#fck the government
ambafaerie · 2 years
They responded this way because they know that is the only thing those politician’s brains can understand.
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ca-dmv-bot · 12 days
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Your sacrifice is not in vain,
The company of America
Has billions to gain
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nando161mando · 1 month
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[London, UK]
One of a hundred plus pre-emptive anti-fascist gatherings across the UK are a list of fascist targets was shared widely.
The fascists have hit the streets in a few places around the Isle but mostly this has been contained and corralled by anti-fascists or the state.
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akkivee · 4 months
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they really really put juto rio and sensei behind bars holy shit bro 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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nerdie-faerie · 9 months
The 'no change there then' line about the government is killing me. Yeah say that besties
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maxsix · 8 months
Is anyone else following the International Court of Justice hearings right now? I feel like the media is trying to gaslight me into believing that I’m crazy for supporting the oppressed group. Also, German backing of Israel is a very interesting move, historically speaking. I also hope that non POC can see how much harder everything is when you’re not white/white presenting.
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vetmordrid · 11 months
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pillowdrawz · 2 years
Gonna call this au Rise Piece Au
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Post movie and after a few months of the movie.
They where practicing their ninpos suddenly they are in a dessert and stumble upon a stretchy boy and They join their crew. At first they where hesistant but realize how fck up the government is They decided to join the Strawhats.
Their role In the crew is ninjas they used their stealth etc.
Rise piece is a Crossover fanfic where I saw a post on tumblr about rottmnt x one piece I DONT KNOW WHERES THE LINK.
Like Imagine their interactions Etc Zoro and Sanji would get along with Rise leo! And Mikey would also get along and help with sanji.
Usopp, Nami and Robin would get along with Donnie and Mikey.
Rise raph yeah let Him and chopper be besties lets go.
They would meet the other crew along the way and their Origins rise fam would talk about how they where actually made and Sanji realize he isn't alone after all.
Gonna do their wanted posters next- im gonna create more-.
(Also the Ace part "I would like to apologize I just want to move on and lived a normal life you know get a job and a partner even though Im not really sorry ")
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girlactionfigure · 8 months
Im so sick of it
I'm sick of the duplicity of the world. Of the lies. Of the hate for our people. 
I'm sick of the fact that people can make up any lie they want-- and it will be believed, as long as it's against Israel.
I'm sick of the vilification of our people. 
I'm sick of not being able to be human. Everyone else is allowed to be human. But not us. Our humanity only exists when we are dead and stay dead, when we accept death like good Jews. We can only be human when we are a young girl with a diary - killed before she grows up to be a Jewish woman. She is pure and good. And dead. *She* is allowed to be human. 
I'm sick of the veneration of Palestinians as angels.  As holy martyrs like Jesus who die for humanity's sins. Who are the stick with which the Jews are beaten and the collective guilt forged around our necks 
I'm sick of the vapid, mindless, privileged fcks who call for our extinction without repercussions. Who win virtue points with pithy slogans that are euphemisms for genocide.
I'm sick of the spineless, "as a Jews" who go along with them, bending over with a "thank you sir may I have another" claiming the moral high ground as they tread on our people
I'm sick of the idiot soldiers who act like buffoons or racists and upload their idiocy to the internet making the majority - the good upstanding people of the IDF look bad.
I'm sick of having to beg to be heard, for our pain to count, for the world to understand that they are playing into Iran's hands in every step of this masterplan to destroy the West and the Jews
I'm sick of balancing love of my people with hatred of this government, walking that thin thin line that barely holds me up. Not asking the questions of HOW DID THIS HAPPEN and WHERE WERE YOU because this unity we've found is the glory of Israel
I'm sick of not being unable to say BRING THEM HOME at any cost because there are some costs too hard to bear if we are going to prevent this from happening again. 
I'm sick of waking up on repeat just to realize this isn't a nightmare.
