#faustus my poor poor boy
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flydeltajets · 10 days ago
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robbierants · 9 months ago
my thoughts on Alois Trancy
TW: mentions of child/sexual abuse
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Alois Trancy, a.k.a Jim Macken, is a very notable character in Black Butler. A lot of people hate him and also a lot love him. I used to hate him due to him being bratty and abusive but then I started seeing the good in him. His personality was so unpredictable that I didn’t bother to understand him. Just a few minutes in Episode 1 and I was like, “Where is my precious Ciel? I demand for the better master and butler pair to come back!” But when I watched Episode 8, I was mind-blown. I felt empathy towards the poor boy. I finally understood him. And then, Claude tap-dancing Faustus ruined it all. (I don’t hate Claude but I mildly dislike him) When Claude crushed my poptart’s head, I had to repeat the scene over and over again. I couldn’t accept he died. After that, I cried a bucket of tears.
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Now, most people hate Alois because they think he whines a lot. In contrary to popular belief that men have to be strong, cunning, and independent even in the most difficult circumstances, Alois debunks that belief. He is considered as a whore, needy, and abusive. I personally think that Alois was already mentally ill back then. Stating that everyone should drop dead for throwing a rock at your little brother is not normal for a young child. But Luca managed to keep his older brother sane. When he died, Alois was forced to survive on his own until meeting that old pedo man. These unfortunate events worsen his mental condition.
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I also think that “Alois” is just his persona to cope up with his current life. The real “Jim Macken” was compassionate when it comes to his brother and would stop at nothing to ensure their safety. Somehow, the old man transformed him into someone new. Wanting to be stronger and able to cope, Alois left “Jim” behind. But of course, his Jim personality wasn’t truly gone. It would always manifest itself through his fear of the dark and the need for constant assurance he won’t be abandoned.
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He is considered as vulgar and scandalous for a fourteen year old kid, often hinting a sexual innuendos. Being SA'd by the Earl, Alois got influenced by him. He only submitted to the Earl because it depended on his survival. He had no other choice.
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He is messed up, yes, but he only wanted some love. You would probably say, “He has no right to act abusive and bratty despite his awful past. Ciel had an awful past too but he didn’t turn out to be like this.” Ciel’s parents taught him good things before they died. Perhaps Alois never got the chance to be taught because they died early. In the end, Alois never had the love he deserved. He had to die just for Claude to acknowledge him. I mean, Ciel still has his relatives but Alois absolutely had no one. The only person who understood him (Luca) died before his eyes. He was deceived throughout Season 2 just for the sake of spicing his soul up. He only wanted to make a contract with Claude because he’s had enough of the torture being laid upon him.
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Alois is the only anime character that I could ever relate to (I also suffered from Being SA'd by people I depended on) He is one of the most realistic characters I’ve seen and I’ll always love him.
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auntiezelda · 4 months ago
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Everyone knew Sabrina in this small town it seemed. Centuries ago she had argued with her parents that moving to a larger city would be wise but they wouldn't hear a word of it. They never listened, not to her at least. And after Edward's death... well she couldn't leave her home, the home he wanted for Sabrina. And that very girl had practically hurled their family into Greendale's spotlight.
Zelda could have laughed. Sabrina didn't do anything that wouldn't erupt into unforeseen consequences these days, she thought, recalling especially how she had resurrected that poor mortal boy and it promptly blowing up in her face. But she would always be there for her regardless; Sabrina owned her heart.
She reached for another card but was stunned to be suddenly grasped and tightly. With widened eyes, she looked to the other woman with a question in her gaze.
"Wine? What wine are you talking about," she questioned bluntly. Their church wasn't in the habit of having such a communion. Did she mean at her wedding? Well that was easily avoided, she supposed. Though how she would convince Faustus was beyond her at the moment. "Is someone going to poison the wine at my wedding," she asked aloud and her mind immediately went to Shirley Jackson, that pain in her ass.
"Spellman," Lilia replied, knowing the girl's full name instantly. However, the knowledge wasn't a product of divination, but simply reputation. There was only one coven in Greendale, and Sabrina wasn't exactly a common name, especially in such a small town as this. And while the teenager did keep mortal company, attending the mortal high school, she wasn't as well hidden as she and her family liked to believe. Particularly for those who knew what they were seeing. There was something bright in that girl that went beyond just witchcraft, though Lilia was uncertain on specifics.
"You're one of her aunts," she realised aloud. Through the process of elimination, knowing that a woman named Hilda Spellman worked at the nearby comic store and diner, Lilia assumed that the woman in front of her was the elder sister. Zelda.
"She's the key to everything," Lilia elaborated simply, even if she didn't quite understand the meaning herself. Knowing the truth didn't always mean comprehending it. "There's something surrounding her, a string of fate that's tied to her actions, her choices. Something that has far reaching effects." Though Lilia found herself wondering what part a child could play in any larger picture, why so much was being placed on the girl's shoulders, without her even knowing it was there.
"Pick your final card," Lilia instructed, though her eyes were drawn back to the Queen of Wands, seeing the girl through the image. Others like her. A school. No, not a school; a church.
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So many young witches, warlocks too, being led in ceremony but Sabrina isn't there, and nor is the woman in front of her or her sister. There's an entire coven, but they're absent, they don't take part in the ceremony. He won't bow to her, not to Sabrina. Who won't? The coven start to fall, each of them, the wine gone, drank.
Lilia reached out, grabbing Zelda by the wrist, forcing her not only to look at her but also to listen. "Don't let your coven drink the wine."
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bosspigeon · 3 years ago
words were never so useful
HI HELLO i'm still alive!!! and here i am a week late with another silly scribble makin ocs kiss for @veeples's birthday! <3 Arlo and Faustus should kiss. Faustus deserves a big goth bitch to gently torment💕
title from "All This and Heaven Too" by Florence + The Machine (as covered by City in the Sea)
"You know," Faustus says slowly, smirking, "I thought Tina was exaggerating about the puppy eyes..."
Said puppy eyes very quickly narrow, and Faustus is on the receiving end of perhaps the sharpest glare he’s ever experienced.
It’s cute that Arlo thinks that’s going to do more than delight him. For a man who seems like such an impenetrable brick wall at first glance, he sure is easy to rile up.
He’s still untying his flats. The black ribbons (dramatic bastard) flow like dark water over his fingers, mimicking the ribbons of dark hair curling over his shoulders, half-hiding his face except for those piercing grey eyes, framed with sharp eyeliner and smoky shadow. Faustus still isn’t sure how to ask if he can play with his hair.
“You can just ask, you know,” he continues, since it seems like Arlo is content to give him the silent treatment while he fights with the ribbons laced up his calves. Faustus wiggles his fingers pointedly, the tips ghosting lightly against the line of the taller man’s thigh, warm through his snug tights.
His spine stiffens, before he hunches over further, and a dusting of pink touches the shell of his ears. Faustus smirks. Too easy.
“Or can you?” he leans forward, resting his elbow on his knee and his cheek on his fist to more effectively leer at Arlo. “It’s not too hard, is it?”
“Shut up,” Arlo grunts, finally freeing his other leg. He pushes his flats off at last, wiggling his toes (which also sport black-painted nails, because Arlo has no fucking clue how cute he is) and stretching his miles-long legs out across the floor. He leans back on his palms, arching his back, like he doesn’t notice Faustus’s eyes on him, watching his every move. He probably doesn’t, hilariously. Any other day, he’s hyper aware of anyone who might be watching him, antsy and rattling around in his skin, but any time Faustus is doing it, he suddenly has blinders on.
“I think next time you should perform in heels,” Faustus offers, apropos of nothing. “If you can walk in them, that is,” he adds like a challenge.
Naturally, Arlo takes the bait, cutting another glare at him. “Of course I can,” he snips. “It’s like dancing pointe, only with actual support.” He looks away again, rubbing at his tense thighs. Faustus would offer to do it for him, but he’s pretty sure he’d blush so hard he passed out of he did. “Besides, this wasn’t that kind of show.”
“I could take you to that kind of show,” Faustus drawls, letting his voice drop a bit. “It’d be fun.”
Arlo tenses again, peering through his hair again, hiding behind the safety of the curtain of black. Again, Faustus is almost overwhelmed by the urge to run his fingers through it, push it out of the way and make Arlo look at him head-on. He almost has to sit on his hands so he doesn’t give in to the urge.
Arlo’s eyes flicker down, to the tattoo on his bicep. The delicate pink slippers that marked Faustus as safe, after what felt like a lifetime of the big man walking on eggshells around him. He looks away quickly, like he’s fighting some urge of his own. Faustus wants to take him by the shoulders and shake him, yell at him that it's okay to give in.
Instead, he stretches oh-so innocently, and lets his knuckles skim Arlo’s thigh again. He tenses, but not so sharply this time, and there’s another timid glimpse of pale grey behind the inky curtain.
“I wanna see her in person,” Faustus says softly, “if she’s even half as fun to watch as you are, it’ll be well worth it.”
There’s a peek of red between the black, and Arlo makes a rough, growly little noise that sounds like it wants to be words but can’t quite figure out how to be, and Faustus finally decides to stop teasing him.
Well, mostly anyway. He has to tease him at least a little.
Because Arlo is still giving him that not-look, still shifting like he’s not sure what to do with his hands, taking a sharp, quiet little breath every now and again like he’s about to say something, but decides against it at the last minute. He can’t see the puppy eyes, hidden as they are, but he can feel them, the weight of them, and the want.
Faustus lays his hand on the smooth wood floor, tapping with his nails to subtly draw Arlo’s attention, and sighs theatrically, looking away from him with a dramatic toss of his head. Intentionally obvious, intentionally playful. “I wouldn’t mind holding your hand,” he says, like it’s some great burden. “I guess.”
Arlo makes another noise, but this time, it sounds more like a laugh, sharp and a little startled, but still a genuine laugh.
But Faustus is the victor in this weird little standoff, clearly, because it’s only a few second’s hesitation before long, graceful fingers are slipping between his, careful and shy, and squeezing almost hesitantly. He squeezes back, just to keep them from getting any sort of wrong idea and retreating.
