#platonic yandere fang
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honey-minded-hivemind · 2 months ago
Weeeeeeiiiiirrrddd. I was JUST re-reading your Gargoyles au too!
I imagine Dragon scavenges for food, medicine, building supplies, basically anything useful. They probably got a bag or something that they always have with them that they use to carry this stuff. Brooklyn looked inside once and was worried about how little food they had. (There is more at the human base, but he doesn't know that.)
When Reader is with the humans, they help with building a greenhouse and caring for the plants. The faster they are self-sustaining, the better. They even got a little irrigation system set up. It's not the prettiest thing in the world, but it works. If Brooklyn could see them, he would think it's kinda funny to see rough and tough Dragon caring for a tomato plant, but he would probably join in for funsies. (Hudson too. He looks like he has a green thumb.)
If they aren’t doing that, they could be teaching defensive maneuvers to the other humans. How to run, hide, or fight against someone who could do them harm. Dragon always got a baseball bat with them just in case, even if they haven't used it yet. They know they can't fight the gargoyles, but anyone else is likely getting clocked right across the jaw with it.
Despite their friendship with Brooklyn, they won't tell them where the humans are hiding, or any of the gargoyles. No matter what Elisa or Desmona says or how Goliath glares at them, these people depend on them to stay safe. ( Which makes them so much like Goliath, the glare they give Brooklyn when he first asks about the humans looks waaaaay too familar for him NOT to say something to the clan leader.) When they get sick, either they are away from the other humans and suffering on their own (sad) or they are with the humans, who sadly don't have the medicine Dragon needs, and Brooklyn tracks them down by scent and spies on them (eventually scary when the clan goes to collect Reader).
Unrelated note, I don't remember if we ever established what Dragon wears, but I keep imagining a red letterman jacket that has an embroidered dragon on the back. I just think it would look cool and pop against all the cool tones of everything else (and hides Dragons blood when they are injured, not that they will tell anyone that, but the gargoyles can smell it.) (And the rest of Dragon, no spare water=no baths. They were the cleanest they had been in MONTHS when they jumped in the river to save Brooklyn.)
You read my mind, Sugar ♡^♡!!!!
Yes, Dragon scavenges for whatever the underground human compound needs. Things like building tools, fabric and blankets, any medicine they can find (or steal), scrap metal or wood, pans and pots, knives and ammo, even water bottles and whatever non-perishable food they can get their hands on. Brooklyn finds it strange they look for what amounts to very little, random objects, but he helps when it's clear it means a lot to Dragon (Reader).
Reader has a role in the Underground Council, along with Tony Drakon, Fang, and a few other characters who have had to step up to defend the few people left, who rely on them for everything... Reader collects any seeds and seed packets they find for the Underground's garden and greenhouse, and help train others on how to hide and how to fight in a desperate situation. Fang teaches defense and how to spy, as well as how to hunt any animals and fish they find. Tony Drakon is in charge of rationing, putting groups together, and keeping stock of what they have, and what they need.
There are at least six or seven members of the Underground Council, who amount to those who take care of the things that need to get done, and who have enough authority that others will listen. Reader is in charge of scavenging and evasive maneuvers, Fang is in charge of defense and guarding thr entrance and exits, Tony is in charge of rations and putting groups together, and other roles include watcher over ammo and weapons, caretaker of the greenhouse and gardens + water, keeper of blankets, sheets, pillows, and in charge of insulation, and the doctor...
Brooklyn finds it uncanny how Dragon (Reader) looks like Goliath when they glare or laugh or sulk. He honestly wonders what that's about. But in the end, he's happy to have a friend, even if they won't tell him where they hide or go when he's not around, or why they collect such odd supplies... Yet he'll help. If they need blankets, he'll grab some from thr castle or Xanatos' supply closet. They need weird, hard to open foods? Okay, nothing raiding the kitchen won't fix. They need some medicine? Hmmm... okay, okay, but who's sick?
As for how Dragon (Reader) looks, oooo, a jacket with a dragon on it? Haha, cool! What else would they wear? Boots, or tennis shoes, or sandals? Would they wear any jewelry? Do they have ling, short, or medium hair? Is it curly, or straight, or fluffy, or messy? I imagine Dragon (Reader) has at least one of those talon rings, where you slip it on, but it has a sharp talon at the edge, helpful for digging, opening or cutting locks and fabric, and perfect for defense (it can gouge out an eye)... What do you think, Sugar? And please, send in any asks for this au that you have! I'd be happy to discuss it with you!
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spaceless-vacuum · 2 years ago
Hi I saw your lynn post and I have to say there so good. You should do a platonic yandere links x cub Lynn cub reader
Even if you don't I am still fallow you
They kill off one of your parents and turn around to see you just sitting there unaware of what's going on. Wide eyed little cub looking around for their parents confused and scared of the tall people with swords still drawn looking down at them.
Legend has a soft spot a mile wide and refuses to admit it. He is so adamant about how he refuses to be your parent. Oh no! He is in no way having any part in raising this child. Have you seen Lynels? They're crazy big and terrifying and he- and the group is already cooing over you. He scoffs and figures as long as you're not his mess to clean up after your fine. He's really worried about how big of a problem you'll be when you grow up. What trouble could you cause? I mean can you really tame such a savage beast? Don't go giving him those baby eyes. He can't let himself grow attached!
Being a rabbit type of person by nature Legend is more worried about predators and monsters more than he would ever admit. It takes a bit of you growing up for him to relax around you. Raising a kid is no small task and no one here knows how to parent anything much less a monster child. He refuses to be alone with you and often wishes the others would take this more seriously. Once he sees how calm you are and as he watches you grow up he's more ready to accept you and often takes you under his arm.
After seeing how you couldn't harm a fly he warms up and allows you to hide behind him when Twilight calls out for your bath time. You grow on him and no matter how hard he denies it it's clear to see you're winning him over. To which he bites back that all babies are cute and once you grow up it'll be nothing more than begrudging friendship. In truth he'll be lonely once you leave and can't grow attached because he knows he'll have to say goodbye.
Time can't help but parentify you. It's in his nature to want to help others and seeing you walk around his feet with those big old eyes as scared as any lamb he has no choice but to pick you up. He doesn't take on the role of parent as he knows he can't keep you either. The knowledge that he won't be able to bring you back to Malon or even his Hyrule means he has to be a bit cold to you, lest he get too attached. Mostly the issue isn't serious; he just knows he can't keep you forever so he resorts to being a silent guardian and watchdog. You need room to grow and be free and he can't give that to you at his house. He can however do that here while on the road!
Wind has trouble not treating you like a cat. He doesn't understand how you could be from a species that's so vicious! Despite hearing the stories of grown up lynels he knows you could never ever in your life be so mean, I mean just look at you! You're so soft and happy to cuddle there's no way you're going to grow up and be mean. He defends you and oftens finds himself drawn to you like a fish to water. This is so cool and exciting to him and he gets to help be part of raising you while still taking on the role of a brother. He's so glad they took that detour and stumbled upon you.
Hyrule knows that eventually you will grow up, and kids are impressionable so he tries his hardest to teach you to be a good person. Twilight helps with this but he is used to raising goats and Hyrule can see it in your eyes, that spark of hyper aware intelligence, and shoos the rancher away. You can't be treated like one of those goats, you're so much smarter than them! He is the most protective of you by far and always spends his time by your side.
He will make you flower crowns and teach you how to weave them together with him. He spends a lot of time with you just walking around and teaching you everything he knows about herbs and healing. He knows you're not a danger and wants you to grow up knowing that the world is a sweet place full of good people. He knows that you are more than who you're born to and that you have a hand in shaping your own fate so he wants to help you grow into someone you can be proud of.
It never clicks to him that he's very emotionally invested in your life until he's waving goodbye and the tears start. Something about seeing how sweet you fills him with joy and he can't wait to see you grow up but he doesn't ever want it to happen at the same time.
Sky thought having you around would make him restless but it's always the opposite. The moment you're ready for a nap, so is he. In fact he takes charge in being the one to pull you away from the others when you need some peace and quiet. He finds himself enjoying the time you spend together, even if he is sleeping through most of it. He is also restless at certain points when raising you as well. Knowing that danger lurks everywhere and you aren't safe to just leave alone scares him.
You're only a baby! You can't protect yourself or sense danger as well as they can. This spurs him into always keeping an eye out when it's not his turn to look after you. His life is more chaotic with you in it as he's so worried that you might get hurt, or run off, or goddess forbidding a group of monsters pass by and then you walk away. He has to know where you are at all times or else he'll figure you ran off or were taken in the middle of the night. Like a hawk he is always keeping a keen eye out ready to protect this baby at all costs. It is a welcome mood but when not napping he's watching the area for any threats that might harm the cub.
Wild is the one to care for you the most. He has the most knowledge on Lynels and his bombastic adventures often lead to him performing dangerous stunts involving getting attacked by lynels; not that he'd ever have to be worried about you. He isn't. Which is why he cares for you so much. He latches onto you immediately in a way that the others dont. He isn't fit to parent you but they can't deny his Hyrule is the best place for you- if he would only be more responsible.
Warrior and Twilight push him hard when it comes to you. It's so he can do a good job taking care of you when the rest of the group inevitably has to drop you off somewhere. He has the land but where will he keep you? How often will he visit? Can the chainvisit? Where will you sleep? Will you wander off? What if the locals attack you? Can he convince others to let you stay near a town? Will you protect others or do you prefer to stay away from people all together? Its questions like these that Wild and the group have trouble answering. They all just have to wait and see as you grow up.
Wild assures the group that no one will bat an eye and that the stable hands have had him walk in with a bear so they'll be ok with a friendly lynel passing through he's sure. He spends his time getting to know you and teaching you to stay with him and actually winds up deciding that this parent thing could really work out. He doesn't see himself as your dad, more of just a parentified friend but he really does plan on having you live by Terry town as a protector or passerby. That way you can stay safe near civilization (which you seem to adore) while not being close to anyone who might harm you. Although he wants you to avoid others because he doesn't trust anyone besides the other Links (what if they hurt you?) he has to admit that he can't bear to see you entirely alone either.
Taglist: @monkeyking-and-liuer-mate
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screeching-bunny · 1 year ago
Yandere! Townspeople Harem x Lucky Reader
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Warnings: Obsessive Behavior, Yandere Thoughts, Bad Writing, Stalking, Possessive Behavior, Reader is Referred as ‘You’
A/N: I have no clue what I was on when I wrote this 💀. This is also inspired by a Reddit post I saw long time ago.
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🌟 Yandere! Townspeople who are absolutely enamored by you and everything that you do. They treat you as if you are some kind of entity waiting to be put on a golden pedestal and paraded around town. You are essentially the town’s golden boy/girl/person, a mascot if you can even call it that. In their eyes everything that you do is inspiring and encouraged. It also doesn’t help that you were born with this amazing power that causes you to become extremely lucky. No matter the deed, every action was thrust into the spotlight as if it were a gracious gesture for the community's well-being. Take, for instance, if you ever fatally shot someone the townsfolk would erupt in applause, discovering the individual to be a notorious mass murderer and your action saved the town.
🌟 Yandere! Townspeople who can’t help but gush over every miniscule achievement that you got. You got a perfect attendance award? They wouldn’t expect anything less from you. Did you just get a participation trophy? Well they're cheering for you as if you just won the world cup. To say their actions are embarrassing is definitely an understatement. Everytime they cheer for you, you can’t help but die a little bit on the inside.
🌟 Yandere! Townspeople who absolutely cannot fathom the idea of you moving out of their town. They would much rather skin themselves alive and commit arson than to allow you to leave them. Everywhere you go, there will always be some form of eyes on you. There will always be some type of survance of you at any time of the day. Depending on the person, the townspeople's love for you can either be platonic or romantic. Basically half of the town wants to fuck your and the other half sees you as their beloved child or grandchild.
🌟 Yandere! Townspeople who may or may not be human. Like sure they might have the occasional human sacrifices but what town doesn’t!?!? This is totally normal behavior that people exhibit. What’s that? Did you just see a tentacle coming out from that woman over there? Nahhh. You must be imagining that! What a cute and overactive imagination you have there. In all seriousness, it would literally die for you. You're just a cutie patootie to them. Your small teeth are so cute compared to their razor sharp fangs. You know, you could really use that small mouth of yours and suck on their–
🌟 Yandere! Townspeople have a monthly ritual where they gather around to brag about all of the items that they stole from you. Never in your life will you see someone so happy to own a pair of used underwear that didn’t belong to them or some used pair of socks. If you looked up a textbook definition of “down bad” then a picture of the Yandere! Townspeople would be the first images to pop up. In your presence these people act as if they had never touched grass or seen the sun before. They all seem to have some type of mutual agreement that in your presence, they would try to act somewhat normal in order to not scare/scar you too much.
From a young age, your luck was apparent. In school, while others struggled with exams, you breezed through them effortlessly, always managing to stumble upon the exact answers needed to excel. Teachers marveled at your natural knack for stumbling upon solutions, even in the most challenging of situations. As you grew older, the extraordinary luck only seemed to amplify. Job interviews turned into job offers within minutes, as if the universe conspired to ensure your success in every endeavor. Colleagues joked that working with you was like having a lucky charm around, as projects that seemed doomed to fail miraculously turned into resounding triumphs whenever you were involved. It might seem great and all BUT DAMN WAS THIS LIFE SO FUCKING BORING!!!! Which is why you decided to spice up your day a little and rob a bank.
“Oh hello [Reader]! Is this going to be the usual procedure?” The bank teller asks you with a smile on their face as you hold a gun to their face. “You know… the weather is perfectly nice today. It would be a perfect day for a date don’t you think–”
Suddenly a thunderous crash was heard, the police burst through the bank doors, their badges glinting under the harsh fluorescent lights. Guns drawn and voices booming commands, they swept into the lobby, faces masked with determination. Until the police chief sees you and lets out a tired sigh, “Guns down everyone, it’s just [Reader].” A faint sound of disappointed groans can be heard from the crowd of bank patrons from the back. “Why are the police here so soon, I didn’t get enough time to admire their pretty face.” another voice could be heard, “For real, their never this fast in an actual emergency. I mean they only just shot and killed one person, it's really nothing to worry about like who cares–”
“You are free to go [Reader], again.” the police officer states as she releases you from your handcuffs. “Turns out the man that you shot ended up being a drug dealer. You really have a special talent for catching criminals don’t you. She states as she gazes at you with loving eyes. “You know I’m free after this shift, you think we can–”
Before she can finish her sentence you walk away with a dejected look on your face. You couldn’t believe how boring a day this turned out to be. Seriously, you wished that something exciting would happen in this town for once you think to yourself. Failing to notice a scene behind you. One that consisted of a bunch of monsters eating the souls of the innocent while on their knees for a statue that seemed to look like you. They all seem to be gripping onto something though– HEY, WAIT A MINUTE ARE THEY HOLDING YOUR UNDERWEAR!?!!?
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kiame-sama · 5 months ago
Humans Are Extinct (Yandere!TWST x Fem!Reader) Monster AU pt 9
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(Submitted fan-art of Jade in the monster AU. All credit goes to artist who requested to remain anonymous)
Warnings; yandere, platonic and romantic yanderes, multiple yandere characters, my monster AU, tears, hurt/comfort, blood, injury, furious yanderes, forgiveness, Unicorn, Kelpie, Faun, Selkie, Bakeneko, Dragon, Cervitaur, Vampire Bat, Raiju, Gnoll, Crow,
One of the first things you noticed as you slowly came back to yourself was that it was fairly bright where you lay, shadows occasionally flicking over your vision before the light returned. The next thing that came to your attention was the soft sound of crying. No, soft was not the right word. This was sobbing, heavy and heartbroken.
"Please, don't say she's dead. Please. I'll do anything. Please!"
You recognized the voice somewhat, not overly familiar as to be able to place it upon first waking, but you did know it was a voice you have heard before. Another voice tried to speak, but you couldn't hear it over the sobbing and almost nonsensical apologies mixed with pleads. Somewhere in your mind you recognized that you had to fully wake at some point, but your limbs felt heavy and almost immoveable.
"I'll do anything... Just, please... Please bring her back..."
As your eyes slowly slid opened, you were looking up at a familiar face stained with countless tears. He didn't look the way he usually did, the corners of his mouth still red and raw with the way they had been torn to accommodate the fangs he previously had. His golden crown had been knocked off of his head and his golden horn had a dark black spider-web crack near the tip.
"Riddle, she was already wounded before she got hit with a direct blast of magic. Humans don't have magic and their bodies can't take that kind of strain-"
"I won't be the one to kill the last Human! I can't be... I can't be the one to have killed her..."
Your dominant hand slowly lifted, reaching up to that tear streaked face and resting against his puffy cheeks. The brush of your hand on his face made his eyes fly open with shock as he stared down at you.
"Riddle," your throat felt scratchy and dry, "why are you crying?"
His tears began anew but this time in a mixture of relief and joy as he held your hand to his chest. Your head turned slowly to look around you and you realized you were laying in the Heartslabuyl garden. It looked like very little time had passed since that last magical attack had hit the stunned and overblotted Riddle.
"You're okay! I'm so sorry, (Y/n), I should have been the only one to never hurt you, but instead I overblotted and almost killed you.... Your arm, it... Don't move, okay? Just stay still..."
You vaguely registered what he was talking about as your head slowly turned towards your arm. The axe no longer dug into it but you were very clearly still wounded as Trey kneeled next to you, using magic to staunch the bleeding. It was surprising to you to see the Kelpie, his side equally wounded but somewhat wrapped with what you could only assume was kelp. A faint green tint to the usually white fur was certainly a curious concept as you had honestly assumed he was just a white horse called a Kelpie.
