#father kinley
the-do-that-girl · 3 months
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Lucifer Villains Montage for Lux3 - Pencil & Acrylic on Mixed Media Paper
Marcus Pierce(Cain) - Tom Welling
Le Mec - Rob Benedict
Michael - Tom Ellis
Father Kinley - Graham McTavish
Malcolm Graham - Kevin Rankin
Art by me
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markedbyindecision · 1 year
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Eve killing Father Kinley in Lucifer 3x09
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artblooger19moon · 4 months
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Season 1: January 25 2016 - December 15 2018
Season 2: January 25 2016 - December 15 2018
Season 3: January 25 2016 - December 15 2018
Season 4: May 8 2019 - August 21 2020
Season 5: May 28 2021
Season 6: September 10 2021
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hjbirthdaywishes · 9 months
January 4, 2024
Happy 63 Birthday to Graham McTavish.
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Father Kinley: You're clearly straight from Hell.
Lucifer: I'm actually bisexual from Hell.
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luciferprompts · 2 years
Would really like to see Kinley actually do his banishing ritual or whatever and it just... doesn't work. Or it sends Lucifer to someplace other than Hell, like Lux or the middle of the precinct.
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god-i-hope-so · 4 months
I'll take Tommy voicing his "jealousy"* 100 times and being good at communicating his personal frustrations instead of a guy who'd say nothing.
Tommy is showing a healthy way to communicate how he feels about Buck and what's in his life. So far it's never been in a fight but in a casual conversation, safe and respectful. We know what men not talking about their feelings does. It's catastrophic, for them and for people around them. The violence it creates is insane, and we all know that.
Haters will use that against him, of course they will. But Tommy probably learned the hard way that keeping your feelings unsaid is one of the worst things you can do to yourself and people you love. Showing this on TV in this kind of show is so important.
Once again Tommy's character is used to portray an adult man who wants to do good. He's open but has his own boundaries, he's respectful and follow cues when the other person seems hesitant, and he doesn't hide what he feels because not only he knows it's good to talk about it, but it creates a relatable moment. Now Buck knows he can talk about his family's situation with Tommy, he knows he can safely open up to him. He'll understand and will listen.
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epiphainie · 3 months
i haven't mentioned this before but one tommy kinard family lore idea i'm really attached to is his mother passing away during childbirth, while giving birth to him. just something something about him and buck both growing up haunted by this feeling of a life lost in exchange for theirs where tommy is aware of it his entire life, where his father slaps him in the face with the fact every chance he gets, in contrast to buck's ignorance and the sense of hollowness he feels in the pit of his stomach. something something about the buckley parents' grief translating to neglect and blindness when it comes to buck vs the kinard patriarch's grief becoming words that cut a bit too close to tommy's skin and pressure and unrealistic expectations that make him feel like he's gonna choke. something something about buck feeling unsettled all his life, lost about who is because of daniel's passing and maddie's abandonment and his parents' neglect of it all vs tommy knowing exactly who - what - he is but not being able to look it in the eye because it would be the one thing to make him even more worthless in his father's eyes than his existence costing them his mother's life.
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crippledtrait · 1 year
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1. sir this is a wendy’s
2. i’m gonna fuckinG CRY OVER THIS FUCKING CHAIR
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anonymousewrites · 9 months
Adolescent Antichrist (Book 4) Chapter Twenty-One
Father Figure! Lucifer x Teen! Reader
Chapter Twenty-One: They took Me for a Tea Party
Summary: (Y/N) has been kidnapped by demons, and no one is doing well.
            “(Y/N) is missing?” said Dan.
            “Yeah, and I think Kinley has something to do with it,” said Chloe. She was lying since she knew Kinley was dead, but the demon had Kinley’s body, so a sighting of “Kinley” would give her a clue to where (Y/N) was. “Start trying to put out notices and figuring out where he might have gone after he escaped.”
            “Got it,” said Dan, running off.
            Chloe walked into the meeting room she had commandeered. Lucifer was pacing as Em rifled through the papers Chloe had already collected before Kinley had died and become a demon. They had wanted to go with Maze, but ultimately, she had decided to stay and help however she could while Maze hunted for the demons independently.
            “Lucifer,” said Amenadiel, banging into the room behind her. “Are you alright?”
            “(Y/N) has been kidnapped by demons so that they can make them the King of Hell and trap them down there,” said Lucifer. “How do you think I’m doing?”
            “I’m confused,” said Linda, walking in.
            Do they let everyone walk into here? thought Chloe, but honestly, she was glad Linda was there.
