#feel free to guess but nothin in confirmed
gomagopowerrangers · 2 years
rn Tricolor Ties is heavily the 1 im goin 4 but please vote 4 whatever one u want
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rottenaero · 1 year
(Doing sentence prompts from Pinterest, but if you have any sentences you want me to do, send them to my ask box!)
Prompt: I hope you know my name is actually(())
Eddie has been on the run before. Of course he has, he’s a thief, it’s in the nature of the job that you’ll get a hefty bounty on your head.
However he’d never been on the run with a prince before.
Much less a prince that had decided to join him of his own free will!
He stares at him from the corner of his eyes. The prince was currently stacking wood up into a makeshift shack from the rain. He was actually doing a pretty good job.
Too bad it’d be for naught, Eddie thinks with a smirk, enough coins in his hand for a room in the nearby inn.
It’s a shame, truly. But at-least the thief gets to watch his muscles work. The man crouches down to grab another piece of wood, and Eddie lets his eyes linger.
At least, for a second, before-
“I can feel you staring.”
He makes a noise in the back of his throat, looks away. Lucky guess. “I would never, my good sire.” He squawks incredulously.
“Your name, your title! Or would you prefer prince, perhaps king?” Eddie asks, his head tilts and he’s got a grin spread wide over his face.
“I hope you know my name is actually Steve.” The prince says, and he’s got a slight smile on his own face when he turns to face the criminal.
“Mhm-hmm.” He confirms, and moves to join him where Eddie’s sat. He eyes the coins in his hand but doesn’t ask.
Eddie sighs, leans his upper body over the back of the wood, onto the floor, and uncaring about the dirt that’ll get in his hair at the action. He’ll shower at the Inn anyway. “Steve is so boring for a royal, come on, what’s your real name?” He asks.
“What’s your name?”
Eddie pops back up, and takes a second to let the spots disappear from his vision before he let’s out a “Huh?”
“Well, your names not actually Kas The Bloody-Handed, is it?” Steve probed, and he was smirking now.
“No,” He snorts. “It’s Eddie, or Edward.” He hears a hum, and he thinks thats it.
Eddie turns to stare. “Huh.”
Steve raises an eyebrow, and purses his lips. “What?”
“Nothin’, nothing. Just, I expected it to be Steven.” He says, and gets a snort. He recounts the coins in hand as the other talks. “Nah, my dads Dutch, and my moms Italian, they settled on Dad’s spelling. Though, uh.” The prince runs a hand through his hair. “Steve’s always been easier for the traveling folk.”
“Well then Stefanus, let’s go get ourselves a room.” The older says, standing up. Steve furrows his brows. “Just Steve is fine, they’ll probably have Stefanus on all the posters so it’s easier to find me, also we have a room.”
“Not at an inn.”
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dixonarchives · 3 years
[ᴅ.ᴅɪxᴏɴ] | 𝗷𝗲𝗮𝗹𝗼𝘂𝘀𝘆 𝗶𝘀 𝗮 𝘀𝗶𝗻
sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: you never thought you were tbe jealous type until you got jealous over daryl talking to carol — his mother figure.
ᴀ/ɴ: gn reader, no carol slander allowed on this blog 😤 short and sweet!
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‘Jealousy is a sin’
The sentence was repeated several times throughout your youth by the religious hellions that were scattered throughout your childhood neighbourhood. Your mother was quite religious herself and often drilled whatever passage she was reading that day into your head.
The thought always came back to you when you felt jealous in the past and just as it is now, it pisses you off. You have a right to be jealous! He’s your boyfriend and possibly one of the last handsome men left on this Earth and you’re not going to let him slip between your fingers.
“You’re gonna burn a hole through her head” Michonne, a woman whom you had crossed paths with when the Greene’s farm had become overrun comments with a straight face. You’ve been with her long enough to know that she’s secretly smirking, finding humour in your strange behaviour.
You’ve been lent back on the cold concrete of the wall for a while now with your arms crossed over your chest. Your closed-off posture signifies your unhappiness at the sight of Daryl seemingly laughing up a storm with Carol. Although in his case, laughing up a storm means allowing a short chuckle to break free from the confines of his lips.
“Shut up” You hold her gaze for no more than a few seconds but in the short time of letting your frown fall from your face, only then do you feel the apparent tension in your forehead caused by the deep furrowing of your eyebrows causes you to relax your face.
“I don’t get why you’re jealous, she’s like..ancient” Michonne retorts, making you snort. Her sense of timing regarding humour never fails to make you laugh. You hate her for it since she used it as a way to make you less mad at her during the period the two of you travelled together. That was a short period though. Maybe two to three weeks max due to a herd separating you both.
“I dunno..Okay?” You use your foot as leverage to push yourself off of the wall. You can’t stand to leave the two laughing alone anymore so you put on your best happy face (customer service face) and make your way over to the two.
As you’re coming into earshot you still can’t grasp what they’re laughing about but Daryl seems pretty happy himself.
He’s hiding a smile under his hair as he (weirdly attractively) licks his fingers clean of the juice from the meat he was eating. Carol smiles too, having calmed herself down from whatever the two were laughing about.
“What are you two ladies laughing about?” You try your best to laugh about the situation and defer your feelings of jealousy from clouding your judgement incase you said something you’d later regret.
“Oh, you’re going to think we’re awful for this but that Patrick kid..” Carol trails off as her eyes dart around to find the said boy.
“He’s a nerd, right?” You ask, hoping to answer the reason why she's laughing. She nods quickly, covering her hand with her mouth to try to hide the smile that tugs at her lips.
Daryl hums as he wipes his hands on his jeans, using his free — and hopefully clean — hand to tug you to his side via your shoulder. You topple over you feet slightly but find your balance as you use his body as a wall to regain your posture.
“I’ll leave you two alone, I gotta go read to the kids” She announces, leaving her dirty paper plate on the building stack of used ones. She’s off as quickly as she finishes her sentence, disappearing into the sea of ex-Woodbury civilians.
You watch her disappear, ensuring she’s really gone to where she said she’d be.
“Wha’s up wit’ ya?” He asks gruffly, clearing his throat as his voice becomes rough from the lack of water he’d been drinking; Not that it wasn’t already.
You tense slightly, shrugging his arm off of your shoulder “Nothin’”
“Ain’t ‘Nothin’, yer’ acting weird” He observes. You look away, staring at all the couples scattered around the fields. A few feed each other little bites of their food and others laugh gleefully together and share small kisses.
Your lips purse as you look back at him. He’s already staring at you with a straight face. His skin had become sun-kissed that past few days due to the longer time he spent hunting in the woods to feed the newcomers. The dirt scattered on his face makes his eyes look brighter which makes them feel as if they’re looking at you with more intensity than what he means to.
It makes you feel small, inferior. Maybe even stupid for feeling the way you do.
“I just..” You’re hesitant, unwilling to see his possible reaction. You know Michonne’s watching you too. As recluse as she likes to be she still enjoys to hear other people’s drama. (As long as it’s lighthearted)
“I guess I feel jealous” You shrug, shoving your hands into the pockets of the oversized jacket hanging from your frame. Scavenging for clothes your size was hard, especially since you’ve lost so much weight since the start of the undead takeover. Anything you thought would have fit you was now a size too big.
“Jealous?” He repeats rhetorically. You know yourself Daryl see’s Carol as a maternal character. Ever since the day they’ve met he’s been trailing after the woman like she was own mother. He looks to her for guidance.
“Yeah” You confirm, nodding slightly as you look at your feet. You never took note of how scuffed your shoes are until now. You need a new pair ASAP before your current ones fall apart the next time you need to run.
Daryl stands idly, balancing his weight between the two of his feet. His eyes waver slightly as he processes your prior words.
“I dunno. Just am” You kick at the rocks sitting in the dirt under you feet. You can’t see his face, but from the way his shadow moves you know he’s feeling a bit awkward.
“Ya don’ have ta be. Only like ya” He admits, placing his calloused hand on your head. The action comforts you and how you feel. You know it’s his non-verbal way to confirm his truth.
And just like that. Suddenly Carol isn’t the worst person in the world.
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jokertrap-ran · 2 years
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[Gakuen K] Kusanagi Izumo Route: Winter Break Plans Translation
*Translator’s note : MC’s name shall remain as my normal (水嶋ラン) *Gakuen K Masterlist / Gakuen K Mobile Masterlist *Spoiler FREE : Translations under cut !
Ran: (I’m glad I was able to maintain my test ranking, somehow…)
Ran: (But, rather than my test results, I’m actually much more worried about Kusanagi-san…)
Ran: (I haven’t managed to contact him ever since that day when he got mad… Anyway, I should hurry and meet up with him as soon as I can.)
Kukuri: What’s got you staring into space?
Ran: Uh, nothing! I was just thinking about some things.
Kukuri: Well, guess there’s nothing to do about that. I mean, the winter holiday’s right on the horizon!
Ran: (Right, it’s already the winter holidays…)
Ran: (Wait, is the club still running during the holidays? If it isn’t, then that means I’ll have lesser time with him…)
»» ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♔◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ««
Izumo: Oh, that was quick.
Ran: Kusanagi-san!
Izumo: Feels like it’s been a long time. If I’m not wrong, don't your results come out today? How was it?
Ran: It did! I managed to maintain my rankings, somehow.
Izumo:  I see. I’m glad to hear that it went well.
Ran: (He’s acting as per normal… That’s a relief.)
Izumo: So, I was plannin’ on goin’ out for a supply run. Want to come along?
Ran: Sure!
»» ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♔◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ««
Izumo: Now that the tests are over, I s’pose it’s goin’ to be the winter holidays now, right?
Ran: Um, does Club still run during holidays? Though… it’s kinda weird to be asking you since you’re alumni.
Izumo: It’s fine. It runs through the year. ‘Sides, it’s Totsuka’s fault for not tellin’ you ‘bout it.
Izumo: I still have to confirm the details with him, but there’s goin’ to be a Christmas party comin’ up.
Ran: I see. Christmas is coming soon… I’m looking forward to seeing what sort of party it’ll turn out to be!
Izumo: And, well… We might go shrine visiting for the New Year together. Maybe pound a mochi or somethin’.
Izumo: There’s this and that and a whole lotta’ stuff.
Ran: I see!
Ran: (...Which means I’ll actually be seeing him around a lot.)
Ran: (That makes me really happy!)
»» ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♔◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ««
Kusanagi: Okay. That should be the last of the stuff. It’s gettin’ dark so let’s get back.
Ran: (Somehow, I’m really nervous about asking him about his plans for the winter holidays…)
Ran: (And I feel like I won’t get the chance to ask him about it once we get back to the Clubroom. I should take the chance to do so now.)
Ran: Kusanagi-san, about the winter holidays…
⊳Choice: Do you have any plans?
Ran: Do you have any other plans other than the Club stuff?
Izumo: Hmm… Well, I guess, homework? There’s goin’ to be a larger influx of it.
Ran: Would it be hard for you to make time so that we can go somewhere together?
Izumo: Go somewhere together?
Ran: Yeah.
Izumo: …Yeah. It might be quite difficult for me to make time with all that homework.
MC: I see… I guess that’s that then…
⊳Choice: I want to go out with you too
Ran: Um, I want to go somewhere with you. Anywhere close by works too, so…
Izumo: With me? Alone…?
Ran: Yes. Can I?
Izumo: Yeah, of course… I would love to do nothin’ more, but there’s just been a load of homework lately…
Izumo: Sorry. I think it’ll be hard to do that until the homework’s cleared.
Ran: I see… Then, if you do manage to finish it…
Izumo: Oh, yikes! I forgot that I had somethin’ important to do. Sorry, but I’ll have to head back first.
Ran: Ah, Kusanagi-san!
Ran: (Kusanagi-san…)
»» ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♔◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ««
Mikoto: …I made myself at home.
Izumo: Oh, Mikoto. Alone? Well, I s’pose the others are all broken up over their test results.
Izumo: Say, I’m closin’ up for the day. Fancy a drink together?
Mikoto: Sure. But… that’s rare, coming from you.
Izumo: I’m in the mood to drink in silence.
Izumo: (It’s fine now, isn’t it? Until the fledgeling chick turns into a swan… That was the promise.)
Izumo: (Time to end this; for her sake, no?)
»» ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♔◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ««
Next Scene: We should Break Up
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ask-the-riders · 3 years
Famine's Surprise
Famine decides to surprise his partner, and it's a surprise that neither of them will ever forget
((This has been stuck in my mind for probably more than a week now, and I couldn't hold off on writing it any longer))
"Hey uh... Do ya think we could talk, firefly?"
Retribution glanced up at his partner from the book he'd been reading. He made a sound in confirmation and gave a nod, "Of course. What's up, Famine?" The taller of the pair slipped into Ret's bedroom, tugging the door shut behind himself. Famine took a seat on the former prince's bed, his cheekbones flushing a soft shade of faded denim blue, "I... Was wonderin' if we could maybe go over our relationship a little." Retribution arched a brow bone, marking the page in his book before setting it aside. Scooting closer to Famine and laying his head on the taller's shoulder, he hummed, "I suppose we could do that, if you'd like. Is there any particular reason why you wanted to talk about it?" Famine gently wrapped an arm around his smaller partner's waist, "It's nothin' bad, I promise. I just thought it could be nice ta revisit some a' the more special moments we've had."
The shorter rider made another sound, this time in acknowledgment, "You know, I think you might be right about that. I think it could be nice, too." He paused, offering Famine a soft smile, "Which moment should we start with? We've had quite a few already." Famine hummed in consideration, tilting his head, "Hmmmm, let's see... Our first official date was somethin' pretty special." Retribution's cheekbones became a faint shade of cyan and his smile widened slightly in amusement, "What was special about it? It's not like we went out somewhere or did very much, after all. I'm actually a little surprised that you managed to remember it, considering how bland it was." The taller rider shrugged his shoulders, absentmindedly beginning to caress Ret's side, "Maybe you think it was bland, but I remember it a bit differently. I remember bein' on the roof with you in my arms. You were adorable, y'know."
He offered Retribution a small, sheepish grin and continued, "...When the sun finally set and it got dark out, ya practically lit right up, takin' the opportunity ta point out constellations and tellin' me stuff about 'em. Ya got embarrassed about ramblin' at me and tried ta apologize, but then I told ya to shut up. Ya looked pretty bummed out, so for clarification, I asked ya ta tell me more about the stars." The former prince's expression softened and he let out a sigh, his cyan blush darkening the smallest bit, "Ah. Of course you'd remember that." Famine snorted in amusement, "Mmhm, you bet I did, firefly. I remember how happy ya looked when ya were tellin' me about all the constellations, and nothin' was more beautiful ta me in that moment. Genuine happiness and enthusiasm looked really good on ya, and I wanted ta keep seein' ya like that."
The shorter rider's blush continued to very gradually darken and he tilted his head, "Well you're certainly quite the charmer, aren't you? How about we talk about you being cute now, though?" Famine blinked in surprise, his faint blush becoming noticably brighter as Ret pressed even closer to him. As the former prince straddled his lap and turned to face him, Famine instinctively gripped his hips. Ret lifted a hand and gingerly touched Famine's face, humming lowly, "You've been working so hard lately to overcome the part of your trauma that involves children. I've seen the way you are in the kitchen with Morty, and it's incredibly precious... While he still has quite a bit to learn, you're always right there, more than willing to teach him."
Famine smiled to himself, sheepishly glancing away from Retribution, "I guess? 'M just tryna learn ta relax around kids again, honestly. He's a good kid, and I don't mind lendin' him a hand and showin' him how ta do stuff." The former prince cupped Famine's face with both hands, rubbing circles on his cheeks with his thumbs. The taller rider all but melted under his touch, and Ret smiled warmly, "And that's what I love about you. You're always so willing to help those around you, regardless of what it is that they need." The taller of the pair rumbled lowly in acknowledgment, turning his head to press a kiss to one of his hands and murmuring, "Ya make me sound a lot better than I really am, Ret. I ain't that good of a person. I try, but sometimes it's a bit tricky."
The shorter of the pair arched a brow bone, absentmindedly tilting his head, "That's complete nonsense, and you know it. I'm only stating facts and things that I've observed." Famine rolled his eye light in mild amusement, "Yeah, yeah. Whatever ya say, moonbeam. If we're stating facts now though, it's my turn." Retribution opened his mouth to question the other, but was cut off, letting out a startled sound as he was flipped onto his back. Famine leaned over him, his grip firm but gentle as he pinned the smaller down. As his cyan blush visibly brightened, the taller rider smiled affectionately down at him, "You're understanding and patient, and ya never give me grief when I forget somethin'. Ya choose ta let your guard down around me, and ya treat me like a normal guy, even though ya know about the things I've done. I trust you with my soul, the same way you trust me with yours."
Retribution stared up at him, and he sighed softly, moving a hand to gently touch the other's face, "You're so considerate a' me, and if I start ta lose my grasp on things, ya know how ta bring me back ta reality. Even if I'm so far gone that I'm seein' shit that ain't there, you know exactly what ta do ta help me out a' that. I'd be lost without you, Ret. I don't care if your job as karmic justice gets a little messy sometimes, and I don't care that you're some alternate guardian a' negativity. I'd follow ya ta the end of the multiverse itself... I mean it." Ret's blush became even brighter and began to glow faintly, and he was left speechless. Seeing that his partner was at a loss, Famine sighed softly, sliding his free hand into his pocket. As he began to fumble with something, he continued smiling at Retribution, his gaze still just as warm and loving as before.
The former prince's surprised gaze remained locked on him, and he murmured, "Famine?... What brought this on?..." His larger partner hummed, "I know we haven't even been together a full year yet, but I seriously can't imagine my life without you. I wanna make you mine, and I feel like a good way a' doin' that would be ta progress our relationship further than it is now." Ret's voice became softer than before, "...What are you saying, Famine?"
Famine's own blush began to gradually darken and he began to look shy, "I... I'm sayin' that you're my world, Ret. My sun, moon, and stars, all at once. I dunno what I'd do without you, and... With that bein' said, I want you ta be my life mate." He paused, and Ret's eyes widened as he withdrew a ring from his pocket, sheepishly offering it to him, "I want you ta marry me, Retribution. I understand if I'm askin' too much a' you too soon, but you're so amazin' that I couldn't help it. I love you, and I wanna stay by your side as long as you'll have me." Cyan tinted tears began to prick at the rims of Retribution's sockets and he whispered, "You really love me that much?... But... But I'm... I'm ME. Disgusting and corrupted. I'm NIGHTMARE. Are you sure you'd really want to spend the rest of your days with someone like me?"
Without hesitation, Famine made a sound in confirmation, gently stroking Ret's cheek with his thumb, "Of course I'm sure, firefly. I'm as sure as I am honest. I don't think you're disgusting, I think you're perfect. And so what if you've got a little corruption in ya? I do, too. As far as bein' Nightmare goes... That ain't true. Maybe ya started off kinda the same, but you're not him anymore. You're Retribution, the rider a' karmic justice... Not Nightmare, the evil bastard guardian a' negativity." Cyan tears began to roll down the former prince's face and he wrapped his arms around Famine. Tugging the taller rider down until their bodies were flush against each other, he buried his face in the crook of his partner's neck as he sniffled. Famine wrapped an arm around him and held him close, wanting to provide as much comfort as possible.
A moment passed before Retribution gave a tiny nod and murmured, "...Yes." His larger partner tilted his head and made a sound in response, his tone questioning. Ret wiped the tears from his face with his sleeve and drew in a deep breath, "Yes, Famine... I'll marry you."
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kidheart · 3 years
Duckvember2021 #2: Gallant
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We had just returned to the pond with the device we had swiped from Siege and Wraith. Mallory was expressing her frustration over them getting away again. As she did Wildwing hit a control on Drake One's panel, causing our display case to rise up from the floor. We then began reflecting on the adventures we had been through over the last few months since being on Earth. Our trip to the future, our meeting with B.R.A.W.N., and then...our trip to the other Anaheim. While Duke recalled one of his favorite quests with us I couldn't help but feel a bit of unease looking at the amulet. In fact, as they talked about the other Anaheim, I felt myself growing distant in a way before stepping back closer to Duke and Nosedive standing beside one another.
“Now that you mention it, it was kind of exciting,” Tanya agreed while placing the device in her hand on the shelf, “but I think I still prefer this Anaheim.”
With that Wildwing hit the code in to close and lock the case for the time being. Yet the distant feeling lingered.
“Heart, ya alright?” Duke asked when he noticed.
Heart shook her head as though trying to break free of a trance. I then realized what she had been looking at as we talked about our magic based quest. Resting a hand on her shoulder I attempted once more, “What's wrong?”
“Nothing....I think...?” she replied looking up at me.
Just pver a year by now and Heart still hadn't recovered her memories, but the longer things went with things like this the more I wondered. Borg had all but confirmed her possible connection to the very realm we'd been talking about. Then there were other instances here and ther that hinted at possibilities hidden by her locked away past. There'd been our journey through the space between realms that we'd been able to break out of. At the time we'd thought perhaps we'd just beaten whatever test it had in mind for us and let us go. That is until Wraith had tried to control Heart those months back and the energy she'd seem to lash out with. Yet she hadn't used such abilities since it seemed, at least not that we knew of.
