#feel free to shoot me a message
ninjasmudge · 4 months
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pinned like a butterfly
hes fine lamb just wanted to take a closer look at him
(its much better with brightness up)
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coruscantguard · 9 months
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a web weave about the coruscant guard
Aeschylus: The Oresteia, Aeschylus || Darth Vader (2017) 10 || S6 EP7 "Crisis at The Heart" (Star Wars: The Clone Wars) || Maurice Sendak (2011 interview with Terry Gross) || S1 EP1 "Ambush" (Star Wars: The Clone Wars) || S1 EP22 "Hostage Crisis" (Star Wars: The Clone Wars) || S6 EP4 "Orders" (Star Wars: The Clone Wars) || It, Stephen King || S6 EP4 "Orders" (Star Wars: The Clone Wars) || S1 EP1 "Ambush" (Star Wars: The Clone Wars) || Tim Riggins Speaks of Waterfalls, Nico Alvarado || Star Wars: Revenge of The Sith, George Lucas || observer's effect, @bytebun
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mesetacadre · 11 days
Hello! I'm currently debating with a good friend of mine, a democratic socialist, on a few topics. Namely the function of a vanguard party, centralized state power in socialist nations, and the use of violence in a revolution. They're a very open minded person, and are engaging with me in good faith, but in my opinion, their ideas rest on a few idealist assumptions about liberal democracy, and misinformed views about "authoritarianism" in the Soviet Union and "Violent Revolution" rhetoric (used the French Revolution as an example :/). To clarify, we are both in the Imperial Core. I'm a Marxist-Leninist who is critical of the USSR in some respects but admire the progress they achieved as the first major Socialist project, and believe it was a more democratic and fair state than any bourgeois republic.
I'm already working on my response, I'm not looking for you to formulate by arguments for me, but I find your analyses of specifically historical socialist movements to be very compelling, and I'm wondering if you had any insights you'd be willing to share on the topic(s)? In particular, the idea that vanguard parties are uniquely susceptible to opportunism or autocratic consolidations of power, and the Bolsheviks' dismantling of the worker's councils and opposition to the Mensheviks. These subjects in particular I'm a bit less familiar with.
Thank you!
Hi, the Mensheviks (of which Trotsky was a part of until late summer of 1917!) emerged as a defined faction within the RSDLP in the 1903 Second Congress, with the divide only widening after the 1905 failed revolution and the outbreak of WW1. Mensheviks were closer to what demsocs are today than any kind of revolutionary marxist. They consistently showed no interest in the armed overthrow of tsarism and capitalism, something which became crystal clear after the February revolution of 1917, after which they joined the provisional government of the Cadets (liberal monarchists) joined with the Narodniks, abandoning any of the more "radical" demands they still had in the process, such as the seizure of land by the peasants. Of course the Bolsheviks opposed them, they were opportunists who only held revolutionary words in their mouths until they managed to grab some scraps of power in a capitalist and imperialist government.
About vanguardism. The class consciousness that emerges spontaneously among workers from their everyday exploitation is of a different definition and character than the class consciousness one acquires through praxis and theoretical work (by praxis meaning practical work for revolutionary politics, not a broader sense of activism). I've talked about this difference a lot on this blog, so I'll keep those brief strokes and not go into more detail. This is the main fact from which vanguardism emerges. The instinct that guides the greater part of the working mass is imperfect, it can be easily misguided or turn away from revolutionary politics on its own. So there should be an organization, such as a party, that is able to politically lead, like a vanguard, one step ahead, not two ahead or one behind, of the working class' mass. This is not a case of elitism or dirigisme, not by any measure:
Vanguard parties do not lead by decree, they never have. They consist of the most politically-educated (i.e. the workers whose non-spontaneous consciousness is most developed) members of the working class. These members exist in the core of the working class, they are supposed to become known coworkers and neighbors, people who can talk with the mass of workers, teach how to avoid the unavoidable mistakes that come with spontaneous consciousness or a developing non-spontaneous consciousness. It is from these interactions that the party members learn, pass on to the party itself, which is then able to combine all that information into decisions, concrete tactics, and to perfect its own activity. The members of a vanguard do not know more than the average worker about the general state of the working class as a whole, they both are individuals just the same. But what they do know are the frameworks most suited to analyze the bits of experience they receive, and an effective vanguard party is able to collectively analyze the state of the working class as a whole. Again, not because they know more than anybody else, but because the party members have set up an organization that can extract information from all walks of life. An effective vanguard party that is properly weaved with the working class is almost akin to a statistics institute collecting data to unify it and reach conclusions about the state of society.
