#fashion public relations
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a-state-of-bliss · 5 months
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Steinberg by Elizaveta Porodina for Public Relations
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dreamings-free · 2 months
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so what were Matt and Chris doing with Steve Monaghan yesterday.. 👀
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Dear diary,
I'm the type of girl who'd want the cliche romance with crush, the amusement park dates, late night drives or conversations, the matching couple clothing, the holding hands, gentle affectionate in public, the little inside jokes and bdsm aspects too.~
But I'm also the girl that's too shy to start conversation, the one no one gives a second glance too. I can wear anything even more costume aesq aesthetic attire and still remain alone, sure maybe the occasional looks from others over outfit choice but thats about it.~
If my nerves get too much I'd run and hide or freeze in situations it's just instinctual at this point.~
I suppose obsessively working out is better than being lazy though to be fair I have my lazy days too where motivation is next to 0.~
I realized as much as overhaul dresses are adorably cute that I dont feel comfortable wearing them because I dont think I am thin enough to look ideally goregous or adorably cute in them.~
I get these moods to pair my wardrobe down to fitting into a suitcase and just go somewhere drift from place to place etc.~
I just can't decide to go with totally only the cutest outfits or the plain but comfortable outfits. ~
I want to shower those I like in generous affectionate tho I often stop myself because whose to say they'd appreciate it or want such attention or affection.~
Is it pathetic that the only people I could consider an optional acquaintance/friend is a barista that I occasionally visit the cafe from time to time to draw and share drawings with?~
I am not even sure if we are friends probably not since we dont meet up outside of cafe or when she's not working. We don't text or hangout ot gossip. I just listen to what she talks about with the other baristas offer compliments on her attire and encouragement. She in return kindly appreciates my drawings. Regardless I appreciate the kindness and often think of dropping off cookies or other things like that would like to think she and her coworkers would appreciate. I don't though because I don't want to be weird if it'd be unappreciated or unwanted etc. ~
Maybe not this month but some month I feel like I may just permanently end my cell service contract as why have it when if necessary there are other methods of contact such as email that require no public speaking.
I read this novel a fanfiction on NCIS with dinozzo as lead for romantic interest and the fictional character Ellie created to be the female love interest. Ellie is shy and due to trama while she can physically talk she signs to talk. I feel like that I would do that too if I knew sign language but I am not very academically smart so learning sign language would be difficult.~
I suppose the point is I'd rather have to be accepted for me choosing not to speak rather then it being viewed as weird. If taking orders from written notes in public cafes was considered semi normal that would be nice~
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doseofdillz · 5 months
You're Replaceable.
Raise your hand if you’ve been personally victimized by your boss. I’m currently raising my hand.
I’ve had some terrible bosses in my professional life and all three of them had something in common– they love to stretch a bitch out and put as much work on you as possible to get their money's worth out of that sad little salary they so graciously gave you.
My first toxic boss was a real wake up call. He was the president of a major modeling agency, about 5’2, gay, and was “sober” from a wild past life in the fashion industry of the 90’s. He loved making comments as he walked by in his sheer scarf and whatever flamboyant fedora he found laying around his home that morning to cover the balding that was consuming the top of his sun-kissed-shiny-little head. His favorite line to say to me was during lunchtime on his way to his office. “Wow, that’s a lot of food”. You could almost guarantee that he’d bring his frantic energy to every meeting and leave still not knowing what was going on.
When disputes broke out in the small workspace my co-workers and I shared, his remedy was bringing us all in for a “team meeting” then revealing that this was actually a meeting to discuss our issues with each other. I always thought it was his way of pretending to be Andy Cohen refereeing a Real Housewives reunion as a means to get some type of entertainment in his new sober life. Surprise! It never resolved anything, only made our tiny, shared-space more tense and awkward than we left it.
I silent quit after 6 months and remained employed for another 2.5 years babysitting models and going to fabulous parties only so I could sneak a few hor dourves because I could barely afford groceries. 
My next toxic boss came right after that. The universe was testing me, surely. She referred to herself as a “billionairess” and lived on her daddy’s estate. She walked on a crutch due to being thrown off a Zebra on her honeymoon that her parents paid for, of course. My office was the nursery her and her brother were raised in above the garage that held her father’s eccentric car collection and various pieces of fine art. 
She was an artist herself who graduated from Pepperdine in Malibu and got bored one day so she started her own talent agency. Not only did she expect me to represent all her semi-famous friends but she also expected me to represent her as a talent. Her most notable “claim to fame”? She installed art pieces for a very famous family whose last name started with a K. When I couldn’t book her on jobs (because no one cared who she was), she would pout like a 5 year old princess who got told “no” by daddy… as if that was supposed to make me say “you know what, let me call and see if they can change their mind just for YOU”. 
I loathed that woman. Hearing her complain made my jaw clench constantly– she had no clue what the real world consisted of and had no clue I was waking up at the ass crack of dawn to catch the bus to Beverly Hills and walk 40 minutes up her long winding canyon road only to walk for the longest 15 minutes of my life, up her gated, inclined, very chic driveway. I do miss walking past the lemon trees when they were blossoming. To this day, lemon blossoms are still my favorite smell. 2020 came like an answer to my prayers. She had to lay me off and I was finally at peace for the first time in my adult life for the next six months.
