RT/AH fanpage Miles/Ryan trashFeel free to send prompts!
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Am I wet? Am I on my period? Did I pee my pants?- next on wtf is going on down there.
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Here are the results of the Achievement Hunter which I had posted a week and a half ago.
I just want to thank everyone who took the time to answer this survey. I got an overwhelming number of responses which is why I couldn’t post this that quickly. I would also like to apologize if you answered the survey and you do not see your responses reflected in the pictures. Since so many people answered, I got too many different answers to some questions (i.e., favorite let’s watch, favorite guest appearance, and favorite AH content). For these particular categories, I posted the top responses. All other responses which were too little—only 15 or less answered, therefore making it negligible to the total percentage—I included under “others”.
Achievement Hunter Survey Results: Favorite Let’s Watch Series: Hitman Favorite AH Content: GTA 5 Favorite Guest Appearance: James Buckley Favorite Recurring Host: Lindsay Jones Team Lads or Team Gents: Team Lads Favorite Duo: The Battle Buddies Favorite Achievement Hunter: Ryan Haywood
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I think next thursday is gonna be the best day of my entire life tbh
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a wild Vagabond was drawn
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Casual Treyco drawing
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The belly of the beast
Src. Twitter // @ _TrevorC // @ ElyseWillems
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64 Sensory Prompts
Watching a meteor shower
Digging your fingers into fresh dirt
Snow being shoved down the back of your coat
Napping in sunshine
Trying to walk on ice
Walking through the woods
Raindrops on eyelashes
The way cold glass fogs when you press your hand against it
A perfectly brewed cup of tea
The taste of Vodka at the back of your throat
Blood at the corner of your mouth
Cloying sweetness on the back of your tongue
The first glass of fresh water
Stale breath when you wake up
The taste of salt on the tip of your tongue
The taste of almonds
Your bed after travelling
Red wine stained lips
Satin in candlelight
Reflections in glass
Thigh-high stockings and garter belts
Neon lights at 1.30am
Darting shadows in the corner of your eye
Dust floating in golden sunlight
The smell of ozone during a storm
The smell of Cologne/Perfume on warm skin
The musty smell of an abandoned home
The bitter tang of acetone
The smell of burning wood
The smell of freshly baked bread
The cold, sharp smell of the first frost
The smell of blood
The feel of fingertips trailing over a bare shoulder blade
The feel of fingers brushing together by accident
Blowing a raspberry against someone’s skin
Being so close that you can feel your lips brush when you whisper
The tender ache when you press against bruises
A person’s weight as they lie on top of you
Stepping in something squishy
Gritty eyes when you stare into fire too long
A door closing
A ticking wristwatch
Your favourite song on repeat for the hundredth time
Distant traffic
The creak of leather
The waver in a person’s voice when they’re stressed
Singing badly as loud as you can
A quiet sigh as they turn away
Trying to pull on clothes with damp skin
The empty space that can’t be breached between you in bed
The jittery, sick feeling when you can’t do anything
Exhausted numbness after crying
The relief of fatalistic recklessness
The moment when reality starts to make sense again
Finding old photographs you’d forgotten about
Someone accepting the bad parts of you without judging
Brown iodine stains on skin
Rust red dirt
Orange sunsets
Yellow halogen lights
Green wine bottles
Fingertips smudged in blue ink
Indigo skies just before dawn
Violet bruised eyes
Feel free to use in writing and art - I’ll be tracking the tag ‘sensory prompts’ if you want to share :)
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send me a number and get to know me
Favorite artist?
Favorite song?
Favorite color?
Dream destination?
Last text message that made you smile?
Are you single?
Do you have a crush on someone on this site?
Would you be my friend?
What do you think of ____?
Favorite tv show?
Would you rather ____ or ____?
Choose between ____ and ____.
If you had to choose one song to listen to for the rest of your life which would it be?
If you had to choose one song to never listen to again which would it be?
Do you like fanfics? If so, what’s your all time favorite?
Can you draw?
Can you sing?
Can you write?