            “How can they make (Y/N) the King of Hell? And why them? Is it because they’re made at Lucifer?” asked Linda.
            “Well, yeah, they’re pissed, but surprisingly, that’s not why,” said Em.
            “They need an angel,” said Lucifer.
            “And (Y/N)’s a Celestial like us,” realized Amenadiel, letting out a breath as he made the connection.
            “Hold on. What?” said Linda, eyes widening.
            “Self-actualization apparently causes adopted kids to become angels when it comes to Celestials,” summarized Em.
            “I’m going to pretend that makes sense for my own peace of mind,” sighed Linda.
            “That’s good, because if it wasn’t true, the demons would probably go after Charlie since he’s a half-angel,” said Em brightly.
            “What?!” cried Linda, holding her son tighter.
            “Don’t worry, don’t worry, he’s safe,” said Amenadiel, though he was equally as worried.
            “But (Y/N) isn’t,” snapped Lucifer. “We need to find them!”
            “We will, we will,” said Chloe.
            “What’s everyone doing here?” asked Dan in confusion.
            “Ignore them, do you have any news?” asked Chloe, and Lucifer gazed at Dan anxiously.
            “Uh, we haven’t gotten any news about Kinley, yet, but we’re getting a lot of reports from around the city of dead bodies going missing?” Dan shrugged. “I know it’s not really the same thing as Kinley kidnapping (Y/N), but with that crazy guy, anything could be happening. I’ll let you know when we have more on connections between missing people like you wanted.” He left the room.
            Chloe faced the group. “Please don’t tell me that means what I think it means.”
            “I’m afraid so, Detective,” said Lucifer grimly.
            “More demons,” said Em. They crumpled the piece of paper in their hand. (Y/N) was even more in danger.
            “Kinley’s making sure he has an army,” said Lucifer, eyes flashing red with anger. “(Y/N) is danger, Detective. We need to get to them now.”
            “We’ll find them, Lucifer. I swear,” said Chloe. She glanced around. “But for now, how about we go back to the Penthouse to strategize? We can’t talk about demons in here.”
            “Fine, fine,” said Lucifer.
            “Maybe we’ll find some clues they left from the fight.” Em huffed angrily. “I wasn’t really aware of what was going on during that fight.”
            “You did the best you could, Emeranne,” said Chloe.
            “And it wasn’t enough,” snapped Em. I wasn’t enough to protect (Y/N).
            I can’t believe I’m tied up in a church, thought (Y/N). They were exhausted as the drugs were still wearing off, but they had enough energy to be righteously pissed off. Unfortunately, Dromos was keeping a careful eye on them in case more drugs were needed.
            They watched Dromos eat the communion wafers and made a face. “Aren’t those stale…and tasteless? You could at least order like…Chipotle if you want a human snack.”
            “I’d much rather return to Hell and enjoy the sounds of the suffering,” said Dromos. “But I can’t yet, so eating the Man Upstairs’s food is good enough.”
            “It’s not really God’s—never mind,” said (Y/N), laying their head back on the pew they were laying on.
            “Dromos, what are you doing here?” said a familiar voice. “Did you find Luci—oh my god!” Eve cried out as she rounded the aisle of the church and spotted (Y/N) tied up next to Dromos. “What is this?! Did you kidnap (Y/N)?”
            “No, they took me for a tea party,” said (Y/N) sarcastically. “What do you think?!” Of course she’s involved. Making trouble or me all the time.
            “Have a glass of wine,” said Dromos, holding out a goblet of communion wine.
            “No, I don’t want wine! I want to know what the hell you’re doing!” said Eve, instantly kneeling to try to pull the ropes off of (Y/N).
            Dromos stood, and Eve jumped back in fear. “Very well. If you’re too stupid to know what’s happening, I’ll explain. We spoke to Lucifer. It didn’t go well. So, we had a…change of plans.”
            Squee walked into the room and looked at Dromos. “We have enough. We’re ready for the Mayan.”
            Oh, them being ready for something can’t be good for me, thought (Y/N).
            “Who’re you?” said Eve.
            “Another demon, get with the program,” snapped (Y/N).
            “Look, I summoned you here to get Lucifer, not kidnap his kid,” said Eve. She stepped forward. “You listen to me.”
            Oh, great, she’s being stupid, thought (Y/N).
            “I-I command you—”
            “Stop talking!” shouted Dromos. Eve stepped back in shock and fear. Dromos stood and towered over her. “I don’t take orders from you! You are not our king. Speaking of, we don’t need Lucifer anymore. We can create our own king and just…keep them out of the way. Young ones are way easier to control than a full-blown angel.”