None the less with all of this we had begun to consider that Heart may not be from the Earth we now called home, and may not even be human as we once thought. Yet we weren't sure how to address this with her.
Nosedive then rustled her hair playfully, “Why don't you go relax girly-girl? This one was pretty crazy this morning.”
Heart smiled while glancing up at me. She and I had been able to swipe the device from Siege's grasp while the others fought them as a distraction. Knowing this I gave her a smile in return and pulled her into a hug to offer her some comfort. As I did Heart waved to her brother as he disappeared down the hall and headed for his room.
Then I asked her if she wanted to get something to eat as we had skipped breakfast due to the mission that morning. Her answer was grasping my hand as we headed down the hall towards the galley.
“Ya mind talkin' to me now?” I asked her when we'd finished eating.
Heart shrugged in a quiet response.
“It's been over a year....” she quietly realized as well.
“What brought that up sweetheart?” I pushed gently.
“I...I don't really know,” she replied, “I guess going over memories together this morning maybe?”
“I think ya might know a bit?” I tried again before asking more carefully, “Has anythin' come back to ya at all?”
She shook her head, “No.....”
I tilted my head slightly, “Nothin' at all....not even from the other Anaheim maybe?”
She looked up at me with those sapphire eyes, and I caught a bewildered look about them. Reaching across the table to her I closed my hand over hers, “Heart....I've been meanin' to talk to ya about this.....but I was worried that it might hurt ya someh-”
Before I could finish Nosedive contacted us over our comms to call us back to ready room. Hurrying through the halls we met up with him and the others.
“Everything okay Dive?” Heart asked.
“Kinda? I'll explain when everyone's here,” he half answered.
Once everyone had gathered together again Nosedive began telling us about his brief encounter with Borg through what seemed to be his comic book? As he explained I leaned against the display case Nosedive had reopened. When the amulet was mentioned I noticed Heart looking a bit nervous again as she glanced at the emerald artifact. Something I knew she couldn't remember caused her to shutter as she tried to look away from it.
“Nosedive, I think you've had one triple spicy taco too many,” Mallory shook her head with her hand over her eyes.
“I'm telling you Mal, he said we gotta destroy the amulet!” He insisted.
“We don't know what kind of powers that thing has,” Wildwing mentioned cautiously, “We can't go messing with it without evidence!”
“Borg's trying to get through to us! I'll use Drake One to contact him!” Nosedive assured, “Then you'll have your evidence!”
With that he went to our master computer, and after a bit of working with the panel we watched as Borg appeared on the giant screen. With a pleading look in his eyes he proclaimed urgently, “My friends, I have been trying to reach you! The amulet, you must destroy it before Asteroth can reunite it with the helmet of Seth!”
Then he cut out just as he had relayed his brief message to us. Wildwing looked to the display case and sighed as he picked up the amulet, “Let's get this over with.”
We then proceeded to try and do what was asked. Yet we soon found out that this could not be done. We tried everything we could think of, crushing it, using my saber, torching it, and it simply wouldn't break, scratch, or even crack in the slightest.
“Well maybe it can't be destroyed,” I stated, “After all it is a magical object.”
As I said this I noticed Heart covering one of her eyes as though lost in some sort of partial trance again. Before I could ask her anything our comms went off. Nosedive answered to hear Kleghorn on the other side.
“I've got something weird, maybe right up your alley?” Kleghorn started, “A guard was just attacked at the museum.”
“What's so weird about that?” Dive questioned.
“He was attacked by one of the statues!” The officer shouted.
I turned to Wildwing for our orders to answer this.
“I'll head out Wing,” I offered with Heart quickly stepping up beside me.
“Grin and Mallory should go with you,” he replied.
We each gave a nod and headed out.
Before long we arrived at the museum on our duckcycles to see the three walking stone figures walking down the path towards us.
“Those three might be looking for something,” Mallory noted when we found the three.
“Ya know I've heard of the lively arts an' all,” I mentioned, “but those three are just a little too lively for my tastes.”
As I said this the centaur archer statue drew an arrow and shot at us. We quickly drove away as the arrow hit the ground behind us and exploded.
“Careful guys,” Heart said as the smoke settled.
I swiftly rushed up as one of the statues ran towards us. A statue of Kali, wielding multiple swords, prepared for our fight as I drew my saber and began blocking her attacks. As I did Mallory quickly leapt from her duckcycle to evade another arrow that demolished her bike. She sprinted down the street a bit as he pursued her. For the third statue Grin and Heart went to challenge him.
I continued my fight, blocking the trio of blades being slashed at me. Finally I found a weak point and lunged forward to strike, causing the statue to crumble before me.
At the same time I heard another explosion and I turned to see Mallory returning from her fight with the centaur.
“Grin!” Heart cried as we both looked to see our ally thrown through a wall by the muscle bound statue.
As Grin started to get back up Heart then tried to stand between the statue and his path, wielding her glaive. As she tried to strike it, the statue of Atlas gripped her glaive by the base and tossed her aside into the rubble he had created with it.
“Heart!”I cried while hurrying over to her, “Ya alright?”
She nodded her head before following us back to our bikes.
“We gotta stop that thing!” Mallory said urgently as we got on our cycles.
“No, wait!” I replied, “If it is lookin' for somethin', let's follow it and find out what!”
With that we were off after it.
After following a while we came to a brief halt as Duke realized aloud, “It looks like he's headed for the pond!”
“Well what would he want at our place?” Mallory questioned.
“What else?” Grin commented, “The amulet!”
Duke's remaining brown eye widened a bit as he realized, “Then that means...we've gotta warn the others!”
With that he activated his comm to reach our leader as he answered.
“Wildwing, I think Asteroth is here, in our dimension!” He told Wildwing urgently.
I gripped the handles of my duckcycle hearing this before we heard Wildwing reply, “Nice work Duke, now tell us something we don't know!”
We then quickly drove after the statue, quickly driving around the statue to bring his quest to a stop.
“Come and get us marble head!” Mallory taunted, “Hit us with your best shot!”
At this the statue hit his fist into the ground beneath him, not understanding we were on a bridge. Thus it dropped him to the ground below and broke him into pieces upon falling.
“We've gotta help the others!” Mallory stated.
“First we've gotta make sure the amulet's safe!” Duke argued.
With that we hurried back home and ran into the ready room. As we did Duke came to a quick halt as he said, “Ah, the amulet's gone!”
“Yeah well so are a couple of ducks!” Nosedive proclaimed behind us.
“Dive!” I exclaimed as we turned to see him standing in the doorway with a clay hand gripped onto his arm.
“We found Asteroth at the brick yard!” Nosedive explained as he pried off the hand, “He's got these clay creeps called golems! They got Wing and Tanya!”
With that he got the hand off as it fell to the floor and melted out of existence.
“We've gotta help 'em!” Duke said.
“Duh, that's why I'm here!” Nosedive agreed as he went to find something.
He came back with a portable television radio and adjusted the dials. In seconds Borg appeared on the small screen, “My friends, I've been trying to reach you!”
“Borg listen, we couldn't destroy the amulet with our technology,” Duke explained.
“Then you must come with me, take my hands!” Borg insisted while using his magic to reach his hands out from the screen.
Duke, Nosedive, and I looked to each other a bit bewildered. Then we turned to Borg with Duke gripping my hand as he and my brother both took Borg by his. With that the three of us were instantly pulled through the small portal. In seconds we found ourselves standing on the streets of the other Anaheim with Borg welcoming us back.
“Uh, excuse me Borg, wasn't it the middle of the afternoon just a couple of seconds ago?” Nosedive asked when he noted the setting sun in the distance.
“We're in the other Anaheim Nosedive, the super natural one!” Duke proclaimed excitedly.
“But how will coming here help us?” Nosedive asked.
“Only the star sword has enough power to destroy the amulet, and I shall lead you to it!” Borg promised with pride as he placed a fist over his heart.
“Why does that name sound familiar?” I heard myself ask rubbing the back of my head a bit.
He then turned to me as I looked over our surroundings. Again I found myself turning towards the caverns in the distance as they seemed to call out to me as they had in our previous visit. Though for a moment or so I did find Borg and I looking at each other with slight bewilderment.
“There's something quite familiar about you my friend,” he then mentioned, “I know we saw each other before....but this time I can feel a bit more of the presence I once knew.”
“So Heart is from here then?” Duke asked.
“Last time you were here I thought it may have been her, but something was quite off....something about her was almost closed off. That and my magic along with the rest of my senses were focused on the task of freeing my kingdom. Heart very much resembles an ally I once had before Asteroth took over, someone that took arms with me to try and fight back,” he answered as we began following him.
“But?” Nosedive prompted nervously.
Borg looked at me again a bit grimly, “But I thought that ally had perished during the battle.”
As he said this I desperately tried to remember anything of what he was saying. No matter how hard I tried to look back nothing would emerge. Yet somehow I also didn't seem to question this possible truth being offered to me.
“But if Heart perished then how could she be standing here?” Nosedive asked.
“I am not quite sure, but the more I see her now the more I know this to be true.”
“Then what has you second guessing this?” I asked a bit disheartened and swimming in confusion now.
“Well you see, while you resemble the friend I knew, you certainly do not act like her. They were quite withdrawn from the years living outside the city, while you are not. At least not from what I've seen. Also...the wound they suffered would have surely killed her,” Borg explained.
“Heart did lose her memories just about a year ago?” Duke suggested, but not before showing a great deal of shock to Borg's last comment.
“I see, that would explain the similarity in appearance but not nature,” Borg agreed, “but I am unsure of how she ended up on your world like that? It takes a fair bit of magic to create a doorway like that.”
By now I came to a pause as I tried to take this in. I was trying to focus on the task at hand, our friends were waiting for us to return to help battle....Asteroth. Remembering him caused a wave of dread to wash over me that I couldn't explain the origin of. The longer this went on, and the more I took in what Borg had said, the more I seemed to fight with myself.
“Heart?” Duke asked while resting a hand on my shoulder now.
I shook my head trying to regain my composure. Then I simply stated while stepping away from him, “We need to focus on helping the others.”
Heart had given us little choice as we began following Borg outside the city. As we did I couldn't help but allow myself to leap into the challenge ahead. Though not from this realm, I loved every second I got to be in it. At the same time however I was a bit worried for Heart as we continued on, knowing full well she was avoiding the revelations before her.
In fact as we neared the temple Borg was leading us to Heart came to a sudden pause. When I turned to look at her I saw an uneasy expression in her eyes as she held her head in her hands.
“I'm sorry....I don't know what's wrong. We need to hurry to help Wing and Tanya!” Heart said shakily.
When she said this I worried that everything going on was getting to her. At the same time it all but confirmed our guesses thus far about her past. All I could do was approach her and grasp her shoulders to look into her eyes, “We're here, an' we're goin' to stay together an' save our home okay?”
Borg looked over at her with a worried expression in his blue eyes, “Heart, regardless of who you were before, what's important is that we fight for both of our worlds right now. Our friends need us to get the Star Sword so Asteroth can not take over again!”
Heart looked towards the mountains in the opposite direction once more. As she did this I took her by the hand now to try and pull her back to us. Finally snapping back Heart turned to me as I said to her, “Heart, I think I know what's goin' on, an' I promise that we'll figure this out with ya; but we have to stop Asteroth first okay.”
At hearing his name Heart's eyes narrowed with determination, as though something deep inside the woman beside me had sparked within her. Taking a deep breath she gave a nod to signal she was ready. I then smiled at her, eager to continue our quest, “Ya ready now?”
She nodded with a recovering smile of her own.
With that we followed alongside Borg in a hastened pace.
“I'm sorry,” Heart repeated, “I don't know what's gotten into me...”
“It's okay girly-girl, it's been a long day!” Nosedive tried to laugh with her.
“If we don't destroy the amulet Asteroth will destroy the barriers to the dark zone!” Borg told us as we ran towards a cavern ahead of us.
“Then we've gotta get that sword!” I said.
“Aye, but the sword is defended by the Minotaur!” he explained as we ran up the steps and found ourselves at the steps leading to Star Sword.
“Something told me there was going to be a catch!” Nosedive commented as we felt a thundering pair of steps approaching.
Then standing before us was a light blue furred Minotaur, looming over us with a massive club in his hand, “Here we go again!” Trying to steal the Star Sword are we?”
Nosedive drew his blaster and began firing, while I stood in a bit of awe with Heart beside me. We watched in amazement as the blasts seemed to do nothing while he stepped closer, “Look I'm sorry, I'm just trying to do my job!”
With that he swung his club, bringing it down to where we stood just as we split off to avoid being hit. Heart and I went to the left, while Borg and Nosedive went to the right. Seeing this he began pursuing us, but didn't wander far enough from the pedestal for any of us to get near it. Heart and I took cover behind a column to try and come up with a plan while observing him.
“I'll run distraction,” Heart said quietly, “Maybe I can get him to follow me while you or Dive go for the sword.”
“Jus' be careful okay?” I told her as she drew her glaive and ran up to him.
“Over here!” She called to him as he turned to face her.
“Look didn't you learn your lesson before?” He asked her.
She stepped back, trying to get him to follow her, “My friends and I need that sword to protect our world, and I won't leave empty handed!”
Heart's eyes widened a bit as these words emerged from her.
“I'm afraid I won't let you take it again. Besides you were barely able to wield it anyway!” He scoffed at her a bit.
“Again?” Heart asked, breaking from her stance in bewilderment, “When did I...?”
“Trying to act confused won't work on me, nor will your plan to distract me this time!” He bellowed as Heart's mind seemed to trap her where she stood.
“This time?” I wondered while watching them.
As it did the Minotaur raised his club over her, “You won't steal it again, regardless of why you need it!”
“Heart!” I called out in time to see her jump back as the club came down.
As she landed the shaking ground threatened to knock her down still. She tried to steady herself as I began sneaking forward along the stone wall.
“Try again!” Heart taunted while glaring up at him, “You'll need to be quicker than that!”
It gave a laugh, “Big talk for such a tiny thing, but I believe I've said this before haven't I?”
The bipedal creature then raised his club again, this time a bit faster to our surprise, and swung it towards her. She managed to hop back, but was caught off guard as he turned quickly and knocked her back into the wall with his tail. She hit the wall behind her, causing her to crumble onto her hands and knees with her glaive flying to the side.
“Did you forget I could do that?” He scoffed while looming over her now.
Heart winced as she looked up, “It seems I've forgotten a lot of things....”
Just as his club threatened to crush her I activated my jet-blades and dashed towards her. Reacting quickly I swept her up just as the stone weapon crashed down upon where she had been, “I've got ya!”
We regrouped at the pedestal just as he turned back towards the sword and stood to defend it again. I set Heart down as we tried to figure out a plan again.
“It was worth a shot,” Nosedive said.
Again the lumbering beast stepped towards us raising his club, “Look, it's my job to protect that sword! I..I'm really sorry!”
“Yeah we forgive ya!” Nosedive exclaimed as we split off quickly once more in an attempt to get away.
As we did I drew my saber when I noticed Heart in his path once more as well a stone pillar near the Minotaur. Taking a chance I slashed at it, cutting it clear through. As I did the column fell over top of the creature with Heart managing a leap out of the way in time to avoid being caught as well. Joining as a group, after briefly checking to make sure Heart wasn't hurt, I couldn't help but look over at what I had done with some surprise and pride, “Woah, I guess I don't know my own strength!”
I noticed Heart giving a smile as she gazed up at me. I couldn't resist giving her a charming one of my own, relishing a bit in how I had defended her from the brute. She in turn blushed a bit, but I felt there was something more to it this time. An unspoken thank you for something she couldn't remember perhaps?
Just then we heard the rubble beginning to shift as the beast emerged from beneath it. While he was still pinned down a bit Nosedive and I stepped up and shot our bola pucks out. The cords wrapped around him as he struggled to get loose, “I...I can't get free!”
While still standing beside my twin, I turned to see Duke hurrying up the steps without a second thought. Then with no hesitation or doubt he reached out and grasped the hilt of the sword in a firm grip. As he did we watched as a radiant glow of gold wrapped around him from the sword as he drew the blade from it's stone pedestal.
When Duke did this I felt something I simply couldn't understand or explain shift in my head. Not a memory fully, but the feeling of one in a way. For a flash of a second I saw myself looking much more ragged and bruised from my own attempts at this, barely scraping by on my own somehow. Then that image was gone as I looked to see Duke turning towards us with the shimmering light wrapping around him.
“The Star Sword has great magic, and not it's power is yours!” Borg proclaimed with pride.
At this I broke free from my stance and ran up to meet him in the middle of those steps that he decended to do the same. He took me by the hand, trying to act more like the knight I knew he was much more than, and kissed it gently. Then we turned to face Borg and Nosedive as the prince spoke, “You must use the Star Sword to return to your world and destroy the amulet! Farewell my friends!”
“Are ya ready?” Duke asked me, “To defend the world we know now?”
I nodded my head, “I am.”
Gripping the sword in his hand Duke then cut out a doorway for us to walk through. Giving a farewell to our prince friend the three of us then hopped through the portal. On the other side we found Asteroth snickering at Wildwing and Tanya, who were both bound by chains to a tree together. Shock shot through me when I looked to see Mallory and Grin standing before us as statues.
Duke stood firmly as we faced the warlock, “Cough up the amulet Asteroth!”
“How dare you make demands of me, Lord of the Red Dragon!” Asteroth snarled as the amulet began to glow from the helmet on his head.
With that he began to shift and morph, towering over us as a strengthened crimson dragon. This time he stood on two legs with a bulked up form unlike before. Looking up Nosedive noticed something a bit more problematic, “We got a real problem man, the amulet has changed into a horn!”
“Roast mortals!” Asteroth bellowed as he let out a wicked breath of fire at us.
We quickly leapt out of the way, splitting off as he took notice of the sword in Duke's possession. At this he scoffed, “Your puny magic is no match for my powers!”
“The horn is the key to his power!” Duke reminded us as we regrouped, “You gotta keep him distracted while I get to it!”
“No problem brother man!” Dive assured while running towards a truck nearby left behind from the construction workers of the brick yard.
He then quickly began driving around, pulling Asteroth's attention from Duke as he climbed up the spiraling tower the wizard had pulled into our world. The crimson dragon began firing further breaths and blasts of flame that missed Dive and the truck as he sped around. Then as he had nearly hit the back of the vehicle I ran forward with my glaive in hand.
Leering at me he laughed with contempt as he raised a claw over me, “You won't stop me this time child, just like you didn't before! Now I will deal with you as I should have back then!”
“Over here Asteroth!” Duke suddenly shouted, pulling the dragon's attention away from me.
I looked up as the sorcerer turned as well. There Duke stood defiantly with the Star Sword held in his strong grasp. Asteroth snarled at him while rearing up and pointing a claw at him, “This time I'll shred your flesh!”
Yet the drake before him didn't waver or back down. His remaining brown eye focused on the dragon instead as he assured bravely, “Don't count on it!”
With that, wielding the enchanted blade with both hands, he slashed at Asteroth, sending a brilliant beam of light crashing into him. The dragon mage was forced back by the sheer weight of the blast, falling back onto the ground with a thunderous crash. Then Duke leapt from the tower, swinging the blade again as he cut through the horn atop of the dragon's head.
“My horn! No!” Asteroth cried out angrily as it broke off as it fell to the ground at my feet and changed back into the amulet as Asteroth instantly transformed back as well. Now standing beside me Duke scoffed with contempt of his own, “So much for your precious jewel Asteroth!”
In a split second the blade cut through the amulet as it crumbled into pieces on the ground. Before Asteroth could get away at all Nosedive ran up to him and snatched the helmet off of Asteroth's head, “Nosedive scores! It's a hat trick!”
He then tossed it to Duke as he slashed at it, destroying it as well.
“My powers....gone!” Asteroth said in disbelief and dismay as he looked up at the closing darkened portal above us, the one he had opened.
“And the gateway is closing! I must escape....into the dark zone!” He exclaimed while using the wings he still managed to manifest to fly into the portal with the companion he'd brought following after him.
Once the portal closed and we were sure he was gone Duke looked to me with a smile when he saw I wasn't harmed. Then he quickly walked over to Wildwing and Tanya and cut them free.
“You wanna explain how you did all that weird stuff?” Tanya questioned while rubbing her hands to create blood flow from being contricted.
Duke nodded, “Four words, This sword has magic.”
Wildwing and I both looked to our teammates as he said worriedly, “Well I hope it can help Mallory and Grin.”
Duke without a word walked over to them and rested the still glowing blade over them. In an instant they were of flesh and feathers again.
“Wh-what happened?! Where's Asteroth?!” Mallory demanded.
“Don't worry Mallory, he's gone,” Wildwing assured her.
“Well what if he tries to come back?!” She questioned.
Nosedive looked up at the sky and laughed, “I don't know, but he's going to have a heck of a commute!”
Shaking my head at this I felt some relief wash through me. I then looked up with him to see the portal close tight with a glisten of star like a key locking it tight to assure us. Afterwards I looked to Duke as he smiled at me and offered a hand to me that I accepted, “Let's go home.”
As we entered through the doors of the ready room we looked in shock to see Phil standing on one foot frozen in place as a statue.
“Oh...right...Phil...” Mallory mentioned as though just now remembering, then she laughed with a shrug, “Personally I kind of like him this way!”