What’s your favorite book?
Books or movies?
Least favorite movie you’ve seen?
Least favorite book you’ve read?
Dreamworks or Pixar?
Marvel or DC?
Nickeloden or Disney?
Favorite childhood tv show?
Least favorite childhood tv show?
Something you regret doing?
Something you regret not doing?
Who was your last kiss?
Kisses or hugs?
Cuddles or sex?
Netflix or Hulu?
Favorite superhero?
Least favorite superhero?
Favorite super-villain?
Least favorite super-villain?
Dream job?
Ideal partner?
Do you want to get married?
Do you want kids?
Where are you from?
Where would you want to live?
Do you like space?
Do you believe in magic?
Opinion on aliens?
What’s your favorite planet?
What’s your least favorite planet?
What’s your zodiac sign?
Would a person’s zodiac be a deal breaker when it comes to dating them?
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nearly 200 writing prompts // feel free to reblog
1: “ Give me a chance. ” 2: “ Not you again.. ” 3: “ Leave me alone. ” 4: “ I don’t love you anymore. ” 5: “ Why do you hate me? ” 6: “ I lost the baby. ” 7: “ I thought you loved me. ” 8: “ I don’t need you anymore. ” 9:“ I can’t believe you! ” 10: “ We cant keep this up forever. ” 11: “ You’re a monster. ” 12: “ I hate you. ” 13: “ Don’t leave me… ” 14: “ You’re a disappointment. ” 15: “ Don’t die on me– Please. ” 16: “ I never meant to hurt you. ” 17: “ Are you upset with me? ” 18: “ I wish i’d never met you. ” 19: “ I’m going to kill you! ” 20: “ Please don’t hurt me like this. ” 21: “ Thanks for nothing. ” 22: “ Dont call this number again. “ 23: “ Why did you spare me? ” 24: “ You need to leave. ” 25: “ I’m sick. ” 26: “ I’m dying. ” 27: “ I wish i’d never met you. ” 28: “ I thought we were family!” 29: “ There was never an us. ” 30: “ So that’s it? It’s over? ” 31: “ I fucked up. ” 32: “ I came to say goodbye. ” 33:“ He’s dead because of you. ” 34: “ I don’t deserve to be loved. ” 35: “ About the baby… Its yours. ”
36: “ I’m so in love with you. ” 37: “ Dance with me! ” 38: “ Isn’t this amazing? ” 39: “ I wish we could stay like this forever. ” 40: “ Will you marry me? ” 41: “ I’m pregnant. ” 42: “ I need a hug. ” 43: “ You’re special to me. ” 44: “ I’m going to keep you safe. ” 45: “ Do you trust me? ” 46: “ Can I kiss you right now? ” 47: “ You’re cute when you’re angry. ” 48: “ I’ve liked you for awhile now. ” 49: “ Lets have a baby. ” 50: “ We’d make such a cute couple. ” 51: “ I want to take care of you. ” 52: “ Can we cuddle? ” 53: “ It’s lonely here without you. ” 54: “ I can’t stand the thought of loosing you. ” 55: “ Shut up and kiss me already. ” 56: “ Are you flirting with me? ” 57: “ Is that my shirt? ” 58: “ How did we get here? ” 59: “ You own my heart. ” 60: “ You’d be a great dad. ” 61: “ You’d be a great mom. ” 62: “ I want to protect you. ” 63: “ Whats the matter? ” 64: “ You’re so beautiful. ” 65: “ Did you do something different with your hair? ” 66: “ Is that a new perfume? ” 67: “ Stop being so cute. ” 68: “ You’re making me blush! ” 69: “ You’re teasing me again… ” 70: “ This is why I fell in love with you. ” 71: “ You’re the best! ” 72: “ They’re going to love you, don’t worry! ” 73: “ Oh, Are you ticklish? ” 74: “ Of course I remembered! ” 75: “ You’re one hell of a girl. ” 76: “ You’re one hell of a guy. ” 77: “ Are you jealous? ” 78: “ Hold me and never let me go. ” 79: “ Stop hogging all the blankets! ” 80: “ Lets run away together. ”