            (Y/N) froze. Oh…shit. The demons were going to send them to Hell so they could have a king that they could control. Through drugs and torture, of course, thought (Y/N). Because I’m not a full-grown-blown-full-of-shit angel. Fuck this.
            “And we don’t need you, for that matter,” said Dromos, glaring at Eve.
            She took a step back, and Dromos grabbed for her. Eve cried out and dodged away. She glanced at (Y/N) worriedly, but when Squee stepped forward, Eve couldn’t do anything but run out of the church for her own safety.
            The demons laughed at Eve’s fear before turning back to (Y/N).
            Really, fuck this.
            “We’re ready to move them for the ritual,” said Squee to Dromos.
            Seriously, fuck this, thought (Y/N). Why do I have to be a sacrifice to Hell?
            Lucifer, Chloe, and Em stepped into the Penthouse. Amenadiel was watching Lux for signs of demons. However, it seemed the only break-ins currently were (Y/N)’s friends.
            “Oh, uh, you guys, it’s really not the time for you to be here,” said Chloe, nervously not wanting to have to again avoid discussing demons and angels and everything.
            “They know, it’s fine,” said Em.
            “They do?” said Chloe, blinking.
            “Yes, apparently adults take it much more poorly than teenagers do,” said Lucifer. “Now, can we focus?”
            “What’s going on?” asked Marcel worriedly.
            “Where’s (Y/N)?” demanded Leon.
            “And why is this place trashed?” asked Olive.
            “And why was your safe broken into?” asked Noa.
            “(Y/N)’s been kidnapped by demons,” said Em.
            “What?!” cried the group.
            “How can we help?” asked Marcel.
            “I’d really appreciate if you all just went home. This is really not safe,” said Chloe.
            “If (Y/N) is in danger, we are staying to help,” said Leon.
            “And they really don’t lie,” said Noa.
            “And take things seriously,” agreed Olive.
            “Did you say my safe was broken into?” said Lucifer, eyes widening.
            “Yeah,” said Noa, gesturing to the whole. “It looks like someone cut it open. I didn’t think that was possible, but if it was a demon, it figures they’d have a way.”
            “Detective, Kinley’s vial was in that safe,” said Lucifer, and Chloe started.
            “You kept that?!” she cried.
            “Well, I didn’t think it was something I could just throw away! I was gonna chuck it out with my spent batteries,” said Lucifer.
            “What is this vial?” asked Noa.
            “Part of the whole plan of Father Kinley to send Lucifer to Hell,” said Em.
            “Like a poison,” recognized Olive, and Em nodded.
            “But what would the demons want with the vial?” said Chloe.
            “I’m new to this, but if it could send Mr. Morningstar to Hell, couldn’t it send (Y/N) to Hell?” suggested Marcel.
            Em, Chloe, and Lucifer turned to look at the purple-haired teen. He shrugged.
            “Unfortunately, that’s a really good point,” said Em, dragging her hands down their face. It meant (Y/N) was in complete and total danger. And Em was just standing there.
            “But there’s some sort of ritual needed,” said Chloe. “That’s what Kinley said. So we have time.”
            “What do you know about the ritual?” asked Leon.
            “Luce! Oh, thank goodness you’re here!” Eve ran into the room, breathless. “Something awful has—”
            “Not now, Eve, we are dealing with our own situation!” snapped Lucifer.
            “It’s about Kinley,” said Eve, and on that note, Lucifer turned on her instantly. “Or, at least, the Body-Formerly-Known-As-Kinley anyway.” Tears were in her eyes, and she spoke nervously.
            “What do you know about that?” said Chloe.
            “I was the one who broke him out of jail,” admitted Eve tearfully. “Yeah…And then he attacked me. So I, uh, well…”
            “Killed him?” suggested Olive plainly.
            “Yeah…” Eve cleared her throat nervously. “And-and-and then, I…kind of, sort of summoned a demon from Hell into his body?”
            “What?” breathed Lucifer.
            “It seemed like a good idea at the time,” said Eve. “I thought that maybe he could convince you the prophecy was nonsense, you know? But he wouldn’t budge. And then he gave me this idea that maybe if I could get you out of here, back to Hell, that everything would be good again.” She sobbed “I didn’t mean for anybody to get hurt! Especially not (Y/N)!”
            “How could you!” snapped Em, surging forward violently. They grabbed Eve violently. “They’re going to send them to Hell!”