“We can't just leave him like this,” Wildwing stated with concern.
“No more stupid publicity stunts, no more photo ops!” Tanya attempted teasingly.
“And truth be known he sorta makes a nice decoration,” Nosedive commented.
I shook my head as I walked up to our petrified manager, “Oh that is so tempting...but I can't!”
With that I placed the blade over him and Phil reverted back to normal in every way, “Wh-woah what happened? Where's the jewel?”
“Basically it's gone Phil, we destroyed it,” I told him firmly.
“What?! You can't do this to me! That thing gave me riches, fame, girlfriends!” Phil exclaimed.
“Sorry Phil,” I apologized while walking over to the display case, “Had to do it.”
“That's just like you ducks!” Phil said in despair, “I can't take this heart break! Sometimes, I wish I was made of stone!”
Noticing Heart's and the others dumbfounded expressions, and feeling a tad annoyed myself, I shook my head and told him, “Phil, five words alright? Careful what you wish for!”
With that I placed the Star Sword on the shelf of the display case and sealed it tight. At this I glanced back at Heart and smiled while I walked over to her. Phil shook his head as he walked off in frustration, still muttering complaints as he vanished down the hall. Nosedive and the others remained nearby, taking in the calm we were finally given back after saving the world twice in one day.
“I guess I need to take my own advice though,” I said to Heart while looking over her.
“Heart....I wanted ya to find out more about the past ya have locked away. I wished I could help ya somehow.....but....” I rested my hands on her shoulders, feeling how small her frame was in my grasp.
As I did this I thought of the clues we had gotten this day. If Borg was right, and she was the same ally he'd had.....then what had happened to her? Behind us I could hear Nosedive mentioning to Wildwing similar concerns for their sister. It was now clear to us, and Heart, where she had come from at the very least. Though as to why she had left I could only guess at this point. A part of me was almost afraid to learn more; for her trying to remember even a bit more had caused her to shut down.
“Heart, if an' when ya do remember your past, what ever happened....it won't change anythin' now,” I assured her, seeing the frustraion showing in her eyes.
I then remembered when she had first held a sword in front of me, as well as the scar she could never explain to me. The pieces of the puzzle seemed to all be in front of us.
“It sounds to me like you might have been there when Asteroth took over the other Anaheim before,” Wildwing suggested as he walked over to us.
“Asteroth mentioned dealing with you, maybe you stood up to him with Borg?” Tanya wondered aloud.
“Now that you mention it, that Minotaur said that you wielded the Star Sword before,” Nosedive commented.
“Not very well it seems...” Heart attempted to remember as she glanced at her side.
That was what I had been afraid of. If this was true than something else had happened. The Minotaur had also hinted at this. Borg too. One way or another, Heart had ended up fighting alone and was overpowered. The scar in her side was a mark caused by a wound that had nearly cost her her life. If she had Borg for an ally then why had this happened? Why was she alone? Why did she...leave?
“I wonder if you were looking for help when you came to Puck World?” Wildwing pondered aloud, “Maybe you used the sword to cut a portal open and came through?”
“That doesn't explain how I would have survived though...I didn't have that wound when you found me, it was already healed up somehow remember?” Heart pointed out, her voice wavering a bit as she fought to remember herself.
“Easy Heart,” I then said when I noticed her recoiling from this and leaned forward to look into her eyes, holding her shoulders carefully, “Look at me okay? We're figurin' this out together; but whatever happened then will not change what ya have now. Got it?”
“Duke? Guys?” She asked nervously.
“Things will not be like that for ya again, you know that don't ya? You saw again today that I will not let yet fight alone like that, an' I'll be there to fight for ya when ya need me to as well,” I assured her steadily while gripping her shoulders a bit more firmly.
At this Heart gave a light smile that strengthened as she seemed to look over the battles we'd fought this day. Each time she had been knocked down I had been right there to defend her. Today she had been struggling not with our enemies, but with herself and her lost memories. Through it all I was there to reach out to her. This I knew for certain had not been the case before. Asteroth had all but confirmed it when he had seen her this time and was trying to fix his mistake of letting her live. This I knew was why she had looked up at me as she had earlier.
“It sounds like this is a start at least,” Wildwing agreed, “I think it's safe to say that was your home before; but like Duke said, this is your home now, with us, right?”
Heart nodded her head to this without question we all realized, clinging to this certainty.
“That bein' said, I knew I always liked that realm,” I mentioned to her, catching her a bit off guard with a charming smile for her.
When she gave an inquisitive look I couldn't help but feel encouraged a bit as I mentioned, “Sorcery? Adventure? An' a fair maiden to fight for? Sounds like my kinda town doesn't it sweetheart?”
I watched as she blushed, only encouraging me further to pull her close to me now.
“Duke...” I said as I began to give in and let my unease wash away a bit, “Thank you...all of you thank you....”
“For what girly-girl?” Nosedive asked playfully.
“For being the one thing in my life that's certain,” I said looking to them, “While this seems to be the answer of what happened to me back then, why I left I mean,...What I do know is that the outcome was somehow different than what was said. Somehow I was able to find a way out and....find you...”
“We'll continue to uncover this with you if we can,” Wildwing told her, “The world might change, but we won't sis. Just remember that okay?”
“Thank you....” I repeated as he rustled my hair before stepping back and suggesting everyone get some well earned rest.
Then as I was left standing with Duke I would suddenly feel him swiftly sweeping me up into his arms with a warm chuckle emerging from his throat, “Well, there's only one way to close this story for now.”
I looked up at him a bit startled and bewildered as he smiled, “A fair maiden needs to be carried off to the sunset right?”
Blushing only encouraged him as he carried me up to the roof of our home.
“You were having fun today weren't you?” I asked as he stood holding me in his arms still.
He smiled, “I still am.”
I shook my head at this, giving a soft laugh as he hugged me tight. Then he nuzzled his chin against my hair as he sighed, “Ya know for an ex-thief, I'd say I ended up bein' quite lucky didn't I? I never imagined I'd get to be the one to hold a fair maiden's heart in my hands, or her in my arms like this.”
“Duke, you don't know what I was....even if I am from there, I-”
“It doesn't matter what ya were then,” he then said firmly, “All that really matters is what we are now, right?”
I was stunned by this question at first before catching what he was really trying to tell me. Then I smiled as I said to him, “Duke you don't need me to prove you're a hero. You would have fought just the same today.”
“Even so, I'm happy to have someone to defend when ya need me to.”
“I'd rather fight alongside you,” I reminded him in protest to this remark.
“I know that sweetheart, but every now an' then I see the side of ya that needs me to stand up for ya, an' as long as I'm able I will answer that call,” he said softly, “'cause I want to love.”
When he said this I found I couldn't hold back from wrapping my arms around his neck and shoulders as I hugged him tightly. With only him to hear me I would then admit in a whisper before kissing his cheek, “Thank you Duke.”
With a warm smile sealing this promise he'd vowed to me he then told me, “An' that is all the reward I'll ever need my dear maiden.”
Then we looked out over the city as the sun set in the distance. Though we didn't know what all had started with these memories coming to light, we remained focused on what mattered most to us now.
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amor-immortalem · 3 years
My Adoring Fan Chapter 5
Chapter 4
A/N: A bit of a fluffy chapter as the twins make up
As Aurelius entered the kitchen, both Azalea and Mammon turned their heads to him.
“There ya are,” Mammon says as he leans against the island counter. “Only three hours after your Ma called for you, but, hey, at least you came home.”
“You’re not going to yell at me too, are you?” He asks.
“Well, that depends. Do ya know why what ya did was wrong and do ya understand why you’re being punished for it?”
Aurelius nods. “Yes.”
“Then no, there’s nothin’ I need to say that ya probably haven’t heard from your mother already.” The oven dings and Mammon goes to pull the peppers out and places them on a plate for his son. “Here, have somethin’ ta eat before we leave.” Aurelius nods as he grabs a fork and starts eating.
“Leave?” Azalea asks as she looks between them. “Leave where?”
“Home.” The demon says as Azalea looks surprised. “What, you thought we were bluffin’ when we told you two that if you had one more spat like this that we’d be pullin’ one of ya from the house? Your Ma and I can’t keep coming over here every two or three nights to diffuse a situation between the two of ya like this because ya can’t seem ta learn ta get along. An’ since Aurelius started this by going along with Zulima’s hair-brained idea, he has to move back home until we think he’s learned his lesson.”
“So Aurelius gets punished while Zulima gets away scott-free?”
“No, of course not. Solomon was here earlier ta dish out her punishment and Uncle Asmo will be here shortly ta decide how long whatever her punishment was will last and talk with her about why this was wrong in the first place. Their startin’ to get up fed up with her actions too and this is probably your cousin’s last chance ta prove she can shape up before they pull ‘er out of the house too.”
Azalea turns to her brother with an apologetic look.
“I'll let ya have a few minutes ta talk privately and then we’ll be leaving.” The Avatar of Greed steps out since he knows his children won’t honestly speak their minds if someone is listening.
“Listen,” Aurelius says as he leans his head against Azalea’s, the black streaks in their hair pressed together. It’s a thing they’ve done ever since they we little. “I’m really sorry about this. I knew it was wrong and I still did it anyway. Are you still mad at me?”
“A little bit.” The older cambion sighed, “You didn’t send that audio clip to Max, did ya?”
“Yeah, but if it’s any consolation, she didn’t listen to it and deleted it instead. You really should tell her though. I think you’d be really happy. She definitely likes you back.”
“Why did ya do it? I feel so betrayed.”
“I told Mum that I was just bored but really it was because I was getting annoyed with Zulima talking about how much she quote-unquote ships you two and wishes you’d just get together already...”
“I get that. She can be rather persistent.” Azalea sighs. “If that’s the only reason then I guess I really can’t fault ya for it... How long are ya gonna be gone?”
“Until the end of next term. I’m grounded too for taking so long to get back here, so I’m losing my phone and I won’t get to do any photoshoots for the next three months... I’m think of quitting all together when my contract is up actually. The time off will give me a chance to really decide.”
“Majolish is gonna be really mad that they’ve lost their top model,” Azalea laughs softly. “Hey, the reason ya wanna quit is ‘cuz of that letter, right?”
“Yeah, a little bit.” Aurelius hums. “Actually, while I was running from you, I think I met the sender of that letter- well more like I plowed into her as I was running away. She didn’t seem all that crazy and claimed she didn’t know who I was but I don’t know, I got some really weird vibes so I think she was lying.”
“Hey, I just thought of this but doesn’t that girl who hounded you to start a relationship with her reside at the House of Sorrow? Maybe she’s the one who sent that letter so she wouldn’t have any competition for your attention.”
“I didn’t think of that. It would make sense, actually. “Do you think I should write her back and say I know it was her? See if it was really her and give her a chance to come clean?”
“Why don’t ya do it at school? We’re all bound to have classes with her at some point in the day so being able to get her alone and there be no chance for interference sounds like the perfect opportunity. What’s her name? Is she pretty?”
“She introduced herself as Persephone- you know like that greek myth and yeah she is. Funnily enough, she looks a lot like that idol that Henry was crying about earlier. Her hair and eye color are the same shade of grey as that idol’s.”
“That’s really interesting, actually. When I was talking with Henry earlier, I proposed the idea that maybe she was taking a break to enjoy a normal teen life so I wonder if I was right. Maybe this is something you could actually pursue as far as a relationship goes... If she is that idol then she wouldn’t be interested in dating you for our family’s prestige, fame, or money since she has plenty of her own to begin with. I know you’re lonely just like I’m lonely.”
“Well, you’re not wrong,” Aurelius pulled back. “I do want to find a mate eventually, but I also just want to survive RAD first before I start looking. It would be nice to have someone that looks at us in the same way Dad looks at Mum- with nothing but love and adoration but not a lot of demons really like us. They mostly just tolerate our existence.”
“You’ll get that eventually.” Azalea smiled. “I mean I got my person so you should too sooner or later, right?”
“Yeah, we-”
“Aurelius, what’s with this letter you have?” Arella asks as she enters the kitchen. “This really worries me, Sweetheart.”
“I got that today actually and I think I know who sent it, but also I’m starting to suspect she wasn’t actually the one who sent it. I’m going to meet with her at school to clear the air over it.”
“I don’t think that’s a very safe idea, Aurelius. From the verbiage in this letter, she could be stalking you. I know from experience with Dad and Uncle Asmo that people like this will do anything to ensure they're the only ones who have your attention.”
“I promise I’ll be safe, Mum. But I have to find out for sure if it’s her or....” the teen trails off and Arella doesn’t like the sound of that.
“Aurelius, has a classmate been harassing you, Darling?”
“Yeah... I didn’t want to tell you and Dad because I didn’t want to worry you guys... it’s been a thing for a while. You would think after rejecting her for the thousandth time, she would get the hint...”
“What’s been a thing?” Mammon asks as he pops his head in the doorway. “C’mon, Buddy, let’s go home.
“Our son is being harassed by one of his classmates and he didn’t want to tell us for fear of worrying us. Also, he received this rather alarming letter today in the post.”
“What? Lemme see that thing.” He takes the piece of paper in his hands and scans it over, eyebrows raising in alarm. “Aurelius this is not okay.  Is this the person whose been botherin’ ya?”
“Maybe...? I can’t really be sure. The implied sender isn’t the person whose been bothering me at school rather a girl that just transferred to RAD but I think it might have been forged by that person so I would avoid the sender at all costs. I want to meet her and confirm whether or not it’s really her.”
“You absolutely will not be doin’ that.”
“Dad I-”
“I said no. Aurelius, ya have no idea how dangerous people like this really are. I’ve had someone like this threaten your mother’s life multiple times back when we had first started officially datin’. Even Uncle Asmo got the same thing when he and Solomon went public with their relationship and other demons found out they had a kid together. I think combined, your uncle and I got close ta a thousand of these types of letters. It got so out of hand that at one point Uncle Lucifer had to step in and deal with it for us. This spells out nothing but trouble for ya and I don’t want ya getting' hurt by some nutcase that has a few bolts loose in the head.”
“Dad, you’re overreact-”
“No, I’m not, you’re not doing this and that’s final. I still have every single one of those letters and I’ll let ya read the worst ones to show ya just how dangerous something like this can get. Believe me when I tell ya this is not something ya want to deal with. And I’m warning you right now. If you get another one of these types of letters, I’m pulling ya out of modeling until you’re at least 1700 years old.”
“But what about my contract? Won’t I get penalized for breaking it?”
“We had a clause put in the fine print that if your father and I felt you were unsafe or were not benefitting from it emotionally or physically for any reason during the term of your contracts, that we had the right to terminate them at any point in time for your safety.” Arella explained.
The teen only sighs. He knows he should listen to his father but there’s something nagging him at the back of his mind. “Alright, I won’t do it.”
“Thank you.” Arella let out a relieved sigh. “We should get going now. It’s late enough as it is and your father and I both have to work in the morning. Give your sister a hug if you wish.”
The twins nodded as they moved to give each other a hug.
“See ya at school, I guess.” Azalea sighed. “Sorry I got ya booted back home.”
“It’s fine. This wouldn’t be happening if I hadn’t started it. Love you.”
“Love you too.” They let each other go and Aurelius headed off with their mother after Azalea gave her a hug goodbye.
“Are ya good ta go back down the stairs in your room without sliding down the railing? Your room is messy and I don’t want ya tripping and hurting yourself over a pile of books. Ask your cousin to help ya clean it tomorrow.”
“I think so. If I need it, I’ll just guilt Zulima inta helping me. She owes me after that trick she organized.”
“Okay,” the demon chuckles as he pulled his daughter into a hug. “I’ll come back ta check on you when I get back from the fourth layer with your brother. Make sure you use that cane, please. It’ll only benefit you, kiddo. I love you.”
She nodded as she let her father go. “Love you too. See ya then...” Azalea watched them go before going to put the plates in the sink and climbing the stairs. She stopped at Max’s doors and knocked, knowing it was about the time she’d be getting ready to bed. When she heard a soft ‘come in’, Azalea pushed opened the door.
“Hey...” She says as she walked in and closed the door. “We should talk...”
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thelastspeecher · 4 years
Angenie AU - Untangling
Yes, that is an absolutely horrific title for this ficlet, but I really wanted to give this ficlet a title and this was the best I could come up with.  And it sort of fits.  Gotta untangle all the chaos and crossed wires that happen in this ficlet.  Also, fun fact I recently decided for this AU, which is revealed in this ficlet: this is a rare AU where Angie takes Stan’s last name when they get married.
(This ficlet is the third chronologically.  First chronologically.  Second chronologically.)
              Stan and Angie followed the McGuckets into the living room.  Mrs. McGucket looked around the room with a slight grimace.
              “Well, this is disgusting.  How’d this place come to such a state?” she asked.
              “You’d have to ask Ford that,” Stan mumbled. Mrs. McGucket glanced at him curiously. “My brother.  He’s the one who owns the place.  Actually, the reason we came here was to check on him.”
              “Hmm.”  Mrs. McGucket snapped her fingers again.  Silver sparkles filled the living room.  When they cleared, the room was clean and neatly organized.  Mrs. McGucket took a seat in the recliner that had magically appeared, lounging like it was a throne.  Mr. McGucket stood next to her, a hand on the back of the seat.
              “I think it’s best if ya tell yer whole story, son,” Mr. McGucket said.  Lute joined his parents.
              “Yeah,” Lute said.  Stan looked at Angie.  She smiled at him encouragingly.  He took a breath.
              “Where do you want me to start?”
              “The manner through which ya met our daughter would be good,” Mr. McGucket said.
              “Right.  I was in the Middle East-”
              “Why?” Lute interrupted.
              “I had business to do there.”
              “What kind?”
              “Look, buddy, just let me get to the important part, okay?” Stan snapped.  Lute scowled, but made a “carry on” gesture.  “I was in the Middle East.  While I was wandering around the desert, I found this oil lamp just sorta sitting on the ground.  I picked it up.  It looked kinda dusty, so I rubbed it.  And Angie came outta it.”
              “How long were ya in the lamp, sweetie?” Mrs. McGucket asked Angie.
              “I ain’t quite sure, Ma,” Angie replied. “But prob’ly at least a couple weeks.”
              “Poor thing,” Mr. McGucket said.
              “I used my first wish for money-” Stan continued.
              “Of course ya did,” Lute muttered.
              “-and I used my second wish to free Angie,” Stan said, ignoring Lute’s interruption.  “I didn’t expect her to stick around to give me the third wish, since, now that she was free, she didn’t need to.  But she did.  And after a while, we started dating.”
              “There was no datin’ while I was beholden to him,” Angie said.  Lute rolled his eyes.  “Lute, if I wanted, I could’ve left him at any point.”
              “Still feels weird,” Lute mumbled.  Mr. McGucket shrugged.
              “It ain’t that dif’rent from how I met yer mother. ‘Course, I used my very first wish to free her.”  Mr. McGucket smiled at Stan.  “Don’t worry, son, I won’t judge ya fer usin’ yer second to free Angie.  The order don’t matter.  What matters is that ya freed my daughter instead of wishin’ fer somethin’ to benefit ya.”
              “Yeah.”  Stan rubbed the back of his neck.  “So, after Angie and I started dating, we sorta kept doing what we were doing before.”
              “Which would be?” Mrs. McGucket asked.
              “Traveling.  Had some fun. Went to weird places.  Angie almost destroyed multiple landmarks with her magic.”  Stan smirked at Angie.  She rolled her eyes, the gesture very similar to her brother’s from a moment ago.
              “Wait, what?” Mrs. McGucket asked.
              “Yeah, Angie sucks at magic.  Unless it’s an actual wish, she messes up a lot.  She’s gotten better, though.  Now, she only really screws up every other spell.”
              “Rude,” Angie said playfully, punching Stan’s shoulder. Stan chuckled.  Mrs. McGucket pursed her lips.  “Ma?”
              “I might want to give ya some exercises to help ya gain more control.”
              “That’s better than what Stan’s been sayin’,” Angie said.  “He keeps thinkin’ that there’s somethin’ wrong, that I should see a magic doctor or somethin’.”
              “I ain’t no doctor, medical or magic,” Mrs. McGucket said.  “But I can do a quick scan of ya, Angie, to see if there’s somethin’ a bit off ‘bout yer energy that could be causin’ difficulty in spelling consistency.”
              “Sounds great,” Stan said.  Angie frowned at him.  “Like I keep saying, someone as smart as you should be better at your job.”
              “But the scan can wait until after ya finish yer story,” Mrs. McGucket said.
              “Right.”  Stan cleared his throat.  “We traveled for a while.  Eventually, we visited my hometown so I could talk to my mom.  And while we were visiting her, she told me that she hadn’t heard from my twin for a while.  So we decided to check in on him.”
              “And?” Mr. McGucket prompted.  Stan opened his mouth.
              Wait.  Do I really need to tell them everything? They don’t need to know the dirty details about my twin brother going to a different universe or whatever.
              “…When we showed up, the house was empty,” Stan said after a moment.  Angie frowned at him.  He soldiered on.  “I decided to use my third wish to find out what happened to Ford, and when I did, Fiddlesticks got teleported in front of us and then passed out.”
              “Fiddleford,” all four McGuckets corrected.