That is how vanguardism works. It is wholly democratic because in the context of holding power, it is the most able to carry this out, and the entire working class actually participates in decision making. If your friend considers bourgeois democracies a good standard, where the participation of everyone is reduced to a single vote however many years, why would they consider a process through which the conditions of the working class are actively taken into account every single time a decision is taken? The CC of the Communist Party of Cuba knew more about the average sugar cane harvester in Matanzas of the 60s than Kennedy ever did about his neighbors in DC. The CC of the CPSU knew more about the average fisherman in Kamchatka than the European Commission knows about the people who clean their building. And I know these are not exaggerations because there is a clear and intentional bottom-up flow of information in a vanguard, leninist party, and there isn't in, say, the nordic social-democracies, which I think is pretty safe to assume your friend has a soft spot for. And what consolidation of power? The consolidation of power into the hands of the proletariat? The Communist Party is the unified party of the working class, much like the various parties that, in liberal democracies represents the interests of the capitalist class in the state administration. Through the democracy enabled by vanguardism, it is the entire working class that holds power. Not as the addition of all individual workers, but as a class. This is necessary in the transition to communism, it would be idealist, counterproductive and effectively counter-revolutionary to call for the total decentralization of power after a revolution, that would strip the proletariat of any hope at defending itself.
Now that I feel that is cleared up, the soviets/workers' councils. They were very relevant in the period of tsarism because they were the most advanced forms of mass workers' organizations, where the emerging russian proletariat would most effectively learn from its experience and gain trust in its own strength. The slogan "All Power to the Soviets!" was also adopted once the tsarist, semi-feudal state transformed into the seeds of a fully capitalist state, as the sudden destabilization of the Russian state following the February revolution left room for dual power to exist, simultaneously in the provisional government and the soviets. The context of that slogan was that of a working class that had only just begun to accelerate in its political consciousness, not as an absolute reclamation of workers' self-organization. Conditions changed rapidly and, with the joining of the provisional government by the mensheviks that I mentioned earlier, the many Soviets that the mensheviks had a hegemony in also turned into arms of the capitalist, imperialist government. Just as quickly as the Soviets had turned into the forefront of revolutionary development, they had also become mostly reactionary, and the slogan was dropped. Mass organizations in general, which the Soviets were, can become a tool for the advancement of the activity of the Communist Party. They are useful places where communists can more easily access already receptive workers. But the goal is not to get more workers organized in ideologically-deluded mass organizations under a capitalist state, it's to advance their consciousness by any means necessary. As soon as the conditions became such that the Soviets no longer represented that golden opportunity, it made no sense to continue to claim all power for the Soviets. Conditions changed, so strategies changed.
After the October revolution, Soviets still existed. They were not dissolved, rather the existing structure was incorporated into the new proletarian state, as its instance that's closest to the proletariat. Hence, the Soviet Union. They used the structure of the Soviets because soon the civil war of intervention began, and they could not afford to create another completely new structure. But still, it's not that the Soviets themselves should be independent and somehow make up a different source of authority than the Communist Party, an already completely democratic organ and more capable than any loose confederation of councils. They were, before the revolution, one of the main ways the bolsheviks reached the Russian proletariat. After the revolution, the formal organ at the factory or city level that made that democratic connection between the workers and the party.
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iiiumihottie · 1 year
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[Image descriptions available in alt text and under the cut.]
a comic I drew for @late-to-the-magnus-archives' fic This Dark Thing That Sleeps In Me. this one was a doozy, haha! if this interests you, go check it out! this and MANY more wonderful scenes are part of it! :D
[A comic for The Magnus Archives.
Jonah: You like my people, do you not? Martin. Tim. Sasha.
ID: Next to each name is a drawing of the character.
Jon: Yes, very much.
Jonah: I'm glad. I've gone through quite some trouble to assure they were here for you.
Jon: For me?
ID: A drawing of a dark, gothic castle.
Jonah: It's very simple, Jon.
ID: A shot of Jonah and Jon's hands as they stand by railings. Jonah is approaching the railings, Jon's hands are on them.
Jonah: And really, I believe in laying out the stakes for a good game so all can enjoy properly.
ID: Jonah now leans on the railing.
Jon: Game?
ID: Jon looks nervously up towards Jonah.
ID: A drawing of their view of a red sunset over the sea.