            Lucifer glared, eyes blazing red. He was totally alright with letting Em go off on Eve.
            “Whoa, hey, we need her info,” said Noa, grabbing Em.
            “We need to get to (Y/N),” said Olive, pulling the demon back.
            “We’ll save them, Em,” whispered Marcel, comforting her.
            “What else do you know?” asked Leon.
            Chloe was glad she had other humans with her. And it seemed that (Y/N) kept teens with as much sense as they did, so that was good. “Eve, how could you do this?” she said. She might like not killing Eve like Em clearly wanted to, but she also knew what Eve had done was terrible. “How could you be so selfish? Naïve?!”
            “You’ve put (Y/N) in danger.” Lucifer had recovered. And now he just stared at Eve with so much fatherly rage it was incredible. “Where are they?” And for all the punishment he wanted to enact with that anger, he also had the fatherly love to focus on (Y/N).
            “I don’t know. I don’t know,” said Eve. “I just—I just wanted you to see the prophecy wasn’t real.” She sobbed. “I’m sorry.”
            “But it is real, you idiot!” shouted Em, still being held back by Olive and Marcel (who somehow had the strength for it).
            “Well, yes, but I broke up with Eve to stop it,” said Lucifer. “Can we move onto focusing on (Y/N)? They’re the one in danger.”
            “The prophecy is them!” Em was furious, at themself and everyone else, and now they were about to lash at everyone. “First love doesn’t have to be romantic! The first person Lucifer has loved is (Y/N)! They’re his kid, and because he is on earth with them, we have fucking evil demons running around!”
            Everyone stared.
            Em wasn’t done. “And because you were all so goddamned blind and running around in a stupid, stupid manner and thinking you have it all figured out when you don’t, and now because no one did anything, Eve got her heart broken and was an idiot and now (Y/N) was taken and they’re going to take them to Hell and I couldn’t stop them and it’s my fault and oh god—it’s my fault.” Em sank to the ground.
            “Hey, hey, you’re okay,” said Noa, kneeling beside them.
            “(Y/N)’s…my kid. And they’re the first person I loved on earth…” murmured Lucifer. “Oh…I should have realized.”
            Chloe touched his shoulder. “Hey, it’s not your fault. And the demons are here, now. We can’t change that.”
            “Right,” said Leon, patting Em’s shoulder. “And it’s not your fault, either. It’s the demons deciding to take (Y/N) that are at fault.”
            “Thanks,” said Em softly.
            “Fine, fine, but we need to get to (Y/N),” said Lucifer. He faced Eve. “What do you know about their plans?”
            “Nothing! All they said is that they weren’t listening to you or me!” said Eve. “They were in a church and made me run! They had (Y/N) tied up, and I don’t know where they went. They almost tried to kill me.”
            Em groaned, and Olive patted their head as she nearly broke down because they had no idea where (Y/N) was.
            “Alright, alright, we know they’re probably planning on performing the same ceremony that Kinley was gonna perform on Lucifer,” said Chloe, switching to detective-mode.
            “So, after I took the holy, anointed sedative, where was this ceremony supposed to take place?” asked Lucifer.
            “I didn’t go through with it, so I don’t know. I know he mentioned a church,” said Chloe.
            “There’s 2000-3000 in LA,” said Leon.
            “All I know is that Kinley said it had to be a house of worship but also a den of sin,” said Chloe.
            “Like one of those churches that had priests that were part of scandals?” said Noa.
            “Or one that was bought and made into a nightclub?” asked Marcel.
            “Wait!” said Eve. “I think they mentioned one of those old earth civilizations. Aztec or Inca? You think they could be going to one of those ancient temples where they used to have human sacrifices?”
            “LA isn’t known for archaeological sights for the Inca or Aztec,” said Leon.
            “What about Mayan? That’s another old civilization, right?” said Olive.
            “The Mayan! That’s it!” said Eve.
            Noa took out their phone and searched it. “The Mayan is a venue for concerts and church groups.”
            “Interesting duality,” said Marcel.
            “Sex, drugs, rock and roll and my dad,” murmured Lucifer. “That sounds like the oxymoronic venue we’re after.”
            “It’s gonna be empty and available,” said Chloe.
            “Let’s go,” said Lucifer, running towards the elevator.
            “We’re coming too!” said Olive.
            “No, you four should stay here,” said Chloe. “It could be dangerous.”
            “The other demons aren’t as nice as me,” said Em.
            “We don’t care. If (Y/N)’s in danger, we’re coming,” said Noa.
