by Janus' story and asked more questions about his kingdom and his life as a duke. Janus answered them all with ease, never faltering in his made-up story. However, he was constantly reminded of his true purpose for being there. The clock was ticking, and he had to make his move soon.
As the night grew late, the guests started to leave one by one. Janus saw this as his opportunity to make his move. He had noticed that the crown prince was already enamored by him, how naive. While the crown prince was babbling on and on about something Janus did not bother to listen to, Janus slowly drew out the dagger that he hid and leaned close to Roman as if trying to kiss him.
Roman notices the duke leaning closer to him and his face grew redder and redder. "May I kiss you, your Highness? I've been wanting to do this all night," Janus whispered in Roman's ear. Roman's heart raced as he felt the duke's warm breath on his ear. He was taken aback by the sudden question, but the look in Janus' eyes was so intense that he couldn't resist. So, he nodded his head and leaned closer. His lips were so soft against his own...
Janus felt a foreign feeling in his heart, one that he had never experienced before. A tingle spread throughout his body that caused him to drop his dagger below the balcony and wrapped his arms around the prince's neck loosely. Everything else faded to white noise, nothing else mattered except for this kiss. Maybe Janus can put his mission aside for just one night and indulge himself a bit at this moment.
Janus continued with his façade as a duke and still tried to assassinate the prince he always end up failing at his mission because he found himself conflicted between his mission and his growing feelings for Roman. He couldn't deny the strong attraction he had towards the prince, and the guilt of betraying his trust weighed heavily on his conscience. Eventually he had to admit all of this.
Writing Taglist: @cutebisexualmess @extraintrovertedalien (please tell me if you want to be added or removed in the tag list)
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radioactive-dazey · 1 month ago
Roman, Virgil, and Janus for the character ask game? :)
Hey neon ✨
First, Roman :]
Favorite thing about them: it's Roman. My beloved. I really enjoy the prince gimmick, I always have. I think the moment he updated his costume is what solidified him to blorbo status for me.
Least favorite thing about them: he's perfect there ISNT a least favorite thing about him. I can't even come up with something for the game.
Favorite line: "time out for thee, time out for thee, focus on issues or focus on me," comes to mind. But any bit he's talking like a college frat boy is also fantastic. OH! or that spin he does in Can Lying Be Good and he squeals "MEEEEEE?" Amazing. 10 gold stars.
"I thought I was your hero."
brOTP: ooooh how could I pick one... prinxiety has got the best platonic dynamic over time and they really are so great in any font... but I do like Roman and Patton's bromance a lot.
Roman and Virgil, final answer!
I gotta name my top three, Prinxiety, Roceit, Logince.
nOPT: do I even have to say it...
Other than that, not the biggest fan of romantic Royality as of late. They have the potential to be very sweet with each other and I used to really love it, but to me theres very little you can do with them and it makes writing and consuming a bit one note for me. It makes even writing LAMP fics difficult and it's one of the reasons I have a fic of mine shelved.
Random headcanon: he's the biggest drama prince about the small things, but if something shakes him to his core, you won't see him for a week. Until he gets his spark back, there's nothing you can do to get him to leave his room. He'll be fine, eventually. (Side note: Patton had the best luck with getting him to come out and take care of him but now, Roman mostly ignores him.)
Unpopular opinion: I like that Roman is an asshole. Refer back to my "least favorite thing about him" Bit. He's mean but it's part of his charm.
Song I associate with them: ooof I don't listen to a lot of music so I'm gonna have to refer to the undertale track list: Death By Glamor (and it's associated songs before it shows up in the game) comes to mind, and For The Fans
Favorite picture of them: I dunno... I like the glam look a lot...
Favorite thing about them: Possibly one of my bigger fashion inspirations, I've been rocking the same fashion style since the 7th grade, the only difference is I have a credit card and I'm not limited to the stores in my dying mall.