“Puppy eyes,” he whispers, and when Arlo tries to pull away, he doesn’t let go. “Nuh-uh, not a chance, big man. This is mine now.” He drags the hand to his face, and presses a kiss to his knuckles, and has the singular delight of watching a man who is easily a head and half taller than him turn into a squirmy, blushing mess.
But Arlo stops trying to pull away, at least, and Faustus considers that another little victory.
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astriiformes · 4 years ago
We finished showing our quarantine bubble friends all of Gravity Falls tonight (watched all the Weirdmageddon episodes at once) and: 
1) Man does that show still hold such an important piece of my heart, for so, so many reasons
2) On the drive home, Scribe and I started talking about D&D and when I said “Hm maybe Erwyn just needs a metal plate in his head to keep all the demons out” Scribe wailed audibly at me, so I’m thinking that’s not the solution
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platinummice · 4 years ago
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After Boone wakes him up
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grelleswife · 3 years ago
I could see Sebas going to Claude to gossip and ramble about a lover or crush because if they are on good terms xDD Claude slightly gets jealous still tho like 'why you making me a third wheel??' POOR SPIDER MAN
(See this post for context)
Claude is rather scandalized and more than a little bewildered by Sebastian’s genuine romantic interest in a human; normally, such fraternization between demons and mortals is discouraged. However, Michaelis always had unconventional tastes, so he supposes it doesn’t come as too much of a shock. On one hand, he’s glad that Sebas is happy…but it’s hard not to feel a twinge of envy when the Phantomhive butler waxes poetic about kind, brilliant, gorgeous Agni, or fierce, strong (yet surprisingly sweet) Wolfram. After all, Claude remains a singleton. Rude! 😤
Sometimes Sebastian will give him a roguish smirk and ask, “You know, I meet plenty of handsome men on my assignments for the young master. I’d be happy to make an introduction—“ To which Faustus curtly replies, “Unlike certain other demons, I am wholly devoted to my work. 😒” And Sebastian’s just like, “Come now, Claude, it wouldn’t kill you to get out more. 😏”
But the spider demon gets his own back whenever he teases Sebastian about how smitten he appears to be with his new beau…an allegation which the flustered trash demon blushingly denies.
“Nonsense, it’s just a mere dalliance—“
“Oh really? It looks to me like you’ve fallen head over heels for this person, Michaelis. 👀
When Sebastian leaves after such conversations, sometimes Claude will stand gazing wistfully into the distance like
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“I aM foRevEr aLonE”
But then Hannah comes to lay a hand on his shoulder and gently ask if he’d mind helping the triplets with the gardening (the canny demoness knows he could use the distraction, but also knows he’s far too proud to admit it outright). Or Alois swoops in to impatiently tug on his sleeve because the boy NEEDS a companion to play cards with him THIS INSTANT or he will die from lack of attention because the other demons are too busy. And Claude is reminded that he isn’t alone, not really. He’s a Trancy demon, after all.
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animeyanderelover · 4 years ago
If possible, you could place my order... What would be the reaction Yandere! Black Butler (Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude and Ash) upon discovering that his beloved reader is an asexual person?
I really like such requests.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, delusions, paranoia, clinginess, manipulation, controlling behavior, strict behavior, kidnapping, killing, self-harm
Ciel Phantomhive
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☕️He totally pretends to know what this means to not make himself look like an idiot. But as soon as his darling leaves him after telling him this, he instantly asks Sebastian for help, having no idea what it means to be asexual, when it comes to this stuff the poor boy is clueless. He might be surprised, but Ciel is a bit more awkward with touches in general, though he has his moments. In all honesty though, he doesn’t mind much. He is in a way more respectful as long as his darling loves him as well and doesn’t go against him and even if that wouldn’t be the case, he wouldn’t use this against them. He becomes maybe after finding out for a while more stiff around his s/o since he doesn’t know with way of touching them is alright and which isn’t and his darling will notice that as well and will have to explain it to him. But overall he doesn’t mind it that much, he accepts it and also makes sure that others don’t disrespect his darling for their preferences and their sexuality.
Sebastian Michaelis
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🐈‍⬛He knows what the term asexual means and he might have known beforehand from either his time as a stalker or whilst he was already in a relationship with his darling and figured it out on his own. And he definitely asked his darling about it since he needed to know this since it was important. And Sebastian as a demon in general is open-minded and just loves his darling so he wouldn’t really care, instead reassuring them if they feel insecure about it. That being said, he as a demon has to go through heat every once in a while and due to that he always stays away from his s/o when this happens because he doesn’t wish to do something that he will regret and that will hurt his darling. It is of course painful for him to go through, but he is not trash like other people might be and doesn’t want to force himself on his darling if they don’t even feel interested in sex and if they don’t enjoy it, he won’t either. That being said, he still needs as a demon his physical time and so he will grow over time more needy with other sorts of affection such as kissing and cuddling.
Alois Trancy
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👅So, Alois is totally clueless about this and he won’t figure it out really quickly either which is why either his darling has to tell him or one of the demons, Hannah most likely since she watches sharply over this relationship for the sake of her master’s happiness. And Hannah also ends up being the one who will explain to him afterwards what the word asexual means. I can’t see Alois as someone who has a high sex drive as an adult, it’s under what is average so he never thought about the topic arc that much before anyways. So he wouldn’t see the problem too much in it. That being said, Alois is affectionate- and touch-starved and for that requires things like hugs and cuddles a lot. He can overdo it very often and become suffocating, but he needs this. So as long as his darling is fine with him touching them in a more platonic way, he won’t complain over it at all. But he also finds himself reacting so much more sensible if someone else besides him touches his darling in such ways, though they don’t see much humans in the first place. It’s most likely the demons he gets jealous off when they attempt to touch you.
Claude Faustus
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🕷He would find out pretty early about this as well since he also stalks you a lot before he finally makes himself known to you. And since he was at the beginning more interested in your alluring soul than your actual personality and you as a person, he didn’t really care about you being asexual. The slight problems appear after he realized that his darling is his mate and instead of devouring their soul, he wanted a relationship. Similar to Sebastian he as a demon goes through heat where he just feels the desire to make love with his mate, but he also knows that this can traumatize them and make them despise him which he doesn’t want either. So similar to Sebastian he chooses to always keep his distance when he goes through all of this and tells you to stay away from him until he has calmed down as well because otherwise he might lose control. He finds himself slightly annoyed by this, especially when he has his heat it is frustrating, but it doesn’t make him love his darling any less. With that being said, he forced every other sort of physical affection on you since that’s the most he can get out of you and he’ll damn well make something out of this.
Ash Landers
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▫️Ash finds out only after he took his darling and explained to them why he had to keep them with him. And Ash is quite the fascinating case to look in because his darling is pretty much the only person who he allows to touch him and he desires it as well, in platonic and sexual ways, though he also wouldn’t want to touch them that way. But when discovering that his darling is asexual...he can’t bring himself to touch his darling even more than already in a normal sense. He knows what being asexual means and he respects it, we’re talking about his darling after all. But he also intensifies his belief in them being too pure and no one deserving to touch them, not even himself. And as soon as he does happen to accidentally touch his darling, even if it’s only in a really innocent way, he totally loses it what ends with him punishing himself afterwards. He makes himself suffer just incredibly much by hurting himself as a way to stop wishing to be touched from his darling and they need a very, very long time until they can convince him to let himself being touched in platonic ways like cuddling and kissing. Additionally Ash might just want to kill even more everyone who ever touched his darling since for him it’s akin to sinning.
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thebellekeys · 4 years ago
My Favorite Plays: Play Recs 📖
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NB. I'm not like, a critical reader all the time nor am I a lit major. These are just some of the plays I enjoyed reading/studying so that's why this list is... what it is.
Posh by Laura Wade
- snotty British boys bitch about poor people a lot in Oxford; they say what we know the Tories are thinking out loud
Equus by Peter Shaffer
- horse boy antics, and Daniel Radcliffe showed his booty on stage performing this
Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
- yes, I've read a crap ton of Shakespeare and I can solidly say R+J is my favorite Shakespeare work
The Trojan Women by Euripides
- I've not studied classics or Greek history in depth and really have only explored Euripides, and this play is the one I fell in love with because of the Women Struggles (understatement)
No Exit by Jean-Paul Sartre
- introverts will stan
Blood Wedding by Federico García Lorca
- I imagine Leonardo looking like Enrique Iglesias
The Tempest by William Shakespeare
- my favorite Shakespeare comedy... "we are such stuff as dreams are made on" and shit
Salomé by Oscar Wilde
- there's just something that hits you hard when you read this in the original French and hear Herod just pleading for his stepdaughter to ask for literally anything except John's the Baptist's head
Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe
- I'm Addie Larue and I approve this message
Dirty Hands by Jean-Paul Sartre
- communists will get their work and their bitches done *huffs*
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fanficparker · 4 years ago
"The reward of sin is death? That’s hard." - Doctor Faustus, Marlowe
(Frenemies to Lovers! Mob AU! ) Harrison Osterfield x Fem!OC
Word count: 2.45k words
Warning: Swearing, jerk behaviour, keeping hostage, guns, blood and violence, sexual tension.
Synopsis: After the sudden death of his uncle and the eccentric multi-millionaire mafia king Lufian Clarke, Harrison Osterfield’s almost decent life is mostly devastated especially when half of what should be rightfully his fortune is transferred to their immediate rival for reasons he doesn’t know. What’s remaining is him trying to figure out how to deal with this collaboration of two rival corporations that don’t belong together and work on the side of the woman he never knew would ever be referred to as his partner in crime while they are dragged into a mess bigger than what they were trained to handle.
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"Kill her."
Harry coughed. Twice.
"You know that's not possible," because if it was, wouldn't they have eliminated all their rivals already? The mafia was no easy business. It was equivalent to living on the edge without a rope tied to your waist to pull you back in case you fall off the cliff. Rather there was a rope tied to your ankle, waiting for the perfect opportunity to pull you down.
Harrison licked his dried lips as he rose from the desk, stepping closer to him. "Yeah and that's why Tom should be here, not you." He paused for a moment before mumbling: "Kid," amusement crossing his sharp features.
Harry's stomach rumbled with anger. Oh, and you are an obtuse twenty-four-year-old crazy old man who is also a big ass jerk.
He wanted to punch that grimace off his face.
The only reason he was a part of the mafia was that he believed in Clarke's philosophy, his ideology, his way of dealing with things but with Harrison on board, was it even the same anymore?
