#fang gargoyles
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furiarossa · 7 months ago
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Oh no, they're in trouble! But it looks like Fang is having a great time... while Wolf, uh, not so much.
First part of a mixed 'n complex commission done with black ballpoint pen. This commission, inspired by the legendary Ken and Barbie scenes in the Barbie movie, is for AlistairAlderman. Stay tuned for the colored version!
[Oh, and a lot more of our Gargoyles fanarts: Here’s the Gargoyles tag!]
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nulvuu-2 · 10 months ago
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I ship them
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monsterfucker-showdown · 1 year ago
Top 5 gets in!
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spadetale · 6 months ago
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Okay okay, one more gargoyle because I wanted to see how Light would look with this vibe. (I know I've drawn them in this direction before but that felt more tiefling energy to me :V)
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theinternetisaweboflies · 1 year ago
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It was my first time performing The Ceremony of the Fangs, so they turned out a little crooked, but I think they still look very nice. I painted one of them gold to match her nose and the gold flecks in her fur. Thank you for the tutorial, Auntie! @gothiccharmschool
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sidecharactersdomatter · 6 months ago
Thoughts I had during TGCF S2 EP 10
*furiously whispering* This was the most intense one of the season!
Previously on TGCF…
-The Gilded Banquet…
-An Le was its host
-Yong’An Palace
-The guards!
-That’s right it was Qianqiu’s birthday
-Those prejudiced Yong’An royals
-That explains the massacre, An Le faced a lot of discrimination from the kingdom’s nobility
-Qianqiu had a cousin
-Qianqiu’s mother
-Even Qianqiu’s dad was disappointed in his nephew
-He had loving parents
-The king and queen were the ones that were nice to him
-Those shady guards
-It’s all going down…
-With a red box!
-He hid it!  I wonder why?
-Dang political troubles
-It reminded him of the banquet with his parents
-Oh no!
-It tied to the last episode
-Discussing the future of both people
-Qianqiu’s dad sounds a little like Macbeth from Gargoyles, which is weird since I got back into said fandom for this autumn
-Even Qianqiu’s dad had hidden prejudice
-There he is!
-Qianqiu, his mother, and An Le
-He smiled again
-End of flashback
-That cape swish!
-This isn’t as vibrant when I go up with my fam to visit relatives
-This also isn’t like that Ba Sing Se banquet from Atla book 2 Earth
-The green veins!
-There goes their disguises
-Oh no and a child was there!
-Qianqiu still hasn’t appeared
-The music stopped
-Qi Rong’s lackeys!
-Mengyou’s still looking
-He found him!
-I freaking love their dynamic
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-Qianqiu wanted to give his mother a gift!
-Oh the jewelry artist was voiced by Jill Harris
-Aw man, they still have their great bond
-Look at all that verdant carnage!
-Oh no the mother noble and her son!
-Qianqiu’s dad had the same large sword!
-An Le’s crazed look
-He has a knife!
-Qianqiu’s mother was so selfless!
-That explains it!
-Both King and Queen were slain!
-He really was allied with Qi Rong
-Because no one’s breathing now!
-More trauma
-This donghua still doesn’t mess around with the body count
-You can even hear Qi Rong’s laughter through An Le
-There go the lackeys
-It’s too late Fang Xin
-He wanted revenge as his last breath
-He ended Qianqiu’s father!
-Unpopular opinion, the Fang Xin arc was basically the “Avatar Day” episode, but done respectfully and came out compelling
-Even the noblewoman’s son
-That explained it
-Damn Qi Rong still rubbed salt in the wound
-Technically it was both of your lives
-Qi Rong’s offensive gesture
-QR was responsible for failing to kidnap Qianqiu
-That revelation
-Dang Brandon Loera delivered!
-He confessed!
-He got sliced in Twain
-And he survived!
-Dragging him by the braid
-That ain’t curry and I don’t even want any of it
-He has melted
-That’s going to be tedious
-There goes the cauldron and emptied for good
-LQQ stills wants round 2
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-This reaction’s a wrap ‘cause Oh my Gods Howard Wang freaking ate it up like a 5 star full Dim Sum  Course and left! No! Crumbs!
Only 2 episodes left to go! This ep shot me in the feels!
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patchy-patchy · 5 months ago
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Here is the man of mystery himself~💀
Some Facts -
Rodger is a well-mannered ghoul who has a love for reading and studying about other worlds outside of the Graveview. The other ghouls describe him as a "recluse" and say that he always has this mysterious vibe to him.
He is extremely sensitive to light and sunlight can & WILL burn his eye. For this reason, Rodger often walks with an open umbrella within brighter rooms or areas.
Despite mostly keeping to himself, Rodger has been known to flirt on occasion with those who catch his interest and truly turns up the charm to the max while doing so.
He very much has a French accent
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honey-minded-hivemind · 2 months ago
Weeeeeeiiiiirrrddd. I was JUST re-reading your Gargoyles au too!
I imagine Dragon scavenges for food, medicine, building supplies, basically anything useful. They probably got a bag or something that they always have with them that they use to carry this stuff. Brooklyn looked inside once and was worried about how little food they had. (There is more at the human base, but he doesn't know that.)
When Reader is with the humans, they help with building a greenhouse and caring for the plants. The faster they are self-sustaining, the better. They even got a little irrigation system set up. It's not the prettiest thing in the world, but it works. If Brooklyn could see them, he would think it's kinda funny to see rough and tough Dragon caring for a tomato plant, but he would probably join in for funsies. (Hudson too. He looks like he has a green thumb.)
If they aren’t doing that, they could be teaching defensive maneuvers to the other humans. How to run, hide, or fight against someone who could do them harm. Dragon always got a baseball bat with them just in case, even if they haven't used it yet. They know they can't fight the gargoyles, but anyone else is likely getting clocked right across the jaw with it.
Despite their friendship with Brooklyn, they won't tell them where the humans are hiding, or any of the gargoyles. No matter what Elisa or Desmona says or how Goliath glares at them, these people depend on them to stay safe. ( Which makes them so much like Goliath, the glare they give Brooklyn when he first asks about the humans looks waaaaay too familar for him NOT to say something to the clan leader.) When they get sick, either they are away from the other humans and suffering on their own (sad) or they are with the humans, who sadly don't have the medicine Dragon needs, and Brooklyn tracks them down by scent and spies on them (eventually scary when the clan goes to collect Reader).
Unrelated note, I don't remember if we ever established what Dragon wears, but I keep imagining a red letterman jacket that has an embroidered dragon on the back. I just think it would look cool and pop against all the cool tones of everything else (and hides Dragons blood when they are injured, not that they will tell anyone that, but the gargoyles can smell it.) (And the rest of Dragon, no spare water=no baths. They were the cleanest they had been in MONTHS when they jumped in the river to save Brooklyn.)
You read my mind, Sugar ♡^♡!!!!
Yes, Dragon scavenges for whatever the underground human compound needs. Things like building tools, fabric and blankets, any medicine they can find (or steal), scrap metal or wood, pans and pots, knives and ammo, even water bottles and whatever non-perishable food they can get their hands on. Brooklyn finds it strange they look for what amounts to very little, random objects, but he helps when it's clear it means a lot to Dragon (Reader).
Reader has a role in the Underground Council, along with Tony Drakon, Fang, and a few other characters who have had to step up to defend the few people left, who rely on them for everything... Reader collects any seeds and seed packets they find for the Underground's garden and greenhouse, and help train others on how to hide and how to fight in a desperate situation. Fang teaches defense and how to spy, as well as how to hunt any animals and fish they find. Tony Drakon is in charge of rationing, putting groups together, and keeping stock of what they have, and what they need.