Jonah: ...If I die, they die.]
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somesecretpie · 14 days
Question for followers,
Does anyone have any good resources for writing characters that experience psychosis respectfully and realistically? Sorry to just randomly ask but google is kind of downright unusable at this point and tumblr has no search functionality.
Resources I am especially interested in are anything written by a person with psychosis about ways that they would like to see themselves represented in fiction. Bonus points if they are also a writer, but that is not necessary. Thankee!
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sassysnowperson · 1 year
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At the start of the year I started to use StoryGraph to track my reading and, to my unexpected delight, its recommendation algorithm has proven to be not-terrible. A big win today when it thought I might enjoy the queer, poly, fantasy book Hunger Pangs by @thebibliosphere. I didn't realize it recced indie books in there, and it was a delight to see Joy's book in the wild! I think it *is* time for a re-read, thank you StoryGraph.
(also, if you like my original stuff/fic and haven't given Hunger Pangs a shot, you probably should. Joyfully bisexual, engaging world building, gentle-dom moments, all with a flair that mixes Austen and Pratchett. This book doesn't fully develop the poly relationship, but the start of the negotiations are there, and y'all know how much I love a good poly negotiation)
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yokolesbianism · 2 years
Just a reminder for everyone about tagging your reader insert writing,
wednesday x reader = anyone in the show, wednesday is the name of the show so if you see several characters under this tag thats how its supposed to be
wednesday addams x reader = specifically the character wednesday! if you see other characters under this tag when its in no way relevant to wednesday addams then the person who posted it shouldnt have posted it under that tag
i know we all want our fics to reach as many people as possible, but mistagging your work will not get more people to read it! if i see tyler galpin x reader under the enid sinclair x reader tag, im not going to read it because its not what im looking for, instead people are just going to be annoyed at you :(!
Hope this helps people!! Ive seen a few people angry about characters who arent wednesday addams under the 'wednesday x reader' tag, which i get how it can be confusing, but its the name of the show so its the general tag for the show <3
[PS, tumblr isnt like other social medias, and liking a post is the exact same as if you were to bookmark it on twitter (meaning that gives it zero reach and doesnt help out the writer) so support the writers you love and reblog their posts and share them with your friends! <3]
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which-qsmp-egg-would · 7 months
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micahmaeve · 1 year
you have been slowly converting me with all your icemav posting, and i recently rewatched top gun and i am s o l d. it has been consuming all of my thoughts! do you have any favorite fics??
omg, am I really?? welcome to the club!!
I’ve thrown myself head first into icemav recently so I can ABSOLUTELY rec some of my favorite fics I've read so far!!
When We Get Around to Talking About It by @compacflt is the pièce de résistance of icemav fiction I think, for me personally. It's masterfully written and nuanced and just so heartbreaking. the characterization feels so true to how these men would really be in real life and how they would deal with coming to terms with their feelings for each other and sexuality while being in the navy. and as if 90,424 words of beautiful prose wasn't enough of a gift, there is also a sequel/other stories called Debriefing (& Other Stories) which includes a more truncated version of the original but from mav's pov which is just 🤌🏻🤌🏻
Dreams of Impact by thecarlysutra is also very good. It involves a little supernatural flavor, which I enjoy, and revolves around how their lives could be different if they'd just made one single different choice.
come the same colors by susiecarter is a fav. It's a classic 'you got hurt and it's made me reckon with how I really feel about you, but I haven't figured out how to express that'. So basically it's amazing. this author also has a great catalogue of icemav, so it's really a jumping point to read all of her great work. A Shared Cup is another personal fav of mine from this author. it involves soul telepathic bonds. soooo good
a binary star by vannral is a really yummy piece of fanfic. the first line of the description is the perfect primer for how great the rest of the fic is: "Ice hasn’t ever given much thought to celestial things up in the sky but he knows that Maverick burns like one." like. c'monnnn
i'll ride in this life with you by sassenach082 is an ice and mav raise bradley after carol passes away fic, and it's full of sooo much lovely hurt/comfort that is so sweet it will rot your teeth. any fic with a plethora of baby bradley is going to be good for me
I saw beauty to the north by sortalively (tiisis) is a delayed injury fic set post TG:M. It has a lot of rooster and ice and mav reconciling in it which I'm a sucker for. and, if you like the exploration of rooster and mav's relationship (I'm a sucker for parental figure fics lets not unpack that) this author has some greaaaaaaaat fics on their page for that!