Harrison crossed the nineteen-year-old, barging into the door to exit the room. "Ask Tom to meet me in the car at seven. And until then I don't want a single soul near myself." He stated before putting a foot out of the door.
Harry expected to hear his departing footsteps but Harrison rather took a foot back, meeting the redhead's eyes with a steady gaze.
"And from next time," He warned, "knock before you enter." And with that he left, his footsteps echoing behind him.
All Harry could do was clench his fist.
It was a business agreement but it felt more like a marriage. An unwanted, forceful one. One where you hated your spouse to the moon and back and yet had to lose a part of your bed, life and love.
Why would you ever do this to me, Clarke? Why would you?! The anger and frustration bubbling inside his chest were too much to handle. He had left along with Tom and had captured one of Dino's closest men.
Dino was one of their new clients and had lately caused a lot of trouble from not paying the amount he owed to actually trying to fly off Europe.
If it was for any other day, Harrison wouldn't even bother handling Dino or any of his men by himself but today he needed a punching bag. A punching bag on whom he could pour all his pent up rage out. Beat his torment off another person's bones. That made sense to him.
He had dragged the man in the dark of the abandoned warehouse— the place Dino once used as a storage for his illegal weapons. The place he had tried to erase, pretend that it never existed.
Tom tied him to the chair for enquiry but Harrison was in no mood for that. He had already made up his mind. He didn't even let the man lift up his head to comprehend what was happening before Harrison's fist made a sharp contact with his jaw, knocking him to the floor along with the chair.
Tom watched from the side as Harrison grabbed the man's shirt, now dusty and violated with stains of fresh blood mixed with spit, establishing the chair back on the cemented floor with a thud. "Ask your boss to show up, will you?" He raised his voice several octaves as if to mock him for being so weak and helpless.
With blood sputtering between the guy's teeth, he tried to speak, "I--"
But Harrison instantly cuts in, circling around his chair, "Oh wait. What can you even do? You are useless for both me and Dino. That's why Dino left you here. He doesn't give a fuck if you live or die." He halted his steps and pulled the man's hair, sharply forcing his head back, jarring his neck, painfully stretching the muscles of his throat before spatting into his face, "You hear that? You. Are. Worthless."
And then he again swung his fist across his face, just this time he didn't stop. His knuckles throbbed with the sharp collision of bone against bone. His skin turned bright blue hidden by red. God, it felt good.
"We don't wanna kill him." Tom reminded, voice laced with disgust. This was brutal even for Harrison.
"I want to." He groaned, fisting his hands in the man's shirt.
"And here I wondered, Clarke's scion would be smarter."
His neck snapped at the voice. The source of the words— the silhouette emerged from the door, her heels hitting against the cemented floor as she strolled towards the blue light that filled the otherwise dark room.
Harrison recognised the voice well, he didn't need to wait for it to materialise into human form but he also didn't want to hear it, let alone see the person whom it belonged to. Somethings are inevitable, anyway.
"What are you doing here?" Tom was the first one to speak, his eyes focused on the woman who stood just a few feet apart from them, her shoulder-length dark hair sitting as a tight ponytail, high on her head, giving her the illusion of height.
She crossed her arms over her midsection, one foot slightly ahead of the other and let out a breath. "That's not a question, you ask your boss. Especially in that tone." Her words were sharp but not her voice or tone for that matter. For an outsider or an amateur, it would appear as if she was just there to ridicule the two boys. Yeah, in some way, it was true except for the 'just' part. Both Tom and Harrison were neither an outsider nor amateurs to read into that. They knew why she was here.
Harrison asked anyway, swallowing his boiling rage, "What the hell are you doing here?"
Her lips twisted into a half grin. "Well, you can ask that though."
The small laughter that followed her words made a muscle tick in his jaw. He was this close to snapping. Snapping to no avail. Snapping for vain. She had won. She had won his prize and there was nothing he could do to reclaim it. He couldn't give her the satisfaction of knowing that she got him. No, she didn't. He reminded himself. No one could.
"I just came to check on you guys. Also, considering the fact that none of you noticed me standing right outside this room..." She looked over her shoulder, pointing a finger at the door, "Anyone could have shot you dead right there."
"And oh my god!" She gasped upon turning back to the scene, her voice infused with fake concern, "What have you done to this poor soul?"
The tension that hung between them had managed to make the muffled cries of the fourth person inaudible to the three pair of ears in the room. Maybe because he was the rat rather than the conventional elephant, people were so used to address.
"He is my client," Harrison growled, low in his throat— a thinly veiled attempt at trying to keep things civil.
"Not just yours." She corrected, flashing a small smile in his direction, more of a grimace, walking towards the man tied to the chair. The two guys watched her with narrowed, questioning eyes as she removed her coat, the draping neckline of her red top doing the bare minimum to cover anything.
She slouched across his chair, wiping the blood from the corner of his lip, softly smearing it across his cheek.
"Is this bad boy bullying you?" She momentarily shot a glance at Harrison. The man nodded, too afraid and too injured to speak.
Clicking her tongue in disdain, she gripped his chin tightly, her nails digging into his skin as she pushed the chair to the back, supported only by one of her heels. He jerked in his bonded state.
She leaned near his face, her breath tickling in his ear. "Why not better start behaving then?" She whispered, her lips brushing against the side of his face. "I don't like pretty faces as yours harmed."
Her finger traced over his lower lip, her nail scratching his wound in ways more sensual than painful. "Will you comply?" Her eyes flickered down to his lips.
He nodded instantly and desperately. He was charged up; her scent was filling his senses. When her eyes were back to his face, his slid to take a peek at her cleavage, a mixture of fear and excitement dotting his sweltering forehead with beads of sweat.
"Good boy," she muttered and dragged her foot away from the chair, installing him back to where they had started.
"P-Please..." The guy managed to utter when she moved away, urgency evident in his voice. A triumphant grin got pasted over her face in response, making her laugh at his needy request.
Harrison could bet that the guy had a mild erection even in his blood ridden pathetic state. The scene almost made him puke. Where he was using force and blood, she was using her body, sex as a weapon. Definitely not his way of working. Yet, he failed to suppress the dull tightening sensation in his abdomen—and the part below it.
She walked up to him, pulling her hair down, brushing them with her fingers. Her laughter had long subsided but its residue was still echoing in his head. He hated that. He hated her.
"Doesn't it spark old memories, Osterfield?"
His face flickered with annoyance. It was in his best interest to ignore her words.
"Let's talk over at dinner." She offered, carrying her coat on her elbow. Yeah, they very much needed to talk even when he didn't prefer it. So, he walked out of the room, waiting for her to follow.
"You should seriously take him back to wherever you picked him from." She instructed Tom as if Harrison wasn't enough for him to deal with.
"We had a reservation," she smiled at the hostess, "by the name of Sandhya Omar." Harrison, on the other hand, was somehow managing not to kill. Her, specifically.
The hostess smiled back, taking a glance at the register in her hand, "Welcome, Ms. Omar. Let me escort you to your table." She smiled at Harrison too. He didn't appreciate the gesture.
She led them to a table perfectly designed for two, for a date perhaps, placed on a quiet, dimly lit balcony. Harrison removed his blazer, hanging it over the chair before folding the sleeves of his beige-coloured shirt over his arms and occupying the seat. The hostess dragged Sandhya's chair, letting her sit.
She mumbled a quiet thank you.
"A waiter will be here shortly." She informed and left. She didn't lie; not a minute had passed and the waiter was already there, passing them two menus and pouring clear champagne into their flutes. Before he could proceed to light the candles decorated over the table, Harrison interrupted:
"We don't need that."
"Of course we need that, darling." She cuts in, smiling so pleasantly at him, just like a cat would smile at a canary.
It was the waiter who smiled back, at both of them, actually. "I will come back for the orders when you both are ready."
"Thank you. We will take some time, though."
"No worries, Ms. Saan—dha—ya."
"Just call me Sandy, it's fine." She shrugged away his absurd pronunciation of her name. The waiter just passed her an apologetic smile, walking away, leaving them in solitude, surrounded by nothing but luxury and privacy.
"Talk?" Harrison began.
"What?" She pretended to be clueless.
It was a game for her.
Not for him.
"You wanted to talk."
"You don't?"
He wasn't having it. So, she simply rolled her eyes, choosing to initiate. "Okay... I will start," she let out a breath, "My mob wants me dead because they want what I have inherited."
Funny, they and Harrison were on the same page.
"And you walked here alone?" He quirked a brow.
She slumped in her chair, one foot crossed over her knee, "You see, I am not alone." Her hands gestured at him.
He snorted. Ridiculous.
"You seriously think that I want you any less dead than them?"
"That's foolish." He leaned across the table, elbows pressing against the wood, "I'd kill you the second I'd get the chance." He stressed certain syllables, gritting his teeth in fury. His tone dripped scorn.
"No, you won't. You need me." She stated as a matter-of-fact, straightening her back.
"You wish." He replied quickly, scoffing at her misplaced confidence.
Her phone on the table vibrated, providing them with the much needed break from cocking their verbal guns at each other. The sneer on her face vanished in a heartbeat, quickly replaced by fear as soon as her eyes scanned the glowing screen. She tapped the dial on her watch before leaning across the table.
"Listen carefully..."
He didn't.
Her hands grabbed his collar, pulling his face closer to hers, tautly stretching the fabric of his shirt, "Your life is at threat too!"
Her eyes glanced at her watch again.
"Four minutes and they'll be here." The slight flicker of the candle burning across the table animated a dance of shadows on their faces, projecting the fearful vibrations in her stomach onto the surface. "For both of us," she clarified, their face centimeters apart.
He laughed pulling himself back, not considering her words any worthy of his contemplation, smoothening the creases she had created on his otherwise crisp shirt. But she was quick to pull him again, not allowing his eyes to focus on anything else but her.
"This is no drill, Harrison." She warned, her dark eyes cold and hard and locked on his blue ones.
"In four--three minutes, there will be a smoke bomb thrown below our table, and that's our only chance to escape. Take the left side, use the pipes to climb down as quickly as possible. A car will be waiting for you at the side of the street."
He squinted his eyes in disbelief, an expression of boredom covering his face. "Why would I trust you?"