              “Yeah, yeah, whatever.”
              “He’s yer brother-in-law, you should really learn his proper name,” Angie hissed.  Lute leaned forward.
              “Hang on, what did ya just-”
              “Is that the whole story?” Mr. McGucket interjected.  Stan nodded. “Hmm.  Well, I could use some time to ruminate on that.  Sally, want to scan Angie?”
              “Sure thing.”  Mrs. McGucket got up from the chair.  “Angie, follow me to a private room, please.”
              “Sure, Ma.”  Angie stood on her tiptoes to kiss Stan on the cheek.  “Play nice with my Pa and brother, okay?”
              “Since you asked,” Stan sighed.  Angie chuckled and followed her mother out of the room. An awkward silence fell.  “So…”
              “What are yer intentions with my sister?” Lute blurted out.  Stan frowned at him.
              “Lute,” Mr. McGucket sighed.  He raised an eyebrow.  “Though, in all seriousness, do ya intend to marry Angie?”
              “We’re already married.”
              “What?!” Mr. McGucket yelped.
              “We stopped by Vegas a bit ago.  It felt right.  So we got married.”  Stan shrugged.  “No big deal.”
              “I- yes, it most certainly is a big deal!” Mr. McGucket said firmly.  “Marriage is a big commitment.  And yer s’pposed to share the moment ya take on that commitment together.”
              “There were like, a coupla guys there.”
              “Share it with yer fam’ly,” Mr. McGucket insisted. “Not a ‘couple of guys’.”
              “Angie already told you that she felt weird about talking to you, since she wasn’t sure how you’d respond to the whole genie thing,” Stan said.  “That’s why you weren’t invited.  My folks weren’t invited, either.”  Mr. McGucket continued to scowl.  “But, I dunno, if it turns out to be as big a thing for her as it is to you, maybe we can-”
              “Stanley?”  The men looked over.  Mrs. McGucket stood in the entryway, her face carefully neutral.  “Come with me.”
              “Uh, okay.”  Stan followed Mrs. McGucket out of the room, down the hall, and into a bedroom. Judging by how neat the room was, Mrs. McGucket had used her magic to clean it, too.  Stan sat next to Angie, who was sitting on the bed.  “What’s going on?”  His eyes widened.  “Wait, did the scan find something?”
              “Yes.  It did.”
              “Is there something messing with Angie’s magic?”
              “Not yet,” Mrs. McGucket said slowly.  “What I found with the scan, it’ll disrupt her magic, but not fer a lil bit.  It’s too early on.  No, her issue with her magic seems to be that she wasn’t given any proper trainin’. I’ll be sure to give her some guidance and leave her with steps fer practicin’ when we part ways.”
              “Then what did the scan find?”
              “I overheard that ya got married to Angie in Vegas.  Which is a good thing,” Mrs. McGucket said evasively.  Stan frowned, bemused.  Angie put her hand on his knee.
              “Stanley,” she said softly.  She squeezed Stan’s knee.  “I’m pregnant.”  Ringing filled Stan’s ears.
              “You’re what?” he asked.
              “With twins,” Mrs. McGucket added.  Stan’s jaw dropped.  “It’s too early to tell much more ‘n that with a basic scan like what I just did.  But Angie told me some of what she’s been experiencin’ health-wise lately, and what she said confirmed the results of the scan.”
              “You’re- you’re pregnant?” Stan whispered.  Angie nodded, tears in the corners of her eyes. “I’m- I’m gonna be a dad?”
              “Yes, dear, you are,” Angie said.
              “What?!” a voice shrieked.  The door to the bedroom slammed open, revealing Lute. Lute glared at Stan.  “The first time I see my baby sister in ages, it’s with some feller what freed her from a lamp, then dated her, then married her, then got her pregnant?  This ain’t right!”
              “Lute!” Angie scolded, jumping to her feet. “Nothin’ is wrong with any of what ya just said!  Yer just strugglin’ with it ‘cause this is the first time you’ve met Stan.”
              “And this first time, I’ve learned everything I needed to ‘bout him,” Lute said firmly.  Stan got to his feet.
              “C’mon, man, stop overreacting like this.”
              “I ain’t overreacting,” Lute snarled, stomping over to Stan.  He jabbed Stan’s chest with a pointed finger.  “Yer a stranger to me, but ya knocked up my lil sister.  I don’t want ya ‘round here.”
              “Like you can make me go anywhere,” Stan scoffed. Suddenly, copper sparkles appeared around Stan, blinding him.  When his vision cleared, he was in the front yard.  “What the-”
              “Lute, what did ya do?!” Angie’s voice shouted from inside the house.
              “I didn’t do nothin’!”
              “Yes, ya did!” Angie argued.  Stan rushed back inside, slamming the door behind him. “What was-”
              “I’m fine, Ang,” Stan called.  “I wound up in the front yard.  Don’t know how.”
              “Lute did it,” Angie said.  Stan headed for the bedroom.  Mr. McGucket had joined his wife and children there.  Angie glared at her brother.  “Guess he’s a genie, too.”
              “I ain’t no-”
              “Every genie’s magic has its own color,” Mrs. McGucket interjected.  “Angie’s is gold.  Mine is silver.  The magic what accompanied Stan disappearin’ to the front yard was copper.”
              “Not to mention, Lute, you wanted Stan out of here,” Angie pointed out.
              “Bang-up job on that, by the way,” Stan said. “You sent me, what, thirty feet?”
              “Sorry, next time I’ll send ya to the bottom of the ocean,” Lute said tartly.  Mrs. McGucket glared at him.
              “Lute Everett, that’s it!” she snapped.  She grabbed Lute’s ear and dragged him out of the bedroom.
              “Ow, ow!” Lute yelped.  “Ma!”
              “Yer father ‘n I ‘re goin’ to have a talk with ya while we let Stan ‘n Angie deal with their big news,” she said firmly. Mr. McGucket sighed.  He looked at Stan and Angie.
              “Congratulations, you two.”
              “Thanks, Pa,” Angie said quietly.  Mr. McGucket kissed her forehead.
              “I’m just glad to have ya back.  Ya comin’ back with a husband and baby on the way, why, that’s just sugar on top.  But I better go help scold some sense into yer brother.”  Mr. McGucket patted Stan on the shoulder and left.  Stan closed the door behind him.
              “Your family’s intense,” Stan said.  Angie smiled and sat back down on the bed.
              “We’re married.  That means they’re yer fam’ly, too.”  She frowned.  “By the way, my fam’ly don’t really tolerate lyin’.”
              “So?” Stan asked.  He sat next to her.
              “You lied.”
              “About what ya found when we arrived at this house. Why’d ya tell my folks that Stanford wasn’t here?  He was.”
              “I know Ford was here.  I was the one who got him through a portal and into a different universe, remember?”
              “Why’d ya lie?” Angie repeated.  “My folks have a lot of experience and wisdom.  And my ma’s definitely a better genie than I am. They’d be able to help us-”  Angie stopped mid-sentence.  She stared at Stan.  “You don’t want their help.”
              “Why not?”
              “Look.  I’m sure that your parents are nice people.  But Ford was clearly in some deep shit before he went wherever he went. I don’t want your family sticking their big noses into whatever Ford was up to here.”
              “Big noses, huh?” Angie asked, raising an eyebrow.
              “Oh, come on.  You know that I wasn’t ragging on your nose,” Stan scoffed.
              “I certainly hope not, ‘cause there’s a high likelihood one of yer children will have that nose.”
              “And it’ll look as gorgeous on the kid as it does on you,” Stan said firmly.  Angie smiled. “Seriously, though, I really don’t want your folks to get involved in Pines family business.”
              “I’m involved.”
              “You’re a Pines.  Or did you say you’d take my last name just to make me feel better or something?”
              “No, I took yer name ‘cause it looked so good on ya,” Angie teased.  She interlaced her fingers with Stan’s.  “Now that I’ve contacted my fam’ly, I can settle back into my proper identity a bit and get the paperwork done, make me legally a Pines.”  Stan grinned at her.  She looked down.  “You really don’t want my fam’ly to know anything ‘bout Ford’s sit’ation?”
              “All right.”  Angie took a breath.  “We’ll keep ‘em out of it.”  Stan kissed the top of her head.
              “Thanks, babe.”
              “Wow, a ‘thanks’ that I didn’t need to use magic to get?”
              “I’m gonna be a dad, remember?  I’ve gotta learn how to be responsible and use manners and shit like that,” Stan said.  Angie chuckled.  “Damn, we’re gonna be parents.  We’re gonna need a house for the kids.”
              “I’m assumin’ that ya want to stay in Gravity Falls so’s that it’ll be easier to get yer brother back.”  Angie looked around the room.  “This ain’t that bad of a place.  We could stay here.”
              “In my brother’s creepy rundown shack?  Uh, no.  We’ve got enough money to get something nice.”
              “All those five-star hotels really spoiled ya, huh?”
              “Yep,” Stan said cheerfully.  Angie laughed.  “Maybe we can go for a drive around town later to look for a house appropriate for someone in our tax bracket.”
              “Like you pay taxes.”
              “When I’m a dad, I probably should.  Don’t wanna go to jail when I’ve got two kids at home.”
              “Aw.”  Angie kissed Stan’s cheek.  “Yer already changin’ yer criminal ways fer yer babies, and they ain’t even born yet.”
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myblueeyedbuggers · 3 years
My Boys
Chapter 10
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14
Pairings: Reader x Steve Rogers (best friend) Reader x Bucky Barnes
Word Count:1843
Warnings: Slow Start, Language.
Summary: After being abandoned by her parents in Brooklyn in 1929, y/n makes a living for herself by working for the Црни лабуд gang until she meets two boys in a back alley and her life slowing begins to change.
Annnddd I’m back! so I know it’s been a while since the last update and I just wanna thank you all for having patience with me while I finished up with college, just a warning this chapter may feel a little awkward to read due to me just getting back into my writing mind so apologises in advance for this one. Anyways I’ll quit blabbering, Enjoy everyone! :)
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This was my day of reckoning, my punishment for all the bad deeds I’d done over the past couple of years…I was finally being sent to school. Okay maybe that was a tad dramatic, but can you blame me? I mean who wants to be trapped in a building against their will for 7 hours straight learning about dead guys?! No sane person would willingly agree to that crap!
I’ve tried just about everything to avoid my approaching doom, hell I even went as far as hiding in the basement surrounded by cobwebs to try and get out of this, but as per usual neither Steve or Bucky took mercy on me, hence why in currently trapped between the two. “You are aware I’m perfectly capable of walkin’ by myself aren’t ya? The looping of the arms is not needed boys” I swear down these two are being more annoying than usual, and I didn’t think that was humanly possible cause these two are basically the living embodiment of annoyance. Steve turned and raised his eyebrows at me, shaking his head as he let out a small laugh, “Yeah there’s absolutely no way I’m fallin’ for that again, last time that happened it look me and Buck an hour to get you outta that tree”. Ah crap there goes that plan.
I’m pretty sure the noise I made wasn’t even human, it was a mix between a seal and a possessed monkey “I’m not gonna get outta this am I?” “Nope” and que another frustrated groan. “Is this payback for the time I placed that bucket of flour above your bedroom door and watched the both of you turn into ghosts? If it is then I want you to know I regret nothin’” both of them stopped and glared at me, for some reason they didn’t find that as funny as I did, and I have no idea why. Okay whatever you do y/n don’t laugh, even if Steve’s face looks like a slapped arse don’t laugh! A snicker slipped past my lips and a few seconds later I was full on laughin’.  Goddamn it.
Both of em just let out a bunch of sighs and started draggin’ my butt along the street, wait there’s somethin’ I haven’t tried yet…in hindsight this is completely stupid but screw it. “OH MY GOD LOOK A SPACESHIP!” I’m pretty sure poor Bucky jumped outta his skin, Steve ended up trippin’ up and falling down, I’ll admit that I felt bad about but hey may plan worked! So why am I still standin’ there?… maybe we try this thing called running y/n! I quickly pulled my arm away from Bucky and used my new-found freedom to run in the opposite direction of them, I could hear the shouts of protest from the both of them, so I decided to kindly ignore them and absolutely leg it.  “GODAMMN IT Y/N! THIS IS THE FIFTH TIME THIS MORNIN’!” when were the boys gonna catch on that I didn’t wanna go? Do I need to prepare a firework show and blast it in their faces or somethin’…probably.  
I know I probably shouldn’t be smiling, but the feeling of the wind flowing through my hair as my feet hit the ground made me feel free, after so many years I could finally begin acting my age and enjoy my childhood. I finally felt content with my life, which is probably the opposite of what I should be feeling at this moment in time, considering I was currently making my grand escape. And to completely honest I’ve got no bloody clue as to where I am. I glanced behind me to see where the hell those idiots were, to my surprise Steve was directly behind me, Buck was somewhere in the back holdin’ his knee and I’m guessing the daft sod decked it. Why am I not surprised? Okay maybe I should of kept my mouth shut cause literally a second later my foot tripped over a rock and, you guessed correctly, I landed on my ass for the thousandth time!
“Sh*t! Cr*p! B*lls! That f**king hurt!” and that ladies and gentlemen is my fine command of the queens English, a groan of pain made me loose my train of thought as I turned my head to Steve, to put it simply he was laid flat on his back with his eye closed. Well there’s the rush of guilt I’ve been waiting for, “Sh*t Steve I’m sorry, you okay down there tough guy?” I quickly offered him my hand to help him up, I mean it’s the least I could do. Steve’s hand grabbed mine, a not so quiet grunt of pain made me feel even worse, quick question why am I such an assh*le at times? “Yeah, I’m fine y/n, don’t worry about it you know for a fact I’ve had worse” a quiet sigh left my lips as I brought him in for a hug, which was a tiny bit awkward due to the height difference. Once we pulled away from each other, I couldn’t supress the need to check him for anymore injuries, much to Steve’s embarrassment and Bucky’s amusement, “Jesus I’m gonna have to start wrapping ya up in blankets and pillows, Steve how the hell did you manage to get a bruise on your ear?!”
The sudden gasp behind me pretty much answered the question for me, it’s safe to say barney boy is in trouble…for the first in my life Bucky looks pretty f**king terrified of me, perfect. Slowly I started inching towards him, the glare I was sending him would probably make a demon cry for his mum…so yeah imma go kill the boy. I didn’t even have to say anything, he just started runnin’, “IT’S NOT MY FAULT HE STOLE MY FR**KING PUDDIN’ AND THE PUNK KNOWS I LOVE MY PUDDIN!’” YEP DEFINITELY KILLIN’ HIM “HE IS A SMALL AND GENTLE BOY HOW IN THE NAME OF HELL CAN YOU EVEN THINK OF LAYIN’ A HAND ON ‘IM?!” god this sounds like a bleeding soap opera.
 At this point I wouldn’t be surprised of someone called the cops on us, all everyone woulda seen was a big lad runnin’ for his life as a small lass tried to murder him while a smaller lad ran after the pair yellin’ for em to quit it.  Now that I think about, that’s actually hilarious. Wait, where was I? ah yes the murdering of one James Barnes…okay that is not a normal sentence I am aware. “HE.STOLE.MY.PUDDIN’! THAT A CRIME WORTHY OF DEATH!” oh for f**ksake “HOW THE HELL DO YA KNOW IT WAS HIM?! DID YOU NOT THINK IT COULDA BE BECCA?!” I think he made a sudden realisation, cause the dumbass stopped running and BOOM I was on the freakin’ floor. Again. We both groaned, mine was mostly in annoyance more than anything, but seriously the bloody floor is quickly becoming me best mate! “…. It just dawned on me that that could be a possibility…” if my neck twisted any quicker I’m 100% sure that I’d end up doin’ that weird owl thing “Oh now you realise?! Ya gonna say sorry to Steve or not?” a few seconds of silence gave me my answer. “Don’t give me that look y/n! I ain’t doing s**t till I’ve got some evidence so he’s still under my list of suspects!” oh my Jesus Christ this is gonna be the day I get arrested for murder isn’t it?
“Barnaby…you have exactly five seconds to run for your life so I highly recommend you get your affairs in order and kiss ya ass goodbye” oh hey look at that I didn’t yell at him! Well done me I’m so proud! “could you two quit trying to kill each other for 5 minutes?! We’re already late enough as is it and I ain’t explainin’ to the teacher why Buck’s outta it on the floor!” my f**kin god Steve just yelled! At me! why do I never have a camera when this s**t happens?  “Jeez, alright I’ll murder him later, calm your damn t*ts Rogers” and cue the sound of barely contained frustration in 3,2,1….
“I’m beginning to get the feelin’ that you don’t like me y/n” oh really? I wonder what gave that away “wow you catch on quickly don’t ya Barnaby?” by the looks of things I’m really doing wonders for his ego, buck’s head looks like it’s gotten smaller so the risk of him turning into a hot air balloon’s gone down. The feeling of a pair of eyes glaring at the back of my head once again reminded me that the blonde boy was quickly getting tired of our crap, my worst fears were confirmed once I met Steve’s surprisingly intimidating glare…how he manages to be both adorable and beyond f**king terrifying is a mystery to me. “Okay I’m comin’ just stop staring at me like I just murdered your kitten!” and the little s**t has the nerve to smirk and look pleased with himself, ugh he’s been hanging ‘round me and Bucky too long that’s for sure.
“Ya know Buck and you are gonna be the death of me” right do I be offended or pleased with that statement? “actually, if anything it’s gonna be the pair of you that send me to an early grave cause god knows the both of ya don’t know how to stay outta trouble” two muffled sounds of protest came from my left and from behind me, “what’s that supposed to mean?!” once again the point has been missed “do you really wanna know the answer to that? I’ve got my report and presentation ready on how you two are a pair of numpties”.
Maybe that was a tad harsh…okay wait never mind it seems I’ve learned how to fly again with the assistance of one James Buchannan Barnes. “this is coming from the girl who can’t walk five feet without fallin’ over somethin’?” as much as I hate to admit it the walking embodiment of frustration and annoyance has a point “what you call fallin’ I call floor hugs, now how about you pUT ME DOWN FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!” wait when did Steve walk off? See this is what happens when an overgrown ape demands attention. I don’t even have to look at Buck to know he’s givin’ me that look that says, “what the hell?” and “I’m not surprised by this” at the same time, “Nah I don’t think that’s gonna happen doll” the temptation to kick ‘im where the sun doesn’t shine is too much to bare for me at this point. “And you wonder why I love Steve more that you” Buck’s face kinda looked like someone just shoved a whole lemon in his mouth, I’m almost certain that he woulda dropped me on my ass if it wasn’t for the fact that Steve came over and dragged us both through the gates of hell.
This is gonna be so much fun!……said no-one ever.  
Okay…maybe it didn’t suck as much a thought it did, hopefully my skills as a writer will come back for the next couple of chapters XD Thanks for reading ! :)
Rose xxx
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Club La Vitesse.
[The High Roller, 7:00am]
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I refuse to confirm or deny my involvement in the matter. However, I will say this…
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Recently it has come to my attention that Mr Hayamoto, Ms Rokuhana and Mr Fujita have all been dealing in acts that they probably shouldn’t have. I feel an understandable motive would be to put them in their place.
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*Syobai punches the TV that the group are watching the news broadcast on.
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*sigh* Great! You owe me a TV Syobai.
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Y-Yeah...sorry boss it’s just...
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I can’t stand this asshole actin’ like he ain’t got nothin’ to do with this!
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Was it worth punching my TV over?
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I’d say it was.
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Everyone just calm down. I get that we all despise Asayoru, but we’ve just got to be patient until we can contact him.
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Ryota’s right. And knowing Asayoru, I doubt he’s gonna lie around and wait for us to come to him.
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Yeah, he’s probably gonna try and get a preemptive strike on us...
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I wouldn’t put it like that, but yeah...
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Speaking of which, Kuripa...I’ve noticed Kibin isn’t here...She holding up ok?
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She’s fine. She just didn’t want to come in.
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But she’s still willing to help us out when the time is right.
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Got it. That’s good to hear.
*As Kokichi says this, the landline in his office starts to ring.
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Hold on, let me get this...
*Kokichi picks up the phone and answers it.
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???: Ah, h-hello? Is this Mr Ouma of the High Roller?
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Hm? Oh, yes, that’s right.
*Immediately noticing the suspicion, Kokichi switches the phone onto speaker so everyone in the office can hear.
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What can I do for you sir? Here to book a reservation?
???: No actually...I’m calling on business matters.
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Who might this be?
Koumori: My name is Ryo Koumori. We met before, albeit only briefly.
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Isn’t Koumori...?
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Ryo Koumori is one of Mr Asayoru’s assistants alongside Seina-san.
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He must be calling on Asayoru’s behalf. Maybe Kuripa’s right about how he’s not waiting for us...
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What’s the problem Mr Koumori? Is Mr Asayoru upset with me?
Koumori: Why not ask him yourself? I arranged this phonecall so that he could speak to you...
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Ah...alright then. Feel free to put him on.
Koumori: Of course.
*Koumori goes quiet and after a few seconds, a new voice comes through the phone.
Asayoru: Morning Mr Ouma. 
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Mr Asayoru! Wow, what a coincidence that you planned to call me this morning. Me and my staff just got done watching the interview of yours on the news.