90: “ Catch me if you can! ” 91: “ I’m fine. ” 92: “ Are you drunk? ” 93: “ Are you high? ” 94: “ We cant go in there… ” 95: “ Give it back! ” 96: “ Well this is just great. ” 97: “ Don’t touch me. ” 98: “ Not sure if you could tell, but I’m not exactly a people person. ” 99: “ This was fun— Lets do it again sometime!” 100: “ I didn’t do it! ” 101: “ I did it… ” 102: “ I don’t remember that! ” 103: “ Well that’s pretty rude of you to say. ” 104: “ Get that thing away from me! ” 105: “ You owe me. ” 106: “ Do you believe in aliens? ” 107: “ Do you believe in ghosts? ” 108: “ Are you hitting on me? ” 109: “ Why are you naked? ” 110: “ You did what?! ” 111: “ You have… Superpowers? ” 112: “ Why are you bleeding? ” 113: “ Where did all these puppies come from?” 114: “ Don’t make me come over there myself! ” 115: “ That wasn’t funny. ” 116: “ This tastes horrible. ” 117: “ This is delicious! ” 118: “ Are you mad at me? ” 119: “ Stop ignoring me… ” 120: “ I love that show too! ” 121: “ Can I borrow that book of yours?” 122: “ Lets blow this joint. ” 123: “ Let me help you with that. ” 124: “ Take that back! ” 125: “ Wanna go see a movie with me? ” 126: “ No way, that’s so lame. ” 127: “ What are you listening to? ” 128: “ I brought you your coffee. ” 129: “ Don’t fuck this up. ” 130: “ Run! ” 131: “ Lets run away together. ” 132: “ I haven’t slept in four days… ” 133: “ Your turn to do the dishes. ” 134: “ Was I really that drunk? ” 135: “ Was I really that stoned? ” 136: “Give me back my phone! ” 137: “ You’re an asshole. ” 138: “ Are you cold? ” 139: “ This place gives me the creeps. ” 140: “ I swear my house is haunted. ” 141: “ Did you hear that? ” 142: “ It’s just your imagination. ” 143: “ Just how stupid do you think I am? ” 144: “ Stop being such a baby. ” 145: “ Go back to bed. ” 146: “ Are you okay? ” 147: “ I can take care of myself just fine.” 148: “ Thanks for helping me back there. ” 149: “ Since when have we ever been friends? ” 150: “ What on earth are you wearing? ” 151: “ I can’t feel my legs! ” 152: “ Stop texting me weird stuff so late at night. ” 153: “ Put me down! ” 154: “ There’s only one bed… ” 155: “ It isn’t what it looks like! Okay.. Maybe it is… ” 156: “ How did I loose it? ” 157: “ I read your diary. ” 158: “ This is awkward. ” 159: “ Didn’t you read the sign? ” 160: “ Do you think you can teach me that? ”
Below is NSFW prompts. Please if you’re rebloggling tell your followers if you’re interested or not in taking these sorts of requests.
Sexual: 161: “ Bite me. ” 162: “ Make me. ” 163: “ Fuck me. ” 164: “ Stop teasing me so much… ” 165: “ Do you like it when I touch you like that?” 166: “ Okay.. This is new. ” 167: “ Want to head back to my place and have a little fun? ” 168: “ You’re in trouble now. ” 169: “ What a pretty sight. ” 170: “ Bend over. ” 171: “ On your knees. ” 172: “ The food looks great but.. There’s something much more delicious i’d like to eat right now. ” 173: “ Lay back. ” 174: “ Take off your clothes. ” 175: “ Well, fine; just this once. ” 176: “ I’m waiting. ” 177: “ You’re so beautiful. ” 178:“ As you wish. ” 179: “ First one to make a noise looses.” 180: “ You have no idea what you do to me. ” 181: “ If you’re bored; Wanna have sex? ” 182: “ Ive wanted this for so long. ” 183: “ Car sex looks so much more easier in the movies. ” 184: “ Can I touch you? ” 185: “ Open up. ” 186: “ No strings attached. ” 187: “ Already? Do I really have that much of an effect on you? ” 188: “ Mine. ” 189: “ The nights still young. ” 190: “ We cant do that here! ” 191: “ Behave. ” 192:“ What did you just say? ” 193: “ Good girl. ” 194: “ Good boy. ” 195: “ Come here. ”
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Don’t delete the kisses
First post on this blog might as well be a fic right? Any writing tips are welcome!