The three of you were on the ground and certainly looked like you had been through Hell and back. While you contemplated what had happened you noticed the sound of footsteps running towards you. You didn't have much time to wonder who was running before a familiar face entered your sight, his blue hair ruffled and light blue eyes wide with stress as he was looking over his shoulder.
"They're over here! Hurry! She's really hurt!"
Deuce was stressed as he waved over those you assumed were there to help you, the sheer worry in the Faun's tone almost made you worry. You were actually feeling quite alright despite the injury and you vaguely wondered if it had anything to do with the magic Trey was using.
"Professor Divus, quickly! I can only use 'Paint the Roses' to keep the pain at bay for a little bit longer before I run out of magic."
The familiar and extremely concerned face of Professor Divus came into view as Deuce moved away to give him space to work. He easily took over with his magic and gave Trey a moment to rest after the battle. Even as Divus kneeled quickly at your side Riddle refused to let go of your hand.
"My poor pup..."
Divus cooed at you gently as he summoned several tinctures and tonics, setting them up quickly by your side. Trey's magic faded away as the Kelpie held his side, now turning his attention to his own wounds and trying to treat them. Without the soothing impact of Trey's magic, you began to feel the full brunt of the pain in your arm. It was agony.
Pain shot up and down your arm as if it had been cleaved in two and you couldn't bring yourself to actually assess the damage given it had been deeply injured by the large Axe. As tears began to form in your eyes, Riddle only seemed to become more distressed. He quickly tried to soothe you, petting your face and arm as if that would stop the pain you felt burning inside of you. More tears formed and Riddle only seemed to become more distressed as he tried to keep you calm despite what had happened.
"Where's Grim? Where's- Where's my boy? Where is My Grim?"
Your voice hitched and whimpered as your emotions began to run wild, trying to look around to find your faithful companion. The longer it took to find him, the more you struggled to move and even tried to stand so you could locate the soft creature.
"He's right here, Human, it's okay. Your Grim is right here."
You almost felt like you had been drugged as you saw your soft companion seemed to be floating over to you. He was clearly wriggling in whatever held him up, reaching out his little paws to you and even trying to flap his little ruined wings to get to your side faster. As Grim was set down next to you, he scampered directly to your side and cuddled against your body. The little critter held your arm with his paws and mewled as he pressed his little body against you as if trying to let you know he was still there and he seemed to be crying.
"Don't die. Please don't die... I have no one else who cares... I- I don't have anywhere else..!"
You tried to move your hand to pet the little creatures, but found yourself unable to pull away from Riddle. The Unicorn in question refused to let go of your hand, still pressing it against his face and muttering apologies.
"You're still terrible at making friends, Riddle."
An almost amused voice spoke now and the space where Grim had been floating seemed to ripple and form as a cat-boy dressed in all white appeared. He had pink hair with faint teal stripes throughout, golden eyes, and two cat ears atop his head. Lazily waving behind him was a tail that split two-thirds of the way down into two separate ends. You had no idea who this was.
"Leave me alone, Che'nya..."
"That's no way to greet an old friend who just saw you turn Feral and who saved your precious 'King of Hearts' from your magical temper-tantrum. You almost singed my uniform."
"What, did you honestly think she would have survived a blast like that? That was enough magic to crack your horn."
Divus didn't seem to take note or notice the conversation between the newcomer and Riddle as he moved to try and lift your body to sit up. The newcomer was quick to move behind you, helping the Selkie sit you up and lean you against the stranger's chest. The sound of a bottle being uncorked drew your gaze to Divus as he held the potion to your lips, letting you drink it down at your own pace instead of forcing you to drink it. The moment the first bit of the potion settled in your stomach, you began to feel significantly less pain from your arm.
"Aww, aren't you just adorable? I did want to stop by and meet you when I saw Cater's selfie with you on Magicam, but I didn't think all this would happen when I did. I know we Bakeneko are often considered to be bad luck, but this is just ridiculous."
His smile curved up at the corners making a cheshire grin that reminded you quite a lot of cats from your world and even of Grim who had now moved himself to your stomach. The little cat lay with his chin on your stomach and his torn little ears drooping as he watched you with those big blue eyes. It felt wrong to see him so sad when he had been a fairly positive influence on your life and always seemed to make you smile when you got too deep into thought. Still, between the two cats- the one on your stomach and the one behind you- you began to feel a little more at peace despite the situation.
"The name's Che'nya. I'm a Bakeneko, and you are a Human~ didn't think I would be saving your life today, but I will happily take a plate of Trey's strawberry tarts as a thank you gift."
"You're welcome to them, Che'nya. You know, you don't have to show up to our unbirthday parties just to get some of the tarts, right?"
"Yeah, well, you Night Raven boys don't really like us Sword Academy types. Wow, Riddle really almost chopped you in half, Trey."
"It isn't that bad or that deep..."
As Trey talked to Che'nya, Divus had gotten started on your arm, which you could now see thanks to being propped up against the grinning cat-man. The axe had done serious damage and you vaguely worried what would happen to the limb, but to your surprise it almost looked like it was slowly stitching itself back together with every tonic added to it. Part of you was morbidly fascinated by the injury, but another part of you didn't really want to look given the grisly appearance.
It was while you were observing your arm that dark clouds began to form overhead, rolling and growling with the low sound of thunder. The sound made everyone look up and Divus cast a nervous glance towards Riddle. Riddle just continued to mumble and hold your hand, almost as if here were in some kind of trance.
"Th-thunder? Why here? Why now?"
Grim mewled, curling up tighter on your stomach and even moving to try and slide under your uniform jacket to shield from the approaching storm. In your desire to comfort him, you actually managed to remove your hand from Riddle's grasp. In response, the Unicorn let out a stressed noise and tried to catch your hand once more so he could keep holding it for his own comfort.
"Who dares harm my hoard?"
The voice was a low rumble of menace and rage and it seemed to carry over the entire dorm as students- who had been trying to clean up the now destroyed garden- all began to cower. Some even fled to the interior of the dorm.
"I think that's my cue to leave. Sorry, Human, I'm not keen to be toasted by a Dragon today. Remember you owe me tarts for saving you."
The cat-man behind you quickly faded out of view, the support of his chest also leaving from behind you. Divus was quick to take the place of the Che'nya, letting you lean on his broad chest as he subconsciously moved part of his fur over you, shielding your wound from the wind which had begun to pick up. Shadows blotted out the sun and green lightning began to arch from cloud to cloud.
"The perpetrator will pay dearly for this sleight."
You somewhat recognized the voice, though it was dipped in more venom and rage than you had heard before. From the entrance to the garden walked a furious Malleus Draconia, flanked on either side by his faithful guards. Lilia was perched on Silver's back and seemed to be searching for something as he glanced around the ruined garden. His wings spread, taking one mighty gust to lift him up into the air as he coasted on leathery wings to where you lay.
"(Y/n)," the Bat called as he landed, moving past Riddle and almost shoving the distraught Unicorn to the side as he took his place next to your uninjured arm, "we were just about to come look for you when your collar sent out a distress call."
You hummed, vaguely thinking about the loose collar- affixed to you by that damned Crow- that sat around your neck, wondering who else it contacted. Lilia glanced over your body and frowned deeply when he noticed your mangled arm, Divus still attempting to shield it from the debris being thrown around from the wind.
"Malleus, calm. You can be as angry as you wish, but your temper is causing more harm to (Y/n). We can't treat her wounds if you insist on creating a storm."
Malleus, Sebek, and Silver were quick to join you, almost completely disregarding the equally injured Kelpie and the upset Unicorn that caused all this fuss. The wind calmed significantly, but the thunder overhead was just as loud and almost seemed to be happening more frequently. Malleus' eyes smouldered with rage, but softened to concern as he took in your current state and your wounded arm.
"Crewel, what is your assessment?"
"It's badly damaged. I do think we can fix it with consistent care, but it will have to be wrapped and carefully monitored. We should consider ourselves lucky he did not sever the limb."
"Tell me who did this and I will see that his punishment is swift."
You spoke now, still resting a hand over Grim who had successfully made it under your uniform jacket.
"Not now... Malleus... please?"
"No. Even if you ask, I cannot forgive such an act so easily. The blot levels in the air are nothing short of someone going Feral and they need to be dealt with accordingly."
Even as you tried to argue, Malleus was not keen to listen. Lilia moved you so Divus could return to his work on your arm, letting you instead lay against the smaller Bat who wrapped a wing around your uninjured side in a kind of hug. Were it not for the odd headspace you were in thanks to Divus' potion, you would have laughed at the way you were moved from person to person in such a short time.
It was odd to you to not feel any pain seeing as your arm was still quite injured, but that must have been the whole purpose of the potion. Leave it to the Selkie to master a pain-relieving potion he would only use on the Human he considered to be his pup. The Selkie in question finished wrapping your arm, taking a moment to check over you one more time before moving onto Trey.
"I'm the one who hurt her."
The almost sorrowful voice of Riddle spoke now. His eyes were red from crying and he looked near despondent as he hung his head in shame, refusing to move from where Lilia had shoved him. It vaguely interested you to know the little Bat was much stronger than he looked, but you vaguely recalled shoving the Unicorn to the ground as well though those memories were more than a little hazy as to the how and why of the matter.
"I'm the one who hurt Trey. I'm the one who overblotted and went Feral. All of this is my fault... and I accept whatever punishment you deem fit, Malleus."
"You- the Unicorn that was so enamored with my Human he demanded she be taken from my care- did all of this?"
Malleus made a wide gesture to the ruined garden, his eyes glinting poisonously at the clearly grief stricken Unicorn. Riddle just let his head fall lower, the tears resuming their path down his flushed cheeks. He felt like he deserved whatever painful retribution Malleus decided on and he would accept it one hundred times over to repent for his abominable actions.
"Malleus, please-"
You tried again, cutting off with a slight wince as the vague sensation of pain stopped you from sitting up. Though that potion did away with much of the agony you felt, there was still a lingering pain in your body any time you tried to move it.
"No, (Y/n), I deserve this and worse for what I've done to you, to Trey, and even to Grim. I cannot be forgiven for such a crime. I deserve to be beheaded."
"Well I don't want you to be beheaded."
"No. You're damn right you fucked up. You thought you were the best choice and that you knew what was best for me even though I am the only one who could possibly know what is best for me. You messed up. But no one is dead, right?"
The Unicorn refused to meet your gaze, the potion doing more than just removing your pain as it also seemed to remove your filter.
"... No one died, but I almost killed everyone and even Grim. If you hadn't stopped me, I would have-"
"Wait," Sebek spoke now, his voice thick with confusion, "(Y/n) stopped you? How did she possibly do that?"
"I don't know how she did it," Riddle shook his head, "but she threw me back onto the ground and blocked my axe with her own arm. I didn't even see it was her until I was getting back up and saw what I had done."
During this, Malleus was carefully inspecting your injured arm. He turned it gently and you even saw his forked tongue flash out from time to time past his lips, gathering the scent of the bandages and wound. The storm somewhat quieted as he explored your injury, humming a soft lilt that was oddly soothing despite coming from the large reptilian man.
"I warned all of you that first day just what Humans in extreme distress are capable of. You threatened the life of someone she considers to be her family, she retaliated. You're actually lucky she was injured and didn't turn that axe on you. I have seen the kind of strength a distressed Human posseses when defending family. I have seen a dead woman walking who refused to go down because her family needed her. I have seen Human men missing limbs still slaughter their betters to give their family a chance at living. Humans are weak, but never underestimate the sheer strength of will a Human has to defend their family."
Lilia hummed, resting his chin on your shoulder as he spoke. As Malleus placed your arm over your stomach, Lilia's other wing wrapped around you to fully embrace you in the warmth. Grim crawled out of your jacket, purring as he gently bumped his head against your chin.
"My Hooman is my family too. I don't want anyone hurting her again."
"Nor do we. It is not a good thing she had to use such strength, it can be harmful to exert that much force on muscles not made to perform such acts."
You were much more comfortable in the warm wings of the Bat but you were still worried for Riddle because of Malleus' threatening aura. The Dragon was actually much calmer now though he was still furious someone dare to harm a member of his hoard. As a Dragon, it is his instinctual duty to protect his hoard from danger and he would not allow such acts to go unpunished.
"Rosehearts," the low growl sent shivers down your spine, "after further consideration of your own remorse and the pleas of my child of man, I have decided your penance. You shall not be permitted to any time alone with her and whatever time you do spend in her presence must be monitored by another Housewarden until it is clear you will not overblot again."
"But I deserve so much worse for-"
"I don't recall telling you that you had any say in what I deem as appropriate punishment."
Riddle quieted himself with a nod of submission, looking away from the intense eyes of the Dragon. You had genuinely expected Malleus to be angrier, but apparently he held your opinion in rather high regard as he decided to not slay the Unicorn for his actions. Maybe the Dragon did see you as more than a pet.
"Furthermore, the next time it is Heartslabuyl's turn to guard her, you will be forfeiting that honor to Diasomnia until you have proven to be in control of yourself."
"But I- okay. I understand..."
It was then you decided to speak up, still feeling more than a little loopy and cozy thanks to the tandem potion and wing-hug.
"For what it's worth, Riddle, I don't forgive you, but I don't think I hate you either. Try to hurt Grim again and I will hate you, but I don't hate you right now."
"I hate him so much right now..."
You frowned deeply as you whined, holding your arm and staring at the kitchen. You could try to make something with one arm, but it was going to be difficult. There was little chance you were going to let Lilia cook as Silver had near begged to be spared such a fate, so you had to figure something out. Part of you deeply resented the many ruined pastries as you had been so excited to try them when you saw them sitting with such organized disorder on the table.
"What a waste of good food."
You continued muttering angrily as you moved around the kitchen trying to gather ingredients. The general plan was to make something simple and quick so you could rest your arm- per Professor Divus' strict instructions- but feeding seven was a lot of work. Four portions for your four guards, one for you, one for Grim, and one for the inevitable return of the Gnoll Ruggie. He was likely camped out somewhere near your dorm at the moment, just waiting for that good smell to bring him in.
Lilia sat nearby, petting a now content and very relaxed Grim who was curled up next to the Bat. He had offered to cook only once and now let you continue the process as you insisted and he decided not to interfere further. Sebek was trying to be helpful and wound up doing far too much, grabbing the pots and pans from you any time you tried to lift one and you were starting to become irate. A dull throbbing ache in your arm only took even more from your quickly thinning patience.
It was then a gentle knock came at that side kitchen door and you nearly screamed in rage from yet another uninvited guest. Lilia was quick to answer and you were caught off guard by the voices you heard.
"It is only fair the remaining tarts left in the kitchen come here. Besides, she needs to cook her meals but can only use one arm, I'm not great beyond the bakery, but I can still help in the kitchen."
"It is my duty as the one who caused the harm to rectify my mistake or at least help where I can. I understand if I should be turned away."
You walked over to the doorway behind Lilia, surprised to see Riddle and Trey standing there. Now that you were lucid and not in a magic induced stupor, you were actually able to take in the full brevity of their injuries.
Trey's side was wrapped up in a bandage but he seemed to be in good spirits despite it all. That green you thought you saw in his coat was gone and he was back to that immaculate white. He seemed to be gingering a leg but still stood holding a covered tray.
Riddle was back in his dorm clothes, crown and all, despite looking much worse for wear. His horn was now shorter than before, the cracked point having been filed down to the non-cracked section and the cuts along the corners of his mouth were bandaged. There were still sections of his hair and tail that looked like they had been leeched of color, an almost black tinted gray from his time overblotted. The gold of his hooves and horn had lost some of their shine.
"Riddle, you need to rest. Being up and about won't help."
"But I need-"
"You need to lay down somewhere."
"I can't. Not when you and Trey are up and working."
"Come in, the both of you."
You sighed as the two trotted their way into the dorm, Trey having to duck to get through the door. He set the tray down and turned to smile at you as he rolled up his sleeves, ready to get to work helping you in the kitchen. Honestly, you could have kissed him in that moment for the absolute relief you felt at having another pair of hands in the kitchen. Taking a quick look at what you already gathered, a quick idea came to you that involved much less work for you and a good way to utilize Trey's bakery skills in the process.
"Ever had a meat pie? Kind of like making a fruit pie but savory. I can get the filling together if you can make the crusts and tops for the individual meat pies, just make sure to use less sugar. I'm sure there are tins around here somewhere."
"I can absolutely do that. How many am I making?"
"Well, there's going to be ten of us if the evening plays out the way I think it will."
"How do you figure?"
"There's usually one or two extra visitors during meals here so may as well make extra. If not, I can always have more later."
"Fair enough."
You already had mostly gathered up what you would need to make a decent filling for these pies, so only a few things extra needed to be grabbed. Clearly, you were now in a much better mood thanks to having someone to help who wouldn't burn down the kitchen. It was as you were contemplating cutting the vegetables that Silver quietly stepped in, dicing the vegetables and meat into fine cubes that would go well in the dish. There was very little you actually had to do other than get the rest put together and soon the delicious aroma of the baking pies could be smelled through the entire dorm.
Riddle had tried several times to help, but you made Sebek bring in one of the oversized couches from the main dorm common-area. You had recalled seeing the furniture and wondering just what would need a couch so large. Now that answer was quite obvious as Riddle lay on the couch, almost immediately passing out once he got comfortable. Silver picked up the blanket that he kept across his back, laying it over the exhausted Sophomore and let him sleep.