Asayoru: Let me guess...One of them punched the TV.
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...Maybe they did...maybe they didn’t...
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Asayoru: In any case, I’m here to make some arrangements...and to also congratulate you on defeating both Club Conservatrice and La Flèche. Despite how inept my minions are, I apologize if they caused you any trouble.
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Someone hold me back before I hunt him down and hurt him...
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Mr Kurafto, what happened to being patient...!?
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But Mr Asayoru, aren’t you supposed to be the boss of the Four Horsemen? Fujita, Rokuhana and Hayamoto were your own crew. If you wanna call yourself the leader then you’ve failed just as hard.
Asayoru: Hahaha! Well, I am in no position to refute that claim...but what can I say except that I’m embarrassed? I do mean it though when I say I’m impressed that you defeated Hayamoto...Though I should have expected as much from the new manager of the Rovinare...
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The what?
Asayoru: Ah, don’t mind me...I meant to say High Roller. The point is I’m impressed with your efforts...
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What did he say?
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He said...the Rovinare.
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What the heck is that?
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Beats me, I thought you’d know...
*Iroha, Syobai and Kana all shake their heads.
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Heh. Well, I’ll take that as a compliment sir.
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First it was Fujita, then Rokuhana, and now Hayamoto. I’d say that the Four Horsemen won’t be riding for a while now...
Asayoru: ...Mr Ouma...Can I be honest about something with you?
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Go on?
Asayoru: To be perfectly frank, I never gave two shits about the Four Horsemen. That is to say I hardly care about the clubs, or their managers. If it goes bust, it’s hardly a non-issue. In fact, despite their own individual personality traits, each of them had one thing in common in that they all, Fujita particularly, became very conceited after receiving a little bit of power and money. I’d planned to dispose of them all eventually, but you’ve done just that for me. So I feel I should thank you.
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The more this guy talks, the more I want to punch him in the face...!
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I agree...How can he treat his own coworkers like this...!?
Asayoru: However, we’re the only two left now...The country will never be the same at this rate, if one of us ends up beating the other.
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The only two left...?
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The country will never be the same...?
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What’s he on about?
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That to me sounds like an invitation for a contest Mr Asayoru.
Asayoru: It is one. I had a gut feeling that one day I’d have to face you sooner or later.
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That gut feeling is mutual I’ll have you know. However, I don’t think discussing the terms over the phone will do us a whole lot of good...
Asayoru: That is true. If you’re up for it, then come visit me at my club tomorrow morning. We can discuss our terms there if you so desire.
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That sounds great. I’m looking forward to it.
Asayoru: And I’m looking forward to putting an end to your little rabble. Goodbye for now Mr Ouma...
*Asayoru hangs up.
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Now nobody break my phone.
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WHO THE FUCK DOES HE THINK HE IS!? He acted like he had the moral high ground over you that whole conversation!
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He probably thought he did. Look, I’m not happy about it either. But on the bright side, he’s offering us a challenge. We get an opportunity! That’s a step in the right direction.
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Kuripa-kun, calm down. I get that you’re angry, but we’ll have our chance, ok?
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*sigh* You’re right...sorry about that...
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It’s alright but...Can I just ask something?
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What’s up?
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What did Asayoru mean on that call? He mentioned something called...the Rovinare?
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Do you know what that is Kokichi?
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...It’s the name of another Cabaret club...It got closed down recently, around the same time I took over as manager for the High Roller.
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I see...but why would Asayoru bring it up if it’s unrelated?
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I think it was a slip of the tongue on his part...But it does seem like a place of importance to him...
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nagdabbit · 4 years
66. "I said I liked PEANUTS, not penis." + 64. "You're so dumb I bet your mom used cactuses as dildos." 💜🖤🤍👽
“You’re so dumb,” Billy sniggered, shoving Steve’s shoulder, just to watch the other man stumble and list dangerously. He loved Drunk Steve. Drunk Steve was the best. Drunk Steve yelled dumb shit at the top of his lungs at two-ay-em in a residential district known for calling the cops on wayward youths.
Billy fuckin’ loved Drunk Steve. He loved Sober Steve, too, of course, but Drunk Steve was always a good time.
Billy liked his designated position as Drunk Steve Wrangler, it was fun. He could get Steve to do all kinds of dumb things–safely, he wasn’t a monster. Got some of the best stories, the best blackmail material, and could lead a two-hour walking tour of Steve’s favourite places to puke on their walk back to campus.
The only issue was that Billy hadn’t been aware that his wrangling services had been required that evening. Because he thought it was a date. Because Steve said, out loud, to Billy’s face, directly, the words, ’It’s a date,’ when Billy agreed to meet him at Joe’s. 
So he didn’t get the long stumble back to campus he had expected–one with significantly more making out against whatever storefronts and picket fences they passed–but it was a fun stumble, nonetheless. 
“The hell’d you just say t'me?”
“I said,” Billy teased, “that you are so dumb. Just the dumbest.”
“I am not!” Steve flailed at him, laughing and loud and having the time of his damn life.
“You’re so dumb I bet your mom used cactuses as dildos,” Billy said, just to see what other dumb shit he could goad Steve into saying.
Steve instantly shot back with, “Don’t talk about my dad like that!” And then he frowned, eyes going unfocused and fuzzy. “Did that even make sense? I don’t think that makes sense. You don’t make sense.”
“I make sense, how dare you.”
“And third,” Steve slurred, waving a hand in Billy’s face, “why am I dumb this time?”
“Did you hear what you yelled at Old Man Wilson’s mailbox?“ 
Steve shook his head, looking at Billy like he was the chaotic dumbass. “It was lookin’ at me funny.”
“Steve, princess, you took one look at that innocent windmill and yelled, I’d suck a dick for some penis right about now,” Billy said, lifting an eyebrow at him. “Followed closely by a, Man, I fucking love penis.”
Steve blinked a few times then threw his head back with a dramatic groan. “I said I liked peanuts, not penis! D'you even listen when I talk? I don’t even like penises! This is a dick-free zone!” he howled, motioning at his general being.
“We shared gym class,” Billy reminded him, biting down a laugh. “There’s at least one bone in that zone.”
Steve leveled an unimpressed look at the space over Billy’s left shoulder. “And, furthermore, why would I suck a dick for penis? That does-doesn’t make any sense, Billy-buddy. Gotta get that hearing checked out.”
“My hearing is fine, you gotta speak clearly, soaky,” he laughed and bodily spun Steve back around. “Come on, princess, still got a few more blocks to go.”
He flailed ineffectually, “Un-unhand me, you brute!”
“Walk and talk, pretty boy, you got class in the morning,” he chuckled, shoving Steve along. “For a guy that doesn’t like dick, you sure like chasin’ mine a lot.”
“I’m chasin’ you, not–no dicks. No clits, either. No nothin’ but, like, cuddlin’ and back rubs and cute shit,” Steve said, reluctantly marching along. 
“So what happened to our date tonight?”
“I panicked.”
“You don’t usually close down Joe’s on Tuesday night when you panic,” Billy reasoned. 
“My hand slipped.”
“I just panicked!” he screeched, throwing his hands in the air. “D'you know how hard it is to, like, fall in love with your best friend?”
“Yes, Steve, I do,” he said, patiently.
“See?! It’s wild and shit and, like.” He sputtered in place of saying anything useful, grunted a few times, and then sighed. And then, “Butts.”
Billy bit his lip for a long few seconds, biting down on the laugh threatening to bust out. “Butts?” he prompted, voice a little pitched and strangled to his own ears.
“Butts,” Steve confirmed, “are great, right? You ever just grabbed a good butt? Fuckin’ heaven. But, like, that’s all I want. Get it?”
His chest hurt, jesus, from just trying not to laugh. “No, Steve, I don’t get it.”
“It’s a whole thing, Billsy, baby. Ask Robin,” he said with a nod. “She said m'not broken or anything, so don’ think none'a that. M’just a-ase–asexy, or whatever. I just like your butt and your face and your hugs and shit. And your butt. And your dumb, little laugh and the way you crinkle your nose–”
“My nose?”
“Like a bunny,” Steve confirmed. “An’ I like your hair and the stupid, little Clark Kent mother fucker curl that always hangs over your forehead and how you know my pancake order at the diner and your butt.”
“In that order?”
Another decisive nod that nearly knocked Steve off balance. “That order.”
“Okay. Were you gonna try and tell me all that tonight?”
“Yep, but I panicked and dec-desh–chose to not do that.”
“Wanna know a secret?”
“Oh my god, always!”
“You just told me.”
Steve froze, then spun around in horror, grasping for Billy’s jacket, “Oh no, Billy m’not doin’ a good job!”
“No, no, you did a great job,” Billy chuckled, patting his shoulder. “You like me for my butt and my stunning personality and, also, my butt. No fuckin’ and just cuddlin’ and you’re just as in love with me as I am with you. Did I forget anything?”
Steve blinked at him, owlishly. His eyes weren’t focusing all that well, and Billy got the feeling he was doing most of the work in keeping Steve standing, but at least the statement made it through the haze of PBR. “No, that all checks out.”
“Good, so it is was a success?”
“Huh. I guess so.”
“Good. Now, you are too drunk to work out the details of this arrangement,” Billy said, and pressed a kiss to Steve’s cheek and then spun him back around. Held him steady so he didn’t fall on his face. “So, what we’re gonna do, hot stuff, is get back to your dorm, get you tucked in, and we’re not gonna let you fall on your face on the way. Sound good?”
“But kisses,” Steve whined, trying to spin back around. 
“Kisses later. Walking first,” Billy said, lovingly frogmarching him forward. “Tell me how much you like peanuts again.”
Steve gasped. “Billy, I didn’t eat, we need t’go back t’Joe’s an’ get some of the peanuts.”
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tiredcowpoke · 4 years
TITLE: An Early Morning (18+) PAIRING: Arthur Morgan/Reader REQUEST: Unprompted. BLURB: A week of tension and self-esteem issues finally comes to a head one early morning for you and Arthur. WARNINGS: Some self-esteem issues and mentions of depression, but most heavy one is smut (oral) so this one is 18+. It gets sort of fluffy tho. NOTE: Here I am digging into my rare smut writing ventures to give you some angst and fluff in these trying times. Also this is an unestablished modern verse au because why not. I wrote this as gender neutral and tried to keep it that way.
You weren’t too sure what the issue was anymore. 
Something had shifted, it was bothersome that you couldn’t figure out what it was exactly. At first it just seemed like general business, you weren’t pushy and neither was Arthur. That was something you liked about him, that could go about your own business without worrying too much if the other was expecting something. Working from home while he worked in the nearest town was a nice set up, much as your days could feel a little boring and lonely at points. Recently, that had been showing itself much more frequently, even the odd message not really doing much. Somehow, Arthur had become more clipped in real life than he was in texted words, and you had found yourself wanting to ask what was going on but something pulled you back into letting him sort it out. Arthur seemed to have a lot going on under the surface sometimes, and you knew in certain points there was nothing you could really do about it aside from being there for him. 
This, though? It was something else. 
He was taking more work and shifts that had him seeing you less, and it seemed like he was avoiding you or avoiding talking about something. You had been with him for a while, it wasn’t like you couldn’t see the signs that he was putting up a wall, but it was still a hard subject to navigate. It had started happening after that wedding for a friend and the trip into the city. You had been raised there, you knew the city enough to occupy both your times during the down points between the events, but even then you knew Arthur felt like he stuck out like a sore thumb. He hadn’t completely, but around your friends he really did seem to stick out a bit in mannerisms. Showing up as a couple had pulled some questions and conversations your way, stories about past relationships and growing up. It had seemed nice at the time, you hadn’t suspected anything wrong. 
Now...now it was just strange how it seemed to shift a week or two after you had come back from the city. 
You had been talking back and forth with a friend about the whole thing, a message making you pause as you had sat at the foot of the bed. 
‘Are you two going to seperate, then?’
The question had put a pit in your stomach, shutting the phone as you placed it screen down against your leg as you leaned forward on an elbow, running a hand across your mouth in thought. That was...a scary question you really didn’t want to answer, or really knew the words for one. It made you realize that you had to say something, or the issue would really sit for too long for you and Arthur to really do anything about it. You had tried not to let the various conclusions your mind came to really sit at the forefront, but there was a mystery there. Was he really done with the whole thing and couldn’t find the words for it himself? Should you treat this as another depressive period? Did he find someone else? The thoughts had you taking in a breath, shutting your eyes as you vowed that you would get this figured out soon. 
A few days later, that vow returned to you as you woke up in bed early in the morning, turning your head to glance toward the window to see the faint light of day starting to glow from behind the curtain. You knew you weren’t alone in the bed, feeling the warmth of another body nearby but it still felt like there was distance even then. Arthur was never an overly affectionate person in public, as you had come to understand, but he was usually more relaxed about it behind closed doors and in bed. You had gotten used to feeling him settling himself around you at night, or waking up pressed into his back or wrapped in his arms. 
Lately, it had left the impression that he would sleep on the floor if it wasn’t so damn obvious. 
You slowly turned your head to glance toward him, Arthur’s back to you as he appeared to be sleeping. However, as you shifted up slightly to roll over, you saw that he had his eyes open. It gave you a moment’s pause, settling back down for a moment as you watched his shoulders rise and fall slowly in time with his even breathing. Letting out a small breath of your own, you reached out to run a hand against the back of his shoulder. Arthur tensed just slightly, making it known you had pulled him from a thought as you kept your hand pressed there for a few moments before letting it drop. 
“Are you gonna talk to me at some point about what’s happening?” you asked, voice somewhat thick from sleep, “Because it’s starting to become a lot.” 
“‘Bout what? Me sleepin’?” he grumbled, shifting slightly to glance at you over his shoulder for a moment. 
“Unless you started sleeping with your eyes open, I think we both know that’s not it.” 
He seemed to regard you for a moment before shrugging, settling back into the same position he was in before. That wall still up. Arthur let out a slow sigh through his nose, shaking his head lightly against the pillow. 
“It’s nothin’, don’t worry ‘bout it.” 
“See,” you started, your voice a little sharp as you raised up to sit with your back against the headboard somewhat, “I kind of have to worry, considering you won’t tell me what is going on, won’t really talk to me that much at all. Makes me think that if we hadn’t have moved in together, you wouldn’t have even bothered showing up here at the end of your days.” 
That seemed to put some pause in him as well, Arthur remaining silent for a few moments as you could feel your heart pick up a bit upon the thoughts that started to rush into your head. Did he regret moving in with you? Did he really just want to leave? The question that followed seemed to echo those thoughts, putting a terrible pit in your stomach. 
“You regret lettin’ me live with you?” he asked, not lifting his head to look at you as he said it. 
“No?” he returned, shaking your head, “We’d been talking about it for months beforehand, I had a lot of time to consider that. I just...Arthur, if you’re unhappy, you should just tell me. I don’t want to keep you tethered here if you would rather move on.” 
“I’m not lookin’ to move on, it’s not that,” he started, rolling over onto his back as he looked up at the ceiling for a few moments. It was something, at least, making you curl your legs so you could sit properly in bed as you watched his expression. “Hadn’t really noticed how different we are ‘till a couple weeks ago. You always said you were from a city, but guess I never really pictured it before. All those people, your friends, I saw how you were with them and...guess part of me thought I was holdin’ you back.”
“Your response to that was to shut me out?” you asked, Arthur shifting his gaze to meet yours finally as the tightness of your brow softened slightly as you shook your head. Being angry for him for how he reacted to that insecurity? Maybe it wasn’t fair, and you weren’t so much angry as you were a little sad. “You carried that around for so long and didn’t want to tell me? I would have told you exactly what I’m telling you now. I see those people maybe once or twice every couple years, a couple I keep regular contact with through messaging but other than that...I mean, I was as happy to leave as you were by the end of that week.” 
“Guess I thought it would be easier to just close off for a bit. I thought...you couldn’t actually love someone like me, want someone like me after where you came from.” 
“I could say the same to you about me,” you supplied, pausing a moment as you looked over his face a moment before you let out a soft sigh through your nose. “Telling all my friends and family I was moving out into this town in the middle of nowhere, taking my work remotely? I had to tell them a number of times that was what I wanted, and I’m as certain about that as I am about wanting to be with you. I love you, and thinking that you were making room to...leave or that you found someone else, I just…” 
“There’s nobody else,” he confirmed, causing you to glance back toward him at the certainty in his voice and the feeling of his hand warming your lower back through the fabric of your shirt. “I’m sorry, I get so in my damn head sometimes it feels like all I’m thinkin’ is truth. Always been like that, I should’ve...I dunno, stepped back a moment.” 
“You’re more than those thoughts,” you stated, reaching out to run your hand through his hair, a touch he seemed to welcome as it eased not only the tension in his expression but the heaviness in your gut that had developed over the last couple days, “I’m happy with you, Arthur. Very much so. If that ever changes, I will tell you about it. I know I should have been more open about my own thoughts, too.” 
“Not your fault,” he returned with a small shake of his head, “I shouldn’t have shut you out like I did.” 
You let out a small exhale, shifting so you could lean over him and press a kiss to his mouth. Arthur returned it easily, the action pulling a wave of relief through you that you weren’t aware you needed, holding the gesture for a few moments as he cupped the back of your head, wrapping his free arm around your back to press you against him. Parting with a small inhale, you let out a soft huff as you smiled softly. 
“Guess we’ll have to agree to disagree on that,” you continued, looking over his face a moment, “and I really do love you, you know that right?”
“Yeah,” Arthur returned with a soft nod, shifting his head slightly as you pressed a kiss to his cheek. 
“And you are very attractive,” you stated with a quick grin, Arthur letting out a small huff in return. 
“Wouldn’t go that far.”
“I might,” you returned, Arthur, despite his quip, allowing you to drop your head down toward his shoulder as you pressed your mouth against his neck. 
You weren’t too sure where the urge came from, and in that exact moment of all places, but the feeling of his fingers slipping under your shirt to run warm skin against your bare back was enough to make you want to feel it all over. Perhaps it was the well of emotions over the last couple days, or the lack of affection throughout all the doubt, but you really just wanted him to keep going. 
Yet, you had another idea. 
Shifting your hands down a bit, you slipped your hands under the fabric to trail up his stomach slightly as you lifted your head from his neck, Arthur letting out a slow breath as you gathered the hem of his shirt and pushed it upwards slightly. Getting what you were trying to do, Arthur shifted up to help remove his shirt. Both of your movements were a little slow due to the time of day and sleepiness was still lingering, but it seemed like you both were fine with the current turn of events. You brought your head back down to kiss along his exposed shoulder and toward his collarbone as Arthur settled himself back down but didn’t fully lay back down as you felt the prickle of his stubble brush against the side of your head, feeling a hand running along your side before he dropped toward your hip, knowing where he was planning on going with it. Much as you wanted that, you knew he would take the moment to shift the focus more on you. Generous as that was, that wasn’t your plan. 
So, you pulled yourself up a bit, reaching down to gently remove his hand from that part of your body. You didn’t miss the somewhat confused look that crossed his expression, giving him a soft grin and light chuckle. 
“Later,” you said, letting him have his hand back, “I want this to be about you right now.” 
“...You sure?” he asked, “You really don’t have to.” 
“I want you,” you replied, shifting to run your hand along his stomach, stopping near the dip of his inner hip, “and I want to. You had said you were worried I didn’t love or want you anymore, right? I figure I could show you how wrong that thought is. Unless you don’t want me to continue.” 
You lifted your gaze back toward his face at your last statement, taking in his expression for anything that would indicate that he wanted you to back off. Instead, he seemed to be watching you in return with lidded eyes, mouth slightly parted, before he nodded softly. 
“Sure, darlin’, okay. Go ahead.” 
Getting your intention, he seemed to relax somewhat, laying back a little more against the pillows but not fully as you offered him another smile. You moved your hand down between his legs, gently gripping the bulge there over the boxers there that he had worn to bed, the action pulling a quick inhale from him as you pressed and rubbed back against the slight lift of his hips. You palmed and stroked him through the fabric of his boxers for a few moments, before dipping your hand in to grip at his cock. You pumped him a couple times under his underwear for a few moments, the motions pulling a small grunt from him before you were pulling him free once you could feel him growing harder. You continued to stroke him, adding a couple brushes of your thumb along the tip of his cock that caused more twitching of his hips as Arthur started letting out noises that made your stomach tighten lightly and your heart thud. 
Once you started to swipe pre-cum from his cock with your thumb, you released him a moment as you shifted to move further down the bed, shifting the blanket about you a moment before ducking under it a moment to shift under his leg somewhat so you were between his legs, taking his cock back in your hand with another stroke as you glanced up toward him. The sight of his flushed expression as he watched on, his chest rising and falling with his breaths from between his legs was enough to rush heat through your body, settling in your face before you were bending down to run your tongue along the length of his cock. You took the tip into your mouth with a light suck as Arthur dropped his head back down to the pillow with a groan. You shifted your attention to shifting his boxers down his legs further, Arthur shifting his leg and hips somewhat in help before you shifted forward a little more, running a hand along the outside of his thigh. 