There are at least six or seven members of the Underground Council, who amount to those who take care of the things that need to get done, and who have enough authority that others will listen. Reader is in charge of scavenging and evasive maneuvers, Fang is in charge of defense and guarding thr entrance and exits, Tony is in charge of rations and putting groups together, and other roles include watcher over ammo and weapons, caretaker of the greenhouse and gardens + water, keeper of blankets, sheets, pillows, and in charge of insulation, and the doctor...
Brooklyn finds it uncanny how Dragon (Reader) looks like Goliath when they glare or laugh or sulk. He honestly wonders what that's about. But in the end, he's happy to have a friend, even if they won't tell him where they hide or go when he's not around, or why they collect such odd supplies... Yet he'll help. If they need blankets, he'll grab some from thr castle or Xanatos' supply closet. They need weird, hard to open foods? Okay, nothing raiding the kitchen won't fix. They need some medicine? Hmmm... okay, okay, but who's sick?
As for how Dragon (Reader) looks, oooo, a jacket with a dragon on it? Haha, cool! What else would they wear? Boots, or tennis shoes, or sandals? Would they wear any jewelry? Do they have ling, short, or medium hair? Is it curly, or straight, or fluffy, or messy? I imagine Dragon (Reader) has at least one of those talon rings, where you slip it on, but it has a sharp talon at the edge, helpful for digging, opening or cutting locks and fabric, and perfect for defense (it can gouge out an eye)... What do you think, Sugar? And please, send in any asks for this au that you have! I'd be happy to discuss it with you!
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cryptid-stimming · 1 year ago
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🏰 Fortress Of Fangs; Dungeons & Dragons Playset (1983) 🐉
[Image description: six gifs of a fantasy 80's playset; from left to right.
First line: a gif of someone turning a toy playset which has the appearance of a green snake head (the mouth contains bars like a dungeon) and there is a purple gargoyle-like creature perched on the back, a gif of a person pulling out a hidden ladder from the snake's 'nostrils', and a gif of the person demonstrating a mechanism on the playset where a toy axe/hatchet falls if triggered.
Second line: a gif of the person lifting the gargoyle creature from the playset, a gif of them pressing a button on the top of the playset to trigger a push mechnism that knocks a toy action figure over, and a gif of the person pulling a lever at the back of the playset to demonstrate the trapdoor mechanism.
End of image description.]
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furiarossa · 2 months ago
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Wolf just won a friendly wrestling match against Fang! And oh boy, they had fun :)
First part of a mixed 'n complex commission for AlistairAlderman, done with black ballpoint pen. Stay tuned for the colored version!
★ FurAffinity|Deviantart|Commission prices|Tapas|Pillowfort★
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nulvuu-2 · 5 months ago
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the-pantry-of-art · 3 months ago
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In the meantime while I'm having my ass beaten up by Capra Demon.
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maximilian-mori · 2 years ago
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A gargoyle I drew a while back. I had fun with this :)
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deadsetobsessions · 6 months ago
There, in the fog, a pair of glowing green eyes. Who does it belong to?
Surely not that which lays beneath the city, Gotham’s spirit that drowns in the cursed bogs buried beneath concrete and stone. Surely not she, who sobs songs of grief, she who croons silently for aid. Surely not she, madness incarnate, all gnarled shadows and crumbled concrete. Surely not she, Gotham herself, perched along her city’s gargoyles and looks over her own with stone eyes and stone heart that tries to beat like her own.
Her songs were answered with one of her own, a child whose parents were murdered in the heart of her heart. The parts of her that still loved as much as she could wholeheartedly accepted. The child that brought more children- who were all hurt by her and her own and decided she was worth helping anyways. Those eyes did not belong to her own children, those that she pulled the covers of relentless clouds over in order to protect.
No, no. Those eyes belonged to a different child. One that came later who Wailed along side her screams and soothed the madness that roiled beneath her streets.
Her screams were soothed by a child who is her liege, the small one that came and eased the rot that tore her marrow from the bones of her city- her own bones.
Phantom, she ruffles the hair of the boy king. Her gnarled joints and shadowed fangs and clawed countenance does not deter his smile and she loves the child more for it. Far better than the tyrant that tried to use her madness against her own people.
“Hi, Gotham. How are you doing today?”
Better, the gargoyles shifts and grinds. Thank you, my liege.
The boy-king laughs, bright green eyes glowing in the fog she’s summoned to obscure him from her knights. “You did most of the work.”
Not so, the winds whirls in between the white flames of the boy-king’s hair. But we have had this discourse.
Phantom smiles, sadness pulling at the corners of his eyes. She did not know human ways of emotion for she had always been a spirit, but this expression she knows well. It chases at the heels of her knights and now it is in a dogged pursuit for her liege’s heart. Gotham has found new things to hate. The shadows wrap around him.
Go, they whisper as Gotham herself slid back towards the cold stone of her city. Protect. Be happy.
“Okay, okay. But if one of your knights shoot at me again with their weird knives, I’m going to dye their hair neon pink.”
Gotham laughs, spiders bouncing along their webs. They will have deserved it.
The boy-king (hers, her liege, her son, her family, please, Gotham did not want to be alone anymore) laughed again and shot off from the perch she had provided.
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lustlovehart · 26 days ago
Oh my gods, I was eating the sick!reader piece UPPPPP. 😩 Already re-read it like 5 times. Especially the Diasomnia part had me so good. Silver is the real MVP here.
Do you think you'd ever be willing to write about what'd happen if we didn't recover from an illness and specifically Lilia & Malleus got their way? I find their dynamic as yanderes always super interesting.
Ahh i’m so happy you liked it <33!!! Silver is basically your prince charming and it’s adorable!! Diasmonia was wayy longer than the other parts because the situation I decided on them was the most entertaining! Everyone else only thinking about turning you… They’re the ones who actually act on their thoughts (unfortunately).
(shh, he actually felt extremely guilty letting them do their thing, because no matter how hard he tries, he feels the same desire of you becoming one of them as well… the only thing that stops him is the fact you’ll be miserable, and he doesn’t know how he could live with that </3)
Pairing: [Monster!Twst] Diasmonia x Reader
Cw: You’re turned into a monster (Up to you what kind of monster, but there are scales and claws), Obsession, Craving Human, Kisses, Implied human eating (not a lot), It’s not said in the text but Malleus regenerates so he doesn’t lose a limb, Silver and Sebeks parts are kinda angsty
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In the case you fall for your illness, they’re plans succeed, and you fall into a deep slumber. The last thing you see before your eyes shut, you see Silver, an apologetic frown looking at you as he mouths a silent ‘i’m sorry’. It’s enough to tug at your heartstrings, but the sight behind him immediately cuts any form of forgiveness you have.
Malleus’s cold-clawed fingers tracing up your arm, a soft smile on his face as his nail traces a pattern on your palm, Lilia playing with the bracelets gifted to you by the others on the table, and Sebek staring through the castles window, glowing eyes lighting the dark from his swamp.
“It will be over soon, Child of Hunters.”
The moment you jolt awake it feels as if you were forcibly taken from the afterlife, a feint memory of Idia desperately trying to pull you back into his arms before being dragged away. Your head is essentially a living furnace, flares happening every other moment leading to an excruciating headache. Despite the tremble in your hands, you reach up to soothe the thrumming, your fingertips coming into contact with skin.
But, rather than human, you feel pin sharp nails poke at your forehead.
You didn’t notice, not at all, with the blur in your vision it was practically impossible to see, but now with the newfound clearing in your sight you see it. Claws emerge from where your cuticles once rested, scales crawling up your skin. You throw the covers off your bed, the sleep wear concealing your horrific monstrous traits beneath the fabric, but it does nothing to rid the fear of what’s under your clothes.