As the aroma of the pies got stronger, the inevitable whining and scratching came from that side door. Ruggie was back and he was seeking more food to feast upon, ever hungry and yapping in excitement at the prospect of another meal. You vaguely considered just trying to cook a bunch of things and having the Gnoll be your taste tester. He certainly wouldn't mind the free food.
"Got it~"
Lilia sang as he hopped down from the counter he claimed as a perch, opening the door for the eager Gnoll. Ruggie followed his nose right to the large oven and his tail began wagging incredibly fast as he snorted against the side of the oven.
"Careful, Ruggie, it's hot. When they're done cooking we have to let them sit for a bit or they could burn you."
"Okay! When? Is it soon? They smell so good, I want one now."
"You can't have one now, but you can lick the bowl if you really want to."
He didn't need any invitation beyond that to begin lazily licking the bowl the filling had been in, eager to get all the food he could. You would have laughed at the way he so happily feasted on the scraps if you weren't so tired. Even as you leaned against the counter, you somewhat considered laying on top of the Unicorn and taking a nap as well.
Somewhere in your thinking another presence made itself known in that you were suddenly grabbed and pulled into a tighter than comfortable hug.
"My little chick, are you okay? How is your arm? Have you been taking care of it? I flew over the second I got back. I was meeting the Royal Sword Academy Headmage when your collar pinged. Divus told me what happened. Where is that damned Unicorn-?"
"Quiet. He's sleeping. I'm not fine- but it could be worse. You will let Riddle sleep- he is exhausted- or you don't get a pie."
"... Pie?"
You frowned as the Headmage thankfully released you, still staying rather close as he examined your injured arm. His feathers were ruffled and it almost looked like he had flown to where you were as soon as he received news of your condition. Somewhere in the back of your mind you wondered how he got in the dorm, but he was the Headmage and odds are had access to all the buildings on campus.
It was then he actually seemed to take a deep breath, humming out curiously and noticing Ruggie who still had his nose close to the door of the oven. Ruggie was not keen to move from his spot but he begrudgingly allowed the Headmage to approach the oven. He took a quick peek inside and seemed to like what he saw as his smile returned and he forgot all about the sleeping Riddle.
"Oh? It has been a while since I last had a good Human-cooked meal... Very well. Since I'm just the vision of kindness, and your forgiveness is nothing short of inspiring, I can forgive Mr. Rosehearts for now. He is clearly still feeling the lasting effects of overblotting but hopefully he will learn from this and avoid such extremes in the future."
You rolled your eyes at the way the Headmage praised himself but you were happy to know Riddle was at least able to keep sleeping. When the pies were ready, you would wake him, but he needed the rest right now. Trey constantly checked on the pies and once they had a good golden crisp, he got them out of the oven. It made you glad Trey was present as he kept the hungry Gnoll at bay until the pies were cool enough to eat without scalding anyone.
You were gentle as you woke the Unicorn, he had been sleeping deeply and seemed almost confused when you woke him. The slight snort that came from him made you chuckle somewhat as you offered him the warm meat pie.
"But, I don't deserve-"
"You will eat that pie and shut up about being deserving or I will force feed the entire thing to you."
There was a look in his eyes as if he felt he didn't deserve the nice meal, but his hunger won him over rather quickly as he took several slow bites and savored the meal you and Trey had made.
Ruggie scarfed the food down in seconds and now lay on the tile of the kitchen, his somewhat distended stomach spoke volumes to how content he was as he basked next to the residual warmth of the oven. Grim was quick to join the Gnoll and the two you felt most responsible for in the dorm clearly enjoyed their meal. Even Crowley was making happy cawing noises as he ate the pie.
"I must say, I was curious how these pies would taste, but you were right, (Y/n). They're delicious."
"See, Trey? Even if you're used to making sweets, you can make something savory with those same bakery skills and just a little less sugar."
"I would love to learn to make more, if you would allow my curiosity."
Crowley's wings fluffed out, making both you and the Kelpie pause the conversation to look over at the odd bird-man. He had cleaned his plate and was licking his fork for whatever bit was left on the splines.
"(Y/n), my precious little chick, how would you feel about teaching some culinary classes once your arm heals up?"
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pineconepie · 7 days ago
NCould you write a short sequel if a reader who has recently been turned into a vampire tries to escape from Octavian?
TW: Blood-drinking (vampires), escape attempt, forced age regression/infantilization, injuries, restraints (mittens), platonic/parental yandere
Ever since you've been turned, Octavian treats you even more like a child.
Well, his baby, to be exact.
It's annoying, because it does seem like you're going through childhood again, because of your recent changes. Your canines fell out and began coming back in as pointed fangs, plus your nails grew much faster, sharper, and stronger than before.
And it hurt.
Constant headaches and random crying fits from growing pains made you needy. Octavian was always more than willing to pick you up, shushing you gently and rocking you as if you were a baby having a tantrum.
Even now, he cradles you on his hip in the middle of dinner.
Octavian keeps taking breaks to cut up your meat, wiping at your mouth, and occasionally spoon-feeding you despite the fact you insisted you can handle eating yourself.
The amount of doting attention he gives you is overwhelming, and you're only more irritated with the throbbing pain coursing through you.
Noticing your discomfort, he puts down the silverware and wipes away tears with a tender touch.
"Don't cry, my sweet," he coos. "Papa knows. Teething is hard. It'll be over soon." Octavian kisses your forehead before lifting you fully onto his lap, placing you sideways on top of him.
One gloved hand smooths back strands of sweaty hair as you bury your face into his crisp white dress shirt.
Not because you want to, but because you need the comfort. Even though your pride wants you to fight back, the rest of your mind needs this too much to care.
Gnawing lightly on his cravat, you sigh contentedly when he continues threading his fingers through your scalp in slow circles.
"Now, say, 'ahhhh.'" He holds a bloody piece of meat to your lips with a fork.
"I'm not eating that," you tell him. Frankly, you can't eat with the pain, even if you wanted to. The idea of swallowing anything right now makes you feel like hurling.
Octavian frowns. "Don't be fussy." His other hand comes up to cup your cheek. "You have to finish all of your food. I know you're going through a lot of pain, but it'll be so much worse if you don't eat. Would you like a tummy ache on top of the growing pains?"
For a moment, you plan to blindly agree, but then you realize something. He won't hurt you. He sees you as a child. Children sometimes refuse to listen.
What's going to happen if you deny his demand?
"No," you assert. "It hurts too much."
Octavian goes silent. His face falls before contorting into a mask of barely-restrained frustration.
He closes his eyes and exhales heavily through his nose. "(Y/n)..." He sets the fork down again and grips your shoulders with both hands. Opening them, he levels you with a stern glare. "You are going to eat your dinner, and you aren't getting up until every bite is finished. I will wait here all night if need be. Do you understand?"
"Fine! Then we'll be waiting here forever!" you snap.
He stares at you intensely, seeming more upset than angry. "Fine. You know what? Then go upstairs, and when you're ready to stop acting out, come find me."
You huff and storm upstairs, slamming the door to his bedroom behind you.
It's been long enough that Octavian has your room decorated more... childishly. It still has the same Victorian-vibe about it, but there's toys scattered around the place, and a shelf full of storybooks that he's read to you hundreds of times during your stay so far.
He also got you plenty of new stuffed animals, filling up an entire wicker basket to the brim with them.
There's a mirror in the bathroom, and you briefly glance at it while passing by. Since turning into a vampire, you stopped having a reflection. Now looking at your image just shows the furniture behind where you stand.
You can't take this anymore. For so long, you've been putting off escaping, but no longer.
The window is locked and barred shut, but with your new strength, you should be able to pry them open without needing a key, especially with your newfound strength from turning.
There's some resistance as you first start yanking apart the iron rods.
With a grunt, you pull as hard as possible, gritting your teeth and snarling as they finally bend and pop from the wall, breaking the hinges on each side until falling backward. Panting from the excursion, you drop the pieces to the ground before pushing the window open.
It's sunny out, but you don't think twice about burning when stepping out the window, now on the rooftop.
From what you can see, you're on the second or third floor.
If you climb to the ground below, you should be free to escape.
There's a trellis next to the ledge of the building, thankfully. The vines wrapped around it don't provide much stability as you hold onto them, so you mostly rely on the wooden slats to make your way to the ground safely.
Once your feet hit soft grass, you book it to the forest, running faster than ever - quite literally, perhaps being a vampire has its strengths.
For a moment, you hesitate.
Where would you even go, now that you're a vampire? You were already considered odd before, but now? Even more so than ever. Now the people who called you a monster were technically correct, even if not at the time.
No. There's no going back now, not even as the sun feels like its sizzling your skin. You'd rather take your chances alone in this forest than spend one more second living with that man and his insanity.
"Sweetling, may I come in?" Octavian knocks gently.
No response.
"I understand you're frustrated with me, and I'm sorry." He speaks louder this time, just in case your voice can't be heard through the wood separating you both. "I know you're going through a lot of pain and discomfort lately, and I know that's why you've been moody. I'm not angry with you."
Still, no response.
He sighs. "I'm coming in." Turning the knob, Octavian pushes open the door and scans the room for you. At first he thinks maybe you're hiding somewhere. "My love, please come out. Papa said he isn't angry."
Something doesn't feel right.
That's when he notices the broken lock on the window, bent into an odd shape and laying on the floor uselessly. The bars previously bolted across are torn off their hinges and thrown aside. The glass panes are wide open.
Horror and dread instantly fill him to the brim.
You ran away.
"No!" Octavian sprints outside and scales the side of the building before gracefully jumping down onto the soil below.
Inhuman speed allows him to race across the grounds until reaching the end of the property, stopping once he reaches the iron fence encasing the area.
Beyond it, he can see faint imprints in the earth - footprints.
There's only one way you could've gone: the forest.
You can't believe you voluntarily put yourself in the same spot you were before meeting Octavian. Cautiously trekking through the thicket, you hold your arms in front of your face to block any branches that get in the way.
The wind howls eerily around you, echoing in your ears as you try not to trip over any rocks or roots in your path.
Just earlier that day you thought you couldn't be in any more pain or discomfort than you were. But now? Your insides feel like they're on fire. The heat radiating off your skin is unbearable.
If it weren't for adrenaline pumping through your veins, you'd collapse already.
How did you survive this when you were human? The sun was harsh, but nothing like this. You'd do anything for winter to return.
You can't take this any longer, and almost collapse into a nearby bush, its thorns biting into your skin, but you no longer care. Taking in shaky breaths, you curl up, shivering despite the burns scorching every inch of your body.
Whimpers tear out of your raw throat, your body begging to just give out already.
Something moves to your left.
The noise startles you out of your misery, causing you to freeze immediately upon hearing it.
Rustling from the foliage. Crashing from leaves being crushed underfoot. Hushed breathing.
Then suddenly—
"(Y/N)! OH GOD–"
Arms snake around your waist and hoist you upwards into someone's arms. Octavian clutches you tightly against himself, his coldness being such a drastic relief to the flames searing your flesh.
"No," you weakly protest, too tired to fight him off.
You can feel his tears soaking into the top of your head. "What were you thinking?!" he cries. "This could've killed you!" Looking down, you see blisters forming along your exposed skin. With those sharp nails, Octavian quickly slashes his wrist, bringing it up to your lips. "Drink. Now."
If you didn't feel like death, you'd refuse, but your instincts kick in, driving you to latch onto the dripping wound and guzzle down his blood.
You feel less horrible physically, even if none of your injuries go away. He winces in pain, but looks more worried for you.
Octavian adjusts your weight in his grip and rushes back the way he came, faster than the human eye could process. You cling onto him and bury your face into the fabric of his clothing.
It feels good not having to deal with direct exposure to the light anymore.
In record time, he brings you inside, closing the door behind himself and hurrying upstairs.
The moment Octavian enters the master bath, he undresses you and puts you in the bathtub. You watch him frantically grab washcloths and bandages from the medicine cabinet.
His long brown hair frames his face, loose strands flying wildly thanks to him dashing through the wilderness earlier.
He rolls up the sleeves of his shirt and gets to work cleaning your wounds with shaking hands.
"Why didn't you get hurt from the sun?" you quietly blurt.
Octavian sighs. "It affects all vampires differently. Some don't burn from it. Some only get moderately sun burnt, like me. And you..." His eyes narrow. "It could've killed you! Do you understand how dangerous this was? What if you were taken away from me?! I'd die!"
You avoid his gaze.
Octavian doesn't respond, simply continuing to wipe away bits of dried blood and dirt. After several minutes of silence, he finishes his work, wrapping your wounds, dressing you in pajamas and setting you down in bed.
As he tucks you in, you can see how absolutely heartbroken he seems. You wish you didn't feel guilty. You wish you hated him.
"I'm sorry," you grumble.
"I forgive you, but never do that again." He pulls something out of your wardrobe before sitting down on the edge of the mattress beside you. "Hold out your hands."
You hesitate, but obey.
Octavian gingerly loops the ribbons attached to mittens around your wrists, tying them securely shut so you won't be able to use your hands properly. The thick wool protects your fingers from being used, making it harder to pick things up and grip objects.
"These are staying on until I can fix that window and trust you again," he tells you matter-of-factly.
"You know that isn't how you address me, sweetheart."
"Papa," you murmur. Tears sting at the corner of your vision. "Why are you doing this to me?"
The bed creaks as he moves around to sit by your side.
He pulls you close, resting his chin atop your head. "I lost too much the first time. I refuse to let it happen again. Do you know how terrified I was at the idea of losing you?" A pause. "Never again. You're staying here with me. Safe. Always."
His hand takes hold of your palm within its mitten, squeezing affectionately.
"Now get some sleep, my precious. I'm not going anywhere."
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coveofsecrets · 12 days ago
“𝙷𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝙱𝚎𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝙻𝚒𝚙𝚜”
-> Platonic! Yandere! Whitebeard Pirates x reader
-> Warnings: small descriptions of violence, attempted kidnap, implied reader having an abusive family, drugging (didn’t actually happen), tugging on self’s hair, possible ooc-ness since this is my first time writing for Whitebeard pirates
-> Word Count: 4.5k words
-> This was HEAVILY inspired by @rollinouttahere-writes’s vampire Ace au!!! Most of the ideas/hcs(?) here is from them. I just felt really inspired from their au, so I wanted to write this!!! If anything seems historically inaccurate, please let me know! Also, even if it says Whitebeard Pirates, it’s… mainly just. Thatch. I love him too much <3.
─── ✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
"Eat up."
A bowl is held out to you; one full of thick liquid and solid things, contents sloshing inside of the container as it’s moved towards you.
"I haven't cooked human food in a long time, but I largely remember how to make it, so it shouldn't be too bad."
The person holding the bowl of soup gestures in your way, silently asking you to take it.
Honestly, it doesn't look bad.
In fact, it looks delicious.
Filling, too.
An orange color, bits and pieces of meat and vegetables peeking through the liquid, soup bubbling due to the soup’s warmth…
Your stomach rumbles.
The one across from you tilts his head, lips pulling into a fang-bared smirk as his black eyes raise in knowing mirth.
Despite the aching in your midsection, you look away from the man, pushing the soup away from yourself- a bit too rough, with how some of it has spilled out.
"No thanks," You grit out, poorly concealing your distaste for the vampire. "I… have rations in my bag."
A laugh is all that comes as a response, the soup pushed towards you to the point it invades your vision.
"Not to be rude, but your bag looks near to empty," He points out, "Whatever you've got in there won't last you to the next town."
He's right.
He's right and you know it.
He's right, you know it, and you know that he knows.
The only things being a half-eaten apple and a reusable water bottle in your traveling bag, it doesn’t take a genius to guess there’s not much in there.
...you wanna rip your hair out.
A scowl making its way onto your face, you practically bare your teeth at the one before you.
"So? I have no reason to accept food from you, Thatch. For all I know, this shit could be drugged! Hell, I wouldn’t even be surprised, because all you’ve ever done for me is make my life more difficult than it needs to be!”
Well, Thatch is not the main aspect of your headache.
Rather, he's a part of that problem.
A ginormous, powerful, and vampiric problem.
To frame what’s been going on, it all started a long time ago (a year), in a run-down establishment you managed to find for temporary shelter (a gas station off to the side of the street), where you met a man who had the look of a person with nobody to call his own family (he seemed lonely), standing in wait to sacrifice a part of what was to his name (he was waiting for the customer in front of him to stop arguing with the cashier).
Since you also needed to sacrifice a part of your dignity, you were behind him.
Thus, with the two of you bored, interaction sprouted- quite beautifully, in fact. A stem of a topic took place, leaves of conversation forming, and flowers of bonds blooming.
It was nice.
Ace, as he called himself, was nice.
Being one of the first people you talked to after moving out, that guy was... pretty cool.
A warm fire, heating up your palms and sending its head across your body, letting you find comfort from the stormy winters outside.
Until the fire turned hot, scathing, forcing you to pull your hands back before the skin burned off from the muscle.
"Thirteen?" Ace echoes, "That's a young age to be traveling. Do your parents know about this?"
To that, you stiffen, and the man seems to piece together a bit of your situation, moving on from his question.
“You don’t have to answer that, but… going exploring at a young age probably isn't good for you. Lots of people would love to hurt a young thing like you.”
You sigh, "I know, I know… but, I just… can’t necessarily find anybody to travel with? I mean-” A laugh is forced out of your throat. “I don’t think any other thirteen-year-olds are exploring the world. Plus, l've been fine so far, haven't l? I'm in one piece."