cloaked in the bruises of our failures by faerie_ground will rip your heart out. It takes the mission from TG:M and moves it to the 80s with our favorite class of '86 being trained to fly it, all while Mav and Ice are a few years post a messy 'break-up'. I should warn you that this one comes with a trigger warned from sexual assault from a person of authority to an employee, so if you aren't interested in that maybe skip this one. It is so beautiful though and treats the subject with the respect it deserves. slithered here from eden (just to sit outside your door) is another by this author that is very good and I am waiting patiently for an update
a higher fidelity by basedchamp is a classic slowburn with ice and mav developing their friendship before they realize their feelings for one another
no brighter diamond by qin_ling is a wonderful 'five times...' fic and it's so good. Everything by this author is fantastic so you should def check out their other stuff. as lions is about time travel. delish.
You're Gonna Be The One That Saves Me by an orphan_account is amazing. It's got mav struggling post hop 31 and Ice being there to offer emotional support and more if you know what I mean
'Til I Understand by Katastrophe (Karrington) is about Mav punching out of dark star and kind of fills in some blanks about what his loved ones went through while he was missing. Katastrophe is another author with a large catalogue to just go crazy in
PurpleArrowzandLeather has 153 tg fics on their page with a huge variety, some icemav, some flyboys of '86 (which I adore, I love fics showing their friendship). you can get lost in their page for a while haha. they also have their bookmarks public! so you can dig around in there, too
Sailor's Delight by saurora_borealis can be read as ice and mav or icemav and I think we both know which one I infer it as. Mal de Mer by them is like that, too
baby, baby, i'd get down on my knees for you by boasamishipper and simplecoffee is 'five times mav proposes and one time ice says yes' fic. It's sweet as candy
Is this arguably too long a response? yes. are all of these worth the read? also yes
I hope you enjoy!!
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m---resources · 2 years
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hey friends, i have started a mega folder of the interview with the vampire episodes in 1080p on my resources page. [edit: currently hidden but i’ll help you if you send me a dm] [pw in the tags]
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birdsong-warriors · 2 years
Hi, I see your commissions are loosely open? Is that still correct or are you quite busy and overloaded with them by now?
Do you only do cats? How would you feel about a wolf hybrid thing?
YES! :D I actually started drawing wolves and wolf hybrids (ah, the wolfdragon times), so I'm definitely comfortable with them! I just did a commission for designing a pack for a close friend.
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silenthowls · 2 months
You are cordially invited to a private gathering this Sunday, the 21st of July. It is a dinner among old friends, and it will be just like old times. The dinner will be held at Shin Junpyo’s mansion on Jeju Island. Dinner will be served strictly at 7.30pm. Your attendance is expected by 6pm.
Don’t be late.
P.S. Do yourself a favor and burn this letter once you have read and understood the terms. We don’t want to piss the alums off, now do we?
Best regards, YOUR KING, 2016
Yohan crumples the letter on the spot with a defiant huff. The high quality paper the words have been neatly printed on would serve as good enough kindling. He procures the rook-shaped lighter from his pocket to test that theory; then ignite the cigarette pinched between his lips. Both wisps of smoke dance in tandem with the warm summer breeze. "Fine. I'll play this game again."
He is none to pleased to receive this letter; even if the alleged "sender" would have been someone he would have rather enjoyed hearing from in such a personal way back then. ( Maybe even now. ) But he's curious, and he cannot seem to help indulging, as if it's a reflex to attend without question. So, he drags himself all the way to Jeju Island within a few hours of reading the invite. He figures he might as well enjoy a little "vacation" for a few days if he's going to take time off for this.
As usual, Jin Yohan arrives to the place EARLY, and is the first to do so at 5:30PM. He looks more put together than he did during his days at SNU. No loosened ties or sloppily tucked shirts to be found; nor un-styled hair. The other difference is, he can't stop reaching into his pockets and contemplating having a cigarette.
6:00PM — He sparks up a chat with the butler while waiting. The conversation soon turns tense the more Yohan's probing questions seem to go unanswered. The butler is rather unmoving. He asks about Shin Junpyo and if he is in attendance, if he knows who else would be coming, the length of the party; among other things... particularly the familiar uniforms and place settings in the dining room and where they got them. Something is off. But he gets no answers and becomes rather frustrated. He turns tail and walks away when Intae "interrupts".