Between the shared heat of the blanket and your body heats, it was getting a little uncomfortable but you didn’t care as you took him into your mouth as you squeezed his balls lightly in your free hand. You tried to relax your throat a bit as you took him in deeper, the action pulling a louder groan from him as he rolled his hips up into your mouth somewhat, causing you to draw back a bit before using your free hand to press him back down toward the bed again, message clear. You weren’t sure, but gagging on his dick might ruin the moment some. You continued to bob your head slowly, taking him in deeper each time before pulling back up with a curl of your tongue and hollowing your cheeks. The sounds he was making and controlled shifting of Arthur’s hips had your focus almost swimming as you tried to keep up the same actions. 
Still, you tried not to jump when you felt the blanket shift slightly so Arthur could find your head with his hand, running his fingers along your scalp before he found purchase on the back of your head, starting to follow the direction with the press of his hand and slight rolling of his hips as you tried to keep up the similar actions from before. You were rewarded after a few more moments of this with a few drawn out moans, another hand reaching under the blanket to grip at your shoulder, the feeling of the warm and smooth skin of one of his thighs against your shoulder and head almost making your head swim and want to take this in a more selfish direction. 
“Shit…” he groaned out as you felt his movement starting to pick up a bit in pace and force, the feeling of his hand guiding your mouth down around his cock as he rolled his hips up into the warmth had you letting out a muffled moan. If you had known this whole thing would have ended with Arthur trying to fuck your mouth as gently as he could manage, you may not have felt so torn up about it in the long run. It was a bit of an amusing and dirty thought, but a fleeting one as you continued to bob your head around his cock. Rising up with a couple harder sucks along his length had him moaning and rolling his hips quicker against your mouth, almost threatening to make you gag a bit but your throat was relaxed enough that it was alright for now. 
Thankfully, much as you could tell from the noises he was making and the pace he had set that Arthur wasn’t going to hold on for too much longer. He moaned out your name, warning you he was close as you continued to try to keep at the pace he had set before you felt him tense up, pushing back against the hold his hand had on the back of your head as you felt his cock twitch, opening your mouth a little more as he came with a drawn out groan, fingers tightening against what flesh he could grab. You sucked and tried to swallow down as much as you could, running your tongue along him a moment before you felt him release your head and you were able to separate your mouth from his cock. You swallowed again, feeling a bit of extra heat touch your face as you reached a hand up to wipe the drool and cum from your mouth before you were moving to come out from under the blanket. 
The cool air of the bedroom was welcome as you let out a few heavy breaths, glancing back toward Arthur as he seemed to be calming his own breathing, his face flushed and his gaze bleary as he met yours. With a soft chuckle, you lay down beside him. 
“Been a hot minute since I did that,” you remarked, running a hand through your hair a moment as Arthur nodded slightly beside you. 
“Yeah…” Arthur returned, shifting to roll toward you as he shifted himself up slightly with an arm, “Come here.” 
A part of you was hesitant to let him, considering what you had in your mouth barely a minute ago, but Arthur didn’t seem to care as he pressed his lips to yours in a lazy kiss, parting your lips with his tongue as you ran your hands up his back. Still, much as you knew he would probably want to take you up on the ‘later’ you had mentioned, even Arthur seemed to feel the same exhaustion you felt as he broke the kiss to settle himself down against you. He let out a low rumble from his chest as you traced your fingers against the back of his shoulder, Arthur wrapping an arm around your middle as you settled into his embrace. 
“Thank you,” he started, close to your ear, “For everythin’, not just…” 
“Yeah, I got you,” you said with a soft chuckle, lifting a hand to run through his hair, “I love you, Arthur, I needed you to know that after everything going on in your head.” 
“I love you, too,” he muttered, his arm tightening around your middle slightly, “I’ll pay you back for this soon.” 
“Well, long as you keep this position and sleep a couple hours with me, we’ll consider this settled and you can work on that later.” 
“Sure…” he said around a soft chuckle, sounding like he was well on his way back into sleep as it were. So, you just let out a slow breath, soaking in his warmth and the feeling of his skin as you shut your eyes and let everything fade into the comforting embrace of sleep.
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blackcloverdatabase · 4 years
English Translation of Novel 1: Chapter 3 – Your Dream Will Come True (Part 2 of 2)
Here’s the second half of Yami’s and Magna’s teaching adventure! As a recap, third period is about to begin for these students, and Yami just told them he’ll do a Q&A session with them. However, the students will have to land an attack on him if they want him to answer their questions.
Also, the Diamond Kingdom spy gets revealed. Did you guess their identity correctly?
--- Your Dream Will Come True (Part 2) ---
Elude and the other students certainly had a bad feeling about the lesson Yami devised, but they didn’t think they’d have to lay their lives on the line for a Q&A session.
“Ah, when I say finishing blow, I just mean hitting us with an attack strong enough to make our asses hit the ground.”
“No, that’s not the problem here! W-what’s up with those rules!? That’s no Q&A session I’m familiar with!”
Elude couldn’t help but protest. ‘There’s way too much fighting involved in his lessons!’ he thought. He went out of his way to warn Allison, but it looks like it doesn’t matter whether somebody provokes Yami or not.
“Quit complainin’. Information’s not usually somethin’ you get for free.”
‘That’s why we’re paying money to go to this academy…….’ they all thought. It didn’t seem like this terrible teacher’s rampage would end anytime soon. Elude had to choose his words carefully.
“…… Um, even though this school is in the Common Realm, we’re on the very border between the Common and Forsaken Realms, you know? There’s not a single person here aiming to become a Magic Knight. That’s why, even if you teach us as thoroughly as you’re doing now, none of us are going to be able to use any of that. I think you would be wasting your time by doing this, Yami-sensei.”  
Just as he finished talking, he prodded two of his followers with his elbows, and the two continued where Elude left off.
“T-that’s right. Maybe you’d find students willing to fight you at a school closer to the Royal Capital, but at a school like this……?”
“P-plus, we used up all our physical and magical stamina in the last lesson…… we can hardly move anymore.”
After hearing out their opinions, Magna created a fireball in the palm of his hand.
“Alright, I’ve heard your questions!! If you want me to answer them, then come at me!”
“No no no! You have us wrong! Those weren’t questions! Those were our opinions!”
“Shut up! Stop complaining and attack already! Or do you want me to attack first, huh!?”
‘…….Are these guys……. serious!?’
They were sweating buckets as they looked at Harris-sensei for help. However……
“Ah, I’m so useless! He’s making a bloodbath of my students, and all I can do is watch!”
“You can stop him! There’s still time to stop him! Go rescue your students already!”
“Lets goooOOOOoooOOOoo!”
While Elude was going off at his teacher, Magna prepared to throw his fireballs, but……
“……Ahh, that’s enough. You can stop there.”
Yami said coldly, catching Magna’s hand.
“Huh!? Is it really okay if I stop!?”
“Yeah. After all……”
Yami looked at the students who looked like they wanted to run away, and with his usual apathy,
“Since the beginning, these guys have been making up one excuse after another. They’re the types who run away from the things they need to do.”
He said something like that.
……Without a doubt, Yami was the one in the wrong here. Saying that they had to fight him if they wanted him to answer their questions was just an excuse to harass them, right? It was an unreasonable request, and they had the right to refuse it.
“I was thinkin’ I could light their fighting instincts by riling them up a bit, but no matter what I try with these guys, it looks like that’s not happenin’. They have a point. I’m wasting my time with this lot.”  
Each and every word stabbed deep into their chests. Attending a school at the border of the Common Realm was quite the social handicap. Even if they wanted to learn, there was only so much they could learn at a school with as few resources as this one. There was nothing they could do.
They were already physically and magically exhausted, so they had plenty of reason not to fight him. On top of all that, their opponent was a Magic Knight Captain. There was no way they would be able to land even a single hit. They would just get beaten up instead. There was nothing they could do.
There was nothing they could do. There was nothing they could do. There was nothing they could do.
How many times have they told themselves there was nothing they could do? And how many more times were they going to tell themselves this in their lifetime?
“Actually, I knew this the second I stepped into this classroom. None of them looked like they were aimin’ for anythin’. They all had a dead look in their eyes.”
The problem they were trying not to look at was now swelling forth in their hearts, crushing them with all the important questions they’ve been trying to avoid.  
For some reason. Yami’s careless words made them all feel that way.
“Alright, then let’s return to the classroom. The rest of the day can be study hall.”
He added for good measure before turning around and walking back toward the school building with Magna in tow.
He’s gone.
However, they found themselves unable to move. All the times they thought “there was nothing they could do” had accumulated together and was weighing down their feet. They had accumulated a dozen years’ worth of questions, but that wasn’t enough to destroy what little self-esteem they had left. And yet……
……And yet!
A fireball flew over their heads as they stood immobilized by their troubles. That fireball blazed with terrifying speed toward Yami’s back, and was just about to strike him, but,
“Looks like we got one.”
He deflected it with the back of his fist, causing it to form a large crater several meters away in the ground. After he did so, the students could see a black mist-like mana covering his right hand.
“Looks like my conversation skills are awesome enough to light someone’s fighting instincts, after all.”
“I was planning on doing this from the start. I was just waiting for the perfect timing.”
That attack was amazingly powerful, but the fact he was able to deflect the attack with his bare hands was also amazing.  This is what the rest of the class thought in stunned amazement as they watched Yami and the person who launched the attack – Allison.
“This is my first question – why is your personality so warped, Yami-sensei?”
She said with a belligerent smile. When she saw that her first shot missed, she quickly entered a stance so that she could launch an attack up close.
“That wasn’t a finishing blow, but I’ll make a special exception and answer you. It’s because, naturally, a cute boy like me was spoiled by everyone around me growing up.”
Yami turned toward Magna and handed him his Magic Knight robe. He then covered his entire body with a black mist.
“Magna, keep watch so that we don’t destroy the school building with our magic. This kid’s pretty strong even without her grimoire.”
After speaking with Magna, Yami smiled ferociously at Allison. As she generated magic for her second attack, she took a deep breath, and then yelled,
“You’re not cute at all!”
“Shut up! I’m a soft and fluffy Virgo!!”
With that, a third period class where they absolutely had to land their attacks began.
 “……Huh, we’re gonna fight the students directly?”
“How bad is your hearing, anyway? We can just tell them that it’s combat training.”
This conversation occurred right before the third period class from hell began. At that time, the students were all heading toward the water fountain while Yami and Magna spoke in private.
“So far, the spy hasn’t made any movements that make them stand out. It seems like they’re tryin’ to get through this day quietly.”
Yami checked one more time to confirm that nobody would hear him before continuing.
“That’s why, I think that nothin’s gonna to happen if we continue our current strategy of shaking them up and seein’ what happens. With just this strategy, we’ll be giftin’ our spy a huge chance to act.”
“……And that chance will come by……. fighting the students in a combat training exercise?”
“Yeah. There’s no better chance to watch a Magic Knight fight from up close. I think they would be more than willing to participate in the fight if it means collecting even a little bit of information.”
If they are greedy enough, they might even attack Yami and Magna with the intent to kill. Yami was pretty sure that they wouldn’t expose themselves like that, but it would be interesting…… er, rather, it would give them definitive proof of the spy’s identity if they did. At the very least, he could look forward to a different reaction than what they’ve been getting so far.
“But, if we do that, won’t everybody who attacks us look just as suspicious?”
“Oh? That was sharper than I would expect from you, Magna.”
“Heh heh, stop that! You’re making me embarrassed!”
“…….Uh, well, that wasn’t meant to be a compliment, but I’m impressed by your positive attitude.”
His positive attitude was amazing, but he wasn’t praising him.
“I’ll make that judgment when the time comes. I already have my aim on somebody, and I’ll know what their intentions are by watching their movements and breathing as we fight.”
Their gaze, their breath, the way their muscles move – all of those are signs composed through the energy emitted by all living things. Yami’s homeland called this energy “Ki”.  What that person wants to do, what their psychological state of mind is, whether they’re in good or bad condition – if he reads their Ki, he can perceive all sorts of information about them. He can’t read what they’re actually thinking, but he can read what their general intentions behind their attacks are. No matter who they are or what attack they use, he should be able to discern the identity of the spy by reading those intentions.
“That’s Yami-san for you! ……Wait, huh? Then, shouldn’t you have just read their Ki from the start……?”
“Yeah, if we did this lesson from the start, I probably would have been able to identify the spy in one go.”
“But if we tried to make the students do that at the start, their dissatisfaction with us wouldn’t have been as large as it is right now.”
After luring them in by answering their questions, forcing them to run a marathon, and making them compete in death matches against each other, the students’ malcontent has been gradually reaching its limit. Yami could tell because of their Ki.
“Don’t you think a more interesting battle will happen if we get them riled up first, rather than if they fought us with no emotion at all?”
“……Umm, sorry, Yami-san. I think, like before, I’m a bit too stupid to follow.”
He knows they’re going to fight them, but…… like before, he’ll have to get Yami to say it in simple terms.
“So my job is to find the spy, right?”
In response to Magna’s question, Yami looked happily at the students who were returning.
“Well, while we’re at it.”
‘While we’re at it……. What?’ Magna thought.
“…….Well, whatever! You must be thinking about something super deep! But if it’s to catch the spy, then you can tell me what you’re thinking, right!?”
“No way. Your face would give my plans away.”
“No, please don’t underestimate me! By the time the spy notices my face, I’ll beat the crap outta them!”
“Don’t try to exceed my expectations please…… well, still, if you don’t move when the time comes, that would be a problem for me, so I’ll give you a hint.”
At the time, Allison had come back early and was sitting properly a few feet away as she waited.
“……The spy is a person who is not very good at hiding their emotions.”
‘…..That’s not much of a hint at all,’ Magna thought.
And thus, the “Instructor-lead combat training” Yami so hoped for began.
 “You’re not soft and fluffy at all! Try saying that after you shave off all that hideous stubble from your face!”
“I’m a soft and fluffy young man with stubble! My messy lifestyle is what makes me charming, damn it!”
Allison unleashed her attacks in rapid succession, but Yami knocked them all away. As he punched all her attacks away and closed the distance between them, Allison skillfully ran from place to place, firing her magic so that she could escape his grasp. As Magna watched their rather showy battle, Magna became convinced that she was the spy. After all, she was simply oozing anger and hostility.
‘……But Yami-san looks like he doesn’t want me to move yet. Why…….?’
Yami will give him a signal the moment he wants him to use his ropes. After being with him for all these years, Magna had no doubt in what he was seeing.
‘Does he still want me to observe the situation……? Or does he want me to guard the other students……?’
He stole a glance at the other students. It didn’t look like a stray attack would hit them. They just watched the two fight it out at a safe distance. None of them made any moves that would suggest that they would enter the fray as well. However……
“……Don’t think you can get away with this……!”
…...Magna heard a small whisper.
“Don’t think you can get away with saying whatever you want!”
A lone boy, Elude, screamed.
“What do you mean we have ‘dead eyes’! Get your eyes checked, you blind bastard!”
“T-that’s right, damn it! You came in looking like you just killed a man!”
“You said you were trying to motivate us, but all your ideas are hot garbage!”
Elude’s two followers continued where he left off as they got ready to fire an attack at Yami as well.
Because of them, the other students started glancing at each other, and,
“D-don’t go deciding our futures for us!!”
“That’s right! We’re all doing our best, too!!”
One after another, they joined the battle.
“We’re not running from what we have to do! I-I’m doing my best to learn magic here so that I can get a job at the castle town and support my Mom!”
“I want to open a flower shop in the Royal Capital when I grow up, so I wanted to ask you so many questions…….  How dare you say it would be a waste of time! You’re horrible!”
Before even ten seconds had passed, the entire student body unified against Yami and started a concentrated attack against him.
‘This situation’s out of control!’
The whole spectacle was making Magna sweat. This was what Yami was aiming for, but Magna had no idea where he should be looking. He looked toward Yami, who was now the target of 22 different attacks, for guidance, but,
“Ha ha! No way. You couldn’t hurt cute little me before, and you sure as hell can’t now! If you give up now, I’ll teach you how to be as cute and fluffy as me!”
‘He’s having fun with this!’
‘…….It looks like it’s up to me to observe the situation on my own.’
“We don’t care about that! Teach us more about the Magic Knights!”
Allison managed to close the gap between her and Yami thanks to all the support her classmates were giving her. She fired an attack at close range, but,
“I refuse~ So, why are you so interested in learnin’ about the Magic Knights anyway?”
He asked as he easily countered her attack with a right hook, making the gap between them large once more. Just as she was about to step back,
“Don’t hold back! We’ll get him with one more shot!!”
Elude fired at Yami, leaving his chest defenseless for just a moment.
Allison boldly leapt toward Yami, and put all her mana into her right hand.
“Because I want to join the Magic Knights!!”
She launched an attack at nearly point-blank distance into his thick chest, throwing his huge body several meters back.
“Yami-san!? Are you alright!?”
“……Of course I’m not. Some of my stubble got burnt off from that attack. That was my charm point.”
Magna rushed up toward Yami with tremendous speed, but Yami stood up right away. It didn’t look like he took any damage, but the attack certainly sent him flying, and it certainly made his butt hit the ground. In other words……
The students were in a daze, until somebody whispered in shock,
“We…… did it……”
“We did it……. Ha ha, alright! We actually did it!”
“You’re amazing, Allison!!”
“You’re awesome! You’re really awesome!! You actually landed an attack on a Magic Knight Captain!!”
The others gathered around Allison as they cheered. However, Allison’s face was flushed red as she stood up.
“……D-did I j-just say I wanted to enter the M-Magic Knights?”
“Yeah! You yelled it for the whole world to hear! That explains why you’re so strong!”
Sheila said as she pat her shoulder and back, but Allison replied belligerently,
“Nope, I never said that!!”
“You really don’t want to admit it, do you! You don’t have to hide it, you know!? I think that’s really cool!”
Allison glanced at Elude,
“Some people here have said……. That there’s nobody here aiming to become a Magic Knight at a school all the way out here, and that anybody who would be aiming to become one must be stupid…. So….”
Everyone glared at Elude coldly, and his two followers quickly put some distance between themselves and Elude.
“……Wait, Elude-kun? Did you really say that?”
“Wow, you’re the worst. Aren’t you embarrassed to say that?”
“You’re the ones who should be embarrassed! It’s not such a big deal, anyway!”
“……Still, I don’t think you’re wrong.”
Allison said sadly.
“This school often doesn’t have the materials required to teach me what I want to learn, and there’s a lot of things our teachers tell us that I don’t understand……. But, I don’t blame the school or the teachers…… In a place like this, if you don’t adjust your dreams to fit within your means, then you’re just going to get sick of it all……”
The smiles that were on the students’ faces disappeared. The exhilaration that everyone felt from what they just accomplished was erased by the unchanging reality that closed in on them. Realistically speaking, the number of people aiming to enter the Magic Knights after studying at a magic academy in the Common Realm was overwhelmingly small. Most people go to school with the goal of landing a job that is at least a little bit better than their parents’ or to learn tricks to make housework easier. Their goals were rooted in their everyday lives. They understood that, for people like themselves living in such a rational environment, it was pointless to aim any higher than that…….
It was Allison who created this atmosphere, but this time, she looked everyone in the eyes as if to erase it.
“If even people like us get serious, I think we can make even the things we thought were impossible come true…… that’s what I believe.”
Allison stared at her right palm. The heat from her magic and the sense of accomplishment she felt at that moment still remained. After reaffirming that fact, Alison turned toward Elude.
“……T-that’s why, even if you make fun of me…….. I’m going to aim for the Magic Knights.”
“……S-sure. I’m not gonna make fun of you for that….”
After that, Allison smiled shyly while Elude gave her an embarrassed grin. As the other students watched them, one by one, they, too, began to smile. Sure, this magic academy may not have the teaching materials and equipment that other schools have. However, they couldn’t let that be an excuse to give up on their dreams and settle on a different goal. They can’t help what they don’t have, but they can still work hard. Even if their environment doesn’t have what they need, they’ll search for what they can do. They’ll always have time to give up later.
“……Well, it’s a little vexing that we ended up doing what that guy wanted.”
After everyone started feeling a little more optimistic, Allison turned around away from the group. She wasn’t sure when they got there, but Yami and Magna were standing there with grins on their faces.
“But still, thank you, Yami-sensei. This is what you wanted to teach us, right?”
While looking at the faces of each and every student, Yami said softly,
“Yeah, that is, uh……. That’s exactly it.”
‘Now’s not the time to act like you were spacing out…….!’ Elude thought, though he was sure that the others were thinking the same thing.
“More importantly, let’s go back to the classroom. As promised, let’s have a normal Q&A session.”
He said as he turned to the right, returning to the school building with Magna. Even though he sounded totally uninterested, looking at him from behind, he seemed to have a gentler atmosphere around him than before. Allison wondered if she was just imagining it.  
“He’s no ordinary guy…… actually, he’s downright strange, but he acknowledged us.”
Allison commented. The other students looked at each other before, one by one, they returned to the classroom. Unlike before, they all followed behind him of their own free will and with a smile on their faces.
“Shut up. Me being spacey earlier was just a technique to make me seem cuter. You know, like when girls act coquettish to get you to fall for them.”
“With a demon-like face like that, that just makes you more terrifying.”
“HUH!? You callin’ Yami’s face demon-like! Don’t screw with me! No matter how you look at him, he has the face of a demon KING, ya hear!”