“Mal… Malleus—!” your words are hoarse when you yell, a sign of your voice being unused for… you have no idea, but you know it’s a long time. “Damnit…! Malleus where are—?!” Your next step has you colliding with a stiff material, arms wrapping around you in an attempt of comfort. A fist is raised towards this entity, prepared to break wretched stone. “What the hell did you do to me Mal?!”
“… I’m so sorry.” the softness in his voice is different from the gargoyles, leading you to drop your hand, the only part of yourself you rest on him is your head, Silvers tough muscle tensing before gradually relaxing.
“… No you’re not.” your fresh fangs bite into your lip, your claws reaching into his bicep and burying them self into the dreameaters skin.
Silver hesitates for a moment, before speaking again, “I really am”. His previous pause has you doubt him, but the way he tightens his arms around you tells you he’s being entirely truthful, unfortunately.
You can feel a sting in your eyes, a familiar feeling of tears ready to burst, yet it’s like your tear ducts burned away with your humanity. But that’s not the thing that disturbs you in this moment, no…
It’s the way your stomach is desperate for food. A food you never wished to eat,
“It seems you’re in desperate need for food, yes?” the voice you were looking for emerges from behind you, a stone hand dragging your sleepwear down your shoulder, placing a hard kiss against your scaly skin. You’re quick to slap Malleus away, your claws cutting a strand of his mossy hair.
“Oh, be careful new one, it would do no good to hurt your potential supplier~” another equally disliked voice enters the fray, Lilia floating right next to you.
“Like hell i’m eating human…!”
“I wouldn’t advise not doing it, you’ll die a more painful death than you did a few years ago.” Malleus interjects, his pleasant smile falling into a much more serious frown.
“That’s better than becoming one of you bastards—” You pause your spiel, your legs buckling at his words, a great shock that has you falling into Lilias's arms, and not even fighting back. “… years?” Lilia's hand pets your head, a pathetic attempt at soothing you that only furthers your despair. “You’re joking… But, everyone else… Everyone else…!” you throw yourself back up, pushing Malleus against the wall, a hard clash sounding at stone hitting stone. “What the hell happened to them?! The monsters… Jack… Neige…!” your eyes burn like you’re crying, but you know you’re not. You hiccup before dropping to the floor, the last name that leaves your lips causing your last shred of sanity to snap. “… Rollo.”
For a moment, Malleus’s eyes glare at you, but they’re quick to disappear when he falls to his knees.
You despise it, you despise how even in your current panic, all you can think about is consuming. You grit your teeth, resisting all desire, but the sound of wind has you knowing something will happen, something that will test your patience. Your eyes are closed when Lilia’s hand takes yours, placing a kiss on your wrist before leaving you with his words of departure. “Do try to not eat all of Malleus, new beastie.”
You can’t question him before his presence disappears, but before you know it, when your eyes reopen, you don’t see stone, only pure human. “Malleus… What are you…?” He lifts his arm to your mouth, your lips attaching to his skin while his forehead rests on yours, looking right into your eyes. You can feel your canines put pressure on him.
“You’re what you are now because my affection for you runs so deep…” his free arm reaches behind you, pushing your head into his limb, “that I will do anything for you to stay alive, and here, together.” his voice is low, your jaw trembling with the urge to eat. But his words gnaw into your soul.
… Is this really living to him?
You rest your head on Lilia’s shoulder, his deep voice humming as he wipes your mouth clean. “Did you enjoy it?” your silence tells him not to inquire further, but in truth, you hate the fact… that you did enjoy it. “Hm, well, if you’re not satisfied with just Malleus…” his clawed finger taps your lips, red eyes piercing your soul, “I’ll always offer myself up for you too~”
He laughs at the way you glare at his joke, only continuing to rest yourself on his shoulder.
You stare deep into the swamp as Lilia continues to hum, hoping he will emerge. And he does, but he’s quick to disappear just as quickly as he appeared.
“Why did you want this for me…?” your ask has him pause, his finger pushing your head up and off his shoulder. “I just wanted…” you pause, Lilia patiently waiting for the rest of your sentence, yet there’s nothing more to be said. His thumb swipes across you bottom lift, showing you all signs of you feast had been wiped clean.
“Everyone wants something, whether it be human or immortal.” you bury yourself in your arms, the moon reflective on the mystery creature's pale exterior. “And you want to know why it is I wished for this?” he uses his hand to signal at your body, his smile disappearing, an all too serious expression painted on his features. He leans into your face, a few centimeters stopping him from being directly on your skin.
For a moment, a single second, it’s like his scarlet eyes share every single moment of greed and cruelty in his hundreds of years alive, even moments from before his improved personality. A cruel beast who’s a monster just for the sake of being one… It’s gone in that same second.
“Because you’re so adorable!”
“…Go away Lilia.”
“You’re hurting my feelings… And I thought you wanted a bite of me.” you glare at him again but this time he doesn’t laugh, only smiles, “You’ll learn how mucher crueler the world is as a human… We only wish to protect you.” and with that, he’s gone, leaving you and the creature of the swamp alone.
“Sebek?” you dip your hand into the water, splashing the liquid up. But to no avail, he doesn't appear, a different monster answering your calling.
“I don’t know if he wants to see you.” you turn around to see Silver, his eyes looking into yours, but you can tell how hard he’s trying to avoid looking at your new monstrous traits. You can’t fault him though, the sight of your replaced eyes in the water sends chills up your spine.
“It’s not like i’m the one who asked for this…” you throw a stick in the water, hoping maybe it’ll darth through the marsh and poke the beast underneath.
“I— He knows…”
“Great! So what’s his problem?” Silver doesn't reply, but to be fair, you don’t think he knows the answer either. “… He left me flowers while I was dying.”
“He did?” Silver sits next to you, he eyes focused on your rather than the ripples you trace into the water with your claw.
“Mhm. I never saw him do it though.” you can see Silver’s reflection staring at you, but you can’t bear to look back, only continuing to draw on the surface.
“That’s… Nice.” he watches you stop, the waves halting as well, the silence that hangs in the air suffocating. You grit your teeth, turning your head but not looking him in the eyes, eyes that are far too kind for a monster of his caliber. You fixate on the place his heart would be if he was human.
It was meant to distract you, but it instead has you wonder, maybe Silvers's warmth would be much stronger had he had the makeup of a mortal. Such hypotheticals are better left in your head though, and you know this. It doesn’t stop you from taking his hand in yours, squeezing his limb as you force your words out.
“Did you want me to be a monster too Silver?” his stoic expression widens, hesitation evident, before his head hangs in shame when he finally tells his truth.
“I… Don’t know.” he watches you stand up, making no effort to stop you, but very obviously tensing at the prospect of you leaving. “I just… I just knew I didn’t want you to die painfully somewhere we can’t reach you…!” he’s about to jump up to meet you eye to eye, stopped by you placing a flower on his head.
“That’s something I knew would happen, something I signed up for.” you both stay still, only looking at each other. This contact is broken when Silver lets the flower fall, his head resting on your bottom half.
“I know… I’m sorry, I shouldn’t feel this way, but…” he expects you to leave when he feels you shift, but instead, relaxes when you let him continue to rest his head on your lap. All his words die in his throat, but you know what he meant to say. Truth be told though, you don’t know if you’re okay with it.
Your bottom half is cold as you sit in the water, staring directly at Sebek under the water.
“Can you come out? I don’t wanna risk being a non-marine based monster and drowning.”
“I don’t think so human, I don’t wan to risk— Er…!” He jolts at the mistake he made in his burgled voice, further burying himself into the water. You lean over, your hand reaching out to dunk one of his flowers beneath the surface, he quirks an eye at the action.
“You never visited me when I was dying.” your words have him furrow his brows, but he doesn’t give you a reply nor explanation. “Why is that Sebek?” a moment passes, a few moments, before he emerges from the water, his large form moving towards you on the ledge. His large arms cage you between the side of his marsh and his body, golden slit eyes staring into you.