She sighed, pulling a compact case, keeping it between them, the mirror facing his side. His pupils dilated noting the reflection on it. It was the reflection of a person, holding a sniper rifle, standing on the rooftop of the building across them.
A chill crept through his heart. Their eyes met again.
In a tone that lacked any hesitation and provided no explanation, she gave away the second part of the answer, "Because Clarke didn't die... He was murdered."
Yeah, people like Clarke don't just die.
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danddymaro · 4 years ago
Temptation | Claude Faustus x Reader
This is the original  [ HERE ]
It is pretty different and changed up. Heck, now that I'm re-reading both , I kind of don’t recognize much of the original. I like this one more, since its more recent and edited. I had actually written that one when I was younger and posted it up much later on that site... but I feel like I’ve done better now, like I’ve vastly improved. I guess cause I like having more details now, Idk about anyone else.
Thoughts are italics in quotations = ‘Example’
Flashbacks are in italics = Example
Word Count :   6335
"Don't cry..." she cooed softly, all whilst petting the young boy, her hand gently running over his blonde, silken hair, combing it down with her small raking fingers to soothe him.
"Shh...it'll be alright young master," she assured him, her voice sweet, almost saccharine as she spoke to him, "I'm here...I’m here... And I'll always be here," she said yet again, repeating the words over and over, chanting them to him in a low, melodic tune that only she could produce.
- And it wasn’t just for that night she had made such a proclamation...
To always be there; to never leave him...
‘Never leave me...Never abandon me (f/n),’ He thought to himself, silently ordering her.
She so often assured him there was nothing in the world more important to her than he was, feeding the desperate young boy with everything he wanted to hear, not because it served to her benefit, but because he needed it.
-Because she truly loved him.
"It's so dark..." Alois whispered back to her as she sat on the large bed with him, satin sheets draped over both of them as they stayed huddled close together.
He had insisted she crawl in there with him, and of course, she wouldn’t dare dismiss his request, not when his blue eyes were nothing but melted ice, overflooding, and momentarily causing streams of sorrow down his young face.
His arms then wrapped around her with a sudden quickness, surprising her enough to put a halt to the gentle strokes she had provided on the fair-haired youth.
“It’s so dark...” He said again as he clung to her tighter, his face pressed against her left breast like the needy brat he was.
At his desperate hold, she too held him close, quickly coming down from the light start he had given her, holding him tightly against her and keeping his trembling body near her.
‘I see....it is expected,’ She mused to herself.
"The darkness is what you fear the most, yes master?" she said softly, embracing the poor child, knowing how frightened he was of not just the loud clapping sounds, but also the blackness surrounding them.
She was aware of just what the harsh sounds of chaos outside did the boy, and moreover what the lonesome void of light caused within him.
She knew him through and through, or at the very least she believed she did...
She knew what made him sorrow-filled, becoming familiar with what made him angry, as well as taking into account what unnerved him.
However, she hadn’t a clue as to what lay in his past, because he never spoke of it, but of course, she could more or less figure. She knew, of course, the world was a cruel place, and even then she was still surprised at man’s corruption where not even a child was safe.
She could put pieces together, ones that created a dreadful puzzle, one that made her weep at times.
Admittedly she had shed tears for Alois, and she wouldn't ever hide the fact, because she wasn’t ashamed to let it be known that she loved him.
‘I know what matters young Lord,’ She thought to herself, ‘ I may not know everything about you, but I don't need to...’ she added with motherly love.
‘Because that’s all that matters now...’ She reasoned, ‘ Nonetheless, I'm here now...I’m here now young master... and I won’t let you be harmed. I won’t leave you in the dark.’
“I know it is,” she voiced, “ But no worries young master,” she assured him. “You should have no worries now, not of the thunder or darkness...” she added with certainty.
“None of it...” she murmured, bringing her chin down to lay on top of his head, her eyes closing momentarily.
Meanwhile, the young boy in her arms stirred from within furthermore, '(f/n) am I wrong?’ Alois asked himself as he was embraced back, feeling her chin touch the top of his head.
‘ Do you truly care? Could you really..?' He wondered,‘ Or do you fear me instead? Do you only stay because you have no other choice as well?’ He continued on while his tears continued to fall,
‘Could it be...? Or am I wrong to doubt you?’
Alois Trancy always asked himself this, along with many more questions that ran along the same lines, because to his dismay, he always doubted.
The young boy always doubted.
No matter how certain he could be, he always challenged the notion that he could truly be loved, and that somehow, someone truly cared for him.
‘How could anyone really?’ he asked himself with spite directed at himself, at his tainted soul, and moreso his soiled body.
All of him was used...soiled...filthy.
‘Filthy...Filthy and unloved... I am...’ He thought with a hiccup. ‘ I am nothing more than that...’
Hearing what was the unmistakable sound of his blubbered cries accompanied by the little shiver coursing throughout his slim frame, (f/n) brought her gaze down to him, separating from him a bit in order to gaze at him properly.
She stared back at soft baby blue irises in the desperate attempt to comfort the lost, tainted soul, knowing he was suffering and fretful, well aware he was hurt more than words could ever fix.
A small, sweet smile overtook her pale-rose painted lips as she stared down at him, hoping to somehow raise one out of him.
Kind eyes, lovely, sweet and pure stared down at him, absolutely sunning him, making his heart still. They were filled with love, pure, unadulterated love he’d never received before, making his breath hitch in a notable fashion.
The way she gazed down at him, it told him she didn’t want his body. It reminded him that she didn’t want his soul either.
No... his (f/n) wanted nothing more than to give...accept...wholeheartedly devote herself to him, not because she was forced to by contract, and not because she had any hunger for him either.
‘(f/n) truly cares for me,��� he thought to himself, pushing away the thoughts of before, trying to shove them clear out the window,
‘(f/n) desires only my joy...She desires nothing more...’
He hated having to be reminded he mattered, hated needing the validation, but the truth was that the way he believed love to work was different. His mind had been warped, twisted and turned so much that it was nothing but a mess.
‘No...No...The way you look at me...’ He resisted, his glazed eyes gazing into hers, ' The way your eyes fall onto me... The way you hold onto me...’
She wordlessly challenged him, more specifically his doubtful thoughts, unknowingly giving him assurance with her (e/c) gems, giving validation to her words of promise.
He was aware of the existence of demons, the same unholy creatures which surrounded him. He knew those evils existed as his home had become nothing more than a nesting ground for the fiends.
He knew they were real, so he often asked himself if there was such a thing as angels.
Did they also exist?
He often wondered if the light lived with the darkness... if it had come down to roam free with the meager humans just as the demons had traveled from the depths of hell.
Did those holy angels exist? Or was their world just a playground for the fiends to fester and feed?
Had the humans been left to their monstrous mercy?
Had he been destined to just be pray?
As he brought his eyes back down, he lay them on the cloth over her chest, more specifically, the white apron trimmed with ruffles that followed a heart-shaped edge.
He looked on at her uniform piece, mindlessly letting his right hand reached up to the ruffled pieces, the tips of his fingers occupied with them,
‘ How different they are, ‘ he mused, a small sniffle meant to let out amusement, though very lukewarm.
If anything the action itself served more to vacuum up the snot running down his nostrils.
‘Like night and day,’ He went on.
The young Trancy maid was so different from his head butler that It wouldn’t surprise him in the least bit if she did turn out to be a divine spirit, one being the complete polar to the fiend Claude was,
‘Would you save me (f/n)? Could you be here to save me? Save me from the world?... from Claude even?... from myself if you had to?...’ he wondered idly. ‘Could you heal me?’ He wondered with a sliver of hope, knowing he was being foolish in his pondering, cringing as he heard large droplets smack his large window.
‘ Even if I were to be wrong...’ he started, ‘ I wouldn’t want to let you go. I wouldn’t want to give you up,’ he continued on, ‘ In fact, it’s meaningless to wonder, because I don’t want you to leave either way...
You could be yet another demon... you could also want my soul and I wouldn’t mind it...’
Nonetheless, he loved her still, loving her attention, loving her more than he could love anything else in the world.
‘-I’ll give you anything so long as you stay, I’ll promise you anything you wish,’ He compromised, ‘I’d break my soul in two halves...share it with you as well to feed your hunger...
I just ask that you stay...’
He could feel it in his chest, the aching he felt when he so thought of the possibility of her abandoning him.
Whether it was all some lie or not, he’d still wanted her with him.
‘Never...’ He told himself, ‘Never will I be alone...not without you or him...not without you both....’ He insisted, not being able to stomach the notion of lonesomeness.
It was then that an incredibly loud boom came from outside, making even the woman release a small sound of surprise.
Being caught off guard, her body had begun to melt by the strangely soothing sound of heavy falling rain, so when the roar erupted she couldn't hold back the alarm she felt. Meanwhile, the Trancy head’s eyes went enormously wide, a cry leaving him, nearly choking as he tried to speak,
"P-please don't let go!" He pleaded, burying his flushed face in her warm chest, trying to drown out the thunder.
Somewhere in there lay her heart, ‘Somewhere in here, it’s cradled by her...just like I want to be.’ he thought breathlessly, his heavy tears wetting her uniform even more, his nose going runny as well.
His hands clawed at her, small, thin fingers digging into her back as his grip tightened, his nails digging in, even though the cloth.
’Please keep me safe (f/n), Tuck me in near your heart, with what little space may be there... I'll take it.’
‘I’ve given you your own spot,’ He silently reminded her, knowing his heart was in two halves, one meant for her, and one meant for his butler, the same one who had yet to show face...
Something he hadn’t overlooked, because, in spite of all his wondering and fear, he couldn’t push the absence aside, " Damn it! Why isn't he here! Where's Claude?!" He demanded in anguish, which to her, sounded more like a soft, muffled plea.
It sounded weak...small.
‘ Where is he...’ the young boy wondered, ‘(f/n) your here... but where is Claude... where is he?’
Unknown to the two, the said man watched them, all with glowing interest, one that could not be truly measured, and that was unimaginable to them both. His golden eyes were both overtaken by fluorescent pink as he continued to eye them both in the manner a mischievous one would gaze at unattained decadences.
‘Sweet little treats left out for anyone to grab,’ He mused.
Both were sweet and savory little bites to take at his liking, and what was best;
Nothing would get in his way.