            “…Fine,” said Em.
            “What? No!” said Chloe.
            “We don’t listen to authority,” said Leon matter-of-factly, walking past Chloe to the elevator.
            She sighed and followed them.
            “I’m coming,” said Eve.
            “No!” said Lucifer. “You’ve done enough.” He closed the doors of the elevator and took a deep breath. (Y/N), I’m coming.
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joeygoeshollywood · 9 months
My 25 Favorite Films of 2023
It's that time of year again! Here are my top 25 films of 2023.
25. Joy Ride
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Following in the footsteps of Bridesmaids and Girls Trip, Joy Ride offers some of the biggest laughs of 2023 proving once again women can be just as raunchy as men. The cast includes up-and-comers Ashley Park, Oscar nominee Stephanie Hsu, and a scene-stealing breakthrough performance from Sherry Cola. Joy Ride marks a strong debut from writer-director Adele Lim.
24. Theater Camp
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Anyone who had aspirations of becoming an actor can relate to Theater Camp, a mockumentary about the staff of a theater camp struggling to keep it afloat. Molly Gordon, Ben Platt, and Noah Galvin lead both behind and in front of the camera in this superb comedy that will leave you singing from the rooftops.
23. A Thousand and One
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A Thousand and One is a heartbreaking indie film about a mother's desperate effort to form a bond with her estranged son by kidnapping him from the foster care system following her stint in prison. Teyana Taylor packs an emotional punch with her crushing performance with the help of A.V. Rockwell in her feature debut as a writer-director.
22. Thanksgiving
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Eli Roth's filmography in horror is a mixed record, but his latest flick Thanksgiving may be his best work yet. Not only is it a solid slasher with great over-the-top killings, its brilliantly hilarious. In a time where horror franchises can be tiresome, Thanksgiving is one that could call for a second or third helping.
21. Somewhere in Queens
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TV icon Ray Romano makes his feature directorial debut in the family comedy Somewhere in Queens. He stars as the father of a promising high school basketball player who goes through perhaps desperate means to assure he lands a college scholarship. Joined by the wonderful Laurie Metcalf, Somewhere in Queens has plenty of laughs as well as plenty of heart.
20. Dream Scenario
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The remarkable comeback of Nicolas Cage continues with his brilliant performance in Dream Scenario, a dark fantasy horror comedy in which he plays a college professor who inexplicably starts appearing in everyone's dreams, sparking a national phenomenon that will ultimately take a personal toll. Cage balances the absurdity of the situation his character is in with emotional heft that comes with it. This marks Norwegian filmmaker Kristoffer Borgli's first English-language film and based on how well-executed Dream Scenario is, hopefully it won't be his last.
19. The Covenant
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Guy Ritchie's latest The Covenant is a heart-pounding war film based on the true story of Sgt. John Kinley's rescue effort of his Afghan interpreter Ahmed. Jake Gyllenhaal and Dar Salim make a perfect duo in this dramatic, suspenseful film that may be Ritchie's strongest work to date.
18. Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret.
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Judy Blume's 1970 adolescent classic Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret. finally made its way to the big screen this year in the heartwarming coming-of-age tale of a girl's awkward journey from childhood to adulthood as well as the complexities that come from being an interfaith household. Abby Ryder Fortson shines as the titular Margaret in an outstanding performance not often seen from child actors. Also, we need more Rachel McAdams.
17. BlackBerry
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Arguably the biggest surprise of 2023, BlackBerry offers some of the best laughs in the comedic retelling of the rise and fall of the iconic BlackBerry device. BlackBerry is a showcase of talent of its star Jay Baruchel, Matt Johnson (who also directed and co-wrote the film), and Glenn Howerton of It's Always Sunny fame, easily giving one of the best on-screen performances of the entire year.
16. You Hurt My Feelings
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Writer-director Nicole Holofcener reunites with her Enough Said star Julia Louis-Dreyfus with You Hurt My Feelings, which centers a turbulent chapter in a couple's marriage after a novelist overhears her husband mocking her latest book. The dramedy examines the thought-provoking nuances of how fully honest one actually should be with their spouse (the answer may surprise you!). The greatest strength from Holofcener's latest is how its humor comes naturally from the reality of relationships.
15. Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One
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Mission: Impossible does the unthinkable in Hollywood: keeping a franchise in top-notch shape. Dead Reckoning Part One, the whopping *seventh* installment of the Ethan Hunt saga, delivers on a compelling plot and incredible action sequences, all of which is cemented by the star power of Tom Cruise, who has carried this spy franchise for nearly 20 years. There have been hints that Dead Reckoning may be the beginning of the end for Mission: Impossible, and if that's the case, it's going out with a bang.