“I did not want to see that.” His eyes move down your new form, scales, claws, canines, and all, he sees it all in his mind. “You bedridden… It’s a weak sight. It’s like you were giving in, it was cowardly.”
“Aren’t you the one who said all mortals are pathetically weak?”
“They are! You are!” Sebek pushes back, the water splashing at the outburst. “But you’re not supposed to be!” his tail swings in the water causing a wave to move towards you. “You weren’t supposed to die… You were meant to prove me wrong…” you’re about to move towards him before he stops you, a single outstretched webbed hand in your face. “But now you’re here because you proved me right… Humans are weak, pathetic… evil…” he slowly moves towards you again, wavering clear in the way he slowly places his forehead on your shoulder. “It’s why you can’t be one anymore… you can’t be any of those things...”
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There are two directions I think their scheme could end, one where they successfully stop anyone else from the cast from knowing your current predicament, and one where your current state is found out by everyone else. If the latter were to happen, it doesn’t matter where their domain is, they will show up to Diasmonia and demand to see you. A vast majority will wish to have you in their care, while the ones who never wished for you to be a monster, will make sure you don’t fall into the other's hands.
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the-californicationist · 5 months ago
Cali's Kinktober: Day 13
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Kinktober Masterlist pulvis et umbra sumus - "we are dust and shadow" TF141 x f!reader Kinks > monsters, knotting, ritual magic sex in a cave Full tags on AO3 - MDNI - Read at your own risk.
Monster AU where the TF141 are gargoyles. You love your shitty 87th floor apartment, you really do. Sure, the view is mostly fog and smog and clouds, but your balcony is shielded by four awesome gargoyles. You spend long nights admiring their statuesque figures wishing they could come to life and please you since no human man seems to be able to. Be careful what you wish for, I guess?
Warning: short part with an abusive ex-boyfriend, but he gets gargoyled pretty quickly, so it's short-lived.
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Rain pelted the grimy, floor-to-ceiling windows of your apartment. It seemed like it was always raining. You loved living downtown in District 10, you really did, but damn if it wasn’t hard to meet people. Sure, millions of people lived in the city right alongside you, but other than a few dates to the ramen shop around the corner, your attempts to find The One had fallen flat. 
It was the same song and dance. They’d ask what you did for a living, and if they stuck around after you told them that you were a professional streamer, they either thought you were rich or that you wanted to flash your pussy on camera for money. Either way, the only guys who stuck around after they made their judgements about your job were either disappointed by your shitty studio apartment or were terrible in the sack. Clearly, they just wanted an easy lay and never called you again. 
You didn’t really have anyone to complain to since your best friend abandoned you for Topeka, of all places, to get married and have a litter of babies. You were happy for her, truly, but bitching to a woman who was cherished by her man about your shitty Tinder dates was a dark, dark time that you didn’t care to have. 
So, you smoked, and you told your gargoyles all about it. 
Your apartment was unique in the fact that you had the entire patio to yourself, and it was shielded from the wind by the outstretched wings of four enormous gargoyles. They were huge, at least seven feet tall, and their bodies looked like they were ready to compete in the next strongman world championship. 
You’d named them all, of course. There was the spooky one with a skull-shaped mask over his face and huge fangs that you called Mr. Bones, one with a mohawk that you named Mr. T, a supermodel-hot statue that you named Mr. Vain, and your favorite one, the biggest of them all and the guardian that sat right next to your bed, Mr. Big.
That’s where you found yourself tonight. You were crouched in your usual spot, tucked in an oversized raincoat, a pair of wellies, and nothing else, smoking a cigarette under the protective wings of Mr. Big.
You watched the tip glow golden bright as you took a drag, holding it in longer than normal, hoping to feel something other than disappointed. 
“He was such a jerk, Big. Didn’t even bring a condom. Not sure someone with a dick that small should have that sort of audacity, ya know?”
Mr. Big didn’t reply. He looked out over the dense, foggy night and shielded you from the rain, keeping you dry while you smoked.
You leaned against his chest as he crouched over you, raking your eyes over his body with more appraisal than you usually did, confessing aloud,
“I bet you’ve got cock for days under that loincloth. And I bet you’d pay for a babe’s dinner. Maybe even buy her a strawberry shake afterwards. Bet you wouldn’t ask to come up; you’d just wait to be invited. And I bet you’d bring your own damn condoms to a third date, huh?”
He loomed. You sighed,
“Yeah, I know you would. You know what?”
At that very moment, you gazed up into the sky as the clouds shifted and cleared, revealing a heavy, orange harvest moon. You spotted a streak of falling stars out of the corner of your eye, and you watched as they crossed the moon’s body, falling towards earth, burning up a million miles away, and you said,
“I wish you guys were real.”
You watched the stars vanish over the horizon, and you took one last drag off of your cigarette, flinging it off the side like a nasty little gremlin, not caring where it landed or what catastrophe you had just contributed to. This whole world was fucked. What was one more cigarette butt, right?
“But, you’re not real, Mr. Big. Maybe one day you’ll wake up and come save me from this damn carousel of nightmares. You and your buddies could fly me around, give me a mindblowing fuck, and steal me away from here. Wouldn’t that be something?”
You stood up next to him, barely tall enough to reach his face even though he was crouched over. You caressed his cheek, wiping the raindrops from his brow, and lifted yourself up to kiss him on the corner of his bearded mouth, right where his fang protruded from the lip, round and sharp like a boar’s tusk.
“Goodnight, Mr. Big. See you in the morning.”
You toweled dry as you stepped through the window, using the same old towel you’d been using all week, making a mental note to get around to the laundry. Then, you snuggled under the covers, checking your notifications and getting upset that there weren’t more (even though you’d just checked them before you went out to smoke). Maybe you would have to start flashing your tits online if you wanted to make the real bucks.  
You flipped your phone over and went to sleep, begging your brain to give you filthy gargoyle dreams. 
Once dawn’s glow yanked you from your peaceful slumber, you’d forgotten all about why you’d been so sad. You forgot about Dan, or David (Darren?), whatever his name was. You hopped online and said hi to your early birds, fitting the headphones over your ears just to let them know you’d be back in a bit. Then, you had a quick shower, ducked out for half of a smoke, and got to work. 
The day turned into night, and everything was great. The games were fun, chat was a riot, and you even got raided by one of your favorite mutuals. You ordered some takeout and video-chatted with some friends. You even hopped on the stream again for a double feature. All the darkness from the night before was lifted, and you felt like you might be alright. But, then, just as the sun was setting, you got a text. 
donny-Hinge: hey babe. left my charger. can i come by in 15
you: sure
donny-Hinge: k thx
“Ugh!” You audibly exclaimed, forgetting you were still online.
Chat started pouring in with questions and asks about the text. Tell us! They exclaimed. What happened, momma?? They begged to know. 
You thought about it for a minute, but you decided that your shitty love life was one thing you weren’t ready to own up to online, so you side-stepped, 
“Forgot I had to take a friend to the airport. Gotta cut this short tonight, sorry. Love you guys! Don’t forget to live, laugh, love, like, share, sub!” You rolled your eyes at your own catchphrase and waved goodbye. 
You flung down your headset and did a few soothing spins in your computer chair before deciding that you needed to kick this dude to the curb. 
“What’s the sluttiest outfit I’ve got so this asshole knows what he’s missing?” You asked Mr. Vain who was sitting outside your bathroom window, looking bored. 
“Coachella last year?” You dug around in the drawer and pulled out the too-short, can’t-wear-this-in-public slip dress, looking at Mr. Vain one last time before nodding, “Yeah. Let’s do it.”
You wiggled into the fit, mangled up your hair into a careless rumpled mess, and threw on some eyeliner to top it all off. Then, you waited. You checked your phone. You waited again. You paced. Then, you had a smoke to try and calm your nerves. 