Nothing could stop him.
Claude licked his now dry lips, eyeing the young maid from a dark corner, watching as she embraced their young lord with a hold so fierce, one would have to tear her arms open to steal him from her.
She held him with an iron grip, one that cradled him near as though he truly was precious, as though he’d been nested within her womb at one point.
The butler knew she’d fight for him with the same ferocity he would, despite her mortality, and moreso, for reasons that were polar to his.
While to Claude he was nothing more than a meal, (f/n) saw something else.
She saw through maternal eyes that had given her a strength Claude hadn’t thought humans could come to obtain,
"It all excites me …" He said lowly, smirking at the vulnerable pair, his dark, delighted voice there for only himself to hear and reflect upon.
He watched with amusement as both the creatures jumped as the world outside flashed white, a roaring cry echoing with viciousness.
“Yes, it is indeed exciting... Madly rousing,” he said, feeling actual exhilaration, his body growing hot, the temperatures of it rising to a boiling point.
He looked all too much like a coiled serpent, waiting with glee, glimmering eyes filled with excitement as he waited for his moment to spring forward, viscously sinking its fangs onto innocent, little beings he’d make dinner out of.
They both were in his vision and interest, but only one left him truly spellbound because truth be told, everything about the woman made him go mad...feral even.
"Naughty me, wanting a treat before the main course," He snickered.
He wasn't the least bit concerned about the want he felt, because after all, it didn’t mean he couldn't have it all.
By having her, it didn’t mean he would have to give up the boy.
It was never in his plan to simply let go of something he’d already worked so hard on.
‘All the humiliation... the intolerable brat’s constant swings in between bitter and sweet...’ He thought with bitterness,
'...But of course that wavering...it does make him all the more appetizing,’ he reasoned. ‘ And it will make it all the more satisfying to see my young lord bloodied red,’ He went on.
The whimpering child's soul was appetizing, It had been his only focus, at least until a certain point.
It had been all he could focus on until she arrived.
‘And then, of course, there is you, my dear...’ He thought to himself as he continued to eye her.
“There is you my sweet (f/n)…Sweet...You’re all too sweet with that aromatic warmth... all of that tempting flavor you know nothing of,” He sighed in a daydreamed state, drunk over her tempting image.
Her soul begged to be devoured, shared with no one else, and swallowed whole by his gluttonous hunger, and all the while,  he wasn’t even ashamed to admit it:
He wanted everything from her, from the soft (h/c) hair on her pretty head to that teasing, sweet soul she carried within her lovely vessel which was in every sense perfection.
She was perfection to him, pleasing every sense of his.
How he longed to ravish her pure, virgin body, run his nude fingers up and down her smooth legs before he’d have the chance to dig his sharp fangs within her silky neck.
He could smell it, she was untouched, untainted, and oh so tempting.
Never before had he felt such an overwhelming urge to completely devour a defenseless creature such as herself, not even his prior fixation on his master was in comparison, and it was indeed something for him to relish in with joy.
He was fortunate.
The day she stepped foot in the household, that single move marked her fate.
From that day forth, she was his, and his alone.
She was off-limits to the other roaming demons who he knew glared at him in spite...brewing in envy as he made another claim. He was aware he wasn’t the only one interested in her, but no one else would dare mark territory where he had plans to.
Surprisingly enough, watching her with the brat somehow made her more appealing, it made her much more delicious,
'How kind you are, how nobly sweet...’ he mused with mockery as he saw her being latched onto, no qualms on her part.
‘...No, better yet, How naïve and incredibly stupid, ' He thought darkly.
He knew she had a horrible inability to say no.
She couldn't escape out of the affection from the young boy, even if it meant living her life in servitude, even if it meant living her life in a nest of demons and possible death.
In his mind, such kindness and sympathy she demonstrated could only belong to a naïve and utterly stupid creature.
"- I'm sure he'll be here soon your highness,” (f/n) told Alois, “ I’m certain he would never abandon you," she added, lightly running her fingers through her master's silky blond hair to soothe the young male, continuing on with the tender action from before.
‘One’s heart would have to be black to leave you, ‘ She thought to herself. ‘Rotten and evil...Young master...”
"...And what about you?" He questioned unsurely, all with a quaking voice. His fingers dug into the fabric of her dress, fearing she'd leave him right then and there.
‘I know you’ve already told me,’ he reasoned, ‘ I know I may be annoying, ‘ he then thought, ‘ but please, please tell me again, once more... a million times after that as well...’
“Would you ever leave me?” he asked her, sniffling up at her.
‘ You’ve asked me so many times,’ she mused, a small shake to her head.
"I love my young master far too much to ever leave him," she said lovingly, making his heart warm and his body melt on to her furthermore.
She cherished the child, being pulled back to him, rendering her weak to the idea of disappearing from his lonesome life.
Moreover, something had drawn her to the home in its entirety, despite the cold chills she felt, despite the unease, her heart pulled her there,
‘I felt it my first day here...before the large door to this place were opened to me... before I knew what lay within these walls, All I wanted to do was to stay in what felt like home.’ She thought to herself.
‘As though a thread pulled me here, so thin...invisible to me, yet tied around my heart, controlling me every step of the way,’
The rain let out, sounds of fallen drops being the only thing still audible by then. and soon after, the lights flickered on, revealing a tall figure approaching them with slow, steady steps.
"Claude!" Exclaimed the young boy, fresh tears still running down his flushed cheeks, but none the less sounding completely elated, and just like that his eyes glowed, happily and with complete joy. He wiggled out of (f/n)’s hold, making the woman momentarily be forgotten, her own happiness evident as she watched her young master’s tears begin to cease.
"(f/n) was right! You didn't leave...." he said trailing off, furiously rubbing his puffy, tired eyes with enthusiasm.
Alois then looked at his either side to see the two people he loved the most; the two people he couldn't bear to live without.
(f/n) sat with him still, her head slightly cocked to the side as she watched him, the same warm eyes he had been staring at still there while Claude stood at the opposite end, his hand falling over his chest, beginning to kneel to him,
“ Your Highness, “ he addressed him.
They would never leave him... They could never do so...
‘I’ll never be alone again,’ He thought. ‘ With them, I'll never be lonely again,’
A soft smile made its way onto his young face, wanting to stay just as they were for all of eternity, wanting them to always look at him, always have him in mind.
Because he was their center, the path their eyes would take.
His angel and his demon, there for him...
' My Claude... and my (f/n)' he thought to himself, knowing he was safe.
With that thought aside he smirked discretely, his head lowering to hide it.
He then remembered there was something else he loved about having his (f/n) and his Claude,
Something that entertained him heavily...
'I suppose it's time for some fun,' he squealed inwardly at his favorite pass time.
He turned back to (f/n), wrapping his arms around her again, but this time purposely rubbing his face over her cushioned chest,
“(F/n),” he said happily, knowing he was being eyed by the other male.
'Oh Claude, u desperately want her...don't you?... Don't you wish you could hold her as I do?' He taunted the demon, not needing words to do so. With a single look shot towards the demon as he teased him, wordlessly toying with him.
‘ She’s always soft, she’s always warm... she’s always loving, but only to me,’ He thought to himself, a mocking, little smirk adorned.
As though he could read minds, Claude tightened his jaw, staring on with sharpness, knowing just what the boy was doing,
‘All the more reason,’ Claude started, ‘All the more reason I will enjoy swallowing you whole...Your highness.’ He swore seething.
His hands twitched at his sides, knowing he could do nothing to tear them apart,  his only choice being to watch,
‘And you...’ He thought snidely, eyes glued to the woman’s smiling face as she remained unaware of the boy’s games, and much more ignorant to the demon’s possessive nature towards her.
‘You...’ He added, not knowing just what to think.
Within his mouth his pointed tongue swiveled, gliding over his sharpened teeth as they itched to bite. With a press to his left fang, he released a long exhale through his nostrils, wanting to sink the dangerous pearly white’s to her (s/c) skin.
"Your so warm...." Alois whispered softly, actually loving her coziness. All jokes aside, he really was enjoying himself.
"Your Highness...” The tall, slim butler started, struggling through the words, “Don't you think you should head back to sleep already?" Claude suggested, gritting his teeth, trying to sound pleasant as he offered the suggestion.
“It is awfully late,” he went on, eyes shooting right at the (h/c) haired young woman, his piercing golden eyes staring into hers with expectancy.
‘My dear... Darling (f/n),’ he addressed her silently, a sharp end to his own inner voice as he addressed the woman, warning in his fierce gaze as he gave her an opening for her supporting input,
“Claude is right,” (f/n) said in agreeance, her voice soft and small as she broke the connection she had with the man. Instead, she brought her focus down to the younger male, “ You need to sleep,” she told Alois, her hands both on the sides of his face, making him look up to her.
“ The storm is gone, you can now rest,” she assured him. “ And I promise you if it returns, we will come to you. “ she added with a placid smile, being tired herself as well as feeling shaken by the Trancy butler.
The young boy became entranced by her (e/c) eyes and slowly he nodded as she spoke, somewhat spellbound, having no room for opposition.
If it had been Claude he would have toyed more, played around more with his butler, but with (f/n) there wouldn’t be the same enjoyment.
There was no real satisfaction in disobeying her.
Yawning, he agreed with her, truly feeling drowsy, watching as she slipped out from the sheets.
Alois then looked up at her with large innocent eyes, his hand reaching out to capture her long skirt before she drew farther away,
“wait...” he muttered.
"(f/n)…” He started, his voice gentle and sweet, “ would please kiss me goodnight?" He asked shyly, the bashfulness being partially genuine.
As his blue eyes strayed, Alois caught sight of the demon, watching him begin to grow tense, notable stiffness in his tall frame as the question was asked.
‘Riled up are we?’ He wondered, ‘It’s truly amazing... I would have thought you looking at someone else in such a way would hurt me...’ He mused, ‘ But somehow it doesn't bother me...
Only entertains me,’ He went on.
“A kiss?” (f/n) asked with risen brows, a playful, little smile perking her up.
‘Still a child I suppose,’ She thought to herself, finding the boy’s request adorable, not at all suspicious or strange, especially with how rough of a past hour he’d had.
"Don't they say an angel's touch heals all wounds?" Alois responded in wonder, putting up a false play of a sinless child, pulling out his final move for his game.