Ace's eyebrows furrow. "Haven’t you been only going around for a month? That's too little time to make any sort of assumption. I'm not saying you should go back to your parents, though.”
You feel your shoulders droop.
Well that's nice to hear.
“Then what are you saying?”
“I’m saying that it’s best to stick with a group, for now.” He reaches a hand up, rubbing at the back of his neck. “And assuming you don’t exactly have anybody to travel with, how about traveling with me for a bit? I’ll introduce you to this group I’m with. They’re pretty groovy, been with them for a few decades-���
Decades? This guy doesn't look a day over nineteen.
"-and they’re absolutely wonderful.” As he speaks about his buddies, you notice how Ace’s tone has gotten softer- warm, like the sun retreating into the mountains to offer the people underneath it respite from its fiery wrath. “We’re like a family, always taking care of each other and making sure we’re not too reckless. Pops makes sure it’s that way.”
"If you stay with them, you'll be safe. I'm sure they'll treat you nicely. Whaddya say?”
Expectantly, Ace looks at you, a kind smile on his face as he waits for your answer.
The only thing you can answer with is silence, as you ponder his proposal.
The Whitebeard Vampires…?
You've heard about certain groups that go around.
Traveling groups, to be more specific.
Some are wannabe hippies who only do drugs and preach about love and acceptance as a joke, others are dangerous gangs that hurt defenseless people in order to fulfill whatever sick desires they have.
The Whitebeard Vampires, though…
You can vaguely remember hearing about them every now and then; small whispers among townspeople, newspapers bored (usually old) individuals read, and WANTED signs brought up on TV.
So really, all you know about them is that they’re popular, and also illegal- any other information is now up to you to imply.
Vampires... mythical bloodsuckers, right? I don't exactly know what the 'Whitebeard' stands for, but ‘vampire' could imply something more sinister, like blood…
All of a sudden, the smile on Ace's face doesn't look friendly anymore.
No longer the setting sun, it is now the star that rises from the mountains, preparing to enact scathing hot violence for the denizens of its green empire.
Yeah, no. I'm not taking any chances.
Hesitantly, you smile.
"I, uh, appreciate the offer, but I'm good!" Is your answer.
Your newly made acquaintance’s face falls.
You feel as if a mistake has been made.
Before you could remedy the situation, though, Ace is quick to speak.
“Listen,” Your name is huffed out. “I don’t think it’s a good idea to keep on travelling alone. Being absolutely straightforward with you, I’m worried. I mean, any sensible person would be. Imagine seeing some eight year old out by themself- you’d be worried, wouldn’t you?”
“I guess, yeah, but I’m not eight?”
Why is he insisting after I said ‘no’?
Ace sighs, “You’re right. You’re not eight, but to me, somebody who’s a lot older than you, you seem that way- and seeing you all alone, it’s worrying. Staying with the Whitebeard Vampires is the best choice for you; you haven’t been travelling for long, and you’re likely unaware of the dangers out there. You could get kidnapped, or maybe worse. You’re lucky to have been safe so far, but who knows what could happen later? Hell, right when you leave the store?”
This is uncomfortable.
Deciding that turning him down politely won’t work anymore, you decide to be firm in your response.
“Listen, I really do appreciate the offer, but I’m fine. Plus, as much as it was fun talking to you, I barely know you, so why would I join some group I don’t even know about?” As you speak, the previous calm you felt is erased, stress taking over once more.. “You’re making me uncomfortable, and I’d appreciate it if you’d stop.”
The older one’s mouth snaps shut.
For a moment, you feel relieved, but it’s soon burnt away when his expression turns steely, lips spreading into a thin line and eyes narrowing in a way that seems like he’s thinking of something you won’t like.
Before he could say anything, though, the customer in front of him finally, finally stops arguing with the cashier; he’s next in line to come up, and he turns back to the cashier, leaving you relieved that was the end of that.
Alas, God is real and he hates you.
Not even five seconds of stepping out of the store pass when your wrist is snatched and, all of a sudden, you’re being yanked across the street.
The lights of the gas station blur by you, and you can barely see who is dragging you along in the dead of night.
You’re in an unfamiliar place, with nowhere to go home to, and you don’t even know who has you in such a tight grip.
You don’t know anything.
All these unknown variables, uncertainty in this very situation, unknown whether you’ll live or not, what might happen if you live, what might not happen if you die…
What’s going on-!
Your heart is seized by the cold hand of fear, and you’re not able to even think as a scream rips itself from your throat-
You plant your feet firmly into the ground, trying to take your hand back from the thief.
Who is-?!
Your thoughts, an intelligible mess of screeching banshees, can’t do anything for you.
They can only drown in the sea of variables, flailing around to grab onto something, only for your thought’s oxygen supply to run out, running on the little rationality it has left.
All you can rely on is your body, activating your flight or flight, forcing your veins to feel as if they are pulsing. They beat and thrum against your skin; begging, pleading with you to escape the muscles that trap them and flee.
Flee, far away from the threat.
Flee, far away from the man who’s kidnapping you.
Flee, far away from…
“Don’t panic, I’m not gonna hurt you. I’ll just take you to see the Whitebeard Vampires, and you’ll see for yourself that it’s okay!”
The voice makes its way into your mind, a clear bell within the roar of screams in your head.
Recognizable, known, recent.
His tone, calm and encouraging, does nothing to ease the fear running across your spine- in fact, his tranquility is only making everything worse.
I was right about my bad feeling!
The grasp on your heart only becomes tighter, stomach dropping to the pits of your midsection, vision becoming blurry with the terror you’re supposed to feel.
Uncaring of anybody who might turn to see the spectacle playing in this gas station, a sob escapes your lips.
“No, no, no! I don’t wanna!” You almost shriek, “I don’t wanna see your crew, I don’t wanna! Let me go- LET ME GO!”
Another fruitless yank from your side, another fruitful tug from the other side; you’re almost sent stumbling, having to catch yourself before face planting.
Ace, his voice a bit more rough now, continues to speak against your fright. “It’ll be okay, really! Cmon, just give it a- chance-!”
With a grunt, he tugs on your arm again, and you can’t do anything but follow.
“It’s for your own good,” Your name is said through a bite, “I’ve got food inside, so you’re not gonna go hungry!”
What the hell is he saying-?!
“Does that matter?!” You cry, “Let go, let me go-! I don’t wanna go-!”
Before you could prepare to tug at his arm again, somebody shoves the two of you apart- an old man, you think, coming to your rescue.
He turns, yelling at Ace; the words are unknown to you, as you took the opportunity to escape.
Ever since then, you’ve met all sorts of people from that gang of his.
A samurai looking as if he’s from the Edo period, a doctor dressed as if he time traveled from the Black Plague, and a swordsman seeming like he was there when the British colonized India.
Without fail, when they found you- whether by individuals or them in a group- they have tried to recruit you into the same group Ace is in.
Threatening, coaxing, or storytelling; many tactics were implemented to try and take you in as one of them. The storytelling almost worked on you once.
Grand adventures the Whitebeard Pirates go on; exploring land nobody dared set foot on before, collecting treasure that shines brighter than all of the stars in the sky, and experiencing freedom unbound by any rules or regulations…
If it weren’t for the fact that they seemed like a dangerous bunch, you would’ve joined.
And, also, if they weren’t vampires.
Apparently, the name Whitebeard Vampires was meant to be literal.
Whitebeard for the name of their leader, and Vampires for the fact that everybody in that crew is a one of those bloodsuckers.
You learned it from that fancy, British-looking guy a few months back… what was his name again? Vest? You don’t really remember. All you could focus on was the revelation that the mythical beasts you’d wet the bed over as a child were real.
Snapped out of reminiscence, Thatch’s voice brings you back to reality.
“Listen kid, I know that our methods may seem…” The vampire pauses. “Unorthodox, but it comes from a place of concern.” His tone is, for a creature such as him, surprisingly soft.
Almost fatherly.
It… it almost reminds you of, when you were young, how your dad would crouch down to be eye-level with you, gently explaining why you should or shouldn’t do something.
“All we know is that you refuse to go to your home, and we’re not going to question it, but we want to see a kid like you safe and happy.”
…you feel small.
“You don’t know anything about me. You don’t know if I’m happy out here.”
A pathetic defense from you, but Thatch takes it as a real one.
“You’re right, we don’t. All we know is that you’re some kid who’s sticking it out on their own. You could be happy, but my crewmates have noticed how they see you suffering, whenever they find you. Throwing up, blood on your face, or a bone broken… isn’t that reason enough to be worried?”
In front of you, fire crackles, shadows flickering across his face.
Through that dancing, one expression remains clear:
“We’re not trying to harm you, kid. We’re just trying to help. I’m just trying to help, especially now. I mean-” A small chuckle, “I don’t think you’re going to make it far with that injury of yours.”
It doesn’t take a genius to guess he’s talking about the nasty gash on your leg, caused by the chance encounter with a humanoid wolf thing.
You bring your leg close to you; a pathetic attempt to hide your injury. “shut up,” you mumble, “I can make it just fine.”
The cook raises a nonexistent eyebrow. “Really?” He leans forward. “Just a few minutes ago, didn’t you collapse when trying to stand?”
To that, you say nothing, letting silence occupy the both of you for a bit.
Soon, Thatch sighs, “Listen, just… take the food, kid. We’re not trying to harm you.”
“How am I supposed to know?”
You feel so, so small.
The man speaking gently towards you, stern yet kind, can’t help but make you feel as if you’re a child learning how to regulate your emotions for the first time.
You hate it.
You hate it so much.
Who does he think he is, treating you like some sort of kid? Some sort of- of- dependent, needing an adult to hold their hand and keep them safe from all the dangers of the world!
You’re not like that.
You’re far from that!
You’re independent, you’re strong; hell, you’re not home right now because of your strength!
So who does he, the man who’s been making everything miserable for you, think he is, huh?!
“Ever since I’ve started travelling…” Your voice, a low growl, soon rises to a yell. “You lot have been nothing but trouble for me! First, I have to deal with randoms trying to kidnap and sell me for profit, then constant injuries ‘cause of falling down and breaking something, and now, I have to deal with you lot?! For the past year, everywhere I go, you guys are always there! All I wanted-” a rough wheeze, “All that I wanted was just to get away from my parents, but you just have to fuck everything up!”
You’re not sure why you’re being so emotional right now.
Maybe it’s due to the throbbing in your leg that’s travelling all the way to your head, or the stress of the trip that’s only built up from its starting point.
Either way, you’ve opened your lips, and now, Pandora’s Box can’t be closed.
“I hate it- I hate it all! I hate how you’ve made everything worse- I hate you! I hate you and your stupid crew, and I’d wish you all would go die!”
If you were in less of an emotional state, you would’ve noticed that the forest has gone quiet due to your volume.
“Out of the frying pan, and into the fucking sun, I guess! First I had to deal with parents who won't respect my basic rights, and now I have to deal with vampires who want to suck my blood?!”
Like a pressure cooker that’s exploding, you continue to yell at Thatch, uncaring of any consequences that might follow.
He deserves it, after all- he and his stupid crew deserves it, for making your life a living hell!
“I thought I’d be happy, y’know! I thought- I thought that after getting kicked out-”
The event is fresh in your mind.
Painfully vivid, you can remember being in the house you’ve grown up in, with your parents in the living room you’re so used to; you all were screaming at one another, throwing things, calling each other names, and exchanging fists until you were thrown out, told to never show your face here again.
No matter how long it’s been, the memory still hurts when you think about it.
Like the tears in your eyes, it still stings.
“-that I’d be fine, that- that I could stick it out. But now… now, I have to deal with everything that wants to kill me!”
At this point, you’re screaming at the vampire.
The horrible vampire, who says nothing as you break down in front of him- who looks at you with such warmth, eyes full of kindness for the screaming teenager in front of him.
The evil creature, who’s lips upturned are nothing if not compassionate, treating your problems as if they are real.
The monstrous thing, whose expression reminds you of your mother’s.
“Not just your stupid crew,”
You violently jab a finger in Thatch’s direction.
“But everything! Faeries, centaurs, and other people, too!”
A sharp pain comes into your scalp.
You’re tugging on your hair.
“I thought- I don’t- I don’t know what I was thinking!”
What am I even saying?
What’s coming out of your mouth, is now indecipherable to your ears.
Covered up and muffled by the heavy weight of your stress, brain muddled by all of it coming to crash down on you all at once, you don’t know what you want to say.
All you do know is that you want to scream.
So you do it.
You scream, cry, and wail at him with all of your might, screeching your grievances towards the monster that dares sit by you, as if he’s your friend!
As if he deserves to act like somebody that has your best intentions in mind, when in reality, all he wants to do suck your blood and then throw your corpse out to the rest of the mythical beasts that exist, letting them rip your remains apart.
He’s no different than those other monsters.
He’s no different than the faeries that try to steal your life, no different than the centaurs that want to make you a flattened mess of broken bones and burst organs, and certainly not any different than the rest of his kind that wants to drain you of your blood.
He’s no different.
So you throw everything you have at him.
You throw all of your insults, your trauma, your stress onto him.
Maybe it’s to make him understand what you’ve been through because of him so that he and his crew stop harassing you.
Maybe it’s because you need somebody to listen to your woes, to hear you out on all that’s been harming you since you’ve started to travel.
You don’t know.
All you know is that by the end of your fit, you’re a mess.
A weak, exhausted, vulnerable mess, able to be toyed with by the demon in disguise.
Yet, to your surprise, nothing happens to you.
Nobody roughly grabs you, hurts you, or even so much as laughs at you.
The only thing that happens is that the smell of soup wafts over to your nose, making an excess of saliva build up in your mouth.
Your voice stuffy as you speak, you lift your head up; Thatch is sitting next to you, the bowl of soup held closer.
To answer, the vampire warmly- gently, like a cool rain of shower dabbing your skin- smiles at you.
“That breakdown of yours probably took a lot out of you. It’s good to regain your energy.”
…you hate how much he reminds you of his parents.
Before everything went bad, at least.
When your dad would give you those carefree, easy grins, hoisting you over his shoulders to let you see over seas of people; your mother right next to him, laughing with your amazement of the scenery before you.
You miss them.
You miss them a lot.
Even if it was, in a sense, your own choice and fault you got kicked out, you can’t help but want to go back to your old house.
To experience what was already experienced, to feel the warmth you’ve felt before, and most importantly…
To be loved, like you were once before.
What’s done is done, though, and the actions you’ve taken have led you to your predicament.
Stuck with a vampire, who probably drugged your food so he can kidnap you and suck your blood later.
…For these past few hours, he’s been nothing but kind.
At any moment in time, he could’ve just killed you- snapped your neck and drained you of your blood- with your bad leg and exhausted state, you wouldn’t even be able to run.
Thatch didn’t do any of that.
Throughout your tirade, he smiled kindly at you as he listened, not interrupting once, even when you slandered he and his crew.
Hell, he even made you food.
The vampire, who can’t taste human food, decided to make something edible for you.
He’s from the same crew as all those other vampires, but… maybe you should give him a chance?
A quick ‘screw off’ flying off your mouth, you snatch the food from Thatch, contents inside shaking with your hands.
Hopefully it doesn’t take like shit.
He did say he hasn’t cooked this kind of thing in a while…
Hesitation grabbing hold of your phalanges, you have to force yourself to move past it, lifting the wooden bowl up to your lips so the liquid can shyly touch your lips.
The broth dances over your tongue, blessing its taste buds with the faint taste of chicken as slides down your throat, soothing the strained muscle with a sweet lullaby, your belly warming up from the gentle fire it carries-
This is… this is one of the best meals you’ve ever had!
And without a second thought, you scarf the thing down.
Practically chugging the dish, you allow the chicken to go down with little chewing, the other fruits (tomato? Lettuce??) adding a lovely harmony to the lullaby.
Oh, how delicious!
Truly, this is wonderful cooking; cooking that should be brought to the best chefs in the world and praised for its superior taste.
Off to the side, you hear the cook laugh, a ‘slow down, you’re gonna choke!’ leaving him.
You find yourself caring less about his warning.
All you can care about is this dish from the Gods, granting a blessing of survival and flavor to you, allowing you to live and enjoy what you’re eating.
Whatever god out there exists, thank you.
Within too short of a timeframe, you finish your soup. Your stomach is filled and pleasantly warm, your body once again able to produce energy for you.
Yet, all that energy is transferred to the action of closing your eyes, exhaustion washing over your body.
That breakdown you had must’ve taken a lot out of you…
“How was it?”
A hand wraps around your shoulders, and you’re pulled close to Thatch, the person’s chest used as a support pillar for you.
You hum, “It was good…” hands coming up to try and push against him, not appreciating the close contact. “Really good.”
…you can’t… push away.
You’re too weak.
Within the swamp of your mind, something sharp pricks into the mud.
You could be too tired to push away, but… it’s odd.
You have nothing to fight with.
No energy.
The pricking turns into a full-on stab, creating a hole within your consciousness.
I have no energy.
“Why am…”
The words die on your tongue, syllables too heavy to force through your teeth.
Oh no.
This isn’t normal.
The lack of energy isn’t normal.
The way you can barely speak isn’t normal.
The way everything around you has become blurry, Thatch’s face nothing more than a mesh of colors, isn’t normal.
He did something.
He did something.
He did something to your food-
You feel yourself shift, the white coat of the cook all you can see.
Your teeth grit. “You…!”