You huddled next to Mr. Big’s giant forearm and looked up at his bearded jaws from below,
“Still not real, huh? I could really use a big, scary beast for some support right now. Why does breaking up with losers still feel so shitty? He doesn’t deserve me, right?”
Mr. Big said nothing. He loomed, and nothing more. 
“Right,” you whispered, starting to worry about yourself now that you were carrying on multiple daily conversations with statues. 
Your door buzzed. Dumbo was here for his charger. 
You fixed yourself, checking your eyeliner for just the perfect amount of smudge, and then you cracked open the door. The man was there, looking a little too well-dressed, and he sauntered into your apartment without saying so much as a hello. 
“Uh, hi,” you spat. 
“Hey, sorry,” he frowned, looking around for the charger under your clothes pile, “Can’t stay. Gonna meet up with the boys at Six Hands tonight.”
“Oh,” you mumbled, feeling a little more than just put out. 
“Ah, here it is,” he dragged the charger out from under your desk and wrapped it up. 
“I don’t wanna see you again,” you blurted out. 
He looked up at you, noticing you for the first time, eyeing your dress and your makeup, furrowing his brow,
“Why not? Didn’t you have fun last night?” 
You didn’t like his sly tone,
“No, so just, lose my number, okay?”
“C’mon, baby. Don’t be like that,” he stepped into your space and put your hair behind your ear. You fucking hated when guys tucked your hair behind your ear. 
You smacked his hand away, 
“Don’t touch me. Just go.”
“Is that why you’re dressed like a fuckin’ slut? You gonna call some other guy up here?” His contempt filled the room, making your alarm bells clatter and peal inside of your head. 
“No. Leave! Now.”
“Listen,” he took another step into your space, dragging his finger under the strap of your dress and purposefully letting it fall off of your shoulder, “How about you drop the attitude and let me hit it before I go out, and I’ll come back tonight and we can watch a movie.”
You used both hands to shove him away from you, hating how little he moved backwards,
“Fuck you! Get out of my house.”
“You don’t have to be such a bitch!” He shouted at you, grabbing you around the wrist and knocking you off balance. 
Then, all of a sudden, he stopped. His face became even paler than it already was, and he stared out of the window behind you. He scrambled to drop your wrist and bolted for the door, not even bothering to shut it behind him. 
“Yeah! You shouted after him, fixing your shoulder strap, “Get the hell out and don’t come back!”
You shut the door and locked the top and bottom deadbolts, upset with yourself for how badly you were shaking. 
“What an asshole,” you muttered under your breath as you turned around. Then, you looked up, and that’s when you saw him.
“Mr. Big?!”
The giant, hulking gargoyle that you sat by every night was standing, full height, right outside your window. He used his immense paw to open the window and stepped through it, staring right at you with unnaturally blue eyes. He was still not a human color, but at least he wasn’t made of stone. His flesh was textured, sort of scaled in a way, and hairline cracks that looked like scars covered him like a broken eggshell. His hair and beard were shaggy and brown, and even though he was enormous, he was graceful, tucking his black wings behind his back to keep from knocking over all of your shelves. 
“Are you alright, love?” His voice came out like a roaring, tumbling sea, and yet, it was as gentle as a purr. 
“I… This… You! You are! You’re… you’re a statue! How…” You backed away from him, and he did not pursue you. He simply stood there, focused on you, patiently letting you figure it out, “You’re Mr. Big, and you’re in my damn house!”
“I am John. We come when our mate calls to us.”
“What? John? No,” you sat on the bed, wrenching your eyes shut, “This isn’t happening. Fuck, I actually am out of my mind. I don’t have insurance. I can’t afford fucking gargoyle visions. Fuck!”
You heard the flutter of wings and your eyes darted up to see Mr. T and Mr. Bones squeezing themselves into your tiny home,
John nodded to them,
“This is Soap and Ghost. Your memories will return to you, my love,” he turned to address them, “Did you find him?”
Ghost let out a dark chuckle full of fire and brimstone, 
“Aye, he screamed like a fuckin’ pussy.”
“Who?” You asked, already knowing the answer.
Soap answered you in a surprisingly smooth brogue, 
“Your wee suitor, lass. Tried to run, but he couldnae get very far.”
“Did…” You felt your blood rush out of your body, “Did you kill him?”
Ghost, his skin a steely gray with black cracks running across his flesh, his wings a bony ash color and splotched with tears and scars, his eyes an impossible hazel shade, gleaming behind the huge skull mask, stalked over to you, crouching down to look at you closer, studying you. Then, he took his clawed hand and untucked the hair from behind your ear, lifting your locks to his fearsome muzzle to smell your shampoo. He smiled (you weren’t exactly sure if it was a smile or not), and said,
“Would you like me to? Because, right now, he’s hanging off the side of a fuckin’ tanker ship headed for the bloody south Pacific. He’d be easy to capture and –”
“No! No,” you shook your head, “Thank you. That’s… that is a great spot for him. Alive.”
“You must have questions, pet,” a fourth voice spoke over your shoulder, startling you and making you jump out of your skin, “Surely you must remember me; your Gaz, your favorite.”  
It was Mr. Vain. The others gave him a glare for his comment, but he did have a way of stealing the show. His skin was a shimmering copper, and golden cracks cut through his flesh. His wings were an iridescent green patina, and his eyes were a deep brown. He was every bit as beautiful in real life as he’d been as a statue, and you had a hard time looking away from him. 
“I’m…” You tried to ask something. Anything. You should have questions, right? Normal people would have questions. Finally, you whispered, “What is happening to me?”
John came to crouch beside you, his thick tail curling around his feet, tucking itself out of the way, and he dropped his voice into that deep purr of his,
“You called us here, love. You needed us, and we were awakened. We have listened to your struggles. For years we have kept you safe in this…” He looked around with a frown of disapproval, “... bloody meager estate, waiting for the night you would bring us back to this plane of existence to mate with you and take you home to claim your rightful place on the throne of Evenhold. Your people need you. We need you. You are the last hope for our kind.”
You listened to him and tried your best to keep a straight face,
“You have got to be fucking with me right now. This is not real. You are not real!”
To your shock, instead of doubling down, he looked hurt by your comments. His eyes peered down at you as if he wanted to make you see the truth, like he wanted to convince you of his words, but he held himself back. 
Soap came over to you, his pale flesh gleaming like a pearl under the moonlight, the cracks of his skin a cerulean blue, and his wings fading from navy to black at the very tips, 
“Bonnie, I ken how it sounds. But, you didnae meet your mother nor your father, aye?”
“No, I grew up with my Grandma Val–”
“Valeria, the Witch of the Four Winds,” Soap confirmed, sitting down beside Ghost, “She protected you until her death. So, you came here, to this city, and –”
“And this apartment… the deal was so good, I couldn’t pass it up,” your brain was reaching around in the dark, looking for the light. It was making your head spin. 
“Did you never wonder how you could afford it, lass? Didnae you remember Darkhollow? The River Binn? Everhold Keep? We ran together as rooks through the halls, stealing burchfruit from the ta–”
John cut him off, his eyes studying you in the darkness,
“Enough. Sorcerer Cael stole her memories the same night he fuckin’ murdered the Emperor and the Empress. She knows nothing of home. But, we can help her remember.”
You reached out to him, touching his cheek in such a familiar way, and yet, experiencing it anew,
“We will take you as our mate. Through our magic, you can use our memories to rebuild what you’ve lost,” John cupped your hand in his huge paw, bringing it to his fanged mouth, and kissing your palm reverently. 
“We know that you have been…” Gaz smirked, “... disappointed by suitors in this realm. But, we will help you remember the kind of mate the Empress of Evenhold deserves.” 