Shoshanna Keats Jaskoll
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floralcavern · 7 months
I am so tired. I am jewish, living outside of Israel but I was born there. Made the conscious choice to not join the army as to not support the war. I have done my part in supporting Palestine and yet. It isn't enough. My friends ask why I don't RT anything, have an emoji by my handle. They don't care that on the 7th I broke down sobbing, having lost family.
I need to constantly apologise for being jewish, for being israeli. I need to explain that yes, my brothers are back at the army (because not going there might mean jail, do people know that? That refusing the army has dire consequences?) I talk and I always must add "of course I am against the government" "of course I hate Bibi" but you think they ask palestinian that? They don't need to denounce Hamas. In fact some of them straight up support them.
When I get sad that an artist I adore, openly mocks Israels deaths and calls Hamas freedom fighter I overreact - according to them. When I correct their historical views I am suddenly an evil zionist. I was told 'Look, you were already born a Zionist and Colonist' I... I did not choose where I was born?!
At what point did people lose the ability to let humans grieve? Why is it when we as jews wish to mourn we must do so with a thousand apologies and excuses. Seriously: Why the fck are we not allowed to grieve?! When grief is ingrained in our history and culture. Why am I not allowed to fear for my family? Why can I no longer wear my star of david? Have to hear that David and Solomon were Muslim and Palestinian?!
Why do jews have to always apologise for their very existence??
This is heartbreaking. No one should have to apologize for existing or for where they were born or for who they are. You are enough. You are Jewish and that is wonderful and beautiful. I have not met a single weak Jew. And I highly doubt you’re any different. Stay strong ❤️
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aphrodite1288 · 11 months
Idk if you still perceived them as a toxic relationship, I'm the one who thinks that the most healthy thing in a relationship is communication so I really doubt ksoo get enlisted bc he wants to and not telling anyone about it, I mean exo is a thing, his relationship with jongin is other, maybe he didn't tell the other members but Ji is something else in his life plus his dad just died almost a year ago. I kinda understand your point and your theory about ji's depression cus his disease is a fact told by him, but speculate everything is all about ksoo fault its fck toxic. Depression is not something you experienced from one day to another and can be caused by so many accumulated reasons that took years and years to understand and ksoo must know that tho do u think he's that cruel and go to the army without a reason knowing Ji could be really sad about it? Kai must know that before anyone else so he could have time for processing and plans to do tgt but is normal still be fck sad after ksoo left and having therapy is a completely smart thing to do, that doesn't mean they had a huge fight
First of all, all what I said is not my perception, not my opinion, it's what I've been told from everyone: from K-EXOL, to our sources to the insiders who know SM staff or worked in SM and from Exo themselves told about this issue. And guess what? They know better than you. They're closer to him than you would ever be.
Sorry if it can't fit your narratives and feed up your fantasies.
Kadi just like any other couple aren't perfect they have their ups and downs and they certainly have their own flaws. Calling a relationship toxic just by one argument is wrong of you. This is not wonderland I think you should go seek medical help if you think like this.
You're the one calling them Toxic for not having a communication not me!
Ask your parents, I don't think they've never fought in a relationship of 2 decades at least.
I don't know if I'm allowed to share this info, but fuck it, I hate when dumb people who think they know their faves start calling us liars.
Kadi in 2022 in March exactly, they were on a massive fight and had a break again and they even went to Couple Counseling and the old Fans of this Tumblr from the Instagram group know this already. I've seen kadi's name on their Couple Counselor's Chart with their names and IDs, it was a bad thing from that Counselling company as they sold the Info to Sasaengs easily, K-ExoL, when they saw Ji and Ksoo going there frequently alone separately were curious why were they attending couple counseling sessions? Do they have issues with each other or with someone else they know ? And hence they followed them dug into the subject and discovered this and unfortunately the info was leaked. Remember when Ksoo went to Hawaii alone? Well it was during that period of time they were on a break.
Couples fight dear. It's normal ! And most of the couple fights occur because of LACK OF COMMUNICATION.