“Shh…” Thatch interrupts, “Don’t worry, don’t worry. I’m not… hurt y… didn… ythi…”
What the hell…?
Whatever he’s saying is gibberish from the sea floor of your hearing; all the while black dots slowly accumulate your vision, brain begging to leave the cage of your skull-
No matter how much you fight, you fall unconscious, pliant to whatever Thatch plans for you.
Looking down at your form, Thatch winces.
“You’ve really been through it.”
Sunken eyes, broken leg, permanently-knitted eyebrows…
How did you manage to live this long?
The cook hums, holding you a bit tighter against himself.
Facing so much danger, all on your own… he didn’t even need to drug your food. You just- fell asleep after eating his untouched cooking, because you were that tired.
And starving, possibly.
…god. He hates that thought.
Though, he supposes that doesn’t matter now.
From now on, you’ll be safe in Pops’ care.
Never again, will you have to think if you’ll have only a singular meal today.
Never again, will you have to worry about whether or not you’ll survive the next day.
Never again, will you have to recover alone from the mortal danger you faced yesterday.
Not as long as you’re with Pops.
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mintymarabell · 10 months ago
Platonic yandere elder yautja.
An elder whose strong and powerful in status but not fertile, his seed never taking so he never had children of his own.
He would beat himself up over it all the time, thinking he was not good enough.
He’ll be on earth just wondering around aimlessly when he sees you, a teenager who was crying in the woods.
He would watch curiously, wondering what you were doing alone.
When you get up and leave after composing yourself he’ll follow after you, when you lead him to a house that has two ooman pairs having a yelling match inside he somewhat connects the dots.
He will watch over you over the months, noticing the neglect in the household. He’s so jealous, your parents barely pay you any mind or even care for you and yet he’d do it in a heartbeat.
Maybe one time you’re in your room curled up in bed trying to sleep through your parents continuous arguing when your window slowly slides open, you don’t notice until there’s a big thump and suddenly something is in your room.
You go to scream but a large hand is cupped over your mouth to quiet the sound.
When you wake up again you’re in a different room, one much bigger than your previous one the bed huge and comfortable with alien soft sheets and silk pillows.
A small tray of breakfast sat on the nightstand to your left still warm.
He won’t reveal his scary appearance to you, living as a ghost in his own home as he provided for you better than your parents ever had.
Maybe one day, after a few months of living in the strange very futuristic like house you explore, walking around the grand halls, looking into the various bedrooms, some being children others being for an adult, you simply marveled at the design.
Maybe you walk outside to see the scenery and notice the different colors of the sky, the amber atmosphere.
You wander farther from the house, towards the pristine gates and walk out of them as you look at this ‘new world’ in hopes of feeding your growing curiosity.
Maybe you venture too far, finding you had zoned out and was now in the woods with faint growling and the once twin suns now settling into a dark sky.
Your breathing hitched as you looked around frantically trying to remember where it is you came from, then suddenly something hops from the tree, it is some beast, clearly not from earth.
The beast stalking towards you as it readied itself to attack and then it lunged, you closed your eyes and waited but it never came.
Instead a loud crash could be heard as something ran into the beast, you opened your eyes and seen the beast but nothing else.
It was as if the beast was fighting its imaginary friend, though in this case enemy.
The beast had brawled with the other invisible being, at some point in the fight the beast had landed a hit, the sound of flesh tearing and electric sparks then its invisible cloak was unveiled.
You had been inching back this whole time, slowly but surely won the race right? Though as you inched back, you noticed the humanoid was beginning to slack. Noticing a healing wound on its shoulder blade being the issue of its delay.
You had decided it was clearly on your side so you picked up a size ably sharp stick. Beginning to walk back toward the fight just as the beast had pinned the your possible new friend; you stabbed it right through the throat.
The humanoid pushed off the now dead carcass, standing up slowly. This had given you a moment to look at him truly. He had four mandibles with sharp fangs on the end, along with long dread like hair that was graying. After the awkward pause he had ruffled your hair and pushed you back in the direction of the house you had stayed at.
It had been a few months, your new father now walking around with no invisible cloak. He was in short terms, protective. If you had went out he went along and never let you go far. It appeared he lived alone, in a massive home.
You could get used to it, though you hoped it wasn’t forever it’d be like this.
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l0stglitch · 4 months ago
Hi I hope you're doing well! Anyways, how do you think the four boys (Dwayne, David, Marko, Paul) would react if we just ran away, like went to our friends house and refused to come back to the cave? Also what punishments do they give, like after we ran away and in general? Also sorry if my grammer is bad English isn't my first language, anyways have a good day/night!
Running away
Platonic Yandere lost boys x reader
Notes- Hey I’m doing great thanks! Your English is very good- I couldn’t tell you weren’t a native speaker :)
Warnings- Choking | Yandere behaviour | Confinement | Psychological abuse | Dehumanisation
Part 2
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• I think it’s safe to say all four of your fathers would be absolutely LIVID if you ran away.
• They genuinely don’t understand why you would even think to do something so senseless. After all, it was them who saved you from your biological family when you first moved to Santa Carla.
• Not only that, but you had also stolen Dwayne’s bike (his being the obvious choice, as you spent the most time on it).
• They discovered your absence a few hours after you had snuck out, but couldn’t go after you due to the burning rays of the July sun.
• Meanwhile, you had found yourself at Bethany’s house. She knew enough about your parents to gladly let you stay as long as you need, despite your warnings about how dangerous they are.
• Coming back to the boys, I think their individual reactions would vary. Dwayne would be more worried than pissed off. The thought of his baby girl being out there alone without their protection fills him with this hopeless dread. He’s not even mad about the bike because he’s so scared that you’ve crashed somewhere and are lying under a mangled pile of metal, injured and alone.
• Marko is also terrified for you. As I’ve said before, he’s in denial about you growing up, so he won’t even entertain the idea that you might be able to look after yourself. He’s not used to being afraid. Out of everyone in the pack it’s generally agreed that Marko is the most sadistic and violent when it comes to preying on humans. He thrives off of scaring people (you included) so the fact that you are scaring him makes him angry.
• He finds himself pacing the cave, eyes shining a brilliant yellow and fangs on display as he pictures the moment they find you. David eventually has to tell him to knock it off or he’ll tire himself out before nightfall.
• Speaking of David, I think that out of everyone he’d be the least panicky. That’s not to say he isn’t worried about you, but he understands you better than the others do. He knows that it takes careful planning to pull off a stunt like this, and you aren’t stupid enough to get yourself caught up in anything too dangerous.
• This stems from the fact that David’s obsession with you doesn’t come from a deep rooted paternal desire like it does for the others. Sure, he loves you as his daughter and feels a strong sense of pride that they were the ones to mould you into who you are today, but it’s more complicated than that.
• The more you grow, the more he sees himself and the others within you, but beneath all that is someone else. A small fragment of a broken child waiting to spiral into something else. That’s what intrigues him. That hidden part of you locked behind years of painful love and comforting abuse.
• Paul’s reaction is a lot simpler than David’s. He feels guilty that their previous argument with you has led to you doing something so drastic. It’s not that he doesn’t trust you, he just doesn’t trust all the creepy men around that could hurt you.
• I don’t think he’d be on the verge of a complete meltdown like Dwayne and Marko, but he’d definitely be on edge, with a million different scenarios playing out through his head.
• Once the sun is finally down, it wouldn’t take them long to find you. You weren’t stupid enough to leave Dwayne’s bike right outside Bethany’s house, but it was still close enough for your fathers to track you down with relative ease.
• The only problem they faced was actually getting to you. Vampires have to be invited inside, and there was no way Bethany’s mother was going to let in a group of leather clad punks demanding to see their fifteen year old daughter.
• So naturally, they went to Max and begged asked him to politely introduce himself as your uncle and bring you home.
• Of course, with his charming nature Max had no problem getting invited into Bethany’s home.
• In all fairness, he didn’t lie. Sure, he had left out the part where Marko choked you until you were on the verge of passing out, but nothing he did say was untrue. It was more just a careful avoidance of certain details.
• You knew you were in deep shit when you came downstairs for dinner and saw your uncle sat at the table with a plate of lasagne of his own.
• It was an awkward dinner, well for you at least. Beth’s mum seemed pretty into Max, and he clearly loved the attention.
• Once the meal was over, Max announced that he would be taking you home, his tone stern- a subtle warning for you not to argue.
• So you didn’t argue. At least, not until you were out of Bethany’s house.
• As soon as her door clicked shut you bolted.
• It was a stupid idea really. Max’s car was parked right outside the driveway, so even if you did manage to get away from him, he’d easily be able to chase you down in the vehicle.
• It wasn’t Max who caught you though. In fact, he made little effort to chase you as you ran.
• That didn’t strike you as odd until the street you were sprinting down was suddenly lit by a harsh white light.
• For a moment you thought it was a car speeding towards you, but as your eyes adjusted it became clear that there were three beams of light, not two.
• Your fathers had been waiting round the corner for you and Max.
• You, being a stubborn teenager, didn’t stop running. You ignored the aggressive revving of their engines and legged it down the road.
• The gleaming headlights honed in on you, allowing no darkness to conceal your desperate escape.
• Their bikes almost seemed to leap forwards after you, as if they were an extension of your fathers, feeding from their obsessions.
• It only took a matter of seconds for them to catch up to you, even after you veered from the road and tried to make a break for the forest at the end of the street.
• They had you surrounded in an instant. David in front, Marko to your right and Dwayne and Paul sharing a bike to your left.
• Perhaps you would have found the sight amusing if it wasn’t for that look in their eyes.
• This must have been what it felt like to be a deer. Trapped under the gazes of four hungry wolves, with your only advantage being your primal fear of being dragged back to the cave- something that you knew would be your inevitable fate.
• Despite the futility of the situation, you still tried to break past them, spinning on your heel and dashing to the gap between Marko and David’s bikes.
• For a fleeting second you truly believed you had succeeded in getting past them, but then a hand snared in the neck of your top and yanked you back.
• The force of it pulled you to the ground, where you lay momentarily stunned, choking for air.
• David was quick the dismount his bike, crouching over where you lay on the sidewalk.
• There was nothing you could do except stare up at him, dazed as he pulled you to your feet and forced you onto the back of his bike.
• They didn’t speak to you on the ride back, only stopping once to pick up Dwayne’s discarded bike (after you’d been forced to hand over the keys).
• The only conversation was between Marko and Paul, who seemed almost giddy to return to the cave. You expected that from Marko, always the sadist, but Paul? That stung a little. You supposed he was just feeding off of his mate’s energy.
• David was clearly pissed off. You were surprised he hadn’t berated you yet, but it seemed as though he was waiting to get home for your punishment.
• As for Dwayne, you could tell he was deeply disappointed that you had even wanted to leave them, let alone actually do it.
• When it comes to punishments, David is usually in charge. He’s the leader of the pack and therefore creates the rules and enforces them the most out of everyone.
• The only exception being when Marko occasionally decides to make a new rule without telling any of the others so when you inevitably break it, he punishes you.
• There was a lot of debate between them about what the punishment for running away should be.
• Dwayne was more inclined to taking away certain privileges. No trips to the boardwalk, no choice in what you get to eat, no visiting Uncle Max and Thorn, etc.
• Marko would rather just break your legs. It solves the issue of you running away in the future and makes you completely dependent on them, solidifying how much you need your fathers to help you.
• In the end though, David gets the final call. He decided that if you don’t want to be around them then fine, but it won’t be in your terms.
• They left you chained up like a dog in a secluded part of the cave- far from where your fathers would be spending much of their time.
• You were left there for two months, only seeing David once a day when he brought you a bottle of water and a ham sandwich.
• Being treated like an animal slowly chips away at your sanity. David’s silent glare and the bland flavours of your basic meal are the only markers of the time spend in the darkness.
• The chain around your ankle feels heavier the longer you’re there. Your weight loss making you weaker by the day as you almost forget that Dwayne, Marko and Paul must be somewhere in the cave as well.
• You wondered if they thought about you as little as you thought about them.
• It felt like years before David finally brought a key along with your meagre meal.
• He watched silently as you ate your sandwich. You kept your gaze averted, staring at those cold leather boots as you chewed your way through the stale bread.
• “Not in the mood for talkin’ huh?”
• David twisted the keys around between his fingers. Your silence wasn’t much of a surprise to him, after all it had been a whole two months since you had spoken to him or your other fathers. He briefly wondered if you’d been talking to yourself to cope with the loneliness.
• How much damage could enough isolation do to a person?
• The chain unlocked with a small click, but you still made no effort to move.
• David sighed and cupped your cheek, guiding you to look at him. “You’re free now, punishment’s over. Cmon, the others have missed you.”
• You let him help you stand up- something you hadn’t done it a long time.
• David guided you back to the main area where Dwayne, Marko and Paul waited restlessly to see you again.
• Dwayne was the first to rush over to you, enveloping you in a big hug. You didn’t return it. It was hard to feel anything but the cold chill that still remained after those two long months.
• Your fathers were quick to wrap you in a thick blanket and curl up on the couch. Marko was practically spoon feeding you the bolognaise they had prepared earlier that day, but you hardly noticed.
• No one admitted it out loud, but it was clear that your isolation had scarred you a lot worse than a pair of broken legs from Marko would’ve.
• They were going to need to put in a lot of work to get you back.
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Tag list- @bella-goths-wife @purple-lemon-8 @xjesterxjacksx @ursinaw @simplyreading96 @lostbetweenvampiresandmusic
(If anyone else wants to be added to the tag list then lmk!)
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faesdreaming · 2 years ago
Yandere Miguel O’Hara Headcanons
a/n: there are two routes platonic and romantic, which will be bolded and colour-coded like this, please forgive my spanish i am breaking out my high school spanish classes.
tw: yandere themes, possessive, obsessive, and controlling behaviour, potential spoilers, suggestive themes (romantic route), captivity, canonical inaccuracies, implied neglect (platonic route)
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•Becoming the hero Arachnid wasn’t something you ever planned on happening. You were just going about your regular, every day life when a radioactive spider bit you. The spider that bit you gave you amazing powers that you utilized to become the amazing, the one and only friendly neighbourhood Arachnid! Then, you were suddenly pulled into another dimension that was almost exactly like yours and discovered that you weren’t the only one of well you after all.
•You, alongside other spider-themed heroes, joined forces against Kingpin in order to return to your home dimensions. However, that wasn’t your last adventure with the multiverse. Your next encounter would occur a few months after your first misadventure. Having finished fighting the Green Goblin, you were ready to end the night there. Then, a portal similar to the one that brought you to Miles’ dimension opened up. Out came a tall, well-muscled Spider-Man and a Spider-Woman
•They introduced themselves as Miguel O’Hara and Jessica Drew and informed of the Spider society they’d formed. You were offered membership by them. Well, by Jessica. Miguel was staying silent. You don’t know why, but you felt as though he was watching you. He was, of course, he was right in front of you, but this felt eerie. Your senses were telling you something was wrong but Jessica was so nice and you really were excited and honoured to be given such an opportunity. So, you take it.
Romantic Route:
•Miguel stared at you intently. He’d been watching you for a while now, observing. You resemblance was uncanny— you looked exactly like his spouse. Not his spouse exactly, but the one the other had. You looked like the partner that Miguel had grown to love alongside his daughter. A variant of them. Although he was initially against you joining, it would be easier to watch you— look out for you if you joined the lobby.
•After your acceptance, Miguel tasked Jessica with guiding you around the lobby. He didn’t trust anyone else and he couldn’t bare to do it himself. He couldn’t handle himself around you. It wasn’t just your appearance that was uncanny, it was everything. You mannerisms, habits, likes, interests, everything. How Miguel yearned for you. Yearned to feel your touch, your kiss. Yearned for the happiness he once knew.
•But that would break the canon, wouldn’t it? The memories of his world, his family fading from existence because he broke the canon. He couldn’t let that happen again. So, he behaved coldly towards you. But as Miguel continued to watch you and interact with you, he started to doubt. You were a variant of his partner, but your dimension didn’t have a variant of Miguel O’Hara. Perhaps, he rationalized, this was canon. Your fates were meant to be intertwined. He needed you and you needed him. That was canon.
•Miguel strikes when you least expect. Spends weeks carefully planning. He stalks you, memorizes your routine to a point. He assigns you a mission, not overly-difficult but not easy. Something to tire you out. With your senses dulled and the weariness from the fight left you susceptible to his attack. Quickly, stealthily and by surprise, he subdued you. His sharp fangs biting into the tender skin of your neck, paralyzing you.
•When you come to, you find yourself in an unfamiliar room. Yet there are familiar objects lying around; trinkets and photos that had disappeared. Your spidey-senses were going off the rails and that’s when he came.
•He tells you you’re here for your safety and for the safety of your dimension. Swears you’re meant to be with him, that it’s canon. Warns you of the consequences if you break the canon. You stare at him, intaking his audacity. Then, you shriek at him. Call him out on his absolute bull. Miguel sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. He ignores your screeching and leaves. Obviously, you’re still in shock. You’ll come around.
•Almost a month later, lo and behold, you still haven’t come around to being pliant with your captor. Miguel is a man of many things, but patience is not one. He is so very tired, having to deal with Lyla’s teasing and the other Spider’s bullshit. Is it too much to ask to come home to his loving spouse? Just like he used to.
•Apparently, it is. Seeing as you aren’t his spouse, but someone he locked up, you scream at him. Unholy screeches whenever you see him. Today, Miguel’s had enough. Large hands wrap around you and slam you against the headboard of the bed you’re chained too.