Based on this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqxE-zppu30 Word count: 1657
The first time you realised your feelings was when you caught Ryan’s attention from across the room at the annual holiday party. His piercing blue eyes had met yours through a crowd of people and you had frozen, admiring his stance. His clothes, a white dress shirt unbuttoned at the collar and black dress pants, clung tightly to his form and only seemed to accent his features. It felt like forever before you took a breath, however when he made a move to push through the crowd towards you, instinct told you to run. Heart pounding as you slipped through the mass of people, you blended in as you made for the exit.
Before you knew it, you had parked up outside of your house and ran inside, heels discarded by this point and hanging loosely from your hand as your other fumbled with the keys to the front door, the familiar click of the lock bringing an antidote to the adrenaline that was still coursing through your veins. Fabric and heels hit the floor of your home as you entered and closed the door, slipping from the dress that had hugged your form as a way of discarding any remnants of the past few hours. A hoodie and some sweatpants quickly replaced the dress and you curled up on your couch, finally alone with your thoughts.
James Ryan Haywood; a confidant of sorts for you, the first one to have taken notice of you almost two years ago when you had first set foot in the office. Sharing of secrets and knowing smiles had slowly blossomed into a strong bond between the two of you, however the nature of that bond was never completely clear. One day gentle touches and flirtatious jokes would be exchanged, then come the next it was as if he wanted to avoid any form of contact with you. You ran your hand through your hair, detangling the knots that had formed during your ‘Irish goodbye’ style exit from the party. Love had never been meant for you, you’d told yourself this after your first heartbreak before moving to Austin. Relationships weren’t even an option for you anymore, your time too consumed by work; yet it was work that you wanted to avoid altogether right now due to fear of a complicated relationship.
After the holidays you had returned to work early on the first day back to avoid walking in with him already in the room. However, even without his presence over the holidays and even now, your mind had wandered to him, to scenarios that you only wished would happen. What if you hadn’t bolted? Maybe you would have ended up leaving together, happy, instead of alone and fearful. Bringing yourself out of your thoughts, you looked at your phone to check the time and a message caught your eye;
25m ago - Ryan: You back at the office today?x
Your breath caught in your throat as your fingers graced the keyboard, slowly typing a reply. Your thumb faltered over the ‘x’, unsure whether to send a kiss back. It was unusual to receive one in the first place with it being a habit you’d brought across from England, however you always signed your own texts off with a kiss so it would be uncharacteristic not to. You rolled your eyes at yourself, annoyed that you were overthinking something so unimportant as you hit the ‘x’, sending your response of a simple “yeah x”. As you set your phone back down, the familiar text notification sounded again and you frowned, confused at the fast reply before realising it hadn’t come from your phone, but from the phone of the man now walking through the doorway.
“Bit of a slow response there huh?” Ryan chuckled light-heartedly as he checked the message on his way through the office, passing your desk to sit at his own. You scoffed, rolling your eyes, “Well some of us were busy editing, Haywood.” You responded, an involuntary smile tugging at your lips. Tunnel vision took over as it felt as if the hangar in which your office was situated reduced to just that room. His eyes met yours and you felt the same instinct from weeks ago, yet this time you pushed it down as his eyes reflected the same smile that your lips still held. His smile parted as words began to form at the tip of his tongue but as a familiar chime of “Quit flirting!” sounded in the office, they quickly changed to a grumbled greeting to the moustached man who had entered without either of you noticing.