14. Talk to Me
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The best horror movie of 2023, Talk to Me is a chilling film about a group of teenager's ill-fated decision of doing a viral challenge of interacting with the dead, only to mistakenly leave the portal open between the living and the spirit world. What makes Talk to Me work is the family drama at the core of the film and the powerful performance from its troubled heroine Sophie Wilde.
13. Sisu
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Inglorious Basterds meets Mad Max: Fury Road meets John Wick, Sisu is a WWII-era revenge action flick about a gold prospector's quest to retrieve the gold that was stolen from him from a group of Nazis. Full of brutal, bloody fight sequences with a twisted sense of humor, Sisu is one helluva ride.
12. Creed III
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Creed III is a throwback to the era where Hollywood blockbusters were able to provide complete satisfaction. The latest installment of the Rocky spin-off franchise marked the strong directorial debut of its star Michael B. Jordan and also may have sadly marked the final film of the incredibly talented Jonathan Majors, whose recent assault conviction may be a knockout punch to an otherwise booming career.
11. May December
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Often having vibes of a soap opera, Todd Haynes' May December is a compelling and at times disturbing film of an actress (played by Natalie Portman) who shadows the woman she's depicting in a film (played by Julianne Moore) famous for her 90s love affair with a then 13-year-old, who later became her husband. Despite the powerhouse performances from the two Oscar winners, the film really belongs to rising star Charles Melton, whose character finally comes to grips with the trauma he unknowingly endured as a child. And Melton's performance is among 2023's best.
10. Anatomy of a Fall
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We don't often get great courtroom dramatic thrillers these days which is why Anatomy of a Fall really stands out. German actress Sandra Hüller gives a breakthrough performance as a wife and mother who becomes the prime suspect in what authorities believe is the murder of her husband, who had fallen to his death from the attic window. With plenty of twists and turns, Anatomy of a Fall will keep viewers guessing throughout.
9. Maestro
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Not only does Bradley Cooper give the performance of his career, he has also shown his ability to direct is no fluke. Maestro, a biopic that spotlights the personal drama of legendary composer Leonard Bernstein, is a beautifully-shot, well-acted film that solidifies Cooper as one of Hollywood's newest talented filmmakers.
8. Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
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One would assume that a Spider-Man cartoon would solely be geared towards children but Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse is such a sophisticated film between its complex plot and the remarkable animation that are a continuation from its 2018 Into the Spider-Verse predecessor. Between a strong voice cast, an amazing score and a brilliant cliffhanger, Across the Spider-Verse was the shining gem of the many superhero duds 2023 had to offer.
7. Killers of the Flower Moon
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At 81-years-old, legendary director Martin Scorsese hasn't lost his step with Killers of the Flower Moon, his best film in at least a decade. The crime drama is based on a true story on the 1920s murders of members of Osage Nation and its ties to the marriage Ernest Burkhart and Mollie Kyle, played by the reliably gifted Leonardo DiCaprio and powerful newcomer Lily Gladstone.
6. Saltburn
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Following her strong debut with 2020's Promising Young Woman, filmmaker Emerald Fennell makes a valiant return with her twisted comedic psychological drama Saltburn, which surrounds an Oxford student who is quickly embraced by the wealthy family of a classmate and the jarring fallout as a result. Barry Keoghan (The Banshees of Irisherin, Dunkirk) proves he's more than capable of being the leading man and is joined by rich ensemble including Rosamund Pike, Jacob Elordi, Richard E. Grant and Carey Mulligan. With stunning visuals and some of the most shocking things you'll see onscreen in 2023, Saltburn is a stirring work of art.
5. The Holdovers
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It's been a long time since a new Christmas movie can live up to beloved holiday classics and Alexander Payne makes the closest effort with The Holdovers, a 1970-set dramedy about a miserable teacher at a boys academy who is stuck essentially babysitting the "holdover" students who didn't go home for the holidays. Joining the always-brilliant Paul Giamatti is newcomer Dominic Sessa as his troublesome student and Da'Vine Joy Randolph, who gives a powerful Oscar-worthy performance as the cook mourning over the loss of her son. The Holdovers is the perfect film to warm your heart over the holidays this year and every year going forward.