“Enough.” He hisses. “¡Mierda! I won’t hear it. ¿Me entienden? You stay here. If the safety of the multiverse won’t convince then maybe the safety of your aunt will.”
•The moment the vague threat passes over you freeze entirely. You’ve lost almost everyone, everyone but her. Carefully, you suck in air. Large tears brim at the edges of your eyes. as you look Miguel directly in the eyes. His eyes, dark and dangerous, bore back into yours.
“Please Miguel,” you whisper. “I’ll stay. I’m sorry. Don’t hurt her.”
•Miguel softens at your submission. However, he still doesn’t trust you. He pulls himself off you and stalks out, leaving you laying on the bed, dazed. From that day forewords, you become more compliant. You listen to Miguel and don’t fight him. Miguel knows that he can’t keep you locked away forever. People were asking questions. With your ‘good’ behaviour, you’ll be granted more privileges. More freedom, if that’s what you can call it. You’ll never truly be free, trapped under Miguel’s watchful eyes. But you’re able to go into the lobby again. To talk with people, even if you do so bearing Miguel’s marks. You know you can’t escape him, not when he could take away the little you had left, not when he would hunt you down through every universe. For now, you know you can’t escape Miguel’s grip.
Platonic Route:
•When Miguel saw you for the first time, he felt the world stop around him. It was as though there was nobody else but you and him. You, who was the only variant of his dead child that wasn’t truly his. He watched as you swung around, mocking villains and making clever quips. Miguel’s heart ached for you, for himself, for his dead daughter and child. As he watched you, memories of holding his child as they died because of him resurface. Once more, does Miguel feel the bitter sting of grief and loss.
•Oh, how Miguel desires to hold you, to cradle you close and never let go. But he can’t, he won’t. You’re not his child. You’re not the child he failed to protect. No, you’re a child he can protect. Thus, his decision to allow you to join the spider-society, if only to watch over you and protect you. Your family clearly isn’t doing a good job at it. Miguel spends more time than necessary looking after you. Not that he meant to, of course. You were just so vulnerable. You needed guidance. You may have been s superhero but you were also a child.
•Under Miguel’s guidance you thrive. He teaches you proper fighting techniques, improves your web-shooters and other tech you have and acts as the father figure you need. His teaching method is firm yet gentle. Miguel remains stern, however, everyone notices how soft he is with you. Life is good in the lobby. To be honest, sometimes you consider staying forever. Or more accurately, Miguel implies you should.
•Yes, he was originally not going to interfere. But it was you who made the decision to stay, so obviously that meant something. And Miguel wouldn’t lie, whenever you returned to your Earth to fulfill your duties as Arachnid, he could barely think he was so worried. Every villain encounter, every scrape and bruise is another chance to fail to protect his child. Miguel gets more desperate over time. Your time in the lobby is almost exclusively spent with him. Every mission is with him, every meal is with him, almost every moment is spent by Miguel’s side. And honestly? You’re starting to get s little sick of it.
•Not that you were complaining. You’re so grateful for the opportunities Miguel gave you, but he’s so overbearing. Maybe it’s normal, you rationalize, you’re family isn’t very close. Besides, you’ve seen Peter B. Parker with Mayday. Even Miguel isn’t that clingy. Your senses are blaring danger and to get away, but your yearning for love and affection suppress them. You continue to push down your instincts until you can’t. Until you decide to listen to your doubts— only to prove them wrong, of course. However, just your luck, your instincts are proven correct. You discover a goddamn tracker implanted in your arm.
•Finally, everything clicks. Everything Miguel does? Not normal! Just creepy, especially this. Thus, you decide to leave. You dig out your tracker and stitch the wound back up. You leave the tracker where you know Miguel will find it and leave, discarding your portal bracelet. You return to your Earth for the final time, intent on never leaving again.
•When Miguel returns to find your tracker and no trace of you, he goes ballistic. You left, he can’t protect you. You’ll get hurt, you’ll die. Miguel can’t risk losing you. He travels to your Earth in search of you. There, he tracks you down to find you losing badly against the Green Goblin. You’re clutch your ribs, bruised and bloody. The moment he sees you like this, Miguel enters a blazing fury. He attacks the Goblin viciously, pounding him until a sickening crunch is heard and the Goblin’s neck snaps. You collapse, from your injuries and the shock of witnessing Miguel kill the Goblin.
•Your chest seizes, hyperventilating. You can hear your heart beat racing as Miguel turns to you. He watches you panic and slowly paces towards you. You attempt to scoot away, but you can barely move. Miguel’s mask is off. You can see his eyes being filled with the same eerie softness as the day you met. Carefully, he leans down and large hands grasp onto you. You struggle as best you can, squirming despite the pain.
“¡Ay! Cariño.” He admonishes gently. “Be still, you’ll hurt yourself.”
•Regardless of his orders, you continue to squirm. Sighing, Miguel extended his fangs and bit down on your neck. Paralyzed, you fall limp in his arms. Carefully, he maneuvers you so to not hurt you. He cradles you to his chest as he inspects you over.
“We’ll get you checked out when we go to your new room. ¿Estàts bien?”
•Unable to do anything, you lay helpless in Miguel’s arms as he takes you to your new fancy prison cell— or room as he calls it. From there, you’ll be safe. Somewhere only Miguel knows, a place he can be certain he can protect you. Yes, you’ll stay locked away in your gilded cage, guarded by Miguel. Safe from the world, from every threat but him.
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yanderemommabean · 1 month ago
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whats your opinion about platonic yandere naga/lamia with a child prey darling?
i like to think they'd be hella protective. Slithering out of the wood work to make sure the child is safe, hissing at anything that moves such as the school bus or the mail man. Bringing the child better fruits and foods when they forget their lunch, or simply taking care of the child themselves if they deem the family unworthy.
Poor thing would be so confused on how to keep humans warm! Asking if the blankets they stole are enough, asking if they need a nap in direct sunlight, and not being too sure how to tell if a human is overheating so they shrug, splash with water, and say they did a great job. Once it's explained how we work they get more relaxed, thankfully, but their fangs and venom are still out for the kill if they think the child is in any danger.
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mitch-the-silly · 1 year ago
Hi hi hi hi hi big fan of your writing :3 do ya think you can do a vox x female reader when their out in public and some ones hits on reader??? *Disclaimer* I luv u (platonically)
Omg I love this idea and I love you too (platonically as well)!! Vox is my bbg and any idea to get me writing for him is literal heaven-
Anyway, he's a bit of a Yandere, I just know it!!! So here!
Vox x fem!reader
"Aggro of a Bleeding Heart"
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It was rare when you and Vox decided to roam Petagram City. The amount of low-class sinners that also roamed the place made it unsafe not just because of the extreme classicism the Vees believed in, but because crime was as high as you’d expect a city in Hell to be. Of course, today was an exception because you two were on your way to an exclusive club and you just refused to drive to a place so nearby.
So when you arrived at this club, he chose a table for the both of you and got up to greet some fellow overlords. You simply sat there, fancy purse in hand as you patiently waited for your Vox. You were always well-dressed and put together. It was one of the many benefits of being an Overlord’s girlfriend. A particular piece of your outfit that you always flaunted was a huge “V��� shaped broach he’d given you. His hat logo atop of the letter. Some people commented on it seeming like him taking ownership of you (which might be true deep down within Vox’s heart) but truth be told, to you, it was a symbol of how close he was to your heart.
Now, needless to say, looking that pretty attracted men to you. All of which you rejected immediately. But rejection didn’t stop men at times. As was the case with the sinner who was flirting with you right now.
“Come on babe~ He probably doesn’t even pay attention to you~ And he definitely doesn’t please you.” The sinner smirked, pointing at your broach.
You made a face of slight disgust at him, “You don’t know anything about me, ok?” You huffed, undignified.
“Oh, I but I bet he doesn’t treat you right. Come on…~ Ditch that flat screen bastard. C’mon, you know you wanna…~” He insisted. You shook your head, suddenly noticing a figure behind him. Good, this would be over soon.
"I already told you, I'm not interested." You scoffed.
Behind him stood Vox, electricity cracking behind him and fangs out like a bloodthirsty animal. He was beyond protective of you and upon seeing another man speaking to you while you tried to move away from him, he knew he had to jump in.
“Í̷̬s̶̨͂ ̶̟͆ḧ̴̖e̸͆͜ ̷̯̊b̷̗̄o̶̡̐ẗ̴̮́ẖ̸͗ȩ̴͝r̶̢̃ǐ̵͍n̵̡͗g̶̗̈ ̸͍͠y̴͜͝ỏ̴͖ű̷̩,̸̞̒ ̶̦͋b̸̼̿ǎ̶̢ḅ̴͆y̷͖͝?̶̭̇ ” He asked, unable to keep his voice normal. The glitching being a sign of his agitation. He wanted to murder the man in front of him, strangle him with his bare hands, but he couldn’t. He would not dare cause that big of a scene.
“I already told him that I wasn't interested in him.” You sighed, simply annoyed by the stranger’s persistence.
That stranger turned quickly, and once he saw Vox behind him, attempted to scurry away from the situation. However, Vox swiftly appeared in front of him, grabbing the man by the collar.
“Y̵o̷u̴'̷r̶e̴ ̵p̷r̶e̶t̶t̸y̴ ̶f̶u̷c̶k̸i̶n̵g̵ ̶b̵o̷l̴d̸,̸ ̶a̸r̴e̴n̴'̶t̵ ̶y̷o̷u̸?̴ ̷T̴a̸l̴k̵i̶n̶g̵ ̸t̸o̵ ̸m̴y̵ ̴g̵i̸r̵l̴ ̷t̸h̵a̷t̶ ̶w̷a̴y̶.̷.̶.̸ ” Vox hissed, still crackling in pure rage. “I̶ ̷h̴e̸a̷r̴d̸ ̶a̷l̷l̵ ̴t̷h̴e̸ ̷s̵h̷i̸t̶ ̷y̴o̶u̸ ̷w̶e̴r̴e̴ ̴t̴e̵l̴l̴i̴n̶g̷ ̶h̷e̷r̸.̷ ̴Y̸o̵u̴ ̸t̶h̷i̴n̶k̵ ̸I̷ ̶c̵a̵n̸'̶t̴ ̶p̸l̶e̸a̸s̴e̶ ̷m̸y̸ ̸o̷w̴n̸ ̸w̶o̷m̴a̵n̷?̵ ” Vox added. His voice shaking as much as his hands. He looked like a rabid dog and it was… kind of hot to you.
“N-no, s-sir!” The man stuttered.
“It’s not what I heard you say, you u̸g̸l̸y̷ ̶f̵u̷c̷k̴i̵n̴g̵ ̷s̵l̷u̴g̴… I’ll give you two minutes to leave the vicinity before I b̴l̷o̸w̷ ̶y̵o̴u̶r̴ ̸f̸u̴c̶k̸i̶n̵g̶ ̴b̵r̶a̷i̴n̴s̸ ̴o̵u̸t̷ ̶w̵i̵t̵h̸ ̶a̷ ̸C̶r̶a̵m̵i̴n̶e̶.̴.̴.̸ ” He threatened. Oh, and he was very much capable of this. Shooting a sinner with an authentic Carmine weapon was something he’d proved he wasn’t above doing when it came to your safety or his jealousy, for that matter. And unlike regular gunshots, there was no coming back from a fatal shot from a Carmine weapon. If you were killed by it, you were fucked. Gone into oblivion.
“Y-yes sir!” The sinner stuttered. Vox let go of his collar and the puny man that had flirted with you a few minutes ago was now stumbling over himself trying to leave the club.
Vox shuddered, calming down and sitting next to you. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you closer towards him. “Fuck… I hate the fucking scum we live amongst. I’m not leaving you alone on a night out ever again, I’m… sorry about that bastard.”
“It ok Voxxie, it was kinda hot… what you did, you know?” You chuckled slightly.
“Yeah? You like it when I get all jealous over you?” He smirked, letting out a breathy chuckle.
“Yeah, I like it when you get all glitchy and crackly. It’s kinda cute...” You giggled.
“I should do it more often, then~.” He chuckled, planting a peck on your lips.
You kissed his screen and chuckled, "You should, it suits you a lot~" You cooed, placing a hand on his chest.
Vox let out another chuckle, "Well, good to know. Now I know how to win you over when you're being a brat."
"Hush, you! We're in public!" You protested, embarrassed that he'd say that out loud, but finding it kind of funny.
"Who said I meant it that way. Get your mind out of the gutter, baby~" He teased, holding your waist.
"I fucking hate you." You joked.
"Oh, you love me~" He retorted with a cocky laugh.
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honey-minded-hivemind · 9 months ago
here are some more ideas for the Reader from Naga AU, and all the presented art is NOT MINE AND I DO NOT APPROPRIATE THEM FOR MYSELF!
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Ooooooo... Which Naga AU? The one with Creed Reader? The snake aliens au with @crowwithguns? Or the regular naga aus? I like these! The artists did an amazing job! I especially like the viper and king cobra characters! I think they're neat!
I imagine Naga or snake alien Reader is a little different, being more prone to exploration and studying other species and disasters, rather than staying interested in just their own species. I imagine there a pretty chill person, maybe a little bubbly. If it's Creed Reader as a Naga, they're more jumpy and anxious, but still have a heart of gold.
@pfosi What do you think of any of the snake people aus? Any favorites? What is your favorite type of snake?
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obsessivevoidkitten · 2 years ago
To Reject a Vampire
Male Vampire Yandere x Gender Neutral Reader (CW: Non-con, vampire, biting, blood drinking, depressed reader, mind control, smut, blowjob, forced imprisonment, dead dove: do not eat, general yandere behavior) Word Count: 3.4k  (Vampire comm that took me way too long.) 