"I'm no angel, but I will do so anyway," (f/n) responded and giggled lightly as she was shaking her head.
Placing a soft, chaste kiss on the boy's forehead, (f/n) tucked him in, leaving him with a good night's wish. She turned, ready to wish the butler the same, but found him gone already, something she found strange because he’d usually stay behind with the young lord, but this time he didn’t.
What she didn’t know was that he had left the room seconds before her lips touched the boy, not standing through the show before him.
All in all, the only reason he parted from them was that he couldn't stand the sight.
He couldn’t stand the idea of envying some child, especially for receiving something as a chaste kiss from the woman he craved.
‘That brat...’ He thought to himself, his hands balled tightly. '...That damned woman,' He went on, yet again left at a loss for words.
(f/n) quietly maneuvered throughout the dark halls in hopes of not disturbing the sleeping child with any loud noise. The last thing she wanted to do was knock something over, much less something that cost more than his own life did.
She knew calmed steps would be best, and yet, she found herself in a fast-paced walk back to her quarters.
The same odd feeling that someone was watching her made her spine tingle, her light hairs standing on end as she felt a cold shiver course through her.
It hadn't been the first time she'd felt so uneasy in the gloomish nights, and even during the sunny mornings as well.
Regularly she felt the same unease.
Occasionally, she wondered what evil lurked in the halls, what it was that watched her with such ferocity that she felt her body bare, vulnerable to anything that could be standing there in its hunt.
Before she could think twice, or even react, another body was pressed against hers, caging her between it and the hard wall. Her scream was muffled by a gloved hand, pressing over her trembling mouth.
She felt her heart race, blood pumping through her veins with a high dose of adrenaline, "Shh...now-now, although I'd absolutely love to have your screams echo throughout the halls...I have a different method...." A masculine voice muttered, voice falling so low it was deliciously husky and arousing. And she couldn’t believe it, the sound being familiar to her that there was an immediate click in her mind.
The grip on her lower face gradually loosened, enough for her to be able to speak and be understood. "C-Claude..." she stuttered shocked, never having been so close to the man, or even touched by him for that matter.
It was to such a state that there was not even an accidental brush-up she could recall until then.
"(f/n)....." he said in the same sensuous tone, practically purring in her ear, letting his hand fall from her lips, his fingers lingering over the thick flesh of her bottom lip.
'This is too much...it's all a dream...all a dream....this can't be real..!' She chanted in her head, closing her eyes tight, squeezing them close together, before opening them wide, expecting to see the roof of her bedroom there, but instead, seeing the same dark hall she had in sight before closing them.
"Pl-please! Get off of me!" she squeaked, squirming in his hold, her voice nothing but a harsh whisper at best.
He responded with a low chuckle, amused by her frail, little voice, knowing that it was much more than the unwillingness to wake their master causing her voice to fail.
He changed positions with ease, her two hands both held above her head by one of his strong ones as he pressed her back to the narrow hall's wall.
His golden eyes flickered pink, staring into hers, trapping her soul and making her go still, her entire body melting into a strange calmness she’d never experienced before.
Caught in a trance, she stood dumbfounded, watching him draw near.
‘He’s...He’s not even human,’ She thought to herself, watching as the vivid color glowed, a sort of magic certainly held within them that she relentlessly shook.
The uneasy feeling of before when she’d feel watched and preyed upon were present yet again as she was put under the glowing orb’s trap,
‘It’s been him... this whole time...’ She concluded, understanding now that what lurked within the darkness had been the seemingly perfect, beautiful butler.
The creature that gazed at her, followed her so fiercely was none other than the Trancy butler, and it took a single look from the glowing fluorescent gaze to realize it.
' I should... I should move...but... but...I can't...'. Mind set blank as she found it difficult to think properly.
He came close, his glowing eyes closed, dark lashes fanning over his perfect, pale skin.
She could have imagined it, with the lack of light she could be mistaken, but over his alabaster skin was a touch of rose, dusted over his face as he drew near.
His lips pressed over hers with notable yearning, the press being needy, screaming of a desperate desire.
Unresponsively, she let him continue, still stuck in surprise, (e/c) eyes still widely opened.
It was then that his pair of mystic oculars opened up to her from their closed state, eyeing her.
"Don't be uncooperative...Ms. (f/n)" He said softly, letting go of her hands, deepening the kiss by tilting her head upwards and bending down slightly to her stature, giving her the true taste of his craving mouth.
Reacting, she protested struggling to push him away, her attempt performed in a  half-hearted manner as her balled fists pressed against his chest, hitting his strong chest with helplessness, weakening furthermore as she was lip-locked with him.
'No....' she thought desperately fighting the urge to give in, but she couldn't help but release a smutty, little moan as his free hand-molded her round breast, teasing her through the soft fabric.
She cried aloud as he squeezed it lightly, the male holding a teasing grin at the sound, filed more to toy with her to rouse the sounds of her purity being muddied by him.
“Claude...” She said softly, drunk on the taste of his mouth, driven mad by the crude crease of his hand.
He was dark-haired, tall, and handsome, always sporting  A firm pressed suit, one that held not a single improper crease nor a snag or tear.
He was always the picture of absolute, pristine perfection, somehow unraveling before her eyes as his hair fell over his face, his breath released in heavy pants while her hands wrinkled his perfect suit.
"(f/n)...dear..." he murmured, his nose buried into the crook of her neck, inhaling the soft scent of Lillies and lavender, the same soothing scent that covered her flesh and had been soaked into it as she bathed,
"You are divine," He added with the same tender longing, lightly nibbled the soft skin, playfully nipping her to get a small taste before he bit down harshly, finally tasting the sweet blood that leaked from her wound.
Surprised, she cried out, an anguished release that sounded strained as she choked on air, alarmed as she felt sharpened fangs piece through her.
'Oh my....this taste better than expected ...' he thought to himself, planning to make more small nibbles over her (s/c) toned skin.
His moistened tongue dragged over his lower lip before darting out to drag over the bloodied patch of flesh, making her wince, the stinging pain there as in the corners of her (e/c) colored eyes, tears welled.
A decadent taste of sweetness lingered over his tongue, dancing over it teasingly as he drew his opened mouth down further, trying to find another spot to selfishly dig into.
Again, she released a  strangled noise, one filled with pain as he had torn through the tissue a second time,
“It hurts,” she gasped out loud, her breath huffing out, voicing her pain while trembling in his hold,
“Claude...” she said desperately, her voice cracking, the sound making his body’s stance falter.
To say his name in such a way...
“Then I’ll take care of it,” he murmured against the skin, one of his hands trailing up to the naked flesh, his gloved thumb pressing over it with gentleness, before his other fingers trailed down it, falling to the top hem of her ruffled apron.
“Would you allow me to, miss (f/n)?” he asked teasingly, offering her a rather cocky smirk, knowing she’d certainly agree. Even while she shivered in pain she left him continue, silently begging for more.
Half dazed, her own hand trailed up to the spot, her glazed eyes looking right into his underworld glimmering gems that shinned with mesmerizing pink.
She contemplated the offer, knowing that it was best to deny him and flee, but nonetheless, she stayed planted, watching him with a want he could see.
He took a step back from her, knowing she'd already fallen into his web, and all she could do was tangle herself more into it, falling toward him and his trap. With a daring step forward, she took a hard swallow, "Claude.....please....make me yours", she practically begged, breathing ragged.
'Fight it,' Her inner voice begged, speaking with futility as it was ignored by the starry-eyed servent.
'Claude...' She mused, 'Your kisses are like wine...' She thought to herself, drunk on the sweet, addicting taste that fogged her reasoning.
'They taste as though I shouldn't have more.
They leave my mouth dry... wanting more...desirng more I know I can't handle,'
With a small lunge, she fell into his arms, where he once again took dominance over a feverish kiss.
During then he was met with a response, one that admitted to the overwhelming desire which reigned over him aswell.
She stood right at her toes, tightly gripping his shoulders as his mouth moved in sync with hers in a dance that had never been practiced between the two but was executed with perfection.
‘-As though you were made for me...’ He told himself, his hands gripping her tightly, her body melting onto his form.
He could sense the desire laced within words she spoke, as well as feel the need she felt to be claimed by him.
Oh, how he loved it...
She felt ready to collapse, her legs giving out as they became just as shaking as a platter of gelatine. Somehow, they felt like they’d never been used, giving out beneath her with inexperience as she fell onto him,
‘Like a fawn... an innocent fawn,’ He mused, and In a single swoop, he picked her up, breaking off the heated kiss with a harsh breath coming from him, a wild grin etched onto his features.
He watched her pouting mouth begin to press together, her own tongue which had been tangled with his now tasting the remains of him over her lips, leaving a glossy shine as she was left desperate for more.
He gave her a devilish smirk before he chuckled, “ Shall we continue elsewhere?” he questioned her, and with an eager nod, she pleaded.
With the same curl to his lip, he pulled her into the empty room, planning on giving her just what she wanted, planning on diving into the tempting enchantress more.
Yes, everyone would know she was his...
The Next Morning "Say did u hear miss (f/n) Last night?" Said masculine a voice while speaking in a quiet murmur. "Good grief, One would give to be deaf not too," another voice, almost identical to the first replied back to the gossip,  “ Though, I'll admit... I wouldn't mind havin’ her squirmin’ beneath me instead... too bad that glory hog got to her first...." he continued on.
"I must say, I agree, she is quite a screamer, not that I'd mind either." The last of the three added, tilting his head, curious as to what her face would be set as while she made the final cry that had left him shaken to the core during the previous night.
It was then that the three men, all perfectly aligned nodded in agreeance.
"Indeed....." The other two said in sync.
The ruby eyed trio followed the (h/c) haired woman as she continued to walk forward, slipping past them without so much as a word of address. It was evident that her mind was set on something else, a look to her eyes that seemed glossy and dazed being what gave it all away.
“He’s on her mind so it seems,” Timber said sighing, pouting. “Foolish if you ask me,” he added. Thompson shook his head with disappointment, “ Honestly, I just don’t understand the appeal,” He went on.
“Yet even the young master fancies him,” the last of the triplets, Canterbury voiced out with notable displeasure.
What was so great about Claude anyway?