For the remainder of the waiting time, he gravitates toward hanging around the bar, and library for the most part until dinner time. He indulges in a drink and heads out into the pergola for a smoke to soothe the nerves that are rising to the surface through negative memories. The more familiar faces arrive, the more he flits about the place to avoid them like the plague. He tries his damndest to keep to himself for the night, but, as usual, it becomes an impossible feat amongst King's Club members.
7:15PM — Yohan is shaken by what he sees in the pool. So much so, that he even appears all too willing to escort Zhang Xiaotian inside and "supervise" him after he falls in the pool. He'd rather not be present before such a grim reminder of his failure and the strange thoughts that brew in his mind.
By the time dinner is meant to be served, he's lost every semblance of an appetite. He feels terribly sick thinking about all of this. He sits at the table in relative silence, picking at the plate set in front of him every so often. As prone as he is to make an outburst in this sort of situation, he decides to sit back and observe, waiting for any indication of who might have planned all of this. He knows there are bound to be accusations flying.
He leaves the party as soon as he can.
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sun-e-chips · 4 months
Hi! How are you!? I just came across your Waterpark AU and let me just say, I am soooooo ready for some summer fun!!! /silly
Also, I love the background designs for all the sketches you have made! They are so detailed and immersive! And your designs for Sun and Moon are so cool! I'm curious about their personalities! I'm very excited to see what other story snippets/crumbs we might eventually get! <3 <3 <3
Hi hello!!! I’m doing good thank you :))
Yayyyyyy glad to hear it and I hope you’re also ready for the summer fun to find you!
Munching on your compliments, my goal for this au was to make it feel as immersive as possible! Every time I discover someone’s DCA au I feel drawn into their world (written or illustrated) and I absolutely love it! So so happy to hear I am able to accomplish this effect from you guys it really motivates me to continue working on this au and develop more content for it <3
Also thank you for the compliments on their designs haha it’s comedic at this point that I don’t have their ref sheets completed though, worried their color pallets will surprise everyone.
Ah yes their personalities that is something I am still learning on how to portray. It’s in my head but how do I show this??? Through written interactions and dialogue? Through text of their personality traits and habits? Idk I’ll hopefully figure something out soon.
Again thank you for your kind words! I’ve been hoarding quite a few of my inbox messages to help inspire me!!!
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shadowkira · 1 year
Thasmin Fic Recs:
Action / Adventure:
Echoes of War by Eriadu (Series - 2 Works) (T) (Telepathy) ( AO3)
Ghostwalk by Eriadu (E) (3) (Angst) (Spooky)
The Curse of the Pharaoh by Mag_lex (T) (13) (AO3)
A frozen moment by Eriadu (E) (2) (AO3)
are you really gonna love me when i'm gone? by freefallvertigo (E) (4) (dark!Doctor) (AO3)
Cloudbursting by headcanonsandmore (T) (1) (AO3)
Corrosion by Mag_lex (M) (6) (Memory loss AU) (AO3)
Courage & Stupidity by seaunicorn (T) (1) (AO3)
Forever in a moment by Captainswanmycaptainswan (T) (1) (AO3)
The Path Erased by Eriadu (T) (4) (Two of Yaz) (AO3)
time has been unkind by seaunicorn (E) (1) ( AO3)
When it all comes crashing down by Eriadu (E) (1) (AO3)
You laugh like there's hope in the story by freefallvertigo (T) (1) (AO3)
A Dark & Verdant Door by Eriadu (M) (27) (faun!13) (sheriff!Yaz) (AO3)
A week (and half a world) away by Eriadu (E) (7) (human!13) (modern AU)(AO3)
chance is the only game i play with, baby by timelxrd (E) (15) (nb!Yaz) (boxing AU) (human!13) (AO3)
honey don't feed it, it will come back by timelxrd (E) (4) (cryptid AU) (AO3)
Love is Blind by Might_Be_A_Zygon (T) (1) (Angst) (Gorgon AU) (Major character death) (AO3)