4. Past Lives
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Perhaps one of the more unsung heroes of 2023 cinema, Past Lives is a touching story about love and what if. Greta Lee stars in a breakout role as a married woman who rekindles a relationship with a childhood friend from South Korea but rather than going down the typical "will they, won't they" or "love triangle" paths this film easily could've taken, Past Lives delves into the emotional complexities with such tenderness that only writer/director Celine Song could've told (the film is semi-autobiographical).
3. Oppenheimer
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If anyone knows how to make a biopic an epic, it's Christopher Nolan. Oppenheimer is essentially two films rolled into one- a tick-tock thriller about the creation of the atomic bomb as well as a political drama that J. Robert Oppenheimer endured. Cillian Murphy gives the performance of his career and leads a gigantic ensemble cast in a film that despite its 3-hour running time goes by fast. And while Barbie may have won the box office battle, Oppenheimer certain won the war in more ways than one.
2. Polite Society
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Polite Society is a brilliant action comedy following an aspiring stuntwoman who believes her sister is marrying into a sinister family. In the style of a Tarantino movie, up-and-coming filmmaker Nida Manzoor makes a strong feature debut that is the epitome of a fun popcorn movie, which have been in short supply in recent years.
Poor Things
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Yorgos Lanthimos has quickly risen as of the strongest filmmakers of this generation, proving so once again with his latest film Poor Things. Emma Stone gives an Oscar-worthy performance as a woman brought back to life who embarks on a journey of self-discovery and autonomy and is accompanied by an excellent supporting cast. Like a modern-day Tim Burton, Lanthimos was able to create a mesmerizing universe with incredible production design, a whimsical music score, and stunning cinematography. Going to the movies is meant to be an escape, and Poor Things perfectly encapsulates that.
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zuskarumoto · 10 months
Winterfest at the Landgraabs (p2)
Malcolm took pictures of his father
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Decorated for the Winterfest holiday
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The Landgraab-Buckingham Family gathered in the kitchen area Emily (Malcolm III's Twin sister) Kinley (Margarets sister) and Marion (Malcolm III's mother) showed up !
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Bradly (Malcolm III's older brother) showed up
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Margaret gave her mother Virginia a gift !
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shepherds-of-haven · 2 years
What subgroups in universe are the cast from? Like who are Western Norms vs Eastern Norms, which subgroup of Elves is Tallys from, etc?
All Norms in the main cast are of Eastern Norm descent, though there are slightly different subgroups within that general bloodline: 
Riel is originally from Leore, which is predominantly populated by a smaller subgroup called Raolin or Goldenlake Norms, who are a bit more delicate and shorter in stature
Chase is originally from Conte and has more Southern Crescent coastal blood in him, resulting in more olive undertones in his coloration
Trouble and Shery are both Eastern Guilder Norms from Haven, though it's possible that Trouble could have Western Hanish blood from his father's side. Although Eastern Guilder Norms in popular conception tend to be darker-haired, with more muscular or stout, stockier features than the taller, more fair-haired Western Hanish, this is something of a misconception, as statistics will actually show that things like hair color and eye color are fairly evenly split among Guilder Norms, with dark hair showing only a slight predominance over blonde and red hair. You see Trouble and Shery’s heritage more in their bone structure and general facial features, which makes it very obvious that they’re Guilder Norms!
Lavinet is also of predominantly hardy Eastern Guilder descent, though nobles intermarry so much with nobles from other provinces and fiefdoms that she also has Goldenlake and likely Hanish blood as well as a heavy dose of Northern Sacoridian blood from her mother's side!
Although Caine comes from the Western side of the Continent, in Kinley, I believe his mother’s family is based in... Sacor?... while he doesn’t know where his father comes from, but at a glance, he looks like he has Eastern Guilder and possibly some Northern blood
Tallys is technically a Frostwood Elf, originating from Shyrduin--these Elves are the most "inland" and are more "sylvan" than a lot of their cousins, tending to have very forest-matching features (green eyes, autumnal/ochre/auburn/brown hair and skin tones, as well as more common freckles and beauty marks): they’re the shortest among the Elvish subgroups, while Thielwood Elves tend to be taller and paler in skin tone with black or blonde hair, and Orgael Elves (who are thought to be more coastal) are a mix of both, with golden to beige skin tones, a range of hair colors, and generally blue/blue-green or gray eyes. 
Blade is from the highland province of Ygrath, being counted among the noble "mountain Ket" within Ket culture, while also being lumped in with the greater subgroup of "Thielwood Ket" (who are generally more universally dark-haired and have certain distinguishing facial features like longer noses, higher cheekbones, and more almond-shaped "fox eyes") by the rest of the world. 