You had always tried to avoid gossip within the office, yet whenever you and Ryan were within a 20-metre radius of eachother the rest of the guys couldn’t help but to poke fun at the pair of you. It hadn’t hurt at first, but when their jabs about the exchanged glances between yourself and Ryan, or the feelings the both of you felt, began to become all too real, it only contributed to your self-doubt. You would never deny any of their jokes, however Ryan was always quick to dismiss, and it hit a little harder each time.
“I-I’ve gotta go, meeting with Trevor in 10 minutes,” You mumbled as you quickly gathered your belongings and shoved them into your messenger bag, avoiding looking at the two men in the room. As you turned to leave, your eyes met Ryan’s once again and he gave you a small grin and a half-hearted wave. Blood rushed to your cheeks as you reciprocated the action and your feet carried you from the room, brushing past the rest of the guys as they entered.
That evening you’d decided to have a night to destress, which in your terms was to lay on the couch and get a little bit tipsy on your favourite wine. The same questions played on your mind, what if love really wasn’t meant for you? As if to answer your question, your phone lit up and that familiar name appeared;
Now – Ryan: Are you alright? You’ve been acting kinda strange lately, no offence x
A sigh escaped your lips as they tugged into a tired smile, his concern being slightly sobering to your wine drunk self. Maybe it was the alcohol in your veins, but boldness took over as you quickly typed a response and hit send with no hesitation;
You: Are you free to come over?x
It only took a few moments before panic began to build as you read over what you’d sent several times, only being contributed to by the fact that a response never came. You slammed your phone down on the coffee table and took another swig of wine, this time from the bottle, in an attempt to ignore the pit in your stomach. You almost missed the knock at the door until it sounded a second time and your feet clumsily carried you to it, unlocking it and yanking it open. Ryan stood on the door step, chest heaving as if he’d ran here – had he ran here? His car wasn’t in the driveway…
As if he could read your train of thought, he chuckled and glanced back at the driveway, “Your text made me panic a little and I decided that starting a car took too much time, so I ran instead, I guess?” He explained, almost questioning his own actions. You couldn’t help but laugh as you invited him in, flopping back down on the couch as he came to join you.
“No need for panic Rye, it’s just easier to talk in person than through a screen,” You replied, before realising the extent of the situation – Ryan was here, in your home, and you had no escape. Ignoring your previous words, panic began to rise in your chest and the wine bottle was back in your hands, and Ryan’s hand was on yours – Wait…
“Drinking isn’t the answer to life’s problems,” Ryan lectured, his hand on yours as he took the bottle from your grasp. Your hands then went to your face, rubbing at it as you let out an exaggerated sign. When you pulled them away, you noticed Ryan’s eyebrows were knitted together in concern, his gaze gentle and unwavering.
“R-Ryan, I don’t need to be babysat,” Your response was meant to be strong and threatening, yet it came out weak and crumbling as your hands shook slightly, now grasping to the sleeves of your hoodie as you looked away. You felt your grip being pried open and realised that Ryan had taken hold of your hand once again, his thumb running over your knuckles in an attempt to soothe you.
“I came here because I was worried, Y/N, not to babysit you,” His voice began to calm you and you lifted your head to focus on him, “I came because I was concerned, I haven’t been able to keep you out of my thoughts since you disappeared at the holiday party.” He admitted, his cheeks beginning to glow a soft red as he smiled at you. Your free hand lifted and rested on his cheek, thumb running along his cheekbone as you moved forward, adrenaline taking over. Your lips crashed against his in a longing kiss, years of shared secrets and knowing smiles coming down to this one moment. Pure bliss overtook the both of you as your stress unravelled in eachothers arms.
—- The next holiday party was different. Instead of running away when your eyes met Ryan’s, you ran towards him, arms entangling around eachother as you grinned, sharing a blissful grin. The whole night you spent it in eachother presence, fear and stress being distant memories. Your fingers entangled into Ryan’s as you both blended into the crowd as you did the year before. This time, as you left, it wasn’t alone and in fear. It was together, and happy.
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