You were walking back home late one night with your friend, Jaime. You had known each other since childhood and remained inseparable. In fact, the two of you even lived right next door to one another. He had left for college for some years, but had returned as soon as he had become a registered nurse. The two of you often hung out when you were both off work and that sometimes led to walking to the gas station a couple blocks down the road to grab some snacks. You were both laughing from recounting a particularly funny memory you both shared when the sounds of laughter and chatter between the two of you suddenly died down into silence before he spoke. "Hey… there's something I wanted to ask you…" Oh no. Not again… "Have you maybe reconsidered us dating? I know you said no before but-" This was an ongoing problem with Jaime, the only thing really marring an otherwise near perfect friendship. He kept persistently asking you out. This had been going on for years now and your frustration finally got the better of you, making you snap. "NO!" You yelled interrupting him, "NO! NO! NO! NO! NOOOOO!!! It isn't happening! I am totally and completely uninterested in having any type of non-platonic relationship with ANYONE! Stop. Asking. It is NEVER going to happen. Not in this world or the next. Not in any way, shape, form, nor fashion! Get. It. Through. Your. Thick. Skull." You were panting after your outburst. A few seconds passed and you realized how harsh you had been as his face went from stunned silence to utter broken despair. You could practically hear his heart shatter. He often got a bit dejected when you had rejected him in the past, but this time you were much more harsh. With a sniff he started sobbing and running off towards home, leaving you to walk home alone in the quiet night. Sighing you slowly trudged home, sure that Jaime just needed to sulk for a few days before your friendship resumed with the both of you pretending like this awkward episode never happened. And, more than likely, that is just exactly what would have happened. Had a chance encounter on his way home not irreversibly changed Jaime forever. And not for the better. As Jaime was running home his tear filled eyes blinded him to the danger that was stalking him from the shadows. A sneaky predator who loved the taste tormenting his prey imparted, and how much sweeter when his meal was already flavored with the sweet marinade of sorrow and heartbreak? Suddenly Jaime was tackled into a dark alley that he was passing, the vampire easily dragging him back into the void where no eyes could pierce, firmly clasping his hand over Jaime's mouth to keep him quiet. The unknown assailant put his nose into the crook of Jaime's neck and inhaled deeply, savoring the mouthwatering scents of all the negative emotions Jaime had been experiencing that night. The current one being abject terror as the figure behind him didn't even acknowledge his vain attempts at struggling. "I'd tell you not to struggle, but it is really much more fun when you do," mused a deep man's voice. Jaime, whose first thought was that he was getting mugged, now thought that he was going to be raped as his attacker licked and kissed his neck in the same manner one's lover would. And he flailed all the more vigorously. Unperturbed, the man now violated Jaime in an altogether different and unexpected manner. Sinking long fangs easily into the soft flesh of his neck before sucking him nearly dry. It was amazing how thoroughly a vampire could drain a victim. Jaime died, but his murderer was not quite done with him. He loved sowing discord and chaos in any way that he could manage it, and having seen the spectacle early of you rejecting his victim he knew there was ruination and mayhem to be had by creating a fresh, unguided, love-sick vampire. So he bit open his wrist a bit and let the blood flow into the parted lips of our dear departed Jaime. Within an hour he would no longer be so dear nor so departed. And the unknown vampire stepped into the shadows and was never seen there again, happy with his meal and the knowledge that he had certainly derailed more than one life that night. When Jaime woke up hours later, just as the sun was rising, he had a major migraine, a sharp pain in his neck, was chilled to the bone, and felt like he was starving. His memory was spotty, he thought maybe he had been mugged, but he still had his phone and wallet on him. Maybe just assaulted by some crazy person. Whatever had happened he was alive and okay, so he shakily got to his feet, dusted himself off, and made his way home. By the time he had reanimated you had been in bed for hours. Though you hadn't really slept well. You felt so guilty for exploding on him like that. Sure, he kept asking you out, but it wasn't too often and you could have gone about rejecting him just a bit more gently. He had been really hurt, what if he didn't blow it off and resume your friendship like he usually did? After a few days had passed with no contact from him you began to get a bit more anxious, though it was still technically within the normal timeframe of when he usually started talking to you again after you turned down his advances. Still, given the way you had lashed out at him you figured that you should maybe be the one to check up on him instead. Jaime had a reason for not talking to you, what with his transition into a blood feeding immortal taking up most of his time. At first he had no idea at all what was happening to him. He felt cold and feverish and was beyond fatigued. He called off work from the first day, thinking he had a minor flu of some sort. All his senses were disorienting him. His body was adjusting to more sensitive vision, sense of smell, and even touch. The second day he felt better, but had an insatiable hunger, no matter what he ate nothing seemed to satisfy him. He ate a huge breakfast before work and at lunch he ate a lot as well. Some of his coworkers at the hospital even joked about how he was inhaling food that day. Jaime had no clue why he felt like he was starving no matter how much he ate. As someone in the medical field any number of possible causes went through his mind. Nothing really fit. A more concerning symptom was that whenever he was around a wounded patient, whenever he had to do a blood transfusion, or even just whenever he got the faintest whiff of blood his hunger flared up. His senses flared in sensitivity. He could almost have sworn he could hear the heartbeats of those near him. He realized he was craving the blood. It scared him, the thought made him nauseous. Admirably he managed to push away his quite literal blood lust for a couple days, but eventually he could fight his need for blood no longer. It was late at night at the end of his shift and he was beyond certain the coast was clear so he snuck into the storage room where the blood packs are kept and sunk his teeth into one, unknowingly growing fangs as he pierced it and sucked it dry. If the obvious signs hadn't been enough to clue him in on what he now was then innate instinctual knowledge that filled him with his first ingestion of vital human essence did. He was a vampire. A million thoughts raced through his mind, but his first priority was sating his hunger. He quickly grabbed some bags of blood and stuffed them into his coat for later before leaving for home. He was oddly excited, eager to test out what new abilities he had. A day later, when both of you were off work, you finally got a text from him asking to hang out with no mention of what had occurred between the two of you the other night. You breathed a sigh of relief, now things could go back to normal. The two of you had arranged for you to come by his house in a couple hours so the two of you could hang out, order pizza, and play video games. Just like the good old days. Things went entirely normal with no odd deviation or indication that Jaime was now a creature of the night. And it set the pace for your friendship to resume as if nothing had ever happened. Or so you thought, in the weeks since the two of you first started hanging out again Jaime had steadily been experimenting and training with his new found abilities. He had learned that he had an absurd tolerance to pain, extremely quick reflexes, and unholy strength. But, most importantly, he learned that he could compel anyone to do his bidding. He had plans to use this technique on you, but it wasn't quite perfected yet. Though every time he used it he got more and more effective. All he needed was practice and time. So while you went about life and continued your longest running friendship in blissful ignorance of what was to come he was readying himself for the day he could make you love him. When that day arrived it started like any other, you two hanging out at his place on a day when you were both off. But it definitely didn't stay that way. Jaime was at the point with his skill where he no longer even needed to issue commands verbally, he just needed good eye contact to assert his will over another being. "Hey is something wrong? Why are you staring at me so intensel-" You instantly went still and quiet. It was like you were trapped in your own body unable to do anything. When Jaime asked you if you would go out with him you wanted to say no but your lips were not your own and you said yes in a monotone voice. Jaime wore a shit-eating grin as he scooted closer to you and kissed you deeply. You were repulsed and afraid, why weren't you pushing him away, why weren't you slapping him, why were you returning the kiss? You wanted to scream and run away but you could do nothing to control your own body. Instead you wrapped your arms around him and made out with him. Jaime was thrilled, he bit your neck carefully and fed from you as you clung to him. You felt a sharp pain in your neck but could do nothing against it as he tasted your blood. For you it was hell, like a much worse and very real version of sleep paralysis. For Jaime it was heaven, he had never felt closer to you than in that moment. His beloved was finally in his arms and could do nothing to leave them. But he most certainly was not satisfied with that alone for long. Jaime carried you bridal style up to his bed. He very carefully undressed you, as if you were the most delicate doll to ever exist, and stood for a moment admiring every inch of your exposed body. You wanted to shout for help. To cover up. To run. To fight. ANYTHING but lay there under his unwavering gaze. But no matter how hard you tried to fight it you simply couldn't, you were a hostage in your mind, able to see and feel everything but do nothing. The first thing he did, after disrobing, was to attend to your sex. He touched your crouch carefully, as if afraid to hurt you. Like you might shatter at the slightest rough touch. He ran his eager hands, shaking with excitement, over every inch of you. He stroked your cheek tenderly and played with your hair, felt over your chest and thighs and hips. When he had thoroughly explored you and there were no more areas for his hands to discover he decided he needed to go deeper. The vampire took two lubed fingers and slowly worked them into you, gently prying your entrance open and stretching you to be ready for him. He savored every sensation and fold inside you, hard as a rock as he imagined his cock where his fingers were. You couldn't even cry as he violated you, you were denied even that emotional release. And this remained the case even as he slathered his cock with lube and aligned it with your entrance and made his way inside you with his slightly above average dick. Jaime was torturously slow as he "made love" with his dear partner. You just wanted this nightmare to be over, you wanted to believe that at any moment you would wake up sweating in bed like you would from any bad dream. You had to stare wide-eyed, made to take it all in, as he looked at you lovingly. He kissed you deeply, and once more you were made to comply, parting your lips so that he could move his tongue inside. Jaime happily rubbed his tongue against yours as he worked towards filling you with his hot seed. As he approached his climax he gripped your hip painfully and picked up the pace, really drilling you as deeply and as forcefully as he could, his balls slapping into you with each painful thrust. Right before he came he slowed down as much as possibly, wanting to draw out the sensation for as long as he could. Slowwwwwwly pulling out before sliding just as slowly back in, repeating this a few times before thrusting forward and emptying his balls into you as he bit the side of your neck that he left untouched earlier. You came too just as he did, your body now betraying you even further than it had already and in the most humiliating way. He drank a bit before sliding his dick out of you and kissing your cheek. "That was amazing babe! I love you so much!" And as a puppet pulled by its strings you replied, once more in monotone, "I love you too." And the illusion was shattered. It wasn't real. He may have had you, he may have even had your vocal chords, but he didn't have your emotions. And he soon learned that no matter what he tried, even though he could get you to do almost any action, he couldn't force you to love him. Jaime tried for weeks to force love for him into you, keeping you locked away in his house whenever he left for work. You tried to leave, of course, but simple orders lingered in you even when he was no longer present. You couldn't leave or get help in any way. All of your existence now amounted to was enduring his increasing frustration with being unable to make you love him interspersed with periods of anxiety while waiting for him to get home from work and torture you all over again. You were no longer aware of exactly how long you had been trapped, the days all kind of blended together. Most days he had work at the hospital and those days were all largely the same with little to no variation. Jaime would get up and make you breakfast in bed, insisting that he was trying to spoil you. You, in a mix of depression and defiance would not take a single bite and just stare at the plate that he brought to you on a tray with your favorite morning drink. Inevitably he would get frustrated, snap at you, force you to eat against your will, and slam the door as he went off to work. Then you were left alone, it was probably the only almost decent part of your day, but everything just seemed so hopeless. Inevitably the blood sucking parasite would be back and you couldn’t leave no matter how hard you tried to. At each attempt it was like someone seized your body and squeezed you into immobility until you submitted. When your “lover” got home he would fawn over you, often giving you a little gift. A small gesture you supposed was meant to somehow make you forget everything and fall helplessly in love with him. A small sweet treat, a flower, a tiny teddy bear. Anytime he tried this tactic you always ignored it or threw it across the room. Either way the result was the same. Jaime would snap, he would not even bother forcing you mentally as he grabbed your weak arms and bit painfully into your neck. “No please! I’m s-sorry!” You would cry, always regretting your action but never being able to stop yourself from denying his gifts when he offered them. And for the next part he would use his ability of compulsion to make you stop fighting. In his fury he wanted to hurt you a bit, but not TOO badly, and he enjoyed, for a moment, the fantasy that you were a willing participant. Most of the time he would then have you remove your clothing before sliding himself inside you, biting and kissing and sucking your neck as he did so, whispering how you were all his and about how much he loved you softly into your ear. Sometimes he would instead utilize your soft lips, jamming his hard cock down your throat, making you service him. The heat of your wet mouth combined with the sight of you looking up at him with his cock in your mouth was almost enough to make him blow his load immediately. You were just so beautiful. No matter the method that he chose it always ended the same. After his finished unloading into you his mind would clear and then be filled with rage as you were unable to reciprocate his love and enjoyment of the forced intimacy between the two of you. Jaime would angrily shove you aside, leaving you to clean yourself up, while he slammed the door to the bedroom and went to go make dinner. When it was ready of course he always found you laying where he left you, sobbing. Then he would, roughly, force you to your feet and drag you into the bathroom where he would run you a bath. This is where he would feel really guilty and suddenly turn soft. Every time. Gently shampooing your hair and cleaning your body, tenderly attending to the bites on your neck, happily babbling about how much he loves you and he knows you’ll love him eventually, you just need more time to adjust was all. Jaime would then clothe you himself and carry you down to dinner. You wouldn’t eat willingly, too catatonic by this point in the evening to do much of anything, but that was okay. Jaime was still in his sweet phase, all the anger having left earlier. He would feed you himself but compel you to swallow with his vampiric power, he always made your favorites. He had diligently learned to cook them perfectly for you over the years even though he otherwise did not enjoy cooking. After dinner he would always make an effort to spend some time with you, not getting angry when you were still, and when it was time for bed he would carry you up in his strong arms and lay you down as if you were made of the thinnest glass, a complete 180 to how he treated you when he first got off work. He would snuggle up to you from behind and hold you close, ending each night by telling you how much he loved you and saying he knew deep down you loved him back and one day you would be so happy with him. You hoped he was right, you hoped you could just be happy waking up in his arms, because if not this cycle of abuse juxtaposed to tenderness would never end.
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yanderes-galore · 7 months ago
Could I bother you for a Yandere Ibuki (Beastars) concept?
Wish we had more screen time for him... but his story was told, I suppose. This is my updated view on him. Possible AU where he's not shot 😔.
Yandere! Ibuki Concept
Pairing: Platonic/Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Possessive/Overprotective behavior, Violence, Biting, Isolation/Kidnapping, Dubious companionship/relationship.
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Ibuki is described as intelligent and loyal.
Towards his obsession he'd be protective and caring, similar to how he is with Louis.
Ibuki would try to respect the boundaries of his obsession, unless they are trying to actively leave him.
Ibuki can also be seen as insecure due to his beliefs.
He wants his obsession to reciprocate his feelings, but also understands if you don't do so right away.
Ibuki can be intimidating, He's a Shishigumi lion no matter what.
It's his role.
But Ibuki can also be friendly and kind.
He would not want his obsession to fear him.
Even if it's easy to fear him.
He would hate it if you feared him.
He desperately wants you to view him as more than a large ferocious lion.
Ibuki wants nothing more than to be happy.
He gets that with Louis... He'd also get that with his obsession.
I like to imagine, despite his status, Ibuki would try to be gentle with his obsession.
Carnivore or herbivore, Ibuki would want to be careful and understanding.
I can see him working as both a platonic and romantic yandere.
Platonic is self explanatory, He'd act as a father towards you.
Due to being part of the Shishigumi, He's quite capable of looking out for you.
If his feelings are romantic, there's still a sense of patience and care towards you.
Ibuki would try to be extra careful as much as he can if he had romantic feelings.
Carnivores tend to be intense with such a thing... Even more so if you're an herbivore or smaller carnivore.
He dreads the idea of accidentally hurting you, like biting you and losing control.
Ibuki views his obsession as a way towards happiness.
He struggles with his past, yet tries his best to live in the moment.
He cares deeply for his obsession... but also respects them.
If he's being smothering, you can warn him and he'll back off.
Being Ibuki's obsession most likely means you're part of the Shishigumi yourself in some way.
If you aren't a lion and are indeed weaker than one, Ibuki would keep a close eye on you.
Regardless of his feelings, He'd do anything to encourage and keep you out of harm.
He's tired of being seen as vicious.
He would try to use his strength and intimidation to keep you out of harm.
He tries his hardest not to scare you off... He doesn't want to intimidate you.
Ibuki feels horrible when he tries to show affection and you cower.
If platonic, he feels guilty when you shake in his arms.
He could just be hugging you... only for you to be dwarfed by his strong body.
He could try nuzzling you to soothe you, yet you still can't help but show reluctant submission.
He's not trying to scare you.
If romantic, imagine the struggles of kissing or anything along those likes?
He can't get his mouth anywhere near you unless he wants you to freak out.
The only time I can't see this happening is if you're also a big cat.
Even then, Ibuki would hold back biting... even if he wanted to.
He doesn't want to be seen as feral to you.
Ibuki would want to get his obsession used to his presence.
He doesn't want you to just see him as a large predator with fangs and claws.
He wants you to know how much he cares for you.
You make him happy... so damn happy.
In fact, you may be able to tell this fact by his body language around you.
He softens around you, showing he is fond in some way.
In private he invites you to read with him.
He's fine with just being in the same room with you alone... no affection needed if you wish.
According to my research, Lions can not purr (A disappointment, really-).
However... They supposedly can make a low gurgle/growling noise.
So imagine being near Ibuki... and you hear small growls.
At first it would be... concerning.
However, he's quick to clear things up that he's just... happy... not a threat.
Although, growling could also mean he caught another Shishigumi member staring... which annoys him due to possessive instincts.
Now, would Ibuki kill for his obsession?
Naturally... yes.
He's part of the Shishigumi and has done it before.
But he tries not to do it out of jealousy.
He only bloodies his maw and claws if it means he could lose you.
Mostly if you're threatened...
... That's what he likes to believe....
You could argue that Ibuki would isolate his obsession to keep them in the Shishigumi.
Maybe in this timeline, he let Louis leave because he had you.
So... if you ever tried to leave, Ibuki may give into his possessive instincts.
He's respected your opinions and boundaries up until this point.
Now you wish to leave him....
Ibuki is normally quite nice and understanding, even as a yandere since he cares so much.
He knows he should let you go....
Yet, he let his happiness slip once before...
Ibuki can't bring himself to do it again.
He tells you once you enter the Shishigumi, it's pricey to leave.
So... why don't you stay here with him...?
He'll love you like he always has before... maybe he's being too hopeful... but he hopes you'll feel the same once he convinces you to give in to him.
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kiame-sama · 3 months ago
Humans Are Extinct (Yandere!TWST x fem!Reader) Monster AU pt 20
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(Jack is a Grey Wolf Werewolf and greatly enjoys both the hot savana and the cold mountains. He is considered to be more of a lone wolf because he grew up outside of the typical pack setting. At Night Raven, he is determined to try and make his own pack structure to fit into, so far Leona is the Alpha of that pack and Ruggie is the second in command Beta. Jack has zero issue taking orders from Leona so long as it is not too morally questionable, he still has his pride as one of the few in NRC with a strong moral compass.)
Warnings: Yandere, yandere relationships, Yandere behavior, platonic intended yanderes and romantic intended yanderes, Raffle-less madness ensues, facing trauma a bit too quickly and a bit too soon, protective behavior, territorial disputes, wishes, most named characters make an appearance, Harpies, Werewolf, Dragon, Nemean Lion, Gnoll, Shinigami, Hellcat, Naga, Genie,
The morning carried on and eventually Idia, Ortho, and your usual Diasomnia guards accompanied you to where another Housewarden meeting was being held. The cycle was beginning over again and apparently Crowley was struggling to decide who would next be your appointed guards. Naturally, you wanted a say in the decision as you had yet to actually get a genuine choice before this point.
Entering the primary room Crowley used for meetings was quite normal for you, but what awaited you was something you didn't expect. Where you had been expecting Housewardens- those you had grown mostly accustomed to, there were several others present at the meeting. Countless eyes turned towards you and it only served to make you feel uncomfortable under such scrutiny. Oddly, you felt more stressed being observed by your classmates than you did when facing the Rat that targeted you.
"What is the meaning of this?"
Malleus growled, looking at the many faces you were now faced with. His tail came up to wrap around your leg, as if holding onto you somehow soothed the great Dragon enough to not snap beyond his indignant snarl.
"This, is a collection of everyone who could be chosen as guards for my dear little chick, (Y/n)! I neglected my duty to do another raffle in favor of addressing the issues of security for the Spelldrive Tournament, so I decided to have all Housewardens choose a student or a few students as their fellow guards. This way I can do the raffle now and everyone is already here."
You looked over the many students, glad you could name a few beyond the Housewardens. Those of Heartslabyul were easy to recognize and name, as you had already befriended the five that were present. Floyd, Jade, and Azul were also familiar faces to you, given the fact that you and Jade had started to form a friendship. Both dorm leaders from Scarabia were present. The several from Pomefiore were mostly recognizable, but you didn't really recognize the almost effeminate looking plant-man with Rook and Vil.
As you glanced over the groups, your eyes came to a sudden halt on the furred figure between Leona and Ruggie. Bright yellow eyes gleamed at you from a seemingly scowling muzzle. White fur and sharp teeth hidden behind a long snout.
The heavy and hungry sound of panting filled your ears as did the echoing and haunting sound of Wolf howls as you stared at the beast in front of you. It felt like you were placed right back in that forest, where every shadow was a Wolf snapping their fang filled maws at you.