So yeah ! Expecting a couple in a relationship of 14 years won't have any miscommunication or a fight is so dumb of you. We don't live in Wonderland ! This is life! Have you ever been in a relationship have you watched BLs and Couples movies haven't you seen couples hurting each other and crying and breaking up despite being in love??
, t
So same for Kadi, they can hurt each other, misunderstand each other, Do things to each other, TAKE DECISIONS WITHOUT DISCUSSING IT WITH E/O! Take decisions in a moment of anger ! It's normal it happens and this is what Ksoo did and unfortunately it's true and it was a no-going-back issue becos that's with the government it's military application. He himself regretted it later because he missed many good Movie offers and opportunities at that time, even his managers and SM's production team told him he messed up he acted in a moment of anger at that time, and going on hiatus due to military in the Epitome of his career is a very bad move and he was told that by Veterans and his friends in the industry and he admitted it to movie producers and Management teams in SM, and.it was a famous discussed subject. No idol wants to go on military hiatus when they're on the epitome of their career, but instead until they settle things down first then they go. Because Many idols and actors get a little forgotten and may lose their popularity after military due to the hiatus and some DON'T! which is why you see Baekhyun and all idols always anxious telling their fans "Please don't forget us! Promise you'll be here when I'm back! It won't take a longtime! I'll be back before you know it!" " think of me all the time when I'm absent" and Baekhyun was smart enough and was the very first idol to have filmed Content for his fans to be outed every month it was so smart fans didn't even get to forget him.
So moral of the story: Kadi aren't perfect. And you should know Honey that YOU DON'T KNOW KSOO !! The idea you have on him is not 100% what he really is like! Y'all tend to glorify and shape idols in a perfect mold and put them on a pedestal as Sacred people who don't sin or Do wrong. Honey 😂 your Ksoo Oops isn't a Saint! He makes mistakes!! Remember you're just a fan! You don't know him personally to keep saying he can't do such things and that it's not his character 🤣 blah blah blah who are you? His mother?
Listen I'm just really tired of explaining everything to dumb people here. I don't care anymore, I say the info I have which I didn't create myself, I just report what I've been told and confirmed with Evidence, believe what you want if you don't wanna believe, leave it and leave.
Don't come up here and force your opinion on me, because we're not here discussing opinions, I'm giving you an info most of the time "A FACT" means something that actually happened and was proven to me, so I'm not here discussing it with you wether it happened or not and what you think about it, I don't care what you think , the thing happened years ago and that's on Period. I'm not gonna go back in time to discuss with you how it should have happened.
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ca-dmv-bot · 1 year
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redvelvetwishtree · 11 months
How is what's happening in Gaza any different from all the Western historical events that everyone has to tiptoe on eggshells around in case someone is slightly offended?
Are you pro-Israelis and your governments keeping track of the number of children Israel has killed in a week. They've also bombed Gaza more than what Russia did in 18 months. Don't even think of lecturing me about comparing events because I'm done conforming to you people's orders and demands on how to talk about political and social. I'll compare whatever the fck I want even if it offends your hypocrite sensibilities.
Idk if pro-Israel people are actually keeping up with what's happening in Gaza or if they're just following whatever propaganda the Israeli government feeds them with.
This is a massacre and genocide at such a vast scale and the world is just watching.
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nando161mando · 4 months
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Antifaschistische Gruppen aus Schleswig Holstein rufen zur Demo gegen den AfD-Aufmarsch in Rendsburg auf.
Am 01.06. um 10 Uhr ab Bahnhof Rendsburg alle zusammen gegen den Faschismus!
Anti-fascist groups from Schleswig Holstein are calling for a demonstration against the AfD march in Rendsburg.
On June 1st at 10am from Rendsburg train station , all together against fascism!
@radicalgraff @anarchistmemecollective @antifainternational @kropotkindersurprise
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akkivee · 2 months
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i always let the propaganda get to me lol and assume the anarchy kuukou calls for would look similar to the first definition, when kuukou’s actually punk and believes in supporting one another
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