“Trust us, lass,” Soap lifted your chin up to look into your face, “We will set things right. We’ll take you home.”
Ghost crawled beside you on the bed, and the mattress dipped beneath his heavy frame, 
“You are our guiding star, love. We’ll do whatever you ask of us. If you want us to leave, we fuckin’ will. Just say the word, and you’ll never see us again.”
At his oath, you felt something twist in your heart. No! That was wrong. You belonged together. These were your protectors. You needed them as much as they needed you.
“No. You belong with me,” you said, planting a soft kiss on the side of Ghost’s mask, “Help me remember.”
“We won’t be back here, love. Are you sure you’re ready to go?” John asked you, standing at full height. 
The others stood with him, waiting for your word. 
You thought about checking your phone, or putting an away message up on your profiles, but what would be the reason? If you wouldn’t be back here, you’d just disappear. You’d fade away from memory just like any other streamer who logged on for the last time and never came back. It happened all the time. Your parents were dead, you didn’t have any family, and your friend would be okay without you. What was keeping you here?
“Let me wash my face, and then we’ll go,” you said, ducking into the bathroom to braid your hair out of your face and wash the eyeliner off of your eyes. You looked at yourself in the mirror, and for the first time in a long while, you enjoyed looking at the person that you saw. You looked brave. You looked ready. You looked like you were about to have the ride of your fuckin’ life. 
You slid an extra hair tie around your wrist and met the gargoyle army in your bedroom. 
“Okay, I’m ready for the magic mating ritual, I think. Do you wanna do it here, or…”
“No, love,” John chuckled warmly, “We’ll take you to the portal. Your power will ignite the beacon.” 
“Where is that?” You asked, feeling a little deflated. 
“Far from here. C’mon, love. Need to beat the sun,” John grabbed your waist and held you against his chest. He wrapped his tail around your body protectively, and you watched in horror as the other three dove through the window, spreading their wings out over the midnight fog.
“Oh, fuck. Are we flying there? Holy shit! Wait, wait, wait…”
The next thing you knew, you were sailing through the air, gliding down from your bedroom window and out into the night sky. 
“It’s alright, love. Hold onto me,” John chuckled, amused by your panicked response. 
“Fuck!” You whispered, burying yourself in John’s broad chest, clutching at his waist as hard as you could.
You could feel the powerful beat of his wings as he gained altitude, the rush of wind subsiding when you emerged above the clouds, and the moon looked as if it hung close enough for you to grab it, bright and glowing in the black sky. 
You were breathing in rushed gasps, and you didn’t know if you should laugh or cry. John sensed your distress, and he held you tighter against his warm body.
“Shh,” he pet you gently, and you felt his claws trace delicate lines down your back. For some reason, it lulled you into a dazed state, and you thought you might pass out, “Sleep, pretty girl. I’ve got you.”
A few more minutes went by, and with each delicate pass of his claws, you watched the stars scatter above you, more and more of them coming into your view as you escaped from the city, and you closed your eyes and let your guardian take you away with him. 
When you awoke, you were still flying with John, but you were descending on a small hilltop.
“Where are we?” You asked in a low voice. 
John pointed below,
“The portal is here. I’ve sent the lads on ahead to prepare the ritual. We won’t beat the dawn unless we hurry.”
“What happens at dawn?”
“We turn to stone. You’ll be left unprotected.”
“Is that what these are?” You asked, tracing the cracked lines in his skin, “From where you broke free?”
“Yes,” John nodded, “We wear them with fuckin’ pride, love. We’re soldiers. It is our duty and our right to be your guardians.”
“In the… At home, do you turn to stone in the sunlight?”
He paused, and you wished you could hear his thoughts, but after a few moments he said, 
“No, only here.”
Something about his answer saddened you. You wanted to wipe all of that pain away from his face. You needed to see him in the light of day. To see him happy. You felt so strongly about it, and it made you wish that you had called for him sooner. 
“Could you hear me when you were frozen?”
“Yes, love,” he smiled, swooping his wings to land with you on the soft grass, “Every word.” 
He placed you down carefully, and as he did, he bent forward, wrapped his wings around you, and kissed you. You leaned into his touch, enveloped in his dark embrace, feeling the bristle of his beard and the fullness of his lips. He tasted like holiday spices and raw honey. His sweetness and heat blending together on your tongue and making you dizzy with want.  
“Tryin’ to get a head start, Captain?” Gaz’s voice rang out over your shoulder.
You were unfurled from John’s wings and released from his kiss, but he kept a possessive hand around your waist.
“Captain?” You turned to ask him what that meant. 
“We’re soldiers, remember? I’m the Captain of the Imperial Guard. My two sergeants,” he pointed to Gaz and Soap, “and my lieutenant,” he nodded to Ghost. 
“C’mere, love,” Ghost pulled you away from John and brought you over to the entrance of a large cave. 
The mouth of the cave was hidden behind vines and overgrowth, but you could barely make out the ancient carvings that were etched into the side of the round entrance. 
“This is the portal, lass. Your magic opens the door, and we can go home.”
“I don’t know how to do magic,” you looked at him for help. 
“We’ll show you. Let us help you remember, love,” John purred darkly behind you, joining you on the side opposite Ghost, taking your hand and guiding you into the cave. 
Once inside, you saw a large, flat altar, carved with runes and symbols, and all along the back wall of the cave were huge scenes of war and destruction, patterned in gold and silver and bronze etchings. In the images, you saw hordes of gargoyles fighting against an evil wizard who carried a long staff and cast fiery spells across villages and castles, destroying everything in his path. 
But, you couldn’t dwell on the images for long. Your warriors had other plans. John guided you to his arms once more, kissing you chastely this time, before untying his loincloth and revealing his unbelievable cock. 
When he saw the look on your face, his mouth stretched into a smug grin, and he pumped his wings, proudly beating them once and then twice to stir the air in the large cave, purring deep inside his chest. 
His dick wasn’t just large. It was impossible. There was no way that thing was going to fit inside of you without some sort of feat of strength. As the others disrobed, standing beside their leader, you saw how much of a challenge this venture truly was. 
Their cockheads were covered in layers of foreskin that lay across their head like the petals of a flower. They were thin and smooth, and it made the tip of their dick look like the head of a blooming rose. John had more petals than the others, while Gaz had only three or four, but his were large, like a drooping magnolia, hiding the fist-sized glans underneath.
The shaft of John’s cock was studded with smooth, marble-like protrusions, which, as he rubbed his hand over them, swelled and leaked, producing his own lubricant for him as he worked his phallus to a high, glossy shine. On the underside of the body, two soft bands of flesh hung down like lips on a mouth, creating a flared feature along the base of his cock. 
At the root of his shaft, John had a bulging, pulsing knot. It looked like it was throbbing with its own heartbeat, and it wrapped itself around his entire girthy base, making your mouth water.
Their physiology was as unique as it was inhuman. Gaz only had three marble protrusions, none of the soft bands on his undercarriage, but a hefty, engorged knot. Ghost’s cock was board-straight, covered in a chaotic mess of marble bumps, making his whole prick drip and drool onto the cave floor without him even needing to touch it. 
Soap was the only one who had pulled his petals down over his blunt cockhead to reveal it to you. It was bright pink and swollen, looking every bit like a smooth, silky peach. The large slit in the center held a bead of precome, ready to be smeared across either of your lips. His shaft was curved like a bow, and you noticed that the flared flesh at his base looked like a plush bed of fox coral, bending and furling like fine lace on the hem of a dress. 
“Our mate is pleased,” Gaz noted, sniffing the air and licking his fangs with a skillful tongue. 
You made your way over to John, eyeing Gaz as he tugged on his giant ballsack, fondling his heavy pearls and comforting himself as he admired you. John was breathing hard, his belly filling with air, his rolling purr growing louder as you got closer to him. 