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troybeecham · 4 years ago
Today, the Church remembers St. Augustine of Hippo.
Ora pro nobis.
Saint Augustine of Hippo (13 November 354 – 28 August 430 AD) was a Roman citizen born in the province of Thagaste (in modern Algeria, earlier settled as a Phoenician colony), an early Western Christian theologian and philosopher whose writings influenced the development of Western Christianity and Western philosophy. He was the bishop of the Roman colony of Hippo Regius (modern Algeria), and is viewed as one of the most important Church Fathers in Western Christianity for his writings in the Patristic Era. Among his most important works are The City of God, On Christian Doctrine and Confessions.
His mother, Monica or Monnica, was a devout Christian; his father Patricius was a Pagan who converted to Christianity on his deathbed.
At the age of 11, Augustine was sent to school at Madaurus, a small Numidian city south of Thagaste. There he became familiar with Latin classical literature, as well as pagan beliefs and practices. His first insight into the nature of sin occurred when he and a number of friends stole fruit they did not want from a neighborhood garden. He tells this story in his autobiography, The Confessions. He remembers that he did not steal the fruit because he was hungry, but because "it was not permitted." His very nature, he says, was flawed. 'It was foul, and I loved it. I loved my own error—not that for which I erred, but the error itself." From this incident he concluded the human person is naturally inclined to sin, and in need of the grace of Christ.
At the age of 17, through the generosity of his fellow citizen Romanianus, Augustine went to Carthage to continue his education in rhetoric. It was while he was a student in Carthage that he read Cicero's dialogue Hortensius (now lost), which he described as leaving a lasting impression and sparking his interest in philosophy. Although raised as a Christian, Augustine left the church to follow the Manichaean religion, much to his mother's despair. As a youth Augustine lived a hedonistic lifestyle for a time, associating with young men who boasted of their sexual exploits. The need to gain their acceptance forced inexperienced boys like Augustine to seek or make up stories about sexual experiences. It was during this period that he uttered his famous prayer, "Grant me chastity and continence, but not yet."
At about the age of 17, Augustine began an affair with a young woman in Carthage. Though his mother wanted him to marry a person of his class, the woman remained his lover for over fifteen years and gave birth to his son Adeodatus (b. 372 - d. 388 AD), who was viewed as extremely intelligent by his contemporaries.
Manichaean friends introduced him to the prefect of the City of Rome, Symmachus, who while traveling through Carthage had been asked by the imperial court at Milan to provide a rhetoric professor. Augustine won the job and headed north to take his position in Milan in late 384. Thirty years old, he had won the most visible academic position in the Latin world at a time when such posts gave ready access to political careers.
Although Augustine showed some fervour for Manichaeism, he was never an initiate or "elect", but an "auditor", the lowest level in the sect's hierarchy. While still at Carthage a disappointing meeting with the Manichaean Bishop, Faustus of Mileve, a key exponent of Manichaean theology, started Augustine's scepticism of Manichaeanism. In Rome, he reportedly turned away from Manichaeanism, embracing the scepticism of the New Academy movement. Because of his education, Augustine had great rhetorical prowess and was very knowledgeable of the philosophies behind many faiths.
At Milan, his mother's religiosity, Augustine's own studies in Neoplatonism, and his friend Simplicianus all urged him towards Christianity. Initially Augustine was not strongly influenced by Christianity and its ideologies, but after coming in contact with Ambrose of Milan, Augustine reevaluated himself and was forever changed. Like Augustine, Ambrose was a master of rhetoric, but older and more experienced. Augustine was very much influenced by Ambrose, even more than by his own mother and others he admired. Augustine arrived in Milan and was immediately taken under the wing by Ambrose. Within his Confessions, Augustine states, "That man of God received me as a father would, and welcomed my coming as a good bishop should."
Soon, their relationship grew, as Augustine wrote, "And I began to love him, of course, not at the first as a teacher of the truth, for I had entirely despaired of finding that in thy Church—but as a friendly man." Augustine visited Ambrose in order to see if Ambrose was one of the greatest speakers and rhetoricians in the world. More interested in his speaking skills than the topic of speech, Augustine quickly discovered that Ambrose was a spectacular orator. Eventually, Augustine says that he was spiritually led into the faith of Christianity.
Augustine's mother had followed him to Milan and arranged a marriage for him. Although Augustine accepted this marriage, for which he had to abandon his concubine, he was deeply hurt by the loss of his lover. He wrote, "My mistress being torn from my side as an impediment to my marriage, my heart, which clave to her, was racked, and wounded, and bleeding." Augustine confessed that he was not a lover of wedlock so much as a slave of lust, so he procured another concubine since he had to wait two years until his fiancée came of age. However, his emotional wound was not healed, even began to fester. He later decided to break of his engagement and become a celibate priest.
In late August o of 386 AD at the age of 31, after having heard and been inspired and moved by the story of Ponticianus's and his friends' first reading of the life of Saint Anthony of the Desert, Augustine converted to Christianity. As Augustine later told it, his conversion was prompted by a childlike voice he heard telling him to "take up and read" (Latin: tolle, lege), which he took as a divine command to open the Bible and read the first thing he saw. Augustine read from Paul's Epistle to the Romans – the "Transformation of Believers" section, consisting of chapters 12 to 15 – wherein Paul outlines how the Gospel transforms believers, and the believers' resulting behaviour. The specific part to which Augustine opened his Bible was Romans chapter 13, verses 13 and 14, to wit:
Not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying, but put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh to fulfill the lusts thereof.
He later wrote an account of his conversion – his very transformation, as Paul described – in his Confessions, which has since become a classic of Christian theology and a key text in the history of autobiography. This work is an outpouring of thanksgiving and penitence. Although it is written as an account of his life, the Confessions also talks about the nature of time, causality, free will, and other important philosophical topics. The following is taken from that work:
Late have I loved Thee, O Lord; and behold,
Thou wast within and I without, and there I sought Thee.
Thou wast with me when I was not with Thee.
Thou didst call, and cry, and burst my deafness.
Thou didst gleam, and glow, and dispel my blindness.
Thou didst touch me, and I burned for Thy peace.
For Thyself Thou hast made us,
And restless our hearts until in Thee they find their ease.
Late have I loved Thee, Thou Beauty ever old and ever new.
Ambrose baptized Augustine, along with his son Adeodatus, in Milan on Easter Vigil, April 24–25, 387 AD. A year later, in 388, Augustine completed his apology On the Holiness of the Catholic Church. That year, also, Adeodatus and Augustine returned home to Africa. Augustine's mother Monica died at Ostia, Italy, as they prepared to embark for Africa.
Upon their arrival, they began a life of aristocratic leisure at Augustine's family's property. Soon after, Adeodatus, too, died. Augustine then sold his patrimony and gave the money to the poor. The only thing he kept was the family house, which he converted into a monastic foundation for himself and a group of friends.
In 391 Augustine was ordained a priest in Hippo Regius. He became a famous preacher (more than 350 preserved sermons are believed to be authentic), and was noted for combating the Manichaean religion, to which he had formerly adhered. In 395, he was made coadjutor Bishop of Hippo, and became full Bishop shortly thereafter, hence the name "Augustine of Hippo"; and he gave his property to the church of Thagaste. He remained in that position until his death in 430. He wrote his autobiographical Confessions in 397–398. His work The City of God was written to console his fellow Christians shortly after the Visigoths had sacked Rome in 410 AD.
When the Western Roman Empire began to disintegrate, Augustine imagined the Church as a spiritual City of God, distinct from the material Earthly City. His thoughts profoundly influenced the medieval worldview. The segment of the Church that adhered to the concept of the Trinity as defined by the Council of Nicaea and the Council of Constantinople closely identified with Augustine's On the Trinity.
Augustine worked tirelessly in trying to convince the people of Hippo to convert to Christianity. Though he had left his monastery, he continued to lead a monastic life in the episcopal residence. He left a regula for his monastery that led to his designation as the "patron saint of regular clergy".
Much of Augustine's later life was recorded by his friend Possidius, bishop of Calama, in his Sancti Augustini Vita. Possidius admired Augustine as a man of powerful intellect and a stirring orator who took every opportunity to defend Christianity against its detractors. Possidius also described Augustine's personal traits in detail, drawing a portrait of a man who ate sparingly, worked tirelessly, despised gossip, shunned the temptations of the flesh, and exercised prudence in the financial stewardship of his see.
Shortly before Augustine's death, the Vandals, a Germanic tribe that had converted to Arianism, invaded Roman Africa (and later sacked Rome in 455 AD, hence the term vandalism). The Vandals besieged Hippo in the spring of 430 AD, when Augustine entered his final illness. According to Possidius, one of the few miracles attributed to Augustine, the healing of an ill man, took place during the siege. According to Possidius, Augustine spent his final days in prayer and repentance, requesting that the penitential Psalms of David be hung on his walls so that he could read them. He directed that the library of the church in Hippo and all the books therein should be carefully preserved. He died on 28 August 430 AD. Shortly after his death, the Vandals lifted the siege of Hippo, but they returned not long thereafter and burned the city. They destroyed all of it but Augustine's cathedral and library, which they left untouched.
Augustine was canonized by popular acclaim, and later recognized as a Doctor of the Church in 1298 by Pope Boniface VIII. His feast day is 28 August, the day on which he died.
Augustine is recognized as a saint in the Catholic Church, the Eastern Churches, and the Anglican Communion and as a preeminent Doctor of the Church. He is also the patron of the Augustinians, a religious order. His memorial is celebrated on 28 August, the day of his death.
Many Protestants, especially Calvinists and Lutherans, consider him to be one of the theological fathers of the Protestant Reformation due to his teachings on salvation and divine grace. Protestant Reformers generally, and Martin Luther in particular, held Augustine in preeminence among early Church Fathers. Luther himself was, from 1505 to 1521, a member of the Order of the Augustinian Eremites.
In the East, his teachings are more disputed, and were notably attacked by John Romanides. But other theologians and figures of the Eastern Orthodox Church have shown significant appropriation of his writings, chiefly Georges Florovsky. The most controversial doctrine associated with him, the filioque, was rejected by the Orthodox Church. Other disputed teachings include his views on original sin, the doctrine of grace, and predestination. Nevertheless, though considered to be mistaken on some points, he is still considered a saint, and has even had influence on some Eastern Church Fathers, most notably Saint Gregory Palamas. In the Orthodox Church his feast day is celebrated on 15 June.