My peace came to a screeching halt as I realized this pandemic thing wasn’t going to last the rest of my life, unfortunately. I met my final toxic boss. She lived in Brooklyn, was a lesbian, scorpio, and had major coke rage. I’ve never had someone call, text, email, and slack more frequently and erratically as her. From 8a-11p she wouldn’t stop… she would take adderall in the morning, drink during the day, and cap her nights with lots of cocaine at some fabulous party her PR firm was running. On many occasions she would disappear for a few days at a time, reassuring us upon return that she had only been in jail for a domestic public dispute with her just-as-psycho girlfriend but that everything was “fine”.
The smallest things would set her off. Not adding certain punctuation throughout our meeting notes that was only shared internally. Not responding to her almost immediately after she blasted off texts, emails, and slacks and wondering why we couldn’t get all our day's work finished by 6p on the dot. Requesting time off. The list could go on and on, it really just depended on if she needed to use you as a punching bag that day or not. I never knew which version of her I’d get on the other end.
After 6 months of torture, I woke up one morning, saw her slew of messages awaiting my reply, closed my laptop, blocked her number, and never heard from or spoke to her again. I went back to school, switched careers and am now much happier with a less-cool job in tech. The entertainment industry had chewed me up and spat me out.
What I learned from these three traumatic experiences is that all we have in life is our time and if you’re miserable at the job you’re at every day you wake up, just fucking quit. You’re very replaceable…. And so are they.
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pinkpetalbee · 6 months
🌿🙏 May I always choose paths that honor the trust of others. Guide me to be mindful of the impact of my actions. May I cultivate a spirit of integrity and respect for all. Help me to recognize the abundance in my life. Thank you for your gentle guidance. ^_^✨
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heyitslapis · 1 year
Here's a potentially fun, hypothetical way to describe your OC's personality/moral alignment; Does your OC wear a mask when they're in public? When/where? Why/why not? What do they feel/think about it?
#it isnt actually related but my last post made me think about my oc realizing shes been unknowingly masking for over 7000 years#which through word association made me think of masking for illness/disease prevention which made me think of this#emma (5vr) would mask in public bc its the right thing to do & she thinks humans are pretty fragile as it is#apatite masks bc having lived with humans over time she respects them enough to care abt their health & she thinks its a Cool Guy Look#touri would cause she cares about living creatures/its the right thing to do & humans are fun so she doesnt want to risk hurting them#jay only does bc the others do/tell her to. she doesnt think gems can pass germs bc their bodys are made of light. she doesnt mask if solo#amber thinks gems masking is silly & maybe a bit pointless but she does if asked to/in busy areas#also bc she knows apatite will make fun of her if she doesnt#citrine does bc its the right thing to do. being a quartz he's naturally protective & humans are delicate & he doesnt want to get them sick#emerald q refuses to mask. being a gem she sees no point in it & she'd get defensive/offended if someone asked her to#axinite wouldnt bc shes too good for it & is above the rules. thinks humans should just let nature take its course. only the strong survive#obsidian & goshenite think its dumb & believe that if humans get sick/die its cause theyre weak#the only time goshenite would is if it was more a fashion statement than functional. takes a few cute pics & then discards it#moonstone does bc she makes it look cute & she doesnt want to breath in the humans' germs. she likes the mystery behind it#heliodor will if its required/asked of them but is indignant the whole time. only positive is that they dont have to breath in human filth#oc prompts#tag your oc#my oc tag#my gemsona tag#heyitslapis ocs#steven universe ocs#imagine your oc#controversial topics / masking
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ladaeliseeva · 10 months
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Продюсер психологически поддерживает продюсируемого. Эскорт - это не про меня. Помнится, как я была Ассистентом Режиссёра на своём первом кинопроекте - это было ново! Второй свой фильм, уже американский, я отработала лучше, гораздо лучше. Мне дали больше ответственности, во мне не сомневались, что и дало свои плоды. Проект был жёстким и сложным, несомненно, но он стал мои прорывом, капиталом на будущее! Мой диплом Политолога, уверенность в себе, помогли мне самостоятельно независимо провести пиар-кампанию своих проектов ради себя самой и нас. Я считаю, что Режиссёр выращивает своих звёзд, я поняла это давно. Ценно, когда таланты остаются с тобой с самого начала творческого пути.
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christinataft · 1 year
Audrey Hepburn -- Actresses are not given the same Services as actors are given... Moreover - they’re not taught business principles.
Before removing the distinction and understood difference over many decades, the Same Services and Opportunities need to be given. 
SABRINA | "Seen You Before" Clip | Paramount Movies --
This Scene shows the large difference if seen the same in part if an actress or female model received the same services as actors, mdirectors, producers. 
It was too early for actresses to be called actors. Similarly, it’s as different as a hostess can be treated in comparison.
Different standards, opportunities, and services... Watching some Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe movies lately. Norma Jean could have had more support in her time...