Some part of you could recognize the glowing yellow eyes of the Wolf sitting before you, having seen him in the halls before. Unfortunately, most of your mind was reeling in panic as your hand unconsciously gripped at your recently healed thigh. Despite your basic desire to not judge any of these men too quickly, you took a hesitant step back and that small motion was enough to trigger a large response.
Malleus was quick to wind his tail up your body and practically flung you and Grim back into his arms, smoke rolling out of his mouth as he glowered at the Wolf. In response, the Wolf didn't seem aggressive or angry, he simply bowed his head and whined out a short sound while avoiding Malleus' gaze.
"Kingscholar, you brought a Wolf? Haven't the Wolves done enough to harm her?"
"Rich, coming from an overgrown Lizard. Jack asked that damned Crow to be included, I didn't choose him, but that sure as shit doesn't mean you can target my dorm."
Malleus turned an incredulous glare to Crowley who had been watching the interaction keenly. The Crow had indeed allowed Jack to be part of the guarding group to represent Savanaclaw. He had allowed it because Jack himself pleaded with the Crow to prove not all Werewolves were dangerous. Crowley had been dubious to the idea before Jack reminded him that all of Twisted Wonderland was watching Night Raven College and how they immersed the Human in a world of magic. If the Human hated Werewolves here, what would happen when the Human met a Werewolf outside of Night Raven?
To keep his own reputation- and the wellbeing of his little chick- in mind, Crowley decided Jack should be included. Of course, he figured that you would react negatively to the presence of a Werewolf given you were attacked by a pack of them. His hope was that Jack's affiliation with Leona would help sweeten the stress and help you accept the Werewolf.
"I allowed Jack to attend after his inquiry into the matter. If other species known for their conflict with Humanity are allowed, so too should the Werewolves."
Malleus looked like he was about to speak before the beast- Jack the Werewolf, as Crowley called him- spoke first.
"I will leave," he stood, his fluffy ears back and his head somewhat bowed, "I shouldn't have asked. It is far too soon to be pressing the matter like this, especially when it was my kind who attacked her."
Despite the genuine aversion you had to the presence of the Wolf, you felt worse seeing how dejected he looked. It became a battle inside of yourself with the fear of your recent injury pushing you back, and your desire to treat these men fairly pushing you forward.
"Don't," you almost had to gasp out due to your own fear trying to silence you, "don't go. I-" you took a breath to steady your frantic heart, "I don't want you to go."
"(Y/n), he is a Wolf. He is the same thing that stalks your nightmares. Do you truly need me to tell you of your own fears?"
"I shouldn't fear him. The Wolves that-" you held Grim a little tighter as the kit nuzzled your cheek to calm you, "that attacked us... They're gone. They're not coming back. I can't- I can't let myself be afraid of them all because a few bore their fangs. That isn't fair. Not to them, and not to me. It just isn't fair."
Malleus looked like he wanted to argue, his eyes narrowing as he looked at Jack and then back at you. Jack seemed to take this moment to speak up, careful to move slowly around you as you were clearly still wary and skittish around him. When you saw his drooped ears and almost begging eyes the image of the snarling Wolves began to dissolve, leaving behind a whimpering puppy. He was clearly no puppy- standing tall even among the other giants of the school- but he didn't have that same crazed look as the Pack had.
You tried to hold onto that mental image, wanting to treat this Wolf fairly but struggling to actually convince yourself of what you were saying. The battle was internal to see which won for your attention; the snarling Wolves or the whimpering Puppy.
"If... If it makes you feel more at peace, I am Domestic."
"No pride," Leona scoffed, "already rolling over to show your tummy, Jack?"
The Wolf frowned at Leona for this, but what Jack said caught your interest. What did he mean by Domestic?
"Right," Jack scratched the back of his head in a stressed way, his ample fur fluffing out somewhat, "Domestics are members of the more beastly species that didn't grow up in their usual environment. Most Werewolves grow up with a Pack, moving when the pack moves and refusing any kind of excessive interacting with other species. I wasn't raised in a Pack. I'm Domestic."
Leona huffed again, his Lion ears angled back as he frowns at the Wolf. From what Jack told you, it helped somewhat to see him as a Wolf-dog, not a pure Wolf like that group had been. It was clear that a few of the others seemed to agree with Jack despite Leona's displeasure.
"... I feel like Jack should stay. He has a right like anyone else does. I won't lie and say I'm not afraid... I'm terrified. The howling... The fangs... The snarling..!"
You had to pause again to ground yourself, Grim doing an excellent job by giving you something to hold and cuddle for comfort. The little kit was clearly unsettled around Jack, but it was likely for the same reason as you due to the rather fresh memories of the Wolves. Still, the kit was of great comfort and you managed to get your breathing back under control, forcing down the tears that threatened to fall.
"I understand that I can't fear every member of a species because of what one group did, but I am still afraid. I think... I think some time around a Wolf that won't hurt me... that won't chase me like those Wolves did... It could be a good thing for me. Of course," you paused and looked back at the somewhat more hopeful Wolf, "only if Jack is okay with it. I don't want him to feel pressured into it if he doesn't want to. I would understand."
"... Truth is I feel like I have to do this, but not because anyone is making me. I know I wasn't one of the Werewolves that hurt you, but I do feel like I have a responsibility to prove not all of us are like that. I want to help, but I don't like that I scare you."
You just nodded mutely and Jack seemed more confident to take his place back with Leona and Ruggie. Despite your still present desire to run, you remained among the group, calming yourself as best you could. If you were going to survive in this world until the Ghosts found you a way back home, you needed to create and gain as many allies as you could. Jack included.
"Now that that's all sorted out," Crowley spoke, clapping his hands together, "let us get this meeting underway so you all can attend your classes. I forgot to do another raffle, so I figure that I can either choose a dorm for this week or we do the raffle now. I can think of several dorms that are more deserving than others- given the recent events- but another raffle is more fair. Thoughts?"
You were almost tempted to just tell Crowley you could choose for yourself, but before you could speak up, another voice cut in.
"The Spelldrive Tournament is soon. Whatever dorm is selected will have to balance having their Housewarden away and practicing for the tournament. Not that there's much competition for anything other than second place, Diasomnia will easily win with Malleus."
This interjection from Azul made the others glance around, but you were mostly lost. You didn't recognize this 'Spelldrive Tournament' and wondered what it was in the context of the conversation. From what Azul said, it seemed like a sports thing that the other dorms participated in and that Malleus was going to win if he played.
"Mr. Ashengrotto makes a valid point. (Y/n), due to the Spelldrive Tournament, you will likely have to stay in whatever dorm is selected so the Housewarden of the dorm can lead their team. I will be continuing my work on increasing security for the time being."
You wanted to yell at the Crow. Once again he was trampling over how you may feel on the matter and just telling you what to do as the situation came about. Despite your annoyance with him, you kept yourself contained as it sounded like the Housewardens were actually needed by their dorms outside of their appointed duty to guard you.
"Fine, but who is going to do all that? Why don't we just let a staff member keep an eye on me since everyone else is busy this week?"
"Nonsense! You should have someone who is a first year to help you in classes. Besides, they want to take guard duties. They wouldn't have all shown up this early if they didn't wish to be selected."
"Or you threatened them to show up-"
"Anyway, should I raffle this one or do you feel like choosing?"
You stayed silent for a moment, frowning at the Crow who seemed oblivious to your annoyance. Grim, however, was not nearly as thrown off as you were by the behavior of the Crow.
"I want to choose!"
"Works for me," you conceeded to the wishes of the little feline, rubbing his forehead affectionately, "why don't you choose, Grim? You've been a very good boy and I think you earned the right to choose."
The little Hellcat purred loudly in response to your praise, rubbing his head against your chin with a purr. You were preoccupied enough with Grim to not notice the many jealous looks he received from the several students stationed around you. Their eyes glued to how easily the small kit gained your attention and affections.
"I want Leona!"
"Really? Any particular reason why?"
"He isn't super nice, but he still saved you and me from those dumb Wolves. And if there's lots of strangers coming in for this spell thingy, I don't want to be by the forest..."
You felt Malleus growl more than heard him, the soft growl more telling than Malleus would ever be of his emotions. Slow rolling thunder caught your attention and you noticed the way the others became tense, glancing to Malleus.
"I think it is a good idea, Grim."
The immediate sound of an almost wounded cry left the Dragon, who now turned to you in stress and worry. He couldn't protect you as easily in the other dorm leader's domain. You would be mostly out of his reach and that thought alone set his own instincts ablaze in concern and fury. Not to mention Leona was clearly interested in you and had been there for you where Malleus had failed before.
It had the potential to drive him wild just thinking of such a thing.
"Malleus, it's fine. Leona can be trusted. He already saved my hide once, there's no harm in trusting him a second time."
The thunder was rolling angrily outside as a heavy wind hit against the walls of the school, growing louder as you turned your head to stare at him. There was no expression on his face but you could tell from the thunder he was upset.
"Malleus, do you trust me?"
The sudden question caught the Dragon off guard as he looked to you in utter confusion, tilting his head to the side. The thunder lulled to a soft rumble, wind slowing considerably as his blank expression turned to you. He blinked once before his eyes widened slightly, almost as if he were just now registering what you had asked.
"... What?"
"Do you trust me?"
"Of course, why would you feel the need to ask-?"
"Because you don't seem to be trusting me right now."
A hesitance overcame him as he somewhat pouted, crossing his arms and glancing away sullenly. His tail unravelled from your body and his wings drooped considerably. His expression was overcome with anger before smoothing again and he let out a long sigh.
"Trust you... Yes, I trust you. I am merely a call away, after all. And you will call on me if anything happens. I can... allow it. Kingscholar has proven himself a useful ally."
"Good. It's decided then."
"... Very well."
Malleus still seemed less than pleased, but the storm had stopped and his temper had considerably cooled. He was letting you go willingly and it frustrated him even more. The Dragon did take solace knowing you had the magestone on you, his own magestone suddenly becoming infinitely more useful to him beyond a comforting reminder of his mother.
You were glad to have calmed the Dragon enough to step away from him, noticing the way he seemed to be lost in thought now. The almost unaware way Malleus now behaved interested you, but you tried to not pay too much attention to him now he had calmed.
"Hey, Lion-guy-"
"You know my name is Leona, you cheeky cub."
"Yeah, Lion-a-guy, what is Savanaclaw like? Is there music? Oh! Can you all play the kind of music Mama likes?"
You laughed softly at this, kissing the well intended kit's forehead. A few of those in the room seemed surprised as Grim called you Mama- a newly formed habit of his after he awoke without you that morning- but you ignored the looks and snuggled the kit.
"I wish."
These two words caused an unusual response from two of those in the room. The two you were only vaguely familiar with reacted to your wistful words in usual ways. You had been introduced to them by Lilia when you had asked Silver to invite the dorm leaders of Scarabia the day prior. The Snake was Jamil Viper and the golden glowing one was a Genie named Kalim Al-Asim.
"Wish granted!"
Before you could move, a sudden golden glow came from one of Idia's many floating skulls, seeming to buzz and crackle for a moment before crashing to the ground. Idia seemed rather distressed as his one other skull bot hovered around him, the Shinigami stooping down to pick up the device before a lulling melodic tone came from it. It hummed gently and you quickly recognized the song as one you had listened to often prior to entering this world of monsters.
"Wait," you grabbed the device from the nervous Shinigami with one hand, Grim sitting up in your arm to look at the skull curiously, "I know that song!"
As the song continued, you somewhat felt a wash of relief overtake you. Part of you had mourned the loss of your music, knowing there was little chance this world had the same songs you enjoyed so much before you were thrown into it. Now it seemed this skull-bot of Idia's- which was glowing a gentle gold- seemed to fill that void you had been suffering.
"... One of his wishes worked?"
Jamil sounded completely incredulous as your turned to look at him, holding the device that must have been affected by Kalim's magic. The skull seemed to be intact despite the delicate wiring that went in to making it and even Kalim seemed surprised. That surprise quickly turned to excitement as he jumped up from his chair.
"I knew I could do it! Did you see, Jamil? Look! I did it and nothing bad happened!"
You were vaguely confused by Kalim's response to seeing his magic work to grant your wish and you wondered why he was so excited about it. Lilia had told you he was a Genie, so it would make sense that his wishes would work.
"Make another wish-!"
Jamil's tail suddenly wrapped around Kalim and cut him off, squeezing the grinning Genie tightly in the scales.
"Just because this one didn't end terribly, doesn't mean it won't suddenly explode later or the next one won't have dire consequences. (Y/n), I beg you, do not make a wish again. There's a reason Kalim isn't allowed to grant wishes and I would rather a wish he grants you doesn't end in your death."
You were surprised to hear the serious request from the frowning snake as he squeezed Kalim again. How could it be so bad when you were holding the result of a good wish? Maybe there was just something different about your wish that let it work this time?
"I'll hold onto it for now in case it does explode."
Idia said, lifting it out of your hand and moved away, despite how you tried to make a grab for it. He kept it out of your reach and you angrily huffed, holding onto Grim as you glared at the tall Shinigami.
"Sorry, HellKitty, I don't want you holding it when it explodes. Okay?"
"But if it doesn't explode in the next few days, I want it back. I already have so little from my home, I want my music."
"Promise I will return it once I make a few tweaks to keep it from exploding."
"... Fine."
Crowley seemed thrilled with this development as he clapped his hands, his feathers somewhat ruffled despite his smile.
"Wonderful! Now, you all should run off to class before they start. Remember, my little chick, you are staying in Savanaclaw until the Spelldrive Tournament, okay?"
You nodded and Leona sent a clear taunting grin towards Malleus as he stood up, resting his arm over your shoulders and began herding you towards the door. Ruggie and Jack followed, Jack keeping a bit more distance for your sake, as Malleus glared at the departing Lion. He had to remind himself that he could keep an eye on you with that Magestone hanging from your neck, and it would have to be enough for now.
Should that Lion try anything while you are in Savanaclaw, Malleus was sure to have a quick response against it. You were just glad to have a break from the ever doting Diasomnia. Maybe this would prove to be a good thing.
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yandereunsolved · 16 days ago
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𑂅 ❊ Yandere Omega Kieran Duffy (RDR2) ❊ 𑂅
It wasn't often that Kieran was brave enough to step into your space, breathe near you—or even exist, quite frankly. Despite holding far beyond platonic feelings towards you, he always runs. Skittish. More towards you than any of the others.
He wonders...
Can you sense his heart skipping beats when he dares to take in your beauty?
Do you recognize the thickening of his scent whenever you address him… or when he hears your voice?
Are the pathetic sounds that escape him when you're around not enough of a hint?
He needs you. Need, needs you. Like every moment you're apart, he can feel his dumb bunny brain telling him to run towards you. To let you latch onto him with your fangs. To let you own him. Because he deserves it.
And now, for once, he's doing something about it.
Some of your most treasured cloth items are now in his possession. And he has no intent on giving them back unless you make him―and he would love it if you did. It's shameful how much solace they bring him. They are the ones he managed to steal before they were washed. They still smell like you. All of you. And they're a wonderful addition to his makeshift den.
His nose twitches gently as your scent wafts into it. His mouth waters. He stuffs his face deeper into his sacred pile. His cheeks flush at the simulation, a sense of belonging enveloping him.
His sandy, sepia-dappled, fluffy ears stand at attention. sensing something.
His body instinctually freezes at the sound of your voice.
Words tumble from his quivering lips before he can process them, "I-I... I swear it isn't what it looks like!"
His head whips around; immediate regret sinks into his fur, down to his dick. You're displeased and ready to hunt. Your ears are at attention. Your bottle brush tail is swinging behind you. It's mesmerizing. Your scent is pungent, causing his nose and tail to involuntarily twitch. It's something out of one of his wet dreams.
"Then what does it look like?" You seethe. You bare your fangs, reveling in how Kieran sinks back into his nest of your things.
"Because to me it looks like a little rabbit has been stealing all my damn clothes so he can get off on them."
Oh. This is so much better than a dream.
"No...? So anyways―nice weather we're having. Hehe."
He looks up at you with that faux innocence. His legs spread open like he's in heat. You step into his space, tilting your head to the side, observing him―determining the best way to handle him.
"Give me one reason I shouldn't snap your neck and leave your carcess at Dutch's feet."
Too many reasons.
But if that were his fate, he'd happily accept it.
He scrambles for a good answer, scent thickening, wishing his tongue could be of better use to you.
"Having an Omega would boost your status within the gang, right? And I can be good. I've been good before!" Each word is accompanied with a soft stutter that you can't help but find cute.
"Beg for it."
Kieran's heart nearly stops beating. 'This is the opportunity I have been waiting for.'
"I want to be yours. Your Omega. Your bunny. Your Kieran. And I'll do anything to be just that―as long as I'm your only one... please?"
You pounce on him without warning, shoving him into the ground; one hand holding a fistful of his shirt while the other leaves feather-light touches along his ears. Something about his words―his cadence. It awakened something inside of you.
"And what would you do if I got another? Hmm? If I found an Omega who better suited my needs."
You nip at his neck, near his common carotid artery. He lets out noises that spur you on. He seems into it. Too into it. Naughty little bunny.
"Kill them, naturally," he responds without hesitation. His body stiffening for a moment.
"Oh, ho, ho. Look at my Omega finally growing some teeth of his own."
He purrs with adoration, trying to push himself further into you so you can scent him.
"Teeth or not. I'd let myself be slaughtered if it pleased you."
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