Least favorite thing about them: refer to my unpopular opinion
Favorite line: "I usually go and sit on a surface that isn’t meant to be sat on. Because when tomorrow comes, I will be faced with even more challenges, and I am too overwhelmed to be worrying about what is, and is not, a chair."
brOTP: Prinxiety, Analogical
OPT: Prinxiety my beloved...
nOPT: I dunno... I'm a multi-shipper at heart. If I absolutely had to name something, I get weird about Moxiety. Its cute, but most of it has a tendency to boil down to uwu-ification, on both sides. They're really interesting characters and I wish I could see more content that fleshed them out as such. (I'm not saying it doesn't exist, I just find it rarely and don't seek it out often)
Random headcanon: Virgil has a second or third set of eyes as part of his animal trait, it being a spider. With all the spider webs in his room, I think it checks out. I want to re-make his emblem with this in mind, I think it has the potential to be really cool.
Unpopular opinion: He's overrated. Everyone's favorite is Virgil. And I *UNDERSTAND* why, but I do think it gets annoying how much content is focused on him ("they say, as if they don't have a bunch of projects where Virgil is of main focus"). I've had this thought for awhile, but if any side was a "main character" for the series, it would be Virgil.
Song I associate with them: once again, back to the Undertale soundtrack: SpiderDance, Spookwave, and It's Raining Somewhere Else have Virgil energy.
Favorite picture of them: I think the skirt look, but the E-Boy look, as however disliked it was at the time, was really great too.
Lastly, Janus "Classy" Sanders
Favorite thing about them: He's charming, very similarly to how Roman is charming. I think it's the accent, really. Both Roman and Janus have that going for them.
Least favorite thing about them: :( he's too mean to Roman and that makes me sad. He can be mean to everyone else tho, I don't care.
Favorite line: Too many good ones good gosh. The weird noise he makes in one of the episodes, I can't remember which one. It's just so funny.
brOTP: Demus (or whatever the Janus x Remus ship name is)
OPT: Roceit. Go back and rewatch SVS. Bro was SHAMELESSLY flirting with Roman.
nOPT: once again, I'm a multi-shipper, but I can live without ever knowing Anxciet exists. You CAN have an interesting dynamic without it leaning TOO heavy into... *gestures vaguely*
I've seen far too many odd tropes with them, and while I can't deny I don't envision them having the healthiest of relationships, some people out here are romanticizing actual abuse and that stresses me out. this isn't even a dead dove- don't eat thing, I mean it's going into bad YA smut shit and that's objectively weird
Random headcanon: Janus needs the crook/cane to walk because snakes don't have legs and therefore, cannot walk.
Unpopular opinion: Less of an unpopular opinion and more of a general, quiet, less talked about opinion. Janus and Virgil are incredibly similar and cannot do their job without the other. I know this can be really said for all the sides, but for some reason I feel like Janus's and Virgil's is underused, overlooked, and underappreciated.
Song I associate with them: It's raining somewhere else (again), Waterfall, An Ending, Don't give up
Favorite picture of them: Uhhhhh just pick a frame from the sections of SVS where he's dressed as a lawyer.
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roceit-countdown · 8 months ago
Fellow countdown blog! Hello!!
It's nice to see Roceit, I adore them :3
They give me big Theatre Rivals vibes. Like, they make a competition out of who gets the lead role every time there's a play or musical. Everyone else thinks they're dating bc of how gay that tension is.
( @frogsandsquids )
Hello! :D
Oh my gosh YES they definitely do!
I image them starting to make bets about it at some point. Like "If I get the role you have to do x and if you get the role I have to do x" and they start like really mean bets but they somehow confess to each other eventually with the bets. Then they tell everyone and everyone's like "you weren't dating ?"
Sorry that was a lot lol
That reminds me of this fic I read a few years ago where they were like, rivals in their schools drama program but then they ended up having to play lovers in the school play. I may be a bit wrong about the plot but I remember it was so fun
Also oh I love intruality! I bet Remus would make a point to try to think of the weirdest things ever and tell Patton about it just to get Patton to pay attention to him hehe
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