Then, Yami iron-clawed Magna. At the beginning, the students were terrified by these acts of near-murder Yami would commit in front of them, but now, they were used to it. Some were even laughing. Some were laughing nervously, though.
“Anyway, we’re not doin’ any other dangerous classes today……”
Though the atmosphere was peaceful, Yami turned around carelessly,
“So could you stop following me like you’re gonna fire an attack at me at any moment, Harris-sensei?”
Everyone quickly turned their heads to see where Yami was looking. When they did, they saw that Harris had nonchalantly slipped himself in with the group of students, but…….
They saw that his grimoire was open, in such a way that the others wouldn’t notice.
“……Actually, if you fire your magic from here, some of your adorable little students here will get caught up in your attack and die.”
“……W-what are you saying? I just thought that I mustn’t let anything happen to them while we’re out here, so I have my grimoire open so that I can fire my magic if the situation calls for it……”
“Hmmm, the battle’s over, though. So, do you really have to be that paranoid?”
Yami took one step closer, and Harris took one step back.
Sweat was dripping down Harris’s baby face.
“Or wait, do you have your grimoire open precisely because the battle is over? Were you thinking that just maybe you’d be able to finish me off while my adorable little back was exposed to you?”
“L-like I said, I don’t know what you’re talking about. Besides, it’s not like I just opened my grimoire! My grimoire has been open the whole time we’ve been out here in case something happened!”
“But right now, you’re obviously full of magic power and killing intent. Why?”
“That……..that’s because…….!”
The students had no idea what they were talking about. However, they slowly backed away from the two of them when they sensed the turbulent aura between them.
“Y’know, you’re worse at hidin’ your emotions than you think. From the moment I entered that classroom, I could feel somethin’ murderous leakin’ out from you.”
“……T-that’s enough! Just what the heck are you talking about!?”
In contrast to Harris, who was crying out as if he were in pain, Yami remained calm, but…….
“I’m talking about how you were about to attack me, and how your students would have been caught in the crossfire.”
Yami’s voice was also dreadfully cold.
Harris was silent, as if being pushed down by an invisible spirit. Yami sighed,
“……Anyway, I’m fine with you tryin’ to kill me, but…..”
He then sent a glance toward Magna before continuing,
“But I’m not lettin’ you get these brats caught up in your attacks, you damn spy.”
“Flame Rope Solid Binding Formation!!”
The moment Yami stopped talking, Magna shot a ball of fire at Harris.
However, Harris dodged the fireball and tried to grab one of the students who was in a daze over what was happening – Sheila.
“Watch out!”
Allison shot a fire spell at Harris’s feet and used that moment to take Sheila away from him.
“Nice shot, Alli!!”
Magna was about to fire another spell at Harris while he was stopped, but……
“…….You damn brat! Stop moving around!!”
Before he could fire it, Harris escaped from Allison’s magical blaze and grabbed her by her blonde hair. He then held a knife of ice to her throat.
“You bastard! Just what do you think you’re doing!?”
“Don’t move! If you take even one step forward, I’ll slash her throat!”
To stop Magna’s barking, Harris pressed the tip of his knife against Allison’s throat. Blood oozed from the wound, making the other students go pale as they huddled together. Magna, too, grit his teeth and stopped in place.
“……Hey now, you changed your tune way too quickly. What about your cute little students?”
The only one who remained calm in this situation was Yami. When Yami said this, Harris’s face twisted into an ugly expression.
“Yeah. They are cute. They listened to all my lessons like idiots, without ever suspecting that I was a spy from an enemy nation! The fact they’re even acting as hostages for me makes me so proud of them!”
His personality completely changed.
“More importantly, how did you know it was me? Saying that I seemed hostile is rather weak reasoning on your part, you know?”
“Hmmm……. Really good gut instincts, I guess?”
“Are you kidding me!?”
“Well, also, it was your attitude as a teacher. You weren’t protectin’ your students at all.”
Harris looked at Allison’s face, which was distorted with pain, and cursed.
“If you were a teacher - actually, if you were anybody who took his position as a leader seriously - you would protect those below you from being subjected to unreasonable violence.”
“……You talk a good talk, but I don’t think somebody who uses unreasonable violence on a regular basis should be saying that.”
The snarky comment came from Allison, causing Yami to laugh.
“What the hell’s with you? You’re a hostage yet you’re tellin’ jokes like that?”
“Of course. After all, I’m aiming to enter the Magic Knights. Perhaps the situation itself doesn’t call for jokes, but being used as a hostage by someone as clumsy as Harris-sensei isn’t particularly-Eek!”
Harris pulled at her hair with all his strength, interrupting Allison’s complaints.
“Don’t get too cocky, you damn brat. There’s nothing stopping me from slicing off an ear or two.”
He tore a few strands of hair off her head, but that wasn’t enough to satisfy him. His face distorted hideously.
“Your parents are fallen nobles, right? They lost a power struggle and were driven into a remote area like this. That’s why you transferred here halfway through the school year. Am I wrong?”
She glared at Harris with all the hate she could muster, but Harris paid no attention as he continued,
“At this rate, neither of your parents will be able to get a decent job, so you decided that you’re going to do your best and enter the Magic Knights, right? …….What a foolish brat you are. You can’t crawl your way up from a sub-par school like this one!
“You bastard……!”
Magna couldn’t bear standing by and doing nothing, so he was about to move, but Yami gave him a look that kept him in check. Allison’s snark was now gone, and she was now staring at her feet as she endured Harris’s verbal abuse.
“Well, you were such a try-hard that you even helped me organize my documents, so I appreciate that side of you. But, too bad. Even if you did all that, it’s not going to be showing up on your report card!”
“Shut up al-
“I’m fine with that. To be honest, when I did that, I secretly looked at those documents so that I could study. That’s how I knew that a Magic Knight was coming to teach today.”
The same time Magna started yelling, Allison admitted this as she looked at Yami. All the anger disappeared from her face, replaced with……
“Also, you talk too much. Thanks to you going on and on, everything’s ready.”
……A sneer.
“……Huh? Ready, you say?”
“Yes. Did you really think I would face off against you without a plan, Harris-sensei?”
She spoke as if to punctuate every word she uttered, causing the color to drain from Harris’s face.
“……What? What did you do!?”
“Look at your feet. They look like they’ll burn up at any moment now.”
Harris did as she said and looked down. At that moment,
“That was a lie.”
She used the gap she created to slip out from his hands,
“This is legit, though.”
Yami closed in on Harris at tremendous speed and struck Harris in the face with a lariat of dreadful momentum.
Before he even had time to defend himself, Harris was struck by Yami’s attack and bounced off the ground.
“Flame Rope Solid Binding Formation!!”
This time, Harris’s entire body was bound in Magna’s restraining magic.
“You damn spy! Doin’ terrible things to “the young three leaf clovers that will carry the future of this country”. I hope you’re ready to have just as terrible things done to you!”
“Magna, don’t shake him up too much. There’s an order to these things.”
Yami kicked Harris as he said this and then rushed over to Allison.
“You alright?”
“I’m fine…… though, it was a bit scarier than I was expecting.”
She sank to the floor, replying with a wry smile as her hands continued to tremble.
“Is that so……? Well, good job toughin’ it out through a scary situation like that. That was a nice feint you gave him.”
Magna was about to move, but Yami gave him a look that stopped him dead in his tracks. Then, Yami noticed that Allison was staring at her feet, occasionally glancing up at him as if she had something she wanted to tell him.
“The amount of eye-contact you’re makin’ is also perfect. After all, there are some things that can only be understood maiden to maiden.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, but…… I’m glad everything turned out okay.”
Allison saw Yami and Magna sending signals to each other with their eyes, so she was trying to imitate that. She just wanted to get them to do something with her eyes.
Reading someone else’s eyes accurately and putting it into action at the perfect time – that had absolutely nothing to do with being maiden. She chalked it up to just another of Yami’s oddities.
“Well, anyway, you did a great job. We won with our maiden powers.”
As usual, she had no idea what he was talking about, but it felt good when he put his hand on her head, so she smiled.
“……So, how’s our little spy who was leakin’ private information to other kingdoms? You dead?”
“He’s still kickin’! Should I finish him off!?”
Yami left Allison to Sheila and lumbered his way toward Harris.
“……Shit……Shit! I can’t believe I got caught by a bunch of clowns……….”
Harris was barely conscious, incoherently muttering to himself. Of course, given the state of his jawbone, it would be hard for anybody to speak clearly.
“You’re the clown here, though.”
Yami grabbed Harris’s head and lifted it up to his own.
Yami then released a ridiculous amount of mana from his body. This mana was much sharper and heavier than the mana he was releasing when he fought the students. They simply weren’t comparable. Its sheer volume and density were overwhelmingly coercive.
Exposed to such a concentrated amount of mana, Harris trembled with fear. The students shivered as well. They could only imagine what Harris was feeling at this moment.
‘So this overwhelming feeling is Yami’s – is a Captain of the Magic Knight’s – true power……!’
“The only ones decidin’ what these kids will become when they grow up is the kids themselves. There’s not a single thing you can decide for them. Next time you go off spoutin’ nonsense like that, I’ll really give you somethin’ to cry about.”
“……I…… I’m……. sorry………”
That was all Harris could muster before losing consciousness.
 “So, the truth is, we were dispatched here to look for the spy that snuck his way in here. Sorry for gettin’ you all rolled up in all this.”
They already had Harris escorted to the Magic Knights Headquarters.
After they all returned to the classroom, Magna and Yami bowed once more.
“……I mean…… even if you apologize for all this…….”
“……Yeah. I’m not really sure how to react to it all……..”
Elude’s followers said as the rest of the class made a stir. Two people who were supposed to be guest lectures were actually here to investigate a spy, who turned out to be their homeroom teacher, who ended up getting escorted away by other Magic Knights……. That was a lot to take in. It was no wonder that they reacted like this.
“Well, fortunately, there’s nothing to suggest that that Harris bastard was givin’ you guys any weird lessons to gather information for him, and the guys comin’ from headquarters are the ones who will have to deal with the aftermath, so life will return to normal for you guys soon. You’ll be better off writin’ this day off as just a little weirder lesson than usual and worryin’ about what you’re havin’ for dinner.”
‘That’s a lighthearted way to look at it……’  Allison thought, but, admittedly, it was not something they needed to think deeply about. She won’t be able to ignore what happened today as much as Yami suggested, but it might actually be better not to dwell on it.
“That said, it was completely our fault that you all got caught up in this mess. I shouldn’t have gone for the more ‘interesting’ way of…… No, I was being negligent. Sorry.”
‘He basically admitted it out loud…..’ they all thought. Well, it wasn’t as if they sustained any injuries from the ordeal. It was certainly a scary experience for them, but it wasn’t traumatizing or anything. As they continue living their day-to-day lives, the events of today will gradually fade into a distant memory.
“I should apologize to you in particular, Allison. After all, you were used as a hostage. I’m truly sorry about that. Are your wounds okay?”
“……I’m fine. This is nothing. This can hardly be considered a scratch. In fact, I’m honestly happy that I got to experience something out of the ordinary today, so I’ll forgive you……. But, if you feel that guilty about it, I wouldn’t mind getting a little compensation.”
“HUUUH!? Don’t get cocky on us just because we were being humble for a few seconds! Actually, even from the start, I haven’t liked the way you talk to Yami-san!!”
Yami iron clawed Magna and said,
“Yeah, sure. I think you’ll probably get a reward later since you contributed to that spy’s arrest. I’m sure everyone here will be seein’ some rewards later.”
The idea of earning some cold hard cash caused everyone to start grinning.
“Well, I’ll also talk to the other Magic Knight Captains and get somebody who can give you guys a more proper lesson. I’m sure Fuegoleon would-
“But we like you guys, Yami-sensei! Magna-sensei!”
Allison blurted out before Yami could finish his sentence.
“If we’re going to have more guest lecturers, I want it to be you guys!”
“M-me too! I want it to be you guys!”
Shiela readily agreed. Elude, too, raised his hand as he agreed.
“…..Well, I guess I’d like it to be you guys, too.”
“Me too!”
“Your lessons were scary, but they were fun! Please come here again!”
Finally, after Elude’s two followers joined in……
“It felt so awesome when we finally landed an attack on you, Yami-sensei!”
“Leave out the marathon next time, though!”
“What? We hardly ever do marathons like that, so I thought it was kind of fun!”
“The next time you come here, bring some of your other squad members!”
“Yeah! I want to see what they’re like!”
The rest of the class joined in too. Hearing all this and seeing the smiles on their faces, Yami couldn’t help but smile a bit.
“……Well, I’ll think about it.”
 After that, the rest of the day passed very quickly. They had a normal Q&A session while they had lunch. In the middle of their lunch break, some staff from headquarters came to handle the aftermath of the case. After handing things off to them, Yami’s and Magna’s mission was now complete.
“……Oh, also, I think you guys are misunderstanding something about the Magic Knights. There’s plenty of people from the Common Realm in the Magic Knights.”
Just before he left to return home, Yami stopped at the exit and said as if he just remembered,
“Actually, Magna here’s a peasant.”
“Yup! I’m from Rayaka village!”
“Hell, I’m not even from this country.”
Having revealed these facts at the very end, he left the classroom in as much of an uproar as when he arrived. Allison, too, couldn’t help but hang her mouth open in shock. They certainly didn’t look like nobles or royalty, but to think they were a peasant + foreigner combination…… and this peasant and foreigner were actively fighting on the front lines of the Magic Knights.
“And so, you all don’t need to be so self-conscious about comin’ from a magic academy at the edge of the Common Realm.”
Yami looked at all their shocked faces before finally landing his eyes on Allison.
“That’s why attackin’ things head on isn’t so bad now and then. Not that I would know.”
The Magic Knights are an army of mages under the direct control of the Wizard King. They are an autonomous organization within Clover Kingdom, the kingdom’s cornerstone of defense, and the heroes whom the nation’s citizens both honor and envy. Maybe even they will be able to become one someday. By the end of the day, their image of the Magic Knights had changed in this way.
“…...Well, do your best.”
The two who were responsible for this change left the classroom……
“……No, think about it!”
…….Well, just when the students thought they were gone, they lumbered back in.
“We’re supposed to be their teachers for the day, so we still have fifth and sixth period left.”
They had just regained their peace of mind, but now the students’ faces were filled with fear.
“And so, I’m goin’ to make good use of those last two class periods.”
Magna slammed his bat against the floor and Yami had a ferocious smile on his face, making all the students shiver with tremendous speed.
“Shall we do it? Our special Q&A session?”
“Come at us!!”
With that, a fifth and sixth period class where they absolutely had to land their attacks began.
 --- Your Dream Will Come True: The End ---
I guess Fuegoleon was right. Yami’s a pretty good teacher in his own way. His special Q&A session reminded me a lot of Korosensei’s lessons from Assassination Classroom. Nothing to raise your students’ confidence like challenging them to land an attack on you.
Although, those students are going to come home very, very tired after a full day of Yami.
Only one chapter that wasn’t animated left, and that chapter features Noelle!
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larkiwrites · 4 years
“Redemption” - Chapter 8
AU: Supernatural Title: Redemption Chapter: Eight Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Reader Word Count:  2,727 Pairing: Getting There…. Warnings: Bar fight, male-on-female violence (very brief), some angst A/N: I was going to post this tomorrow but I’m too excited. Sorry for any typos/errors, feel free to point ‘em out and I’ll happily fix them! Feedback is always welcome ^_^
Chapter 7  |  Chapter 9  |  Masterlist
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A couple of weeks had passed and the Winchester men were still privately investigating, without having been hired to do so. Sam spent a lot of time engrossed in information he could find on his laptop and Dean spent a lot of time outside the motel room, doing whatever a ‘private investigator’ does. The motel room had a small kitchenette so you took up residence as the cook, insisting you couldn’t keep eating fast food and pop tarts for the rest of your life. In reality you couldn’t stifle the guilt you felt by not helping in any way or paying for anything. Luckily, as it turned out, you weren’t too shabby at cooking. The fact pleasantly surprised all three of you, judging on Dean’s reaction and Sam’s insistence that you go back to the local store for more supplies. You kept it to inexpensive and simple meals, not knowing how much money the brothers had, but you assumed getting the few groceries you had was certainly cheaper than all of the dining out.
“Thank you,” Sam said, sighing contently as he finished his meal.
“No problem, oh! And the dessert, I forgot we had gotten any….” You trailed off as you made your way to the fridge. Sam hummed in agreement, his eyes watching his brother intently as you brought over a small cherry pie.
“It’s not homemade but better than nothin’,” you shrugged as you opened the plastic container and started to scoop out a slice for each of the guys.
Dean’s eyes had widened ever so slightly when he saw the pie and he wondered if you knew… no, you couldn’t know of his affinity for pie… could you? Sam snickered and gave you this thank before digging into the dessert. Ah, maybe Sam had picked it out, he had taken you to the store after all.
“You pick this, Sammy?” Dean asked through a mouthful of pie, making you chuckle. Sam shook his head, his mouth too full to answer.
“I did, why? Is it ok?” You asked Dean before quickly adding on, “If you write a list, I can get whatever you want next time we go, I’m sorry if it’s not any good.”
Dean swallowed hard and quickly shook his head, stating it was perfect and thanking you for it. It was weird, hearing him thank you for something. He had been acting weirdly ever since you had gotten to the new motel room, and you couldn’t pinpoint the cause. All you knew is it was driving you crazy. One month he wants nothing to do with you, the next he’s thanking you and asking you to cook dinner more often.
“So, any new leads?” you looked between the two brothers. You had to get your mind off of Dean.
The two men glanced at each other as if having a silent conversation before shaking their heads and replying with a simple ‘no’ …in unison. You cocked an eyebrow at them. They were lying. You were getting better at reading them and could easily tell.
“What new leads have you found?” you rephrased the question, folding your arms across your chest and leaning back in your chair.
Dean rolled his eyes, still shaking his head. Sam sighed before stating they had found a few connections they were ‘looking into’ and left it at that.
“I hate when you guys do that, you know. Talk to each other silently as if I’m not sitting right here, watching you do it, and then lying to me,” you threw your arms up before standing and starting to clear the table.
Dean and Sam froze in place behind your back as you threw away the now-empty paper plates and used utensils. Sam stared his brother down and nodded his head toward you as if to say, ‘talk to her,’ but Dean only shook his head. It was late but he could probably get away with finding a bar so he sat on the edge of the couch-bed and laced up his boots. Sam gave his older brother an exasperated look before turning back to you.
“I’m sorry, (Y/N). We don’t mean to.”
“To what? Talk to each other or lie?” you turned around and rested against the counter, folding your arms over your abdomen while you met eyes with the younger Winchester.
“Fine, we meant to lie, but it’s not to be assholes, ok? It’s just better if you don’t know too much about the cases we work.”
That earned him a heart-felt roll of your eyes, “Whatever, Sammy, it’s fine. I’m going to hit the shower.”
“She calls you Sammy, now?” Dean whispered as soon as you had shut the door to the bathroom behind you.
Sam shrugged, “I guess?”
“You guess? Since whe….you know what? Nevermind. I’m gonna go find a bar and get shit-faced. You and (Y/N) have fun, Sammy.”
Sam flinched at the anger in his brother’s words but before he could say anything the older brother had gathered his keys and left, slamming the cheap motel door behind him. A few seconds passed and you popped your head out of the bathroom door, a towel wrapped about you.
“What happened?” the sound of the door had startled you.
“Ugh, just, Dean being…well, Dean,” Sam sighed as he glanced over his shoulder at you. He quickly did a double-take at your appearance, causing you to blush.
“I, uh, sorry,” you mumbled before quickly ducking back into the bathroom and shutting the door behind you. You berated yourself before getting back into the stream of hot water. You needed to stop being so damn relaxed around these guys. Sure, you had been with them for about six weeks already, but that meant you had only known them for six weeks. You sighed, shaking your head.
A few hours passed, you had finished your shower quickly and Sam had taken one after you. It gave you some time to think, to be alone, and to ponder over everything. Your mind replayed the last six weeks of your life, going over every detail you could. You tried to fit some of the jagged pieces of memory that had begun sporadically popping up into place, like a puzzle that was missing most of its pieces and didn’t have a picture to guide you, but only found yourself becoming agitated. Sometimes you thought you could remember faces of people you knew, but they were always blurred, out of focus. You sighed to yourself as Sam flopped onto his bed, freshly showered and dressed, a cold beer in hand.
“What is it?” his voice was smooth, velvety soft and comforting.
“I’m just tired of the confusion,” your reply was quiet, simple and direct. No point in beating around the bush with Sam, he could read through it by now, just like you could tell when he and Dean lied to you.
“I know. I’m sorry, for what it’s worth.”
You shrugged off the apology, “Don’t, don’t apologize. You have nothing to be sorry for. Hell, you’ve one so much for me, Sammy. I often wonder, will I ever be able to repay you?”
“Don’t worry about it,” it was his turn to shrug. He seemed so sincere.
“Really, Sam. I hate that you and Dean can work, bring in money, pay for everything and now you have to support me, too. I want to help. Can I help you research whatever you’re privately investigating?”
Sam bit his lip, “Um, no, no it’s better that you don’t know too much about it…”
“Are you a drug dealer, Sammy?” you asked, grinning at him. You had laughed to yourself about the thought and how it had crossed your mind before.