Never Cruel or Cowardly by Bow_Ties (E) (65) (Fantasy AU) (AO3)
Pink Elephants by TechnicolorRevel (G) (1) (daemon AU) (AO3)
Star by Star by Eriadu (E) (27) (Space Opera AU) (pilot!Yaz) (medicaldoctor!13)
The Line of Fire by mag_lex (M) (11) (Wordpress) (human!Doctor) (bodyguard AU)
where I want to go by seaunicorn (T) (12) (AO3) (human!13) (road trip AU)
don't sound like friends by InLust (T) (3) (AO3)
Halloween Time-Knot by edlweiss (E) (4) (AO3)
home is where you rest your bones by orphan_account (E) (1) (AO3)
Notes to Self by Eriadu (E) (1) (PWP with humor) (AO3)
A Home for the Holidays by mag_lex (T)(2) (AO3)
Astronomy in reverse (it was me who was discovered) by transboytwelve (T) (1) (Fake dating) (AO3)
Buttons by mag_lex (G) (1) (Wordpress)
By the light of the moon by freefallvertigo (G) (1) (AO3)
Candy Floss by Evviejo (G) (1) AO3)
collision by timelxrd (T) (1) (AO3)
Stars On The Ceiling by swallowthecap (G) (1) (AO3)
The Earring by Evviejo (G) (1) (AO3)
Hurt / Comfort:
baby, you could be the death of me by freefallvertigo (E) (1) (AO3)
dead leaves and the dirty ground by Eriadu (T) (1) (hanahaki inspired) (AO3)
keep me close, love me most by seaunicorn (E) (1) (AO3)
right here, right now by InLust (T) (1) (AO3)
baby, it ain't right (but isn't it amazing?) By transboytwelve (E) (1) (human!13) (Riverx13xYaz) (AO3)
begging for thread by orphan_account (E) (3) (unfinished) (Fashion / Model AU) (human!13) (ClaraxYazx13) (AO3)
I've never been a natural (all I do is try) by transboytwelve (E) (1) (Billx13xYaz) (AO3)
the way you react to me - Dirty Little Secrets by how_to_sit_gay (E) (13xYazxRose) (AO3)
A Suprising Lack of Context by Rowanthestrange (E) (1) (AO3)
Ad Astra by Mag_lex (E) (1) (fluff) (wordpress)
anodized by TechnicolorRevel (E) (1) (AO3)
boiling point by vividfriend (E) (1) (AO3)
crave by freefallvertigo (E) (1) (AO3)
Drifting by Eriadu (E) (1) (AO3)
Drive-Through by mag_lex (E) (Crack) (1) (Wordpress)
Go Quiet by WinterTheWriter (E) (1) (AO3)
I Read It For The Articles by TechnicolorRevel (E) (1) (AO3)
I'm the holy water you have been without by transboytwelve (E) (1) (trans!Yaz) (AO3)
On Begged and Borrowed Time by transboytwelve (E) (Angsty) (1) (AO3)
take a picture, babe (cos I'm already yours) by transboytwelve (E) (2) (AO3)
Tendencies and Bravery by GolM (E) (1) (AO3)
the way that you react to me- Good Clean Fun by how_to_sit_gay (E) (1) ( AO3)
Tickety-Boo by TechnicolorRevel (E) (1) (AO3)
Time and Time Again by rowanthestrange (E) (Angst) (1) (AO3)
we're all born naked by TechnicolorRevel (E) (1) (AO3)
what will be the signal be for your eyes to see me by TechnicolorRevel (E) (1) (AO3)
come as you are by freefallvertigo (E) (1) (AO3)
Discovery by Mag_lex (E) (1) (wordpress)
in the lines of time by fictorium (G) (1) (AO3)
Love found me all disarmed by Mag_lex (E) (4) (AO3)
misplacing home by yazkhan (G) (4) (AO3)
Sneaky Little Ghost Monument by LoadsofCustardCreams (T) (2) (AO3)
Soar (when I lay down with you) by how_to_sit_gay (E) (2) (Angst) (AO3)
through the waters and the wild by TechnicolorRevel (G) (1) (AO3)
your soul calls out in a familiar voice by abcooper (G) (3) (AO3)
Enter at Last, Master. by Might_Be_A_Zygon (E) (2) (Paranormal AU) (AO3)
Never Cruel or Cowardly - Dangerous Liaisons by Bow_Ties (E) (39) (Fantasy AU) (AO3)
The Unraveling of Yasmin Khan by transboytwelve (E) (3) (AO3)
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gatoiberico · 1 year
Thought I'd give a heads-up that you can also follow me on Bluesky now!
✨ gatoiberico.bsky.social ✨
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painted-leap · 5 months
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Did some quick tutorials today on how I color eyes in my style! I included my usual 'basic' style, and the kind of 'fancy' style I use every so often for something a bit more 'realistic'. I also did a small doodle dump of eyes in different colors and styles to try and show off some of what I mention in the norss of the tutorials!
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