You knelt on the soft dirt floor of the cave and began to lick and suck at the knot on the base of John’s cock. He growled, flapping his wings with excitement, 
“No, love,” he peered down at you, “Let us care for you.”
“I want to taste you,” you looked at the other beasts circling around you, casting long shadows over you with the shuddering wings, “All of you.”
“Your wish is our command, Empress,” Ghost snarled, fisting his cock in his claws and presenting it to you like a treat. 
You used both of your hands to rub his shaft, letting his silky lube collect in your palms and drip down your wrists. You began prying his soft petals apart with the tip of your tongue, discovering how sensitive they were. By the time you found his head, he was drooling wet for you, filling the center of his flower with clear, shining precome. You drank from him, sucking the sticky fluid like nectar from a buttercup, sighing when you found it sweet. 
John chuffed, impatient with his lieutenant for cutting the line, and you looked up at him and smiled, showing him your tongue as it dripped with Ghost’s wet promises. Then, you brought your attention back to your biggest guardian, taking care to use both hands to roll the flesh of his shaft up and down the hefty appendage. You let your thumb dip into his furled folds that ran along his base, and he hissed, instinctively using his paw to cradle the back of your head and encourage you further. 
You obeyed his silent command, using your lips to kiss inside of his crown of closed petals, slurping and drinking the sweet gift you discovered inside. As you kissed his cockhead, the fleshy flower surrounding his tip tickled your lips and nose and chin, spreading their honey over your whole face, coating you in him and his heady scent. 
Gaz reached down to touch your breast inside your dress, his huge claws tickling over the smoothness of your skin, making you gasp. 
“So fuckin’ bonnie, innit she?” Soap admired you, taking position on the other side to fondle and feel your other heavy teat, using his claws to draw aching spirals all the way up to your nipple.
You were fully suckling on John’s wide head, now. He was pouring clear, shining precome down your throat, and you were swallowing it into your belly as if it were his come. Then, Gaz took you from him, guiding your chin over to his hanging prick, smiling at you as you nuzzled it, handsfree, into your lips. His wide petals covered most of your face, spreading his slick over your cheeks and down your throat, sticking themselves to your skin. Then, Johnny took your hand and held it in his own, making you rub his curved length until he was trembling for you. You took turns sucking from them both, realizing that the more you sucked, the more delicious fluid they made. 
John petted your hair lovingly, drawing your attention away from his soldiers and back to him. You looked into his glowing blue eyes, mesmerized by his magic, and gave him your best doe-eyed face, hoping your hunter would take his shot. 
“The sun is nearly here, Empress. There will be plenty of nights to play together ahead of us, but we must open the portal.”
You rose to your feet, shocked by how small you were compared to the monsters that surrounded you, and let John lead you to the altar. He lifted you up and knelt down in front of you, using his long, blue tongue to lick his way up the side of your thigh. When he found your heat, his chest shook with a stifled roar, and he grabbed your hips in his paws to crush you to his face. Ghost stood beside him, peeling off your black slip dress to make you naked, and he and Gaz held your legs wide for their captain. Soap crawled upon the altar to feed his tongue into your mouth, fucking your throat in long, gentle licks just as John stuffed his into your warm pussy. 
Ghost and Gaz suckled from your breasts, pulling and plucking at your nipples in deep, vacuumed mouthfuls, making you feel like you were being eaten alive from the inside and the outside of your whole body. Your orgasm hit your body before your mind registered that you were coming. You jerked, arching your back and screaming out from the base of your throat, begging for mercy. 
Your gargoyles pet you with their claws in that same, somnolent way that John had while you were flying, and you felt yourself relax into your orgasm, riding it out in long, suffocating waves. 
“You are so tight, love,” John looked up from his eating, his eyes full of worry, “We’ll try to be gentle with you, but you will need many nights of training before you can carry our rooks. Your body will learn from us, in time. For now, your memories are all that matter.”
He stood, and the other gargoyles held you tightly, supporting you on the altar. John huffed out a long breath, spread his wings wide, and stepped forward to mount you. 
You watched his cock’s petals as they collided with your own, spreading himself all over you like a brush full of paint. He focused on your hole, smearing his hot precome as generously as he could. Then, he began to press forward. 
“Holy fuck! I can’t take it! I can’t… John… it’s not… mngh! Ohhhh…” You cried out in agony and then melted into a quiet bliss. 
As he entered you, the other three pet you with their paws, soothing you and helping you catch your breath. 
Then, when you took his entire head, he rested at your entrance, waiting for you to come back around.
“John, what the fuck? I’m not built for your dick. How…?” You looked up at him, pleading for some relief. 
“You’re doing so good for us, love,” Gaz licked and kissed your neck and breast, suckling on you to calm you down.
“You can take him,” Ghost held your hand, “His musk will open you up for us. Look at how it’s swelling your pussy, sweetheart.” 
You looked down at yourself, and you saw that Ghost was right. Your pussy was creamy and puffy, soaking in John’s fluids, his musk, and it was helping you relax for him. John stepped forward, slipping in another inch or so, fitting his bent petals through your entrance. Then, with each grueling thrust, you felt the line of marble nodes press against your walls, secreting their lubricant all over your walls and making you drip onto the altar. 
“So good for me,” John groaned, holding your breasts in his hands, stealing them away from Gaz and Soap, squeezing them hard enough to leave pinprick marks with his talons. 
“Anhh– John! I’m…”
“Yes, come again, love. Come for me, remember me…”
Your mind was flung through space and time, spinning and feeding you a chaotic string of memories that didn’t seem like your own. You tasted food and drink you’d never tried, you sang songs you didn’t know, ran full speed across fields full of flowers you’d never smelled. It was maddening, watching you live a life you’d never had. Then, there they were, your four gargoyles, pledging their loyalty to you and your parents, vowing to be your protectors. But, just as your heart filled with hope, there was a great black fire that roared through the halls of your keep, burning the people you loved, destroying the peace in your realm. The Dark Sorcerer, Cael. 
John was pounding away at your body now, and you were shivering from the heightened pleasure. How long had you been out? Your belly felt full of him, and you could see the outline of his shaft as he shoved himself through you, fucking you nearly up into your ribs. You reached down and cradled him outside of your belly, and he moaned from your touch, his heavy balls slapping against your ass in a punishing, deafening rhythm.
Then, you saw John beat his wings again, fighting with his own pleasure. He speared you fully, sealing himself inside of you, and it was at that point that you felt the curling, pulsing pressure of his knot. 
“John… I’m not… I can’t…” You could barely keep your eyes open. 
He gathered you up in his arms, wrapping you tight to his chest, and hugged you to his scalding, scaled flesh. When he breathed against you, his chest filled your space, and you could feel the tremors racking his body. He folded his wings around you, enclosing you in his protective embrace, hiding you in his darkness, and lowered you with his steady, inhuman power onto his throbbing knot. 
Your scream was silent as your breath caught in your throat. You’d been shattered, thrown with supernatural might into a bursting orgasm, forced to come hard onto his swollen, beating shaft. 
He was coming, too, and it filled your walls, making your belly hang heavy with fertile, gargoyle seed. John roared, thrusting himself up into you to grind his knot within your hole, churning his cream within you, and soaking your womb in his come. 
John sighed, bending his neck to kiss your open mouth, petting you with his paws, rubbing his cock through your abdomen with his thumbs. His come moved inside of you as he did so, and you were so stuffed with his hot spend, the moment he began to unseal himself, it sprayed out of you and onto his cock, legs, and the floor of the chamber, turning the dirt to mud. You were gaping wide, dripping in his come, and trembling from brain-breaking orgasms. He didn’t look much better. He was spent, sitting on the ground of the cave, breathing hard and fast. 