Historian Diarmaid MacCulloch has written: "[Augustine's] impact on Western Christian thought can hardly be overstated; only his beloved example Paul of Tarsus, has been more influential, and Westerners have generally seen Paul through Augustine's eyes."
Lord God, the light of the minds that know you, the life of the souls that love you, and the strength of the hearts that serve you: Help us, following the example of your servant Augustine of Hippo, so to know you that we may truly love you, and so to love you that we may fully serve you, whom to serve is perfect freedom; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.
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trashymammalishere · 3 years ago
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I posted 438 times in 2021
386 posts created (88%)
52 posts reblogged (12%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.1 posts.
I added 254 tags in 2021
#hellsing ultimate - 113 posts
#cross stitch - 35 posts
#black butler - 16 posts
#drawing - 16 posts
#mine - 15 posts
#alucard - 14 posts
#my thoughts - 14 posts
#hellsing alucard - 12 posts
#claude faustus - 10 posts
#sebastian michaelis - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 42 characters
#he's my husband he just doesnt know it yet
My Top Posts in 2021
Thoughts on Maxwell?
Poor Enrico. 
He’s had it rough huh. Abandoned and angry who could blame him? But growing up to be well a Bastard! I think he’s very misunderstood! Having to share Anderson’s attention with the two other children in the home probably wasn't easy being the only boy out of three. Not enough people listening made him that way too? He clearly has a problem with women's authority (called Integra a Sow) maybe this could be due to his mother? maybe possible Abuse as he was about what 5 or 6 when Anderson took him in to care for. But all in all, I think he just really needed someone to listen to him. I’m not saying that Anderson didn’t try! Because we all know he did! And I think that’s why Anderson did what he did to Maxwell in the end, it was not only to stop Maxwell from doing dreadful things but also to free him from this everlasting pain he was so clearly in. 
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21 notes • Posted 2021-05-10 18:51:47 GMT
what's your favorite movies? as a kid. like name 3
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Watership down
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Plague dogs
See the full post
29 notes • Posted 2021-05-09 12:33:55 GMT
Anderson: It’s dark in here Alucard: Don’t worry dude I got this Alucard: *Stomps their feet* Alucard: *Skechers light up*
32 notes • Posted 2021-07-25 21:54:42 GMT
RIP Joey Jordison :( you will be missed i hope you find Paul Grey
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36 notes • Posted 2021-07-27 21:21:09 GMT
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Wtf lol 😂
64 notes • Posted 2021-05-05 08:39:02 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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thesevenwondersofawitch · 4 years ago
Chapter Thirty: The Uninvited, episode reaction.
See, I never open my front door, because I don't like people, let alone if someone knocked like that.
Oh, Sabrina, I do not envy you. The awkwardness.
Okay, so knowing what we know from Roz, i have changed my mind and I would open the door and feed the dude, then once he left, I'd move. Far away.
Satan has spoken, Caliban has rocking abs.
Satan sounds like my grandma who wants my sister to get married and give her great grandchildren.
While Lilith is a mood.
Oh shit, Lilith does not seem to like the idea of competition for her child.
Harvey can have sex, but can't say the word. Got it.
Hilda's ideal wedding sounds like fun, but from Zelda's expression I don't think it'll be happening.
Zelda, you don't get to take over this wedding just cause yours wasn't great.
Or apparently you can.
Ohhhhhh, Lilith has arrived.
Sabrina you're in trouble.
Lilith is a mood, immediately jumping to killing Caliban.
Sabrina, what are you up to?
What does gelded mean?
Sabrina talking about adoption is funny, but she is being really manipulative.
"Gently." Hilda that's not exactly how it works.
I am LOVING how much Salem is in the show this season.
And holy shit, that is a lot of dead people. Ambrose looks a bit queasy.
Apocalyptic drums, sounds cool.
Faustus, you're trying too hard. Way too hard.
Mary is me.
Oh lordy, Caliban, you seriously gave Sabrina your balls. *sighs*
Uh oh, Sabrina is miffed at other Sabrina.
Or she's not.
Faustus, you. are. trying. too. hard.
Ah, now he speaks, but not because you are cool, Faustus. Quite the opposite.
Ew. Ew. Ewwwwww!
Hilda is so pretty! And I love how she's refusing to let Sabrina brush off why she's crying, even though it's her wedding day, Hilda is and always will be there for her niece.
So we know Hilda's at least over 160, which likely makes Zelda around/over 200.
Uh oh.
Oh, Nick, you have made a grave mistake.
Oh shit, someone stop her from speaking, right now.
I love how Hilda is speaking through her teeth, like really.
Zelda grabbing Sabrina and putting her at the table with those other spinsters is golden.
Roz's shirt looks so smooth and soft and i want it.
Nick is a moron.
Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit
The dude is here.
R.I.P Dorian.
Dr. C looks like he's gonna be sick.
I think I'm gonna use the uninvited's speech at any wedding I'll have to attend.
I may alter it, just a bit.
Sabrina's just casually attending a wedding in Hell, no bigger Aunt Zelda.
Lilith is so beautiful, and her face when she's left with the Eldritch Terror. 😂
I'm starting to like Satan, and I'm shocked he's actually acting like a father to Sabrina.
Him being so taken aback by both of them. 😂
Oh lordy, getting married? That's just messed up to the poor Uninvited.
Everyone is so disgusted by the uninvited.
Dollhouse, yay.
Everybody chant now!
Farewell Sabrina.
Oh my god, they're all dressed up! Zelda's a witch. 😂
Hilda and Dr. C are goals and so freaking adorable and if something happens to either of them I'm gonna riot.
Zelda's crying!!!!!
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platinummice · 4 years ago
Henlo... would you like to do.. all of them
Yes absolutely I will
🌸-who’s your favorite oc and why?
Archer, by far, is my favorite oc. He’s my first relatively put together oc and I’ve spent so much time on him, I love him so much I refused to let him die.
🔪-favorite oc to kill off?
Faustus, mainly cause like. He gets shot in the head right. He can’t really talk, his vision is messed up. He can’t even continue the job he loved because his sense of direction is fucked. And he works so hard to build his life back up into something good. He makes friends (and a whole ass bf), gets the guy who shot him, somehow helps free New Vegas, and he goes through a lot to get there too, but he gets there. And then it’s all over. It’s evil I love it :)
💘-which oc has been in the most relationships?
Uhhhh Faust? Eli is ace and I haven’t decided on Arch but he has yet to be in any sort of relationship
💛-how many ocs do you have?
I have 3 fallout ocs, 1 or 2 Skyrim, 1 for Cyberpunk, 2 for Star Trek, and an old ass one for Star Wars, but I only really talk about the fallout ones
👽-who was your first serious/well put together/thought out oc?
Archer :)
👾-were your ocs random or part of a fandom/fanfiction?
I don’t have any just random ocs they’re always a part of something
💀-who’s your favorite oc to draw and why?
Again Archer, I like his design and I like drawin the dogs too :)
💩-which oc is most like you?
Ooo most like me is probably Faust, but he’s still really not like me
👀-which oc do you wish you were most like?
None of the above lol they all busted
🖕-which of your ocs backstories is the saddest?
Arch 😔 poor boy why’d I do that to him
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veeples-archive · 4 years ago
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better
tagged by: both @narrativefoiltrope! thank you this is very sweet and reminds me of tag memes like this from when i talked to people via e-mail LOL. EDIT also thank you @quietsphere i think i JUST posted this before seeing you tagged me 💀
tagging: three of y’all i already talk to but i wanna know more/get to know the others!! 💖 @masonsfangs @mepheesto @masonscig @silverletters @agentfreckles @admdmrtn
name/nickname: vee
gender: non-binary! they/them please.
star sign: capricorn sign, gemini moon (i think i don’t know what this means tho  🧍)
height: 5′3″
time: 11:35 pm (US-CST)
birthday: jan 5
favorite bands: fall out boy, my chemical romance (rip to that concert i was supposed to go to) the family crest ahhhh tell me why i can’t remember now
favorite solo artists: marina, hozier
song stuck in my head: furthest star by dirt poor robins
last movie: knives out
last show: brooklyn 99 because lovely mepheesto got me thinking about it!
when did you create this blog: this blog has existed for a while i dunno when, only became active around october for 31daysofwayhaven! my main blog (@veeteeshirt) i’ve had since i would imagine 2010-11.
what do I post: this is my twc exclusive blog so reblogs of people’s art or their writings, but i also post my own art and my own stories from time to time! also sometimes ask memes.
last thing googled: emojipedia i’m answering on desktop and can’t exist without emojis so i have to copy them.
do I get asks: yes, when i reblog an ask meme! and sometimes masonsfangs likes to bother me smh and every now and then i get a nice anon 🥺 i love getting messages! please send me some!
why I chose my url: it was an offshoot of my mainblog where i wanted to keep vee and veeples sounded cute!
why you originally joined tumblr: a friend mentioned it to me wayyyyy back in the day and i just never left even after the mass exodus.
why you stay: it’s a very chill website now! stupid funny memes. where the twc fandom is, too!
average hours of sleep: offa doofa 6-7 on a good day.
lucky number: 3!
instruments: i have no musical talent whatsoever, but i like to sing in the shower and would love to learn how to play SOME instrument one day.
what am I wearing: scrubs (i’m at work, shhh)
dream job: my current job is what i like doing, i would just love to work part time and have more time for personal time and projects. maybe write more?
dream trip: ah up to see niagara falls! it always sounded cool. i would also like to visit japan sometime since i have lineage from there (my grandmother was originally from japan!)
last book I read: LOL ahhh children of blood and bone i finished, i started the sequel.
favorite food: any type of ice cream! butter pecan and pistachio almond are my favorite flavors. food wise, i really, really love beef stroganoff.
nationality: usa! specifically, i am texan.
favorite song: oh truly a revolving door of favorites, hard to pick. i really love pink in the night by mitski, always.
top three fictional universes: ahhhhh the wayhaven chronicles and if i’m in a mood, inuyasha (rip) and some other various fandoms i used to dabble in, i don’t do much fandom these days! i do have a story i’d like to write featuring faustus but shhhhhhh.
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