Halek is obviously a Hunter of the Reach, but pretty much all Hunters can trace their ancestral origins back to there, so there aren't as many distinguishing physical features that separates them from other Hunters; it's more about differences between traditions and social customs that have evolved over time, though Hunters of the Reach are the tallest among the Hunter subgroups and can still be recognizable through their dress and general bearing/mien!
Red is a "lake district" Mage, which means his people tend to be a bit taller and tanner (with broader features like larger hands and wider shoulders/hardier bone structures) than Mages from other Eastern regions, while Ayla is from Jalis, which tends to produce people with dark skin, sharper facial features, angular, wiry builds, and who are shorter than Mages from other regions. 
Briony and Mimir are [redacted]!
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Chapter 13 of Lead Me Into The Light is now up!
Archive Warning:
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Lucifer (TV)
Chloe Decker/Lucifer Morningstar
Chloe Decker Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV) God (Lucifer TV) Michael (Lucifer TV) Mother of Angels | Charlotte Richards Original Charlotte Richards Mazikeen (Lucifer TV) Eve (Lucifer TV) Trixie Espinoza Linda Martin (Lucifer TV) Ella Lopez Amenadiel (Lucifer TV) Malcolm Graham Marcus Pierce Vincent Le Mec Father Kinley (Lucifer TV) Remiel (Lucifer TV)
Additional Tags:
Vampires Angst Angst and Feels Angst and Romance Angst and Hurt/Comfort Eventual Romance Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV) Needs A Hug Hurt Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV) Protective Lucifer BAMF Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV) BAMF Chloe Decker Smut
Language: English
In the aftermath, Ella has an interesting theory about what happened at Lux and Lucifer takes another step into getting to know Chloe.
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hjbirthdaywishes · 2 years
January 4, 2023
Happy 62 Birthday to Graham McTavish. 
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dtchloedecker · 7 months
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Trigger warning: guns
New low. Coming into work on her day off. Trixie was with Dan, Ella was sick, Maze still wasn't talking to her, Linda and Amenadiel were getting ready for the baby, and Lucifer....well, Lucifer was probably doing hosting another orgy with Eve, having sex in an aquarium with Eve, or doing a bunch of drugs with Eve. Whatever he was doing, it was with Eve and Chloe would probably hear aaaaaaaaall about it on Monday. As if she didn't torture herself enough just by thinking about it as it was.
In fact, that was actually the reason Chloe was here on her day off. Without Trixie or Dan or any of her other friends or anything else to do. She wouldn't be doing anything but thinking about Lucifer and she didn't want to do that to herself. She heard about it enough from Lucifer every time Ella asked about it. In fact, every time they talked about it, it was ALWAYS by her desk. It was almost like Lucifer wanted to rub her face to punish her.
Not that she didn't deserve it. After all, she did try to poison him and send him back to hell. She still hated herself for that. Any chance she had with him was gone after that. So, the punishment fit the crime. Not only did she screw up her chance with him, but she had to hear all about how happy he was with his new girlfriend. But, even if she didn't betray him. It probably wouldn't have worked out. Not because he was the actual Devil. That didn't matter. At least not now.
The reason it would have worked between her and Lucifer because he had the life he wanted with Eve. He wanted to party all the time and not be tied down by monogamy. But, that kind of life didn't appeal to Chloe. She preferred quiet nights at home and she didn't like sharing her romantic partners. She was boring. Lucifer said so himself. He was a top hat. She was a shoe. She didn't understand why he still wanted to be partners with her. Why he even bothered coming into work at all. He only came in for two or three hours and then Eve would blow up his phone and he'd go running home to her. But, as much as she didn't want to admit it, she preferred this over never seeing him again.
Who was Chloe kidding? She wouldn't be able to focus on actual work. She needed a different outlet. Instead of sitting at her desk, she grabbed two extra magazines, walked across the bullpen to the elevator and went down a level to the shooting gallery. Chloe never really did this anymore unless she felt like she needed the practice. She didn't want this to be her go-to every time she got upset, however, she needed it right now. She stepped into her booth, put her glasses and noise-cancelling headphones and open fired on the target at the other end of the room pretending it was Father Kinley for manipulating her, Lucifer for being way too open about his girlfriend and always leaving, Ella for encouraging Lucifer to talk about all the crazy sex he was having with said girlfriend, and Eve for being that girlfriend. After ten minutes, Chloe put the gun down and decided to take a beat, but that's when she heard someone else walk into her booth. She whirled around prepared to shoot the intruder until she saw who it was. "What are you doing here? You know you're not supposed to be here."
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