But, you couldn’t think about aftercare. Ghost took his place as soon as it was available, stepping through the muddy, semen-soaked floor without so much as a second glance. His dick was covered in his musk and he used it to rub it all over your clit, arching his back to paint your nipples with it as well, painting long lines of his scent all over your chest, belly, and legs. Satisfied, he notched himself at your entrance and spread your walls wide again, guiding himself deep inside of you. 
You hissed in sweet agony, and he smiled down at you knowingly, 
“You’re taking me so well. My tight little quim. So perfect. How I missed you, lover.”
John was standing again, and he came to help Ghost hold you in place as he pounded himself into you with long, agonizing strokes. You were glad he was there because your whole body was limp. You hung off the side of the pedestal like a ragdoll, letting Ghost rail himself into you, his studded shaft rolling orgasm after orgasm through your nerves, forcing you to come one after the other, just an endless parade of pleasure. Your mouth was open, and Gaz was suckling on your lips and tongue while Soap devoured your breasts, pinching and biting and slurping to his heart’s content. 
John put his paw on your belly, feeling how Simon was protruding out of your flesh, heavy and built to last, His knot smaller but harder than John’s. 
“Remember, love. C’mon, try to reach deeper,” you keened, feeling hot tears rush out of your eyes and down your cheeks as Gaz devoured your tongue. Then, you were transported again, back to your dear Evenhold. You were locked in a battle, controlling your magic and trying to crack a portal. You didn’t have a clear destination, but you found one all the same. Finally, your opponent, Cael, made a misstep. He tried to cast a sealing spell on you, but you deflected it, casting it on your devoted warriors instead, watching them tumble into the portal, wrought in dark stone. You felt yourself scream, and you killed the sorcerer, leaping into the portal to save the heroes you loved. 
But, something had gone wrong. Time, fickle and flowing, warped itself, wrapping around your magic and flinging you back through time. You were a child again, and you were alone. 
The look of despair on your face told Ghost everything he needed to know,
“She remembers. It’s working. Fuck! Take all of me, love. Come back to us!”
He slammed his knot inside of you and stretched his wings out wide and straight, his whole body vibrating with his energy, the enormous cock inside your core jerked and drooled come all over your walls, drowning itself in your tight, swollen hole. 
When he popped his knot out of you, he held it to your pussy like a gate, encouraging the come he’d left behind to settle in your belly instead of spilling onto the ground. It worked poorly; there was just too much of it, but you felt fuller than before, and you knew your womb was carrying their seed deep within you. 
“Hurry, Soap,” John stretched his claws, showing his discomfort, “Dawn.”
Soap took his place between your legs and struggled with his tip. You were pliant and soft for him, but it still wasn’t enough. 
“Turn her,” he grunted, and your protectors followed his command, flipping your body over so that you could be on all fours for him. 
He spread his musk over your hole, using his paws and cock in unison, trying his best to prepare you for his cock’s sinister curve, but it was no use. 
“Just… take me, Soap. Please… I need to know…” You whined, just under your breath, preparing yourself for the ache of being stretched by him.
“Bonnie, I willnae hurt you. Give me a moment t–”
“Now,” you insisted, spreading yourself wide for him, “It has to be now.”
He sighed, and he put his wings around you instinctively, wanting to protect you from the pain and not knowing how.  Soap slipped forward, and his cockhead caught in your inner ring of muscles, stuck, oozing its precome into your hole. He was afraid to press forward, unwilling to injure his mate, fearful of what he might do to you.
So, you fucked him. You leaned back, pressing your cunt down onto his tip, feeling every hard inch as you did so, prying yourself open like a stone fruit, using his prick to cleave your body. Thankfully, he was not as thick as John nor as long as Ghost, but he was a challenge for the entire ride. Every single thrust felt like a damn marathon, and he was shaped in such a way that your delicate g-spot was bullied into a wet, body-shaking submission. 
You never stopped coming on Soap, but you didn’t remember starting either. He erased your mind and filled it with him, only him, and you slipped into his memories as easily as a warm bath, letting him drown you in his slick affection.
You saw yourself as a child, running through the keep, chasing Soap, a mischievous rook, letting him fly you onto the feast table to steal fruits and berries from the bowls, screeching as the cooks chased you from them, laughing and tumbling and rolling into the garden where you shared them together, ripping off ripe, sweet lobes, and fighting over the last bites.
Then, he was a young man. Younger than he was now, but every bit as handsome. None of his blue cracks were there to mar his pearlescent skin, and you marveled at his beauty. He flew with you to your secret spot, high in the white, chalk cliffs of Evenhold, overlooking the sea. He said nothing, but you understood everything in that moment. 
The crash of the waves mimicked his rough fucking, and the lightning strike of another pleasure-filled crescendo slammed you back to the present, letting you watch him groan and stretch and fly with your body, pulling you from the altar into the air, clutching you around your throat and belly with his long tail in a deep embrace, trapping you on his knot and using his hands to milk himself into you, squeezing his root like a summer fruit, giving you every last drop. 
His wings faltered, and his body went limp, and he lay you on the altar as gently as he could before collapsing on the ground of the cave, eyes shut and trembling. 
Gaz mounted you, grabbing your hips and dragging you toward him. You looked down as he held your legs open, using his tail to protect your head from the rough platform. Then, he slipped into you with a gentleness you were not expecting due to his size. You thought you had finally been stretched to the point of comfort, worried about the state of yourself, but it was just an illusion. Once he impaled you past his enormous head, the petals folded back and his fat prick began to struggle within you. But, unlike Soap, he did not hold himself back. He knew you were close to the answer, and he needed to give it to you. 
You both stared down at your swollen belly, full of come and beginning to fill with his shape. Gaz took your hand and placed it just above your womb, and moaned, grunting at you,
“Hold me here, love. Feel me… here…”
You tried to obey, but doing so made all of the sensations inside of you that much more intense. You could feel every petal, every ridge, every slippery marble node, the furl of his flesh and the impossibly thick length of his phallus, all of it working inside of you, right below your palm. 
“Press…” He begged, his brown eyes soft and pleading. 
So, you did, and you made yourself start to come. It was too beautiful of a feeling. You could sense every twitch and pulse and slip of his cock inside of you, feeling it with your walls as if you would your hands, squeezing him within you like a hilt to its blade, wielding him like a weapon. 
You tipped over the edge, falling into another dream, but this time, it was a place you recognized. You were with Valeria, young again, just a child, and you watched her close the portal, making the runes with her hands, and sealing off the world of Darmoch, Evenhold, and everything you’d ever known.
Then, she cast a spell over your guardians, releasing them from their stone prisons, but at a price. Their skin splintered and cracked, and the stone cut awful shapes in their flesh, burning them with permanent scars. You wanted to help them, but you were slowly forgetting their faces. Things were fading away, and Valeria was the only one who knew how to help you. 
You opened your eyes, clutching Gaz’s long dick within you in both of your hands, massaging him with deep affection and adoration. You looked up at him and said, 
“I remember everything.”
He smiled, leaning forward to kiss your mouth, nuzzling your nose with his own snout, minding his tusks and groaning for you, 
“Mmm, of course you do, my love. I knew you would.”
Gaz took a sharp breath and rolled his knot into you, emptying himself inside like the others, making you warm, full, and knowing the most perfect love. It was written all over your soul, your promise to them, their vow to you, the ancient oath to protect you and to follow your command until the end of days. 
When he pulled away, stumbling back and catching himself on the cave wall, you knew your destiny. You rose to your feet, ignoring the aches of your humanity, casting aside your doubt. You pulled your guardians close to you, putting their hands on your arms and shoulders, and just as the pink dawn began to crest over the horizon, you said,
“Hold on to me. We’re going home.”
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Don't look at me like that. Y'all knew I was out of my mind before you even started reading this fic. C'mon, now.
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