Sam choked on his beer, sputtering the brew as his eyes widened.
“Am I- what? Is that what you think?” he didn’t know whether to laugh or scoff.
You looked at him, still smiling, and motioned your hand back and forth in the air as if to say eh, maybe. Your grin broke into laughter at the look on his face, somehow twisted between amusement and bewilderment. You were interrupted by the sound of his cell phone ringing, sudden and loud. He quickly crossed the room to get it from the counter where he had left it earlier, leaving the beer in its place as he answered.
“Dean?” he paused, listening to whatever his brother was saying on the other end of the line. A couple of minutes trickled by as your curiosity ate at you, Sam humming in agreement a couple of times before confirming he was on his way.
“Heading out?” you asked, perplexed. Dean had the impala, their only car, where was Sam going to go on foot?
He pinched the bridge of his nose, pocketing his cell, “Yeah, Dean apparently needs me to drive him back. You want to come? I was going to walk over to the office and see about a cab or something.”
You bit back the grin forming on your face, ecstatic at the prospect of getting out of the cramped room.
It had taken some time but you and Sam had eventually found a way to the dive bar Dean had made his new residence. The cute girl behind the desk at the motel, the one that Sam had flirted with when he booked the room, had not looked happy to see you standing near the tall man. You had bitten your cheek to keep from laughing at her while you let Sam do all the talking. He had shyly flirted his way to getting the two of you a ride from her, since she had laughed in his face when he asked if the town had cabs and claimed the bar was too far to walk to. He had even gone as far as implying you were his sibling, stating “our brother…” when he explained that Dean needed a D.D. The girl had relaxed at that, smiled at him coyly and offered to shut the office for a minute while she took you across town.
You exited her small white sedan first, giving her a quick thanks as you shut the door and turned toward the bar. Sam took a moment to thank her properly and, apparently get her number. After a few minutes he joined you and she took off, heading back to the motel. While she was annoying and somewhat pitiful at flirting, you couldn’t deny you were glad the two of didn’t have to trudge across the sparse and widely-spaced town. The chick wasn’t lying when she said the bar wasn’t close.
“Well, shall we?” Sam asked, opening the door and ushering you in.
The clamor of bottles clinking and people laughing could be heard even over the loud music pumping from the old jukebox in the far corner. Cigarette smoke bit at your lungs as you slowly made your way through a crowd of leather-clad bikers and took a seat at the bar. So far neither of you had spotted Dean, but it was hard to see with the dim lighting and the hazy air.
“What’ll it be?” the bartender, a stout man with a wiry beard and a patch over one eye startled you. You had been searching the room for a familiar face and didn’t see him approach.
“Uh, water?” Sam answered. He didn’t want to drink, just wanted to get Dean and head back to the motel. He really had found a few leads and wanted a clear mind in the morning.
If the man cared that Sam had only ordered water, he didn’t show it. In fact, he looked utterly disinterested as he turned to you. You held up a hand and shook your head, indicating you didn’t want anything, and turned back to the room.
Sam thanked the man and took a sip of his water as he, too, searched for his brother. A man began to shout in the far corner, near the jukebox and some pool tables. Great, you thought, a fight breaking out will just make it harder to spot Dean…
“Shit,” Sam interrupted your thoughts as he swiftly returned the glass in his hand to the bar, “c’mon, (Y/N).”
Sam took your hand and led you through the crowd toward the other end of the bar. The shouting became louder as you grew closer but you could also begin to hear someone replying to the angry man in between his bouts. The voice sounded familiar but with your height and the crowd of people that had gathered near the ruckus, you couldn’t see a thing. You were grateful for Sam’s tall stature and his ability to see the commotion.
“Eat shit,” Dean’s words weren’t exactly slurred, but he definitely wasn’t sober. You bit your lip, realizing the man was yelling at Dean, of all people. Shit, you echoed Sam’s earlier sentiment.
“Ok, ok,” Sam intervened, having made his way to the front of the crowd. He stood between the man and his brother while you waited on the sidelines, watching nervously. Had you ever been in a bar fight? You had no clue.
“Look, I’m sorry for my brother,” Sam started but the older man scoffed, cutting him off.
“This asshole’s your brother?”
“Watch who you’re calling asshole, dickbag,” Dean retorted.
“Stop,” Sam practically shouted but it was too late, the older man had already moved toward the two of them. Within seconds he shoved Sam back and took a swing at Dean. You found yourself shocked when Dean, intoxicated as he obviously was, easily dodged the hit.
Everything happened fast, after that. A friend of the bar patron had grabbed Dean’s arms from behind and held fast as the man had slugged him in the gut with his fist. Sam regained his footing and lunged at the man holding Dean back, who in turn released Dean. Dean had doubled over slightly when he had been hit but he was quick to strike back at the man, his own fist catching the man just above his eye. Before you could process your own actions, you were rushing into the fray and yelling at everyone to stop. Your voice was drowned out in between the music still pumping from the jukebox, the grunts, the groans and the yelling from the men.
“(Y/N)!” Dean’s voice shouted as you found yourself between him and the man he had offended. Holding your hands out you pleaded with the man to stop, and he tried, he really did try, but he was already mid-swing when you appeared.
The man’s fist connected with your cheek, hard. Probably a lot softer than it would have been for Dean, but fuck did it hurt. You stumbled backward into Dean, who caught you instinctually. The man backed up, apologizing. Whatever Dean had done to piss him off was apparently forgotten once he hit you. You could see the shame in his eyes as he looked over your quickly-swelling face. Within minutes you were outside in the cool night air, not knowing how you got there.
“What the fuck were you thinking, (Y/N)?!” Dean shouted once the three of you reached the impala, causing you to flinch and pull away from him.
You realized then that Dean had guided you out of the bar with an arm protectively held around your shoulders, Sam trailing closely behind the two of you. He turned you to face him, a hand on each of your arms, when you reached his car. He practically screamed at you in frustration, causing you to withdraw from his grasp and bite your bottom lip. Why was he so angry? Hadn’t you helped him? You felt your eyes begin to water and fought to keep the tears back as you backed away from the older Winchester. You bumped into Sam’s chest, not realizing he had been standing so closely. His hands mimicked Dean’s as he grasped your upper-arms and held tight before turning you around to face him.
“Are you ok?” his sincerity as his gaze flitted over your face broke your resolve. A few tears escaped and trickled down your cheeks before you quickly wiped them away. Ignoring both of the brothers you swiftly slid into the back seat of the Impala, more than ready to go back to the motel.
-Next Chapter-
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loquaciousquark · 5 years
Talks Machina Highlights - Critical Role C2E61 (May 7, 2019)
Hi, everyone! @eponymous-rose​ is out from a pain in the butt situation, so I’m stepping in to bring that average quality down a solid five or six points. Tonight’s preroll: guess who! No, literally, Guess Who:
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Tonight’s guests: Travis Willingham & Marisha Ray.
Tonight’s announcements: earlier today, Ashley joined Taliesin for a Gail Force 5-themed action game episode of Mame Drop. VOD available now! On Saturday, May 18, Marisha will be DMing a live event for D&D Live’s Stream of Descent. Cool!
And now, Episode 61: Agreements
CR Stats! It’s been one week since Beau saw Dairon. Only one week, huh. Uk’otoa has threatened Fjord twice in the last week. It’s been 35 days since Fjord broke the second seal. Everyone marvels it’s been simultaneously that long & that little time, and Marisha & Travis both have a loooong drink. Brian has an electronic mug that keeps his drink warm. It has an app. It tells him when it’s at its desired temperature. Travis calls him Douche McClure, but holy smokes I want one. 
Brian tells a story about how he thought Travis was falling asleep one episode, but he was pondering the mysteries of the universe “a la Liam O’Brien.” Marisha empathizes with the trap of being told by the internet to READ YOUR SPELLS, only to try to do that & miss the last round of combat, then to be told PAY ATTENTION.
There’s no difference between Fjord & Travis’s reaction to his depowerment (sheer terror). Marisha talks about how he missed a solid twenty minutes of gameplay afterwards from being so distracted. Travis says he was “movie breathing” too, so hard it was audible on the mics. (Laura has to tell him to stop breathing so loud in movies a lot.) Brian, who’s been with Travis in haunted houses & knows when he’s genuinely scared, realized how terrified he was in the moment even through the laptop screen. 
Dani: “Uk’otoa is exactly the IRS.” Brian: “How about the IRIS?” Ugh.
Everyone points out Travis is cosplaying Steve Jobs tonight. It’s uncanny.
On Beau’s relationship with deities: she’s the only non-magic person in the party, and a lot of the other party members get their magic from very powerful beings telling them they’re special. Even Caleb was pulled to a school as a labeled prodigy. Now Beau is questioning why she’s “the average person in a group of extraordinary people.” Brian wonders if part of it might be her feeling like she gets her own strength without the need of powers granted by gods. Marisha’s exploring the powers Beau now has (that people saw in her earlier as a flaw, especially given her criminal past), possibly as something she might be remarkable for after all. She wonders if she should be talking to Ioun the way everyone else is talking to their gods.
Fjord fears his powers’ loss because of both his inability to hold his own with his friends and as his last tangible bond with Vandren. He desperately wants to reconnect with him (”You’re okay? Are you okay? I’m okay, if you’re...wondering...”). He also recognizes he’s a half-orc with a strength of 11 if he doesn’t have any powers. Brian: “Do you regret picking your class?” Travis: “I REGRET ALL OF IT!” Marisha: “I felt really bad, because as soon as the cameras went off I could see Travis was freaking out, and the first thing I said was, ‘This is why I never fuck with warlocks!’“ Travis: “I can do what you do! Stunning strike! Pap-pap! I got no nothin’!” He imagines his sword just flopping out at his feet in the middle of a tense ambush and having to wish everyone else well.
How does the Krynn dynasty recognition, the house, & the growing acclaim of the M9 affect the relationship Beau has with Dairon? She has no idea. It depends on how well Beau explains her perspective of it all being all knowledge. Marisha tells us that when Nott first exclaimed that blue cloth they found was Dairon’s, she secretly 100% thought it was as well, even when she verbally denied it.
Travis remembers none of this under the loud heartbeat in his ears at the time.
Travis, as a fan, loves the “Thunderlord’s” style of worship. Marisha likes the seamless relationship Caduceus has with the Wildmother. Brian has a hard pass on both “Travis’s thing” & the Traveler “obviously evil,” but also likes the Wildmother. Marisha wonders if Travis will lose his powers if they free & then kill Uk’otoa. Travis, almost crying: “I don’t know!!”
Holy smokes, guys, there are so many quick references and jokes in this one I can’t get them all. Seriously, this is so entertaining! Catch a VOD if you can.
Travis actually had no intention of talking to Wursh in the last episode. He only went there because Yasha came after him. He would have just wandered around if she hadn’t forced the issue. Marisha: “That’s a healthy way of coping.” Travis: “You’re saying that to Fjord, right? Travis is a very responsible person and a good friend.” He and Marisha are being SO SILLY TONIGHT, g’dang.
Reminder, GIF of the Week has been suspended; the replacement will be announced next week.
Beau’s generally forgotten about the precarious nature of their humanity in the Dynasty until Waccoh’s reminder. She’s generally headstrong, and it was a good hint she might need to rein it in a bit.
Fanart of the Week: @thealeksdemon with a gorgeous portrait of Fjord that is apparently nowhere else on the internet. 
They’re doing another Space Jam??????? Whattttt??????
Beau thought the super-fried talking goblin corpse was a bit weird. It was also a little odd he carried the goblin for several hours on his back.
Marisha & Travis both miss a question because they were posing artfully. These two are so goofy. 
Fjord keeps himself close to himself; he’s not comfortable with the recent leadership, as well as all the new powers. Beau is still thinking about Dairon’s instructions to avoid getting close to people.
Travis confirms Fjord shouts “Eldritch Blast” out loud every time. He’s dead certain the group will think less of him if he can’t pull his own weight. “They’d hold auditions! For the Mighty Eight!” He also mentions that he can’t take care of anyone without his powers. Marisha says they’d have offered to help him quest to get his powers back: you know, toss him in some salt water, let him get a little briny, leave him in there “not beyond the threshold of a revivify...” Travis: “Oh, wow, you’re trying to reset the hard drive!” Marisha: “Fuck, you guys, he’s BSODed.” She admits the plan might need a little R&D.
Is it worse when the check engine light turns on or off?
Beau is conflicted about participating in the military industrial complex. She’s aware it’s going to be used to kill families.
There’s an extended, hilarious aside where Beau tries to say the M9 have become the bad guys, but basically implies that Beau alone is just straight-up evil. It’s tear-jerkingly hilarious.
Fjord’s hesitant to tell everyone because he’s fallen in love a bit with his new self. He has no idea what his agreement (if there even was one) with Uk’otoa was/is. For Fjord, going back to being “normal” would be awful. “He still has work to do, too.”
Beau likes tweaking the noses of powerful people, she’s just trying to be more judicious about it.
Travis straight up quotes Jurassic Park over Liam guest-star-cuddling Henry. This episode is seriously amazing.
Travis says he “doesn’t know anything about an accent drop” as far as the breakdown last episode. Unclear if serious! He’s fascinated by the connection to Vandren as a past Chosen of Uk’otoa.
Yasha’s past reveal was an “oh shit” moment for Beau. When asked if this changes how Beau feels about Yasha, Marisha delicately says, “I don’t want people to overestimate Beau’s intentions towards Yasha,” but that she also doesn’t want to hurt people’s internal canons. Travis very directly tells her that she’s played it how’s she’s played it, and what people infer from that is on them. Marisha nods and decides she doesn’t want to add anything else.
Fjord doesn’t care that Beau’s wearing Avantika’s coat.
Being denied access to the library makes it 100% more enticing for Beau.
Fjord feels....goooood about having a new house/family as long as things stay the way they are (in re: his warlock abilities). Marisha recalls Fjord telling Beau to take care of her family because it was the only one she had...but now she has this new family that she likes as well. Only a few people know about her little brother, so it’s a weird family dynamic. Travis: “There’s the family you have and the family you choose.”
This is Fjord’s third family, since his first found family (Vandren) got ripped away.
We out! Is it Thursday yet?
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too-many-baes · 5 years
Holy; Chapter I
You make it seem that you feel whole,
So they don’t know, you’re a poor unfortunate soul
You say that I’ve got it all wrong
‘Cause you just know I’m a poor unfortunate soul
- Holy by PVRIS
Pairing: Erik Lensherr x fem!reader x Charles Xavier
Warning(s): N/A
Word Count: 1.5K
Summary: A flashback to a meeting. A reconnecting of old friends.
A/N: This is the first series that I am posting here and I’m a little nervous to see how my baby goes, but here goes nothin’!
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5th August, 1951 Notting Hill, London England
You stood outside the little brick and mortar tavern marvelling at its design. There was nothing particularly spectacular about the building and all the other passer-by’s agreed, walking by without another look.
The old sign that read Anchored Twine that once appeared to have been green and silver had all but lost its colour, hanging on by only one of its chains. The solitary park bench that sat outside was missing a slat and covered in blue and yellow graffiti.
Yes, to everyone else the place was run down and due for remodelling. You couldn’t find a conceivable way to view it as such, struggling to imagine replacing a brick of its structure. It was so quaint, so authentic, so… British. You simply didn’t see little hole in the wall places like this back in America that’s for sure. You wanted nothing more than to go in and order a bitter ale (never usually your drink of choice but one you knew was popular here) but the loud sound of clinking glasses and boisterous hearty laughs reminded you that you couldn’t. It’s simply not safe to go into a place like that as an unaccompanied bachelorette.
You tried to not let your disappointment linger as you crossed the road into a small park, deciding to give your feet a rest after a long day of exploring, on a bench which was in much better shape than the one situated outside Anchored Twine. You closed your eyes, leaning your head on the wood so the sun shining through the branches could warm your face. You know that it’s the exact same sun that bears down its rays in Chicago, but you can’t help but think this one over London feels different. Cosier somehow, less aggressive.
You open your eyes with a sigh, taking in your surroundings. It was a small almost completely vacant park. It had smatterings of trees and shrubs, with an open area behind you where two young boys were situated kicking a soccer ball back and forth. When your eyes continued their scan of the area was when you noticed him.
Just a ways down the path on a separate bench on the opposite side of the path sat a man you guessed to be about your age. He appeared tall, with an above average build, short brown hair and a vacant, faraway stare. His eyes were pointing in the direction of the children playing yet somehow you knew he was staring through them rather than at them. Your gaze lingered on his face until he sensed your eyes on him and he turned to meet your glance. He seemed lonely. You supposed you did too as you were also alone, but his loneliness extended beyond his lack of company. It was something in his eyes, or maybe it was the way his lips were set in a firm line as if it had been an age since a smile had graced them, or perhaps it was the premature lines etched into his forehead that told of constant worry. You gave him a small smile, a gesture that was not reciprocated, instead causing him to return his vacant eyes forwards.
You sighed and picked yourself up from the seat and began down the block to the motel you were staying, trying and failing to rid the lonesome man from your thoughts.
22nd February, 1968 Westchester County, New York America
You hop out of the taxi, paying your fare with your worn leather suitcase held firmly in hand. As the taxi pulls away you look down the dirt road to the stately mansion ahead, its once white bricks and large green expanse spread out in front of you. You smile as you head towards the front door, recalling fond memories spent within the grand design. Many students meander around in groups or solo. Some lay in the sun, others gossip while others stand practising their mutations with peers.
“Y/N?” Casting your eyes to your right you are greeted by a smiling glasses clad face.
“Hank.” You greet each other by meeting in a side hug before parting. You look at his face, your smile fading as you realise a fact that should have been obvious to you. “You look different Hank, less…” “Blue?” He finishes the sentence you were struggling to word delicately for you. You chuckle along with him.
“I made a serum, it suppresses my mutation if I take it every day.” He smiles at his explanation and you offer him a weak one in return. You can’t help but find sadness in his words. You can’t imagine what it must be like to want to take something every day to block out your identity. That’s just you though, and you know you’ll never truly understand his position. You are no mutant after all.
Hank leads you inside the halls of the institution. You’d forgotten what the school looked like on the weekend and the buzz of students brought a grin to your face. “It’s just like I remember it.” You spoke mostly to yourself, although Hank heard you.
“Well hopefully a little bit bigger. We’ve almost doubled in students since you were last here.” He states proudly as he leads you up the grand stairway and down the hall to your favourite room in the mansion.
“I take it he’s in his office?” You ask teasingly, addressing the fact he had brought you there without you saying anything. He smiles at you. “I assumed that’s why you were here.” You nod in confirmation. “You sure part of your mutation isn’t mind reading?” you quip.
“I don’t think you need to read minds to know that.” Hank says as he knocks on the professor’s door. A soft call to come in sounds and Hank opens it and leads you in. “Someone’s here to see you.” Charles’ face is fixed on the papers on his desk and his attention doesn’t shift.
“Could you ask them to come back? I don’t have a lot of time at the moment.”
“Not even for an old friend?”
Your voice makes his eyes snap up and as soon as they meet yours his lips, previously set in a line, spreads across his face. “Y/N.” He speaks breathily. “Hi Charles.” His smile was infectious as you found your lips had mirrored his. Hank excuses himself saying he’d leave you two to catch up, shutting the door behind him.
“Well get over here.” Charles states as he moves from behind the desk. Your smile falters when his silver chair that you had almost forgotten he needed came into your line of sight. You recover quickly enough that you hoped he didn’t notice as you walk into his open arms, crouching so you could wrap your arms around his neck.
Charles motions you to sit in the suite in the centre of the room and offers you some tea. You decline the latter but sit down on the chair closest to him.
“So I take it you’re not here for a social visit.” He states, motioning with his head towards your suitcase. Your smile falls as you shook your head. “I need your help Charles. It’s Eric.” His once beaming face droops at the mention of his old friend’s name. “What about Eric?” He asks, worry dripping from his voice.
“He’s losing it Charles. I think he’s trying to gather more mutants for his cause.” Charles nods solemnly. “I’m worried about him Charles. If we don’t try and stop him I don’t know what he could do.” His eyes shift to the floor allowing your words to register.
“Our friend is troubled Y/N, I knew that before I even looked into his mind.” You nod solemnly in agreeance. If anyone knew just how troubled Eric was, it was you.
“So can you help me find him?” You ask already knowing that Charles wouldn’t turn his back on his friend. He was a good man and he cared about him, no matter what. That day on the beach had proved as much to you.
“Of course Y/N.” Although you had assumed this would be his answer, his reply still fills you with relief. “We can talk about this more tomorrow. I’m sure you’ve come a long way,” he says with a grin on his way, “you could do with some rest.”
“Is my old room still free?” You ask immediately, picking up your suitcase and slightly swinging it in your hand. “I would never fill that room.” The smile he gives you is sincere and return the gesture before turning to make your way down the corridor where the room you once called home lay.
“Y/N?” You turn around to face him just as you were about to exit the room. “It’s good to see you again.” You tuck a stray lock of hair behind your ear. “You too, Professor X.” You added cheekily, his chuckle echoing in your ears as you went to settle in and prepare yourself for tomorrow.
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