I’m not just saying this hypothetically, it’s an intuitive sense, as my mother’s family were in “The business” since the 1950s...Film-Arts
Marian Bradford Taft was a model, Victoria Taft/Vicki Debaun was a socialite model/small actress and in public relations at one point, Larry Debaun was a cameraman for multiple studios for television, Everett Debaun was a screenwriter. Vicki’s friends included socialites, models, fashion buyers etc... It gives a perspective others may not have on the outside.
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When defining ‘services’ I take a broad, wide view of it, not a distinctive agent-principle relationship.
Actresses and female models are not given the same Resources. There is absolutely no comparison of the resources -- there is practically nothing and nearly nothing allowed in terms of competition.
From my entrepreneur training and experience, I am keenly aware when a ‘niche’ is not filled -- and this is one of them.
Is there the difference of having No help at all or told millions? Is there something in between? People wanted to create services, but out-competed. 
Introducing The $1.8 Million Bugatti Super Yacht
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a-state-of-bliss · 5 months
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Steinberg by Elizaveta Porodina for Public Relations
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geert-gosen1 · 1 year
When a woman loves you, her actions become a testament to the depth of her affection. Through small but meaningful gestures, she shows her unwavering devotion. From listening attentively to embracing vulnerability, her actions speak louder than words . here are 9 Actions a Woman Will Take If She Loves You
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kingoodin · 1 year
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loveisanacid · 14 days
my psyche has been completely ambushed by the strong and urgent desire to move to Paris and start a real life there .... someone help a gyal out 😪
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brazenmena · 6 months
How Do fashion pr company work in Dubai
Fashion PR companies in Dubai operate by employing strategic communication tactics to promote fashion brands, designers, events, and products to their target audiences. Here's how they typically work:
Understanding Client Goals: Fashion PR companies begin by thoroughly understanding the goals, objectives, and target audience of their clients. They collaborate closely with fashion brands or designers to gain insights into their brand identity, values, and unique selling points.
Developing PR Strategies: Based on client objectives, fashion PR firms in Dubai develop tailored PR strategies to enhance brand visibility, generate buzz, and drive engagement. These strategies may include media relations, influencer partnerships, event planning, content creation, and social media marketing.
Media Relations: Fashion PR agencies cultivate relationships with local, regional, and international fashion media outlets, journalists, bloggers, and influencers. They pitch story ideas, press releases, and product launches to secure media coverage in fashion publications, online platforms, and broadcast media.
Influencer Collaborations: Leveraging the power of influencer marketing, fashion PR companies in Dubai identify and collaborate with relevant influencers, fashion bloggers, and celebrities to amplify brand messaging and reach a wider audience. They may organize influencer events, product placements, and brand partnerships to increase brand awareness and credibility.
Event Planning and Management: Fashion PR firms play a key role in organizing and managing fashion events, runway shows, product launches, and press previews. They handle all aspects of event planning, including venue selection, guest list management, logistics, and media coordination, to ensure successful and impactful events.
Content Creation: Producing compelling and visually appealing content is essential for fashion PR companies. They create engaging press releases, lookbooks, fashion editorials, and social media posts to showcase their clients' collections, products, and brand stories across various platforms.
Social Media Management: Fashion PR agencies manage their clients' social media accounts to maintain an active and engaging online presence. They curate content, interact with followers, run targeted ad campaigns, and monitor social media metrics to optimize performance and increase brand visibility.
Monitoring and Reporting: Fashion PR companies monitor media coverage, social media mentions, and industry trends to assess the effectiveness of their PR efforts. They provide clients with comprehensive reports and analytics to track key performance indicators and measure the impact of their PR campaigns.
Overall, fashion PR companies in Dubai work strategically to build and elevate the reputation and visibility of their clients within the fashion industry, driving brand awareness, engagement, and ultimately, business growth.
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ladaeliseeva · 11 months
Who paid I'd made this photos and for this original text? Early Morning in the capital has begun from Teatralnaya Metro! I was there for many-many times, ordinary situation for me and most of Moscovians. Streets are emty yet. Spring time! I'm in my favourite trenchcoat. Hot day in the centre has begun. To visit this brige was my dream, so here I stay. Jogging people on the brige, conversation about travel to London city. Tourists. My native place to live, I love. Clear streets, decorations for a holiday to discuss, to post a thought about them... Women with Chanel bags... Starbacks. Epic exhibitions, expensive tickets. Cool cars. Real or not? Yes, for me. I learnt to think here. From naivity to someone new. The consciousness of the poor and the consciousness of the rich, educated and ignorant are excluded. Cooperation in the business sphere, the economic sphere is a constant, as is cultural exchange, a sign of modern society, common sense. Progress is common sense, protection of one's own interests. Every citizen is born to enjoy the benefits of his state, which is enshrined in the Constitution. There is honor and dignity. Let's not deviate from the essence of any discussion. I don't translate on Russian for you. Even in school English is a discipline to love. I am Medalist. I don't believe to each and any. Why you lie? A good education is expensive. Tell me a personal thank you that I am. It may be a comment on my post, be brave. Be integrated in international society. Believe in family. Worldwide!
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